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G.R. No. 158033 July 30, 2004 seated on a bench in front of Caliman Lodge along M.H.

seated on a bench in front of Caliman Lodge along M.H. Del Pilar Street.
He gave the petitioner two P100 bills which he previously marked with his
RAMIL CABUGAO y SISON, petitioner, signature. He arrested the petitioner after the latter handed to him a small
vs. plastic sachet of shabu. At the time of the arrest, the other members of the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondent. task force were scattered at a distance of 3 to 5 meters away from him. The
petitioner was then brought to the police station where the incident was
DECISION recorded in the police blotter.7

PUNO, J.: SPO1 Rolando Lomibao, a member of the Dagupan City Police Station’s
Task Force Anti-Drug, also testified for the prosecution. He said he has been
in service as a policeman since 1987. He recalled that in the evening of
This is a petition for review of the decision1 and resolution2 of the Court of
March 12, 1999, he, together with SPO2 Domingo, SPO1 Danilo Frias,
Appeals in CA-G.R. No. CR No. 24578, affirming the decision3 of the
SPO1 Allan Daus, and their team leader Senior Police Inspector Romeo
Regional Trial Court of Dagupan City, Branch 41, which found the
Caramat, went to M.H. Del Pilar Street to hold a buy-bust operation. SPO2
petitioner Ramil S. Cabugao guilty of violation of Article III, Section 15 of
Domingo acted as the poseur buyer in the operation as he was the one who
Republic Act No. 6425, as amended.
arranged with the petitioner the sale of shabu. They knew the location of
petitioner Cabugao because of their assets. When they arrived at M.H. Del
The information against the petitioner Cabugao reads as follows: Pilar Street, the petitioner was standing in front of Caliman Lodge. SPO2
Domingo approached the petitioner and handed to him two marked P100
That on or about the 12th day of March, 1999, in the City of bills. At that time, he was about three meters away from them. SPO2
Dagupan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Domingo arrested the petitioner after the latter gave him the plastic sachet
Court, the above-named accused, RAMIL CABUGAO y Sison, did containing shabu. He helped in the apprehension of the petitioner. He bodily
then and there, wil(l)fully, unlawfully and criminally, sell and searched the petitioner and found a 9-inch dagger in his possession. They
deliver to a customer Shabu weighing more or less .5 gram turned over the petitioner to the police station and requested for a laboratory
contained in a small plastic sachet, without authority to do so. examination of the contents of the plastic sachet.

Contrary to Article III, Sec. 15, R.A. 6425, as amended.4 Superintendent Wendy Garcia Rosario, the Chief of Police of the Dagupan
City Police Station, sent a letter-request8to the Philippine National Police
The petitioner pleaded "not guilty" upon arraignment.5 (PNP) Crime Laboratory of Lingayen, Pangasinan, for an examination of
the contents of the sachet handed over by the petitioner. He also reported to
During the trial, the prosecution presented the testimonies of SPO2 Augusto the Dangerous Drugs Board the buy-bust operation.9 SPO2 Domingo and
P. Domingo,6 Police Superintendent Theresa Ann B. Cid, and SPO1 SPO1 Rolando Lomibao, as members of the task force, executed a joint
Rolando Lomibao. affidavit regarding the incident.10

SPO2 Domingo testified that he has been a policeman in Dagupan City from Theresa Ann Bugayong-Cid, a forensic chemist at the PNP Crime
January 25, 1999. On March 12, 1999, at around 8:40 p.m., the members of Laboratory of San Fernando, La Union, testified that she examined the
the Task Force Anti-Drug of the Dagupan City Police Station conducted a specimen and found it to contain methamphetamine hydrochloride
buy-bust operation at M.H. Del Pilar Street in Dagupan City, against the (shabu).11
petitioner Cabugao after fifteen (15) days of surveillance. Fifteen (15)
minutes before the buy-bust operation, he arranged to sell shabu to the
petitioner. During the operation, he approached the petitioner who was

