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Red Horse or Red Marks: Unboxing the Troubles of Teenage Students in

Tagum City National High School due to the Alcohol Consumption

A Phenomenological Qualitative Research

Presented to the Senior High School

Department of Tagum City National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Senior High School Research I Subject

Giery Mae Amodia

Kurt Christian Klein Bigcas

Angielo Niecco Laparan

Mary Joy A. Lascuña

Maria Jeanette Tibay

Chapter 1



Alcohol is the most consumed psychoactive substance globally and it causes

severe consequences to the human health. It is part of the life of Filipino adults and

even university students because for them, it plays a vital role in the social world. It

can make you an outcast if you refuse to engage. In fact, most of the university

students who consume alcohol are teenagers.

In this generation, the trouble of alcohol substance addiction among

teenagers quite arises because nowadays, adolescents are more likely to take risks

than children or adults, as demonstrated by high rates of alcohol and other

imprudent habits. (Steinberg, 2008).

According to Drinkaware (2014), there are several reasons why young people

drink. During puberty, it hits the higher risky behaviour of an individual and that time,

young people tend to take risks inaccurately because of their struggles to the two

important alteration of their brain. It is found that many of the teenagers drink to be

like their friends or in basically speaking, they want to fit in. They can also be

bombarded by examples such as in television, magazines and social media but the

most influential among them is social media which can spread images and ideas and

as an adolescent they tend to go in or to fit in with the trend and unfortunately,

drinking is treated as one of a trend for them. On the other hand, some of them drink

to cope up their problems and stress.(Drinkaware, 2014). On the contrary, according

to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking may give a

positive feelings and relaxation however, it will only stay for a short term. When a
person remains drinking to cope up its stress, it is the time that the problem will

arise, instead of calming your nerves it will lead to medical and psychological

problems that will increase a person’s alcohol dependence. (National Institute on

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2014)

The presence of alcohol in the life of adolescents has negatively affected its

way of living which includes their studies. We are all aware that adolescence is the

most sensitive part in the life of an individual in which peers and even environment

has a big chance to influence its perspective. In addition, according to the Alcohol

Policy MD (2019), environment influences on alcohol use due to its acceptance and

facile availability such as its cheap price, presence of many outlets, and server

practices. This is why a numerous of teenagers are entail in the usage or even turn

into addiction of alcoholic substance.

In fact, research has showed that in Portugal, the percentage of adolescents

who consume alcohol progressively increases with age and that the onset age is 12

years old. Scientific evidence suggests that early onset is associated to future

behavioural problems in adolescence, including violence related to alcohol,

accidents, driving under influence, absenteeism at school and increased risk to use

other drugs, and also future alcohol abuse. (Barroso,T et al.,2009).

Because of the inexperience of using alcohol and generally lower risk

aversion and peer pressure sensitivity, adolescents have a significantly higher risk of

binge drinking compared to most other age groups. (RehabSpot, 2010). According to

the Better Health Channel (2015), young people are at greater risk of harm from

alcohol compared to adults and drinking alcohol as a child will significantly increase

the risk of damage to the developing brain as the brain continues to develop into
your mid-twenties. It can also lead to drug problems later in life. The substance

abuse interferes with adolescence's developmental tasks such as developing an

adult identity, gaining parental and social autonomy, and learning how to construct

intimate relationships with others. (ML Muramoto, & L Leshan, 1993).

According to Brown,et al., (2000), An early alcohol usage especially heavy

use may have negative effects on the physical development of brain structure that is

why, it may affect the academic performance of a student. In addition, recent

neurological research suggests that underage drinking can directly affect education

by altering the structure and function of the developing brain with far beyond

adolescence. (Brown et al., 2000; White & Swartzwelder, 2004). The usage of

alcohol also has an impact on the performance of a student through reducing their

number of hours spent in studying or completing their homework assignments and

even attending school.

Alcohol affected the teenagers too much in many aspects. In fact, in America,

alcohol is the number one “drug of choice” and more likely can kill more young

people than illegal drugs combined. Alcohol can change the lifestyle of a student,

instead of focusing in their studies, they much prefer to go out and drink with peers.

