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Medieval Ships

and Shipping
Gillian Hutchinson
Medieval Ships and Shipping
Frontispiece: A lead pilgrim badge, found at the Thames Exchange in London,
depicting St Thomas a Becket's return to England in a hulk (private collection -
photo: Museum of London)


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© Gillian Hutchinson, 1994

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A CIP catalog record for this title is available from The Library of Congress

Hutchinson, Gillian, 1955-

Medieval ships and shipping / Gillian Hutchinson,
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
ISBN 0-8386-3628-4 (alk. paper)
1. Ships, Medieval-Great Britain. 2. Shipbuilding-Great
Britain-History. 3.Shipping-Great Britain-History.
4. Excavations (Archaeology)-Europe, Northern. 5. Great Britain-
History-Medieval period, 1066-1485. I. Title.
VM17.H88 1994
387.2'0941'0902-dc20 94-19229

ISBN 0-8386-3628-4

Printed in Great Britain


Acknowledgements viii

List of figures ix

Introduction - medieval maritime Britain 1

1 Shipbuilding: the traditions of the northern seas 4

2 Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 27

3 Fitting, steering and rigging 47

4 British horizons, foreign ships 65

5 Carrying trade 88

6 Ports 104

7 Inland water transport 117

8 Fishing 129

9 Ships in warfare 146

10 Pilotage and navigation 164

Glossary 183
Catalogue 191

Bibliography 199
Index 211
When Helen Clarke invited me to write a book for Leicester University Press
neither of us imagined that it would take more than four years to write. I am
grateful to Helen and to the publishers for not despairing of ever receiving
the final manuscript while I enjoyed myself exploring a subject which extends
in so many different directions. The National Maritime Museum has
provided a great deal of support and allowed me three months study leave at
the end of 1993 to bring the book to completion.
I have benefited enormously from the knowledge, skill and enthusiasm of

many colleagues at the National Maritime Museum, some of whom I shall

mention here. Ian Friel shared with me the results of his historical research
and convinced me of the necessity to set finds in their broad cultural context
rather than pursuing a narrow technological approach. Pieter van der Merwe
read the entire text of the book in draft and made many corrections and
valuable contributions, particularly from his study of southern European
medieval ships. Alan Stimson similarly improved the chapter on navigation.
The glossary is largely derived from the work of Eric Kentley and the index
has been prepared by Elizabeth Wiggans.
Among the other people who have helped in various ways with the
preparation of this book I am especially grateful to Marco Bonino, Martin
Dean, Geoff Egan, Janet Lewis, Jerzy Litwin, Peter Marsden, Lawrence Mott,
Andrew Russel, Robin Ward and David Watkins. Amanda Patton drew
many of the illustrations, working almost miraculous transformations on my
artless sketches.
Special thanks are due to my husband, Andrew Saunders, for his
encouragement and constructive criticism. Our daughter, Anna, also helped,
while growing much faster than the book and forming a rather curious idea
of what it is that adults like to do at night.

List of figures

Frontispiece A lead pilgrim badge, found at the Thames Exchange

in London.

1.1 Reconstructions of the five eleventh-century vessels found at

Skuldelev, Denmark. 6
1.2 The sequence of construction of a keel-type vessel.
1.3 Building the ships for the Norman Invasion of England. 9
1.4 The late thirteenth-century town seal of 'Hulksmouth' or
New Shoreham. 11
1.5 Henry I returning to England in a hulk. 12
1.6 A hulk on the Winchester Cathedral font, made in Belgium in
about 1180. 13
1.7 Conjectural diagram of the run of the lowest strakes in a
hulk. 14
1.8 The cog-like vessel on the town seal of Ipswich of AD 1200. 16
1.9 Graffito of a cog in St Hilda's Church, Hartlepool. 17
1.10 The framing of the Bremen cog, including a cross-beam and
longitudinal deck beams. 18
1.11 The lines of the Bremen cog. 20
1.12 The Kollerup cog under excavation. 21
1.13 An eleventh-century T-shaped axe found in London. 22
1.14 The medieval boatbuilder's timber store at Poole, Dorset. 25
2.1 The Admiralty seals of: (a) Thomas Beaufort, 1418-26, and
(b) John Holand, 1435-42. 28
2.2 Site plan of the wreck of the Grace Dieu. 29
2.3 Clinker planking. 31
2.4 Plan of the Aber Wrac'h wreck. 33
2.5 Aber Wrac'h wreck - diagram to show the strengthening of
the hull planking where it is pierced by the through-beams. 34
2.6 The intact part of the Gdansk W5 wreck after being raised
from the sea-bed. 35
2.7 The Contarina ship of about AD 1300. 37
2.8 The excavation of the Contarina ship in 1898. 38
2.9 The lower hull planking of the fifteenth-century Mataro
model. 40
2.10 Fourteenth-century Mediterranean cocche from the Pizzigani
chart. 4
2.11 A cocha on a Hispano-Moresque bowl made in Valencia in
about 1430. 42
2.12 Crusader carracks at Constantinople, from Froissart's
Chronicles, about 1400. 43
2.13 The ship found at Roff's Wharf, Woolwich in 1912. 45
3.1 The early fourteenth-century town seal of Winchelsea. 48
x Medieval ships and shipping

3.2 A hulk from a Life of St Thomas of Canterbury, c. 1230-40. 51

3.3 The two side rudders found at Southwold, Suffolk. 52
3.4 Cog with a stern rudder from the Luttrell
c.1335-40.Psalter, 54
3.5 Two-masted hulk from a fourteenth-century French
manuscript. 55
3.6 The rigging of the ship on the King's Lynn bench end,
c.1415-20. 58
3.7 The Kiel replica of the Bremen cog undergoing sea trials. 60
3.8 Reconstruction drawing of the Kollerup cog. 61
3.9 Diagram to show the effect of the addition of masts on
tacking performance: (a) single-masted vessel; (b) vessel with
mainmast and mizzen; (c) vessel with mainmast and foremast;
(d) three-masted ship. 62
3.10 Sketch of a three-masted ship on a Catalan manuscript of
1406. 63
4.1 Map of Europe. 66-7
4.2 Remains of a large late twelfth-century ship from the Dublin
waterfront. 68
4.3 The keelson of the 'big ship' from Bryggen, Bergen. 70
4.4 One of the four ships carved on a Norwegian calendar staff
for 1457. 71
4.5 The Vejby cog on a raft, after being raised from the sea-
bed. 74
4.6 The Rutten cog under excavation in the Noordoostpolder. 76
4.7 The Aber Wrac'h wreck. 79
4.8 Thirteenth-century town seal of San Sebastian. 80
4.9 The Mataro ship model. 82
4.10 A three-masted ship on a Hispano-Moresque bowl of about
1425. 83
4.11 A galley from the fifteenth-century shipbuilding treatise,
Fahrica di Galere. 84
4.12 Genoese ships in 1480. 86
5.1 A 'ship full of all kinds of merchandise'. 90
5.2 Casks used to line medieval pits in Exeter. 91
5.3 Casks of wine in hulk-like lighters at the port of Paris. 92
5.4 Unloading and measuring grain at a Mediterranean port. 94
5.5 Cargo handling at the quays. 95
5.6 Finds from the wreck site of the Vejby cog. 100
5.7 Site plan of the Gdansk W5 wreck site. 101
5.8 Bundles of iron bars from the Gdansk W5 wreck. 102
5.9 One of the copper ingots retrieved from the Gdansk W5
wreck. 103
6.1 Map of Britain. 106-7
6.2 Development of the medieval riverbank at Canynges House,
Bristol. 108
6.3 Planking from a clinker vessel reused in a revetment at
Kingston. 109
6.4 Reconstruction of the fifteenth-century dock at Baynards
Castle, London. Ill
List of figures xi

6.5 Reconstruction of a hoisting spar used for cargo handling in

Bergen. 113
6.6 The twelfth-century wine vault on Castle Quay,
Southampton. 114
6.7 Southampton in the later Middle Ages. 116
7.1 Map of Britain by Matthew Paris, drawn about 1250. 118
7.2 St Guthlac travelling by boat in the Fens, twelfth century. 1 1 9

7.3 Tyne keels at a coal staith. 120

7.4 Blocks of Barnack stone lost in Wittlesey Mere. 121
7.5 The Giggleswick Tarn logboat. 124
7.6 The logboat from Oak Mere. 125
7.7 Pleasure boating in the fifteenth century. 126
7.8 The boat found at Caldecotte, Milton Keynes. 127
8.1 Fish-hooks from Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth. 131
8.2 A fishing scene on a pewter spoon found in Beverley. 132
8.3 Hauling in a fishing net, from Queen Mary's Psalter, early
fourteenth century. 134
8.4 Fishing with a roundhaul net. 135
8.5 A tidal fish-trap in Caernarfon Bay. 136
8.6 Stone weights. 138
8.7 Reconstruction of a boat from the Poole boatyard. 140
8.8 Excavation of the Blackfriars III boat in London. 141
8.9 The fishing cove at Porthoustock, Cornwall. 145
9.1 Crusaders attacking Damietta, Egypt, in 1248. 147
9.2 Fighting at sea, from a c.1270 edition of Vegetius' De Re
Militari. 148
9.3 A conjectural rowing plan for a galley of 1294. 152
9.4 Town seals of Dunwich, Faversham, Dover and Poole. 154
9.5 Cogs in a sea battle, from an early fourteenth-century English
manuscript. 155
9.6 The site of the wreck of the Grace Dieu in the River Hamble. 157
9.7 A battle at sea in the fifteenth century, after the introduction
of artillery to ships. 158
9.8 French fifteenth-century hulks with gunports through the
planking at the bows. 161
10.1 A lookout at the mast-head, an eleventh-century carving
found at Christchurch Place, Dublin. 167
10.2 The effect of elevation on observation range. 168
10.3 The siting of the church at the head of the creek at Bosham,
marking the navigable channel. 172
10.4 Map of medieval lights. 173
10.5 St Catherines lighthouse, Isle of Wight. 174
10.6 Taking soundings, the effect of drift. 176
10.7 Swinging the lead, from the Hastings Manuscript of about
1500. 177
10.8 The Saxmundham naviculum. 179
10.9 A drawing of an astrolabe on a chart of 1529. 181
Introduction - medieval
maritime Britain

Shipping was of vital importance to medieval Britain. Ships brought

commodities from all over the known world and were the means of
extending knowledge of the world itself. On board ships travelled invasion
forces and pilgrims, epidemics, fashions and ideas. The fish brought to shore
by boats working from nearly every inhabited harbour or beach formed an
essential element of diet.
Land travelon the poor roads of the Middle Ages was arduous and loads
were often better carried by water transport along the rivers and coast. Ports
owed their very existence to shipping and their sites and fortunes could shift
as a result of changes in ship design or because silting prevented ships from
reaching them. Development of port facilities, waterfronts and wharfage was
linked to that of trading vessels and coastal defences were built against
attacks by hostile ships.
Yet despite all this, the practical reality of shipping, the ships and the
structures and much of the human activity associated with them, has tended
to be overlooked. Historians still write about invasions and archaeologists
continue to refer to imported finds in purely abstract terms, with little

thought for the creaking, stinking wooden vessels which carried them across
heaving seas from one port to another.
The purpose of this book is to bring together information about material
remains of shipping activity and to explain their significance by setting them
in the context of medieval maritime Britain. Westerdahl (1992: 6) has coined
the phrase 'the maritime cultural landscape' to signify 'the whole network of
sailing routes, with ports and harbours along the coast, and its related
constructions and remains of human activity, underwater as well as
terrestrial'. Taken in its broadest sense, the maritime culture of medieval
Britain can be detected in areas remote from the immediate coastal zone.
Fresh sea-fish were distributed well inland, for example to Coventry, and
preserved fish and imported goods reached all but the poorest and most
inaccessible places. Shipping made it possible for wine to become a regular
item of consumption for more and more of the population of a country
which produced little wine itself. The import of wine increased from the time
of the Conquest and continued to grow even when, at the beginning of the
thirteenth century, the loss to the English crown of most of the territory of
northern France meant that ships had to make the longer voyage through the
Bay of Biscay to the English possessions in Gascony. Much of the
agricultural production of Britain was locked into the export trade, most
notably of wool, and monastic merchants' houses in rural settings were built
with the profits of seaborne commerce. Trade was the formula for turning
sheep into stone.
Material remains not only demonstrate the import of foreign items but
2 Medieval ships and shipping

they can also provide evidence for cultural diffusion by sea - the imitation of
foreign techniques, practices and style. In the Norman period, for example,
improvements in the shape and technique of wheel-thrown pots made at
ports and large towns near the coast, such as Southampton and Winchester,
were the result of trade contacts with Normandy. Meanwhile, further inland,
handmade traditions continued (Dunning, 1959: 34).
The pace of new discovery of material remains of medieval shipping has
been rapid. There is also a vast resource of historical and pictorial evidence
to draw on. Ethnography and continuing practice can also enhance our
understanding, particularly of subjects such as fishing, sailing and pilotage.
With all these information sources there are of course problems of
interpretation. What we have is not a perfect representation of the past. The
archaeological record is the result of accidents of preservation and the
opportunity to study complete ships, complete ports, must be
still less

extremely rare. Especially where shipping is concerned the archaeological

record is episodic, the result of isolated events, providing glimpses of how
things were at a particular time in a particular place. It is tempting to
connect all the fragmentary data about ship construction into neat patterns,
arranged into typologies and tied by lines of development. However, the
information base is so very patchy that seamless narratives may need to be
completely unravelled as soon as another discovery is made.
Interpretation of pictorial evidence has been discussed by Farrell (1979).
Its reliability as a source depends on how well the artist understood his

subject, the degree of realism attempted and the limitations of the medium.
The format can impose distortions, as can be seen when images of ships were
made to fit onto circular coins and seals. There is also the problem of scale.
The medieval convention of exaggerating the size of human figures when
they were shown with ships can give the thoroughly misleading impression
that medieval ships were no bigger than modern yachts.
Friel (1983b) has provided a very useful survey of some of the types of
documentary evidence for medieval ships. Documentary sources, while
excellent for things which were subject to bureaucracy, such as the raising of
fleets and the taxing of trade, can be disappointing for physical details.
Medieval documents are very likely to tell you how much a ship's carpenter
was paid but not what he did; to tell you the price of fish but not how it was
Physical and documentary sources can provide some insights into both
what shipping meant and how it affected their
to people in medieval Britain
lives. When, from towns had seals made for
the end of the twelfth century,
applying the stamp of civic pride and identity to their official documents,
most inland towns chose to depict their walls while most ports had ships
(Brindley, 1938). Some, like Bristol and Scarborough, had both. Great
Yarmouth, meanwhile, chose the motif of three herrings for its coat of arms,
perhaps in imitation of Liibeck. After Edward Ill's victory in the sea battle at
show himself enthroned
Sluys in 1340 he had the gold coinage redesigned to
on a ship (Callender, 1912). The ports of medieval England had a high
proportion of their churches dedicated to St Nicholas, the patron saint of
seafarers, and pilgrim's badges remind us that a great number of people who
were not employed in shipping had first-hand experience of sea voyages.
Introduction 3

Among the thirteenth-century contents of pit 14 at Cuckoo Lane,

Southampton, along with seeds of imported fruit and Malaga pottery, was
the skull of a Barbary ape (Piatt and Coleman-Smith, 1975: 293). The
wealthy burgess who owned the house on the site probably kept the monkey
as a pet, a strange and wonderful creature to excite the imagination about
lands far across the sea.
Written sources are even more useful for revealing human feelings and
behaviour which arose from the business of shipping in medieval Britain. The
monk of Dunstable did not disguise his delight at the death in a shipwreck of
Laurence of Ludlow, the greatest of contemporary wool merchants, who in
the 1290s had been responsible for agreeing with Edward I an increase of
533 per cent in the export tax on wool. 'Because he sinned against the wool-
mongers he was drowned in a ship laden with wool', the monk wrote
(Power, 1941: 79, 112). The Customs of the Sea ruled that agreements made
on the open sea were not valid, because 'at times men whom the sea makes
sick go on board of ships, and if they had a thousand marks of silver they
would promise it to anyone who would put them ashore' (Twiss, 1874: 445-
7). The wreck of the White Ship in 1120, in which the heir to the English
throne drowned along with about 300 other people, mostly nobles, was
attributed to drunkenness and bravado. William of Malmsbury said that the
sailors, who had had too much to drink, recklessly decided to overtake a
ship which had set out already, 'since their own ship was of the best
construction and newly equipped'. They failed to avoid a rock in the
darkness. 'No ship ever brought so much misery to England' (Le Patourel,
1976: 87). Documents tell us about the rivalry between the men of Great
Yarmouth and men of the Cinque Ports in home waters and between
Englishmen and everyone else abroad. In the Bay of Bourgneuf, where ships
came to load salt, nationals were separated to prevent quarrelling, the
English and the Dutch especially (Bridbury, 1955: 81). Documents can also
provide information about individual lives, such as that of St Godric of
Finchale, born to a peasant family in late eleventh-century Lincolnshire. He
started as a beachcomber, collecting and selling wreckage from the shore.
Evidently he made sufficient profit from this, and he was insufficiently
deterred by seeing so much debris from marine disasters, that he was able to
set up as a merchant, trading by sea between England, Scotland, Denmark
and Flanders. After a successful career he gave up his wealth and became a
hermit (Power, 1941: 110).
The period under discussion in this book is a long one, beginning from
about the time of the Norman Conquest and finishing at about 1500. In
these centuries enormous changes took place in shipping and, because it
played an essential role in medieval Britain, its study has exceptional
potential. The sources of information are abundant and still largely
unexplored. The possibilities for finding new evidence, particularly through
underwater archaeology, and for forming new perceptions of what is already
known are incalculable.
1 Shipbuilding: the traditions
of the northern seas

By comparing the open, single-masted ships in use at the beginning of the
medieval period with the multi-decked, fully rigged ships at the end, it is
plain to see that far-reaching changes had taken place. Tracing the progress
of those changes is not so easy, as it is confused by the diversity of regional
shipbuilding traditions and variations in vessel design to suit particular
purposes or conditions. Market forces and the imperatives of warfare meant
that ships for trade and fighting were under constant development. Ship-
building rivalled architecture as the most advanced technology of the Middle
/ Ages. Change and development were made possible by the interaction of
shipbuilding traditions from different parts of Europe and by the experiment
and innovation undertaken by shipbuilders. It can be argued that there was a
loss of diversity among the largest ships, so that by the end of the period the
products of shipyards throughout Europe were more similar than ever
before. They left behind them innumerable types of smaller vessels which
were well adapted to the work they had to do and which underwent little
change over centuries, some types surviving even into recent times.
The two opening chapters of this book introduce the technology of
medieval shipbuilding, the methods of construction and the structure of
hulls. Use of technical terms has been kept to a minimum and a glossary is
provided towards the end of the book. The fitting and rigging of ships is
treated separately in Chapter 3 and these three chapters together provide the
technical background for the regional examples of ships presented in
Chapter 4.
At the time of the Norman Conquest the boats and ships in use around
the coasts of Britain were clinker-built, which is to say that their hulls were
built up by lapping the bottom edge of each run of planking over the top of
the one below and nailing them together through the area of overlap. Their
hulls were similar in shape at each end, they were propelled by single square
sails and oars and steered by side rudders. The scant evidence for Anglo-
Saxon shipbuilding, primarily the Sutton Hoo ship (Bruce-Mitford, 1975:
345-435) and the Graveney boat (Fenwick, 1978), indicates vessel types
similar to those used in Scandinavia and developed by the Vikings and their
Norman descendants. Viking ships would have been familiar in those parts
of Anglo-Saxon England which came under Scandinavian settlement.
The Norman invasion fleet of 1066 was capable of transporting large
numbers of men and horses and its ships were the product of centuries of
refinement. The structure of ships of the eleventh century exhibits a high
degree of technical competence, as the wrecks excavated at Skuldelev in
Roskilde Fjord, Denmark, demonstrate (Olsen and Crumlin-Pedersen, 1968;
Olsen and Crumlin-Pedersen, 1978; Crumlin-Pedersen, 1991). These ships
were deliberately sunk to make a defensive blockage of the principal
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 5

navigable channel in the fjord. Of the five ships, two were cargo vessels, two
were warships and the other may have been a fishing boat (figure 1.1). The
warships were of lighter construction than the cargo ships and were long and
narrow. Their length to beam ratio was as much as 7:1 as compared to the
cargo vessels' 4:1, giving them a high speed capability under sail and oars.
Tree ring studies have shown that the warship Skuldelev 2 was built in
1060-70 in Dublin (Bonde and Crumlin-Pedersen, 1990). The cargo vessels
were quite different from each other. One was made of pine and may have
been built in Norway. The Skuldelev finds show variety and specialisation
within the clinker-building tradition. Shipbuilders had by the eleventh
century acquired a thorough understanding of the scope and limitations of
the materials, the properties of wood and the behaviour of fastenings, and of
the performance of hulls in the water.
The clinker technique was used for building boats and ships throughout
most of the Middle Ages in northern Europe. As long ago as 1914,
Hagedorn, as a result of a study of ships depicted on seals, identified three
different strands in medieval northern European shipbuilding and designated
them 'keel', 'cog' and 'hulk'. All three employ the clinker technique but they
represent different approaches to building the hull. They each had their
origins as regional variations before the beginning of the period under study.
They existed side by side throughout the period and came increasingly into
contact with each other and with the quite distinct southern European
shipbuilding tradition which used flush-laid, rather than clinker, planking.


The term 'keel' is used by ship archaeologists to denote ships, like those of
the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian traditions referred to so far, which were
built up from a keel, with planking running roughly horizontally between the
stem and stern posts. As this was the normal method of building in medieval
Britain the term may not have had much currency at the time. People would
be more likely to refer simply to boats and ships, or use the names of specific
types such as barges or farcosts which were variants within the keel
construction tradition. In Anglo-Saxon literature 'ceoP was used as a poetic
synonym for ship. Toll collectors in London in the eleventh century found it
useful to be able to distinguish between ordinary ships, 'ceols', and vessels of
another type referred to as 'hulcis'. In the later Middle Ages there were vessel
types called keels on the Tyne, Humber and Severn and in Lincolnshire and
London, and the application of the word to specific variants reinforces the
idea that the keel tradition is more easily recognised in retrospect than it was
at the time.
The sequence of construction of a keel is illustrated in figure 1.2. The first

stage of assembly was which was a baulk of timber cut from

to lay the keel,
a tree-trunk. In Scandinavian finds the keel is almost invariably oak but elm
also seems to have been favoured by English boatbuilders in the medieval as
well as the post-medieval period. The keel was normally straight, without
longitudinal vertical curvature (or 'rocker'). It could be made of two pieces
scarfed together, though this was to be avoided ideally, as the scarf would be
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 7

Figure 1.2 The sequence of construction of a keel-type vessel (Viking Ship Museum,

a potential area of weakness. The top of the keel was flat or dished from side
to side. In profile the keel was T-shaped (though in some vessels the T was
very squat) with the sides cut away to create a flange at the top. To the
underside of this flange the lowest run of planking, the garboard strake,
could be fastened. The keel could have parallel sides or it could be wider
<s Medieval ships and shipping

near the middle of the boat, or slightly forward of the middle, tapering
towards the ends.
To the ends of the keel were scarfed the stem and stern posts. Timbers
were chosen with grain following the long curve required for the finished
components in order to provide strength. These were often in two pieces
scarfed together: the stem post itself and an intermediate piece between the
stem post and the keel. The stem and stern posts of Skuldelev 3, shown in
figure 1.2, have false planking cut out of the solid wood to provide a secure
transition between the posts and the hull planking. This technique required
special skill and simpler posts were more common, as for example that of the
Poole Foundry boat (figure 8.7).
Once this backbone was in place a start was made on planking the hull.
Planks were made from radially split oak trunks or from tangentially split
softwood trees (for the selection and conversion of timber for boatbuilding
see McGrail, 1987: 23-43). A man can be seen preparing planking in the
scene from the Bayeux Tapestry shown in figure 1.3. The first strake was
fastened to the underside of the keel flange. A strake is a run of planking
from one end of the vessel to the other, which might be made up of several
planks scarfed together. The plank ends were tapered to a feather edge so
that when they overlapped at the scarfs there was no increase in the
thickness of the strake. Caulking (waterproofing material) was put between
the strake edges and into the scarfs as they were assembled. This was made
of animal hair or moss, generally mixed with tar. Samples of animal hair
which have been analysed, from Dublin and London, show that it was
frequently not sheep's wool but was often cow or even horse hair, probably
the by-products of the tanning industry. A sample which did prove to be
wool, from London, had been dyed and was probably textile waste (Musty,
1993: 33). At the Queen Street waterfront site at Newcastle, 73 small twisted
rolls and flattened pads of fibre have been identified as caulking material
from clinker-built vessels. Of the 25 samples examined for species analysis,
13 were of cattle hair and 10 of sheep's wool with two possible examples of
goat hair (Walton, 1988: 78).
The edges of the strakes and the scarfs were fastened with iron clench
nails. These nails had large round heads and were hammered from outboard
to inboard through partly pre-bored holes. On the inboard face of the
planking the shanks were hammered over and clenched against quadrilateral
roves. The extreme ends of the strakes were feathered for fastening to the
stem and stern posts with iron spike nails. The hull planking was built up as
a shell, probably largely by eye as in more recent Scandinavian practice,
without the use of formers. Levels and width gauges might be used to make
the shape of the two sides of the hull as similar as possible but exact
symmetry was rarely achieved.
When the bottom planks were in place the first transverse framing was
inserted into the hull at regular intervals. These frame timbers,which crossed
the bottom of the vessel including the keel, are called floors. They were cut
from grown crooks, following the run of the grain. Their undersides were cut
into steps or joggles so that they would be in contact with the planks as
much as possible. They were fastened only to the planking and not to the
keel by means of wooden pegs known as treenails. These were inserted from
10 Medieval ships and shipping

outboard to inboard in augered holes. The treenails were knife-cut from

timber, not from roundwood sticks. They usually had expanded heads
outboard and were wedged on the inboard face of the framing so that they
could not work loose in either direction.
After the floors were fastened, more side planking was added. Then the
upper framing timbers, futtocks, were inserted. These were normally scarfed
to the ends of the floors and secured to them by means of treenails running
right through from the ouside of the planking. The rest of the construction
varied more from vessel to vessel. Larger ones might have a second and
higher tier of futtocks. The frames were often reinforced laterally by means
of horizontal cross-beams, secured by knees. Longitudinal stiffness could be
added by a keelson placed above the keel and by stringers which were strips
of wood running fore-and-aft along the inboard face of the planking.
Breasthooks at bow and stern could help to hold the ends of the vessel
together. Fittings and decking were added according to the individual
requirements of the vessel.
Clinker-building today generally associated with small boats but in the

medieval period very large vessels, both warships and merchant ships, were
built in the keel technique. The English royal galleys of 1294 and the 'big
ship' from the Bryggen at Bergen in Norway, built in the first half of the
thirteenth century, were well over 30 metres in length.


In the Anglo-Saxon period, the form of vessel discussed so far, with clinker
planking on a backbone of keel, stem and stern post, was referred to as a
'ceoP or 'keel'. The term 'ceol' seems to have evoked images of the shape of
the stem posts: 'high keel', 'steep keel'. Charters from London from the years
1000 and 1030 introduce the term 'hulc' to denote a type of ship which
differs from the keel (Ellmers, 1972: 59). 'Hulc' in Anglo-Saxon meant
'hollow' or 'cavity'.
Ship archaeologists have applied the term 'hulk' to ships which share
specific hull structural characteristics, rather than interpreting it as a general
name for ships of a certain size or shape. The word continued to be used
throughout the Middle Ages and it has been assumed that the ships termed
'hulk' in the fifteenth century had developed from those termed 'hulk' in the
eleventh century. The characteristics of the hulk have been deduced entirely
from iconographic evidence and the sole link between the verbal and the
iconographic data for the whole of the period is the town seal of New
Shoreham of 1295 (figure 1.4). The seal's inscription reads 'hoc hulci signo
vocor os sic nomine digno - By this sign of a hulk am called Mouth which

is a worthy name'. This statement, baffling at first sight, is a reference to

New Shoreham's older name of Hulksmouth.

The New Shoreham seal depicts a vessel quite unlike the keel-type ships
featuring on other contemporary town seals from the Cinque Ports, though it
is very like the ship on the seal of Kingston-upon-Hull of about 1300 (Ewe,

1972: 144; Brindley, 1938: fig 33) and that of the Provostry of Southampton
of about 1300 (Brindley, 1938: fig 15). The Hulksmouth ship has a thin
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 1 1

Figure 1.4 The late thirteenth-century town seal of 'Hulksmouth' or New Shoreham
(National Maritime Museum).

crescent-shaped hull with planking running parallel to the lower and upper
edge and finishing at the platforms for the castles, not at the stem and stern
posts as is the case with the keel type. The position of the nail heads in
relation to the edges of the strakes suggests that the hull was built in 'reverse
clinker' technique - that is, with each strake fastened to the inside of the
strake below, not to the outside as with normal clinker. This is shown more
clearly in the picture of Henry I's ship, drawn before c.1140, shown in figure
1.5. In both images, the ends of the strakes appear to be 'gathered' at
'collars', or bands across the ends of the strake runs at bow and stern. In
pictures pre-dating 1350 these collars are often shown surmounted by animal
head carvings but they were gradually replaced by castles, as on the New
Shoreham Seal, from the end of the thirteenth century.
Having established the basic characteristics of the hulk, earlier represen-
tations were sought out in back to the origins of the
order to follow the trail

type. Among and Zedelghem, Belgium,

these are the fonts of Winchester
which were made from Tournai marble, quarried and carved near the River
12 Medieval ships and shipping

L£U £

<o c. t vv

t&frto- ftaWw^* «4e!,ww kWttaWfc'u. dfitlu* t^am'«M W<<n


Figure 1.5 Henry I returning to England in a hulk (Chronicle of John of Worcester,

c.1118-1140, Corpus Christi College, Oxford Ms 157, f.383).

Scheldt in about 1180. On the Winchester font (figure 1.6) most of the
strakes end at a 'collar' at stem and stern and one of them ends at the sheer
line (upper edge of the planking). This Tournai connection served to direct
the search for the origins of the hulk to the Low Countries. Coins minted in
Dorestad in 814-840 show vessels propelled by both oar and sail with
'banana'-shaped hull profiles. A boat found in 1930 at Utrecht, not far from
Dorestad, has repeatedly been cited as the archaeological specimen of the
early form of the hulk. The hull has a log-boat base with two strakes on
each side joined to each other by a half-round wale. The small mast step
near the forward end of the boat was most probably for a towing-mast
rather than for sailing. A radiocarbon date of 790 ± 45 ad was obtained for
the boat in 1960 and it was claimed that the arm of the river in which it lay
was closed about 866. However, recent work has revised this dating and
shown the boat to be rather later, with a probable date of sinking in the
eleventh century (Vlek, 1987: 66). A very similar vessel was found in 1974 at
Waterstraat, another site in Utrecht, and has also been dated to the eleventh
These boats from Utrecht are extended log-boats for use on rivers, not
designed to be while the much earlier vessels depicted on the
Carolingian coins are seagoing sailing ships. Clearly the Utrecht boat can no
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 13

Figure 1.6 A hulk on the Winchester Cathedral font, made in Belgium in about 1180
(National Maritime Museum).

longer be cited as an example of the early form of the hulk. Indeed Vlek
rejects the idea that the Utrecht type has anything at all to do with the hulk.
He concludes that 'this kind of vessel cannot have been the prototype, either
in construction or in form, of the late medieval large seafaring hulk' (Vlek,
1987: 89).
The intense focus on the Low Countries may have diverted attention from
the hulk's very strong French connections. The Dorestad coins referred to
above are copies of those of Quentovic, a French seaport just south of
Boulogne. Although the reference collection of pictures of medieval ships
compiled at the National Maritime Museum contains only a very small and
probably unrepresentative sample of the images created, it does appear that
France has a considerably higher proportion of hulk pictures than other
countries, followed at some distance by Britain. Several of the British images
are of the return of Thomas a Becket from exile in France (e.g. frontispiece
and figure 3.2) and are conceivably intended to represent French ships.
What are the constructional implications of the features of the hulk, the
rounded hull, the run of the often reverse clinker planking to the sheerline?
The most basic problems of wooden ship construction are how to bend and
fashion straight planks to create a hull and how to fasten the ends of the
planks in a secure and watertight way. If a clinker vessel is dismantled and
its strakes are laid out flat it becomes clear that they are not straight strips.
14 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 1.7 Conjectural diagram of the run of the lowest strakes in a hulk (National
Maritime Museum).

With keels, the strakes taper to the post and, because of the fullness of the
hull, tend to rise higher at the stems than in the mid-part of the hull. There is

often a considerable amount of twisting necessary, particularly in the lowest

strakes, as the hull narrows towards the posts.With the hulk form the need
for twisting the lowest strakes is reduced. The ends of the vessel cannot be
made as sharp as with keel construction. An explanation for the use of
reverse clinker for building hulks is This is a
illustrated in figure 1.7.
hypothetical drawing of a hulk with reverse clinker planking. can be seen It

that whereas the steps of the normal planking would resist the flow of the
water, slowing down the vessel and inviting leaks through the plank seams,
reversing the plank steps helps solve these problems. It is puzzling then that
after 1300 the instances of representations of reverse clinker are heavily
outnumbered by those of normal clinker-building. This may perhaps have
been related to an increase in size which made the friction of the plank laps
less significant.
To make a strong hull, the strake runs need to end on a rigid component.
The 'collars' depicted were probably breast-hooks of some sort but until a
hulk is discovered and excavated this aspect of the construction must remain
a mystery. It has been suggested that the ropes sometimes depicted coiled
round the 'necks' of hulks were for binding the ends together. This would
have been structurally weak and it is far more likely that they represent
mooring lines or anchor cables.
Until the middle of the fourteenth century, most pictures of hulks show
hulls which were similar in shape and in the run of the planking at both bow
and stern. Some arc shown with narrow stems and wider sterns and there are

Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas IS

a few 'hulk hybrids' in which the strakes end hulk fashion

at the sheerline in
at one end and can be seen on
at the post in keel fashion at the other. This
the thirteenth-century second seal of Southampton (Ewe, 1972: 191). Most
pictures of hybrids which combine a hulk stern with a post stem seem to
predate 1300. Representations of asymmetrical hull forms with hulk stems
and post sterns became more common as the fourteenth century progressed
and it is likely that the adoption of median rudders was a major influence.
The transition seems to have taken place within a brief period of time and by
1350 all hulks are pictured with stern rudders rather than side rudders.

The other main strand of the northern European medieval shipbuilding

tradition is that of the cog. The cog was mentioned in documents as the ship
of the Frisians as early as the ninth century. Roman period vessels like the
second-century ship excavated at Bruges may have contributed to its

ancestry. The numerous pictorial representations show a vessel with high

sides, and comparatively straight stem and stern posts. The early,
development of the cog has been discussed by Crumlin-Pedersen (1979:
17-18), Ellmers (1979; 1985b) and Reinders (1985: 9-12). By the eleventh
century, the cog was well established on both sides of what is now the
Danish peninsula.
Cogs were known in Britain by the early 1200s and probably before: King
John hired five Frisian cogs for his expedition to Ireland in 1210 (Brooks,
1929a: 29). The thirteenth-century seal of Ipswich (figure 1.8) also shows
one, suggesting that such ships had close connections with the port and may
have been built locally. The graffito of a cog shown in figure 1.9, from St
Hilda's Church, Hartlepool, may date to about 1300. It was deeply incised
on a slab of sandstone 0.76 by 0.38 metres and found in the vicinity of the
former chapel dedicated to St Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors (Naish,
1940: 304-5). The ship has straight stem and stern posts and a level sheer.
The mast is stepped forward of amidships and there is a high stern castle and
simpler forecastle staging. The stone was photographed in 1937, a few years
after it was found. It had then already started to crumble and now the
picture is virtually obliterated.
References to are very numerous in fourteenth-century English
documents, by outnumbering hulks, galleys and carracks, which were
already present in significant numbers (Runyan, 1991: 201). The earliest
extant lading contract from northern Europe is for a voyage undertaken by
the Cog of Lyme in 1322 (Greenhill, 1980). Cogs, including Edward El's
flagship, played an important part in the battle of Sluys in 1340.
No examples of cogs have yet been excavated in Britain but several finds,
from Germany, Scandinavia and the Netherlands, provide information about
the construction of this vessel type. When in 1956 Paul Heinsius published a
study of cogs, Das Schiff der hansischen Fruhzeit, the only archaeological
data available to supplement the documentary and pictorial sources was that
of finds from Kalmar in Sweden (Akerlund, 1951), which have since been
shown to be on the periphery of the cog-building tradition. It was not until
16 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 1.8 The cog-like vessel on the town seal of Ipswich of AD 1200 (National
Maritime Museum).

1962, with the discovery of the Bremen cog in the River Weser in Germany,
that the constructional features of the cog were revealed (Fliedner, 1964;
Lahn, 1992). The ship appears to have been lost while it was still being built
and was perhaps swept away from the berth where it was being fitted out in
about 1380. Tree-ring studies have shown that the oak for the planking and
cross-beams was felled in the Weser Hills to the south, in 1378. The crooks
for the knees were from more local sources in the forests around Bremen
(Lahn, 1992: 19). The superstructure had not been fully installed, the ship
had not been ballasted and the only artefacts associated with the ship were a
selection of shipwrights' tools, a half-finished anchor stock, a barrel of tar
and a shoe. The excavated remains of the Bremen cog are remarkably
complete and show that the ship was 24 metres long, eight metres in the
beam and over four metres high. A long programme of conservation and
research has elucidated the building sequence and provided enough
information for the construction of an accurate replica (figure 3.7).
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 17

Figure 1.9 Graffito of a cog in St Hilda's Church, Hartlepool (National Maritime


The keel was made up of three parts scarfed together. The central part was
8.3 metres long, with a maximum width of 0.47 metres. The two end pieces,
3.73 metres and 4.78 metres long, were each made out of a trunk of timber
with a branch coming out at an angle so that the change of angle between
the ends of the keel and the stem and stern posts was worked out of solid
timber. The stem and stern each consisted of an inner and outer post. The
inner posts were scarfed to the inner side of the keel knee but the outer posts
were not mounted until the planking was in place.
IS Medieval ships and shipping

The forward section of the keel was not completely level but was raised
The sides of the keel and the lower parts of the stems were rabbeted
for the hull planking. The first four strakes to each side of the keel were
flush-laid. That is to say, they edge to edge and were not fastened
were laid
to each other in the midships area. At the ends of the ship the planks go
through a transition from flush-laid to clinker and this required very
specialised joinery including the stepping-out of the plank edges. The ship
had 12 strakes per side, each made up of three or four planks. The plank
seams were coated with caulking compound before assembly. When the third
strake was in place, further caulking was applied and inserted on the inside
and held in place by oak strips fastened on by iron clamps or staples. The
first four floors were inserted and held in place with small nails while the

treenail holes were bored and the treenails hammered in. The fourth strake
turned the bilge, then the remaining floor timbers, ending below the fifth
strake, were put in place.
The keelson, which had an integral mast-step, was treenailed to the floors
but not to the keel. Planking continued and, after strake eight, half of the
futtocks and five heavy cross-beams were inserted (figure 1.10). The cross-
beams were cut from oak trunks seven metres in length. They rested on
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 19

futtocks which had tenons projecting from their tops. Strake nine had cut-
outs to fit over the cross-beams. When
was in place further
strake ten
framing was inserted and inner planking was fitted, which gave longitudinal
strength. This was cut from less good and preused stock. The twelfth strake
ended on the framing rather than running right to the posts and the channel
wale for attachment of the lower end of the shrouds lay against it outboard.
The washboard planks above strake 12 were not clenched. A framework of
top timbers was left protruding in the area of the stern castle. The castles,
decking, windlass and capstan will be mentioned in Chapter 3.
The outer stem reinforcement was held on by iron bolts. It gave protection
to the strake endsand the fore-stay was fastened to it. The outer stern post
was much lighter than the outer stem post. It had gudgeons for the rudder
already mounted on it, showing that the cog was sufficiently complete to
have been launched. Further construction could be carried out afloat.
The most significant features of the hull of the Bremen cog are the use of
sawn, rather than radially split, planking and the construction of the
bottom with flush-laid planking and its transition to clinker. Also notable
are the upward-sloping keel and the elaborate jointing of the stem and
stern posts. The use of caulking battens held on by distinctive clamps or
staples seems to be diagnostic of the cog and the planking nails were not
clenched on roves but hammered over so that their tips entered the
planking again. Through-beams are known also from vessels in the keel
tradition, such as the 'big ship' from Bergen, but they seem to have been
essential to the cog. These structural features add detail to the general
visual impression of hull shape obtained by studying the pictorial evidence.
They also allow fragmentary finds which show evidence of similar features
to be classified as cogs; though it is not necessarily the case that all cogs
would have shared all these features. It is not known how far back in time
these features can be traced, nor over what geographical area. It is by no
means certain that cogs built in Britain or Ireland would have exhibited
precisely the same constructional traits as those built in the Hanse
The lines of theBremen cog (figure 1.11) go some way to counter the
common misconception that cogs were unseaworthy boxes. The hull has a
fine entry, with a narrow bow to cut through the water and a deep forefoot
to maintain directional stability. The stern has a fine run, allowing the water
to flow past the rudder with the minimum of turbulence. The angular turn of
the bilge helps to resist heeling and leeway.
The earliest ship find yet identified as a cog is that which sank at Kollerup,
on the northern coast of Denmark, in the early thirteenth century, shown in
figure 1.12 (Jeppesen, 1979; Crumlin-Pedersen, 1979: 29-32). This did not
have sawn planking but was instead constructed from very wide oak planks
probably made by splitting a tree-trunk in half and using axes to cut a plank
from each half (Crumlin-Pedersen, 1989: 32). Six strakes either side of the
keel were flush-laid, with a transition to clinker planking at the ends of half
of them.
Numerous other boat and ship finds have been identified as cogs on the
grounds of having the lowest part of the hull constructed of flush-laid planks
and by the presence of re-entrant nails and caulking clamps. Among these is
20 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 1.11 The lines of the Bremen cog (after Lahn, 1992).

the late fourteenth-century wreck at Vejby, Denmark (Crumlin-Pedersen,

1976). Many cogs have been excavated in the Netherlands, including the late
thirteenth-century wreck at Rutten shown in figure 4.6 (Oosting, 1987), as
well as several other thirteenth- and fourteenth-century vessels found in the
polders (Reinders, 1979).
The cog seems to have ceased to be important as a large ship type soon
after1400. Some Netherlands and German inland vessels perhaps continued
the tradition on a much reduced scale into later centuries.
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 21

Figure 1.12 The Kollerup cog under excavation (Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde).

