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Those same questions on other file plus some more questions

. _,~
Q ~ Flag this q ul!Stlon ~ Sto re t h is q u ~ t1 o n
. "'J •

Subsectl.:.n: :i.S 0 .~ =·:...=~- ~

72:.. A transf&rmer Is designed t<:> operate at 60 Is connected Report problema
with qu~"lii:>.!l
across a So Hil supply. The prl:mary w J.rwHngs would
S".et1d your r't!fe:t-ern:e~
(§1 draw mCM"e current 64%~
Q dr,;m• the same rurrent ~~ ~ · .:
0 draw less current ~ ~~~ ~
;j ···~·:--
~ EJ15f\F;:u~~f:i -
; - a.- h
(] ~ Flag tnls q u.stion Q ~· Store this ques"on ' ,;a. ·i' J
~~ j. =~ ·~~
Subsectlru\: 15 ~ "i =~ ~ , ~ .. tj
ir.i' - - -- ,.

R-eport probleM
13. II. step QP transformer has
,.,.itli q~t:Sttt<li. ~
0 three windings S..nd yaur r-ere:re:nce~
69 two w!ndin'!)s. 8:0%~
0 one winding '] -· - ,<;;~ 'v.

Cl ~ Flag qu5tlon 0 Q Store this qu;;stlon

!j ~~~~~-~·!$~ ~"-""•l. -

i:•-;,1 ~
Subsectl&n: 15 0 ,.~i -r·:.-:-·• . . ._.. ~1
~ =- ~.:.)~ f~
~' - - -- ;I

74. Aircraft aQt<:>transformers ue ohvhat type? Report pr'Dblem@

wi th qu ~ c.n ·.
Q Open cere , S<!nd your rer&er>:;,~
0 nvln CO<re 75%~
@ Laminated core tl--
,, ........
r_f ~"""""""'..~.- ~
OQ Flag this qucestlon QQ St are this q;.JeStion 1: EJ15J\F\'Ir.:-(IG ,
~i -t.-, ~
Subsectl.:.n: 15 0 ii f-: r'\-~ f1
~~ - ::--~~-~ !:
15.• A transfor mer has SOil turns an the primary and 100 turns on Report problema
the secor~dary. The s-econdary supplies 20\1' ai''Id Is CD<.nr~ected to with quB'Iitm ·
a 1 0 ohm load. The pri mary current Is 9-nd your r.;reter>:.o~
0 10 amp.s q .-~ 9., ~
Q t: ......,
2 amps
0.4 amp.s
ti ;to~~ ~:-~ u"'
'~ .-_i\F~rt-1lU 1

Q@ Flag this q uesnon Q~ Store this q U>eS t iCII'l

- ..... ~
,, lr-
_ . fl
I ._.-;;; .I
•l... =-- - -l't>'- ,.tfl
Subsection: 15 Q

(Mark Test )

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ll!<i<IIH~> ;$
llt•wi<•lt'!'~ I,
EASA •Part~66


"'-- ---- -
66. 'the -c opper IDS.s on a single phas.etransfDrmer Is. 25 Watts on Rop~rt prcbl~miJ
~llih lji.ies't!C.ll -
full load. What will It be an half Joad1
S..hd your refeTer.:~:Q
g) 6.15 Watts:
Q I:t!'i Watts: ~:! r-- ~ ,t
0 S Wat:t.s ~~ .u~~~;:_ ~
0g 0@ Store this qu.-!<Stlorl
f! E.l151\ Po rt-4Q ~
f'lag thls question ~~ ,.:.. ~1 ~
l_l ' ! ~- ~
~i >i:t "Q .,
SubsectJo-n: iS 0- !!!~-
=- -·.. (~- ~·

6-7 . In tr-ansformer operatlo!n, hysteresis !;osses are R<!port probl em~

·:,. wi ih qu.,;.1l t.t~
0 curr·e nt o\• con resistance
S..nd '(our r'-'fer<:nceO
@ energy wasted tn re~· erstng, core rn2tgnetlzatl on 69% ~
() Induced current In the-Jron core ~ .,.......__
;~ . ~,., ~. ··~
!j ··~·:-- fl
0 0 Flag this q uesti on 0"" St ore this question ~ E!-:s::::." ""fj ~
~.1 ~"' ':'! · ·~t -~
Subsectl~n: iS 0 .; bLI ~-· ~
~ =~ ~ifR ~
~......___:::::- --

6S.• In delta to delta type o.f connection of a three•phase tr-ansformer R<!port probl~nt ~
wiih q u~cJ\ :
~ secondary voltage and CWT'ent. will be same as primary voltage
and current
Send your ri<fEtenceO
0 secondary rur~t ls hl gher than the prl:mary rurrent
0 secondary va rtage :Is: !higher than the prlma.ry voltage ~~ ---
. "·""""· ~· ...
~ ~~:;.,._,)~ ~
0 Q Flag th is q uestlc•n OQ Str; re this qu>i!Stlc,n !" - ..- .1 ~
~t ~'-j
~! ~~'-. l ~~
Subsectio-n: 15 0 ,_, =~ -'-k
_ .. _ _ _ ;J

69. An SiUtotra!\stormer Is Report problem 'lit

en primer~ and secondary cotJs on Sin<,;JJe bar
llliih f>.ll
S<!nd your refetence(li
0 primary and secondary calls
0 prlrnai)• coJJ only
!1-- - #if? ~

IQ Q Store t h is
ii .~.~~~··- ~ .
I Flag th is que;;M n que.;;tlon :<;: 815.1\Po~
1-' . _ -~G ,,~ .. ..._.
¥> }."-;-;1
j I
sfl ...
Subsection: 15 0 J .c.,"Q~ ~
1,_ : .

e..:.--="j""~ '
70. To reduce eddy e:urre!\t!i In a transi'ormet" you would Report problem- ~
w iih que:!iili:!J\,.
~ reduce the thickness in the rnag neth: care
Send y.:.ur r<!fEtence ~
0 Incr-eas-e th-e thk k.ness of tarnl:nablons l:n the m-2tgnetlc core
68% 0
0 reduce the number of turns: o-n the prl.mary winding i•
jl ~
~i •·~:"::".:.... G
CJ ~ Flag this question O Q Store t his qu:sstltm t" • f\
E!o.SM'll!'li-,lij --
...-..-,,, II
Subsectio-n: iS ~ .... . . , J~
' !" '- _,
r ~·
,; :S ';! ,,
'l.=:.--:::-: '"li'- ~
11.. What Is the ratio ot turns between the primary oo!J1 winding and R«port problem~
the secondary ooll winding Df a t:rans.former designed to triple 'l'liih -que".li.'ltl ·
Its Input voltage? S..nd 'fOUr r<!feTenc ~(li
0 prlmary wm have twice as many turns as l:ts secondary
j] ....,o- ,s;.: ~ .
0 primary wm have three times as many turns as lts: secondary
~~ t__ ::~~~'-_ H~
® prlmary wlll' have one-third as many -turns .as l ts s.&ondary
i: El~~"' Pilft·I) Q -
- .

~1 .-;---:-~~ ~
[)@ Flag thls que;;tlon (] ~ Store t his q•Je; tlon ~~ I ! I I{
f! '"'------·:~
~: ·~ .
S-ub.sect:lo-n: 15 @
~ =-:_:_!:!!:_ 9
~ 72. A transfo-rmer Is designed to operate at 60 Hz. lt !s connected Report pitibl;,mQ
\._ ___
''""=""'·· -.,..~.~---

EiO. A 12\1 tr;msformer hB:S a turns ratla (S!.!condary to primary} of R'-'pcrt pro blem c.
12:1. The power absorbed In the primary Is 120W. What IS' the With ljUI=;.t i i>ii .
current tn the secondary? S'eM your refee hCe ~
% % (!}
Q l 2VA.
j~ ;;,; ~
~ O.BA t .....,...~ , .
,, (-·~·~-· ~
Q i44A uE.~J, p,~·(ti'J :-:1
ji ,--;-•;!• 1
J ~ !"lag this quEc;;tion .-, ~ Store this qt.r~tl o n
tj ~t~~MM ~
~ =:""_ _ :!P_ ~
:Sti bsertlon: 15 '

61. A tran.! dormer should always have Its Report p ro ble m~

w ith ·que;;.'ti<>n
0 primary sh.o.Ited ~r a·.ff laad
S>eri d your refe:t~nc~iJ
Q se.c andary shorted or on load S7%~
® secondary open d r<:ult c-r ~n l~ad ~ ..-.-. ,>.~ fi
~i ~~~~~ f

(_I ~ Flag this q uestion ,_., Q Store this q ti'~tio n f, ~-~~ Pllr!;JU :,
f; ~a.;:;! ~
;; i ~ I !:
:Stibseetl.o n: 15 0 tl ---;-:-~~ ~
;n _~ -:~t w ~·
til' ~ - ..:~·-

6.2. How can it be determined lf a transf ormer wtndlng hB:S some of· Report problem'i)
li!i turns shorred together? with ~ u e&i M ·
s-end your rereer.c eiiil
0 measure the J:nput w;;ltage with a;n ohmmeter
0 tne o utput v oltage wJU be high f; ~- w~
~ tne t ransformer w!ll get hot In oormal operation ""...-~ .. ; ...

"' (-~·-··
~i EA~h\ F.n~··11J
CJQ f'Jag this quesnan ·~ ~ Store t his que; timl f .•:r.} ~
~l ·---~ -~ -~ ~
Subseetlon: 1 5 ' i; _ !;._f-Kl.
!;1 ;;::;-.~
(!i'.,_ 'I

63 .• A tran!dormer ta supply a 24.\1 load with a 5:1 turns ratio will R-e port problem.
have what prim ary s u pply? w ith ·qUtO!.' titm ·
s-end y.our refetel'll:e ~
® i2VVAC.
0 12{1 voc !1 - - ,~,;~ ~ .
() 48VAC ~~
... . .
iJ,..&.' • :l.
. -
E.r,.SAP.llft·tl~ ~

I I 0. Flag t.' tls question r ui)·St ore this q~¥...sticm r1-~ {,:a:---·1
" ... rt ~
fr ~ ............ h
=-~-=~- l~ "'"'
:Stibseetlon: 15 @

Ei4. An ai rcraft transformer !s needed to step~ a voltl'liie• What sort Report probl~m @
would be used? '<lith question ·

QS) Laminated .oore S<;ti d y>:lUr ref&-.!nt~ -0

0 Alr care ;~ ~ ~-~l
0 s,olld core t~ w_y·- ·~ J
" (~--·-- !4
~ Ef!SJ\ Part-t)G ~
00. Flag this q uestion 0~ Store this qu,;stkm ~ f;..;,, ~
?} L;:. _., ~
~! .. ..;........,.· :
:Stibsertlon: 15 ~ ~.'iL.---=:::::-
=~ -..... ·~.·­

Ei-S. 1'he a re.a of a hyst:eresls.loop is proportional t-a the Report proble m~

0 relative permeabfllty of the materJaa being m agne~lz:ed w ith i:JUestiD.l'l

S'end your rHee r.c e~

0 energy absorbed ln complete!~· demag netl ~l ng the matedat 71 %(1}'

6:1 energy dissipate d l:n putting the materlal throu gh a romp['E!te cycle ~~
§# \
of magnetlzat:ton and demagnetizatio n :! = w.,r,.·,,.:o,. ...

~1 ~~·~,j-M ~
1~.1 ~ Flag thl s q uestl on L l ii) Store this qu:BS tlon .•- ..,, 'I
~·· 1·! ...
• L. 7 t .•( ..._, ~

Subseetl.o n: 15 0 ~1 - ..... S:t_'fl H

L:-=- -- ,

L 66.• The copper loss on a phas-e transformer Is 2 5 Watts on R~po tt probh;mQ
Report prcblem~
55. ln a tt>ansfoc:rnU!ir1 if the rate of change of current Increases, the
w ith qae1Jioit
mutual Inductanc-e wlJI
send vour ~re:rence.~
@ remain the .s:ame ' 47%~
0 decrease !~ ~ ~;;
() lnm:as;e ""~"" l
~ OM~~·-~ ~
- ·

i EJj,!j_a,Fi1rX ·t1!) ;~
0 ~ f'lag this quesu on L!@:Sto re this q >l.;;s tlo ~ ~ .:~.· 1
; L~d ~
Subsectl,on: iS @
~=--=~)1- t
56.• Input of 8 ohm into an OP· Amp. To 9et an output of 2:0 Report problem~
't'litli ·tjl:I!Stitm
what transformer would yO<U use?
~lid 'f'il:lr ref!Ore""~~
Q!} 20: 1 step up
0 $0: 1 step down ..
. ; ,........,.
11 '

0 tOO :l step da-wn i: U - •;J..

~ ···-~·~
~ Efi.SI\I'llrt·•l~ ~- -~
QW Flag this q uestion 0 ~ StHE: u ·,ls qu'E'Stlc.R !i
..-~-,,, -
. .·

•' k. >. ·1.

Subsection: 15 @
~="'=-=~ ~
57. How d'D you reduce Hystel'·esls loss .of a transformer? Report probl~mO
't litli ques't•on
C21 By using a cNe material •;jhlch can be easJhy delllagnetlsed
S!!nd your refeter.teO
0 By lam1natln g the care !>4%0
0 Wind the calls o ne the ot!M=r an d by careful design of the ~~
- $,) ,,
~ ''"~;:, ·· . ~
~ Wl\l'llf.·<l~ ~
0 ~ Flag ti'Js quest.ian Q Q Store t:hls qu£stlon "'ti ..:~;-. . ~
l!=.U _ ~
Subsectl~n: 15 ~ l=--:.:£t_)
58. 1'be Input Is 115V and ls s:ppHed across the 300. turn portion of · R.;.pctt prcblem
with queti<m
the autotransfot"mer shown. Wh.a t Is the output?
S..rid your refecente~·
-+r-- 75%0
i" l -~\' ~ ;!00 i.Jn:>
~~ ~ ~ ...
~ ~-~ .~..~~~,, . ' . ~
...~ r: Eft~_).' Fi'f rt.·~Jj -
j w.~·Jf¢ f. - -.- F
l·!' t.
If. •.r :1
;;.. ' ~-· ~
4--- ; 5 1'0 v
~ ~ ii:U"'":• -~:: I

~ 46DV
0 2iN
0 115V'

0 ~ Flag t his q uestion QQ·St ore t:hls qw:stlon.

Subsection: 15 0
59. What causes a transformer to be noisy? Report probh!rr•.a.
~i ith ·qUB'tii:<tl . .
@ An atr gap ln the core
S!!nd y.out refetenteO
Q High core la-sses 73%~
0 col'! reslstanc;e r~
. . ., .;)'
[{ ·.~~v:~~ H
Cl\l Flag thl:;:. question 0 'i). Store this q<rest!on

Subsection: iS ~
.. ,,,
' Efi.SIII'llrt·M •

!f l• r· ·!,__ I
.:..._, a'

~j ~ 1'0 :
~ =--.;~- ~

60. A 12'\i trlmSformer has a turns ratio (secondary to prlma,Y) of R~port: problemo
12:1. The power absorbed In the primary Is l.~OW. What Is the ~l ith tjiJ0$'1.1 Dn

currertt lin the ~condary? 5.efld your ref~enc: e:.,

1.. C) 12M 56%(()
,._ - ------ --- ··- -- - - - - - ~~--~--- ·· -· ·-- - --
49. On iOO:i step-up transformer, 100 mA Is the SI!>Clon<iary current, Rl.:port problem~
v1ith que;.t i <:m
whl!it Is. the, primary current?
S<:nd your ~fe:n!once~
0 roo mA SS%~
0 lmA ~:
® lOA l~
~ ~ ;.._.,~ ·~- h
; En.S I\Pil rt-<llj 1
0 ~ Flag this qu~tJon ....--. ~ Store this qu:s tlon. i ,:..;r ~
i ~ ~ -~
' • I
Subsectii.O>n: l.S ~ ,l~ =----s~,.. ~
- - ;J

Report problem
50.• The primary winding of a 3- phase trl!ili.SfO<I'mer
.,.;ith q ue!.'t:iM ~
0 Is: delta wou nd S.O.nd yaut f"-f""'er.te~
0 ls: star we>un.d 78%0
~ coold be elther d'e lta -or star w-ound w~

CJ@ Flag tnls question @ Store this q!.L€<Stlo•.

.; ~ d -
Subsection: 15 0 ~ ~- ~ --" ~ ~
!l; =--
lO-fY_ ;.i

51. A.Tran.stO>rmer with iiSV prJmary voltage and a rat!~ of S:ils Report problem@
With quio'Stiw-t
supplying a land.J.n g Hght (load l4V 45 amps} is used, what Is
S..hd your refe:tehte'i)l
the -c un-ent drawn?-
~ 9 amps ..lir--- .._..,
0 4.5 amp:s : lt..W ·~
i -~'"';."- p

0 205 amps I·; EI'I.SJ\P\lr;.(i(o u

U ~ Flag this qu<Stion Q ~ Store this qus tion

i; r-·
... .. .,' o! ' ~
f ==.:! _ ~
..:j ~ ~ -- ••
~ =~ _•JJI_ ~
Subsection: 15 @

52. the dots -on 'the tra:liSforme-r symbol' shown are catted, and Rl.:port problern.c.
Yiith -q ue 't:i b:n""
S<!lid y-<iUr refe:renc;,'i)l

.__ i~.
!I §::
~~ §-
. --.,
., ..--
~. ; ...... . l .
1 ._...._,;:""_ .
c:=:- ~ h
!I (.__ I ~')
__ __)
J E,(I.,S_P,' Pnrt·(lij
i ,.~d.1 ~ ..,
"" t ..
1 "- '~- ·f'J
0 phaslng dots, points that have the opposite pola.r lty at the same
~ =~
-..r, f
• .

---- "--,
mom-ent in tlrn-e
0 quadrature dots, points are 90" out of phase
0 phasing dots, pol nts that have tne same p&larity at the same
moment -in time

f~IQ Flag thl&qu;;stion QQ Store this q!J'6tlon

Subsection: 15 @'

53. lnput power of .a tr-a nsformer Is 10i'JW .and O'Utput power Is !JOW1 Report plilblem
what Is the ettldency? ...lith ·qlJ!5-'tiDII 0
S<!hd y-<illr refe:r.;r.:;,@
0 lio%
0 IM%
~ ·
@ 9(1<}~

0 ~ f' lag tlils q uestion 0 ~ Store t h is question

Sub.sectl~n: 15 @

54. A transf~mer rat~ at a frequency of 201) Hz Repct-t problem~

Q may be used at .a ny other freque;nc.y

w ith quet i M
S..nd your l'.!fi!ferlte(i
~ may cmly be u:sed at the rated frequenq• or above
0 ma·r e>nly be u:sed at the rated frequency or bel.ow
··-· =
· - ~-- - ------- -.-=~~-~--- Repci't probi~A--
43. J. TrEm!ifi:trmer has 4500 secondary turns and '1JJO primary turns.
tts toms ratio Is With -qu~tioo •
Seend your r,;_fetence~
0 1/5
0 1 :.5
!~ ~ ~
@ 6:1 ! ~...,.. ;z. 1
~:~~;~;,rt-i)fj ~
0~ Flag this q uestion Q @Store this q;J·$tlon ,.- ..-·'!
lFl ,~ Jf!
. b.i;~ ~ ~
Sub!iectli:tn: 15 e ~j
~ =~..:-- "'"- ~
~. ~ ·~

44. Transformer copper loss on full loa-d ls .22•0 Watts. On half load Report J)rcblem~
~1ith q u ~ t>n
the will be
~} SSWatt=; send your ""f""'"ht"'~
611% ~
C} 4•Hl Watts
r:li --.,.........,_~ ~-
0 i.Hl '•llatts
~ ~:;~-.:G ~
Q:@ t"lag this q u""'tion 0~ store tr;ls qlt5tlon ll ~·~~ ~
i"* I. ~ '
.....:..X..--- -..-.~
,, "' "'J
Sub!iertli:tn: 15 fil 'l

f1 =~-=~- ,

45. tn a 4:1 Ste!""UP transformer, 120V rs applied to the primary, Report problem~

and the load on the secondary ls 160il Ohms. What rs the w ith qul5'titm
.C llrrent In the primary? 9-!fld your referene,. ~

® UA
u-..- ~
Q .3A
0 0.07SA
~ ,~,~-::-''' .· ij
Ji it
EAZA F\'I r,: ·(ltl
" j:'..;;, ~
LJ ~ f lag this q uestion CJ " St ore this qtt6t!an iI L : I . !1
~ ._, ]

Subsection: 15 ~ ~ ~~~~~::. !l
46. What ls the reflected lmp.edanc.e In the primary of the R"flci't proble m ~
transformer circuit shown? with ~u,.,.'tit.:n
S-end your r.ef~tterr-e:@
1:!·1 Sl% ~
1~ ~~

J _1
~ ~, p, ,...~~ '.
~ , (1

0 SOohms:
!1 ~....:! ._, !i
•! "" ~ -
@ 500 ohms ~ =-=-=~- ~
0~ Flag this question 0 ~ 5tore bhls qu>E:St ioo

SubsectiQ.n: 15 ~

47. In a transta-rmer core lo-ss l.s 200 W and co~ I:O.s:s 1'!1 .220W at R<!pcrt problem 4it
no load. What Is the. core loss at 1ull load? que!i'Jtm

0 ow Seend y.:.ur i"!:fetence@

(~· 200 w
i!-....- ~ ~r
0 22>0W
l •..c:.~~ ~
}i EASA ru~ .-:0 ~
L l4it Flag th is q uestion 0 ~. Store this qtrestlon ~ M ~
Subsertlon: 15 @
n '-".: ~ -· ~
•. .. l<J .,
:; =-: . ~.!!t- ~

48. In a df:r.c:ul.t which possei!i!les mtltuall'nductaru::e, current l.s Report problem ~

Increased to the primary Ylith ·ijli ~ Cdl

send your ref~ertt~ O

9 the induced Et.,l' In the s.&andary produces: a current In the
secondary drcu ft: willet. oppo!;!;s: the tncrease In ftux due to the
lncreas:e of current rn the prtmary ~ - . l'o'fi
0 the l nduced Et·11' In the s:&ondary produceS' a current In the ~ ·:~ -~~~--~ -h
, : EA.S.i\ P<·H~ ·(I G.
secondary drcult whose flux has no eff&t on the ftux l'n the ..!

prlmary ~ f .."Jl ~
0 the i nduced EMF In the produces: a current In the
lj ,_ '! ( _ ~
,c.:trronA!:io,...., .r:l!.rr.11 lt a..uhJ r.h !:ioC"': l-c~.::- t-h.o ln. r r :.:.=oe.c. In :fh. ~v rhLC. !t~ t-h.a
a,!; =~ !,; :<;)
J. r;r f.
31.• Copper losses In a transfo:rmer are cau sed by Report p ro bl em~
W ith q u ~on ·
@ the resistan ce. ln the wlndl ngs;
S;iid )"<iur r..:f,.t<:nc~~
0 was;tlng of the mpp er wlres due to frkti O'n 74%~
0 drculat lng currents; through t he transformer
~ -::~.~ ~ ·~
; --·--·~ ~
Q~ Store this q1.restlon
QQ Flag this question i
Efi.SA F7.-rt·\11'j !}
Subsectl.o.n: 15 @
;< =~
~~-· ii
,IHI' r
., - - - - J.

38. The voltage In a transformer secondary coli that conti!ilns twice R.oport problemo;
as many loops as· the primary coli will be with r_tu!!Stieo:n
~hd your te rereoc ~ 'fll
Q greater and the. amperag;e .greater than In the primary coil
0 l ess and the am perag;e g reater than In t he prlmar1• coU . i ,..,..- o.J f\
(29 greater and t!ha amperage less than In the prlmarf coil -~ Jt....-.~. !
l1 ~~·~~-Q~ ~
0~ Flag this question 0 ~ Stor~ this qu:~tlor~ , - -- h

Subsection: :iS @

39. Yhe windings on an autotransformer are Repctt ptc bh!lit m.

With gU01.1:ioo ...
() woun d with no magnetic core
S<!nd your r"<ofer;,liCe@
Q 'l'to und em separate legs of the core 11%~
~ wour.d with the prl mary over the secondary
~ .....- ~~
;i .....::~;:!.- r
Q@ i'lag t!hls q uestion Q ~ Store this question ! E/1.5J\Pi1ft·(Jij -1;
: --~

Subsection: :!.S @ i ~':.' '• ~

il =~~~ ~
4.0 . Eddy current lo.sses In a transto<rme:r are Report problem(it
V1ith ·l!jll~'t~ Dn
0 current used In magn.etfslng tt.e core
S;nd •raur r..:f;,r.: nc e~

ll} m agnetic fl01•1s Induced Into the core

0 hysteres1s losses .., S5%Q

Q ~ Flag thls. question C 1@ Store t his que;;tlon.

Su bsection : 15 ~

41. An lmpeda!\Ce matchi ng: tllaftrlnr.mer l s r eq;ulred to match an Ri.! p ~tt p ro bl ~n\Q
amplifier with an In put Impedance oJ 15000< ohms to a With qUe<tio:l>
mlCI"''p hone· of. 1SO ohms.• What turns r at!l.o Is rectu lr ed? 5\!!lid your r..:fl!ier.ce@

0 100:1 4il %~

0 l: H l ,,i~ .-.-. w 'f

@ 10! 1 ~ i ·.~!i~ i
{ Efl.Zj\;;.,rt·f.llj_ ~
; j'...i , ~.
0 Q 0 Q ~l •. ::'·, f'
Flag tills q usti on Store t!hls q•,re:stlon
il -:-"' -J _J
Su bllectlon: 15 ~ ~ =-:.=-~~ l

42. A 4!:1 step do\vn tr.a nsformer draws 115 V and i A. The output Rep~ tt p ro bl~ mo;
power will be 'i'llth q LJ ~I>l\

Q 28, S V at 16 A S;nd your r..:ferenceO

76 ~~ (j
0 460 V ato.2S A
~1 - .,.,
~! ..:.~~ ~
28.5 Vat 4 A.

fi Efo.SA Port·OO •
Q~ f' lag thls q uestion Q ~ Store: u ·,ls que:stlc,r:; rl ~·~(, 2
.. ~ [ 't. lt ~,l
~- ~ :1'
Subsection: 15 @ ;
~ =- _ _!:Y_ ;

4:3. A Transform~ has4500 secondary tums and ?SO primary turns. R-eport ptti blen\(j
... .,..........-
.... - -~- · - Ylith ou ~ o.n
31. The secondary co]) of a transformer hBS 1500 turns and 10 Sl Rej:Hll't pro bien>~
IIIith qU ~D.n ·.
re5istanoe. The primary cotl has l.ld.l How many
turns does :the primary coli have? S!<nd your ref~Ser;.::;,.(i
( )
~ ,..,.-
'-: . "'-~-· ~ ·
... r ~
@ 15, 000 ~ ~~·F~~·~J o ~
l4Jl ...-..-!
0 0 f'lag tills question 0 'iJ .5to<e this q~.restlon .j J. ::
·' ~- ~
'IQ. ";) 'I

Subsection: 15 @ Jl =-:_=~- )

R"'p~rt probl~m
32. Th supply a 24volt 11utput wl:th a transformer with a 5:1 turns
Wlth ·Q U ~D.n
ratio, the Input required Is
S..iid your reference~
Q 4AW 65% 0
Q 24V il .,....._ w ~
@ l2t!V }j ...,..•, J
~-! ···-- ·- - ~

~.SA Fn~·QG ~
00 Flag th:ls qu<=>tJon .~. 'iJ Store this qu; lon f ..;,l 1
. • ~ ! '' ~-~
Subsectle.:n: 1.5 ~ ~i ;::n- ~:;-:11 H

33. In a de1tafstarwm~nd transfo<rmer the turns ratio Is 1:2 and the R.;,p~rt probl:'n>~
Input voltage Is 100v. What ls tl\e output voltage? 1111th ·ques1ll'>il
S!<nd y-<iur ref!Ser>!;,~
@ 3%v
() lOOv
ll ,.......- f#! ·p~
0 200\f I~ .~!!.~-~~-. · 11
ji E!iSJI. F'o ri:·•lfj *
0 ~ Flag this question 0~ Stano; t his qU"<=Stlo ~> ~i j;--~ 1
H k ~ ~ -- ~
~! :£ :<;! .;
Subsection: 15 @ i!•' -·-~_ ..:_11- {il_ ~.

34. A transfru-mer has 1200 turns primary and 4800 turns R<;pott problem,.,..
secondary. What value of load :resistance would be requlired to w ith qu ~oo •
give a reflected impedance of iOOO ol:tims? S.;,nd yaur N!ferenti<ii}
0 1 kilohm
~) !'!~! ----111-..r..'•"- ~ ~~
16 klliO:hm
' ,..""'".- . iitl
4 k!Joh:m
t - ...... h
' ..
Efl~.~\Fi'lrt ·(J ij ~

! .......<!1 ..:
CJ" Flag this question ~ Store this q•.te:St lofl I': I.. . -."-'l
;: ,, ~ II:.1
,,J =- :s...~,.i' , il

subsection: 15 0 " - ---·

35. In a star wound primary transformer, how could ye.u wind the Report problen>O
secondary wlndln-;? with qul!oStit>ll
S!<tid your refioter>::e~
0 star only
'@ l'<lther del't:a oT star t' rJ •
!l ""'7' ~
0 delta only ~j ·~~.:.::....

1!!\t'I, Ptlrt·ilO \
0 ~ Plag this questi on 0 ~ Stare this quEStion ~
.af.. r.t~
i( u : ' ~-~
subsection: 15 8 I. .. '<;) . ,
=~.:...: ~~- il'~ .;.

36. In a 4:1 step up transformer, what would give a refl:eeted Report problem ( i
Impedance o.f .1KIIohml withqu ~ tm

Q 4kcrllm S..nd your N!ferenee.~

Q 1 k o;hm
~~ ,........
9 l6kahm ;; ."-. .... ~ ~ J
Ji (~-·.-· ~
fi EA5_1\ F';'lJt ·(l-IJ ~
0~ Flag thls quest.lan Q ~ .Storr.~ t'hls qu1<stlon Y: - ..-,I H
cJl\ ~ .~. I F~.
i~ '-··"> '<:3'---"' 1
Subsection: 15 @ ·-~- -:l'
ti·..__ -'. :. . .lli. .:-:. '~

37.• Copper losses In a transformer are caused by Report probl~l'f>(i
;,&ilt k i'tl a.:...H-• " ""'
25.• Eddy currents In a transformer core are reduced by R«pcrt: prtlbl em~
Yi ith ·CjU~i>il
Q decreasing the thkkn.ess of the laminates
S;nd y-our r«ferehCe~
® lncmas;Jng' the thlclmes:s of the laminates iS%~
0 m aktng the core from a snlid. block
,l. ....:;.;.:!... r'
!~ :SF ~

0~ Flag this quE<Stic.n ~ Store this quecstlon : E.PlJ\ f1m·(l lj -

;~ .-;e-,1 ~
Subsection: :15 @ l.j !, ::. ~ - ~
!! ~ ~J_ "

26. A transfor mer Is built with a material having .a Report prcbl emo..
~lith qLJ.:stii>il ...
@ narrmli hysteresis loop S;nd yaur r«fererY-o<O
0 hlg h coerdve forri! 72%Q)
0 wide hysteresis loop j: .,....,.. ;' r I
i u_ c • . • J

0~ flag this quBOtlon ' ~ Stare this question

Subsection: 15 @

27. A 10:1 step up p~>wer trans1Mmer has 120 V,a:nd 1A .! lnwl:ng Report problem
through the primary, .a nd G. :i:85 A flowlJ19' thr ough the .seco.n di!l'\' withCjU~Mo
whM Is the etfldency? S;nd your refererY-eO
Q 8S'l'o
0 90% J- ~ W....:oo'.:l
~ 95%
~ . ............ ___. t
'1 ~*~6 ,1,
C'J~ Flag tn ls q uestion Q 'l) Stare this qu ~tlon i1i f, '"
~-~-·• ._ , ~
!: ... ~ ~
~ =-~ _:g__ ~
Subsection: 15 Q

28. the .supply to a Desynn Is Report prcblem

~lith question
0 400 H:z.
Y-nd your reft:::rence:Q
0 50Hz
® tJC:

(J Q Flag this qutstlon 0 Q Stare this question

Subsectl~>n: 15 0

29.• Copper l.osSies can be reduced In a traiMfor~!r by R«port probh:m

with qui!:!.'iii>il 0
( ) using .aluminium 'llfndlngs
S;nd your r"fer,;CY- e ~
0 lam:Jn.atlng the C{)re s:i%~
6;1 uslng larger dlame:ter ~~lndlngs
0 ~ Flag this que>tlon ·-' 'iJ Stor e tNs qu.;;,stfon ~
Subsection: 15 @

SO. An autotransformer Is maiie up of Report prtlbh!rnr.~o

Q a laminated care wi tli ·qUI:!1i!ioo•
S;M your r«rererY-eO
0 twa coUs wrappe d around the t:ore material
~ one coU wrappl<d arou nd the core material 't·t ~ ,.,SO%@
0 ~ 0 @Store this question r: ....::::::.:... r
i'fag thJ!; question jj E!l.SAForH G ~ A_
ii ,.~---;-~ ~ W""
S u bsection: i S @ ! j
( ::. t
~ ~~~

i ~ ";! "
"j =-- - ""_:_>": ::)

31. The .secnndary coli of a transform-M bas lSOO turns and 10 !.1 R<!port prcblern
- - - · - - - -· - ....... _ --'---~ - -·1-4 a_ _ _ • ..._,., _ __ t_... ____ ·· · - - - - - - ·--·- 'woJ i~ h ·f.ll.l ~ l"'.o'n 0
6 . The 'llu:x density >C>f a ma.gnetlc fhold Fs 1 .'ST. The ler..gtft of the p rub ie:111 Q.
Fl~po rl

eonductor ·ill the f ield Is z tn am:! the sp.eed of t h e eonductorls w ith q u,,i!:ltm ·
-itm/ s. The EMF fnduced Is S.'2ntl vcur r~f!!>r~nceO
\l\,. : : nv
() 7.5 V
0 o.~v E/1.51\J':frt·r·IJ
C~)\') r-!z~? t ~' !:; qu f:: ~l· ,c.n C.] 'G ~-;ton? t hh:' qt.:"'2.:;t!or :_ .......,. }
;o;;,;;;,-.M .... ~,'rJ' ~
subsection: 4 0

1. A photozolda l cell p i'6duces electri city when subJected to R~port problemg

with qu!t.~io.n

x g

:)g H~•'f,l tr~'S qu ~:·~.~ Nl c: \) :;~m·,_:r t !\h:, q., ~£, ~AJ;'!

S'!!nd ~~.:1 Ur ~fere: r'Y-.e~


t.AS I\

as •,-;,~

.q .. -~,~
Sul>sectlm1: 4 ~ .·
. ::. . ·I

- ~-- q ~~· r

s.. The mass ot an atO<m Fs C(>nta1ned ma:lnJy !n the R~port p rcobit:•n ,~

y,·ittr l!jw~:ion
0 probJrt
:f.end vew· r-!!f~.n:~rY.::t!
0 a:. s ~"~
Q electr on )..-:

(J~ f'lao t:-.s qu.;:~: .•3fl [: 0 :;:r.•(;: 1''11"- q·.. ,;.:.t;c.n (.(.~;\F;,rt·•"; tJ
Sul>sectlon: 1 \1
-~ .. .~:-

· ;.o-:··- ·,. f '

·-- _-:_-:::::.¥:_,;.

