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G.R. No.

137232 June 29, 2005 option to them to turn-over to the bank the imported raw materials should
these fail to meet their manufacturing requirements. RTMC offered to make
ROSARIO TEXTILE MILLS CORPORATION and EDILBERTO such turn-over since the imported materials did not conform to the required
YUJUICO, petitioners, specifications. However, the bank refused to accept the same, until the
vs. materials were destroyed by a fire which gutted down RTMC’s premises.
For failure of the parties to amicably settle the case, trial on the merits
DECISION proceeded. After the trial, the Court a quorendered a decision in favor of the
bank, the decretal part of which reads:
‘WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is hereby rendered
For our resolution is the petition for review on certiorari assailing the in favor of plaintiff and against defendants who are ordered to pay jointly
Decision1 of the Court of Appeals dated March 31, 1998 in CA-G.R. CV and severally in favor of plaintiff, inclusive of stipulated 30% per annum
No. 48708 and its Resolution dated January 12, 1999. interest and penalty of 3% per month until fully paid, under the following
promissory notes:
The facts of the case as found by the Court of Appeals are:
90-1116 6-20-90 ₱737,088.25 9-18-90
"Sometime in 1989, Rosario Textile Mills Corporation (RTMC) applied (maturity)
from Home Bankers Savings & Trust Co. for an Omnibus Credit Line for 90-1320 7-13-90 ₱650,000.00 10-11-90
₱10 million. The bank approved RTMC’s credit line but for only ₱8 million. 90-1334 7-17-90 ₱422,500.00 10-15-90
The bank notified RTMC of the grant of the said loan thru a letter dated 90-1335 7-17-90 ₱422,500.00 10-15-90
March 2, 1989 which contains terms and conditions conformed by RTMC 90-1347 7-18-90 ₱795,000.00 10-16-90
thru Edilberto V. Yujuico. On March 3, 1989, Yujuico signed a Surety 90-1373 7-20-90 ₱715,900.00 10-18-90
Agreement in favor of the bank, in which he bound himself jointly and 90-1397 7-27-90 ₱773,500.00 10-20-90
severally with RTMC for the payment of all RTMC’s indebtedness to the 90-1429 7-26-90 ₱425,750.00 10-24-90
bank from 1989 to 1990. RTMC availed of the credit line by making 90-1540 8-7-90 ₱720,984.00 11-5-90
numerous drawdowns, each drawdown being covered by a separate 90-1569 8-9-90 ₱209,433.75 11-8-90
promissory note and trust receipt. RTMC, represented by Yujuico, executed 90-0922 5-28-90 ₱747,780.00 8-26-90
in favor of the bank a total of eleven (11) promissory notes.
The counterclaims of defendants are hereby DISMISSED.
Despite the lapse of the respective due dates under the promissory notes and
notwithstanding the bank’s demand letters, RTMC failed to pay its loans. SO ORDERED." (OR, p. 323; Rollo, p. 73)."2
Hence, on January 22, 1993, the bank filed a complaint for sum of money
against RTMC and Yujuico before the Regional Trial Court, Br. 16, Manila. Dissatisfied, RTMC and Yujuico, herein petitioners, appealed to the Court
of Appeals, contending that under the trust receipt contracts between the
In their answer (OR, pp. 44-47), RTMC and Yujuico contend that they parties, they merely held the goods described therein in trust for
should be absolved from liability. They claimed that although the grant of respondent Home Bankers Savings and Trust Company (the bank)
the credit line and the execution of the suretyship agreement are admitted, which owns the same. Since the ownership of the goods remains with the
the bank gave assurance that the suretyship agreement was merely a bank, then it should bear the loss. With the destruction of the goods by fire,
formality under which Yujuico will not be personally liable. They argue that petitioners should have been relieved of any obligation to pay.
the importation of raw materials under the credit line was with a grant of

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The Court of Appeals, however, affirmed the trial court’s judgment, holding ASSUMING ARGUENDO THAT THE SURETYSHIP AGREEMENT
that the bank is merely the holder of the security for its advance payments WAS VALID AND EFFECTIVE, THE HONORABLE COURT OF
to petitioners; and that the goods they purchased, through the credit line APPEALS VIOLATED THE BASIC LEGAL PRECEPT THAT A
extended by the bank, belong to them and hold said goods at their own risk. SURETY IS NOT LIABLE UNLESS THE DEBTOR IS HIMSELF
Petitioners then filed a motion for reconsideration but this was denied by the
Appellate Court in its Resolution dated January 12, 1999. V

Hence, this petition for review on certiorari ascribing to the Court of THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS VIOLATED THE PURPOSE
The above assigned errors boil down to the following issues: (1) whether the
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING Court of Appeals erred in holding that petitioners are not relieved of their
THAT THE ACTS OF THE PETITIONERS-DEFENDANTS WERE obligation to pay their loan after they tried to tender the goods to the bank
TANTAMOUNT TO A VALID AND EFFECTIVE TENDER OF THE which refused to accept the same, and which goods were subsequently lost
GOODS TO THE RESPONDENT-PLAINTIFF. in a fire; (2) whether the Court of Appeals erred when it ruled that petitioners
are solidarily liable for the payment of their obligations to the bank; and (3)
II whether the Court of Appeals violated the Trust Receipts Law.

THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT APPLYING On the first issue, petitioners theorize that when petitioner RTMC imported
THE DOCTRINE OF ‘RES PERIT DOMINO’ IN THE CASE AT BAR the raw materials needed for its manufacture, using the credit line, it was
CONSIDERING THE VALID AND EFFECTIVE TENDER OF THE merely acting on behalf of the bank, the true owner of the goods by virtue
DEFECTIVE RAW MATERIALS BY THE PETITIONERS- of the trust receipts. Hence, under the doctrine of res perit domino, the bank
DEFENDANTS TO THE RESPONDENT-PLAINTIFF AND THE took the risk of the loss of said raw materials. RTMC’s role in the transaction
EXPRESS STIPULATION IN THEIR CONTRACT THAT OWNERSHIP was that of end user of the raw materials and when it did not accept those
OF THE GOODS REMAINS WITH THE RESPONDENT-PLAINTIFF. materials as they did not meet the manufacturing requirements, RTMC made
a valid and effective tender of the goods to the bank. Since the bank refused
to accept the raw materials, RTMC stored them in its warehouse. When the
warehouse and its contents were gutted by fire, petitioners’ obligation to the
bank was accordingly extinguished.
Petitioners’ stance, however, conveniently ignores the true nature of its
transaction with the bank. We recall that RTMC filed with the bank an
application for a credit line in the amount of ₱10 million, but only ₱8 million
was approved. RTMC then made withdrawals from this credit line and
issued several promissory notes in favor of the bank. In banking and
commerce, a credit line is "that amount of money or merchandise which a
banker, merchant, or supplier agrees to supply to a person on credit and
IV generally agreed to in advance."3 It is the fixed limit of credit granted by a
bank, retailer, or credit card issuer to a customer, to the full extent of which

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the latter may avail himself of his dealings with the former but which he true owner from the inception of the transaction would be to disregard
must not exceed and is usually intended to cover a series of transactions in the loan feature thereof..."12
which case, when the customer’s line of credit is nearly exhausted, he is
expected to reduce his indebtedness by payments before making any further Thus, petitioners cannot be relieved of their obligation to pay their loan in
drawings.4 favor of the bank.

It is thus clear that the principal transaction between petitioner RTMC and Anent the second issue, petitioner Yujuico contends that the suretyship
the bank is a contract of loan. RTMC used the proceeds of this loan to agreement he signed does not bind him, the same being a mere formality.
purchase raw materials from a supplier abroad. In order to secure the
payment of the loan, RTMC delivered the raw materials to the bank as We reject petitioner Yujuico’s contentions for two reasons.
collateral. Trust receipts were executed by the parties to evidence this
security arrangement. Simply stated, the trust receipts were mere securities.
First, there is no record to support his allegation that the surety agreement is
a "mere formality;" and
In Samo vs. People,5 we described a trust receipt as "a security transaction
intended to aid in financing importers and retail dealers who do not have
Second, as correctly held by the Court of Appeals, the Suretyship Agreement
sufficient funds or resources to finance the importation or purchase of
signed by petitioner Yujuico binds him. The terms clearly show that he
merchandise, and who may not be able to acquire credit except through
agreed to pay the bank jointly and severally with RTMC. The parole
utilization, as collateral, of the merchandise imported or purchased."6
evidence rule under Section 9, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court is in
point, thus:
In Vintola vs. Insular Bank of Asia and America,7 we elucidated further that
"a trust receipt, therefore, is a security agreement, pursuant to which a bank
"SEC. 9. Evidence of written agreements. – When the terms of an agreement
acquires a ‘security interest’ in the goods. It secures an indebtedness
have been reduced in writing, it is considered as containing all the terms
and there can be no such thing as security interest that secures no
agreed upon and there can be, between the parties and their successors in
obligation."8 Section 3 (h) of the Trust Receipts Law (P.D. No. 115) defines
interest, no evidence of such terms other than the contents of the written
a "security interest" as follows:
"(h) Security Interest means a property interest in goods, documents, or
However, a party may present evidence to modify, explain, or add to the
instruments to secure performance of some obligation of the entrustee or of
terms of the written agreement if he puts in issue in his pleading:
some third persons to the entruster and includes title, whether or not
expressed to be absolute, whenever such title is in substance taken or
retained for security only." (a) An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake, or imperfection in the written
Petitioners’ insistence that the ownership of the raw materials remained with
the bank is untenable. In Sia vs. People,9 Abad vs. Court of (b) The failure of the written agreement to express the true intent
Appeals,10 and PNB vs. Pineda,11 we held that: and agreement of the parties thereto;

"If under the trust receipt, the bank is made to appear as the owner, it was (c) The validity of the written agreement; or
but an artificial expedient, more of legal fiction than fact, for if it were really
so, it could dispose of the goods in any manner it wants, which it cannot do, (d) The existence of other terms agreed to by the parties or their
just to give consistency with purpose of the trust receipt of giving a stronger successors in interest after the execution of the written agreement.
security for the loan obtained by the importer. To consider the bank as the

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x x x."

Under this Rule, the terms of a contract are rendered conclusive upon the
parties and evidence aliunde is not admissible to vary or contradict a
complete and enforceable agreement embodied in a document.13 We have
carefully examined the Suretyship Agreement signed by Yujuico and found
no ambiguity therein. Documents must be taken as explaining all the terms
of the agreement between the parties when there appears to be no ambiguity
in the language of said documents nor any failure to express the true intent
and agreement of the parties.14

As to the third and final issue – At the risk of being repetitious, we stress
that the contract between the parties is a loan. What respondent bank sought
to collect as creditor was the loan it granted to petitioners. Petitioners’
recourse is to sue their supplier, if indeed the materials were defective.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision and

Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 48708 are
AFFIRMED IN TOTO. Costs against petitioners.


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