Shipbuilding tools

In The King's Mirror, written in Norway in about 1250, a father instructs

his son 'When at sea, bring with you nails of a size to suit your ship, axe,
gouge and auger, and all other tools needed in shipbuilding' (Christensen,
1982: 329). More can
be learnt about the tools which were used for building
boats and ships from pictorial sources and from studying toolmarks on
timbers. Examination of the grain of excavated vessel components provides
information about the selection and conversion of timber. For making
strakes, tree-trunks were selected for their straight grain, which is normally
visible in the bark, and were split into radial segments with wedges and
mallets. The rough planks were then trimmed with a broad axe or side axe,
as shown on the Bayeux Tapestry (figure 1.3). Figure 1.13 shows a similar T-
shaped axe excavated from an eleventh-century context at Milk Street,
London. Axes and shaves were used for cutting the edges of strakes to shape.
Framing members could also be cut entirely with axes from specially selected
crooks of timber and at the beginning of the period shipbuilders did not use
the saw at all. Saws were in use by the thirteenth century for making the
planks for cogs. Sawing enabled poorer quality timber to be used, since the
saw could cut through twisted grain and knots. Much of the fourteenth-
century Bremen cog's planking had been patched to cover defects even
though building had not finished at the time when the vessel was wrecked
(Crumlin-Pedersen, 1989: 32). In the building of keels, sawing was used for
22 Medieval ships and shipping

parts of the ship other than the hull planking at least as early as the end of
the thirteenth century and sawyers were employed in the 1294 English royal
galley-building programme. Toolmarks on the probably fifteenth-century
assemblage of boatbuilding timbers found at the Poole Foundry site show
that stems were sawn out of tree-trunks. For planking, however, English
shipwrights seem to have used split, not sawn, oak boards throughout the
medieval period. The Grace Dieu, built in the early fifteenth century, has saw
marks on the sides of some of the frames but the grain of the planking shows
that it was still split radially.
Knives were used for cutting treenails and for fine-trimming of other
components. Augers were used to make treenail holes and a breast auger is
shown being used for this purpose on the Bayeux Tapestry (figure 1.3).
Clench nails also needed pre-bored holes, as they could split the planking if
they were driven in blind. Larger nails, especially when of extreme
dimensions, such as those for the fifteenth-century Grace Dieu which had
square-sectioned shanks 2cm across, certainly needed them. Treenails were
driven in with mallets and had wedges knocked into their inboard ends
before they were trimmed off flush with the inboard face of the hull. Clench
nails were hammered in and then, while they were held in position, pre-
punched roves were forced onto them. An axe hammer or a dolley, a tool
like a hammer with a hole in the middle, may have been used for this. Then
the end of the nail was hammered flat to clench against the rove and the end
was cut off.
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 23

Building sites

The financial accounts for the galleys ordered to be built by Edward II in

1294 and for the Grace Dieu, built between 1416 and 1420, provide
valuable information about the organisation and processes of shipbuilding.
The king ordered 26 towns to share in the building of 20 galleys and
accounts for those built at Newcastle, York, Dunwich, Ipswich, London,
Southampton and Lyme have been preserved (Whitwell and Johnson, 1926;
Anderson, 1928; Tinniswood, 1949). The Southampton and Lyme accounts
are just for galleys but in most cases the accounts include a barge with 30 to
40 oars and a boat as well. These centrally ordered exercises were on a
larger scale than the local shipbuilding industries could accommodate and it
was necessary to bring together teams of master-builders and workmen from
different parts of the country and even from abroad.
The Southampton account gives a weekly break-down of costs, from start
of build to launching, during 17 weeks in the winter of 1294 (Anderson,
1928: 222-33). This throws some light on shipbuilding practice as well as
on the nature of the vessel being built. The workforce consisted of no fewer
than four master-builders and ten each of the standard classes of craftsmen
for clinker-building: plankers, clenchers (or hammermen) and holders. In
addition, in the second week a master-builder of Bayonne was fetched from
Portsmouth to supervise the design of the galley. Two men provided and
inspected the timber and two boys were employed for site security.
Blacksmiths were paid to make clench nails and other metalwork on site,
from iron bought in an unworked state (over five tons of nails were used at
Newcastle) but hasps, staples and hinges were bought from outside suppliers.
At Southampton, wood sawyers were not hired until the eleventh week, by
which time the hull was nearly complete, and carpenters not until after that,
perhaps to help with the upper works.
The land for galley-building and houses for workshops and stores were
rented. Before construction began, enclosures of hurdles and thorns were first
created round the building sites. At London the fence had 120 posts and
took six carpenters ten days to build. Also at London, 26 carpenters spent
ten days building a store house with timbers and laths and thatched with
reed. At York a smithy was built in the yard. It was of wattle and daub,
roofed with turf and had a coal-fired hearth of broken tiles (Tinniswood,
1949: 280).
The first purchases were poles and planks for staging, then iron and
timber for the first phase of building. At Southampton oak treenails were
bought in the fifth week, showing that framing was being inserted. Planking
and framing seem to have continued together until the twelfth week, when
six elm beams were bought as well as spars and planks for making hatches
and pavesades. Timber was bought by instalments, not all at once, and it
was ordered not so much by dimensions, except for the planking which came
in various lengths, as for the specific purpose it had to serve. Timbers were,
for example, ordered for the keel, for 'kevels' (frames), for beams and for the
rudder. This implies a search for timbers of appropriate shapes and sizes and
perhaps some roughing-out off-site. At Newcastle timber was bought from
over 50 different people and some of the timber was imported, obtained
24 Medieval ships and shipping

from merchants with connections with the Low Countries and the Baltic. The
mast and yard, oars, ship's boat, anchors and hawsers were also bought in.
The master and mates from the galley at Southampton went to Poole to buy
a sail and bought a mast and yard, expensive items, from the Isle of Wight.
In the final stages substances for coating the hull were bought, along with
pots in which they were prepared. At Southampton, rosin and grease were
introduced in the fifteenth week, followed by tallow, pitch and lard in the
sixteenth. Payments were made for painting the galleys and the Newcastle
account gives the most information about their decorative treatment. The
galley built there was whitewashed with lime inside the hold. The outside of
the hull was sized with egg white and oil and more than a dozen pigments
were used, as well as 18 pounds of varnish. Tinfoil was put over some of the
nailheads before painting (Whitwell and Johnson, 1926: 157). The
Southampton account records the purchase of clavis de tin in the tenth week,
by which time they would have been above the galley's waterline, and clavi
stannati (tinned nails) are also mentioned in the York account. Some of the
nailheads from the planking on the Dublin waterfront were covered in a blue
metal oxide and a yellowish-white substance coating the outboard surface of
the possible galley planking from the Dublin waterfront was analysed and
found to be composed of pine resin and calcium carbonate (McGrail, 1993a:
137). While the Southampton galley was being painted, 20 men were paid
wages for six days to make a ditch to haul the galley to the sea.
Henry V's great ship Grace Dieu was built, from 1416, in a specially made
'dok' surrounded by an enclosure of stakes. It is likely that the ship was built
on a low-lying strip of land with a temporary wall on the seaward side of
the dock. This would allow launching to take place at high tide after the wall
had been removed (Friel, 1993: 5). After the launching, the shores, piles and
stakes were sold off. William Soper, the Keeper of the King's Ships, who was
responsible for the construction of the Grace Dieu, built a storehouse at
Southampton in 1416. It was 126ft long, made of New Forest timber with a
tiled roof. It had an adjoining smithery, which may have been where the
nails for the great ship were manufactured. Carpenters and sawyers were
paid more than clenchers who in turn were paid more than holders and
labourers. West Country men had been forced to work on her and
absconded back home during the winter of 1416.
There is a potential medieval shipbuilding site, as yet unexplored, at
Smallhythe on the River Rother in Kent. Large vessels were built there in the
fifteenth century, when it was a thriving port, but by about 1600 silting had
reduced it to a hamlet. Clench nails have been retrieved from a rectangular
depressed feature, approximately 40 metres by 7.5 metres, which may be the
remains of a dock.
The only site associated with medieval boatbuilding which has so far been
examined in Britain is in Poole, in Dorset. Excavations on the Foundry site
on the Poole waterfront in 1987 revealed a store of boatbuilding timber
which had been neatly laid out on the medieval beach, not far from the
parish church, in around 1400. The excavation may not have uncovered the
total area of the boat yard site but the assemblage recovered consisted of 61
timbers. Of these, 11 had previously been used in boats. Most of the rest
were unworked timbers, with their bark removed, clearly selected on grounds
Shipbuilding: traditions of the northern seas 25

Figure 1.14 The medieval boatbuilder's timber store at Poole, Dorset (Poole

26 Medieval ships and shipping

of shape and thickness. Some other timbers were in a semi-prepared state,

cut to shape but not finished off (Hutchinson, 1994).
The timbers had been arranged groups, according to their
in six separate
shape and function (figure 1.14). Group 1 consisted of floors and futtocks
with unworked timbers of similar sizes and shapes. Group 2 consisted of a
used stem post made of two pieces, together with six roughed-out stems.
Group 3 contained four Y-shaped timbers, probably intended as mast-
crutches, in varying stages of preparation. Group 4 and Group 6 contained
long baulks of timber probably for keels and keelsons. Group 5 contained
three large timbers: one large forked shape, and two other grown crooks. All
the timbers were of oak except for the baulks in Groups 4 and 6 which were
of elm. The significant element missing from this assemblage is planking. A
pot containing residues of pitch was recovered from the same horizon as the
All of the used timbers, with the exception of one futtock, could have
come from two very similar boats. The rough-outs and unworked timbers
were, with the exception of the timbers in Group 5, of similar scantlings. It
seems boat yard produced a stock type of boat a little under
likely that this
eight metres long with a beam of about 2.5 metres, probably used for fishing
(see reconstruction drawing, figure 8.7). The previously used timbers may
well have been retained as a guide to achieving consistency of product. It is
very unlikely that they were meant to serve as exact templates, nor that they
were to be built into new boats, as in clinker construction the shape of the
frames is dictated by the unique form of the planking of each hull. It is
surprising that so much good boatbuilding timber was left unused on the
2 Shipbuilding: interaction and

The merging of northern hull types

Medieval ship pictures indicate that from about 1350 the clear divisions
between the keel, hulk and cog ship-types were breaking down. In docu-
ments a greater number of specific vessel-types are mentioned, all except
carracks presumably derived from one of the main clinker traditions, but
large numbers of vessels were simply referred to as ships (naves). Northern
European ships at this date were still single-masted and now had stern
rudders and more developed castles. While the length to beam ratio of
seagoing ships in each of the traditions was probably similar, there was
increasing differentiation in the shape of the bow and stern. There may
already have been some imitation of the hull shape, though not yet the
method of construction, of the ships from southern Europe which
northerners called carracks.
At this time, hulk hybrids, in which the strakes end on a post at one end
of the ship and at the sheerline at the other, become common. The 1418-26
seal of Thomas Beaufort (figure 2.1a) shows a ship with a hulk stem and a
keel stern. with hulk planking at both ends also continue to be
depicted. The seal of the Earl of Rutland, 1391-98, has hulk planking at
both ends, with the stern wider than the stem. The ships shown on the
fifteenth-century Admiralty seals of John Holand, Earl of Huntingdon, the
first of 1421 and the second (figure 2.1b) of 1435-42, also have hulk
planking at both ends.
Pictures are the prime source of information about the changes which were
taking place but they leave many questions unanswered. It is relatively easy
to identify ships built in the hulk tradition because the pictures often clearly
show However it is far less
the run of the planking to the ends of the ship.
easy to distinguish cogs from keels because the method of planking the
bottom is not depicted. The ships on the seals of Amsterdam of the early
fifteenth century might be presumed to be cogs but the hull shape is very
similar to that on the contemporary seal of Southampton, where the keel
building tradition was flourishing and the Grace Dieu was then being built.
The wreck of the Grace Dieu, which began building in 1416, lies in the
River Hamble in Hampshire, near Southampton (figure 2.2). It has been the
subject of several archaeological excavations, and the work so far has been
summarised by Friel (1993) and Clarke et al. (1993). This royal warship had
a keel at least 38 metres long, and was built as the English answer to the
carrack, such as those from Genoa used by the French. Grace Dieu was not
built according to Mediterranean skeleton-building practice, which will be
described below, but in an extension of the English keel clinker-building
technique, using planking three layers thick. This unique triple-thickness
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 29
30 Medieval ships and shipping

planking shows how the shipwrights responded to the construction

challenges of scaling-up a clinker hull. They needed to increase the thickness
of the ship's sides and to build in longitudinal strength to resist hogging.
Increasing the thickness of a clinker hull simply by using much thicker
planks would reduce the flexibility of the planking to such an extent that it

would not be would also be extravagant

possible to create the hull shape. It

of materials, as trees of much greater diameter would be needed to provide

radial planks of sufficient thickness. The thickness of the strakes could, in
theory, be doubled by laying two planks together (figure 2.3b). The
consequences of this are that longer nails would be needed and the nails
would also have to support far more weight. In a shell of planking the nails
in the lower part of the hull have to support the entire weight of the
planking above them, except to the extent that they are relieved by the
framing. There would be a tendency for the nails to deform under this
shearing force and so they would have to be made with larger shanks. The
level to which it is watertight might well be a problem.
If even thicker planking were required and the shipwrights were to go one

stage further and make strakes three planks thick, the problems would be
compounded (figure 2.3c). The nails and treenails would be excessively long
and the shearing pressures on the nails would be far worse. The planking
would not be uniformly strong as it would vary from six planks in thickness
at the strake overlaps to three planks thick in the mid-part of the strakes. So
this is not how Grace Dieu was built and it is not what is meant by 'triple-
thickness planking' in the context of this find. Grace Dieu was constructed in
a modified form of double-thickness planking (figure 2.3d). There were two
planks of full height and another plank, two-thirds the height of the other

two, on the inside of the strake. This provided extra thickness and reduced
the variation so that the hull was three planks thick in the mid-part of the
strakes and five planks thick at the overlaps. Most importantly, the inner
planks also served to relieve the nails by transmitting the downward pressure
onto the tops of the planks of the strake below. Watertightness would also
be improved since water would have further to penetrate and would not
simply have to run along a straight seam. This method of increasing the
thickness of the planking overcame many of the technical problems. Some
still remained, however. It was difficult to avoid boring the treenail holes too

close to the edge of the joggles. There was still a huge requirement for iron,
as the shanks of the clench nails were 2cm square and 15cm long, spaced
about 20cm apart along the strake overlaps, with an extra line of nails,
spaced about 60cm apart, along the midline of the strakes. The supply of 17
tons of 'clench and roof nails for the Grace Dieu and the smaller vessels
built at the same time is recorded in the building accounts (Carpenter
Turner, 1954).
It cannot have been easy to shape and assemble all the separate
components. The planking seems to have been made up of pieces not more
than six or seven feet (less than two metres) in length (Anderson, 1934: 165).
So far it has not been determined whether each layer of planks was scarfed
at the same place or whether the scarfs were staggered. Some clues as to how
the shipwrights might have set about fastening the layers of a strake together
and to the strake below can be seen in planks removed from the wreck
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 31

Figure 2.3 Clinker planking: (a) normal single thickness; (b) conjectural double
thickness; (c) conjectural triple thickness; (d) Grace Dieu (National Maritime

(Clarke et al., 1993: 25-33). Small nails in these planks indicate that while
the composite strakes were being built up, the outer two layers of planking
were tacked from both inboard and outboard. The only small nail on an
inner plank occurs at a scarf. Tacking was necessary because the holes for
the 20cm square shanks of the clench nails had to be prepared. Holes were
quite frequently made in the wrong place or at the wrong angle and they had
to be plugged with wooden pegs.
A ship which was wrecked at Aber Wrac'h on the north coast of Brittany
in the first half of the fifteenth century (L'Hour and Veyrat, 1989) shares
some characteristics with Grace Dieu. Particularly striking are the deep rove
impressions on the inside of the planking, the concavities on the frames to
32 Medieval ships and shipping

accommodate the roves and the use of moss and sphagnum caulking. The
ship was large, with an original length estimated as 25 metres. The keel was
of beech, with the stem, framing and planking of oak. The building accounts
for the Grace Dieu record the purchase of more than a thousand beech trees,
though it is not known what they were used for (Friel, 1993: 4). The after
part of the Aber Wrac'h ship (figure 2.4) was not preserved. The hull
construction was of normal single-thickness clinker planking, with localised
strengthening at the places where the planking was pierced for the ends of
the through beams (figure 2.5). The strakes below and above the beams
(though not the ones mostly cut away by the beams) were reinforced by
small boards on the inside face, in the manner of the inner plank of the
Grace Dieu strakes. The weight of each beam was mainly supported by a
futtock and a stringer. The scarves between the keel and the stem and stern
posts were both missing from the wreck. The part of the stem post which
was present showed that the strake ends ran onto the stem post in the keel
rather than the hulk manner.
Pottery found on the wreck was of Breton manufacture; and six Castilian
and two Breton coins indicate that the ship probably sank in the first quarter
of the fifteenth century (L'Hour and Veyrat, 1989: 294). Tree-ring study,
although inconclusive for dating, indicated that the ship was perhaps built
near Bordeaux or on the north coast of Spain. There was a substantial
shipbuilding industry at Bayonne in the fourtenth and fifteenth centuries,
supplying English as well as local clients. While Grace Dieu was being built,
another great ship was built for Henry V at Bayonne. The accounts indicate
that it was of clinker construction.
Grace Dieu and the Aber Wrac'h wreck provide evidence for ships built in
the mature development of the keel tradition. The closest parallel to them is
the fifteenth-century wreck raised from the sea-bed off Gdansk in 1975-6
(figure 2.6). The Baltic is an area in which the cog was prevalent and the
Gdansk W5 wreck may provide an indication of the course ship construction
took when cogs were superseded. The town seals of Gdansk and Elblag for
this period show a change of ship type from the classic cog, with straight
stem and stern posts, to more rounded hull shapes.
Gdansk W5 has similarities with Grace Dieu and the Aber Wrac'h wreck
in the general appearance and dimensions of the components, including the

rove impressions in the planking and the presence of through-beams. Moss

was used for waterproofing the plank scarves but animal hair was used in
the lands. This ship did not have the flush-laid bottom strakes of the cog
but the jointing of the keel to the stern post is a clear survival of the cog
tradition. The ship had an inner and outer stern post like the Bremen cog. It

was clinker-built throughout,from where the garboard was rabetted into

the 16.34 metre long oak and did not have the cog feature of flush-laid
bottom planks. Unlike ships in the keel tradition, the garboard near the
bows was fastened to the keel with treenails, though in the stern it was
fastened with iron nails in the normal manner. In the midships part of the
hull, the strakes were of considerable width - 37cm on average (Litwin,
1980: 222).
Timber available for shipbuilding in western Europe was becoming scarce
in the fifteenth century and timber prices were consequently rising. Gdansk
34 Medieval ships and shipping

Section Futtock M 116

Figure 2.5 Aber Wrac'h wreck - diagram to show the strengthening or the hull
planking where it is pierced by the through-beams (M. L'Hour).

developed a large shipbuilding export industry and by the end of the century
was supplying English, Dutch and Italian buyers.
A model from the church of Ebersdorf near Dresden (Christensen,
1987: 69-70) appears to represent a cog in a similar state of evolution to
that of Gdansk W5. The hull is round and beamy, clinker-built from the
keel, with a straight stern and curved stem post.
A ship found at Sandwich in Kent during pipe-laying operations in 1973 is
potentially important for the study of later medieval clinker ship construc-
tion. The shiptentatively dated to the fifteenth century on stratigraphic

evidence and with its keel five metres below the current ground surface in

the silted-up medieval town ditch (Trussler, 1974). Although some frames
and planking, together with parts of the rudder, were removed at the time of
discovery, much of the clinker-built hull, which may be as much as 33
metres long, remains in the ground.
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 35

Figure 2.6 The intact part of the Gdansk W5 wreck after being raised from the
sea-bed (photo: L. Nowicz).

The influence of southern ships

A detailed study of Mediterranean ships would be out of place in a book

about shipping in medieval Britain but there are compelling reasons, apart
from their intrinsic interest, why some account of them must be given here.
Ships from the Mediterranean were operating in British waters and trading in
British ports from the thirteenth century and the totally different approach to
36 Medieval ships and shipping

hull construction used in southern Europe was adopted in the north and
began to replace clinker construction for the largest ships from the mid-
fifteenth century.
The number of medieval ships so far excavated in southern
Europe it not
great, so regional and functional variations and chronological developments
are still being explored. Pictorial evidence is much more abundant and Italian
treatises on shipbuilding, largely concerned with galleys, survive from the
fifteenth century. Here it is appropriate only to make some generalisations in
order to show something of the technique which was to impact so very
significantly on northern Europe.
Ships of southern Europe had been following an entirely separate course of
development from those in the north. By the Middle Ages their planking was
flush-laid and the planks were not joined to each other but just to the
frames. This technique is known as 'carvel-building' and contrasts with
clinker-building in which the planks are fastened to each other, edge to edge.
The clinker method is termed 'shell-first' construction while its opposite is
'frame-first', where a complete skeleton of frames is erected, totally defining
the form of the hull, before the planks are applied to it. However, just as
northern clinker vessels only had to have some of their planking in place
before frames were inserted, southern carvel vessels only had to have some of
their framing planking began.
in place before
In antiquity, Mediterranean vessels had been shell-built, not with
overlapping strakes but with the planking of their hulls flush-laid and keyed
together with tenons locked into mortises in the edges of the planks. This
method persisted at least until the seventh century, as can be seen from the
Yassi Ada ship (Bass and Doorninck, 1982), by which time frame-first
construction had been introduced, as in the Saint Gervais II wreck (Jezegou,
1985). Frame-first construction in the eleventh century is demonstrated by
the Ser^e Liman vessel, which sank off Turkey in about 1025. Steffy (1991)
has determined that when planking began, only two full frames and eight
floor timbers were in place on the backbone of keel and stems, spanning only
the central 2.7 metres of the approximately 14.36 metre long hull. The
bottom strakes were nailed to these timbers, then framing and planking of
the sides progressed together. Planking the difficult area at the turn of the
bilge was left until some of the side planks were in place and was achieved
with mostly short planks of irregular shape.
A well-preserved vessel dating to about 1300 was discovered in 1898 at
Contarina in the Po delta, roughiy 50 kilometres south of Venice (figures 2.7
and was 16.5 metres long on the keel, flat-bottomed and very nearly
2.8). It

double-ended, tapering slightly more quickly aft than forward. The keel was
fairly slenderand shallow, with the floors and the keelson laid above it. To
below the turn of the bilge, at the area of overlap
either side of the keel, just
between the floors and the futtocks, were longitudinal members of similar
scantlings to that of the keel. Stringers were inserted at the corresponding
positions on the inside of the hull so that the ends of the floors and futtocks
were sandwiched between the bilge keels (or bilge wales) and the stringers.
Higher up, where the futtocks overlapped with the top timbers, there was
again a wale paired with a stringer. The keelson had mast-steps for lateen
main and fore sails (Bonino, 1978). This disposition of keel, bilge keels and
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 37
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 39

wales would give the hull longitudinal strength and reinforce potential areas
of weakness in the framing. The bilge keels and wales may also be vestiges of
the hull design process as the shape of a hull could be defined by setting
the keel and stems, establishing three key frames and running battens along
the sides of this framework from stem to stern.
Les Sorres X, a 10 metre long vessel found during the digging of the
Olympic Games rowing canal near Barcelona in 1990, is dated on pottery
evidence to the second half of the fourteenth century (Nieto, 1992). It shares
the constructional features of the Contarina 1 ship, except that the bilge keel
was reinforced by a double stringer on the inboard face of the hull. Similar
features can also be seen in the Lasize wreck, a Venetian galley which sank
in 1439 Lake Garda (Scandurra, 1972: 209-10). The bottom of the hull
has been excavated and indicates that the overall length of this galley was
about 39.5 metres. The cross-section of the remains shows a deep projecting
keel bolted through the floor to the keelson. At the overlap of the floors and
futtocks there is a thicker strake or wale but this time, instead of projecting
outwards, it is inset into a notch on the underside of the framing. A stringer
lies directly above, sandwiching the floors and futtocks.

Detailed evidence for Catalan ship construction in the early fifteenth

century is provided by the votive model (figure 2.9) from a chapel in Mataro
in Catalonia, now in the Pnns Hendrik Maritime Museum in Rotterdam
(Culver, 1929; van Nouhuys, 1931; Winter, 1956). The model is large, 1.23
metres overall, and it was clearly built by someone with a thorough
understanding of ship structure, undoubtedly a shipwright. The floors of the
Mataro model are notched to fit over the keel and are directly overlain by
the keelson which is secured to the keel by bolts in the spaces between the
floors. The step for the mainmast is integral with keelson, about half-way
along the ship's length. Futtocks abut the forward sides of the floors, running
from the keelson to the sheer. Four wales run along the framing. The lower
three extend from the stem post to the stern post but the top one, which
marks the sheerline of the forward part of the ship, is joined to the transom
of the stern. The through-beams at deck level rest on the next wale down.
There are 11 strakes per side. The third strake up from the keel was laid
immediately below the bottom wale. The garboard was laid next, prolonged
at each end by pieces which run well up on the stem and stern posts. The
second strake, which is very wide, was then applied in the space between the
other two (figure 2.9).
The early fifteenth-century Italian shipbuilding treatises set out the
principles involved in hull construction numerically and diagramatically. The
anonymous manuscript of the Venetian tradition, Fabrica di Galere
(Anderson, 1945), was probably first compiled in the early fifteenth century
but is known through a late fifteenth-century copy (figure 4.11). Rieth
(1991b) has pointed out that the manuscript reveals that the underlying
concept of hull construction had not changed from that demonstrated by the
seventh-century Saint Gervais II wreck, the eleventh-century Serce Liman
wreck and the fourteenth-century Contarina 1 ship, as the manuscript still
deals with the dimensions and relationships of proportions of the principal
frames and the balancing frames at the two ends of the keel. The shipbuilder
needed to know how to calculate the reduction in size of the frames and the
40 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 2.9 The lower hull planking of the fifteenth-century Mataro model (Maritiem
Museum 'Prins Hendrik', Rotterdam).

rise of the floors. This information was presented in diagrams based on

segments of circles and on equilateral triangles. Lane (1934) and more
recently (1993) have provided explanations of the 'rules' for
designing hulls. The approach did change from the empiric to the mathe-
matical, no doubt through an intermediate stage combining pre-planning and
fine tuning, but the possibilities for modifying the shapes of hulls were not
exploited until the post-medieval period.
A Genoese ship which sank in the early sixteenth century off the
Mediterranean coast of France at Villefranche has been investigated under
water since 1982 (Guerout et al., 1989). The surviving hull structure is 35
metres long and the overall length was probably more than 40 metres.
Because the wreck is lying at an angle on the sea-bed, parts of two levels of
deck survive. Rieth has demonstrated that this large ship was built by the
same technique of construction with the hull shape controlled by a few
primary frames (Rieth, 1991a: 50). True skeleton technique, in which all the
frames are designed, carved and positioned in advance of the planking
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 41

process, was developed after the period under study, notably in England in
the late sixteenth century. It was not adopted in the Mediterranean until the

end of the seventeenth century (Rieth, 1991b).

The earliest case where the separate shipbuilding traditions of the
Mediterranean and northern shipping exerted an influence one on the other
appears to have been the imitation by southern shipwrights of features of a
northern ship type. A Florentine chronicler wrote that, in about 1304, men
of Bayonne in cogs went plundering in the Mediterranean:

And from that time on the Genoese, Venetians and Catalans have made a practice
of navigating with cogs and have been leaving off use of the big ships to navigate
more safely and because they are less expensive. This has been a great
transformation in the shipping of our fleets. (Giovanni Villani, Chronica)

In fact the Genoese may have come to know this ship-type earlier because
of their dealings in low-value bulk cargoes likealum and grain. In 1286 a
navis sive cocha belonging to a Bayonne merchant in partnership with two
Genoese brought alum to Flanders. In 1292 another cocha loaded with 285
tons of alum at Focea to go to Bruges. The first mention of a cocha in the
Venetian documentation is from March 1312 (Balard, 1991: 119). Southern
shipwrights did not adopt northern clinker-building, however, but instead
created a flush-laid interpretation of the beamy and high-sided northern hull.
Because of this, coche could be built much larger than cogs. They also
adopted the square sail and the stern rudder, although coche de duobus
timonibus - that is, with paired side rudders - also feature in the Genoese
documentary sources until about 1375. The crucial characteristic identifying
a cocha in the earlier part of the fourteenth century appears to have been the
use of a square sail, with or without a supplementary lateen sail on a second
mast (van der Merwe, 1983). From 1310 lateen ships were rapidly
abandoned in favour of coche (Balard, 1991: 120) but the term cocha was
itself being replaced at the end of the century by navis, as coche types came

to be considered the norm. One- and two-masted coche are shown on the
Pizzigani chart of 1367 (figure 2.10) (Guilleux la Roene, 1957: 179-80). A
particularly good late example is shown on a Hispano-Moresque bowl, made
near Valencia in about 1430 (figure 2.11). To emphasise that ship
42 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 2.11 A cocha on a Hispano-Moresque bowl made in Valencia in about 1430

(Museum fur Islamische Kunst, Staatliche Museen Preussische Kulturbesitz, Berlin).

development did not proceed at a uniform pace, it is worth noting that

another such bowl of similar date carries what is probably the most famous
early image of a full-rigged, three-masted sailing ship (figure 4.10).
From the 1340s the Genoese in particular were using coche in their trade
with England and Flanders and it appears that in England these ships
became known as carracks. This term makes its earliest appearance in a
letter of Edward III in which he wrote of 'great ships of Genoa, commonly
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 43

Figure 2.12 Crusader carracks at Constantinople, from Froissart's Chronicles, about

1400 (photo: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris MS
Fr. 5594, f.217).

called carakes' (van der Merwe 1983: 126, citing Burnham). There is good
documentary evidence up to 1396 that carracks were, in English sources,
ships which the Genoese referred to as coche or sometimes naves (Burnham,
1974: 269-78). 'Carrack' seems to have been a northern vernacular term for
large coche and had very little Mediterranean currency in the late medieval
period. The fact that the word can be traced back to thirteenth-century Spain
as a term for large (lateen) ships and that many Spaniards were involved in
Genoese coche voyages to England may be significant here (van der Merwe,
1983: 125-6).
The rounded hull shape we now associate with carracks is shown in
single-masted form in a French illustration of the siege of Constantinople,
dating to about 1400 (figure 2.12). However, as Pizzigani's chart shows, the
two-masted rig of square mainsail and lateen mizzen was then already
current. It is from this that the new three-masted rig was developed, by the
addition of a square-rigged foremast. Although this rig was to spread
throughout Europe from the fifteenth century, its exact point and date of
origin remains elusive. The earliest known illustration of a three-masted rig
(figure 3.10) is in a Catalan document said to date to 1406 (Mott, 1991:
111) but in practice the development may have occurred almost
44 Medieval ships and shipping

simultaneously at various places along the route from Italy to the Channel at
the opening of the fifteenth century.

The introduction of carvel-building to northern Europe

Throughout the medieval period it was well known that north and south
Europe had different approaches to ship construction. Crusaders from the
north came in contact with carvel-built (see page 36) ships in the
Mediterranean and northern ships were trading beyond the Straits of
Gibraltar at least from 1300. Merchant ships from the Mediterranean visited
northern Europe regularly from the late thirteenth century and southern
warships were hired to fight in the north. Clinker-building never was
adopted in the Mediterranean but carvel-building became the standard
method of constructing large ships in northern Europe by the end of the
Middle Ages.
Carvel galleys had been built in northern France at the end of the
thirteenth and in the fourteenth centuries. Philip the Fair's galley arsenal, le
clos des galees, was founded at Rouen in 1293 and employed Genoese
shipwrights to direct local craftsmen in building galleys of the Genoese type
(Rieth, 1989). Italian specialists were also brought in to caulk the carvel
planking and to make oars. But as Rieth has pointed out (1989: 74-5),
although carvel-building was introduced at Rouen the method was not
effectively transferred to French shipwrights since they did not apply it to
any other ship forms.
Eight Genoese carracks were captured by the English in 1416 and 1417
and soon afterwards permission was sought to hire 'carpenters and caulkers
of a foreign country' to repair the carracks, 'for in this country we shall find
only a few people who know how to repair and amend them'. Payments
were made to Venetians, Catalans and Portuguese for carrying out the work
(Friel, 1983a: 131).
The term 'carvel' was applied in the fifteenth century to skeleton-built
ships, specifically those from Portugal where in the early fifteenth century an
apparently new family of ships, termed 'carvels' was developed (Paviot,
1991: 55). From the 1430s, carvels were being built in northern Europe, at
first by southern master craftsmen and then by the local shipwrights who

had learnt their skills. Between 1463 and 1466 a three-masted carvel was
built for Sir John Howard at Dunwich in Suffolk (Friel, 1983a: 134) and it is
quite possible that this was not the earliest to be built in England.
The carvel method was finally adopted in northern Europe because of its

suitability for building very large ships. There are limitations to the size of
clinker hulls. The larger the ship, the thicker the planking has to be to
achieve rigidity and this puts a great deal of stress on the nails, potentially
leading to problems with watertightness. Clinker construction of large ships
was extravagant with iron, as a great number of long and thick clench nails
had to be used. Carvel-building used fewer, less-massive nails, relying more
on treenails. Clinker planking in the 'keel' tradition was made from radially
split oak, requiring large trees, with straight grain free from knots. Cog
builders had already economised by using sawn timber and carvel-building
also used sawn planks, allowing the use of poorer quality timber stock. A
Shipbuilding: interaction and innovation 45

Figure 2.13 The ship found at Roff's Wharf, Woolwich in 1912 (after the
contemporary drawing by W.E. Riley).
46 Medieval ships and shipping

further great advantage of carvel-building was that it gave clear control of

the hull shape from the planning stage of the building operation, since the
shape of the principal framing members determined the eventual form of the
vessel.It is still not clear how shipwrights building large clinker ships,

without the guidance of pre-erected frames, made the shell of planking

conform to their intentions.
Clinker construction for even the largest ships lingered on into the final
decades of the fifteenth century. The ship found at Roff 's Wharf, Woolwich,
in 1912 was originally built in the clinker technique (figure 2.13). Exami-
nation of its frames showed that it was rebuilt by taking off the planking,
dubbing off the frame joggles so that the outer faces were smooth and
considerably reduced in thickness, then nailing on flush planking (Salisbury,
1961). The remains of the ship have been postulated to be those of the
Sovereign, a royal ship of 800 tons built in 1488. Another royal ship, the
Regent, of 1,000 tons, was built in the previous year in carvel construction.
The Sovereign was rebuilt in 1509. A lack of faith in the watertightness of
carvel-built hulls is demonstrated by the presence of battens, fastened over
the plank seams on the outside of the hull of the Woolwich ship, to prevent
the caulking from falling out. This feature is also found on the early
sixteenth-century Mary Rose (Rule, 1982: 69). The Woolwich ship's
importance is that it stands at the transition from clinker to flush-laid
construction. It also demonstrates that exactly the same hull shape could be
built in both techniques.
3 Fitting, steering and rigging
Decks and superstructure

In the early part of the medieval period, ship's holds were covered by loose
boards, termed 'hatches'. The date of introduction of fixed decking is
unclear. The hatch nails itemised in the accounts for the galleys of Lyme and
Newcastle, built in 1294-96, indicate that these vessels had fixed decking,
perhaps in the castles. The main deck of the Bremen cog of about 1380 had
been partly laid, made of oak boards more than 3cm thick. Although no
traces of nailing were found it is assumed that, except for one board which
has a finger hole, the deck boards were intended to be nailed down. The
stern-castle deck was nailed down and caulked. The fore castle had a raised
gangplank rather than a full fore-castle deck (Lahn, 1992: 117-26). On the
early fifteenth-century Catalan Mataro model the main deck is laid with
planks running fore and aft and has a pronounced camber. The single
hatchway which gives access to the hold has high coamings to prevent water
from running in, and is capped by a sloping hatch cover (Culver, 1929: 215).
The stern-castle deck also has considerable camber but is laid with planks
running diagonally from a central fore-and-aft beam. The decks, like the hull
planking, are caulked with hemp fibre and payed with pitch.
Superstructure seems first to have been built on ships for defensive
purposes and Chapter 9 will discuss the introduction and development of
fighting platforms and castles. By the fourteenth century, castles were integral
parts of the hull and in the Bremen cog the framing of the hull extended
above the sheer to support the castles (Lahn, 1992: 90). Castles also
provided accommodation for those on board. Provision of cabins is recorded
as early as 1228, when a ship sent to Gascony was fitted with a chamber for
the king's 'things' and in 1242 chambers were constructed with panelling in
a ship for the king and queen's voyage to Gascony (Salzman, 1931: 230).
From the fourteenth century the south-west ports set up a thriving trade
transporting pilgrims to the shrine of St James in Compostella. They could
carry as many as 200 passengers at a time (Oppenheim, 1968: 20). A poem
about a voyage on a pilgrim ship, preserved in a fifteenth-century manuscript
at Trinity College Cambridge, has the owner of the ship calling a carpenter
to make cabins and little compartments here and there (Anderson and
Anderson, 1926: 91-5).

Fittings and gear

Most ships carried either a windlass or a capstan and larger ships had both.
A capstan has a vertical axis and is driven by men walking round the central
drum. It is stronger and faster than a windlass, which has a horizontal axis
and is worked by on levers on the drum. The Bremen cog, of the
pulling late
fourteenth century, was equipped with both a windlass and a capstan in the
48 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 3.1 The early fourteenth-century town seal of Winchelsea (National Maritime

yard and anchor. The windlass was 3.53 metres

stern, for raising the mast,
long and nearly 55cm in diameter and had four sets of handspike holes.
Experiments with the replica of the cog in Kiel showed that with eight men
working the windlass a load of 2.5 tonnes can be lifted by direct draught
(Lahn, 1992: 127-9). The two metre high capstan is one of the most
impressive structural members of the Bremen cog. It had holes for six
capstan bars (Lahn, 1992: 160). At the Bryggen excavations in Bergen a
huge windlass drum, 5.40 metres long and about 50cm in diameter, was
found in close contact with the keelson and mast beams of the 'big ship' of
the thirteenth century. The windlass has holes for three sets of handspikes
and has half-round rubbing-strips treenailed to it (Christensen, 1985: 180-
81). A windlass is itemised in the building accounts for the 1294
Southampton galley and the seal of Winchelsea (figure 3.1) shows a windlass
in use for raising the anchor.
Fitting, steering and rigging 49

Windlasses could be used to remove water from the bilges by winding a

loop of rope or chain with buckets attached which could be dropped to the
ship's bottom, filled and lifted again. The buckets were known as
wyndynngbalies, and the verb 'to bail' is derived from their use (Ward, 1991:
42). To direct the water over the side, the Bremen cog had a draining box
with a capacity of about 86 litres on the port side beside the windlass, with a
long spout leading to the side of the ship (Lahn, 1992: 163). Pumps were
introduced in the late Middle Ages and the early fifteenth-century Grace
Dieu had at least two (Friel, 1993: 6). The poem about the pilgrim voyage,
mentioned above, tells of the passengers' discomfort at having to sleep near
the pump: 'A man were as good to be dede as smell therof the stynk'
(Anderson and Anderson, 1926: 93). The earliest ship's pump found in
Britain is that belonging to the early sixteenth-century Iberian wreck in
Studland Bay, Dorset. A walnut pump base and a leather flap were
recovered. A pump
tube containing a piston of flexible leather disks would
have over the foot so that on the downstroke water would pass around
the leathers and be lifted on the upstroke (Ladle, 1993: 21). The Bremen cog
was fitted with a ship's latrine in the overhanging part of the stern castle
(Lahn, 1992: 165-6) and a 'draining board' which probably served as a
urinal was installed in the enclosed side compartment (Lahn, 1992: 162).
That such amenities were not universally used is demonstrated by the results
of environmental sampling of deposits in the bilge of the fifteenth-century
Aber Wrac'h wreck, which revealed the presence of human faeces (L'Hour
and Veyrat, 1989: 297).
Anchors enable a ship to remain stationary in port or when awaiting
favourable winds or tides and were dropped as a last resort to avoid being
grounded by an onshore wind. They are frequently depicted in medieval
pictures, from the Bayeux tapestry to the Hastings manuscript (figure 10.7).
They are mostly of the two-armed type, like those in figures 10.7 and 3.4,
though the large Genoese ships in figure 4.12 have four-armed grapnels.
Building accounts for the Grace Dieu and the two smaller vessels constructed
at the same time record receipt of 24 anchors. Six of these were described as
'great anchors' and had an average weight of just over one ton. The
dimensions of one of these anchors was recorded in 1450 when it was
transferred to a different ship. The anchor shaft was 17ft 2in (5.23 metres)
long and the arms were lift 6in (3.51 metres) wide (Friel, 1993: 9-10). An
anchor, more than two metres long, was found beside the keel of the wreck
of the fifteenth-century Gdansk W5 ship (figure 2.6). The fourteenth-century
Vejby wreck, which had foundered on a beach, was found to have an anchor
cable housed in a leather sleeve to prevent chafing, stretched taut beneath the
As yet there is no evidence that chain
stern (Crumlin-Pedersen, 1985: 73).
was used between medieval anchors and their cables, as it was later, to
decrease the angle of pull on the anchor and so increase its resistance to
dragging. The fourteenth-century Catalan Customs of the Sea required that
anchor tackle should be sufficient for a ship bigger than the one on which it
was to be used (Twiss, 1874: 291)and that, in drying harbours, floats were
to be put on the anchors so that other ships could avoid settling on them as
the tide went out (Twiss, 1874: 23). Cork buoys are mentioned in numerous
fifteenth-century ship inventories (Oppenheim, 1896). The 1420 inventory
50 Medieval ships and shipping

for the Grace Dieu lists three cork buoys and five wooden buoys called
'dobles' (Friel, 1993: 9).

Steering: side rudders and stem rudders

In northern Europe medieval period ships were steered

at the beginning of the
by means of a single side rudder, usually mounted on the starboard quarter.
Boats sometimes used steering oars, which unlike side rudders had only a
single pivot and were not fastened to the side of the hull. Contemporary
southern European ships had paired side rudders. In the thirteenth century,
northern pictorial evidence shows the gradual replacement of side rudders by
stern rudders. By the second half of the thirteenth century almost all sea-
going vessels had stern rudders. The side rudder on the town seal of Bristol as
late as 1340 may be anachronistic. The carvings of hulks on the fonts of
Winchester (figure 1.6) and Zedelghem, made near Tournai in about 1180,
have been cited as the earliest evidence for the use of stern rudders (Brindley,
1927: 86). However, this is far from conclusive as the rudders definitely lap
the side of the ships. The sterns of hulks were singularly unsuitable for fixing
rudders as they have so much curvature. Cogs with their straight stern posts
are, by contrast, well adapted for mounting stern rudders and it is likely that
this is the ship-type for which they were first developed. Hanse town seals
show that stern rudders were becoming standard equipment for cogs by 1250
and the ship on the thirteenth-century town seal of Ipswich (figure 1.8) has a
very handsome example. The helmsman and the end of the tiller can just be
seen at the forward side of the castle.
The transition from the use of side rudders to stern rudders has been
regarded as a great technological step forward but the performance of the
side rudder deserves more respect than it is generally given. The side rudder
is balanced and exerts pressure on either side of its centre of effort. It is

therefore more efficient, causing less drag and needing less effort to keep it at
the required angle, than the stern post rudder which is unbalanced because it
swings from its leading edge. Rudders mounted on the stern post were also
less effective because of the turbulence caused by the ship's hull, whereas side
rudders operated in clearer water. The adoption of stern rudders was a
necessary adaptation to changes in ship design and increases in vessel size
which provided greater carrying capacity at the expense of sailing
performance. The side rudder works well on a ship which is itself in balance,
with the centre of effort of the sail in the correct position in relation to the
centre of lateral resistance of the hull and with trim achieved by the careful
positioning of cargo and ballast (Andersen, 1986). As ships increased in size
the fine tuning of balance became harder.
There is a limit to the height of ship on which a side rudder can be used.
The whole length of the rudder has to be cut out of a single tree-trunk. The
longest side rudders yet found are a thirteenth-century example from the
Bryggen site in Bergen, Norway, which measures 6.70 metres (Christensen,
pers. comm.) and another, coincidentally of the same length, from Rye Bay,
East Sussex (Marsden, 1992: 126-7). Radiocarbon dating of the Rye rudder
suggests a date of manufacture in the twelfth or thirteenth century. Size
Fitting, steering and rigging 51

Figure 3.2 A hulk from a Life of St Thomas of Canterbury, c.1230-40 (J. Paul

limitation imposed by the leverage forces operating on its attachment

is also
point. A side rudder is pivoted from a point part way down the ship's
quarter. Because the side of the hull slopes in towards the keel, a boss or
other protruberance needs to be fitted, at a frame position to reduce stress to
the hull planking. In the Viking period the rudder was attached with a withy
rope but the strain of the rudder is concentrated here and later on stronger
attachment methods were adopted.
The early thirteenth-century ship in figure 3.2 has what appear to be
linked iron loops, one on the ship, one on the rudder, to support the rudder
while still allowing it to pivot. The two
side rudders found separately on the
Suffolk coast near Southwold (Hutchinson, 1986), which were probably
made in the eleventh century, had traces of iron bars running through their
pivoting points. The Southwold rudders were of similar overall shape but the
variation in their dimensions shows that they were designed to fit different
ships (figure 3.3). They are 3.91 metres and 4.36 metres long and their tiller
positions indicate that they were from vessels with sheers roughly two metres
and three metres above the waterline at the rudder position. They both have
narrow blades with a slight extension at the heel which would have reduced
turbulence by facilitating base ventilation; the air drawn down the afterside
of the rudder would be released as a thin streak of bubbles.
The blades of side rudders became broader throughout their period of use,
to exert more control over larger or less well balanced ships. Four of the
probably thirteenth-century side rudders from the Bryggen excavations in
Figure 3.3 The two side rudders found at Southwold, Suffolk (National Maritime
Fitting, steering and rigging 53

Bergen were made in two parts, with a narrow extension attached to the
afterside of the blade (Christensen, 1985: 152-6, 229). The 4.1 metre long
Rebseek rudder, an undated find from Kolding Fjord in Denmark (Solver,
1946), has traces of a similar feature. They may have been made this way
because the size of the parent log was not sufficient to allow them to be
made in one piece, or perhaps rudders were fine tuned to match the
performance of the ship they had to steer. The side rudder trawled up from
the sea-bed off Rye, East Sussex, mentioned above, has no holes either for
the tiller or for attachment to the ship (Marsden, 1992: 126-7). It is
possible, therefore, that it was not completed. Its blade is rather narrow and
it may have been intended to have a supplementary piece joined to it.

