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1. Create and Design Admission/Enquiry Forms etc. See a

sample in the image below.

To create this kind of form, you need to use shapes, text boxes, colors, formatting options, table, and horizontal

lines in MS word. This is a very good exercise to practice because it will give you the idea of how to use such

options practically on various official documents that we use in our daily official life.

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2. Create bill/leaflets/brochures. See the sample below.

Everyone contains various designs of bills such as your refrigerator shopping bill, computer bill, electricity bills

and various other kinds of bills. So you can practice in Microsoft Word to create that type of bills format. It’s

good for the practice in which you will learn Insert menu option, text adjustment between the table, page size,

text boxes.

3. Design E-book cover pages / Magazine front/ books

front/back page using cover page option in Insert Menu.

This practice is an advance. But try to find the books, magazine cover pages. And try to make similar in MS-

Word. Imagine if you’re the designer, how you will design the same content or front page. You will learn while

practicing this about Cover Page option in MS-Word or you can design without using that option. The benefit of

learning this is about to understand the various practical uses of Microsoft word in our daily life.

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4. Create Business Cards using Shapes, text, and colors.

People use Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw and websites to create business cards nowadays automatically and

manually. You can also use that. But it’s about mastering in MS Word options and skills. When you create and

design anything in Microsoft word. Your basic computers skills become strong. That helps you in the future

when you start working on a Computer or MS-office or MS-Word. Also, basic computer skills are very important

before doing any degree course in IT. So, Design the business cards similarly you’re seeing in the below

sample picture.

This is advanced exercise, but if you do it and create cards then options you’ve learned during your computer

courses in MS-Word remain forever in your brain.

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Related: Importance of MS word in Education

5. Use smart art and create organization charts

Smart Art is one of the favorite options in Microsoft Word. Smart art used to draw diagrams which are used to

showcase the content visually that will be easy to understand and manage. Such as you’re seeing below smart

art image Hierarchy Diagram that is used to create organizational chart or structure of Telecom company. This

is the best method to understand and teach about certain things to students, teachers, parents, and

companies. You will see such organizational charts in the companies office and government head offices.

When you practice MS-Word Option to create the following diagram or any other, you got many problems.

Those problems are not there while you were learning MS-Word. These are the problem such as font size

adjustment, lines adjustment, etc. colors and shape adjustment etc. So, when you solve these problems by

yourself or with the help of your computer course instructor it will be great for your computer knowledge and

MS-Office skills. Because when you solve the problem and you learn very important working lessons of MS

Word. This is why you’re learning.

6. Make books content page or index page

This is another idea in which you need to create an index or content page of the book. In this process you will

learn about first line indent, hanging indent and the perfect use of ruler bar in Microsoft Word. And also about a

page number, a hyperlink (if it is eBook). You can discuss this article with your computer teachers, to allow us

or provide us similar things to practice on.

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7. Try to create similar Header & Footer that you’re seeing

in the Book

This is the most important option and thousands of students find it difficult to use header and footer. It’s easier

to learn header and footer one time but if you’re not practicing it in various ways or the things such as books

header and footer, it’s tough for you to explain it to others. That’s why I am suggesting you to try using the

different style of header and footer. And you will get such an example from the books.

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8. Insert Image into the shape

This is a little easy. But it’s important that you know easier things more than difficult things. Because in

interviews especially related to IT, people ask the easier question more than difficult. So, practicing even on

small things also beneficial. You don’t’ know whenever it will be helpful for you in future.

So, insert an image into the shape. Take and draw a shape from Illustration menu, place it on page little higher

in size, then double-click on the shape. Go to shape fill option and click on the picture. As an example, you can

see the following image.

Related: – Top 10 powerful uses of Microsoft Word.

9. Practice hyperlink and create links between word

document texts to D: /, Play songs from Microsoft word
text, create the link between internal and external files.

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This is the most important option in Microsoft Word. Most of the process on the internet contains links. The

hyperlink is the starting point in which you learn how things are connected with each other. Even it’s also a

great option for Web Designer or web designing teachers to teach “How website links works” by using the

hyperlink as an example.

As you can see in the image below, I am displaying the connection between play song text to the location of the

song. Now you need to select that text in which have written play song and then insert a hyperlink (Ctrl+K) and

in the hyperlink address, put the path of the song. After that press Ctrl button and click on the blue link, so now

any song that you selected will start playing.

Here is my complete article based on Hyperlink option: – Hyperlink Example within Microsoft Word


10. Design Happy Birthday Message by using Word Art

and print it.

