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Management Control Systems

Chapter 15:
Management Control-Related Ethical Issues

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003
Ethics ...
 Ethical principles can provide a useful guide for
defining how employers and employees should
 Both employers and employees should consider the
impact of their actions on a variety of stakeholders:
» Shareholders, bondholders, creditors;
» Board of directors, management, employees;
» Competitors, customers, suppliers;
» Government, communities; and,
» Society-at-large.

 Ethical issues  legal issues

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -2-
Codes of conduct ...
 Corporate codes of business conduct & operating
principles often make ethical behavior explicit as part
of a personnel / cultural control mechanism.

 They often include virtues, such as:

» Integrity;
» Loyalty;
» Objectivity;
» Confidentiality;
» Competence.

 Ethical tone at the top is important too.

 Many important ethical issues are not black or white.

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -3-
Creating budgetary slack ...
 On the one hand, employees who create slack …
» Exploit superior knowledge about business possibilities;
» Increase the probability that they meet the budget and
earn performance-dependent rewards (which is costly
to the owners);
» Distort resource allocation and performance evaluation
decisions that rely on the budget submissions.

 On the other hand, these employees…

» Protect themselves from the downside potential of an
uncertain future;
» Protect themselves from evaluation unfairness caused
by imperfect performance measures;
» Just do “what everybody else does” and is aware of.

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -4-
It depends on ...

 How good the performance measures are;

 How rigid budget targets are;
 What the employees intentions are (self-interest);
 Whether superiors are aware of the slack;
 Whether the superiors encourage slack creation;
 Whether the amount of slack is “material;”
 Whether the individual is bound by one or more
explicit codes of professional conduct.

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -5-
Earnings management ...
 On the one hand, influencing reported earnings ...
» Violates the duty to disclose fairly presented information;
» Is inconsistent with integrity obligations to be honest, fair,
and truthful;
» Is not apparent to external or internal users of financial
statements, so that personal advantages could be derived.

 On the other hand, ...

» Smooth out meaningless, short-term perturbations in the
earnings measures to provide more, rather than less (?),
informative performance signals to financial statement users;
» Protect employees from rigid, unfair performance evaluations;
» Avoid taking other, more damaging actions (e.g., layoffs).

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -6-
It depends on ...

 The direction of the manipulation (boost vs. smooth);

 The size (materiality) of the manipulation;
 The timing (e.g., related to a bond or share offering);
 The method used (e.g., defer discretionary spending,
change accounting policy);
 The employee’s intent;
 The clarity of the rules prohibiting the action;
 The degree of repetition (one-time vs. on-going).

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -7-
Controls that are too good ...
 Computer surveillance programs, cameras, personal
location devices, etc.

 On the one hand, ...

» Congruent, accurate, and timely controls

 On the other hand, …

» Employees’ right to autonomy from controls that are
 Electronic sweatshops

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -8-
It depends on ...

 Is the use of these controls secret or disclosed?

 Are employees involved in establishing the system

(making it fair)?

 Are these controls used for monitoring employees

in training, or do they also monitor experienced

Merchant and Van der Stede: Management Control Systems © Pearson Education Limited 2003 -9-

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