Supporting a rudder on two or more pairs of fittings on a stern post is a

strong arrangement which would minimise the potentially disastrous risk of
losing or breaking the steering gear at sea. Fittings similar to a type of
medieval door hinge were used, consisting of gudgeons and pintles. Pintles,
cylindrical bars projecting down from iron straps, were attached to the
leading edge of the rudder and fitted into the gudgeons, sockets within iron
bands which were bent round into a U-shape and fastened to the stern post.
Iron bands were also used for strapping together large rudder blades made of
several slabs of wood. The rudder of the ship depicted on the Luttrell Psalter
of about 1335-40, shown in figure 3.4, looks very much like a door, with
elaborate ironwork. Rudder gudgeons have been found on the Bremen cog
(Lahn, 1992: 110) and with the medieval vessel excavated at Vigso in
Denmark (Crumlin-Pedersen, 1979: 22-3). The lower part of a rudder was
recovered from the possibly fifteenth-century ship found at Sandwich, Kent
(Trussler, 1974: 168). The base of the rudder was shod with iron and shows
that the stern post was raked at an angle of 117 degrees. A pintle and
gudgeon were preserved 82cm above the baseline, with the positions of two
others above it, at intervals of about a metre.
In addition to the side rudder already mentioned, a medieval stern rudder
has been found in Rye Bay (Marsden, 1992: 127). The heartwood in this
rudder has been radiocarbon dated to about 1315-1405 ad. The rudder was
approximately 4.6 metres long, substantially complete, and has a fitting for
the tiller at its head. The tiller on a stern rudder could be set so that it swung
above the top of the stern post. Contemporary pictures also show ships with
high stern posts equipped with curved tillers reaching around them.
Hulks, which did not have straight projecting stern posts, presented
problems in fitting a stern centreline rudder. Several French fourteenth-
century pictures show rudders like broad sweeps extending from the sterns of
hulks. Figure 3.5 shows the junction between the blade and the tiller which
protrudes from an aperture at the base of the stern castle. The pivot point of
this type of rudder must have been on the tiller itself. In 1340 records of the
Board of Customs in Holland referred to 'ships without hangroeder'
(Arenhold, 1911: 298). 'Hangroeder' has been taken to mean 'side rudder'
but it may refer to this type of hulk stern rudder instead. It appears that the
area of connection between the long unsupported blade and the tiller would
have been subject to great strain.
Round-sterned ships were adapted to have straight stern posts, with the
area in the angle between the stern post and the keel filled by solid timber
Fitting, steering and rigging 55

Figure 3.5 Two-masted hulk from a fourteenth-century French manuscript (photo:

Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Ms Fr. 101, f.349).

termed the 'deadwood'. This had a beneficial effect on a ship's performance

as it reduced turbulence in the flow of water to the rudder. The fifteenth-
century Mataro model has an almost vertical stern post with a large area of
deadwood leading up to it. The rudder is clearly differentiated into a narrow
stock and wider blade, with the bottom of the leading edge protected by the
skeg projecting from the after end of the keel (figure 4.9). The tiller extends
almost as far forward as the mainmast to provide as much mechanical
advantage as possible when turning the rudder. The problem of how to
manage the weight of an unbalanced rudder was not solved until the whip-
staff was invented in the sixteenth century.

Rigging and sails

The only complete medieval mast yet found is a probably fourteenth-century

example from Bryggen, Bergen. It is 7.50 metres in length with a diameter,
which does not vary a great deal, of about 12.5cm, suggesting that it is from
a boat not much more than 11 metres long (Christensen, 1985: 132, 138).
Near its top the mast has a shoulder to prevent the standing rigging from
slippingdown. Just below this is the hole for the halyard, the rope which
was used to raise the yard. A bone bar was set across the lower part of the
56 Medieval ships and shipping

halyard hole, to help the rope to run smoothly and to reduce wear on the
mast, which was made of softwood.
The mast of the Grace Dieu was said to be 200 feet (nearly 61 metres)
high and seven feet (2.13 metres) in diameter at the deck (Friel, 1993: 17).
The great size of the mast means that it must have been of composite
construction. The mast of the Woolwich ship, which may have been the
Sovereign of 1488, shows how composite masts could be made. It consisted
of a spindle of pine surrounded by baulks of oak bound together with iron
bands (figure 2.13). The diameter was 1.32 metres (Salisbury, 1961: 85).
'Wooldings' or rope bindings around masts begin to appear on pictures of
large ships in the fourteenth century.
In vesselswhich did not have fixed decking amidships the mast could be
lowered and supported on a mast crutch. Mast crutches, sometimes referred
to as 'mykes', are Y-shaped, cut from forks of timber. Two large mast
crutches have been found in contexts dating to around 1200 on the Dublin
waterfront (McGrail, 1993a: 104, 109). They could have held masts of
75cm and 85cm. Smaller mast crutches have been found at Newcastle
(O'Brien et al., 1988: 104-6) and at the Poole Foundry site (Hutchinson,
1994: 29, 33).
Yards, the wooden spars onto which the sails were laced, are not
surprisingly elusive in the archaeological record. Broken or redundant ones
could be put to other uses or burnt as firewood and those on shipwrecks
would most probably be washed away. The same applies to bowsprits,
which seem to have been introduced in the thirteenth century to provide an
attachment point for a line led forward from the windward edge of the sail.
They supplemented but did not replace 'luffs' which were poles used to
brace the 'tack', the windward bottom corner, of the sail. The yard was
held against the mast by a parrel, a U-shaped piece of wood with a hole
towards each end for the bindings to the yard. The dimensions of the inside
of the curve of the parrel can give some indication of the size of the mast.
Two parrels, predating 1200, excavated on the Dublin waterfront, were
from ships with masts less than 50cm in diameter (McGrail, 1993a: 77).
Rope parrels with wooden beads threaded on them to act as rollers to
reduce friction as the yard was raised were in use by the beginning of the
fourteenth century. One is depicted in a French manuscript of 1307
(Villain-Gandossi, 1979: 217). By the fifteenth century parrels with several
rows of beads, spaced by strips of wood termed 'parrel ribs', appear in
pictures of large ships. Parrel assemblies of this type have been recovered
from the stores of the Mary Rose, which sank in 1545 (Rule, 1982: 140-
41, 145).
The which
'standing' or fixed rigging of a sailing ship consisted of stays,
supported the mast longitudinally, and shrouds, which supported it laterally.
The forestay, running between the bow and the top of the mast, prevented it
from tipping back. One or more backstays from the masthead to the stern
counteracted much of the force of the wind in the sail. The halyard, used to
haul up the yard and sail, could also be led aft and made fast as an
additional backstay. Holes for the shrouds are sometimes found on the
excavated remains of the upper parts of the sides of boats and ships. The
Bremen cog had a wale treenailed to the outside of the planking with 14
Fitting, steering and rigging 57

holes drilled through it for rigging. Remains of rope were found in all of
them (Lahn, 1992: 109). From at least as early as the fifteenth century,
shrouds could be set up on chains, as accounts and inventories for English
royal ships show (Friel, 1993: 9). As a result, the parts of the side of a ship
where the shrouds were attached came to be termed the 'chains', 'chain wale'
and 'channelling'. Wooden blocks called 'deadeyes' were used for tensioning
the shrouds. The 'running' rigging is that used to hoist and control the sails.
The principal elements of the rigging are marked in figure 3.6 on a
photograph of a bench-end from the Chapel of St Nicholas, King's Lynn.
The carving was probably carried out during the rebuilding of the Chapel
which was completed in 1419.
Viking Age ships in Scandinavia used woollen sails and rope made from
lime bast and walrus hide. It is possible that hemp rope and canvas sailcloth
were in use in Britain from the beginning of the medieval period but there
were some reversions to earlier practices for specific purposes or for local
craft. For example, the galley La Phelipe built at Lynn in 1336 had walrus
hide cords for the parrel (Tinniswood, 1949: 308) and woollen sails were
used in Kent in the late fifteenth century (Fenwick, 1978: 251).
From the thirteenth century or earlier, shipbuilding timber and hemp and
flax for cordage and sails were imported to supplement indigenous supplies.
The rope industry at Bridport was active from before 1200 and in the
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries Bridport supplied the ships of Plymouth
and Southampton (Lane-Poole, 1956). Much of the flax brought from
Ireland and landed at Bristol may have been destined for the Bridport rope
and sail industry. Some cordage also came from the Baltic. In 1226 there was
a market at Lothingland near Great Yarmouth selling nets and rope
(Salzman, 1931: 136). Cordage has been recovered from thirteenth-century
contexts at Newcastle, including a thick three-ply cord of vegetable fibre and
a thick, eight-strand plait of hair (Walton, 1988: 80-81). The hair rope has
strands of different pigments and compares with braided ropes found at
Bergen, worked from black and white goat-hair yarn.
It is known that Brittany canvas was brought back with cargoes of salt

from the Bay of Bourgneuf (Bridbury, 1955: 82); but evidence for sails in
medieval Britain so far comes only from documentary and pictorial sources.
Shipbuilding accounts sometimes specify the quantities of canvas bought for
a sail but uncertainty about the size of the 'ell', used to measure the cloth,
and the possibility that the cloth was used in double thickness create
problems in interpretation (Anderson, 1976: 48-50). When sailing in strong
winds vessels have to reduce their sail area to maintain stability. In the
earlier part of the medieval period this was done by reefing: taking a tuck in
the sail using short cords or ties, called 'reef points', sewn into it. This
literally shortens the sail to reduce its area and also allows the yard to be
lowered down the mast, so that the wind exerts less leverage or heeling force
on the vessel. Reef points are shown on seals from the twelfth century
(Brindley, 1912: 130). In the mid-fourteenth century a new approach to
changing the sail area was adopted for large ships. Instead of reducing the
area of a large sail when the wind became too strong, ships carried extra
strips of sail, called 'bonnets' which could be laced to the foot of the sail in
light wind conditions.
58 Medieval ships and shipping






12 24
13 26

Figure 3.6 The rigging of the ship on the King's Lynn bench end, c. 1415-20
(National Maritime Museum).

1. main topmast 10. backstays 19. brace (yard rope)

2. topcastlc 11. shrouds with ratlines 20. forestay
3. lift (uptie) 12. stern castle 21. bowsprit
4. parrel 13. rudder 22. fore castle
5. brace (yard rope) 14. gadds 23. hawse hole
6. mizzen topcastle 15. standard staff 24. stem post
7. mizzen mast 16. mainmast 25. wale
8. mizzen yard 17. lift (uptie) 26. through-beam end
9. lateen sail 18. main yard
Fitting, steering and rigging 59

Sailing and rig

Square sails are so-called not just on account of their shape but because they
are rigged so that, when the wind is not acting on the sails, the yard and sail

hang at right angles (or square on) to the long axis of the vessel. The sails
are symmetrical about the vertical axis and either side can become the
leading edge depending on the vessel's heading in relation to the wind. By
contrast, fore-and-aft sails - for example, modern yacht sails and the lateen
sails of medieval Mediterranean ships - are set along the length of the vessel.
They have one leading edge and a trailing edge and are usually asymmetrical.
In sailing, the plane of a square sail and its yard are turned to make best use
of the wind. It is a misconception that the sails of medieval ships acted
simply like windbags and were only useful for propelling ships downwind.
By leading one edge of the sail forward to the stem post and sheeting the
other aft, the sail could behave in the same way as a fore-and-aft sail. When
the wind meets a sail at an angle, it is forced to change its direction. A
deflected air flow forms around the curved surfaces of the sail, with a
different speed and pressure on its two sides. The pressure on the windward
side increases while the pressure on the leeward side decreases, so that the
sail is being both pushed and sucked along at the same time. The suction, or
forward, side of the sail is in fact much more effective than the pressure side
and it yields the greater part of the driving force. It is which makes it
possible for a sailing vessel to make progress to windward by 'tacking' or
zig-zagging towards the wind. Sea trials with replicas of Viking ships have
shown that they can sail a course at approximately 55 degrees from the wind
direction. Leeway, the effect of the wind and swell pushing the vessel
sideways, means that the course made good is about 60 degrees from the
wind. At this angle the vessel has to sail twice the actual distance as the crow
flies (Andersen, 1986). Oared warships and small merchant vessels could use

oars as auxiliary power to make progress against head winds. The use of
oars will be discussed further in Chapter 9.

Sailing experiments with replicas of excavated vessels are providing much

useful new data about the performance and the practical aspects of handling
medieval ships (Crumlin-Pedersen and Vinner, 1986). Figure 3.7 shows the
replica of the Bremen cog built in Kiel in 1990, during trials of a low-aspect
ratio sail with one bonnet laced on.
Cogs generally had their masts stepped further forward than other ship
types. The early thirteenth-century Kollerup cog (Andersen, 1983) is the most
extreme example, with the mast about one-third of the ship's length from the
stem (figure 3.8). The hull of a vessel has a theoretical pivot point, called the
centre of lateral resistance, whichis in the middle of the submerged mass of

the hull and so normally located about half way along the keel. The force of
the wind on the sails is transmitted to the hull primarily through the mast.
The effect of having the mast stepped forward of the centre of lateral
resistance is that wind pressure on the sail will make the ship tend to turn
away from the wind. The rudder has to be turned at a considerable angle to
correct this tendency, which is termed 'lee-helm'. It can also make it difficult
to tack; that is, to change course by turning the head of the vessel through
the eye of the wind. If the mast is stepped aft of the centre of lateral
60 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 3.7 The Kiel replica of the Bremen cog undergoing sea trials (photo: Jochen

resistance, wind on the sail will make the ship tend to turn its bows towards
the wind unless it is constantly corrected by the rudder. This is known as
'weather-helm'. Excessive lee-helm or weather-helm can both lead to the
dangerous situation of being 'taken aback', with the wind blowing against
the wrong side of the sail and driving the ship stern-first downwind.
Large ships became equipped with two masts in the mid-fourteenth
century. Some had a mizzen mast stepped near the stern; others had a
Fitting, steering and rigging 61

Figure 3.8 Reconstruction drawing of the Kollerup cog (P.K. Andersen).

foremast. The Pizzigani chart of 1367 shows a cocha or early carrack with a
square-rigged mainsail and a lateen-rigged mizzen (figure 2.10). The earliest
two-masted ship in the English royal fleet was a carrack, probably Genoese,
acquired in about 1410. By 1420 the Crown had 13 two-masters, many of
them foreign-built carracks but including at least five English-built ships
(Friel, 1983a: 132). The single-masted rig is the most efficient way of
producing propulsive power, as sails always interfere with the wind-flow on
each other, but there were important advantages in dividing the sail plan.
Increases in the size and weight of the single mast, yard and sail required
more and stronger rigging to hold up the mast, control the yard and adjust
the sail, also placing great strain on the central part of the keel. Far more
importantly, the addition of extra masts aided steering. When a ship turns, it
pivots about its centre of lateral resistance, a point roughly half-way along
its keel. A sail set on a mast stepped at one end or the other of the keel will

exert a strong turning force when the wind blows against it. Most two-
masted ships appear to have had a square mainsail and a fore-and-aft lateen
mizzen at the stern, the typical carrack rig at the beginning of the fifteenth
century. Others, including a high proportion of hulk types, had the square
mainsail with a little square foresail. Pictorial evidence suggests that the
foresail was used on hulks rather than cogs.
Figure 3.9 shows the effect of the addition of fore and mizzen sails during
62 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 3.9 Diagram to show the effect of the addition of masts on tacking
performance: (a) single-masted vessel; (b) vessel with mainmast and mizzen; (c) vessel
with mainmast and foremast; (d) three-masted ship (National Maritime Museum).

the manoeuvre of tacking, when a ship is beating its way to windward.

When tacking a single-masted, square-rigged ship (figure 3.9a) the rudder is

put hard over to bring the head of the ship into the wind. The sail is then
backed, to bring the head round onto the new tack. This has the effect of
driving the ship astern until it has turned sufficiently for the sail to be swung
quickly around and set on the other side of the ship. This is the dangerous
stage of the operation. If the tack is executed smoothly the sail fills with
wind and the ship gathers speed on the other tack. If it is not, the ship can
be swept helplessly down wind, at best losing a lot of ground and at worst
foundering on a lee shore.
The addition of a foresail (figure 3.9b) does little to increase the speed of
the ship but does make tacking more reliable. By backing the foresail the

head of the ship can be turned quickly and the foresail can maintain the
ship's heading while the mainsail is swung around. Adding a lateen mizzen
Fitting, steering and rigging 63
64 Medieval ships and shipping

to the square mainsail (figure 3.9c)improves the windward performance of a

ship and allows it to sail a little On the approach to the
closer to the wind.
tack the turning force of the mizzen can thrust the head of the ship through
the wind but it does not help during the crucial manoeuvre of swinging the
mainsail round. Rigging a ship with all three masts (figure 3.9d) optimises
windward ability and provides the potential for efficient tacking.
The depiction of a three-masted ship shown in figure 3.10 is the earliest
identified so far. This sketch comes from a Catalan manuscript dated 1406
(Mott, 1994). The new rig was adopted all over Europe by the middle
decades of the fifteenth century. A three-masted ship is depicted on a
Norwegian calendar stick for 1457 (figure 4.4). It has been suggested that
examination of the Peter of La Rochelle in Gdansk in 1462 led to the rapid
adoption of three-masted carvel ships in the eastern Baltic (van der Merwe,
1983: 121). Further development followed rapidly. The foresail and the
lateen mizzen were made larger. The mizzen in particular increased to such a
size that it could provide considerable propulsive force when sailing to
windward. Two new sails were introduced between about 1450 and 1470,
the spritsail and the main-topsail. The spritsail was a square sail set from a
yard supported by the bowsprit. Although it was small it could exert
significant leverage and might have helped to balance the enlarged mizzen
sail. The topsail was set at the head of the mainmast and operated in the

relatively undisturbed air flows high above the ship. It provided extra driving
power and helped to lift the bows, counteracting the depressing effect of the
spritsail (McGowan, 1981: 13-14). Inventories of Henry VII confirm that
these sails were in use in 1485 and that large ships already had a fore-topsail
and a fourth mast, behind the mizzen (Oppenheim, 1896).
By combining the carvel-built hull with the three- (or more) masted rig, a

ship-type had been created which was not, unlike all those before it, a
regional product. It represented a fusion of technology and, with local
variations of detail, was built and used all over Europe.
4 British horizons, foreign ships
Shipping is essentially international and throughout the Middle Ages ships of
many different regions and shipbuilding traditions rubbed up against each
other in harbours all over Europe. The interchange intensified as the volume
of trade and the length of trading voyages increased. The following survey
sketches in the context of maritime contact between Britain and the other
regions of Europe, the flow of trade and the impact of war. Against this
background the seagoing ships belonging to the various regions are
described. The map (figure 4.1) shows places mentioned in the text.


There were large fleets of ships in Ireland before the Norman invasion in
1169-70, notably those of the Ostmen, the Hiberno-Norse of Dublin and
Wexford. In the eleventh century there was trade between Dublin and the
ports of Bristol and Chester. This included the export of English slaves to
Ireland. By the first half of the twelfth century there was substantial seaborne
trade between England and Ireland. Ireland also imported wine from Poitou
and Bordeaux in exchange for hides and pelts.
Henry II granted Dublin 'to his men of Bristol' in 1171-72, probably in
recognition that the economies of Bristol and Dublin were mutually
important already. In 1174 the King granted Dublin freedom from toll,
passage and custom throughout the King's realms and this was a consider-
able stimulus to trade. These privileges were later extended to other Irish
ports. Customs records for the period 1171 to 1250 show a predominance of
food exports, especially cereals. Wheat and oats, beans, cheese and bacon are

Excavations along the medieval waterfront in Dublin, between 1962 and

1981, revealed a large number of timbers from boats and ships of the tenth
to thirteenth centuries (McGrail, 1993a). Although it is not possible to
reconstruct any one of these vessels in detail,
it is clear that they were built in

the keel tradition and their features are closely paralleled in contemporary
Scandinavian boats and ships. Three individual vessels can be recognised
from the groups of hull planking: TG10, a late eleventh-century boat; TG9
with TG6, a late twelfth-century large ship (figure 4.2); and TG3, a
thirteenth-century large ship (McGrail, 1993a: 93). Tree ring studies have
shown that the components which have been sampled match the Dublin
master chronology. McGrail (1993a: 87) takes the view that the majority of
the timbers were from boats and ships dismantled and reused close to the site
where they were built. Some were unfinished, lacking fastening holes, and
this supports the argument that there was a building yard close by. The size
of vessel represented in the archaeological record increases over time. This
may be partly accounted for by the fact that the vessels are from different
sites, the later ones from Wood Quay and the earlier ones mostly from
Figure 4.1 Map of Europe (National Maritime Museum).
British horizons, foreign ships 67

rigurc ^.i
il 1 K pv

1. London 23. Hamburg 45. Bilbao

2. Dublin 24. Bremen 46. Santander
3. Trondheim 25. Staveren 47. San Sebastian
4. Korssund 26. Rurten 48. Lisbon
5. Bergen 27. Harderwijk 49. Cape St Vincent
6. Skanor 28. Amsterdam 50. Cadiz
7. Kalmar 29. Vlaardingen 51. Malaga
8. Oskarshamn 30. Sluys 52. Barcelona
9. Visby 31. Tournai 53. Villefranche
10. Riga 32. Calais 54. Genoa
11. Elblag $3. Harfleur 55. Pisa
12. Gdansk i4. Rouen 56. Elba
13. Stralsund 55. Caen 57. Cavoli
14. Wismar oartleur 58. Amalfi
15. Lubeck 3 7 Guernsey 59. Florence
1 o
16. Kolding 38. Aber Wrac h 60. Lake Oarda
1 /. Kynolm iy. Usnant 61 . Venice
18. Skuldelev 40. Bourgneuf Bay 62. Contanna
19. Vejby 41. La Rochelle 63. Fo^ea
20. The Skaw 42. Oleron 64. Crete
21. Kollerup 43. Bordeaux
22. Limfjord 44. Bayonne

Fishamble These waterfront areas may have had different functions

and different mooring facilities. The largest timbers, from the late twelfth or
early thirteenth century, may have belonged to ships in the region of 25
metres long (McGrail, 1993a: 16).
Between 1171 and 1250 contemporary documentary sources distinguish
two types of vessel in Dublin: namely, 'navis' (ships) and galleys. Galleys
were built at Dublin for the English kings in the thirteenth century. In 1306
it was stated that no fully laden 'great ship' could reach the port of Dublin;

they had to be partly unloaded at Dalkey. Irish ships from Dublin,

Waterford, Drogheda and Limerick, arriving in foreign ports from the early
fourteenth century, were recorded as 'cog', 'navis', 'nef or simply ship.
There are records of cogs being built in Ireland in the fourteenth century. In
later medieval documents Irish merchants are recorded as owning hulks,
barges, balingers and pickards (de Courcy Ireland, 1989a; 1989b).
By the end of the fifteenth century, Ireland was thoroughly integrated into
European trade. The most active ports were Waterford, Ross, Drogheda,
Galway, Limerick, Dublin, Youghal, Cork, Kinsale, Carrickfergus, Arklow
and Wexford. They traded with Seville and Lisbon, the Galician ports,
Bordeaux, Brittany, Normandy, Bruges, Antwerp, Hamburg, Lubeck,
Gdansk, Reykjavik, Chester, Liverpool, Wales, Cornwall, Bristol, Bridgwater
and western Scotland. More Irish ships than English were involved in trade
with Chester and Bristol (Childs, 1982). Irish exports included fish, hides and
leather, woolfells, woollen cloth and cloaks, yarn, tallow, linen yarn, timber,
grain, livestock and re-exported French and Iberian wine. Imports included
wine, honey, iron, manufactured items such as knives and weapons, tin,
nails, spices, silk clothing, soap, hops, salt, and (a new and increasing
Figure 4.2 Remains of a large late twelfth -century ship from the Dublin waterfront
(National Maritime Museum).
British horizons, foreign ships 69

import) coal. During the fifteenth century, flotillas of Wexford-built cotts

carried fish to Bridgwater and imported coal from Wales. Each cott carried
from eight to ten tons of coal (O'Neill, 1987).


The between the North Sea ports and Norway was established before
the Conquest. According to tradition, Bergen was founded about 1070 and it
rapidly became one of the largest medieval ports of northern Europe.
Artefacts traded from England have been found in the earliest layers. In the
twelfth century Norway had active seaborne contact with Britain and
Germany. King Sverri made a speech in Bergen in 1186 comparing the merits
of German and English traders. The Germans brought wine in such
quantities 'that it was no dearer than ale' and took away butter and dried
fish. By contrast, traders from England, Orkney, Shetland, the Faroes and

Iceland brought useful products: wheat, honey, flour, cloth, linen, flax, wax
and cauldrons. After the fire which destroyed much of Bergen in 1198,
English pottery gains predominance in the archaeological record, taking over
from continental imports (Herteig, 1959: 182-4). In the thirteenth century,
England supplied grain to Norway in return for dried fish, whale oil and
falcons, hawks and furs. The Hanse was also supplying grain to Norway and
there was a triangular trade: grain was shipped from Liibeck to Bergen, cod
from Bergen to Boston in Lincolnshire, and cloth from Boston to Liibeck.
Nedkvitne (1977 and 1985) has written extensively about medieval trade
between Norway and England.
In the rebuilding and extension of the wharf which followed a fire at
Bergen in 1248, ships' timbers were reused as building materials. They
provide important evidence for the type of large trading vessel used in early
thirteenth-century Norway. Christensen (1985) has demonstrated that many
of the timbers came from one very large ship which was perhaps quite new
when it was broken up. The timbers show little wear or use and fire damage
to a deckbeam and other components suggests that the vessel may have been
a casualty of the 1248 blaze. The use of pine and some similarities with
other finds, such as the thirteenth-century Norwegian Sjvollen boat
(Christensen, 1968), suggest that it was built in Norway. The principal
component found was the keelson (figure 4.3). It is 12.5 metres long, made
of two pieces scarfed together, and it has notches on its underside for 27
floor timbers spaced about 50cm apart. Parts of 19 cross-beams from just
above the keelson were also recovered. The cross-beams sat closely above the
floor timbers with the keelson in between, to give a very strong bottom to
the hull. The keel would have given the bottom a sharp profile, unlike a cog.
One deck cross-beam with rabbets for deck-boards was recovered and also
the drum of the massive windlass, 5.40 metres long with a diameter of about
50 cms, for raising the mast, yard and anchor. Fragments of at least two
other ships of comparable size were found at the Bryggen, represented by
cross-beams with protruding heads.
Christensen estimates the minimum total length of the vessel to have been
around 30 metres, with a maximum beam of between nine and ten metres
70 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 4.3 The keelson of the 'big ship' from Bryggen, Bergen (Bryggens Museum).

and depth in hold of about three to five metres. This would provide a
minimum cargo space of 165 cubic metres (Christensen, 1985: 182;
Christensen, 1989: 18-19). The larger trading ship from Skuldelev had
about 30 cubic metres of cargo space in the hold and this may serve to
illustrate the increase inbetween the eleventh and the thirteenth
centuries. It also goes to show that cogs were not the only large cargo
carriers trading to the north. Ships built in the Scandinavian keel tradition
could be of equal or larger capacity.
The Isle of Man and the Western and Northern Isles of Scotland were part
of the kingdom of Norway. In 1266 Norway rented Man and the Western
Isles to the Scots but the Northern Isles continued to owe allegiance to

Norway until the fifteenth century (Mitchison, 1970: 33, 76). The
shipbuilding tradition of north Britain was Nordic and timber for building
ships was imported from Norway.
At the end of the thirteenth century Norway surrendered control over
shipping to the Hanse. The Bergen trade fell largely into the hands of Liibeck
grain merchants. Customs accounts, which use 'buss' as the usual term for a
Norwegian cargo vessel, show that trade with England continued.
A Norwegian wooden calendar staff for 1457 (figure 4.4) has pictures of
four different large ships incised on it. The clearest of them is very likely to
be the earliest precisely dated three-masted ship representation known from
northern Europe. Leibgott (1973) has postulated that the calendar may have
belonged to a seafaring merchant.
72 Medieval ships and shipping

The Hanse, the Danish peninsula and the Baltic

From the early thirteenth century the trade of northern Europe was
dominated by the Hanse. Hamburg and Liibeck controlled the ends of the
overland transit route across the base of the Danish peninsula and in the
early thirteenth century these towns formed an alliance with other trading
towns of northern Germany and the North and Baltic Sea coasts. This
became known as the Hanse or Hanseatic League and its function was to co-
ordinate the commercial initiatives and protect the interests of its members.
By organising in this way, the Hanseatic towns were able to defeat outside
competition. For example, at the beginning of the thirteenth century
Denmark had looked set to predominate in Baltic trade but the rise of the
Hanse 1980: 162) and Hanseatic trade
effectively put a stop to that (Unger,
in the Baltic expanded strongly between 1250 and 1300.
The overland route from the North Sea to the Baltic, by way of Hamburg
and Liibeck, was of importance in the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, as trading ships seldom risked the dangerous passage around the
Skaw at the north of Denmark. In the Viking period, ships had avoided the
Skaw by sailing through the sheltered waters of the Limfjord which cuts
through the Danish promontory near its tip. However, in the twelfth century,
while ships were increasing in size, the Limfjord was silting up and it
eventually ceased to function as a through channel (Crumlin-Pedersen, 1972:
The Baltic area exported grain, iron, copper, silver and lead, timber, tar
and hemp, flax, wax and fish. In return it obtained wool and
pitch, furs,
cloth, manufactured goods, wine and salt. French salt was needed to
supplement local supplies for the extremely important Baltic herring trade.
By 1262 tolls were levied on salt from the Bay of Bourgneuf at the
transhipment point at Hamburg. The 1292 shipping law of Hamburg
concerns journeys to La Rochelle for wine and salt. By the end of the
thirteenth century, English, Flemish and Frisian ships were shut out of the
Baltic. From 1294 Norway, defeated by a Hanse blockade, conceded the
right to carry all trade from ports south of Bergen. By 1300 the Hanse had
reached a peak of prosperity and control over northern trade.
The cog was the principal type of ship in use in the region. As early as
1197 German cogs went to rescue Christian prisoners from Beirut (Scammell,
1981: 77). This, incidentally, puts Villani's statement that cogs made their
firstappearance in the Mediterranean in 1304 into perspective (see page 41).
Town seals dating to the first half of the thirteenth century from Elblag,
Staveren and Wismar and from the second half of the century those of
Harderwijk, Stralsund and Gdansk, show ships with high sides, straight stem
and and no castles (Ewe, 1972). Castles make their
stern posts, stern rudders
first appearance on the town seals from 1300 onwards.

Several cog-finds dating to the thirteenth century have been found around
Denmark and in the Baltic. The cog found at Kollerup on the northwest
coast of Jutland (page 59) may have been
attempting to make its way into
the Limfjord when it was wrecked (Crumlin-Pedersen, 1979: 27-31; Moller,
1980). The Kollerup cog is narrow (about six metres) in relation to its length
(about 22 metres) and its mast is stepped very far forward (figures 1.14 and
British horizons, foreign ships 73

3.8).The cargo space was about eight metres long with partitions fore and
aft.The finds include a tally-stick and pottery. A cog found on the east coast
of Sweden at Bossholmen near Oskarshamn has been dated by
dendrochronology to the late thirteenth century (Cederlund, 1990; Adams,
1990). Its find-spot lies on the sailing route between Denmark and Estonia
(Cederlund, 1989).
In the early fourteenth century there was vigorous trade between the
Hanse and England. Hanse ships imported mixed cargoes, including timber
from Gdansk and some Rhenish wine, and exported cloth from Boston and
other ports. English kings gave the Hanse privileges in exchange for loans
(Scammell, 1981: 67).
Early in the fourteenth century, ships began to use the sea route around
the Skaw into the Baltic (the 'Umlandfahrt') to avoid the delay and expense
of transhipment at Hamburg. This caused the decline of the overland route
and of Liibeck. From the mid-1300s the Germans were trading to Poitou and
Gascony. By the late fourteenth century German merchants handled Polish
surplus grain through Baltic ports, shipping wheat and - even more
important - rye, as well as timber and herrings to urban centres of western
Europe, especially in Flanders. To have a full load of back cargo they loaded
salt (high volume but low value) at the Bay of Bourgneuf and cloth (high
value but low volume) in Flanders. The Hanse Bay Fleet was inaugurated in
the 1370s to import large quantities of Bourgneuf salt into the Baltic.
The cog of Bremen, already described (figures 1.13 and 3.7), sank in about
1380. At about the same time another cog was wrecked at Vejby, Denmark
(figures 4.5 and 5.6). Coin evidence indicates that the Vejby cog was built in
around 1350 in the Elblag region and sank soon after 1377. Contents of the
wreck suggest that it was voyaging from western Europe (see Chapter 5).
This cog was originally between 16 and 18 metres long, with a beam of five
to six metres. The bottom was flush-laid, with clinker sides above. The
strakes were of sawn oak. Only the bottom of the ship, consisting of the
outer planking, the floor timbers, the ceiling planking and the keelson, had
survived (Crumlin-Pedersen, 1976; Crumlin-Pedersen, 1979: 24-9; Crumlin-
Pedersen, 1985: 71-3).
By 1388 there was an English factory in Gdansk, set up by English
merchants whose aim was to secure in the Baltic privileges similar to those
enjoyed by the Hanse in England. Meanwhile Hanse trade with western
Europe was growing. In 1405 three Hanse ships sailed to Bruges with nearly
500,000 furs. In the fifteenth century, cloth made up 90 per cent of all
German exports from England, 6,000 to 12,000 pieces a year (Scammell,
1981: 50-52). The salt trade with France was very important in the fifteenth
century and in 1449 a major international incident occured when English
privateers captured the Bay Fleet. This consisted of 60 Hanse ships and 50
from the Low Countries (Postan, 1933: 127-30). The fleet was intercepted
between Guernsey and Portland and taken to the Isle of Wight (Hattendorf
et al., 1993: 30-31). The Low Countries ships and their contents were
released but the privateers kept the Hanse property. The Hanse retaliated by
confiscating English merchandise from the factory in Gdansk. A truce was
declared but English privateers captured the Bay Fleet again in 1458. Even
this did not cause lasting disruption to trade, however, and in 1471 Edward
British horizons, foreign ships 75

IV was restored to the throne with Hanseatic support and in 1474 a treaty
signed with the Hanse led to confirmation of their rights in the steelyards at
London, Boston and King's Lynn (Scammell, 1981: 49-67).
The wreck of the fifteenth-century trading ship Gdansk W5, described in
Chapter 2 and Chapter 5, provides some evidence for the measures that
Hanse shipowners had to take to protect their vessels from piratical attack.
Stone shot was recovered as well as cross-bow bolts, probably from the
weapons of the crew, found between the frames (Smolarek, 1979: 62).

Low Countries

The development of the cloth industry in Flanders in the twelfth century

created a surge in demand for English wool and prompted the rapid growth
of sheep farming. The Flemings handled the shipping of much of the wool
themselves, through a body of merchants known as the Flemish Hanse of
London (Power, 1941: 53). Around 1200 Flanders was one of the most
densely populated parts of Europe and relied heavily on imports for
industrial raw materials and also for food. England and even Ireland, as well
as north France and east Germany, supplied grain. The import of Flemish
England rose slowly through the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
textiles into
and became significant before 1300. From 1269 trade between England and
Flanders was intermittant, interrupted in the pursuit of foreign policy
objectives. Cloth production was not Flanders' only source of prosperity,
however, as by 1300 it had became an international money market and
produce exchange. It dealt in wine from the Rhineland and Bordeaux, Biscay
salt, Spanish iron, Baltic and oriental goods.

Some of the commerce of the Hanse flowed through the Netherlands.

Goods from the eastlands completed their journey to Flanders along Dutch
waterways to escape the hazards of the passage around the Skaw; those from
the Rhine towns travelled down similar routes towards England. The north
Netherlands became an essential part of the Hanseatic commercial empire,
although the Dutch towns were excluded from formal membership
(Scammell, 1981: 373-5). Town seals of the Low Countries from the
thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries, including those of Staveren,
Harderwijk, Damme and Vlaardingen, show cogs just like those of the
Hanse Baltic towns.
Excavations in the Dutch polders during land reclamation have revealed
the remains of several cogs. One found at Rutten (figure 4.6) in the
Noordoostpolder, dated by pottery evidence to the late thirteenth century,
has a bottom larger than that of the Bremen cog (Oosting, 1987). More than
30 medieval boats and ships have been found in the Ijsselmeer polders
(Reinders, 1979; Reinders, 1985). Over half of them can be classified as cogs
because of their structural features, including the plank keel, the stem and
stern hooks, the planking of the hull and the caulking and fastening
methods. The transverse and longitudinal stiffening varies according to the
size of the vessels and the positioning of the mast may have been determined
by their rigging and functional requirements.
During the fourteenth century the Low Countries increased their trade
Figure 4.6 The Rutten cog under excavation in the Noordoostpolder (photo: Centre
for Ship Archaeology, Dronten, Netherlands).

with the Baltic and reduced that with France. War with France at the
beginning of the century meant that Flanders came to depend on Baltic grain.
The fourteenth century saw a decline in the Flemish cloth industry and
F.nglish merchants moved into that market. At the same time Dutch towns
developed a textile industry producing heavier, cheaper cloth better suited to
the market and climate in the Baltic. Dutch merchants voyaged round the
Skaw to the Scanian market rather than dealing with Hanseatic middlemen.
In the later fourteenth century the Dutch were rivalling the Hanse carrying
British horizons, foreign ships 77

trade, with salt among their principal cargoes. In 1384 Dutch towns, which
did not belong to the Hanse, were excluded from the Scanian market which
caused them to deal directly with other Baltic ports.
The presence of English merchants in the Baltic in the fourteenth century
had diverted Hanse attention from the more serious encroachment by the
Dutch, who had effectively destroyed the Hanse monopoly of Europe's
commerce with the Baltic by 1500. By 1498 Dutch-owned ships carried 50
per cent of the value of Gdansk imports. In the 1440s the Dutch had started
trading French and Portuguese salt into the Baltic, not just importing it for
their own fisheries. As we have seen, nearly half of the Bay Fleet which was
captured in 1449 was made up of ships from the Low Countries.


France is the country with which Britain had the most maritime contact
during the Middle Ages. Even before the Conquest, tolls and imports show
that there was a high level of cross-Channel trade with France as well as
with the Rhineland. As a result of the Norman invasion there was constant
traffic between the Norman landholders who had estates both in England
and in France. Le Patourel (1976: 164) estimates that William the Conqueror
made the Channel crossing about 17 times in the 21 years between his
coronation and his death. At the beginning of the thirteenth century the
Angevin kings of England held more than half of the land of present-day
France. After the loss of Normandy in 1204 (and with it Anjou, Maine,
Touraine and Poitou) and Brittany two years later, Bordeaux and Gascony,
which were vitally important to England as a source of wine, remained
subject to the English crown until 1453.
Northern France had by the eleventh century adopted Norman Viking
shipbuilding techniques. It is possible that hulk-building was established
earlier and that hulks continued to be developed as seagoing ships as well as
inland craft. Thirteenth-century stained glass in Chartres and Notre Dame
cathedrals depicts fishing vessels with characteristic hulk planking and a
1317 illustration of wine arriving at the port of Paris (figure 5.3) shows the
barrels being transported in small hulks.There is very little evidence for the
shipbuilding practices western and southern French coasts. It is
of the
possible that they were unaffected by Viking influence and continued Gallo-
Roman traditions. Henry IPs acquisition of Aquitaine in 1152 meant that
there was a regular traffic of English-built ships to the south-west of France.
The Association Bayonne merchants controlled Biscay from the early
thirteenth century despite a private war with the seamen of the ports of
Normandy. It is unclear what their ships were like. However, for the last
few years a watch has been kept on a wreck of about 1300 in the harbour
of St Peter Port, Guernsey, which is suffering gradual erosion as a result of
large vessels passing above it. The wreck has yet to be fully investigated but
is about 30 metres long and has yielded large quantities of Saintonge
pottery from the Bordeaux area of France (see page 99). This site has
exciting potential for the study of medieval shipping and the Bordeaux wine
78 Medieval ships and shipping

Throughout the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries the trade between
Bordeaux and England remained the virtual monopoly of the Bayonnese,
with Southampton and Bristol as the chief English centres of the Gascon
wine trade. At its height, England imported more than 20,000 tuns of wine
each year from Gascony, or about a quarter of the region's total export. The
Hundred Years War between England and France, which began in 1336-37,
had an immediate effect on the Gascon trade, reducing exports of wine to
less than a quarter of previous levels (James, 1971: 15). It appears that the
volume of trade picked up after the first few years of the war. In the 1350s
and 1360s Gascony was still a major market for the expanding English cloth
industry. Because Gascony produced wine to the neglect of other agricultural
products some foodstuffs had to be imported. In the 1370s English ships
took food to Bordeaux and Bayonne and in 1372 Froissart recorded the
arrival of 200 British and Irish ships. Ships sailed in convoy, that is to say,
they were sailed in organised groups under escort of armed ships (Waters,
1957: 1-3) and this lasted until 1500 in the case of the salt fleets from
Bourgneuf Bay.
Despite the Hundred Years War, trade between Britain and France
continued, often handled by neutral middlemen. For example, in 1367 stone
for Rochester Castle was brought from Caen and in 1414 Nottingham
alabaster was being exported for the Abbot of Fecamp (Salzman, 1923: 87,
97). The loss of Gascony to the French king in 1453 created problems with
safe conducts for English ships and much of the handling trade went to
foreign merchants.
After the loss of Normandy and Brittany, the ports of Rouen and La
Rochelle were developed as bases for the French royal fleet. The clos des
galees was established at Rouen in 1293 for the construction, repair and
storage of war galleys which were intended Channel and the
to control the
route to Gascony (Rieth, 1989). The were carvel-built of Genoese
design but clinker-built Norman barges and galleys up to 30 metres long
with oars and a square sail were also constructed there. It was of
considerable importance during the Hundred Years War, until destroyed by
fire in 1419 (Sumption, 1990: 156-7). The French also boosted their
seapower by hiring contract fleets of Italian galleys and carracks.
Medieval depictions of French ships show a considerable variety of hull
shapes (see, for example, Villain-Gandossi, 1978; 1979). A large number of
them have hulk features and there are very few cogs. The only medieval
clinker-built ship to have been excavated in France has been dated by coins
on board to the first half of the fifteenth century. The wreck was found in
1985 at the Aber Wrac'h river mouth on the north coast of Brittany (figure
4.7). The tree ring curves obtained from the ship's oak planking best match
those from south-west France or the north coast of Spain (L'Hour and
Veyrat, 1989). Ten metres of the beech keel remained, with a detached oak
stem preserved to a length of 2.5 metres. Parts of 24 oak clinker strakes,
23cm wide and 3cm thick, were preserved on the port side. The vessel had
heavy frames, 15cm to 25cm wide, closely spaced. The depth of the frames
at keel level is 25cm, decreasing to 15cm. There were at least 52 frames on
each side as well as the six cant timbers piled up in the lower part of the
wreck. About half of the second futtocks were fitted before the lower ones so
British horizons, foreign ships 79

Figure 4.7 The Aber Wrac'h wreck (M. L'Hour - photo: Frederic Osada).

that their upper ends were correctly positioned to support the cross-beams.
On the outside of the hull the cross-beam heads were protected by cone-
shaped pieces of wood, made of elm and alder, fitted in front of the beam
with their tips pointing towards the stem. Part of the mast-step support was
preserved. Ceiling planking was treenailed through the frames to the outer
planking, up to the turn of the bilge. The thicker ceiling planks were in effect
stringers, joggled over the frames, and thicker stringers were located higher
up in the hull.
The excavators estimate that the overall length of the ship was about 25
metres with a maximum beam of eight metres. They have suggested a link
with the documented wreck of an English-owned ship which sank when
entering the Aber Wrac'h river in 1435 (L'Hour and Veyrat, 1989: 298).

Atlantic Iberia

By the end of the eleventh century and the beginning of the twelfth century,
Normans were using Iberian north-western ports during their involvement in
the Crusades. Chronicle evidence suggests that at the same time Saracen raids
from Seville and other southern ports were ravaging the Galician shore. The
Archbishop of Compostela sent to Italian cities for shipwrights. In 1115

two galleys were built by Genoese craftsmen for the defence of Galicia and
another was built in 1120 under the direction of a Pisan (Filgueiras, 1991).
So by the mid-twelfth century, when Lisbon was captured from the Moors,
seagoing ships of northern Spain and Portugal belonged to two different
80 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 4.8 Thirteenth-century town seal of San Sebastian (National Maritime


foreign traditions: northern European keels and Italian carvel-built galleys.

