Layout Planning Ideas

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Workshop tips
Layout planning

• Plot realistic towns along the tracks

• Chose the ideal entrance for your train room
• Design railroad yards that work Layout Planning Ideas

Towns along the tracks
A well-detailed and realistic downtown
scene can add as much to a model
Give your model cities the same railroad as any lineside industry.
Figures, vehicles, and signs bring this
realistic treatment you give your trains street on Model Railroader’s Black
River Junction layout to life.

Model railroaders can be sticklers place for the main streets through your Today’s urban sprawl would seem
about detail and prototype appearance. town? Do all the buildings in town have out of place on layouts set in an earlier
To some, the wrong horn or radio an- street access and adequate parking? era. Cities grew up around a compact
tenna on a diesel stands out like a bea- Do your roads have any curves, grades core. In most towns, the depot was in
con. Yet many of these modelers build or intersections that would be improb- the heart of it all, with major streets
their layouts with towns that would give able on the prototype? Do your streets leading to it. Look at historical maps to
urban planners nightmares. have the striping, curbs, gutters, signs see how towns grew with the railroads.
As model railroaders, our first pri- and other details you would find on the Google Earth ( is a
ority when planning a layout is going prototype? Do they seem to have a pur- good source for current aerial views of
to be the track. But it’s often easy to pose and go somewhere, even if it’s just prototype street and rail arrangements.
forget that the cities and towns on our off the edge of the layout?
layout should exist for reasons beyond When deciding where to place your Give your town a history
the railroad. Making sure your minia- streets, also keep grade crossings in Your layout may represent a specific
ture villages are livable, drivable, and mind. Although in railroading’s early moment in time, but your town has a
realistic looking will have visitors to days it was common to lay tracks in the past. It’s easy to give your town a sense
your layout swearing that they’ve driv- middle of streets, these days, grade of history with a few simple details. A
en through the area you’re modeling, crossings are avoided wherever possible. pioneer or military figure in a scale
even if your layout is freelanced. Look at your layout and ask whether larger than your trains could be draft-
any grade crossings could be eliminated ed into service as a memorial statue to
Realistic street arrangements by road over- or underpasses, by shift- grace a downtown park. A sign on a
Try looking at the terrain around ing a street to cross the railroad where bridge might mark the high-water point
your layout as a city planner might. there are fewer tracks, or by simply end- of a historic flood. A dead-end street,
What is the easiest and most obvious ing a street at a dead end. closed to eliminate a grade crossing,

 Layout Planning Ideas •

would be a sign of change. A warehouse
could be refitted as an office or condo Urban Planning 101
complex, the ties of its abandoned sid-
ing still visible through the weeds. And
a shuttered factory, its fading sign tout- Keep these principles in mind when planning towns on your layout:
ing the enduring quality of its butter • Like railroad tracks, streets should, where practical, be straight and level.
churns or buggy whips, can add a hu- • Minimize grade crossings, and adequately protect the ones you do have
morous touch as well as visual interest with crossbucks and gates.
to your layout. • Road overpasses make great scene separators or view blocks.
Remember that towns grew outward • You can show off your rock-modeling skills on road cuts and fills as easily
from the center. Put your older-looking as you can along train tracks.
brick business blocks in the middle of • Cluster similar buildings together. Put stores next to stores, houses next to
town, and put the concrete, glass and houses.
steel ones toward the outskirts. • Refer to prototype photos to make sure your buildings, trees, and land-
And don’t limit your towns to track- marks look like the ones in the area you’re modeling.
side industries, either. Your scale resi- • Not all industries need their own spurs. Adjacent businesses can share a
dents need places to live and shop. A spur, adding to switching challenges.
row of white clapboard houses stretch- • A team track, freight house or truck terminal is a realistic way to let your
ing up the hillside says “Appalachia” as railroad serve any kind of industry you might imagine.
effectively as a coal mine. • Not all businesses on your layout need to be rail-served. Your town’s
A roadside tourist trap touting local inhabitants need restaurants, groceries, banks, and barbershops, too.
crafts could add great visual interest as
well as a sense of place; decorate it with
seashells or a nautical theme for an
East Coast road, Amish crafts in the
Midwest, and Native American blan-
kets and moccasins in the Southwest.

