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Python Tutorial – Learn Python 3 Programming Online

This Python tutorial will help you learn Python and build a career in this top programming language.
Through this tutorial, you will learn Python basics, its salient features, basic syntax, variables, string,
numbers, data types, tuples, lists, sets, dictionary, conditional statements, loops and user defined
functions. Learn Python from Intellipaat Python Certification (
9.7 K Views | 32 min read | Updated on December 4, 2019

By Manoj

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Introduction to Python
In this Python tutorial, we will comprehensively learn all the concepts of Python. Let’s start off
by understanding what exactly is Python.

Python is a free, open-source programming language. Therefore, all you have to do is install
Python once, and you can start working with it. Not to mention that you can contribute your own
code to the community.

Python is also a cross-platform compatible language. So, what does this mean? Well, you can
install and run Python on several operating systems. Whether you have a Windows, Mac or
Linux, you can rest assure that Python will work on all these operating systems.
Python is also a great visualization tool. It provides libraries such as Matplotlib, seaborn and
bokeh to create stunning visualizations.

In addition, Python is the most popular language for machine learning and deep learning. As a
matter of fact, today, all top organizations are investing in Python to implement machine
learning in the back-end.

Now, let us go ahead in this Python tutorial and understand why should we learn Python?

Watch this Python Tutorial Video for Beginners:

Python Tutorial: Why learn Python?
Simple and easy to learn:

Learning python programming language is fun. If you compare Python with any other language,
for example, Java or C++, then you will find that its syntax is a way lot easier. You also don’t
have to worry about the missing semicolons (;) in the end!

Suppose we want to print “Welcome to the world of programming” on our screen. Let’s compare
the syntax for Python and Java:

Python Syntax:
print(“Welcome to the world of programming”)

Java Syntax:
class Simple{

public static void main(String args[]){

System.out.println("Welcome to the world of programming");

So here we see that Python code consists of only one line, but for Java, there are multiple lines
of code just for printing a statement.
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Career Opportunities:

Python has huge career opportunities in the IT industry. Almost every other IT company, be it a
startup or a Multi-National Company uses python for varied applications. So, if you have good
expertise in python, you will be in demand for a wide range of jobs in different domains such as
machine learning, cloud infrastructure, web-site designing, testing and many more.

Watch this What is Python Tutorial

Large Open Source Community:

Let’s say you are working on a python project and you get stuck somewhere, you don’t have to
worry at all because python has a huge community for help. So, if you have any queries, you can
directly seek help from millions of python community members.

Now, in this python tutorial, we will look at the procedure to install python.

Learn how to use Machine Learning in Python with this Machine Learning Tutorial (

Python Installation
If you are new to programming, then installing a programming language itself could be a
herculean task. So, now we are going to look at the step by step process to install python.
1. Start off by going to this website ->

2. Click on the downloads tab and choose the operating system and python version. So, here I
am downloading python version 3.7.4 for  Windows operating system.

Now that we have installed python, let’s go ahead in this python tutorial and start off with
programming in Python

For the best of career growth, check out Intellipaat’s Python Course in Sydney (
ython-certification-training-online-sydney/) and get certified!

Variables in Python:
You can consider a variable to be a temporary storage space where you can keep changing
values. Let’s take this example to understand variables:

So, let’s say, we have this cart and initially we store an apple in it.
After a while, we take out this apple and replace it with a banana.

Again, after some time, we replace this banana with a mango.

So, here this cart acts like a variable, where the values stored in it keep on changing.

Now, that we have understood what a variable is, let’s go ahead and see how can we assign
values to a variable in python.
Assigning values to a variable:

To assign values to a variable in Python, we will use the assignment (=) operator.

Here, initially, we have stored a numeric value -> 10 in the variable ‘a’.  After a while, we have
stored a string value -> “sparta” in the same variable. And then, we have stored the logical value

Now, let’s implement the same thing in Jupyter Notebook and look at the result:

Assigning a value 10 to a:

Allocating “sparta” to a:

Assigning True to a:

Going ahead in this Python tutorial, we will learn about data types in Python.