Indigenous vessel types may only have survived in inland waters.
Early in the reign of Henry III (1216-72), England imported iron, hides
and wine from northern Spain. During the thirteenth century Castilian kings
achieved the reconquest of Andalusia and Murcia from the Moors and
increased the range of Spain's export commodities to include Merino wool,
fruits, olive oil, kermes dye, salt, sweet wines and mercury. These were
shipped from Santander, Bilbao and San Sebastian (Childs, 1978). The oldest
town seal of Santander, which predates 1228, depicts a ship of the northern
keel-type, and the thirteenth-century seal of San Sebastian (figure 4.8) bears a
remarkable similarity, both in image and in inscription, to the contemporary
seals of the Cinque Ports, especially Pevensey, Winchelsea and Sandwich
(figures 3.1 and 9.4). Documentary sources suggest that Southampton and
London were the principal English ports visited by Spanish ships, on their
way to Flanders. In 1263 Henry III granted protection to Spanish merchants
British horizons, foreign ships 81

visiting Southampton. It may have been the organisation of the Cinque Ports,
along with their corporate identity, that the merchants of the Castilian ports
were keen to emulate, since by the end of the thirteenth century they
themselves had formed an association.
During the Hundred Years War, Castilians were among the privateers
attacking English ships. In 1350 a Castilian trading fleet was attacked by an
English fleet as it sailed out from the harbour at Sluys in Flanders. The
Spaniards lost 14 ships. This battle, which became known as 'Les Espagnols
sur Mer' is described in a contemporary chronicle. Unfortunately this gives
us no information about the appearance of the Spanish ships other than that
they were larger than the English ones.
From the thirteenth century England also had close trading connections
with Portugal, which was a source of olive oil, kermes dye, wine, fruit and
salt. By the 1300s Portuguese ships were voyaging both to the Canaries and

to the English Channel.

In Portugal by the early fifteenth century an apparently new family of
ships, termed 'carvels', was developed. This may have been motivated by the
voyages of exploration down the Atlantic coast of Africa which by about
1420 had led to the discovery of Madeira and the Azores and by 1460 had
reached as far south as Sierra Leone. Portuguese shipwrights built carvels in
northern Europe from the 1430s (Paviot, 1991).
The earliest ship of southern European carvel construction so far found in
British waters is the Studland Bay wreck. This ship, which sank near Poole in
Dorset soon after 1520, has been identified as of Iberian origin. The ceramics
found on the wreck were made in Malaga and Seville. The ballast contained
stones which occur on the Atlantic coast of Iberia. The hull shape, fastenings
and arrangement of the framing resemble that of several other Iberian
'discovery period' ships and the later sixteenth-century Basque wreck at Red
Bay in Labrador (Hutchinson, 1991; Grenier, 1988).

Mediterranean Spain

By the early fourteenth century the Crown of Aragon, which included

Catalonia, had become the foremost power in the Mediterranean, ruling all

and part of Greece. Its overseas

the islands as far east as Sicily, half of Italy
trade, dominated from the beginning by Barcelona, encompassed an Atlantic
trading route. From the fourteenth century, tin and wool were imported
from England and textiles and fish from Flanders, in exchange for eastern
spices and other southern produce. In the 1350s Aragon allied with the
Venetians against Genoa and virtually destroyed the Genoese fleet. War with
Genoa continued until the late fifteenth century. In 1378 the municipal
authorities rebuilt the shipyard in Barcelona and it became the great
shipbuilding centre of the western Mediterranean in the later Middle Ages
(Bisson, 1991: 170).
The earliest closely-dated depiction of a three-masted ship has recently
been discovered Barcelona by Lawrence Mott (figure 3.10).
in the archives in
It is a small ink drawing accompanying text dated 10 May 1409 in the

Llibre de les Ordinaciones de I'Administrador de les Places, Folio 67R.

82 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 4.9 The Mataro ship model (Maritime Museum 'Prins Hendrik').

The votive ship model from Mataro (figure 2.9 and 4.9) of a substantial
Catalan trading ship of the early fifteenth century has been described in
Chapter 2. The 1.3 metre long model appears to have been two-masted
originally, with mainmast and mizzen. A third mast was added at a later
date, inserted through a hole crudely made in the foredeck (van Nouhuys,
1931: 343). Although recognising that this is not an exact scale model, de
Groot (1984) has analysed the stability and carrying capacity of a ship 16,
18, 20 and 22 times its size. He calculated that a ship of this form would
have to carry ballast equivalent to 20 per cent of its total displacement. On
British horizons, foreign ships S3

Figure 4.10 A three-masted ship on a Hispano-Moresque bowl of about 1425

(Courtesy of the board of Trustees of the V&A).

this basis a Mataro-type ship 22 metres in overall length with a beam of 11

metres would have a total unladen weight of 246 tons and a maximum
carrying capacity of 154 tons.
A wreck found off Cavoli, Sardinia, is that of a large Aragonese ship
which sank in about 1450, probably during a voyage from Valencia to Sicily.
The wreck is scattered and poorly preserved, with the oak planking surviving
rather better than the pine frames. The ship was carrying at least 20 guns,
apparently stored as ballast in the hold, and personal weapons as well as a
mixed cargo including ceramics (Martin-Bueno, 1992; Martin-Bueno, 1993).
It is interesting that one of the earliest representations of a three-masted

ship, that on a bowl now in the Victoria and Albert Museum and dated on
stylistic grounds to about 1425 (figure 4.10), was probably manufactured in
Malaga and was produced by Muslims living in medieval Europe. The ship is
depicted with the arms of Portugal on the mainsail and can be assumed to
belong to the southern European carvel-building tradition. Since Muslim
84 Medieval ships and shipping

ships are not known to have sailed into British waters they will not be
discussed in this book but the interaction of shipbuilding traditions on all

coasts of the Mediterranean is one which deserves close study elsewhere.


In the thirteenth century the cloth industry of Italy relied on imported wool,
especially that from England and Scotland. The wool was shipped across the
Channel and then taken overland to Italy until the sea route via Biscay and
the Straits of Gibraltar became an established alternative towards the end of
the century. Disruptions to trans-continental trade routes caused by Franco-
Flemish wars probably created an incentive for Italian merchants to adopt
the sea route. The first voyage of Genoese ships to Bruges and Southampton
took place in 1277-78. The Venetians followed this lead in the early
fourteenth century. By 1300 Genoa and Venice were both at a peak of
commercial prosperity and were also at war with each other throughout the
fourteenth century (Scammell, 1981: 110-11, 165).
In exchange for the wool exported from England and cloth from northern
Europe, the Venetians brought luxury goods from the Mediterranean and
from sources in the east, traded through Constantinople and the Black Sea.
Because they dealt in high-value, low-volume cargoes much of their trade
was carried in galleys (figure 4.11), of which they developed a specifically
merchant type with a cargo capacity of about 150 tons (Lane, 1934: 1-34).
The merchant galleys were effective sailing craft and the use of their oars was
largely restricted to entering and leaving harbour. Sailing in a strict, state-
controlled and seasonal convoy system, heavily manned and defended by
paid mariners, their high operating costs were justified by the value of their
cargoes and their extremely predictable voyage times.
The Genoese controlled the alum mines at Focea in what is now Turkey.
Alum was used in the cloth industry for fixing dyes and was increasingly in
British horizons, foreign ships 85

demand in England as its cloth industry grew in the fourteenth century.

Because alum was a bulky and relatively low-value cargo, it was transported
in high-capacity sailing ships. As we have seen, the Genoese built coche in
imitation of the northern cogs and were sending loads of alum in these
vessels to Southampton by the mid-fourteenth century. (Their knowledge of
the port was no doubt useful when they helped the French to sack it in
1338.) Although the Genoese had been the originators of the galley trade to
the Channel, the cocha type proved so successful for their bulk goods that it
had completely taken over on this route by the 1340s.
In 1378 Mediterranean merchants were allowed to use Southampton as the
Staple for wool exports, instead of Calais, provided they did not land wool
anywhere in the Staple market of western Europe (Power, 1941: 101). At the
end of the fourteenth century Venetian ships would sail, loaded with silks,
from Venice to Cadiz and Lisbon, where they would take on fruit and dyes,
then on to Flanders where they collected German furs. They spent the winter
in England and returned to Venice in the spring. The handling of malmsey
caused contention between Venice and England. Malmsey was very popular
in the fifteenth century and Venetian imports of Cretan malmsey are recorded
in the accounts of the convent of Durham (Scammell, 1981: 105-6).
Both Venice and Genoa, which specialised in building bulk carriers for
their alum and grain trades, had by the mid-fourteenth century developed
ships which in England at least were beginning to be known as carracks. The
Southampton Port Books for 1430 record the arrival of Venetian and
Florentine galleys, Genoese carracks and Catalan ships. Because of the
difficult approaches of the Thames, Genoese ships used Southampton and
Sandwich in preference to London. Walsingham's Htstorta Anglia (quoted in
Salzman, 1931: 78) records that in 1383 a Genoese 'carrick' was driven by a
storm into Sandwich harbour:

It was of astonishing size, full of treasures, which might easily have supplied the
needs of all the country; but the London merchants, so it is said, having in their
houses much stale merchandise of fruit, spices of various kinds, and so forth,

lest these be thrown away on the arrival of fresh goods, made an agreement with
the Genoeses [sic] to leave the port and sail to Flanders.

Early in the fifteenth century Genoese carracks were

seven or eight
working the English Channel each year. In 1445 nine ships sailed for
Southampton and Flanders with cotton and alum. In 1455 the Genoese lost
the alum mines of Fo^ea to the Turks. This, together with serious
competition from Iberian shipping, caused a sharp decline in their seaborne
commerce with the north. By the end of the century Genoese ships had
become very large indeed (figure 4.12) but only one or two a year sailed to
the Channel and they concentrated their trade on Flanders.
In the second half of the fifteenth century there was a notable increase in
the English shipping industry. English ships carried80 per cent of the wool
trade to the Mediterranean and Italians the other 20 per cent (Power, 1941:
55). From the late 1470s, English royal ships were chartered out to
merchants and privately owned ships were also soon carrying cloth to Italy
(Scammell, 1981: 460). Henry VII was keen to establish British dominance in
86 Medieval ships and shipping


1480 (Museo Navale di Genova-Pegli).

Figure 4.12 Genoese ships in
British horizons, foreign ships 87

the carriage of French wines as well. This trade was mostly handled by
Breton and Spanish shippers but in 1485 the king ordered that wines of
Gascony and Guienne were to imported only in ships of England, Ireland or
Wales (James, 1971: 49). In this he was unsuccessful and the coasts of
Britain continued to be frequented by large numbers of foreign ships.
5 Carrying trade
Most medieval were built to carry cargoes on trading voyages.
Specialised warships were very rare until the end of the period and most
ships used in war, for fighting and as troop transports, were merchant ships
requisitioned or chartered from their owners. The cargoes that merchant
ships carried, the routes they sailed and the arrangements for loading and
unloading them all had consequences for ship design.
Much is known about medieval trade because it was subject to a high
degree of government intervention, for raising revenue and pursuing foreign
policy objectives. Extensive documentary records survive and this is just as
well, since archaeological evidence alone would give a very distorted view of
the nature and relative quantities and importance of commodities traded. The
majority of them - wine, salt, grain and other foodstuffs, wool and cloth -
were organic and these goods leave few traces on the land sites which were
the destination of their travels. However, those which failed to reach their
destinations are rather more likely to be preserved on shipwreck sites.
Durable commodities, such as pottery and items of metalwork, did not make
up whole cargoes and it is not always easy to determine whether they were
imported as objects of trade or were personal belongings or gifts. Building
stone is the only commodity where the source of imports and the volume of
the trade can be reliably established from the surviving material evidence.
The customs accounts of England, unparalleled elsewhere in Europe except
for Italy, are an invaluable source for the study of trade from the late
thirteenth century onwards (see Clarke, 1983). Customs were first introduced
on a regular basis in 1275 and applied to the export of wool, woolfells and
hides by both native and alien merchants. In 1303 additional taxes were
introduced on imports as well, to be paid only by alien merchants. The
customs system is explained by Gras (1918). There are long lists of dues on
merchandise - ranging from bears to peppercorns - in the records of many
seaports, for example Norwich, King's Lynn, Hull and Southampton. Other
documentary sources for trade (and for disruption to trade) include laws,
tolls, aulnage accounts for cloth, charter parties between merchants and

shipmasters, royal arrests of shipping for use in time of war, complaints by

shipowners and merchants whose property had been pirated or otherwise
appropriated, royal butlers' accounts of goods purchased, chronicles and
letters and trading treaties. There are also records of taxes levied on shipping
such as port dues and anchorage charges.
The documentary sources are not without their pitfalls. They are much
better for the later periods and may give the misleading impression that the
relative scarcity of records for the earlier period indicates a commensurate
lack of activity. They are also heavily Anglo-centric, making it difficult to

give a balanced picture of the trade of the whole of Britain. An

unquantifiable amount of trade also evaded record, though Carus-Wilson
and Coleman (1963, 22-3) take the view that potential profits would not
have justified the hazards and problems involved in smuggling.
Carrying trade 89


Wool was England and Scotland from before the

the principal export of
Conquest. During the twelfth century, sheep farming grew rapidly, partly as
a result of the founding of new monastic houses, chiefly Cistercian, which
specialised in it. For a great part of the Middle Ages, England was the
largest and most important source of fine wool, supplying a good part of the
Italian cloth industry and nearly the whole of the industry of the Low
Countries (Power, 1941: 16). In the mid-fourteenth century England was
exporting about 30,000 sacks of wool per year, plus 12,000 broadcloths
and an unknown quantity of other cloths (Pelham, 1948a: 240). When
England developed its cloth industry during the fourteenth century it had the
advantage of being the only country in which the cloth export trade did not
depend on imported raw materials. Other exports included grain in years of
surplus, tin and lead. Manufactured pewter goods had become quite an
important commodity by the end of the Middle Ages (Homer, 1991: 73).
England was a net exporter of salt until the mid-fourteenth century, by
which time new methods of preserving herrings had increased demand.
Stone - such as Purbeck marble - and coal were exported in smaller
Wine was component of England's import trade. In the early
the largest
fourteenth century England's imports of Gascon wine are believed to have
exceeded 20,000 tuns a year (James, 1971: 10). Commodities for the cloth
industry, including dyes and mordants, were also major imports, as was salt
from the fourteenth century. Forestry products, including timber and tar,
building stone, iron and copper, spices and foodstuffs and fabrics and furs
accounted for most of the rest.


The way in which cargoes were packaged for transport by sea and their
stowage in ships has been largely overlooked. It was certainly a technically
developed area, whatever the jumble of casks, bales, sacks and loose
metalware or pottery shown in the fourteenth-century illustration, figure 5.1,
would suggest to the contrary.
Wine was transported in casks, most commonly in tuns, though smaller
capacity casks were also used especially for high-value wines and brandy.
The tun, or the space it occupied, was the standard unit for measuring the
carrying capacity of a ship. It is not a simple matter to pin down the exact
tun as units of measurement varied from place to place and showed
size of a
a marked tendency to grow larger throughout the Middle Ages. This was, to
a large measure, in response to taxation. Taxes were usually levied on the
gross unit (e.g. the tun of wine, roll of cloth, chalder of coal) so by
increasing the size of the gross unit, the tax per sub-unit (gallon of wine,
yard of cloth etc.) was proportionately less (Salzman, 1923: 18, 240).
In 1423 it was enacted by statute that the wine tun should contain 252
gallons. The gallon itself was not defined but can be expected to have been
no larger than the Tudor standard of about 3.78 litres. On this basis the
90 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 5.1 A 'ship full of all kinds of merchandise', redrawn from BL Sloane Ms
3983, f.!3r, second quarter of the fourteenth century (National Maritime Museum).

capacity of a fifteenth-century wine tun would have been about 954 litres
(Zupko, 1977: 29-30). Gascon tuns seem to have contained from 750 to
900 litres (Renouard, 1953, cited in James, 1971: xvi). A late twelfth-century
cask (figure 5.2), reused to line a pit at Goldsmith Street in Exeter, has an
approximate capacity of 815 litres (Allan, 1984: 313). Its height is
reconstructed to 1.42 metres and its maximum diameter to about 0.94
metres. By comparison, a mid-eighteenth-century tun of 252 gallons (by then
equivalent to 1145 litres), preserved at the Coopers' Company in London, is
1.52 metres high, with a maximum diameter of 1.17 metres.
The Exeter cask was made of oak staves bound together by hoops made of
split roundwood rods of coppiced hazel. The ends of each hoop were seized
by fine strands of split hazel or elder. Similar casks are depicted in figure 5.3.
Ila/el hoops and oak staves and ends from tour different sizes of cask have
been recovered from the early sixteenth-century Studland Bay wreck (Ladle,
1993: 16).
Empty tuns from the wine sold by the Gascons at Boston fair were a
hereditary perquisite (James, 1971: 73) but the Customs of the Sea refer to
merchants hiring casks for their trading voyages, with empty casks needing
to be returned within an agreed period (Twiss, 1874: 293). The shipowner
had to calculate whether it would be more profitable to carry the casks
whole and not have room for other cargo or to break them down into
staves, making room for more cargo, but incurring the expense of having
them rebuilt (Twiss, 1874: 531-3). The fifteenth-century Gdansk W5 wreck
92 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 5.3 Casks of wine in hulk-like lighters at the port of Paris (photo:
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Ms Fr. 2091-2, f.125).

contained more than 200 small planks for making barrel staves, manu-
factured in the Baltic region for export (Litwin, 1985: 46).
The ancient right of prise entitled the king of England to one tun of wine
from ships laden with between ten and 19 tuns; and two tuns (one from
before and one from abaft the mast) from ships carrying 20 or more tuns.
From 1302 foreign merchants were required to pay customs instead and this
was set at a rate whereby importers of more than 60 tuns would have been
better off paying prisage (James, 1971: 4). This reflects the increasing size of
merchant ships. In the mid-thirteenth century ships of 100 tuns were rare in
the Anglo-Gascon wine trade but by the early fourteenth century although
81 per cent were less than 150 tuns, 16 per cent were between 150 and 200
tuns, 3 per cent were over 200 tuns and the largest reached 300 tuns.
Medieval tunnage measurements of ships cannot be used to give more than
a rough guide to their dimensions. Tunnage literally meant the number of
tuns that a ship could carry.It did not refer to the weight of the cargo or the

displacement of the ship (Lane, 1964). The tun may have been a little larger
at the end of the period than at the beginning and, more importantly, the
Carrying trade 93

internal layout of a ship might affect its carrying capacity. It was not until
the sixteenth century that empiric tunnage was converted into the formula,
known as 'Baker's old rule', of (keel x beam x depth) 4- 100 = tons burden
(Friel, 1984: 135).
Casks were principally used for carrying liquids or wet products, including
herrings, but their strength and rigidity also made them useful for other
commodities. The cargo of a ship pirated on a voyage from Southampton to
Seaton in 1446 included a pipe (a cask half the size of a tun) of white soap
(Piatt, 1973: 162). More than 100 casks have been excavated from the
Gdansk W5 shipwreck, containing pitch, birch tar, wood ash (used to
dissolve dyes), resin and wax (Smolarek, 1979: 62). Casks on board ships
were laid on their sides with their ends facing towards the ends of the ship.
They were secured with wooden supports to ensure that they did not break
loose. So far the only medieval archaeological site where these supports have
been identified is the Gdansk W5 wreck (see below).

The measurements of bulk cargos were related to tunnage. The

standard measure for grain and salt was the quarter, with four quarters
occupying a space in a ship's hold equivalent to that of a tun (Salzman,
1931: 50). Grain and salt were transported in sacks and perhaps also loose.
Figure 5.4 shows grain being landed loose in a lighter and then being
measured into sacks. Bridbury (1955: 83-5) says that salt was also shipped
loose from the Bay of Bourgneuf, though his description of 'Hanse ships. . .

weighed down by the loose grey salt piled high above their gunwales' can be
dismissed as fanciful. Good stowage and ship-handling practice required
nothing to be carried on deck except the ship's equipment and the victuals
(Twiss, 1874: 245-7). During the fifteenth century ships in the Hanse Bay
Fleet could be as large as 800 tons.
In 1351 a large quantity of grain was shipped from Yorkshire to London.
Some of it was ground into flour at Hull and packed into 30 casks which
were carried to Grimsby in two boats, then loaded into one of the four ships
hired for the voyage to London. Laths were bought for dunnage as well as
'mattes large and small', planking, and litter for stowage. A total of 950
quarters of grain were measured into sacks and carried to the ships
(Salzman, 1931: 216). Sacks were also used for other foodstuffs such as
onions and beans.
Wool was sold by the sack, each weighing 26 stones (164 kg). The weight
of the standard package was therefore less than for grain or salt but, because
of the low density of wool, it may have taken up more space. A 'poke' held
the equivalent of half a sack and a larger package called a sarplar held the
same as 2Vi sacks (Carus-Wilson and Coleman, 1963: 22). The 1447-48
customs accounts list both wool and cloth by the sack (Power, 1941: 37) but
the 1414 list of lighterage charges at Southampton (Piatt, 1973: 83) show
that rolls of cloth were transported by the bale. A bale was a package
wrapped in a covering, perhaps of canvas, and trussed with bands or cord
(figure 5.5). A bale was a half-load for a mule or pack-horse and in Italy, the
source of much of the Southampton imports, a bale weighed 80-85 kg
(Mallett, 1967: 178). The 1414 Southampton schedule of lighterage charges
show that alum (a mordant for fixing dye), woad and other dyestuffs were
shipped in bales.
Carrying trade 95

Figure 5.5 Cargo handling at the quays (French, early sixteenth century. Photo:
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Ms Fr 2810, f. 86v).

Furs and hides were also transported in bales, as were spices, including
pepper, anise, ginger and cumin. In the late fifteenth century a London
merchant bought 12 bales of pepper for a prodigious total price of more
than £200. He was understandably unhappy when one of the bales became
24 pounds lighter as it dried out and he found that the pepper it contained
was musty (Salzman, 1931: 180).
Fruit, brought to England in ships from Italy and Iberia, would have
required careful packing. On the Venetian galleys currants and molasses
were not to be stored in the hold but should be between decks instead
(Salzman, 1931: 231). Oranges were even more susceptible to spoiling
because of the motion of the ship. Fig seeds have been excavated from the
wreck of the Iberian ship which sank at Studland Bay, Dorset, in the early
sixteenth century (Hutchinson, 1991: 174). They were associated with scraps
of loosely woven material which may have been fragments of frails, which
were rush baskets for holding figs, raisins and other dried fruit.
Coal mined in the vicinity of Newcastle was packed loose into barges
called keels. From early times each keel held 20 chalders, the standard
measure of coal weighing between 18 and 20 hundredweight or slightly less
than a ton. Because export duty on coal was set at 2d per keel-load, it
became the practice to build keels of 22- or 23-chalder burden. This was
forbidden in 1385 and by Act of Parliament of 1421 the actual capacity in
96 Medieval ships and shipping

chalders of each keel had to be marked upon it. After that the size of the
chalder increased rapidly (Salzman, 1923: 18). The keels took the coal to a
point below Newcastle bridge where it was re-loaded into seagoing vessels
(Pelham, 1948a: 258). The average capacity of the vessels which carried coal
from Newcastle to the Low Countries in 1377-78 was a little less than 50
chalder but the shipping activity must have been great because 7,338 chalder
of coal were exported in that year (Salzman, 1923: 19).
Metals were transported in blocks and bars, stowed low in the hold.
Comparison of the merchants' cargo list and the English customs accounts
for the Florentine galleys which left Southampton in 1444 show that 62
pieces of lead went unnoticed by the officials, probably because they were
among the ballast (Mallett, 1967: 139-40). The size of the pieces of lead and
tin is not recorded. The port books show that worked tin and lead was
carried in baskets, crates and barrels.
Stone was carried in blocks. The cost of stone lay mainly in transport,
with the carriage cost perhaps twice the price of the stone at the quarry, but
it was no more expensive to import stone from Caen to London than to

carry it coastwise from Beer in Devon; and the traffic was considerable. The
Tower of London alone used 75 shiploads of Caen stone in 1278 (Salzman,
1952: 135-6).
Pottery and glassware, such as the fine tablewares brought in Venetian
galleys,were at the other end of the scale of fragility. It is not clear how they
were packaged for transport by sea. It does seem that pottery was generally
only a small part of a cargo and was perhaps a commodity which could be
packed in among other goods. Large quantities of Saintonge pottery was
included with cargoes of wine from south-west France. The best evidence for
trade by sea of the products of a British medieval pottery centre is provided
by the distribution of finds of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Scarborough
ware. Some of these high-quality glazed and decorated vessels are found
inland but many more were taken by sea to Newcastle, Perth and Aberdeen
as well as to Norway and the Northern Isles (McCarthy and Brooks, 1988:
94-6). Wadmal, a coarse cloth used as packing material around fragile
goods, was produced in both Norway and Iceland from double-coated sheep.
A piece excavated at the waterfront at King's Lynn has been
of cloth
identified as wadmal (Clarke, 1984: 136) and other examples have been
found in London and Newcastle (Walton, 1988: 81-2).
Single commodity cargoes were probably quite rare. The ships which
loaded with salt at the Bay of Bourgneuf might also have taken on wine,
canvas and linen, fruit, sugar and oil (Bridbury, 1955: 127). Alum and
dyestuffs were generally carried as part of mixed cargoes, which might
include wine and salt from France or, for example, green ginger and cotton
from the Mediterranean.
The Nicholas was a ship belonging to a London merchant which was
attacked by some Flemish pirates while anchored near Sandwich in 1318.
The pirates killed most of the crew, stole the ship's contents and sank the
ship. The three merchants whose goods were on board submitted the
following valuation of the ship and cargo (Cal. Close Rolls, 1313-1318:

594). This is a claim for compensation, so it is possible that exaggeration has

crept in:
Carrying trade 97

The ship and gear £l66.13s.4d.

178 tuns and 9 pipes of wine £1,095
10 quarters of wheaten flour £10
6 quintals of whalebone £104
1 tun and 2 barrels of nut oil £11
1 pipe of vinegar £3
saffron and pepper £43
armour £13
money £40
silver cups, beds, robes, chests and
other goods of the master, mariners
and merchants £20

Total £1,505. 13s.4d

When the goods of more than one merchant were carried same ship
in the
they could not be stowed separately as the heaviest goods of each of them
had to be stowed low in the hold. Merchant's marks had to be put on the
packages before loading so that they could be identified. Such marks have
been found on casks from the Gdansk W5 wreck (Litwin, 1985: 47). The
Customs of the Sea acknowledged the dangers posed by vermin, ruling that:
'If goods shall be damaged by rats on board a ship, and there be no cat in

the ship, the managing owner of the ship is bound to make compensation',
unless the cat died during the voyage (Twiss, 1874: 99). The master of a
cocha bringing a bale of wool from Southampton to Genoa in 1384 was
obliged to pay compensation for its being damaged by water and rats. He
denied the charge and said in his defence that 'in eius nave habeat musipulos
prout debebaf (in his ship he had mousetraps, just as he ought to have)
(Liagre de Sturler, 1969: 610).
Ballast, additional to that stowed permanently to provide stabilityand
trim, was taken onto ships to compensate for the offloading of heavy cargo.
Ballast mounds consisting of stone from all over Europe must have formed
on the foreshores of British ports. Especially during the fifteenth century
Kingston-upon-Hull imported large quantities of stockfish, a light
commodity, and Hull's streets are have been paved with the
said to
Icelandic stone brought in with it (Buckland and Sadler, 1990: 118).
Metamorphic and igneous rocks of Scandinavian origin have been recognised
in medieval structures in King's Lynn (Clarke and Carter, 1977: 440) and no
doubt reached the port as ships' ballast.


Ships on trading voyages faced dangers from hostile vessels and from foul
weather. A convoy system was instituted as a result of the war between
England and France from 1324, in order to supply Bordeaux with victuals
and bring wine back to England (James, 1971: 126). The convoys
concentrated the trading activity to two sailings per year, one in late autumn
for the vintage wines and another in early spring for the more mature reek
98 Medieval ships and shipping

wines which were strained off in January and February. Protection at sea
involved a double or even triple complement of men, including archers,
aboard each ship (James, 1971: 71). The fleets under convoy were often
large even during periods of active warfare: between May 1339 and July
1340 some 235 English-owned ships brought cargoes back to England
(James, 1971: 129). Ships did still try to sail alone before the rest of the fleet,
to gain commercial advantage by being the first to bring home the vintage
wine, until Richard II enforced the convoy system in the 1370s (James, 1971:
Commercial pressure meant that trading voyages were undertaken all year
round, not just in summer months. Winter sailing was of course
especially hazardous. Off the coasts of north-west Europe today gales of
force 7 and above are eight times more frequent in winter than in summer
and rough seas may be expected on average every fourth day in winter,
compared with every twelfth day in summer (McGrail, 1987: 260). As well
as the risks to the safety of a ship caught in storms, rough weather causes
increased wear and tear on a ship and its gear and the crew operate less
efficiently when numb with cold. There are many documented winter
voyages, some of which ended in shipwreck (Piatt, 1973: 126; Rose, 1982:
35, 48, 51). In the late fourteenth century it was important for English
merchants to import wine from Bordeaux as early in the season as possible.
In 1384 the wine fleet left Southampton in September and returned there in
the following January and February (Piatt, 1973: 70, 74, 129). Despite
frequent official prohibitions of sailing between November and April, as for
example by the Hanse governing council in 1403 (Scammell, 1981: 54), the
practice continued. In the fifteenth century, London received more than a
quarter of its annual supply of salt between November and the beginning of
March (Bridbury, 1955: 112). The increase in the size of ships does not seem
to have relieved the problem; instead it made each loss a greater disaster. As
late as 1532 legislation was enacted against winter sailing for Bordeaux wine
because of the mounting toll of losses (Waters, 1967: 11).
James (1971: 119-24) has studied the routes that the wine ships took
between England and Gascony. The voyages were made hazardous by the
rocky coasts and prevailing south-westerly onshore winds. Ships had to be
prepared to wait a long time for favourable winds, so voyage lengths
varied considerably. The Solent was often the first stage in voyages from
the east coast and from London. Ships would assemble there to make the
passage together. From the Isle of Wight they would either cross to
Brittany then round the French coast; or follow the English coast along to
Cornwall and then head to Brittany. Mathieu was frequently a port of
call for victualling. The Breton coast was an important half-way house in
the transit of the providing havens against storms but also
harbouring pirates who
could be equally dangerous. The purser's accounts
survive for the voyage of the Margret Cely to Bordeaux in 1486-88. In
1486 the ship embarked meat and bread at the start of the voyage at
London, took on more bread, salt, salted and fresh fish and beer at
Plymouth and further bread supplies at La Rochelle, at He de Rhe and at
Blaye. At Bordeaux they replenished supplies of mutton, beef, bread,
beverage and ship's stores.
Carrying trade 99

The Channel Islands remained part of the Angevin Empire after the loss of
Normandy to theFrench crown and so St Peter Port in particular became an
important asylum for English and Bayonnese vessels (Williams, 1948: 271).
The considerable quantity of Saintonge pottery revealed by erosion on the
large medieval wreck at St Peter Port has enabled the loss of the ship to be
dated to 1290-1310 (R. Burns, pers. comm.). From the thirteenth century,
Saintonge in south-west France was one of the primary production centres
for supplying luxury pottery to Britain and northern Europe. This was linked
with the English acquisition of Gascony and the development of the wine
trade (Barton, 1963; Hurst et ai, 1986: 76). The Guernsey ship was
presumably outward bound from Gascony. Future excavation of the site may
reveal more about how pottery was packed for transport by sea and about
the rest of the cargo, which can be expected to have consisted mainly of
casks of wine.
The Aber Wrac'h ship, which was wrecked off Brittany in the early
was carrying at least 25 to 30 tonnes of ballast. Analysis of
fifteenth century,
this has shown that it was of such a mixture that it cannot be said to have
been loaded in any one region; rather, demonstrates the diversity of the

contents of the ballast mounds medieval Europe (L'Hour and

in the ports of

Veyrat, 1989: 293). Among this, 1200 fragments of animal bones were
recovered, from sheep, goats, deer, cattle, fowl and a small quantity of pig. It
appears that some animals, particularly sheep, were carried whole and
perhaps alive. This meat may all have been intended to be eaten by the ship's
company but some may have been cargo. Gascony needed victuals because it
grew vines to the neglect of anything else and meat, fish and grain needed to
be imported. Analysis of the sediments overlying the ballast led to the
identification of human faeces including remains of walnuts, hazelnuts,
chestnuts, grape and apple pips, plum stones and rye seeds. This suggests an
exceptionally and nutritious diet, with ingredients from southern
Europe. According to the Catalan Customs of the Sea, mariners were to have
meat on three days a week, porridge on the others and bread with cheese,
onions or fish every evening. With this they were to have either wine or
prunes or figs (Twiss, 1874: 211-13). Merchants, who voyaged with their
goods, took along their own victuals as well as a servant, bed and chest
(Twiss, 1874: 107).
Two coins from the Elblag region placed in the mast step of the cog
wrecked on the Danish coast at Vejby indicate where it was built. The
presence of a cooking pot of Baltic origin suggests that the ship was fitted
out there. The finds on the wreck site support the interpretation that the ship
was on its homeward voyage at the time of loss in about 1380 (Crumlin-
Pedersen, 1985: 72-3). It appears that it failed to make the entrance to the
narrow Oresund between Denmark and Sweden and foundered in shallow
water at the foot of high clay cliffs. A part of the anchor cable, housed in a
leather sleeve, lay beneath the stern, showing that the main anchor had been
dropped in an attempt to save the vessel. Eighteen tons of ballast stones,
originating from somewhere along the Atlantic seaboard, were excavated
from the site. A concentration of metal finds lay around the stern, including
coins, pewter plates and tripod pitchers (figure 5.6). One hundred and nine
English gold coins of Edward III were recovered, ranging in date between
100 Medieval ships and shipping
102 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 5.8 Bundles of iron bars from the Gdansk W5 wreck (photo: L. Nowicz).

1351 and 1377, and minted in London and Calais. There was also a gold
coin from Lubeck and a small Flemish 'mite'. The first ever English gold
coins had been minted less than half a century before and England was at
pains to attract and retain bullion. The export of coin and gold and silver
was constantly forbidden and merchants were required to export
merchandise instead. It was not until 1400 that merchants importing
goods into England were allowed to take half of the proceeds in coin,
provided that they spent the other half on English goods and obtained a
licence from the king (Salzman, 1931: 19-20). The Vejby wreck is a witness
to the difficulty of enforcing such regulations.
The Gdansk W5 ship appears to have sunk soon after leaving port, loaded
with a cargo of forestry and mining products. The wreck lay on the sea-bed
tipped onto its starboard side (figure 5.7). After the upper layers of cargo
were removed, a well defined and deliberate stowage plan revealed itself
(Litwin, 1985: 46-7). Oak planks were laid on the bottom of the hold.
Casks of iron ore and bundles of iron bars rested on them, with all the free
spaces between the casks packed with wedges to prevent movement of the
cargo. The very heavy iron bars, fastened into bundles with cord and copper
alloy bands (figure 5.8) were stowed towards the stern of the ship. The 52
bundles recovered contained an average of 80 bars each and there were also
some others found loose. The bars are about 80cm long with a rectangular
cross-section, tapering towards one end. Copper, transported in the form of
large disc-shaped ingots (figure 5.9), was stowed in the midships area. There
were 213 ingots raised. Above this were laid casks containing pitch, birch
tar, wood ash, resin and wax. The tar was transported in 69 and 99 litre
Carrying trade 103

Figure 5.9 One of the copper ingots retrieved from the Gdansk W5 wreck (photo: L.

casks and the smaller ones were cylindrical rather than the typical 'barrel'
The and the shore-based
activities facilities involved in loading and
unloading cargoes were substantial and to these let us now turn.
6 Ports
Virtually all the towns of medieval Britain were served by water transport

along rivers but the term 'port' is used here to distinguish those settlements
whose economy depended on the operation of ships. At the beginning of the
period few of the major ports were sited on the coast. They tended to be as
far up estuaries or rivers as they could be while
allowing sufficient deep

water for ships to manoeuvre, unimpeded by obstructions such as bridges.

Ports sited away from the coast could be near the centres of their areas of
catchment and distribution, rather than on the fringes. They had access to
the sea but shelter from it and also protection from the depredations of
hostile shipping.
The phenomenal urban expansion which took place in the eleventh to
thirteenth centuries growth of existing towns and the
resulted in the
foundation of new ones, including Newcastle, Hull, Boston and King's Lynn
(Clarke, 1979: 158). This can largely be attributed to the expansion of
overseas trade. Some of the more inland towns established earlier found their
trade was taken away from them by ports closer to the coast. Ships were
increasing in size and needing greater depths of water, while rivers were
suffering silting and becoming shallower. From the twelfth century, for
example, there were difficulties bringing ships up the Exe as far as Exeter,
even before the construction of weirs, and the city was served by the out-port
of Topsham, six kilometres away (Allan, 1984: 20). Richborough's traffic
had been taken over by Stonar in the Anglo-Saxon period and that port was
in turn superseded by Sandwich (Hill, 1981: 14). Bristol's future was secured
by a far-sighted and vastly expensive scheme to alter the course of the River
Frome. Beginning in 1239, the citizens paid £5,000 to canalise the Frome
and construct a new quay (Sherborne, 1965: 5). Another thirteenth-century
civil engineering project diverted the Great Ouse from Wisbech to King's

Lynn and initiated the development of an important trading town (Clarke

and Carter, 1977). Silting and the increase in ship sizes were important
determinants of the success of ports throughout the Middle Ages. At
Bridport in Dorset the river was continually blocked by bars of sand and
pebbles and attempts to improve the harbour in 1385-96 failed (Williams,
1948: 279). By the fifteenth century the approaches to Dublin were so
dangerous that ships above 100 tuns could not enter but discharged at the
southern end of Dublin Bay, off Dalkey (de Courcy Ireland, 1989b: 24).
Even London was affected: large Italian ships preferred to discharge at
Sandwich than face the difficult tides and shallows of the Thames estuary.
Fluctuations in the fortunes of medieval ports had other causes too. The
confederation of south-eastern towns known as the Cinque Ports eventually
extended from Brightlingsea in Essex to Seaford in Sussex in the thirteenth
century. After the English crown lost possession of much of northern France
at the beginning of the thirteenth century, the ports of the south-west grew in
importance and the Cinque Ports began their decline. The ports of the east
coast suffered during the fourteenth century as the wool trade was
Ports 105

increasingly concentrated in London and the trade of the North Sea was
progressively dominated by Hanse merchants. Plague, particularly
devastating in towns, was a set-back to urbanism all over Europe from the
mid-fourteenth century. Yet ports seem to have shown great resilience in
their recovery from other disasters, natural and man-made, such as the gales
of 1377 which washed away the harbour at Lyme in Dorset (Williams, 1948:
279) and the French raids on south coast ports in the fourteenth and early
fifteenth centuries.


Shore-based handling facilities were developed for unloading, processing and

storing ships' cargoes. The activities involved in cargo-handling varied
according to the size of the ships and the facilities available at the port.
Before the twelfth century, cargo seems to have been carried to and from
vessels drawn up on the foreshore. Ellmers (1985a) has discussed the
problem of detecting archaeological evidence for the loading and unloading
of ships using a horse and cart, standing in the water. This might include
consolidation of the foreshore and scattered remains of dropped cargo. The
growth of urbanism in the twelfth century was accompanied by the
construction of waterfront revetments and wharfs in many ports, allowing
cargoes to be transferred directly between ships and dry land.
Sequences of quayside structures have been investigated in London. They
show a continuing process of reclamation of riverside land behind a series of
waterfront revetments. Warehouses and residential streets were built on the
deposits of rubbish and other landfill, even before it had time to settle. The
development of the London riverfront appears to have radiated out from
three late Saxon centres: Queenhithe, Billingsgate with New Fresh Wharf,
and the pre-Conquest foreign settlement at Dowgate, close to the site of the
later Hanseatic Steelyard (Schofield, 1981: 24). At New Fresh Wharf in the
Anglo-Saxon period a hard surface, consisting of a rubble bank laced by oak
timbers, was laid on the foreshore. This was followed by a higher and more
extensive timber and clay embankment in the late tenth century. In the late
eleventh century a timber-revetted waterfront was constructed on the site, the
earliest example known in Britain. It was quickly succeeded by two further
revetments, each lying between one and two metres closer to the river than
its precedecessor, with the area in between filled with dumped material

(Miller, 1977; Hobley, 1981: 3-7). Documentary evidence suggests that New
Fresh Wharf was the busiest sector of the medieval waterfront, already well
developed by the twelfth century.
On the foreshore at the Seal House site, just above London Bridge, the
firstwaterfront revetment was built soon after 1140, followed by a second
after about 1170 and a third after 1210. A series of waterfront buildings was
associated with the third structure, including a house with two ground-floor
rooms and a large shed with a drain emptying over the quayside. A ragstone
wall was built on the riverward face of the third revetment (Hobley and
Schofield, 1977: 37-9). Excavations on several other London waterfront
sites, notably Trig Lane (Milne and Milne, 1982) and the Customs House
106 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 6.1 Map of Britain (National Maritime Museum).

Ports 107

Figure 6.1 Key

1. Western Isles 31. Rochester 61. Scilly

2. Shetland }2. Queen borough 62. Padstow
3. Orkney 33. Reculver 6 3. Barnstaple
4. Aberdeen 34. Sandwich 64. Ilfracombe
5. Arbroath 35. Dover 65. Minehead
6. Perth 36. Hythe 66. Bristol
7. Edinburgh 37. Rye and Winchelsea 67. Gloucester
8. Berwick 38. Hastings 68. Chepstow
9. Newcastle 39.Pevensey 69. Cardiff
10. Hartlepool 40. Seaford 70. Carmarthen
11. Whitby 41. New Shoreham 71. Tenby
12. Scarborough 42. Bosham "2. Cardigan
13. Bridlington 43. Portsmouth 73. Carnarfon
14. York 44. Isle of Wight 4. Beaumaris
15. Hull 45. Hamble and Southampton 75. Chester
16. Lincoln 46. Beaulieu 76. Oak Mere
17. Boston 47. Poole 77. Liverpool
18. King's Lynn 48. Weymouth 78. Walney
19. Cromer 44. Portland 79. Giggleswick
20. Whittlesey 50. Abbotsbury so. Kentmere
21. Norwich SI. Bridport 81. Isle of Man
22. Great Yarmouth 52. Lyme 82. Threave
23. Lowestoft S3. Exeter 83. Carrickfergus
24. Dunwich S4.Dartmouth 84. Drogheda
25. Ipswich S5. Plymouth 85. Dublin
26. Caldecorte 56. Looe 86. Wexford
27. Harwich 57. Fowey 8'. Waterford
28. Southend S8. Falmouth 88. Cork
29. London 59. Porthallow and Porthoustock 89. Limerick
30. Woolwich 60. Penzance

(Tatton-Brown, 1974 and 1975), have confirmed the general sequence. In the
twelfth and early thirteenth centuries the structures which were being built
along much of the waterfront incorporated a large proportion of reused
timber, including ships' timbers, while in the later thirteenth century the
timber was specially cut for the purpose. A complex array of carpentry
techniques was employed (Milne, 1982), bearing very little resemblance to
those used for shipbuilding. In the fourteenth century, stone riverfront walls
became common and docks were constructed. From the eleventh to the
sixteenth century reclamation advanced the bank of the Thames by between
50 and a 100 metres by a series of rubbish-backed revetments, with deposits
in excess of ten metres deep (Hobley, 1981: 7).
Waterfront structures were being built not only in London but in ports
throughout northern Europe from the twelfth century. In Britain they have
been revealed in excavations in Newcastle (O'Brien et ai, 1988; O'Brien,
1991); Hartlepool (Young, 1987; Daniels, 1991); Hull (Ayres, 1981); York
(Hall, 1991); Lincoln (Jones and Jones, 1981); King's Lynn (Clarke and
Carter, 1977; Clarke, 1979; 1981); Kingston (Potter, 1991); Portsmouth
(Moorhouse, 1971: 204; Fox, 1981); Poole (Horsey, 1991; Watkins, 1994);
Plymouth (Barber, 1971; Barber and Gaskell-Brown, 1981); and Bristol
(Ponsford, 1981; 1985; Jones, 1991). The excavation at Canynges House at
Redcliffe, Bristol, shows the rapid and extensive reclamation which took

108 Medieval ships and shipping



4 -1—


? \
T —
rri — >
_1l 1r

Figure 6.2 Development of the medieval riverbank at Canynges House, Bristol

(Bristol City Museum).

place at a waterside property from the twelfth to the fifteenth century (figure
6.2). There is and the complexity of the
a very large tidal range at Bristol
waterfront development was increased because quays were constructed which
could be used at different states of the tide.
Timbers from boats and ships have been found reused in waterfront
structures in several ports, although no assemblage from a single site in
Britain is from Dublin (McGrail, 1993a)
as large or as informative as those
and Bergen (Christensen, 1985) which have been described in Chapter 4. In
London, a late thirteenth- or early fourteenth-century revetment at the
Custom House site included slabs of still-fastened boat planking. The bottom
of the boat, which was relatively flat, was used in large sections while the
curving sides had to be broken into smaller pieces to serve their new purpose
(Marsden, 1979: 86-7). At Kingston the first waterfront development,
provisionally dated to 1300, included a 11.5 metre long revetment largely
made up of reused boat planking (figure 6.3) Two other large sections of
boat planking were found at the Kingston Horsefair site, one of them as
Ports 109
110 Medieval ships and shipping

much The Kingston boats show

as 13 metres long by nearly a metre wide.
evidence of extensive repair and were broken up when they were in an
unseaworthy condition (Potter, 1991: 143; Goodburn, 1991: 108-11).
At York, boat strakes were found in the thirteenth- and fourteenth-century
waterfronts at both Hungate and Coppergate and those at Hungate were up
to 3.66 metres long (Richardson, 1959: 67-9; Youngs et ai, 1983). At
Lincoln, the thirteenth-century wharf at Dickinson's Mill was made partly
out of a reused boat hull (Jones and Jones, 1981: 138). A late thirteenth-
century revetment at the Penner Wharf site in Bristol incorporated small
pieces of boat planking. At Newcastle, where the mast crutches mentioned in
Chapter 3 were found, small fragments of boat planking and treenails were
recovered from thirteenth-century waterfront contexts. Plank fragments and
a possible frame fragment were found in an early thirteenth-century
waterfront structure at Southgate Area A in Hartlepool (Daniels, 1991: 45).
It is seldom possible to reconstruct the original shape and size of the

vessels whose components are found reused in waterfronts. Even when the
remains are not broken into very small pieces, as they were at Bristol, the
preserved elements of the vessels are those which were deliberately selected
for their lack of features. The preferred material was flat planking of fairly
constant width. Framing is rarely found, though part of the keel was
included with the planking reused in the thirteenth-century revetment at
Fenning's Wharf, adjacent to London Bridge. Indications of the size of a
vessel provided by the thickness and width of the planks and the
dimensions of the fastenings. The spacing of the treenail holes along the
strakes may show how robustly the vessel was built. (For the analysis of
fragmentary planking see Hutchinson, 1984 and the attribute list for clinker
planking published by McGrail, 1993a: 169-71.)