Track is expensive
Our instinct as rail enthusiasts is
the more sidings, the better. However,
prototype railroads don’t feel the same.
To them, track is expensive both to lay
and maintain, and turnouts even more
so. For that reason, rail-served indus-
tries tend to locate along existing spurs,
rather than getting industrial sidings
of their own.
So rather than looking for a place to
wedge in another turnout, lengthen an
existing spur and add a couple more in- The company houses on the Turtle Creek Mine Branch are as effective at
dustries along its length. Not only will placing this layout in Appalachia as the mine or the mountains behind them.
this add to your switching challenges,
but just as on the prototype, it will save few books about your road. Even if trackside industries may be rare, but
you on track maintenance. you’re freelancing, look in the library this site can help you get an idea of the
Or, instead of having that siding for books about roads that served your general architectural style of the area.
serve just a few buildings, put in a load- railroad’s area. If you are modeling an older era, a
ing ramp and turn it into a team track. If you model the modern era, your little more digging may be required.
Any kind of off-line business can ship task is easy; the buildings you want to Search online for historical societies
or receive cargo on a team track, mak- model still exist. You can find pictures for the state, county and town you’re
ing it a potential destination for all of the area you’re modeling online fair- modeling. Not all will have a photo col-
sorts of interesting cars. For a bigger ly easily. Search the Web for the home lection online, but members should be
town, a freight house or truck terminal pages of the city or county govern- happy to help guide your research.
serves a similar function. ments, chambers of commerce, down- Museums, universities and larger
town business associations, and real city libraries also sometimes post his-
The prototype look estate agents in the area you’re model- torical photo exhibitions online. Vir-
Giving your railroad a feeling of ing. Also, try searching for the name of ginia Tech, for example, has a huge file
place should go beyond choosing the your town at to find at, in-
terrain your trains move through. Mak- pictures; you can eliminate some of the cluding more than 12,000 images in
ing sure your buildings fit the location less useful results by adding terms like the railroad category alone. Try search-
you’re modeling is as important as pick- “downtown,” “historic,” “buildings,” or ing with the terms “historic photo col-
ing the right trees. If you wouldn’t stick “railroad” to your search. lection” to find other online archives.
a cactus on your New England-based Another place to find contemporary Paying a little attention to how you
railroad, you shouldn’t put up a stucco photos online is model the towns on your layout can
depot, either. This site compiles vital statistics about pay off in increased realism, and may
If you model a specific prototype, cities large and small and allows users improve your operating possibilities,
you probably already have access to a to post their own pictures. Photos of as well. –Steven Otte

Layout Planning Ideas 

When he built a layout room above
his studio, photographer Tommy Holt
used a wide stairwell away from the
walls as an entrance. Tommy Holt photo

Getting in and out

of your layout room
Options to consider when you have a choice
How you get into your train room of- layout aisleway where it comes up. entrance, with the additional disad-
ten isn’t a design feature that you get to Even with a stairway along a wall, it’s vantage that the stairwell occupies
choose, and most of us have to try to be not too much of a restriction to design area that might otherwise be available
happy with whatever situation we find. a narrow section of benchwork to span for the layout. If the stairwell is away
However, if you do have a choice, what the opening and allow people to climb from the walls, the layout may be
would you prefer? Here are several op- up beside the layout. wrapped completely around the base-
tions in order from most to least desir- This may be the best option, but ment and even along at least one side of
able, with suggestions on how to make nothing is perfect. Unless there are the stairwell. If the stairs are along the
the best of any kind of entryway. also windows or other kinds of access wall, one of the oldest model railroad
to the upstairs layout room, everything design tricks is to tunnel through a
Up from below used in and on the layout has to be stair riser to allow an around-the-walls
Most experienced layout designers brought up the stairs. Restrictions in main line to pass through the stairway,
and builders would agree that in the the stairway may limit the dimensions as in the lower photo opposite.
best of all possible worlds you’d come up of materials that can be carried up. Basements typically have small win-
into your layout room from below, as in dows near the ground line, and on slop-
the photo above. You might be coming Down from above ing lots may have above-ground side
into an attic or upper-story room, or Next best in descending order – I entrances. Either can allow lumber
perhaps into a room added above a ga- have to admit that was intentional – is and other materials to be brought in
rage. This kind of entry offers the least a stairway down into the layout room without using the stairs.
possible obstruction to whatever layout from above. This is the most common
design you choose. way to enter a basement, for example. Side entrance
If the stairwell is away from the wall It shares many of the advantages and And finally we come to the most
you’ll have to make sure that there’s a disadvantages of the up-from-below problematic of all, a doorway through