9 .. J\ neutra:l ato m ga!m> oeJ e.:trtms. !=!_,~pr.>rt prt.Jbl~!'i~0

'flitf'l 4Ut!'~'ti Dit
@ Et 9:3rns a negal!v e - c harg~
::-~:::n r.! r~R;r rt:f'e:-;;-n~:e0
(j !t remai n~ neutral · a::.%v
() 1t 9a1ns .:!; petsit!'-t'e- cha r~H~

00 l-!3 :;' t" ~- :;u<>..:;t:c•r; C ··;J srur-a t :-d:> 'f;_;;.;:~un G\.'io\ Part · !i ~t
:.,. ~

.~- ; _( __ I~
s:ubsectiOJ'\: 1 'I
;_;.;;;.·- w..;;

HI, A negative lonls .all .att•m which has
a su rplu:s c-f eie•: trons
(_,i .;; do?fier;oncy of el ectm ns.
RJ;'!pt!rL ~ r'Clb le:: i11Q
'V,lilh q LH~.~t l o.a
S--:!n cl 'f>UUt rt'dttJe lk~:Q
0 no· elec::rc-n,;

:J~ Hag tr~:s ·:tue~t:on C Q Ston~ trlb q~- ~s:..~ur· ECSI\l-"i'trt·f,r.

~-:; _
subse.:ctlon.: 1 V
-·---.......=":"-- _ f"

11. An e lem-ent w·hose atoms hav;o fewer th a n 4 electrons ln their R..~porl pn:.I!JI~I'il Q·
valency shell ·t~.dLh q u t::!.~l on ·
Y oc.oo c:anductor:s .s~ncJ ·rcu• r~r~~ntl! V)

V sam lco nd uctors. 69~·a0

C goo.~ lnGulato rs
'V f

(•1.'iJ1P'n~· 'l(i

O·QHag tr.t! .:;u6t1on C Q Sture this qu~tto:· ...,.


. - . .... ,.
s.u:bsectlon : 1 :\1 ;,.-::;- ~- ~ ~
-:::::.. :"

12. When a.n atom l oses o r gafn:s

at\ e~e.t:tm l~ tt ls called Rep~rt probl~r.n
'<lllh c,ue~o11
. . hen a.n atom loses Ol" ga[ns atl e~ctro.~ [tIs called Report problem
with q u8 tiott ''
.J!i an 1-on
~li cl vcur ref~~n:e
g a rn•J iecule 91%Q
C a oJ:r.n:nt 'fl'' }

QQ Pia;; t1'.1so =JUS t.<:m c ~ Si:L~re thiS q~fr..3tll) l~ Eli.SJ'i,P,rt·<II'J

su,bsectiOJ~: 1 Q ~·~ · ' . __ I · ~( ......,

·, '
w-.-.- ...'~~· r
;. . ___::.:::::::.::...r

13.. The resistance ·Of the current return path th.rough tl1e a.lrcratt ls Report probl"'m Q
always ccmsidered neg.llglhle, provided the v;ith qu~i ~"l
s~ n c.I yaur ~(l!lerY-~0
C volt age drop across: ttP- drcutt Is ched:!<d
() generator Is pro~ny gmu:nde<i
K stro.cture Is ade.q uatel)' boocied
,....,... t·

EASII. F~ r'< · '• {,

U\) Ha.g th•s q u l<5t!0fl C Q Sto re, t r.l:s q _s.;,,al'! -!h ,~
--~- _
;.. . . . ~•ctl·on: 2 Q ; . ; : ; ; . -....
. . ...._., ir
A .. , ,.

-·- · · -A · -''' " '

i•1. The consists or 1:\vo ·o,r more ·d ~tfer•er\t t)•p-es of atoms R~purt pro bl,r'l\ ~

Is know!'las a "iJiih que ti r:-n

~ntl ycur r~fe.r~n=e
0r ·; mol-:.rule of a n e.l emen.t
suo,;, .,
'v par tk iB >Of an element

X maleo.Jie. of a o::mpaund
El"t5APi1 rii·~ IJ ~
()it~ !-lag tl"i~ gtH:;;;t ,;m C0 !itc;rt: tNs qL.;.-;;tn:w 4-'
.g.. t <l
L .: ...~
·:!..!._ ~
'\o .- ~

subsectlom 1 Q ;;::•;.¥....

1.5. When e!l-ectrldty produced by I.I<;Jilt, ff the lfght' s fre;quenqr Report problem;-
lncf'eases ,. the a.nwut~t e>f' electrons re~eased w it!i qut:.!:lion.
Send ~ ·:;ur ~fer e:oce
Q d,;cre-:ses
0 remains the same ' ~~ t:.,..
Q .ln.::rease::s
Efl.!i a\ P':'!S1·G(i
~\) ria;~ tr. ts qtH;;;t ,or> CQ Stor e this q•.. es t tO!' -...
~__; ..... . :

Subsectlo.m 4 0 w;-- ""..;)( ~

___ -:.:=:::...r

1·6. For an• atom to a negattve. lon It must R«pori: probl;m Q
vMlh que:.~t£:1..11

lose at least one el&tron
S>2 r1d 'f•:l.ur ~fl!lcl r"ite.'@.
g al n at .least one ~l e ctro n
h av-e u nderg on.e ionlsatl on by t h e s:un

....... _.,..
00 Fla9 t )"l..ts. qu6'St1on (. __.. V Store Lt)Js •:1. ~.suu r ~~
E'ISM'> ~·4G
.~~L~ -~~~
'' it'·
Subsection: 1 0 ..... .
-=- _-;:··:··.
~·: _,..r

17. An ato.m !li'lth les.s than 4 electrons ln Its o-uter shell has R~po r'l prublt!m~

() hi ;Jh e lectric;.;;d re sistance with queo.tic·ll ·

g lo•,-,r e.lectrical resistance

S..ertd vour refe;rt<:!r\:::e-0
. a:t%~
Q no electrical resist~nc~:

(J·O Hap t~ ls ·qu;;sr,on C0 :;tc,fe tt'tl~. q .•;:st,ol'! tnJA Pnr"•f.I O. .

. ._. '
rF~ "<
' .
~· ,, c 1 Q -: __. ~,. f
..... .. ~

; ;;::;;.-.- ,.: ~

18. When test!n:o a positively charqed part! de w ith a negatlve:lv R~porl probl"rn ~
HI,. When. testing a pos!tlveJy charged particle with a n.egatlveJy R~ pott problem 0J
cl1arg-ed ele<troscope,- th·e legs of th£! electrosoope w1th q u!!:!l!>C>it
..!J: re.main .the s.;;;m.e 1st. anee
Sier'1 cl '/lOUr'
79 ~ll1~

move. clas·:<r tog eth,;;r ;~

(J move. furtoor apart

EASA V\nt ·~ b
L)V Ha? th1s :JU,;>st ,on CQ :itore thb q•.estwn
.u~ t

Suhseetlon: 2 ~
-- -~•
..... ~ \,

19. The purpose of ·oondl n g Is to R~port probi"m'@
.Q. glv~ g en'8rated st2t ic art e :;osy return p.ath to the gene rator
with qut11ti 001
$.<.!!'1d 'f•:lUt" r~fe:e!!\:::e0t
~ stop different P•Jtentlals developin g with subse'!luent fl re rtsks 89~·a@
U ensur e aU c.omp.Dnents ha·.•e been secu rely fi tted ;~....- ~ i

CJ~ Ha9 l r.1s qu.:sl•an C: Q :>tore lhb;:. q•" 2.>ll0~ E,ASf;,Pl.,t>: -.fli
.g, 4
Subsecti-on: 2 ~ __!£_'" '- "'
... ~.

'c. ;•·- -.....

- -,

zti. An. oxygen molecule ls .m ad:e. up of R"'fll:> rl probli!rit0

...... ...,. with qu,.S'!Jc.n ...
'v two axygert atoms sha;rt ng pro tons
s~nd '{Qlir r~fesr ~nce0
g t 'tlC a-xygen ab::;.ms. shari n9 nei.t'i:ron:.:

t 1it~:i I:J.x.ygen at(::ms. sha1tng· electn:tfTS
~~ ...
0 ,... ~lf.· "'· t· • t< 'q•

f J0 fla g '.l"iS f.lU~t. ;J!1 ·~ · ~ .• ,r.; . < f~~ :..\ -" " "j''·
....:S I.,. t .· {1' F~£A.Vi.•.ti·.E 6
A• .. _-t 1 ~ ~--. ,t
u:z,~ ...
·.,.~, r
----- 1""

Zi.. What cha:rge d·aes the nucleus of aJl atom possess? R~port problem Q
Ct f~egatlv-s:

S~rn:l '( rt:fl!'renteV

q u e.."tioil

xg Neutral
.....,...... , ~ .-

0 Q F!a9 th.ts:. qu~t~on 1;:-::0 Store thl,; qL.Stlon. EAS;\ f'l\u"·~!i ~ , ¥_~
.g.; tJ ' ~,·
Su•bsectkl!l\: i ~ _.b_ __ ,}

~~ ..... ;:::~. r
___ -_-::::::~~-=-_,.....

22. Staitlc charges r·e malnlng in an a ]!' craft are disslpaWd by R~port pruble:il\ Q
0 boru:itng tJ o'l. a1rcr.aft to a re f1.1e.l t:2nfo:er
w ith q u et.tic:<J~
S...!n r.J 'fdllr r'df!.r ~ r\:::t:-0.
() the use of a conductLng type nose l•.'he<il
( ) e a1thJng t ne aircraft as so on as posslbl.:. ~;w> r

LJ0 Ha9 tt'!s qu;ostie>n r-: ~ Store thl,;: g •c;:5t>Oi1

g,:~· -- f
5-ub.sectl.o:n: 2 Q
. ~~ ~=~; ~- ~

23-. A.n ato.m which has lost an eJec:tr.a11..Is ca.lhed a R-!!p~trl p~bl~ rn0
0 neg.ati,V!! ian ?;ilh ~u~....o.'ti on

0 proton
positl~e ion
~ nd vour r'-2f~el).:e;@

i~- >SrF;.

c::; Q S!O(f~ t fi!S q;.~!2':5tlt•n.

CJQ Hag this qu ~cst: •on
Efi.S·.i\po;,rt -(!r:;
Su:bsectltHl: 1 ~ ;_..: ...,..,. !.
. ;,:-""·-- -.. ;l
24. An element could be considered to b>e a con.ducto.r lf l't has
R«~~::t ~:~~~~~!@
2A. An eJem.ent c.o u!d be consi dered to b>e a conductor lf' it ha,s R~po lt p ro bl~ rr. 'Vi
v;ith qu!!61ion
Q a srn.aH n u mbe,r o·f e lect ro ns In Its aJ.rter or bit
~tid lf•:lUr' N:!f~t! rM:E'@
Q a la·rg-e nu:mbar off €:1ectrons . 15 ~'il 1Q
0 ala rg.e n um ber of e lectm ns !nits o!Jter orbit ---
[']@ t--!a-9 ttHs: ·~u s..::;tJon [J~ Store rnis q>..·&.;rw~. M!>l'i.P,f.: -Jj:G
:g., . ·. ' 2 Q
=-r .
L. -~.~ l

25 •. Ary eJectl'lc cu,rrent Is R~po rt pr~•b l ~ •n Q<

y· .an arde r..:;::J fl aw of e!&t rans
Seritl 'f dUr
q u e:t,t~ r;<n
r~fl!:terv.::e \J>
(} an excitem.:n t of electrons In a rn,;;,tat 8:7 •,;;. ~
Q a su r,ph..r.; o-f free· electron

u~ Hai) tl':IS .qu;;;;;t n;;n c·0 $!ore thl.S t:}'..:'S£tlOt: EAZ/\ F~rt ·<1V.
- ¥/
i·,:.~~;ctlom :1. ~
~, - ~
... ,r'

26. Ho.w ma.n y ;;,(&;trons can orbit !n th;;, tourtlt shell o.f an atorn? Report pmbl:'m.Q<

, . !2 ~h cl
·uo.rh q u e~ ~ "
y;::iJ r reft~rti:! l\::t: '@'
0 16
00 Fla'9 this ::tu e;;t;on C~ Q Sture Lhls qustiun !J<.!;AP':l" · ~ v
9c •~
su,bsectlort: 2 Q LJ .........,
(;, .

;.:u-r- - • . •.
•_ _ _._-.:=_-:..._ ..

27 ...U.6o>cl ·electrfca! lnsulato~ is a mater whlch R~~~J r_t pn:.1ble:rng

\A.. h as Its e.l ectmns t ightly baund t•; th p ar ent atom s
'tl ith qu!!S.•J w"t
S,..:nd !f>:1ur ref:::r~r'le ~ ~
g has mo ri!. protons than e lectran.s . 9·0%@
0 con talns a large .n u:mbe r of postth·e IQns: :- -

00 Hag tro£ ~u e5t ,on L '@ sto re this q,:t=:;r.wr. EI\S)\~ft · l'ltl
D.., J.t
r'l'_ ., '
su,bse<ct!O'm l Q -·-- --·
: ~4-- ·.,.w r"'""
_ _._.:::::::::_":: ..,.r

18.. The vaJ'J.ous r>arts of an ai rcraft .alrfr.ame are ma:Intalned at the R«port problt!tlt@
same by with qut!!!<'liiL"ll
S~n d ya r.J; r~fe.r eh!: e '~
Q st.artlc ·di scharg e w icks
92 %@
() t he SJJ.p ply bo.tS -bar:s
Q boru:ilng
8'15!\f\'1!1")~ Q
OQ Hag tt..J~ "~1U5t :on C Q: Sh::re this q'-otm\~, ~~
--~o J.
Jh,....l' """""
Subsectlom 2 \'> ; ;.7,;;,- .... "I ~

2'9, The EMF p,rc.d.u,ce<d using the thermc.couple :prlndple ls R~po rt p r~ b lernq,:
proportl.onal to the " q U ~Dil
s~r1d v•:JUr ref!:!f~n.:':!!@
C tem per atu re ,art t he hot j v a·n ly
Q d lffer>:.nce In temfl'er.;;,ture· DE'twe-en the h.ct and colo:t jur<ction.s
.: ~ W j.
() tempera ture i'!t the cold: j urw:tlon o nly
f:JIS~:~rt ·~lJ .. T'~- .
( ] \ ) FIZi;_:i tl"'i£ -~U ~j_~t!Oii C0 Stm·e t.rois qusttur.
'~ ~\\- ~
subseetlon: 4 0 Oo7:a-- ~"' ..._ !
·--- -~

30. The tludeus of an atom Is R"port probl«t1t G;

30. The nucleus ot an atom Is R<!port prtJbl~ r'il@o
q u ~'ti t:·ll
Q neutral
S!!ru:J vaur refe..n~nee ~
0 ne>Jatlve charged $4"hQ
g pu:>ltlve charged

~] \i Hag tn1s -qu-6';t,on C Q ::;rare thb; q·~B£~'"'~ ti15J\~rt·))lj

9--~ f~
Sul::!sectlm>t: 1 ~.
·-----==-===~: .
31. What Is the ntaxlmum nurn.lH~r of ele,ctrons in shett N of an Report problem\)
with 1!4u e.!.tiDJ1 v

y ta.m?.
S-~r,tJ v•:JUr rer~en=!!
.IS;, .:::2 80%
0 18
0 !6
EAS<\1'\> ~·~ v

QQ Flag li"s qua>t on c Store thl~ q ... ££t1on -~

8·:::' ,I
Subsectl.on: 1 0 ;;-;.- .... f

:n. A f[ght/ heat. sensitive cell ls a Repo rt prob!f.!t'n

't"-iilh QU!..•'!>1JDit
Q diode
S.end y<t~ur i'lt! ft!H! J"t-:eQ
---· t r ansdu.cer

c::Jv Ha;;~ t.r.1s :Jll=.;t .an C ~ ~;tore t.hls q·J Ell~il. i-"ilf'!\·1}(1 ~

,g,_ • '
subsectloJ~: 4 V -~ -......

-=·- "''""
~ .,_""v ~
-·-- ;..

33. What etfect do the e:J:ectro.ns of' one aton:t have ttp!H:I the R"'po rt probl~rllii(J
el...,ct.rons ot another atom? 'r.'Jilh CJ U ~H.:-a

(' 1'hey attract e :Jch other

5-encl '{d!Jr rderen:eO
'-" &~ ~"@
1'hey repel each other
(i They ha•<e no ;;ffs::t on eah. otheor
£fdt'\f"<111:·ljlj :.,.··
C!0 Ha;~ ttu:: qu~ton c Store this q:.:.~tlo
e- ...~......
-""- "

Subsectlom 1 \1

34•. Point A on the arma.tu:re o·f tlu!! generato:r shacwn is pro.d.udng Fl."port prob lt!ITIQ
with qu~tlon
S<er'1cl y~ur ref~re r;.::e0


=·. .. ....,.;..
. . . .,. , t

0 minimum cu rr ent ·- -- rl
ma:~l mum curr.;m t

zero curr.::nt

Cl~ Plag tl'1s gu~st:on C Q :i tur~ t his qc.&Ltwr'

SU,bSectJ.OJl: •t Q
3 .5 . The ma,x ltnum a.u:tput v·o ltage from a basic single !oO>p ge.n·el'at.or R~p~rt probi~!Tl@
is when. the· loop ts w1ih r;u t$".mn ·
~nd vour r'eft!ft:!rl::t!O
0 at ·15" to the m.;, gnetlc flu>:
a rotating anll- clod:wl,;;;;, relatwe to t h e dire.ctlon of t he magnetic

.>C:, cutt:lng m a:.:lmum lines of ma'9 netic: flux • ..,.M•::-..........

35. What partld·es ar·e t't>und l r. a n atom? R.~p~rt pn.:.~bl:t~u Q

a t~ CJs:tly electrons, p,rot ons and n.eutfYJ{\5.

v.J1Lh ·q ut!'!.'tlln\
your n:::Fe:rente: \)
Q i h.e sm ;!!ilast .elem.ent; s:::%·a
C t·~ol.ecul e~ and .el~me nts

C=)Q Fla-g t~.ts qu~t t0l1 c-.:@ 5!0((~ trd& q ~~.StlfJ n tl'i5•\F'ifr.;•o'JG -
-... ....
.all.,.t.f .. '
S uJ) SBCtl·ocn: 1 ii ....,.....

; ;;;:::;;;,-.- ... I t
~ --- ,.

31.. When the vatence shell of a p·artkular material ts filled with R~p~rt pro bl ~m~
w ;!h lju .,;.-t;;,t>
e~ectcrons., that has the p.ropertles of
S~t1cl V,:Jur rtfe:ren-:!:!::\)
V .::.n int:;ul.ator . 7·0'%\)
~ a co-nductor
0 ·=· se.m i-cond.uctor
F.ft~!>\~lt · \IIJ

OQ Ha g U''-ts -qtH~·;t lor1 C0 Store t hh; q c~·estwn -...

J.. .,.r~
~---~..,., l

Subseati<H~: I Q

38. Protons: "" 161 ·N:eutrons "" .Hi, .Eiectums "' 15. 'W hat Is t llle c harge R~ pore prob! ~ ri\ Q
w ith -f:;lw!!¢'..i r:tl}
· ·thts; ion?
S..~rHJ '.f•::lUr ~f~rt:!rv.;,l!:.@
&, Poslti .·e
Q Negativ e
[) Indeterrnlnate

r~10 f'l.~~~ trl.JS qlle5t';>:l n cQ 5tfA'< tr;i$ q cr<:;StiC•fl.

E4Sil. F7:lt:.·<,o
.Pot ..... ~
~ .... .:.:..··

S'ubsectl·o:n: 1 ~

39. The l'l'artlcJe that a substance can be split hlto ami s how Re port pr·c<blt:rrt .,
the same pmperHes as the wh>Ole 1 Is kno.wn as with que"tion \;;
S<!r1tl :raur r'J(;,'.:iY!•Q
0 e n 1\t o rn
:S ~ cMQ
Q a f•lol emle
( _} an f len1-ent
EM.!o\ Pu~ -6 6

[ )0 Plag t!'ls que;;t;an C@ Stor~ t.h!s qust!c.•n. ,g,

.:.lL -·-
SubsectltHt: .1 V

40. It 10 coulombs of charge pass a point In a drcult In 2 seconds, Report problet'n·'0

what would be Indicated c..n an a:mmetel' :polaae .a.t that point? · th -que:s.tlon
r' ··. S--'~ ricl y-..~ ur r-efe-r-en.:eQ
1 am p

85<% ,\ }
5 arn;ps;
. r--- ~\pi- i
v~"' 10 a mps

QQ Fla9 ttt1~: qu £:-st~t)Ji L.; Q o:tt.rc thi,; (j .. ~>;t,on

~~t rl\ut. · .!!: b

a. ,
~ --•'
Subseatlu•n: 2. ~ =-- "'·....

41.• A negatively cl1argerl ma.tertal l's brought dose tu· an insu·tated R~ port prob!f.':'rtt '\)
conductlrug rod. The rod e.n.d' close to the ·charged mater.lal wll.l Wi~h t'J U!~..5 W1

be S~ nd '{':lu:- ~f~e rx.l!'@

c neg.:tl.val·1• char9ad

0 posit l•,•ety ,;harged

0 neutrally charged
. , •..,h.·~........a
EI\Stl.?m ~ ·eli

0~ Fla<J t l'.l£ ·~lHo;t,an C@ store t.hls qo.:e-:.tKm ..=2-·--·
; ; .; ; .· - ""-;~"' t
Subse,r:tlo.n: 2 @

42. Germanium and smcon have :hD'W miHW electrons in the!!' cute!" R~port pro blem ,0
L ~·o;.c.JI., 'tlitli r:J u
4.:1.. Germanium and silicon hav·e how m;my electmns. ln thek outer Re p~rt prob l ~m~
W1lh q t.H~'!;tjtyfi .
~ hd your refert= r.:e\)
0 15 . 81: %~
0 4 .;fr !
0 2
!!fl.4i~ P'<'l rt·\llj
00 Fla;:J tt>l£ qu~t.o ~ LV Stort t his q;.:e:-.;r.:1or¥
·~ :.,. ~.-,
~~- · ~

Subsectl.o.t~: 0 . ....
':.~- ......,.!

~- ~=--;;_~~~- )~

R~pmt p n:> bl ~m
43.• Conduet:ance Is the reciprocal of ·resistance and is measured In
vnth q u !!'!."!.1 D.l1 · 0
C Coulombs
~ r'1d !(>:JUr r.-.!f~ell-:e @
0 Htmrys ' 74:<:/i:l g
a S.iemens. ..,
00 Fla<;~ !t>;s .qu;;,;:t;c, n [~ 0 stor.:; th!5 qc.E:-;twn EA:':IJ\ ra~·~ti -: :r· _
-911---·- ~--t
;..-:? ,_. ,.,,
' ' .•..
su·bsectlon: 2 V .,.
,; - ~~2-- .r'

<M .. A .sem[- conductor \\till have R~port

with q u e.:."t~ c~ll
(j two electrons In t hs outer s h;oll
Ser1d VdiJi t~!f~:<"e''~e @.
g Blg ht e lecm:ms ln the o uter s h sH

four electrons. m the cuter shel l

CJO Hag tl'Js -:jU-e>(•O n C@ .:; w re thl~ q•~i?.St!u~ E.t'J5)"J. P'i!ri; ·t1G
;! •:·j ...
Su:bsectl<on: 2. @ ! - !::-...... .. .,._..
;;;:,.~.....- ~!:!-

4.S. It .an atom contains 5 pr-ob:ms., ttow many electrons wUI It have? Report problem
y·--.. . ·t;ith qu o;:tiof•
U 1 et-ectmn
~t'!d v.:;ur ref~th".:P.:Q.
g. 5 eJ-ectn::.ns a3 ~ro@i
Q 10 electron;;
·~ -
- -

Q Q f"lag tJ;;s qu£:Stlon C OSto: e this qu!:?£tH.Jr. Eft~l\ l?'i'! rt ·lj l}

su:bsectlm1: .1 0 __
,, .!<oof-!

. ;.;:;;,-- ·... , ~
~ "~

'H>. Static e<l·edr kity Is ~p ort prob~~r~~

vii th q u e 1..i0.<"'t
(J t h e fkwi of e l'"c trc.ns In a cond.uctor
~1'1d Vttur' r':'.! (f!:t erl:.:e =@
( ) c3used whe.n el ettrnn~ ;;H·e· g aln ed or to~ by atoms ' 84'\~g
g the stripping• o f ele£t:ran s from o ne. body .and de posit ing t hem o n ;c-- ~ i
anothe r
<:ito-.0111 4 . -

EttSA ·~O

1: :t 0 Ha~ tru~~ qu1~St1::m CO Slt>Ff:. l: t lk, q cb:V;,t !f.•n
~.... ,--- ·

Su:bsectl.on: 2 \}
=- ~ ~.!:.!'_

47. An atom Is R~po rt ;.woblt!ilt<)

with q u ~ c·n

t he sm;;li£st partld~ of matter
S!r'1cl your r't!fl!-.n~hte- 0."
t he sm all-est par t of an elEm~nt th at retains Its char.:£t:nstlcs
6?% 0
the sm;;.ll:Et part of a compou nd t hat can exist l :v.!epe.nd entl~r ~ -~ 1,.,
CJ(I) this C \;) StorE thlg gui?.Sttor. E..B:.S?;. P\ut ·61i
., .
, ... I ""'.
.. :.
Subse•ctl·on: 1 g ~ ·- ···
..... , l

_:..,-~ - ~:-_;

L 48-.. nan Insulated conductor Is placed near to· a n<!gat!vely cha.rged R~ p~:t pro b~:'"i0
tiS., If an Insulated conductor ,l:s ;plac'€!d nea.r to a n·egattvely cha.rged R"po rt problem@
rod, the nearest en'd of the conductor beeome5 w ith q u ~ o n

0 n.ogat wely charg-ed

S-tn d y>:Jur r.e f~ ttn::~
€3 ~-b:@

XQ t•a chang>= will o ccur

positl>.•ely charged
';: ~·

CJ '~ Ha g t~l£ :JU£<S t •C•rt cQ StO f 0 thls q•~ r-!".:l t!Cll'"

SA.So\ P\n1: .€6
~-¥. _

su,bseeti..:.IH 2 \) ·~-~...... ~-;;...,..

-- r

49. tm example t>:f a good electrh:a:l !nsulatorls R<!po r~ prol:tl"r'll ~

w ith ~ l.J~~i on
g merru1y
s~~d ~t·:.u..~ r ref~tren:::e Q
0 alumini um 92~\'·
r-.. pl365 {;~ j

X 0 0 Ha;; lt'.ls qu ,an C Q :stor0 t hb ;:p... e:.:itlor El\S il. i-"'i'J r( ·I'Jti

, ~:::~- '
subsection: 2 Q ---~ .,..,..--- ·!
_: OW':.~...., _.!_..~- ~

50. An atom 111ith a defldency In electrons has R~ p~rt probl:'"' ~

·tnth q u ~tn~:n ·
() hl;ghImpedance
S~ncl yo ur '"
g low res!staoce 74%'@
0 hig h re:;is-tance
I,!.., .c.. ~.'

................ ~-

( ] (;) Flag quest.M C :@ ~to r~ t hie q·J~t1ur Eft5:1\P'<1rt. ·l):G :.;···./
~- ... ~....-
Su;;ctl·om 1 @ .,.,. ...._,
; ;;:.;.-
. j
51. Electricity c.:.ltducts through Fl<!p:'rt prcbl:'m@
'~nth !!ju !t!:tn>iJ: ·
Q soUds or; ly
5-etiil Y·:lllr r~fi!-r ~oce0
X saiids an d Uq•.tids Orll'(
0:.5% ~

CJ 0 Plag ti1.1:= qu~t •wn C \) Stun; t his qu,;stlc•!l

5uttsectlon.: 2 ~
-· .
!ii>.>M''al'H G

~ ....,.;.:. ., 1

__ ........
,;;:;;;,~.- - :-· .~-
, .

52.. lt a tree electron ls given to anothel' atmn, the recel'vit1g a tam Is R.,;por t ph:>bl.,r1\ 'l)i
a v;ith qw..~h.\u
S..r•d ·~ur refer.,r>:e0
( ) posithl e tn·n
S2% Q
0 neg-atlve ian
; ~- ·IV i
C vale:nqr -2!tCn"1
£0.5.1\ \-~t(·(jlj ~ ¥ ..
,~-~~ ;'lag tb s q u: s t,:cn f~ ;;) :;:ore tril>: q·.•Et<on
~:;-; -·-' : : •..,
Subsecti-on: 1 \) ~~~ ~·~_:{-·
- - ---- ~~- -
53. A co.nduc.t.o r Is placed tn a tnagn-et!s.ed cot!. ·what will hap.p.en? R~port prubi"M' 0<
w ith qu ~'t1 cn.
0 The con ductor will rnov-.a
S-er1cl vour r't!ftSt! l"t::e0·
( '\ A f6r.::e will be appll;:od · av%@
g•--' Notillng w ill: happen unless the conductor· is trn:r,;Bd ·'<!" ;

U ~ Flag tillS qu: st .011 C ~ 5tor~ t hl.s cp..::B..StJon ~,. ,.,, .~ 0 ~ ¥·

-.... ~ <i.' ..
:g.. t.f ;"''

Subse,ctl·on: 4 Q !~ ~~ ;
- - - ~~ ;i ~-
:-... ~ -8-·-- _,. .
·--888 ____

54. The val;,m:e electron Is R~p~rt pr~bl~ ~~

L ("!. .rlJ n n:::;ftio.JP ~IArtr~ n ·tnth q:ue.'1.H:w ...-
54. The valence eJectrnn ls R.,po rt probl"rn@
0 a po-sitive-electron
wiih q u~'t:ic..n
S:~n d va ur r-efe--~~ e:o:rtce:O
Q t he ;:lectron In outer ;;;he.JI •:l'f .?.tom 93 %~
() the e lectr on in .ir1n e1· si't;?;ll of atom >j, . ~

l l0 Hag lh<S qu;:st;o n C ~ _:!tore thts q •JB..St!Ur. E..if5i\~l't ·4t; - :.,.:-;.. .t

.u~~:"-! !
SubsectJ.o·n: 1 ~ ·- ·~~~~- .

-- -- ~

55. A thermocouple Indicator ls basically a, tl(pe of Repo rt pmb l ~ru @

·ttH:h q ue:!:ti:>it ··
0 millivcltmet-er
S..t: rHJ y r; u r' feft:sn2=0C!:!Q.
Q rni.llio hm eter il% -
() mlili-?.mmetet·

0~ ~lag th; s 'lU5 t :on c· ~ Sto r ~ t rlis qu~t!Oi' EJ'i~l.\f';)f1·(,1j

. ~ ..._,
subsection: 4 ~ .
;;::;;.""'7"' "'"-
... r
A~ ·· - - - ~

5·6. Thermocc.uple hamess.;;s aFe made from th.;; .same matei"lals. as R"pml probl"''" @
the thermocouple so that Yli th q u ~"!iwl:
S>!!nd 'r'Jur r'e(e enee=@
0 t he re:sls:!:<i no: ,J s. not JncrB=os.e-d b.:.yn.nd ilnn.lts . 1l>O~.;,@
C m ini j unctions are not fanned hr
C> t h;;y i\•l!l n.ct corrade
l"h,5 t>,F~r<·<JG

Ll~ Flag ti:•s qu-e;t•on I _~ Store ttls q1..l =s~!Of'i -...

i • ,,
L "_,i
Subsectku1>: 4 \) · ;;::;A-.- ""-
..... ;/ t

51. In w.ha!: equl:pmem is a ;<>n radiated w hen .an eleetron leaves R"'port prbb i ~J1i0'
~hole? 'tYitJ·t qu~tir:· n
~r'1d yc ur N! ft!:r'~ r't.te:0
0 Photo d ictd:= t ,..._.,.....-
() Photo-o:dl
E.1'l$1\~r.:-41G '- If.
00 Hag tb s qu,;,st.on C \)Store this q;.:-E:ior. .. .
!:~ -·~--..,.
subsection: 1 Q ;;:;,.-r ...

s,a.. f<to.m shetl-s c.a:n be further ,;:pl lt Into tour ievels that are R~port problt:r'!l-@
designed as with que:rtion ·
s..!n d '{¢iJ r 1'"-f"'re iY.:e@
1 t!l'l
. .:.s"filQ
0 p, q ,r,.s
~ ~.
UIJj~\ P.\rt · ~r;
C:J 0 i'lag \JUs qu;:st ,pn C;Q Store t his cp_ E:Stlor:
.ilf ' ~
;.~ _...,..., t

Subsection: i 0 : .:..«-- ~;(*. i

-:. .-.w.:::- - -

5·9. The charge on a proto-n 'I s RttJ'lo tt prub":!!'!i @

~- pos ltl11t: 'f:'llf.h qu!!!:>'!J OR . '{>::~ur refl!:r erY..:e@
O n.::utn; l
. 9~~~~
Q neg.~ti.v e , ,~ jv

··-lv fla;; tru<. q u.,.st ,or-. r '0 5tm·r, this '! IJ £'-SC IOfl E05(1,i-...,.,li; ·l";(i
i • ,,
Subsection: 1 Q _r. ,f .....-'1-..

~ ;,o::.,-T" ··>

60. A ·good e:lectrkal insulatfng materia.! w!ll ca.ntaln R;,port prubi"'"Q

-~ •JJ i!' h Ml! t&.:t.,:tr:.fl ·
60. A goad electrical insulating materia.! wm cantaln R~twd: problt:1'1't Q
Wllh q u ~'!.U.tJ\
() Wea kit ooun tl 'free' electrons i n the ato ms of th e material
~r1d your n~.ferenc:e:O
stf(fngly bou nd electrons in the atc m;; .of the material !H~t~
\...J Onl>• a sm ;;ll n umber c•f el ectron,; In the outEr shell C>f BaJch atom ~t
of th e material

CJ~ Flag tnts .qu~t on C \l St ore this qLs:ron

Eflji\ F<'ltt·f).r;
-... .:r··.
.i~_ t l.
_ ,_,~, . I 0

61. A cha,rged b&:tdy i s ;;.ai d tr> ha,ve Re~ ~ ;t prob!: _rn.@

·,nth q utt!;tt:.>n ·
0._, a su rp!J.r:s of prc.txms
s.~ rgj '{.Our rerl:!fen::e0

x 0 a def id.ency of r.Eutrons as ~~Q

a SJ.!rplu!s <J,f d Eflcienc•1• of Electrons
0~ Pia;> L ' <) Stt: fB t h!s cp... ~t1c: n E>\SI\O'M ·~ U
lhl S QU<2StJOn
.a .... ,-:

subsectl{)Crt: 2 Q
• «:.:.«""T>-
~-;. .... _¥, ;

~• . :,.'
_ ..::::..:=...-:.........

62. What ls a molecule? R~po rt prnb!~~@

·t;ith .qw..31:fo.n
0 ihe smallest par1: c f an t:l<:<:triln
s.;;,cl 'f•:lur rd"''" "" ~Q

0 i he sma:lle.s t par"! at an ato m 79 %0
i h.e sn12liest :part at a ;:_r:)m j:nJu nd

0@ rlag tl'i£ <Ju =.:;t.on c·. . 0 $tor e t' h!$ q u e:-.5t1Drl [~\~"'""" ·~(· :r,
-... . -~

Su,bseethm: 1 0 !1·::. .' "~-· i:

·=-.- ~-;·;i ~

6.3. The eJectrostatk fan:e :between tvw charge<:!, fl.o,dles is R~port pr'obl=m0i
v..•ilh q u ~t::i tm
(~ Inverse!·~·· propan:!or,a,i to t he di:stane£ bet\'.~een tlle·m
Y-nd v<:J u; r~fereh-: eQ
0 74 %~

pm portlaa:l to ·the d between t h;;;m ..
;Inversely p ropo.rtiDMI to the squar e at tl1e. dist;m::e b.::tween the m

Cl ~ n<~ p t!';s que;t!l)!) CQ Store thl:> q •l ££Ucm t<UAP\'!tt ·~G

it' ·.
Subsection: 2 Q . ._ . . . ,. . t- '
64. l&:tn cul"f'ent Is found In R~port pmbkm@
0 sem i-conductors
·il',silh qwe·1k .n
S"'ncl :f!JUr r'tfer"r.;:" ~
0 liqu!A:Is ;.;nd gasses
t:Hl %Q
() ccn du:-ct·!Ji':S an:::i s:en¥1!
~ .. "
1.__!0 Ha !;) tl':s qu ,;s t ~;Jn L0 StJ::,ft! L!"J!s q ~s tio n ~~
EA&•\ I'IIJ'!-<lv

!1".... ~ i· ~

Subsection: 2 Q ·.~ ........"0,

.! ;~-:-~ ~~~-- .. !
6-S. A n.eutron i s a pa.r.tfde. whkh ts prt~bl<' r n
(1 y~jj_t'J fiU!."$'tktR
'-' orbits the nucl.:;I.!S of t he ;;.tam
~nd '(fJ U : reft!.ren·::eQ
Is. cc.n talned In t he nucleu s mall. .atorns
72~'· 0
Js cDntatned Wit~iln the nucleus .of most atoms ~., ;..