The earliest dock yet located is that constructed in about 1213 in Southgate

Area A in Hartlepool. It was more than 20 metres long and had stone side
walls. One of these was lined with timbering, including the boat planking
referred to above, as a protective fender between the docked vessels and the
stonework (Young, 1987; Daniels, 1991).
In London, excavation beside Baynard's Castle revealed a dock basin of
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries (figure 6.4). The dock was a
rectangular basin surrounded by stone walls, with the castle on its east side
and a large gravelled area for unloading on the west side. Oak rubbing posts
lined the dock to protect the boats from being damaged by the rough
stonework. On the west side these posts had been renewed several times
before the dock was filled in at the end of the fifteenth century. An oak
mooring post was found just outside the dock entrance, while towards the
dock head were two posts which perhaps once supported an unloading
platform that had projected over the basin. Fronting the unloading area on
the inshore side was a stone building with an arcade along the ground floor
(Marsden, 1981: 14-16). Another dock, built at about the same time as that
at Baynard's Castle, has also been excavated in London at the Sun and
Ports 111

Figure 6.4 Reconstruction of the fifteenth-century dock at Baynards Castle, London

(Museum of London).

Topping's Wharf site on the south bank of the Thames. There is docu-
mentary evidence that this dock was in existence by 1323. It formed the
entry to a gated landing place known as the Watergate (Sheldon, 1974).
Fourteenth-century docks have also been located at Bristol Bridge and
Canynges House (Jones, 1991: 23).
The dock found in excavations at Oyster Street, Portsmouth, was a gully
or inlet with banks supported by timber and wattle fencing. A wooden quay
extended along the shingle shoreline from either side of the dock, which fell
out of use in the fifteenth century (Hurst, 1970: 176-7; Moorhouse, 1971:
A financial account is preserved for the building of a dry dock for the
King's shops at Portsmouth in 1496 (Hattendorf et al., 1993: 116-18).
Timber, iron, stone and clay were used. The dock was lined with timber and
had inner and outer gates at its head.

Loading and unloading

The construction of quays allowed ships to moor for loading and unloading
cargo. Large ships anchored off and smaller vessels, called lighters, made the
112 Medieval ships and shipping

intermediate journeys to the quays. The royal butler's accounts of the reigns
of Edward I to Edward III and fourteenth centuries record
in the thirteenth

charges for unloading wine casks at quays and by means of boats from ships
anchored off, as at the Pool of London (James, 1971: 139). Lighters were
used for unloading carracks, moored to piles out in Southampton Water
(Cobb, 1961: xxxiv).
The Laws of Oleron, the earliest surviving maritime code, was probably
compiled in the twelfth century and gained currency throughout Atlantic and
northern Europe. Much of it is concerned with the responsibilities of
shipmasters and one section says that when a ship arrives in port, the master
must show the merchants the ropes that he will use to hoist the cargo. If he
does not, he has to pay full compensation to the merchants for any losses
caused by the ropes breaking (Twiss, 1874: 16-17).
Cranes may have been introduced to waterfronts from the second half of
the twelfth century. For the rebuilding of Canterbury Cathedral in 1175,
special cranes were invented for discharging the boatloads of Caen stone
(Salzman, 1923: 104-5). Ellmers (1989) has traced the origins of harbour
cranes to three different models, each of which was previously used for
other purposes. The first type, the hoisting spar, or 'wippe', was a mast
with a yard which could lift goods and swing them round (figure 6.5). The
Bergen town law of 1250 refers to cranes of this type (Ellmers, 1989: 48).
The second type, the windlass, had been used for raising goods to the
upper floors of merchants' houses. This type of windlass was operated not
by turning the drum by means of handspikes but remotely, by turning a
large wheel linked to the windlass drum by a chain or rope loop. The
windlass could be mounted on a support with the wheel below, with a
turning jib. The third type was the crane with a treadwheel. Cranes like
these had been used for building churches and were adopted in
Netherlands harbours in the first half of the thirteenth century or perhaps
In London were cranes on public and private wharves in the
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries (Schofield, 1981: 31). At Southampton
Quay there was a crane from the early fifteenth century (Cobb, 1961: xxxvi).
Very occasionally at Southampton, tuns of wine were recorded as being
exempt from cranage charges because they were 'raised by hand'. Unlike
tuns of wine, bales and sacks were charged wharfage rather than cranage,
indicating that these were unloaded manually or with the ship's own lifting
gear. The crane garth at York, the place where all waterborne cargoes
owned by non-citizens had to be landed, weighed, checked and charged toll,
is first mentioned in a document of 1417.

The Southampton steward's accounts for the end of the fifteenth century
record that the town hired out equipment called 'styves' (from the Italian
stivare, to stow) for unloading the Italian galleys at a rate of £5 per galley
with extra charges for breakages. The accounts for the making of new styves
in 1493 show that elm, oak, ash and elder timber was used and that the

apparatus included derricks, pulleys and windlasses. Venetian galley

carpenters helped with the work (Ruddock, 1942).
Ports 113

Figure 6.5 Reconstruction of a hoisting spar used for cargo handling in Bergen
(Universitetet Bergen Historisk Museum).

Warehouses and merchants' quarters

In the larger ports, separate areas of the waterfront were used for handling
different commodities. In London, for example, Queenhithe was the place
where grain was landed. In 1300 there were eight master measurers of grain
there, each with three assistants. They measured the grain into cylindrical
vessels called bushels, levelled at the brim. Eight of these were equivalent to
one quarter of grain (Salzman, 1931: 56). Individual ports had their own
measures and weighing equipment. In an attempt to impose uniformity in
weights and measures, weighing beams were distributed from the Exchequer.
In 1352, £40 was spent on making 12 new beams for ports (Salzman, 1931:
59). The name given to the Hanseatic headquarters, the 'Steelyard', refers to
the weighing equipment which was to ensure fair The Custom
House quay at London was wool trade perhaps
the control point for the
from the time that the Great Custom was imposed on wool in 1275. In the
late thirteenth or early fourteenth century a large braced structure at least 2.2
114 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 6.6 The twelfth-century wine vault on Castle Quay, Southampton

(Southampton City Heritage Services).

metres high was built on the foreshore, incorporating the hull planking
mentioned above. There was also a large timber jetty running north-south,
most probably the main jetty for the Wool Quay (Tatton-Brown, 1974).
Specially built granaries and warehouses would have been needed at the
accredited hythes for goods awaiting distribution or transhipment.
Warehouse ranges with open arcading have been located at Billingsgate
and the Custom House. Merchants also had private warehouses. In London
the wine trade was concentrated at the Vintry, where there were large houses
with vaults for wine storage. They had access to the wharf on one side and a
shop frontage on the other. There is documentary evidence for at least ten
vaults there in 1376 (Schofield, 1981: 25). Several medieval stores survive at
Southampton, including the late twelfth-century vaulted wine cellar which
still stands on the former Castle Quay (figure 6.6). The vault is 5.7 metres

wide, 17.05 metres long and 4.0 metres high and now lacks all of its ribs
and most of its corbels. At King's Lynn, in the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries, documents and standing buildings suggest that merchants' houses
were often built as 'divided properties' with their living accommodation on
the landward side of the street while their warehouses and quays were
between the street and the river. The fifteenth-century warehouse at
Ports 115

Hampton Court in King's Lynn was built parallel to the river with an open
arcade of eight bays as its west wall, so opening directly onto the river
(Clarke, 1979: 162-3).
Foreign merchants often stayed several months in port and rented cellars
and houses. At Southampton the oarsmen of the galleys had their own
quarters and a memorial stone from their burial ground has been found at
North Stoneham (Williams, 1948: 277). Hanse merchants had establishments
in Britain at London, King's Lynn, Boston and Hull. In London their
Steelyard complex, on the site of the present Cannon Street station, included
a council chamber, a wine tavern, houses for merchants and rows of
warehouses running to a quay on which there was a crane. At the south-west
corner of the site stood the Hanse Master's house, which is known from
engravings to have resembled that which still stands at King's Lynn
(Schofield, 1981: 30). The King's Lynn Steelyard, a fifteenth-century brick
and timber structure, is the only surviving building of the Hanse in Britain
(Clarke, 1979: 163).

Functional zoning

The proximity of substantial merchants' houses to the quays suggests that

medieval waterfronts were not predominantly the low-status areas they
tended to become in later centuries, when they were largely taken over by
noxious industries such as tanning, brewing and dying. In medieval Bristol
weavers, dyers and fullers were concentrated away from the merchants'
quarters, south of the River Avon in Redcliffe and Temple. More needs to
be known about functional zoning within ports and the localisation of
trades along the waterfront. For example, it is not yet clear to what extent
fishing quays and fishmongers' houses were separated from cargo-handling
areas. Shipbuilding needed open space near the foreshore. In London
documentary evidence for the quays between the Tower and the Custom
House from 1319 until about the mid-fifteenth century shows that the most
commonly recorded trade of the owners or occupiers was that of
shipwright (Tatton-Brown, 1975). Narrow Quay at Bristol is known from
documentary sources to have been a medieval shipbuilding site but
excavations have revealed remains only of seventeenth-century docks
(Ponsford, 1981: 104). Henry V's Grace Dieu was built 'at the town of
Southampton' and a naval storehouse and smithy were built there at the
same time (Carpenter Turner, 1954: 56-77). No shipbuilding areas have
been located in the extensive excavations carried out in Southampton as
these have mostly taken place in the southern and central areas of the
medieval town (figure 6.7), which were occupied by the wealthiest members
of the population. Excavations have indicated an increase in prosperity at
the southern end of the town coinciding with the construction of a new
quay by the Watergate early in the fifteenth century. They have also shown
the desertion of the western shore as access to West Hithe and the quays
was progressively restricted in the fourteenth century by the strengthening
of the town's defences (Piatt and Coleman-Smith, 1975: 37; Saunders,
1976: 21).
116 Medieval ships and shipping

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Figure 6.7 Southampton in the later Middle Ages (from Piatt and Coleman-Smith,

Waterfront studies have become a major research area in medieval British

archaeology. The waterlogged deposits in the zone where ships came to land
can be expected to yield much more information about the development of
towns, trade and shipping.
7 Inland water transport
Boats were an important means of transport inland, as well as at the coast.
Water transport supplemented road transport for carrying cargo, especially
for very dense commodities like stone and coal. Boats were also much used
in inland fisheries and probably for setting traps, wildfowling and gathering
reeds. Ferries carried people and vehicles across waterways, especially where
the watercourse was too wide for a bridge. Boats could also be used for
The map of Britain by Matthew Paris (figure 7.1), drawn about 1250,
which was among the first to give any accurate topographical detail (Hindle,
1976: 209), and the 'Gough' map of Britain in about 1360 (Parsons, 1958;
Piatt, 1976: 80-81) both emphasise the importance of rivers to communi-
cations within Britain. They show rivers not as thin lines as on modern maps
but as broad snakes leading to the sea, and indicate just how far navigable
waterways ran into the middle of the landmass. In 1340 the Trent and Ouse
could take seagoing ships to Nottingham and York (Pelham, 1948a: 265).
The land routes shown on the Matthew Paris map are those where river
transport would have been of limited use, such as between Dover and
Newcastle or Southampton and London. The 'Gough' map shows a road
network covering most of England and Wales and Hindle (1976: 220, fig.
12) has used this and other evidence to reconstruct the road system in use in
about 1348. It appears that roads seldom ran close to the coast, from which
itis reasonable to infer that traffic along it tended to be by water.

Although journeys by boat could often be very slow, rivers were vital for
taking goods for export from their place of production to a seaport. Having
an adequate transport route to the coast must have been a crucial factor in
the viability of many production sites. Exports travelled downstream to the
ports so that the vessels were heavily laden when travelling with the flow of
the water and were much lighter on the return journey against the stream.
The distribution of imports from the ports where they were landed was not
reciprocal to the exports, since a variety of commodities was coming in, with
different and more widespread destinations. Their transport was not
necessarily so closely linked to waterways.
The royal butler's accounts for the first half of the fourteenth century
show that weather had an important influence on the route that consign-
ments of wine took from the quayside to their destination. Whenever the
state of the sea permitted, wine was shipped coastwise until it could be
transferred to river transport. In the first half of the fourteenth century it cost
as much to transport a tun of wine by road for 40 to 54 miles as it did to
bring it by sea from Bordeaux. A cart carrying a tun of wine might require
as many as six horses at a time and as a rule it was only the last stage of the
journey which was completed by road (James, 1971: 147, 149).
The balance between the use of road and water transport varied in
different parts of the country according to the nature of the terrain and the
waterways. In the Fenland of eastern England, transport was predominantly
118 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 7.1 Map of Britain by Matthew Paris, drawn about 1250 (Cotton Claud.
D.V1, f. 12v. By permission of the British Library).

by water. Figure 7.2 is a twelfth-century drawing of St Guthlac travelling to

Croyland in the Fens. The boat has a steering oar rather than a side rudder
and the man at the bows is using a long rod to check that they are keeping
to the navigable channel and in sufficient depth of water. However, Pelham
(1948a: 263) has mapped the transport of hurdles to Plymouth for shipment
to Gascony in the mid-fourteenth century. Surprisingly, this shows that they
Inland water transport 119

Figure 7.2 St Guthlac travelling by boat in the Fens, twelfth century (Harl Roll Y6
Roundel 4. By permission of the British Library).

were brought by packhorse, not down the Tamar. In the Severn area,
transport by water was much better than by road. The Severn was used for
exporting coal, in 'keels', and iron manufactures through Gloucester from
the Forest of Dean.
From the thirteenth century the Tyne valley shipped coal to London, to
other east coast ports and also abroad. Osier has detected a medieval
survival in the Tyne keel (figure 7.3), a square-rigged clinker-built vessel,
used until recent times for carrying coal along the river (Osier and Barrow,
1993: 24). He suggests that official regulation of the size of these vessels to
prevent the evasion of export duty (see Chapter 5) was one of the factors
which inhibited change.
Building stone was a commodity which relied heavily on water transport.
The great numbers and sizes of cathedrals, churches, religious houses and
castles demonstrate that the traffic in stone during the Middle Ages must
Inland water transport 121

Figure 7.4 Blocks of Barnacle stone lost in Wittlesey Mere (photo: N. Mitchell).

have been huge. Some of this was transported solely on inland waterways,
never having to reach the coast. Building accounts which refer to the carriage
of stone by water (Darby, 1940: 105) provide little information about the
boats which were used. The cost of stone lay mainly in transport. The York
Minster Fabric Rolls reveal that stone was brought by rivers from named
quarries, then carried by sleds into the mason's yard (Salzman, 1923: 85).
Barnack quarry, between the Welland and the Nene, was a most important
source of stone for the buildings in the Fenland and East Anglia. The monks
of Sawtry Abbey made a canal, or 'lode', for carrying Barnack stone to their
house by way of Wittlesey Mere but in 1192 the Abbot of Ramsey ordered
the blocking of Sawtrys lodes where they crossed Ramsey Abbey land. In
order to regain access, Sawtry had to promise to put up no buildings except
one rest house for the men on their stone barges. When Wittlesey Mere was
drained in the nineteenth century four large blocks of Barnack stone were
revealed (figure 7.4). They were presumably lost in a medieval barge
accident. Each weighs approximately one ton, with the largest measuring
94cm x 73.5cm x 73.5cm (Jenkins, 1993: 260).
In inland fisheries boats were used for operating nets, setting traps and
managing fish The Domesday survey records fishing activity in the
Mere the abbot of Ramsey had one boat, the abbot of
Fens. In Whittlesey
Peterborough one boat and the abbot of Thorney two boats (Bond, 1988:
80). Boats were not only used on large expanses of water but were also
employed on fish ponds. In 1256-59 the king ordered the bailiff of
Woodstock to cause 'oak to be chopped down in the park of the king at
Woodstock and to cause a certain boat to be made to be placed in the
122 Medieval ships and shipping

fishponds of the king'. At the same time a boat was provided by the warden
of the houses of the king and of the fishpond at Havering, for the king's
fishermen when he sent them down to fish (Steane, 1988: 48).
By the early thirteenth century, fish weirs had in some places become an
obstruction to navigation and this problem was especially serious on larger
rivers like the Severn and Thames. An Act first passed in 1346-47 for
'remedying annoyances in the four great Rivers of England, Thames, Severn,
Ouse and Trent', and orders that 'all wears, mills, stanks, stakes, and kiddles
which disturbed the passage of ships and boats in great rivers should be
utterly pulled down', had little effect and needed to be repeated nine times
up to 1495 (Bond, 1988: 86-7).
A ferry across the River Tamar is recorded in a 1337 survey of the Duchy
of Cornwall. 'Three burgesses of Esshe [Saltash] hold. . . the passage of
Esshe with rent pertaining to the same passage with a boat and four oars for
the said passage'. It must have been a sizeable boat, for we learn that 'John
de Ferar shall cross there and his whole household with all carts' (Hull,
1971: 119, 122-3).

Boat finds

Numerous small boats have been found in inland contexts in Britain. Many
of them are logboats. There has long been a popular assumption that
because simple logboats are products of very basic technology they must be
of an early date. McGrail (1978a) has compiled a corpus of the logboats of
England and Wales, obtaining samples for radiocarbon dating where
possible. Results obtained have shown that many logboats previously
thought be be prehistoric are in fact medieval.
Nine logboats found within a 20 kilometre stretch of the River Mersey
have produced radiocarbon dates ranging from the ninth to the twelfth
centuries. Their period of use probably falls within the eleventh century
(McGrail and Switsur, 1979: 93-115). They were made from short oaks,
given rounded ends with protrusions resembling stem and stern posts.
Horizontal holes for mooring ropes were bored through their forward ends.
An early eleventh-century date seems likely for the large logboat, more than
five metres long, found at Stanley Ferry, Yorkshire, in 1838 (McGrail, 1981:
An extended logboat was found in the drained bed of the former Kentmere

Lake, near Kendal inCumbria, in 1955. This logboat has been radiocarbon
dated to 650 ± 120 bp (D-71) or about 1300 ad (Wilson, 1966). It is a
hybrid between a logboat and a plank boat. The base is a shallow oak dug-
out hull, 4.25 metres long and 0.61 metres wide, which is flat bottomed with
a rounded stern and slightly pointed prow. To this are attached, on either
side, five wash strakes. The strakes were each made of two planks, joined by
a short (10cm) scarf in the centre. No logboat with so many side strakes is
known from a continental European context. Four ribs made from grown
oak crooks were treenailed to the hull and to the top strake. The strakes
were fastened together clinker-fashion with round-headed nails which did not
have roves but which had their ends hammered over. A rowlock was found
Inland water transport 123

attached to the top strake on the better preserved side of the boat, suggesting
that there was a central thwart for the oarsman, and an ash plank found
near the boat might have been a thwart. At the junction between the top of
the hollowed log, which formed the bottom of the boat, and the lower edge
of the planking there was a strip of wood treenailed onto the outside of each
side of the hull, running along about three-quarters of the boat's length.
These strips would have enhanced the boat's stability, making it less likely
that it would capsize. Like the River Mersey logboats mentioned above, the
prow of the Kentmere boat had a projecting cutwater through which there
was a hole, presumably for a mooring rope.
Only about 40 km from the find-spot of the Kentmere boat, the
Giggleswick Tarn logboat (figure 7.5) was similarly found in the bed of a
drained lake, in 1863. It has been radiocarbon dated to 615 bp ± 40 (Q-
1245) or about 1335 ad (McGrail, 1978b: 29). It was made of ash and its
overall length is 2.45 metres with a maximum beam of 0.63 metres. It is
interesting because of the strengthening timbers fastened across the ends and
because of external longitudinal timbers at the level of the sheer. These
would have provided strength and would have assisted stability when the
boat was heavily laden.
A logboat found on the shore of Oak Mere, Cheshire, (figure 7.6) has
been radiocarbon dated to 1395-1470 ad (McGrail, pers. comm.). It
demonstrates that logboats continued in use until a very late date and that
their builders had developed a thorough understanding of the raw material
and how to shape it to produce boats with good stability and performance
characteristics (McGrail, 1978a: 249). The logboat was 3.6 metres in length
with a maximum beam of 0.79 metres. It had a slight keel carved out of the
solid wood, with hollows on each side, which would have helped it to
maintain a straight course. Both ends were raised and pointed to provide a
cutwater and to prevent swamping. A maximum amount of wood had been
hollowed away, producing a light boat with thin sides. Extra thickness was
provided in two places and the excavator described these as 'ribs' cut out of
the solid (Newstead, 1935: 210); they would have provided extra strength at
the seat positions.
The number of logboats in the archaeological record is probably
disproportionately large because they are solid and readily identified when
they are found by chance. Fewer plank-built boats have been recorded,
probably because their remains can be slight and fragmentary. Several pieces
of oak boat planking were found during archaeological excavations in the
moat of Southchurch Hall at Southend in Essex. Although scattered, they
were in similar stratigraphical positions, and some of them were sealed under
bridge footings which were constructed in the early thirteenth century. The
excavated planking was very fragmentary and fragile. There are nine main
pieces, several consisting of more than one plank. All the finds share
sufficient common characteristics for there to be no doubt that they are all
from the same boat. By the direction of the scarfs and the presence of hood
ends- it can be inferred that the planking came from the starboard side of the
boat adjacent to the stern post. The edges of the planks exhibit strong
curvature for building a generous curve into the side of the boat, giving a
round stern.
124 Medieval ships and shipping

GiggleswickTarn - remains

Figure 7.5 The Giggleswick Tarn logboat (National Maritime Museum).

The planks are exceptionally thin, with a maximum thickness at their

centre of 12mm and at the nail holes of only 9mm, so the greatest thickness
of the boat's hull, where the runs of planking overlap, was less than 20mm.
The excavated planking contains a surprisingly large number of scarfs for
such a small boat, suggesting either that it was not considered worth the
expense of good long boards or that lengths had been pieced in as repairs.
The timbers were extensively patched.
Inland water transport 125

SCALE Of <E£T 0»« Me«E. Cheshire


4 Section amidships

Figure 7.6 The logboat from Oak Mere (from Newstead, 1935).

The Southchurch Hall boat was a small, lightly built, round-sterned vessel
which had had its useful life prolonged by major repairs. Although we know
it had a stern post, we do not know whether it had a keel or a flat-planked

bottom. The length and beam of the boat and the shape of the bow are also
unknown. It is possible that it had been used for pleasure, as shown in figure
7.7, beforeending its days in the moat.
Threave Castle, built on an island in the River Dee in Galloway, had a
shallow harbour cut out of the bedrock to allow boats to moor in a place
protected from the fast river current. Excavations within the harbour have
produced parts of an oar blade and a paddle blade, probably deposited in
the late fourteenth or the fifteenth century. The object illustrated as a boat's
rudder by Good and Tabraham (1981: 121) is more likely a window shutter
or a box lid.

Many castles, other than those where the elevation of the site was part of
the defensive design, were sited so that they could be reached by boat. The
stone to build them was
usually brought by water and provisions continued
to be supplied by
means. Familiar examples include those castles built
beside major tidal rivers, such as the Tower of London on the Thames and
Rochester on the Medway. Less obvious ones are Castle Acre in Norfolk
(Coad and Streeten, 1982: 138) on the River Nar, which runs through King's
126 Medieval ships and shipping

Oi fixnctcfKtafmccottmta
cotpm mam <mmw n cr

Figure 7.7 Pleasure boating in the fifteenth century (BL Add. Ms. 54782 f.54. By
permission of the British Library).

Lynn to the Wash, and Berkhamsted on the River Bulbourne in

Hertfordshire. The Welsh castles built by Edward I (1272-1307) all had
access to tidal waters and the sea (Brown, 1976: 95-115). In the case of
Rhuddlan, this was achieved by the considerable labour involved in diverting
the course of the River Clwyd into a newly cut deep-water channel of about
four kilometres long (Taylor, 1974: 319-20). Many of these castles are
known to have had docks. That at Beaumaris still survives and the one at
Baynard's Castle in London has been referred to in the previous chapter.
Castle studies would benefit from a greater awareness of the importance of
waterbourne communication. There is much to be learnt by investigating the
areas of castles most likely to reveal evidence for activity associated with
water transport.
The plank-built boat shown in figure 7.8 was discovered in 1982 during
the construction of an artificial lake at Caldecotte, Buckinghamshire
(Hutchinson, 1983). More than half of the boat was, unfortunately, torn off
and irretrievably dumped. The hull was severed obliquely so that only one
end remained, with approximately 2.5 metres of one side and about one
metre of the other. The surviving portion consisted of part of a flat keel-
plank made from elm, a stem of roughly triangular cross-section hewn from
curved oak, an oak frame timber and planking made from sawn oak boards.
The boat was of clinker construction with three overlapping strakes and a
stealer (a short plank filling the angular space between the stem post and the
keel) on each side. Additional narrow strips of wood (rubbing strips) were
applied on the upper outside edge of the top strakes. The component shapes
Inland water transport 127

Figure 7.8 The boat found at Caldecotte, Milton Keynes (National Maritime

were well thought out but the fastening was not very carefully done, perhaps
suggesting that boats of this type had been made for a long time before this
The boat was lying towards the edge of an old watercourse, roughly
parallel to the bank. In the Middle Ages the surrounding area was
marshland. There was a mooring chain and spike fastened to the inside of
the stem and left dangling overboard and three pieces of hemp rope were
found under the boat.
The remains contained insufficient tree rings for dendrochronology. The
widest oak components, the planks, were through-sawn boards so that many
of the same tree rings occur twice in the same cross-section. A radiocarbon
date (HAR-5201) of 410 ± 60 years bp or about 1480-1600 ad was
obtained, indicating that the boat belongs to the medieval or early post-
medieval period.
The closest parallel for the Caldecotte boat, in shape and construction, is
the Somerset turf boat (McKee, 1983: 107-9), a type still being made in this
century. It has mooring chains similar to that on the Caldecotte boat at both
ends. The question of the survival of medieval boat types into recent times is
intriguing and the case of the Tyne keel has already been mentioned. The
appearance of some other vessels, for example the Fenland lighters (Jenkins,
1993), suggests an ancient origin but medieval examples have not yet been
excavated. Good pictorial evidence for vernacular craft can often be found
extending back to the seventeenth century but rarely much before. There is a
need for further research on pictorial sources to elucidate changes in local
128 Medieval ships and shipping

types in the post-medieval period. This would serve as a bridge between the
traditional craft which survived into the twentieth century, which have been
extensively documented, often just before they became extinct, and the small
craft in use in the Middle Ages.
8 Fishing

The physical remains of medieval fishing are elusive. A book (Blair

and Ramsay, 1991), intended to update Salzman's 1923 volume on medieval
industries, omits fishing on the grounds that there is insufficient material
evidence. However, in a recent special study of the subject (Aston, 1988), the
contributors have demonstrated that a great deal of information is available,
especially about inland fisheries and features such as ponds and weirs. This
chapter will concentrate on sea fishing, touching on the use of boats in
inland fisheries.
Fish and shellfish were of great importance in the medieval diet. The
church forbade meat consumption on at least two days a week as well as on
certain other holy days and during the six weeks of Lent. The accounts of
aristocratic and ecclesiastical households show that these rules were
observed. The Winchester diet rolls demonstrate that fish was the main
course on most of the days of the week (Bond, 1988: 70). The documents
also indicate a large proportion of sea-fish. Dyer (1988: 30) has observed
that sea-fish were generally consumed in much greater quantities than fresh-
water species and that distance from the coast did not prevent inland
households from buying both fresh and preserved sea-fish. Evidence about
the particular species consumed comes from the documents and from the
fishbones and shells retrieved from excavations. Herring and cod were the
most important fish but a great variety of other species were consumed,
including sole, plaice, flounder, haddock, ling and mackerel. Rarities
included whale and sturgeon. Oysters were the most common shellfish but
mussels, whelks, cockles, crab and lobster were also eaten.
There is little information about the organisation of sea fishing. It seems to
have been carried out by small operators, some of whom worked on behalf
of monastic houses. Taylor (1988: 466) has questioned whether fishing took
place at anything more than a domestic level before 1200. In remote coastal
settlements, without a great deal of demand from the hinterland, fishing was
a subsistence industry. It is unlikely that even fishermen supplying large
urban markets could become wealthy. As fish was a basic foodstuff, the
more that was produced the cheaper it became. New and improved methods
of fish preservation allowed fishermen to take advantage of the seasonal
peaks in availability and made it possible to distribute fish over greater
distances from the place at which they were landed. For example, herrings
from East Anglia were traded to Italy and Spain (Saul, 1981: 33). Increasing
demand for fish throughout the period resulted in the expansion of the
fisheries to Iceland and later to Newfoundland.
The potential archaeological remains of sea fishing are considered in this
chapter. Catching gear includes various types of net or hook and line for
and net-making equipment.
different species of fish, as well as floats, weights
Fishing boats may also show adaptation in size, hull shape and fittings,
related to: the type of gear used and whether the boats worked off beaches
or out of harbours; the distance worked off shore; and sea conditions.
130 Medieval ships and shipping

Marine fishtraps were constructed in the inter-tidal zone. Shore sites

associated with fishing include whole villages and the fishing quarters of
larger ports with their harbour works and quays. Beaches may have had
winches, huts and net-drying sheds as well as boatbuilding and repair sites.
Fish-processing facilities should be found close to where the catches were
landed and the remains of packaging, such as barrels and casks, and
fishbones and shells can be expected on habitation sites. Fresh sea-fish were
sold at markets as far inland as Bicester, Oxford, Wantage, Coventry and
Gloucester (Bond, 1988: 77). Because oysters could be kept alive for weeks
in barrelsof salt-water, their shells are ubiquitous in medieval excavations.
Assessing the importance of fish remains in the diet of past populations is

fraught with difficulties. Because fishbones disintegrate readily as a result of

cooking, digestion, trampling and general biodegradation, the fish remains
recovered from deposits are a very small sample of those originally discarded
(Jones, 1992: 96). Herring bones are particularly fragile while those of cod
are among the most robust. At the eleventh- and twelfth-century fishing
settlement at Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth, 19 species of mainly marine fish
have been identified. Herring, cod, whiting and mackerel dominated in all

phases. Plaice also occurs in most samples, as does haddock and the conger
eel to a lesser extent (Wheeler and Jones, 1976: 212). Cod was the dominant
species recovered from the midden at Castle Acre Priory (Wilcox, 1980) and
also at Kirkstall Abbey (Ryder, 1969: 387). Excavations at the Austin Friars
in Leicester produced cod, ling, haddock and plaice or flounder bones but no
remains of fresh-water fish (Thawley, 1981: 174).

Fish catching gear

Fish can be caught with hooks, nets and traps and different gear is
appropriate for different species. Large demersal fish which are bottom
feeders, like cod and haddock, could be caught with hook and line. Smaller
pelagic fish which swim in shoals, herring especially, were more suitable for
catching in nets. Eels, flounders and small plaice could be caught in shallow
water with spears.
For fishing with hook and line at sea, hand lines and long lines were used.
No medieval fishing line has been found in Britain. It would need to be fine
and to have a considerable breaking strain: horse hair and bast would have
been suitable and also good quality hemp line. Medieval fish-hooks have
been found at numerous sites. They are mostly of iron though some are
bronze. They are not small; a hook must not be too small because the fish
may swallow it whole and bite through the line. In London the Trig Lane,
Billingsgate and Custom House sites have all produced medieval fish-hooks.
Their average length is about 50mm with some larger ones up to 75mm.
They are all barbed and, instead of having eyes like modern fish-hooks, their
ends are thickened or flattened so that the line bent round them would not
slip off. Forty-five fish-hooks from the period 1000-1200 were found on
excavations at Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth and three of these are shown in
figure 8.1. They are similar in shape to the London examples and vary in
length from 45mm to 75mm with one very large example 122mm long.
Fishing 131

Figure 8.1 Fish-hooks from Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth (after Rogerson, 1976).

Hooks of this size would have been effective for catching the largest fishes
represented by the remains from the site, such as spurdog, conger eel, ling,
cod, large haddock, turbot and halibut (Wheeler and Jones, 1976: 221).
Excavations at Hartlepool have produced two sea-fishing hooks in an early
thirteenth-century context, one 75mm long, the other, which has a barb,
50mm long. There are also three iron hooks from Pevensey (Dulley, 1967)
and one from Sewer Lane, Hull (Steane and Foreman, 1988: 146-8). A
pewter spoon from Beverley is engraved with an image of three fish about to
take hooks (figure 8.2).
Long lines with many hooks attached and weighted at the end, were towed
from fishing vessels, including the English doggers which worked Icelandic
waters from the fourteenth century. Hooks were fastened singly or in small
numbers on hand lines, between a weight and a float to keep the hook
submerged at the desired depth. The line might be wound on a hand frame,
such as those found in sailors' chests in the wreck of the Mary Rose. They
have wooden side pieces joined by dowels and have floats 20mm in
diameter, 60mm to 90mm long (Steane and Foreman, 1988: 149-53). On
the Thames foreshore large numbers of lead fishing-line weights, lost by
anglers from the waterfronts, have been recovered. They are of various
different shapes - pyramidal, conical or pear-shaped - and include a group
of more than 40 ascribed to the fifteenth century (Steane and Foreman,
1988: 155).
Evidence for nets and floats, netting tools and hemp twine have been
found in the Netherlands, Norway, Russia and Poland (Steane and Foreman,
132 Medieval ships and shipping
Fishing 133

1988: 162). The manufacture of nets with the weaver knot, which is still the
most widely used netmaking knot in Europe and America, has been carried
out in north-west Europe from very early times (von Brandt, 1984: 115-16).
There are scant remains of actual nets and contemporary illustrations do
little to throw light on the nature of the gear or its method of operation.

Small bag-shaped nets are sometimes depicted, as in a late thirteenth-century

French illumination of the calling of St Peter (BL Add. Ms. 17341, f.l53v).
Another illumination, from the early fourteenth-century Queen Mary's
Psalter (figure 8.3), shows fishermen hauling in a narrow net with thick
ropes along both edges and a wooden bar at one end. This appears to be a
draw-net, which worked by surrounding the fish as the lines attached to the
net were drawn in. A roundhaul net could be operated between two boats,
with one end made fast to one of the boats while the other boat circled to set
it. It could also be used from a single boat by buoying one end during the

setting process then attaching the draglines to the ends of the mast laid along
the boat, so that the mouth of the net is kept as open as possible (figure 8.4).
A line of floats was attached to the head rope, along the top edge of the net,
and a line of sinkers to the foot rope along its bottom. The central part of
the net, for holding the fish while it was drawn in, might be in bag form.
The wings and the long draglines attached to them helped to drive the fish
into the centre.
A seine (or scoop) net like this could also be worked from a beach. This
was the method which was used in the Cornish pilchard fishery in the
sixteenth century. A boat took one end of the net out into the sea in a wide
arc then back to the beach. The nets worked most successfully when set a
long way out but with their feet weighted so they touched the bottom and
their heads buoyed at the surface. The prevalence of beach seine netting in
the Elizabethan period has led to the assumption that it was a new invention.
It seems to be the case that seine nets were in use long previously but that a

cycle in the shoaling behaviour of pilchards combined with improved

methods of preservation and increasing demand to turn beach seining into a
major industry at that time.
Drift-nets were used to catch North Sea herring. The date of introduction
of this type of net is also unknown. Most of the fish caught this way were
trapped by their gills in the mesh, implying that it was very fine. Of four
boats arrested at Great Yarmouth in 1311, one carried seven nets, two 17
and one 27; some nets were valued at 3s. and others at 5s. In 1316, 89 nets
were stolen from a vessel off Ravenser. The depth of the nets was probably
five fathoms or 7.2 to nine metres) but
constant at eight to ten yards (four to
their length and the numbers used strung out together varied considerably
(Saul, 1981: 34). In the first quarter of the fifteenth century large herring
50 to 60 fathoms (90 to 108 metres) in length, were being
drift gill nets,
made at Hoorn in the Netherlands (Cutting, 1955: 66). The nets drifted
independently, suspended from a buoyed head-line, accompanied by a vessel.
Cork might have been used for buoys; it was imported into England at least
as early as the fourteenth century, as customs accounts from King's Lynn
record (Steane and Foreman, 1988: 162). Buoys made of sheepskin and
dogskin were also used for fishing gear in the Northern Isles, as well as kegs
(Fenton, 1978: 567).
Fishing 135

Figure 8.4 Fishing with a roundhaul net (National Maritime Museum).

Oysters could be gathered at low water or by a drag towed behind a boat.

The drag was made of strong thick netting with teeth or spills of iron to
dredge the sea-bed. The trawl net for flat-fish may have developed from this.
The trawl is a large bag net, with either a frame all round the entrance or a
bar to hold the mouth open. It has to be pulled along. A Parliamentary
petition in 1377 complained of the recent invention of a new type of fishing
net like an oyster drag of outsize dimensions, with a fine mesh (Steane and
Foreman, 1988: 159). If trawls were not in use before this we might expect a
sudden increase in the proportion of flat-fish in fishbone assemblages.
Ethnographic evidence helps to outline the possible methods of catching
fish but of course cannot provide information about the date of introduction
of different fishing techniques. Hand-held scoop and skimming nets have
been used for catching small fish and prawns and small baited nets fixed to
hoops for lobsters. 'Poke' nets or 'dip' nets, which have a circular rim to
support a net bag suspended from a pole, were in recent use in the Northern
Isles. They trapped fish which were attracted by the bait of salt herring,

pounded limpets or mashed crab (Fenton, 1978: 537).

Sea traps

Nets were also used to make tidal traps. Carew, in the sixteenth century,
records that in Cornwall stakes were set in the mud at low water, across a
creek from shore to shore. A net was fastened to the foot of the stakes and

136 Medieval ships and shipping

N03502OO 1


N030000 f t

NO 349900


N0349TO0to to
(M a
O o

N0349600 ,uj

Figure 8.5 A tidal fish-trap in Caernarfon Bay (from Momber, 1991).

at high tide the upper part of the net was pulled up so that it formed a
curtain across the creek. When the tide ebbed the fish were left on the mud
(Halliday, 1953: 115).
There are numerous tidal fish-traps around the coast of north and west
Wales (Jones, 1983: 28-9). They are dry-stone barriers constructed in the
inter-tidal zone in areas of considerable tidal range, usually in excess of five
metres. At high tide they fill up with water and with fish, then as the tide
ebbs the water drains away and the fish are trapped. Most of the Welsh fish-
traps are semi-circular or semi-oval in plan with enclosures at the seaward
end to contain the catch. Jones (1983: 30) has identified four different types.
The fish-traps were self-baiting because marine worms colonised the silts
which accumulated in their seaward ends and these attracted small fish. The
small fish established habitats in the walls and were preyed upon by larger

The origins of the traps are lost in folklore but they were certainly still

being built in the medieval period and some were used by the Cistercians.
Aerial reconnaissance in 1989 revealed a semi-circular structure lying just off
the coast in Caernarfon Bay, North Wales. The anomaly has been
demonstrated to be a fish-trap, constructed at about the beginning of the
thirteenth century (figure 8.5). The enclosure wall has a central 'backbone'
between one and two metres wide with collapsed boulders spread on either
side. The boulders making up the wall were in the size range 0.30m to one
metre across. The wall forms an incomplete ring and the area within it
measures about 300 metres in diameter (Momber, 1991). A similar rubble
Fishing 137

stone sea-fish trap exists at Minehead. A net was placed over the entrance, to
catch fish as the sea ebbed (Aston and Dennison, 1988: 401).

Stone anchors and net weights

Stone anchors were in use from prehistory to the post-medieval period and
are important but not fully explained marine artefacts. The very large ones
were probably for anchoring boats while the smaller ones may have been
used as additional weights on anchor cables or for anchoring fishing nets or
pots. It is worth distinguishing between stone anchors, where the stone is
used incombination with wooden stakes which enable it to grip the bottom
and so resist being dragged along, and stone weights which rely on gravity to
keep them in position.
Archimedes' principle states that any object immersed in liquid experiences
an upthrust equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. This means that a
large stone, which a man could hardly shift on dry land, becomes far easier
to lift on the sea-bed. The difference in weight of an object in water and in
air depends on its density, since to calculate the weight of a submerged
object, the weight of the volume of water displaced by the object must be
subtracted from its air weight. Lead is so dense that its weight is scarcely
affected by immersion but the weight of stone certainly is. The sinkers on the
foot-rope of a fishing net have to be sufficiently heavy to keep the slightly
buoyant hemp netting hanging nearly vertically, without submerging the
floats on the head-rope.
Stone anchors or weights have so far been found in the sea around Britain
only as stray finds, without any rope or other associated organic material
which can be used for dating. Recording the depth of water in which the
weights were found, and the nature of the bottom, may give some clue as to
the type of operation for which they were used. Markey has reported on two
stone anchors from Dorset and notes the existence of at least 16 others
(1991: 50). The considerable weight (37.5kg and 21kg) of the two which he
describes and the presence of rectangular holes which were probably for
wooden tines, suggest that these were for anchoring boats. They contrast
with the group of nine holed stones found by divers in about four metres of
water near the foot of a small cliff at the south-east tip of Guernsey. These
irregularly shaped stones, about 30cm long and 18cm thick, each have only
a single hole and weigh about 2kg (Hurst, 1969: 194-5).
Five undated stone weights have been examined at the National Maritime
Museum (figure 8.6). 'A' is disc-shaped and made of sandstone, about
48cm in diameter and 7mm thick with a central perforation. It was found
by a diver 400 metres off Seaford, Sussex. 'B', also of sandstone, was found
off Brown's Bay, Cullercoats, Tyne and Wear, in about 12 metres of water
(McCumiskey, 1980). 'C was found by a diver off Plymouth, Devon. It is
made of red sandstone with faceted sides and a hole at one end. This
anchor is different in shape from any recorded in the literature and has
been carefully designed to avoid chafing of the rope during use. 'D' is a
triangular unperforated stone weight found on the beach at Dunwich,
138 Medieval ships and shipping

Nance (1913; 1921a; 1921b) has described the recent use of killicks,
composite anchors using stones and wooden components, in Cornwall. He
documented a great variety of forms. They were used for fishing boats
because the rough, rocky sea-bed claimed so heavy a toll of lost anchors that
more expensive ones could not be afforded (Nance, 1913: 298). He also
described how Marazion pilchard fishermen used a disc-shaped 'bully stone',
repeatedly dashing it into the water to frighten back the fish that attempted
to break out of the still unjoined ends of the seine. They chose stones of as
light a colour as possible to cause maximum alarm to the fish (Nance, 1913,
296-7). The pale disc-shaped stone from Seaford (figure 8.6a) would serve
very well as a 'bully stone'.
Fishing 139

Anchor stones are also found in inland waterways. Seventy-two of them

have been found in an ancient channel of the river Trent at Hemington
Fields, Castle Donington, Leicestershire, in the vicinity of a Norman mill-
dam. The stones were made mostly of rubble derived from local rocks, with
some reused masonry. They had V-shaped cuts on two or more sides, giving
a waisted appearance. Their weight varied from 9kg to 50kg. One groove
retained remains of a twisted band of split withies, which gave a radiocarbon
date of 1175-1410 ad (OxA - 2289). The reason for their deposition has
not been explained but they may have been used to weight down fish-trap
structures (Salisbury, 1991: 83, 86).

