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1 Find nine things you can buy in the word search. O P E B S U A

Write the words.
1 h 4 c 7 t
2 b 5 s 8 r C O M I C A B
3 b 6 p e n 9 j
2 Complete the table with the words from Exercise 1. J E A N S K L
Bookstore Sports store Clothing store

3 Match the stores (1–8) to the things you can buy in

them (a–h).
1 toy store c a medicine
2 pharmacy b cats
3 newsstand c games
4 electronics store d pastries
5 bakery e guitars
6 pet store f magazines
7 music store g chicken
8 butcher h laptop
4 Complete the conversations with the names of stores.

Ada:  I need to get some sunscreen.

Zara:  Try the (1) pharmacy on the corner.

Joe:  Where can I find some

fresh bread? Brian:  There’s a (2) over there.

Carol:  I want to buy a

puzzle for my little brother. Leon:  They have some at the
(3) on Hill Road.

David:  My camera doesn’t work. Brian:  Take it to the (4)

near the library.

Iris:  There isn’t any meat in the

refrigerator for the weekend.

Maria:  Let’s go to the local (5) .

They’re still open.

Frida:  I think this dress is too big for me.

Billy:  Then take it back to the (6) .


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  Use things you know to help you read

1 Choose the correct words to complete the tips.

use things you know to help you read
■ Look at the title, (1) pictures / punctuation, and
(2) last / first lines only. What’s the text about?
■ (3) Think / Write about the topic (4) before / after
you read.
– What do you know about it?
– What do you expect to read about it?
– What would you like to know?

2 Read the first paragraph. What’s the text about?

A Educating children
B Becoming creative
C Painting better

The most creative people are children. They use their imagination to
paint, make things, or play with toys for hours. So how do they do this,
and how can we become more creative like them?
First, we need to get our brains into an open way of thinking so we can
think of things in new ways. Here are five ideas on how we can become
open and use our thoughts creatively.
Find a place where you can be quiet and alone. Don’t answer the
phone or watch TV.
Take your time. You need time for your mind to become quiet after a
busy day. Then you can think about what creative things you have to
Be confident. Play with different ideas and don’t give up.
Remember, nothing is a mistake.
Don’t be too serious. Creating is fun. But try to keep your mind on the
Share ideas with people you like and trust, and always be positive
about other people’s ideas. Anything can be useful.
Creating is like playing any game or sport. If you know the result
before you start, or if there’s only one correct result, it’s not a good
game. Take risks.

3 Read the text. Check (✓) the tips in the Remember MOVE BEYOND
how to box that helped you understand the text.
Who is the most creative famous person you
4 Read the text again. Check (✓) the tips in the text know of? Is that person dead or alive?
that you knew before. Find out about that person.
5 Choose the best option to complete the sentences. ■ What do/did they do?
■ Why do you think they are/were creative?
1 We can / can’t learn from children.
■ What do you think is/was their best
2 Creativity comes from closed / open minds.
creative work?
3 You need a lot of / don’t need much time to be creative.
4 Mistakes are good / bad when you’re being creative. Then share your answers in your next
5 Being creative is a serious / fun thing. English class.
6 The text gives tips for teenagers only / all ages .


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GRAMMAR 1  Comparative adjectives
  Compare two things

1 Complete the grammar table with the words in the box.

faster  ​
more  ​smaller  ​than  ​worse

Comparative adjectives
Use comparative adjectives to compare two things.
One-syllable adjectives + -er than
A plane is (1) than a train.
Most cats are (2) than dogs.
Two-syllable adjectives with -y + -ier than
Main Street is busier (3) Central Street.
Lions are scarier than cats.
More + adjectives with two or more syllables than
A car is (4) expensive than a bicycle.
Irregular adjectives change in form. than
(good – better) Saturday is better than Monday.
(bad – (5) ) Monday is worse than Saturday.

2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives

in parentheses.
1 We’re better (good) than they are.
2 It’s (far) than we thought.
3 The weather is (bad) today than yesterday.
4 She’s (friendly) than he is.
5 We aren’t (happy) than in the past.
6 It’s (big) than I imagined.
7 It’s (heavy) than it looks.
3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 It’s late / later than you think – it’s almost nine o’clock now.
2 He’s tall / taller than his dad.
3 It’s more cheap / cheaper to shop online.
4 Local stores are often more better / better than big supermarkets.
5 Walking is slow / slower than biking.
6 It’s importanter / more important to try than to succeed.
7 Try to be more politer / polite , please.
8 He’s a year more older / older than she is.
4 Complete the conversation with the comparative form of the
adjectives in parentheses.
Customer: Hello, I’d like to buy an elephant, please.
Salesperson: Maybe you’d like something (1) smaller (small)?
Customer: I want something (2) (original) than
a cat or dog.
Salesperson: What about a mouse? It’s the same color as an
elephant and (3) (safe) to keep.
Customer: But I want to have something (4)
(exciting) than a mouse.
Salesperson: We have some hamsters. They’re
(5) (funny) than mice.
Customer: I don’t want that. I want something
(6) (unusual). So – an elephant,
Salesperson: Ah! Let me see … Sorry, I can’t see any in this store
right now. They’re (7) (popular) in our store
downtown. Maybe you can get one there.


