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US 2011 02041 79 A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0204179 A1
Skelly et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 25, 2011
(54) ENGINE PYLON FOR AIRCRAFT Publication Classification
(75) Inventors: John Skelly, Mons (FR); Alexis (51) Int. Cl.
Laporte, Toulouse (FR) B64D 27/26 (2006.01)
B64D 27/00 (2006.01)
(73) Assignee: AIRBUS OPERATIONS (S.A.S.), B23P 1 700 (2006.01)
Toulouse (FR)
(52) U.S. Cl. .......................................... 244/54; 29/401.1
(21) Appl. No.: 13/058,339
(22) PCT Filed: Aug. 7, 2009 (57) ABSTRACT
(86). PCT No.: PCT/FR2009/OOO988 An engine pylon for an aircraft that includes a primary struc
ture including aircraft mounting points arranged symmetri
S371 (c)(1) cally relative to a middle vertical longitudinal plane of the
(2), (4) Date: May 9, 2011 pylon. The primary structure is asymmetrical relative to the
s middle vertical longitudinal plane and has respective funda
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data mental modes of vibration in a vertical direction that are
uncoupled from the fundamental modes of vibration thereof
Aug. 11, 2008 (FR) ...................................... 08/0455O in a transverse direction.
Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US 2011/02041 79 A1

Fig. 1
Patent Application Publication Aug. 25, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US 2011/02041 79 A1
US 2011/02041 79 A1 Aug. 25, 2011

ENGINE PYLON FOR AIRCRAFT wing group and of engines suspended thereon; this flut
ter is the divergent coupling between the response of the
wing group and of the engine and the aerodynamic
0001. The present invention relates to an engine pylon for forces induced by the movement; this vibratory instabil
aircraft. ity between bending and torsional modes of the wing
0002. In everything that follows, unless otherwise indi group and modes of the engine jeopardizes the integrity
cated, an engine pylon according to the invention or to the of the wing group and, under certain conditions, may
prior art is described in the position that it assumes when culminate in its rupture,
mounted in an aircraft and this aircraft is being observed in 0.011 buffeting (irregular oscillating accelerations
position on the ground, on a horizontal plane. The terms along all the axes, resulting Substantially from aerody
“vertical, “horizontal”, “upper”, “lower”, etc. employed to namic forces acting on the aircraft),
describe parts or elements of the engine pylon, of the aircraft 0012 limited cyclic oscillations,
or of any other device are relative to this position. Further 0013 transonic buzz (aeroelastic vibrations of low
more, the term “transversal' refers to a direction known as amplitude),
transversal direction, Substantially orthogonal to the longitu 0014 aileron reversal,
dinal direction of the aircraft and substantially horizontal 0.015 longitudinal stability and controllability,
(when the aircraft is on the ground); in the case of an airplane, 0016 divergence.
this transversal direction corresponds to the direction of the 0017. A known method of limiting the flutter of the wing
wing span of the airplane. group of an aircraft is to limit the permitted maximum speed
0003. An engine pylon is a connecting device, by means of of the aircraft. Such a limitation is certainly not inherently
which an engine is attached to a wing or to the fuselage or to satisfactory.
the tail of an aircraft. The engine pylon is fixed on the one 0018. It is also known to use engine pylons and engine
hand to the engine casing and on the other hand to the primary nacelles having, in the transversal direction, a natural vibra
structure of the wing, fuselage or tail of the aircraft, with the tion frequency confined to a very limited range, or else to
aid of fastening devices that may be more or less complex. An equip the aircraft with a port engine pylon and a starboard
engine pylon usually comprises: engine pylon having different natural vibration frequencies in
0004 a primary structure adapted to transmit, to the the transversal direction. These two solutions are sometimes
aircraft structure, the forces and in particular the thrust insufficient. In addition, depending on the frequencies in
generated by the engine; this primary structure generally question, they may lead to the design of relatively heavy
forms a box comprising in particular longerons, cross engine pylons, and so they are not applied in practice, since
beams and vertical ribs; this box is symmetric relative to mass is a critical factor in the field of aeronautics.
a median vertical longitudinal plane (plane containing 0019. The invention is intended to provide an engine pylon
the vertical and longitudinal directions and separating that helps to alleviate, at least partly, the aforesaid prob
the box into two equal parts), lems—and especially the problems of flutter, buffeting and
0005 a secondary structure adapted to house, separate limited cyclic oscillations—and that additionally has a mass
and if necessary Support electrical cable ducts, hydraulic equivalent to or scarcely greater than that of the known engine
systems, fuel lines, etc. and to define air passages, pylons in use as well as aircraft fasteners arranged symmetri
0006 an aerodynamic fairing. cally relative to a median vertical longitudinal plane.