Secondary Evidence
For his part, the petitioner denied that a buy-bust operation was conducted dagger were recovered from his possession. He said that before the incident
against him by the police. His testimony was buttressed by witnesses Teresa or on March 12, SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao asked him to act as an
Azurin, Maria Luz Villamil, and Romeo Cabugao. asset in apprehending two of his neighbors suspected to be drug pushers. He
agreed, but before he could help them, the suspects were arrested by other
Teresa Azurin was a waitress of the "turo-turo" (eatery) at the sidewalk members of the Dagupan City Police Station. He asked for their forgiveness
along M.H. Del Pilar Street where the incident took place. She testified that but they warned him: "the time will come that you (the petitioner) will have
on March 12, 1999 at around 8:30 in the evening, two men came to their your day."
eatery, bought cigarettes and asked for candies. One of them said he would
get his money to pay for the candies. To her surprise, the man drew his gun Romeo Cabugao, 63 years old, the father of the petitioner, testified that after
and poked it to her lone customer, the petitioner Cabugao. The two men then Villamil informed them of the March 12, 1999 incident, he, together with
frisked the petitioner but found nothing from him. They handcuffed the his wife, immediately went to M.H. Del Pilar Street. They talked to some
petitioner and forcibly took him away. She was shocked by the incident and people in the area, including witness Azurin who related to them in detail
went inside the "eskenita" (alley). The following morning, the parents of the the incident. The next day, they paid the food bill of P30.00 incurred by the
petitioner dropped by their eatery and paid the food bill of their son. She petitioner, for which an unofficial receipt was issued by Azurin. He declared
gave them a receipt.12 that before the incident, SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao frequented
their house looking for his son, Ramil. The two wanted his son to act as an
Maria Luz Villamil is the sister of the petitioner’s classmate Victorino asset to apprehend suspected drug pushers living at the back of their house.
Villamil. She testified that on March 12, 1999, at 8:30 in the evening, she He advised his son to refuse as the two police officers have questionable
was at a store along M.H. Del Pilar Street when she saw a man approach the background. SPO1 Lomibao has been involved in drug pushing while SPO2
petitioner Cabugao while the latter was eating. She was about "two(-)arm(’s) Domingo has been found guilty of acts of lasciviousness and dismissed from
length"13 away from the petitioner at that time. The man poked a gun at the the service.
petitioner and frisked him. Thereafter, some men forced him to go with
them. She heard the petitioner say: "why, what is my fault"; he also asked if He also testified that his son was also charged with violation of Batas
they have a search warrant. He begged to be allowed to telephone his parents Pambansa Blg. 6 or illegal possession of deadly weapon. The charge was
but was refused. He called on the people around him to inform his parents, dismissed for the repeated failure of SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao to
telling them his address and telephone number. She went to the address appear in court despite due notice. A certified true copy of the resolution15 of
given by the petitioner and informed his parents of the incident.14 the Summary Hearing Officer of the PNP Regional Office I imposing a one-
rank demotion against SPO1 Lomibao, an authenticated copy of the
The petitioner Cabugao, 32 years old, testified that while he was eating at a decision16 of the Regional Director of the PNP Regional Office I dismissing
sidewalk store at M.H. Del Pilar Street on March 12, 1999 at around 8:30 in SPO2 Domingo from the PNP, and the order17 of the Municipal Trial Court
the evening, SPO1 Domingo suddenly poked a gun at him and warned him in Cities of Dagupan City, Branch 1, dismissing the case against the
"Don’t move or else I will shoot you." On the other hand, SPO1 Lomibao petitioner for illegal possession of deadly weapon, were marked and
ordered him to raise his hands. He was bodily frisked but nothing was found submitted as exhibits for the defense. The information18 filed against the two
on him. He was handcuffed and pulled to an owner-type jeep. He resisted as neighbors suspected of drug pushing, Evangeline Mendoza and Dave Doe,
they did not have a warrant of arrest but to no avail. He begged to be allowed and the order19 of the Regional Trial Court of Dagupan City, Branch 40,
to call his parents but was refused. He then shouted for help so the people convicting Evangeline Mendoza upon her plea of guilty for violation of
present would know what was happening. He was kicked while a certain Article III, Section 16 of R.A. No. 6425, as amended, were also offered as
SPO1 Allan Daus fired his gun. He was then brought to the police station, exhibits.
specifically to Senior Inspector Romeo Caramat. He was forced to sign a
blank paper but he did not. After that, he was incarcerated in the city jail. He After trial, the trial court convicted petitioner Cabugao, to wit:
denied that a buy-bust operation took place and that a sachet of shabu and a