CJ~ Hag u~rs ~u~,,t ,on C Q Sto~··:: t.h!s q ., estioc. Et'l ~l\t-•';ut::· OG :..: :,.'to.

Subsectlo•n: i Q i.;·. -··::·..,

~;;" ~

66. Electron arblts are called R~p ort problo:m g

....Jilh !"1 !1!.0.:( ."'!-:i l ':."ll
66. Electron o rbits ar-e ca.! led R~part probll!!t\IQ
.,.,;m que:sib:m ·
0 waves
S~ ncl rr>Uur re(e:<e l"::l!'@
0 ;;;I:'""' lis 85".<b~
0 v alenc-=s

CJQ Fl.a;;. t!'> s :jtH:..'it on C "1 Store t nl:o. q"EJ>t,or 1:1>.5~ P.lrt ·~ ~
-;. ~
.,t .,.
!1•. '
subs!!'ctlon.: 1 \) -~ - .......

i :.~- ~---
= ----- ·- i
67. A -camponef'lt that prc.d uces an 6U.tput v oltage due t.o Incident R~port
llpht Is called a YJith q u~11t:.n
S.encl yo ur r~f~enc:e~
sol ar cell
light errnttlr..~ diode
C liquid crysta l·
Et'I:S:'i'\ F'nT': ·•: G ;.. ·t,. ~

QQ Fla;:; thE ::;u6 t ,:m CQ 5tc•rB t his q <..Still !~ -'*'-

g.. _,.,e ' ·.
Subsectl-oJ\: 4 Q ~-- ll , >( ~

6B. A plez<H'!lectric dev·ke generates e lectricity through R~po rt problem @

'ttith qu ~O!\ ·
Q ffi.ctian
S.emJ Y•:Jur ref~~oc!!Q
!) p re ssure 35%Q
0 light
~.~- ~,

0~ Ha ;J tn,s ::jtH;sr,,:~n c S t or f.: t 1·11!-: q t~ E ~s. t i o ; ·i . lr'.

1:1>.5'\ ""''H~
~:~ < -~ ;· ' .. '
subsectlo,n: 4 Q
- ~-~ :~;·~- ;
69~--- ater .lal that contalr\s v-e ry f.ew ·tree eleoctrons i s kne~wn as R~ptirt proble!rtiQ
A an l.nstJlatar
S.~nd '' refe;·e iY.:.e '~
0 . e n•Jn Insu lat or
Q a ronductor
0~ rli! ;J thiS q u £<Sl >C'n c St cwe t his q ~..i:?.S t lo:<- Eil5,\Por.:..;u
.9<1 .. ,~
Subsecti-on,: 1 0
~ ~-
. .. "'
~- -*-. ·

. __- -.. :::::_:...r}

7'0. A neutron has A~port


0 the o pp.t•sl te d1a rge to an EJectr-::•n but half th~. v;elght of a pr oton
with q ue:!lt'i c>~t ~
Send y<iur r<.!f!!T<>!IY.:~~
t h..e sam e charge as an 1:1-ectran but llalf the m;,ss
!3'2 ~-a l
.na ;!lectrlcal charg;! but wJU add weight to the n:udet..>s

Cl~ Hag rr:,s -que;;nm ~-- Q SturE t hl"- q t..~t.c• r,
((l:;,~~~ -qr; t · ~· ·
Subsecti-on: 1 Q
• ;.::;;--
i ·~ '
.. #1'. 1-'

71. The rlsk of :a nre due to static eJec'trlclty Is overcome Fl~port pr-oblemG
1f .by connecting all metal corn pon-e nts by bondi ng with q u e:~J o n
S.~rH:J !(>:J Ur rt!ft:ren-::d
~~ b~· fl ttl ng statl.c wicks ar11:f insUla ting all meta l wmpo-.nents
() by fi tting st-~tk wic ks and JsoJatrng th..e batter y f r orn lnllamr:m.a,bi-: i _....,...._
g as sources !

EllS ~ P,nt·<· r.
(_]Q r'l~? tnls ·qu-est ,0n [_ ~, St ure t t11S q J-:Et.~vr -.-
.9\ .. ·~
su,bseoti-om 2 V ;,:~~ ....
. ...
-- -... ~


72. Elemo:mts such as phosphorus w i th 5 e l.octrons In their outer A~port probl"'"' @

L shell,. when C<H'i1blned with pure stll'con, Is a l'1itt'1 g u ~'tiu.a
7 2.. El.ertl ents such a:> phosphorus w i th 5 electrons [n their- outer R~f'wrt prol'llemo
with q u ~ o 11
shell, whenc<l.m blned wttb pur·e s!Hco.n, Is :a
S.'!!tltJ '/>OUr r't.f~TEn-:~0


··-- -- ..
_..,,.,. r::JCii\P,n: ·(ir; :.,.• _
QQ Hag tt'us :Jtlf.sLon l_; .;;,. 5tor~~ t h!s. q tor
8·~ ·<,

Su;bseetlon: 1 0 ·-.;;;;.-- --.;:\

13.• Wha:t Is the maximum nu1ubeor of e!ect.r ons i n sheil M Gf <~n R~port probl~rn ,
v;ilh q ue~"".Joo1 ·
s~nd' ~fe:rt!: IY- 1!@
c 16
Q 5
x 18

(JQ F·fa-p: tr1s ·qu~5.t;on

[.._; ~- S!l) t"e l:ili.5 Q0.~.St. ,or~

~ ·~· ·
,. - -- ~ ...


su,bsectlon: 1 0 . u;;o.--
... )/ r
..,_.____ - ::::::-H::~.r

74. When a conductor ts moved Into a ma,g:netlc field,. the EHF R~port prtJb l ~111
·t;ith qUt!<!.fi c.:'!
lnduc.:d In the conduc1:or Is
,J/11' S..entJ vow· r~fet e ht !.!'
propo.rtlonal to bath the stren;ttll of t~.e t\eld and to the speed
pro pa rtlor.;;l to the str.,r.gth of t h"' fieln and Inversely pru!X'rtlanal
to. the speed
c inv,;,rsel)• propartloro:;l t.:; ·me sp-eed and the strength of the ti.celd E.<\5;\f'll~ ·9 0

00 fla9 t~ is qu;:st ,::;n [ ; @ store tt•l• q·~~tlo'C
Su;bsectlocn: ll Q --- rt
75. Statk charge Is measured w i th R~p:rt probl; rn@

0 ,an amm.:ter
V.'1 lh q u ~tio:..1. ·
0 a .,t,olt me.te:r 63% ..,
Q an •Jscill::.scope ; ~- ....
O·Q Ha g tt'.ls ,qu.r:st:on L \) S~Ofr? this. q·.. ~Stlon
Subse;c::tlo,n: 2 Q
...... .... f
--- . -
76. The eJe.c1:rrleal charg.e. on a protem In the nucleus of an atom Is R"-porl Probl~rn ~
wilh q u ee!.liol\ ..
0 neutral
S.et1tl v<Jur r".!fe:r~oce- ·~
0 negattv;;,

x poslt l11e

( -'}@ Ha? ttJS qu~t on QQ store t rd~ q~ ~.~t.1or. EJ..So'\P.\ft ·~l}

:!>'9 % @

S ·~'
su.bsectlon: 1 Q
;;::::;......... ~~."I f

17 , It t!lectro ns are add!!od to an atom It !J,ecomt!s Report prubi~"'' O

(!) a posltl•,n= Inn with qu ~ti t>it ·
X0 S!.!tt d y"Our refttr-en:e
. ~ neutral Jon
a negat l•;e leon ~

1~0 Flag tt!s .qutst1un C Q 5tore this q~tst•un.

- ..

-- .......
Subsection: 1 Q

78. The atomk number of an atom !s deterrmlne·d by the number of r:::..~porl prob lf~r1! 0
'WI >i l f.., ... . ........ ~ ... ..
SUDSe<CCifil\; l. -,.-
~ = ....
...... "' ~

18. The atomic number of an atom !s determined. by t he number of· R~p~rt pn:>bl:'r'it@
y.•tlJ't qud.'!.J c•rt ·
() ;:lect:rons
S-~nd ya!Jr r~t!!'re t1C: e ~
protctns 81 ~'h!
0 netJtrwn:s
~ ...,,..... _.._.......
Cl~ Flag rr Is :ju~;t.on C Q Store thl!; q •.J,EtiOI" Ell51\~rt ·il 0
Su:bst!<ltl·on.: 1 0 4o"-""'
io:- .:tit' ~.
_ _:::_-:::.::..r

7'9. A hyd rc.gen atom c.1:1nslst o1 a R~p~rt p robl ~m Q

wrtli q u e-trt>fi
0 Neutron . ~nd a pr oton on ly
Proton aoo an t:l&tn:m only
Proton, N<eutran and an Electmn
~~ru:l yt\Jur ref::n:n.::t:-

72 % ~

0 0 Hag tt'l£ qu~uon C Q 5tt•r8 t his qc; e:<tior

EJCSil.:."''""G I - '~,"
s ~~ :~ - 't: loiO
V :.•. _.. -··' f
Su,bsectiOJ): l
.....~.,.· ~
- ,.
R~porl probl'.!l'll \1
SO. An a~jgen atom has
c proto-ns .and electrons
•ml!-'1 QU!.."'!rt.nm
~nd 'f·~w· r~ fe.r e·n:::.~:~

prot•:tns., neutrons and et.-e:tro-ns 8>5%
neutrons arv.J protons

O Q Ha g t n S<JLi"'-'>t ron c Store t nls q ~ E5f:tor~.

¥ .·
s u:bseetlon: 1 Q L. ~-· ·I
=···- .... .

lll.. l:t a negatively ehilrge.d conductor fg pli!c e.d next to .an lnsu!a.ted R"port p r obl~m ~
·t~ltl"l qu ~.a t:•n ·
~ncl your r~fet ~n-:::e =~
~ the rod has n'il charge E1\2%\)
U th~ rod becomes. 1=7DSit!v££1y charged ....,.
0 the nJ.d becomes. rn:gatlvei~· charged·•io -
U·@Hag th•;; q usstron r_; Q Store lhl;; q"stoor. 8·
.....-.~ ¥.,
! I

subsection: 2 Q =- .••
..... f

Q1~rk -,.-;~!)
~- -¥¥¥ _____.____ _

a ~y ihe TTS St udy Note-s. for Modul e 3 in hard ropy - de.. v;;o;ed t(;• you; home, .an')rwhere, W orld•J,ids.

Cliok image belowloJ g~J. to Boakshop (;s in n'E'Iv windO'I\'i·

'*"·'" ·=··~
(Jr<.rn.! "'n<l>mffi!n

EASA Part-66
How many questi,ons'?' ,,
i. Whlc:h requires the most electrical power during operation? R~pott probl,;mA
W-ith qu~-tit.n •
Order Module; ,,
0 A i2~volt motor lfequlrlng 8 amperes s,.;,nd your reference~

Tutarfal Support :-
0 !'-our 30."watt lamps In a 12-volt parallel circuit 62%0
IS Two Ugtits requlrlng :l: amperes each In a 2.4volt parallel S)•stEm lj ~
,: y ;:or...:. :t.
;, ~

:1: ·~··- ·~~

Study Notes :· 0~ Flag this questi on C• ~ Store bhls qmostioo

~ll'otb~o:n :\n:a s u bsecti:OO.n: 8 g

Member; Home
2. A c·o mponent uses BOil Joules per H our tor 4 hours and 15 Repcrt probl;,m ~
My Personal b<!:tall; 'r1lthqu~t<n
minutes. How much. energy Is used?
s,.;,t,d your refi:tenc~ 'iili
0 341<1
75%- ~
M!( Contro l Panel 0 34{) kj
-----·----· @ 3.4 kJ ~-?':¥~ '-

Tll'ke a Test

VIew Te!it Results

Qg !'lag this q utstlon Q~ Sture this question
1,-·-,;.,, "
·~ ~ ~
~l ... "'J...-... -·
subsectil~n: 8 g. ~! =-:...- ......._ ~
Tutarlal 5uppc.rt

Study ~iate; ? ~. A -48-vol:t smm;e Is required to furnish 1 92 w-

to a para Uel
droUit consisting of three resistors ot eq:ual value. What J5' ·the
v.aJue, or·ea.c h resi:Sto<l'?
~t1d yaur rererence.'i)l
proble m~

Q 4ahm
~ 36ohm
0 12ohm

U ~ f' lag this q uestion r--. ~ Stare this qtJBStlon.

Subsection: 8 @

4.. Power in a :DC drcult Is found by Repcrt ph:lbl"m

0 multi'ply:lng the voltage by ltsellf and divldJng by the cummt
v1ith que;,'titm ~
~rtd yaur ref~en.::e""
~ multfpi)•Jng tM resistance bj' the curre•nt squared
75'>h- ~
0 multf,pl~<ing current by resistance j ,.....- ~ ~
~] ·--~;;~ h
Cl@ f'lag tnls qu~Ucn n0 Sture this qt.restloo !i £AliA Po>t·>l G - ~

~ ~·~ ~ ~t
Subsectlon: 8 i i'
' ~ I
·-=- - · ''1
!!o ":;)
·~ =-:..._::!?_)
s. 11 an AC sin~ wave has an RMS value of SV lts pe,alc value Is Report proble m~

Q 14,14V ~l ith
s,.;,;;d your refet;;r.:;;@

f~)< 7.0'7 v
Q 6.l7V fi,> ,.

0~ l"lag this questlon OW Store t his question

Subsed!lon: 13 @

6.. 1'he 1oillowfng voltages are applied to the same wire: Report problema
20'11® 400Hz (Phase A)1 With .qu~tm 'Oll!
:ZOV® 400Hz. + 1:80degre-es and s,.;,na your r.,;f!S'eoc ~ ~
&Volts DC. What will the resuli:a:nt voltBifle b.e? 71%~
£() D.C. ~ ~--
: u,.,.... 1
Q AC. butwill lle belo'lr the zero v olts line ! ·--- ':'-

0 A.C. but 111lll IJe above the zero volts line
; El".SI\F;ut·'j
~ .:a;~! ~~:

r' ..l ----•~ I- -..-~ :J~

LJ@ Flag this q utstlan Q O Store this q•112stlon ! ~ ~- ·'
~ =~.:__....Jji- ~
~.uh.a~]A:ft • .;'2 @
7. A direct current of 12 milliamperes flows through a circuit whtc:h Report proble m~
...,;th tilldl!itin .
has a resl91:ance 0'.1 1000 o'hms. The power dissipated by the
drcult ls S.lid your reffOrent~ ~
Q 12watts
11 ,_... ;fil ·~
<?9 144 mlltlwatts lf1 ll...ft' . , , 1
Q 12 mlll ~~tatts r~
·.-·~ ·- · u
~ . .. . !.!
IJ EP.S I\ Fort·"~ 1 ;lr:•
r~ ~---:~ ~ ~ ~,-,
0 ~ Flag ttlls question Q ~ Store this qu;;:;;tlol'li jj ...L! _, ~
' ' =~ "' :<:!
<; -- -,.rr- ) H

Subsectk>n: 8 0 !&;. -

8. Power facmr Is R;,po tt prublem~

with qudl!i cm
0 s i.r.tbeta 5-.;r;d y.:.wr t;,ffOrente ~
Q3 "' ccrs theta 1'>3 %~
0 tantheta ~ ,

:~ ~!J
- <

_1 ...... ::~:!..... p
0 f j Flag thls: question Q fj Store this qu:eostlon ~ EllS•\ F.rt·or, ~ ;lr"·
~ -~·-;~~ ~ "ic~:- '
Subsectl&n : 13 Q <
~l ' " .:~-~1 ~ ~
I • ~

;.._' =~
.._ "'~ ~-·
_ ·==:;-__:;J

!) . One advantage of using AC electrical power In aircraft Is R<!!pc tt problem~

with quetioo · ·
0 AC e lectrical morors can be rce\•e,rsed while :DC morors cannot
!knd yaur reffOrent" ' i
0 the effective voltage· Is 1 ,41 times the maxl.mum lnstantane!Ous 75~u ~
voltage; therefo-re, less pawer Jnput Is: req:ulred
~ the 9reater ease tn stepplr.g the \roltage up or down n~.\.,. ,s;; ~
~ ·.~-·-
~ ~ .. .

>; E.•lill,Forl·•lG • ..-"""

CJ~ Flag thls qu~tlan 0 Q swre this question ti ,:..:-~
! l \. : .(
~ : ~!-~
1~ ~- '
Subsect!MI: 13 @ ~~ " ~
i! =~ - ,.;y .
~- - ---- ~

10. The lmpeda:nce of' an AC d rcult Is me21;Sured in R.,;port proble m~

'l'lith -q u ~~ o.n
0 amperes Sier1d your r,;fere r.c e ~
G1 k ilovolt- amperes 79 %~
8 ohms ~1 ~ H! 1>~
~ w......,.:. ,..
Jj ............. . ~

CJf j Flag this q u£Stlan · ~ St orE this questloi'l ;i EJ1.ZJ1,~~·+JIJ ~ -·

15 ~.-..-
.... r!l ~-- -
S u b.sectln:n: 13 Q ii
·- - -·1 ~ ~
't"J ..:-
~ =~_: ll!_ t,
!!..........- - -···-"'
11. The peak factM·for a sine wave !.s R,;pclt pruble m~
with ques>.:itm
0 1.11 5-.;nd y.our r;,fere nt e ~
'(S) L4.14
0 (1_707
~~ ~ - ~ ~·
Q ~· r lag th is: qu~tlan Q ~ Store this questlotl
ll ...~.:!,..
f, EP.S~~Jt·Qfj ~ ,¥.- '
~: ·~ • ,.:1 J -~~l. ~
Subsectlim: 13 Q
i t,...: ·' ~-· ~
~~ .?
= -_ __l'-IW~

12. Phase angle Is Ro!!pott prublem .

'<lith ·qUdl!i l>;fi
0 the dlffarru'IC'e In degrees: betw-een the positiv e aoo n-egative p-arts:
S:.:nd yaur referer>:e ~
of .an AC. sine wave
70 %fj
:@ the c.o-slne of the peak ·vatue o-f an ac voltage
'['i ............ .... . .. w. ~.~
0 the differ ence i n degrees of rotation between 2 a!ltematln g
voltages or currents or a Yattagoe and a current ;
l ..

P.,~·l)lj: ~


() ~Flag this qu,;:;t;on Q~ $tore this qu~:stian

~ ,-;--~ ~W "
ti L.'U ~, ~
~ .!! ~ ·~
Subsectl.n:n: 13 fJ ~ =-=-~~ ~

~ 13.• A waveform that Increases and decreases linearly at the .same Ft.opctt probl~ m0
13. A wavelorm that increases and. decreases: linearly at the .same Report problem~
rate Is 'tlith ·qlli!:S'!.il>fi
S-2t1d your rer~~n.::~'i)
Q a sawtoMh Yrav-eform 55%~
0 a stne w:ave
r Jer"'..;:- ~ ;
r;!1 a triangular waveform
'ti ~~~:....._ ~
i~IO Flag qu,;,;;tlon 0 ~ $tort' questlot:i
n. ~••!.:.~-6b
l..__e_ , __ _ ~
... «;) c,
Subsecth1n: 13 !1Ji - 11 (1!._ ~

14. A .sine wave of fU.iS value 7.11? volts has a peak t(lo peak value (lof R<!pcrt problem..,.
with qui!:S'!.it>:tt .. ,
e9 20.0 valts
Slohd your referer.ceii)
0 10,0 ''a<lts 63%~
0 0.707 'o'Otts

Ug I' lag this q u,;,;;uon Qii) $torE this question

Subsection: 13 @

15. What value Is the. saml! as the e.q;ulvaler"ot D.C. heatir"og effect? Report problemii)
0 Av-era;~e
Yiith ·que-.itl:tl
Stone your i"-'.ferenceii)
~ Root Mean SquaTIO 8.1)~~- ~
0 Peak j ; ..-~
j(; ·,,

r1 Q Flag tl:ll~- question c~ g St ore t:hls questlo r~

Subsect~on: 13 @

16. The p.ower expoe.M;ed In a given circuit Is R-eport probli!!ll'IA

"~ Wi th tjlli!:S'!.iOJ\ y
Inversely proportional to rube-mot of the ·CtJrrent
"--- Slori tl y-our r"'fereflt;,~
0 proportional to the :square a:f the voltage 7.2%>@
(~ proportional to the s.quare-rooc of the voltag~ ti .--- .. ;
~-~ ~.t.' •1. "
ij (~-...i·--
. - · -· ~
0 ~ rlag que;;tlon U Q Store this qu:estlol'l ~~ EA5~~~-~Q !i :'JrtiJ
'1 ~~· · , j •
Subsection: 8 @ i! -=-- ~- ~
t~ ~ ~. · ~
,, =~ • r.· h
;.; - -~- ~

17. Frequency (Hz) Is the number of .cydes per Repott problem ,

~ second w ith qui!:S'!.ioot 0
your referer.ceO
0 minute
0 revolution
ij::;,:·· ~ j(;
U Q Flag this qu,;,;;tion Qg $tor e t his questJo11 ' • . r
.~ EA~~~~Jt·tllj ~ ./r:)_-..
; ~11, . ~~ .! .. ..
Sub.sectiOin: 13 !1Ji i .~ :: ·· ~~ ~
n..-..~=~- 5
18.• What sort Df wave would be used In .a Cit osdllosoope to -c ontrol Report problem""
s.weep? \ii ith qUI!:S'!.ii>i> y

Q Square Stond your i"-'.fereoci!ii)

e Sawtooth 68%~
0 Slnewave
~1 ._., ........--.- .. *
(] ~ Flag this qutstlon n ii) Stare this Q1.!<25tiol'l l"'i EI'.SII.P:1JHij
a; - ..-.1 -. •
;; .r,·,
H ~:;:'".t ~ ~
Subsection: 13 i'l
~.,.~--=~- 5
19. A heater which -l!onsume5 800 l( Is on f"o.r 4hrs R"'pcrt probll'!ll'l(i)
•6»--:t- 4'J...- ------- --------...1 r_ YJ i ~ h -l'!ll.afU::!i r..n

1.9'" A heater which ·Consumes 800 Kllojotilesfs;ec Is on for 4hrs R"'pcrt proble m~
iSm tn. l"M energy consumed is w ith qui!!i!lex.1
S'.<n~ >f·:JUr t~~:.fe:teoc eO
C) ~40 kWh . Mi%~
Q ~.4 kWh
@ 34MkWh

('l (lit Flag this question 0 iii Stare this Q!J""'tlon

Subsectl&n: 8 ~

20. 'the power tact:o<r in an AC d:rcuit Is defined as the Report proble:m

'tlitli q u ~e.n
0 rath> of reacth•e power to true power
send your refe<'>OoceO
® ratio of true po•uer- to apparent power 70 %~
Q ratio of apparent power to true power .. i ~ ~ ·i
(] ii) Flag qu£Stlon QQ stare this Ql.l"'..S!:Iofl f! • . g
i~ EA5J\ PoJ<-<lG ~-
: -~-, ~ :..•
$ubsectl.o<n: iS @ l ~:.·'! ~ r-
ii =~;_:!!!_ 1
21. 1'he mark-to•space ratio of.the wavetarm shown Is R~~ orf problem.~
wi th que'titon ·
S.nd your ref...-ente~

.- - - ~fJ
- - - ~ ----··
-; ~

.i~ v:n~.z,
W ~r

. . :
: '!;; E.>l5AFM·~f<
···-·-:-~ »
A ;
Q b .tLI E:/ DtoC -~ .: ...;-!, ~ ~~
} !r:. _!{ ~~~
Q Ata6 j 6 toC ! .. ">:]- - ~
(3 A to 0/ Oto e r' =-=-=~~ ,
0 ~ Flag this question ~ Stare this qu,;tlan

Subsection: iS @

2.2. How m any amperes will a 28-volt g;enerator be required to R.ep ~rt probl ~m~
supply to a circuit conti!Jrilng flve l.amps l.n parallel, thre.e of 'r11tli ·QUe:!ruon
wh ich have a r esistance of II ·ohms· each and two of which have a S.nd your ref10te r.~ ~o ~
resistance .o f 5 ohms each? 65 %~
2:5.23 amperes
L i1 amperes
!t~-- ~ -
,.... ~.,.-
~ '"'J

QQ l ampere
EA5J\ F~lt·OG ii / f '..
: ,..-::~
,_.. ..e_.l -f •~• I

tJ~ F'lag this qu£Stlon U Q Store this qu,;!:lon J b ·~ ~- ~

al =~
- .....

- - - - ;J

Su bsection: 1S !&
2.S. What happens to the current J'n a'Jes resistive resona~nt Report probl~ mor.
circuit? 'f1ith ·qui!!i!Jc-n '¥'
S.ti d your refiOter.~ ~o ~
() !t is zero
0 It ls minimum SG•.tO
lj-~ ~
@ It Is m axlmum !1 •. ~!~--~, !1
j EASA"P.,ft·OG ~
0~ Flag thts q uestion C•~ Store this qustlon 1 ;;•"~
l £ :::'' t
}i1 ii '!"
• '=~
Subsectl.o n: 13 @ fi.; .=~- !!!.-O'JY
_l ·- ·
'<;) .,
ft . - - - ~-

24. A wava. form havlng eq;uat ampll.t ude e.nd time base Is a Report: problemc...
0 rectan gular Iiii th q i.J O..'ii b.Ji '¥'
S'.<nd your refere:oc e ~
Q9 sawtooth 7i%ii)
Q square wa·...sform ....- ~ ·
Ill~' • '-

0 ~ Flag this q u€:5tion ... .ii) $tom this qu;;stlon ~

e._ ~L..--t.--.. • ~ ~
EJ.~3J\Pi1rt · *J fj
~,=- , ~
2.5. In a purely reslstlve AC circuit, the current vectM 151 R<!pctl: proble m~
vlith qile.'tion
0 "90,• aut of ph<!:Se 'l'l[th the voltage vector S<:r1d your refeteroc;;Q
f3 in phase with the voltage ~'ector 76%~
Q +90" a'u t of phase with the voltage vector
~~ ~~
0@ F'lag L"lis question ·.0
li' ms~
. . ~m·~G
~~~ h'
Sto re t his qu:estion . . !i
11. ,'
- -. .-~ I'

Sub5ectl(tn: 13 @ !i;:! ~·~··

~ ~ f . ..
!j !!;, "0 ,,

~-=-= - "W_ ~
26,. A re5lstordlsslpates SO Watts' IHt runs for 4 hours 15 minutes, R<!port proble m~
Y.•ith ,gU"'-" tiO:.'l :
how much energy Is ciJsslpated In total?
S<:nd !{·:JUr ""fetern:r.Q
0 i91.2S J
61% ~
(29 1.2:24 Ml ~~ ~
0 20.<1 k1 f: ~<W"fw~!' :Z. ~

~ ;;~7-,;fj ~ :r-;
(] ~ f'la g this: qul?!Stion ,~ ~ Store t his quest ion ~ -.r.--1 "' •• ,
i; "' ,,e J ~t.

Subsectl;e-n: 8 i ~=~=k~·!,
27,. The freq;uency of a p6Wer wave In an AC resistance ckc:ult Is Report proble;n~
with queo.1ic:.:n
0 th€ same as the frequency for voltage and current S<:nd yaur refet,;nc~~
0 half th€ frequency for voltage, and current 49%~
@ twice the freq uency for voltage and current \] ,.....,. (i;l ';l
! ll~' d. l

(I ~ Flag this qus tlon Q Store t'his qu,e;;tlon 1 ;~~r.·•IG ~

·~ "~.;' J
Subsectlon: 13 @ l ),., '!, t ~
il s ~-~ ·~
ft =~ .:.!1!'_ y

28. Phaae angle betwl!;l!n llnii! voltage and {)<pposfte, phase v!Mtage In R<!pott problei'!IA.,
a 3 p,hase A.C. supply Is with que:sti;,n •
s.eM your rerereroce~
0 HNi d;:,grees
€9 90 degrees
ii-- ·-· ~~
0 i2(1 d'egree!>
~1 .. .!~'· ~ . ~
lhn.~...i\ F'i•nt ·6t:i :..t
QQ Flag this qu£o:srion C· ~ '$ tore t his qU:estlon ~ -~-., ~
if. ~ i~: ~t4 ~ 1u
S'Ubsectl;e-n: 13 ~ ;.~ !S~ i,l

29. Powe;r may be calculated by u!ilng the ~atl~ . · bien> a..

~i ith guestioo •
0 {! x.l}/ R
s.end your ""fetern:e~ ·
0 {VxV) xR
74% ~
@ {VxV)/ R t] .-...-- ~ ·,,
Jl .,.,.... 1
0~ f'lag this quest1on 0 ~ St ore this que;tiol1i
lj ...·-·:-- ff
l,; EASA Fnr!Hl i'J ";

Sub!iectlll'n: 8 @ I

"~ "'-!
... _s oq....,.....
!4 =~ ...{ i1 ~
IL..__::::.= =..r

30. How much power must a 24--volt generator 1W"nl!ih to a system Report proble ;n ~
which contl!lilns the followlnlJ serles loads? 5 ohm, 3 ohm and 12 '<lith ,que:stion
ohm s.end yaur refer<:roce~
® 28.6 watts 71% ~
Q 450 watts 'i ,_,_ ~ ~
0 402 watts
,; .,~·~ ·- ~
. .
11.-s>.old .

E/l.SJ'J, P,rt·M !} !J;


!'' 11----,~ r;''·"'·~
; ~ ., 1 ,.
~l i.. " .. ' ( i - '-'..
f.,J ~ Flag this qu<;;;tian 'IJ 5.tore t his qu;,stlon I; .w,_:, - · ~
:;! $ "0 ,,
i4 =---~- iJ'
S:ubsectl;o<rt: a"
31. In a :power circuit, the pur£)o!lSe ot an Inductor Is R,;polt problema.
31. In a power cii'Ctllt, the purpose of an Inductor Is R;,part ptoblem~
witli que..'!itm
0 to d'am~n Vtl'Jtage s.tJrges
S..nd your r;,ference~
~ to d<!mpen power surg·es 60%~
Q• to dampen curr<:nt surges ;~ w ~
~ ;...!:;:!... ~
Q'il Flag th is que.;;Mn Ci4il Store this ql.te;;tlon j E.ll~J\ Fi1rt·~U :.1 /r·~
; ..:..:-~·. ~ '-t : I

Subsect1~1l: 8 @ l
~ :: L. ~
~ !"\J .X

~ =_.--=~- ~

32. A .sine wave has S an1ps RMS value. What Is the peak value? R<:pcrl: prcblemGlr,
w ithqu ~o:n •
-@ 7.07amps
S..nd your rere.... nc;,~
0 iOamps 1s•,-;,~
0 l'L:37amps w~

CJ@ Flag this questi on ~ !:.'"tore this qli':Stion

:4 ·--!~ K
, _1 I; EP.So. F;,rt·•l~ - ,
I~ - - - · tt :-:;:·,.
Subsectilon: 13 @

33. tn .an AC circuit how Is the vat LJe of true po.w er cakulated? R;,part ptoblem~
Witli ~U~1.i t·J\
8) Sy volts multlp'lled bl' amps multlpf.ied by po.W<:r factor
S..nd yaur reference'i
Q Sy watt me.ter readings multfpWed by. power factor 74%~
0 By voltmet;er multl.plfed by ammeter readings Ji ~ ~,
'~-·....- c
·~ EJ"l$.i\P,ft·GI:i
0 Q i'lag tills question 0 ~ Store this questfof\
--.-r -!1
> C1!- .

Subsectl~: 13 @


~ ~,
- .. J .. ~

d ~ "\J~ l
~~~-- -· ~~' 1 ~- ,

34. A ·dlfferentlator has a time constant that will give Rep~rt prcbl ~m'i
Wllh ·qu~=
~ a short pulse
S..nd y·oUr r;,fen:nce'i
( ) a lang pulse
Q a continuous ·output
11 ~ ?.;' ~
r .~. ~ -
0 ~ Flag thls q u!<Stlon ~
'i ·-·~- i
Store this qu;estlon ii E!l.SJ\ P.,l'( -jj(, k /r'~
Ji ,:...f, j ., ._1 I

Subsection: i3 @ i L ': I ~
.! .. "'J- ·,
<! =- - ..... )
35. Fo.rm Factor for a sine wave AC output Is Report probleo m~
~1ith qur.stion
t9 1.1
S<!lid your refi!<r>!!nc;,Q
0 1.41<4
0 0.107

Q@ Flag this qu;:;stion ·~~ St o re this qL>BStion

Subsection: 13 @

36. A flffferentlator hi!S a time ·constant whkh Is R;,p~rt probl~ m~

0 <:qual to th;e Input puiSt. Witli qUBtii:\11
S..nd your refeter.:e~
0 long
-eJ short 11 ,........ ;i001 ;
1:fi.i1 •.~-........
• · ·
0 Q Flag this question .~ Store this question li I;Jl!;;\f',~·O~ - ·'
"' - .,- h , 'f"',
1 ~-- , ~1 - ~- ..
Sub!liectlon: 13 @ i : ~~ ~
i ~ "l'J -,..
~ =---~- 1
37. 1'he mtlo betwe,en apparent power and true power Is the Report problem til.

37. The ratio b!!.tw.e;en appa..-ent power and true power ls the R-eport pro blem
w ith qu~Joo ~
0 power rating
~lid your ~fe:teoce ~
() effld .e ocy . S2%(i;
~ pc.we.r l'acwr l-l ~--·- HI ·,{
f~ ·~~-::-~ .;
0 ~ f'iag th:!s question 0 ~ !>tor.~ t!hls QIJ.e stion E!.t.SJ\ F'i1 rtHl l5 "" •

lt•f t:;~:! ~ ~'17>'·

S u b.sectlon: 13 0 - _ _, ~
,,it =- ~ •.:'==J,. . f~


3$. A 3 ohm resistor dlsS:I:p ates 27 Watts. H ow much current flows R'.!pctt problem
thMugh lt? \11il:h guestioo - · 0
S<:hd your ref;;."ente@
Q 9A
~ 3A ;; ~

0 0.15A !? !'-?O,""'~l.