Data Types in Python

Every variable is associated with a data type and these are the different types of   data types (http
s:// available in python:
Now, let’s understand these individual data types by their implementation in Jupyter notebook.

Numbers in Python
Numbers in python could be integers, floating point numbers or complex numbers.

Let’s start off with an example on integer:

Here, we have assigned the value 100 to num1 and when we check the type of the variable, we
see that it is an integer.

Next, we have an example on floating-point number:

This time, we have assigned the value 13.4 to num2 and checking the type of the variable, tells
us that it is float.

Finally, let’s look at an example of a complex number:

Here, we have assigned the value 10-10j to num3. Now 10-10j comprises two parts->  the real
part and the imaginary part and combining these two gives us the complex number.
Now, let’s start with Python Strings.

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stion/python-interview-questions/), which will help you excel in your career!

Python Strings
Anything written in single or double quotes is treated as a string in Python.


Now, let’s see how can we extract individual characters from a string.

So, I’d want to extract the first two characters from ‘str1’ which I have created above:

Now, similarly, let’s extract the last two characters from str1:

Now, let’s head onto tuples in Python:

Python Tuples
A python tuple is a collection of immutable Python objects enclosed within parenthesis ().
Elements in a tuple could be of the same data type or of the different data types.

Let’s create a tuple where elements are of the same data type:

Now, let’s access the first element from this tuple:

Extracting the last element from this tuple:

Now, we will go ahead and learn about Python lists.

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Python Lists
Python Lists ( is an ordered collection of

It can contain elements of different data types, unlike arrays.

Now, let’s create a list with different data types:

Now, let’s do some operation on the list we created:

Fetching the first element from the list:

Adding an element while removing the other:

The below line of code will return the length of the list:

This will return the list in reversed order.

Now, we will further look at Python Sets.

Python Sets
Python sets ( are a collection of
unordered and unindexed items.

Every element in a set is unique and it does contain duplicate values.

Sets can be used to perform mathematical calculations such as union, intersection, and

Creating a set:

Here, in set ‘Age’, value “22” is appearing twice. Since every element in set is unique, it will
remove the duplicate value.
Operations on Sets:

1.add:  This method adds an element to the set if it is not present in it.

2.union: It returns the union of two sets.

3.intersection: This method returns the intersection of two sets.

4.difference: The difference of two sets(set1, set2) will return the elements which are present
only in set1.

Now, we will look at Python Dictionary.

Watch this Python Tutorial Video for Beginners:

Python Dictionary
Python Dictionaries ( is an
unordered collection of data. The data in the dictionary is stored as a key:value pair where the
key should not be mutable and value can be of any type.

Creating a Dictionary:

Accessing elements from a dictionary:

Removing elements from a dictionary:

Replacing elements in a dictionary:

Going ahead in this python tutorial, we will learn about conditional statements.

Conditional Statements
We use a conditional statement to run a single line of code or a set of codes if it satisfies
certain conditions. If a condition is true, the code executes, otherwise, control passes to the
next control statement.

There are three types of conditional statements as illustrated in the above example:
1. If statement: Firstly, “if” condition is checked and if it is true the statements under “if”
statements will be executed. If it is false, then the control will be passed on to the next
conditional statements.
2. Elif statement: If the previous condition is false, either it could be “if” condition or “elif” after
“if”, then the control is passed on to the “elif” statements. If it is true then the statements
after the “elif” condition will execute. There can be more than one “elif” statement.
3. Else statement: When “if” and “elif” conditions are false, then the control is passed on to the
“else” statement and it will execute.

Now, let’s go ahead and learn about loops in this python tutorial.

If we have a block of code then statements in it will be executed sequentially. But, when we
want a statement or a set of statements to be executed multiple times then we use loops.

Types of loops:

1.While loop: We use this loop when we want a statement or a set of statement to execute as
long as the Boolean condition associated with it satisfies.

In the while loop, the number of iterations depends on the condition which is applied to the
while loop.
2.for loop: Here, we know the number of iterations unlike while loop. This for loop is also used
for iterations of statements or a set of statements multiple times.