There are a lot of cases where teenagers involve to an accident because of drunk

driving, some also got an unintentional injury, engage in a physical fight and the

worst is being able to commit a murder or rape.

The worst thing which is rape unfortunately happened in Tondo wherein a 16

year-old girl has been gang-raped by her 6 drinking buddies. This is because alcohol

can lead to increase your sexual desire, change how you act and will make it hard
for you to think carefully and choose a good decision. It will also lead you to become

an aggressive person and done evil things.

In the Philippines, there is a law which sets the minimum legal age for drinking

at 18 but there is still a widespread use of underage drinking. Many of them can get

alcohol from home with or without permission from their family. They can also get it

from their friends or they can buy it on their own discreetly. (Valbuena, J. P.,2006)

In Tagum City, there are also such cases particularly in Tagum City National

High School because of its big population. There are cases wherein some alcoholic

substance containers are found in the comfort room which is an evidence of teenage


In this, if the involvement of youth especially the students in alcohol will

remain, its studies will probably fall behind and even forget that they are still

studying. They will find their involvement with such doings as enjoyable and they will

probably lose their urge to study.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of this phenomenological study is to know how to promote the

prevention of alcoholic addiction among the teenage students and to unravel the

troubles of drinking alcoholic drinks to their academic performance and psychological

behaviour. Through this, we are looking forward that the school itself, the parents as

well as the government to hear and open their eyes in this kind of problem. This

would serve as an eye-opener to everyone who is involved that it is not fine to drink

alcohol when you are not in the right age.

Second, we would like to give emphasis to this problem. To the parents, to the

market and to the government, it is a big problem to let teenagers welcome in this
kind of doings. This must be given a solution if we want to stop them in drinking and

become more addicted in alcohol.

Lastly, we would like to visualize and give importance to the teenage students

in Tagum City National High School, who are involve in this kind of actions, who

experience drinking alcohol and even cut classes to satisfy their cravings of alcoholic


Research Questions

This study seeks to answer these questions:

1.What does you feel when you are drinking liquor?

2.How did you handle the troubles that you had experienced particularly in

your studies ?

3.Why did you keep on drinking liquor despite of the fact that you are still


Theoretical Lens

This research is anchored with the Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura.

This theory states that ‘’ people learned through observing other’s behaviour and

most human behaviour is learned observationally through modelling from observing

others, from forms of an ideas how new behaviour are performed and from this

coded information serves as guides for action ‘’. This social learning theory explains

human behaviour in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive,

behaviour and environmental influences. In this theory, it is assumed that the

students’ cognitive development results from a behavioural process whereby a

student learns how to drink alcohol through the influences with someone else usually

the parents, friends, neighbourhood and peers. (David, 2019)

The Disease Theory of Alcoholism by Elvin M. Jellinek in 1960 recognized

that the same course was not followed by all alcoholics. On that basis, he

established his clinical typology in which he differentiated alpha and beta alcoholics

in whom the physical dependency symptomatology was not a major medical function

of the gamma and delta alcoholics in whom it was. As physiological concurrent of

physical dependence, he postulated the development of craving, loss of control, and

inability to abstain, mechanisms that exacerbated the self-reinforcing nature of

alcoholism, making it more difficult to achieve abstinence. In other words, the theory

considered alcoholism as an addiction and a brain disease. The brain has been

physically changed by extended exposure to alcohol, resulting in different functions

and therefore addictive behaviour. (Leshner, 2003)

Lastly, the prevailing theory on what factors drive a young person to consume

alcohol early on is known as the Problem-Behavior Theory. It describes all of the

effects in terms of whether ‘’instigations" (factors that increase risk of the behavior)

or "controls" (factors that decrease the risk of the behavior), and whether they are

"proximal" (closely related to the behavior) or "distal" (indirectly related to the

behavior). The theory suggests that most conduct is related to personal goals. Goals

that are inconsistent with conventional social values are tied to what Jessor calls

"problem behaviors"—things such as lack of academic achievement,

aggression/violence, risky sexual behavior, and substance use. An adolescent's

tendency to prefer unconventional personal goals, ssocial norms and behavioral

modeling, and goal-oriented resources' environmental availability can all significantly

increase or decrease the likelihood of problem behaviors.(Jessor, 1987).

