MSDS 731

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Unsaturated Polyester Resin

1. Identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking
COMMERCIAL PRODUCT NAME: C'POL - 731 (Superior Vinyl ester Resin)
Company`s title: Crest Composites & Plastics Pvt Ltd
Survey No: 609,Village: Shetra, Tal. & Dist; Kheda-387560.Gujarat,(India)
World Wide Web:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +91-79-65121758
Telefax: +91-79-66610991
Dept. responsible for information: R&D
MSDS Department 9 am - 5 pm Telephone: +91-79-65121758
Number for emergency calls:
Telephone: +91-2694-281351
TeleFax: +91+2694-281352
Substance/preparation Preparation
Chemical characterization Specific formulation on the basis of unsaturated polyesters dissolved in
Dangerous constituents:
100-42-5 202-851-5 Styrene 36 - 40 R10
Xn; R20
Xi; R36/38

3. Hazard identification
Classification Harmful
R 10 - Flammable.
R 20 - Harmful by inhalation.
R 36/38 - Irritating to eyes and skin.
4. First aid measures
INHALATION: Move victim to fresh air, loosen restrictive clothing and calm the victim.
Do not allow victim to become chilled. Keep victim warm. Keep airway open. Consult
SKIN CONTACT: Thoroughly wash skin with soap and water. Immediately remove all contaminated
clothing. Wash contaminated clothing prior to re-use.
EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of flowing water for 10 to 15 minutes holding eyelids
apart. Subsequently consult physician.
SWALLOWING: Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water
5. Fire fighting measures
Suitable extinguishing media:
Water fog, foam, extinguishing powder, carbon dioxide.
Particular hazards arising from the preparation itself, combustion products or resulting gases:
Toxic gases may form.
Particular protective equipment:
Wear suitable protective clothing. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus.
6. Accidental release measures
Personal precautions: Do not inhale vapors. Wear protective equipment. Keep away from unprotected people.
Environmental precautions: Do not allow entering drains, surface waters, basements or pits.
Methods for cleaning up / spillage removal:
Absorb with liquid-binding material (e.g. sand, diatomaceous earth, acid- or universal binding agents). Provide
adequate ventilation.
7. Handling and storage
Information for safe handling:
Keep away from heat.
Do not inhale vapors.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Provide good ventilation and/or an exhaust system in the work area.
Precautions against fire and explosion:
Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking.
Take precautionary measures against static discharges.
Requirements for storerooms and containers:
Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place.
Information about storage in one common storage facility:
Do not store together with organic peroxides.
8. Exposure controls / personal protection
Critical values of exposure
CAS-No. Chemical name type Value
100-42-5 Styrene TWA (= German AGW) 20 ml/m³ = ppm
TWA (= German AGW) 86 mg/m³
ACGIH TWA 213 mg/m³
NIOSH TWA 215 mg/m³
ACGIH STEL 426 mg/m³
NIOSH STEL 425 mg/m³
OSHA TWA 100 ppm
OSHA Ceiling 200 ppm
Limitation and monitoring of exposure
Take precautionary measures against static discharges.
See also Information in chapter 7, section storage.
Limitation and monitoring of exposure at workplace.
Respiratory protection: Use respiratory protection whenever ventilation is inadequate.
Hand protection: Protective gloves according to EN 374.
The glove manufacturer's instructions must be observed concerning the penetrability and the wearing-out
eye protection: Tightly sealed safety glasses according to EN 166.
Body protection: Closed work clothing
General protection and hygiene measures:
Wash hands when done working with material; at breaks, lunch, shift changes, etc.
When using do not eat, drink or smoke.
9. Physical and chemical properties
Form: liquid
Colour: characteristic
Odour: like Styrene
Safety relevant data
Important data concerning health- and enviromental protection and safety thereto
Boiling temperature / boiling range: 145 °C
Melting point / melting range: n.a.
Flash point: 35 °C
Ignition temperature: >= 400 °C
Explosion limits: LEL (Lower Explosive Limit): 1.1 Vol%
UEL (Upper Explosive Limit): 8 Vol%
Vapour pressure: at 20 °C: 1 hPa
at 50 °C: (Styrene) <= 10 hPa
Density: at 20 °C: 1 g/ml
pH value: n.a.
Solubility in water: insoluble
Viscosity at 25°C:= 250 cps.