3.nested loop: This type of loop consists of a loop inside a loop. It can be for loop or can be a
combination of for and while loop.

Now, we will learn about user-defined functions in this python tutorial.

User-Defined Function 
In any programming language, functions are a better and systematic way of writing. Functions
provide us the liberty to use the code inside it whenever it is needed just by calling the function
by its name.

Syntax: def function()


Going ahead in this Python tutorial, we will learn about Exception Handling.

Exception Handling
Basically, an exception is an abnormal condition or error that occurs during the execution of a
program. Whenever an exception occurs in a program, the execution of the program halts and
the further instruction of the programs are not executed.

We need to handle these exceptions in order to ensure the normal execution of the program.

Some of the common exceptions that occur in Python programs while executing are:
1. NameError: This error occurs when a name is not found.
2. ZeroDivisionError: When a number is divided by zero, ZeroDivisionError occurs.
3. IndentationError: This error occurs due to the wrong indentation.
4. IOError: When Input-Output operation fails, IOError occurs.

So, in Python we use the try, catch, except and finally to handle the exceptions.

try-except block

In the Python program, the line of code that may throw exceptions is placed in the try block.

The try block should have except block with it to handle the exception. As an illustration – If any
exception occurs in try block then the statements in except block will be executed.


#line of code

except Exception:

#line of code

#rest of the code


“else” block

In this case, the else block will be executed if no exception occurs.


#line of code

except Exception:

#line of code


#If there is no exception then this piece of code will be executed


“finally” block

If we want a piece of executable code, which we cannot skip under any circumstances, then we
need to put this code in the finally block.

#line of code


#This piece of code will definitely be executed.


Here, in this tutorial, we learned all the basics of Python which are variables, string, numbers,
data types, tuples, lists, sets, dictionary, conditional statements, loops, user-defined functions,
and exception handling. If you want to go through more concepts of Python in-depth, this
Python Tutorial consists of all the modules which will help you throughout your learning.

Watch this Python for Data Science Video:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Python used for?

Python is used to develop different types of applications such as web applications, GUI-
based applications, software development applications, scientific and numeric
applications, network programming, gaming and 3D applications, and business
applications. Also, Python is widely used in the field of data analytics and data science.

How do I start learning Python?

Is Python easy to learn?

Can a beginner learn Python?

How fast can I learn Python?

Is Python the future?

Is Java better than Python?

What is the best IDE for Python?

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Table of Contents

Fundamentals of Python

: Python Fundamentals: Fundamentals of Python consists of discussion of basic building

blocks of Python programming language. Here, “Fundamentals of Python” is divided into the
following categories. And we will be discussing each topic separately. Watch this Should you
learn Python in 2020?: [videothumb class="col-md-12" id="KEzKHBTPFf0" alt="Should you learn
Python in 2020" title="Should you learn Python in 2020"] Statements Expressions Assignment
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What is Python?

What is Python?: Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language with an elegant

syntax that allows programmers to focus more on problem-solving than on syntax errors. One
of the primary goals of Python Developers is keeping it fun to use.  Python has become a big
buzz in the field of modern software development, infrastructure management, and especially in
Data Science and Artificial
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Python Version

Python History: Lets start off by looking at Python history. Python was developed at a time
when many other dynamic and open-source programming languages like Tcl, Perl, Ruby etc.
were also being actively developed and gaining popularity. The below-given image depicts the
python logo then vs Python logo now. Version 1: Python 1.0 In January 1994, the first version of
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How to Download and Install Python?

