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Hardware and Network Servicing


LG CODE : ICT HNS4 M03 02 10 LO1-LO5


This Trainer’s Guide is developed to assist you in delivering the Build Internet
infrastructure training program. It is usually designed as a resource to support the
learning activity.

The Plan and organize works Training is developed to equip the trainees with the
required competences in connecting hardware in their work area in accordance to
OHS procedures and working environment.

This trainer’s guide covers the learning module that assists you in delivering the said
competence and achieving its learning objectives and outcomes. It also provides
information in the organization of the training guides and assessment packets. The
training guides are aid to the trainers by telling them what need to do, when and how
to do it and the expectations once the learning activities are completed.

Your role as the trainer is to provide opportunities aimed at helping the trainees
develop and improve their competences. You are expected to guide and assist them
as they go through the learning activities and actual work.


Unit of Competence Learning Modules and Code
Build Internet infrastructure ICT HNS4 M03 02 10
Building Internet infrastructure

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Unit of Competence Building Internet infrastructure
Module Title ICT HNS4 M03 02 10
LO 1 Plan and design internet infrastructure
Assessment Criteria  Internet infrastructure is selected in line with
business and end-user requirements, within budget
 The internet service is evaluated for satisfactory
performance and confirmed that the service meets
business and end-user requirements.
 Hardware, software, network and security
requirements are ensured in accordance with
agreed business and end-user specifications.
 Internet protocol address allocation is determined
based on the number of addresses needed.
Install and configure internet infrastructure and
LO 2
Assessment Criteria  Cables is installed and tested where appropriate
according to the standard.
 Mail servers is built and tested when needed.
 Workstation software is installed and configured to
access services
 Necessary hardware and software is installed to
connect the internet to intranets or network if
 Domain names and internet protocol addresses is
configured to make internet access possible.
 Software is set up to provide services as required.
 Software is installed and configured that provides
internet links with existing databases, documents
and files.
LO 3 Test security and internet access
Assessment Criteria  Security access levels is tested and verified based
on security policy.
 Capability and reliability of security systems is
monitored and evaluated based on security policy.


 Changes are made to system to ensure protection
against known and potential threats.
LO 4 Ensure user accounts are verified for security
Assessment Criteria  User settings are verified to ensure that they
conform to security policies.
 Legal notices are displayed at appropriate locations
for system users.
 Passwords are checked in accordance with
business policies and verified with software utility
LO 5 Manage and support internet
Assessment Criteria  Management is assisted in developing procedures
and policies for maintaining the internet
 Management tools are obtained, installed and used
to assist in internet administration.
 Traffic, appropriateness of broadcasts, content
access and hits are monitored over the internet.
 Internet performance is optimized in accordance
with business need.


Training Mechanics

The Outcome-Based Training is one form of an independent learning approach. This

approach enables trainees to be master of their own environment and in charge of
their learning. It is also characterized by the integration of theory and application as
two dimensions of an effective learning process. The outcome-based system consists
of a combination of lecture-discussion, individualized learning activities, mentoring,
field immersion and feedback.

In this competence the trainees will be given individual learning guide to go through
and accomplish. They will be instructed through this learning guide to accomplish
learning activities as part of the mechanism to transfer learning from the training
situation to the job situation. For this competence area, trainees will formulate a
specific learning plan as a guide for applying their learning to work setting and for their
own continuing self-development. At this point, your role as a trainer/facilitator is to
guide the trainee in preparing and accomplishing their plan.

Lecture and discussion of the topics outlined in the session plan should be performed
first before the trainees are instructed to go to the workshop. You are also required to
demonstrate the correct steps/procedures and techniques to your trainees before you
let them practice. Insure that they are practicing safely.

Most part of the training activities will be conducted in the workshop for better
development of specific skills. Aside from motivating them to relate concepts and skills
to their own work situations, make sure to provide the necessary opportunity for
competence practice and better internalization of such concepts and techniques. The
trainees should also be provided the opportunity to blend with the actual working unit
in the industry.

In this system, it is important to develop a sustained relationship with the trainees

through a continued involvement, where you are to offer support, guidance and
assistance as the trainee go through the learning activities and actual work.

With the mentoring approach, the trainees are grouped in learning teams with one
facilitator-mentor per team. Before learning session or workshop start in the morning,
each team and mentor meets to give feedback regarding their work, or how the group
improves, acquire set of skills for the members to become more effective trainees.
You are also to asses them at the end of each module. However, they have to be
ready before the assessment and it should be them to request for it.

Before the training start you should conduct an orientation session to brief the trainees
on how the training will proceed.


Session Plan-1 (ICT HNS4 M03 0212)
Unit of Competency: Build Internet Infrastructure
Module-1 Title: Building Internet Infrastructure
LO 1: Plan and design internet infrastructure
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the learners shall be able to –
 Identify and selected in line with business and end-
user requirements, within budget limitations of
Internet infrastructure
 Evaluated for satisfactory performance and confirmed
that the service meets business and end-user
requirements of the internet service.
 Ensured Hardware, software, network and security
requirements in accordance with agreed business and
end-user specifications of the internet service.
 Determined Internet protocol address allocation based
on the number of addresses needed.