10. Stability and reactivity
Condition to avoid (hazardous reactions):
Keep away from heat.
Materials to avoid: Reacts violently with strong oxidizing agents such as sulphuric acid and chlorsulfonic acid.
11. Toxicological information
Toxicological Tests:
Acute toxicity: LD50 rat, oral: Styrene 5000 mg/kg
after inhalation: harmful
after skin contact: irritant
after eye contact: irritant
general remarks Styrene:
LD50, rat, 1 min, inhalant: 11,00 mg/kg
Affects the central nervous system, possible disturbances from: 50ml/m³
Substance with a carcinogenic and genotoxic effect from which there is not to be expected an important
contribution to the risk of cancer for persons as far as the MAK-value (German OEL) is observed.
Metabolization of styrene in the body via styrene-7,8-oxide to mandelic acid and phenylglyoxyl acid.
12. Ecological information
details of elimination
Analytical method: BSD des Th SB
Degree of elimination: Styrene >= 60%
Text of valuation: Product is highly biodegradable.
Ecotoxicological effects
Aquatoxicity: Styrene:
LD50 Fish,96 h: 10 - 100 mg/l
Daphnia: 155 mg/l
Values for acute toxicity:
Fish: 4,8
bacteria: 4,1
Effects in sewage plants: Technically correct releases of minimal concentrations to adapted biological sewage
treatment facility, will not disturb the biodegradability of activated sludge.
Additional ecological information
general information: Do not allow to enter ground soil, sewage or drains.
13. Disposal considerations
Product Recommendation: Incinerate as hazardous waste according to applicable local, state, and federal
Contaminated packaging
Recommendation: Dispose of waste according to applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
14. Transport information
Overland transport
Warning board: ADR/RID: Kemmler-number 30, Substance number 1866
Description of goods: UN 1866, Resins in solution, flammable
contains styrene
ADR/RID Class 3, Code: F1
Packaging group III
Label 3
Special provisions 640E
Limited quantities LQ7
Contaminated packaging: Instructions P001 - IBC03 - LP01 - R001
Contaminated packaging: Special provisions PP1
Special provisions for packing together MP19
Portable Tanks: Instructions T2
Portable Tanks: Special provisions TP1
Tank coding LGBF
Transport by sea
UN number: 1866
Proper shipping name: Resin solution, flammable
contains Styrene
IMDG: Class 3
Packing Group: III
EmS number: F-E, S-E
Special provisions 223 - 944 - 955
Limited quantities 5 l
Contaminated packaging: Instructions P001 - LP01
Contaminated packaging: Provisions PP1
IBC: Instructions IBC03
IBC: Provisions -
Tank instructions: IMO T1
Tank instructions: UN T2
Tank instructions Provisions TP1
Stowage and segregation Category A.
Properties and observations Miscibility with water depends upon the composition.
Air transport
UN/ID number: 1866
Proper shipping name: Resin solution, flammable
Contains Styrene
ICAO/IATA: Class 3
Hazard Flamm. Liquid
Packing Group: III
Passenger Ltd.Qty: Y309 - Maximum quantity: 10 L
Passenger: 309 - Maximum quantity: 60 L
Cargo: 310 - Maximum quantity: 220 L

15. Regulatory information

Code letter and hazard symbol:
Xn Harmful
Printed by Otto Bock, Minneapolis ... with Qualisys SUMDAT
R phrase(s): R 10 Flammable.
R 20 Harmful by inhalation.
R 36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin.
S phrase(s): S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place.
S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking.
S 23 Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray.
S 33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges.
S 51 Use only in well-ventilated areas.
National regulations
National regulations USA
NFPA Hazard Rating:
- Health = 1 (Slight)
- Fire = 2 (Moderate)
- Reactivity = 0 (Minimal)
16. Other information
Further remarks
R phrase(s): R 10 = Flammable.
R 20 = Harmful by inhalation.
R 36/38 = Irritating to eyes and skin.
Reason of change: Changes in section 8: EN166/EN374
Changes in section 11: General revision
Changes in section 14: ADR/RID 2005, ADNR 2005, IMDG 2004
Changes in section 15: NFPA
Group that issues data sheet
Contact person: see chapter 1, department responsible for information.
The above information describes exclusively the safety requirements of the product and is based on our
present-day knowledge. It does not represent a guarantee for the properties of the product described in terms
of the legal warranty regulations.

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