 Layout Planning Ideas •

A simple lift-out layout section carrying your main line across a doorway may be all it takes to allow you and your guests
to walk in and out of your railroad room without stooping. Jeff Wilson photo

High line
doorway 65"
shown in
inches) 651⁄2"

65" Nod under


Duckunders, liftouts, and swinging gates

Illustration by Rick Johnson
a wall of the layout room. The question
in this case is whether or not the layout
Options for gaining access to your layout
will cross the entryway.
In many cases, a walk-in layout
shape can be chosen or devised that A stairway along the wall of Keith Jordan’s basement was a layout-design
will let the doorway open directly onto obstacle that proved easy to overcome. The track through the stair riser leads
an aisle leading to all parts of the lay- to a staging yard behind the stairs. Keith Jordan photo

M ost track-planning
out. Usually
out designer
this will involve
loops – avoiding
and Armstrong
“blobs” as duckun-
master lay-
swinging gates
with gates or liftouts. Second, it
wouldif drawbridge,
drops, with
layout section.
seamless sceneryAand
or “elevator” (a layout
no breaks
gate,back- • Castered chair or wheeled gar-
at theseg- den seat. It’s easier to sit and bend
say – on either side of the entrance. ment engineered to move straight up, from the waist to roll under a layout
possible. However,
Or perhaps the layout we’ve all discov-
schematic ing normal
will leaving or duckunder
headroom area.
for people that crosses a doorway than it is to
allow at one time or
a stub-ended another
terminal yardthatonto walkingHowever,
beneath) remember that the crawl on all fours.
can allow no-stoop
one or both sides of the entry. Either access just
get optimum use from some spaces older we get the less agile like a walk-in plan. See we
the • Low handrails under the layout.
way, the walk-in layout will allow en- photo at the top of this page for a sim- When all else fails, railings at least lend
we have
trance andtoexit
locate the track
without across
stooping become.And, especially when deal-
or ple example. solid support to people duck-walking
door opening
which most or other
model walkway.
railroad- •ing with an entrance
High-altitude Where
the layout,
through an unwelcome but unavoid-
ers consider the ideal. the the
line can cross
of athe doorway able duckunder. A railing is also handy
To duck or not to duck
In some situations, having the layout with sufficient elevation, you can walk when using a rolling chair.
cross a side entrance may be the only through could eventually
normally diminish
or perhaps your
with only • Narrow the layout. If you must
wayShould youthe
to achieve leave
trackanplanarea as a
schematic overall enjoyment
a “nod-under,” of the
as in the track planhobby.
seg- duck under, try to make the unpleasant
you want. Even
duckunder? Thatso, depends
there mayupon still be ment above,
1 showsyoura head as you
typical duck-trip underneath is as short as possible.
ways to get into the train room without pass under the layout. This can be use- Whichever entry option you choose
how much
groveling on ducking
your hands you’ll
andhavekneesto ful under location. If you or
for mountain-climbing domulti-
choosewilla then be easier to implement and
do. If the
through thebottom
dreadedof the framepas-
“duckunder” is deckduckunder, here areifsome
railroads, especially tips toless onerous for both you and your
the lower
sage. Consider
fairly high (50″ these
taller), and you decks don’tincross
keep the entrance.
mind: guests. – Andy Sperandeo
and your operators are under 6 • Keep the layout at the duck- Layout Planning Ideas 
feet, ducking might not be too under area as narrow as you can
Yards that work
Think about the purpose of the yard before planning track
Railroad yards come in a wide variety a compound ladder, where the turnouts branch line. The locomotive needs a
of types: classification, terminal, inter- branch off one track and then divide way to get from one end of the train to
change, storage, and more. Model rail- again. Then there is the choice between the other after the end of its run. The
roads also have one type of yard not parallel and sequential track accomo- simplest way is to add an additional
found on the prototype, the staging dations, the latter most often seen on track and a couple of turnouts, forming
yard. Regardless of type, for a yard to the prototype in commuter operations, an escape track. See fig. 1.
work on a layout, it must have several where one train is terminated behind Another way to free an engine from
basic features, including provisions for another on the same track. What you its train is to use a switch engine to pull
switching, service, and storage. It must plan to do with a yard is an important the train back from its locomotive and
also be sufficient for the traffic density factor to keep in mind when deciding into a siding or yard track. This switcher
it is to handle. on track arrangements. can be justified as the size of the branch
Yard tracks may have a variety of terminal city grows in importance and
configurations. Some have simple lad- Smaller stub yards more tracks are added. Arriving trains
ders, in which the turnouts all diverge Let’s start with a very basic arrange- can pull into a stub track and have the
from one lead track. The alternative is ment, like the end of a single-track train pulled back by the switcher, allow-

