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10th November 2019

Mr. ………………………………

Dear …………………………………,

We are pleased to offer you an employment with Narayani Stone Crusher as Sr.
Account Manager.
Terms and conditions of employment, effective upon signing the agreement are as

1. Duties
You shall use your best energies and abilities on a full-time basis to perform, at location
designated by the Company, the employment duties assigned to you from time to time.
You also shall comply with all rules regulations procedures of the Company. During
your employment, you shall not directly or indirectly approach any corporate
opportunities or otherwise engage in any conduct adverse to the best interest of the
Company. Also, you are instructed not to divulge any confidential information of, or
violate any agreement with, your prior employers or their clients.
2. Compensation and Benefits
You will be paid an yearly salary of ………………… (………………………) and a
monthly Gross salary of ………………. INR (………………………..) on the
commencement of your employment. Salary will be inclusive of all benefits and
allowances. Salary will be paid by 7th of the month for the work done in the previous
month. The company will review your salary on an annual basis. Any change in salary
will be at the complete discretion of the Company and shall be notified in writing.
There will no over time paid for working long hours during weekdays or working on
weekends. However if work is done overnight, off in lieu will be provided based on the
approval from the client.
3. Annual leave and Medical Leave:
You will be eligible for (12) working days’ paid annual leave for each year of Service.
(1 day per month) The Company must approve the annual leave. The annual leave
beyond eligibility has to be approved by the Company.

5. Termination of employment:
Termination by employer:
Except in cases of termination by the company due to your willful misconduct or non-
performance, the company will provide you with 7 Days advance notice of termination
from employment of the company.
Resignation by employee:
You are expected to serve the company for minimum period of 1 (One) year. If in the
event you decide to terminate the contract before 1 year, you must provide 1 (One)
month advance notice. The notice period can not be used to offset against any
applicable leaves.
6. Confidentiality
As part of your employment, you will acquire or develop confidential and proprietary
information concerning the company and its dealings and method of dealings with its
customers (and their clients or its end users) and employees and you also will develop
relationships of special trust and confidence with the company’s customers (and their
clients or end users) and employees (Collectively,” Confidential Matter”). You agree
that such Confidential Matter is for the company’s exclusive benefit and that, both during
your employment and at all times thereafter, you will not directly or indirectly use or
disclose any Confidential Matter except for the sole benefit and with the consent of the
Company. Upon the conclusion of your employment, you will promptly return all
documents and information (including computer generated or stored matters) concerning
the company or its customers and employees.
8. Commencement of Employment
You shall report for work at our office on: 12th February 2018 and your work location
is going to be with our client Infosys, Pune / Mumbai. In case you fail to join the
company by the scheduled date, you would be breaching the contract with the company
in which case you agree to pay a penalty equal to 1 (one) months Gross salary to the

9. List of Documents
The below documents are to be submitted on or before joining date, and on your
engagement with the company is subject the successful clearance of your credentials by
the company / third party verifying Agency. If any declaration given or furnished by you
to the company is false or if you have found to be willfully suppressed any material
information in such case, you will be liable to removal from service without any notice
and compensation and the company will be empowered to initiate legal proceedings
against you to seek compensation and damages.

a. Bank Statement / Pay slips for the past 3 months of the Salary Account.
b. Copies of your educational Certificates (10th onwards).
c. Appointment and relieving letters from your previous employers.
d. Copy of PAN CARD.
e. Copy of Passport ( If available )
f. Signed acknowledgement of the copy of this Offer Letter.

10. Entire Agreement

This agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties and it supersedes all prior
statements, discussions and understandings and may be amended only by a writing
signed by both parties.

Your sincerely
Amit Rout(Managing Director)
For Narayani Stone Crusher

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