Ancillary fishing artefacts

As well as the more obvious fishing equipment, ancillary fishing artefacts

might include such diverse objects as lanterns and spades. Fishing often took
place at night, using lights to attract the fish. Spades were used for digging
for bait; while baskets were used or carrying fish. At the fishing settlement at
Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth, knives and whetstones, perhaps used for fish
processing, formed a large part of the artefact assemblage and there were
also two arrowheads which might have been used for spearing fish
(Rogerson, 1976: 164).

Fishing boats

The design of fishing boats determined by whether they work off beaches

or out of harbours, the type of fishing gear operated, the nature of the
fishing grounds and the length of time they spend at sea. Local boatbuilding
traditions were strong and the same boat-types remained in use for centuries.
Excavation of fourteenth- and early fifteenth-century layers on part of the
medieval waterfront in Poole, Dorset, (Watkins, 1994) revealed a store of
timber for use in boatbuilding, as already described in Chapter 1. The
boatyard produced a number of boats of similar size and shape and there is
sufficient evidence to attempt a reconstruction of the type of boat represented
by the majority of the used timbers and rough-outs (Hutchinson, 1994: 35).
The reconstruction (figure 8.7) takes as its basis a keel 4.15m (13ft 6in) long,
scarfed to stem and stern posts each 1.83m (6ft) long, giving an overall
length of 7.81m (25ft 6in). The have been the same
stern post need not
shape as the stem post; a straighter post would have been more suited to a
stern rudder. The boats would have had ten or eleven strakes per side and
the beam is reconstructed as 2.45m (8ft). Boats of this size and shape would
have been suitable for fishing: their hull shape would provide stability and
their flat bottoms are suitable for beaching. A rope attachment hole low
down on the stem post is suitably placed for hauling a boat onto a beach.
Four Y-shaped mast crutches were found, intended to be used for supporting
masts when they were unstepped and laid along the boat. Depictions of
boats fishing, including those on a sixteenth-century map of Poole Harbour
(Hutchinson, 1994: 37), show boats working their nets with their masts
140 Medieval ships and shipping

unstepped and supported in mast-crutches. This would increase stability and

working space and would permit a line to be fastened between the end of the
mast and the net. The Portland Lerret, a type of vessel remarkably similar to
the reconstructed Poole Foundry boats, fishes off the nearby Chesil Bank to
the present day (McKee, 1983: 188-9).
Excavation of a boat which sank at Blackfriars, London, in the second
half of the fifteenth century recovered nearly 2,000 fishing-net weights. The
vessel (Blackfriars III) was originally about 16m long with a shallow keel and
bottom planking of remarkable flatness as far as the turn of the bilge (figure
8.8). A mast-step, roughly amidships, showed that the vessel had been sailed
and that the mast was designed to be unstepped easily. The hull had been
extensively repaired. The net weights are made of lead, each about 25mm
long and 12mm in diameter. They are each pierced by longitudinal holes.
Two heavier lead weights were also found in the forward part of the boat.
These weights may have been from a net that had been caught on the wreck
(Marsden, 1979: 91). However, it seems unlikely that fishermen would have
been working their nets right up against a Thames quay or that, if they were,
all the weights would have been so bunched together. We might speculate

that the net fell into the wreck from the quay, where it had been hung to
dry, but surely the more likely explanation is that was part of Blackfriars

Ill's equipment. This need not mean that Blackfriars III was exclusively a
fishing boat; there are plenty of documented examples of the use of boats for
various purposes at different times of year.
142 Medieval ships and shipping

To bring the catch of fish to shore in a fresh condition the Dutch adopted
The earliest known reference to these in
a type of boat called the waterschip.
the written sources occurs in 1339 and about ten examples have been
excavated in the IJsselmeerpolders. They are characteristically broad-
bottomed forward with a sharp stern. The stem is curved and the stern is
straight. A medieval example, probably of the fifteenth century, was
excavated at site MZ 22 in the polders in 1978. The midships part of the
boat was a 'bun', a fish-well compartment sealed from the rest of the vessel
by heavy bulkheads, with holes in the hull planking to allow sea-water to
flow through and thus keep the fish alive. This type of boat continued in use
into the nineteenth century but the post-medieval examples were built with
flush-laid planking rather than in the clinker technique (Reinders, 1979: 41-
2; Reinders, 1982: 21).
Documentary sources occasionally give information about fishing
practices. Heath (1969) has studied the accounts of the income of the
parish church of Scarborough for the years 1414-18 and 1434-42 which
include tithes from fishing expeditions. There were nearly 50 regular
fishermen in Scarborough and they fell into three categories. The largest
group mainly fished in 'batellae' and 'cobles'. 'Batellae' simply means 'small
boats' and 'cobles' were presumably the ancestors of the boat-type of that
name still used on the north-east coast (McKee, 1983: 88, 114). A quarter of
the fishermen sometimes employed 'farcosts', a boat-type of unknown
features (Burwash, 1947: 123), with examples recorded as being of from five
to 40 tons in the fifteenth century. Small boats were used to catch plaice in
winter, lobsters and cod during Lent, and skate in summer. The average
annual income of these fishermen was about £7. The second group of
fishermen fished for herrings in winter and were engaged on 'the North Sea
fare', catching cod and haddock on the spawning grounds east of Scotland
and the Dogger Bank, in spring. All of these also fished in farcosts, but only
two briefly used cobles or batellae. Their average gross annual income was
more than ten times greater than the first group, at £77. The third group
consisted of 16 fishermen who, in addition to fishing herring, went to Iceland
for cod in summer. Their average gross annual income was £85.
Richard Hakluyt, writing in the sixteenth century, claimed that the men of
Blakeney fished off Iceland in the reign of Edward III. There is no evidence
for this. It may be that the first English fishermen to sail to Iceland were
those whose ship arrived there in 1412 (Marcus, 1956: 313). Icelandic sagas
record they were followed in the summer of 1413 by 30 or more fishing
doggers from England. It is possible that some fragments of English doggers
lie on the sea-bed around Iceland: in 1419 no fewer than 25 English ships

were wrecked in a gale on Maundy Thursday. 'All the men were lost, but the
goods and splinters of the ships were cast up everywhere' (Marcus, 1956:
Vessels called 'doggers' were used for the Iceland trade. They seem to have
originated in the Low Countries but by the fifteenth century the dogger was
the ubiquitous east coast fishing vessel (Marcus, 1954: 294). The term seems
to have been applied to a variety of medium-sized craft. Fifteenth-century
documents referring to East Anglian ports record them as ranging from 30 to
80 tons with crews of 20 to 30 men (Heath, 1969: 60). From 1483 the
Fishing 143

annual fishing fleet sailed to Iceland in convoy and the Iceland trade
probably reached its peak in the early sixteenth century (Marcus, 1954: 296).
The 'crayer' was another type of vessel mentioned in fifteenth-century
documents as comparable in size to doggers or a little smaller (Burwash,
1947: 120-24). Its name suggests it may originally have been used for
catching marine crustaceans but in the fifteenth century crayers seem to have
been used for carrying cargoes rather than for fishing.
It seems that around 1416-25 herring ceased to spawn in the Baltic and

the failure of the fishery there may have contributed to the decline of the
Hanse. The North Sea became the new focus of the herring industry
although Heath (1969: 61) has questioned whether the east coast fishery
grew as a result. Dutch fishing vessels worked way down the coast,
starting at Shetland in June or July, reaching Great Yarmouth in the autumn
and home from the Thames estuary after Christmas (Cutting, 1955:
63). Herring busses evolved in the Netherlands in the fifteenth century as
deep-sea fishing vessels with capacity for salting fish on board. Tradition has
it that the first busses were built at Hoorn and Enkhuizen in 1416 and by

1450 the whole of province of Zeeland had them. They were large,
seaworthy ships usually of 80 to 100 tuns burden, with a characteristically
high and narrow poop and very full in the body and the waterline. They had
a beam of 15 to 17 feet with a keel length of only about 50 feet. Their crews
of about 14 or 15 men included skilled picklers and coopers to make the
barrels tight. Busses were usually armed and frequently convoyed by
warships (Cutting, 1955: 66).

Fish processing

Fish were preserved by four different methods in the Middle Ages: drying,
smoking, salting and pickling. In conditions of cold and low humidity in
Norway and Iceland, white fish (cod, haddock, pollock and ling) were dried
out of doors with little or no pre-treatment with salt. The stockfish produced
in this way were traded throughout Europe. Jones (1992) has suggested that
they may be recognised in bone assemblages by the disproportionate ratio of
head to body bones. Smoking was either done cold, as for example with
bloaters, or 'hot' in a kiln. Recent practice in smoking on a domestic scale
can probably be projected back into the Middle Ages - Arbroath smokies
were smoked in pit kilns and in Sanday, Orkney, the poorer inhabitants lived
on and hung in the chimneys to smoke (Fenton, 1978: 528). Red
fish, salted

herrings were produced by a method which combined heavy salting with

hard smoking: the fish were first washed to remove the salt they had been
packed in at sea, they were then put in salt again for about two weeks after
which they were taken out, washed, hung up on sticks through their mouths
and gills and smoked over wood fires for seven to 28 days. This technique is
supposed to have been developed in Yarmouth at around the beginning of
the fourteenth century (Cutting, 1955: 71-6).
Fish houses were probably tall with small floor areas. For example, in
Yarmouth 1311 and 1312, two plots, 49 feet by 90 and 47 feet by 74,
each contained a fish-house and a salthouse. Fish-houses were frequently
144 Medieval ships and shipping

given names, often similar to those of ships or perhaps taverns, such as

'Blithe', 'Paradise' and 'Lamb' (Saul, 1981: 35).
Cod, whiting, mackerel and eels, as well as herring, were preserved by
salting. Packing fish in salt preserves it for a short time but for longer
preservation the fish had to be gutted and cleaned before packing in airtight
containers. This termed 'pickling' although it does not involve the use of

vinegar. Herring were gutted, washed in sea water, roused in salt and packed
in barrels. Towards the end of the fourteenth century Dutch herring cured in
this way were considered superior to those of any other country. They were
sorted and packed in casks, head to tail, with salt between the layers, which
were then arranged alternately across each other. Regulations stated that
they had to contain one part of salt to three parts of fish. The barrels were
made airtight and branded with the date of catch (Cutting, 1955: 62-3).
Pilchards were salt-cured and packed in barrels like herrings. As they are
fattier than herring, they were pressed in barrels to remove some of the oil
before topping up with brine and lidding (Cutting, 1955: 79).
Preserved fish were much cheaper than fresh fish and could be distributed
further. In 1338 Edward III obtained 400 lasts of herring (about half a
million fish) from Great Yarmouth, for the army in Flanders (Cutting, 1955:
35). The port books of Southampton for 1427-30 show that there was a
from Covehithe, Southwold,
large coastwise trade in salted herrings, chiefly
Dunwich, Lowestoft, Orwell and Walberswick in Suffolk, and Great
Yarmouth, Cromer and Cley in Norfolk. Other sources mentioned are
Newcastle, Easton near Portland and Penzance. The total recorded import to
Southampton in 1430 was 2,590 1/2 barrels, or about 500 tons (Cutting,
1955: 69).

Fishing settlements

By the thirteenth century, Great Yarmouth had become one of the major
herring markets of Europe. There are many records of monastic houses
sending ships there. These included Durham priory and several Cistercian
monasteries such as Waverley, Boxley, Robertsbridge and Beaulieu. The
monastic houses acquired property in or near the town as a base for their
operations (Bond, 1988: 75-6).
The villages of Porthoustock and Porthallow in Cornwall were used as
fishing bases by Beaulieu Abbey. In about 1240 the abbey purchased a
building in Porthoustock with an open space extending ten feet by 20 feet
outside for drying fish. In 1317 the Abbey acquired a plot at nearby
'Porthalon' with a slipway where the abbot's men could draw up their boats
(Bond, 1988: 76). Porthoustock today has a broad, well-sheltered, gently
sloping and firm gravel beach, onto which fishing boats are still drawn up
(figure 8.9). Steep, well-wooded slopes on each side would have provided
abundant fuel and a small river runs to the sea there. Porthallow has similar
topography but with a narrower beach and steeper slopes flanking a wider
valley with more space available for settlement. Neither of these places is
easily accessible by land and they must have relied largely on seaborne
communications. The Beaulieu Abbey fishermen seem to have used the ports
Fishing 145

Figure 8.9 The fishing cove at Porthoustock, Cornwall (photo: Steve Hartgroves,
Cornwall Archaeological Unit).

as shore base and presumably processed and packed the products of

extended fishing expeditions before returning home. The very small size of
the open area attached to the building in Porthoustock suggests that there
was pressure on space in the settlement. Early fourteenth-century records of
rents levied on fishing ports in the Duchy of Cornwall, assessed according to
the number of boats, show that Porthallow was a substantial fishing village -
fifth out of the 13 ports listed - paying only slightly less rent than Fowey
(Hull, 1971: 137).
9 Shipping and warfare
Between the Norman invasion and the early sixteenth century, immense
changes came about in the ships used in warfare. These resulted not only
from developments in shipbuilding but also in response to the tactics of
fighting at sea and the introduction of new weaponry. Throughout the
Middle Ages ships were constantly involved in military activities, trans-
porting troops and equipment, defending the coast, blockading opponents'
ports and occasionally fighting battles at sea.
Warfare is perhaps the best documented area of medieval shipping activity,
since most of it was directed by central authority. Administrative documents
include those listing ships 'arrested' from their owners for use in seaborne
campaigns, as well as financial accounts for the building of royal ships.
There are also many narratives of battles. Pictorial evidence is plentiful and
often vividly detailed.

Fighting at sea

Lessons in warfare learnt during the course of the Crusades were

transferred to Northern Europe (figure 9.1). Perhaps the most important of
these was an appreciation of the advantage of height when firing missiles and
throwing projectiles and incendiary devices down onto an enemy ship.
Crusaders also learnt about 'Greek fire' - an incendiary and explosive
compound which was fired from bows or thrown in pots. The Pipe Rolls of
Richard I 1193 record the purchase of materials to make Greek fire
(Brooks, 1928: 116-18) but its precise composition is unknown and is likely
to remain so unless a pot of it is discovered on the sea-bed. In addition to
pitch it may have contained resin, naptha, and sulphur. If saltpetre and
charcoal were also included it would have approximated to gunpowder.
Reputedly it could only be extinguished by sand, vinegar or urine (Brooks,
1933: 55) and contemporary writers described ships covered in felt soaked in
vinegar by way of protection against Greek fire. The purchase of 14 pounds
of felt is recorded in the building account for the Newcastle galley of 1295
(Whitwell and Johnson, 1926: 157).
In the Battle of Dover, fought in 1217, the English fleet gained tactical
advantage over the fleet of the French king by manoeuvring into position
with both the wind and the sun behind them. They then threw down
quicklime onto the French ships to blind their crews (Brooks, 1933: 218-
19). One of the French ships was carrying a trebuchet but this seems to have
been intended for use after landing. There is no evidence that stone-throwing
engines were used on board ships in northern Europe (Brooks, 1928: 120).
The crossbow was the chief weapon used in sea battles and the first phase of
fighting was an archery battle as the ships closed on each other (figure 9.2).
To engage another ship, the attacker attempted to position his forecastle
against the side of the enemy ship and prevent its escape by the use of
Ships in warfare 147

tttmr c^Uf dftuurumaftrficaaf. mttcttmu rcrnm

Tamttmar ftftrtcCj^ta^ faluaroic munch pnxurxtmt
tumdftiMianittf japed d> datntcm Cue dcfnift
one Ab((\i mmuku -nuoUnni aqwlrtnonc.urfoh
filtc w tuctona rtCcubamr. S-cum «twca«r cuu
rnnfuuruUftraif -fuir aufuf nunc 0?lra>jejn
u crmfufufanfu ^iaif j^A dftm «ml»uf
«taof dgjptdt •

ftr.?ptrdf\J duct ratliccfjept Wtutccmn twgncffi'pU


Figure 9.1 Crusaders attacking Damietta, Egypt, in 1248 (Matthew Paris MS 16,
f.55v.By permission of the Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College,

grappling irons. 'Gadds', pointed bars, of iron were hurled down from the
fighting tops. At the Battle of Sluys in 1340 some of the French ships had
boats lashed to their masts with a supply of stones for dropping onto their
opponents. It was advantage and the larger the ship,
crucial to have a height
the more fighting men could final phase was to board the
be carried. The
opposing vessel and overpower the defenders in hand-to-hand fighting. The
objective was to capture the enemy's ships rather than to sink them.
At Sluys more than 200 French ships formed three lines across the mouth
of the River Swyn. They were chained together until they drifted east
towards Cadzand and began to foul each other and then the chains were
hurriedly cast off. Ships were positioned according to their size with the big
Christopher, which had been captured from the English, in the front line
with other large ships. The English front line included the largest ships from
Yarmouth and the Cinque Ports and Edward Ill's flagship, the cog Thomas.
All the ships were fortified with timber-works, 'so that they looked like a
row of castles', according to the chronicler Froissart.
Trumpets were used for signalling in sea battles and are shown on some
town seals, such as that of Winchelsea of the thirteenth century (figure 3.1).
At the battle known as 'Les Espagnols Sur Mer', waged off Winchelsea in
1350 against a Castilian fleet fighting on behalf of the French king, the
148 Medieval ships and shipping

ca oftcrtbutrlcf iwunc tebuflc ncm paf ionic

mettren mcf enCcmenrcu lann ^ i ! flitfttr

> *|\c tiir erf ticnr fencntrftr tti ftS- tcm^lYcf fotei

Jt ccf Vcnr lef tucrf ftmr prtiftbtcf !<*\v>U •

(offlemcnr le ctuf p namrc fctcnt <m M "**f

Figure 9.2 Fighting at sea, from a c.1270 edition of Vegetius' De Re Militari (Ms
Marlay Add. I, f.86r. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge).
Ships in warfare 149

nobles in their ships were entertained before the battle by minstrels. When
the Spanish ships were sighted the trumpets gave the signal to launch the
Guns were first used in open field in the early fourteenth
warfare in the
century. Experiments with their use on board ship soon followed and may
have preceded their installation in purpose-built land fortifications, which in
Britain began in the Solent area in the 1360s. Early guns lacked accuracy,
range and power and their introduction to ships did not immediately change
the way in which sea battles were fought. Ships were equipped with a
relatively large number of small guns, many of them swivel-mounted, and a
few larger pieces. The large guns in particular took a long time to reload,
seriously limiting their effectiveness in an age when tactics were based on a
rapid closure and hand-to-hand fighting. Even an opening 'fusillade' would
have been difficult to aim and the idea of broadside fire had yet to develop.
At least until the end of the sixteenth century, including the Spanish Armada
engagements, guns were effective only as anti-personnel weapons and for
disabling ships, not for sinking them.
What evidence of sea battles might be preserved in the archaeological
record? We should not expect to find many shipwrecks. Occasional sinkings
resulted from collision, including Espagnols Sur Mer' (Lewis and
one at 'Les
Runyan, 1990: 125-6). The town seal of Hastings of the early fourteenth
century appears to depict a Cinque Ports ship slicing through another.
However, of the 213 French ships which took part in the Battle of Sluys, 190
were captured, 23 escaped and none sank (Sumption, 1990: 327). The bed of
the River Swyn must be littered with weaponry from the battle, including
some specifically maritime artefacts such as gadds, grapnels and signalling
trumpets. Debris from the ships burnt at the battle of Damme in 1213
(Brooks, 1933: 201) might also be preserved. As a result of reclamation the
sites of the harbours of Sluys and Damme, among the most important in
northern Europe for trade as well as for the sea battles fought there, are now
under dry land.

Raising and composition of fleets

Most vessels involved in sea warfare were not purpose-built fighting ships.
The crown owned varying numbers of ships throughout the medieval period
but these were only ever a small proportion of those ships involved. Apart
from an arrangement with a group of ports in south-east England, the
Cinque Ports, which were granted certain privileges in return for providing
shipping services (see Brooks, 1929b), naval power was based on the king's
right to 'arrest' merchant ships and their crews - that is, to requisition them
in return for payment of compensation. Merchant ships were frequently used
as transports, taking men and equipment across the Channel and also to
fight in Scotland. English merchant ships were not built for speed and few of
them were of great size. This meant that the king had to supply his own fast
oared vessels and 'great ships'.
At the beginning of the medieval period there was already differentiation
in ship-types between warships and cargo vessels - shown by the Skuldelev
150 Medieval ships and shipping

finds discussed in Chapter 1 - and became more accentuated. Merchant

ships forfeited speed potential in return for capacity. They were useful as
transports and the greater height of merchant ships did provide an advantage
in combat. What was lacking were the two extremes of the spectrum: the fast
and manoeuvrable oared vessels which could be independent of the wind
direction and also the very largest ships which could dominate in sea battles.
The king needed large, high ships for tactical advantage, to serve as his
headquarters at sea and as symbols of power.

Oared vessels

William the Conqueror's invasion fleet appears from the Bayeux tapestry to
have consisted of vessels propelled by oars as well as by sail. There were at
least 700 ships, mostly supplied by his leading vassals (Brooks, 1929a: 18).
In 1196 Richard I built a fleet of naves cursoriae in order to defend the Seine
(Brooks, 1929a: 24). As these were suitable for fast travel on rivers and the
sea we can assume they were oared. In 1213 naves cursoriae were used
against the French at Damme, when the English anchored some distance off
and used the oared vessels to attack the French ships at anchor.
Galleys were important naval vessels in the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries and they are frequently mentioned in documentary sources. There
is, however, a surprising absence of pictures of them. In 1205 King John had

52 royal galleys in ports in England and Ireland. The contemporary list of

them (Brooks, 1929a: 26) shows that they were divided into four fleets: east,
south-east, south and west. These ships had land structures associated with
them. In 1212 the exclusa for galleys at Portsmouth was to be strongly
walled and storehouses were to be built (Clowes, 1897: 117). At
Southampton the sheriff was ordered to build a surrounding wall to protect
the galleys during the winter and galleys could be laid up under cover at
Shoreham, Rye and Winchelsea (Brooks, 1929a: 28). In 1213 ten galleys
were ordered to be prepared at Portsmouth for the king's service (Brooks,
1933: 177).
Between 1210 and 1241 the crown ordered the building of more than 12
galleys in Ireland (Sweetman, 1875: nos 407, 1049, 2244 and 2532). Ireland
already had a long history of building warships. Dendroanalysis of the large
eleventh-century longship sunk at Skuldelev indicates that it had been built in
the Dublin area (Bonde and Crumlin-Pedersen, 1990). In 1225 the justiciary
of Ireland was ordered to have 200 ashen oars made and sent to Winchelsea
with 'two good ship-loads of boards to make galleys and long ships'
(Sweetman, 1875: no. 1232).
Parts of vessels which may have been galleys have been excavated in
thirteenth-century contexts in the Dublin waterfront. Components from
vessels of varying sizes were reused in the revetments and other waterfront
structures and Timber Group 9 consisted of planking from an exceptionally
large ship (McGrail, 1993a: 53, 133-40). The planking was still in
articulated sections of up to four strakes wide and as much as seven metres
long (figure 4.2). It came from both sides of the vessel and included the ends
of the planks which would have been fastened to the stem or stern post. The
Ships in warfare 151

vessel had the sharp ends and fine run which would be expected of a galley.
Galleys were used for convoy duty, for stopping and searching ships and
for enforcing customs regulations. They also had a role in raising fleets for
the king; in 1207 galleys were ordered to arrest all ships they met at sea
(Brooks, 1929a: 44). The galleys kept at Chester and Bristol in the 1240s
were used for offensive purposes and for victualling castles in Wales and
Ireland (Brooks, 1933: 152). Two galleys equipped with crossbowmen took
part in the winter blockade of La Rochelle in 1242 (Lewis and Runyan,
1990: 133-4).
In 1294, probably in response to Philip the Fair's establishment of the clos
des galees at Rouen (see page 78), Edward I ordered 26 towns between
Newcastle and Plymouth to share the building of 20 galleys for the war with
France and their construction has already been described in Chapter 1. These
galleys were to be vessels of 120 oars each, except one at London which was
to have 140 oars. The Newcastle account itemises a keel in two pieces, with
a combined length of 108 feet (32.92 metres). Allowing for scarves we can
assume a keel length of 100 feet (30.48 metres) with stems and sterns
bringing the total overall length of the galley to about 140 feet (42.67
metres). Postulating a racey length-to-beam ratio of 7:1 would give a beam
of 20 feet (6.1 metres). The only other dimensions given which might be
useful in establishing what these vessels were like are those for the planks.
Up to the seventh week, 595 planks had been bought for the Southampton
galley with a total length of 12,444 feet (3,793 metres), or 6,222 feet (1,896
metres) for each side of the hull. The accounts do not say how wide the
planks were but even if they were only eight inches (20.3cm) there would
still have been ample timber for making bottom boards as well as planking

the hull.
The number of oars specified for the 1294 galleys raises problems.
Although they were supposed to have 120 oars, they nearly all seem to have
been equipped with fewer. The York galley had 97 oars, those of Ipswich
and Dunwich 100 each. With oarsmen seated one behind the other there is
not enough room to fit a single bank of 60 oars into one side of a ship with
a keel length of about 100 feet. The absolute minimum oar spacing with this
arrangement is 28 inches (71cm) but to fit in 120 oars it is necessary to have
one oar for every 20 inches (50.8cm) of keel on each side of the galley. The
Newcastle galley account records oars of two sizes: 22 to 23 feet (about 6.86
metres) and 16 to 17 feet long (about 5.03 metres). These might have been
used in pairs at the same level, working on oar pivots quite close together.
Figure 9.3 suggests how this might have been achieved, with alternate
spacings of 12 inches (30.48cm) and 28 inches (71cm). These spacings
represent an attempt to cram the maximum possible oar-power into the
minimum possible space. They would require a short chop rowing action
with little body movement and whether the oars could have been operated
efficiently is open to question.
Whether for reasons of ease of supply or better design, when Edward II
wanted galleys in 1317 he bought five from Genoa. More were hired from
Genoa in 1336, though in the same year Edward EI had a galley built in
England, which was based at King's Lynn, and another in 1347 at
Winchelsea (Tinniswood, 1949: 277). Galleys were used intensively after the
152 Medieval ships and shipping

outbreak of the Hundred Years War in 1336 for cross-Channel raiding. In

March 1338 a French raid on Portsmouth was carried out in galleys and
barges from Calais, which were flying English flags. In August a contract
fleetof Italian galleys joined the French, attacking the Channel Islands in
September and Southampton in October. Meanwhile, the English managed
to hire two Mediterranean galleys. In 1339 galleys were involved in the
French raids on Plymouth and Rye but in late summer the Genoese went
home and the French were left with only about 16 Mediterranean galleys.
The English fleet took this opportunity to raid the French coast and at
Boulogne they succeeded in burning 18 of the 22 French home-built galleys
as well as a storehouse full of oars, sails and weapons (Sumption, 1990:
It is probable that no further galleys were built in England after Edward
III died in 1377 (Howard, 1979: 13). There were still largenumbers of other
oared vessels. In England barges and balingers were a common part of war
fleets in the fourteenth century (Sherborne, 1977). Barges were generally
larger than balingers. They were used for patrols, reconnaissance, escorts,
messengers and ferrying important people. As with northern-built galleys,
there is an absence of contemporary visual representations. In 1372-73
towns were ordered to build barges at their own cost. At least 14 were built,
including the Paul built at London in the winter of 1372-73 with a keel
length of 80 feet (24.4 metres), a beam of 20 feet (6.1 metres) and 80 oars
(Sherborne, 1977: 113). Thirty-two balingers were ordered for 1378, with 34
to 50 oars.
When Henry V's great ship Grace Dieu began building in 1416, a 'retinue'
of two balingers, two boats and three cock-boats were made at the same
Ships in warfare 153

time. The was of 100 tons and had 48 oars and is also
larger balinger
termed a 'barge' in the building account. The smaller was of 80 tons and had
38 oars (Carpenter Turner, 1954: 70). In 1418 one merchant and two royal
balingers together captured two ships, probably Spanish, carrying iron and
wool (Carpenter Turner, 1954: 63).

Merchant vessels in warfare

Even when they were not involved in official combat, merchant vessels
increasingly had to be able to defend themselves against attack at sea. For
example, when war was declared in 1243, masters of all ships were licensed
and encouraged to annoy the king's enemies. Ships of neutrals carrying
enemy goods were also considered fair game. In the thirteenth century the
use of banners of arms to distinguish port, nationality and ownership became
Town seals of medieval ports provide important information about the
modifications made to ships for fighting at sea (figure 9.4). The earliest
representations of castles show them as flimsy fighting stages inserted inside
the ends of the hull. For example, on the seal of Hythe of the late twelfth or
early thirteenth century (Brindley, 1938: fig. 5) the fighting stages do not
project above the stem tops. The seal of Pevensey of 1230 or earlier
(Brindley, 1938: fig. 12), very similar to that of Winchelsea (figure 3.1) of the
early fourteenth century, also shows openwork stages of slightly increased
height. None of these ships has a fighting top. A fighting top shown on an

earlier seal, that of Dunwich, from the late twelfth century (figure 9.4a). The
top square and placed centrally on the mast. Square fighting tops attached

to the forward side of the mast are shown on the late thirteenth- or early
fourteenth-century seals of Great Yarmouth (Brindley, 1938: fig. 21),
Sandwich (Brindley, 1938: fig. 15) and Faversham (figure 9.4b). The change
of position is probably a result of the addition of ratlines to the rigging. The
Faversham ship appears to have a line of crenellation on the quarter, above
the rudder, as well as on the stern castle.
The ship on the seal of Dover of 1305 (figure 9.4c) also has a square
fighting top on the forward side of the mast. Although it is contemporary
with the seal of Winchelsea (figure 3.1) it has castles which are clearly
becoming integrated with the hull structure. The castles are longer and are
carried out over the stems and given support by the stem posts. The ship
shown on the thirteenth-century seal of the town and Admiralty Court of
Poole (figure 9.4d) is quite unlike the ships of the Cinque Ports and
Yarmouth referred to so far. The sides of the hull are higher and its castles
and top are large. It looks like a ship purpose-built for war rather than a
fortified merchant vessel.
For the expedition to Ireland in 1210, King John hired five Friesland cogs
(Brooks, 1929a: 29) and a cog was also used by the English at the battle off
Dover in 1217 (Brooks, 1933: 218-19). Cogs are depicted in a seafight in
the Decretals of Gregory IX, an English manuscript of the early fourteenth
century (figure 9.5) and had become important in warfare by the beginning
of the Hundred Years War.
154 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 9.4 Town seals of: (a) Dunwich, (b) Faversham, (c) Dover, (d) Poole
(National Maritime Museum).

Merchant ships were essential to Edward I's war between

1296 and 1328. The Earl of Ulster's large expeditionary force was
transported in pressed ships from Ireland and from most English ports on the
south and west coasts (Reid, 1960). As early as 1302 the seaports, especially
Bristol, were becoming uncooperative because of financial loss and the
dangers posed by the German and Flemish privateers who aided the Scots.
Ships of Great Yarmouth served against the Scots or the French in every year
except one between 1333 and 1347. At the beginning they had 90 great
ships of 100 to 300 tons, at the end only 24. The rest had been captured,
wrecked or put out of service by damage or wear. Vessels were left rotting
on the beaches because there was no money and no incentive to repair them
(Sumption, 1990: 408).
In 1340, the year of the Battle of Sluys, the export of ships and
shipbuilding timber was forbidden. Assembling a fleet of pressed ships was
difficult and slow, often taking as long as six months (Sumption, 1990: 177).
The largest English transport fleet of the Hundred Years War was that of
Ships in warfare 155
156 Medieval ships and shipping

1347, which consisted of 738 ships with 15,000 mariners. It took 32,000
troops to the siege of Calais. There were frequent complaints throughout the
Hundred Years War from shipowners all round the coast about the effect on
trade of the arrest of ships and the impressment of crews. They considered
the payment of three farthings a ton to be inadequate compensation.

Royal ships

The identification of the large wreck which lies in the River Hamble in
Hampshire as Henry V's Grace Dieu is based on its large size - with a keel
at least38 metres (127 feet) long - and its location (Anderson, 1934: 161;
Prynne, 1968: 120). Only the very bottom part of the hull remains and has
been the subject of archaeological investigations in the 1930s (Anderson,
1934 and 1938; Prynne, 1938a and 1938b) and by the Archaeological
Research Centre of the National Maritime Museum in the 1980s (Clarke et
al., 1993). The Grace Dieu is notoriously difficult to investigate as a 'dry'
sitebecause the wreck is uncovered only at the equinoctal spring tides and
then for only brief periods (figure 9.6). The viscous Hamble mud impedes
excavation and obscures features. Some recording has been
achieved by divers and probable that future work on the site will be
it is

carried out under water (McGrail, 1993b). The structure of the surviving
part of the hull has been discussed in Chapter 2. Grace Dieu was the
English answer to the carracks, such as those from Genoa used by the
French at Harfleur and in the Channel raids. The statesman in command of
the annual Florentine merchant galley fleet to England and Flanders was
given a tour of the ship in 1430, while it was moored in the Hamble, and
he recorded that he had never seen so large and beautiful a construction
(Friel, 1993: 17). Grace Dieu's inventory of 1420 records three guns with

three chambers, as well as 144 gadds. Fifteenth-century illustrations of

warships, such as those on the Warwick Roll (figure 9.7), depict three guns
in the waist, which were presumably turned to fire over either side of the
ship as necessary.
Royal ship inventories from the early fifteenth century show that guns
were regularly included in the armament and also record some of the other
weapons in use at the same The inventories should be used with
caution, however, since they record onlywhat was in the ship at a particular
moment and not what the full armament should have been. The Trinite de la
Toure, a single-masted ship of 300 tons, in royal service between 1398 and
1413, is recorded as having 300 iron gadds. The Marie of Weymouth of
about 1409-11 had two iron guns with two chambers, one brass gun with
one chamber and one sheer-hook. Chambers were reusable breech pieces,
pre-loaded with powder. Bernard de Toure, 1410-11, a single-masted ship

of more than 135 tons, had two iron guns, three-dozen headed darts, one
dozen headless darts, 98 gadds of iron and a grappling iron and chain. In
1413 Thomas de la Toure, a single-masted ship of a little under 200 tons,
had four guns with three chambers each and one firepan. The Holigost is
listed in 1415 as having two guns and 81bs of gunpowder. By 1420 this is
increased to seven guns and 12 chambers. The Grand Marie de la Toure a
Ships in warfare 157
158 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 9.7 A battle at sea in the fifteenth century, after the introduction of artillery to
ships (Julius E IV art 6 f 18v. By permission of the British Library).

single-masted ship of 116-40 tons, had in 1416 three guns with ten
chambers, four-dozen darts, 15 lances, 21 bows, 15 sheaves of arrows, 30
iron gadds and one grapnel.
It is interesting that the inventories of carracks captured at Harfleur in

1416 and in other actions at about the same time list no more than two or
three guns each. The Christophre, a Genoese carrack of 600 tons, had two
guns with four chambers, while the George, another Genoese carrack of 600
tons, captured at Harfleur, had in 1420 three guns with six chambers as well
as three scaling ladders and six hooks. Another carrack captured at Harfleur,
Ships in warfare 159

the Marie Sandwich of about 500 tons, was listed as having no guns but
only a seizing grapnel and 16 fathoms of iron chain, weighing 3 cwt 31 lb.
There are several pictorial representations of warships at the beginning of
the fifteenth century. The seal of Tenterden in Kent (close to Smallhythe,
where royal ships were built) of the first half of the fifteenth century (Ewe,
1972: fig. 201), that of Admiral Beaufort of 1418-26 (figure 2.1a), and the
fifteenth-century seal of the Sub-Admiralty of England (Brindley, 1938: fig.
33) show ships of similar rigging and proportions. By 1400 the fighting tops
were tub-shaped and placed centrally on the mast above all the rigging. The
run of the hull planking varies and includes various hybrids of the hulk. The
relief carving on a bench-end from the church of St Nicholas at King's Lynn
(figure 3.6), probably made in 1415-20, shows a large, two-masted clinker-
built ship equipped for war.
The Hastings manuscript, of the late fifteenth- or early sixteenth-century,
shows clinker-built warships with wales (figure 10.7). The stems have
become almost vertical as the fore castles were no longer used as seige
towers but contained heavy guns which needed buoyancy beneath them. The
stern castle is fully integrated with the lower hull and has a pair of ports for
big guns. By the 1470s carvel-building had been adopted for great ships,
three masts were common and guns were an essential part of the armament.
The building account for the Regent, a 1,000 ton four-masted royal ship
of 1487, specifies that carvel nails were used. A slightly smaller ship, the
Sovereign, of 800 tons, was built in the following year. The Sovereign may
have been first built in clinker technique then converted to carvel during the
rebuild in 1509, if the remains of a hull found at Roff's Wharf, Woolwich
are really from this ship. The Woolwich ship was discovered in 1912 during
excavations for the foundations of a new engine house for a power station.
Its identification as a warship was suggested by its large size and relatively

light framing. An Admiralty Committee reported in 1914 that the keel length
was well over 100 feet (30.5 metres), the beam of the ship was about 40 feet
(12 metres) and that therefore the burden must have been considerably over
1,000 tons. The discovery of some stone shot within the wreck does not
necessarily strengthen the argument, since merchant ships as well as warships
would have carried guns. The wreck's position in the riverbank suggested
that it must be earlier than the seventeenth century. The ship appears to have
been laid up in an inlet of the south bank of the Thames, abandoned and
partly broken up. It was found at a depth of 18 feet (4.5 metres) below the
contemporary ground surface and about six feet below the high-water mark.
The contexts of associated finds were not adequately recorded to provide
dating evidence (Salisbury, 1961: 82).
Anderson (1959) thought the wreck might be that of Henry VM's Henry
Grace a Dieu which was destroyed by fire at Woolwich in 1553. An earlier
date was suggested by the fact that the frames appear to have the traces of
joggles on their undersides, indicating that the ship had originally been built
with clinker planking (Salisbury, 1961: 86). Salisbury suggests that this
would explain the shallowness of the frames, which were 14 inches (36cm)
wide but only eight inches (20cm) deep, with five inch (13cm) spaces in
between. The framing was stiffened by riders 18 inches by 16 inches (46cm
X 41cm) spaced about four feet six inches (37cm) apart. The ceiling planking
160 Medieval ships and shipping

was three inches (7.6cm) thick and the outer hull planking was five inches
(13cm) thick. The nature of the fastening was not described but the
superintending architect commented that the whole thing was very securely
pinned together, making the removal a very difficult operation.
The Woolwich ship excited considerable interest at the time of its

discovery and in December 1912

was suggested that a six foot wide

section of it might be preserved and put on display. However, it was decided

that preservation by record would be adequate. Salisbury (1961) lists the
reports, photographs and drawings made by the London County Council. By
April 1914 the remains had been broken up, yielding 80 tons of oak timber.
An assessment of the site carried out by the National Maritime Museum in
1980, when some of the buildings on it were demolished, suggests that
nearly all the ship was destroyed in 1912-14. There is a slight possibility
that the extreme northern (probably forward) end of the ship may survive
between the river wall and the sites of the old Turbine House and Boiler
House of the Power Station. Enough might remain to provide further
structural information, or at least for tree-ring dating.
By the 1480s ships were carrying a much larger number of guns. In 1485
another Grace Dieu had 22 guns with 89 chambers, Mary had 58 guns with
140 chambers and Governor had 70 guns with 265 chambers (Laughton,
1960: 246). Not all of these were large guns. The Sovereign, built in 1488,
had a total of 141 guns but only 31 of these were 'stone guns', while the
other 110 were serpentines. The nature and size of serpentines is not clear
(see Glasgow, 1960) but those used on ships were probably of a variety of
fairly small calibres and were possibly swivel-mounted. The Regent, built a
year earlier than the Sovereign, appears to have been equipped only with
serpentines - 225 of them, mounted on 'miches' or swivels. This ship was
built by Richard Guldford, Master of the Ordnance, as a 'novel
construction. with ordnance and fittings', in imitiation of a French ship,
. .

Colombe (Laughton, 1960: 251).

Twenty of the Sovereign 's stone guns were placed in the waist of the ship
and 11 in the summer-castle (stern castle). The serpentines were distributed
around two decks in both castles. Before long shipwrights were confronting
the problem of how to accommodate greater numbers of heavy guns and
how to place them in other parts of the hull where they were needed. This
had very important consequences for ship design. The sterns of fifteenth-
century ships were undefended. This made them vulnerable, especially to
galleys. Fitting gunports into round sterns was difficult and the weight of
guns placed strain on the stern post. Shipwrights responded by shortening
the stern post and giving the stern a 'square tuck' or flat surface below the
transom, into which ports could be cut. By 1514, the Henry Grace a Dieu
had two guns of about ten tons each mounted in ports in the tuck
(l aughton, 1961: 103). Changes in hull shape were also made to counter-
act the weight of guns in the fore castle. Ships were no longer built with
great overhanging forestages; the bow was shortened and made fuller to
provide more buoyancy. Curiously, the hulk, in a final flowering, appears
to have been well suited to carrying guns in the bows. Figure 9.8 shows a
fifteenth-century French hulk with gunports where hawse-holes might be
Ships in warfare 161

Figure 9.8 French fifteenth-century hulks with gunports through the planking at the
bows (photo: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Ms Fr 2829, f.32,v).