Significance of the study

We are confident that this phenomenological study would give awareness on

the possible effects of alcoholism and alcohol drinking among teenage students. It is

through this study that we are able to collect information about the reasons or factors

behind the existing problems of adolescents’ alcohol drinking. Also, through this

study, we will be able to determine its effects on the different aspects, especially to

the teenage students.

We are confident that this study would serve as a key for the schools, parents

and even for the alcohol sellers to be more aware to the undying problem among the

youth in the country which is the alcohol usage and even addiction and would result

in finding a solution to the problem, as well as the government to strictly implement

on totally banning the selling of alcohol to the minors. Additionally, for the

community, it will urge everyone to minimize the occurrence of alcohol consumption

for the adult ones, if not stop it. The result would help the community to determine

the effects of drinking alcoholic beverages in order to assist the latter. Moreover, this

research would allow school administrators to have better reality based on academic

success against alcoholic drinking data about students. Also this study will serve as

an “eye-opener” for the parents to know important factors that will assist their

students when it comes to their academic performance towards the impact of

alcoholism or alcohol usage. Furthermore this research would also be helpful to the

students to raise awareness of alcohol addiction issues so that they will develop

positive behaviour and respect for a better quality of life at the early stage of their

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this are defined operationally and conceptually:

Alcohol. A psychoactive substance that has been commonly used in many

societies for decades, with dependence-producing effects. The unhealthy use of

alcohol imposes a tremendous burden on society, both socially and economically.

(WHO, 2014).

In this study, alcohol is defined as a substance which can change the

perspective of a teenage students as well as their academic performance and

behaviour. It is defined as a restricted substance for minors for it can cause health


Alcoholism. Alcoholism is an illness characterized by significant impairment

that is directly associated with persistent and excessive use of alcohol. Impairment

may involve physiological, psychological or social dysfunction. (American Medical

Association, 2016)

Conceptually, it is defined as an alcohol addiction particularly of the students.

Adolescence. Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and

adulthood. It includes some big changes—to the body, and to the way a young

person relates to the world. (Healthy Children Organization, 2019)

It is define conceptually as the most sensitive stage of a person’s life. It is the

range where a person is close to social either environmental influences. It is the

point where an individual explores more about life, and most of them in this time are

curious in everything.

Binge Drinking. The consumption of large amounts of alcohol within a short

period of time. (Collins English Dictionary, 2019).

Conceptually, it is define as a high tolerance of alcoholic drinks.

Limitations and Delimitations of the Study

This phenomenological study focuses on how the alcoholic drinks or drinking

alcohol affect the life of the teenage students particularly, in their academic

performance and psychological behaviour. The data are to be gathered from the

teenage students in Tagum City National High School through their answers in the

focus group discussion and in-depth interview. The study will be able to catch data

about the experiences of the youth students who have tried to commit teenage

drinking. There will be a total of ten (10) informants in this study, five (5) from the

focus group discussion and five (5) from the in-depth interview.

This study is dependent on the ability as well as the willingness of the

informants to reveal their experiences and answer the interview questions.

Informants will be provided with parent consent and will be informed about the study

and its purpose. The data will be gather through sound recorder and written notes,

and these files will be kept confidential. Since the number sample for this study is

limited, there is probably lack of generalizability on the general conception or

principle on the phenomenon under investigation

This study however does not mean that there are no weaknesses and

limitations. For instance, there are answers of the informants that are rejected since
they are not important anymore in designing the results. Another is the data

collection. For instance, some of the informants will not be able to narrate widely on

the phenomenon being studied. However, to produce good results of my study,

theoretical lens will be used to fit to the natural setting in capturing the social or

human problem such as the illegal alcohol consumption of teenage students.

However, we acknowledge the weaknesses which may not allow this research

to achieve the expected generalizability of this study. Due to the small sample who

participated in this study, results may not be generalized and cannot adequately

support claims of having achieved valid conclusions. In addition, we cannot

guarantee the perfect recollection of all the experiences of the informants due to the

fact that the real stories shared are past events and are subject for human error in

terms of memory.

