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ISO 9001:2015 awareness quiz

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Question 1. Which version of ISO 9001 standard is current?

(a) 9001:2000 ( b) ISO 9001:2008 (c) ISO 9001:2015 (d) ISO 9001:2004

Question 2. What is Full Form of ISO?

(a) International labor Organization

(b) International Standard organization
(c) International Organization of Standards
(d) None of the Above

Question 3 How many principles the ISO 9001 Standard based Upon?
( a) 8 Principles
(b) 7Principles
(c) 6
(d) 10 principles

Question 4. ISO 9001 standard is a standard for

(a) Environmental management System
(b) Health And Safety
(c) Quality management System
(d) All of the Above

Question 5 what Does PDCA Stands For

(a) Plan Do Check Act

(b) Please Do not Check Anything
(c) Please do complete action
(d) All of the Above

Question 6 Accepting risk is:

a. management’s responsibility
b. programme specialists’ responsibility
c. both programme specialists’ and management’s responsibility
d) none of the above

Question 7 During an internal audit, a department or functional group within an

organization is evaluated according to every applicable clause of the
quality system standard.
a) True
b) False
Question 8 It is usually most appropriate for an individual who works within a department
to conduct an internal audit of that department.

A True
B False

Question 9 During an internal audit, a department or functional group within an

organization is evaluated according to every applicable clause of the
quality system standard.
b) False

Question 10. It is usually most appropriate for an individual who works within a
department to conduct an internal audit of that department.
a) True
b) False

Question 11. A variety of media may be used as documentation of an organization’s

quality system.
A) True
B) False

Question 12. An audit that can help customers develop criteria for selecting, grading and
approving suppliers is called a:

a. first party audit.

b. second party audit.
c. third party audit.

Question 13. An audit that may result in achieving quality system registration is called
a. first party audit.
b. second party audit.
c. third party audit.

Question 14. The purpose of an internal audit is to identify weaknesses in a ISO system,
address them and follow up to be sure that corrective actions are effective.
a) True
b) False

Question 15. During an internal audit, a department or functional group within an

organization is evaluated according to every applicable clause of the system standard.
a) True
b) False

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