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ISBN 978-1-62284-833-1
9 781622 848331

Berlitz Languages, Inc.
Princeton, NJ
Writers: Damon Finos, Denise Kruelle

We would like to thank the many Berlitz instructors and staff who have
contributed to the creation of this course.

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are for identification purposes only, and are not affiliated with Berlitz. All
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Copyright© 2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

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Marca Registrada

ISBN: 978-1-62284-833-1

First Digital Edition — August 2018

For use exclusively in connection with Berlitz language instruction.

Berlitz Languages, Inc.

7 Roszel Road
Princeton, NJ 08540

English 3

Berlitz English is the fastest, the most practical, and the most enjoyable way to learn English.

To get the most of your English program, you should …

• attend all your scheduled classes

• do all online and customized practice assignments

• review each unit after class

• preview each unit before class

• practice speaking English anytime you can

• visit English websites to learn more about unit topics

• read English magazines, books, and newspapers

• watch videos, movies, and TV programs in English

• try to speak and learn more English every day!

If there is anything we can do to make your learning more successful and enjoyable, please let us know. We’ll
do everything we can to help you reach your goals.

We wish you great success with your English studies!

The Berlitz Team

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. v

For Students...

Student Guide Features

A lesson-specific speaking goal begins the lesson with a clear, achievable learning objective.

Each unit of instruction starts with a summary of key vocabulary and expressions and
additional language that will be necessary to master the unit’s speaking goal in a clear,
concise manner.

Each activity in the unit is clearly labeled with the skill or language point being targeted,
setting the perfect tone and encouraging focus for immediate success.

Listening activities offer opportunities to listen and respond to language in real-life contexts.
Audio scripts for each listening activity are included.

Interactive activities can be completed directly in HTML versions, and all answers are
recorded online for easy access on the go.

vi ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Additional Features and

The Student Materials Portal provides access to online and downloadable Student Guides,

and enables the student to monitor and track progress throughout the course.

Online Practice, also available via the Student Materials Portal, provides interactive review
and exercises that can be accessed on mobile devices or online in order to practice any time,
any place.

Review Units present an opportunity to review and practice skills in class, including speaking,
listening, reading, and writing.

Audio CDs and downloadable audio files provide in-class and on-the-go listening practice,
depending on the type of package selected.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. vii



Ask and answer 1 Personal experience Present perfect with before. For
questions about example: I haven’t met Mike before.
Present perfect with ever / never. For
personal experience
example: Have you ever lived in a big
city? She has never worked in a small

Ask a friend about a 5 Recent events Present perfect with since / for / in. For
busy month example: Bill has waited for two hours /
since 1:00. Kay hasn’t seen her friend in
six years.

Share and respond to 9 Sharing news Present perfect with time expressions:
good and bad news in the last week / in the last month / in
the last year.

Ask and answer 14 Education history; until (+ time)

questions about Work history to work as a(n) + position
educational and
professional history
Give updates on an 18 Events; Itineraries Present perfect with so far, already,
event plan (not) yet, still. For example: I’ve already
done that. I haven’t called the office yet.
Contrast: present perfect vs. simple past

Plan an itinerary for a 22 Tasks; Itineraries someone / anyone / everyone / no one

guest’s visit

Plan a party 26 Updates; Future plans Two-word phrasal verbs (separable): to

fill out, to look over, etc.

Suggest interesting 30 Suggestions Make suggestions using to suggest + -

places to go in your ing. For example: I suggest calling Eva in
the morning.
Review of present perfect with ever /
never. For example: Have you ever been
to Paris?

viii ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Give details about 35 Landmarks; Tourist Passive voice (present tense). For
sightseeing spots destinations example: Vacations are taken in August
and December.
Passive + by phrase. For example: Parks
are visited by millions of people each
Passive voice (past tense). For
example: The Taj Mahal was completed
around 1653. Sunflowers was painted by
Vincent van Gogh.

  10  Review 39

Ask for advice about 51 Vacation activities Gerunds as subjects. For example:
vacation activities Taking a trip can be interesting.
one of the + superlative + plural

Describe a great trip 54 Past trips; Amazing somewhere, anywhere, everywhere,

experiences nowhere
ever for emphasis

Ask about menu 58 Menu items; Special Past passive / present passive. For
items and requests example: How is (the fish) prepared?

international cuisine
Complain about a 63 Complaints; Problems over- and under-. For example: My
meal with food burger was undercooked and overpriced.

Comment on a meal 68 Compliments; Positive so + adjective + that. For example: The

meal comments soup was so good that we ordered more.

Check in for a flight 71 Flight check in Future progressive. For example: Paul
will be traveling all next week.

Make and confirm 75 In-flight

requests on a plane announcements; Flight
crew requests

Call baggage claim 79 Arrivals; Baggage claim Possessive pronouns: mine, hers, etc.
and locate a missing

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. ix


Describe your flight 83 Flight and airport Reported speech (immediate reporting):
experience experiences The agent asked if / said that …, etc.

  20  Review 87

Plan which errands to 99 Errands to be able to

run and make a
shopping list
Explain what you 104 People and places in Causative (active form): to have
have people do for town; Chores someone (do) something. For example: I
have the mechanic repair the car.

Talk about your 108 People and places in Causatives (passive form). For example:
chores and errands town; Chores I had / got my hair cut yesterday.

Rent a car 112 Cars; Renting vehicles Verb + more / less. For example: The
SUV costs more than the full-size car.

Ask for and 116 Directions Reported commands / instructions. For

summarize road example: (Jack) told (me) to …. The
officer said to …

Talk about road and 122 Road and traffic while + -ing. For example: Don’t text
traffic conditions conditions while driving.

Report car trouble 127 Car problems


Give your opinion 132 Events Present perfect with lately, recently. For
about recent example: I haven’t seen a good show

Give your opinion 136 Movies Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed:
about a movie exciting / excited, etc.

  30  Review 140

Tell a friend what a 151 Movie plots to be supposed to be

movie is about

x ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Buy tickets to a show 155 Musicals and plays


Explain the steps in 159 Projects and budgets Present perfect with just. For example:
planning a project We’ve just submitted our proposal.

Talk about schedules 163 Projects; Deadlines; Modals: must, mustn’t, don’t have to,
and deadlines Status reports can’t, not allowed to
by + date or time. For example: We’ll
finish the project by August 31.

Give a status update 167 Projects; Status reports Passive voice (present perfect): The
on a project proposal has been submitted.

Summarize 173 Projects; Status reports to tell (someone) how (something) went

completed projects

Start and develop a 177 Conversation and small Affirmative tag questions. For example:
conversation talk You’re not from around here, are you? …,
is it? …, was it?
Possessives after of. For example:
John’s a friend of mine / his / hers / my
husband’s, etc.

Find similar interests 181 Hobbies; Ending so / neither. For example: So do I. /

and end a conversations Neither do I.

Tell a coworker about 186 Conversation and small (one of) the most / least / best + -ed / -
a presentation talk ing adjectives. For example: Barry
Nelson is one of the most respected
political reporters.

  40  Review 191

Complete Audio A-1


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. xi


In this lesson you will ...

Ask and answer questions about

personal experience
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

acquaintance Have we met before? Present perfect with before. For example: I
Nice to see you again. No, … has never / have haven’t met Mike before.
How have you been? never … Present perfect with ever / never. For example:
How’ve you been? been (here) Have you ever lived in a big city? She has never
come (past participle) worked in a small company.
Have / has … before
Yes, … has / have. seen
No, … hasn’t / haven’t. taken


Culture Corner
In English, we use the word acquaintance when we know someone by name, but we
don’t know the person well. When we talk about the people in our lives, we usually talk
about friends and colleagues.
an old friend = a person you have known for a long time
a good / close friend = a person you spend time with—who listens to your problems
a friend from work = a colleague you like
a friend from school = a person in one of your classes or one you knew in school

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask and answer questions about personal experience • Unit 1 | 1

Have we met before?

– Have we met before? – Have you met Helen, from the Chicago office?
– Yes, we have. We met at – No, I haven’t.
the Telecom Expo last year. – Let me introduce you to her.

Who has taken a vacation this year?

I studied Chinese.
You talked to Valerie.
We met the president.
They had breakfast.

been to the US.

He ’s
gone back to work.
She has
seen her.
Who …? hasn’t 
taken a vacation


am / is / are was / were been
come came come
do did done
get got gotten (got UK)
give gave given
speak spoke spoken
write wrote written

2 | Ask and answer questions about personal experience • Unit 1 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
Tip! Tim has gone to Rome. = He’s there now.
Tim has been to Rome. = He has visited Rome, but he’s not there now.

Have you studied Spanish before?

Experience Alex Beth Claudia Instructor Student

studied Spanish   ✓  
been to Mexico ✓ ✓ ✓
played tennis   ✓  
worked weekends ✓   ✓

Have you ever?

– No, I haven’t. I’ve never

worked for a large company.
worked for a large company?
– Yes, I have. I lived in a small
lived in a small town?
– Have you ever town five years ago.
been to Norway?
– No, never. Have you?
eaten French food?
– Yes, when I traveled to
France last year.

– Have you ever been to Fiji?

– Yes, I have. I was there a couple of years ago.
– What did you think?
– It was wonderful. The beaches were beautiful and
the people were very friendly.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask and answer questions about personal experience • Unit 1 | 3

Ask and answer questions about personal experiences

Can you … ask and answer questions about personal experiences?

Talk to a renewed acquaintance about personal experiences.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Berlitz, iStockphoto ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

4 | Ask and answer questions about personal experience • Unit 1 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Ask a friend about a busy month

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

spoken lately Present perfect with since / for / in. For

written in (two days) (for two example: Bill has waited for two hours / since
had days UK) 1:00. Kay hasn’t seen her friend in six years.
has / had (had) What have you been up
done to?
gotten (got UK) to promote
to receive a promotion
to get married
to get married to


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask a friend about a busy month • Unit 2 | 5

What have you done this week?

It’s Wednesday morning. What has Nicole done this week? What hasn’t she done?

What did you do yesterday? How about today?

Example: Yesterday, Mr. Nelson made many calls. (only two)

Today he has made only two calls.

1. Yesterday, Tanya sent more than forty emails. (only three)

This morning, .

2. Yesterday, Henry received a lot of voicemail messages. (not any)

Today .

3. Last year, we didn’t have any car accidents. (two)

This year, .

4. On Thursday, Sonia didn’t speak to me at all. (three times)

This afternoon, .

6 | Ask a friend about a busy month • Unit 2 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
When did you meet him?

I know Tom. I met him two years ago. I’ve known Tom for two years.
Tom lives in Toronto. He moved there in 2010. He has lived in Toronto since 2010.
I saw Tom four days ago. I haven’t seen him in four days.
I haven’t seen him for four days.

– When did John and Susan get married? – How long have you been here?
– I don’t know. They’ve been married for – I’ve been here since two o’clock.
– When was the last time you saw Jenny?
– Have you heard from Paul lately? – We haven’t seen each other since last
– No, I haven’t spoken to him in a long time. year.


What’s new?
A. Who? B. How long / many times?
1. Rita Harry has gotten married. has been married .
2. Rita Harry has been promoted. has been an area manager .
3. Rita Harry has gone back to school. has been back at school .
4. Rita Harry has traveled to Asia. been to Europe .

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask a friend about a busy month • Unit 2 | 7

Can you … ask a friend about a busy month?

Ask a friend about his / her busy month.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Digital Vision, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

8 | Ask a friend about a busy month • Unit 2 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Share and respond to good and bad

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

reunion I’m delighted to hear Present perfect with time expressions: in the last
news that! week / in the last month / in the last year.
good news How awful!
bad news I understand.
Congratulations! to lose a job
That’s terrible. to graduate from


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Share and respond to good and bad news • Unit 3 | 9

Long time no see!

– Hey, Charlie! Long

time no see!
– Hi, Sam. What’ve you
been up to?
– Nothing much. And
– Well, we’ve moved.
Did you know that?
– No. Where did you
move to?
– To Clarkridge. Are
you still living in
– Yes. And we’re not
planning to move
any time soon.

Tip! Long time no see! = I haven’t seen you in (for UK) a long time.

My notes

10 | Share and respond to good and bad news • Unit 3 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Good or bad news?

– Sandy, have you heard

the news?
– No, what news?
– We’re moving to
– Really? When?
– We’re leaving next

Congratulations! Oh no.

  I’m delighted to hear that!   I’m sorry to hear that.

  That’s great / fantastic / wonderful!   That’s too bad / terrible / awful.
  How wonderful!   How awful!
  I’m so happy for you!   I’m so sorry.

Have you heard what has happened?

lost her job got married graduated

received a promotion was in an accident

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Share and respond to good and bad news • Unit 3 | 11
– Have you heard about
– No. What happened to
– She
– No!
– Yes!
– That’s !
I’m .


A class reunion

Elena graduated from Southwest High School ten

years ago. She is at her ten-year class reunion this
weekend. Most of her old classmates are there.
Elena is catching up with old friends. They’re sharing
memories about their school, their teachers, other
students, and the four years they spent together.
What has happened in your life since you left school?
Have you been to a class reunion before? What was it

My notes

12 | Share and respond to good and bad news • Unit 3 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … share and respond to good and bad news?

Share good and bad news with a friend from school.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Purestock, Purestock, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Purestock, Purestock, Berlitz, Berlitz, Shutterstock,
Shutterstock, Age Fotostock

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Share and respond to good and bad news • Unit 3 | 13

In this lesson you will ...

Ask and answer questions about

educational and professional history
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

high school (secondary to complete a degree until (+ time)

school UK) bachelor’s (degree) to work as a(n) + position
high school diploma master's (degree)
education doctoral (degree)
Where did … go to school? résumé (CV UK)
(US only: school as a
substitute for university)
degree (univ.)
in the (IT) field
to have a degree in
(something) What field are you in?
I have a degree in (business experience


14 | Ask and answer questions about educational and professional history • Unit 4 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Where did you go to school?

Ashley Mitchell is a doctor. Roger Madsen is a web Claudia Lopez is a reporter.

She studied medicine at designer. He has a degree in She has a degree in
United School of Medicine. graphic design from the journalism from Fowler
ArtTech Institute. State University.


Tell me about yourself

My name is John Carlton. This is my résumé.
I work in the information technology field.
I am currently the director of IT at UNIT, a large firm
in New York. I have been in this position since
Before that, I worked as a systems administrator
for BioTec in Anaheim, California. I worked there
from 2003 to 2008.
My first job was as a programmer at TLT in Dallas,
Texas. I worked there for five years. While I was
there, I completed my master’s degree at the
Portman Institute of Technology.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask and answer questions about educational and professional history • Unit 4 | 15
Tip! résumé


Why did you move to London?

2007   2009   2011   2013   2015  
Cyberworks       →     DreamStories Media             →           5X Consulting
Sydney                          Los Angeles                                              London

– How long did you live in Sydney, Chris?

– I was there until February 2009.
– Did you enjoy living there?
– Yes, I did. I enjoyed it very much.
– So why did you leave?
– I left because my husband got a job with DreamStories Media in Los Angeles.
– Where did you go after you left Los Angeles?

  LISTENING  2 • 3 • 4

How long have you worked there?

Erica has (1) in Los Angeles (2) 2005. She moved there after she (3) .
She has a degree in law. She has (4) for a media company (5) the last six years.
Tim works in (1) . He specializes in market (2) now. His friend Larry is still in
(3) . He works for a large pharmaceutical company. Tim has (4) of PharmaLabs.
Jerry Jansen has (1) a financial consultant for (2) years. He has a lot of (3)
in the field. His résumé has a list of his important (4) .

16 | Ask and answer questions about educational and professional history • Unit 4 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … ask and answer questions about educational and professional history?
Ask and answer questions about your educational and professional history with a new


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Getty Images, Getty Images, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Getty Images, Berlitz

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask and answer questions about educational and professional history • Unit 4 | 17

In this lesson you will ...

Give updates on an event plan

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

yet florist Present perfect with so far, already, (not) yet, still.
already reply (n., v.) For example: I’ve already done that. I haven’t
caterer so far
called the office yet.
catering company How is (something) Contrast: present perfect vs. simple past
coming along?



Have you invited the guests yet?

18 | Give updates on an event plan • Unit 5 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Sue: Have you reserved a meeting room?
Bob: No, I haven’t done that yet. I’m going to do it tomorrow.
Sue: Have you invited Mr. Jones?
Bob: Yes, I’ve already invited all the guests.
Sue: Good job, that’s fast!
Sue: Have you prepared the slides yet?
Bob: No, I’m sorry. I haven’t.
Sue: I asked you to do that two weeks ago. I can’t believe you still haven’t done it!


What has she done so far?

Yesterday Sarah … So far today, Sarah …

… made a lot of phone calls. … has made only two calls.
… wrote to a lot of people. … hasn’t written any emails.
… called a cleaning company. … has called a party planner and a bakery.

Who have you spoken to so far today?         so far today.

What have you had to eat so far today?       So far today, .

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give updates on an event plan • Unit 5 | 19

What have you done so far today?
Example:  Yesterday, Lisa replied to twenty emails. (forty already)

  So far today, she has already replied to forty emails.

1. Yesterday, Patricia called two caterers for information. (one)

2. Yesterday, I sent a hundred invitations. (fifty)

3. Yesterday, we contacted three florists to ask for prices. (not any)

4. Yesterday, Marcus and Claire called each other twice to discuss the party. (three times already)


How is everything coming along?

To-Do List
check with conference center—WiFi?
reserve rooms for visitors
send out confirmation letters
book sightseeing tour
call restaurant—vegetarian meals?

My notes

20 | Give updates on an event plan • Unit 5 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Can you … give updates on an event plan?

Give an update to your friend on your holiday party for this month.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Thomas Stefflbauer, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give updates on an event plan • Unit 5 | 21


In this lesson you will ...

Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

visit (n.) to prepare someone / anyone / everyone / no one

celebration list
to celebrate guest list
anniversary host (n.)
wedding anniversary to organize
anniversary with the itinerary
company agenda
to plan


22 | Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit • Unit 6 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

What are you planning?

Are you going to (1) your anniversary this weekend?

Jerry and Ann are (2) a party to celebrate our company’s thirtieth anniversary.
We need to prepare the (3) list for the New Years’ Eve party.
As usual, the Garcías were perfect (4) .
I’d like to (5) a city tour for our (6) from Japan.
Has anyone prepared the (7) for the meeting we’re having on Tuesday?

visitors guest organize celebrate planning agenda hosts

What do we need to do?


prepare an agenda organize a tour plan the menu


What’s the plan?


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit • Unit 6 | 23

Is anyone available?

Alex is meeting a client this afternoon. He’s meeting someone.

Dana doesn’t have any appointments →  She’s not meeting anyone.
today. Everyone is going on a tour.
All our guests are going on a tour.
I think so:
– Will someone meet the CEO at the → – Yes, someone will be there.
I don’t know:
– Is anyone visiting the office next → – Yes, someone from HQ is coming.
    week? – No, no one is visiting next week.

– Is anyone still at the office? – Is Mr. Reynolds talking to anyone?

– Just me. Everybody else has gone home. – Yes, to somebody from the Bristol office.

Tip! somebody = someone  nobody = no one  anybody = anyone

everybody = everyone

My notes

24 | Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit • Unit 6 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit?

Plan an itinerary for when your boss visits next month.



Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit • Unit 6 | 25

In this lesson you will ...

Plan a party
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

to decide to fill out (fill in UK) Two-word phrasal verbs (separable): to fill out, to
decorations to give back look over, etc.
to pick up to look over
to drop off to talk over
to put up to write down
to take down


– Should we order the cake or make it ourselves?

– I’m not very good at baking. Why don’t we order


Who will pick them up?

When will Linda pick up our guests? → She’ll pick them up tonight.
Who dropped off the gift? → Jill dropped it off during her visit.

– Has Jason dropped off the documents?       – Will you put up the decorations?
– Yes, he dropped them off earlier today.         – OK. But only if you take them down.

26 | Plan a party • Unit 7 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Please call me back
1. Ann wrote the names on her list.

2. Everyone has completed the forms.

3. I asked Marcy to check the itinerary.

4. Someone forgot to return the key.

5. We discussed the CEO’s plan.

to talk over to write down to give back to look over to fill out

Your turn!

to back up to give away to put on to throw away

to call back to pay back to send back to turn on / off
to clean up to look up to take out to think over

Did the customer send it back?

1. Do you want to leave a message? a. Give it away. Someone will find it

2. I don’t use this cell phone anymore. b. Yes, he said it wasn’t working

3. Could you please turn the radio off? c. Yes, but I wrote down all the details.

4. You need to finalize the itinerary. d. No, thank you. I’ll call back.

5. Are you throwing the invitation away? e. OK. I need just a little more time to
think it over.

6. Did the customer send the printer f. Why? Don’t you like the music?

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan a party • Unit 7 | 27


Guess who’s coming to dinner?

Dear Laura,
Everything has been arranged, so your father and I can come to see you for Thanksgiving.
Here are our travel details: We’re arriving on November 21st (Tuesday) on WestAir Flight 1452. It gets
in at around 2:00 p.m. Will you come to the airport to pick us up, or should we take a taxi?
Have you planned your Thanksgiving menu? Is there anything you would like me to bring? I’ll be
happy to help with the cooking. Remember, Laura, your father can’t eat anything with too much salt
or sugar.
Say hi to Kevin and the kids for me.
PS Will we have time to see the Thanksgiving parade?

My notes

28 | Plan a party • Unit 7 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Can you … offer to help plan party?

Plan a party for your boss’s retirement.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan a party • Unit 7 | 29


In this lesson you will ...

Suggest interesting places to go in

your city
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

sight local cuisine Make suggestions using to suggest + -ing.

to go sightseeing to depend For example: I suggest calling Eva in the
tourist attraction That depends. morning.
famous That sounds good. Review of present perfect with ever / never.
For example: Have you ever been to Paris?
statue That sounds like a good
national park idea.
must-see That doesn’t sound like
to suggest such a good idea.
suggestion island
tropical island
at least (= a minimum of)
on a cruise


30 | Suggest interesting places to go in your city • Unit 8 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Any suggestions?

– I’m taking a client out to lunch next week. Do you have any suggestions?
– Why don’t you go to Le Jardin? They have a great lunch menu and it has a nice view of Bryant
– Are they busy at lunchtime?
– They can be. I suggest making a reservation at least one day ahead of time.

–My guests would like to listen to live music. –Our guests want to try some of the local cuisine.
–I suggest taking them to the Blue Note. –I suggest going to a restaurant in the North End.
–Eliza is interested in street art. –Jorge likes to visit historic neighborhoods.
–I suggest showing her the Zagar mosaics. –A walk in Old Town is my suggestion.

Tip! ahead of time = before a time or event


That depends

– Would you like to visit a museum while you’re in

– I’d love to. Which one do you recommend?
– Well, that depends. What are you interested in?
– I like art and design from the early twentieth
– Then I suggest visiting the Industrial Arts Museum.
They have a fantastic collection of early twentieth-
century art.
– That sounds great. Can you tell me how to get
– Why don’t we go together? We can have lunch in
the museum area after that.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Suggest interesting places to go in your city • Unit 8 | 31

That sounds good!

That’s a good idea! → That sounds like a good idea.  

→ That sounds interesting.

–Would you like to see the space museum? –Would you like to go to a club tonight?
  It’s not very far from here. –That doesn’t sound like such a good idea.
–Sure. That sounds interesting.    I have to leave early in the morning.
–After the movie, let’s get something to eat. –Let’s go back to the hotel and relax a while.
–Sounds good. –That sounds like a good idea.


Do you have any suggestions?

– My boss asked me to organize a dinner for his visitors from China next week. Can you (1)
a good place?
– If you think they would like to try our (2) cuisine, Harry’s is the perfect (3) .
They have a great menu of foods from the region, and the service is excellent.
– That (4) good. Are they (5) busy at around 7:00 p.m.?
– It (6) on the day. If you go on a Friday or a Saturday, I suggest (7) them to
make a reservation at (8) a week before your dinner.

usually suggest calling local depends place least sounds

32 | Suggest interesting places to go in your city • Unit 8 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Where should we go this year?

I’ve never been to Ayers Rock in Uluru National Park.

  LISTENING  7 • 8

Let’s visit a national park


1. Where would Donna like to go?

2. What will they do there?


1. Where does Mike want to go?

2. Where would Karen prefer to go?

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Suggest interesting places to go in your city • Unit 8 | 33

Can you … suggest interesting places to go in your city?

Find out if your colleague has visited any interesting sights in your hometown and suggest
other places he or she can visit.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Thomas Stefflbauer, Getty Images, Age ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

34 | Suggest interesting places to go in your city • Unit 8 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Give details about sightseeing spots

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

to discover Passive voice (present tense). For Passive voice (past tense). For
built example: Vacations are taken in example: The Taj Mahal was
to design August and December. completed around 1653.
Passive + by phrase. For Sunflowers was painted by
to paint Vincent van Gogh.
example: Parks are visited by
painting millions of people each year.
the … century



The Park is managed by the national government

The National Park Service manages Yellowstone National Park.  

→ Yellowstone National Park is managed by the National Park Service.

Millions of tourists visit Yellowstone every year.

→ Yellowstone is visited by millions of tourists every year.

The Grand Canyon is seen by over five million visitors each year.
It is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give details about sightseeing spots • Unit 9 | 35
The Mayan Pyramids were built centuries ago

Sir Christopher Wren designed St. Paul’s Cathedral.

→ St. Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren.

The Mayans built the pyramids of Chichen Itza and Uxmal.

→ The pyramids of Chichen Itza and Uxmal were built by the Mayans.

Machu Picchu was built around 1450 by the Incas. 

It was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911.

  LISTENING  9 • 10 • 11

When was it built?

1. The Taj Mahal by Shah Jahan.
a. was built b. was painted c. was discovered

2. The Taj Mahal was completed

a. by four teenagers in 1940 b. over 17,000 years ago c. around 1653

3. The cave paintings of Lascaux were created

a. by four teenagers in 1940 b. over 17,000 years ago c. around 1653

4. The cave paintings of Lascaux were discovered

a. by four teenagers in 1940 b. over 17,000 years ago c. around 1653

5. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.

a. was discovered b. was built c. was painted

36 | Give details about sightseeing spots • Unit 9 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

World-famous sights

Sagrada Familia Stonehenge Terracotta Army Washington


When was it designed?

Example: Someone designed the bridge in 1889.

The bridge was designed in 1889.

1. The French built both churches last century.

2. Some children discovered the cave earlier this year.

3. Archaeologists identified 118 Egyptian pyramids.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give details about sightseeing spots • Unit 9 | 37

Can you … give details about sightseeing spots?

Give a friend more information about the pyramids.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock

38 | Give details about sightseeing spots • Unit 9 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


  Now you can …

Give details about sightseeing spots

Suggest interesting places to go in your city

Plan a party

Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit

Give updates on an event plan

Ask and answer questions about educational and professional history

Share and respond to good and bad news

Ask a friend about a busy month

Ask and answer questions about personal experience

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 10 | 39


  GOAL 01 

I haven’t seen this movie before

1. We to Paris two years ago.
a. went b. have been

2. I think we before.
a. met b. have met

3. I an old friend yesterday.

a. talked to b. have talked to

4. My parents us before.
a. didn’t visit b. haven’t visited

5. How have you ?

a. be b. been

6. Have you taken a taxi to work?

a. before b. ever

7. I haven’t written an article .

a. before b. never

My notes

40 | Review • Unit 10 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 02 

We’ve lived here for twenty years

1. Ann: “I saw Maria last week.”
Beth: “Really? I haven’t seen her years! How is she?”
a. for b. since

2. Carl: “I see you’ve moved.”

Bill: “Yes. we live in Oakville now. We’ve been there March last year.”
a. for b. since

3. Arthur: “Are you going on vacation this year?”

Helen: “No. I haven’t had a vacation a long time.”
a. in b. since

4. Ken: “How long have you been married?”

Henry: “We’ve been married almost ten years.”
a. for b. in

5. Louis: “How long have you worked here?”

Jason: “I’ve been here 2010.”
a. for b. since

  GOAL 03 

She got her invitation last week

1. In the last year, the Bennetts to Toronto and

Tokyo. (travel)

2. In the last two days, we ten telemarketing

phone calls. (receive)

3. Lucinda a really nice gift from her colleagues

last month. (get)

4. Jeff is having a party. He invitations last

week. (send out)

5. How many books you in the

last month. (read)

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 10 | 41

  GOAL 04  12

What did you do after that?

1. Clive worked at Celetex as .
a. an assistant manager b. a sales rep

2. He at Celetex for four years.

a. has been b. was

3. Clive his MBA.

a. has completed b. hasn’t completed

4. At SysCom, he worked a supervisor.

a. as b. for

5. He was there 2010.

a. from b. until

6. When he joined Maxonic, he worked as .

a. a sales director b. a sales manager

7. He was promoted .
a. a year ago b. last year

  GOAL 05 

She hasn’t found a place yet

 Things to do
☑ 1. send out the invitations
☑ 2. buy the decorations
☐ 3. order the cake
☐ 4. put up the decorations
Frieda has .
Frieda has .
Frieda hasn’t .
Frieda hasn’t .

42 | Review • Unit 10 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 06 

Someone will call you

1. will meet you at the airport.
a. Anyone b. Someone

2. Has eaten at the Taj Mahal restaurant before?

a. everyone b. anyone

3. I’m afraid is here right now. They’ve all gone to lunch.

a. everyone b. no one

4. Good news! has said they will come on Friday.

a. Everyone b. Someone

  GOAL 07 

Did you give back the book?

1. Can someone pick a. her back today.

2. Could you look b. out this form before we arrive.

3. Could you speak more slowly? I’m c. over the itinerary for Mr. Carlton’s
trying to write visit.

4. Do you have a minute? I’d like to talk d. everything down.

5. Janice left a message earlier. I told e. over this letter for me, please?
her you’d call

6. You will need to fill f. up some coffee at the supermarket?

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 10 | 43

  GOAL 08  13

Have you ever been to New York before?

1. Nina has to New York before.

2. Chris suggested a Broadway show.
3. Nina isn’t really theater. She’d rather go to an .
4. Chris suggested to the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim with him on

  GOAL 09 

It was painted by a famous artist

Over fifteen million people visit London every year. → London

every year.

I.M. Pei designed the Louvre Pyramid. → The Louvre Pyramid .

They built the Statue of Liberty between 1875 and 1886. → .

The hospitality and tourism industry employs almost 250,000 people in the Orlando area. →


  GOAL 01 

Role A
You meet an old friend on the street. You haven’t seen each other for two years. This is what
you’ve done in the last two years.
• Two years ago, you bought an apartment. You’re very happy with it.
• Last year, you got married.
• You now have a three-month-old son.
Your friend started a new job two years ago. Invite your friend out for coffee and ask what
he / she has done in the last two years.

44 | Review • Unit 10 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Role B
You meet an old friend on the street. You haven’t seen each other for two years. This is what
you’ve done in the last two years:
• Two years ago, you started a new job, but you were only there for eight months because
you were offered a better job at a company in New Zealand.
• You now live in New Zealand.
• You’re getting married next summer.
Your friend bought a new apartment two years ago. Invite your friend out for coffee and ask
what he / she has done in the last two years.

  GOAL 02 

Ask a friend about a busy month

You have had a very busy day. Write down five things you have done. Tell your friend about
your day. Ask your friend about his / her day, too.

  GOAL 03 

Role A
You are having a terrific day. You have been
promoted to manager, which means more money and
more responsibility! Call your friend and tell him / her
about it.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 10 | 45

Role B
You are having a terrible day. You couldn’t find your
keys this morning and you were late for work. You
didn’t have any money to buy lunch. You need to
finish a report today, but you know you won’t finish
on time. Your phone is ringing. Answer it.

  GOAL 04 

Role A
You’re interviewing for a job and must talk about your education and professional
experience. Before the interview begins, write down three or four things you want to tell the
interviewer about.

Role B
You’re interviewing someone for a job at your company, and must ask about his / her
education and professional experience. Before you begin the interview, write down three or
four questions you would like to ask.

46 | Review • Unit 10 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 05 

Role A
Your company has a party for its employees once a year. This year, you and a colleague are
in charge of planning the party. Together, you have made a list of things to do. In a few
minutes, you are meeting to give each other an update on what has been done so far. You
have checked off the things you have already done. Decide who will do the things that
haven’t been done yet.
☑ reserve conference room at hotel
☐ call the catering company
☐ order decorations
☐ design a poster announcing the party
☐ hire a DJ (you called one yesterday; he will call you back later this week)
☐ hire a photographer

Role B
Your company has a party for its employees once a year. This year, you and a colleague are
in charge of planning the party. Together, you have made a list of things to do. In a few
minutes, you are meeting to give each other an update on what has been done so far. You
have checked off the things you have already done. Decide who will do the things that
haven’t been done yet.
☐ reserve conference room at hotel
☑ call the catering company
☑ order decorations
☐ design a poster announcing the party (you have almost finished it)
☐ hire a DJ
☐ hire a photographer (you called one yesterday; he will call you back tomorrow)

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 10 | 47

  GOAL 06 

Role A
You are talking to your neighbor about your best friend’s visit to your home next week. Your
friend will stay at your house for the week. You have plans for every evening, but because
you have meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, your friend will be alone on those days.
While in town, your friend would like to do these two things:
• see the new shopping mall
• visit City University
Ask your neighbor if he / she has any plans for Tuesday and Wednesday. See if your
neighbor can take your friend to one or both places. (Your friend has met your neighbor

Role B
You are talking to your neighbor about his / her best friend’s visit next week. You have met
the friend before and would like to see him / her again. You will be at home most of the week
except on Wednesday. On Wednesday, you have to meet with some professors at City
University at noon.

  GOAL 07 

Plan a party

Your company will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary this year. With your classmates, talk
• what kind of party or event you would like to have;
• when and where the party or event will be;
• what kinds of food, drinks, and decorations you will need;
• who will do what.

48 | Review • Unit 10 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 08 

Role A
You are going out of town on a business trip next week. A good friend of yours lives in the
city where you are going. You have appointments early Monday morning and all day
Tuesday and Wednesday. You are free after 10:30 on Monday and for the rest of the day.
You would like to go sightseeing and visit one or two museums. If possible, you’d like to go
to a concert in the evening with your friend.
Call your friend and tell him / her about your plans.

Role B
A good friend of yours will be in your city on a business trip for a couple of days next week.
You are thinking about what you could do together when he / she is here. Many places are
closed on Mondays, but the Museum of African Art and the History Museum are open. He /
She could also go on a sightseeing tour of the city.
Your phone is ringing. Answer it.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 10 | 49

  GOAL 09 

Give details about sightseeing spots

What is one place in your city that you think is a must-see for sightseers and tourists? Fill in
the information below, and then present your recommended site to your classmates.
Name of must-see destination:
Why do you recommend this site?
Interesting / important facts:

Other information:

Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

50 | Review • Unit 10 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Ask for advice about vacation

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

whitewater rafting dangerous Gerunds as subjects. For example: Taking a trip

parasailing safe can be interesting.
to relax to go camping one of the + superlative + plural
relaxing tent
exhausting festival
to take it easy brochure
active one-day pass



Going on a cruise is expensive

I can relax when I’m sunbathing. Sunbathing is relaxing.