0007 WO 03/074359 describes an engine pylon whose 0020. The invention is intended in particular to propose,
primary structure exhibits a width increasing toward the rear. for the problem of flutter, a solution that is more effective than
Contrary to the usual practice, this pylon is provided, for its the known prior Solutions, without significant increase of
connection to the aircraft, with two rear fasteners disposed a SS.
dissymmetrically relative to the vertical plane passing 0021. Another objective of the invention is to provide an
through the longitudinal axis of the engine. The primary engine pylon of simple design.
structure of the pylon is also dissymmetric on the whole 0022. Another objective of the invention is to make it
relative to this plane. possible to limit the aforesaid problems (and in particular the
0008 EP 1538080 provides another example of a turbo problems of flutter, buffeting and limited cyclic oscillations)
prop pylon, whose primary structure is provided with a rear by slightly modifying an existing pylon with which these
Sub-wing box. In the usual manner, the primary structure of problems may be encountered. One objective of the invention
this pylon as well as its aircraft fasteners are symmetric rela is to propose a modification that necessitates few calcula
tive to a vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of tions, is effected at lower cost and that leads to very little or no
the turboprop. Such symmetry is desirable in terms of pick-up increase in the mass of the existing pylon. The invention
of the engine torque. therefore is intended to avoid the need for an entirely new
0009. As explained in the foregoing, an engine pylon has design of an engine pylon for aircraft currently under or
in particular the function of transmitting, to the aircraft struc awaiting construction, when problems of flutter have been
ture, the thrust forces generated by the engine. Unfortunately, observed on an existing aircraft of the same model.
the engine vibrations are also transmitted. In addition, the 0023 To achieve this, the invention relates to an engine
aircraft is exposed during flight to aerodynamic constraints, pylon for aircraft comprising a primary structure provided
which may promote the engine vibrations or the phenomena with fastening points, referred to as aircraft fastening points,
that they induce, or directly cause other vibratory phenomena for connecting the pylon with a device that permits the said
that are just as damaging. Thus all or part of the airframe on an pylon to be joined to part of an airframe of an aircraft, the said
aircraft may be affected by problems of: aircraft fastening points being disposed symmetrically rela
(0010 flutter (vibratory instability): flutter of the aircraft tive to a median vertical longitudinal plane of the pylon. The
wing group is caused by vibratory characteristics of the engine pylon according to the invention is characterized in
US 2011/02041 79 A1 Aug. 25, 2011

that this primary structure is asymmetric relative to the 0031. As explained in the foregoing, two decoupled natu
median vertical longitudinal plane and its fundamental natu ral modes have different shapes and/or frequencies. Advan
ral vibrational modes in a vertical direction are decoupled tageously, the difference between each fundamental natural
from its fundamental natural vibrational modes in a transver frequency of the primary structure (of an engine pylon
sal direction. according to the invention) in the vertical direction and its
0024. In the present description, two natural modes are closest fundamental natural frequency in the transversal
said to be “decoupled when they have different shapes and/ direction is greater than 0.3 Hz in absolute value.
or different frequencies. 0032. Advantageously, the primary structure of the engine
0025 The invention is therefore based on two principles: pylon according to the invention exhibits a symmetric enve
lope shape relative to the median vertical longitudinal plane.
0026 decoupling of the vertical and transversal funda By “envelope shape” there is understood the shape of a con
mental natural modes of the primary structure of the tinuous (imaginary) Surface enveloping the primary structure
engine pylon. The inventors have observed that Such as closely as possible.
decoupling permitted a considerable reduction of the 0033. In the usual manner, the primary structure of the
risks of flutter, buffeting and limited cyclic oscillations engine pylon according to the invention comprises aircraft
of an aircraft—and especially of the wing group fastening points—upper and lower—as defined in the fore
thereof equipped with Such an engine pylon. This going (and in particular disposed symmetrically relative to
decoupling yields very satisfactory results in terms of the median vertical longitudinal plane), for connection
attenuation of the vibrations induced by the engines in thereof with a device known as aircraft fastening device. In
the aircraft structure. In the case of an aircraft with two addition, it comprises fastening points—generally lower—
or more engines, these results are valid whether the known as engine fastening points, for connection thereof with
aircraft is equipped with port and starboard engines turn a device, known as engine fastening device, that permits the
ing in the same direction or turning in opposite direc said engine pylon to be joined to the casing of an engine.
