Ap3-A Breezeless Day

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ASL SCENARIO AP3 Scenario Design: Brian Youse

GROS REDERCHING, FRANCE, 2 January 1945: Operation Nordwind was
launched to take advantage of the thin front offered by the American Seventh
Army. The Seventh was covering the positions that had been occupied by Pat-
ton’s Third Army, now deployed in the Ardennes. Initial thrusts by the attacking
XIII SS-Korps were poorly led and gained minimal ground even though they out-
numbered the defending GIs. Reinforced overnight by the 17th Volksgrenadier
Regiment and the 36th Volksgrenadier Division, the XIII SS-Korps continued its
attacks the following morning.



VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Germans win immediately upon Exiting Add one M36 GMC to the U.S. OB.
≥ 70 Victory Points (excluding prisoners) off the south edge of board(s) In the Victory Conditions, change “currently Control ≥
42/43, provided they currently Control ≥ 10 buildings on board 42, 10” to “currently Control ≥ 5”.
on/south-of hexrow K.


AMERICAN Sets Up First [110]

GERMAN Moves First [126] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 END

Elements of the 71st and 397th Infantry Regiments, 44th Infantry Division, and the 776th Tank Destroyer and 749th Tank
Battalions [ELR: 3] set up on board(s) 42/43, on/south-of hexrow Y (see SSR 3): {SAN: 4}

10 2 3 6 3

2 6

Elements of SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 37, SS-Panzerjäger Abteilung 653, and Flammkompanie 353 [ELR: 3] enter
on Turn 1 along the north edge of board(s) 42/43: {SAN: 3}

18 2 2 4 2 2 2

4 6

SPECIAL RULES: AFTERMATH: The spearhead of the XIII SS-Korps was the 17th SS-Panzer-
grenadier Division, a unit refitted just prior to Nordwind with a high proportion of low
1. EC are Wet, with no wind at start.
quality Volksdeutsche and the usual high quality equipment lavished upon the SS divi-
2. All grain hexes on board 43 are Level 1 Open Ground hill hexes; the print- sions. The men of the 17th SS-Panzergrenadier Division, with their flanks protected by
ed outline of the grain represents the hill Crest Lines. the volksgrenadiers, continued their attack on the 44th Infantry Division’s positions.
Despite several spirited counterattacks by American infantrymen, the armored elements
3. The Americans receive one module of 60+mm battalion mortar OBA (U.S. of the SS managed to break through and capture Gros Rederching and Achen. Further
Ordnance Note 1). The Americans may roll for each M4A3(75)W on the counterattacks then forced the panzergrenadiers to retreat from their newly won territo-
H1.42 Gyrostabilizer Availability Table (D11.1). ry. By Nordwind’s second nightfall, the offensive had lost all momentum.
4. All German 4-4-7s/2-3-7s are considered to have Assault Fire capability,
an underlined Morale, have their broken side Morale Level increased by one,
and to be SS for all purposes. The German Force is Elite (C8.2).

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