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5   Put the words in order to make sentences. 8   You decide! Write comparative sentences
1 She / a / singer / better / I / than / am. / is to say what you think. Use the correct form of
She is a better singer than I am. the word in parentheses.
2 louder / voice / is / Her / mine. / than 1 rock music vs. hip hop (popular)
 Hip hop music is more popular than rock
3 taller / is / than / She / I / am. music.
 2 books vs. movies (interesting)
4 is / am. / I / tennis player / than / She / 
a better 3 money vs. being happy (important)
4 history vs. PE (good)
6   Make comparisons using the words in 
parentheses. 5 English vs. my language (easy)
1 a mountain / a hill (high) 
A mountain is higher than a hill. 6 snow vs. rain (bad)
2 cars / bicycles (expensive) 
 7 tablets vs. smartphones (cool)
3 department stores / local stores (big) 
 8 soccer vs. tennis (exciting) 
4 speaking / writing (easy) 
 9 friends vs. family (nice)
5 a plane / a train (fast) 

6 the country / the city (quiet)

7   Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 6. Use
the opposite comparative adjectives in the box.

cheap  ​
difficult  ​low  ​noisy  ​slow  ​small

1 A hill is lower than a mountain.



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  Use important words to help you listen

1 Complete the tips with the words in the box.

describe  ​information  ​instructions  ​opinions  ​things  ​topic

use important words to help you listen
■ Listen for the names of people, places, and (1) things .
They tell you the (2) .
■ Listen for adjectives. They (3) things and express (4) .
■ Listen for verbs. Does the text give general (5) (simple present)
or (6) (imperatives)? 

2 39  Listen to the teens talking to their dad. Answer the questions.
1 What is the day called?
Buy Nothing Day
2 Where did they hear about it?

3 Where did it start?

4 What does it help us do? It helps us the environment and think about how
to a simpler life.
3 40  Now listen to the complete recording and decide if these statements are
true (T) or false (F).
1 The family didn’t eat before they left. F
2 They went by car.
3 The History Center is free every Saturday.
4 They went to more than one place in Old Town.
5 They ate lunch before the basketball game.
6 They ate pizza at a restaurant.
4 40  Listen again and match the adjectives (1–7) to the nouns you hear (a–g).
1 popular b a Saturday
2 simpler b idea
3 healthy c tradition
4 first d day
5 old e breakfast
6 family f town
7 great g life
5 Check (✓) the tips in the Remember how to box that helped you.


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  Money and measurements

1 Complete the table with the words in the box. WORDS & BEYOND
cent  ​
dollar  ​foot  ​kilogram  ​liter  ​ 3 Complete the conversation with the words
meter  ​mile  ​pint  ​pound and phrases in the box.

Money Weight Distance Volume


2 Which is bigger or longer, a or b?

1 a inch b foot
2 a pint b gallon
3 a kilogram b pound
4 a mile b kilometer
5 a liter b pint
6 a centimeter b inch brand  ​cost  ​original  ​paid  ​price  ​
price tag  ​quality  ​spend

Gina: I love this bag.

Amy: Yeah, it’s nice. How much does it
(1) cost ?
Gina: I don’t know the (2) , but it looks
expensive. Maybe 40 dollars.
Amy: I can’t (3) that much for a bag.
Gina: It’s a famous (4) , so it can’t be
Amy: Well, I don’t think it’s a(n) (5) ,
but it looks like one.
Gina: Oh, look. Here’s the (6) . It says
20 dollars. Wow! I (7) 50 dollars
for a similar bag.
Amy: And it’s really good (8) . Hey,
wait a minute. Look! It is real. It’s got the
special tag inside. I don’t believe it!
4 Choose the correct options to complete the
I always try to (1) save / pay
money when I can, and I love
going to (2) service / used
clothing stores. It’s amazing
what you can find if you look
carefully. I’m interested in
(3) simple / fashion, and I
like to (4) compare / advise
how people looked in the past
with now. I’m happy to pay
(5) from / for clothes that
make me look different, and
that’s why I look like this. Do
you like my (6) style / brand ?