tions. Preferably, the first ten harmonics of the funda Preferably, the primary structure of the engine pylon accord
mental natural vibrational modes in the vertical
ing to the invention comprises at least one upper aircraft
direction and in the transversal direction of a primary fastening point known as left aircraft fastening point and one
pylon structure according to the invention are also all opposite upper aircraft fastening point known as right aircraft
decoupled; fastening point, the said left and right aircraft fastening points
0027 the asymmetric character of the primary structure being spaced apart in the transversal direction (and being
of the engine pylon, whereas all known engine pylons symmetric relative to the median longitudinal plane). It also
whose aircraft fasteners are arranged symmetrically comprises at least one lower engine fastening point known as
have primary structures that are symmetric relative to left engine fastening point and one opposite lower engine
their median vertical longitudinal plane. The inventors fastening point known as right engine fastening point, the said
have observed that this asymmetric character made it left and right engine fastening points being spaced apart in the
easier to design a primary structure that has both a mass transversal direction. It should be noted that this primary
equivalent to that of the known primary structures, and structure may comprise a plurality of left aircraft—and
decoupled vertical and transversal fundamental natural respectively engine—fastening points and a plurality of right
modes (as well as the first ten harmonics thereof). In aircraft—and respectively engine—fastening points; the
certain cases, this asymmetric character even proves to characteristics defined hereinafter for a pair of aircraft—and
be the only solution for obtaining an engine pylon that respectively engine—fastening points may be applied to
satisfies the aforesaid two conditions as well as all the other pairs of aircraft—and respectively engine—fastening
usual requirements in terms of mechanical strength. points of the engine pylon. Furthermore, the primary struc
0028. Furthermore, starting from a known symmetric pri ture of the engine pylon preferably comprises a lateral wall,
mary structure that exhibits a coupled vertical natural mode referred to as left lateral wall, and an opposite lateral wall,
and transversal natural mode, or with which problems of referred to as right lateral wall.
flutter or other damaging vibratory phenomena have been 0034 Advantageously, the primary structure of the engine
observed, it is possible to achieve a primary structure that pylon according to the invention exhibits one or more of the
alleviates the problems simply by adequately reinforcing one following characteristics:
side of the known primary structure to make it asymmetric 0035 its interface stiffness at the left aircraft fastening
and to decouple the natural modes that were causing prob point in the transversal direction is different from its
lems. This modification is simple; it necessitates few calcu interface stiffness at the right aircraft fastening point in
lations and it is not very costly to employ. the transversal direction; it should be noted that the
0029. In this way the invention is extended to a method for expression “interface stiffness at a point in a direction'
modifying an engine pylon model for aircraft comprising a defines, in the usual way, the ratio between the variation
known symmetric primary structure, characterized in that one of the force applied at that point in that direction and the
side of the said primary structure is reinforced so as to make displacement (variation of position) of the said point in
it asymmetric relative to a median vertical longitudinal plane the said direction (under the influence of this force);
and so that its fundamental natural vibrational modes in the 0.036 its interface stiffness at the left engine fastening
vertical direction are decoupled from its fundamental natural point in the transversal direction is different from its
vibrational modes in the transversal direction. interface stiffness at the right engine fastening point in
0030 Preferably, it is additionally verified that, by virtue the transversal direction;
of the added reinforcement, the first ten harmonics of the 0037 the stiffness of its left lateral wall in the transver
Vertical and transversal fundamental natural modes of the sal direction is different from the stiffness of its right
modified primary structure are decoupled. lateral wall in the transversal direction;
US 2011/02041 79 A1 Aug. 25, 2011

0038 its interface stiffness at the left aircraft fastening the foregoing, this maximum threshold may be a con
point in the vertical direction is different from its inter stant value or may depend on one or more structural
face stiffness at the right aircraft fastening point in the parameters;
vertical direction; 0048 Possibly, as a variant or in combination, the asym
0039 its interface stiffness at the left engine fastening metric character defined in the foregoing between the inter
point in the vertical direction is different from its inter face stiffness at a left fastening point (aircraft or engine) in the
face stiffness at the right engine fastening point in the Vertical—or respectively transversal—direction and the
vertical direction; interface Stiffness at the opposite right fastening point (air
0040 the stiffness of its left lateral wall in the vertical craft or engine) in the vertical—or respectively transversal—
direction is different from the stiffness of its right lateral direction may be applied to interface damping coefficients.