Fig. 1 Escape track


Minimum of one
engine length

Fig 2 The Union Terminal Ry. Illustrations by Rick Johnson

Stub terminal HO scale (1:87.1)

12" grid

Switch lead

 Layout Planning Ideas •

Fig. 4
Omaha &
North Western
Omaha Terminal
HO scale (1:87.1)
24" grid

Freight house

Escape track

ing the road engine to head off for ser- A train traveling counter-clockwise
vicing. A runaround track may still be on the Union Terminal main line first
needed to get the motive power on the passes the turnout that leads to the
right end of any cars to be switched to switch lead and the rest of the layout. It
industry spurs. All of these features then passes a short runaround before
can be included in a very small layout, pulling into the stub terminal. A switch
such as the 4 x 8-foot HO Scale Union engine, spotted on the lead or the turn-
Terminal Ry., shown in fig. 2. table tracks, can then pull the train off
the road engine and sort the cars.

Larger yards
As the terminal grows in size, the
same design principles apply. As shown
Fig. 3
Bekin United RR in fig. 3, the Bekin United RR has a
HO scale (1:87.1)
12" grid

To main

Layout Planning Ideas 

stub yard off the main with the track to
the waterfront industries serving dou-
ble duty as the yard lead.
This arrangement also demonstrates
a third way that the road engine can be
freed from the train. A train running
counter-clockwise on the main would
back into the stub-ended yard. The
road engine can then simply pull for-
ward to free itself from the train.
A large city terminal can also be a
stub yard. The Omaha yard of the fic-
tional Omaha & North Western, shown
in fig. 4, combines both freight and Fig. 5
passenger stub tracks. Arrival tracks The Silver
between the station and freight yard Gate Northern
share an escape track that allows en- HO scale (1:87.1)
gines to cut off from their trains, back 12" grid
out and go to the engine terminal. The
freight yard tracks diverge from a com-
pound ladder to maximize the length
of each track.
The terminal is approached by two
tracks to allow increased traffic densi-
ty. A scissors crossover allows access to
any track in the yard, station, or engine
terminal. This allows two simultane-
ous train movements, be they trains on
the main line, switchers, or engines
proceeding to and from the servicing
points on the roundhouse leads. These
two approach tracks should be as long
as the longest yard track for the great-
est operating flexibility.

Double-ended yards
Double-ended yards are more flexi-
ble. They allow for greater traffic den-
sity simply because both ends of the
yard can be worked at once. Also, cut-
ting the engine off an arriving train is
not as much of an issue. ample. The yard, just east of Lubbock, containing the engine servicing area,
A lack of space often prevents using Texas, served as a division point, a the yard lead, and the junction with the
double-ended yards on smaller layouts. junction with a branch line to Lamesa, Lamesa Branch. The engine terminal
However, it’s possible to include such a Texas, and the western end of a main- amounts to little more than diesel ser-
yard on an HO scale layout less than 10 line section that included a stiff grade vice tracks, since the roundhouse and
feet on a side. up the Caprock Escarpment. steam servicing buildings were re-
The part of the Silver Gate Northern In the model world, the yard may be moved by the mid-1970s.
shown in fig. 5 has a yard with the best represented by flipping it front-to- The entrance to the Lamesa Branch
same features as stub yards. The lad- back, as shown in fig. 6. This puts the is on a wye, just as on the prototype.
ders are compound to maximize yard yard ladders next to the aisle for easier This allows turning engines or cars
track length, and the tracks are curved reach and viewing, as well as making it without a turntable.
to fit in the limited space while still easier to see cars at the ends of the The mirror imaging of this yard
maintaining side-to-side clearance be- tracks, where most switching, cou- puts the yard switch lead on the same
tween tracks. pling, and uncoupling would happen. side of the main line as the Lamesa
Since flipping the yard puts the Branch. The crossover arrangement
Adapting from the prototype main line next to the backdrop, it could has been slightly modified to allow any
Prototype track modeling can be continue in a straight line across a of the yard tracks to be reached from
very satisfying, but it’s not always the doorway drop leaf at the west end of the lead, main, and branch tracks. This
best choice for layouts. The prototype the yard. permits the use of two switchers, if
exists to make a profit or serve a public The west end has a straight ladder necessary, to keep the yard fluid under
interest, while layouts exist for the en- with no. 6 turnouts arranged on a no. 5 busy conditions. The caboose tracks
tertainment of the builder and fellow lead angle. A slight curve after the frog also have been modified to provide ac-
modelers. The difference is subtle, but permits longer body tracks while keep- cess from both ends.
it should be taken into account. ing the gentler no. 6 turnouts. The yard tracks are about 25 feet
The Slaton, Texas, yard of the Atchi- The east end of the Slaton yard, long, so the yard lead isn’t long enough
son, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. is one ex- shown in fig. 7, is the business end, to pull an entire track in one move. If

