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THE MARRIAGE RITE FOR THE PHILIPPINES and should fall below the knees and should not

have slits.

6. Only one videographer and photographer, if

possible with I.D., is allowed to take pictures.
The Rite for Celebrating Marriage During Mass They are required to be dressed appropriately
and to refrain from disrupting the ceremony.

7. Only official liturgical books are allowed,

except for wedding anniversaries with approval
of the parish priest or celebrant. Missalettes,
Diocese of Surigao
which strictly follow the official liturgical books,
Surigao City maybe made available from the parish office.

8. These guidelines are set by the Diocese for

strict implementation and compliance to assist
the couples from incurring unnecessary express
and to preserve the sanctity of the sacrament of
Diocese of Surigao
Surigao City
1. The lightning of candles and the laying of veil
and cord shall be done after the singing of
Sanctus (before the consecration starts).
2. The veil cord are to be removed after the
1. The proper for marriage is the parish church post-communion prayer.
or chapel for barangays or the chapel at
bishop’s, clergy house and seminary. 3. Signing of marriage contract at the end of
mass should not be done at the altar table.
2. The celebrant administers the wedding
according to the approved Rite of Marriage of 4. The proper ring finger is on the right hand.
the Philippine Church.
3. Couples are not allowed to compose their
The Rite for Celebrating Marriage During Mass
own vows or reword the vows provided for in
the Rite of Marriage. INTRODUCTORY RITE: (Entrance of the Bridal
4. Secular and popular music (love songs) are
not allowed to be played before, during COMMENTATOR:
appropriately performed at the wedding
reception. Dear brothers and sisters, we are gathered
today to celebrate the banquet of life and love
5. Gowns and dresses should be designed in a which Christ has given us and to witness the
way that these cover the shoulders and the beginning of a new life for our dear
back of the bride and her maids and sponsors. _________and_________, a life bound by
The dresses should have no plunging necklines mutual love and respect, and deepened by the
divine blessings of the Father. As we celebrate PENITENTIAL RITE
this special day, let us all join in prayer so that
Christ may give _________ and ___________ PRIEST: Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge
the grace to start their new life together and our sins, and prepare ourselves to celebrate the
the light to transcend the limitation of human sacred mysteries. (short pause)
love so that they may be guided in their PEOPLE: I confess to almighty God to you, my
endeavor towards perfect union in the life brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned,
hereafter, thus radiate these blessings through in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have
their service to others during their married life. done and in what I have failed to do, through
Now let us witness the entrance of the Bridal my most grievous fault therefore I ask blessed
Entourage. Mary ever-Virgin, all the angels and saints, and
(After the Entrance of the Bridal Entourage) you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to
the Lord our God.
COMMENTATOR: Let us all rise and begin the
Eucharistic Celebration to be officiated PRIEST: May the almighty God have mercy on
by_______________, Let us sing the entrance us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to
hymn. everlasting life.


PRIEST: In the name of the Father, and of the KYRIE: (sung or recited)
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Lord, have mercy. (R) Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. (R) Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. (R) Lord, have mercy.
PRIEST: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
the love of God, and the communion of the THE COLLECT
Holy Spirit be with you all. PRIEST: Let us pray. O God, who in creating the
human race willed that man and wife should be
PEOPLE: And with your spirit.
one join, we pray, in a bound of inseparable
SHORT INTRODUCTION BY THE PRIEST love these your servants who are to be united in
(optional) the covenant of Marriage, so that, as you make
their love fruitful, they may become, by your
PRIEST: God is love and has, in some mysterious
grace, witnesses to charity itself. Through our
way, drawn you together in love. But he leaves Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns
you free to make that love grow or let it wither with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
and die. The Lord will help you to forge a future
for ever and ever.
for your love, if you do your share, when you
stand to the commitment to love and honor PEOPLE: Amen.
one another in good times and bad, in poverty
and plenty, in sickness and in health, for better COMMENTATOR: Please be seated and let us
and for worse, in that covenant which you are listen to the Word of God.
about to seal. Insert it into that other covenant LITURGY OF THE WORD
which we celebrate in each celebration of the
LECTOR: A reading is taken from the letter of 3. May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we
Paul to the Corinthians. place all our hope in you. (R)

Cor. 13: 1-3 4. An evil report he shall not fear. His heart is
firm, trusting in the Lord. His heart is steadfast,
If I speak in tongues of the mortals and of the he shall not fear till he looks down upon his
angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong
foes. (R.)
or clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic
powers, understand all mysteries and all 5. Lavishly he gives to the poor. His generosity
knowledge, and if I have all the faith, so as to shall endure forever. His horn shall be exalted in
move mountains, but do not have love, I am glory. (R.)
nothing. If I gave away all of my possessions,
and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, COMMENTOR: Please stand to acclaim the Holy
but do not have love, I am nothing. Love is Gospel.
patient; love is kind; love is not envious or (Alleluia is sung.)
boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist
on its own way; it is irritable or resentful; it GOSPEL READING
does not rejoice in wrong doing but rejoice in
PRIEST: The Lord be with you.
the truth. It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things. Love never PEOPLE: And with your spirit.
ends but as for the it will come to an end. For
we know only in part; but when in the mirror PRIEST: A reading from the Holy Gospel
dimly but then we will see face to face. Now I according to John.
know only in part; then I will know fully, even as
PEOPLE: Glory to you, O Lord.
I have been fully known, and now faith, hope
and love abides – these three; and the greatest John 15: 9-12
of this is love.

The word of the Lord.

PEOPLE: Thanks be to God.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM (Ps. 32:12.18.20-22)

RESPONSE: The earth is full of the goodness of

the Lord.

1. They are happy whose God is the Lord, the

people he has chosen as his own. The Lord
looks on those who revere him, on those who
hope in his love. (R.)

2. Our soul is waiting for the Lord; The Lord is

our hope and our shield. In him do our hearts
find joy. We trust in his holy name. (R.)

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