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Information for Students:

Learning your vocabulary for the 11+ can be very boring, but it's still very important!
It really helps if you do just a few words a day, so they stick in your long term memory.

For each word in the following pages, you will need to learn its meaning, write a sentence using the word and
write an opposite word to it - if there is one! Remember, you can use an online dictionary or thesaurus if it helps.

Here's an example:

adore (v.) to love or care for something

My sentence: I adore my cat called Freddie.
Opposite word: hate

Remember that each word is a particular part of speech. It is either:

a noun (a person, place or thing) - e.g. Sam, England or table

an adjective (a describing word) - e.g. tall, short or wide
a verb (an action word) - e.g. think, reading, swim
an adverb (a word that describes a verb) - e.g. carefully, slowly, happily

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Vocabulary List 1
F ill in the spaces below.

1. impeccable (adj.) perfect or flawless

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

2. restrict (v.) to limit the amount of something or to set boundaries of a certain area

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

3. tardy (adj.) late

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

4. errand (n.) a small task or chore

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

5. replenish (v.) to make something full again, to refill

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

6. assertive (adj.) if you are an assertive person, you are strong and aggressive in your actions and opinions

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

7. culprit (n.) someone who is guilty of a fault or a crime

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

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Vocabulary List 1

8. chaotic (adj.) completely disorganised

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

9. lavish (adj.) extravagant and expensive

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

10. precious (adj.) something that is of great worth or value

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

11. cygnet (n.) a young swan

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

12. colossal (adj.) huge in size

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

13. threadbare (adj.) fabric so worn that the individual threads of it can be seen

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

Opposite word: _____________________________

14. hearth (n.) the floor of a fireplace

My sentence: _________________________________________________________________________________

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