wall in the vertical direction; Similarly, as a variant or in combination, the fact that the ratio
0041 its left and right lateral walls comprise vertical between the interface stiffness in the vertical direction at the
stiffening ribs; to each vertical stiffening rib of the left aircraft—or respectively engine—fastening points and the
lateral wall there corresponds a vertical stiffening rib of interface stiffness in the transversal direction at the said air
the right lateral wall, and vice versa; one of the said craft—or respectively engine—fastening points is not close
lateral walls (left or right) comprises one or more stiff to 1 may be applied to interface damping coefficients. Nev
ening ribs that are reinforced compared with the corre ertheless, the practical achievement of these characteristics
sponding stiffening ribs of the other wall; leads to engine pylon structures that may be more complex
0042 one of its lateral walls (left or right) comprises when the damping coefficients are involved.
one or more Supplementary stiffening ribs compared 0049. The present invention is extended to an aircraft com
with the other lateral wall; prising at least one engine pylon according to the invention.
0043 the ratio between, on the one hand, its interface 0050. It is extended in particular to an airplane comprising
stiffness at the aircraft fastening points in the vertical at least one engine pylon according to the invention on each of
direction and, on the other hand, its interface stiffness at its two wings. It should be noted that the invention is appli
the aircraft fastening points in the transversal direction is cable to a two-engine, three-engine, four-engine airplane, etc.
greater than a minimum threshold greater than 1 and Preferably, all the engine pylons of an aircraft, and especially
preferably greater than or equal to 1.3; this minimum of an airplane according to the invention are engine pylons
threshold may be a constant value or a function of one or according to the invention. These preferred embodiments do
more structural parameters, which may be chosen from not exclude the possibility of providing an airplane (or in
among the interface stiffness of the primary structure of general an aircraft) that comprises only a single engine pylon
the engine pylon in the transversal direction at the air according to the invention.
craft fastening points, the interface stiffness of the air 0051) Advantageously, an aircraft according to the inven
craft fastening device in the vertical direction at the tion comprises engine pylons whose primary structures have
aircraft fastening points of the engine pylon, the stiffness fundamental natural vibrational modes in the vertical—or
of the structure of the wing group in the transversal respectively transversal—direction that are decoupled from
direction; the stiffness of the structure of the wing group rigid modes and from flexible natural vibrational modes in the
in the vertical direction; this function may be continuous Vertical—or respectively transversal—direction of the air
or discontinuous, linear or nonlinear, etc.; craft or of critical parts thereof. Such as the wing group or the
0044) inversely, the ratio between, on the one hand, its fuselage. Preferably, the fundamental natural (vertical and
interface stiffness at the aircraft fastening points in the transversal) modes of each engine pylon, the longitudinal
vertical direction and, on the other hand, its interface rigid modes of the aircraft (incidence, phugoid oscillation),
stiffness at the aircraft fastening points in the transversal the transversal (lateral) rigid modes of the aircraft (sideslip
direction is Smaller than a maximum threshold Smaller oscillation, roll) and their coupling (roll-yaw coupling, spiral,
than 1 and preferably smaller than or equal to 0.7: Dutch roll), the flexible natural modes of the wing group of an
0045 this maximum threshold may be a constant value aircraft, and in particular of each of its wings if it is an
or a function of one or more structural parameters such airplane, and the flexible natural modes of the aircraft fuse
as those cited in the preceding paragraph; this function lage are all decoupled, meaning that they are all different from
may be continuous or discontinuous, linear or nonlinear, one another.