Secondary Evidence
WHEREFORE, the accused is found guilty beyond reasonable First, we shall consider the documentary evidence of the defense which
doubt for violation of Art. III, Section 15, RA 6425, as amended, cannot but erode the credibility of prosecution witnesses SPO2 Augusto
and is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of six (6) months, as Domingo and SPO1 Rolando Lomibao. We refer to: (a) the authenticated
the minimum to four (4) years, two (2) months and one (1) day, as copy of the Order of Police Chief Superintendent Velasco dated February
the maximum, and to pay the costs. 28, 1997 showing that SPO2 Domingo was found guilty of grave
misconduct for acts of lasciviousness and ordered dismissed from service;
SO ORDERED.20 and (b) the certified true copy of the Resolution of Police Senior Inspector
Sotero Lucas Soriano, Jr. dated December 8, 1997 showing that SPO1
The petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals which, however, affirmed Rolando Lomibao was convicted of grave misconduct when he was found
his conviction on November 22, 2002. His motion for reconsideration was positive of metabolite (marijuana) and demoted from the rank of SPO1 to
also denied. PO3.

Undaunted, the petitioner Cabugao filed this petition and submits the The respondent, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), tries to
following assignment of errors: minimize the significance of these pieces of documentary evidence. It
contends that they are hearsay evidence because they are not certified and
were only identified by the petitioner’s father, Romeo Cabugao.21 It also
argues that the demotion of SPO1 Lomibao and the dismissal from service
of SPO2 Domingo have no bearing on the culpability of the petitioner.22
We disagree.
The contention of the respondent that the subject documents are uncertified
is erroneous. Under the Rules of Court, when the original of a document is
in the custody of a public officer or is recorded in a public office, its contents
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GIVING CREDENCE TO THE may be proved by a certified copy issued by the public officer in custody
PROSECUTION WITNESSES’ ASSERTION THAT THERE thereof.23 The Rules does not require that the certification should be in a
WAS A BUY-BUST OPERATION. particular form. The four-page Resolution dated December 8, 1997 contains
a stamped certification signed by Police Inspector David U. Ursua of the
III Legal Service, PNP Regional Office I of Parian, San Fernando, La
Union.24 The three-page Decision dated February 28, 1997 has the
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING THE handwritten authentication of Police Inspector Mario L. Aduan, also from
ACCUSED-APPELLANT OF VIOLATION OF SECTION 15, the same office, on each and every page.25 They ought to satisfy the
ARTICLE III OF REPUBLIC ACT 6425, WHEN THE GUILT OF requirement of the Rules on certification.
DOUBT. Moreover, the respondent did not raise the hearsay objection when the
subject documents were offered in evidence by the defense. When the father
We find the petition impressed with merit. of the petitioner was asked during direct examination if he had proof that
SPO2 Domingo was dismissed from service and that SPO1 Lomibao was
The decisions of both courts below failed to take into account vital pieces of involved in drug activities, the prosecution objected on other grounds, i.e.,
evidence that engender serious doubt on the guilt of the petitioner. that "the line of questioning is now irrelevant and immaterial" and that
"(t)his is not (sic) the character of the complainant which is in

Secondary Evidence
issue."26 When the subject documents were marked as exhibits, the operation. SPO1 Lomibao testified that they were tipped by their informants.
prosecution again did not raise any objection. When the documents were In contrast, SPO2 Domingo declared that they conducted a 15-day
formally offered in evidence, the respondent once more did not object on the surveillance prior to the operation and that he personally made a pre-
ground of hearsay. The prosecution objected on the ground that the arrangement with the petitioner to buy shabu 15 minutes prior to the alleged
documents are "off-tangent to the issue in this case."27 operation. No informer was involved in the operation.

