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Computer Basics Worksheet

Directions: Complete this worksheet by filling in the blanks or as directed by your instructor.

To learn about each section click on the section headings then answer the section questions. Pay close attention to the directions for each section.

When finished study the answers CAREFULLY. Turn in the worksheet to your instructor unless directed otherwise.

Start by reviewing the Computer Basic Overview.

Click here for Vocabulary
Section 1 - Input/Output
Click on the link above (Input/Output) and review the power point about peripheral devices. As you read the information decide which of the following peripheral items INPUT information or
OUTPUT information. Designate the type of peripheral component by writing INPUT or OUTPUT by each of the items below

1. Monitor

2. Keyboard

3. Scanner

4. Laser Printer

5. Mouse

6. Speakers

7. Digital Camera

Section 2 – What’s Inside a Computer?

Click on the link above (What’s Inside a Computer) and review the power point. After reading the material answer the questions below about each components responsibility. Fill in the blank
with the correct answer from the box. Some may be used more than once or not at all.

CPU BIOS power supply hard drive network card

Motherboard RAM USB Port ROM video card

1. I connect computers and allow them to talk to each other.

2. I wake up the computer and remind it what to do.

3. I am the brain of the computer.

4. Information is stored on my magnetic cylinders.

5. I hold all of the other circuit boards.

6. I handle the graphics that are displayed on the monitor.

7. I am the type of port used by flash drives

Section 3 - Storage
Click on the link above (Storage) and review the power point. Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary words from the box. Use each word only once. You may want to refer back to the
vocabulary list that was given above.

information flash drive CD primary DVD secondary

1. ________________________ memory is stored on chips located on the motherboard.

2. _________________________memory is stored on the hard drive.

3. A _______________________can hold information greater than a CD or DVD.

4. A _______________________usually holds up to 650 to 700 MB.

5. A _______________________holds even more information at least 7 GB.

6. The purpose of storage in a computer is to hold ____________________or data.

Section 4 - Programs
Click on the link above (Programs) and review the power point. After reading the material answer the questions below about each components responsibility. Fill in the blank with the correct
answer from the box. Some may be used more than once or not at all.

Research Spreadsheet Database

Entertainment Desktop Publishing Word processing

1. Creating a birthday card for a friend.

2. Balancing your checkbook.

3. Finding information on pyramids.

4. Playing solitaire.

5. Calculating Math

6. Keeping an address book.

7. Writing an essay.

8. Making a newsletter.

9. Writing a story about aliens.

Section 5 - Programs
Click on the link above (Vocabulary) and review the power point. After reading the material answer the questions below. Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the box. Some may be
used more than once or not at all.

downloaded translators installing programming program programmers

1. A is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a specific task.

2. Programs are like that allow people to work with computers without learning the computer’s language.

3. Using bits and bytes in different combinations to represent a code is known as


4. Copying a program onto your computer’s hard drive from another source is known as the program.

5. People who write codes to create programs are known as computer _____________________

6. Some programs can be from the internet directly to your hard drive

Section 6 - Operating Systems

Click on the link above (Operating Systems) and review the power point. After reading the material answer the questions below. Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the box. Some
may be used more than once or not at all.

Windows operating system graphics upgraded user friendly

1. The large program that controls how the CPU communicates with other hardware components is the

2. A computer that is easy to operate is called

3. is the most common operating system for PCs.

4. Operating systems are constantly being as technology advances.

5. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) uses to help the user navigate within the computer system.

Section 7 - The Windows Desktop

Click on the link above (The Windows Desktop) and review the power point. After reading the material answer the questions below. Fill in the blank with the correct answer from the box.
Some may be used more than once or not at all.

GUI icon Recycle Bin Start Menu task bar windows tool bar scroll bar wallpaper title bar

1. You put things in the that you no longer need or want.

2. A uses graphics or pictures to help the user navigate and access programs.

3. The Start Menu and clock are found on the .

4. An is a small picture that links to a file or program.

5. At the top of each window, the contains the title and buttons to close, minimize and resize.

6. Moving the up or down allows you to see all of the information in a window.

7. Programs and applications run inside that can be opened, closed or resized.

8. The is like a backdrop on your desktop that can be changed.

9. Found below the menu bar in some windows, the contains icons or options that allow you to perform specific tasks.

10. The contains basic operations such as run, shut down, log off and find.


Section 8 – Cloud Computing

Directions: Read the information from the link above and fill in the A & B tables below.

A) What are the Advantages and Disadvantages to “Cloud Networking”?

Advantages Disadvantages
B) According to: What are the 10 “Useful” Google Tools that can be found in the cloud? And in one
sentence, what does each do?
Cloud Tool (Google App) Description

Section 9 - Hardware Basics

Label the parts by finding the diagram in the presentation link above.

Section 10 - Organizing files and folders

Click on the link above (The Windows Desktop) and review the power point. After reading the material, answer the questions below. Under each Program Name and folder, write the
appropriate file name and extension.
rentals.xlsx mla.docx
maze.pptx gpa.xlsx france.pptx




Section 11 – Parts of a Computer

Fill in the blanks #1-#7
4 Main Parts of a Computer
Part 1: This type of device is known as a(n)______________ device. (Section 1)
· It enables information to be passed into the computer.
· It includes the: Keyboard, mouse, scanner, digital camera, microphone, etc.

Part 2: This device is responsible for ___________________

(Section 3)
· A unit that holds and gives information to the processor as needed.
· There are two types of storage:
1. Temporary storage which holds information for short periods and only when the computer is on.
i. Examples of temporary storage include RAM
(R___________A__________ M______________ )
RAM allows stored data to be accessed in any order. (i.e., at random).

2. Long term storage holds information for as long as you want it.
i. Examples of Long-term storage include Hard Disk Drive, CD-Rom, DVD, Flash Drive.

Part 3: This is the brains of the computer.

The _____________________________________ (Section 6)
· It controls all functions.
· The processor is called the CPU
(C ___________ P___________ U__________)
· The motherboard holds the CPU and physically connects all the other main parts of the computer.
· Cases and chassis house the motherboard and the CPU.

Part 4: This type of device is known as a(n)______________ device. (Section 1)

· A devise that receives information from the processor in the form of words, sounds or pictures.
· These devises include printers, speakers and Monitor.

Section 12 – Fill in the blank areas with the correct answer

2) _____________
3) _____________
4) _____________
5) _____________
6) _____________
7) _____________
8) _____________
9) _____________
10) ____________
11) ____________
12) ____________
13) ____________
14) ____________

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