AER404B.pdf 2017 December

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6. Write short notes on any two of the No. of Printed Pages : 04 Roll No. .......................

following : 15
(a) Crocco’s theorem H-342
(b) Small perturbation theory
B. Tech. EXAMINATION, Dec. 2017
(c) Application to wavy wall and bodies of
revolution. (Eighth Semester)

(B. Scheme) (Re-appear Only)

Unit IV
7. What are the instruments which are used in AER-404-B
the compressible flow ? Explain the Rayleigh-
Pitot methodology of for the measurement of
compressible flow. 15 Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75

8. Write short notes on any two of the Before answering the question-paper candidates
following : 15
should ensure that they have been supplied to correct
(a) Rocket seld facility
and complete question-paper. No complaint, in this
(b) Terminal fallistic range
regard, will be entertained after the examination.
(c) Schlieren and shadow graph methods.
Note : Attempt Five questions in all, selecting at
least one question from each Unit. All
questions carry equal marks.

M-H-342 4 50 (3-27/3) M-H-342 P.T.O.

Unit I Unit II

1. (a) What do you mean by shock waves and 3. A supersonic flow at M1 = 3, T1 = 285 K,
explain the difference between normal P1 = 1 atm is deflected upward through a
shock waves and oblique shock waves ?
compression corner with  = 30.6º and then is
subsequently expanded around a corner of the
(b) Write short notes on the following : 7
same angle such that the flow direction is the
(i) Propagating shock waves
same as its original direction. Calculate M3,
(ii) Weak waves.
P3 and T3 downstream of the expansion corner.
2. A supersonic flow with M1 = 1.5, p1 = 1 atm, Since the resulting flow is in the same direction
and T1 = 288 K is expanded around a sharp as the original flow, would you expect M3 = M1
corner through a deflection angle of 15º. p3 = p1 and T3 = T1 ? Explain. 15
Calculate M2, p2, T2, Po2, To2 and the angles
that the forward and rearward mach lines make 4. Write short notes on the following : 15
with respect to the upstream flow direction. 15 (a) Critical Mach Number
(b) Supercritical flow
1 e
lin (c) Prandtl-Glawert transformation.
M1 > 1 d
M 2
P1 rw M Unit III
Fo 2
T1 P2
T2 5. (a) Explain the thin aerofoil theory used in
the supersonic flow. 8
(b) Explain, why the diamond shape objects
are preferred in the supersonic flow ? 7
Fig. 1
M-H-342 2 (3-27/4) M-H-342 3 P.T.O.

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