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Smart access solutions for

your satisfaction
Top three position in About 2.5 billion Swiss francs More than 16,000
the worldwide market in sales. dormakaba is listed employees worldwide
for access and security at the SIX Swiss Exchange
solutions (DOKA)

Subsidiaries in more Broad offering of products, Strong presence with

than 50 countries solutions and services for global partners in more
secure access to buildings than 130 countries
and rooms from a single

2 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Our industry

Growth drivers shaping our industry (I)


• Infrastructure determines security needs

• Number of Megacities is increasing

Increasing prosperity in emerging markets

• Tourism is on the rise all around the world

• People demand protection for themselves and

their property

Demographic change

• Aging world population with consequences for

building requirements

3 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Our industry

Growth drivers shaping our industry (II)

Increasing need for security

• Globalization
• More geopolitical risk
• Digitization; e.g. connectivity
(“Internet of things and “Cloud computing”)
• Changing business models;
e.g. “Software as a service”

4 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Smart access solutions for your satisfaction

Table of content

Where we come from 06

Who we are 07
Our products, solutions and services 10
Innovation at dormakaba 14
Where you find us 15
The changes for you 16
Sustainability 17
As an employer 18
Financials 19

5 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Where we come from

Milestones of the past 150 years

100 million
1978 door-closers
1950 First 2001 sold
Entry into the production En route to
door-closer site in 2013
business Singapore More than
1987 leadership in
Security the movable 1 billion euros
1908 1962 solutions and partition in annual sales
Dörken &
The first emergency business
Mankel KG
automatic exit control
founded in
door systems systems
Ennepetal Merger with

Merger with
2014 Dorma
1862 1975 2001 More than
Locksmith shop Launch of first Acquisition of
1 billion
and cash electronic Unican –
Swiss francs
register factory safe system revenue doubles
in annual
by Franz Bauer 1985 2008 sales
1934 Expansion of Introduction of
Patenting of Asian business RCID/TouchGo
reversible key with first sub- lock system
sidiary in Japan

6 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Who we are

Organizational structure and Executive Committee

Group functions

Riet Bernd Beat Andreas Jörg

Cadonau Brinker Malacarne Häberli Lichtenberg


(Chief Integration (Chief Technology (Chief Manufacturing
Officer) Officer) Officer)


Michael Jim-Heng Dieter Roberto Stefano Christoph

Kincaid Lee Sichelschmidt Gaspari Zocca Jacob

COO Access COO Access COO Access COO Access COO COO
Solutions AMER Solutions APAC Solutions DACH Solutions EMEA Key Systems Movable Walls

7 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Who we are

Dorma and Kaba become dormakaba –

a smart step for smart access solutions
With over 150 years’ experience and millions of
products and solutions installed worldwide,
dormakaba is your reliable partner for secure
and flexible access to buildings and rooms.
• We are there for you throughout every Maintenance Consulting
development phase of your building project –
from the initial consultation to the last door
• We can offer you a broad product portfolio from Operation Planning
a single trusted source
• With more than 16,000 employees and Realization
partners, we are there at your side in over 130
countries. That means that wherever you are in
the world, you profit from future-oriented
products, solutions and services

8 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Who we are

Our brands for your trust

Dorma and Kaba – two powerful brands join

forces. Two high-performing brands linked by
expertise in the area of smart and secure
access solutions are now becoming a global
unit: dormakaba.
• A strong global brand is one of the keys to
success and an integral element for achieving
one of our strategic goals: innovation leadership
in our business.
• Alongside the Dorma and Kaba brands, the
dormakaba Group’s portfolio contains a number
of other valuable brands for
• Access Solutions: i.e. Farpointe Data,
Best, Madinoz, La Gard, Saflok, phi
• Key Systems: Silca, Ilco, Advanced
• Movable Walls: Modernfold, Dorma
Hüppe, Skyfold

9 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Our products, solutions and services

Our offering – smart and secure access solutions

from a single source

Access Solutions segments Other segments

Mechanical Door Interior Glass Entrance Movable Walls

Key Systems Hardware Systems Systems

Lodging Safe Locks Electronic Services Key Systems

Systems Access & Data

10 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Our products, solutions and services

Smart and secure access solutions from a single source

01 Mechanical Key Systems

Optimal security with flexible allocation of access
rights – for the best possible control, low costs and
greater convenience.
02 Door Hardware
Long-life, attractive door technology solutions –
for greater on-site convenience, easy assembly
and reliable functionality from a single source.
01 02
03 Interior Glass Systems
High-quality system solutions made from glass –
for a wide range of everyday and office applications.
04 Entrance Systems
Automated access solutions – for convenient,
automated building access.

03 04

11 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Our products, solutions and services

Smart and secure access solutions from a single source

05 Lodging Systems
Hotel locks and locking systems as well as access
management solutions for holiday homes – for
reliable yet convenient and efficient protection of
all kinds of property.
06 Safe Locks

Security locks – for optimal protection of goods,

valuables, information or hazardous substances
05 06 against unauthorized access.
07 Electronic Access & Data
Electronic access control and workforce
management – for efficient access management,
security and data collection.
08 Services
Tailor-made services and customized maintenance
– for the long-term functional integrity of all types of
access and security solutions.
07 08

12 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Our products, solutions and services

Smart and secure access solutions from a single source

09 Movable Walls
Flexible, efficient partition wall solutions – for
individual space configuration in hotels, conference
centers, studios and other venues.
10 Key Systems
Key blanks and key-cutting machines as well as
automotive solutions ranging from vehicle keys up
to programming devices – for every access
09 10 situation.