Python Installation and Setup Guide: To get started working with Python 3, first of all You will
need to have access to the Python interpreter. There are numerous ways to accomplish this:
Watch this Python Installation in Windows 10: [videothumb class="col-md-12"
id="EqW48uNcAks" alt="Python Installation in Windows 10" title="Python Installation in
Windows 10"] You can directly obtain it from the Python
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Python Syntax

Python Syntax - Python Coding with Examples : Python was specifically designed to be a highly
readable language The Python Syntax is made for ease of use and have made it one of the most
used language among freshers as well as experts. Python syntax is English like which makes it
much easier to write, read and understand a python script
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Comments in Python

Comments in Python: In this module of Python tutorial, we will learn about Python comments.
We will also learn about the different types of Python comments and the way to use them.
Writing Python Comments Comments in any programming language are used to increase the
readability of the code. Similarly, in Python, when the program starts getting complicated, one of
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Data Types in Python

Data Types in Python: In this module of the Python tutorial, we will learn about the Python data
types. We will further learn about the dynamic typing feature in Python and different data types
in Python such as (Python Numbers, Python String, Python List, Python Tuple & Python Set)
Python Data Types: An Overview One of the most crucial part
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Variables in Python – Global & Static Variables

What Is a Variable in Python?: A variable is a memory address that can change, and when the
memory address cannot change then that variable is known as a constant. Variable is a name
of the memory location where data is stored. Once a variable is stored, the space is allocated in
memory. It defines a variable using a combination
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Numbers in Python

Numbers in Python: In Python, the number data type is used to store numeric values. are an
immutable data type. Being an immutable data type means that if we change the value of an
already allocated number data type, then that would result in a newly allocated object. In this
module, we will delve deeper into the
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String in Python

What is a Python String and String Function in Python?: Python string is an ordered collection of
characters which is used to represent and store the text-based information. Strings are stored
as individual characters in a contiguous memory location. It can be accessed from both
directions: forward and backward. Characters are nothing but symbols. Strings are immutable
Data Types in
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Python Lists

List in Python: Lists are Python’s most flexible ordered collection object type.  It can also be
referred to as a sequence that is an ordered collection of objects that can host objects of any
data type, such as Python Numbers, Python Strings and nested lists as well. Lists are one of the
most used and versatile Python Data Types. In this
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Tuple in Python
What is Tuple in Python : Tuple data type in Python is a collection of various immutable Python
objects separated by commas. Tuples are much similar to Python Lists, but they are
syntactically different, i.e., in lists we use square brackets while in tuples we use parentheses. In
this module, we will learn all about the tuple data type in order
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Python Sets

Set in Python: A set in Python is mutable, iterable, and does not have any duplicate elements. It
is an unordered collection of elements which means that a set is a collection that stores
elements of different Python Data Types. Remember that a set in Python doesn’t index the
elements in a particular order. Let us look at some of
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Python Dictionary

Dictionary in Python: Python dictionary is yet another unordered collection of elements. The
difference between Python dictionary and other unordered Python data types such as sets lies
in the fact that unlike sets, a dictionary contains keys and values rather than just elements. Like
lists, Python dictionaries can also be changed and modified, but unlike Python lists the values in
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Python Operators

Operators in Python: In Python, we have a set of special symbols that perform various kinds of
operations such as logical operations, mathematical operations, and more. These symbols are
called Python operators. For every symbol or operator, there is a unique kind of operation. The
values on which the operators perform their respective operations are known as operands. In
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Type conversion in Python

Type Conversion in Python with Examples: The process of converting a Python data type into
another data type is known as type conversion. There are mainly two types of type conversion
methods in Python, namely, implicit type conversion and explicit type conversion. In this
module, we will go through the following topics: Implicit Type Conversion in Python Explicit Type
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Python If, Else Statements

Python Conditional Statements: Control Flow Statements: If Else in Python Like other
programming languages, there are some control flow statements in Python as well. Control flow
refers to the order in which the program should be executed. Generally, the control flow of a
program runs from top to bottom. However, the control flow statements break the general top-
to-bottom order of execution by including
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Python While Loop

Control Flow Statements: Python While Loop in Python: As discussed in the previous module,
we know that Python, like other programming languages, consists of some control flow
statements. One of the control flow statements that we have already studied about in the
previous module is the Python if else statement. Another one of the control flow statements is
loops. Loops
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For Loop in Python