Some people don’t enjoy visiting Visiting museums is boring for some
museums. people.
It’s expensive to go on a cruise. Going on a cruise is expensive.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask for advice about vacation activities • Unit 11 | 51
– Have you ever tried parasailing? – Are you going hiking again this summer?
– Parasailing is dangerous, isn’t it? – Not this year. I’ve had so much work
– It can be, but it’s a lot of fun, too. lately. Relaxing on the beach is what I need.

Traveling is interesting
Example: sightseeing / you / do / enjoy / ?  

Do you enjoy sightseeing?

1. is / some / sunbathing / people / boring / for / .

2. dangerous / rafting / be / can / ?

3. tried / have / ever / snowboarding / you / ?

4. hotels / be / big / staying / expensive / in / can / cities / at / .

5. exciting / places / visiting / new / is / always / .

It is one of the best

  best places to go surfing Costa Rica.

One of the nicest locations for a picnic is the city park.
most famous sights in London Big Ben.

1. One of the most popular restaurants in town is .

2. One of the best ways to see the city is .

3. One of the most famous sights is .

4. One of the most interesting museums is .

52 | Ask for advice about vacation activities • Unit 11 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
  LISTENING  14 • 15

We would like some information

A. The hotel concierge

1. The hotel guests are interested in .

2. The music festival is in the country.

3. A shuttle bus leaves for River Island .

4. The concierge can tickets for the guests.

B. The tourist information office

1. The tourists were given a map that shows all the places of and their .

2. The tourists also wanted information about .

3. The clerk gave them some and suggested a tour.

4. With a , visitors can get on and off the bus whenever they like.


Can you … ask for advice about vacation activities?

Ask a friend for advice about sightseeing in Mexico.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, iStockphoto, iStockphoto, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask for advice about vacation activities • Unit 11 | 53

In this lesson you will ...

Describe a great trip

Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

peak season to find a last-minute somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere

off-season deal ever for emphasis
discount weekend getaway
last minute (weekend break UK)
last-minute deal package tour


Have you ever been to Japan? What was your best trip ever?

My notes

54 | Describe a great trip • Unit 12 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


How was your trip?

– Where were you last weekend, Jim? – How was your vacation, Angela?
– I was in New Orleans. – Wonderful! What a fascinating city Cairo is.
– New Orleans? Were you on vacation? – You went on a package tour, right? How was it?
– No, it was just a weekend getaway. I – The tour company organized everything. And
found a great last-minute deal. the guides were excellent. It was the perfect


Let’s go somewhere special

We want to go to a romantic place in June.  We want to go somewhere romantic.

The city is full of tourists in summer. In summer, there are tourists everywhere.
It rained for two days. We stayed home. We didn’t go anywhere for two days.
All the restaurants were closed that day. There was nowhere to eat.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Describe a great trip • Unit 12 | 55

– Did you go somewhere special? – Where can we buy souvenirs?
– We went to Barcelona. It was wonderful. – There are souvenir shops everywhere.

We did all kinds of things!

Museums, parks, and other attractions Historic buildings and structures

Hotels and restaurants Festivals and special activities

It was the best vacation ever!

This is the best vacation we’ve ever had!   This is the best vacation ever!
That’s the prettiest place I’ve ever seen! → That’s the prettiest place ever!
They were the nicest people I’ve ever met! They were the nicest people ever!

My notes

56 | Describe a great trip • Unit 12 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Can you … describe a great trip?

Tell your friend about your great trip to Australia!


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Describe a great trip • Unit 12 | 57


In this lesson you will ...

Ask about menu items and

recommend international cuisine
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

eaten grilled Past passive / present passive. For

What is it served with? sautéed example: How is (the fish) prepared?
specialty (speciality UK) poached
to originate breaded
meringue crust stuffed
whipped cream fresh
kiwi an order of (fries)
scone to hold (the onions)
okra on the side
I think I’ll have (the) (fish). to make a special request
so (conj.) Could I have (rice) instead?
something light Could I have (roast beef) as
How is (chicken) prepared? (an appetizer)?


How is the fish prepared?

What is it served with?

58 | Ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine • Unit 13 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

You’ve got to try the Gumbo

Many visitors to England like to have a “traditional” afternoon
tea at a nice hotel or tearoom. Afternoon tea is usually
served from three to five o’clock. The menu consists of these
• savory (not sweet) items – small sandwiches and / or

• scones – served with jam and thick cream

• sweets – cakes, cookies, and pastries

Cajun food originated in Louisiana in the south of the

United States. It is a mix of the cooking from many
countries and regions including that of the French,
German, Spanish, African, and Native American. A Cajun
meal is usually prepared in three different pots: one for
rice, one for vegetables, and one for the main dish. Two
popular Cajun dishes are gumbo (a thick soup or stew
made with okra and served over rice) and jambalaya (a
spicy rice dish with chicken, shrimp, and sausage).

Pavlova is a fresh fruit pie with a meringue crust. The

meringue is filled with whipped cream and topped with
strawberries, kiwi, or other fresh fruit. It is a specialty of both
Australia and New Zealand. It is named after the Russian
ballet dancer, Anna Pavlova, who toured both countries in

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine • Unit 13 | 59

I think I’ll have the chicken

– What are you having? – Are you ordering the chef’s salad?
– I don’t eat fish very often, so I’m going – Yes, I have to go right back to work, so
to have the fish of the day. How about I’d like something light.
you? – Me, too. I’ll just have the vegetable
– I think I’ll have the veal parmesan. soup.


How is that prepared?

The fish is poached. The vegetables are The veal is breaded. The turkey is stuffed.

– Is the fish fried? – Is the veal breaded?

– No, it’s poached in white wine. – Yes, it is.
– And what is it served with? – And what about the turkey? Is it made with a
– It’s served with green beans and wild brown bread stuffing?
rice. – No, it’s stuffed with apples and sausage.

60 | Ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine • Unit 13 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Special requests

We’d like to share an order Would it be possible to Could I have the clam
of French fries. Could we have the salad dressing on chowder as my appetizer
have two plates, please? the side? and the crab cakes as my
main course?

I’d like the garden salad, Could I have the brown rice
but could you ask the chef instead?
to hold the cucumbers?

What do you recommend?

– I can’t decide between the tuna and the – What would you like to drink with your
salmon. meal?
– I recommend the tuna. It’s excellent. – I’m not sure. What do you recommend?
– I recommend the Starling, it's very light.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine • Unit 13 | 61

Can you … ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine?
Ask a server in a restaurant to recommend some French cuisine and to describe how it is


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Berlitz, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock,
Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Getty Images,
Getty Images

62 | Ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine • Unit 13 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Complain about a meal

Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

satisfied over- / underbooked over- and under-. For example: My burger

dissatisfied superb was undercooked and overpriced.
to charge to smell
to rate It doesn’t smell right.
over- / understaffed It smells (bad).
over- / underrated Not really.
over- / undercharged Give my compliments to
over- / underpriced the chef.
over- / undercooked to send (food / order) back
on the house


– Excuse me. This isn’t what I ordered.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Complain about a meal • Unit 14 | 63


The pasta is overcooked

over- cooked
under- priced
The fish was
undercooked, so overpriced underpriced
I sent it back.
The food was
excellent, but a
little overpriced.
This bill isn’t
right. We were

undercooked overcooked

We were overcharged!
Examples: My fish is fresh, but it’s a bit undercooked. (cooked -)

  I’d like to speak to the manager. I think we were overcharged. (charged +)

1. We wanted to have lunch in the new Indian restaurant, but it was . (booked +)

2. The food was good, but we waited over an hour. The restaurant is . (staffed -)

3. That pizzeria is . I think they have the best pizza in town. (rated -)

64 | Complain about a meal • Unit 14 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


How is everything?

• Our food is cold. • Everything’s delicious.

• The fish doesn’t taste / smell • The salmon was superb.
right. • Please give my compliments
• This isn’t what I ordered. to the chef.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Complain about a meal • Unit 14 | 65

  LISTENING  16 • 17 • 18

Is there a problem?

1. The veal 2. The oysters 3. The salad dressing

The customer will eat The customer will eat The customer will eat
the food. the food. the food.
The waiter will bring The waiter will bring The waiter will bring
another one. another one. another one.
The waiter will bring The waiter will bring The waiter will bring
something else. something else. something else.

My notes

66 | Complain about a meal • Unit 14 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Can you … complain about a meal?

You’re in a restaurant in Honolulu. Your steak is undercooked. Call the server.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, iStockphoto, iStockphoto, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
iStockphoto, iStockphoto, Getty Images, Getty Images, Age
Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Complain about a meal • Unit 14 | 67


In this lesson you will ...

Comment on a meal
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

full (= not hungry) Let me (pay). so + adjective + that. For example: The
tip (n., v.) Let me get this. soup was so good that we ordered more.
to give a tip to take care of (the bill) (=
to leave a tip pay)
helpful Would you care for
check (bill UK) anything else?
Just the check, please.
separate checks
Will that be all?
together (= not separate)
This one’s on me.



How was the meal?

The waiter was very friendly. We left him a big tip.

→ The waiter was so friendly (that) we left him a big tip.

The restaurant was very busy. We had to wait over an hour for our table.
→ The restaurant was so busy (that) we had to wait over an hour for our table.

68 | Comment on a meal • Unit 15 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

I was so full that I couldn’t eat dessert. We were so happy about it that we told all our friends.
The soup was so salty I couldn’t eat it. The service was so slow we left before our food came.

It was so good that I ordered another

1. Everything was so delicious a. that we recommend the restaurant to

2. The restaurant was so overbooked b. that he sent it back to the kitchen.

3. Edward’s dish tasted so bad c. that she wanted to speak to the


4. The dishes were so overpriced d. that we couldn’t get a table at all

Saturday night.

5. The service and food are so good e. that I couldn’t eat it.

6. Julie was so dissatisfied f. that he gave us dinner on the house.

7. My soup smelled so bad g. that I gave my compliments to the


8. The manager was so sorry h. that we ordered just a soup and a



Let me take care of this

– Would you care for anything else?

– No, thank you. Just the check, please.
– Will that be together or separate?
– Together, please.

–  Let me take care of the check.

– Thanks for offering, but this one’s on me. You paid
last time.
– All right. Well, thank you for a wonderful lunch.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Comment on a meal • Unit 15 | 69

Tip! check


Do you want separate checks?

1. The service was so good that Pam left a big .
2. George, me pay the check this time.
3. OK. But I’ll care of the tip.
4. Would you for anything else?
5. Will that be together or ?
6. You can pay next time. This one’s me.

on tip take separate let care


Can you … comment on a meal?

Tell the chef in a restaurant how much you enjoyed your meal.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Age Fotostock ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

70 | Comment on a meal • Unit 15 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Check in for a flight

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

to check in for a flight window (seat) Future progressive. For example: Paul will
to check bags (check in middle seat be traveling all next week.
bags UK) aisle seat
baggage boarding pass
carry-on bag What will (you) be doing?
purse shortly
to choose to proceed to


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Check in for a flight • Unit 16 | 71


Aisle or window?

get a boarding pass check in for the flight check your bags

Tip! check your bag    

check in your bag


Flight 68 will be boarding at Gate C

Our flight will take off from Chicago at 7:00. It will land in Miami at 9:20.
→ From 7:01 to 9:19 we will be flying from Chicago to Miami.

– Will you be taking a cab to the – Excuse me. How soon can we board?
airport? – We’ll be boarding in approximately ten
– Yes, I called for a 3:00 pickup. minutes.

– Will we be landing soon? – When is Mrs. Williams arriving?

– Yes, in about half an hour. – She’ll be arriving at 8:30 on Thursday.

72 | Check in for a flight • Unit 16 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Will you be taking the morning flight?
Example:  Tomorrow morning I’m flying to Toronto. (evening / Miami)

Tomorrow evening I’ll be flying to Miami.

1. Our flight is boarding at Gate B10. (your / C12)

2. When are we arriving? (when / Sheila)

3. My plane is landing at 7:30. (our / 8:00)

4. I’m traveling with my boss. (Peter / his wife)

5. My colleague is organizing the trip. (friends / flight)


Will you be checking any bags?

1. Mr. Lewis will be to today.

2. His flight will be in about hours.

3. Mr. Lewis is checking one .

4. He would like a seat.

5. His flight will at Gate .

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Check in for a flight • Unit 16 | 73


Can you … check in for a flight?

Check in for a flight from New York to Mexico City.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Getty Images

74 | Check in for a flight • Unit 16 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Make and confirm requests on a

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

pilot to fasten
captain exit (on a plane)
co-pilot overhead
flight attendant overhead bin
on board to store
Welcome aboard! to keep (the aisle) clear
to take off to remain
take-off tray table
landing upright (position)
seat belt in-flight entertainment


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Make and confirm requests on a plane • Unit 17 | 75

Welcome aboard!

– Is this seat 24A or 24C? – Can I put my bag under my seat?

– It’s 24C. 24A is the window seat. – You should put it under the seat in front of you.

Please fasten your seat belt

Please store your carry-on Please make sure your seat Please remain in your seat
luggage in one of the back and tray table are in with your seat belt fastened.
overhead bins. their upright position.

My notes

76 | Make and confirm requests on a plane • Unit 17 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
Where can I put this?
1. When do we have to fasten our seat a. Under the seat in front of you.

2. I need a glass of water for my b. The captain, I think.


3. Where can I put this? The overhead c. No, she’s the captain.
bin is full.

4. Who’s speaking? d. In about fifteen minutes.

5. Excuse me. When will we be landing? e. During take-off and landing.

6. Is Julie a flight attendant? f. Just call the flight attendant.

  LISTENING  20 • 21 • 22

Confirm in-flight announcements

Ladies and gentlemen, the has just turned on the fasten-seat-belt sign. Please
your carry-on luggage under the seat in front of you or in the bins. Please take your
seat and fasten your .
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is Chris Bergen, your captain on today’s to
Vancouver. We will be in just a few minutes. Our flight today will be four hours
and fifty minutes. We wish you a very pleasant flight.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be in Vancouver. Please make sure your seat back
and tray table are in their upright and your seat belt is securely . Please turn off
all electronic devices until we are parked at the . Thank you.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Make and confirm requests on a plane • Unit 17 | 77

Can you … make and confirm requests on a plane?

Confirm details of an in-flight announcement on a flight to Paris.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Berlitz, Berlitz, Berlitz, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

78 | Make and confirm requests on a plane • Unit 17 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Call baggage claim and locate a

missing bag
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

baggage claim to deliver Possessive pronouns: mine, hers, etc.

(airport) terminal to mishandle
carousel the mishandling (of
baggage carousel something)
baggage claim check inconvenience


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Call baggage claim and locate a missing bag • Unit 18 | 79

Whose bag is this?

my mine.
your yours.
This is his  bag. This bag is his.
Those are her suitcases. Those suitcases are hers.
our ours.
their theirs.

–Whose bags are these? – Excuse me. These jackets—are they yours?
–They’re ours. – No, I think they belong to the family at the check-in desk.


I’m looking for Terminal C

Can you tell me where the baggage claim is? Could you tell me where I can get a taxi?
Excuse me. Where are the car rental offices? Excuse me. I’m looking for Terminal C.

80 | Call baggage claim and locate a missing bag • Unit 18 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
I forgot something in the overhead bin
1. After , passengers can turn their cell phones on.
a. landing b. the exit

2. I forgot my laptop in the overhead .

a. belt b. bin

3. Could you please tell me where the baggage is?

a. board b. claim

4. My friends are waiting for us in the .

a. terminal b. carousel

5. Did you lose your baggage claim ?

a. check b. pass

  LISTENING  23 • 24

My bag hasn’t arrived

1. Amanda is speaking to .
a. customer service  b. security

2. She landed on .
a. Flight 278   b. Flight 287

3. Her flight landed .

a. today   b. yesterday

4. Her suitcase is going to .

a. Miami   b. the hotel

5. The airline will deliver it .

a. tomorrow   b. tonight

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Call baggage claim and locate a missing bag • Unit 18 | 81

1. Did Amanda go to the airport to pick up her 2. What does the airline employee apologize for?
bag? Why or why not?



Can you... call baggage claim and locate a missing bag?

Call baggage claim and locate a missing suitcase from a flight from Mexico City.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Berlitz, Age Fotostock ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

82 | Call baggage claim and locate a missing bag • Unit 18 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Describe your flight experience

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

international terminal to declare Reported speech (immediate reporting):

arrivals hall (UK) Do you have anything to The agent asked if / said that …, etc.
security declare?
immigration (passport What’s the purpose of your
control UK) visit?
customs (for) pleasure
to go through (customs) in your possession at all
(customs) officer


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Describe your flight experience • Unit 19 | 83


Where do they say it?

Passport, please. What’s Is this your bag? Could you How long will you be
the purpose of your visit? open it, please? staying? Where will you be

Do you have a receipt for Did you pack your bag Do you have anything to
this? yourself? And has it been in declare?
your possession at all


The agent asked us where we are going

Are you Mr. Jones? are Mr. Jones.

Do you live in Springfield? live in Springfield.
 I asked you if you
Did you visit your parents? visited your parents.
Have you been here for a year? have been here for a year.

What do you do? what you do.

Where do you live? where you live.
 I asked you
Who did you visit? who you visited.
How long have you been here? how long you have been here.

– The security officer said we can’t take containers – What did the immigration officer say?
  with more than three ounces of liquid in them. – He asked how long we’re staying.
– And what did you say? – And what did you say?
– I said that we don’t have any in our carry-on bag. – I said that we’re staying two weeks.

84 | Describe your flight experience • Unit 19 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Airport DO's and DON’Ts

  LISTENING  25 • 26

How was your flight?