Stability was seriously affected by the presence of heavy guns on the upper
deck and in the castles. In a sea trial in 1512, it was reported that the Christ
could not sail as the result of being 'overladen with ordnance' (Laughton,
1960: 284). The solution to this was to mount guns lower down in the hull,
firing through gunports. There is a tradition that in 1501 a French
shipbuilder, Descharges, was the first to cut holes in ships' sides for gunports
and to fit them with hinged lids. Fundamentally, the level of the lower deck
had to be raised by up to a metre in order to keep the gunports safely above
the waterline. The wreck of the Mary Rose testifies to the fact that the
importance of this modification was not fully appreciated at the beginning of
the sixteenth century and stability problems persisted much longer.
The oldest gun so far found in British waters may be that from the
Studland Bay wreck, which probably sank in the 1520s. Presumably Spanish,
it was more than two metres long and constructed from iron staves formed

into a cylinder. It was found with its breech chamber wedged in position and
a six-inch stone shot in place. Iron bands appeared to have been used to
fasten gun to its carriage. On the same site another, larger breech
chamber was found, indicating that an even bigger gun was on board, as
well as part of a smaller four-inch, breech-loading swivel gun and its
162 Medieval ships and shipping

chamber. Finds of two inch and three inch shot indicate that smaller calibre
guns were also carried (Ladle, 1993: 22-3).
Two early guns were found on a dispersed wreck site at Walney at the
entrance to Morecambe Bay in the nineteenth century. They are also of bar
and hoop construction with breech chambers (Archibald, 1844). Laughton
(1960: 266) calculated that the larger gun was for stone shot of at least
140 lbs and that the powder chamber capacity was about 3Vi lbs. These
guns are in the Royal Artillery collection at the Rotunda Museum,

Medieval coastal defence

It not possible to leave a survey of medieval ships and warfare without


paying some attention to the resulting modifications to the man-made

environment on land. Coastal defences were constructed against the threat of
seaborne raiding and invasion. Signalling systems which required the
construction of beacons were introduced. It is not clear whether appreciable
coastal depopulation took place during periods of greatest danger; whether
the opportunities for gaining a living from trade and
were outweighed
by the risk of losing everything. Archaeological evidence may help to throw
light on this but the picture is obscured by the effects of plague in the mid-
fourteenth century when people moved out, or were carried out, from ports
and towns.
During the Middle Ages individual towns made provision for their own
defence. Artificial channel blockages and the deliberate creation of hazards to
navigation, like those which commonly obstructed the approaches to
Scandinavian harbours of the Viking Age and later (Rieck, 1991), have not
so far been identified around Britain. Differences in geography mean that
there would have been few places in Britain where they could have operated
successfully. But if ships could not be denied access to harbours, attempts
could be made to prevent their crews entering the port towns. Scarborough
and Bristol were among the first recipients of murage grants, between 1220
and 1250. As late as the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, their corporate
towns. Many
seals depict not only the ships but the fortifications of their
more murage grants were made in the second half of the thirteenth century
to towns on the east and south coasts and along the coast and marches of
Wales (Turner, 1971: 27). Some towns constructed special secure areas for
warships. Southampton, Rye, Winchelsea and New Shoreham had pounds
for galleys in the thirteenth century.
Castles were built near waterways to protect lines of communication, such
as at Rochester bridge, but it is questionable whether
played athey
significant role in medieval coastal defence before the introduction of guns.
Piel Castle commanded the Walney Channel and served to control trade. The
main features of the English system of coastal defence can be traced to the
1290s, when a strip of land within six or sometimes 12 leagues of the coast
was designated 'maritime land'. The men there were required to serve as
coastal militia and beacons were supposed to be permanently manned. The
system failed completely in 1338, when the French destroyed Portsmouth,
Ships in warfare 163

and was only ever spasmodically successful (Sumption, 1990: 227; White,
1930). A survey of royal coastal fortifications was made in 1335 and
improvements were made at the Tower of London, Carisbrooke, Dover,
Pevensey and Porchester (Sumption, 1990: 250).
Throughout the Hundred Years War fleets of fast-oared vessels burnt ships
at their berths and anchorages. The English burned the coastal villages of
Normandy in a deliberate policy of damaging the communities which
sustained French seapower in the Channel. In return the French mounted
frequent raids on England, notably at Southampton in 1338, the Isle of
Wight in 1369, Rye in 1377 and Winchelsea in 1380. Against this threat the
River Hamble, which was used as an anchorage for the royal ships, was
fortified with a wooden bulwark and a spiked wooden defence pale while
Grace Dieu was being built, beginning in 1416 (Carpenter Turner, 1954:
The introduction of artillery opened up new possibilities for defending the
coast. Guns were mounted in fortifications in the 1360s, particularly in the
Solent area and Kent. Edward Ill's castle at Queenborough, Kent, was built
to a circular plan in the 1360s to deploy both guns and trebuchets (Saunders,
1989: 18-19). Quarr Abbey was probably equipped with guns in about
1365 and in about the mid-1370s keyhole gunports were inserted in the
walls along the western waterfront at Southampton. These early gunports
were intended for close defence.
The royal castles at Portchester and Carisbrooke were provided with guns
in the 1380s, as was Cooling Castle, near the mouth of the Thames in Kent.
In 1405 Plymouth successfully used artillery fire to repulse a raid. English
ships there were protected by a barrier of barges (Oppenheim, 1968: 18-19).
In 1420-22 a round masonry gun-tower was built at the mouth of
Portsmouth harbour to protect the king's ships. A timber tower was built on
the Gosport side and a chain boom defence was stretched between them
across the harbour mouth. A chain boom defence was also installed at
Fowey in 1457. Bulwarks built of earth revetted with timber were
constructed round several harbours. In 1451 a two-storey high bulwark
within a water-filled moat was built at Sandwich. It proved inadequate in the
French raid of 1457 and had to be repaired and supplemented by another,
this time of brick, at Fishergate.
The 'strong tower and bulwark', built Dartmouth from 1481 and
replacing an earlier castle, was designed for large guns.It was sited near the

water's edge and close to sea-level. It demonstrates that even before 1500
fortifications were being built with sufficient firepower to be an effective
defence against hostile shipping.
10 Pilotage and navigation
The ability of mariners to conduct their ships safely from one port to another
depends on knowledge and skill. Knowledge of natural forces and cyclical
events is still fundamental to sailing today and can be inferred back into
prehistory. Documented voyages, such as that of Richard the Lionheart, who
sailed with a northern European Crusader fleet around Iberia and through
the Mediterranean to Palestine in 1191, indicate a thorough knowledge of the
maritime geography of Europe at an early date, as well as testifying to the
seaworthiness of the ships used. Documentary sources show that scientific
approaches to navigational problems were being developed by scholars.
Bede's eighth-century treatise on the tides and the early thirteenth-century
tide tables forLondon Bridge, compiled by the monks of St Albans (Taylor,
1971: 136), reveal attempts to understand the theoretical principles under-
lying empirical knowledge.
Thirteenth-century Icelandic sagas include sailing directions for the north
Atlantic (Marcus, 1980: 112), showing that oral lore was long established.
Sailing directions were written down at least as early as the mid-fifteenth
century. These 'rutters' (from the French routier) are invaluable records of
the fields of information and which were considered most useful
specific data
at the time. More than that, they point to a revolution made possible by
literacy, which allowed the dissemination of information to supplement oral
communication and each navigator's personal experience. The art and
science of chart-making, which presents this information in graphic form, has
been well described by both Waters (1958) and Taylor (1971). Documentary
sources also refer to navigational instruments and the skills required for their
use: for example, describing early versions of the magnetic compass and
listing equipment in ships' inventories.
There are two main classes of material evidence which can contribute to
the study of medieval navigation: navigational instruments and man-made
sailing marks. The date of introduction of new instruments is often obscure
and can only be clarified by archaeological finds. Shore features, such as
church towers, are commonly regarded as part of the landscape but the way
they figured in the seascape also needs to be appreciated. The siting of
prominent structures may have been influenced by navigational consider-
Shipwrecks themselves cannot be taken as evidence of navigational error,
since it is perfectly possible to be wrecked while in no doubt about the ship's

position and heading. Losses are as likely to be caused by failure of the ship
or its equipment, frequently as a result of adverse weather.
An and practice of pilotage and navigation is given in
outline of the theory
this chapter to provide background for the function and design of the
instruments and the location of sailing marks; and also to explain, to some
extent, why ships sailed the routes they did. Combining information about
medieval sailing routes and methods of coastal navigation contributes to an
understanding of what was expected of ships, particularly their ability to
Pilotage and navigation 165

maintain their position against a head wind and so escape being blown onto
a lee shore. It must be emphasised that the idea that medieval ships 'hugged
the coast' is a misconception. There was coastwise sailing but the risk of
being driven onto a lee shore meant that ships stood well out to sea to avoid
danger. Ushant in Brittany was and still is particularly lethal, with numerous
rocks far off shore and frequent fogs. Twentieth-century sailing directions
say that 'Ushant must not be sighted', for if a ship comes within ten miles it
may become subject to a powerful onshore set and be swept onto the rocks
(Taylor, 1971: 4).
The business of passage-making is today regarded as being split into two
branches: pilotage for coastal voyages, when the vessel's position can, at least
and navigation undertaken out
intermittently, be fixed in relation to the land;
of sight of known land, where the on the earth's surface has
vessel's position
to be established by celestial observation. There is of course some overlap
between the two. The core of pilotage had been known, in rudimentary
form, in the prehistoric period whereas the techniques, knowledge and
instruments belonging to ocean navigation were innovations during the
medieval period, developed in the course of voyages of exploration.


The essentials of pilotage summarised as follows: knowing the

can be
positions of coastal features and how they appear from the sea; knowing
how to determine the direction of the ship and the forces acting on it;
understanding wind and weather patterns; knowing how to calculate speed
and leeway; knowing how to calculate tides, including the times of high
water in ports and the effects of tidal stream; and knowing the depth and
nature of the sea-bed. These will be considered in turn.
Knowledge of the relative positions and appearance of capes and other
natural features of the coast was acquired by observation and experience.
The same applied to man-made sailing marks and submerged dangers such
as rocks, shoals and sandbanks. Some of this was written down in rutters.
The fifteenth-century Lansdowne Manuscript 285 (published in Waters,
1967: 181-95) is the earliest extant English example. There are limitations to
the usefulness of these sailing directions. Firstly, the rutters would be of no
use for navigating completely unknown waters as they do not describe the
features they refer to. In later editions, such as le grant routtier printed in
1520, woodcuts were provided to assist with recognition of headlands
(Waters, 1967: 205-400). The second limitation is that the directions given
in the rutters are for the circumnavigation of Britain; they do not give
instructions about how to find the way into ports. Ships took on local pilots
for this purpose and they guarded their knowledge in the interests of their
livelihood and for the security of their harbours against coastal raids. Pilot
ships, or 'lodships', are specifically mentioned in the English documentary
sources of the period 1337-60 studied by Runyan (1991: 201). So vital was
it shipowners to have complete confidence in local pilots that the Catalan
Customs of the Sea acknowledged the right to behead an incompetent pilot
(Twiss, 1874: 433).
166 Medieval ships and shipping

Sixteenth-century sailing directions gave distances between capes in

'kennings' or distances which varied between 14 and 21 statute miles
(22.5km to 34km). It would rarely have been possible to see so far. Because
of the curvature of the earth's surface, in conditions of clear visibility, the
horizon of an observer with his eye six metres above the sea is five nautical
miles away. On the Bayeux Tapestry a Norman sailor can be seen clinging to
the mast-head, looking out for land, and a similar scene is vividly depicted
on a plank found in an eleventh-century context at the Dublin waterfront
(figure 10.1). The higher the observer climbs, the further he is able to see.
Roughly speaking, there is a gain of an extra nautical mile of vision for every
additional five metres of elevation. From a mast-head 15 metres above the
sea, about eight nautical miles away. The upper
an observer's horizon is

parts of more distant high features will stand up above the horizon and can
be seen from further off. A feature would have to reach at least 35 metres
above sea level for our observer at a height of 15 metres to be able to see it
at a distance of 20 nautical miles.
The mast-head height above sea level of Skuldelev 3, the smaller eleventh-
century trading ship from Roskilde Fjord, was only about ten metres. The
top of the mast of the fourteenth-century Bremen cog was about 20 metres
above the sea and the mainmast of the fifteenth-century great ship Grace
Dieu was said to be 200 feet (61 metres), high enough to make it possible to
see the sea horizon 16 nautical miles away. This is shown schematically in
figure 10.2.
Ships were fitted with tops or 'crow's nests' for look-outs, not just for
fighting. Although it was necessary to sight the coast from time to time to
establish position, ships did not hug the coast as thiswould mean entering
the shipwreck zone. Risks intensified when the wind was blowing onshore.
The term 'landfall' means sighting or falling in with the land, not landing on

By the time the rutters were compiled, the magnetic compass was in
general use for determining direction. In earlier times, including the first part
of the period under discussion, northern seafarers had managed ro find their
way without compasses, principally by knowledge of the relative positions
and movement of heavenly bodies across the sky. The sun rises from an
easterly direction and achieves its highest altitude at noon when it is due
south, then sinks in a westerly direction. At night, north is indicated by the
Pole Star which maintains a constant position in the sky, unlike the moon
and the other stars. The Pole Star was known as the scip steorra to the
Anglo-Saxons and its use is mentioned in Icelandic sagas. Bearings obtained
from heavenly bodies were approximate and allowances would have to be
made according to the season of the year and the time of day or night. An
artefact of about AD 1000, found at a settlement site in Greenland, has been
interpreted as a bearing dial for trans-Atlantic sailing (Vebzek and Thirslund,
Direction can also be estimated in relation to wind and swell. In northern
waters winds from different directions may be recognised by the weather
accompanying them; thus a warm wet wind blows from the south-west and a
cold wet wind from the north-west (McGrail, 1987: 281). Medieval seamen
had to understand wind and weather patterns in order to take advantage of
Pilotage and navigation 167

Figure 10.1 A lookout at the mast-head, an eleventh-century carving found at

Christchurch Place, Dublin (National Maritime Museum).
168 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 10.2 The effect of elevation on observation range (National Maritime


favourable winds for voyage making and to avoid being taken by surprise by
storms. Icelandic sagas repeatedly refer to observations of the clouds, wind,
sea and the behaviour of seabirds (Marcus, 1980: 101). Vikings are said to
have released birds from their ships to indicate the direction of the nearest
land. Other indicators are cloud formations, the flight of birds at dawn and
dusk, and the presence of seaweed in the water.
The invention of the magnetic compass and its introduction to ships is
obscure but it was in use among northern and Mediterranean seamen in
the twelfth century. Magnetic iron ore was mined in Elba and carried by
ships of Amalfi. Tradition has it that Amalfi seamen were the first to use
compasses at sea (Waters, 1958: 21). The construction of compasses will be
described later but in their early forms they were difficult and unreliable to
use at sea. The earliest descriptions of a compass are by an English monk,
Alexander Neckham, writing in the 1180s. He said that it was used during
cloudy weather when the sailors could not see the sun or stars (Taylor,
1971: 95). Once the initial problems had been overcome, the compass
allowed greater precision in direction-finding and by the thirteenth century,
rhumb (direction) lines on the oldest surviving chart show that the
seaman's horizon had been divided into thirty-two compass-points (Waters,
1958: 21).
In order to fix a vessel's position it is necessary to know not only what
course is being sailed but also how fast the vessel is travelling. A mariner
would become familiar with his vessel's speed capabilities on the different
points of sailing (such as tacking into the wind or running before it) and in
different wind strengths. On coastal voyages he could check his estimates
against known distances on the shore. When out of sight of land a piece of
wood could be thrown into the sea and an estimate could be made of the
speed at which it was left behind. (As we shall see, the relative position of
the wood and the ship would also indicate the ship's leeway angle.) The date
at which a length of line was attached to the 'log' before it was thrown over,
so that the ship's speed could be measured rather than just estimated, is not
known, but may be after 1500 rather than before.
Pilotage and navigation 169

Ellmers (1972: 250) has compiled a table of documented voyages with

their distances and the length of time they took. From this it seems that an
average 'speed made good' of three to six knots was to be expected. The
difference between a sailing ship's actual speed through the water and 'speed
made good' brought about by three factors. The first is the impossibility of

sailing directly into the wind. It is necessary to sail a zig-zag course

('tacking') to windward. The second is leeway. On all points of sailing,
except when a vessel is running directly before the wind, there is a tendency
for it to make leeway - to be pushed sideways by the wind. The degree of
leeway may be estimated by the angle of the wake that the vessel trails
behind and the amount varies from ship to ship. The third factor results
from the effects of tidal stream and currents, which mean that the sea around
Britain resembles a network of conveyor belts rather than a road.
The rutters contain much information about tides to enable the time of
high and low water and the reversal of flow direction, which seldom
coincides, to be predicted all along the coast (Waters, 1967: 14-22, 421-6).
The sequence of high and low water is linked to tidal stream patterns and to
the age and bearing of the moon. In the pre-literate era this complex
relationship had to be learned by observation and by rote for every landing
place. The 'establishment of the port', the times of high water at a port on
the days offull and new moon (full and change) were noted in terms of the

compass bearing of the moon at the moment of high water (Waters, 1958:
31; Frake, 1985).
Knowing the depth of the water under the vessel and the nature of the
sea-bed were very important factors in making a safe passage. It was
essential to avoid running aground and knowing the composition and
contours of the sea-bed could help to establish the vessel's position. The sea-
bed off western Europe slopes down to a depth of about 100 fathoms at the
edge of the continental shelf and then drops steeply to the ocean bed.
Measuring the depth of water under the ship by means of a line with a
weight at its end was termed 'taking soundings' and when a ship was 'in
soundings' it was over the continental shelf, in water less than 100 fathoms
deep. Off Ireland, Spain and Portugal the edge of the continental shelf is
only ten or 20 miles offshore but it is much further from the Lizard
peninsula of Cornwall. On a voyage from England to Spain a ship passed
out of soundings when some 100 miles south-west of Ushant and did not
enter them again until perilously close to the coast of north-west Spain
(Waters, 1958: 18-19). On the return voyage, the run from Spain to the
British Isles was made directly and navigators would take soundings to
locate the steep edge of the continental shelf about 100 miles west of
Penmarch Point (Taylor, 1971: 135).
The Lansdowne Manuscript sailing directions contain detailed information
about soundings and the nature of the sea-bed (Waters, 1967: 194-5).
Sounding leads had a concavity in their under-surfaces which were filled with
tallow, to which a sample of the sea-bed sediment would adhere. Northern
seamen were expert in knowing where they were by this means. For
example, the ground to the south-west of Scilly consists of a matrix of red
sand with white shelly inclusions and near the Lizard the bottom was said to
be of 'ragged' pebbles the size of beans.
170 Medieval ships and shipping


When sailing out of sight of charted land it is essential to be able to estimate

directions, such as courses, leeway and drift, and to be able to calculate
speeds and distances. When these are recorded and added to over days and
weeks, errors inevitably accumulate. During the fifteenth century, Portuguese
mariners developed a new method of checking their position by observation
of the sun and stars. On voyages down the coast of Africa they noticed that
as they went southwards the pole star dropped lower in the north.
Measuring its altitude enabled them to find their latitude with considerable
accuracy. Finding latitude by observations of heavenly bodies requires a
reliable compilation of astronomical information and specially designed
sighting instruments. Portuguese mariners had the star altitudes of successive
capes and rivers mouths marked on their quadrants and by 1473 the table of
coastal latitudes reached the equator (Taylor, 1971: 159).
It was to be nearly 300 years before a reliable method of finding longitude
at sea was introduced. Until then, navigators undertaking ocean voyages by
'latitude' sailing had to contend with the problem that the magnetic compass
points to the magnetic pole and not to true north. The angle between the
bearing of the magnetic pole and true north, known as 'variation', increases
as a ship sails west from Europe out into the Atlantic. Columbus and
Portuguese pilots tried to determine longitude by observing the change in
variation of the compass (Scammell, 1981: 59) but with only limited success.

Sailing marks

The term 'sailing mark' is used here to denote any man-made object or
structure placed so as to be visible to mariners and to serve as an aid to
navigation. They range from simple sticks in the mud to lighthouses.
Branches have been universally used to show the edges of mudbanks and
shallows, with larger poles in exposed places. Much interesting information
about the changing course and depth of channels could be obtained if an
accurate and inexpensive method of dating roundwood stakes were to
become available. Stakes are also used as leading marks in transit lines. Two
objects are said to be 'in transit' when one is directly in front of the other.
The back marker needs to be large and prominent, such as a church tower.
The transit line between the leading mark and the back marker may indicate
a safe channel. To aid recognition, different topmarks such as baskets or
barrels could be fixed on the poles. In medieval northern Europe trading
places were marked by having a mask, or Grimskalle, on a pole as a
seamark at the harbour entrance (Cederlund, 1989: 90).
In Viking Age Norway stone cairns were erected as seamarks (Morcken,
1969: 7). Similar features were probably common around the coast of
Britain. Investigation of a mound at Tywn Llewelyn, Glamorgan, showed
that was composed largely of natural rock, but heightened by building a

cairn on top. It probably marked the channel of the River Thaw during high
tide (Wilson and Hurst, 1957: 170).
Britain does not seem to have adopted the eleventh-century Norwegian
Pilotage and navigation 171

practice of erecting tall stone crosses as sailing marks. The tallest of them
may have been up to 15 metres high (Morcken, 1969: 32-3). The siting of
churches in positions where they could be useful for navigation perhaps
suggests a maritime economic factor in ecclesiastical foundations. It is surely
more than a coincidence that the church at Bosham, the seat of EarlGodwin,
which appears on the Bayeux tapestry as a record that Harold from
here in 1064, lies directly in line with the last 1.5 kilometres of the narrow
navigable channel in Bosham Creek (figure 10.3). Many other churches
served as sailing marks. Along the Suffolk coast church towers such as those
at Covehithe and Kessingland were the only tall structures. They are still

used by hydrographic surveyors for siting position-fixing equipment.

Reculver church and the Roman fort which previously occupied the site
would both have been useful as markers of the northern entrance of the
Wantsum Channel and the sandbanks in the mouth of Thames. The
Lansdowne Manuscript sailing directions instruct the mariner making a
passage south round the Naze in Essex to set his course by reference to the
relative positions of the parish and abbey churches of
Osyth: 'bring your
marks together so that the parish steeple be out by the east of the Abbey of
St Hosies' (Waters, 1967: 188). The Lansdowne manuscript also refers to the
churches at Dartmouth, Harwich and Broadstairs (Waters, 1967: 199).
In the Netherlands there was a tradition of building small huts with fire

platforms on prominent dunes to give navigational assistance to the fishing

fleet (Naish, 1985: 31). In Britain and Ireland the setting of lights seems to

have been an ecclesiastical role. A map of medieval lights is given in figure

10.4. The one at Hook Point, Waterford, was probably established in the
1170s and in the early thirteenth century it is recorded that Augustinian
Canons had the rights to collect tolls from ships entering in return for the
obligation to maintain the light (Hague and Christie, 1975: 14).
The late twelfth-century romanesque chapel on the cliff at St Aldhelm's
head, Dorset, is traditionally said to have had a light (Hague and Christie,
1975: 18). The building plan is square with a central pier and four square
rib vaults inside, under a pyramidal roof with a short cylindrical base on top
(Newman and Pevsner, 1972: 358). A fourteenth-century lighthouse still
stands on St Catherine's Down at the southern point of the Isle of Wight
(figure 10.5). In1314 a cargo of wine owned by a monastery in Picardy was
lost in a shipwreck on the point and much of the wine was taken by local
people. After lawsuits and an appeal to Rome, Walter de Godeton was
ordered on threat of excommunication to build an oratory and light-tower
dedicated to St Catherine (Naish, 1985: 82). The lighthouse is an octagonal
tower with four buttresses and an eight-sided pyramid roof. A doorway and
roofline on the north side show the position of the oratory, which is known
from excavations (Stone, 1891). Another chapel dedicated to St Catherine
stands at the summit of the steep hill at Abbotsbury, prominent on the
Dorset coast. The provision of a stone tunnel vault suggests fire-proofing. If
there was a light, excavation of the ground around the chapel might be
expected to reveal ash-middens. A light was established at Tynemouth Priory
in the Middle Ages. A_jx^fire_in an open brazier was mounted on the top
of a turret at the east end of the presbytery there, continuing in use into the
seventeenth century (Saunders, 1993: 39). At Ilfracombe in Devon a medieval
172 Medieval ships and shipping

Figure 10.3 The siting of the church at the head of the creek at Bosham, marking the
navigable channel (Crown copyright. Reproduced from Admiralty chart 3418 with the
permission of the Hydrographer of the Navy).
Pilotage and navigation 173



I i S

Figure 10.4 Map of medieval lights (from Hague and Christie, 1975).
Medieval ships and shipping

//// VV,^^

Figure 10.5 St Catherines lighthouse, Isle of Wight (from Stone, 1891. Photo: Isle of
Wight Cultural Services Department).

chapel lighthouse, dedicated to St Nicholas, is sited at the entrance to the

harbour on a rock known as Lantern Hill. It is still in use (Hague and
Christie, 1975: 19-20).
It is not known when buoys first came into use as aids to navigation. They
were perhaps originally with superstructure. Watertight barrels were in
use by the fourteenth century in the Low Countries and possibly earlier
(Naish, 1985: 51). Buoys are listed in ships' inventories in the fifteenth
century but they were for use with anchors. Buoys can be used in deeper
water than stakes and may be more visible. They would need frequent
maintenance to ensure watertightness, to check that their cables were sound
and that they had not dragged their anchors. No examples of medieval
buoys have been found. Wine or beer casks were used in post-medieval
Britain but there are problems involved in fixing a mooring chain to the belly
Pilotage and navigation 175

of the barrel. They were superseded by purpose-built conical marine buoys

constructed with tapering staves. A mooring ring was fixed into a wooden
plug in the apex. The buoys were tarred and in the sixteenth century they
were expected to last ten years. Their mooring chains had long links and
swivels at top and bottom and it is said that disused millstones were often
used for anchoring them (Naish, 1985: 54-5). The oldest surviving chart of
the outer estuary of the Scheldt and the approaches to Sluys and Bruges was
drawn in about 1500. It shows two channels, either side of a sandbank,
marked by buoys which appear to be of this type (illustrated in Naish, 1985:

Navigational equipment

As already noted, sounding leads were attached to lengths of line and used to
measure the depth of water under a vessel and to retrieve samples of the sea-
bed. They were used by the Romans but it is not known when they were first
used by the people of northern Europe. They were certainly standard
equipment long before they were first documented in royal ship inventories
in the fifteenth century. Sounding leads were apparently always made of lead
and not of iron or bronze. Lead has several advantages. It does not have the
corrosion problems of iron and was not as expensive as bronze. Its softness
was also useful as a rocky ground could be recognized by fresh dents and
cuts in the lead. Its most important property, however, is its density. A
sounding device has to sink fast; otherwise, despite all efforts to remain
stationary, the ship will have moved on and the reading will not be a true
vertical depth (see figure 10.6). The records of nineteenth-century Admiralty
experiments show that a sounding lead might commonly take 45 seconds to
reach 100 fathoms and that a cylindrical form presents the least surface for
friction. The line needs to be as thin as possible to minimise the braking
effect produced by its buoyancy and resistance (Davis, 1867: 2-8).
No medieval sounding leads have yet been identified, though one is
depicted in the fifteenth-century Hastings Manuscript (figure 10.7). The
earliest examples known from post-Roman Britain are those found with the
sixteenth-century Rother barge (Rice, 1824) and the Mary Rose. That from
the Rother barge is recorded as a sketch in the margin of an engraving of the
scene of the excavation. It was octagonal, about eight inches (0.20 metres)
high and of slightly larger diameter at the base than at the top. It had a
concavity in the bottom about one inch (25 mm) deep. The top had a ring,
worked in the solid, with an internal diameter of approximately a quarter
inch (6mm) for the attachment of the line.
The sounding leads for locating the 100-fathom sea-bed contour must
have had rather more than 600 feet (183 metres) of line attached. In the
seventeenth century there were two sorts of lead and line: a heavy, deep-sea
lead on a thinner line and a lighter lead (weighing 7lbs or 3.2kg and
measuring one foot or 30cm long) for depths of less than 20 fathoms (36.5
metres) (Waters, 1958: 19-20).
Although documentary sources tell us that the magnetic compass was in
use on ships in northern Europe in the twelfth century, the earliest survivals
176 Medieval ships and shipping


Figure 10.6 Taking soundings, the effect of drift (National Maritime Museum).

we have are those from the Mary Rose, which sank in 1545, and they show
similarities to the earliest illustration of an English sea compass, which dates
to 1562 (Waters, 1958: 26; Rule, 1982: 118-21). The compass described by
Alexander Neckham in the 1180s was made by magnetising a needle by
rubbing it on a piece of magnetic ore (a lodestone). The needle was then put
through a reed at right-angles so that it floated on a bowl of water and
indicated the four cardinal points (Waters, 1958: 22). An instrument which
had a bowl of water as one of its main components would be of limited
usefulness at sea. A French treatise of 1269 records that a type of compass
had been developed which was dry, not wet. The compass needle was
mounted within the bowl on a vertical axis with a pivot at each end. The
edge of the bowl was fitted with a graduated ring.
Compasses with a bare needle and a compass-card or wind-rose, either
underneath it or marked round the rim, were prone to errors of parallax. To
Pilotage and navigation 177

tif ye conn w to wj • fjuvin <k<^ atiO \*f tt 6s fvctm»

of tfa cf^Kf'sf fftitmot'co attfl (oo gtftf www rciive

ttf vc Rauc fivtt fafom dccptfyttt joo eft uo^c qfr

Figure 10.7 Swinging the lead, from the Hastings Manuscript of about 1500 (The
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. M.775, f.!38v).
178 Medieval ships and shipping

overcome magnetised wires were glued below the compass-card so that


the card itself pivoted. In Flanders the manufacture of compasses and

lodestones seems to have flourished from the fourteenth century (Waters,
1958: 25). By 1394 the Hanse employed compass-makers (Scammell, 1981:
76). In the fifteenth century the phenomenon of variation, which causes
compasses to point to one side or the other of true north, had been
recognised and after 1450 Flemish compass-makers allowed for variation in
their compass cards (Waters, 1958: 24-5). This was a bad practice because it
meant that the compasses would only give an accurate reading when they
were close to where they were made.
Lodestones were needed for frequent 'feeding' of the medieval compass
because the iron wires quickly lost their magnetism (Waters, 1958: 27).
Lodestones are mentioned in the 1410-12 inventories of the Plenty of Hull,
which had '1 sailing piece', and the George for which '12 stones, called
adamants, called sailstones, were bought for 6s in Flanders' (Waters, 1958:
A compass found in the wreck of the Mary Rose was in a well-made
lidded box with the bowl supported in bronze gimbals. Gimbals, two brass
rings which move within each other, are a device to keep the compass level.
The face of the compass was protected by a glass disc sealed with a putty-
like substance. No trace of the fly or compass card survived and the needle
was preserved only as iron staining (Rule, 1982: 119, 121).
A compass could only be used for steering if it was mounted so that it was
visible to the helmsman and could point steadily north in all sea conditions.
The binnacle or bittacle was a box for holding the steering compass at a
height where the helmsman could see it. A candle lantern could be placed in
the binnacle to illuminate the compass at night. Binnacles were mentioned in
English ship inventories of 1410-12 but the earliest surviving example is that
recovered from a Basque ship which sank in Red Bay, Labrador, in 1565
(Grenier, 1988: 79). Like later binnacles it was made without iron nails, as
these would have affected the compass reading.
The sandglass was used at sea from the thirteenth century in the
Mediterranean (McGrail, 1987: 285) and, under the names 'dyolP, "horloge
de mef or 'rennyng glass', it appears in inventories of English ships from
1295 onwards (Taylor, 1971: 140; Waters, 1958: 36). Its purpose was to
time how long the ship had been sailing on a particular course and to mark
out night watches. An inventory made in 1410-12 of a royal ship, the
Christophre, lists three compasses, one dial (sandglass), two sounding-lines
and one plumb (Moore, 1914: 23). The earliest preserved examples of
sandglasses are again from the Rother barge and the Mary Rose.
Although not specifically designed for use at sea, instruments for telling the
time of day by the position of the sun would have been useful to the
mariner. Pocket sundials were among the personal possessions of the ship's
company of the Mary Rose.Ji portable sundial, termed a naviculutn because
it is in the shape of a ship, was found by metal detector users near
Saxmundham, Suffolk, in 1989 and has been acquired by the National
Maritime Museum (figure 10.8). Made of brass and no bigger than the palm
of the hand, it is one of only five surviving examples of the type and dates to
about 1450. There are fourteenth-century Middle English and Latin texts on
Pilotage and navigation 179

Figure 10.8 The Saxmundham naviculum (National Maritime Museum).

how to construct such a 'Little Ship of Venice' (Kragten, 1989). The mast
pivots and has a latitude scale calibrated for Exeter, London, Oxford,
Northampton and York. When the height of the sun was observed through a
pair of sighting holes on the stem and stern, a plumb line suspended from the
appropriate latitude on the mast intersected the marks for the hours of the
day engraved on the hull. The instrument would be accurate to within about
a quarter of an hour.
Traverse boards were used to record the course steered and the length of
time, measured by sandglasses, that the ship had been sailing on each
bearing. The lid of the Red Bay binnacle (Grenier, 1988: 79) had a
chequered pattern on it which may have been used for this purpose. Other
examples surviving from the sixteenth century have the compass rose marked
180 Medieval ships and shipping

on them and little holes for pegs (Waters, 1958: 36). Again, their date of
introduction is unknown but as they were used when sailing without the
benefit of charts an early origin is to be expected.
The making of sea charts was
strongly influenced by the Arabs and
throughout most of the medieval period manufacture was concentrated in the
Mediterranean. The oldest surviving maritime chart, the Carta Pisana which
dates to about 1275, plots the Mediterranean coast in some detail but shows
the west coast of Europe beyond Cape St Vincent only sketchily. This
contrasts with the Genoese charts of the first quarter of the fourteenth
century which are accurate and detailed as far as southern and western
Ireland and parts of Scotland (Taylor, 1971: 112). The Great Catalan Atlas
of 1375 shows further progress in cartography, in both scope and accuracy.
The Catalans in the Balearics and the Venetians were the leading chart-
makers until the sixteenth century. It appears that northern seamen did not
use 'sea-cardes' until they ventured into ocean navigation (Waters, 1958: 14).
The oldest surviving English maritime chart dates to the 1530s and is of the
Thames Estuary (Taylor, 1971: 193).
Charts are extremely unlikely to be preserved on shipwreck sites but their
former presence may be inferred if instruments for use with charts are found.
For example, the navigational instrument assemblage from the Mary Rose
includes dividers and a slate protractor (Rule, 1982: 121).
Globes were to become important in developing geographic understanding
and in the discussion and record of voyages and discoveries. The earliest
surviving terrestrial globe was commissioned by the city council of
Nuremburg in 1490. John Cabot (1450-98), who discovered Newfoundland,
used a globe to mark his voyages (Scammell, 1981: 73).
A simple though inaccurate method of estimating the speed of a vessel is
to drop a floating object into the sea and watch how quickly it is left behind.
The speed of separation can be measured rather than guessed if a line of
known length is tied to the float and allowed to run out from the ship. The
log and line is first mentioned in 1574 in a treatise called the Regiment of the
Sea and was apparently in use long before. Measurement was made of the
length of line paid out during one minute, timed by a sandglass (Taylor,
1971: 201).
The quadrant and the astrolabe (figure 10.9) were both instruments for
measuring the altitude of sun or stars. The earliest recorded mention of how
to take an observation, from 1456-57, refers to the quadrant rather than the
astrolabe. The earliest known use of the astrolabe by a mariner is 1481
(Scammell, 1981: 46) and the earliest surviving marine astrolabe dates to
1540 (Stimson, 1988). Quadrants were quarter-circles made of wood or
brass, with a plumb-bob suspended from the apex. The arc was graduated
from 0 degrees to 90 degrees and fitted with two sighting vanes along one
edge. The plumb-bob meant that they were not practical for shipboard use
and pilots went ashore to take observations. The astrolabe does not need a
plumb-bob. It is a perforated disc of brass suspended from a ring, made
heavy to counteract disturbance by the movement of the ship and the wind.
It was usually graduated in the two upper quadrants from 0 degrees to 90

degrees and fitted with an alidade consisting of a centrally pivoting bar with
two sighting vanes, each with a small and large sighting hole. The cross-staff
Pilotage and navigation 181

Figure 10.9 A drawing of an astrolabe on a chart of 1529 (National Maritime


was another instrument used by seamen to make observations of the height

of the sun but its use is not recorded until 1514.
One might conclude that the advances made in the science of navigation,
combined with the developments in shipbuilding which produced the three-
masted ship, marked the end of medieval shipping and heralded the 'Great
182 Medieval ships and shipping

Age of Discovery'. This would however misrepresent what was essentially a

continuous process and betray a misunderstanding of the very nature of
seafaring. Voyages of exploration had been taking place for hundreds, indeed
thousands, of years. Mariners did not wait for technology and science to
provide them with adequate equipment. Seafaring was undertaken in the face
of enormous risks and frequently resulted in losses of ships and their crews.
These losses, tragic as they were, are now an underwater archaeological
resource which will increasingly be exploited to provide a more detailed
understanding of medieval shipping.

Amidships. The centre of a vessel, transversely and/or longitudinally.

Backbone. An assembly of timbers making up the centreline portion of a


Beam. 1. Width, usually the maximum width, of a vessel. 2. Horizontal

framing member.

Bilge. The lowest internal part of a hull.

Bilge, turn of. The transition between the bottom and the side of a hull.

Boat. A small vessel generally operating in inshore or inland waters. A vessel

inferior in size, complexity and status to those contemporary vessels which
were referred to as ships.

Bonnet. An additional strip of sailcloth which could be laced to the bottom

of a sail to increase its area.

Bottom boards. Longitudinal planks over the frames in the bottom of a


Bow. The fore-end of a vessel.

Bowline. Line from the forward edge of a square sail, used to keep it taut
when sailing to windward. May be led to the bowsprit.

Bowsprit. A long timber of round or near-round section projecting forward

from the bow.

Braces. Lines to control the yard.

Breasthook. Splayed U-shaped timber placed horizontally in the bow or

stern to strengthen the junction of the top of the planking to the stem or
stern post.

Bulkhead. A transverse partition which divides the hull into compartments.

Cable. Rope of large diameter, frequently associated with the anchor of a


Carvel. Method of construction in which flush-laid planks are fastened to a

skeleton of keel, stems and frames.
184 Medieval ships and shipping

Caulking. Fibrous material used to make planking watertight. In clinker

vessels it is laid along the strake overlaps before they are fastened together,
whereas in carvel vessels it is hammered into the seams after the planking is

fastened to the frames.

Ceiling. Planking laid inside the hold of a ship.

Chain wale or channel. A timber fastened on the outside of the hull of a ship
amidships to provide a secure attachment point for the chains at the lower
end of the shrouds.

Clench nail (or clinker nail) (commonly 'rivet'). Nail with large head, used
for fastening clinker planking, clenched by hammering the end over a rove.

Clinker. Method of construction in which the overlapping edges of strakes

are fastened together to create a shell of planking.

Close-hauled. Sailing as close to the wind as possible, with the yard(s)

braced towards the fore-and-aft line of the vessel.

Coaming. A raised ledge fitted around an opening in a deck to prevent the

entry of water.

Cog. Type-name for a medieval ship built with a flush-laid flat bottom,
straight stems and clinker-built sides.

Cross-beam. Timber spanning the hull from side to side.

Cutwater. The leading edge of the stem.

Deadwood. Solid timbering at the stern of a ship between the keel and the
stern post.

Double-ended. A vessel which is (nearly) symmetrical about the midships


Draft. The vertical distance from the waterline of a vessel to the bottom of
the keel.

Entry. The shape of the immersed area of the bow of a vessel.

Feather-edge. Tapering to nothing.

Fender. A fitting or moveable object for preventing chafing when ships are
lying against each other or against a quay.

Floor. The first and lowest transverse framing element, which crosses the
Glossary 185

Flush-laid. Planking in which adjacent strakes are butted and do not


Fore-and-aft. Running in a longitudinal, or bow to stern, direction.

Forefoot. The area of the junction between the stem and the fore-end of the

Frame. Structural element running transversely across the hull in contact

with the strakes. If cut from a single timber it is termed a rib. If composite it
may consist of floor, futtocks or side timbers and top timbers.

Freeboard. The vertical distance from the waterline to the sheerline of a


Futtock. A framing timber which does not cross the keel, nor reach the

Garboard. The lowest strake, next to the keel.

Grapnel. A claw-like cluster of hooks which may be used as an anchor or

for making an attachment to another ship or the shore.

Gudgeon. A metal bracket with an eye, fastened to the stern of a vessel to

house the pintle of the rudder.

Halyard. A rope used to raise or lower a sail and/or yard.

Hatch. An opening in a deck, providing access to the space below. Formerly

the deck itself.

Hawsehole. Hole in the bows of a vessel through which the anchor cable

Heeling. The condition of a vessel leaning to one side as a result of the

pressure of the wind on the sail(s).

Hogged. The condition of a vessel in which the bow and stern have

Hulk. Type-name for a medieval ship with a rounded hull-form and strakes
terminating at the sheer rather than on the stem or stern posts.

Inboard. Pertaining to the inside of a vessel.

Inner stempost/sternpost. A member attached to the inside of the stem post

or stern post for additional strength.
186 Medieval ships and shipping

Intermediate timber. An element between the central longitudinal member

and the stems of a vessel.

Joggle. A step cut on the underside of framing to allow a close fit to the
clinker planking.

Keel. Central longitudinal member, normally the lowest member in the hull,
scarfed to the stem and stern posts or to intermediate timbers.

'Keel'. Type-name for a medieval ship built on a backbone of keel and

stems, lacking the flat bottom of the cog and with strakes terminating at the
stem and stern posts, unlike the hulk.

Keelson. Longitudinal member fitted over the floors above the keel to
increase strength and distribute stress.

Knee. A naturally grown angular piece of wood, used to connect and

strengthen joints between framing members.

Lands. Those parts of the surfaces of clinker strakes in contact with adjacent

Lateen. A triangular fore-and-aft sail set on a long yard, of Mediterranean


Leeway. The effect of wind deflecting a vessel sideways from the course

Limber hole. A
notch aligned fore-and-aft cut on the underside of a floor to
allow the passage of bilge water.

Log-boat. A boat made by hollowing out a tree-trunk.

Loom. That part of an oar inboard of the pivot point.

Luff. 1. The leading edge of a sail. 2. A fitting for controlling the leading
edge of a sail. 3. To turn the bow of a vessel closer towards the wind.

Mast. A vertical or near-vertical timber or assemblage of timbers supporting

the yards on which sails are set.

Mast crutch. A Y-shaped support for the mast when it is unstepped and laid
along the boat.

Mast step. A fitting used to locate the heel of the mast, sometimes integral
with the keelson.

Median rudder. A rudder mounted on the longitudinal centreline of the

Glossary 187

Mizzen. The mast and sail at the after end of a ship. Confusingly, the Italian
mezzana and French misaine both refer to the foremast.

Mooring. Securing a vessel to the sea-bed or to the shore.

Mortice. A hole cut into a timber to receive the shaped end of another
timber or a free tenon.

Moulds. Wooden patterns used in boat and shipbuilding to prescribe the

shape of a vessel.

Oar. A pole with a flattened blade, used as a lever to pull a vessel through
the water.The part between the blade and the oar pivot is termed the shaft
and the inboard part is termed the loom.

Oar pivot. A fitting or feature on or in the side of a vessel which is used as

the fulcrum for the leverage of an oar.

Oar port. A hole cut in a strake, through which an oar is worked.

Outboard. Pertaining to the outside of a vessel.

Paddle. A pole with a blade used without a pivot to pull a boat through the

Parrel. A collar which attaches a yard to a mast and allows vertical


Pay. To apply a preservative and waterproof coating to the outside of a hull

or a deck.

Pintle. A metal pin fastened onto the rudder, which fits into a gudgeon.

Port side. That side of a vessel which is on one's left hand side when facing
the bow.

Quarter. Portion of a vessel around the stern, termed port quarter or

starboard quarter according to position.

Rabbet (or rebate). A groove or slot cut into a timber to receive the edge or
end of another timber.

Rake. Inclination from the vertical of posts, masts etc.

Ratlines. Rope steps worked into the shrouds.

Reef. To reduce the sail area by taking in or rolling up a part and securing
188 Medieval ships and shipping

Reef point. A short length of thin line attached to a sail, used to secure the
sail when reefed.

Reverse clinker. A method which higher strakes overlap

of construction in
the inboard face of the strakebelow (contrasts with normal clinker, in which
higher strakes overlap the outboard face of the strake below).

Rib. A frame consisting of a single timber.

Ribband. A long flexible length of timber (in one or more pieces) used in
carvel-building, attached to the stem and stern posts and the principal frames
and helping to define the shape of the hull.

Rocker. Fore-and-aft curvature of the bottom of a vessel.

Rove. A thin piece of metal, usually quadrilateral, forced over the point of a
clinker nail before it is clenched.

Rudder. A device for steering a vessel. Side-rudders were mounted on the

vessel's quarter and stern-rudders on the median line. See also steering-oar.

Rudder boss. A piece of wood fastened to a vessel's quarter for mounting a


Rudder blade. The immersed portion of a rudder.

Rudder stock. The upper portion of a rudder, to the head of which a tiller is


Run. The shape of the immersed area at the stern of a vessel.

Scantlings. The dimensions of timbers in cross-section.

Scarf. A joint between the ends of two timbers of similar section, uniting
them into a continuous piece.

Seam. The narrow gaps between strakes in a hull and planks in a deck,
which need to be made watertight.

Shaft. The portion of an oar between the pivot and the blade.

Sheer, sheerline. The upper edge of the hull.

Sheerstrake. The uppermost strake in the hull.

Sheet. A rope fastened to a lower corner of a sail and used to control the
plane of the sail in relation to the wind direction.
Glossary 189

Shell-building. A method of construction in which a watertight shell of

planking is built or partly built on the keel and stems before the internal
framing members are fitted.

Ship. A large seagoing vessel, superior in size, complexity and status to those
contemporary vessels which were referred to as boats.

Shroud. A
rope leading from the masthead to the side of the vessel to give
transverse support to the mast. In later medieval ships chains, attached to the
shrouds by means of blocks called deadeyes, linked the lower end of the
shrouds to the hull.

Side timber. A framing element fitted to the planking in the area between the
bilge and the sheer. May be isolated or part of a continuous frame.

Skeg. Additional timber(s) fastened under the stern to act as a partial keel.

Skeleton-building. A method of construction in which a framework of keel,

stems and transverse framing is erected before the hull planking is applied.

Stanchion. A vertical element which gives support to a horizontal one.

Starboard side. That side of a vessel which is on one's right hand side when
facing the bow.

