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Project Logbook


QUALIFICATION: BTEC Level 4 Computing (Sem-II)

Subject: Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project.

Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle

Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 21/01/2019 – 27/01/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. A meeting was conducted in which all stakeholders where present 1 day
including project manager discussing about project vision.
2. Then another meeting with team members discussing about the 2 days
project plan, it aims and objectives.
3. Gathering requirements needed for this project like software, 2 days
hardware and vehicle.
4. Workshop conducted of self-driving AI vehicle. 2 days

Problems Encountered:
The problem for this week was that some of the team members were not able to connect with
aims, objectives and technologies used for this project. As the project manager, I gave solution
for this was to conduct the workshop for everyone about the self-driving AI vehicle.

Task for next week

• Project manager conduct a meeting with the stakeholders of this project to talk about the
cost and time for this project.
• To orders equipment’s for the hardware needed and car.
• Start to build the base for the software development.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 28/01/2019 – 3/02/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. A team meeting where project manager will track the timeline of 1 day
the project.
2. A meeting conducted by project manager with the stakeholder 2 days
which are Zoox company to talk about the cost of this project as
they are funding and deadline/timeline for this project.
3. The developers in the team have completed of importing libraries 2 days
as base of the software development.
4. To order the equipment’s needed for hardware and car. 2 days

Task for next week:

• To start the designing of the vehicle
• To start the designing of the GUI of the software.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 04/02/2019 – 10/02/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. To install designing software which Autodesk Fusion, then test it in 3 days
the system and import the plugins and packages.
2. To design car layout and rough sketch of it. 4 days

Problems encountered:
Problem for this week is that during the designing of the car there was problem we have tackled
that was the design layout of the car was looking not good. Where in the design layout exterior
of the car was looking too much with components on it like lidar system, radar system, and many
hardware components. As project manager, I have found the solution of it. The solution was to
have hardware in embedded into car as much as possible. There are some hardware components
that needs to be in exterior of the car.

Task for next week:

• To finish the designing of the vehicle.
• To start GUI design of the software.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 11/02/2019 – 17/02/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. The rough design converted into the software Autodesk Fusion. 2 days
2. Complete the design of the vehicle in Autodesk Fusion with 4 days
finishing applied in it.
3. To install software for the GUI designing. Python Tkinter which 1 day
used for GUI design.

Task for next week:

• To complete the GUI design of the software.
• Discussion about the design of car and software.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 18/02/2019 – 24/02/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. To design GUI of the software in Python Tkinter. 5 days
2. Discussion about the car design and software GUI design and 2 days
changes if needed. Also, approval by stakeholders Zoox about the
car design and GUI design

Task for next week:

• To start the development phase of the project.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 25/02/2019 – 3/03/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Meeting conducted with all team members to track the project 1 day
2. Take the delivery of the equipment’s of the car and hardware. 2 days
Unpack the car equipment’s and hardware components.
3. Start the Assembly line of car. 4 days

Problem encountered:
This week problem was while the unpacking the question was, we don’t have enough space if we
unpack the all the equipment’s. So, as project manager I gave the solution that we first unpack
the stuffs that we needed to start then we unpack other stuffs as per we go ahead in the
assembling the car and hardware components.

Task for next week:

• To start assembling of other parts of cars.
• Start paint work of the car.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 4/03/2019 – 10/03/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Assembled the parts like doors, front and back deck of the car. 3 days
2. Polishing of the car body frame. 1 day
3. Now paint the black color on that car body frame 3 days

Problem encountered:
This week problem is that our one robotic arm malfunction due to technical reasons on the
assembly line of the car. So, as we have tackle the problem the solution come out is to do the
manual work until the robotic arm got repaired and without loss of time we have completed the

Task for next week:

• To complete the assembly of the car.
• To start the software development part.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 11/03/2019 – 17/03/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. To complete the car assembly and paint it again with finishing 4 days
2. Put all the required libraries and packages install into an IDE of 1 day
Anaconda Navigator for software development
3. Prepare the basic AI in Python with neural networks using 2 days
TensorFlow library.