Activities Nominal Contents Duration Methods

30 mins Introduction Orientation

Body Overview of Network Infrastructure Individual Learning
2hrs with lecturing and
Planning, Implementing and Individual Learning
Maintaining Network Infrastructure Lecturing

Lecturing and
Maintaining a Network Infrastructure demonstration

Evaluation 2hrs Accomplishment of self-check Monitoring

Summary 30 mins Wrap-up and feedback Monitoring

Resources  Learning Guide

 White Board


Session Plan-2 (ICT HNS4 M03 0212)
Unit of Competency: Build Internet Infrastructure
Module-1 Title: Building Internet Infrastructure
LO 2: Install and configure internet infrastructure and
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the learners shall be able to –
 Installed and tested Cables where appropriate
according to the standard.
 Built and tested Mail servers.
 installed and configured Workstation software is to
access services
 Installed Necessary hardware and software to
connect the internet to intranets or network if required.
 Configured Domain names and internet protocol
addresses to make internet access possible.
 Installed and configured Software that provides
internet links with existing databases, documents and

Activities Nominal Contents Duration Methods

Introduction 30 mins Introduction to outcome-based training Orientation

Body lecturing and lab

2hrs Windows Server 2008 Configuration exercise
 Use of Groups Individual
3hrs  Permissions and Rights Learning
2hrs Module 1-13 Lab exercise

Demonstrate operation sheets Individual
-Accomplishment of Self check_2
Evaluation 5hrs -Accomplishment of LAP Test Monitoring

Summary 30 mins Wrap-up and feedback Monitoring

Resources  Learning Guide

 Working PC (installed windows server 2008 )


Session Plan-3 (ICT HNS4 M03 0212)
Unit of Competency: Build Internet Infrastructure
Module-1 Title: Building Internet Infrastructure
LO 3: Test security and internet access
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the learners shall be able to –
 Tested and verified Security access levels based on
security policy.
 Monitored and evaluated Capability and reliability of
security systems based on security policy.
 Known and potential Changes are made to system to
ensure protection against threats.

Activities Nominal Contents Duration Methods

Introduction 15 mins Introduction to infrastructure security Orientation

Body Individual
Learning with
2hrs 1. Infrastructure Security
lecturing and
Router configuration Individual
2hrs Learning
Lab Exercise
Deployment and Administration
3hrs Lecturing and
Individual Activity
Evaluation 3hrs Accomplishment of self check_3 Mentoring
Summary 30 mins Wrap-up and feedback Mentoring
Resources  Learning Guide
 Working PC (installed windows server 2008)
 Packet Tracer simulator software


Session Plan-4 (ICT HNS4 M03 0212)
Unit of Build Internet Infrastructure
Module-1 Title:
Competency: Building Internet Infrastructure
LO 4: Ensure user accounts are verified for security
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the learners shall be able to –
 Verified User settings to ensure that they conform to
security policies.
 Legal notices are displayed at appropriate locations for
system users.
 Policies and verified Passwords are checked in
accordance with business software utility tools.

Activities Nominal Contents Duration Methods

Introduction 30 mins Introduction to outcome-based training Orientation

Body Individual Learning

with lecturing, lab
2hrs Test security and internet access
exercise and
-Cryptography Individual Learning
-Resolving Security Gaps Lecturing and
Ongoing update and optimization of
2hrs Individual Activity
network security
Evaluation 2hrs Accomplishment of self check_4 Mentoring
Summary 45 mins Wrap-up and feedback Mentoring
Resources  Learning Guide
 Working PC (installed windows server 2008)


Session Plan-5 (ICT HNS4 M03 0212)
Unit of Competency: Build Internet Infrastructure
Module-1 Title: Building Internet Infrastructure
LO 5: Manage and support internet
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the learners shall be able to –
 Assisted Management in developing procedures and
policies for maintaining the internet infrastructure.
 Obtained, installed and used Management tools to
assist in internet administration.
 Access and hits Traffic, appropriateness of
broadcasts, content monitored over the internet.
 Optimized Internet performance in accordance with
business need.

Activities Nominal Contents Duration Methods

Introduction 30 mins Introduction to outcome-based training Orientation

Body Individual
Basic Internet Settings and configuration Learning with
lecturing, lab
2hrs Setting the types of connection demonstration
Lecturing, Lab
3hrs Basic internet settings and configuration exercise and

Individual Activity
Evaluation 2hrs Accomplishment of self check_4 Mentoring
Summary 45 mins Wrap-up and feedback Mentoring

Resources  Learning Guide

 Working PC (installed with Internet Browsers and internet


Assessment Context

There are two types of evaluation used in determining the extent to which learning
outcomes are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules. In
assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of
the learning process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback
regarding success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific
learning errors that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful
performance as well. For the trainer/facilitator, formative evaluation provides
information for making instruction and remedial work more effective. In this program
the LAP Test serves as the formative assessment.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules of
the program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence
have been achieved. This will be given in the form of written test for the underpinning
knowledge and demonstration for the attitudes and skills portion. And, the result of the
assessment decision shall be expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet competent’.
In this program the summative assessment shall also serves as the final examination.

These two types of evaluation form part of the training and they are considered as
institutional assessment.

Evaluation Tools

a) Formative Assessment
 LAP test

b) Summative Evaluation (Trainee Test Guide)

 Comprehensive Written test
► Knowledge Test
 Demonstration with Oral questioning
► Skills + Attitude Test


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