  1. Victor said the flight attendants were friendly.
  2. His seat wasn’t very comfortable.
  3. He had a short flight.
  1. The passenger left his carry-on luggage in the aisle.
  2. The overhead compartment near the passenger is full.
  3. The flight attendant put the bag under the passenger’s seat.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Describe your flight experience • Unit 19 | 85


Can you … describe your flight experience?

Tell a friend how your flight from Moscow was.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, iStockphoto ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

86 | Describe your flight experience • Unit 19 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.



  Now you can …

Describe your flight experience

Call baggage claim and locate a missing bag

Make and confirm requests on a plane

Check in for a flight

Comment on a meal

Complain about a meal

Ask about menu items and recommend international cuisine

Describe a great trip

Ask for advice about vacation activities

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 20 | 87


  GOAL 11 

It is one of the most expensive places

1. It would be faster to drive there.

→ would be faster.
2. Let’s leave earlier. That will give us more time for sightseeing.
→ .
3. Can we go scuba diving? That would be exciting.
→ .
4. City Park is a nice place for a picnic.
→ One of the .
5. The Grand Canyon is a popular tourist destination.
→ One of the .

  GOAL 12 

There were people everywhere

1. I don’t want to go to the beach this year. Let’s go else.
a. anywhere b. somewhere

2. I can’t find my passport ! Have you seen it?

a. anywhere b. nowhere

3. We don’t know what happened, but I’m sure it was serious. There were police .
a. everywhere b. somewhere

4. The day we arrived was a national holiday! Everything was closed and there was to eat.
a. anywhere b. nowhere

5. One of the most beautiful countries I is Slovenia.

a. ever have seen b. have ever seen

88 | Review • Unit 20 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 13 

It is served with vegetables

1. The dressing wasn’t on the salad. a. It is cooked in a little white wine.

2. The fish is poached. b. It was served on the side.

3. The vegetables are sautéed. c. They are cooked in a little butter.

4. Could you tell me how the chicken is d. It is stuffed with cheese, then breaded
prepared? and fried.

  GOAL 14 

Under or over?

1. The restaurant was staffed. After waiting an hour

to order, we left.

2. A hundred dollars for two glasses of wine? I think we’ve

been charged.

3. That café is priced. I know a better place with

more reasonable prices.

4. This place is a two-star restaurant? I think they’re

rated. I’d give them four stars.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 20 | 89

  GOAL 15  27 • 28 • 29

Everything was so great that we’re going again

Harry’s steak is so Everything was so The restaurant was so

that he will that Arlene plans to that the
. the restaurant Simpsons
to her friends. there again soon.

  GOAL 16 

How many people will be traveling?

1. Oliver won’t be traveling to Boston next month.

→ Where ?
2. He won’t be having lunch with his wife.
→ Who ?
3. Margaret won’t be taking her laptop on her trip.
→ What ?
4. She won’t be leaving at 6:00 a.m.
→ What time ?
5. She won’t be checking one suitcase.
→ How many ?

90 | Review • Unit 20 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 17 

Welcome aboard
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain, Melanie Winters, and I would like to (1) you
aboard Friendly Air Flight 882 to Beijing. We should be (2) in about ten minutes. Our flight
time will be twelve hours and forty minutes. Before take-off, please make sure your carry-on
baggage is (3) either under the seat in front of you or in one of the (4) bins. We
wish you a very pleasant flight.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be (5) in Beijing. Please return to your seats and
make sure your seat back and tray table are in their (6) position and that your (7)
is securely fastened. Upon landing, please (8) seated until the (9) seat
belt sign is turned off. Thank you.

welcome taking off stored remain landing upright seat belt fasten overhead

  GOAL 18 

This computer is his

1. I think this is my seat. → I think this seat is .

2. The red car is our car. → The red car is .

3. Are these your things? → Are these things ?

4. Their house is the white one on the corner. → The white

house on the corner is .

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 20 | 91

  GOAL 19 

The officer asked if you have any bags

1. How long will you be staying?

→ The immigration officer asked you .
2. I will be here for three days.
→ She said she .
3. Did you pack your suitcase yourself?
→ The security guard asked you .
4. Do you have anything to declare?
→ The customs officer asked you .


  GOAL 11 

Role A
You will be visiting your friend in another country for a week this summer. You’ve been to the
country before, so you have already seen most of the tourist sights. This time, you would like
to do something different. If possible, you’d like to do some outdoor activities and / or go to
some festivals. You will be talking to your friend later and plan to ask him / her for some
suggestions. Before that, write down three or four activities you would enjoy.

92 | Review • Unit 20 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Role B
A friend of yours from another country will be visiting you for a week this summer. Your
friend has been to your country before, so he / she has already seen most of the tourist
sights. You think your friend might like to do something different this time—maybe do some
outdoor activities and / or go to some festivals. You will be talking to your friend later.
Before that, write down three or four activities you think your friend might enjoy.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 20 | 93

  GOAL 12 

Describe a great trip




  GOAL 13 

Role A
You are going to have dinner in a four-star restaurant. The restaurant was recommended to
you by a friend. You’re thinking about having soup as an appetizer and a seafood dish as a
main course. You like spicy food, but a doctor has said it is not good for you. A server is
coming to your table.
Ask him / her to recommend a soup and a seafood dish for you. Find out how they are
prepared and what they are served with.

94 | Review • Unit 20 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Role B
You are a server at a four-star restaurant that is famous for its New England clam chowder
(a thick creamy soup). Other appetizer favorites are the Maryland crab cakes and the spicy
fried calamari. The red snapper and the rainbow trout are the most popular fish dishes. A
guest is waiting to order. Find out what he / she would like.
Below is part of your menu.

  GOAL 14 

Role A
You are having lunch at a busy, popular restaurant. You ordered your meal over half an hour
ago, and it has finally arrived. Unfortunately,
– the roasted vegetables are cold,
– the chicken looks like it wasn’t cooked well enough (it’s still pink inside),
– you ordered rice but got potatoes.
Call the server to your table and complain.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 20 | 95

Role B
You are a server at a very busy, popular restaurant. You are one of two servers working
today. The other two people who should be working are out sick. You are getting a lot of
complaints from customers.
A customer is calling you to his / her table. Find out what the customer wants.

  GOAL 15 

Role A
You are having dinner at a restaurant with a colleague who is visiting from another country.
The restaurant serves your country’s national specialties. This is the first time that your
colleague has eaten any of these foods.
Ask your colleague how he / she likes them.

Role B
You are on a business trip in another country. You are having dinner at a restaurant with a
colleague from the local office. The restaurant serves the country’s national specialties. This
is the first time that you have eaten any of these foods.
Tell your colleague how you like them.

My notes

96 | Review • Unit 20 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 16 

Role A
You will be going skiing in Canada, so you are traveling to Toronto. You are at the airport
waiting to check in. You are taking one suitcase, a carry-on, and your skis. You would like to
take your skis on board with you. You would like a window seat.

Role B
You are a check-in clerk for CanAir. People are now checking in for Flight 590 to Toronto.
The flight will be boarding at Gate 30 in one hour. There are no more window seats available
in economy class, but there are window seats in business class. Passengers cannot take
skis, ski poles, or other large sports equipment on board—they must check these items.

  GOAL 17 

Role A
You are on a flight from New York to London. You are sitting in a middle seat in economy
class. You would like to get up and walk around a little. The “fasten seatbelt” sign has been
on since takeoff. You have pressed the “call attendant” button overhead.
Ask the flight attendant if you can get up.

Role B
You are a flight attendant on a flight from New York to London. The “fasten seatbelt” sign is
on at the moment because the plane is flying through some clouds. The captain would like
passengers to remain in their seats. The passenger in seat 32B has pressed the “call
attendant” button.
Go and see what he / she needs.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 20 | 97

  GOAL 18 

Role A
You boarded Friendly Air Flight 322 in Seattle. Your flight arrived in Tokyo an hour ago. You
are standing at the baggage carousel, but your bag has not arrived yet. For the last fifteen
minutes, there haven’t been any new bags on the carousel. Go to the baggage claim
department and ask about your bag. You have your baggage claim check: FAZ8915.

Role B
You work in the Friendly Air baggage claim department in Tokyo. Flight 322 from New York–
Seattle arrived an hour ago. The flight arrived late in Seattle, and not all the bags of the
passengers who boarded in Seattle were put on board. The bags are arriving on the next
flight (at seven o’clock tomorrow morning). Of course, Friendly Air will deliver the bags to
passengers when they arrive.

  GOAL 19 

Role A
You have just arrived home after a long flight. A friend is meeting you at the airport. You see
your friend as you enter the arrivals hall.
Greet him / her.

Role B
You are in the arrivals hall at the airport, waiting for a friend. Your friend’s flight was a long
one, and you are sure he / she will be tired. When you see your friend, ask him / her about
the flight.

Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Getty Images, Getty Images, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

98 | Review • Unit 20 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Plan which errands to run and make

a shopping list
Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

errands car wash to be able to

to run errands to run out (of milk)
hair salon (hairdresser’s to run low (on potatoes)
UK) drug store
auto repair shop (garage poultry
UK) dairy
dry cleaner
can (tin UK)
to get a haircut
canned foods (tinned UK)
hair stylist
frozen (foods)
aisle (three)
grocery store
to fix
to get in touch with
to stop by
to repair cars
to stop by the store (for
to fill (make up UK)
cheese) / to buy (fish)


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list • Unit 21 | 99

Who does what and where?

1. bakers a. cut hair i. auto repair shop

2. butchers b. cut meats ii. bakery

3. hairdressers c. make bread iii. pharmacy

4. mechanics d. fill prescriptions iv. hair salon

5. pharmacists e. repair cars v. butcher shop

What can you buy at a bakery? Where do you go to get flowers?
Do pharmacies only sell medicine? Where do you take your car for repairs?

auto repair shop    garage
pharmacy               chemist’s
gas station             petrol station

My notes

100 | Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list • Unit 21 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
We’re out of milk!

– We need to stop at the gas – Oh, no. We’re out of milk.

station. We’re running low on – Why didn’t you buy some
gas. this morning?
– Already? We just bought gas – I didn’t know we were
last week. running low.

You will find butter in the dairy section

Butter, milk, and Ice cream is in the Fruits and vegetables Beef, pork, and
cheese are in the dairy frozen foods section. are in the produce chicken are in the
section. section. meat section.

– Where are the soft drinks? – Where can I find milk?

– They are in the snack food aisle. – Milk is  in the dairy section.
the next aisle. on the other side of the store.
aisle twelve. next to the meat section.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list • Unit 21 | 101

Will you be able to go to the bank later?

Can Joyce go to the bank this Is Joyce able to go to the bank this
afternoon? afternoon?
Could Stan get in touch with you Was Stan able to get in touch with you

yesterday? yesterday?
Do you think the lawyer can see us Will the lawyer be able to see us
tomorrow? tomorrow?

– Can you stop by the store after work? – Did you take the car to the auto repair shop?
– I should be able to. What do we need? – No, I haven’t been able to do that yet.
– Were you able to finish your errands? – Is Patrick coming to the theater tomorrow?
– No, I still need to go to the pharmacy. – I don’t think he’ll be able to. He’s too busy.
– Did Jim recommend a good mechanic? – You’ll join us for lunch, won’t you?
– No, but Sarah was able to. She gave me his – I’m sorry. I won’t be able to today. I have to
  number. I’m dropping the car off tomorrow.   go to the bank during my lunch hour.

My notes

102 | Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list • Unit 21 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … plan which errands to run and make a shopping list?
Plan which errands to run for next week and make a shopping list for the grocery store.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fotostock, Getty Images, Getty Images, Getty Images, Getty

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list • Unit 21 | 103

In this lesson you will ...

Explain what you have people do for

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

to do chores to do the vacuuming Causative (active form): to have someone

trash (rubbish UK) (hoovering UK) (do) something. For example: I have the
to take out the trash to do the cleaning mechanic repair the car.
to iron to do the cooking
to vacuum (hoover UK) painter
to do the ironing taxes
to do the laundry to do (one’s) taxes


My notes

104 | Explain what you have people do for you • Unit 22 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

What chores do you do at home?

David usually does the Isabel does the Vicky often does the Richard takes out the
cooking at home. washing and ironing. cleaning and trash and washes the
vacuuming. car.

  LISTENING  30 • 31 • 32 • 33

Who does the job?

Who does the chores? Which chores do they do?



What do you have others do?

I sometimes ask my assistant to hold I sometimes have my assistant hold my

my calls. calls.
We wanted the painter to paint our → We had the painter paint our kitchen.
Robin will call a taxi to take her home. She’ll have a taxi take her home.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Explain what you have people do for you • Unit 22 | 105
– Does Arthur do his taxes himself? – I need help with the cleaning.
– No, he has an accountant do them for him. – Why don’t you have Andy do it?
– I had Greg look at my car, but he couldn’t fix it. – Will you have Maggie write the report?
– You should have a mechanic take care of it. – No, I’ll have Bill and Lisa do it.

  LISTENING  34 • 35 • 36

I’ll have my mechanic call you

1. Why does Steve’s neighbor need a mechanic?

2. What will Steve try to have his friend do?

1. Why is Tiffany early?

2. How did she get to Jerry’s place?

1. Why doesn’t Meg need help with the cooking for the wedding reception?

2. What is Meg’s friend going to help with?

My notes

106 | Explain what you have people do for you • Unit 22 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you ... explain what you have people do for you?
Explain to a coworker what you had people do for you in the last month.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Explain what you have people do for you • Unit 22 | 107

In this lesson you will ...

Talk about your chores and errands

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

to have (something to get (something Causatives (passive form). For example: I had /
done) done) got my hair cut yesterday.



Did you have your suit dry-cleaned?

John has a barber cut his hair. → He has / gets his hair cut (by a barber).
Jill had a caterer prepare the meal. → She had the meal prepared (by a caterer).
Bob will have a mechanic repair → He will have / get his car repaired (by a
his car.   mechanic).

– When did you get the car washed? – You should get your eyes checked.
– I got it done right after work. – I have an appointment next week.
– Where is Suzanne? – What else did you have done to the house?
– She’s getting her glasses fixed. – We had the kitchen painted.

108 | Talk about your chores and errands • Unit 23 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
– Where do you have your clothes cleaned?
– I get my suits cleaned at Holmes Cleaners, but I
take dresses and blouses to J&J Dry Cleaning.
– Why is that?
– They do a better job at J&J, but it’s expensive to
have suits cleaned there.

Where did you get your car repaired?

1. My son needs to go to the dentist to get his teeth .
a. prepared b. cleaned

2. Do you regularly get the oil in your car?

a. changed b. painted

3. My sister doesn’t like to have her ironing by anyone else.

a. done b. checked

4. We plan to have our living room next summer.

a. prepared b. painted

5. Have you ever had your eyes , Susan?

a. checked b. cleaned

6. You should go to the pharmacy and get your prescription .

a. cut b. filled

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Talk about your chores and errands • Unit 23 | 109

What did you do today?

– So did you (1) everything (2) ?

– No, I still need to (3) the car (4) .
– What about your suits? Did you (5) them
(6) ?
– No, I’ll drop them off tomorrow, before my haircut.
– You’re (7) your hair (8) ?
– Yes, tomorrow afternoon. I need to look good for
my new passport picture, don’t I?
– Oh, that’s right. You’re (9) your picture
(10) on Friday. I forgot.

My notes

110 | Talk about your chores and errands • Unit 23 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … talk about your chores and errands?

Tell a friend about your chores and errands around town yesterday.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Jupiter Images, Age Fotostock, Getty ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Talk about your chores and errands • Unit 23 | 111

In this lesson you will ...

Rent a car
Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

rental diesel Verb + more / less. For example: The SUV

car rental (car hire UK) gallon / liter (litre UK) costs more than the full-size car.
agency several
mile / kilometer (kilometre gas tank
UK) full / empty (gas) tank
car classes: compact extra
(small family car UK), full- extra charge
size, luxury, SUV
unlimited mileage
gasoline / gas (petrol UK)


112 | Rent a car • Unit 24 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


What type of car would you like?

compact car full-size car SUV luxury car

Tip! SUV = Sport Utility Vehicle


Which rental car costs less?

A compact car costs $61 a day. A full-sized car costs $74 a day.
→ A compact car costs less (than a full-size car).
→ A full-size car costs more (than a compact car).

– You should get a compact car.  – Can I drop the car off at the airport instead
– Why? They’re much less comfortable. of here at this location?
– True. But you’ll spend less on gas. – You can, but you’ll have to pay more.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Rent a car • Unit 24 | 113

Which car uses less gas?

  Compact car Full-size car

Top speed 120 mph 160 mph
Doors 2 4
Gas consumption 48 mpg 29 mpg


I would like to rent a car

– I’d like to rent a car.

– What kind of car would you like?
– Do you have any luxury cars?
– All our luxury cars are rented at the moment, but we do have several SUVs.
– SUVs are too big. Do you have any full-size cars?
– Yes, of course. We have these models available.

rent a car       hire a car
gas(oline)      petrol
1 gallon   ≈    3.8 litres
1 mile      ≈     1.6 kilometres


What does the A Rate include?

1. The customer would like to a car for a week.

2. He would prefer an , but since all of them are rented, he’ll take a car instead.

3. The A Rate includes unlimited . The customer should return the car with a full .

4. The customer decided not to buy the optional at $10 per day, because his
provides insurance coverage.

114 | Rent a car • Unit 24 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Can you ... rent a car?

Rent a car at Los Angeles International Airport.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Inmagine, Inmagine, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Inmagine, Inmagine

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Rent a car • Unit 24 | 115


In this lesson you will ...