I think its easiest thing for you. You can use Word Art option for this. You can create the best wishes message

in MS-Word. After that, you can print. And give it to the person. It’s about creating small things at home. This is

also a good way to make kids interested in learning the computer. Also good for students and kids to create fun

things and print or give it as the gift for parents. So, they will enjoy your creativity.

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11. Create a chart and show the products prices

comparison between 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Chart option is very important in Microsoft word and excel. But in the use of chart option and any other option in

MS word it depends on the demand for the certain content type. For example, you’re writing a book or making

notes about something in which you have to write and explain the price comparison between 3-4 years. Then

you can use the chart for visualizations to analyze the data. In visual format or in the chart it’s easier for people

to understand, what you mean. And also it gets more views or focuses than the content.

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So, try to create the chart as you’re seeing the above image.

12. Get the newspaper and see the text-based

advertisement and Design that advertisement in Microsoft

Design and create text or image-based advertisement that you saw in the newspaper. Designing such

advertisement will be a very beneficial role for Microsoft Word students or people learning Advanced Microsoft

Word skills. Advertisement designs contain high-quality images, text, and layout. And these designs are

created by experts. When students practice experts material and create similar or better than that. I think that

movement is great for learners and teachers. So, try to create as many as you like. It will make you master in

MS word. And I think doing exercise after completing the class topic is the best way to learn MS-Word.

13. Take a double column book or newspaper and design

or create a similar paragraph style in the word document.

Not all often type or create content in double column. I know computer teachers can teach you such options.

But they will not able to explain the deepest or professional uses of such options for certain reasons. So, I will

suggest you that you can use column option and find newspaper similarly as you’re seeing below and create or

type the text as you’re seeing in the newspaper. And if you’re getting the problem, ask your teachers. So, when

your teachers teach you about how to do that thing or this thing, it will be great for your knowledge.

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14. Create letterhead, Identity card of any company or

institution that you got and insert the Watermark with that
company name in the document.

You can create an identity card, visiting card or birthday cards in MS word. As you’re seeing below this is an

example of cards and letterhead. But you can find such things. And practice your MS-Word knowledge in

creating an identity card, letterhead. This will give you the idea of how to adjust the text in different shapes and

area. Also, this is a good exercise in which you learn after printing, what size you need to adjust on the page.

And when you do that, you learn very precious things in MS-Word.

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15. Decorate word document with page border, content

border, add pattern and write beautiful text in it.

This is the easiest page layout option, in which you can learn about page border in MS-Word, text border, color

or shading in the page and pattern. These options are very beautiful when you’re creating eBooks, making

notes and doing anything that required following type of style. See the image below and try to create similar to

this one.

16. Insert Images and Practice on Format Menu and

Image options.

You can use image options and style to decorate, retouch and adjustment of colors and brightness in ms word.

As you’re seeing, I have created various style and image effects. These are easy to create. But to learn more

advanced effects later in other professional software, it’s important for you to learn and practice such things

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during your basic computer course.

17. Insert template or download the new template in

Microsoft Word from the Internet and edit those template
with your content.

There are 100+ templates almost for anything in Microsoft Word Template option. The top benefit of using the

template is that if you don’t know how to create or design certain thing then you can just download the template

and replace the existed text with your text. And it’s done. This is a most important option which you should

learn because it’s tough when you don’t know about how to design or create anything, so try to practice on 10+

templates and see how it will look like.

Related: Uses and features of Microsoft Word.

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18. Write 10 lines or 10 sentences and then change the

font, style, color, and size of each sentence. Make each
one different than previous and next.

Fonts are the face of the text. And the following image is displaying various fonts and style. Just create

similarly. During the practice, you will learn which one font will be better for the specific text. Just write 10 lines

and differentiate each one.


Adding more…………..!

I think such exercise will be enough to make you above average in all the students around the world doing

basic computer course or learning Microsoft Word.

Because after learning Microsoft word, you have to work with professional or in companies. And almost all

official works are related directly and indirectly to the above exercises. So, this is the best method to learn

Microsoft Word by doing exercises. And this is about practical knowledge.

I hope these Microsoft Word Exercises ideas will be helpful for you.

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20. Write your Address as fellow.


Dawson Park
Need to get park’s address
Friday, April 5, 8AM – 3PM

Canoes, door prizes, free lunch from Sullie’s Subs,

scavenger hunt, volleyball, trust walk,
and our first 3 person-4 legged race!

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