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GRAMMAR 2  Superlative adjectives
  Compare one thing with the others in a group

1 Complete the grammar table with the words in 3   Complete the sentences with the
the box. superlative form of the word in parentheses.
1 Two Bells and a Ball was the most interesting
best  ​busiest  ​group  ​most  ​
(interesting) movie I saw last year.
the worst (x2)  ​youngest
2 In the USA, December is (busy)
shopping month of the year.
Superlative adjectives 3 The (high) score we got this year
was 6–0.
Use superlative adjectives to compare more than
4 The (good) score I got in the
two things.
video game was 8/10.
Use superlative adjective to compare one thing with
5 Where’s (near) supermarket?
others in a (1) .
6 The (expensive) stores are
the + one-syllable adjectives + -est downtown.
I’m the (2) person in my class. 7 I think fruit is (healthy) food.
8 This wasn’t (difficult) homework
the + two-syllable adjectives with -y + -iest
I did this evening. French was harder.
Main Street is the (3) street in our city.
4   Complete the text with the correct
the most + adjectives with two or more syllables superlative form of the adjectives in the box.
You’re the (4) amazing person!
dry  ​
poor  ​rainy  ​rich  ​serious  ​simple  ​unusual
Irregular adjectives change in form.
(good – best) You’re the (5) runner in the Will: Last winter was the (1) rainiest in the
school. last century. But last summer was the
(bad – (6) ) Our team played (2) for 30 years. No rain for
(7) . We were last! months. What’s happening? The weather
is changing, and I think it’s easy to find out
2   Choose the correct options to complete the why. The (3) reason is that we’re
text. all shopping so much.
Olivia: Not all of us. The (4) people
don’t have the money to shop a lot.
Will: OK, but people in the (5)
countries do. We all use energy to make
things and use things like cars. All this
energy makes heat, and the heat goes up
into the air and changes the weather. It’s
the (6) problem we have.
Olivia: So it’s all because we want to buy so much
stuff. Very strange. Shopping is the
(7) explanation for the weather!
5   Complete the sentences about the cars
with superlative forms of the adjectives
Of course, you want the (1) best / better . That’s why in the box.
we have the (2) most comfortable / comfortabler
seats and the (3) widest / most wide range of food boring  ​cheap  ​expensive  ​fast  ​old  ​popular
and drinks. Relax and watch the (4) later / latest
movies at the (5) most newest / newest and A B C
(6) the bigger / the biggest multiscreen movie
theater in town. Come join us! We promise you
the (7) wonderfullest / most wonderful time.

1 A is the cheapest and .

2 B is and
for families.
3 C is and .


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  Buy things at a market

1 Complete the Phrasebook with the words in the box.

can  ​do  ​does  ​how  ​that  ​those  ​which  ​would Buy things
I’d like …
2 41  Listen and check your answers. (1) Would you like … ?
3 42  Listen to the conversations. Match the (2) I have … ?
conversations (1–4) to the places (a–d). (3) one/ones?
The/(4) blue one.
The/(5) yellow ones.
(6) much is/are … ?
Check that you understand
Sorry, did you say … ?
Sorry, can/could you repeat that?
(7) that mean … ?
(8) you mean … ?

Conversation 1 b a bakery
Conversation 2 b street market
Conversation 3 c shoe store
Conversation 4 d bookstore
4 42  Listen again. Choose what the people say, a or b.
Conversation 1
1 a I like … b I’d like …
2 a Do you mean … b Does that mean …
Conversation 2
3 a Sorry, do you say … b Sorry, did you say …
4 a Would you like … b Do you like …
Conversation 3
5 a That … b Those …
6 a How much … b How many …
7 a Sorry, can you repeat that … b Sorry, did you repeat that …
Conversation 4
8 a Which one … b Which ones …
9 a Can we have … b Would you have …
5 43  Listen and repeat the sentences with the phrases
in Exercise 4.
6 You want to buy something in a market. Write a conversation
between you and the seller. Try to use at least four phrases
from the Phrasebook.


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  Check your writing

1 Complete the tips with the words in the box.

comparatives  ​dictionary  ​punctuation  ​spelling  ​

check your writing
■ Check your spelling.
– (1) Spelling sometimes changes when you
add -s, -er/est, -ing, or -ed.
– Some plurals and (2) /superlatives
are irregular.
– Use a (3) or computer
■ Check your (4) .

2 Read the ads for cell phone companies. Correct

the mistakes.
1 Its good too talk.
It’s good to talk.
2 Share you’re time cheeply.

