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Attitude is a way of thinking,feeling, belief, or opinion of approval or disapproval towards

Behavior is an action or reaction that occurs in response to an event or internal stimuli (i.e.,

Attitude and behavior are woven into the fabric of daily life.Individuals register an
immediate and automatic reaction of "good" or "bad" towards everything they encounter in
less than a second, even before they are aware of having formed an attitude. Advertising,
political campaigns, and other persuasive media messages are all built on the premise that
behavior follows attitude, and attitude can be influenced with the right message delivered in
the right way.

Ideally, positive attitudes manifest well-adjusted behaviors.


Well, it depends on what kind of drama it is, or what kind of student is watching it to find
the effects. For example, if a very studious student is watching a Korean drama but still
manages to get 100s on every test, that is considered neutral as it has a 0% effect on that
student’s life. Negative effects may happen, when a student gets caught up in watching
dramas, leaving no time to study. This leads her to not score very well, which brings a
negative outcome. But the essence is same to whatever distracts the student, if she has a
movie series or books that the student likes, and completely has no focus on studying, the
same outcome arrives. So Korean Dramas are not to blame for distraction, but rather the
student’s ability to focus. The outcome is no negative affects from specifically watching
Korean dramas. However, there is a positive effect from watching Korean dramas: Allowing
the mind to expand diversity and knowledge of South Korea, to learning the language
slowly. It is very important to respect the growing diversity as of right now, so Korean
Dramas are a perfect way to get to know South Korea more, and explore their customs and
traditions, or trends through K dramas.


You will become a happy happy person. Jk jk the frustration will kill you. Some of the people
in dramas are really dumb. Like the girl clearly loves the guy but then she goes on about
being friends or whatnot. Also the amount of binge watching honey. Your eyes will hurt like
hell, and yes you will be emotionally unstable because of everything. You will have trust
issue with everything. Yo someone once binged watched a drama for a long time and their
eyes fell out so they had to go to the hospital….I think. Other than that, your speech will get
worse. I used to speak beautiful English. But now I don't even know what is speak. Other
than that… Your social health. You won't feel like going out as much anymore. You'll just
want to stay in and watch more dramas.


Good and bad.

I love Korean dramas and can spend (read: waste) a lot of time watching them, which
reduces my study time. Less time studying means slower learning and a sad Athena who still
can't have a meaningful conversation in Korean.

On the other hand, watching Korean dramas helps train the ear. The hardest part being
conversant is "hearing" Korean when spoken at a normal, conversational pace. It is also
hearing the differences between similar words.

I have learned ways that words are contracted in a lot of spoken Korean that many tutors
won't show you. Some particles get dropped in casual conversation and some words get
contracted, like Namchin instead of Namjachingu (which *is* pretty long). It is always fun
when you finally figure out why you are hearing 'nikka' or 'myeon' all the time :)


There are no major “Benefits” other than learning a few korean words and phrases such as
“Oppa”=older brother/ flirting buddy, “Abba”=dad, “Omma”=mom, “Onni”=older sister,
“Anneyoseo” = excuse me (pretty sure I spelled that one wrong). :p You can easily
eavesdrop on the koreans having conversations in their language and instantly know how
they relate to each other lol. j/k. But if you learn these words and phrases and you hear
Koreans shouting them out, you will know the meaning. Or if a little korean kid ever calls
you “Onni”, you will know theyre calling you sister :3 or if an elderly Korean person says
“Anneyoseo”, you will know theyre saying “Excuse me” etc. You can even try to broaden
your knowledge in Korean language if you want and practice it by watching the dramas
without subtitles in case if you ever wanna visit Korea.

Ive also learned a little about their cultures, traditions, behaviors, trends, how the men treat
the women and visa versa. Ive noticed that they yell at each other pretty often and ive even
seen a few dramas where the males actually physically and verbally abused the females and
didnt get into any trouble for it, in fact it seemed like “Not a big deal” which might be pretty
shocking to a westerner. I’ve also learned from the way highschool and college students
behave with each other. Honestly, I’ve learned about how evil and malicious people can be
towards each other from a lot of Korean drama villains. Its a good thing to be aware of all
kinds of “Evil” in the world without practicing any obviously. By watching these dramas, you
will most likely learn to be aware of jealous haters, secret enemies, con artists, abusive,
mean, dishonest, greedy, two-faced, backstabbers, gold-diggers, home-wreckers, loan
sharks, bullies etc.
Most of the Korean dramas that I’ve seen were mostly for entertainment. I havent come
across any with a deep meaning or a moralistic message that could change my life or point
of view. I am personally extremely intrigued by different cultures and exotic aspects of em
so it was very fun for me when I watched “Master’s Sun” and learned that a few wealthy
Koreans arrange “Ghost marriages” for their late sons/daughters with other non-married
people who passed away so that their late relatives arent lonely after death.

Voodoo, fortune-telling, psychics and fake psychics etc seem to be pretty common in their
culture as well. So if you were not aware of the existence of these kinda things, you will be.
Finally, you will learn to be patient because many of these dramas start with a bang but get
pretty boring and slow afterwards so you need to be patient to watch till he end. And you
will learn to read English quickly if you watch with subtitles.

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