Ask for and summarize road

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

road east Reported commands / instructions. For

sidewalk (pavement UK) west example: (Jack) told (me) to …. The officer
intersection (crossroads north said to …
UK) south
sign to go (south)
stop sign exit
to make a (left) (US) to take … exit
to turn lane
to turn onto … to stay in the (right) lane
around to follow
highway (motorway UK) to follow the signs to …
highway names


116 | Ask for and summarize road directions • Unit 25 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Turn left at the intersection

traffic light (at an stop sign (at an highway signs highway exit
intersection) intersection)

Follow this road to the traffic light.

Make a right at the stop sign.
Go east on Route 66.
Go west for about sixteen kilometers.
Get off the highway at Exit 28.

intersection     crossroads
highway           motorway

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask for and summarize road directions • Unit 25 | 117
  LISTENING  39 • 40 • 41

You’re going the wrong way!

A. B. C.

Follow the road for five Follow signposts for Exeter Follow Route 22 for six
miles. Airport for about two miles. miles.
Go straight ahead a mile. Turn left at the traffic light. Take the Route 22 East
Make a left at the second Take the first exit at the Take the first exit for
intersection. roundabout. Waterville.
        Go south on Route 59.


What did he tell you to do?

“Turn right at the light.”

→ He told me to turn right at the light. / He said to turn right at the light.
“Don’t turn left.”
→ He told me not to turn left. / He said not to turn left.
“Get off at Exit 16.”
→ She told us to get off at Exit 16. / She said to get off at Exit 16.
“Follow Route 70.”
→ We told them to follow Route 70. / We said to follow Route 70.

– What did Bob tell you to do? – Which exit did Kim say to take?
– He told me to make a right on Jenkins Avenue. – She said to take the Milltown exit.
– And then? – But do we go north or south?
– He said to take the third left onto Parker Street. – I think she said to go north.

118 | Ask for and summarize road directions • Unit 25 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

What did she say?

Examples: “Follow Route 6.” (Jane / me)  Jane told me to follow Route 6.

“Don’t turn right.” (Michael)  Michael said not to turn right.

1. “Make a right on Church Street.” (Tom)

2. “Go straight for three blocks.” (Kim / us)

3. “Don’t take Route 71.” (Andrew)

4. “Take Exit 24.” (Janet / Sam).”

5. “Go north on Ellis Road.” (Rachel)


Can you … ask for and summarize road directions?

Ask for and summarize road directions on the highway in California.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask for and summarize road directions • Unit 25 | 119

Extension 1: Email the directions




My notes

120 | Ask for and summarize road directions • Unit 25 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Age Fotostock, Age ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fotostock, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, iStockphoto

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Ask for and summarize road directions • Unit 25 | 121

In this lesson you will ...

Talk about road and traffic

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

truck (lorry UK) traffic ticket while + -ing. For example: Don’t text while
traffic report traffic ticket for (speeding) driving.
pouring speeding
had better careless driving
wet accident
icy to block
to slow down blocked
slippery because of
to slip rush hour
fog to hit (rush hour traffic)
foggy heavy (traffic)
It’s (dangerous) to + light (traffic)
infinitive traffic jam
careful to be stuck in traffic
careful driver construction
carefully road construction
to drive carefully (roadworks UK)
to text to avoid
legal / illegal detour (sign)
to pull over authorities


122 | Talk about road and traffic conditions • Unit 26 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

You’d better slow down!

– It’s pouring outside. We’d better leave early.
– OK. I’ll be ready in ten minutes.
– How are the roads?
– Icy and slippery. You’d better take the subway.

– I’ve never seen such thick fog. I can’t see a thing!

– You’d better be careful. The other cars can’t see
you, either.
– These people had better slow down. The roads are
– Just keep your eyes on the road, OK?


Don’t text while driving

(he’s) driving.
Paul listens to music He listens to (he’s)
works. → while 
when he  music  working.
(he’s) reading.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Talk about road and traffic conditions • Unit 26 | 123
– Laura just got another ticket. – Sorry. I’m late. There was an accident on I-85.
– Was she using her phone while – That’s OK. I finished my book while I was
driving? waiting.

– It’s not illegal to text while walking, – What happened to Jeremy?

is it? – He had an accident while driving to work.
– In some areas, yes.


At noon traffic is light

During rush hour, traffic is very heavy. There are often

major traffic jams. Between the morning and evening
rush hours, however, traffic is light.
Bob: Should I take Lincoln Avenue to the airport?
Dan: Not today. The road is closed because of
Bob: OK. I’ll take the highway instead.

My notes

124 | Talk about road and traffic conditions • Unit 26 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
  LISTENING  42 • 43 • 44 • 45

Traffic reports
A. What’s the problem? B. What’s the problem?
Why? Why?
What did the reporter say people should do? What did the reporter say people should do?

C. What’s the problem? D. What’s the problem?
Why? Why?
What did the reporter say people should do? What did the reporter say people should do?

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Talk about road and traffic conditions • Unit 26 | 125

Can you … talk about road and traffic conditions?

Tell a friend about road and traffic conditions in Barcelona during rush hour.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Corbis Images, iStockphoto, iStockphoto, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Age Fotostock

126 | Talk about road and traffic conditions • Unit 26 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Report car trouble

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

to start to lock
car won’t start to lock keys inside a car
tire (tyre UK) roadside assistance
to have a flat (tire) (have a tow truck
puncture UK) to tow


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Report car trouble • Unit 27 | 127


What is the matter?

Bert’s car won’t start, so He also has a flat (tire). To make matters worse,
he’s taking a look at the he’s run out of gas.

Tip! flat tire or flat


My notes

128 | Report car trouble • Unit 27 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


What happened to Patrick?

Sue: No, his car wouldn’t start. So he took his wife’s car. But then he had another problem.

Bob: Is he stuck in traffic?

Bob: Why is Patrick so late?

Bob: So is he walking to work?

Sue: No, he’s taking a taxi. He’ll be here in half an hour.

Bob: With his wife’s car?

Sue: He called five minutes ago. He’s having some problems this morning.

Sue: Yes. Just as he was leaving his neighborhood, he had a flat.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Report car trouble • Unit 27 | 129


Avoid I-280

  LISTENING  46 • 47

Did you walk to work?

1. Brenda is . 5. Albin Road is .
a. wet   b. tired    a. blocked  b. noisy

2. Her car wouldn’t . 6. The is very heavy.

a. start  b. stop a. traffic  b. weather

3. Her took a look at the car. 7. John ran out of on Albin Road.
a. mechanic  b. husband a. time  b. gas

4. The buses were . 8. Ginny is going to

a. full  b. late a. take John home  b. pick John up

130 | Report car trouble • Unit 27 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


Can you … report car trouble?

Report a car problem on the highway in Europe.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): PhotoDisc, Thomas Stefflbauer, Thomas ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Stefflbauer, Thomas Stefflbauer, Berlitz

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Report car trouble • Unit 27 | 131


In this lesson you will ...

Give your opinion about recent

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

stadium show Present perfect with lately, recently. For

concert hall amazing example: I haven’t seen a good show
venue recently recently.
ballet recently vs. lately
opera to expect
musical (n.) expected
exhibit (exhibition UK) worse than expected
dancer better than expected
performer Don’t bother (seeing it).


132 | Give your opinion about recent performances • Unit 28 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

What is happening this weekend?

Lisa likes to go out. She Last weekend, she went to Lisa likes classical music,
often goes to museums. an open-air concert. She too. Her favorite composers
She likes modern art enjoyed it very much. are Beethoven and Mozart.


Have you seen any good plays lately?

Karen likes musicals. She has seen several in the last ten years.
She has recently seen two musicals. She saw Something to Sing About and Let’s Sing
Again last month.
Karen also likes opera, but she hasn’t seen any operas lately.

– Have you seen any good plays lately? – Have you been to any exhibits recently?
– We saw Romeo and Juliet last night. It – No, not lately. How about you?
was great.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give your opinion about recent performances • Unit 28 | 133

I expected it to be better
– We’re thinking about going to the flower show.
– Don’t bother. I went yesterday. It’s not very good this

– How was the show?

– Much better than I expected. I think you’ll like it.

  LISTENING  48 • 49 • 50

What is showing at the museum?

1. What exhibit has Nancy been to recently?

2. What’s showing at the museum now?

1. Where has John recently returned from?

2. What did he do when he was there?

1. Why aren’t the friends going to see Lucky Guy?

2. What would they like to see instead?

134 | Give your opinion about recent performances • Unit 28 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … give your opinion about recent performances?

Talk with a friend and give your opinion about a recent performance you saw.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Age Fotostock, Age Fotostock, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Age Fotostock, Getty Images

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give your opinion about recent performances • Unit 28 | 135

In this lesson you will ...

Give your opinion about a movie

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

review(s) to laugh Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed:

movie review(s) to make (one) laugh exciting / excited, etc.
title funny
What is (the movie) about? It was so (funny) that I
It’s the story of (a king). couldn’t (stop laughing)!
movie genres to cry
drama sad
horror really sad
science fiction pretty sad
genre scary
actress disappointing
star confusing
movie star surprising
character confused
main character disappointed
plot surprised


136 | Give your opinion about a movie • Unit 29 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

My favorite movie

Year made:         Genre:  

Country:         Rating (1-5):         Director:   
Main Character Name(s):   


How was the movie?

scary funny sad

• It was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing! • It was really scary. I almost couldn’t watch it.
• It was pretty good. I think you’ll like it. • It was very sad. I don’t think you’ll like it.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give your opinion about a movie • Unit 29 | 137

Confused or confusing?

• Adjectives with -ing endings describe • Adjectives with -ed endings describe how
people or things.  someone feels about a person or thing. 

boring. bored.
 The movie was exciting.  Henry was excited.
confusing. confused.

surprising. surprised.
 The ending was  Henry was
disappointing. disappointed.

– I’m confused. Why did the boy leave – Were you disappointed, Sarah?
his family at the end of the movie? – Yes, I was. The movie was so exciting
– I don’t know. That was so surprising. until the very end. What a terrible ending.

We were all disappointed

1. The movie was so that we left after half an hour.
a. bored b. boring

2. The audience was . Some people left before the end.

a. disappointed b. disappointing

3. I was totally by the ending of the play.

a. surprised b. surprising

4. The actors were . What great performances.

a. amazed b. amazing

5. The plot isn’t clear. You’ll be unless you’ve read the book.
a. confused b. confusing

6. The story is . You don’t realize the movie is three hours long.
a. excited b. exciting

138 | Give your opinion about a movie • Unit 29 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … give your opinion about a movie?

Give your friend a review of the last movie you saw.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Thomas Stefflbauer, Thomas ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
Stefflbauer, Thomas Stefflbauer

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give your opinion about a movie • Unit 29 | 139


  Now you can …

Give your opinion about a movie

Give your opinion about recent performances

Report car trouble

Talk about road and traffic conditions

Ask for and summarize road directions

Rent a car

Talk about your chores and errands

Explain what you have people do for you

Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list

140 | Review • Unit 30 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


  GOAL 21  51

I have to confirm everything today

Gina has been able to …  Yes No  
reserve a table at the restaurant for Friday
check that vegetarian dishes are available
book a table by the window
order a birthday cake
get decorations put up

  GOAL 22 

I had my assistant pick up the mail

1. Can you take me to work tomorrow? I my car fixed.
a. have b. am having

2. Once a month, we a cleaner come and clean our house.

a. have b. are having

3. Kathy an accountant do her taxes for her last year.

a. had b. has had

4. Would it be possible to have the painters the kitchen, too?

a. paint b. to paint

5. If I have a problem with my computer, I have my brother at it.

a. look b. to look

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 30 | 141

  GOAL 23 

I had the room painted

1. The dentist will check my teeth tomorrow. (get)

→I .
2. They are redecorating our living room this week. (have)
→ We .
3. The dry cleaner dry-cleaned my winter coat. (have)
→I .
4. Did a professional take your wedding photos? (have)
→ Did you ?
5. Who cut your hair? (get)
→ Where did you ?

  GOAL 24 

The plane ticket costs more

1. Ajax Rent-a-Car charges $45 a day. Total Car Rental charges $50 a day. Ajax Total.
a. charges less b. charges less than

2. Barbara has gone on three trips this year. Peter has gone on two. Barbara than Peter.
a. has traveled more b. has more traveled

3. My car’s gas mileage is 25 mpg. Your car’s gas mileage is 35 mpg. My car your car.
a. uses more gas than b. uses less gas than

4. A train ticket from London to Edinburgh costs about £80. I saw a plane ticket available for £45.
It costs !
a. less to fly than to take the train b. less to take the train than to fly

142 | Review • Unit 30 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 25 

She told us not to drive

1. “Follow the signs for the airport.” → He told us .

2. “Take Route 20 to Exit 12B.” → They said .
3. “Drive carefully.” → You told me .
4. “Make a left at the second traffic light.” → She said .

  GOAL 26 

You shouldn’t eat while talking on the phone

1. I usually (eat) popcorn while (watch) a


2. You shouldn’t (talk) on your phone while


3. I like to (listen) to the radio while (work).

4. In some places it’s illegal (text) while


  GOAL 27 

Bert had a lot of car problems

Bert had a lot of problems with his car last week. On Monday, he (1) himself out of
his car and had to call someone to open the car for him. On Tuesday, he got a (2)
while driving home from work. He called (3) assistance and they sent someone to fix
it. On Wednesday, he (4) of gas and had to walk three miles to the next gas station.
On Thursday morning, his car (5) , so he called a mechanic and they sent a (6)
. They told him there was something wrong with the (7) . On Friday, Bert
took the bus to work.

engine locked roadside ran out flat tire wouldn’t start tow truck

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 30 | 143

  GOAL 28 

I haven’t seen you lately

1. Where’s Tina? I haven’t a. any good movies recently?

2. Have you seen b. been up to lately?

3. What have you c. seen her around lately.

4. We’ve been d. very busy recently.

  GOAL 29 

She was amazed

1. The movie was so we left before the end.
2. You must see the new murder mystery at the Palace Theater! The ending really me.
3. Don’t bother reading the third book. The first two were great, but this new one is really .
4. You should see the Circus of the Sun. It’s one of the most performances I’ve ever
5. I’m .
6. Is there anything on TV?
7. I’m . Everyone looks the same to me. Is that his sister or his girlfriend?
8. I think that was the most talk I have ever been to. Could you understand it?

confusing interesting amazing confused surprised boring disappointing bored

144 | Review • Unit 30 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


  GOAL 21 

Plan which errands to run and make a shopping list

You and your friend(s) are planning to have a

picnic this weekend. Get together with your
friend(s) and put together a shopping list of the
things you need to buy. Decide who will buy

  GOAL 22 

Role A
You are a very busy lord / lady and live in a very large home. You employ a large staff of
people, and each morning you meet with your personal assistant to decide what you will
have your staff do. Your assistant will arrive soon.
Before that, write down what you would like these people to do:
Your chauffer:
Your housekeeper:
Your gardener:
Your chef:

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 30 | 145

Role B
You are the personal assistant to a very busy lord / lady who lives in a very large home with
a large household staff. You meet every morning, and your employer tells you what he / she
would like to have the staff do that day. Your meeting will start soon.
Before that, write down what you think the lord / lady might want these people to do today:
Your chauffer:
Your housekeeper:
Your gardener:
Your chef:

  GOAL 23 

Role A
You are working in a branch office in another country. You have just arrived and you will be
there for six months. You are staying in a furnished apartment not too far from the office.
You have some errands to run, but you don’t know where to go. Below is a list of some of the
things you need to do.
Add one or two more errands to the list. Then ask your new colleague for help.
• get clothes cleaned
• get hair done
• get allergy prescription filled
• get car washed
• grocery shopping

146 | Review • Unit 30 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Role B
A colleague from another country is working at your branch office. This colleague has just
arrived and will be in the country for six months. He / She is staying in a furnished
apartment not too far from your office. You know your colleague must have many errands to
run. You want to help by giving him / her a list of some places to go.
Complete the list, and then talk to your new colleague.
• get clothes cleaned
• get hair done
• get allergy prescription filled
• get car washed
• grocery shopping

  GOAL 24 

Role A
You are traveling in another country and want to rent a car so you can see the countryside.
You have a limited budget of $400, and you would like the car for at least three days. You
don’t like big cars, but you can drive them if you have to. You will need GPS, too.
Ask the car rental agent what they can offer you.

Role B
You are a car rental agent, and after a busy weekend, you only have two cars left to rent:
• a luxury car for $200 per day, and

• an SUV for $100.

Both cars have optional GPS for an extra $10 per day.
Insurance is $20 per day.
Both models have unlimited mileage, but you need them back with a full tank.
A customer has just walked in. Greet the customer and find out what he / she would like.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 30 | 147

  GOAL 25 

Role A
Your friend invited you to his / her home for dinner, but you lost the directions your friend
wrote down for you.
Call your friend and ask for directions from your home to your friend’s place.

Role B
You invited a friend to come to your home for dinner. You wrote down and gave your friend
very good directions to your place, so he / she shouldn’t get lost.
Your phone is ringing. Answer it.

  GOAL 26 

Role A
Today is the end of a conference in Springfield. You and your colleague are at the Plaza
Hotel, ready to leave for the airport. You have a flight at three o’clock. The two of you have
rented a car and you have offered to drive. Your colleague knows Springfield well, so he /
she will give directions.
It is now one o’clock and you and your colleague are getting into the car. You were watching
the traffic report on TV right before you left your room. You learned that
• because of construction, traffic is very heavy on the airport expressway. There may be
delays of up to an hour.

• there has been an accident at the intersection of Clark and Montrose. Both streets have
been closed.

148 | Review • Unit 30 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Role B
Today is the end of a conference in Springfield. You
and your colleague are at the Plaza Hotel, ready to
leave for the airport. You have a flight at three o’clock.
The two of you have rented a car and your colleague
has offered to drive. You know Springfield well, so you
will give directions.
It is now one o’clock and you and your colleague are
getting into the car. It takes an hour or more to get to
the airport because of the traffic. If you take the airport
expressway, it takes only forty minutes.
Study the map and choose the route you will tell your
colleague to take.