3 Wer’e hear for you.

4 Traveling to another contry? Call us today.

5 The easyest way to make calls.

6 You’ve tryied the rest. Wer’e the best.

3 Read the text and correct all the mistakes you
find. I always get my bread from my local
bakery and buy meat from the butcher
because I know its freshest there. I also
buy friut and vegtables from the street
market. I only use supermarket’s for
things I can’t buy in other stores. I think
it’s better to suport small stores in your
area. The people are friendlyer too


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4 You’re going to compare small local stores and WRITE AND CHECK
big department stores for a school project.
Make notes. Use the Writing plan to help you 5 Write your answer: small stores or big
prepare. department stores? Use about 50 words.
Then check (✓) the stages in the Writing plan.
Remember to:
WRITING PLAN ■ Compare the types of stores. Use comparative
■ What do you buy in these stores?  and superlative adjectives.
 ■ Give examples of the things you buy. Use the
 words in the unit to help you.

■ How much do these things cost?

■ How interesting is it to shop there?

  Listen actively to other people

1 Check (✓) the good ways to listen actively. Put an ✗ next to the bad ways.

1 Decide to pay attention. ✓
2 Do other things while you’re listening.
3 Make and keep eye contact.
4 Sit facing the other person.
5 Think about the message, not only the words.
6 Stop the other person when you disagree with what they say.
7 Think about what you want to say while the other person is speaking.
8 Think about the speaker’s feelings and encourage them to continue.
2 Look at the pictures. Which picture shows active listening?
a b
I know most people have one now, I mean, I don’t know what I did
but I don’t know if it’s a good idea wrong at the mall, but she wouldn’t
for me to get a smartphone. talk to me after that, and I’m afraid
she doesn’t want to be my friend
Why’s that? anymore. I just …
I think they’re too
expensive and I don’t Wait a minute – look at this.
really need one.

3 Write three things the “bad listener” is doing wrong in Exercise 2.

1 He isn’t looking at her.

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1 Match the opposites.

1 hot f a calm
2 short b far
3 near c happy
4 over d sunny
5 rude e tall
6 sad f cold
7 angry g under
8 cloudy h polite
2 Complete the table with the transportation words in the box.

boat  ​
bus  ​helicopter  ​motorcycle  ​plane  ​ship  ​streetcar  ​train

Land Ocean Air


3 Complete the text with the words in the box.

check out  ​checked in  ​flight  ​islands  ​

reservation  ​
sightseeing  ​ single  ​ subway

Well, here I am in Athens, Greece. It’s fantastic! The (1) flight from the USA arrived on time, and
I got the (2) to my hotel. There was a small problem there with the (3) I made,
but it’s OK now. When I (4) , I changed the double room they gave me to a (5) .
I can’t wait to go (6) . I’m only here for three days, and then I (7) and get a
boat to go and see some (8) . Next message from the Acropolis!

4 Match the words (1–7) with the pictures (a–g).

1 castle e b
c d
2 apartment complex a

3 bridge
4 square f
e g
5 Ferris wheel
6 museum
7 stadium

1 What’s the most interesting place that you went to this year?

2 How did you get there?

3 What did you see?

4 How did you feel about the place?


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1 Choose the best options to complete the conversation, a, b, or c.

Mark: Where (1) come from?
Mara: I (2) from a small town in Peru. And you?
Mark: I (3) born in Brazil, but we (4) here now.
Mara: Do you like (5) here?
Mark: Oh, yes. It (6) difficult at first because I (7)
know the language.
Mara: (8) it difficult to learn?
Mark: Not really.
1 a you do b are you c do you
2 a do b ’m c have
3 a were b was c am
4 a lives b live c is living
5 a to living b live c living
6 a had b did c was
7 a didn’t b did c couldn’t
8 a was b did c had
2 Complete the text with the correct adverb or adjective form of the word
in parentheses. You need to change the form of some of the words.
I try (1) hard (hard) at school, but some subjects are not very
(2) (easy) for me to understand. I don’t do (3) (good)
in science. My teacher isn’t very (4) (help). He speaks
(5) (quick) and I’m scared to ask questions. I think I’m
(6) (good) than most people at creative subjects like art and music.
Like many teenagers, I’m also (7) (interest) in sports, and
I can run really (8) (fast).
3 Read the text and write the best word for each blank.

Central Mall
There (1) are more than 100 stores at
Central Mall, and it’s (2) great place
to go shopping. You (3) find all the
famous brands (4) and also stop to
have a meal in the cafés or fast food restaurants.
There’s a multiplex movie theater (5)
the top floor. It opened 10 years (6) ,
and I think it’s still (7) best in the city.
I usually meet (8) friends there on
Saturday afternoons.

4 Put the words in order to make conversations.

1 you / Why / call / me? / didn’t 5 much / How / did / pay for / you / that?
Why didn’t you call me? 
2 were / busy. / you / thought / I / Because 6 cost / It / didn’t / much.

3 with / phone / your / you. / Keep 7 want / you / Do / meet / the mall? / at / to
4 always / I / my / in / bag. / have / it 8 time / good / is / you? / for / What


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