H&S Rules With Minimum Safe Behaviour Eng

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Rule 1 I assess and control risks before starting any

MSB #1 Distracted Driving or Machinery Operation - No person must text or talk
on a cell (mobile) phone while operating machinery, driving vehicles or walking
through the factory, warehouse or facility yard. No person shall smoke outside of
designated areas.
Rule 2 I only perform activities for which I am
MSB # 2 Lockout/Tagout - No person must work on any piece of equipment that
they have not personally insured is de-energized, isolated and put in place their
own approved locking device and tag. No person must remove a locking device
that is not their own without appropriate checklists and approval from facility
MSB # 3 Safe Work Permits
•Confined Space: No person must enter a vessel unless all routes from which hazardous
material can enter are disconnected and blanked, the atmosphere in the vessel is checked,
prescribed PPE is worn, a lifeline is present a harness is worn, a standby person is in place
and a safe work permit is issued.
•Hot Work: No person shall conduct hot work activities outside of a designated shop area
without a safe works permit being issued.
•Work at Height: No person must conduct work at elevated heights unless prescribed fall
protection is worn and a safe work permit is issued
Rule 3 I never override or misuse health & safety
devices, I always use the required PPE
MSB # 4 Seatbelts - People must wear seatbelts on site or when on company
business, where provided, in vehicles (including forklifts, cars, trucks, etc.).
MSB # 5 Personal Protective Equipment - People must obtain and use personal
protective equipment (PPE) appropriate for the work tasks performed, and must
periodically inspect and replace such PPE as necessary. Examples include, hard
hat, harness for Work at heights, protective clothing for Hot Material Handling,
respirators and hearing protection.
Rule 4 I do not work under the influence of alcohol or
MSB # 6 Drugs and Alcohol - No person must operate machinery or drive a
vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The individual if tested must
be 0 or negative.
Rule 5 I report all incidents
MSB # 7 Reporting of Incidents – People must report all H&S incidents within 48
hours of incident.

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