 Layout Planning Ideas •


Dooron drop leaf


Fig. 6
Track on drop leaf
ATSF Slaton, Texas,
yard, west end
HO scale (1:87.1)
6 grid
ATSF Slaton, Texas, Roundhouse
yard, west end lead
HO scale (1:87.1)
12" grid

Fig. 7
ATSF Slaton, Texas,
yard, east end
HO scale (1:87.1)
7 grid Main
ATSF Slaton, Texas,
yard, east end
HO scale (1:87.1) Yard lead
12" grid Main

Lamesa Branch
Yard lead

Lamesa Branch

conditions merit, the Lamesa Branch Yards on model railroads tend to be tion of basic design principles. Deter-
could be used as a lead for pulling an congestion points because our roads mine the purpose, fit the tracks to the
entire track. have a higher mainline traffic density. available area and desired purpose, use
Overall, most of the operation is up This makes good yard design all the straight ladders or compound them for
front nearest the aisle, where there is more important. the longest possible body tracks, and
better access and viewing, just as at the Yards that work on model railroads ensure adequate access from the oper-
west end. result from straightforward applica- ating aisle. –Don Mitchell

Layout Planning Ideas 

Plan for uncoupling
For hands-free Locating magnets on a track plan
uncoupling with Where to put magnets
hidden magnets, you’ll
need to think ahead
Permanent magnet
Many of us plunge into designing and
building layouts with little or no thought Illustration by Model Railroader staff
as to how we’ll uncouple cars. It’s true Use electromagnet uncouplers on double-ended yard tracks and sidings, as
that you can always add uncoupling well as on mainline tracks, so engines and cars will be able to uncouple at
magnets after your track is built, but those points only when you wish. Electromagnets (which you activate by
that can lead to a choice between unde- pushing a button to energize the magnet) are also a good idea in locations
sirable alternatives. Either you install where a train or yard cut can be working over two or more magnets at once.
exposed magnets that don’t resemble On single-ended yard and spur tracks you can use permanent magnets.
anything you’d see on a full-size rail-
road, or you have to remove some track
and roadbed to install hidden perma-
nent magnets or electromagnets.
Exposed permanent magnets
A better approach would be to plan
for uncoupling locations when you’re
deciding on the final details of your
track design. That way you’ll be in a po-
sition to run through operating pat-
terns in your mind or on paper and de-
cide where you’ll need to uncouple cars
most often. Then you can mark your
track plan as a reminder to install the
appropriate magnets as you lay your
track. For more on planning for uncou-
pling, you can read “How do I uncouple
that car way over there?,” by Paul Dolkos,
in Model Railroad Planning 2008.
No plan is perfect, and you’ll likely
have unforeseen maneuvers that require
manual uncoupling. Still, advance plan-
ning and installing uncoupler magnets
as you build will let you enjoy the auto-
matic uncoupling capability built into The two magnets shown here, the Kadee no. 312, top, and 321, above, can
today’s magnetic knuckle couplers. be installed any time after tracklaying, but they don’t resemble anything on
Many model railroaders have gotten a prototype railroad. The wider no. 321 allows delayed-action uncoupling,
used to manual uncoupling. They use so a car can be pushed to and left at a spot beyond the magnet.
wooden skewers or blade-ended picks to
twist knuckles open, or use other kinds The advantage of magnets like the Kadee no. 312 (top) and no. 321 (above) is
of tools to pull the trip pins (“glad that they can be installed at any time after the track is laid. Their disadvantage
hands”) to one side. But reaching into is that they don’t look realistic, although they can sometimes be disguised as
the model scene spoils the illusion of re- part of a grade crossing or a motor-car setout.
alism, and magnetic uncoupling can The no. 321 magnet can be installed on top of the ties of HO track with
avoid that. Also, passenger cars with code 100 rail (rail height = .100"). The thicker no. 312 magnet needs to be
diaphragms (passageway connections) recessed into the ties on track with any size rail, as does the no. 321 with rail
that actually touch can make manual smaller than code 100. The tops of these magnets should extend above the
uncoupling difficult if not impossible. railhead by 1 ⁄64", which can easily be measured with the feeler dowel in
The uncouplers shown here are for Kadee’s no. 205 coupler height gauge.
HO, but similar magnets are available The easiest way to install these magnets is to cut out the center of the ties
for most model railroad scales. These for the length of the magnet. Then glue a wood, card, or styrene shim to the
examples will help you plan where to roadbed between the cut tie ends to raise the magnet to the correct height,
put uncoupling magnets and to be ready and finally glue the magnet to the shim.
to install them. – Andy Sperandeo