Stay. A rope leading from the masthead to an attachment point at bow or

stern, giving longitudinal support to a mast. Termed fore-stay or back-stay
according to position.

Steering-oar. An oar used to steer a vessel. It pivots around a single point,

combining the functions of rudder and sweep.

Stem. 1. The timber which closes the hull of a vessel at one or both ends,
jointed to the central longitudinal member and onto which strakes are
fastened. 2. The forward end of a vessel, as opposed to the stern.

Stern. The after end of a vessel.

Stern post. Main structural element at the aft end of a vessel, joined to the
central longitudinal member and onto which strakes or the transom are

Stock. 1. The part of a rudder above the blade. 2. The cross-piece of an

anchor, set at right-angles to the arms so that as the anchor settles on the
sea-bed one arm will hook into the ground.

Strake. A run of planking, normally from one end of the vessel to the other,
commonly made up of several planks scarfed together. Strakes are numbered
from the keel upward.
190 Medieval ships and shipping

Stringer. A member running fore-and-aft along the inboard face of the hull
to increase longitudinal strength.

Sweep. A large oar, generally used with both hands in a large vessel which
would not normally be rowed.

Tenon. Either a projection from a timber cut to fit into a mortice, or a free
tenon which joins two timbers by fitting into a mortice in each of them.

Thole. A vertical wooden pin projecting above the sheer and serving as an

Through-beam. A horizontal member running transversely, with its ends

penetrating the hull planking.

Thwart. A transverse bench, usually a single plank.

Tiller. A bar, one end of which is fitted into the rudder stock head and
which is used to turn the rudder.

Timber. Any piece of wood used in boat- or shipbuilding; also used

specifically for an element of a composite frame.

Transom. A flat termination of a vessel aft, above a short sternpost or

instead of a stern post, to which strake ends are fastened.

Treenail. A cylindrical wooden peg used to fasten planking to frames and

frames to each other. May have an expanded head and a wedge at the other

Wale. A strake thicker than the other strakes.

Wooldings. Rope bindings used to hold timbers together, as for example the
mast or the overlapping ends of timbers forming a yard.
parts of a composite

Yard. A long timber or assemblage of timbers, usually of circular cross-

section, used for supporting and spreading the head of a sail.

A list of ships, boats and their fittings from the period 1050 to 1500 found
in Britain and the Channel Islands


1. What was found

2. Dating of find
3. Circumstances of discovery and excavation
5. References


1. Fragments of up to 20 clinker planks, reused in waterfront revetment.
2. Post 1260 (dendrochronology).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1981.
4. The planking is from at least two vessels but is too fragmentary to reveal
their size and shape.
5. Bristol City Museum publication in preparation.


1. Remains of a clinker vessel 12-15 feet (3.5-4.5 metres) in the beam with
iron clench nails and hair caulking.
2. Undated.
3. Exposed and mostly destroyed in 1963, during pipe laying in former
4. Slight possibility that some of the vessel could be relocated in situ; those
parts which were lifted are now lost.

5. Gilbert, 1964.


1. Logboat of ash, 2.45 metres long.
2. 615 ± 40 bp (c.1335 ad) Q-1245 (radiocarbon).
3. Found in the bed of a drained lake in 1863.

5. McGrail and O'Connor, 1979.


1. 30-foot (10-metre) length of planking. Planks about Wi inches (4cm)
thick and 14 to 16 inches (36cm to 41cm) wide with a 4 inch (10cm)
overlap, in runs of about 4.5 metres. Planks apparently oak, fastened
with treenails, no metal fastenings seen (decription from finder's
2. Undated.
192 Medieval ships and shipping

3. Trawled up from the sea-bed by a fisherman in the late 1970s and

4. Find-spot was recorded and might be reinvestigated, although it is in an
area of mobile sea-bed sediments.
5. Unpublished.


1. Vessel with a pointed stem and two-inch (5cm) clench nails.
2. Undated.
3. Exposed in 1886 and 1911.
4. Perhaps possible to reinvestigate.
5. Green, 1963: 63.


1. Bottom part of the hull of a very large ship, built with triple clinker
planking; remains are at least 40 metres long, 12 metres maximum
2. Began building in 1416 (documentary).
3. Visible atlow Spring Tides, repeatedly plundered, not recognised as a
fifteenth-century ship until the 1930s.
4. Designated Historic Wreck.
5. Anderson, 1934; 1938; Carpenter Turner, 1954; Clarke et al., 1993;
Friel, 1993; McGrail, 1993b; Prynne, 1938a; 1938b; 1968; 1977.


1. 5 fragments of clinker planks and a possible frame fragment reused for
lining a dock.
2. Vessel(s) broken up before 1212/1213 (dendrochronology).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1984.
4. No special features.
5. Daniels, 1991: 45.

1. Extended logboat, 4.25 metres long, with 5 strakes on each side.
2. 650 ± 120 bp (c.1300 ad) D-71 (radiocarbon).
3. Found in 1955 in the bed of a former lake, during mineral extraction.
4. The logboat with the greatest number of added strakes yet found in
5. Wilson, 1966; McGrail, 1974.


1. Sections of articulated planking up to 13 metres long, reused in
waterfront revetments.
2. 12th and 13th centuries (stratigraphy and dendrochronology).
3. Archaeological excavation in winter 1986/7.
4. The largest parts of vessels yet found reused in revetments in Britain.

5. Goodburn, 1991: 108-11; Potter, 1991: 143-4.

Catalogue 193

LANEHAM, Nottinghamshire.
1. Small boat with oak clinker planking fastened by iron nails without
roves, caulked with sheep's wool.
2. 480 ± 70 bp (c.1470) HAR-5021 (radiocarbon).
3. Exposed in the bank of the River Trent in 1982 and 10 to 12 years
previously; only partly uncovered.
4. Needs further investigation.
5. Unpublished.


1. Clinker boat with frames in three parts, caulking of matted hair of
highland cattle, nails said to have square heads.
2. Undated.
3. Exposed in 1934 when the Loch level dropped.
4. Insufficiently recorded.
5. Logan, 1951.


1. Boat planking reused in a wharf.
2. 13th century (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1972-3.
5. Jones and Jones, 1981: 172.

Note: A corpus of boatfinds from archaeological excavations in London has
been prepared by Peter Marsden and is expected to be published in 1994 or

-: ABBOTS LANE, Southwark

1. Several metres of articulated planking from the starboard side of a
vessel, reused in a waterfront revetment.
3. Archaeological excavation.
5. Goodburn, 1988: 427.


1. Planking reused in waterfront revetment.
2. 15th century (comparative).
3. Found in 1949.
5. Goodburn, 1988: 426-7; Marsden, 1963, 144-5.

1. Clinker planking fastened with wooden pegs, reused in waterfront.
2. 12th century (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1982.
194 Medieval ships and shipping

5. Youngs et ai, 1983: 192.

1. 16 metres of a large, flat-bottomed river vessel, including keel and
keelson, one stem, strakes and framing.
2. 15th century (contents).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1976.
4. Most complete 15th-century found in Britain.
vessel so far
5. Marsden, 1977: 130-32; 1979: 87-91; 1981: 10-16.

1. Clinker wreck.
2. 15th century, because of similarities to Blackfriars 3.
3. Seen in the side of a deep hole in 1970; not excavated.
4. Sunk with cargo of Kentish building stone.
5. Marsden, 1979: 91.

1. Frame timber reused in waterfront revetment.
2. 15th century (context).
3. 1970.
5. Marsden, 1979: 83.

1. Planking.
2. 15th century - stratified under Henry VIII's palace.

5. Marsden, 1979: 83.

1 . Planking from both sides of a vessel and framing, reused in waterfront
2. 13th century (context).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1973.
5. Marsden, 1979: 86-7; Webster and Cherry, 1974: 202.

-: FENNING'S WHARF, Southwark

1. Part of a keel with a part of a garboard attached and short lengths of
planking, reused in waterfront revetment.
2. Timber for building the boat was felled at the end of the 11th century
3. Archaeological excavation in 1984.
5. Youngs et al, 1985: 178.
Catalogue 195

MELTON, Humberside
1. Framing timber with joggles for four strakes and treenails.
2. Undated.
3. Found on north Humber foreshore in about 1982.
4. Stray find reported to Hull City Museum.
5. Unpublished.

1. Nine logboats.
2. 9th to 12th century ad (radiocarbon).
3. Found between 1889 and 1971.
4. Group exhibits some common characteristics.
5. McGrail and Switsur, 1979.


1. Less than half of small river boat; stem post, parts of plank keel and
four strakes each side, a detached frame timber and an iron mooring
spike and chain.
2. 410 ± 60 bp (c.1540 ad) HAR-5201 (radiocarbon).
3. During earth-moving for creation of an artificial lake.

4. Late medieval or early post-medieval.

5. Hutchinson, 1983.


1. Remains of a wrecked clinker vessel containing building-stone and a
2. 14th century (typological dating of sword).
3. Discovered by fishermen in 1993.
4. Potentially a very important site.
5. Martin Dean, pers. comm.

NEWCASTLE, Tyne and Wear

1. Plank fragments, treenail and mast crutches.
2. 13th century (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavations on the waterfront in 1985.
5. O'Brien et ai, 1988: 104-6.

1. Part of a clinker vessel.
2. 1000 ± 80 bp (c.950 ad) HAR-3203 (radiocarbon).
3. Found in 1878 by workmen digging a timber pond at Newport Dock.
4. No drawings of the vessel and only a small fragment has been preserved.
5. Hutchinson, 1984; Morgan, 1878.

OAK MERE, Cumbria

1. Logboat 3.6 metres long.
2. 1395-1470 ad (radiocarbon) - McGrail, pers. comm.
3. Revealed during drought in 1935.
146 Medieval ships and shipping

4. Very late logboat.

5. Newstead, 1935.


1. Store of used, semi-prepared and unworked boat-building timber on the
medieval foreshore.
2. Early 15th century (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1987.
4. The only medieval boatyard site so far found in Britain.
5. Hutchinson, 1994.

RYE, East Sussex

1. Two large vessels only partially exposed. Vessel A carvel; vessel B
2. Before the end of the 16th century (topographical).
3. Found during excavations for town's new drainage system in 1963.
4. Vessel B strange construction - ceiling planking clinker, as well as hull
planking. Inaccessible under road and railway.
5. Lovegrove, 1964.

RYE BAY, East Sussex

1. A side rudder 6.7 metres long and a stern-post rudder 4.6 metres long.
2. Side rudder c.1040-1165 ad, stern rudder c.1315-1405 ad (radio-
3. Trawled up from the sea-bed, separately, in the 1980s.
4. Side rudder from a very large ship.
5. Marsden, 1992: 126-7.

ST PETER PORT, Guernsey. 1

1. Wreck, with 11 metres x 4 metres of surviving structure, of a vessel

probably originally 15 metres long.
2. Probably 15th century (comparative and finds).
3. Found by a diver in 1985; a portion was raised in advance of harbour
4. Surviving remains have been recorded in detail.
5. Dean, in preparation.

ST PETER PORT, Guernsey. 2

1. Wreck approximately 30 metres long.
2. 1290-1310 (pottery).
3. Found by diver.
4. Siteis being monitored.

5. Unpublished.

1. Remains of a ship perhaps originally 33 metres long; parts of rudder,
frames and planking lifted.
2. 15th century (topography).
3. During pipe laying in 1973.
Catalogue 197

4. Further investigation might be possible.

5. Trussler, 1974.


1. Clinker vessel with a keel length of 66 feet.

2. Undated.
3. Found in 1848 'near American Wharf.
4. No records or remains.
5. Prynne, 1973: 229.


1. Fragments of thin oak strakes from a small boat.
2. Probably 12th century (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavation of the moat of Southchurch Hall in the early
5. Gaimster, in preparation.

1. Two side rudders: I is 3.91 metres long; II is 4.36 metres long.
2. I 1080 ± 90 bp (c.870 ad); II 1020 ± 90 bp (c.930 ad) (radiocarbon).
3. I was dredged up by a fisherman in about 1980; II was found on the
beach in 1986, after a storm.
4. Rare items, unusual form of attachment.
5. Hutchinson, 1986.


1. Parts of two clinker vessels.
2. Cal AD 970-1155 (radiocarbon).
3. Timbers located by a mechanical digger clearing the creek.
4. Some remains still in situ.
5. Nenk et al., 1992: 265; Bacon, in preparation.

STANLEY FERRY, West Yorkshire

1. Logboat, more than 5 metres long.
2. 960 bp ± 70 (c.990 ad) HAR-2835 (radiocarbon).
3. Found during excavations for an aquaduct in 1838.
5. McGrail, 1981.


1. Oar blade and paddle blade fragments.
2. Late 14th or early 15th century (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavation of the harbour.
5. Good and Tabraham, 1981.

1. Two frame timbers with joggles for clinker planks.
198 Medieval ships and shipping

2. Undated.
3. Washed up on beach.
4. Stray finds reported to Suffolk County Archaeologist.
5. Unpublished.

1. Small boat fastened with iron clench nails.
2. 410 ±
60 (c.1540 ad) HAR-4996 (radiocarbon).
3. 1931 partly excavated from riverbank.
4. Possibly late medieval; some remains preserved in Weybridge Museum;
potential for excavating rest of boat.
5. Unpublished.

1. Remains of a large ship, at least 120 feet (36 metres) long and 45 feet
(13.5 metres) in the beam.
2. 16th century or earlier (topography).
3. Found in 1912 during construction of a power station.
4. Frames showed that ship had been originally been clinker-built, then
rebuilt with flush-laid planking; ship may be the Sovereign, built 1488
and rebuilt 1509.
5. Anderson, 1959; Philp and Garrod, 1983; Salisbury, 1961.

YORK, North Yorkshire, COPPERGATE

1 . Boat strakes reused in waterfront revetment along early course of River
2. Medieval (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavation in 1983.
5. Youngs et al., 1983: 210.

YORK, North Yorkshire, HUNGATE

1. Reused planking supporting the sides of a causeway. Planks up to 12
feet (3.66 metres) long, 1 inch (2.5cm) thick and 9 inches (23cm) broad.
Hair caulking identified as fine sheep's wool.
2. 1200-1400 (stratigraphy).
3. Archaeological excavations in 1951/2.

5. Richardson, 1959: 679, 113, pis 2,8,9.

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References to illustrations are shown in italic, and are to pages, not figure

Abbotsbury, Dorset 171 beacons, 162-3

Aber Wrac'h wreck, 31-2, 49, 78-9, 99 bearing dials, 166
illustrations, 33, 34, 79 Beaufort, Admiral Sir Thomas (1419-26),
Admiralty seals, 27, 28, 159 seal, 27, 28, 159
alder, 79 Beaulieu Abbey, 144
alum, 84-5 Beaumaris, 126
Amalfi, 168 beech, 32, 78
Amsterdam, seal, 27 Bergen, 69, 70, 108, 112
anchors, 16, 49, 137-9, 174 see also Bryggen
Anglo-Scottish war (1296-1328), 154 hoisting spar, 113
animals, carriage of, 99 Berkhamsted, 126
Anjou, 77 Bernard de la Toure (1410-11), 156
Antwerp, 67 Beverley, fishing, 131, 132
AquitaLne, 77 Bicester, 130
Aragon, 81 big ship see Bryggen, big ship
Arbroath smokies, 143 Bilbao, 80
Arklow, 67 Billingsgate, London, 105, 114, 130
arrest of ships, 146, 149, 151, 156 binnacles, 178, 179
artillery, 158, 163 Biscay, 75, 77
see also guns; weapons bittacles, 178
ash, oars, 150 Blackfriars, boat, 140, 141
astrolabes, 180, 181 Blakeney, 142
Atlantic, sailing directions, 164 Blaye, 98
Austin Friars, Leicester, 130 bloaters, 143
Azores, 81 bonnets, 57
bales, 93, 95 and Aber Wrac'h ship, 32
balingers, 67, 152, 153 wine trade, 65, 67, 75, 77, 78, 98
ballast, 50, 97, 99 Bosham, 171, 172
Baltic,24, 32, 57, 143 Bossholmen, Sweden, 73
shipping, 72-5, 76, 77 Boston, Lincolnshire, 69, 75, 104, 115
Barcelona, 39, 81 Boulogne, 152
barges, 5, 23, 67, 78, 121 Bourgneuf, Bay of, 57, 72, 73, 78, 93
see also keels bowsprits, 56
use in war, 152, 153, 163 Boxley, 144
Barnack quarry, 121 Bremen cog, 16-19, 18, 20, 73, 166
barrels see casks decks and superstructure, 47
baskets, 96, 139 patched planking, 21
Basque ship, Red Bay, Labrador, 81, replica, 59, 60
178 rigging, 56-7
batellae, 142 rudder, 53
Bay Fleet, 77 sternposts, 32
Bayeux Tapestry windlass, 48-9
anchors, 49 Bridgwater, 67, 69
invasion fleet, 9, 150 Bndport, 57, 104
pilotage, 166, 171 Brightlingsea, Essex,104
shipbuilding, 8, 9, 21, 22 Bristol, 50, 151, 154,162
Baynard's Castle, dock, 110-11, 111, port, 104, 111, 115
126 waterfront, 107-8, 108, 110
Bayonne, 23, 32, 41, 77, 78 trade, 57, 65, 67
212 Medieval ships and shipping

Britain, maps, 106-7, 118 Catalonia, 41, 81, 85

Brittany, 57, 77, 78, 98, 165 anchor tackle, 49
see also Aber Wrac'h wreck three-masted ship, 63, 64
trade, 67, 87 votive ship model, 39, 82-3
Broadstairs, 171 caulking, 8, 32, 47
Brown's Bay, Cullercoats, 137 Cavoli wreck, 83
Bruges, 15, 67, 73, 84, 175 chain boom defence, 163
Bryggen, 69 chains, 57, 127, 147, 156, 159
big ship, 10, 19 chalders, 95-6
cordage, 57 Channel Islands, 99, 152
keelson, 70 Chartres, 77
mast, 55 charts, 164, 168, 175, 180
rudders, 50, 51, 53 see also cartography
windlass, 48 Cheshire, 123
Buckinghamshire, 126 Chesil Bank, 140
Bulbourne, River, 126 Chester, 65, 67, 151
bullion, 102 Christ (1512), 161
bully stones, 138 Christopher, (fl.1340), 147
bulwarks, 163 Christophre
buoys, 49-50, 131, 133, 137, 174-5 (1410-12), 178
busses, 70, 143 (1416), 158
Cinque Ports, 81, 104, 147
cabins, 47 town seals, 10, 80, 149, 153
Cabot, John (1450-98), 180 Cistercians, 136
Cadiz, 85 Cley, 144
Cadzand, 147 clinker construction, 13, 27, 31, 36, 44, 109
Caen stone, 78, 112 11th century, 4, 58
Caernarfon Bay, North Wales, 136 extended logboats, 122
Calais, 85, 156 later medieval, 34, 46, 126, 159
Caldecotte boat, 126-7, 127 reverse clinker, 11, 14
canals, 104, 121 clos des galees, Rouen, 151
Canaries, 81 cloth, 75, 84-5
Canterbury Cathedral, 112 Clwyd, River, 126
canvas, 57 coal, 69, 95-6, 119
Canynges House see Bristol coastal defences, 162-3
capstans, 48 coastwise sailing, 165
cargo vessels, 90, 149-50 coastwise shipping, 117
see also named types cobles, 142
cargo-handling, 95, 96, 105, 111-13, 113 coche, 41, 41, 42, 42, 61, 85
cargoes, 41, 50, 97, 102-3 cock-boats, 152
see also specific commodities cockles, 129
Carisbrookc, 163 cod, 129, 130, 131, 142
carracks, 15, 27, 42-4, 43, 78, 156 processing, 143, 144
see also cocbe Cog of Lyme, 15
and trade, 85, 112 cogs, 15-20, 59, 61, 67, 75
two-masted, 43, 61 see also individual vessels
Carrickfergus,67 Genoese, 41
Carta Pisana, 180 German, 72
cartography, 164, 180 Irish, 50
carvel-building, 36, 44, 46, 81, 159 Low Countries, 75, 153
see also skeleton-building illustrations, 16-18, 10-1, 54, 60-1, 74,
casks, 90, 9/, 92, 93, 96, 133 76
Castle Acre, Norfolk, 125, 130 coins, 12, 13, 99, 102
Castle Donington, Leicestershire, 139 Colomhe, 160
Castle Quay, Southampton, wine vault, 114, compasses, 164, 166, 168, 170, 175-6, 178
/ 14 Compostela, 47, 79
castles conger eel, 130, 131
shipboard, 27, 47, 72, 153, 159 Contarina ship, 36, 37, 38, 39
Hulksmouth ship, 11 convoys, 97, 143, 151
inwar, 146, 160 Cooling Castle, 163
shore fortifications, 125-6, 162 Coppergate, York, 110
Catalans, and ship repair in England, 44 cordage, 57
Index 213

Cork, 67, 133 dunnage, 93

cork see buoys Dunwich, Suffolk, 23, 44, 137, 144, 153
Cornwall, 67, 98, 138, 169 galley (1294), 151
fisheries, 133, 135, 144-5 town seal, 154
cotts, 69 Durham priory, 144
Covehithe, Suffolk, 144, 171
Coventry, 130 East Anglia, 121, 129, 142
crabs, 129 see also named towns
cranes, 112 Easton, Portland, 144
crates, 96 Ebersdorf, Dresden, 32, 34
crayers, 143 Edward I, King of England, 126, 151,
Cromer, 144 154
cross-staffs, 180-1 Edward II, King of England, 23, 151
Croyland, 118 Edward III, King of England, 15, 42, 144,
Crusades, 164 151
fighting at sea 146,147 Edward IV, King of England, 73, 75
Cullercoats, Tyne and Wear, 137 eels, 130, 131, 144
Cumbria, 122 Elba, 168
currents, 169 Elblag 32, 72, 73, 99
Custom House, London, 105, 108, 113, 114, elm, 79, 126
130 English Channel, 81
customs, 88, 151 Enkhuizen, 143
Customs of the Sea, 49, 165 Les Espagnols sur Mer, battle (1350), 81,
147, 149
Dalkey, 67, 104 Essex, 123, 171
Damietta, Egypt, crusaders attacking, 147 Estonia, 73
Damme, 75, 150 Europe, map, 66-7
battle of (1213), 149 exclusa, Portsmouth, 150
Dartmouth, 163, 171 Exeter, 90, 104, 179
De Re Mihtart (Vegetius), fighting at sea, exploration, 81
deadeyes, 57 Fabrica di Galere treatise, 39, 84
deadwood, 55 farcosts, 5, 142
decks, 47 Faroes, 69
Decretals of Gregory IX, 153 Faversham, town seal, 153, 154
Dee, River, Galloway, 125 Fecamp, 78
Denmark, 15, 19, 20, 53, 72-5 Fenland, 117-18, 119, 121, 127
derricks, 112 Fenning's Wharf, London, 110
Descharges (French shipbuilder), 161 ferries, 122
Devon, 137, 171 fighting at sea (illustrated), 147, 148, 155,
dials, 166, 178 158
Dickinson's Mill, Lincoln, 110 fighting tops, 153, 159
direction finding, 168 Fishamble Street, Dublin, 67
dividers, 180 Fishergate, Sandwich, 163
dobles, (wooden buoys), 50 fisheries, 121, 122
docks, 107, 110-11, 111, 115 fishing, 121-2, 129-45, 132, 134, 135
Dogger Bank, 142 see also species of fish
doggers, 131, 142 bait, 135, 136, 139
Dorestad, 12, 13 boats, 5, 129, 139-43
Dorset, 49, 137, 139, 171 catching gear, 129, 130-5, 131, 139
Dover, 117, 163 net weights, 140
battle of (1217), 146, 153 nets, 57, 130, 131, 133, 135
town seal, 153, 154 143-4
processing, 130, 139,
Dowgate, 105 sea traps, 135, 136, 137
draining board (urinal), 49 settlements, 115, 144-5
Dresden, 32, 34 finings, 47-50
Drogheda, 67 flags and banners, 152, 153
Dublin, 5, 65, 67, 104, 150 Flanders, 73, 75, 76, 80, 85
carving of lookout at masthead, 167 flax, 57
shipbuilding, 5, 150 floats see buoys
trade, 65, 67 Florence, 85, 156
waterfront finds, 24, 56, 65, 68, 108 flounder, 129, 130
214 Medieval ships and shipping

Focea, 84, 85 Great Yarmouth, 57

forecastles see castles, shipboard fisheries, 130, 133, 139, 144
Forest of Dean, 119 ships, 153, 154
fortifications, 149 Greek fire, 146
see also castles gudgeons, 19, 53
four-masted ships, 64, 159 Guernsey, 77, 99, 137
Fowey, 145 Guienne, 87
frails (rush baskets), 95 Guldford, Sir Richard, 160
France, 40, 73, 75, 76, 77-9 guns
war with, 150, 151, 154 coastal defence, 162, 163
Friesland, 153 shipboard, 149, 156, 158-9, 160-2
Frisia, 15 gunports, 160, 161
Frome, 104 Guthlac, St, 118, 119
Fuller's Hill, Great Yarmouth, 130
fish-hooks, 131, 139 haddock, 129, 130, 131, 142, 143
Hakluyt, Richard, 142
gadds, 147, 149, 156, 158 halibut, 131
Galicia, 67, 79 halyards, 55, 56
galleys, 15, 36, 78, 79, 84, 84, 85 Hamble, River, 27, 156, 157, 163
English warships, 22, 23, 48, 67, 150-2 Hamburg, 67, 72, 73
rowing plan, 252 Hampshire, 27, 156
Gallo-Roman shipbuilding, 77 Hampton Court, King's Lynn, 115
Galloway, 125 Hanse, 72-5, 93, 98, 143, 178
Galway, 67 and Norway, 69, 70
Garda, Lake, 39 ships, 19, 50, 72
Gascony, 47 Harderwijk, 72, 75
wine trade, 73, 77, 78, 87, 98, 99 Harfleur, 156, 158
Gdansk, 64, 67, 72, 73 Hartlepool, 107, 110, 131
W5 wreck, 32, 34, 35, 49, 75 Harwich, 171
anchor, 49 Hastings, 49, 149, 159, 175
cargo, 90, 92, 97, 102, 102, 103 hatches, 47
site plan, 101 Havering, 122
gear, 47-50 Hemington Fields, Castle Donington, 139
Genoa, 44, 79 hemp, 57, 131
ships, 27, 40-2, 43, 49, 86 Henry Grace a Dieu, 159
trade, 84-5 Henry I, King of England, 11, 12
warfare, 81, 84, 151, 152 Henry II, King of England, 77
George Henry III, King of England, 80
(1410-12), 178 Henry V, King of England, 24, 32
(1420), 158 Henry VII, King of England, 64, 85
Germany, 15, 20, 73, 75 herrings, 129, 130, 133, 142, 143, 144
Giggleswick Tarn logboat, 123, 124 Hertfordshire, 126
gimbals, 178 Hiberno-Norsemen, 65
Glamorgan, 170 hides, 65
glassware, 96 Hispano-Moresque bowl, ship, 41, 42, 83
globes, 180 Holand, John, Earl of Huntingdon, seal, 27,
Gloucester, 119, 130 28
Gosport, 163 Holtgost (1415), 156
Gough, map of Britain, 117 Hook Point, Waterford, 171
Governor (1485), 160 Hoorn, Netherlands, 133, 143
Grace Dieu Howard, Sir John, 44
(1416), 32, 49, 50, 152, 156 hulks, 10-15, 53, 61, 67, 77, 159, 160
building site, 24, 29, 115, 157, 163 illustrations, 11-14, 51, 55, 161
construction, 22, 27, 30-1, 31, 56, 166 Hulksmouth see New Shoreham
(1485), 160 Hull, 10, 88, 97, 104, 107, 115, 131
grain, 72, 113, 114 Humber, River, 5
Grand Marie de la Toure (1416), 156, Hundred Years War, 78, 81, 152, 153, 156,
158 163
grapnels, 147, 149, 156, 158, 159 Hungate, York, 110
Graveney boat, 4 Hythe, 153
Great Catalan Atlas, 180
Great Ouse, 104 Iberia, 49, 79-81, 164
Index 215

Iceland, 69, 129, 131, 142, 143 Lincoln, 107, 110

IJsselmeer polders, 75, 142 Lincolnshire, 5
He de Rhe, 98 ling,129, 130, 131, 143
Ilfracombe, Devon, 171 Lisbon, 67, 79, 85
impressment, 156 Liverpool, 67
inland water transport, 117-28 LHbre de les Ordmaciones de I'Admimstrador
Ipswich de les Places (1409), 81
galley (1294), 23, 151 lobsters, 129, 135, 142
town 50
seal, 15, 16, lodestones, 176, 178
Ireland, 19, 65-9, 150-1, 153, 154, 169 lodships see pilot ships
trade, 57, 75, 87 log and line, 168, 180
Isle of Man, 70 logboats, 12, 122, 123, 124, 125
Isle of Wight, 24, 98, 163, 171 London, 5, 117, 130, 140
Italy, 84-5, 87, 89, 129 navigation, 85, 104, 164, 179
port, 105, 108, 110-11, 112, 115
John, King of England, 15, 150, 153 shipbuilding, 21, 23, 115
Jutland, 72 trade, 75, 80, 105, 115, 119
long ships, 150
Kalmar, Sweden, 15 Lothingland, Great Yarmouth, 57
keels, 5-10, 14, 69-70, 79, 95-6, 119 Low Countries, 24, 75-7, 89, 142, 143
illustrations, 7, 220 see also Flanders; Netherlands
kegs see casks Lowestoft, 144
Kendal, Cumbria, 122 Lubeck, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73
Kent, 34, 53, 57, 159, 163 luffs, 56

Kentmere boat, 122, 123 Luttrell Psalter, 53

Kessingland, Suffolk, 171 Lyme, Dorset, 23, 47, 105
Kiel, 59
killicks, 138 mackerel, 129, 130, 144
King's Lynn, 125-6 Madeira, 81
galley (1336), 151 Maine, 77
port, 104, 107, 114-15 Malaga, 81, 83
St Nicholas' chapel, ship carving, 57, 57, maps
159 J06-7, 117, 118
trade, 75, 88, 97, 133 Europe, 66-7
Kingston upon Hull see Hull Marazion, 138
Kingston upon Thames, 107 Margret Cely, 98
waterfront, clinker vessel planking, 108, Marie Sandwich (1416), 159
109, 110 Marie of Weymouth (1409-11), 156
Kinsale,67 Mary (1485), 160
KirkstallAbbey, 130 Mary Rose, 46, 56
Kolding Fjord, Denmark, 53 artefacts from 131, 161, 176, 178, 180
Kollerup cog, 19, 21, 59, 61, 72-3 masts, 55-6, 59-61, 139-40, 153, 159, 166
and tacking performance 62
La Pheltpe (1336), 57 Mataro model, 39, 40, 47, 55, 82, 82
La Rochelle, 72, 78, 98, 151 Mediterranean, 164, 180
Labrador, 81, 178 ships, 35-44
Lansdowne Manuscript, 285 165, 169, 171 Medway, River, 125
lanterns, 139, 178 merchant vessels, warfare, 153-6
Lasize wreck, 39 merchant's marks, 97
latrines, 49 Mersey, River, 122, 123
launching, 24 metals, carriage of, 96, 102
Laws of Oleron, 112 miches (swivels), 160
lead see soundings Milk Street, London, 21
Leicester, 130 Minehead, 137
Leicestershire,139 Morecambe Bay, 162
Les Sorres X, 39 murage grants, 162
lighters, 111-12, 127 mussels, 129
lights, 171, 174 mykes (mast crutches), 56, 139-40
map of, 173
St Catherine's lighthouse, 174 Nar, River, 125
Limerick, 67 naves, 41, 43, 67
Limfjord, 72 naves cursoriae, 150

216 Medieval ships and shipping

naviculum, 178-9, J 79 parrels, 56, 57

navigation, 164, 165, 170 Paul barge (1372-73), 152
effect of elevation on observation range, pelts, 65
168 Penmarch Point, 169
equipment and instruments, 164, 175-82, Penner Wharf, Bristol, 110
184 Penzance, 144
lookout at the masthead, J 67 Peter of La Rochelle, 64
Naze, Essex, 171 Peter, St, 133
Neckham, Alexander, 168, 176 Peterborough, 121
nefs, 67 Pevensey, 80, 131, 153, 163
Nene, River, 121 Philip the Fair, King of France, 44, 151
Netherlands, 75, 112, 171 pickards, 67
see also Flanders; Low Countries Piel Castle, 162
cogs, 15, 20 pilchards, 133, 138, 144
fishing, 131, 133 pilot ships, 165
New Fresh Wharf, Billingsgate, 105 pilotage, 165
New Shoreham (Hulksmouth), 162 pine, 69, 83
town seal 10, 11, 11 pintles, 53
Newcastle, 56, 57, 95-6, 117, 144 pipes (casks), 93
galley (1295), 23, 24, 47, 146, 151 pirates, 98
port, 104, 107, 110 Pisa, 79
Newfoundland, 129, 180 Pizzigani chart (1367), coche, 41, 61
Nicholas, St, 15 plaice, 129, 130, 142
see also St Nicholas' chapel plank-built boats, 122, 123-4, 126
Nicholas wreck, Sandwich, 96 pleasure boating, 126
Norfolk, 125, 144 Plenty of Hull, 178
Normandy, 67, 77, 78, 79 plumb lines, 178, 179
invasion fleet, 4, 9 Plymouth, 57, 107, 118, 137, 151, 152, 163
North Sea, 72, 142, 143 Poitou, 65, 73, 77
North Stoneham, Southampton, 115 pokes (sacks), 93
North Wales, 136 Poland, 131
Northampton, 179 Pole Star, 166
Northern Isles, 96, 133, 135 pollock, 143
Norway, 10, 69-70, 72, 96, 170 Poole, Dorset, 81, 107
calendar stick (1457), ships depicted, 64, boat, 139, 240
70, 71 Foundry, 22, 24, 25, 26, 56, 140
fishing, 131, 143 town seal, 153, 154
Norwich, 88 Porchester, 163
Notre Dame, Paris, 77 Porthallow (Porthalon), Cornwall, 144
Nottingham, 78, 117 Porthoustock, Cornwall, 144-5, 145
Nuremburg, 180 Portland, 144
Lerret, 140
oak, 32, 44, 78, 83, 122, 126 ports, 104-16, 117, 130
Oak Mere, logboat, 123, 125 Portsmouth, 107, 111, 150, 162, 163
oared vessels, 149, 150, 150-3 French raid (1338), 152
see also named types Portugal, 44, 79, 81, 83, 169
oars, 59, 125, 150, 151 pottery, 68, 77, 83, 96, 99
steering, 50, 118 prawns, 135
observation, 166, 167, 168 privateers, 73, 81, 154
Oresund, 99 pulleys, 1 1

Oriental goods, 75 pumps, 49

Orkney, 69, 143
Orwell, 144 quadrants, 180
Ostmcn, 65 quays, 111-12, 115
Ouse, River, 117, 122 Queen Mary's Psalter, 133, 134
Oxford, 130, 179 Queenborough, Kent, 163
Oyster Street, Portsmouth, 111 Queenhithe, London, 105, 113
oysters, 129, 130, 135 Quentovic, 13
quicklime, 146
packaging, 89-90, 92-3, 95-7
paddles, 125 Ramsey Abbey, 121
Paris, Matthew, map of Britain, 117, 118 ratlines, 153
Index 217

Ravenser, 133 salt trade, 57, 72, 73

Rebaek rudder, 53 Saltash, 122
Reculver church, 171 San Sebastian, town seal, 80, 80
Red Bay, Labrador, 81, 178, 179 Sanday, Orkney, 143
Redcliffe, Bristol, 107, 115 sandglasses, 178, 179, 180
reefing, 57 Sandwich, Kent, 85, 96, 104, 163
Regent (1487), 46, 159, 160 seal, 80, 153
Regiment of the Sea, 180 ship find, 34, 53
rennyng glass, 178 Santander, 80
reverse clinker technique, 11, 14 Sardinia, 83
revetments, 105, 107, 110, 150 Sawtry Abbey, 121
Reykjavik, 67 Saxmundham, Suffolk, naviculum, 178, 179
Rhineland, 75, 77 scaling ladders, 158
Rhuddlan castle, 126 Scandinavia, 15, 57, 162
Richard I, the Lionheart, King of England, see also individual countries
150, 164 Scarborough, 162
Richard II, King of England, 98 Scheldt, River, 11-12, 175
Richborough, 104 Scilly, 169
rigging, 55-7, 57, 153, 159 Scotland, 67, 70, 142, 154
rivers see inland water transport sea marks see sailing marks
Robertsbridge, 144 sea trials, 59, 60
Rochester Castle, 78, 125, 162 Seaford, Sussex, 104, 137
Roff's Wharf, ship, 45, 46, 159 Seal House, London, 105
rope, 57, 112, 127 seals, 10, 27, 48, 50, 57, 72, 75, 80, 159
Roskilde Fjord, 4, 166 illustrated 28, 48, 80
Ross, 67 seaworthiness, 164
Rother, River, 24 Seine, River, 150
barge, 175, 178 Serce Liman wreck, 36, 39
Rouen, 44, 78, 151 Severn, River, 5, 119, 122
round-sterned ships, 53, 55 Seville, 67, 79, 81
royal ships, 10, 156, 158-60, 178 Sewer Lane, Hull, 131
see also galleys, English warships Shetland, 69, 143
rudders, 15, 27, 41, 50-5, 125 shipbuilding
see also steering craftsmen, 23, 24
illustrations, 52, 54 development, 4
Russia, 131 materials and processes, 23-4
Rutland, Earl of (1391-98), 27 sites, 23-6, 115
Rutten, Nordostpolder, cog, 20, 75, 76 tools, 16, 21-2
rutters, 164, 165 axe, 22
Rye, East Sussex, 150, 152, 162, 163 shipwrecks, 98, 164, 171
rudder, 50, 53 see also named wrecks
Shoreham, 150
sacks, 93 shrouds, 56, 57
sailing, 59-60, 61-2, 64 Sierra Leone, 81
effect on tacking of addition of masts, 62 signalling, 149, 162-3
sailing directions, 164, 165, 166, 169, 171 single-masted ships, 27, 156
sailing marks, 164, 165, 170-1, 172 sinkers, 133, 137
sails,41, 43, 56-7, 59, 61-2, 64 Sjvollen boat, 69-70
St Albans, 164 skate, 142
St Aldhelm's head, Dorset, 171 Skaw, 72, 73, 76
St Catherine's Down, Isle of Wight, skeleton-building, 40-1
lighthouse, 171, 174 see also carvel-building
Saint Gervais II wreck, 36, 39 Skuldelev ships, 4-5, 6, 8, 70, 149-50, 166
St Hilda's Church, Hartlepool, cog graffito, Sluys, 81, 175
15, 17 battle of (1340), 15, 147
St Mathieu, Brittany, 98 Smallhythe, Kent, 24, 159
St Nicholas' chapel, Ilfracombe, 174 sole, 129
St Nicholas' chapel, King's Lynn, ship Solent, 98, 149, 163
carving, 57, 57, 159 Somerset turf boat, 127
St Osyth, churches, 171 Soper, William, 24
St Peter Port, Guernsey, 77, 99 soundings, 169, 175, 176, 178
Saintonge, 77, 99 leads, 2 77
218 Medieval ships and shipping

Southampton, 57, 117, 144, 152, 163 timber, 21, 32, 57, 72, 139, 154
galley (1294), 23, 24, 48, 151 see also named species
port, 112, 114, 114, 115, 115, 150, 162 store at Poole 25
seal, 10, 15, 27 in waterfront structures, 107-9
trade, 78, 80-1, 84-5, 88, 93, 98 tolls, 112, 171
Southchurch Hall boat, 123, 125 tops (crow's nests), 166
Southend, Essex, 123 Topsham, 104
Southgate Area A, Hartlepool, 110 Touraine, 77
Southwold, Suffolk, 144 Tournai, 11, 12, 50
rudders 51, 52 Tower of London, 125, 163
Sovereign (1488), 46, 56, 159, 160 trade, 88-103
Spain, 32, 43, 79, 169 see also cargoes; specific commodities
trade, 75, 87, 129 79-81
Atlantic Iberia,
spears, 130, 139 Baltic, 72-5
speed, 168, 169, 180 Denmark, 72
spurdog, 131 France, 73, 77-9
stability, 161 Hanse, 72-5
Stanley Ferry, Yorkshire, 122 Ireland, 65
Staveren, 72, 75 Italy, 84-7
stays, 56 Low Countries, 75-7
Steelyard, King's Lynn, 115 Mediterranean Spain, 81-4
Steelyard, London, 113, 115 Norway, 69-70
steering, 50-5, 61, 118 transports, 149, 150, 154
stern castles see castles, shipboard traverse boards, 179-80
stockfish, 143 treadwheel, 112
Stonar, 104 trebuchets, 146, 163
stone, 96, 119, 121, 121 Trent, River, 117, 122, 139
stone shot, 159, 161, 162 Trig Lane, London, 105, 130
stone-throwing engines, 146 Trimte de la Toure (1398-1413), 156
stowage, 89, 93, 102 tunnage, 92-3
Stralsund, 72 tuns, 89-93
Studland Bay wreck, 49, 81, 90, 95, 161 turbot, 131
sturgeon, 129 turf boat, 127
styves, 112 Turkey, 36
Suffolk, 44, 51, 137, 144, 171, two-masted ships, 43, 60-1
Sun and Topping's Wharf, London, 110-11 Tyne, River, keels, 5, 119, 120, 127
sundials, 178 Tyne and Wear, 137
superstructure, 47 Tynemouth Priory, 171
Sussex, 137 Tywn Llewelyn, Glamorgan, 170
Sutton Hoo ship, 4
Sverri, King,69 Ulster, Earl of (1296-1328), 154
Sweden, 15, 73 Ushant, 165
Swyn, River, 147, 149 Utrecht, 12, 13

tacking 59, 61-2, 62, 169 Valencia, 41

Tamar, River, 119, 122 variation of the compass, 170, 178
Temple, Bristol, 115 Vegetius, De Re Mtlttari, fighting at sea,
Tenterden, Kent, 159 148
Thames, River, 104, 122, 125, 171, 180 Vejby cog 20, 74
Thaw, River, 170 finds from, 49, 73, 99, 100, 102
Thomas a Becket, frontispiece, 13 Venice, 36, 39, 41, 44, 84, 85
Thomas cog, 147 vernacular craft, 127-8
Thomas de la Toure (1413), 156 see also individual types
Thorney, 121 victualling, 98, 99, 151
Threave Castle, 125 VigsB, Denmark, 53
three-masted ships, 43, 159 Viking ships, 57
Barcelona, 81 replicas, 59
Catalan manuscript (1406), 63, 64 shipbuilding techniques (Norman), 77
Hispano-Moresque bowl, 42, 83, 83 Villefranche, France, 40
Norwegian calendar staff, 70 Vintry, London, 114
tides, 164, 165, 169 Vlaardingen, 75
tillers, 53, 55 voyages, 97-9
Index 219

wadmal, 96 whipstaff, 55
Walberswick, 144 whiting, 130, 144
Wales, 67, 87, 136, 151 William I, the Conqueror, King of England,
Walney, Morecambe Bay, 162 150
Walter de Godeton, 171 Winchelsea, 150, 162, 163
Wantage, 130 galley (1347), 151
Wantsum Channel, 171 town seal, 48, 48, 80, 147, 153
warehouses, 113-15 winches, 130
warships, 5, 146, 147, 148, 149-50 Winchester, 11, 12, 50
Warwick Roll, 156 windlasses, 47-9, 112
Waterford, 67, 171 wine trade, 65, 78, 85, 87, 89, 97-8, 114
waterfronts, 105, 107-8, 110, 150 wippe, 112
Watergate, London, 111 Wisbech, 104
Watergate, Southampton, 115 Wismar, 72
waterschip, 142 Wittlesey Mere, 121
watertightness, 30, 46, 47 Wood Quay, Dublin, 65
Waverley, 144 Woodstock, 121
weapons, 146, 151, 156, 158, 163 Wool Quay, London, 114
see also artillery; guns wool trade, 84-5, 89, 113
weather, 117, 166, 168 wooldings, 56
weaver knot, 133 Woolwich ship, 46, 56, 159-60
weighing beams, 113
weights, 137-9, 138 yards, 55, 56
Welland, River, 121 Yarmouth, 143, 147, 153
Weser, River, 16 Yassi Ada ship, 36
West Hithe, Southampton, 115 York, 107, 110, 112, 117, 179
Wexford, 65, 69 galley (1294), 23, 24, 151
whale, 129 Yorkshire, 122
wharfage, 112 Youghal, 67
wharves, 105, 112
whelks, 129 Zedelghem, Belgium, 11, 50
whetstones, 139 Zeeland, 143

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