00 Flag t.i>ls q uestion 0 0 Store this qu.estlor;

Subsoctl<Ht: 8 ~

39. Unles!i othe..-wl~ sped fled,- any valu~ given for c u rrent or R'.!pott ptublem
w il:h questit•n 0
voltage in an AC circuit are assumed to be.
send your refet~oce @
8} effective values
65% ~
0 l nst:an taneQ;us valu«S
H.--.- fr' ~
Q ma)(lmtllrn values
ti ·-:~-~--
~ EAZ.•\ l'llrt·~O ~
_- H
o~· i"lag this. q uest ion C• ~ Sta rt:! this question ~; ~-;:";,! ~ r ~?
u ·. . ~ -~ ~ ~
Subsectlon: 13 0 ~t =~=~:_ ~
4.0 . 1'h.e sine wav e glgnals: of a .CfrculaT tlmebasec on a ·CR:r a l:'ec p_,port proble111·o
with questioo
0 In p.hase
send your referencl!.
® phase sepaTated by go• 60%@
0 phase sepaTated by HID" HI

0~ Fla9 tnls q uestion ~ Store t his q•.restlon

Sub.sectlon: 13 i

41. What Is the phasec difference In a cln:ult wttft. 100V, drawing 0·. 5 R<>pott problem
amps:, consuming 50 Watts? Wil:h qU.stit'>JI o.
0 90°
S<:hd your ref!S'er.:e@
62 %~
0 45•
Qlx 0"'

0 0 :Flag tl<ls q u.esuan oe $tore this qu;;stlon!!Ctlon: 13 ~

42. The power dissipated In a clrcult with a known potential Report: ptublernii)
difference and resistance Is calcu1ared by with -q u~"titm
@ send your refet~tlCe ~
dlvldtng the square of the potential differl!nce b~· the resistance
68% ~
0 flndlr;g the current and multfpl~·tn.g the anSYter b'( the resl!stance
H- fwl .!l,
0 mu ltlplyl ng the square ot the potentlial di fference b-!f the r esistan ce 1,; w...,ow.,_ J
li ·~~ ·.~ ~
0~ f'lag thls q uest ion Q Q $tar.~ this qu:-estlon " .-. -.,
~ E.Udl\ Fi'frt·4Jj :.
! .... ' ~.,
~"'- ~ ~
~ . "!
} -~· ,
,, '\f4,1...

Subsectl.o<n: 8 0 fi _ S JW:.J
~ =-_ _!lf_ tJ
43. What Is the wave .shape o1 the x~BXls Input ot' a ttaverslng R.;,pcrt: problem
osclllo.scope lma.g'l!;? with que;.t;tm~
S<:fid your refetehte~
0 Squar~
0- Trlan;gu]ar
~·-~· ~~
0 Rec.tangiular
~ ,..,~~~'·• .. ~.
~1 EJ'Ui.~ Ftl~·\i G l
Cl~ Flag th:ls q uEStion Q ~ Store this q•J~tlon ~ .:~;;t ~
fl • : ~~ ~
Sub.sect:lon: 13 0 ~=~:~_ ,
44. What ls the dW'atl'o n of 4 cycles o1 a 400Hz supply? R<!pcrt prtiblent~
with que'tiM
0 0 . 0<1 seronds
S<:hd y-:Jur r<!feteF>Ceii)
C) 0. i 5\'!lilOOS 69%~
~ 0 "01 secondis ~ r- fij ~~
~-! ~~ .}
>; ···-~·,--- p
0 ~ Flag t h.i>, qu~Uan 0 @Store this q•.r~tlc•n ~ EJl.5APo>rt·fj 0 C
" ~
ii "-' c,-·
= .. "~)
sub.sect:lon: 13 0 ~ t~ ~..
l! ~~ )
~ =~-~0
4S,. An AC sine wave has a peak to peak value of' l:ll volts<, what .ls Its R<!port: problem~

f;!HSval:ue? With tjlli!ni i:\11

S-end your r~re:ren::-~~
Q 14.14V
Q l5.63V
i&l 'U fN ~ ~~~·· ~ -~
!~l ~Q~1, Fn~-IJij ~
Uij f'lag this qu,£5tlon ~ Store this qu'f:Stleon l'
a ;t.::.(
--.- , f.J
'i LL! _ .8
0 ..J E~ ~
Subsection: 13 il = -:._ __!:!!_ !;

46. Which wave form Is stepped p,osltlvl!> and negatrve with un-equal R.;,pott problem~

length ,sides? with que'tit~l\

~ncl yaur refer-ence~
0 Saw ta<>th waOJe
eQ Trapezordal wave
Rectang'ular wave
~ 3~;'·' ~ ~'- &··.
'J E.<\l.<AP1<." ·v G
Cl ~ Flag t1:11s qu~;;tlon 0~ Store this question • - t.--:j
, . .. ~~~
h -- ...
·-~S •!:<;J_ ,~
Subsect1on: 13 0
~ =-:.--"'0

4i1. Apparent power In an AC dn:ult Is f-ound by R«pcrt probl,;m •

0 V ::dx slnltl
Yiith quo=;;;1.i ctt 0
S<:nd y<JU r r<!f.,rehCe~
® Vxi 64%~
0 Vxl x cos$ Jl .--- ·,! jjt
;: U.:d' l'2< }
H .... ~•,.--... ij
0 ~ Fia.g this q u.-,;tion 0@ Store this ql.feStiofl ~ Ere;~ Fnrt·<l Ci --: ' !'~
; .:t.~li ry .-.,p
subsection: 13 0 :
' I " '!
~ ......_.. !l,
; ~~ 'I

~ =-:...~~

4$. A voltage of 250V' causes a current of 30,mA. 'Wha,t Is the Report problem~
wattage? que;:!;;t1cn

0 0.225W S<:hd y<iLJr refererx:~~

0 7S>OOW
j] .....- w~
Q 7"SW
f,~ ~-~--~ ~- ~
! EI!1'AF\>~-•l U - ,:,.t.
0 ~ Flag this q u£Stion 0~ $-tore trois qJ.tEStlofl -! ,- ...., 1
2 ~ :. • • '
~-·· ._,_.1~""
!'ij!" ~_:.!
Subsection: 8 0 ~~ ~ ~- '!
~i =-_ _;!!:!!_ )

49. ln a re:snnant parallel c:lrrul t, current Is R.;,port probl.:m

ml:nlrn~tm with que;.t;rm 0
4.9 . In .a .resonant parallel drcult, current Is R~port ptoblernQ)
with qui:S'. ion · ·
~ minimum
~;;d your ref,.e;;.:;;@
0 z.e ra <Ul%~
0 ma:~ r.mum ! ~ -$(il .
_ (~_...·~~ It-
0 ~ Flag this q uestion Q ~ 5-t c;rt: t his: quest!@ f~ EM.I\ P:Ir;-<I G ~ A
il ~~ ··;
--.-. r~ ~·
~! ._ ·~~-~ ~
Subsectlor.: 13 I@
~.; =~_ _.. r,.._ ~

SO. A sine wave has a periodic time of O.S milliseconds, what Is lts R«pott problem""
frequency? V.iitli ·qU~.:ibii ¥'
S..nd your r.;ferehte~
0 2()0 H'Z
Q 20khz ~1 ~ ., ~
<23: 2~~hz ~ w..-~d- ~
' ·.~ ·~ · -- y
l E.O:h,F.,rt·~Jj ::r~~ .J

tJ ~ Flag thls q u<St.ion 0 ~· Stare t his qu.estlon .. ; - a:- h .. ~

~~; ~
~·" .. ' -!. ~.~J'-._:._
Subsect!l~n: 13 @ ;
~ =-:.._.!!t_
!!. ~

S 1. A i'O Volt RMS A.C. s.lig:nal wm have a peak~to-peak voltage IYf Report prcblem ~
1'1ith quetioo
0 14.0 \lofts
S..nd y<lur r~rero::nce~
® 200 Volts
0 100 Volts
. . . .......
,_ .. :a.
. . .t'-:-
~ k
O'it Flag tills q uestion Q @StaFe this q•l~tlon E(I.SP,P1l~--- li ...,
11 t"- ··~
Subsectl~n: 13 ~ i' -
· -
~- -.1
,I .,. r-J :,
tl =-:..:~- ~

52. A DC elrcul.t containing a totat reslStai'\Ce of 100 ohms has a Report ptoblo::rn~
current flaw of 25.0 mA. Th.e power dlss!;p.ated In the d'rcult Is with i:JI:le'ti o.r•
S<.tid your ref,.er.te~
Q 0.4 watts
i;3$ 6.2:5 watts
!i r - ' - Sr' •.
() 5 watts ~ .,.. .. .l
,, ·.~-·- . . rr
) EMM'11r<·~G ;It"·
0~ Flag this q u.:stlon 0 ~ Store this question . t-&... -'~~.
~-· '
; '-t_l...'

~I w3·~~-- ~
Subsectll:m: a0 =: =~- ---
""' ~.

53.• In the clr.cultshow:n, the power developed across the 10 k!Johm Report proble m ~
resistor l"s with ·quetii>ii
S..rld y.;ur r.;(e;t!!hti!f~

; C'I""'- ~ -

-~' ·-':.~::.!- ~
; EM~ F-urt~6 . ~ '"'' -
t • :. •· ·

@ 2S.U\!J.
0 2:5UmW

0~ !"lag th is question Q @s tare t his qu~ tlan

Subsectl;c.n: 8@

54. What Is the power factor In a purely reslstfve drcult? Report prcblem ~
Q !:q;ua!tal wltli ·quetioo
~i'id yaur refer,;;;.:;;~
~ Greater than 1
Q Less than 1 but greater than z.em
cSr ;.·
lt;do' • ~-

L Cl ~ Flag thls q uilStion 0 ~ St ore t his qu-E<S tlor~ :;·~1+.-I)G ! .

V'F"-·............... '·'~"ffl'i ·nw,. ... xc ....,_,.. tt ?·c ,~~~

5:5. The unit o1 ~we<r l:s the Watt. Thl:s is a R~port probleM~
IIIith ·qu ez.iiiM ·
Q Joule per omb ~nd your refet~nce ilf
& Joule per s.>&ond 86%@
() Coulomb pers&ond !i1.! ......--W..~io· · ~ :!0! ~J
~~ ( ....., .. ... I L~
· _ __..
i~l 0 Flag tJ'!J s q uest ion L Hi) $tc,re t his questlc.r1 ii E.I'\S.I\Pi"lft·(l(i -:
i~ :-~-., ~'!
!i': _._, r -! ...

Sub:sectl~n: 8 iJ 'l " : ,, _ , ~

~ "''"J -,
?J..:::;-~:::: .. .-r_,
56.• A 10 V battery :supplies a resistive of 10 ohms for 1 minute. R<'port: proble m~

What ls the power .sup.plled? w ith qu8"Jt11\ ·

s.;,,;d V·oUr l'«ferente~
Q !OVA . 7.3%0
Q lOOW t-1 =
.~ ·. :!io~ 'ti
8 tOW j! .,..•.,
•i ........... - . -
j Ef>.M Fnit~fj c '"r:":
00 flag this qu£:Stion Q @:Store this qtl\€S tlon ~"
-~- ·
~. p{ l
) ~t
, ,

if ~- ~ ·~-~- ~
Subsectl.rl'n: 8 0 ;1 ~ ltJ. ' f
~t =~--~- ~

57. When the current through a 10 kilohm resl'stor l:5l 10 mA,. the Report probl~rn. ~

power is 'l'litfi q u~1it<n

s.;,,;d y<lUr ref!S'ent~ ~
15} l w S.3%Q
0 100 mW
~ ,........ '~ ~;
0 !OW : v...v..,.,. 1

tt ~:~~~~~·•)O ~. ~. .
QQ Flag th is q ue;tion c~ ~ Sit or-e t.t'1IS qu~tfon ";.:'•.i! .-...-$.-,•I,._, ~: •''
fl -1 -

s -q
0 ti
...w ~- ·t

"~ =~----
Subsectl'C'n: 8

58. The ·effective value of an alternating current Is Report: problem@

't lith q lleort:l<>11
0 tne v.alue ot va<ltage 'Or curreont flowing at any Instant S..nd your r~fer"nc~~
0 the largest lnstantane:ol.IS val;ue 72%0
Q) tne same as the value of dlrect current whkh can produce an ;; ~ ~ ~l
equal heating effect ~~ (~!~~· 0
~~ ~-~,~~·<Ill ~
00 Flag this q uestion 0 Q Store bhls qu~tlon li .:«-~,1 ~
!1 • : .l _ f'
Subsectlon: 13 ~ !i
- .~~ ,:'~."'
"' "l

59. A ::square wave nru-mally c:ompris:e s a 1undameM:al frequency and . bl em~

R.;.pcrt .pro
all ...iitl:lqii8"Jtm""
s.;,,;d y.;,ur l'«fetenteij
0 All harmon-Ics
0 Even harmo niCs
~ Odd harmonics H;i ~~~w~ ~~
,.,,.;:"_ f!
f,. E!l.S!\-~- ~··:r:~,, fil!'(·\j fj -
(J ~ Flag th is q uestion Q ~ Store this question l·:l W'.:' _. . .
- .- .:

.:iI' .•>;: '<;!' ~-- u'~

Subsectl~n: 13 ~ <:i =~ .41-Jft 'f.
;;:___::-- =-...:..::...r

60.• What does a rectJtJ,er do? R.epott _pro


~lith queort:Jo:n'O!III'
0 R;;:doces ~·ortage
~nd ytil.Jt ref~ren::~"fl:
@ Changes altematlng current: l:nro direct r.:-urreont
0 Changes direct current Into alternatln.g current t~ ~ w ~~
j:, . I
.....~~~ ~
0 ~ Flag this question @' Store this question E/l..,.';j\ F7J~·1)0 ~ :f'
Subsectl.o n: 13 fl

~ 61. With a known value of current wl.tflln a clrcufi;, and a known R.;p~:.t ~-r.:~~~-":'a
lil. With a !mown value of current w lthln a drcutt, al:'ld a known Report probl"mO
vaf:ue of resista..rule. the Power ·dlsslpated Is caleUI.a ted by With que'ticai
~n d your refer-er.t:e ~
0 m ultl:plyl ng the cu rre nt In the drcuf:t by th-e r oot of th-e r esistance
0 squaring the prod uct. at the curren.t and resistance
~ multfply'l ng, the r~sls:tance In the droolt by the square o f th-e "" ~
cu rrent 1 ·-.:.~ R
;j EM.,\Por<·~G ; . .A ..
- -..-:,
, _
., P·! iir ~.._..
0 ~ f lag this que>bion Q Store t his q<.restia n j 1,: ,, _ ~
_, __ ~ "~-'" ;iL'
Subsedlo.n: 8 @ ii ~ - ---

li2. The RMS value ·o1 a sine wave fs Report. prt>bleml:'l.

~iith qUestiDJ\ ¥
() 1.414 :l< pea 11:
S<!nd yaur ref""'ero=eO
-tJ 0.. 707 x peail:
11 %""
0 0 .637 x peak ii ~
- -
f~ t-~·.~._.
t.J ~ Flag this q uem:.n 0@ St ore this quBStlon ; EASJI. F'o<H G

SubseCtion: 13 @

63;. A son resistor car.rles a 3 amp cur rent. What Is the po\ver Report problema
dissipated? With gUiS"..iM ¥
S<!nd your ref...-,t!CeO
0 soow 83%ii
@ 4.5 kW ~ ~~.~-~ w ~;
!; ···- · - - f
. ~ Sfi};J\ ~JiHl G :..
(j ~ !"lag t'lls q u5tion 0 @Stare this Q'!!:Si:IOil :
~ .. · ~l
-~ ... ..

'~ -·~
Subse;::t!O'n: 8 ~ <·'
... ><;! •
=-_:!:!:_ ~
64.• One. ot the dtie:f advantageg of alternating c:urr.:mt Is that It t:an Report problemii
be transmitted at a high voltage wlth a low power ioss; the w ith ·quiS"Jt<n ·
voltage t:an then be chang;ed to any deslrerl value o.t S.nd yaur ref""'ero=to~
Q tiC by mean s· of Inverters 72%'1»
0 tiC by mean!> of transformers w ~
~ AC b'( m-eans of tran sfo:rm-ers 5~ ·--~~~ H

l E/l.S$1. P:n~-~~~ !.. [.;:
f, • • •
.i ~~) ;:~ .. l ...,
0~ Flag this q uestion Q ~ Store this q1.restlon ! _;_J _ , ~
Subsection: 13 Q r =--~~- '
GS. 11 the: frequency Is ll\Oreased In an AC dn:11!t of pun! n!3ilstanlle1 Report probi!Om~
the ·effect Is w ith quiS"<il

~ nothing S<!nd your ref""'et!CeO

. 66%ii
0 decreased l"eslstance ,.,........ ~ ~,
0 lncreas;ed resiStance
l ....:::;::_ ~
(]~ Flag this question ~ store tohls QIJ.estlo!l
~ E/l,';i\~rt·9U ~·~
1 ..:~.~ I( t >--'!r"
: 8.:..J ~. "
SubseCtion: U i j'(; a:;:)
~ =-_: b'._ ~ ..

66. The earth !'!!ad of a 24 V' equ ipment Is O.S ohm resistance and R~port proble m~
.m rrles SO A. How much power does It dissipate? with questio:.~
& 3.2kW ~na !(<lur ref.-.rehte@
0 1.1.52 kW
]......... ¥' i
Q 1.92kW ; II...,!Jo' • , . -
rl ....·~·-;- ~
~ E/1.51\ Por<·GO -;; ·¥_.
f..._/@ Flag q uestion CJO this question .i ;:.--~j} ~~I ~
f j. :;: ., ~. iJ
Sub:sectl:O.n: 8 \l. /=-:_=!}_K
... n .... -._...., ... .._~o, , .,. ....,. -·
61. The true power In an ACdrcult Is given b y Rejjcrt: prcbh! m.~ .
with qui:!!i'.:ii>ll•
0 voltmeter reading :.: PF
S-end your r<:ferer.:e@
0 volts. x amps
~S %~
~ PF .x volts x amps

CJ 'it !'Jag this q uest1on ~ Store this questio r~

Subsectlon: 13 @

68. 11 you ap.ply tJtl's waveform to this clrc.ult, what Is the output R.opcrt pr'Obh!<i'll>A
across the c.apa<:ltod 'tiith ·qut5iii>JI •
S.:nd your referenc;,.'ijt

~ ;j··~~~~·· ~ ~
:J EJ!.Z~....~~·~G ~
L~ J<! i J
:. I ~

Q :Z:e:m
0 Pulsed negative
@ ·Pufsed p05lt111e

0~ f lag tnls q uestion 0 ~ Stor e. t h is q<t;;stfon

Subsection: 1 3 @

69. Convention requires that In a 3 phase system, the R.opatt pttiblem' i
with q u~1l tm

red IICJitag.e 1s. takP-n .as. the ,~fe:rence p hase
S<;nd your rHeref'lte(j
y eii:Ow v oltage phase leads the red pihas;e b~· i :tO degr ees
0 red voltage phase L-2ads the bl'ue phase by 12,0 degrees li ~
iJ ..._..~ ,.
p;;,; ·l
. . . ·. -
.. »
Q 'I} Flag thls qustion ~ 5tcore this q<t.e;tfcon : Ef~\ Fi'l ft ·(ll'j - ••
: - . .- ., ~ ~ ~41
~": '~1, p ~~-
Su bsection: 13 @
.i --:.-~-- ~
~ =--=~- ~
10. Which alrc.ratt circuit would: be most likely to use 1req.uency wllrl Report prcble m~
2QOV AC? with ·qui&Jon ·

0 Hydraull.c pump
S-end your rererence(j
® Wf.ndscreen heating
~l eo- ~
!:j ·-==- ~~ el"'
Standby co m;pass

1 E{I.S>\f.,Jt·M
Q~ !"lag this question C!il St are this qtJ:e:st:ion " - ..-
~' ,~,
-U _ H
~ -e;;J ..1
Subsection: 13 @
:"·!>'_ ~

11.. Power Is the r ate ot' dol:nii work. It Is measured In R<oport problem
Yliih qui:ol:til>il~
0 wattsfseca<nd
S-ehd your referl!!r.:;,(j
'(§' joules/serond
0 joul-£<s x· sec;,nds ; r-oo-
; ~~
jj ,_.':;;~ J1
(]~ Flag question Q Q Stare this q•J=stlan 1: EJ'UiJ\Pi':!ft•l) (j ~ ,I
,j i.-..-, ~:'f.:,.
:o , ~.... _,( ~ ..~
Subsection: 8 @. j ~ .__..
! ... r::::~
: • rt 5
' )$

l~ = -- ""'---

1~. The average value .o.f an alter nating current wav·efo ..m over a R«po tt problem~
c.omplete cyde Is wi th q u ~'ii tm
Q 0.631 x pea:k £:.end ya ur referY!NCe~
~ zero
0 0. 707 x peak .i-- fw' ~
i~ ·-:~ u
73. The ltl!otS value of 200 vol13 peak to peak Is Report probl~m~
""th qu~'ti <m
® 70. i vo-lts S<!nd your reference~
() 127 A volts: 60%~
Q loHA ~·olts ·! - - ;&,;
,-:; .......:::: ::._ Hi
0~ F'lag tnls questi on 0~ S.t ore this qu.€S~Ior~ ~ Efl.S.A~~-t"J(i ~
t': ...-&.-~~1· ~-~
Subsection: 13 ~ l L..;....L., ll
:j =~_:::.,.r•_
_____ ===-r
.. ..."

14. A .single phase Circuit has an l:npout voltage of 100V. The current Rl.!port proble m~
Is 10A !lind the circuit has 11 po-wer factor o!t O.S. The true, power ...lith ·qUI!Sti!>1!

Is S<ond your referer>ee'i,l'

0 500\'/
~ sow -~ ~~·.,_fiii ~
,j .:....._.-. -· ... lf
I•! ..
EJI.SJ\ F~ ~·l)(i - ~lw
'' ~
-~.., ft ~.......
Q4j Flag tl\ls quest.tan Qfj Stan~ this qu estion ~- h
!i ~ Sl c
~ =~ - ;.r,.. t1
Subsecti;O<n: 8 \l h - - -- ,

75. The Form. Factor of lli'f\ AC wavef<l'rm can be found by Report problem.~
Y1 ith
~ II~MS ¥al'ue dMd:ed boy ttY.: a•1erage value
S<!nd your reference.~
Q ;werage value -dfvlded by the RMS value 64%(j
Q average value times. the R.MS ••alue !1 .,......... (i,, If
!~ w_.,...•• :a. .I.

n ~ r lag t question Q~ Store this qu:estial'l li ··- ·;"- k

~ E.OE P. F1ut·Oij ~ :T.·
=-:i . .f..•;(,I .. _..I. ..
Subsection: 13 ~ ' k;_j ~
16. The aJ:r.craft po-wer .supptv Is 400 HL Its period Is Rl.!port proble m~

0 0.004·5
With (:iUeoiliM ·
S<ond your refr;,rt;r.:e~
0 0.0065 79%0
~ 0.0025 5 'HI 'h

Q'i,l f lag this questton ,__..'1 Stare this qt.I:estlan

Subsect!O"n: 13 @

77. What shl!lpe ls the waveform when the Input pulse aNi the time Report probl.:m
base .a l'e ur\equal? With qUiO!.'tit<il ~
.(D J<,e ctang•utar S<ond '(our referente:~
0 Square
1~ Nr't.~
0 S:aw tooth
i ·--~~ R
i M.S.a\p;,f'C-(IIj 1 . . ._
0 ~ Flag this question 0 'i,l Store t his qu·estlo : -~ , 1\ w-"
'i ~ -,
-.-. :
Subsect!O"n: 13 @ ej s~ ~
~j =~--~'- )

18.• The power f&:t1:1-:r ·Of an AC· Is the Report proble;m. ~
Ylitti qUIO!itioo · ·
Q tarn]ent of the phase arn]le
S<!nd your reference'i,l
f!J cosine ot the phase angLe
Q stne at the phase angl.e ;-; -. - fffi
:t;: (........... :'~ k
0 ~ Flag this q uEStion . . ., @ Store this qtre.stiol'l
-! EASAF7.1rt·tlG !J
1 f-. r.e
- ... p,
Subsection: 13 @ ! LL:L.~~
;J ~~ - ~~ ~
i': - - ~

19. What Is the averB<gee. val:~ of a slnewavel Report proble m~

n n"'i'n.w:r ......... l .. With qU~'ti t>1! _
19. What Is the ave:rag;e val~ of a sl newave? P.;,pcrt prcblemQ
~1ith queostion
0 o:to7 peak S>.!nd your ref!Ol'er>:;,'i
@ Zero 4s%(j
0 0 .637 peak
H ~~-~- w ~
. - II
;i ·--..-·
0~ f'lag this q u"'-'itlon Q ~ 5tore t't ,is qu:.sttan r-! Efi.SJl.P,rt4l G !.)
,:a.~! ~
Subsection: U @ ! L : .·• - ~
il ="";'_ _ ¥-!¥~ ;
! •I

80. An appllanc;e using SOD lo;ules per second Is aperated for 4 Report: problem •
hours and 1S minutes. What will Jb.e. the power USled? with que:titm(j
S>.!nd your ref!Ol'er>te~
0 3.4 'il'atts
Q 34 Watts j1-~ ~'¥ ~
81 800 Watts .....
~~. ~ ....
···-·,.,~ ~
E.i'JSJ\ F71 ~ ·<1r:! :..
Q(ij) Flag tl'lls qu~tian Q ~ Store this qt~-estion -..-.
~' ,~,
'' ~~ ~
.. :::
Subsectl~n: 8 \l ! ~~ f.
~ =- __!1!,_ ~

81. Peak factor In a standard AC drcult I!> Rep~rt probl ~n-·~

'f'Jith ·OU~'t'fbfi ·
~ 1.414 times, max• \•alue of applied voltage S>.!nd your r~r.,-ence~
Q 0.707 time max. value at applied voltage 66%~
0 1.11 times max. val-ue Qf applied voltage ; ~- w p1
: u-.-· ~1. 1

Q(ij) f'lag this que;tian .-., @ Store this qil\"..:stio:; : ···-·,.,- r.~ 1tl
i! EASII. P:ut·QG
'j ,.:-:-.1 ~: -;_;·,
Subsection: 13 @ i f;: ·I ~ ~
&--=~.,_ j
ReiJ~rt probl~ m
82. 11 the energv supplied to a circUit for 4h,rs 15 minutes at SOD
j/sec what would be the energy consumed? With i:jU81lM
S>.!nd your refeer>::;,4i)
{Sl 3.4 KWHrs
Q 340 K\111-irs
~; r-- f:.f!J ~~
0 34.00 KW H:rs
~1 •.~:;:-·~· . ~
; EAJ;,, Port·•lij ~ -~.
0~ ~lag tttls q uestion 0~ Store this qttestion ; - ...- 1 rf: <' '
:1 1.... '~ ~
r +'- • ·"--· :~
:SubsectJO'n: 8 @ •! ~~ ~
!=-:..:.!.!_ ;J

83. A drall.t has 115 V RMS, 2.5A at 60 deg:rees, what Is the power R.;,pott prcblemm
dissipated? wi th que;.'ti tm. ,

0 300 VA S>.!nd your refiot.,hte(ij)

6) 143 Vi
Q 79W

0~ F'lag t hls question Q (ij) Store t~,ls q1lestlo 1~

Subsection: 13 \J

84.• In this diagram, the period of the wave-f orm Is given !by R«pcrt probl~m@
Yillli qtu;;;o.,on· ~

.f-1 'r-f
<I.... U ......:
I ' ~A~-A!'
S>.!n d ycur r«f,rence~
0 btoE:
<3, 0 to F
0 AtoC

0 ~ f'lag thJs question ~- Store this qu;;stion

as. A pleoeo of equl;pme:nt Is at 750 watts and the a:ppll-ed ReJlort probl r!m~
voltage (s 30 volts. The value at the promctl.(}t.l fus,e should tte willi ·qul'!:'.iM
S..nd v·oUr ""'r"'et>teO
0 20amps . 65%.@
0 lSamps
0 30amps
....... ,~ tlt
EA.SA. P.aut...: ti -¥- ,....-:_

Cl~ Flag th is queotion 0 'it Stare this qu:eotlol'l ~'"""~

!"I ,•· ,.,'J,ff __ , ~-~ \:.:.
G~ . :-~
Subsectl;o;n: 8 0 ..:jJ =-:. ~ .., ..
86. 11 one cycle of AC.takes 100 n\llllseconds, what Is the frequency Report pr'Dblem01.
ofthe AC't 'tlitli ( j lJeslillfi .....

eJ 10Hz
S..lid your referehte<(i)
Q 1000 Hz
0 100Hz. l~ ~~~... j
: EA.>.~. l'wt·6b >

0~ Flag tl'l:ls question 0~ Store this qu;:stloro 1 -..~ I

~; J• '" ' .
h '-lt-~ ~-· P•
l! '\ "'1 ;i
Subsection: 13 @
~ ~ -~- J

87. 1'he 1cequency of a wave Is 50Hz with Vpk"'20V. What Is the ReJloit problem~
Willi qu~t·n
voltage ·o1 thi! wave at 10 ms?
~nd your 1"<2fetente:~
® Ov 65%~
0 +10v !l ~
Q -lOv ~
~ lt~ d

._... ,~ ~
•1 EAS~ Purt.E6 J< 'lr'-'
Q@ Fla·g th!s questi on c~ " Store this question '1 ~ t~: ~~
1 1,_.2...Jt .__, ~~
..,-i "" (;"l ~
Subsection: 13 0 fi =·- - ~~'- ~

88.• ln an AC circuit, the effectl.v e voltage Is Report probl ernc.~o

0 gr-eater than the maxJmurn lns.tantaneous voltage

S..nd your
l',ljlli ·qUeitiM ¥'
0 equal to the maximum tnstant;;meous vol.tage
68% ~
(_&I less than the maximum lnstantane.ous voltage
~- w
li ~. . .-·-.- .
Q@ Flag t t'ils quest.ian Q @ Store this qu5tlorl -~ Ell.SI'J. Pnrt·li(i -
: --.,, ~.
Subsection: 13 @
1 ~ ... ·~. ~
.f .........~ ~-~ ~
: .._. ~ f.
~ =~_:!!!_ )

89. 11 a 1 ohm circuit producces a Sil W out~ the phase angle Js Report prtJblem •
Willi qLJe'tit>il (i}
"€,;) O"
S..nd your refe:r;:nc;,(p
0 •W
0 9o• ,.,
f~ ~.w.1 t¥' ~
!l ·~·-·- . - I
(J@ !"lag this qu5tion .~ ~ :Stare t t •ls questlorl ~l l'.ll:;o\f'11rHQ g 'T'·
t' -..- , h · ,,
;.; ~t
Subsection: 13 0 i; r:... : : '". ,J ...
ii -;:-~~ ~
~ =-:.::!.!!~ ,
90. lf on,e coulomb of electrons Is removed from a body and that Report problem(p
body aoq;Lil:res a potentJal of 1 volt, the amount otwqrk done Is Willi qu ~ ta\
() 1 ~1att S<:hd your r<:fe:renceO

@ ljaule 76%~
il ~ ~ '~·
Q lamp
i .-...!:~~:!_.. ~
~f E.IJ.SJ\F';)rtHl (i 1
00 F'lag thls questton 0~ Store this Q!J"e5 t i DI'll ~ ~--::;· ~
l L :::: '' - ~
Subsectl,o;n: a. 'i !'>;;,.. ~.
,};; =-----

91.. An lnteg.r.ateif step Input at unequal t!me base produc-es R.,;port pfobJ,; m~
r-.. - -- ··--- ···-··- ,.,;lli ·qudiiM ...
91. An lnteg:ratai step Input at unequal tim-e. base produces R<!pcrt problem~
With que.'!io:.'\
0 a ,square wave
!>2nd v·our t\'!ference~
Q a st ne- 1Nav.e ' 75%~
Q$1 a .saw too-th wave ~l ~
.: .,..
CIQ F'lag thl:; qu.f<.Stlan Q 'itl Store this qu.:stlon. l ~;;.·~rt-~~
j i:~l .
Subsectloc.n: 13 ~ i U. ! ~ H
l S <'J ~
f =---~- ~

91:. The value -of an..AC sine wave that wll1 g:lve ar. equivalent R-eport proble m~
heatlng effect 1n a DC re:Sl:stocr Is the 't'1ith ·que:stio:n
!>2nd yaur f"ferer>:~~
Q peak value 80%'i}
0 a•;erage value
a RMSvatue !
~ ·f'
; Ell.SJ\1'\'ii'I·QG ~ C"'"'•
0~ Flag this question 0~ Stone question i i:"''J " . ·;_...
i :._: .•! ~
! ~ ~-- "-~
Subsection: i.3 Q ~] =-:..~- )

93.. A 10 ohm resistor has a 14.14 V peak dmp across lt. What
power l:s dlsslpated?
0 1.414 w
0 19.!i9W
~ lOiN

0 ~ Flag this questi on @ :Store this q ~M:!itlo n

Subsection: 13 @

94.• When comparing the average values o1 an AC g.e nerator output, R.;,port problt!m.GJi
to the pe.ak value!! ?Jith tjti~..iMY
!>2nd y.our i""JerenceO
® a11erage voltage= 0.63 x peak voltag.e
0 average voltage = same as the peak va-'ltage ,,
fj -e-- :;,r t<
0 average voltage = 0.707 x peak voltage
; .... . ..- .• r
.: lol... %o' •l. J

J E(I.S$\ Pllf'tl·(t{• ~ -~-

Cl~ Flag this q u""tlon Oiif Store t his q•li"...stion: ·li .:•:-t~ ~ ~~~ ~
J I :l 1__ ~
Subsection: 13 @. ~j B :o:;J -~
~j =-_ _ .!:!E_)

95. The controlling w .a ve In a CRT Is R«pcrt pr'OblemCJ.

Q sl:nusoldat
with queosticn •
!>2rtd yaur r"f,;,renceo~
Q square
@ sawtooth
:J -=:;;~··· ~ ·~~
(__)~ Fl ag thJs q uestiDn 0@ Store this qu:estlcm ·1
j E.fl.!iA\F't1!t-4G
i ·: fl.
'! ~~·)....
: ~· ·
1... _,-!
Subsection: 13 0 •i -d _ ~
}, ... :<;] .,
~ =~_:" 1"~ ~

96. The .average value of 100 volts peak AC Is R.;,port problem~

Q 70.7 vo-lts With ·CjUio!.'tii>fi
Sl.!r'id your reference~
0 l•H.4 ... alts
l8f 63.7 \'O'Its
~ ·
yy;.: .~
___ ...b

0~ Flag this q ust1on L) Q Store this question :.
Efc5:..'.,.~,"'·~C, II
,, ,.!1 -
Subsectio-n: 13 il
i ,b :
'" :<:1 ,.
' -· ~
•' - - ""'" til ,
iil ~' - ---

9?. The power In a di"CUit when voltage and resJstanee· ls given c:an R<!pctt pi'iiblef'fl~
... hA 1"u....t lhv with ·que.tion
94. When t:omparing the average values of an AC generatoor output, R<!pcrt probh: m "
~1ith que:;:t;on
tn the ~ak values
S«nd y<lUr ref,.er>:~~
~ a~erage voltage = 0.6:3 x peak voltag;e 62%~
0 a •;erage voltage= same as the peak •;-o'ltag•e ... ;
0 a•;erage voltage= 0.707 x peak voltatge

0~ Flag this question Q~ Stare this quest ion

Subsectloon: 13 Q

R~p o11'
95. The -controlling wav-e l:n a CRT Is with que:;:t;i>:il~
Q s inusoidal S.Ond your refe.,r'!Ce~
0 sq:uar e 6S% ~
~ sawtooth t1,-...- w
:: ~"'' ;-·

0 'iJ f'lag ti'!.fs question 0~ Store tr•ls qw.:stlon. d~Afil~·tl(i

~ ·~ ·-~

~-,IJ-. -
.... ~
~ 1•".. ' -! t ~
Su bsection: 13 'il .; ~ ......... ]
;:&;;...,.. ~;:'it
- - - ,..
R.;,pcrt prcblem&Jr.
96. "the average value of iOO volts p eaik AC Is
,.;ith ·q U!:!.ili im ¥
0 7().7 ••alts Y-nd vour rererer'ICeO
0 14L4volts . 62%"
~ 6l.7volts w ;l
.: ".......,.
ii ,_.,.,~.-.-.. ~
I:=J~ f'lag this quest 1on QQ Storo! t his question '~"t £\ Pmt·tlJ:• ~

~ ~--~ 1!
subsectl:oon: 1l @ i I. :. 1 - h
;;; ~ ~ . :;
r =---~- ;

97. The power In a drc.ult when voltage and res1stance Is glvea can R~pcrt
"'ith qur.;.t>on
be1oou i'Mi by
Y-nd your refereFK:~O
~ Woi/ R 1S%ij'
0 V::d<. · ~i r--- ~ ~,~
Q VxV'xR '
~ \~·.::::....
~ . •

l EJ'I.S~ Port·~G ~ .I('•.
(]~ !'lag this question 0~ Store this qu-estlon ' ,.. &--., ~ . ....
). ':. ~o! t ._.. 'u1 "-'-
!; ---.,.
"-~ ... "0 .
SubseciiAYn: 8 Q ~ =-:..:~~ ,

(Hark Test)

8~ the TTS· Study Note-s. far Mr>dule 3 in hard oopy - deliv.wad to ~·our home, sn~nNhem, W orldwide.