  GOAL 27 

Role A
You were on your way to a meeting in Springfield when the car you rented at the airport
broke down. You aren’t sure what the problem is―but you were able to pull over safely to
the side of the road. You are on Route 80 West, somewhere after the Clarksville exit. You
purchased insurance when you rented the car.
Call the rental agency and tell them about your problem.

Role B
You work at Commute Car Rental. If a customer calls because of car trouble, you will have
the automobile associate go and tow the car. You will also organize another car for the
customer. You will need to get the customer’s name, location, and a description of what
Your phone is ringing. Answer it.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 30 | 149

  GOAL 28 

Give your opinion about recent performances

Think about a performance you have seen recently.

Jot down some information about it below.
Venue:   Date:   Ticket price:   Seats:
What happened:

Tell your classmates about the performance.

  GOAL 29 

Give your opinion about a movie

It’s Saturday. You and your friend(s) were planning to go out, but the weather is terrible. You
have decided to stay in and have a movie day instead. Suggest two movies and give a short
summary of the plot of each one.
Together, decide which three movies you will watch.

Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

150 | Review • Unit 30 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Tell a friend what a movie is about

Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

to take place happy ending to be supposed to be

to take place in the (future) predictable
When / Where does (the unpredictable
story) take place? What did the reviews say?
based on a true story It’s supposed to be (good).
realistic to be set in (New York)
unrealistic (New York) is the setting


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Tell a friend what a movie is about • Unit 31 | 151

It is based on a true story

– Let’s go to the movies. The new Tom Darren movie

is out.
– What’s it about?
– It’s a thriller based on a true story. The movie takes
place in Chicago, in the early nineteen hundreds.
– That sounds interesting. What do the reviews say?
– It’s supposed to be Tom Darren’s best movie yet.
They say the ending is totally unpredictable.
– Let’s hope they’re right!

What is the movie about?

Character(s) Who? an English cartographer

Setting Where? village in Wales and a hill
Plot   Wants / Needs to … measure the height of a hill near the village
But … the villagers are upset when they learn their
mountain is only a hill
And / So … they try to make their “mountain” taller

The movie is about an English cartographer who goes to Wales to measure the heights of hills for
a new map. But when he tells the people in one village that their “mountain” is only a hill, they get
upset and do everything they can to make their hill a mountain again.

My notes

152 | Tell a friend what a movie is about • Unit 31 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
My chart for

Character(s) Who?
Setting Where?
Plot   Wants / Needs to …
But …

And / So …

  LISTENING  52 • 53 • 54

Let’s go to the movies!

1. What kind of movie is Milligan’s Island?
2. What is the story about?

1. What kind of movie is Maybe Some Day?
2. What is the story about?

1. What kind of movie is Unplugged?
2. What is the story about?

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Tell a friend what a movie is about • Unit 31 | 153

Can you … tell a friend what a movie is about?

Tell a friend what the last movie you saw is about.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Getty Images ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

154 | Tell a friend what a movie is about • Unit 31 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Buy tickets to a show

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

performance (in the) front

matinee front row
sold out (in the) back (= not front)
box office (in the) center
seating chart (on the) side(s)



Is the performance sold out?

Romeo and Juliet The Iliad The Duchess of Malfi

Embassy Theater Hoffman Theater Majesty Theatre

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 8:00 p.m. Tue-Fri: 7:00 p.m. Mon, Thu, Fri: 8:00 p.m.

Sat: 2:30 p.m. / 8:00 p.m. Sat: 2:00 p.m. / 8:00 p.m. Tue: 7:00 p.m.

Sun: 2:30 p.m. / 7:00 p.m. Sun: 1:00 p.m. / 6:30 p.m. Wed, Sat: 2:00 p.m. / 8:00 p.m.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Buy tickets to a show • Unit 32 | 155

Is the performance sold out?

 Ticket prices for all performances: 

 Center Orchestra (A-G) $275 
 Center Orchestra (H-N)  260 
 Right / Left Orchestra (A-G) 265 
 Right / Left Orchestra (H-N) 250 
 Mezzanine (all rows) 195 
 Balcony (all rows) 135 


Where would you like to sit?

– Do you have any tickets for tonight’s show?
– I’m sorry. Tonight’s performance is sold out. We
have tickets for the matinee tomorrow if you’d
– OK. Let’s try the matinee then. 
– Where would you like to sit?
– Could I see a seating chart?
– Sure. Here you are.
– Do you have any seats in the center orchestra?
– Yes, but only in the back. Let’s see. Seats W27
and 28 are available in the very center.
– That’s too far from the stage. Do you have
anything closer to the front? It’s OK if they’re on
the sides.
– Yes, seats E4 and 5 are free. These are excellent
– I’ll take them. How much are they?

156 | Buy tickets to a show • Unit 32 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


I’ve got tickets for the concert

1. Where is Greg going tomorrow night?

2. Why can’t Donna go to the concert?

3. When did Greg buy the tickets?

4. Where did he buy them?

5. Why couldn’t Olivia get tickets?

6. Where are their seats for the concert?

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Buy tickets to a show • Unit 32 | 157


Can you … buy tickets to a show?

Buy two tickets for a Broadway show.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Corel, Thomas Stefflbauer, Getty Images ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

158 | Buy tickets to a show • Unit 32 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Explain the steps in planning a

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

to work on a project purchase (n., v.) Present perfect with just. For example:
proposal expenses We’ve just submitted our proposal.
to present budget
to approve (expenses are) too high
to reject (budget is) too low
to submit to be / go over budget
to put together to be under budget
to spend to be within budget
spent by
daily (over budget) by ($100)
weekly to cut (expenses)


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Explain the steps in planning a project • Unit 33 | 159

We are working on a new project

finalize the project team

start the project

think of an idea for a project

get the proposal approved

write a proposal for the project

present the proposal to managers


I’ve just spoken to the manager

The meeting will last from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. It’s 9:02. The meeting has just started.
Ashna and Ted finished their presentation at It’s 10:20. They’ve just finished their
10:15. presentation.

– Have you written your proposal yet? – Have you heard anything about the project?
– Yes, I’ve just sent it to Mr. Wilson. – I’ve just spoken to David. The Board has approved it.

160 | Explain the steps in planning a project • Unit 33 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

What is the budget for the event?

Budget / Grand Opening Event     In addition to the annual budget for regular
marketing expenses, such as the weekly
  Budget Spent   ads on the Internet, we created a separate
budget for the grand opening of the new
 decorations $   500 $   450   store.
 catering 2,000 2,500  
Our total budget for the event was $8,000.
 audio equipment 1,750 1,500   We actually spent $9,000. We went over our
 advertising 1,500 1,600   budget by $1,000. Our biggest expense was
for catering.


What project are you working on?

1. Have you finished the project a. To Mr. Grant, the head of operations.

2. Who will you submit the proposal to? b. No, but he needs to do more work on

3. Do you already have a team in place? c. I did. Is there something wrong with

4. Was Matthew’s proposal rejected? d. Yes, but only by 2%.

5. Who made the budget for the project? e. Not yet. It should be ready tomorrow.

6. Did you go over budget? f. No, I’m still putting it together.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Explain the steps in planning a project • Unit 33 | 161

Can you … explain the steps in planning a project?

Explain the steps in planning a project for your company’s year-end party.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Age Fotostock ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

162 | Explain the steps in planning a project • Unit 33 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Talk about schedules and deadlines

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

to be allowed to I (don’t) think so. Modals: must, mustn’t, don’t have to, can’t,
not allowed to Everything is going not allowed to
to complete according to plan. by + date or time. For example: We’ll finish
deadline status the project by August 31.
to meet the deadline status report
to miss the deadline due
ahead of schedule soon
on schedule as soon as
right on schedule urgent
behind schedule The sooner the better.
How far (behind) schedule ASAP
(are we)?


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Talk about schedules and deadlines • Unit 34 | 163

We must cut expenses

You have to cut your expenses.

Cut your expenses!
→ You must cut your expenses.

You cannot start the project until the budget is approved.

Don’t start the project until
→ You’re not allowed to start until the budget is
the budget’s approved!

You can give the You don’t need to give the presentation.
presentation if you want to. →You don’t have to give the presentation.


We are right on schedule

Michael Everett and his team are working on the Carlisle project. The final project deadline is
November 1. Phase 3 has already been completed. They finished it a few days ahead of schedule.
The project status report is due on Friday. Michael will submit it on time. The work on the client
presentation is a little behind schedule. Everything else is on schedule.

164 | Talk about schedules and deadlines • Unit 34 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
  LISTENING  56 • 57 • 58

I will need the status report ASAP

1. Jim has to work late tonight. He still has to finish a report that’s tomorrow.

2. He plans to go home than eight o’clock.

1. Toshio and Nancy plan to meet tomorrow morning. Nancy is usually at the office .

2. Nancy will call Toshio she gets to work.

1. This morning, Claudia presented the project to Mr. Henderson.

2. Mr. Henderson asked some questions.

Peter gets to work at or before 9:00 a.m. → He’s at work by 9:00 a.m.
He finishes work at 6:00 p.m. (and not before). → He works until 6:00 p.m.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Talk about schedules and deadlines • Unit 34 | 165

Can you … talk about schedules and deadlines?

Tell a friend about the schedule and deadlines for a project you are working on.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

166 | Talk about schedules and deadlines • Unit 34 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Give a status update on a project

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Item

Everything is coming along as planned Passive voice (present perfect): The

fine. going as planned proposal has been submitted.
to take time to speed things up
to save time phase
to run out of time Has (phase one) been
to get back on track (done)?
Keep up the good work.


Word Power

Expressions with time

The saying Time is money is well known, and we talk about time as if it were money.
We can …
spend time with someone  make time to meet or see someone
spend time on something make time to do something
find time to do something run out of time when something goes wrong
save time by working better or faster  waste time by working on unnecessary things

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give a status update on a project • Unit 35 | 167

Everything is going according to plan

– Are you working late, John? – The architect is running out of time.
– Yes, I was away last week, and I need to – I know. He lost three weeks looking for
catch up on a lot of work. a contractor.

– How’s the project coming along? – How far behind schedule are we, Rick?
– Fine. Everything’s going according to – About two weeks. But I’ve just hired a
plan. freelancer. That should help us catch
– That’s great. Keep up the good work! up.

  LISTENING  59 • 60

So far, so good

A. The marketing campaign

1. Status: .

2. Response to the ads has been good, and sales are .

3. The team has managed to budget.

B. The Ashland building

1. Status: .

2. Tara is waiting for information from the .

She can’t complete without it.

3. George will call the contractor and try to .

168 | Give a status update on a project • Unit 35 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

What has been done so far?

Fresh ‘n Light Store Project — Updated Sept. 21

  Fresh ‘n Light Store Project Completion Date

Phase 1 find nest location for new store June 30

Phase 2 buy land Dec 15
Phase 3 complete construction of new store Aug 15
Phase 4 hire / train new employees Aug 31 Sept 30
Phase 5 hold grand opening ceremony Oct 10

Today is September 24.

What has already been done? What has just been done? What hasn’t been done yet?

The company has found a location for the new store.

→ A location for the new store has been found (by the company).

They haven’t trained the new employees yet.

→ The new employees haven’t been trained yet.

– Has the budget been prepared? – Have the new employees been hired?
– Yes, it has. – Yes, they have.
– Has the project been approved? – Have they been trained?
– No, it hasn’t. – No, they haven’t.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give a status update on a project • Unit 35 | 169

Can you … give a status update on a project?

Tell your supervisor how the project to design a new database is going.

My notes

170 | Give a status update on a project • Unit 35 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Writing: a status update





My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Give a status update on a project • Unit 35 | 171

Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Berlitz, Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

172 | Give a status update on a project • Unit 35 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Summarize completed projects

Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

to recycle to tell (someone) how (something) went


My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Summarize completed projects • Unit 36 | 173


Tell me about the project

Ann: ?
Brad: Our last project was a campaign to educate small business owners about recycling.
Ann: ?
Brad: It had three phases. Phase 1 was creating booklets and a web page for business owners and
employees. In Phase 2, we went to the businesses and talked about possible recycling
projects. We showed them how to save production costs by recycling a number of materials. In
Phase 3, we went back to the companies to ask the owners and employees about their
recycling experiences. It was very interesting. 
Ann: ? 
Brad: We had a $75,000 budget. The biggest expense was for the printed materials—and paying the
project teams. 
Ann: ? 
Brad: We went a little over budget—by about one thousand dollars. 
Ann:  ? 
Brad: Every phase was completed on time, except Phase 3. It was difficult to arrange times to meet
with the owners, and because we hired business students for this phase, we had to work with
their schedules, too. 
Ann: ? 
Brad: The whole project lasted about a year. 
Ann:  ? 
Brad: Oh, I enjoyed it very much. I’d love to do this kind of project again! 

My notes

174 | Summarize completed projects • Unit 36 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Status update

FR Stephen Bergman [[email protected]]

TO Rebecca Shafer [[email protected]]   status_report_May.docx

SUBJECT Status report

Dear Rebecca,
Please find attached my status report for May. We are a bit behind schedule right now because of the
brochures. I had to send them back, because the ink they used comes off the paper. The printing
company says they will send us new ones ASAP. We should have them by the end of the week. They
aren’t going to charge us for this, so there’s no extra expense to us.
We should be able to get back on track by the end of the month. Everything else is going according to


My last project

Proposed Work / Phase Schedule Budget




Total time / budget required:     

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Summarize completed projects • Unit 36 | 175


Can you … summarize completed projects?

Tell a friend how your project to open the new café went.


English 3
©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

176 | Summarize completed projects • Unit 36 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


In this lesson you will ...

Start and develop a conversation

Vocabulary & Expressions Grammar Items

conversation Affirmative tag questions. For example: You’re

stranger not from around here, are you? …, is it? …, was it?
Idiomatic use (US only) of sure, just, some. For Possessives after of. For example: John’s a friend
example: It sure has been hot lately! of mine / his / hers / my husband’s, etc.
I sure do. (I really do. UK)
It sure has. (It really has. UK)
by the way
Are you enjoying yourself?
You look familiar.
So, how do you know (Alice)?


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Start and develop a conversation • Unit 37 | 177

It sure is windy today!

– This is a really great party, isn’t it? → – This sure is a great party, isn’t it?
– Yes, it is. – It sure is.

– It really is.

– I really love this weather, don’t you? → – I just love this weather, don’t you?
– Yes, I do. – I sure do.

– I really do.

– That was a really good speech, → – That was some speech, wasn’t it?
    wasn’t it? – It sure was.
– Yes, it was.
– It really was.

– That was some snow yesterday, wasn’t it? – Are you enjoying the conference?
– It sure was. The kids enjoyed playing in it. – I sure am! 

– It sure has been hot lately, hasn’t it? – How do you like the tour so far?
– I don’t mind, but my husband just hates it. – I just love it!


We haven’t met before, have we?

I think so. I don’t think so.

Bill is working today, isn’t he? Bill isn’t working today, is he?
We have to leave, don’t we? We don’t have to leave, do we?
You were in Dublin, weren’t you? You weren’t in Dublin, were you?
We’ve met before, haven’t we? We haven’t met before, have we?

178 | Start and develop a conversation • Unit 37 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

By the way, my name is Ben

– You look familiar. You weren’t at the CGI conference last
year, were you?
– Yes, I was. I was working at the SyncTank stand.
– That’s where I saw you. I’m David Ward. I work at United
– Carla Petrelli. Nice to meet you.
– Likewise. So are you enjoying the event?

– Are you enjoying yourself?

– Yes. It’s a great party. Doug and Diane have a beautiful
home, don’t they?
– They sure do. How do you know them?
– I’ve known Diane since I was little. How about you?
– Doug and I work together. My name’s Ben, by the way.
– Nice to meet you, Ben. I’m Lucy.


Doug is a friend of my husband’s

my mine.
your yours.
his his.
Doug is one of her friends. → He's a friend of hers.
our ours.
your yours.
their theirs.

Paul is a friend of mine. → I’m a friend of Paul’s.

Betty is a friend of ours. → We’re friends of Betty’s.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Start and develop a conversation • Unit 37 | 179
– So how do you know Chuck? – Who’s that tall woman?
– He’s a good friend of mine. I’ve known – That’s Laura Sullivan. She’s a colleague of
him since college. Sarah’s.


Can you … start and develop a conversation?

Start and develop a conversation at a party with someone you don’t know.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): iStockphoto, Getty Images, Getty Images ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

180 | Start and develop a conversation • Unit 37 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

In this lesson you will ...

Find similar interests and end a

Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

to get to know someone so / neither. For example: So do I. / Neither

interests do I.
similar interests
to have something in common
to belong to a club
(someone) tells me (something)
(someone) says (you …)


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Find similar interests and end a conversation • Unit 38 | 181

Mike tells me you like photography


I like gardening. I like swimming. I like to travel.
I collect antique postcards. I like to play football. I’m interested in music.
I play the cello. I play golf. I enjoy going to the theater.
I build furniture. I play chess. I belong to a book club.

Are you?  Do you?  Were you? Did you? Really? Have you? I see.


To show interest, make your voice go up at the end of the expressions listed above. If
your voice goes down, you may sound bored or uninterested.

My notes

182 | Find similar interests and end a conversation • Unit 38 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

When did you get into that?

1. Jennifer is an amateur .
a. cook b. photographer

2. She got into it about years ago.

a. five b. ten

3. She a digital camera.

a. uses b. never uses

4. Steve belongs to a club.

a. book b. dinner

5. They get together at someone’s .

a. home b. office

6. He’ll Jennifer to let her know about their next event.

a. call b. email


Do you? So do I!