etc.: 0052. Other details and advantages of the present inven
0046 the ratio between, on the one hand, its interface tion will become apparent upon reading the description here
stiffness at the engine fastening points in the vertical inafter, which refers to the attached drawings and applies to a
direction and, on the other hand, its interface stiffness at preferred embodiment, provided by way of non-limitative
the engine fastening points in the transversal direction is example. In these drawings:
greater than a minimum threshold greater than 1 and 0053 FIG. 1 is a front schematic view in elevation of an
preferably greater than or equal to 1.3; as explained in aircraft;
the foregoing, this minimum threshold may be a con 0054 FIG. 2 is a schematic profile view in elevation of the
stant value or may depend on one or more structural aircraft of FIG. 1, and
parameters; 0055 FIG. 3 is a schematic view in perspective of the
0047 the ratio between, on the one hand, its interface primary structure of an engine pylon according to the inven
stiffness at the engine fastening points in the vertical tion, shown in the position that it assumes when the engine
direction and, on the other hand, its interface stiffness at pylon is mounted in an aircraft such as that illustrated in
the engine fastening points in the transversal direction is FIGS. 1 and 2, observed in position on horizontal ground.
Smaller than a maximum threshold Smaller than 1 and 0056 FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate an aircraft in position on
preferably smaller than or equal to 0.7; as explained in horizontal ground. In these figures, arrow L represents the
US 2011/02041 79 A1 Aug. 25, 2011

longitudinal direction of the aircraft, arrow T represents its metrically relative to the median longitudinal plane.
transversal direction (which corresponds to the direction of Finally, if necessary, the aircraft fastening points also
its wing span) and arrow V indicates the vertical direction comprise one or two rear lower fastening points (not
(which corresponds to the direction of gravity when the air visible in FIG. 3). It should be noted that the aircraft
plane is in position on the ground). fastening device may comprise a plurality of indepen
0057 The primary structure of the engine pylon illustrated dent parts or to the contrary may form a single all-in-one
in FIG. 3 comprises, in the usual way: assembly;
0.058 front upper longerons, including a right lateral 0067 engine fastening points for connecting the engine
longeron 1, a left lateral longeron 2 and possibly inter pylon to a lower engine fastening device, which permits
mediate longerons (not shown), the said engine pylon to be joined to the casing of an
0059 rear upper longerons, including a right lateral engine. These engine fastening points comprise in par
longeron 3, a left lateral longeron 4 and possibly inter ticular a right rear lower fastening point 21 and a left rear
mediate longerons (not shown), lower fastening point 22 spaced apart and facing one
0060 lower longerons, which extend substantially in another in the transversal direction (these points are
horizontal directions, including a right lateral longeron described as “rear points' because they are connected to
5, a left lateral longeron 6 and possibly intermediate arear part of the engine fastening device, but they extend
longerons (not shown), in a relatively central Zone of the engine pylon). Prefer
0061 if necessary, intermediate longerons (not shown) ably, these rear engine fastening points (right and left)
between lower longerons 5, 6 and upper longerons 1 to 4, are themselves also disposed symmetrically relative to
0062) a front upper wall 7 extending between front the median longitudinal plane. In addition, the engine
upper longerons 1 and 2, which wall is reinforced by fastening points comprise a front lower fastening points
crossbeams 8 extending in a Substantially transversal 23. It should be noted that the engine fastening device
direction; may comprise a plurality of independent parts or to the
0063 a rear upper wall 9 extending between rear upper contrary may form a single all-in-one assembly.
longerons 3 and 4, which wall is reinforced by cross 0068. The primary structure of the illustrated engine pylon
beams 20 extending in a Substantially transversal direc has a symmetric envelope shape relative to the median longi
tion; tudinal plane. On the other hand, according to the invention,
0064 a lower wall 10 extending between lower long this primary structure is asymmetric relative to the median
erons 5 and 6, which wall is reinforced by crossbeams 11 vertical longitudinal plane. In the illustrated example, among
extending in a Substantially transversal direction; left vertical ribs 13, some, denoted by 13a, are reinforced
0065 vertical ribs (which extend in a substantially ver compared with the corresponding right vertical ribs 12: each
tical direction when the engine pylon is mounted in an of these reinforced left ribs 13a has a cross section, and
aircraft), including right lateral ribs 12, which extend especially a width in the longitudinal direction and/or a thick
between right upper longerons 1,3 and right lower long ness in the transversal direction that are larger than the cross
eron 5, and left lateral ribs 13, which extend between left section, the width and/or the thickness of the corresponding
upper longerons 2, 4 and left lower longeron 6. Right right rib, or in other words the right rib that extends opposite
vertical ribs 12 define a right lateral wall 14, which may the said left rib in the transversal direction.