Click imS!JB belo""' 1o go to Bo.akshop (opens in new window}.

- -~ ~- ~
EASA Part-66
How ma ny questi.~ ns '?' >
1. The exdter wlndlng In .a brushless AC generator Is supplied with Rep~rt p robl ~n't~
Order Modules '' electrical power from w1th ·que 1ioo
S<!nd yttur reference,~
~ perman ent magnets:
'!'uoo·rtal s ~.rppoo :· 0 the b usbar ,,f; .,...- w
0 a rot:atiE\9 generaror tnte-;;~rally mounte d D<n the ·s:ame sh aft as: the ...!
~ ,~·~ ·;:"'-
..... ~· ·J. J
S:tudy Notes ;. ACwlndl f'l9s:
t E.•.Sil. P"'H O -1 ~

Ji ;a:•;,i ~ ,

:'\h•mht.:a: ~ ~ \u:a 0~ Flag tills quest ion .~ ~ Star€ this qu;.e;stlon. ~-i ~ !: ~· ~~
~! <o '<;l '
il = ·:..: .!:!L ~
Subsect!lon: i7 ~
t·1emibers Home ''
2. What are the tactol'S affecting the frequency o f an AC ger\erator? R~ pott problem
My Persona! ' wi th que:!ititrii
0 Numbe<r af turns In the armature cedi and rpm
S.:.nd y.our "'-'f~enc e ~
My Control Panel 0 i'illnibe:r of turns In the .armature coli and number of pole p airs: iS%~
13 Numbe;r af p ole palrs and rpm ; ~ ~ .·
iake a Test •·
CJ 'i) Fla9 this q uest ion Q ~ Store this que;tlon
.. :
::i ·--·- "Jrio' d .

' - ..- f¥
VIew f est Results ~ n ,•·. ·•, J
S u bsectlon: 17 0 ~i ~ ~ ~
i1 s~
n; =- " fl"_ fi
i utori:al Support "---==== ::_,-

Study Notes 3. On a brushles.s AC g;ef\erator, the main rotating field Is fed with R-eport problemQ
·tj U ~'i.i trii
6' b C: via d Jodes on the rotor
S.:.nd vaur referenc eo.O

Q AC from the rotating fi.:ld exciter S-4. %~

Q AC l,l ~ Hi ~
: ~bo-W" •'/ -
=-i ~.........~ r·
l~'i) Flag this q uestion QQ Store this question ;;: EAS.II Pm• ·~ Q -
~ £&.-, f!
Subseetlon: 17 @ J~
:..; ~......
~-- '· ~
·- ·~~- ~
lll fl'!' h

4,. The sum or·the instantaneous EMf's In a three phase system Is R~ p ort probl enl~

0 equal to the ltne •.roltage

wi th gue:!iti;,;; ·
S.:.nd y<~u r rHererY-~0
~ zero
Q t h ree t im es the. ph ase v oltage f.' .
. ............. ~ /
0 Q I' lag this q uest ion 00 $tore this: qu.estlon ~1 ~:~:·~~·~(j
! .:~~~~ -

Subsect!lon: 1 .7 @ ' .. :;:, ~ -~ f~

;i ~ '"l. ~
•·:Ff: = - ·"''"-
- - r,

5. The f.req:uency of the output ol a. 4 pol <! generator Is 400 Hz. The R~pott ptobl em~
generator ls turning a .t w ith que tiM
di!O l 2Mtl Rlit-1 5ktid v.our "'-'fe:renceit
3 000 RPt~
600 0 ltr>r~
~; ,_..,.._,_
' - ·- . I
l Ef~I\Part-i~ G ~
L IO !'lag this q uestlon ·~· 'i) Store this: questioi'l - &.-
~ d
,: ~__:j ~- !1.
~! ~~
S u bsection: 1 7 i ~: =- - ..w fi

"- -- --- ,
6-. The Stahlllty wlndltlfls In a 3 phase AC: generator are to sen!!>€, R~ port probleii!Q
~ overvolt 'tlith quf5t1trii

Q p hase shLft
S:..nd yttur reference,!@
61 %~
Q tleld os.ciJiatla-n s:

,~ ,~,~~-· ~
C IO !"lag th is q uestion 00 Store this qu:stlon WI\ P,r!:·QG !;I

Subseetlon: 17 @
!·j '
---- ft~
~•~ ... ,).
- ·I

;i ~~...........~
~ = -:..:.!!!_ '
'- ... _ - .... _ ... _ _ _ ..11. -~- ----- --..:S ·~--
- 1 - - - - 1.& -- - - - - - · - o ...:....:. .... ~v....,.,..,. l..- m -
7. In a ~·phase cl'-elta wound ctreult, line current Is R.ep~rt
w.1tli que>~,, ·
0 same .as the phase current
~nd yaur r.efeefll:i>~
~ the vectnMiat su rn of aJi l phase currents
0 In phase with the phase current , 63%Q
~ ~

.. .. ,
................ ~.
00 F'lag this q u£cstlon Q Store t Ns q u~<Stlo n ElJ~~\ Fi'trt·~ IJ f
Subsection: 17 @

8. The line volta.g:e from ill generatm~ with ill delta type ClOnnectlon Mpcrt prcblemQ
wUl be w1 th que'ticm
~l'ld )1·3Ur refetl!!htl!;o
0 lowe;r than the phase voltage
() hlghe;r than the p hase •,•olt:age
; ~.- · ~J
(!!} the same as the phase voltage 1 ~~~· d. 1
!l ... - ... . .--- F
•; EJISA Poi'< ·GG ~
LJ 0 f lag this q utstton Q0 Stare this Ql!l?Etlon l ~..;~ ~
f ~. t . ~ -, ~
. ~-*:'J '1
Sub,ectiO'n: 11 @
!l. Permanent magnets In an Ac generator are R~pcrt probl~ m~
'r1itli ·q u ~i o.n
Q to control the frequency
~nd y<iur reft.r"~Y-"'0
~ to p<rovilde Jn!tl.a l excitatllm 81%0
0 to n?ctlty the cu rrent: "j .--- iti1 f
1 ~..too · ' i
C IO f'lag this q ue;blon 0~ Store this. qu~tlon
lij; EI!.Sn.1'11rt·9Q
'"'"'""- !1-
1''" - ...-
j, ,{1
Subsectlon: 17 @ ,l LU ~ ~
t! ~ :'-'J .·
i1 =-_ ..:.!i?_ ~

10. An alternator dellver;s !SiiOV R:MS .at 1 ampere. The poYarer factor R~.:ylu•
. ~~ qui:=uDn
Is 0.8. The true power Is
~nd your rere:tence~
® 400\'/
0 500\'i
Q f!_; ....-.........,,.,.... ~ ~. ··~
gj ........~_,.. a
~ ~ EASJ\ Fll ~: tl ll ~
0 Q r'lag thls q uestion @ Store t'hls qr.t~tio l') }:
~U ~ h
.. li

Subsection: 17@
d =--=~- ~
11. On a typlea] AC generator the output Is taken R.-p~rt problem~

( ) direct from the exdter WltliqUB'til>ll

send 'f'iUr referer>et.@
0direct from the. rotor via si(p rlf)95
direct. from the. stator wlndlngs lj . -
(]0 Flag this q u·!3t.lan 0~ Stom this queestirm

$ubsec:tlon: 17 @

12. AC generators are r.ated In Mport problem

Q kW ~lith qll..s\ii)Jl 'I)
~hd yaur refeer.:;,~
84% @
Q kVA l1 - , ·,.
H c-~~ h
Cl 0 Flag tlhls q uotion n~ Store this question. ! EllS I\ ~rt·(iG ~
-.r-,, !--

Subsectlan: 17 @ . l"':' ' t ~

i ~~-- -!
ti =--:.=~~ ;
•-'1. ... OL-- - - - - - -i--.-.L- - L - - - __ _. · · - - ___ ;~.._ ______ .. - - - - -·-"""-- I.a. 0.-r.,.;,Hr. .:.t+ohl.:. m -
-~~...............-"G.., - ..., _ - ~ ---.---·-·--- - -------·~~· ---~~-·-- - - --~~- ·· -~-- - ·-····- -····-·· o"--··-- - - - ·-- - - - _,.._ ~~- --· ,_ -~---"""

13.. When measuring the phase and line voltages ·of a generator1 It Report probl~ rn~
was found that line and phase voltages \vere equal. The With qUe'1li>l\
generator Is? Send your rerererx:~'lt·
0 deLta \IJIJ·und
j~ w~
Q either delta or star wound
i ...~.:::'""'~ G
0 starwomv.:l 1
E/J.S,!\ P, J1:~ 1j
_ I~

~ ~~*;~· ~
CJ ~ Flag this q u<?:stion '() Store this question ~- ! ·' ""'",._.,
'i~ w
. f' '!!:<;{
~ =-__!.\:'_ ;i
Subsectilo:n: 11 @

14. A 3 phase, 6 poteA.C.. generator rotating at 4200 RPM, will R-eport problem
produce. output frequency of with qu~on~
Send your referenc100
@ 10Hz
SS %~
0 1<4.0 H2 ~ r--:- ,., ; :
0 25.2 KHz J .,~- ,.~.
~ ·~·'" ·.~-·.
j ~j\P,rt·O G ~ ,

0 ~ Flag th1s q uestion Q store this qu:sstlon l

--~- ,
• ,... ,,
J :: ·' ~- ~~
Subsectilo-n: 1.7 Q ~;
u =~
;~ ---
~ ~.
• rF

15. Delta wound line Is R<!porE problem c.

w ith que;.-iJ;:.:n •
0 equal to pnase current
Send your referenteO

@ l ess than th-e pnase current

f'Cl{)t 3 >: pnase current:

0 ~ !"lag thls q uestion 0 ~ Store this qu!!'>tlon

Subsectlo:n: 17 0

16.• An AC g~ator has four poles. To produoe a f.reoq;ueney of Rkpctt problem c.

400Hz It must achieve as~ .o f ~; ith .qui!Y..ioo•
Si<rHI Y<JUr refereneeo~
0 3.000 P.Pt·i
@ 12-MO RP\'1

CJ~ Flag thJs q uestion O iit Store this qtt£<Stic,rt

subsectlon: 11 '

17. A gerw!rator Is labeled' as havlngUSV/200'111 2 .0A and JiF 0.8. Report probl em~
What Is the apparen.t power In each line that the generator can ~lith qu ~on

prodtJCe? S..nd Y<Jur referenc;.'lt

Q ~.3kW S7%~
@ 4k.VA Ji.,.....-
Q 2.3kVA ~ ·~~~;~ u
p, ..
,. : EMiJ\
!P -e.-~ ~
i'I &. ,<! -
Q ~ flag this question Q Q Store this qr.r""'tlon ~1
-~·~- ~
-1 ~

Subsection: 17 @
il ="":.:!.~!_ ~
18. In an AC gcenerator of the brushless type the. ro.tatlng 1J.eJd Report problernQ
wlndlng Is fed with Yii th q u ~«n

Q 'DC v\la the s.11p rl:ngs from an extemal supply Send v·our refereoc.oO
. 65%Q
0 AC vla rotating exdter wlrv.:llngs
e tJC Yia diodes fram the. main e~clte;r ~lfndlng on the. rotor !J u-. ..... l.
~ ·H

~ ;;~r\-~~ ~
_u __ ,~;
1-1'It I" lag this qu;:stJon 'It Store t his qu:;;stlon !: ,...;,,
w: l ..W "'J ..N

~ =--=~~ ~
s u bsection: 17@

tQ_ 1'1u:~~ niM"rna.nP.:n.t" ft\.a.B.~t" In Rift &.-t'! R~ftA~tn-ro lndnNlilllill Report pr'oblem.a..
f:•"'t=• ,..,.........., -;- " " - - - - - -
~- '-""--- ..,.

19. The permanl!int mag:ne,t In an. A.C generator Induces R<!pcrt problem@
0 A .C. In th!! marn generat<:lr
~nd your r't!fe:t~n.:e: -~

~ A .C. In the Exc1ter generator

0 tLC. In the exdter generaror lioo' !ic

0 Q F'lag question ~ Store this qu,.::stlan

;--.. --
~' ·'-
EJ'tSJ\F?Irt ·(i(t

- ...-., li
Subsection: 17@ ,!
~·' c;,.~~
___;_J ~- h
~ =- - ...l. f'
"' --- -- ;I

20. A .generator with more than two phases Is known as Rt.<port probl~m' 4()
with ·qu~1:ioo
0 delta pt,ase
S<!rid y.; ur r.ererenc.,Q
0 multf:phase 63%~
.QO polyphase ~-
0:@ Flag this q u<oEtlan (jj) Store this qu.t<stlon EM>\ Flii'<·~ G

Subsection: 17 @ . ... "

,_ ::: .1 __ ~

;! ~-- 5¥.~, p
"--=-=--' '
21. An AC -generator rated at !)I) kVA with a power fact·or of 0.85 R-eport proble m~
~iith qu~lo.n
lagging Is capable of supplying
S..nd y<lUr reference.~
105.88 kW at contin-uous power
/d) '76. 5 kW of continuous: power
~~ ~ ·i
0 90 kW of contl.nuouspawer : \ .... ::;:-· ~ - ~
(.J~ Flag this q u£Stlan 0 (jj) $tore this question
.... . ~. c
•;t! - -"*. ~- ·2 •
Subsection: 17 @ ~ =-:...:•iil,_ t.
- ·-----f

2.2. On a brushless AC g;eMraoor, .t he, permanent magnet generator R<!pcrt problem~

output l!i' with -qu~"ti o.n

S-end your refett:oce~
e5} AC
0 pulsed

0 ~ Flag q uestion (jj) Store this q1..10estion

Subsectlon: 17@

~. f>ower factor of a g:e nerator Is R"'flctt problem~

with ·qu,;.tioo
0 stnltl
® cosltl
send y<lUr r.,ferenc"'(jj)
0 tan<!> ~l ~ ~,

0 Q Flag thls question 0~ Stor-e this quecstlon "'~lji

Subsection: 17 @

24. Stability windings In an AC gen.e<rator sense Report problem4()

voltage. and prevent over voltf:ng Wli th ·qlle1:1D1\
9.!hd y<lUt referent~({i
frequency and pre·'Jent over Yfrltl:ng
current and prevent frscJIJ'atlons w ;t
w...,....,.· .~-

0 Q Flag th is qu,;stlon 0 iii Store this q•.mstlon. ·-~ ·"·.-·-· ~

EA.SJ\Fllr;~ G - ~
- .a.- l ll
~.. ,, 1
Subsection: 17 0J '
....:;,_j _
i; ~
~~ =-:...:=-io w~)

...,.!jOt A- ..--..F -.M a A. •11 •- r_ ,.a ___ _ _. r _ _ _ _ _ ..,~. __ _... __ - - --"1·- - -'"" -•-.&....-. - - -·• - -
a ... ,.,.,.~ """'lo.J'"""" -
25. An EM I' c.t 10 'J Is Induced In a oo-nd:uctor moving at r'Jg:ht ang:tes Rep ort: probl~ m~
to a mag:ne.t fc flel·d . What wlH be the EMF' lndiLJCed :l:n t~ same wi th qu""*lt·n
c:.onductar If It Is moved to 4S degrees to the magnetic tleld? send your refiOrer.t~ii}
0 2 .93V
~J ~ w :~
0 lOV ,.: !'.......~ . ,..
!i.~ ... ...._••u-~
. - H
fS ?.OiV ; Ef15 •\ F'il rHO ·~­

; - . -, I
,,:: ~, ,{

(J ~ F'lag this q uestion Q ~ Stare this qu;,stlon ; ~;:..:! _~ ~

! =~ ~ •f•
!"J "
,, - - - - ;I
Suhsectloa: 11@

26. In operatilon of .a single phase AC. generatO!l', fl'eq;uency Is R-eport pt'obh:m"

determined by 't1ith qudi'ticn
send your refererY-e:~
0 the gen.erator s:peed
0 the numb& of pal:rs of poles
:.....-~t-a.· ., w. ·•J
0 cantrullln9 the current flm•f .throug'h the voltage fl.eld wl ndlngs ~;
i .....~ .~-.-· ~
: EICSJ\ F\"rr.:~JG
Q(IJ Flag t h!z question ~ Store this q!lEStlon : - ...
i ~' ..,'1- f .,;
i ~- ~
Subsection: 11 Q !!~l =~__
!'i. 1'1
:<l.¥_ l' ·

27. A frequency w'Jld AC generator is used for Report prcbl~fli 01..

with qui5'iJM""
@ deleing l,oads
send your refer;;r.te(i)
0 .any At::.l.oad 79%~
Q l nsttuments and navtgatlon ;~ J r ,1

J ....::~:.:... (
0 (iJ f'lag this queBtion 0 ~ Store this question ~ En:;J\ F.,Ft·~lj :.
f ~a.-;;r ~
Subsectlon: 11 @ ii f. : ,, _,;
~! ~ "-'=J
~; =~ _•w_ ~'7
28.• When AC g:e!M!rators are paralleled, they must share equail1y, the Report: problem.

c~ VARandVA
¥Jilli ql:idi'tii>ii ~
~nd y.;ur r>efetetY.:e(i)
Ei> Watts and 1/AR
0 Watts and VA li - - w 'i!
!-l v.-·.,. J
:; ....--· -· . IJ
CJ ~ F'lag thJs quest.lan 0 (i), Store this qu:est lon l,j EASI\Po~·~O ij
' fi
Sub.sectlon: 11 @

29. Stability windings sense R-eport proble m~

0 voltage., and prevent an overvoltage
Wiih CjUdi'til>11
~nd your referetY.:e(iJ
e, current, and !>ravent an overvoltage
0 frequency, and prevent -o\•e;r current li ,_- ~I
!1 .......... ,. J
(] 'i.l Flag this q uestion 0 iiJ stare this qti.est/an
;;·""·rt·4G liB.. '·..'
'.1,i ,;,-,,1
- a.- .
Subsectlon: 17 @ !l 1
~- ~
-~ .
..: =~- -- ~- ;Jh.
- --

30. The 'A' phase o1 a three phase power system Is ooi:OUr coded Report: pt'Dbl.,rnGio
~ re.d with que'tiM •
~nd yaur refetei'ICe~
0 blue
0 yelliow
_ Y~" d }
l; ................ M
00 Flag thls q uestion 00 Store tl1ls qu estion M.S.I\F;, rt-~l:i .'
Subsection: 17 0

3 L A ·IJenEraror fs labelled '200KVA and I> I' 0 ..:8', 'this n\eans lt has Report problc:i\'1
L r.£~~1 nn'WIIIP nf wiih que!.i ii><'\ ~
31.. A ·!!'.rator !:s labelleci'2:00KVA and PF O..S', this means It :has R<'pcrt probl~m~

real power of' Wltli ·l:jUe'!l !>lt

S.,nd yaur r;f;,r,;Fot;oef
~ I60kW
. . . .,. ,____t)ji 1
i r--
Q 2SOkW n
Eli!U\· F'il~·!JIJ !.,
Cl~ F'la9 tn ls que;tion · .'i) Store t his qttrstfc1n .-;---~,, ~
' " ··' -· ~
Subse<:tlo-n: 17 0 ~ ~

=-.:....: .!:!!'_ )

32. 11 the Inductive l,oad of an unregulated A.C. g<enerator Is R~p~rt probl:' m~

decreasecl, what happens t(} &utlput voltage? 't ilitli IJUBtll>ll
S.,nd your reference'i).
~ lncrea~>
0 Rernal:ns constant
.~~!·~- ij'I
Elt~J\ F't'lrt.·.;G ...~
0 0 @Store this qu estion
1 L:: 1 _ ~~
tQ) Flag this qu·e>t lan
' •· ,,1 -
Subsection: 17" ;i!= --:__~_.!!¥:=)
"'l i.

33. O.n a 3.-,phase star wo-und ·generatM, the Une voltage Is Report problem
Witli que,;:ti;m ~
the same as a 'JOttage from a single phase
S.,nd your rererenc~~
more than the voltage from a sl ng:le phase &S%~
0 less than the vol;t age from a sln9le phase
:~ ~ ,s.;l ~~

····~·-:'- f
0 'i> Plag thls question 0 ~ Store this que5tlon Ef<SA. F'lll'HlG -
~·;,1 ~
Subsectlon: :17 Q ~ ~
ltj ~ ...- 1
~ =- - .,.'/"- I

34. In .a 3 pha:s·e g;e nerator balanced loi!!idj the p«entJal R..p~rt probl~ m .~
between the neutral point and ea:rth Is 't11tli ·QU!51.1ilii
:>end yaur ref..,.er>::to~

zero rolts
equal to lfne valts
~ ·~
Q to phase vo lts ·r~ (.....:~:!.... I}
q .. . . f
~ EA:;il F'lld·ao -
0~ Flag this q ue;t lon ~ Store this question ,, .-F"~ ff1
t! \~ H ...

Subsectio-n: :17 @
H ~;~~--~
fi =--
- . f¥ ,

3S. The phases on a th.r ee phase AC g:BW!rat.or are spa.c ed at Report problem~

Q 90 degrees With qursti c.l l

S.,nd your referehCo~
f0 120 degrees.
Q 100 degrees
~] ,___ ito' ·,
CJ~ Flag questJon . ..W Store t his ·q!J'estfon
Subsection: 17 @

36.• The shape o:fthe ootput wavef.orm of an AC gen.e rator Is known Report prtiblem""'
El!ia w itli que'!iilii•
0 ca5lne wave S.,nd your refeenc~~

0 fri!quency wa••e
'i ~ ,so;~ ;).
6;Si sl ne wave : v...-. ~ J
' -~--- · - II
EO.SJ\ P,lt-tlG ~
Q ~ Flag qui!Sbion Q ~ Store this qu·BStlon .-;-a.-;, ~
i .. ~·~, ~
--~ J
: ~ "';J 'I
Subsection: 17 "
$! =---~- ~
_.,-,_ _ _ ,.~-~--=-_....._._-......,,_ ..., - ··- ~- .. -------- .-- , -- ~., ~.-..,A.H o -·~ -· ·- -· --·- - - ·-· ~ AoA ••• --~- ·•••• A -~ . ·-· ~-- • •::,_,__,~• --~ .--.., --·7----'--'---=- - ·

31'. A generator rated at 30 KVA and power fact:Gr 0.8 has a RP-poit priJble n> ~
ma::dmum continuous power ·Output ·Of ?lith ·CjlJ ~I>:t\
~nd your ref~rerr-e:"@.
~ 24kW
0 ~OkW
Q 4.SkW f! ~;;·· ~ ~-
·j EA!"Pa rt·IJ(i ~
0~ f'lag que;;tlon 0 ~ Sto re tJhls qu;;;stlon 1 _.,_..,1 f,
ll L- , f
-,.. -;j- "' j
Subsectl~n: 11 'i. ~ =~- -..
,, --- w,

38. ln .a t>etta eonnect:ed gerw!l'ator th.e· line 1:urrB.rt Is equ.a l to RP-pcrt prilblem~
with qul5tit>il
® L 7 X ph.ase current
S<!nd your r'efiotertte~
0 ph<!!:Se current . 67%~
0 1. 7 X phase voltage

Qg, Flag tills qustlon Qg St a~B t his question

Subsectlen: 17 Q

39. ln a three pl\asoe. star connected system R.eport ~rtible m

with qu~o:t>
QO line ctJrrent equals the• phase ctmrent send your r'eferel'lte~
0 line current IS greater than the phase cum:nt Stl%~
0 line •ioltag.e Is less than th-e phase voltage
~ ··
O 'ia F'la;g th1s q ue;;tlan g Store this qu:estlon

Subsectlen: 17 ~

40.• The output from a r·otatlng armature AC generator would be Rep~tt priJbl:' m ~
taken from Yllth qu ~on
S-end your refer,;r.t~'r)
0 thestator
~ therotor
0 Ir-- tsr ~
either th-e rotor or the stator
H ._... !~~·~ - li
l; OOA F'lllHO j
QQ Fla g this question Q ~ StorB th is qu5tlon ,.
.,.f... ~·-·"
l ~ ~· ~

Subsectlen: 17 Q ~t ~-_:fl!·_ ~

41. In .a de,l ta·eonnect:ed ·gener.ator Report pr'tlbh!!i!!l

with tjUI5til>il 'i}
e9 line ''ol:ts = phase \'olts, Une current = root ::: times ph.ase current.
S<!nd your refen:ri~ e'i}
0 line voltage = root 3 times phasec voltage, lln.e ·CUrrent = phase
,; ~ lio' ~
0 line volts = phase volts, line current = phase current: dhddM by ~=

....._..?- -
root l U•"".,..':"""-
; EA!il\F'i'l r;·(l lj -

0 ~ F'lag this q ue;;tion ~ Store this question

: .•--;--;:,1
~ ,~
l ~ ~._...., ;

Subsection: 17 @ {l =-_:::!!!'_ ~
42:. An advantage of a star connect-ed g;enerator over a delta R.eport prvblen>O
eonnect:ed ·generator Is with,l\
S.nd your referer.teO
0 th-e illne and phase ·yoltages are equal
eQ a balance load Is guaranteed
t !l'I O potentials are available . ..
li ,..,.....
•' --·---..,.
~ w~. r,....cs •

OQ i"la g thls qu est ion 0~ Store this qu.e ;;tJon l1 -.= t

•; ~' '
·~ f '"' ~

sub.sectlon: i7 ~ ~j
~~ =-~
,.. ~~
iii - - - - .-

43. The .stato-r o-f a permanent magnet ro-to-r AC g:>enerator Report probl~ m ~
0 Is: wound ln serl:es: wtth the flekl
'o'Jith ·qu ~ on
~r'u:1 your refe:re nc e:~
a. Is: us'UaUy s:tar wound SS%~
0 Is: uscuaUy delta wourv.l _, .,....,.._ . ~ :~
~ »~d J
Cl~ Flag this qu;:st;on 0 ~ Sto re t his q!.J~ :ion ~ ~~~=6 h
ti .;-T'i\ ~
H il• ,; •

~~-~~· ~
Subsection: 17 @

44. A generator supplies 25 A. 4 V and S!l W. What ls th~ apparent Report probl~ m.,.

power and the power filctor1 W/Ui qli ~ I>J'I W

S<ond vaur refereht~ ~
0 100. VA and 2 ·· i7"Jo.'iJ
0 400 VA and 0.5
f8l 100 '!/A and 0 •.5
fj -- '~ ~
}1 ~~;:!.- ~
~ El\5~. ~'~•"'·"6 •
0~ Flag this q ue;;tlan Q ifl S t ore this question ~ ~ h,
,., ...
'~.z l ._ ,~

Subsealon: 11 @
~ =--..:~- ~
45. On a 3-phase AC genemt<:>r, total power Is Report probl~m 'ill'
® more than a slngJe phase
witli -qu ~ c.:n
your ;;;,ferei'ICe@
Q same .as the power l:n a s'lngle phase
0 les:s than a .singl e phase ~~ ~ W ~·
~ 1

(J ~ Flag thls qustlan 0 ~- St or e t his qt.t:stk•n f,

lilrio' d .
~ ,_....,.._ ,_~-.
E!l.S;\f'll rl·Qfj
- _~c
•: ..-~
. ,jl ~
Subsectl,on: 11 Iii -~ ) .. 'l l ~ ~
J =~-~;;:¥_ r
4.6 . What Is the maximum active power supplied from a 40ik.'II.A Report prtJbl"mt@
generator at 0.9 I'Fi wltli qu=ioo
S..:fld •f<ilir ref!Oreht~~
0 SOkW
:€) 36kW
j' ,......- w '·
0 SkW .] - "-~'"~- . }
ij ·-·~·~.- ~
~ E.Mi\F1:H~·i) fl }.•
0" Flag this q ue; t ion O WSt are t his q•.r::stlon i ;;---~ '
:i 1_, !').~ -..,__., ~
Sub.sectlon: 11@
~l =~~:t~~ 5
47. If there was a mainly inductive load o-n a 'n AC g>enerat;or, the Report prtlbl"m . ·
val.t age wlth respe.c t to the current would 'ti/Ui qu~t·n ~
s~nd your re-fett!oceQ)
Q be tn ph ase
fi(} lead
Q lag H~ ~~
~ ·--·~~~~ &
;_!, IW>l\l'lll'ii ·Gfj i ~--
II 'ill' F'lag this quBSt lan 0 ~ S: ore this qucEStlon "F
- ..- .
J-,,.. . ~l
h '-~
l'-.! l- ~~-·~- :1~
Subsectio-n: 17 @ ~
=~ - -.. 1... 5
48.• If a delta co-nnected A.C, system Is operati ng at 115\1 phase, Report problem...,.._
what Is line voltage? WiUi qU~M W

0 23>0 v S<ond yaur 1"'-'ferehCeO

' 63%~
Q 200V
!l ,........._ w ;I .
:0- 115 v (l "-•·~- :~.. 1
!; ··-~ ·..-·- ~
U Ef<EI\ l'li1HU :! .. .. .
1~1 ~ Flag this qustion 0 ii) Sto re this qUBStlon. f. ,-;-.r..;,, ~ V"
t} L...r. 't _....,!
Subsec:tlc.n: 11 @ li :.:'1;1 't
i.L':'~--:'l'f"- '
~ 49. In a 2: phBSe generamr, what angle are the phases to eacl\ Report prtJblema
49. In a 2 p hase g,e nerator, what angJe are the phases to eacl\ Report problem..,..
other? vlith qu!O!i'.icm •
5-!!nd yaur referer>::eo~
0 H!>O ~
0 ti" w ··•,
@ 90"
~ ~M:~:::_
: i EASn. P, J't·(JG

0 ~ Fla.g this q u£.-stJOn 0 Q Store this ql.l\f?.Stion.

_- a.-,. }
Su bsection: 17 01 '

SO. ln .a :l·phase d.:lta connected gem!rator, the line currert Is Report problem(!)
with qursti t.JI
~ ,;3 times the p.hase current 5-!!hd your referet•= ~~
0 phase current divi ded: b~· Yl 7o%'i}
Q the same a!> the pha::se current !~ ~ ·
.! ..,_., , 1
,, ·-~ ·- ·· h
0 ~ Flag this q uest ion Q S-tore t h is q•Je:stlon l\~rt-~0 :.. A.
~~ ,......~, ~ · ~;:
Su bsectlc.n: 17 @ r~ ~ •_ :\;i ·•W\J- 1· 11_

Ji =~ - l'i;i f.
"' - -- - ;.;.

5 L. A single-phase AC g•e nerator has 12 poles and it r uns: at 600 R~.opott problem
~PM. Which one of the following Is the output frequency of the
"''ith 'i) qu~'tioo
generato.r? 5-!!nc your r<:f.,.enc"~
0 12() Hz
!~ w;
0 50Hz .. : Lf-'e' d , ~
: ·~~ ·-- I
(\J MHz j E/45>\ f.. rHlG ~
~ .~~.~ ~
0" F'lag this q uestion 0 " St art: t his qu-estion ~ •_: ' "-~ ~
;; =~
:., --;}
...,,_ 't,
Subsectic.n: 11 01 ;_:___::::--=::.:...

5.2. U the phase voltage in a star c:C<n~n ectoo generato.r Is 2001/ what Rl.oport pro bl em: A
wlU be the llr.e voltag.e? With qlld 'tiM.
~,;nd yaur refer;:t~~:~'i)
Q HSV .. 70%{i
Q 200V
Q 34-!lV ....__...... ~

CJ'il Flag this quescion U Q Store t h is question h'

Subsectien: 11 Q

sa. Olltj:)ut v.o ltage cl an A.C. generat~n Is controlled by vaeyln,g R.;,pott probh!mr..
Wi th ·qU ~ ta\ y
~ flel'd c1Jrrent
5-!!nd your r<:ferenteO
· )a speed ofthe generator
armature rurrent ~1 ~ ~ ~ .
y,n· ~ :a.
, ,._,_
O 'il Flag this question Q 'il Sto~ this qu.estlor~ ~ Eft.SJl.Pnrt-tlfJ ...
!1 .:~1 ~
Subsection: 17 @ !!
•- : _· ~ ~
S --;J ,
~j - _ _ .,_W.:)

54. Increasing the load on a permanent magnet generator wJll Report problem:.
.,.,ith que:!llio:n 0
0 reduce te:rm:lnal •;o[tage b·1•· a smaill amou.nt
S!!iid !f<lLir referer>::eO
0 lncreas.t! termtnat voloage b y a smaiJ amount.
0 reduce tennJnal ·voltag-e by a large a;rnaunt ~ ,....,. ~ ·f,
'-,; .....~~o". , 1
0 'iJ Flag this q u5 t lon Qg St ore t his qll'est ion
!i ·-·~·~.- ~
j ~....~<*-~G ~
! !" ttl ..\

Subsec:tlon: :17 @ i! ~ -~
~ -;:;] :;
,j =~-~~ ,
SS. The .amount of electrica l p.ower fo-r a g:lven g~eratM weight is R.;,port pro btem
0 greater ro:r DC generaror
w ith Cj ui!<!:l ii:\1\
S..nd vour r.;,fer., ht e ~
~.i· greater tor AC. generator . 74%~
0 d ~ term l necl by the s lz~ of the a ircraft ,_
A-> ~

0~ F'lag this qu~tion Q @Stan;, thls ·q<t;e;;tfon ···-·-~

~j EA.s,,f:i'lrt~Ci -
. -~~·,, hj
' ._
), : ''! ~·
Subsectio-n: 17 @ •· "- '
~J =-- s~~
;.~ --- f
56.• In a voltage equalising circu it .t he. generators are regul;~tecl sa- Rep~ rt probl :'m~
>'Ji th ·que!.~u>n
O tne higher olrtp'ut Is dec:reased to that of tn.e IO!Wer
S..nd y<Jur refetet>t e@
0 t he !owe;r output is: Increased toe that of the nigher 16%~
® the lower l's increased a nd t he higher Is decreased until they are
equal ~.! ~~~., ·~ ~
:.1 EA.Si!. p,· ~·l)~ ~
0 ~ Flag tl:tts question ~ starB t.r.ts qu-estion. ' ~~;,, 2
!.....;_.:! _ ~
Su bsection: 11 @ • o;:;;.'"T"" ~-~ ~,
: - -- - ,;

57. In .a generator system, a stahlllzl ~ winding Is: used Report p ro bt ;;;n~

v1ith qu.,.'tiott
V t o preve nt v·oltage overs hoot
send your refd'e r>t t;:~
0 to contro l outpu t curr'tmt S4%~
0 In series with the field to prevent o:s dll atf.ons
·,· -
i .~,~~~·· . h
CJ (i) Flag this que;;tlon .iiJ Store this qt.l';,:stion
Subsect!C>n: 17 ~
t E.O:;~,· pt,rt · Q Q

' f.,..,
~:~·~~ f

! iii::ii""" IJ' j~ ~
- - -- ii<

58. Increasing th.e lo-ad on a permanent magnet 11eenerator w 111 R.;,pcrt' problemc.
Yiith CjU io!.~i:\1\ ¥
(9 reduce the tetrm1na l volt ag€ by a small am ount
send your re ferer>C eO
Q reduce the termi nal voltage by a larg e amount
0 .Jncreas<e the terminal voltage b y a small .amount ~.;

",.,.~ .~

0~ Flag thl s qu~tlon @ Sto re this qu:estlon EASJ\ Fa rt: ·~ (i _'!:

·' ~--;;1 ~
S u bsectl;m: 11 0 ! l.'Z _;( .....,~

~i =- !!.~.. f.
- ! - - --

59.• ln .a 2 phase geeneraror, haw far apart are the windings R!.<p ~rt probl ~m-~
electrically'? "r'Jith ·QtJ I!!.tilDn ' '

0 roo~ send yaur referet>t"~

iS %~
0- 90°
,., ~
Q 4S• ll.s llo' •J. ~

~:;·~~~-~~ ~
Ct'lt !"lag this que;;tJon 0 (it Store t his qlN:'.Stlan f

Su bsection: 17 @

60. The power output of a slmillar slz£<1 3 p hase, compared tD 1!1 Report probl em~
single phase g;e!W!rator Is '<li th giJ e!
0 less send your refi!<'t<r>te@
79 %~
Q same
e m or e

0 ~ Flag thls qu~:stlon 0~ ':5.tnn3' this qu.e:·stton

Subsectlcrn : 1 7 @

L 61. Under frequency In an AC s :u:pp].y WO<uld cause R.;,port problema

J ':M~~Jo--....... - -- - ·.......- . ., ---.~. '1~

6,2. The output a rotating fl~ld AC g;enerator would bl!o taken Report ptublem~

from the with qu>il ..

e stator
Sen d your reference~
. 64% ~
0 armature on the· rc.tnr
·j ~ *"' ~
0 winding oo the rotor
~~ ·~-~:!- ~
i EJ\SJ\ Fnrt-(a{o ~
Cl ~ Flag tnls question Q Sto re this. qt.r.e stlon ~i ~--;,, ~
\ ,!.. ~ . 1 _, ~
~ "'iJ. i
i !