10 Layout Planning Ideas •

Hidden permanent magnet
Kadee’s no. 308 permanent magnet is powerful enough to
uncouple reliably when installed below the ties and hidden
under ballast. (It can also be used in larger scales includ-
ing S and O.) The magnet with its steel intensifier plate is
3 ⁄8" thick, so it generally has to be recessed into the

subgrade when used with the usual HO roadbeds. Don’t

be tempted to omit the steel plate from your installation,
however. That weakens the magnet considerably.
For plywood subgrade, as shown in the photos, use a
utility knife to cut through the top layers of the plywood
around the outline of the magnet. Then use a wood chisel The 3 ⁄8" thick no. 308 permanent magnet requires a recess
to remove enough layers to let the magnet rest below the in the subgrade so it can be level with the roadbed.
top of the roadbed. Finally, use shims to raise the magnet
exactly level with the roadbed and glue it in place.
Track can be glued to the magnet with the same
adhesive used to glue the track to the roadbed – in this
example, that’s latex adhesive caulk.
If the top corners of the magnet stick out past the
roadbed shoulders, use a knife to carve away enough of
the rubbery magnet material to fit the roadbed cross
section. This won’t reduce the magnet’s effectiveness.
The ballasted magnet will be invisible, so remember to
mark the location with paint on the ends of the ties or on
the sides of the rails so you’ll be able to spot couplers The track can be glued right across the no. 308, and the
above it for uncoupling. shoulders can be filled with cork or a little extra ballast.

Hidden electromagnet
Earlier versions of Kadee’s no. 309 electromagnet used
pole pieces that had to extend above the ties, along with a
plastic mounting that was as unrealistic as any exposed
magnet. Now this uncoupler has been modified so it’s
effective from below the ties, like the no. 308 permanent
magnet. Since electromagnets work only when energized,
they’re ideal for main tracks, passing tracks, and double-
ended yard and station tracks, since they won’t cause
unwanted uncouplings in passing trains.
Installation of the electromagnet requires a slot through
the subgrade measuring 1" x 21 ⁄8". The upper photo shows
how I used strips of .100" styrene to support the magnet’s
plastic spacer strip so the steel pole pieces are level with This no. 321 electromagnet is supported on white styrene
the top of the cork roadbed. blocks so the steel pole pieces are level with the top of
The electromagnet could be secured by screws through the roadbed. The coil hangs 11 ⁄8" below the ½" plywood.
the spacer, but I cemented the spacer to the .100" styrene,
which I’d first glued to the plywood. Another way would be
to add metal brackets on either side of the pole pieces and
coil to secure the magnet from below, so it could be
removed if necessary.
Once the magnet is in place, you can cut narrow strips
of roadbed and install them on each side to conceal it.
Kadee recommends covering the opening in the roadbed
with aluminum foil before laying and ballasting the track,
so you don’t have to fill the gaps around the magnet with
ballast. I’ve used thin tracing paper for the same purpose,
but I left this one open so you can see how it fits.
The no. 309 needs 12VDC, but now includes a rectifier
and capacitor so you can power it from an AC supply. Use
a push-button or other momentary control (not included), Here you can see the electromagnet’s pole pieces
as the coil can overheat if energized for longer than 2 directly under the ties. In practice you can cover the
minutes. As with the hidden permanent magnet, you’ll magnet opening with a piece of foil or thin paper so
need to mark its location after the track is ballasted. there won’t be gaps under the ties to fill with ballast.