be open-worked (and, for example, composed solely of 0069. As a result, the illustrated primary structure pos
ribs 14) or solid (for reasons of clarity, such a solid wall sesses the following characteristics:
is not shown in FIG. 3). Similarly, left vertical ribs 13 0070 the stiffness of its right lateral wall 14 (which wall
define a left lateral wall 15, which may be open-worked is formed at least partly by right vertical ribs 12) in the
(and, for example, composed solely of ribs 13) or solid vertical direction is different from the stiffness of its left
(for reasons of clarity, such a solid wall is not shown); lateral wall 15 (which is formed at least partly by left
0066 aircraft fastening points for connecting the engine vertical ribs 13) in the vertical direction;
pylon to an upper aircraft fastening device, which per 0071 its interface stiffness (local) at right aircraft fas
mits the said engine pylon to be joined to a part—such as tening point 16 in the vertical direction is different from
a wing—of the airframe of an aircraft. These aircraft its interface stiffness (local) at left aircraft fastening
fastening points comprise in particular a right front point 17 in the vertical direction:
upper fastening point 16 and a left front upper fastening 0.072 its interface stiffness (total) at right aircraft fas
point 17 spaced apart and facing one another in the tening points 16 and 18 in the vertical direction is dif
transversal direction (these points are described as ferent from its interface stiffness (total) at left aircraft
"front points', because they are connected to a front part fastening points 17 and 19 in the vertical direction;
of the aircraft fastening device, but they extend in a 0.073 its interface stiffness (local) at right engine fas
relatively central Zone of the engine pylon). These front
aircraft fastening points are disposed symmetrically tening point 21 in the vertical direction is different from
relative to a median longitudinal plane (plane that con its interface stiffness (local) at left engine fastening point
tains the longitudinal direction and the vertical direction 22 in the vertical direction;
and that separates the primary structure into two parts, 0.074 the stiffness of its right lateral wall 14 in the
left and right respectively, substantially of the same transversal direction is different from the stiffness of its
width). The aircraft fastening points also comprise a left lateral wall 15 in the transversal direction;
right rear upper fastening point 18 and a left rear upper 0075 its interface stiffness (local) at right aircraft fas
fastening point 19, spaced apart and facing one another tening point 16 in the transversal direction is different
in the transversal direction. These rear aircraft fastening from its interface stiffness (local) at left aircraft fasten
points (right and left) are themselves also disposed sym ing point 17 in the transversal direction:
US 2011/02041 79 A1 Aug. 25, 2011

0076 its interface stiffness (total) at right aircraft fas reinforced, and a starboard engine pylon (or even two),
tening points 16 and 18 in the transversal direction is wherein the right—or respectively left lateral wall is rein
different from its interface stiffness (total) at left aircraft forced.
fastening points 17 and 19 in the transversal direction;
0077 its interface stiffness (local) at right engine fas 1-12. (canceled)
13. An engine pylon for aircraft, comprising:
tening point 21 in the transversal direction is different a primary structure including aircraft fastening points, for
from its interface stiffness (local) at left engine fastening connecting the pylon with a device that permits the
point 22 in the transversal direction. pylon to be joined to part of an airframe of an aircraft, the
0078. According to the invention, reinforced left ribs 13a aircraft fastening points being disposed symmetrically
are dimensioned so that the differences between the stiff relative to a median vertical longitudinal plane of the
nesses on the left (interface stiffnesses at the left aircraft pylon,
and engine—fastening points and stiffness of the left wall) wherein the primary structure is asymmetric relative to a
and the stiffnesses on the right (interface stiffnesses at the median vertical longitudinal plane and its fundamental
right—aircraft and engine—fastening points and stiffness of natural vibrational modes in a vertical direction are
the right wall) ensure that the fundamental natural vibrational decoupled from its fundamental natural vibrational
modes of the engine pylon in the vertical direction and in the modes in a transversal direction.
transversal direction are decoupled. Preferably, the first ten 14. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein first
harmonics of the vertical and transversal fundamental natural ten harmonics of the fundamental natural vibrational modes
modes of the primary structure of the engine pylon are in the vertical direction and in the transversal direction of the
decoupled. primary structure are all decoupled.
