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Going to Senior High School is an great parts of anyone’s life. It is likely the first

time experience of students that they are independent. Being independent is both privilege

and responsibility. Being a responsible students is not something that can be achieve

overnight. It needs to put in their mind and be an attitude. One of their responsibility is

managing their allowance (Kaznier,2004). One of the challenges that most of the students

encounter is to budget their money. Many students are having a hard time in terms of

managing their allowance. Money as one of the main necessity plays a vital rule in every

students to survive SHS (Babbie,1997).

Students on the other hand, has a knowledge on how to save their money as they grow

and a different projects in school as well as things they want to buy for their own. Budgeting

is one of the skills that will be useful for them ( Norvilitis, et al.,2006). It helps to gain a

better understanding of financial matters that would become handful in future. The manner in

which students manage their allowances depending on their daily needs; sometimes it

changes due to some factors. Students have their own or personal needs, and through this

study we will know how and where they spend their money. The more knowledge of students

have about their financial responsibility and status the likely they are to be in debt (Norvilitis,

et al.,2006). According to study, women are more likely to report having a budget than men

(Norvilitis et al.,2006). Allowance is necessity for every student (Micomonaco,2003). It is a

needs in order to survive. It will also help to the students to be responsible regarding in

financial. Being necessary, it just to state that students should be able to manage their money

between their need and wants. Also some students have only a limited amount of money.
Due to that proper budgeting is needed because it can give students both their needs and


Due to the problem that the budgeting will be affected, there exist s a different

planning budget. The term in which College and Senior High School students manage their

money based on several factors such as age, personality traits, age and knowledge

(Gondon,2010). The main focus of this study is to practices or apply the personal budgeting

in students. And also to train the students in terms of budgeting. And to know how they

budget their allowance and the impact of the variables to their personal budgeting.

This study focused on the students of ABM 11 students in doing their allowance

management daily. This study will also benefit the students as well as in helping to improve

their budget planning, and make a recommendations to the respondents what are the best

thing to do in budgeting their allowance.

The significance in the discovery of how much students from Senior High School

from Tambulig National High School spends per week, would let understand/learn what kind

of lifestyle has a majority. Upon the information, the researcher will be able to determine the

same qualities of habits that each has and the traits that will create the contrast of TNHS-

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to teach how to spend wisely and to save money. Specifically this

study aimed to answer the following question

1. How much allowance do they receive daily?

2. What problem/issues they encountered regarding money?

3. What are the factors that are affecting on budgeting their money?

4. How do they budget their allowance?

Significance of the study

This study created for students to gain knowledge on how to budget their money. Those days,

that they are spending lot of money for the things that they desire, but in this study they will

learn on saving their money that they will be used in the near future. It also help to their

parents to save more money for their studies, food, bills, and etc.


 This study is beneficial for students to practice on spending their money, and

also it will inform them were they spend their money with. And it enlighten them on

how to use their money wisely.


 This study will also help to the parents by proving insights and information

about the allowance given by students.

Future Researcher

 This study is beneficial for them because this study will be their basis of they

are working on a study that is similarly related to this research study.

Scope and delimitation of the study

This research study was limited and conducted only at TNHS-SHS. The research respondent

are the ABM 11students. The researchers have planned to survey who are available students

on that day is one to be asked. The method that the researchers going to used in collecting

data or information will be through survey.

Operational Definition of Terms

To further understand and comprehend the intention of the study, the researchers defined the

following concepts:

Allowance – is an amount of the money given or allotted usually at regular intervals for a

specific purposes.

Budget – is a plan used for deciding which activities will be chosen for a future time


Budgeting - budgeting is a process. This means budgeting is a number of activities

performed in order to prepare a budget.

Expenses - the amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy something.

Money- refers to a medium used for exchanged, unit of account store of value.
Spending- to use up or pay out.

Savings- the amount or money that students have saved.

Conceptual Framework

The concept of this study is to gather data and to know the students expenses and to have an

action plan to save money.

Allowance Management Spending of allowance

of ABM 11 students

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