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Ateneo de Davao University – Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office

Master in Public Administration Program


Re-engineering and Revitalizing the Traditional Sweepstakes Ticket of the

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office to make it a Profitable Product in
Raising Revenues for Charity



A Capstone Project Proposal

submitted to the Faculty of the
School of Business and Governance
of the Ateneo de Davao University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Public Administration

16 November 2012

Re-engineering and Revitalizing the Traditional Sweepstakes Ticket of the

Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office to make it a Profitable Product in
Raising Revenues for Charity




The Sweepstakes Ticket is the foundation for which the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office
was created by law in 1934. For more than half a century, Sweepstakes ticket sales have
provided funds for health programs of the government. It has also been the source of much
needed finances for assistance extended by the agency to victims of national calamities and
disasters of national character. In the 90’s, sales of the ticket experienced a dramatic decline for
which, then PCSO Chairman Manuel L. Morato decided to augment the agency’s fiscal standing
by introducing the Lotto to the Filipinos. Though at the onset, Lotto ticket sales was lackluster,
gradually it gained the approving vote of the players. After 17 years of generating billions of
Lotto sales for its programs, the PCSO is once again faced with a dilemma. The popularity and
dynamism of the On-line Lotto put the Sweepstakes ticket at the brink of extinction. With
renewed interest the current PCSO management has plans of re-engineering its original product.
This paper will study and provide insights as to how the Sweepstakes ticket can be re-energized
and once again, become a source of profit for the PCSO and the Filipinos.

Sweepstakes, Re-engineer, Re-design


1. Background of the Problem

Since the Lotto ticket sales has surpassed that of the Sweepstakes ticket, PCSO’s flagship

product is barely making enough to fund its prizes. Being the game for which the agency was

created, the current PCSO management has decided to enliven the Sweepstakes once more.

The two previous administrations have tried but have made minimal accomplishments in

terms of sales. What used to be weekly draws of the game has been reduced to bi annual

“novelty” draws which only served to remind the public that the Sweepstakes ticket is still


2. Statement of the Problem

The main problem is how to make the Sweepstakes ticket more profitable. The new

millennium has brought about more dynamic and interesting games that leaves the

Sweepstakes far behind in terms of income generation.

3. Significance of the Study

It is vital that the profitability of the Sweepstakes ticket is re-energized for it to

contribute to PCSO’s constant and ever increasing demand for funds for a continuously

growing number of indigents under its wings. Currently, the PCSO thru its Lotto ticket
sales, is contributing an average of 12 million pesos daily to the hospitalization and

treatment of various illnesses of indigent Filipinos nationwide. However, a profitable

Sweepstakes ticket will translate to more of the needy receiving much needed health


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