Task for next week:

• Development of voice commands in the AI.
• Develop GUI with help of design that was made.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 18/03/2019 – 24/03/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. To develop AI which have voice command system like tesla voice 3 days
2. Make other neural networks for AI to learning driving rules and 1 day
3. Complete the GUI development of the software. So, after 3 days
completing AI we can embedded into GUI.

Task for next week:

• To complete remaining AI neural networks that basically drive at 40 miles per hours on
normal road.
• To have the hardware embedded into car.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 25/03/2019 – 31/03/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. To develop another AI neural network that drive a car with 40 3 days
miles per hours on normal road with no traffic.
2. To embed the hardware components like lidar system, data storage 1 day
and processing system, sensors and many others into car as per
3. Complete all layers of AI neural network that can drive a car with 3 days
zero human assistant.

Problem encountered:
This time problem is there two choices ahead of us which to continue the project as per plan or to
develop another set of AI neural network that can learn the human driving while he is willing
driving the and that AI system can implement to improve more in driving a car. With have made
decision to make another set of neural networks and extended the developments another two
weeks with approval of the stakeholders.

Task for next week:

• Meeting with stakeholder Zoox about the decision of extending time for development and
approval of it.
• To develop the extra set layer of AI neural networks.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 1/04/2019 – 7/04/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Meeting was conducted with stakeholders Zoox to discuss about 2 days
the about the decision of extending time for development and
approval of it.
2. Complete the development of extra layer set of AI neural networks 5 days

Task for next week:

• To integrate the software into hardware components.
• To clear all the bugs, failures, errors in the software after integration into hardware
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 8/04/2019 – 14/04/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. To integrate the AI into hardware components. 3 days
2. To check that all bugs, errors, failures and solve. Then after 4 days
integrating that AI system is taking the data from hardware
components or not.

Task for next week:

• To start the testing phase of the project.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 15/04/2019 – 21/04/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Meeting conducted to change the timeline and track project task. 1 day
2. To test the Artificial Intelligence working after integrating into car. 4 days
3. Level 0 testing and level zero is the standard set by SAE 2 days

Problem encountered:
This week problem was were test drive level 0 because we can’t drive on road directly. As
project manager, I have given solution to have level 0 test drive on the empty road.

Task for next week:

• Level 1 test drive of the car.
• Level 2 test drive of the car.
• Level 3 test drive of the car.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 22/04/2019 – 28/04/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Level 1 test drive of the car AI system with driver assistance. 2 days
2. Level 2 test drive of the car AI system with partial assistance. 2 days
3. Level 3 test drive of the car AI system with conditional assistance. 4 days

Task for next week:

• Level 4 test drive of the car.
• Level 5 test drive of the car.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 29/04/2019 – 5/05/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Level 4 test drive of car AI system which is high automation. 3 days
2. Level 5 test drive of car AI system which no human assistance. 4 days

Task for next week:

• To start the deployment and modification phase.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 6/05/2019 – 12/05/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Meeting was conducted with stakeholders Zoox to know about the 2 days
deployment the full ready Level 5 self-driving AI car.
2. To talk with car companies about the software deployment. The 5 days
companies like GM motors and BMW.

Task for next week:

• To complete the deployment with stakeholders Zoox.
• To seal deal of the deployment other company like GM and BMW.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 13/05/2019 – 19/05/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. Complete deployment process with stakeholders Zoox company. 4 days
2. To agree on the terms & conditions with other companies. 3 days

Problem encountered:
This week the problem was that other company was not agreeing on terms and condition our
where they want to take control on the modifications of the software. As project manager, I have
discussed with the companies and take out middle way which was to collaborate while we have
modification of the software.

Task for next week:

• First modification with help of the collaboration with other companies.
Project Logbook
Project Title: Self-driving AI Vehicle
Date: 20/05/2019 – 26/05/2019

Sr No. Task Completed Duration

1. First modification of self-driving AI car, with collaboration with 6 days
other companies.
2. Project Completed. 1 day

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