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Date: Week 7

Location: Assessor(s): Time:
Team Name:
Members’ Names:
1) Princy Priyadarshini John 18031233
2) Prathieshna Vekneswaran 18031185
3) Kalantherlebbe Ahamedhanzeer 18031193
4) Dongping Wang 18031191

Guildhall School of Business and Law

Student Self-Assessment and Feedback / Feedforward Cover-Sheet
Assessment 1: Group Presentation
Part 1: Student details

Student Number (s): Submission Deadline: Module Assessment

Week 7 Contribution:
1) Princy Priyadarshini John 30%
2) Prathieshna Vekneswaran
3) Kalantherlebbe Ahamedhanzeer
4) Dongping Wang

Student name:

Module Code and Module Title: Module Leader:

Marketing, marketing communications and
Assignment Title: Module Tutor:
Group Presentation

The assignment addresses the following learning outcome/s (with clarifications) of the module:

1. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Research tools for researching business opportunities. This will provide the student
with the necessary background information about performance of the selected organisation and the level of application of
marketing theory.

2. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Strategy models in a global context. Although this outcome would particularly apply
to global companies. All businesses should be evaluated from a local as well as a global perspective with a view of further

3. Critically appreciate and use Marketing Communications to reach and influence target audiences. This dimension should be
evaluated in the light of both content and means of communication.
You will be marked, graded and assessed according to the following PG criteria:

Class Mark Characteristics

Excellent in every way. Knowledgeable, incisively analytical, conceptually sound,
widely-researched and well-structured. Displays a critical and sophisticated understanding of ideas,
Distinction 70 +
debates, methodologies and principles. Comprehensively cited and referenced. A degree of flair
apparent in the work.
Very good, well-researched, solid. Addresses question. Sensibly structured and well presented.
Evidence of analysis, reasoning and evaluation. May have some errors in emphasis but not in fact,
Merit 60 - 69
and may be limited in terms of supporting material and breadth of coverage. Appropriately cited
and referenced.
Average to good. Reasonable bibliography. Signs of effort, though more descriptive than
Pass 50 - 59 analytical. May have some errors but balanced by sound work. May not fully address the question
with deficiencies in knowledge and understanding or directness and organisation.
Fail. Descriptive narrative. May be partly irrelevant. Indiscriminate. Lacks structure. Could be
more direct and explicit. Little independent research evident. Short bibliography.
Fail 40 - 49
May be confused or irrelevant. Heavily based on lecture notes, but a minimum of understanding to
justify a pass. Answers by inference.
Poor. Does not answer question directly. Little evidence of independent reading or lecture notes.
Major errors or too brief. Unstructured.
Fail 0 - 39
Very poor indeed. Fails in every respect to answer the question effectively. No evidence of
learning, reading or knowledge. Largely irrelevant. Very brief.
2. Student self-assessment

2.1 Checking and proof reading

Proof reading:
4 3 2 1 0
please circle number of times

Spelling (inc. spell-checking) Yes

Checking: Punctuation (inc. correct use of apostrophes) Yes

Paragraphs (NB: one sentence is not a paragraph) Yes
Please indicate that you have checked the following in
line with the assignment brief: Illustrations (pay attention to referencing and titling) Yes
Citations and References (do they correspond?) Yes
Presentation (inc. spacing and visual appeal) Yes

2.2 Quality of submission

Please assess the following two aspects of your work as: EXCELLENT GOOD ADEQUATE POOR INADEQUATE


70+ 60+ 50+ 40+ BELOW 40

Quality of academic argument:

Introduction/Conclusion (effectiveness) YES

Arguments (structuring and coherence) YES

Evidence (supporting argument, referencing) YES

Application of Theory (relevance) YES

Focus (addressing task set) YES

Signposting (use of vocabulary) YES

Criticality (quality of academic writing) YES

Quality of presented work:

Titles and Subtitles (check appropriateness) YES

English (spelling, grammar, punctuation) YES

Figures, Tables, Plates and Equations YES

(appropriateness and quality)
Paragraphing & Layout (presentation) YES

Citations (accuracy) YES

References (accuracy) YES

Distinction Merit Pass Refer Fail

What grade do you think the work is worth? 70+ 60+ 50+ -50

Name/Number Signature Date

Part 3: Feedback sheet

Leadership and Strategic Management
Assessment 1: Group presentation 30%
Academic Year 2017-2018

Student Name (s) : First Marker:

Student ID: Second Marker:

Title of presentation:

Assessment criteria Level of achievement

Distinction Merit Pass Refer/Fail Fail

Outstanding Good Average Poor Inadequate

80+ 60+ 50+ 40+ Below 40


1. 1.Critically appreciate and use

Marketing Research tools for researching
business opportunities (secondary research
but may attempt some primary e.g. by
ringing company). This will provide the
student with the necessary background
information about performance of the
selected organisation and the level of
application of marketing theory.

Weighting 33%

Notes from marker:

2. Critically appreciate
and use Marketing
Strategy models in a global context.
Although this outcome would particularly
apply to global companies. All businesses
should be evaluated from a local as well as
a global perspective with a view of further
Weighting 33%

Notes from marker:

3. Critically appreciate and use Marketing
Communications (covered dimensions such
as brand etc) to reach and influence target
audiences. This dimension should be
evaluated in the light of both content and
means of communication. It is expected
that the student refers to some examples of
marketing communications. Hence
initiative is encouraged.
Weighting 33%

Notes from marker:

Areas to concentrate on next time

Content Abstract Introduction Focus Discussion Argument

Examples Detail Work- Reflection Work-

related related
English Spelling Grammar Punctuation Paragraphs/sentences Vocabulary

Layout Contents Titles Subtitles Spacing Word

Illustration Figures Tables Plates Equations Calculations

HarvRef Citations Listing Range/Depth

Marker’s final comments

2nd marker comments

Agreed Mark

Signatures Date

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