0079 More precisely, reinforced left ribs 13a are advan 15. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein a
tageously dimensioned such that the difference between each difference between each fundamental natural frequency of
fundamental natural frequency in the vertical direction and the primary structure in the vertical direction and its closest
the closest fundamental natural frequency in the transversal fundamental natural frequency in the transversal direction is
direction is greater than 0.3 Hz (in absolute value), or such greater than 0.3 Hz in absolute value.
that the difference between each fundamental natural fre 16. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the
quency in the transversal direction and the closest fundamen primary structure exhibits a symmetric envelope shape rela
tal natural frequency in the vertical direction is greater than tive to the median vertical longitudinal plane.
0.3 Hz (in absolute value). 17. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the
primary structure comprises at least one left upper aircraft
0080. The invention may be the object of numerous vari fastening point and one right upper aircraft fastening point,
ants compared with the illustrated embodiment, provided spaced apart in the transversal direction, and interface stiff
these variants fall within the scope defined by the claims. ness of the primary structure at the left aircraft fastening point
0081. In particular, in the illustrated example, a series of in the transversal or respectively vertical direction is different
successive left ribs 13 is composed of reinforced ribs 13a. The from interface stiffness of the primary structure at the right
left ribs situated outside this series are not reinforced. It is aircraft fastening point in the transversal or respectively ver
possible to replace the latter by reinforced ribs. Conversely, it tical direction.
is also possible to distribute the reinforced ribs in different 18. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the
manner on the left side, for example by alternating reinforced primary structure comprises at least one left lower engine
ribs and “normal ribs (all sequences are possible for this fastening point and one opposite right lower engine fastening
alternation). point, spaced apart in the transversal direction, and interface
0082 Furthermore, in the illustrated example, left lateral stiffness of the primary structure at the left engine fastening
wall 15 is reinforced relative to right lateral wall 14 by left ribs point in the transversal or respectively vertical direction is
13a (reinforced) having a larger cross section compared with different from interface stiffness of the primary structure at
the corresponding right ribs 12 situated facing them in trans the right engine fastening point in the transversal or respec
verse direction. Other modes of reinforcement are possible: tively vertical direction.
for example, the left lateral wall may have a larger number of 19. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the
upper vertical ribs than that of the right lateral wall; as a primary structure comprises a left lateral wall and an opposite
variant or in combination, the right and left ribs may be made right lateral wall, and stiffness of the left lateral wall in the
of materials of different stiffnesses; as a variant or in combi transversal or respectively vertical direction is different from
nation, left lateral wall 15 may comprise a rigid solid panel stiffness of the right lateral wall in the transversal or respec
fixed to its ribs, while right lateral wall 14 remains open tively vertical direction.
worked; etc. 20. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the
0083. In addition, the illustrated structure possesses a lat primary structure comprises a left lateral wall and an opposite
eral wall reinforced on the left side. Of course, as a variant, right lateral wall, comprising corresponding vertical stiffen
this reinforced wall (regardless of the mode of reinforcement ing ribs, and one of the lateral walls comprises one or more
used) may be provided on the right side. vertical stiffening ribs that are reinforced compared with the
0084. In addition, an aircraft according to the invention corresponding vertical stiffening ribs of the other lateral wall.
may comprise, for example, a port engine pylon (or even two) 21. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the
and a starboard engine pylon (or even two), wherein the primary structure comprises a left lateral wall and an opposite
left—or respectively right lateral walls are reinforced. As a right lateral wall, comprising vertical stiffening ribs, and one
variant, the aircraft may comprise a port engine pylon (or even of the lateral walls comprises one or more Supplementary
two), wherein the left—or respectively right lateral wall is vertical stiffening ribs compared with the other lateral wall.
US 2011/02041 79 A1 Aug. 25, 2011

22. An engine pylon according to claim 13, wherein the 24. A method for modifying an engine pylon model for
primary structure comprises aircraft fastening points and aircraft including a symmetric primary structure, the method
engine attachment points and a ratio between interface stiff comprising:
ness of the primary structure at the aircraft or respectively reinforcing one side of the primary structure so as to make
engine fastening points in the vertical direction and, interface
stiffness of the primary structure at the aircraft or respectively it asymmetric relative to a median vertical longitudinal
engine fastening points in the transversal direction is either plane and also so that its fundamental natural vibrational
greater than a minimum threshold, which is greater than or modes in a vertical direction are decoupled from its
equal to 1.3, or Smaller than a maximum threshold, which is fundamental natural vibrational modes in a transversal
smaller than or equal to 0.7. direction.
23. An aircraft, comprising at least one engine pylon
according to claim 13.

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