Layout Planning Ideas 11

Go large with
big business Some industries are big enough to
take up a whole layout

A paper mill, like the Crown Vantage mill near Berlin, N.H., is an industry large enough to be a layout all on its own. As
part of a larger model railroad, a big industry can give a railroad an obvious reason for being. Marty McGuirk photo

Selective compression – modeling But what if you could give that in- docks, unloading points, and holding
something as smaller than it really is dustry the space it deserves? tracks to handle the constant flow of
by shrinking dimensions or omitting Modeling a truly big industry can cars. These operations might require a
parts – is one of the most useful tricks pay off in a big way. The most obvious dedicated switcher, which would need
in the railroad modeler’s toolbox. How- benefit is realism. The bigger a busi- its own enginehouse and servicing
ever, there are reasons you may want to ness is, the more it looks like it needs tracks. Often these complexes will have
model a really big business. rail service. You can ship more cars to their own power plants, creating a de-
Some prototype industries, such as and from a big industry. A large, diverse mand for gas, oil, or coal.
steel mills, only come in one size: XXL. industrial complex, like an auto plant, For some examples, check out “Mod-
Compressed versions of these trackside would also demand a wider variety of eling a steel mill in 4 x 8” in Model Rail-
behemoths just never look quite right, cars than, say, a stamping plant alone. road Planning 2008 and “Big industry
so we settle for backdrop flats or imply And instead of receiving those cars in the valley” in the special issue How
a larger complex by modeling only a on one or two spurs, a big factory com- To Build Realistic Layouts: Industries
corner of it. plex would have numerous sidings, You Can Model. – Steven Otte

Brewery complex Bottling/warehouse/ Corn syrup
Breweries are a common industry in the Coal receiving Grain/malt elevator Brewhouse shipping unloading
Northeast and Midwest, though large ones can
be found anywhere from Florida to Alaska. Many
offer interesting modeling opportunities, as
buildings in different architectural styles were
added over the years.
The heart of a brewery is the brewhouse,
often a tall brick building with large, distinctive HO scale (1:87.1), 12" grid
windows. A large complex will also need a Illustrations by Model Railroader staff
bottling plant, warehouse, water tower, grain boxcars or, later, covered hoppers; tank cars of corn syrup; and
elevators, and covered loading/unloading areas packaging materials in boxcars, including empty cans, bottles, kegs,
for sensitive ingredients. Breweries receive rail and cardboard boxes. The finished product ships out in reefers or
shipments of barley malt, corn, and hops in insulated boxcars.

12 Layout Planning Ideas •

Paper mill
Paper mill Finishing building Chemical receiving
Paper mills take in a wide variety of raw 4 x 8 plywood
materials. Though wood chips and pulpwood (in sheet with
gondolas) are the most obvious, chemicals 24" x 24" corner
cut and moved
including liquid chlorine, sulfuric and hydrochlo-
ric acid, hydrogen peroxide, titanium dioxide,
kaolin clay, and talc are also needed. Most of
these arrive in dedicated tank cars.
The finished product goes out in boxcars,
often with plug doors to protect the paper from
moisture. Such boxcars are often specially
labeled and dedicated to paper service.
Most paper mills are marked by large piles of Warehouse Pulp tanks Digester Old mill building Conveyor Chip yard
wood chips. Conveyors carry them into the HO scale (1:87.1), 12" grid
digester building, which converts them into
wood pulp. However, you could model a paper- becomes paper. Rolls are then moved to a warehouse, which will
only mill, which instead receives bales of pulp in have covered loading areas. A mill complex will also have tank car
boxcars. The pulp is bleached, liquefied, and unloading facilities and tanks to store the chemicals. Papermaking
piped to the long, low mill building, where it takes a lot of water, so mills are often located along rivers.

Glass factory Glass factory complex

HO scale (1:87.1), 12" grid Switch lead
Plate glass factories are not as commonly Ware room Grinding and polishing Rolling line Office building Rough roll furnace
represented on model railroads as, say, coal
mines or grain elevators, but they’re just as
interesting, with plenty of detail to model. A
glass plant is not only a destination for hoppers
of sand, limestone, and sodium carbonate (soda
ash), but also supplies boxcars of glass to ship
to your sash-and-door factory or auto plant.
In addition to the raw ingredients of glass, a
factory would also require fuel – a lot of it, since
glass is melted at temperatures over 2,800 F.
Materials needed later in the process, including
salt, iron oxide, felt (for polishing), and packag-
ing materials, would be received in boxcars.
Since a glass furnace can never be allowed
to cool down, factories operate 24 hours a day,
keeping that industrial switcher busy. To main line Annealing oven Float line Raw materials Float line Batch house