~ =-=--~-- ~
$ubseetlo-:n: 17

63. In .a:n akcraft broshless al ternator the annatureo Is Roepcrt probh: m ~

tCi star wound
l'Jith ·QU5"t'ion
~nd vaur r.ef!S"enc,;,Q
0 delta wmmd . 62% ~
Ct ln series with the tte1d

ri @ Flag this questl an 00 Stow thl£. qt.t<=>tlon.

Subseetlo-:n: 17 i

64. The power consumed In three loads connected l:n star Rl.!pcrt probl ~m'iJ
configuration, when oom;pared with delta ronflgumtlon: With 'i:IUd.'tll>JI
~hd your ref!S"er.c e ~
1?) the delta conftgu ratlon com;umes 3 times: the power .of the star
51 %~
c.anfig:uratlo n
0 the star co nflguratlon consumes: 3 tlmes the powecr oJ the delta
H,_ ~ ~J~
N w.....,.,. ,,
c.mflg:uratlo n l! ,...,,-..;,;-:- n
¥<1 Efl~.i'\ P.'fr.:·<lll ;.
0 both con fig urations: con:sum e bhe same: power
' -"'.., ~
·1! t·''t- -- ._...., ~-
..,_, ~ !"lag thls quest:lon 0~ $tori! this qut5tlon ~ ...... "":"'l .

J. =-~~~..1¥_ ~
SubJ~ect!lo-n: 17 @

65. All al~mft AC equipment Is rated l:n Report ptublemg

With ·qUi!!.'til>il
0 Watts
~nd yoUr refeteFKeO
0 Volt- Amps
78 %~
0 Volt-Amps-Reactl~e
ii ""~lo\,..,..,1. ~ ~.j
-··u~ ~
Q ~ Flag th1s qu5tlon 0 ~Store this qu:stlol:\
HEASJ\ PHrt~6 .~

~ ;J."-;;11 ~
Subsect!lon: 1.7 0 !:: l-!:<-1._,~
;j '0 '-:J [l
~ =-" ~ll" '!

66. 'T he phase voltage of' a three phase star wound conflg:uratiO-:n, R..port problemO
.o ompared to a Une voltage, Is: .,,ith q u e:sti~m .

0 greater ~nd vaur roef!S"enc,;,O

. S4%'iJ
(3 less
0 equal
; ......,.
~ llf.&!ar' d ,
,!jii •!
~~ ~-u:---- ~

(J O Flag t h is qu<=5tJOn Oiii Sture thl;; q•xestlan t'., =.J-,_.......

"'"""·00 i f.\.
4 nt' :.t
.·. ~

~-i )_z...J ,_ , ~
Subsection: 1.7 e ~
;:e; ~-...._ '"
~j _"J _
....,·~IJ!... 9
67. The two l'artoi'S which g>OVern .t he output freqU>en.c y of aa:~ A(: Report problem.,.
genel'i!!tor are the With ljlli51il>JI W'

~ the n umber of polies {In pa'lrs} and the rotor RPM ~hd y<iUr rererrence ~
75% ~
0 strength of the stator field tl:ux and numb er of poles
il ~
· - f<r' ~
0 speed of rotation of the rotor and the stato r fJeld flllX strength
!~ . . ..::~::... ~
i·{ W.l\~rt·~lj ~,
0 ~ f"lag this question 0 ~ $tore this qu:,;st/on ~:
-'-~-~ h
=~ ... "~ ~
~i '""-d - ~
Sub.sect!lon: 17 @ ~ =~- !'.~
r,; ---
68. ln a de1ta ~onnected system R<!pott problern
~1ith qu~t;Jt
~· phasec voltage = 1. n
x line voltage
Send '{<lur refereheto ~
0 line voltage = i.73 x phase voltage
e line voltage = phas.e voltage
i! :.-;~., ~ '; .

1.., . ) ~ Flag thls question Q@ Sto re bhls qui?Stion ti em;.~. f'<flt·•JO. ~

Subsectl.o n: 17 0 n:~ r·!_,
~··! fl
~jj --~ f

~ =-:_=~
69. A frequency wJJc AC generator .svstem has R;,porEprobl"""fl>
with qu~t:o.n
~ variable frequency onl'r'
S.;ond your refetehee~
0 varl ab1e voltage only 69%@
!Ji) vari able voltage and frequency
'~il ~-., ffr ~
0 ~ F'lag th:is question Qtl St ore this qcv.::;;t!on "·-·-
E:.rtd ,\ ~ rt -~ l:i
.. --.-., 1•\
~:! ·•'.. ~-~ (
Subsectl.o n: 17 0 I!
£ ..:=~ --~ !-!...J:
f(;, '<;J
. . ro:. "v.
.,~ =-- ~---
Report ptobl~rn
w 1th que!itioo 0
70.• In a 3·phase star configured AC g'eneratnr, \vhat Is the angular
dlrterenc:e between llne voltag:'l! and phase voltage?
Send y-:.u r r..ofetet>eeoO
@ 12'0°
0 60" .., 49%~

® :30"

o~· Flag th:ls question 0 ~ StorE this q!.!>EStlon

Subsecti>On: 1.7 0

11. The power output ot an AC parall.el ge;ne.rator syst:em Is R~pott problern

measured In ~lith qu~"!!i D:n
Q am!>E'res Send '{<lUr r«f"'r"ht"'~
ti ...---- ¢¥i! f
Q KVA '~
~ .~~
t ......
~; ~.11.~~·•)1) "
00 Flag th.ts que;tlon DO s t ore t his qtt.ewc.n ~
.--.-, II
it ;..,_. r _.~,.r ~- 1J
Subsection: 11 i ~~ =~ ~;},~ ~
"'-·--=-- =-"'
?2. A.·conventlonal ak~Jratt g'ell.erator wiU :b e R,;pott problem~

~ starwourv.l with quei:it.n

Send your referer.te~
0 delta YHl'Und . 67%i()"
e"' series ·wound
u~ ~"' ~~
f~ (_:;-::-~ ~
, l__j ~ flag thJs question QO St ore this qu5tlc•n ~1 EJ~.:h\ y.,r'(·tlr.i -
;.; - e-:11 I~
1~ . .. P4 --
Subsection: 17 0 l\ [ : •I ll.
~~ ~~-~· ~
~ =---!!.'!'~ ,

13. An AC ge;ne.ra'i:or Is ,p roducing the required voltage but a t\l:gher R~pott proble m~
frequency than that required. To remedy this, the tollawlng With tjU!!!."tiOitl .
actlan must: be taken'? Send y-:.ur t""-feret>eeO

~ :De<:reas:e the s~d of the prlme mover, and tt.en Jncr,ease the id%~
t1 ~ ·~ ,..-
stnmgth of the. field
s~d of the. prlrne ..
:Oecreas.e the mo•ier ·~ :~:......
.·· c~
' .. Pi
0 !Je.creas.e the s~d of the prl me ma•1er-, and then decrease the
; EbS.I\ P7.rft·1J /j ...t

strength of the field •< ;;•-:., ~

t, l- ! I ~-- "~
li "'" ><;J ••
Cl~ Plag thls qu;;:stlan 0 ~ St ore this question ~ =-:-_:-:·!£f_ ,
Subsection: 11 @
74. How many cycles mAC voltage are produced In a slx~pool;e Report ptcblem@
alternatao~ .o f the revaol.vlng•tlll!ild type, with each revol:utlon of.the with ttue1lo:n·
rotor? S..rid your r..ferl!!hte'it
0 !'-our
f.i· r
® Three
•.•• -~; ;;"~ k
Q Si x EPSol.Pof!:·q~ !1
0 ~ Flag this questiOn ~ Store this que:;tlcon :
:r 1-..-.... li
l ~~ :"'
Subsection: 11 Q ~ =~--·~- ~

15. Two 3 pihas;e genemta<rs operatl:n-g l.n parallel wltb d:lf'fe'!"e'ftt R.;,part probleM,g
phase and ILne voltag;es will be connected in with qul!!S".iit>tl · ·
S..i'ld your refetehte~
Q Paralt,.l confiiguratlcrn
~ star conflguratlon
. ~ -----
0 delta configuration .

CJ ~ Flag th:ls qu<ostion ~ Store t his question

Subsectla<n: i 7 0

76.• Av~rator supplies 1SIJVAC phas;e and load Is 10 <lhms per Repatt prcble m~
W ith q U ~.:ii:<il
phase. Wbat Is the phase ·I:Urre!llst?
S..nd y'·:lUr r..fetente~
0 l.SA
\3' lSA hli ~t
® 25.5A W·a.'e' lll
; .....1....- i'

n EASI\~n: ~6 ~
CIO Flag tll.Js que;bion C iQ :>.to re this q•.res tlon ;;'~ ~
I_ !L_<I '•
; ~,_.:,--·~
Subsection: 17 @
~ ~ ---·~~)

17. A 3:0. KVA rated ga~eratnr has a power factor at 0.8.• What Is Its &.p~it probl:'""@
maximum consistent power? >-11th qu=<on
&rid y<~ur r"fetehCe~
0 ~7.5KW
~ 3GI<W l' >

@ 241<W : ~-·.:a.j,r; ~
---- -~~ K

00 f'lag th is question ~ Stare ttols qtre.s tfcon. ~

.L ,,. ~:J.
.-- (• ·1 . . , fl
SubsectiO'n: 11 @ . ~ ~- f
,~ =--
I' ll!.
- - - .,

18. An Increase l:n the capacitive load on .an A.C. generator R.;,pc it probleM~

e has ncr effect an the TO'tatlng field strength

w ith qu;,:ti .,.l l.
s.;na your r~fet;;r.: e~
0 reduces. the stre119th ·CJf the rotating ~.eld
0 the strength of the rotatln.g fle.Jd ,... ~

0 ~ Flag this question 0 'i) Store t his qu.estlon.

Subsection: 11 @

79. In smaller single Ot' twin engine al:r~:raft the pl'l.mar-y OC p!)Wer Is Report problemA
. .
supplied In the faorm of re.c tltied outp<ut from with ·que'iii:<ii·w
S..nt:! your r..fetl!!hteO
0 constant frequency AC generator
et frequency wlld AC gen!!rator
0 Inverter
.......--·-:----- k,
E!J.S1\ F7J'rt·i;;(i ~
Ll ~ F'lag q ue;ticon ng Store t:hls ql.l'e5tion ~..~1 ~
. u··~'-- ~
Subsectlil'n: 11 ~ ,! !!: ~ ~
s< =~ -• w 1,

80. The output from a fixed field AC generator would be .t aken from R<opcrr prcblemQ
the wi tli ques-.ic<fi
~n d your r~ rer~r.:: e ~
C; stationary part of the machine
E· l %~
0 the rctatlng' part of the machine vfa a commutator .a nod brushes
e5 the rotating' part of the machfna vfa !>lip ri:ngs and brushes
'··- ~
· .-.-
E.l1Sf\~rt·+l G ~
(] 0 rlag tnls question 0 Q Store this q•J..estlon ==~ ,.:·~), 1 ~
l i ;:: I ~

Subsectl~n: 1 7 ~
! ~;-,)~~·,
•< =- ..!.. f,
''-- - --- "
81. To adjust the voltage ot an AC generator1 whilst maintaining R-epo rt proble m~
cons.t ant frequency, It Is nec'E!ssary to Yli th ·QW51lt>fi
~ri d i"~fe:rehte:ft)
0 alter the drivin g speed:
0 alter the reactan ce of the .starter wln dlng circuit
~ alter the field rurrent ~~ ~~., ~ ·~
1 E./lSI\_r:;, r;. ~so I
L l~ !'lag question 0 {iJ Stare this qtt:stion ~ f--~ ~
~l L-;~-.:1-.~ ~
Subsectl~: 17 ~ (! =-:_:~- ,

112. ln a :l p hi!Se generatDr, what angle .aJ"e the p hases to each R<:port pro blem@
other? with ~U ~Dn
S:.rid your ref,;,rer.: ~ O
0 12<i"
0 IJ."
0 r oo ~
( ......... ~
· -·
0 0 F'lag thJs question 0~ Stor e this qttstlan

Subsection: 11 ~

8 3;.• An alnra1t star-connected AC generator l:s said to have .a Repcm pmblem

'balanced: load' when witli que!.-lii>ll 0
:5-'.!nd your r".!fen:~ r.: e ~
0 all t he p hase currents are equal
Sl %~
0 the p hase ang le of t he crutputs are s.paced 12()0 ap art:
@ all t he phase VCY.I tages are equal t :;:, w ~
~ El'5Afllrt·QG ~
0 0 Fla9 t h.!s question 0@ store this question ; ~¥-;,~ ~
! ).. : ' -· ~
Subsectl~n: 1 7 ~ <f "" "'J fl
!cl ::~:::"~:J

84. A frequency wlld generatDr Report prcbl~ m<'l'il

0 I!> always a DC generaror
S:.M your ref..,.er>ce(if
€) has a variable frequeocy CYutput
0 m al.nt:alns a constant RPM but has a variable frequency ~:_i ~ ~~-

I I'i1 f'la g this que.s~ion Q @Store this qu5tlon

!; ... "'' "''"l.
~-·-; r -.j

~~ E.tct:_'...~~-Otj. h
.. ,., -
Subsectl<:l'n: 1 7 ~ ~--L. ~
l) =---_:!1!·_ ,
85. An a!tern:at:ing•current .generat&r Is operating at SO• kVA In a R~p o rt proble m&~;
drcult with a j»Wer factor of 0.8. The real power Is. Witli qu.-..stion•
:e:> 40kW ~nd your referen.:eO
0 SO:kW
O :m w ~l r-~,-~ ~ ~
I• ·~--.-· ~
~~ e.r._s_,,P\'I·~·flG ·~.
0~ f'lag thl s question 00 Store this qu:stlon -~ ,.:a.;;, ~
i Ld~ _._ ~
Subsection: 1 7 @ ~-=--:_~!'(~_ )
"' 'Cj .

&6.• ln an alterl\atlng current Star wired system, the phase voltagil! Report pmblem:
I.e 11 ii;: unl•a :1AI'l •h..a. U:~U:L ll.U\.l•!ll..f'\:.C u.J U. hA CLftft...,..·vl,., l\~ilh Ql:i e:!.ti t<n 'i}·
86. In .an alt:ernatJng current Star wired system, the phase voltatge R<!pcrt problem~
Is 115 volts llil\d the nne voltage be approximately wm With <:jli~Oil
sehd your refo:t,;r.:~~
0 115 vailts
G 200 vol ts
0 163 VC>Jts J ~~··· ~ ·l
r~ EI...S1\ Pi'!Jt·(!(i !

00 Flag t q uestion Q@ Store this question l'

- ..-
~· :'-!1.
i ~~ ~ ~
Subsection: i 7 @ cl =-_'::fi?_ ,

87. An AC gene-r.ator Is r ated at 30 kVA at 0.8 Po\ve-1' f'actor: this R.eport problem
means that the maximum output should not exceed With C!li~tu\Q
send your refe;-ehte~
0 3.0 K'W
31.5 KW
}i eo-
.. ~.:&.

Eli.S.AP,rt-t:;G -
0~ F'lag tfl.Js qu;;;tton .._, llit Stare this qu::stlan
'" ..... ~
Subsecti.o n: 17 0 ·; =~ 5.;~,.. fl