The Rules of Court requires that grounds for objection must be specified, The pertinent excerpts of their testimonies follow:
whether orally or in writing.28 The result of violating this rule has been
spelled out by this Court in a number of cases. In Krohn vs. Court of SPO2 Domingo:
Appeals,29 the counsel for the petitioner objected to the testimony of private
respondent on the ground that it was privileged but did not question the COURT:
testimony as hearsay. We held that "in failing to object to the testimony on
the ground that it was hearsay, counsel waived his right to make such
Q: Before you conducted the buy-bust, where did you made (sic)
objection and, consequently, the evidence offered may be admitted." In Tan
that pre-arrangement?
Machan vs. De la Trinidad,30 the defendant assailed as error the admission
of plaintiff’s book of account. We rejected the contention and ruled that an
appellate court will not consider any other ground of objection not made at A: I acted as poseur buyer, your Honor.
the time the books were admitted in evidence. In the case at bar, the
respondent did not assail in the trial court the hearsay character of the Q: But before that, where did you make that arrangement?
documents in question. It is too late in the day to raise the question on appeal.
A: In that same place, your Honor.
At any rate, these documentary pieces of evidence cannot be cavalierly
dismissed as irrelevant. They have a material bearing on the credibility of Q: How many days before the buy-bust operation?
the prosecution witnesses, SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao. SPO2
Domingo has been dismissed from the service as of February 28, 1997. At A: More or less 15 minutes, your Honor.31
the time of the incident on March 12, 1999, he was no longer a policeman
and yet misrepresented himself as one. On the other hand, SPO1 Lomibao On the other hand, SPO1 Lomibao testified:
has been found guilty of drug use. Their credibility as truth tellers leaves
much to be desired. Q: Arriving at M.H. del Pilar Street of (sic) March 12, 1999, what
Furthermore, the participation of SPO2 Domingo in the alleged buy-bust
operation when he was no longer a member of the police force speaks ill of A: SPO3 Domingo who acted as pusher-buyer (sic) approached
the regularity of the operation. It is unusual for SPO2 Domingo to be given Ramil Cabugao, ma’(a)m.
the role of poseur buyer when he was at the time a dismissed policeman. As
a dismissed policeman, he is not entitled to the presumption of regularity in
the performance of official duty. Yet this presumption was used as a crutch xxx
to convict the petitioner.
Q: You said that SPOe (sic) Augusto Domingo acted as pusher-
Second, there is a major inconsistency in the testimonies of SPO2 Domingo buyer (sic), what did he actually do?
and SPO1 Lomibao. The petitioner stressed that the two policemen could
not agree on the reason that prompted them to conduct the buy-bust

Secondary Evidence
A: He approached Ramil Cabugao and handed (to) him P200.00 found from the petitioner. Several witnesses for the defense categorically
bills, ma’(a)m. declared that no dagger was found during the body frisk of the petitioner.