Organization of the Study

In the presentation of the study, different ideas and concepts will be organized

consequently. Discussions of the different chapters are presented in a detailed and

substantial manner in order for the readers to have a clear understanding of the

phenomenon under investigation.

Chapter 1. It describes the phenomenon being studied. The importance of the

study is given emphasis on this chapter. It is followed by the discussion on the

purpose of the study that is to know how the alcohol addiction affect their lives. Then,

Research questions are also presented as utilized during the interview of the

participants and the focus group discussion. Next, theoretical len, that is linked with

the research study, and the significance of the study will be presented. After this,
terms, which are related to the study, are defined based on how it is used in the

study and its literal meaning, and the people who will benefit from this research are

expressed. Lastly, the delimitations and limitations of the study are also presented to

prompt the study’s limit and scope, including the participants of the study.

Chapter 2. It present the Review of Related Literature. Citations or written

researches by other researcher related to the study, articles, and other various

discussion are introduced. All information gathered are in relation to the study that is

dominantly portrayed in this research.

Chapter 3. It explains the design and methodology employed in this study.

These are the research design, role of the researcher, the research participants,

data collection, data analysis, and trustworthiness that includes the following four

criteria: credibility, transferability, dependability, and validity. Ethical considerations

of the study are also included in this chapter.

Chapter 4. It shows the result of the study. The results have four main parts

namely: the informants data, the data analysis steps and procedures in coding the

evolving themes, the responses to the interview, and the synopsis of the responses.

Chapter 5. It presents the discussion of the result. It explains further the

most important findings relative to the mentioned literatures. This chapter also

encloses implications of the study, suggestions or implications for future

observations in the field of research, as well as the concluding remarks.

Chapter 2


Adolescents’ Alcohol Usage

Puberty is a time of rapid physical, psychological and social growth, as well as

a crucial age of alcohol consumption. Usually starting during puberty, alcohol,

tobacco and other substance use and abuse are important issues. Intrapsychological

factors, friends, adult attitudes towards alcohol and even general health policies

influence alcohol-related behaviour in adolescents (Bates and Labouvie, 1997).

The teenagers brain is continuously developing that is why it can be injured

more than the adult ones, that’s the reason why drinking at an early age may

undermine the accurate neurological capacity needed to keep oneself safe from

alcoholism.(Butler, 2006) That is why, people who drink at an early age have an

enormous risks to become alcoholics.

At some point, researchers suggest that adolescents are more likely to abuse

alcohol than adults because of the way in which the human brain develops. In

adolescence, the pleasure centers of the teenage brain mature faster than the part of

the brain responsible for sound decision making. We found out that many of them do

not have the mental capacity to fully understand the consequences and be aware of

them. (Addiction Center, 2010)

Among the adolescents, up to two thirds of them are already consuming

alcohol and quarters of them are said to be involve in abusive behaviour and binge

drinking is a dominant pattern among the proportion of the youth. In addition,

adolescents who are involved in alcohol abuse may experience changes in brain

development as well as impairment of neurocognitive performance. Because of

having a contact with alcohol at young age, there is chance for the adolescents to

develop problematic alcohol consumption. In this, different prevention programs are

implemented and offering treatments for adolescents either within the scope of their

family or in schools. But, although treatments are seen as effective, it is still hard to

reveal satisfactory outcomes for a long term. (Skala, K., and Walter, H., 2013)

We found out that in Portugal, their consumption patterns changed and it was

very alarming because they refer to a population that are so vulnerable which is the

adolescents. In accordance to the research, it showed that the percentage of

adolescents who consume alcohol continuously increases with age and the new

onset age is 12 years old. (Barroso,T et al.,2009).

In connection, in the Philippines when the University of the Philippines

conducted a study on 1994, it was stated that most of the teenagers have tried

cigarettes, alcohol and drugs but they are more into alcohol. Also, it was stated that

Filipino Youths start drinking at the age of 16 or 17 but there are also some cases

where children as young as 12 years old already tried alcohol drinks. ( Valbuena, J.