– I enjoy riding my bike on weekends when the

weather’s nice.
– So do I.
– Have you tried the new bike trail? It goes all the
way to the beach.
– No, I haven’t tried it yet.
– Neither have I. Let’s check it out next weekend.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Find similar interests and end a conversation • Unit 38 | 183
– I’m interested in music. – I’m not very interested in art.
– I am, too. – I’m not, either.
    → So am I.     → Neither am I.

– I was at this trade show last year. – I wasn’t at the trade show in Milan.
– Rick was, too. – He wasn’t, either.
    → So was Rick.     → Neither was he.

– I belong to a ski club. – I don’t like to snowboard.

– Sue does, too. – She doesn’t, either.
    → So does Sue.     → Neither does she.

– I used to play football in school. – I didn’t watch the game last night.
– We did, too. – We didn’t, either.
    → So did we.     → Neither did we.

– Joe has been to London many times. – He’s never been to Rome.
– The Holts have, too. – They haven’t, either.
    → So have they.     → Neither have they.

  LISTENING  62 • 63 • 64

I am sorry I have to run

How did Lynn end her conversation with Don?

How did John end his conversation with Cindy?

How did the man and woman end their conversation?

184 | Find similar interests and end a conversation • Unit 38 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Can you … find similar interests and end a conversation?

Talk about similar interests and then end a conversation with a new friend at a party.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Age Fotostock, Getty Images ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Find similar interests and end a conversation • Unit 38 | 185

In this lesson you will ...

Tell a coworker about a presentation

Vocabulary & Expressions Language Focus

speech to motivate (one of) the most / least / best + -ed / -ing
expert motivating adjectives. For example: Barry Nelson is one of
specialist inspiring the most respected political reporters.
to specialize motivated
(specialise UK) inspired
top (= #1) topic
respected familiar with
leading audience
world-famous delivery (of a
dull presentation)


My notes

186 | Tell a coworker about a presentation • Unit 39 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Who is the main speaker?

the top specialist in the micro-electronics industry.

a leading expert in finance and the economy.
David Branson is
a respected reporter on environmental issues.
a world-famous writer and presenter.

Joyce Reardon is a world-famous author of children’s books.

Lynn Unser is an experienced and highly respected speaker on education.
Leading experts in the field of urban architecture and design will be at the festival.
MobiTek is one of the leading developers of mobile apps for small businesses.

Did you enjoy the presentation?

motivating funny confusing dull

It was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing. I didn’t understand it. It was very confusing.
It was very motivating. I think you’ll enjoy it. I couldn’t wait for it to end. It was so dull.

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Tell a coworker about a presentation • Unit 39 | 187

Most motivating or most motivated?

Describe your opinion of people or things

most boring
The presenter was the most exciting speaker I've heard this year.
least confusing

least motivating
His speech was one of the most surprising ones of the day.
most disappointing

Describe how someone feels about a person or thing

most bored
Jason was (the) most excited with the second presenter.
least confused

best motivated
He was least surprised by the announcement of the new salaries.
most disappointed

– What did you think of Doug’s speech?  – Were you disappointed, Sarah?
– It was one of the most inspiring ones he's given. – Yes, I was most disappointed about the
I'm really motivated to try some of the time I lost. I thought the meeting would be
suggestions he made. more informative.

Word Power

Hyphenated compounds
We can add a hyphen (-) before the adjective to make it easier to understand before
a noun. Compare the best known author (famous author who is the best) and the
best-known author (author who is the most famous).

188 | Tell a coworker about a presentation • Unit 39 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.
  LISTENING  65 • 66 • 67

How was the presentation?

1. What was the topic of the sales meeting?

2. How was it?

3. What do customers think?

1. What was the topic of the presentation?

2. How was it?

3. What was wrong with the presenter’s delivery?

1. What was the topic of the speech?

2. How was it?

3. What is the man going to do?

My notes

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Tell a coworker about a presentation • Unit 39 | 189

Can you … tell a coworker about a presentation?

Tell a coworker about a presentation you heard at the last sales meeting.


Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Getty Images, iStockphoto, iStockphoto, ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.
iStockphoto, iStockphoto

190 | Tell a coworker about a presentation • Unit 39 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.


  Now you can …

Tell a coworker about a presentation

Find similar interests and end a conversation

Start and develop a conversation

Summarize completed projects

Give a status update on a project

Talk about schedules and deadlines

Explain the steps in planning a project

Buy tickets to a show

Tell a friend what a movie is about

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 40 | 191


  GOAL 31 

It takes place in the future

  Characters Setting Plot Reviews

1. It takes place in the future, in a town on Mars.

2. It’s about a group of people looking for a lost 


3. It’s based on the true story of a pilot lost in

    Africa during World War II.

4. It’s set in nineteenth-century London.

5. It’s supposed to be the best movie of the year.

6. Jeremy Stone plays the part of the detective.

7. The story is about a boy and a girl from two rival


  GOAL 32 

The performance is tonight

1. We don’t know where we’d like to sit. Can you show us a ?
2. If you buy your tickets online, you can pick them up at the an hour before the
3. Tickets for the show are usually the least expensive.
4. I’m afraid tonight’s performance is . But we do have tickets for tomorrow’s
5. I don’t like seats; they’re too close to the . Do you have anything
farther back?

sold out seating chart front row performance stage box office matinee

192 | Review • Unit 40 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 33 

He has just left

1. Hurry! The movie (start).

2. I (meet) your supervisor. She seems

very nice.

3. Martin (call). He says we should start

without him.

4. Jason and Martina (finish) their project.

  GOAL 34 

You must not be late

1. You show your passport when you board a plane.
a. must b. are allowed to

2. We leave now. We have time.

a. don’t have to b. mustn’t

3. Their project is already over budget. They to spend more.

a. don’t have b. aren’t allowed

4. You miss the deadline! It’s really important.

a. don’t have to b. mustn’t

5. We expect to finish the second phase the end of July.

a. as soon as b. by

6. I will send you my status report I can.

a. as soon as b. as soon as possible

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 40 | 193

  GOAL 35 

Has it been finished?

1. They have submitted their status report.

→ Their status report .
2. We have completed the first phase of the project.
→ .
3. They haven’t approved our proposal yet.
→ .
4. Have they cut our budget again?
→ ?
5. Has someone trained the new employees?
→ ?

  GOAL 36  68

Tell us how the project went

1. Phases 1 and 2 according to plan.
a. didn’t go b. went

2. They the Phase 3 deadline.

a. met b. missed

3. During Phase 3, a team member .

a. got sick b. left the company

4. During Phase 4, they a couple more people.

a. hired b. lost

5. They finished the project 10% budget.

a. over b. under

6. The team worked overtime and completed the project .

a. a day late b. on time

194 | Review • Unit 40 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 37 

You’re not a colleague of Jason’s, are you?

– We won’t be late, ?
– Not if we leave right now.
– You haven’t been here before, ?
– Yes, actually. I was here last year.
– They don’t play tennis, ?
– No, they play golf.
– Wanda isn’t coming to the meeting, ?
– No, she isn’t.
– Do you know Barry?
– Yes, of course. He’s a colleague .
– Have you two known Mark and Lucy a long time?
– Yes, they are good friends .
– I saw you talking to Mr. Potter. Is he an acquaintance
– Not really. We’ve only just met.

  GOAL 38 

Neither am I
1. – We’re going to Dublin next month.  a. – Did she?

2. – I’ve never worked abroad.  b. – Neither am I.

3. – I enjoy cooking.  c. – Is she?

4. – Rhianna is a semi-professional d. – Neither have I.


5. – I’m not very interested in jazz e. – Are you?


6. – My daughter won the junior chess f. – So do I.


©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 40 | 195

  GOAL 39 

He is the least experienced

1. After doing this job for twenty years, I feel I am the most at it.
2. Harry is one of the most speakers—half the audience always falls asleep in his
3. I think this is one of the best- conferences I’ve ever been to.
4. MicroTek is one of the best- producers of electronic devices.
5. We were all excited to start working after the CEO’s talk. It was one of her most
6. Doctor Mathers is one of the most physicists in the world.

organized qualified boring motivating respected experienced


  GOAL 31 

Tell a friend what a movie is about

Character(s) Who?
Setting Where?
Plot   Wants / Needs to …
But …

And / So …

196 | Review • Unit 40 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 32 

Role A
You are at a concert hall box office. You would like two tickets for tonight’s performance of
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9. You are a big fan of Beethoven’s music and you want the best
seats available. If possible, you’d like to sit in one of the first ten rows of the orchestra

Role B
You work at the concert hall box office. Tonight’s performance of Beethoven’s Symphony
No. 9 is almost sold out. Only these seats are available:
$150  Orchestra – Row 8: four individual seats (not next to each other) in the center
$120  Orchestra – Row 26: three seats next to each other in the center section.
$100  Orchestra – Row 12: two seats together on the far left side, next to the aisle.

  GOAL 33 

Explain the steps in planning a project

Use the chart to talk about five to seven steps involved in one of the projects below.
• buying a house
• moving to a new office across town
• organizing an end-of-year party
• Your idea: 

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 40 | 197

  GOAL 34 

Make a list of some of the things you must do this month. Then ask a classmate about
his / her to-do list.
To do By

  GOAL 35 

Role A
You are a department manager. Your assistant is preparing a presentation for a conference
next Friday. You are meeting with your assistant to talk about the presentation. During the
meeting you want to do the following:
- ask how the project is going
- find out if your assistant has all the information he / she needs
- ask if the presentation will be ready in time
- tell your assistant you’d like to see the presentation by Wednesday, if possible
Your assistant has just arrived. Greet him / her.

Role B
You are an assistant department manager. You are preparing a presentation for a
conference next Friday. Today you will be meeting with your department manager to give
him / her an update. During the meeting you want to let your manager know these things:
- everything is going as planned
- you have all the information you need
- the presentation will be ready by Friday
- you think you will finish it on Thursday
It’s time for your meeting. Go to your manager’s office.

198 | Review • Unit 40 ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

  GOAL 36 

Summarize completed projects

Use the questions below to make notes about a project you worked on (at work, at home, or in
your neighborhood).
What was your project?
How many phases were there? What did you do during each phase?

Did you finish the project on time?

Did you stay within your budget?
Use your notes to give a short presentation about your project.

  GOAL 37 

Start and develop a conversation

With a partner, practice starting a conversation in the following situations.

1. You are at the theater getting a drink during the break. The person who was sitting next to
you is there, too.

2. You are waiting for the elevator. A familiar-looking person is standing near you.

3. You are in the office kitchen, taking a coffee break. A new employee is there, too.

4. You are on a plane sitting next to a stranger. He / She is reading a book you’ve read before.

5. You are waiting for a meeting to start. There was a bad storm last night, so some people
are late.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Review • Unit 40 | 199

  GOAL 38 

Find similar interests and end a conversation

You are at a party where you don’t know many people. Speak to the other people at the party
and try to find one thing you have in common with each of them.
• If you discover that someone shares an interest with another person you have already
spoken to, offer to introduce the two people (if they haven’t met yet).

• If you can’t find anything in common with the person you are speaking to, end the
conversation and move on.

  GOAL 39 

Role A
Tell a colleague about a presentation you have seen or a training course you have attended
that was one of the most motivating for you. Be sure to say why it was motivating and how
you felt.

Role B
Tell a colleague about a presentation you have seen or a training course you have attended
that was one of the most disappointing for you. Be sure to say why it was disappointing and
how you felt.

Unit Photo Credits (listed from beginning-to-end, left-to-right English 3

within this unit): Berlitz ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. All rights reserved.

Unit 2. Ask a friend about a busy month

– Harry? Harry Benton?
– Yes?
– I thought it was you! Rita Bruni. Do you remember me?
– Of course. Rita! You look terrific! How are you?
– I’m fine, thanks. Gosh, we haven’t seen each other in what—five years?
– Something like that. Are you still at GeoTek?
– Actually, no. I’ve gone back to school. I started a course in environmental
management last year.
– Good for you. How’s Eric?
– Eric and I got married three years ago. And we have a daughter, Celia. She’s
eighteen months old now. What about you? Are you still working for IMG?
– Yes, they made me the area manager two years ago.
– That’s great! And you and Gina? The last time I saw you, you were talking
about a trip to Australia. Did you go?
– We sure did. And we’ve taken two trips to Europe and one to Asia since then.
This year we’re going to Africa.
– That’s wonderful. It’s so nice to see you again.

Unit 4. Ask and answer questions about educational and professional history
– And how long have you lived in Los Angeles, Erica?
– Since 2005. I moved here after I graduated from Columbia University. I have a
law degree.
– Really? So, you’re a lawyer?
– Yes. I’ve worked for a media company for the last six years.
– Good to see you, Tim. Are you still in marketing?
– Yes, but I specialize in market research now. How about you, Larry?
– I’m still in sales. I work for a large pharmaceutical company now, PharmaLabs.
Have you heard of it?
– I sure have. I own their stock.
– How many years of experience does your friend have? What’s his name again?
– His name’s Jerry. Jerry Jansen. He’s been in finance since he graduated. So
for about 20 years now.
– I see. And who does he currently work for?
– For himself. He’s been a very successful consultant for many years. If you’d
like, I could ask him to send you his résumé with a list of his most important

Unit 5. Give updates on an event plan

– Hi, Steve, this is Sandy. How’s everything coming along for the conference?
– Hi, Sandy. Everything’s fine so far.
– Have you reserved the rooms for our visitors?
– Yes, I have. And I sent out the confirmation letters this morning.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-1

– Great. Did you see that some of our guests are vegetarians?
– Yes, I did, and that’s on my list of things to do. I think The Argentine serves
vegetarian dishes, but I’ll call and check later today.
– What about the sightseeing tour?
– I haven’t booked it yet. I’m still waiting for one of the agents to call me back.
– OK.
– Do you know if the conference center has WiFi?
– They probably do. But call them to make sure, OK?
– OK. Talk to you later.

Unit 6. Plan an itinerary for a guest’s visit

– So, Rick, when is Mr. Bittner arriving?
– I’m meeting him at the airport at eight o’clock Tuesday morning.
– How long will he be here?
– Just for one day. He’s leaving for Los Angeles Wednesday morning.
– That’s a short visit. What do you plan to do while he’s here?
– We’re going to meet with the department heads in the morning and then we’re
all going out to lunch.
– And after that?
– Debbie’s going to give him a tour of the office, so he can meet all the
department teams. In the evening, he and I are going on a river cruise.
– A river cruise?
– Yes, he wants to see the city at night. And the river cruise is the best way to do
that, don’t you think?
– Yes, it is a great way to see the city. That’s going to be a long day for the two
of you.
– Well, we have to make the most of Mr. Bittner’s visit.

Unit 8. Suggest interesting places to go in your city

– So where do you want to go on vacation this year, Donna?
– Why don’t we visit a national park? I’ve never been to Yosemite.
– What can we do there?
– We can go hiking. They say there are incredible views of waterfalls and
mountains. And some of the trees in the forests are huge—giant redwoods and
– OK, let’s look it up online.
– Karen, look at this. How would you like to go on a cruise to Alaska?
– I don’t think so, Mike. I don’t want to be on a boat for our week of vacation.
– So what would you rather do?
– I want to lie on the beach in the sun. How about a visit to a tropical island?
– That sounds good to me. Let me see what I can find.

Unit 9. Give details about sightseeing spots

The Taj Mahal, located in Agra, India, is an excellent example of Mughal
architecture. It was built by Shah Jahan and was completed around 1653.

A-2 | Audio Script ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Unit 9. Give details about sightseeing spots
The Taj Mahal, located in Agra, India, is an excellent example of Mughal
architecture. It was built by Shah Jahan and was completed around 1653.
The caves of Lascaux, located in southwestern France, contain some of the
finest examples of pre-historic art. The paintings were created over 17,000 years
ago. The cave was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers.
The Mona Lisa, displayed in the Louvre Museum in Paris, is probably the most
famous painting in the world. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Experts
believe it was painted between 1503 and 1506.

Unit 10. Review

– Tell me, Clive, what did you do at Celetex?
– I was an assistant manager there for four years. I left Celetex when I finished
my MBA.
– What did you do after that?
– I was a supervisor at SysCom from 2006 to 2010.
– Why did you leave SysCom?
– I was offered a job as a sales manager at Maxonic. Last year, I was promoted
to sales director.
– So tell me, Nina, have you ever been to New York before?
– No, I haven’t. Do you have any suggestions about what to do while I’m here?
– If you like theater, I suggest seeing a Broadway show before you leave.
– Hm. I’ll think about that. What about art? What’s the best museum to go to?
– Personally, I like both the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim. If you
want, we can go there together on the weekend.
– That sounds like a great idea, Chris! Thank you.

Unit 11. Ask for advice about vacation activities

– How may I help you?
– Where’s a good place to hear some live music?
– You’re in luck. There’s a music festival going on this week. It’s one of the
biggest festivals in the country.
– Really? Where is it being held?
– On River Island. A shuttle bus leaves for the island every half hour.
– And where can we get tickets?
– I can arrange tickets for you. How many …
– Good morning. How can I help you?
– Do you have any tourist maps?
– Certainly. Here you are. This map shows all the places of interest and their
– And do you have information about sightseeing tours?
– Yes, we do. Here are some brochures.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-3

– Oh, there are a lot of them. Could you suggest one for us?
– Yes. This is one of the most popular tours. Buses run every half hour. And if
you buy a one-day pass, you can get on and off the bus whenever you like.
– That sounds good. Where can we buy the tickets?
– I can help you with that. What time would you like to start the tour?