Auto plant
Transition-era auto plant Lube and cutting
How much of the auto industry you model will oil tanks
HO scale (1:87.1)
depend on the era of your railroad. In the early 12" grid
days, most fabrication was done on-site. A Two-story manufacturing building
steam-era auto plant needed shops to work with
iron, steel, glass, wood, and textiles. After World
Newer angled Curved loading dock
War II, factories specialized in engines, wheels, three-story Three-story
electrical systems, and more, and these parts plant wall with original plant Pedestrian
were then shipped to assembly plants. Most short section flats along Finished auto entrance bridge
of end wall both walls loading docks
parts would be shipped in boxcars, though rolls Fuel
of steel, gondola loads of auto frames, hoppers Covered steel Holding track Railroad storage
receiving area for hot cars yard office tanks
full of plastic pellets, and tank cars of fuel, oil,
solvents, and welding gases would add variety.
You’ll also need to ship out those new
automobiles. An early plant would have long
docks to load finished autos into double-door
boxcars, while a modern one would have
movable ramps at the end of stub tracks to load
today’s multi-level auto racks.

Layout Planning Ideas 13

Planning realistic
scenery Stair-step

Steep hill
The terrain should look Retaining wall
Steep hill

like it was there before Track

the railroad Cut

Here’s a great example of realistic

scenery in a photo (opposite) of Eric
Brooman’s HO scale Utah Belt layout.
Cutting across Fill
Looking past the scene’s most obvious
features, I’d like to suggest that several ridges
subtleties make it look realistic.
First of all, Eric’s New Mexico coun- Track curves around
tryside looks like it was there before bottom of ridge
the railroad. We know that rock forma- Track
tions like the one on the left and stream-
beds as on the right evolve over geolog- Cut
ic time. The S-curves we see the train Steep
winding through look as if they were Fill ridge
Cuts and fills lower
necessary to fit the railroad into this than on upper line
terrain, even though a glance at the Upper track bends out
to minimize cut
track plan (in the 2006 edition of Great through ridge
Model Railroads) would tell us that they
“Weaving” track
get the main line around a protruding
through tunnel Lower track
corner in the Brooman basement. “weaves”
Next, the railroad is following the Fill out of tunnel
watercourse, which Eric calls the San High fascia permits
Pedro River. Study the maps of a few higher ridge
prototype railroads and you’ll notice
that they follow rivers and streams
Retaining wall Fascia removable for access to track in tunnel
wherever they can. Railroad surveyors
and locating engineers know that wa- Lower track “weaves” into
tercourses have already found the easi- tunnel under upper track
est gradient through changing eleva- Illustration by Rick Johnson
tions. Whenever it’s practical, railroad bed above the surrounding terrain to Avoid “stair-stepping”
builders take advantage of that, and try cross the tributary stream and skirt For other examples of how cuts and
to find routes that link one valley to the the towering rock formation. fills can add realism to your scenery,
next over the lowest possible divides. Speaking of that tributary, railroads consider the illustrations on this page.
always make sure there are outlets for The “stair-step scenery” at the top isn’t
Cut and fill waterways and rainfall runoff that what we see along most railroads. Hav-
As railroads build through chang- might otherwise be dammed on the up- ing the rail lines cut across ridges and
ing terrain, they use a series of cuts hill sides of their roadbeds. If drainage fill in the valleys, as in the second il-
and fills to maintain a relatively steady isn’t allowed for, even in the driest areas, lustration, is much more realistic. The
grade through the ups and downs of the roadbed is sure to be washed away. lower illustration shows how running
the landscape. We can see the Utah The short bridges and culverts railroads one track through a short tunnel al-
Belt has had to cut into some higher use for drainage give us many opportu- lows for a less-cluttered scene along
land along the river back where the nities to add detail to our model scenes, the upper track. My thanks to Don
coal gondolas are entering the S-curve. as Eric did with the girder bridge carry- Mitchell for the examples above, which
In the foreground, the railroad is on a ing the second and third diesel units of first appeared in Model Railroad Plan-
fill, an embankment raising the road- the train in the photo. ning 2002. – Andy Sperandeo

14 Layout Planning Ideas •

The scenery on Eric Brooman’s HO
Utah Belt RR not only looks great but
has lessons to teach. Eric Brooman photo

Layout Planning Ideas 15

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