88• .ln AC generator's frequency will R-eport problem@

'tlith ·QUeti on
.J8) be proportional tn the R:PH at 'l'thkh It ts d.rtven
send y<lllr ref""""""~
0 vary with cha[}9es In field strength 72%@
0 always be c.o nstant regardt~s of the generators drive speed 4.1 ~ ~ ,~1
~·i .....
~~~- -~. ~ .
0 ~ Flag thls qust.ion 00 Store this qu:s tlon cj EM~Fart.·•lG ~
Subsecti.o n: 17 ~

89. The voltage of an AC generator Report prtobl~ m~

W ithqu~o.n
0 rises to max ln on e dtre.ctton, falls to zero and rises i n the same
send your r<!foOtei"'C t~
® rl:ses to max tn one ·dfrectto.n the:n falls to :zero then rises to max I n
""' ·~
~; ~
the opposite direction ~..;
~ .... ~.:,
0 rises to max. In one dlrectkm and :remains

0 0 Flag q uestion 0~ Store this questiC!n

Subsectlon: n .,

90. One revolution of a th~e phase g'enerator wll:t prod:uce R..:pctt problem
0 3 cydes send your refo:t~ht~~
0 2 cydes 61%~
(g l cyde
~1 -
-~ ~ ;%
. ~---=·'- -
("-'" '<MI ~ ~
0 ~ !'lag q ue.suon 0~ Store this qu;:stlcoo W .i \ P.1rt·QG :..
- ._-., N
Subsection: 1.1 Q t"' _ . f-
~ =--=~- .~
91. 1'he variable frequency output from an AC gerli!ir.ator Is used .f or Report problem·~
9 supply1[}9 non-lndlllc.tlvo: !;cads
wi th ·qu~M ·

send your ref..rence~


0 drl'.•t ng N::. a<perated Instruments

0 the AC suoppt)t Instead Gf using Inverters

Q ~ f'lag thts q ue.;;tJon 0@ Store this ques~ioo tl :-~-· w t

~~ Efo.:i•\ P.>rl·~fj ~
~ .- ..- , V;
S"Ubsectlon: 17 ~ ~~ tc~:•<t~ ___, -
l! ~ IIQ
~ =--- ~~
Q ') C::JnAIA fth:::Joii::IA """'I'KftAftA.f"'lt...C l ... :1. .._kp,a,a, n.h:u:.a. I:IU£<t,.a."""' ...,..,:n.r h. a. Report problem..,.
!12. Single phase components In .a three phase svst·ern may be Report problem. •
ODnnetted between ..,,;th qur.;-.-ti <>n ~
S;nd your ref,.enc ~ @
0 phase and n eutral on ly
i(i %~
Q3t a ny p hase and llf!Utral OR between anv two phases i' ~ ,., ;
0 phase A and 6 only 11.-do· ·~·

0 ~ F'lag thls q uesuon 0 'f1 Stc•re this q~tlc•n

Subsection: 17 0

!l:l. Where a r e the output wl n.dings on an A!: generator? Repcitt problem •

with qu~im~
() 'R otor slfp rin-gs.
SJ!:nd v~ ur r~.:fe:r-e:r-.= e ~
0 Rotor with co m mutator . 6 1 %~
~ Stator :J -- ~~
~-; ·-~~ h
Q'ii) Flag th:ls question ~ store t his questk•n ~ Er~.S.•\ ~rt·OIJ !_

" .._:*";,o ~
Subsection: 17 ~ l. .I. . . .LJ f
_s ~._., ~~
~ =---~-- ~

94. The t6leranc-e of the AC g;enernmr frequency Is Rf.:part problr:m

withq u ~<m
£€9 2.0 Hz
S<:rid y"<)Ur refere nce~
Q 10Hz SS%~
Q 4 0Hz ;: .,.....__ w ~

Q Q Store t:hls qu.estlon ·11 ...::.~..:.:::... ~!f

(JQ Flag tills quest ion
;-: -
-;~· ~
..-, .

~M ·· -...-.,.
Subsection: 17 @
,! ~r-;J ~
r! = -:- -. "'"-
~ ~
!IS. l1 the phase voltage of a star wound generator Is 11.SV, what R"port probl em~
woul-d be the line to Une. voltage;? \''ith qur.;".-ti on
Q 220V
S;nd your refot,;r.: ;,Q
8 1 %~
@ 2 00V
0 :i.OOII tl·,..::~··· w ;
7 EI\.:;1\ PII i<:·~ G ;
0 '11) Flag this q uestion 0 ~ st ore this question : -&.-, f
.. r
1 ~ ... " , i:
-- -· :~
Subsection: 17 0 i~;.- ~~- ~:1~·
--- ,t:

!16. the line volta.g:e ot a 3 phase star connected AC' ·generator Is Report proble m ~
wi th ques'J t'n
0 less tha n the phase '•'Oltage
S<ond yaur refen:rv.e.O
0 equal to the phase voltage. 67%'i)
.9,9 greater than the phase voltage ~~ w ...,
. .,......
Cl'11) F'lag this question 0 ~ Stan! this question
fJ ...... ...~.-·

; EAS.•\ F'i'l rNl G
': :a.~1 ~
Subsection: 17 @ ___;_,! ~ ~
·1 =-- !:!;fJ(
;t -- -

!17. The voltage Induced Jn the stator of .an A!: g:e nerator Is produced Report problr: m~
by >'iith que 'lioo

~· a rotatin-g magnetic field

Send your ref!Orer>ct.O
69 %~
0 a tlx.ed magnetic flekl
!! ~ wi
0 an altematlng fl'eld
~l r.~.:;,;.::_ fi
• ; EI\.SP. PIIrHG !)
0~ f'lag this q utstJOn C) O Stare this qtt:stion • - ..- t
"' , t _ _, !1
~ =--=~- ~
Su bsection: 1.7

L !18. Oelta wound alt-ernator -currents: are Re p~ rt probl:m(ij

96. The line volta1ijoe of a 3 !P'hase star cocrmected AC iJeneratocr 1!i R~p o rt proble m~
with q ur.!.'tif>.11
0 l ess than th-e phase. 'J'Ol tage
S<Ond vaur refoter.:;,~
0 equal to th-e phase volta ge .. 67%~
~ greater than th-e phase voltage 1....-- ~ t
ri .--.,~ .~.--·
: . .. - - . , , M

0 ~ !"lag this q ue;;tm n ~ St a re this q•I 'OS tlan. J' 8\.511 Port-gG ~
f:': t~f·l
Subsect!locn: 17 @
i: =-:.:!£' 5
97. ihe voltage Induced In the stator of an AC goenera.t or Is produ ced R~poit proble m~
by . w ith que!.'til>11
send y<~ur r.eference~
6 a rotatlf\9 magnetic tleld
0 a fl;:ed ma9netlc field
!] ~ w~
( ) an alte.matlng tt eld
~i ·~~.:;:.... ij
1 eAS_I\ Fi\r!: ·(ilj -
U 'i r lag t 'lls q uestion 0 i(i) Store this qu'e:Stlon rI! ~"-..... -,'~ "i
Subsection: 17@
J=~~~ ~
!JS.• Delta wound alternator ·CUrTents are R«port problem~
-.1ith ·que:;;tioo
® th-e p hase current rn ulttplfed be th-e square root of 3
send y<~ur r«ferenci!~
Q th-e same as line current 7S%~
Q the same as phase current '1 -·- w ':~
: w~·.:t..
l; •J..·-~o.:--..a ~
Q(i) Flag this q uestion Q ~ Store th is q tL$ tloll ~ E.O.S!\ Pil rt·(!lj ~

.1 t
1, ~
S u bsect:lon: 1 7 @
99. The three voltages of a three t)haseo generator l!l:l"e connected R<!por~ proble m~
With tjLI ~ NI
Q • In paraltel wil:h each other
send your refeteht~~
Q in series with each other 63%~
~ Independently of each other ~{ ~
-~ ~ ,·
ll ·~ :~:::.... lj
CJ~ !"lag this q ue;;tk •n 0 ~ St oee u-,j,; q~JStiC!!'l Ji ~,, ;,.~.gij ~
~ -&,~; ~
Subsection: 17 ~ ;
~ ·----.f l
... ~
,, l!
J. =~--=~~)

l.OO . Single phase = mponents fn a 3 phase system may be R<.port problem

·connected between >l;ith ·qt:Jr.!.'tit<fi 0
~ an~·· p hase and earth or beotl'leen a ny two phas~:s S>.!nd your r.erer.,nce'i
0 p hase· A and 13 o,nl~·
Q any phase and earth '~
~ .....~

-1- ~;:·;~. ~ ·(!fj I<~-;-
l~l ~ F'lag this q ul:Stlon 0 Q Store bhis q\L~t lo~ _ .__
il, t ·•',,
t: f" !1j
Subsectl.o n: 17@ ~j =:_~i~~ ~

Buy lta rrs. Study ~loti!'S f<jr Module 3 in h3rd copy- do:!ive;ed to )'OUf home, anywhere , World;tlide.
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=-~ ~ ,.
EASA Par t-66
1.. What Is the S1 unlt of conductance? R"po rt pr'obl~m{;)
with q u ~i c·n -
Order Noo•.fles. '' 0 Ohm
S.erlcl yo ur r~fe:ren.::e '@:

1'utti!1,9l 5upport ,.
cr --, Ohm-metre

)t' ~~ 1-

Study Notes :·

Cl Q Flag tr.. 's q u.est l(CI I="' ;;t,:.rf' l: l'lt,-, qL!e.;.Uoc Elllii\ ~rt4.11:'-i
:.,..· _
·. ~..

·~ ,, (• · ~\icllnb~ ,\relt ,.,. 7 ·' " ' Sut~sectlmt: 3 Q !. I

:z ;;:;;.-.-. ~ -~-

Mem.ber s Ho)ITifl'

2... To t lnd which end of an electr·omagnet Is the n,a:rth pote, use the Rep~rt probiern¥)
Hy ?e.monal D-etails Yiithqum o,;, ·
Y, Right Hand tlasp Rule
S'.!r. cl Y•3Ur "'-''"""'":e\)1
~ Fl«rnfnq ' s Lett H.=.nd Rule
t~ tontrd Pan.?l
Q c::,rk S~r-ew
't;.:.t:.e a fest
l '10 r-·fa g tni~ que;;t ,c.n C Q Store t hiS qc:Btior EM.i\P':I<'·•u
Vi£W Ti!St Results Subsection: tOa Q ~ ..........,'
_.. . ~i\,,. t
• ___..__:::::::;:-.....:::_r
'tuto ria l :Support

Stud I' NOt•?S- '' 3 .. An eh:ctirle cu:rrent Is a flow ol' R~port prob!B_m g
'f'tith Cfi.J!...o<£•do.n
Q pt·~·t·) ns. fmm a po.sttl••eJv charged area ro a ne.gatl•Jely ch.;:,rged Send 'fCi.l t!!n:::~t@
e lect:nms fm m a ne.g:•tlvel ·~· cha rg-ed area t.c a positiveJ•f' char ged
a r:ea
..__, electrons from a positf>•ely ch.:cr.ged a.ri!.a to a negative !~· charged
' E<l5(!,1'or< -no :.<.
·. ;~;~
i~;~.:- -~~
(JQ' flag l i'l£ <:jUSEil! O!l C:: Q ste;r,;, t hl,; qu""tton · ~-:.."""'"
... ti.

subsectlu.n: 3 Q

4.. Lines of' magnetic flux pass from R~port

problem @
·;vith tj ue:!ititm
V N .t o 5 s..~n t! v.:sur rer~re:n:~~
~~- E toJ(..r . 85%\)
C 5toN: ~ i ll"""''""'""
,._..,.,:;..--" I
0 ,@ Plag tt: •~ !;lll CSt l!:m C 0 SturB t his qt:stiun. EA.S i\. P'mt-€6 1(~
Subsection: l.!la ~
~- -
....'ti..i... ~

5.. Which la•N ex;p.~alns thatthe direction at Ef+if Is afways such as R"fiorl probl""'0
to oppo.s e the effect producing .It? vJiUi ~ u ~io..i.

K Lent~s.. Law
f.;,r.;Wa·~·· s Law
S>!: r'!U :f'-lUr' ~f~ren-.:B=@
Q Ohrr~'s La w ~---

EASAfl\ fi

00 Hag l:t:.!S -qufr>t.<Jn c· ~ .Store t gu-ss'.f(!r:· _g,

~ ,..., ~--·
Su:bseetl-o'tl: 3 ~ =-~ ·,.: ,
6 ... ·-- ·--- R~pmt problentO

"Jflith q ue!!.."'t1i Nt
S-eru::l •(O.Llr te(er~h::t:~ '~
&5% 0'
4l ~--

i ----·-- _..,.
tfl!ll~P'ol~·o1 G

this symbol. fs a .... -::.. .........,._, 1
~ ..... ,

p hototrar,slstor ! ...... ,. . ~,. ~

ph m:od!od~

--,. -~ --- - - _,,-~
7. The earth's magnetic tlelrl l s ·g reatest at the R~po rt ;;roh!~rl\ Q
C .
mag netic c--qu.atur .
't'llth -qU!..~"1.:s t.\a ··
·. ,.,_
, ._ ~n d r·tlur r<: trtrt::l%1!,..,
geo;graphJc pole.s
magnetic pol,ss
· SZ%

C l@ Ha:;; l i"ts que;;t ton c-..: 0 S'tor•;; t !1!S q Uf!StKH"' E,l\$1'\Fn~ ·Jj (l ; ··~
'~- ~

- &;.·

Subsection: lOa ~ L .. -~
.... <>;~_


8. Faraod'ay's law States that R.~po: t prublem\}

with q uez.~ c·n

t h£ ma9nit ude of the EMF Is d !JBctly t :; the rare of
change of f1.ux
t he magnitude of the t~'l F is ircdire ctl}' proport1ona·l to t h-e r2te of
s.~tld ' refe.r~n:::e.:0:

change of flu~:
0 t h.a m agnitude of t he Et~ F is d irectly propmtlon.31 to th e mag netic '""?""'~~

~ ,.
!..cJ __ I
OQ Ha:;; this :jue.;t,c.n 00 5H•re this q .. -e-wor =~ -.. ,
"-" ''

subs.,.ctll:m: 3 V

9 . WMch ot the. totlocwlng Is determin ed by th-e. right hatHI grtp• rule? R~p~rl pro bl~rn\j
With CJU!!!>'tlru> -
Q The direction of cur rent tlow. in a coil
S>!!r'!d Y•:Iur ref~ren.::e(t)
t•i re.::tlon of movemer~t ot a ir!otor arm-ature C<'9~\i0
( )
i he n:~th po.le of an elsctrarnagr.~ti: fo.eld

L~ Q 51 ore t nl-s q =.H~5tlon

I.,_) (I Hag lhl:: ·qu*:-;t!on

Sub5ectk.n: lOa ~
-·. . .
E•S•\f"orl· ~ ~

!1.~~: "' ~~

; ;.::::.;.-
......."': ;
••. .,.. r
:___,..::_-=:_:... ~

1.0. WMch of the f~Uowlng is 1 Amp? R~p:-rt probl: rn.g

Y..'tth qu~"'t1 t:•n
0 1000 k>\
~ruJ yau; r~f~;ent l!'g
·x 1000~·~
!i)OO .fll\
~. .. . . &5%0
f.<P"" r
. , .
. ~
,_)@- Fla.g ·qu~SUUI (JO smre q·J,;,st!utc E.ll5J1. Pn~ -~ (!
; Jt',
: ,, ..
j .. :,. •
Subst!'C'tl<'lfl!: 3 V ;.;...·.~A~ - ,.4 ;

~: ~;.·~ _:!.1
~ ~


11. in Eo'le< clr<:~uRt;. Dlr'e;ct Current p.owe.r lls represented by the R~pr.~rt probl:'rn@

V Watt
~i't d ydur r'eft6re t1t!!:@
q u ~on

tJ' )oul.e
68% 0
0· 1\mpera
i~ ""';
CO :.;t~.:• rt: lh!s qu !Bt!on ;~~~~·'G t
~__)0 flag ttos qu5Uon

s.ubsectlmt: 3 Q
~ ~~~
. L ...,.,~

, ;:;:::::;;.......- - l!f ,


12. 'rhe property of a conductor· cf electricity that limits Ol' ,restricts R-eport probt-=r"O
the f l-ow of ete.ctrl<c current ls ·tv ilh q w.~:Io.n
S!!na •,t<lur t<:f"fen: e@

.re.;slsta:nce 8:5%\')1
i ~
\_.., .l lmitY

E~!l.f"ort·~ G
(J \J Play this -que:stJon [~ Q Store t t&:::, C!'-£5tJon - e.·
'*'-....- ~
-~· ....--:.- •
Subsectl<'ltl!: 3 ~ ·-....-... ·.,.,..

1.3,. To find the· d!rectlon of current flow ln a gene.rato-r armature l n a R-!!port pr'obl e 11't@
•JJ ilh !'s! l!'<o"}ti r'<fl
13.•. To 'fl.n.d the dh·ectlon of current flow In a genEJ',r ln a R~port problern @
w ith ·que-~..fM
ma911etic 'fteid you would us.,
S!!n d y'j u r- ~ fe:.t e.r t:: ~
Q Right Hiand t lasp Rule
0 Flem.lng '; Left Hand Rule.

X Fleming 's Rigi:lt Hand Rut~

EI\S.,_ F';)ff·hO - ¥~
C]~ Hag tr.ts q ul::;c,:m C:: Q : > tor,;, thl~ q•.:-:.;t,on. "" ,,

!._2 >..*<•' '

sub.sectl-on: 3 'I =-
•.. · ~· i'
- ·-· .....::::--..=:_,.

14. Wnat Is· the dlffel"t'!nce. betw·e en conductors and insulator s'? R~porl pro•blem
·t,•ii.h qu ~"n
~ C1:•M1uctor s. ha~e. a lar ge. n um ber of free electrons and Insu lators
Sent.! yOu r r-~f~-erY-e-
ha\·~ Jess free electrons
73 %0
0 t:ond!uctars nave a ·tow n um ber o·f free electrons .end lnsul at•)J"$ · ·~- ... ,
ha·•• E a lar ge nu mber of fn;,a electro ns
0 Conductor s have a lar ge n um.!ler of free el.e ctrons and lnsu l;;tors
E~J;'J,Pi'J~ ·.;(I
hav.: f,;;,r rr.ore fr~e el::ctrunsc
Q@ r-ta;~tiE :JU"-St on C@ Stor e this q;...:-e::itUJ~ ...

~ ;z;.;::. ~·)I(- ~

su:bsectlon: 3 Q
R~pa rt p ru ! ~rn
15. A measuring lnstrurtle.nt used. to mea.sure current Is th,e· 0
X ()
amm eter
v oltmeter
·t~ilh ~ue.!..'ti Oil

s.~ru.:J y•:JU r ~.::- fert=n:~Q

9L•,;, Q
Cr o hm mete r
- ~.fY I·

Ll'!ii r-la>J tr ·;; .qu~t,an c Stori! th;s q u~tuJr.. (J\Si\~r: ·f,IJ ... :;.•.
~... \'I

sub!lec:tlon: 3 V
-~ _......

.... !f.

1·6. In S.I. units, wo,rk .Is denoted by R~po rl ~robl~ r11 0

Yli lb qu~~M
e0 Hewton-metre '' il:llch Is :kules
Joul;:s/sec wh ich i:s Watt.s
Kl kii} ram-forc~-metre(>t?c w hkh Is f'1etrlc Harse.power
~n cl 'f!lU; r~.fe: e:n.:::l!" :.a.
-~ r

L IQ Hag u· s qu"'slio n c " Store: thf::. Q iJ ~tiOP

subsection: 3 'ii) ...., .;_
;z:;;;.--- ~.
- - -- r

1·1 . i>'lagnet!c flelds illr'OI!IIHI two p.aratlel coll dllctors carr~'l.l\9 c url'ent R~po rl problem'@
In the same dlr.Bcti·O!l:S. wm 'I.Jilh ~ u~-ti t.on ···
S-en d you r r~ft!-P·.:!ntl!~
0 w il l attract or rep.€1dep'endl ng on the type of cum:nt
'S.l %l
f ~

D'J.!h\ P':ont ·OG
(JQ Hag tll tS qu~t!O!"i c;0 Star~ t his qu,;mor<. -..
.§, r-!
U ._..r
Subseetlcm: lOa V ~...... ~. ;,\.

U'i. Gilas.s ls a.n ~ample of a R~po r t pn:lbler'nQ

0 para m a.gnetlc mater/at ._,ith q u ~'ti l>ft

S!-r'1d v~ ur' r'l'.! f~en:e. 0

0 coe.rd~e m 2rte.rtaJ
X diamagnetic m ate rt;.;l
, n% 0

U~ Fla;;l q ue:;;t,ort 0 ~ Stur e this q l-E:.!itton WA-P>trt·ftG -

i:.... !

Sub$ectlom lOa Q ....

= ... \J. !f' ~

19. A para~ m a.<QnetiG materia l Rt!po rt p r obl~ ril g
0 w hen magnet is=-d prod uces a m agnet ic fl~ld In o pposi.tla:r, to the
l'litl'• q u ~ti wi ..
~n cl y.:~ur re:r~~n:l:! ~
rn agnetislng fi ell:l
65 %~
0 ls e O!SII)' f'llO!QM tised
c Is m ag net lsed wi'h consld.:rab l-:! dlfftwJty

X ( -")U Hap trts -qu~r:an C-Q S!O.r'f.~ l td£. QL~5':" If.! !'l
·--~·t' -
p... ~~

~ ....., ..'I

Sub~ectlcm: lOa ~ . ~~-.- '--;'\_. ;


20. T a deter ntl.t\ e the· direction of the m.agtH!tk Hel d aFolmd a R~po rl prob l ~ !ll
·tJith e; u ~k(n
conductor you wo u'ld: us:e
V' t he .corl<s,: rew r ule
S..nd your r~f..,.c!t>Ot!>
74 %'
{ } Flt; mJng' s rtght ha nd ru le
() Flemlng 's left flan.d rule

0 v Fla-g tr.i.s :JU~tton ~- ~ :; this Cl'- e;;t,;:,r

j,: ~ -· i
Subsectln u : 3 Q _, ;;:::;;.....,..

21. Wh at d:Ct you call mated .als tllat spo ntaneo usly magnetise R~po rl prob l ~m

th em selves.? Ylilh q u ~DI\

5--~ nd yo ur r~feT!:!n:e Q

() Diam ag netic
Ef!St\ P.nH.tlJ
QQ H<;fl l.";tS qu est•on c Store t.hls q=.. ::5 t l!H'!
•~:,~ -~
subsection: lila Q .. i
2'2'1Jr II materials, abso.fute Jl'e.rmeabllity Is di::Jl!ot<e:d by the symbol
a.. R<'porl probl':'m ~
A iJ and Is equal t OIJo x IJr
'tr.'lth •1~ u r reFttren:e Q
qu~~D.n ·

() fl., a nd ts eq ual to Ei/H 7l.'li>"

0 ~rand i:S equal' t o 1J :-: fl<>

C)Q Hag tlc•S qusr c.n [ 10 .Stf.•(e tttls q,_;:;,;;t,c.r. Ell.Si\F;trt.·t;l! -

$ 3 ~ ~.... ,. .
,. •·<A r
- -- ·::=.: ...!"'

23. Th e Sl uo!t of wo:r k Is the R~p~ rt prt>b l ~ r1i , 1

·to~ i th qu~'t'ic<~l"""
}( Jllu!e
Send •rct ur r~fl!.ren~c- ·0t
U Wat t
C rvewton ME<

0 Q flag lt.s qu;:;t 011 C 0: 5torC~ tr!lt E(~•\ Pi'H1:·11(i

!h ~'
Subsection.: 3 ~ ... ,-
'; :..~........ ~ . 'li

24. J<la gnettc Hnes are fl a w ing pal'allel. The:y w iU R~porl

pro blt!lll @
~ r epel e<:>Ch other with ~ u ttt't=ic n
S.,n d y<Jur refen; l'l>:~@
l,) att ra<:t e.a:::h o th er
i 3Ph@
Q h;a\•e no effect o n each ot her
QQ H ag tms !:JU("SCan L ~ S!f.•rf' t qu.os•.lu''

s ubsection: lOa 0 -·.....

£.f(!;.~\ ~rH·ti

,g, ·•


__ _::::;:=..::...,

25. According to F.leml f1•!l5rlght hand rule t he thum b, tlrst ·fln g ecra:nd Rt!porl prubl"ll\Q
'- second f l'tlger co~l'espo nd to " 'ilh qu,.,.~; DJI
25. Acmrding to F:lemlrtgs .rlgl\t hand rule the thumb, first fil~ge;r and R~~ort pro bl~m Q
second f fnger cf!>rrespond to w ith q ue<!;tit>J\
~l'ld y<lur referen:•Q
0 m agnetic F'J eld, force, Current r8spectlvelt
74 °,t~
m otlc.c;, For-a:, Curr~nt respe.c ttve ly
mot!an, t·1a9netic f"leld, Current reopoectlvefy
.c: EASI\ ~lt · (~ r.

(_) \) Flag i.l': iS ~u;;,;; t •D !1 r_; Q StC>r E< t rJs q•.rE.Stlon : -··---·
il•. <

Subsection.: 3 0 · ~ ...... .•..

-. . -:--~""'

26. Oof the to!lowln;g whkfl pair of materials woutd m ost readJly R<!port probi""'O
become Jnag.netl:z;e d1 with q u e-~5 U~"1.
~i"1cl yu ur r-eft!rc r.:::eQ

Copper and steel
kc•n -~nd steel
u Nk kel 2nd br<:>nze
E•.'l•l. Pnr>: ·QQ ~.

C l@ Pia'.) 11' •: ~U i2SUn C0 St!:O f t! t nls questior - ._

.g._ '
I ,, '
~ - -·
S ubsection: l.O.a Q ·- ·:;.-..-
~ ":""'
¥- · ~ ?-

27. The effect of Inserting an iro.n eore Into a current earrylng· eoll is Report ;Jtobl"'"'@
the t.lux density af the magnetle tle!d produced by the eoJI wi ll witM ·que.-t'!ivtt ·
5-end y<J ur te.f!:!i~ti-::~r.
() r~Jnai n th e s.arne 8_] D./{j
X decrease.
Incre ase

O=Q' ria·~ th !£ qut;st iDn [_~· 0 Store t his qi-i 25tl0n -..
Eflli M'\> " · ~ ~

"''~ ,f
.., ,-
Subsection: lOa 0 . ;z:;:;....... • 'I

2•1!!. the property o'f a mat-erJal l:.o accept IJI'Iies. of· flux Is called R.<!part problem 0
W ith qu estlrut -
~ re. l uctanc~ S~r'1d '/.OUr' re fe:rE!OCe '@
.A perm~abl l.lty ' 85°/!J \)1
) rete, ntiv lt~·

L_j @ f' tlm qusst 1an 'i). St;)f 8 t his qLStlon !Wi>\Pnlt ·ol ~
.-... - ._t·..
i· ·~ ' '

___. ...... ..
Su•bsectlon: 3 Q "'---' • ~ I
, ;:;,-.-
: -::::-_::_,.

29.• Ampere tu·ms. i s cakulate<J by the numbet" of tums R~ fmrt pr , bl ~ l'rt @

X m ui tlpll.e,d b'y o.trrent 'fii th qu"""'.iM ·

:::..end yctur r~f~ !::!n:::t!@
v divided. b·1.• current
0 m ultiplied by!c flux
".v r

(]0 Ha9 U>1~ ·qu;;sl!on C'~ Store t tlb q•_.=s:iort E05i\Pi'! rt; -;) lj
.Q, _..., , .t
Subsection: iOa Q
~ "(""'

! ;.;;::;;,-.-. · · -: rl ~

· ---=~-

30. Ohm 's law states that: R~p~ r·t probl:'r'rt 0

~~..... = .w .rrf:nt div ld.r.<d by e . m .f• ·t~Ji th t:(Ut!'!<'lu:.:n ···

S.-ei'ld yo ur refts"-erl::f!:~
0 e.m.f, =oJ.rrem divid-ed by reslstana:
x t iJ.rrent = e. rn. f. divid-ed by re.slstanc1.0

0:@ Hag t.!'_ts qu6UDn C _,..,.. . """''


v Stor e Lh: l::~ qLe:sttor::

1:11$ •\ P.'Yt?i ·~l)
g 'l,.t-!
ir.... ....
su.bsectl·o.n: 3 Q
; ;;::;~~-

... "i-. r
·. .----...::= :..r

3 i.. the com used f or a.n el-ectromagnet !s soft ;I ron beca us·e- Report p_
C tts magnetism ts not easily destroy>:d
~ r'1d
"t.'ilh q u !!-..$tjoil
u·.in 1r' ~114-!"',..IY',.._ C).
31. The cGre mate.t<lal used for a.r1 el ectromagnet [s sol't ,Jron because H.!!porl problem@
with q u '!.!!.t~ c-1\
Q ·its magnetism i:s not easily ·destroyed
S..en tl y>::!ur r:tft!rf..:'n-:e\:)

it d emagn etlz"s ;:o2;sUy 7!:%0
It retains n1-~ st of it s. flu x density when den1.2Jgfl2ti2ed ·.fr}

CJ 0 !' Ia ~ t" ~~ ~iJ<f...>Un r·-~~ SMe this qu;:;;t!ilr. EJJJ~\~ft·(lti

Subsectron: .I.O.a 0
± - .........

=-·::.:::_;.~·~"!:.'!."_ ,.

32. the tln.e s o-t magnetic flux. fr·om a magneot wm R~po rt prablern

X rep~el ead 1 other

wi th
s~n cl ,,~u r r'6(e;re:!\ ::e@
~ue.-'ti Wt

>...•...1 attra-ct each other 7 l. a,-b~-

() havB no effect upon ea.:!-, ot hBr
00 Ha; tru~: ~u ~_; t !N1 1_; Q St!J r•? t hh:, TJ·ii.>tiOfl U>.S"-F'IltHO If'-
-c.- ' .... ~- jl

subsection: loa \1 ~- __ ,_.,,,.,
·fl.· .,,

33. When the south po.les ot two bar magnets bJ'ought too c!e>se R~ po rt pro bl"n' 0
wilh q u ~.i r..\!i
together, th.e1'e w!fl be
S-end yo u r r~f!.S't:l1::!!.@
Q no force
(J a fc·r·ce. cl attra:tiGn

x a fo rCB. cl repu.i siDn

Q Q: r:~ ta ;~ tnJE -qu-e.;t,c~n C 0' St;:;r;:, this q ue5ti!if\

EI\!Jif~o P'i'U~Aj lj

Subsection: lOa Q .:-;·~- ~

34. The s)o:mbo1 for t!ux den:slty· is.

Li H
R-ep.o rl probl>':l'l10
S."'!n tl y;:;ur ;eft!'Tr=n:~\)
0 ~~1·11'

Cl0 Ha g~ ~~ qu~m !a n (] 0 Stwr~ this qu;:;;ttor:,

:r·. .
tfiSt\P,t!rt ·OU

i "' J<!'
Sut>sect[on: 3 0 '!_ - -- i
'"'~' .
-~ -
·- -~--- -
. r

35.• The term that[bes the combined reslstlve :forces In an At R·eport pro bl~ rn~
c.kcu'lt Is w ith qu,;t;;m ·

lmpedan c,;,
:E..:!ruJ 'f•:.ll.Jr' rt:fi!JI!!J\:::.e@
0 tat~l r,;s.l stance

C: Q stc,r>O: t r1!!> Y'-·"'s:!OI'! EAS!::r.:·(fO ~ . Jr:~.

C~):@ Ha-:_:1 t~~s qu~t l(if1 .g,
-... .

~ :-..;.:.,

Subsecti-o-n : 3 "' ~ ~-.- . .~~.!:_~'.


3-6 . If .a load ln series has a curr-ent passing through lt, the· magnetEc Rep~rt probl':'nl0J
t!e.ld: can be w -orked out by u.sfng w1th q u~t"-1 c.-n
'}f t he .co rkscrew r ule
S-e nd ycur- ref!!>r2hce.@

'C rigM h~lid fUl t!

0 le ft hand rut,e

E,t'l;i/i, f'l'lrii ·•:i(i

(] ~ Ha;< trlis qu~twn C:0 StorB thts quest!o;: --~=.·
..g... t-4

-:·--! .....,.,. ~
Sut)sectl-cm: 3 Q : ;,:: :;;.-
- . -L !-

37. Using Ohm's law Report p ro bl "rn~

...-... ..,.,i th OU!!t!.tibn
37.• Using Ohm''s law R<!po r·t probl,nt g
(-.., w ith q u ~Ji c:• n
resistana= Is directly praport b:;nal ta- !'J.,e>
( -.., S.!!nd yawr t~fe.telitl!' iJ

w:rr~ nt Is dlr€-<:tty pmportlan al teo tr100! r esl.stano:e
'--'' 65%0
curre nt Is dtrectfy pro portion al to the t:t'lF

(]@ Fia-g ti'IS qU'iiSt•0n C O$tore Ci '""'5t iOI" E'l':' J\P'i'l:--r.:.·~ r;

Sut1secctlon: 3 0 ~~~;-~~ ~.~-

;;;;;;·,.·- ll-_1{

33. E.J<i. F~ In an elecll'lc circuit cC>rnspom'l.s to what !u a magnetic R-eport p ro bl~ m@

w i thq u ~M ··
~f'1tf Y"Jlli" r'-!!f~refl.: !!=@
0 flux

() ,r eJucta n CE
;i ~

C/I.S.I\P.oit.: ·<iG
~,p,! ~

- ~.
00' Ha·g ttl;:s ~Uf!St ion C \) 5tm·e t hl$ qc E:.5tiCJ!1 .8•-t-!
~ .. ~f
su,bsectkm: 3 V ~-r- ,.,._;· ,. ~

:l9.• Fa.rad:ay•·s Law .r elates to R'!') port p rob!t: r~O

v;ith q i.J ~.:k\tl
() the rate af c hange nf m rren t i.n a n mduci:D r
X the rate >Jt 1:hange {)f fh.IX In an iru:luctDr·
th-e rate ot change ot frequency .in an lod ~.> cto.r
S-erid ~u ur rtf~e !'):e. @
\..,.! l ~- .sv,.
00 Ha:;~ tiHs :;u f.s t .on C @Sto,·;, t his q;.e5t•or. Ef.l..Si\P,Jt·!Jtl .,..

Subsection: 3 Y ..... .. ...
- ~ ........ :_

40. Potetlt!al difference Is anoth er term lor R<! porl prublt!rtrg

witt1 -q u ~-ti t.~n.

ener gy
Send 'f<lW' re(C:te oce.@

8 \<'L!Itag-=.
:S.7\\'.l -

()'~.) n;~g &.Is q usst1Df1 C@ 5tc.r!< this; q•.•:ztlon ii.O:ii\ l'llrHG ,if'.
....~-- ,.. .' ~ .
.. .
Subse•ctlo:m 3 0 ~: __..

.... f
i ;;:;:.;.-..··
-- - .-
41.. the unit or eneorgy fcs the R,;,port problern~
0 Watt
with q ute:tloll · ·
5-.;n(J yt1ur ref&.; rt: ~ 0J
0 D.:•ulomb
~ Joul-e -; ~

•.,.. f

C l@ Flag thJs qu€5t ..:m (J~ S tc,re t his q~;;,;;~ JQP

subsection: 3 0
r.Jt5 ll,~ rt· •) lJ
""'· ~.{

:~ '* . .~
.. . ~-.....
-- -·-··- ,.
4.2.. How would you find the: direction ot th-e: e !ectro.n flow [n an R~po rt
motor armatur-e lo.catei! In a magnetic tleld? with q u ~i o.n
X Flem ing's .right hand rule ~h d y~::~ ur' ~ fe:r en:.: ~ @
+6% @
Q Maxwell's corkscrew r ul e
0· Fleming 's left 'hand rule
00 1\l'li ~ · Q~
(J ~ Flag tills q u-esbon (-=-~::~ Store thi£ q~- ~tiUt~ ¥·,
.i "' • -!
~..! ~_ ..., t
Su:bsectlom 3 ~

ot:3 . rllagnetk Hnes ot: flux wilt always R«port prubl'"' ' 0
~ flow thr ou{)h wnduct.ors w ith q u ~*!S ~..-. n ·
4:3.• r>'lagnetk Hnes of ftu:oc win always. Report proble_rn ~
w ii!i qu~Dft
Q f low t hrough w ndu.ct:>JTs ~l'Jd y.:1u r referefl:'~ V)
l( f;Diio w t h e path e<f least reluctance 72 %~
~__,~ folio w the path af ·l .o;ast resl ~tance

00- F'la g th s :jU ~L H)!l C \)S ture t his qc.=>r.tun.

Eft:i~ P.,!t· ~ O
-i ·~ ·•,
Subsection: lOa 0 =-- ~-·I
~:::: :·; :0
44 . fhe unit f or power Is R..,port p ru bl r~n• Q
with q u ~~k.•.n
C tUrn S:!ncl lf(!Ur ~f~eJl{;e.@
V .J.:;ul:s poBr second 7S%\l
(~ V'DitsjP.rnps

00 Ha ;!li'IS qu ::.;;L>on C:: ~•e this q·J

e:5t iO'' Eillii!.Frut·GU
;. '!',
,g.. ·~ ~ ::
Subsectio-n: 3 0 '"'~- ,
: ;:;;-r ~ ..' ..;

•t 5. f he unit of rn.agn etk ffux Is t:h.e R.~p~ 1t pro b!"'"' Q

'l.~t Lh qu~·'!:U:· fl .

~n tJ y<:iJ r t!:.f~tStt:e~
r •
L i electr on volt

(]@ Ha 9 t!'! S qut:;;t ,,:,n (:; 0 su.r r. t qc.fost!N1 E•>!i,l, P<ll't ·ij(o ~ If'·
.. ,..,.t
- ? • 6.' "

Subsectton: lOa Q
~i ~-:;:.-n ~·; ."- ~

4·6. Fte.mln•g's Left Han-d: Rule is used tn assodatlon wl:t!1 R~p o rt. pno bl':':'rt li}
"lflilh ~u!!:!."ticit
(J m agnets !km:l you r Mef!!rertcE~
(J ger.-!: rators.
X mot•N'5 \ ~
7'9 %\'1

0 @f'lag t!" !£ ·:jU£Gt iOn C \l Stor~ t.!"tl:& q<.. :.iGt tor' EAS.~\ ~1'< - +i(i f>t>.~

.911!,. . ~ :• ~ ,.
su.bsecth:m: 3 \) ~:..:. ..~-- ~ !
... . . . .
=·r ·.. ~ r
---== ..r
47.. A volt can be ca.nsldereod to he· a R~pt1rt ~ro b! ~ ;n@

H q uantity e<f e lectrical energ~·

Yti th q u ~ r:•.n
~r'1d ~(·uur ~fl!.ren:::e '@
A unit •Jf .electncal press.ur;,
\_) unit o:J f e l ectrie~l p.Dwet·

0 V) rla9 lfll~ r;u !:5 ti Qf1 c~ o 5t:J f f: t.!)f::., CpJ ~StWP EOSil.l"alt·qQ - ~·~
~...1. ~
.9~ -. ' .
Subsectlo,n: 3 V ........;. ~ ._ ...... !·
, •••-u" ~::'r.·
~- ....:-:::::::...:...~
48. Air' gaps w ithin a magnetlc dr'Ctlit prllvide p.ath:s of R~ port p r <~bl e inO

V hlgl1 re luctance or magnetic tl.ux

w ith
S<!ncl :rcur r~ fe.e r.::~O
q u ei.1i c. J~

,..c:J, hlgl1 tll2lgnetk tl ux with low remanern:e

61 %@
( - '\
'\...i low· rt=m..a-nence t o r.n a=.gnetk: fl ttx · .-.--- =i<.V r
[}@ H<> g tt. os q u'€5t·.;;,n C:@ st c. rc; t t·•b q·~ ''''t'o ~ 1!1' '5i\ PiJ~·i)(i ~
8 '1,..,1-!
subsection: lOa 0 -,;;...... .
' >:i:;<.;,""' " .. ~ ~
,______ · :: ::.=:...

4·9. A .solenu,ld. n·f 10 turt'l:s: pe.r earrles: a CIHtent of SA. If the R-eport prob!et'n ()
currettt Is redLrceod to 2.SA, how many· turns would b.e. required •r,si lh -q u ~~Dit
~:""'"'··' ••.•-..... ....) t:"......... ... ,.. .. G
•HI. A soten.o.ld of l.ill tur.ns pe<r metre e.arrtes .a ctHrent af SA. If the Report pru bi ~H1tQ
curre<n't .l:s .re;cl:uced to .2.5A, how many turns wou.ld h e requ ired with -q ue:!"ti ;;..i~

to mafntal t\ the same mag:netk fletd? Serl d '{•:Jut rt ft!f't! r):e

' 8{1%\)
0 s
,...,...,...,:--- - ~
81-SA. P:Vt ·\!(i ... :r-:
8 "~"~
r ·lQ Hag t t;JS -qu .e:·; t ll)f'i c~ ::;ted(: t h!~ qt.:.· ~-';t'i!';l'\
::: ~-r-

::..._ _ _::::=--..::..r
.... "'. ~
Subsection: lOa Q

50 .. the corkscrew rule is used to determine the R.!!p~rt probl:m0

c d lm cttll n a.f magnetlc h e ld' a round t h e conductor

w tlh
S~n d your fe!!f!!>rt:!'rke~
t!)ut!'!.tt Plt ··

d lri!J:::tilln of .;;,iectr£>n fl ow through a .:ooou<:bJr 6t%Q•:::tkm of 'bot r. rnag ne.tlc field ar ou nd' a c u ndu.:tN a.nd' current ;~ .s.r ;
dl re•:::ttll n through a <:om Ju.::ror
~ ·\Po.1~.ft C.i
(]@ Flag l hls lue;.t ,on c~ ~;tore Lhls q tJ~5ttO fl
g""-~ ~~

Subseetl;om 3 0 ""'"' .
s L The opposltl.on .o'ftered by a c:oH t;o the flow of .alternating Repcrrt pm blem0'
current Is called { !ltsreg;arding resistance} v;ith q u ~'tkut ·
S<!l'ld '(.:Jlir ref.,.,el'>:e\)
0 re.luctan ce
' :5:5 %@
() Impedanc-e ~! ............-
'-'lit }.
0 inductiv e re:ct:;nce
X {~!@ Flag \.IHS '~U;:.;;Lon [~ 0 :it(!r E lhl~- q :.1 S£t10r
' tJ'.t;S:I\
'! -to;
~~l'{ .,lj

::. ' -h~ t
Subsection: 3 >\) ~. ;·~· ~
;w-;.· t-
~--- - -,
52.. Self ln•duced Et-lF in a coil supptled w ith a current va-ryl tl9 at a R~ po rt pro bl""'0
uniform rate ca.n be found by w ith tl U ~'t1 wt

0 - N d.t /•jt Send •fO ur tt!fe:-el1:!!@

Q -L dtP / dt

(.--., L ·"1 ' rlt
~- ~-
,. If'>
!....._) ' " ' '~·fs:Aor.
~ j.l
'-;c ··•·, "11
" ll'-.::.:.~.;.; C·.i Y,-... <>:••·u .
-·-••-"~ l 1,'11''::..-:..q";...!.7.!1\.
"""'!' •·

- .c.-
:-v r

• • ·•.• ··of .•• h.

9• ,,
..,;,.;.L .... . . l
subsecti-on: 3 "
• ;;:,;-,.-.-
~ ... ;I

53. Why l:s: f errite used En memo.ry drcu!ts? Rep~rl pmbl ~m~

,(-l High reluctance

W-Ith ~U~"!.'tio1l. .
£ericl vcur t-e f~en.:t!:@
A. Hi.g h re m "nen ce
0 Low permeabHity ~~ ~.,,

()Q Pl.:>;i t'los que;; t ••:m (] '0 Stt;rf.: t his qL f:-:5tio:-~

-.... ...... . . .
lll<Si\Pi'll'!-40 ~~-
SubseEtlor.: lila 0 ,
;~::.o,;··-- ,.,. ~

54...Where Is tl~e n~agnet! c d!p least? R¢!pr.Jrt pro bl ~ rr. :\}

V Equa tll r with que'tku•
Send y<l ur' ~">lf.,.,;,l'>: !!ii}
"§' Poles
Q tsaclln•:;ls

:]0 Ha g t.t11.s .qu,;;t ,an c@ Sf() fft t'hls q l.;.f::"5tiOf\ EASit.~rt ·~i;;

.fl•.. • <!
Subsection: lOa Q ----·---- ,..,._.,
-L :t


55. Wh.e n a. c-onductor Is cut by ma-gne·t lc lines. of force an EMiF Is R'!port pmbl..,r;, o@
L Induced. This is y.•ith qu~t1
5.5. When a c<~nductor· ls cut by n1ag:n-e.1:k lines. of force an EMF Is R~port prob!~r:n :@:
wilh q u ~~n
Induced. thls Is
S~rt d 'f>".lUr rdt:.tti: ll ::e \ l

Fa:ra· day~'s Law