Unit 14. Complain about a meal

– Excuse me. I think there’s been a mistake. I ordered veal. But this is chicken,
isn’t it?
– I’m sorry, sir, but that is veal.
– It doesn’t taste like veal.
– Would you like to order something else?
– No, thanks. This is fine.
– Excuse me. These oysters don’t smell right.
– I’m sorry, ma’am. Let me bring you something else.
– There’s no need. I’ve lost my appetite.
– I’m so sorry. Could I bring you a salad or maybe a light soup?
– OK. I’ll have a small garden salad.
– I’ll bring it right away.
– Here’s your salad, ma’am. And I’ve spoken to our manager. Your meal is on the
house tonight.
– Thank you very much.
– Excuse me. This isn’t what I asked for. I wanted the salad dressing on the side.
– I’m sorry. I’ll bring you another salad right away.
– Thank you. And could you bring some more bread, please?
– Yes, of course.

Unit 16. Check in for a flight

– Hello.
– Good morning, sir. Where are you going today?
– Shanghai.
– Your passport and ticket, please. Will you be checking any bags, Mr. Lewis?
– Just one. And I have my laptop and one carry-on bag.
– Would you like an aisle or a window seat?
– Window, please.
– Flight 923 to Shanghai will board at Gate 32. Boarding will begin in about two
hours. And here’s your boarding pass. Have a good trip, Mr. Lewis.
– Thank you. Bye.

Unit 17. Make and confirm requests on a plane

Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has just turned on the fasten-seat-belt sign.
Please store your carry-on luggage under the seat in front of you or in the
overhead bins. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt.

A-4 | Audio Script ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be landing in Vancouver. Please make sure
your seat back and tray table are in their upright position, and your seat belt is
securely fastened. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are parked at
the gate. Thank you.

Unit 18. Call baggage claim and locate a missing bag

– Good morning, ma’am. How may I help you?
– Hi. My name is Amanda Taylor. I just arrived on your flight from Vancouver,
and I haven’t been able to find one of my suitcases.
– I can help you with that. You said you arrived on this morning’s flight from
Vancouver. Is that right?
– Yes, Flight 287. We got in this morning at around 10:00 a.m.
– Do you have your baggage claim check, Ms. Taylor?
– Yes, here it is.
– Thank you. Give me just a minute, please, while I check on it. I’m sorry, Ms.
Taylor, but I’m afraid your suitcase is on its way to Miami. We can have it sent
back to Dallas on Flight 903 later today.
– And what time will it get here?
– Flight 903 is scheduled to arrive at 9:25 this evening. If you give me your
address, we can deliver the bag to you as soon as it comes in.
– Yes?
– Good evening, I’m from Yukon Air. I have a baggage delivery for Ms. Amanda
– Oh, great. Just a moment, please. I’ll be right down. Hi, I’m Amanda Taylor.
– Hi, Ms. Taylor. Here you are, claim number YA374988. We’re very sorry for the
– That’s OK. I’m just glad you were able to find it.
– Would you please sign here to indicate that you’ve received the bag?
– Sure.
– Again, on behalf of Yukon Air, please accept our apology for the inconvenience
and the mishandling of your luggage.
– Thank you. Good night.
– Good night.

Unit 19. Describe your flight experience

– How was your flight, Victor?
– It was OK. The flight attendants were not very friendly and my seat wasn’t very
comfortable. When you fly eight hours, a comfortable seat can make a big
– I’m sorry, sir. We need to keep the aisles clear. May I store your hand luggage
in the overhead compartment?
– I tried, but there is no room left.
– I understand. Let’s try to store it under the seat in front of you.
– I’m afraid we can’t. I put my briefcase there.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-5

– That’s no problem. I’ll find another overhead compartment. Do you need
anything from your bag before I put it away?
– No, I don’t. Thank you for your help.

Unit 20. Review

– How is your steak?
– Just awful! It’s so undercooked, I think it might just walk off my plate!
– Are you going to send it back?
– Of course. Now where is that waiter?
– Did you enjoy your meal?
– Yes indeed. In fact, everything was so delicious, I plan to recommend this
place to all my friends.
– How was the restaurant?
– The food and the service were fantastic.
– But?
– The prices. The restaurant is so expensive, I don’t think we’ll be going there
again soon.

Unit 22. Explain what you have people do for you

– Hi, Vicky. We’re going to the movies after work. Would you like to join us?
– Thank you, Marcus. I’d love to, but my parents are coming tomorrow for dinner,
so I have to do the cleaning and vacuuming tonight. My house is a bit of a mess
at the moment.
– Everything was delicious, Lisa. You’re a real chef.
– Me? I can’t cook at all. David made the dinner. He’s the one who does the
cooking at our house.
– Does Richard help out around the house?
– How could he? He comes home late almost every night and he works most
weekends. But he does take out the trash and wash the cars.
– Do you have someone come to the house to help you, Nancy?
– Yes, we do. And it’s a huge help. How about you, Isabel?
– I have a woman come for the cooking and cleaning, but she never has time to
do the washing or ironing, so I do that myself during the weekend.
– You don’t know a good mechanic, do you, Steve?
– Actually, I do. My friend, Barry, is a very good mechanic. I always have him
work on my car. Why do you need a mechanic?
– My car wouldn’t start this morning. Could you give me your friend’s number?
– Sure. Here’s his card. But let me call him first to let him know that you’re my
neighbor. Is your car working at all?
– No, I don’t think so.

A-6 | Audio Script ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

– OK. Maybe we could have him stop by your place this evening to have a look at
– That would be great. Thanks, Steve. Could you give him my cell phone
– Hi, Jerry.
– Tiffany? You’re early!
– I took the afternoon off, because I had to run some errands.
– Well, that’s great. Come in. How did you get here?
– I had a taxi drop me off downtown and walked over after I finished my errands.
– Why didn’t you call? I could have picked you up.
– What time is the wedding on Saturday?
– The ceremony is at 2 o’clock, and the reception will be at Meg and Brian’s
place afterwards.
– Do they have anyone helping them?
– Yes, Meg is having a caterer do most of the cooking.
– She probably needs help with the decorations. I’m going to give her a call.

Unit 23. Talk about your chores and errands

– So did you get everything done?
– No, I still need to get the car fixed.
– What about your suits? Did you have them cleaned?
– No, I’ll drop them off tomorrow, before my haircut.
– You’re getting your hair cut?
– Yes, tomorrow afternoon. I need to look good for my new passport picture,
don’t I?
– Oh, that’s right. You’re having your picture taken on Friday. I forgot.

Unit 24. Rent a car

– Good morning. May I help you?
– Good morning. Yes, I’d like to rent a car for one week.
– What kind of car would you like?
– I’d like an SUV.
– Just a moment. Let me check to see what we have. I’m sorry. All our SUVs are
rented. We can offer you several models of compact and full-size cars.
– A full-size should be OK. What does this mean—the A Rate?
– It’s our rate for seven days if you return the car to this location.
– Does it include unlimited mileage?
– Yes, it does. We also ask that you return the car with a full tank. If you don’t,
we charge $6 a gallon for gasoline.
– OK. The A Rate sounds good.
– Would you like to add our optional insurance? It costs $10 a day.
– No, thanks. I’m covered by my credit card.
– All right. May I see your driver’s license and credit card?
– Here you are.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-7

– No, thanks. I’m covered by my credit card.
– All right. May I see your driver’s license and credit card?
– Here you are.

Unit 25. Ask for and summarize road directions

– Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Hanley Beach?
– Sure. Go straight ahead for about a mile. At the second intersection, turn left.
That’s Ocean Road. Follow Ocean Road all the way to the beach. It’s about five
– Great. Thank you.
– What’s the best way to get to the M5 from here?
– At the roundabout, take the first exit onto Waterloo Road. When you come to
the traffic light, turn left. That will put you onto the A30. Follow the signposts for
Exeter Airport for about two miles. Then you should see the signs for the M5.
– Thanks.
– We’re trying to get to Waterville. Are we going in the right direction?
– Waterville? No, you’re going the wrong way.
– OK. So how do we get there?
– Turn around and go south on Route 59. Keep going until you see the exit for 22
East. Take 22 East for about six miles. The first exit will be for Waterville.
– Thank you very much.
– You’re welcome.

Unit 26. Talk about road and traffic conditions

Because of the football game tonight, all streets near the stadium will be closed
to vehicles from 5:00 to 11:00 this evening. Expect delays on nearby streets. The
city is encouraging fans to take public transit to the game.
Because of snow and ice, roads are very slippery today. The authorities are
asking you to stay home if you can. If you must go out, take public transport if at
all possible. If you take your car, please drive carefully.
We have a report of an accident on Glendale Road near Highland Avenue. Traffic
is blocked in both directions. The police are asking drivers to avoid the area.
Watch for construction on Route 80. Traffic is moving slowly through the area.
Follow the detour signs to avoid heavy traffic during rush hour.

Unit 27. Report car trouble

– Did you walk to work, Brenda?! You’re soaked!
– I had to. My car wouldn’t start this morning. My husband took a look at it, but
he didn’t know what to do. He’s going to call the mechanic for me.
– But why didn’t you take a taxi or a bus? It’s pouring out there.

A-8 | Audio Script ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

– Believe me, I tried. There were no taxis and all the buses were packed. I didn’t
want to be late. I was late once last week and Mr. Thompson wasn’t very happy
about it.
– Ginny? Can you hear me?
– Yes, I can. Where are you, John? It’s so noisy.
– I know, I’m on Albin Road and the traffic is awful. Ginny, can you come and get
– What’s the matter? Did you have an accident?
– No, I ran out of gas. Can you pick me up?
– Sure, tell me where you are. I’ll be there in ten minutes.
– You know the corner of Albin and Fairfax? I’m about …

Unit 28. Give your opinion about recent performances

– Did you see the Rembrandt exhibit last month?
– No, I didn’t. I was in Toronto. How was it?
– It was great. I saw some of his most famous paintings, but also some less
well-known paintings that were excellent.
– Is there anything interesting at the museum now?
– There's a photography exhibit of natural wonders of the world.
– I’d like to see that. What do you think, Nancy? Shall we plan to go together?
– Hi, John. When did you get back from Los Angeles?
– Last Thursday. We were only there for four days.
– Did you get to see a basketball game?
– We sure did. On Saturday night. They played Boston. What a great game.
– Who won?
– Los Angeles won in overtime. I think the final score was 112-109.
– Do you want to see Lucky Guy? It’s showing at the Halston Theatre.
– Not really. My friends at work saw it last week, and they didn’t have anything
good to say about it. Let’s go see a musical instead.
– OK. Let me see what’s playing. We could go see The Honeymoon. I’ve heard it’s
pretty good.
– OK. That sounds good to me.

Unit 30. Review

– You have reached 555-0189. Please leave a message after the beep.
– Hi Giles, this is Gina. I just wanted to let you know that I was able to make a
reservation at the restaurant for Friday at 7:00 p.m., and I made sure your sister
would be able to order a vegetarian dish. I wasn’t able to get a table by the
window, though. The restaurant will be very busy that night. I asked about a
birthday cake and decorations, and they said the cake is no problem. I ordered a
chocolate cake with “Happy Birthday Eloise” on it. They can’t put up decorations,
but they can put flowers on the table. Does this sound OK to you? If not, let me
know. I told the restaurant I would confirm everything today. Talk to you later.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-9

Unit 31. Tell a friend what a movie is about
Milligan’s Island is the story of a group of people who go on a short boat trip
together. But there is a storm and the boat sinks near a deserted island. Funny
and surprising things happen to the group before a ship finally comes and takes
them home.
Maybe Some Day is about a millionaire businessman, Nick Barton, who’s
devoted his life to helping people with financial hardship. His world is turned
upside down when he meets Tracy Newton, who steals his money and his heart.
A funny, charming movie that’s not sugary sweet.
Unplugged takes place in the future. There are no more computers or schools
because most people have had a chip implanted in their heads that connects
them to a central database. But one day, a virus gets into the database, and only
the few people without chips—the “noncons”—can help. But will they want to?

Unit 32. Buy tickets to a show

– Hi, Olivia. It’s Greg.
– Hi, Greg. What’s up?
– Do you have plans for tomorrow night?
– No. Why?
– I have tickets for the Black Cats concert. Donna was going to come, but she
has a business dinner that she can’t miss. She thought you might be interested.
What do you think?
– That’s so nice of you two. Yes, I’d love to go. I tried to get tickets myself earlier
this week, but they told me at the box office that it was sold out.
– Yeah, I heard that it’s sold out. I got my tickets online as soon as they went on
– Did you get good seats?
– I sure did. Third row, center section. We’re going to be right up by the stage.
– I’m so excited. Thanks again for thinking of me.
– You’re welcome. I’ll come by your house at around 7 to pick you up, OK?

Unit 34. Talk about schedules and deadlines

– Hello?
– Hi, Lauren. It’s me. I’m sorry, but I have to work late tonight. I’m working on a
report that’s due tomorrow.
– That’s too bad. Chris and Jane are here. How soon will you be home?
– No later than eight. I promise. See you soon, OK?
– Nancy, can we meet tomorrow morning to talk about the Dover project?
– Sure. What time do you want to meet?
– Can we meet early? What time do you get to work?
– I’m usually here by 8:30, but I could come in at 8:00.
– That would be great. Why don’t you call me as soon as you get in?
– OK. Will do. See you tomorrow, Toshio.

A-10 | Audio Script ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

– Where were you this morning, Claudia? I came by your office.
– I was in a meeting presenting my proposal for the marketing project.
– Oh, that’s right. How did it go?
– All things considered, it went OK. Mr. Henderson sometimes asks difficult
– I’m sure it went fine.
– I hope you’re right.

Unit 35. Give a status update on a project

– How’s the marketing campaign going?
– Just great, thanks. The new ads look terrific and response has been very good
so far. Sales are higher already.
– And our advertising costs?
– So far, we’ve managed to stay within budget.
– Sounds like everything’s going as planned. When can I see your report?
– Roger’s preparing it now. It’ll be ready by noon.
– Perfect. Keep up the good work.
– How’s the work on the Ashland project coming along, Tara?
– We’re doing our best, George, but it’s taking longer than expected.
– Why?
– We’re still waiting for the materials list we need from the construction team.
Without that, there’s no way we’ll complete phase two on time.
– Have you spoken with the contractor?
– I’ve talked to him several times. And emailed him. And texted him.
– How far behind schedule are we?
– About a week.
– OK. Let me call. Maybe I can speed things up.

Unit 38. Find similar interests and end a conversation

– What do you do in your free time, Jennifer?
– I’m an amateur photographer.
– Are you really? That’s interesting. When did you get into that?
– About ten years ago.
– What do you take pictures of?
– Mostly I do outdoor nature shots—a lot of trees, flowers, and animals.
– Do you use a digital camera?
– Yes, but I also use film and develop it myself. And what about you, Steve? Do
you have any hobbies?
– I love to cook. My wife and I belong to a dinner club.
– A dinner club?
– That’s what we call it. Several of us meet once a month at someone’s home,
and we make dinner together.
– That sounds like fun.
– It is. Would you like to join us sometime?
– I’d love to. I’ve always wanted to take cooking classes.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-11

– Yes, the traffic was awful.
– It usually is around here, especially this time of day. Have you tried Ashley’s
punch yet?
– No, but I was just about to. Is it good?
– It’s delicious. Oh, there’s Tina. Excuse me, Don, I wanted to introduce Tina to a
few people. I’ll see you later, OK?
– OK, Lynn. See you later.
– Hi. I’m John Cabot in sales. You’re not the new IT Manager, are you?
– Yes, I am. I’m Cindy Butler.
– It’s nice to meet you, Cindy.
– Nice to meet you, too. Would you like a cup of coffee? They’ve just made a
fresh pot.
– No, thanks, I’ve had too many cups already today. It’s been a busy week.
– Tell me about it. I’m glad it’s Friday.
– So am I. Oh, I’m sorry. I have to run. I have a meeting in two minutes. Would
you excuse me?
– Of course. It was nice to meet you, John.
– You, too, Cindy.
– Good morning.
– Good morning.
– Has the number 10 bus come by already?
– No, not yet. I’m waiting for the same bus.
– Oh, good. I was afraid I’d missed it. Such a beautiful morning, isn’t it?
– Oh, yes. There’s not a cloud in the sky.
– And the temperature is perfect.
– It sure is. We’ve had our windows open all week.
– We have, too. The bus is really running late. When did you get here?
– I’ve been here for at least fifteen minutes. Ah, there it is.
– Oh, good. Well, it was nice talking to you.
– You, too. Have a good day.

Unit 39. Tell a coworker about a presentation

– How was the sales meeting?
– Great. Our new products are selling really well. Our customers are excited
about them, and our reps are meeting their goals.
– That must be very motivating for you and your team.
– It sure is!
– How was the presentation?
– It was confusing actually. The man who gave the presentation is clearly an
expert on training software, but we’re not. He used so much technical language
that I couldn’t follow him. Plus, he was just boring. He looked at his computer
and read from his slides the entire time. I don’t think he looked at us more than
once or twice the entire hour!
– The company’s not going to hire him to do the next training session, is it?
– I hope not!

A-12 | Audio Script ©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc.

and read from his slides the entire time. I don’t think he looked at us more than
once or twice the entire hour!
– The company’s not going to hire him to do the next training session, is it?
– I hope not!
– What did you think of that last speech?
– It was fascinating! I’ve been interested in green building design for a while,
and, after this speech, I finally feel motivated to get my certificate.
– Wow! You are excited! Good luck!
– Thanks. I’m going to try to enroll in the certification program next month.

Unit 40. Review

– So, can you tell us how the project went?
– Well, yes, of course. The first two phases went perfectly, no problems at all.
But in Phase 3, we missed the deadline because one of our key team members
left the company.
– What did you do?
– During Phase 4, we hired a couple of new people so we could get back on
– Were you able to stay within your budget?
– Not quite. The team had to work extra hours so we could complete the project
on time. Because of the overtime expense, we went over budget by ten percent.

©2018 Berlitz Languages, Inc. Audio Script | A-13

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