13 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Innovation at dormakaba

Our goal: innovation leadership

dormakaba is striving for innovation leadership

in its industry.
• Our innovation portfolio is driven by market
trends and customer requirements,
technological trends and corporate strategy
• Intellectual property management and product
design is part of innovation management
• We are committed to investing in research and
development in order to leverage on the
opportunities of dormakaba and the digital
transformation of our industry
• We are investing four to five percent of our
annual turnover in innovation and product

14 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Where you find us

Worldwide presence – close to customers around the globe

Countries where we are present with local subsidiaries

FY 2016/2017: dormakaba products sold by local sales offices, external partners or international sales units

15 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

The changes for you

We continue to be your trusted partner

The merger between Dorma and Kaba brings

numerous benefits. You can now receive a
comprehensive portfolio of access solutions
from a single reliable source.
• Your familiar contacts will still be there for you
• Cooperation and joint projects have the highest
• Familiar product portfolio and services – with
the same quality and the same commitment

16 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017


For sustainable business and future growth

At dormakaba, sustainability has been

anchored as a foundation of the company’s
strategic pillars
• dormakaba is committed to foster a sustainable
development along our entire value chain in line
with our economic, environmental and social
responsibilities toward current and future
• We take this responsibility seriously - in
developing new products, in producing them,
but also in our dealings with employees and
business partners

• dormakaba transparently reports on its

sustainability efforts through recognized

• More on

17 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

We as an employer

Extending trust, earning trust – the formula for success

To create access solutions that provide added

value for customers, we rely on employees who
have the courage to ask questions and the
passion to supply the solutions of tomorrow.
As an employer, dormakaba offers:

• A vital culture of feedback and dialogue

• Systematic further employee development

which focusses on strengths

• Regular employee surveys and team


• Compensation that encourages excellence

• An international working environment

• More at

18 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Financials FY 2016/2017

Key figures

in CHF million FY 2016/2017 FY 2015/2016

P+L (pro forma1)
Net sales 2,520.1 2,302.6
EBITDA 387.3 332.7
EBITDA margin 15.4% 14.4%
EBIT 327.0 278.2
EBIT margin 13.0% 12.1%

Balance sheet (reported)

Total current assets 1,179.7 1,069.7
Total non-current assets 729.3 509.6
Total liabilities 1,725.9 898.8
Net debt (net liquidity) 627.6 -159.1

Cash flow statement (reported)

Cash generated from operations 354.7 327.6
Cash flow margin 10.5% 12.1%
1) Pro forma: Former Dorma Group and former Kaba Group both 12 months

19 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Financials FY 2016/2017

Sales development

Third-party sales by segment Total1 segment sales

0.5% in CHF million FY 2016/2017

26.0% AS AMER 685.0
4.2% AS APAC AS APAC 435.1
24.6% AS EMEA 732.9
Key Systems 217.2
16.4% MW
Others Movable Walls 114.6


1) Incl. intercompany sales

20 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Financials FY 2016/2017

EBITDA development

EBITDA contribution by segment EBITDA margins

8.5% EBITDA in % sales FY 2016/2017


11.1% AS APAC 12.4%
2.2% AS APAC
AS DACH 18.7%
AS EMEA 6.7%
Key Systems 17.3%
12.1% Movable Walls 8.6%
33.7% dormakaba Group 15.4%

21 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

Thank you

dormakaba Group
Hofwisenstrasse 24
8153 Rümlang
[email protected]
This communication contains certain forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, those using the words “believes”,
“assumes”, “expects” or formulations of a similar kind. Such forward-looking statements are made on the basis of assumptions and
expectations that the company believes to be reasonable at this time, but may prove to be erroneous. Undue reliance should not be
placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which
could lead to substantial differences between the actual future results, the financial situation, the development or performance of the
company or the Group and those either expressed or implied by such statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to:

general economic conditions, competition from other companies, the effects and risks of new technologies, the company’s continuing
capital requirements, financing costs, delays in the integration of the merger or acquisitions, changes in the operating expenses,
currency and raw material price fluctuations, the company’s ability to recruit and retain qualified employees, political risks in countries
where the company operates, changes in applicable law, and other factors identified in this communication.

Should one or more of these risks, uncertainties or other factors materialize, or should any underlying assumption or expectation prove
incorrect, actual outcomes may vary substantially from those indicated. In view of these risks, uncertainties or other factors, readers are
cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Except as required by applicable law or regulation, the
company accepts no obligation to continue to report or update such forward-looking statements or adjust them to future events or
developments. It should be noted that past performance is not a guide to future performance. Please also note that interim results are
not necessarily indicative of the full-year results. Persons requiring advice should consult an independent adviser.

This communication does not constitute an offer or an invitation for the sale or purchase of securities in any jurisdiction.

dormakaba®, dorma+kaba®, Kaba®, Dorma®, Ilco®, La Gard®, LEGIC®, Silca®, SAFLOK®, BEST®, phi® etc. are registered
trademarks of the dormakaba Group. Due to country-specific constraints or marketing considerations, some of the dormakaba Group
products and systems may not be available in every market.
Who we are

Operating model and segments

Access Access Access Access Key Movable

Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Systems Walls
Master Key
Systems (MKS)
Door Hardware
Interior Glass
Systems (IGS)
Entrance Systems
Electronic Access
& Data (EAD)
Lodging Systems
Safe Locks
Local Products Local Products Local Products Local Products

• Six operating segments

• Eight global product clusters, each allocated to one Access Solutions (AS) segment
• The Access Solutions segments have a dual responsibility:
• Sales and Services revenues / profits within their territory
• Global business ownership for the assigned product clusters across segments

24 Smart access solutions for your satisfaction 12.09.2017

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