Control Flow Statements – For Loop in Python 3 : For loops in Python, just like any other
language, are used to repeat a block of code for a fixed number of times. For loop is yet another
control flow statement since the control of the program is continuously transferred to the
beginning of the for loop to execute the body
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Python Functions

Functions in Python: Functions are used to group together a certain number of related
instructions. These are reusable blocks of codes written to carry out a specific task. A function
might or might not require inputs. Functions are only executed when they are specifically called.
Depending on the task a function is supposed to carry out, it might or might
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Lambda Function in Python

Lambda Function in Python: As discussed in the previous module, we know that there are three
types of  Python Functions. One of them is an anonymous function. Anonymous functions are
the functions without a name. Now, to define a normal function, we use the keyword, ‘def’.
Similarly, to define an anonymous function, we use the keyword, ‘lambda’. Since anonymous
functions are
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Python Built in Functions with Examples

Built in Functions in Python: Back in the Python Functions module, we learnt that there are three
types of functions, namely, user-defined functions in Python, lambda functions in Python, and
built in functions in Python. In this module, we will learn all that we need to know about built in
functions in Python. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
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Python Arrays

What is an Array in Python 3?: An array is a data structure that can contain or hold a fixed
number of elements that are of the same Python data type. An array is composed of an element
and an index. Index in an array is the location where an element resides. All elements have their
respective indices. Index of
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Python Classes and Objects

Classes and Objects in Python: Python is an object-oriented language and almost every entity in
Python is an object, which means that programmers extensively use classes and objects while
coding in Python. Objects in Python are basically an encapsulation of Python variables and
functions, that they get from classes. Watch this video on ‘Python Classes and Objects’:
[videothumb class="col-md-12" id="c4EG6O299tY"
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Python Modules

Modules in Python: When we write a program in Python Interpreter or Python Shell and then exit
from Shell, all definitions that we have included in our program get lost. We can’t use those
definitions again. While practicing and learning Python, it may not seem as much of a problem,
but in certain cases, for example, while working on a
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Python Dates

Python Datetime Module: There is a Python module which is comprised of various functions to
deal, manipulate, and work with dates and date objects. This module is known as the Python
datetime module. We can simply start working with dates by importing this module and using
the functions and classes it provides. In this module, we will learn about how
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Python JSON

JSON in Python: JSON is an acronym for JavaScript Object Notation. Python has a built-in
package named ‘json’ to support . JSON is basically used for encoding and decoding data. The
process of encoding the JSON data is referred to as serialization as it involves converting data
into a series of bytes that can be stored and transmitted
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Python RegEx

What is Regular Expression in Python?: Python Regular Expressions or Python RegEx are
patterns that permit us to ‘match’ various string values in a variety of ways. A pattern is simply
one or more characters that represent a set of possible match characters. In regular expression
matching, we use a character (or a set of characters) to represent the strings
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PIP Python

What is PIP in Python?: PIP is a Python package management system which can also be used
to install various software written in Python and  Python modules and their respective
dependencies. In this module, we will learn about PIP, covering the following topics: How to
Install PIP in Python? Checking if PIP is installed Installing PIP How to Use PIP in
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Python File Handling

File Handling in Python - Learn Python File Handling for Beginners: Python file handling
operations also known as Python I/O deal with two types of files. They are: Text files Binary files
Even though the two file types may look the same on the surface, they encode data differently. A
text file is structured as a sequence of lines. And,
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Exception Handling in Python

Python Exception Handling: What is Exception Handling in Python? Well, before we get you
started on Exception Handling in Python, let’s learn about it from the beginning. It is obvious for
a developer to encounter a few errors or mistakes in their code file. But what if developers could
minimize these errors? Wouldn’t it be great? There are exception handling
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Enumerate Python

What Is Enumerate in Python?: Before we jump into understanding What is enumerate in Python,
let us unfold the chapter by finding out what enumerate Python is and what it means to
enumerate something. The term ‘enumerate’ is commonly used in mathematics and computer
science, which is nothing but ordered listing of all elements in a collection. Enrol yourself in
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Queue in Python
What is Python Queue?: Python queue is an important concept in data structure. Queue in
Python is nothing but data item containers. With the help of queue in Python, we can control the
flow of our tasks. Say, we are manipulating data that are collected from a website and then
writing the manipulated data into a .txt file. Now, if
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Python NumPy Tutorial: Learn Python NumPy from Experts