Q: What happened? The records show that the charge for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 6 or
illegal possession of dangerous weapon against the petitioner was dismissed
A: And have arrangement with Ramil Cabugao and asked Ramil due to the repeated failure of SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao to appear
Cabugao if he (Cabugao) could sell (to) him P200.00 of shabu, before the court despite due notice. This repeated failure strengthens the
ma’(a)m. impression that the prosecution story about the dagger taken from the
petitioner is false. The falsity is not of little significance. A witness who
Q: At the time SPO3 Augusto Domingo was transacted (sic) with manufactures that kind of a lie that could lead to the long time incarceration
accused Ramil Cabugao being a pusher-buyer (sic), how far were of the victim does not merit credence.
you from the two?
Third, the documentary and testimonial evidence showing ill motive on the
A: I was more or less three meters away, ma’(a)m. 32 part of the police officers who witnessed against the petitioner cannot be
shunted aside.
During cross-examination, Lomibao testified:
The petitioner claims that SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao had reason
to frame him up for he repeatedly refused to become their police asset for
Q: You have no previous agreement with Ramil Cabugao that you
the arrest of certain neighbors believed to be drug pushers. He alleged that
will meet him in front of the Caliman Lodge in (sic) that night?
because of his refusal, other police officers were able to arrest the suspects
ahead of SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao. As result, other police officers
A: None, sir. were promoted instead of SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao.35 His
testimony was corroborated by his father, Romeo Cabugao.
Q: How did you know that Ramil Cabugao was there when you
have no agreement with him? The prosecution did not rebut these allegations establishing the ill motive of
SPO2 Domingo and SPO1 Lomibao. Their testimonies cannot therefore be
A: We have informants and assets that gave information with (sic) taken hook, line and sinker.
us, sir.33
Finally, we note that the testimonies of defense witnesses Azurin and
Just recently, in People vs. Ong,34 we held that it is the duty of the Villamil were not given any significance in the decisions of the courts
prosecution to present a complete picture detailing the buy-bust operation - below. In fact, they were not even discussed. Of importance is the testimony
- - from the initial contact between the poseur buyer and the pusher, the offer of Azurin who witnessed the entire incident – from the time the police
to purchase, the promise or payment of the consideration, until the officer approached the petitioner up to the time he was handcuffed and
consummation of the sale by the delivery of the illegal subject of sale. carried away. Her testimony has all the earmarks of truth. The incident took
Failing in this duty, the buy-bust operation will be greeted with furrowed place in a small, sidewalk eatery where there was only one table. The
brows. petitioner was then the lone customer and Azurin attended to his order. She
testified that the petitioner was merely eating and was not doing anything
Second, the story of the prosecution that a dagger was found in the wrong when arrested by the policemen, viz:
possession of the petitioner further crushed the credibility of their witnesses.
SPO1 Lomibao testified that he bodily searched the petitioner and found a Q: After the two men came and something happened(,) that is the
9-inch dagger. In contrast, SPO2 Domingo never testified that a dagger was time you left?

Secondary Evidence
A: Not yet, ma’(a)m. Q: And they handcuffed him?

Q: Did you not say during direct examination that when something A: They frisked him, ma’(a)m.
happened you were shocked and you left and you went to
"eskenita"? Q: The poking of the gun was first made by the policemen?

A: After he was poked with a gun and (they) handcuffed him(.) A: Yes, ma’(a)m.
(T)hat was the time I left, ma’(a)m.
Q: And then they handcuffed him?
A: The handcuff was the last, ma’(a)m.36
Q: Now, according to you(,) you did not see anything that they got
from Ramil Cabugao? We find Azurin to be an unbiased witness. She has no relation to the
petitioner. She was a waitress in the eatery where the incident took place.
A: Yes, ma’(a)m. She testified at the risk of inviting the ire of police officers whose influence
could very well affect their livelihood and well-being.
Q: You believed that Ramil Cabugao did not do anything wrong, is
that it? It is well-settled that conviction must rest upon the strength of the evidence
of the prosecution and not on the weakness of the evidence for the
A: I did not say that, ma’(a)m. defense.37 The prosecution’s evidence, resting mainly on the testimonies of
two police officers whose authority and credibility are highly doubtful,
Q: You said that you have witnessed since the time Ramil Cabugao cannot sustain the conviction of the petitioner.
arrived in (sic) your store you did not see him do anything wrong
in your store? IN VIEW WHEREOF, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed decision
and resolution of the Court of Appeals affirming the decision of the Regional
A: Yes, ma’(a)m. Trial Court of Dagupan City, Branch 41, are REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
Petitioner is ACQUITTED of the crime of violation of Article III, Section
xxx 15 of Republic Act No. 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act
of 1972, as amended. Cost de oficio.
Q: How far were you when these policemen frisked Ramil
Cabugao? SO ORDERED.

A: I was about one and a half meter away, ma’(a)m.

Q: Which took place first(,) the frisking of the body of Ramil

Cabugao or the poking of the gun?

A: The poking of gun, ma’(a)m.

Secondary Evidence

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