Binge drinking among teenagers associated with numerous causes including

depression and anxiety. Adolescents who are prone or more likely to abuse alcohol

are those who have emotional problems and those who exhibit thrill-seeking

behaviour or incapable in controlling their impulses. Even though not all teens are

abusing alcohol, they must still be intervene early because they have the risk to

become an alcoholics someday. (American Addiction Centers Editorial Staff, 2013).

Moreover, teens who are drinking particularly the students will increased their

risk for underperforming in school, participating in dangerous sexual activity and

even in a drunk driving accident. (American Addiction Centers Editorial Staff, 2013).

Furthermore, adolescent drinking can also be attributed to peer pressure.

More often, teenagers are introduced by their friends to alcohol drinking. With this,

the parents ' role is crucial to their children's discipline. Youth must be properly

regulated in drinking alcohol. Education is also important in order to provide early

intervention to youth with data on alcoholism and drug abuse.

Influential Factors of Underage Drinking

Parents and peers are more likely to influence youth to engage in

alcoholic drinking behaviour. Evidence showed that the family system plays a key

role in causing or shielding young people from social and behavioural problems.

Family love and contact serve as a defensive factor against many of the adolescents'

risky behaviours. (Pergamit, M.R. et al., 2001) Also, adolescents have a moderate to

strong influence on the risk behaviour of their peers. (Jaccard, J.,2005). Adolescents

are susceptible to peers influence because they have been found to be more likely to

engage in group risk than alone. Adolescents has a limited degree of self-reliance,

which interferes with their ability to act independently of their peers ' influence and

can be more easily moved to risky behaviour. (Cauffman, E. and Steinberg, L.,2000).

In parental influence, results show that parental drinking directly influences

adolescent drinking as well as indirectly through adolescent perceptions of parenting,

including monitoring and receiving discipline. (Science Daily, 2008). Also, when a
student lack parental support, monitoring or even communication, a youth might

done inappropriate like underage drinking because of having no guidance.

In the peer influences, the top reason is the peer pressure which can result in

abuse of alcohol. Throughout puberty, brain circuits that react to compensation

become easily aroused. It drives teenagers, like alcohol consumption, to risky

behaviors and leaves them particularly vulnerable to peers pressure. (Gonzales,

2014). If a teenager will not learn how to avoid this kind of circumstances, it will

possibly influence him/her.

In addition, the participation of social media in recent years has skyrocketed

which made a new environment that can expose young adults or adolescents to the

influenced of alcohol-related content. Young people are influenced through seeing

messages and images that is portrayed in social media pages included those

unregulated market who posted on social media which might reach the adolescents.

The alcohol drinking seen online is correlated with offline drinking behaviour.

(Moreno, M. A., & Whitehill, J. M., 2014) Since, young generation are raised

immersed in social media which promotes users-generated content and interactions

between users. (Lenhart et al. 2005). Social media is diverse, however, numerous of

people have shared similar experiences. (Kietzmann et al. 2011).

Effects of the Alcohol Consumption of Teenagers

Teen drinkers have a greater chance of getting fat or having health issues

(Nemours 2016). Also, drinking is more dangerous to children than adults as their

brains continue to develop well into young adulthood during puberty and drinking

during this crucial period of growth can result in lifelong damage to brain function,

especially as it relates to memory, motor skills (moving ability) and coordination

(Drugfreeworld, 2016). In addition, drinking alcohol is associated with the risk of

developing health problems such as mental and behavioral disorders, including

alcohol dependence, major non-communicable diseases such as cirrhosis of the

liver, certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases (WHO, 2019). Furthermore,

Teens who drink have a greater chance of being sexually active and having unsafe,

unprotected sex which can lead to pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases

that can change lives or even end (Nemours, 2016).

Alcohol also influences the actions of users, which can lead to accidents and

violence (Gatewayfoundation, 2019). A significant proportion of the disease burden

attributed to alcohol consumption tends to occur in comparatively younger age

groups due to accidental and deliberate accidents, including those caused by road

traffic collisions, abuse and suicides, and fatal drug-related injuries Therefore, the

use of alcohol can also affect other individuals, including family members,

acquaintances, colleagues and strangers (WHO, 2019).