Python NumPy Tutorial for Beginners: In this Python NumPy Tutorial, we will be covering One of
the robust and most commonly used Python libraries i.e. Python NumPy. Python library is a
collection of script modules which are accessible to a Python program. It helps simplify the
programming process and remove the need to rewrite commonly used commands again and
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SciPy Tutorial

What is SciPy in Python: Learn with an Example: Let’s start off with this SciPy Tutorial with an
example. Scientists and researchers are likely to gather enormous amount of information and
data, which are scientific and technical, from their exploration, experimentation, and analysis.
Dealing with such huge amount of data becomes a hindrance to them. That is, calculating and
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Scikit learn Python Tutorial

Introduction to Python Scikit-learn: Python Scikit-learn is a free Machine Learning library for
Python. It’s a very useful tool for data mining and data analysis and can be used for personal as
well as commercial use. Python Scikit-learn lets users perform various Machine Learning tasks
and provides a means to implement Machine Learning in Python. It needs to work with
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Python Pandas Tutorial

What is Pandas in Python?: So, lets now tell you What is Pandas in Python. Pandas is a Python
library which is a simple yet powerful tool for Data Science. Python Pandas is one of the most
widely used Python packages. This package comprises many data structures and tools for
effective data manipulation and analysis. Python Pandas is used everywhere including
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Matplotlib Python Tutorial – Python Matplotlib Examples – Intellipaat

What is Matplotlib in Python?: Well, you’ll need to read on in order to get an answer to that
question. Handling of data is a skillful art. In the trending technological world, there is a massive
amount of data that is being consumed, as well as wasted. Thus, handling this data in a rather
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Python Cheat Sheet Basics

Python Basics Cheat Sheet: Are you finding difficult in remembering all the syntax that you need
to work with Python for Data Science? Guys, don’t worry if you are a beginner and have no idea
about how Python works, this Python for Data Science cheat sheet will give you a quick
reference of the basics that you must know to
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Data Structures with Python Cheat Sheet

Introduction:: Data Structure is a collection of data types and set of rules with a format of
organizing, managing and storage which can be used for efficient accessing and modification.
Data structures are used in every field for storing and organizing data in the computer. You can
also download the printable PDF of this Data Structure cheat sheet This Python
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Numpy Cheat Sheet

Python NumPy Cheat Sheet: Whether you are a professional and have been working with Python
for quite some time or you are a fresher and have just started using python, you must have
heard of NumPy, a python library for numerical operations. It is extensively used but regardless
of how popular it is, wouldn’t you agree that it’s practically not possible
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Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet

Python Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet: If you are finding it hard to remember all the different
commands to perform different operations in Scikit Learn then don’t worry, you are not alone, it
happens more often than you would think. Download the printable PDF of this cheat sheet At
Intellipaat, we make sure that our learners get the best out of our
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Pandas Cheat Sheet

Python Pandas Cheat Sheet: Simple, expressive and arguably one of the most important
libraries in Python, not only does it make real-world Data Analysis significantly  easier but
provides an optimized feature of being significantly fast. It is common that for those who just
started Data Science journey with Python and Pandas library might find it overwhelming to
remember all those functions
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Python List Comprehension

List Comprehension in Python: Previously in this Python tutorial, we have already learned what
Python lists are and how to use them. We have also understood list comprehension Python. In
this section, we will go deep into list comprehension Python and understand why we need it.
Following is the list of all topics that we will cover in this section:
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Web Scraping Python Tutorial for Beginners

Web Scraping Using Python: Web scraping Python has been around for a while now, but it has
become more popular in the past decade. Web Scraping using Python is very easy. With the help
of Python, extracting data from a web page can be done automatically. In this module, we will
discuss web scraping in Python from scratch. Also, this
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