QM Sampling SSEI

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2 branches of statistics : FORMULA

Descriptive statistics & σx = S/ √ or σ/√
Inferential Statistics Whenever SD of averages is calculated, it would be lower because
average kills volatility.
In inferential statistics, we are inferencing population parameter Higher or larger the sample size, lower the standard error.
based on sample statistic
Statistic Parameter Logic for using Normal Distribution
n N Central Limit Theorem (CLT) states that irrespective of population
X µ distribution,sum or average of n no of independent and identically
S σ distributed random nos approaches normal distribution with mean
=µ& SD = σ/√
For estimating µ& σ based on X & S, we can use either of the two
estimation techniques:- For CLT, n should be sufficiently large & technically ≥ 30
1. Point estimate
Here; average income of population= average income of

2.Interval estimate
Suppose , we construct an interval around X with 75%
confidence interval which comes out to be (9-2, 9+2)
i.e. 7 lakh to 11 lakh.
This 7 lakh to 11 lakh can be thought of as X± gap wherein,
Gap= z σX
X , Prob distribution – NORMAL

The variable here is X & each variable has a prob distribution

Xfollows normal distribution

Since random variable here is X; we are using SD of X.

N S2 X2 , S2, n2
S3 X3 , S3, n3
S4 X4 , S4, n4

Sampling distribution
E(X) =µ
SD(X ) = σx .This is known as the STANDARD ERROR.
The prob distribution of X is called population distribution,while
the prob distribution of X is known as sampling distribution.

σx is the population SD
while S is the SD of a particular sample.SD of sampling distribution
is σX is known as standard error.

If standard error is low, all the possible Xs are close to each other.
So, our X will be close to µ
If standard error is high, all possible Xs are wide apart from each
other so our X will be wide apart from µ.

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