Aside from harming their wellbeing, students at universities who consume

alcohols can also affect their academic performance (Edgehill, 2008). Owing the fact

that, drinking has a significant and measurable impact on your memory and can also

cause you to lose sleep or get poor-quality sleep which can cause you to miss class

that can often have an adverse effect on your grades (Smith, 2019).
Ways of Motivating Treatment

The first step towards rehabilitation is to accept that there is a question of alcohol

dependence and the next is to seek assistance. This is available from a number of

professional support networks and programs. (Newman 2018)

 Do-It-Yourself: Some people with an alcohol problem succeed in reducing or

abstaining without seeking professional assistance. Websites offer free

information, and books of self-help can be purchased online. (Newman 2018)

 Counseling: A professional therapist will help the person discuss their issues

and then come up with a plan to cope with the alcohol. Cognitive behavioral

therapy (CBT) is often used to treat dependence on alcohol. (Newman 2018)

 Treating Underlying Problems: Problems with self-esteem, stress, anxiety,

depression or other mental health issues may arise. Such issues also need to

be tackled, as they can increase the risks posed by alcohol. Common issues

related to alcohol, such as obesity, liver disease, and likely heart disease, will

also need to be tackled. (Newman 2018)

 Residential Programs: These can include specialist professional assistance,

individual or group therapy, support groups, coaching, family engagement,

activity therapy, and a variety of alcohol abuse recovery approaches. It is

important for some individuals to be physically free from exposure to

temptation. (Newman 2018)

 Drug that provokes a severe reaction to alcohol: Antabuse (disulfiram)

triggers a severe reaction if someone is drinking alcohol, including nausea,

flushing, vomiting and headaches. It is a dissuasive, but in the long term it will

not treat the compulsion to drink or solve the issue. (Newman 2018)

 Drugs for cravings: Naltrexone (ReVia) may contribute to reducing the need

for a drink. For cravings, acamprosate (Campral) can help. (Newman 2018)

 Detoxification: Medicines may help prevent symptoms of withdrawal

(delirium tremors or DTs) that may occur after withdrawal. Treatment usually

lasts four to seven days. For detoxification (detoxification), chlordiazepoxide,

a benzodiazepine medication, is often used. (Newman 2018)

 Abstinence: Many people successfully complete detox, but shortly after or

many time later they start drinking again. Access to counseling, medical

assistance, support groups, and family support can all help people avoid

alcohol as time goes on. (Newman 2018)

 Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcoholics Anonymous is a male and female

international fellowship that has faced alcohol problems. It is non-professional,

self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and virtually everywhere available.

There are no conditions in terms of age or schooling. Membership is open to

anyone who does not want to drink. (Newman 2018)

Preventive Measures
The saying 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' is applicable in

this situation. Through earlier prevention and information, many teenagers will not

participate in early drinking. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents and

guardians of the children to warn them about the negative effects of being an


Drug and alcohol abuse prevention should start at home. Parents should

explore the effects of drug and alcohol abuse with their children and specifically

speaking with kids while they're young can create a strong foundation for drug use

awareness. This helps parents to influence their children positively, while teaching

them about boundaries (Addictioncenter, 2019).

In teaching boundaries, Parents help children understand when something

that can hurt them can be denied while controlling the dynamics of an unhealthy

request. They can establish communication consistency and guidance that can be

followed for years and preventive conversations can lead adolescents to strengthen

their parent's trust and make wise choices with habits, friends, interests, and

influences. (Addictioncenter, 2019). In addition, parents also play an important and

powerful role in shaping the beliefs and attitudes of their child about alcohol through

their alcohol-related behaviors role modelling (ADF, 2019).

In conclusion, Families should communicate with their children properly and

track their actions in some way. Through all of these, parents and children can have

a strong and lasting relationship with clear and consistent contact. This can allow all

sides to teach each other about life and engage with each other's activities and have

a good communication which can help one another to create a good environment.

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