Kirchhcft's La\1.'
c Lenz...s.s. La w

E/l~~~~rt-(,fJ :r~~.
C-::1@ f La-p tn1s quf<St >:•fl C0 .Sto re: th!s ::p.!~-~t'H:or
~- L ' ... ""y'
Su;b.sectl·o,n: 3 Q =~ "'-;.• f
·····-·:.:::::::·:::. _,.

5!5. WMch of tl\e fotrowlng Is determined using tlHo right hand grip R~port prob!e11'10
·yo~ith q u~'ti l'lrt
r u.le?
S-end •rou; r~f~e.rr.::eO
() b !re.rtlan 1)f mov~r:nent of a rr1ator a·m1arure
The north po le of an ~lectrcmagn.::!Jc freld'
Dlre,ctl on of ru.rn:l'lt 1\ow In a CXJJI
: ~~
65 ~,,a

E_i"C;I\P.\~·+) (i

C .g, StHB this qu""t10:1 if'=,

L)'ii;J Fla ;1 ti'::•£ ::]Uf<St,on -.c
Y"... t-t

Subsectlo.n: 3 Q
.. ,
·=- · ·~

. .~en a fer:rltoe cor-e !s placed l n.sJd·e a colt the flux dens!ty R~porl pn;)bl~ril0
'flilh q u e.&'t!OiJ:
(A ·incn? as':s due t-::• th e. rt:lath'e pe.rm.eablli t~· ·Of the· core 5.-em.l yo:Jur refen:!'n:~@
Q muease:s due w tb.e Increase il'> .ma9nedsl ng force ;ro% \)
C: t(:t tha- in ,:re.~s€rl relw:.ta nee of th e cor.:
decre.:::s.:.s du:e

Q@ Fla9 tim qu€;StJon C r· Stor~ U"!!S cp. ~ ~:u;;0. tf.tS,\po;,t:;·(.(i

:r·. ...
. ~
!IJt- ~~
Subsection: lOa V
........ r
. ....u--
.. .,
.· ::. . -.....-. ') r


SJl. When arl eclectrlcal supply becont es 'open·cl f'cuJt' R~port probl~ r'tlQ
v.•ilh q w~o.n -
~. t he l oss (}f cootfn~~ty wllt prevent I~ com~n~nt fro~; ~u~tleorting 5-:!mJ 'f·:lUr r"t:fe.i<::! r\::~=@1:
C1 t hi: ·compon ent i'lil.t C!j:."!el'l>te oc•rmatly but wtll no.c SW!.tcn off 8;.4i. ~la@
Q tht: tus;; or d rcult b.raa should' l50iate the circuIt to ·the
J ncr~ as~ curr-=nt dra'wn

0:@ f-la g tt'·t5 ~U~..lit lOrl c \) Stt:; f B U'l!S q U£":StH:~rr

EttSJ1. P;u~ ·flti
n-._,. '
r T "
..: '

~ >; I'(

~-"} .. a..,-,

Subsectil:u1: 3 Q
S9.• A coulomb ts R.-! !port Prbblt!f'ft.~

c one a.rnp.ere per :se.:ond

withql! ~Nt

S,ri cl y<lllr r<:fe,t en~e0

i one s.:.cond' per am.pere

o ne. ampere x s<ooona1

0\l Flilg t!';S ·!:ji.H'"!;( ~;)fi c-:@; S!f.=t'f.~ t lt!S qu:::.::tn':=C


. : E.l'l.:1l\f'"3rt-IJ(i
:;,5 %~

-:- ¥t

Su;bsecHo·n: 3 liJ 8:;:~ ----; .

~- "'iio.;:,il ~

60. The uni t ot flux !s the P.r.: port probltem ,

with q uM'tioil 0
0 turns
:;,~md V•3Ur f'""ef~n=rt::e=@
g Weber
c Ampere· turns j m.:t re
:wr ~

0 0 i'la ;~ ti:~s .qu;;:;;t;c•n r ~ Stwr~ this qusc!W'

fJ'.i.St\ P.o!R·~t. :.,..· ...#

.9· ,.,
Subsection.: lOa Q ..... ;-~ ._.¥,
;;:;.,.-.- ........""" ~ ..r

61.. When a number of ferrlte phoce•.s are grou:ped together, they R~port problent~
wiL'iqu ~ cm
L C) .:re seml -pe.rm;;nent nBQn.ets w hen Dt: is oe;s.sed thml.Mlh tl1e.m .!.::'i
6:1 .• When a ruu.mber of ferri te ptece.s a!'€· QI'O•U,JH<d t;r,gether, they R~~a tt probl ~ tn Q
w ith q u !!!.13t.'.n
(J a,r.e Si!ml- pem1anent m~g Mts when OC Js t t ht:m

Q be,:Dm e ~h?ctr.!)ma gn ets
c om be· U!Se·Ot c stmB bin~ry 4:od e
~r1d y\.'l u r rt:[ftl'ence:~

, ...,..~,,. ..: ·'""""'"'""'


~ Fla ;t tr,,;; :JU "-'5LC;1'\ [~ Q
(] StOf(' thiS qoJ E-:.!A t:: U)fl El\SM'i>r-·QG
.g~ .. -~
.. .
SUD$!!Ctlcm: lOa ~ ~..:::..;· _.... , i

6:2.. Kirchhoff's law states K-!!p~ rt prc•bl~!'tt,@

Y.·'llh q u ~""'tlt C• n ·
X t he algebr aic su m o,f 2·!i t he v;:.IV..ges ent erJng o1· leavmg 2 senes •l f
;com pon ents wl ll b;, equ al t o zero
5:-.enrJ yatJr 1"-t! ff!rt!.JX: ~ '@.
() t he z,lgebralc su m at ,;til the cu rrents. entering o-r lea\ling a series of
i):ln1;pon ents Will 'be 12qu at t C! one
0 thE inVerse sum {)f alt t i'te Voltages er"terJng OJ" le<!iv'ln.g a serJes of
com pon ents Wi ll b e eq ual to ane
..8',.'A . ~- -
~----~ ....,,_.

. "'
0~ Ha g m;s qu;;st.on l~ \) Store t his q r.!e:.;;t!Or!. ;
' ~:;;.........
-· ~

subsec:tton: 3 V

63. The d!FecUe>rt Df Indu ced conven UtH1a.l current In a w l!<e rota ti ng R~ po rt probler"Q
In a magnetic fle!d can he determ ined by with q u ~'ti t) Jl
s~n d ~Li r' rer~:trern.:e@
V' . 's 'fight ha nd rule:
f'let"VIIng .q,g•,;, t),
U F!emln9'> ,feft hand rul: , ,
~ -~

( ) ;cork •~~rew rule

(J~ Fla-g qu:st;;,n [ ?@ Store this g,.:S£tu:m ,"1 -·-

Ei'So1. l'~ rt ·QG
;~~ " ~' ;

SubsecHon: 3 0 ~-- ~;.,;.· ~


64. Which of tile totlowing !.s determined using the rlght hand g r'l p R~p ort probl"mQ
r ule·? v:ith q u ~lo..'"t
Send yot.J; r -t!.ft!".<enee@
0 C•l rectl on ·M mo·.•ement of a motor a.m1,atu re
c 77': ./aQ

b lrectlon .::;t cu:rrent tlow lfl a DJ II
The nor th pole o ( an et&trarnagnetk . fi eld
E.l'i.5i\Pi\ t!; · ~ (i

Cl@ f'lag ttl!:'' gu~t;c,n C-v A ~··.,·

...- ~ t-. t:! t i~Jc
l :.> ~ · ···->-
-r~ ~ ... h•.r ,n... .a, -.$.-
l. '!; ....:-~·
Subsectlort: 3 0 ~<:'".

6.5. F-araday's la\!1 applleSi to R~pt.~ rt P r'Ob l e rn~

c; motors with q iJ ~Itii c- n

Ser"!t.J your reft!<.t-er.::!!@

c -,
ge f¥-: r.a~t o rs ....,;

1~1 0 Fla9 U\i~ !:fllt5li 0!1 [:;01 StDre this qct"->t•or t:.!Ui!\?.'lrt-tll:;
<8"1,.. '~
:. ·':···
Su<bsectltH'i: 3 V
. ~--
. .,

65.• TWO· parallel fl.tu!s of magneotk flux In t!H:. .sa,meo p·Dilill'lty Repo rt problernQ
(J ;;ttra,~t e,a,::h other wifh q u ~ D i!

a have no ~ff&t on earh ol:h-er

S." nd Y'"" r'efe're n;:e@
?9 0/~ :@

X ,ro,pel ea.:h oth er

U0 Hag tl' Jf, :jUfo-'t 'c'n C'lt Stnm t his q;:btlon

, ~

~ :

W •\~riHlti

g., ,(
SUb$eCUDn: lOa Q -~---·
~t_~-:-~~. : ::::;
~ -7 Wh ~ o"'k ;r,.·f t-:hi:o. lf~H .-.. u.Jh'on ,..,.::o;t.:.: .,oh.Jc .o"':l..-1'1-l'\h'll' :h ..a. :tfo·\~ru..,.:. H ~.r.o...f'? R~!Otlrt tuubl !-! ilt.l':'lr..
67. Which of the foHowlng materlats cannot b·e mag netised? R~ r:.m rl p ro bl ~ rllQ

X\ l
biamaonet lc
rernJm aon &li!:
Y-n cl Y':}Lir' ref!!rl'!~: e:.@
q u ~i>ft

. 76 %"'
(i Parama~netlc ~}.

UQ Ha;; tnt£ ·gu.;;,st,Gn C ~Stare t his q •~5<.mo n &l.Sl\~ft · (! Q

·' f,.

Subsect~on: lOa ·~ .g~~=

. _';'.M,- ....
~- ..

68. 0:11e vott ls ilnd!uced Into· a d f'Cult w ith <l curi'E!'g at 1 amp R~ pt!rt pro b!~r lt@
'IJ. ith ~ U !!' .
per second. The drcult has
$.er1fJ ~f·:l llr' r~ fe;-t!n:::e~
0 I f=sla 65°)'a =@"
c~- l an1!pere turn

x 1 Henry

(]@:Ha-g: t ·:Js qur.-5t !On c=:0 :7-~t f.•rf~ tni::~ Cj;.h?w:;-, t!l)f"~
- ...."
':!::-. _....... l
....... J

Subsecti·D•n: ) 0 ~ ......." .
- =::.:_r

69. The unit of e!;e.ctron How ls the R~port p!obklll'@

with q u:o"<1il>ft
0 Volt
Send y·.:li.Jr r'~fe.r~n.=~~
0 Wat t i9 ~'i:to


CJO !-lag th'' qu ~;t:;on C Q Store: this. qu?:;stiOf:, Ef!:df\P.,. ~-.10

~ - ~·~
.g .:~ -!
subsectlom 3 0 .. ~l
- ........--~·

7 •0.• The l'mrl z.ontal component of t.he. ea.rth ' s magnetic field l's: most R~ po r.t prub! ~ !'ti@

str ongly fe.Jt. at with qu!!!!.tiOO"t

s~r111 !f':Jur' r<:eferent:l!@
X" (_ ,
e quator
. 62'%~

0 45 deg.rees latit ude

............ ~...·~ ~

00 Fla g ti'IS "JUSt iDrt C.: Q Store t.lil> q·";;£tl0 n i 111 r<
; _ _ _ .ow1 j
Sub.s ecUott: lOa Q
.. . .~..'"':'"~~ - ,. ::-_;..
... V'' .

7 i . For a .::urr-ent of 1 Am:p, .h ow many seconds will ft take to p>21ss R~po rt pn:tbl~rtt@

62 ..8 . :x Hllz e lectrons? with q u ~-'i1r.:<Jl ·

Send your tt!.flse:n~e O

100 .; ,..---
( .....
~A'5,Q,Fi'irN1C• ~i,

QQ Fla-g t tlls q u;:st t<:Wt C ~ StO(E' U"tls q•J-~5::io n i~=~ t "·~-,~

·; ~
... .,......._.
Subs-=ctlom 3 0 : ~;~ ~~~;.

1.2.. Whkh ot th-e follo-wing materlats ls easiest to ma,g netJze? R.<!porl. proble1n ~

C Hig h g r.2o~ st eel w i.t:h q: u e-~o.a

~nd your r'~f~P:!:'ht!! '@
~ Cast iron
8 7%Q
~ Soft 1:~ . ,, ,
~ ,

!,._.J Q Fla;i t.r<~!S qu<.~~t 1e;n 1.,_.,-t @ Ste:n?. U·11s q;..te::;tJc,n E.l\~/l,Pnl't·•) (i
11·•""~.• { :"' '...
S u bsection: lOa 0 ~;

' =~
:;__;.~ ..._""' j


7.3.• n the North po.le ot' a m>21gnet Is brought ru;;.ar er to .the No~tth p•o.le R~p•ort p ro bl~ m Q
of ano·t .her magnet. Vl ith q u eti t.ul'~
73. If the· N<Jrth p·r.>le · <Jf a magnet i s brought Mce arer to the Nortl1 pcc!'le R~po rt pro bl!!m@
't.• i tliC! U ~i i>Jl­
.( )f' another <
m agnet
X:. will be lnci ·;ast:d
r e,puls i.o n h>E'twee.n them
~r)cl y-Our refl!f-el'l:t:O
· n %0
lJ attra,::ti.on betw e:r1 them wJil b~, lncre,=sed
~ ~
(J reput;;k)n ! een ·them will be redtM:ed
8\~l\~rt ·~ll

0 0 Ha;: lht:> qusst•0f1 CJ 0 ;>tore trib q•_Gtuw -~­

..... ~ #

Subsection: lOa Q -
4 ..

- =::.._r

7 4.• XL is the syrnb ol of Report probl ~nl ~

,indu_ctlvB :"'"c:t2nce
Yli lh fi U!!$'!!ic<!t · .
~rrd '.fai..u· r~ (!!:It=r~: f!-9
3:la..';) ·
c capad.tive re.e;ctance ,~

CIO Plag tl'u,;: :;u~suan L Q Stc•re U)is. qc.i::iicK•r. ,_, E.ftSi'!.Pi:s:rf.·ilij
,:~, ! '
subsectl.o .n: 3 Q
;;:::;;,-.- .
..,.,_._.......~ .

; :;(

15. the rule that det:ennlnes the direction of th e magnetic field Report proOie:rn. 0:
around a condueto;r Is the with q u ~:!.ti c-n

corkscr ew rule
rl>gnt hand g r~ p ru:l e
S-end yo ur r~f~rert:: e @
. 74%0

() left hand grasp rule

!Y\~il !'ort·•l~ • :.,.·,
(]0 Flag tl' ts qu-8.>Uan C0 St orr, this qu.f!Sttul1. .3·..,.,'~
•. !""' .. .,_·••·

Subsectlirm: 10.a V ~ .........



7·6 .. A change In moti<Jn ·of electro.ns ls pro bleru 'i)

R~ part
Yl!tl'r q u ~"tlDJ1 ·
C) O'frtEinTic Cn arge
Soencl '/>Jllr refe:rt.!rt:.: ~ ~
" ' an Ei•::ctrlcal Current 61%0
l) a Pat.antial' Dtffere.rn:e (PD) ~·f.

C l(!) Flag t!H~ qutst.on C0 5tor~ this q,.;-&:Ei ttcr W•\p;,r.: ·~ (i

~ · ,; -
Subsectl.oJl: 3 Q
. ~~: :.,_,,._ ~
.. ~
.....-; ~

71'. it a curren t tra.vels through a c>Dndu.:to.r f t<J I'Il X t:o v, w ftll a v!ew R~ port ptobl..,r'!i
on X, which .d.lrectl.on 1u!H the magn.etk fleld be? with q u!!$ti ool -
1f' Clockwise
S,....!rH:I 'f=li.Jr' r.eft!crt-!J'i: t! '@

{_~ Acmss th e plain 76%0

C· l'int ld o ckw lse

:: ~<\.S.U'I>r\·~ij
Q O Fbg ttu~' qu<;>;;t •on C r.. '''t •· ec l'l' tc q .. · -· en
~ :.~ '·' · <;.~ • ~ ~J '..1. !:'.:, 1~ ; .I .,
q, , . .
....... ·····I
Subsectl•o;n: 3 ~ .. 'II ~
- ~-- · ,..

18. Ele;ctramotiv.e to.rce; l.s me.asured In R~port probl:'m0

0 Ohm s ·t~ i.lh q u ~C>n

S~rt d y-our r'~ fe-r~h:e:r\i)

X Wa t ts
-.. .... --, ,....
; ----
!-.Y ~

U y Pta g u~~~- q u-~; t ,G n [~'·y S ! t= n:~ IJ!Is qu-e:5t'!Or!.

S.u;bsecti>Dn: 3 Q '!
EfGh\ F't!r.! ·tlG
' '" t-1
!.2 ,A~·
• .. -·

'; "'-"'
' 'l .t.~-... ...... Jl ~

7'9. Klrchhoft's law is applic-able to

R.:~~:t ~~.~~~~~~ ~
79. l<lrclihoft's law ls applicable to R~pt~ rt probl"'rn Q
with que:!;iic'\l:t
0 s-:rle:s n: t\vorks.
Send 'PJUr r~fl:.rt! l'f:::e
0 parallel r.8twarks 79%~
C cl.{)sed lea p n€tworks

X Q Q Flag L~,s qu=stoc•n [ _: '@ Store; lids q•_:lit lor EOS>'ol-'ort·nc. :r,
i:~-~:~ --· ..]~ .
S u:bsectf.on: 3 0 ~-'<':"'
~ :w;.-- _!;i,

80. The Gramme rin,g o.r ring magnet R!.!porl probl" rn .••·

Js. a cl :l'S>;:d lo'!>p ma;gn;;,t an-:l aft en used In .Instrument s and It hils
fo G po. l ~.s
has na pats
with J:lU~tion ltii
S<!ncl your ~erer ,r.: e @I

0 Is. a d <:<sed laop m 2>gnet and att <:n ~..~sed In lru;t ru.rnents

!:.<<5M '""•lG ¥'-''

0 f la-g tl !S qHtSt JOn l~: ~ ::am~•? this q.; jon -~ ! ~ .
.9·\.• '~ -
~~ --- 1
subsection: lOa @ = . . . .... . ."~' "
-~---- -~~---·

81. A shunt Is used wlth R~ pu rt probl"m

Jl' an amrn.:ter
wilh q u !!:!''
S<!ncl :f<lur refen m:.,Qi
U a ·t oltrneter 6!l•,;,QI
c an crhrn.rnete r

Q Q Ha;; m;s que.;;tcan ~' t:'l.

L :.;,. !iter-= rnts qu;wcm EJlSJ\ Fi!r.:·-41':>

S.u:bsectlan: 3 0 .g,~~ ...,p,~


-- -
. it.

- 1'

82.. The ba.slis for tran.sfor.mer ope1·atlon In the use of a ltema tlng Report pro bl.,ii\ 0
C'UI'rl!!nt Is :mutua.l v.>ilh t:{Ue:!i'ti M
Send yaw· rt!fe.reJ'\:::e\:)
Q .::apad:tiance
85 <)·~ :,-
C .re,a·ct=:nce
.)(. Ind uctance
EO.Sil,I-.,Jt · ~G
l j \;) r lag tt .• o qu<;St on C ~ 7i!NE: ttd,-, q~,:;t•c•r s.:. ~.'J

-- - ~·
Su:bsectlo•m 3 Q

ail. It a photon radlat[ng into an .electFonk device the ReprJrl pro b l~m~
pl'oductlmt of a!l electron/h:0'1e· pafr·, the d.e vk.e Is knc>wn as a W ll h ~ U~.!;tHYtl
S..tid your ~~fer .,n:•@
1( phot odlod:
U la:<!lr diode
c; light emit ting d i•J<l8

n Qd i.l9 tl'l~ qu,;st,on I= 'i) sro:·e t:nls q .:e.mon

Efl5.l\ P:nt·;,c; -
- ..,
,g,_ ...
.... ,..,
s.ubsectkm: 3 V ~-::.-- ..
-- -·
)( ~

84 •. The Watt can be !!)(pressed as R~ pur t p robl~ r'fl ~

witt'1 q u!!':Sti r.>J"t
_J S.eca-nds p ~_r JouJe
S<!n cl 1·"ur r<efer.,n::e ~
0 Joules per second
Q lou[eS- x seoonds
..............;:- ............
(JQ Ha;J ll'.l£ :jus.;t,on C iii) Stom tnl,; q _e;c,or. EASIU';nH G
!J, "''~
. . ·t·'·
su,bsectt.:m: 3 V ......... .,..
•.:. .. _ ,;

llS. FerromagneHc materials can be magn.etlzed R«port probh!!11

C .bet·ow a c:rt:aln tem perature with q u d.ti~ l\
S~ncl 'lOUr r~fe.<t:'! l,~l.!'o
8.S:. Ferromagnetic m.a.ter.l.als can be R~p~rt probl ~t'!l 0'
Y below a o:-::rtaln bi!mp
. eratur-::
·m!h Cju e;!.1il>ll
5-'.!nt.l 'fOUr refenl!rl>:~o
2bov.e: .a1certain tempera ture: €·3•,;,;;,)
l._.~ within a ba.nd of t.:rnperarur6

]@ Fla g t~IS ':)ll6 t/011 r :\:J Sture this Cf'-'!::>~lu!": tflS "' ""~· G U
g.. :~~
Subsectlcm: tea Q
=- ~ I ,

. -::·:::_':':..1'

8·6. Wnat Is the forrnuJa for conductance? R~p~ rt pr:bl:mg

•m lh q u .. '!lt""'
{R"' ReS:Istanc.e) ~nd 'f (l!Jr refen:nce 'J
0 R +1
EAS.i1.F':'Irt:·~ l1

UQ Ha g t.~os ::;u'2:>t ;cm C.Q Stu n~ ti"1ls qui::.:it!Ofl. '"· - '.: ;.,.01(, ··

-: w;.~ ~;: "'.

SUtlsect(D'I\: 3 Q

87. In a nHljjlnetle drcutt eons!stlng at a te.rrlte core,. an air gap and Report problo:o'ti. .•
w ith qu.,!MM ,_.
f'lt-1 F, the tota I r·eluctance of tile circuit Is
S.erH..I yuur r~ft::r ct'tel!~
0 t he gap rcelu ct:ance, as fcerrlte material. reluctar n:e Is .considered
as bein.g z<:ro.

the :ii'.! m of tl1e ferrlt;: core. and air gap reluctan ce v.;::loJ.:s.
eql.);.!l to ttre relu.cta nce of th.e ferritE core, as al.r g.a·p reluctance is
Elt5A Fnr;-~ c;
e qua l to unity.

9· •
._....,.. :

t·lag tl'.l£ q ust;on L Sto re t his. q•. s.r.wn

=- . -.
~ ~~;:~

subsection: lOa V

8s. A 1pf' cap.adtor :Is. equivalent to R~pa rt probi,;<Yt

v1ith q w:~l~ t>:t•
.'lt} 0.000, 001 Farad:5
s~nd y~:~ u r reft!n::!r'l:~
-,:~ 1, 000, 000 Farad,;
0 0.00 1 Farads ,..,. .
Qg Hag l ht£ qustan r' -"' Sture l hi,; q<.. S cton EASI.\P.,~ · ~ U

...:. ¥·
.s u,bsectiDcn: 3 0
~- ­

t;g. Fa.mday' s law e.x:p-la lns R~port probl~ rn,i;)

with q u ee!.'!Jk~• ·
t b.;;, dl r~ct!l:<n of the rnagnetic fie ld arourv.:i the conducto r

how Er~!' ls b dur.:ed .Into the conductor
t he d irection of Er.,!t
S-ef1tl '(•JUr r't!(l:.r t!l\-::: e@
69 ~1> '@

0 Q flag lr os qu;:st wn C@ StorE: q_ ;,sttor. Ell'Ji\P:lrt·l)(o

Su,bsectiDn: 3 \)
-----·= =-r
90. t'\lagnetlc fleld on a :soteM.Jd ls. R;,port probl~mQ
(J str•Jngest cut:side th e o:.J II 't\!l(h ~ U ~lC> ll ·

£.end your ref!!lr~t"\:::~ Q

C t ln.e sa m e both tnsldt. .and outside tl1e coli
a weakest autsld!! t tl!! .coli

00 flap this que5t~;)n c; Q .Slc.n;. t rtls qu.:,£t ton. tft~;\ P.'fn:·IJ.(i -

Subsection: lOa 0 i·!~~ ~-

~ ,....
- --==:.::.r·

L 91. Magnetomotl:v-e force can b·e found by R~port probl"t'rl 1"'1,

..•. a t:. """ ··.. n ... .~ •• - . . V
!11. 14agn>etf>me>tlve fo,rce can be fe>und by R~pr.:1rt p rob!~rtl@
w i th i:( u ~_i c-JI ­
(J N/1
~ncl •fOiJ ; r~ft!:rt:nce@
C Bl•<' •· 59~~~

X I:>: N

(]@ ~-Ia·:;: ll':tS :=jll<':S r ••) fl [~ Q Stot,; tttl£. qu?c>ttun

\jf' t

!!(15!\ Ft'lt-i-lj iJ:
- .
. ~ -·.;~ "­

Subsection: 3 ~
;.,.--::;;,.-.- "'
.. -...~ f
. . .:=.-=::....:--

92. The E!•tF u1 a· g -a J\erate!' ean be catcula.t ed from which law? Report pr<>bl~ni ,ifl
w ith guetitm
0 LenZ. .5 ,J aw

S~ncl ~":lUr' rtf~n:oce \)

rara·oay's La\v 13% \'1
Kir·kchoffz lew : ~~ ,... f

Cl@ Flag tnt:s qu,.t ":m C

J Q Stur'e this qu!O.>t!ur~
S·ubsedl<:dl! :3 Q
Ell.Si\,!t ·OO
·~~~ · -!
~-- ,_....., i

' -
---~ - - -


93-. The s .I ; unit o;f fl!tagntotk nux density Is the Report prublt!r1~ @
Hen ry·
with tju!!!-"t:iu n ·
~M your r'<!fi!N!I\:e\)
() Weber ! _.,.._

(Jg Fia; th •s qu£Sl!on C Q .Start: this q;J estuJ n E.IIS J1.F'11rt ·~O
~ -~:-;~
i•.•. , '
Subsecti-on: 3 Q ~- ;....,;<,.<'

94. !n conventional cune:n:t flow, what Is Fiemlng 's dj;fht hand rule: R-2p.~rt p robl: m ~
used f&r? .,,.,t;h q u~~:t t:oil ··
S~rtcl '{CUr r'~ft!lf'!'.:!&e@

. 8. 3 ~.;~@
G~, ne r ators
tn du :::t<:•rs

Q @Flag t!"!S gu6Uon l: 0 Store this qu!O.>:tor:.

E.t'i.5i\ Pt\rf; ·il('j
':..J ...~""~ ~
Subsectl.o.rt: :3 Q
.. . . ~

' ' r.w;~- ~• .

95. f>lagnetlc lncHnatio-n. ·Is the least at the. R~r.mrt probl"m~

V .~..:quata·r -,;itt! -Qu ~"ti l>n

ff..:f~r f.~T-..::l!Q
U pole!>
S--!:1'1 d -'f:lUr
aLt:.u -G
C Js.od ines

00 Fla<:; tt>;;: ~u6t.Gn C \} Stor e t hl;; q~6~1on

Subsection: lOa Q
!:!.1\&4 Pa:rt·" (s
b ~
;o:;u..,...., .........

96.. In conventional How, the left hand tuUe applies to R~po rt.prtJblt:'rttg
with qu~...a c~n

r'"\ .batteries
S,...!f1d '{(.!!.lr r'de-ren:e-~
.nf ot~!) fS
qelller.i:ltor s.
--- <1.t,;

[ )0 Ha9 ti"JS qu-est•c·n C Q St ore thb q•J est1on .,, !OO.SI1.F'11rt ·G ~

.:t....... .
Sub-section: 3 ~
i:.. ' ~
;.o::;;.-r- .. '1

::n...- ~ -·==.-_,..
R~porl probl~m
9 7. When two coils a r'e Hnkt!d by a cotn.mon '( lux,, a v<rlta,g e can be
't'J ilhft U!!:~
Induced In one by a d!anglngd:lurrenttn the othe,r . This process
S..nd 'fOUr r<:(ttro=r>:~
Is knowtl as
(\ thii! mag nettc effect

st. se!J lnductlNt
mutu~ l in d•Kti on
fft~I\F';llt ,~r.

(J~ Ha g tt>Js :)UQt on c@: StC•f2 t ttlS. q,J ~E tJo, ""··'...

Subsectlol'l: 3 Q ·_ ~~ .=::::~-:;:~-~
Report problen1~
9a. What ls the Slunlt of reslsttvlty?
·;e!ith c;u~o!l
C O:hrn s;'metre ~~nd your r'ef~r~n=~ ~
}i( O,hm m1::tre t..3t:RJ
'-' Ohms

Q Q 1-la:;< tn;~; :::ui'-lit,on C Q :;l or& t q u~:.or EII!1 !\P3rt· ~ (i ;.,..·.
,g ..:,~
S'ubsectlom 3 V
.. .-
.o: _

· · "~
_ .h/0

~---:--:: ::_,; ...

R~p~rt prob:.,m ~
9'! L What Is 3,,25 volts In mlllhto!ts?
-Yillh q u~~DU
J{ 3,25•) mi.lllvolts S'.;r) d !f<!Ur r<efttrer>:eQ
'-' 3.25 millh•olts 87•,-:,
0 32 5,0D•:l ml!ltvolts ~41' ..

00 Ha g th~ qusst .c,n C ·@: S t on~ thb q ~e:;;tto P. e,t'i5 ~P,~ · t1 rJ

a. _:;{

subsection: 3 Q ~ '
.. • d • • r.' ~
,_ ,_,,_-=::.r

R~port pr-obler1tQ
litO. sw,ltch lng, on o'ro11' the current: In one col! prc.duces an emf In
w ilh q u ~'!i c.t.:
another coiJ adjacent ro lt. The two colts are said to have
~nd •fO:!Jr r~f~rcn:::e
_ auto i!'ldu<:tance
0 sel:f ,Jn.ductance
K m utua l ln dtt<:tance
Et\5il,Pi1r( ·IJIJ

Q@ 1-lil g tt '" que;t on OQ Stt.=r e this quPtJt)f",

Sor,.. ' J

Subsection: 3 V ;,.;,;;.~ .... ~.,1 }

--- (.

( t~ark Test )

B'll)' ille TTii St udy NatJ;S foc Mod:ule 3 In hard · deff<riO>rr.d to your l1ome, anywhe[e, Worldwid-3,

Click imag.? 1:-illow to go to Bocks.hop> (op;;ns in new window),

;Ji'"'::-',:- (w: l
fllo dylg3 f.wuJMlffiQls.

EASA Part-66

_._ ._

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__ -

Hm•r many questtons?
1. An ammeter Is ()()llnecte.d Into· a drcult In Report probi~m~
Wi tli qu~tm ·
Order Moch.Jiles 0 parallel
S..nd your refiorence'i
6} ser.ies
futo·rtal Suppott :. 0 shunt ~j ...- ~ It
f.: ....... ,. 1
r -~ ·.-·-·,- - k
:Study Na-tes ~ CJ 0 fla>g th.1s q uestion 0 5tare t his qu11;;tioll 'j EI>.SA F7H~·•iU c. 'I f'•
;1 .a:~-. ~:
1i ~­
'\1 L'lllb-.!r:-. ~\rt.'a Sub_sectlo<n: 6 Q '
L r ''·l
·- - ]
;i =~ ..~
Members Home ''
2. t1 a current of 2A paS!ies through a conduct:.or for 3 mlnutes, R.,pott problem
My Personal Details ~ what IS! the charge·? '1'1itli qu~oo ~
send vaur ref;;renc~'i
0 666mC . 00%~
!>ty Control Panet £?) 36() c l1 •
0 6C ~ ~--.~' · ~- . ~
f1 t~·-~·~.- · v
lake a l est
li E.Jl5i\ I'M-•l ~ • ~
Cl~ f"la<g thls qu.:stion 0 ~ Store this qutstion ~
--..-.! ~ : .·•.,.,
"" ,, • >o. L
VIew i est Results ~ i! i: :: ·I ~ ""
;,' ~~ ~
Subsectl~n: 6 Q ~ =~- ~:~t h
i• - -- ,.;
lutorlal :SuppoTt ''

Study Notes 3. 'fo fln<i tbe. lntemal resl!i!tanc:e of a batt-ery In a droult ol known R"fl~rf probi~.rn'i)
current wttli qu~-ti c•.n
send yaur r..:fer ence@
0 use the 'formula It= V x: I
Q find the emf of the drc:uit
t] .,......- (/.-'
,® find the lost volts .at the circuit J.: "'-~.,.
4~ ;~~ I
1 E/l~h\ Fi1 ~·111J ~ ~l-
0~ Flag this question 0@ Store this qu~tion 1 . ...~!' ~ \.:~· ~
i L t t_ V
Sub_sectlo<n: 6 . \i ~ ~ :"0 ~
~ =~--~- ~

4. ln an electr'lcal drcult that Is operating, the voltage d.ropped Report probh!m c..
across th.e fuse will Yiitli qu~1itm >flltll'
ser.a y<iur rer~or..,nc,;,@
Q depoend on whether the fuse was blown ar not
0 be the s:uppl·r voltage
w ~
§}) be zero

0~ Fla<g this q u-e;;tion Q'i) Store t his qt.r=stlon

Subsection: 6 ~

S. ln .a besyn~:~I:Milcator system, the rotor Iii> Report problem

0 an
send your ref;;renc;;lli}
8 a perman.e nt ma>gnet
0 an electromagnet

CJ@ Flag this q ue;;tion Cc@Store QlJstlon

Jr:;~·· w}
; E.Jl5J\f'\1~")~ :! •
" -a. h• -
~ ~" ... ' ~ ~ .! r~
Subsecti:O,n: 6 ~ i ~ --
~ ~ r:;;J ·~
:::. =~
5• - - --
.•r.· 5
6. A 50 .ampere-hour battery will cf.e.l lver Report probh!m.a.
v.•itli qu~oo •
0 1 ampere far iOO hours send vaur r..:ference~
0 5 amper•es for 20 ho•J:rs
e iO ampoeres for S hou:rs
il ..-.--
' 83%0

:~ W.:.:V.•:&-

0~ !"lag this q ue;t ion 0 @Store this question s~

Subsectlerr.: 6 @

L "1. A 31 5 and 2 ohm111 resistance Is connected ln series with a 10 V R«port. probiem.ta

1. A 3, Sand 2 ·ohms resistance Is c:onn.e cted In series with .a. 10 V R,;,pctt problem&lo:
with quB'!lta~"~~~'
battery. The voltage across the 2 ohms re5Jstor Is
~nd your rt:fert:nte@
0 4V
(81 2V

0 (QI Flag th!s question 0 @Store this qu:est'lon

Subsectl;o;.n: 6 @

8. 1f the cri!l'gs-sectioJ!Illl area -of a ·c onductor Is cmuhied, \vith Report problem~

voltage ·constant, the current wiU "'ith QU~'tioo

S>end your refeeht~~
~ double
0 hal:v e ~ eo-- f.i} ~ t

• tl~
( ) remain constant
,,t ·-=·::._
~ Elo5A l'l!rt·M ~
't r•
CJ ~ Hag t.ftl s question Q@ Store this q•.!'=>tlan ~ ~·-;~ •• ~~· I

~ L.:. " ~~ ~
Subsection: 6. ~ ~i =--- !!!.-;:~ H
·r. - - - - ;,J

g,. The total current ttowlng In a clr.c:ult of 200 lamps 1n parallel, R<!port problem
with queo;tioil ~
ei!CI'I ·of a resistance of 4:00 ohm and CO'nnected across an ln;p;ut
of 100 vo-lts Is S>end your r"ftOt,;ht~G
~ SOamps
"' ; ~ ~ ~rt
0 40amps .: lh~'d. J
0 2Samps ~j .~;,;;~.- !I
L li.NioUll!l:·GG 1 'f'-
f, £-"-·!

fl.. :,~.;.\''
0 ~· F'lag tnt~. quot lan C•0, St ore t:hls question 1
: . ~ ~ ~' ~
, },'
ti ~~ 'f
i;"" =-~-- - :;t· l'fji''
Subsectl;o;.n: 6 @

10. The power dissipated by a loB!!! of known reSistance connected Report probler'l'tij
acmss a known potential ditterrenc:e can be calculated by "'ith que-tic<!\ . .
S..M your refereF>C~>"
0 multi;plyJng the square of th.e pote:ntl'al d.!fferen;:e by the value of 65%~
the l oad resistance
en dlvldl:ng the square of the potenttal ·dlfference b•r the valUJe of the
'! ~
· ~
...... ~:~.

j1 ~151\·~~-fJG ~
load reslstance
() workin-g out the wrrent flowfng In the dr.:ult by using ohms law f. -&:- l !{ ' T ,",
and multiplying the result by the res fstance "t ft ... · ~ '1~:
! b.Ll'-- ~

Ctij Flag qu!!stian 0" St ore this qo.r'2;tlc• i'li rl =-7..s~
-,_ .::..- - ;ifi

Subsectl&n: 6, iii'

11. A load that Is subject to a potential dlfferenc.e with a current Report probl~m

running through J:t will With qUB'tioot ~

S'.!nd your refererv.:~O
'0 dlsslpat€! power [n the form of heat
0 wJI.l mfrV€! In a direction sh•JWn by the right hand rule
fl......- w ;t . -
0 have a mag.n etlc fletd around It wtth the magnitude and dlrectlrrn
>i ·~::.-::·· . u
of the fle:ld d!!termlne.d b•{ the. corkscr!!'IV rule
ll~ E!l.5."-1'1!rt·~U
-.,.-, ::',
- . ·'.-",
CJ~ Flag thls qutstian Q Q Store this qu6tlcn 1 t :.'',~~ ~ ..~
;-l S r;:J ~

Subsectio-n: 6 @
•: =-
1;._ _-::;:-_""J~:
_:.::...r r.•

12:. In a balanced Wheatstone brldge, ac:mss the centre of the R"patt problem
brld;ge there is With qUB'titu> 0'
6 no current flcw1 S'.!hd your refei!!l'l<:eij
0 current and voltage .at ma:dmum
l1 -
~· - ~ '.t
0 no \ldltage present. at elther end f~ ..,...~ .. ~ J
h ·~---.~
· .. ij
fi EJ15.•\ Plfrt·~G C tf,..
( ] ~ F'lag ti:'o:Js qu€Stlan Q ~ Store this que:;;tlon ~ ..:--~1 ~} : ...~)
·: 1. !. , _ ~
S'L.!bsectl;o;n: 6. @ ;
:;i =-=-- !::, :"\J~
1:3.. What Is :Kircllhotf's second law'? Report proble m~
.,,ith que;;,;.,.,
0 At a ny potnt In an e!'!:ctrkal d rcult w nere. charge density Is n-m: S<!tid your refiorer>t ~~
~hanglng In tl':me, the sum M rurrents flowing towards that point Is
equ;al to the su m of currents flowing aw~ from that p oint.
~; ......- ;.,II ~
0 The Induced electromotive farce In a Closed lt>!) p fff wlre Is dlrectly
t~ ....=.~..::... ~
propartlonal to t i:me rate of change of magnetk lliux through the
tl'·' . ~
. .
loap. E/15 1\ Fmt-olO !j
~ - -~ ~
0 ihe directed su:m of the electrlcal potentlaJ .dlfferences arou nd' an~· ;I
if., -:_' ·1
fl----~-- :t
dosed drcu ~t must be zero, »i .... ~ •
f. =~.:::~- ~
Cl~ Flag t.i>ls q uf<Stian 0 ~ Store this qtr,stlon

Subsect:l.~n: 6 I
R'-<pcrt probl~m
With ~ U es'ti 0
14. An Increase In operating temperature In most electrlcal devices
carrying runent results In
S<!nd your refioter>te'i)
® an i.ncrease tn resistance and a d'!:creasce In cu:rrent
0 a decrease In ~eslstaoc.e a,nd an lnrreasce In current
li .........,.. ;,; ;,
0 no effect on the reslstaoce an d current ~1 11..•?.1"•~ l
~ """''"- ~
~ Ell5~ ~ft·fjG ~ .T:
0 ~ I' lag tl:tls qustlan 0 ~ Store this qLt, stion ,,
;;,~ ·!
t. : '_~.,
'.;> '
•• ~ ............,. I f

Su bsection: 7b 0 ,,1 ~~ h
~- ~~-~· W~j

15. What Is the current through resisto-r C? Report probl~ m~

w ith .gu.,.•.ioo
!tl S<!nd yaur r.;ferenceO
r--:l 73%:@

~it: e: ~
r: ~ w
l' ... . ~""""
,~·.-· ~

'l EJlJI\ Fl11HO

;~ .·I f·
J ·on':,;' ~
w· 1 ·-~..~ - ·( ;,._, ~
0 18A ~ =- '!'..~. f.
•= - -- -
§ 4 .SA
0 9A

0 ~ Flag this qust.ion 0 ~ .Store t:hls qu,estlon

Su bsectl,o;n: 6 ij

16.• A potential dlvlcler circuit consisting of two l.O kllohms resistors· Report pro blerrtQ
In series Is connected .across a1:D volt d.c:. supply. The output -With -q be"tio:n - ·
vootage at the centra ot the potential diivld.e r Is S'.!rid your reference~

Q l Svolts 65% @
e§ i O volts r; ........- w ;t .
f: ~~~~-~ ...
Q 20volts ! i ......~ ·::-~ k
. E/J.S.J.\ F'i1rt·tJO ~

f. •I'
-....-. ~
Cl~ Flag this q u,estion [ ) iii) $tom this questlcon
: L !. ' -· ~

Subsectl~n: 6 0 c~i =~ !!:-=.-


17. the voltage ln a ser'J;es drcutt R.opcrt problen\O

® Is: different i.n each component With qU~"ti tm
S<!nd your refioter.c e ~
0 Is. the same In each component
0 Is les.s than Qt would be ln a paraltel d rcult ' !,.-- 1ft~ '
i It~ ~ ~ ..
.j ,-..~~ ~t"'~ ~
0 ~ Flag tn ls q u,e;tion 0 (!). Store this ·q >.r~tlon. ~~ E.I\ZJ\ Fi'1rt ·ft(i - /t'~
~ .:..;11 2;._t'~
Subsectlioon: 6 0 i! 1 :. ,r f1
~ ~~~ ~
i :.::a~_: ., r~_ ~

18.• When a volta1Je acrOS>S a res'Jsto-r Is d,o;uh'Jed, the current will R>!!pcrt proble m~

Q not change witt; que ljt c1 ·

S<!nd yaur r.oference~
72% •
1$. When a voltage across a re51stor Is diJ<u b:led, the current will R.op~tt p t'll bl ~;n(j
wtth qu ~on
Q· nat chang;e
s-end your referero: ;; ~
Q halve 12% 0
C':f doubl:e w~
..:. ,,

0 ~ !"lag thls quation ~ Stare this question

Subsectlim: 6 il

19. External to the supplv1 e frrl'm R;,port problemr.;.

with queo.1:i;m •
Q positive to negative s-end your r<:ferehCe~
((1 negative to p ositive
~J 72%~
0 can be e ither posltlve to n egative or negative to p os itive tf ·~1 - >loi';i
alt;:rnatlng rurrent
............... ,._-.:~-.,...,.. p)
0 ~ Flag th is question ,_..., ~ Stare this. qu£.stlan
Ef>SP. P111t·~~
- es·
p, . '.
~ ~
,t ,,_!. ! ~

Subsectl'on: 6 @
ij==-==;~~ j
20. A potent:lal difference of SO volts produces a eurr e:nt of 10 Report probl ~mO
milliamperes through a resistance of »Jtth ·que;:t\on · ·
S.:M your reFerero: eO
0 S ohms
0 500 ohms
f; ,.......- "" f!'
® 5,000 ohms
~1 (~~~~~ ~
!! EIU\AF'Itti:·M ~ J!':-
0~ Flag this question 0~ Store t his qtJ;estian. ;i ~.a.-;1!\ ~ : .(~ ~
if;! ~· ': ."'" -:;;,' - · :;:~ ~
Subsectlrl'n: 6 i -j~· 5
i.!'-' = .....- ----

21. ihe source vol tage In the circuit shown Is Report proble m~
with que;;;ti t>n ·
~nd your r~re:reftte:~·
~~f ~-~~~----. 6l %'i}
~] ,_....- . ~~
~~ ~ =-~

f; ··~~~:...
:C_j ;i ~·' F'ltrt·Qfj ;\. ·:fe
~~ t~ ~: ~- · · ,
l Silll
fj -·=··'-
~ S Kl
~: =~ .f'fii l.

\! - - --
.@ 200 'o/

0@ Piag this question Q @Store this qu;;stlon

Su bsectlrl'n: 6 ~

22. Referring' tlf the drawl:n!lt If the vlfl.ts d.ropped acrlfss the 20 lfh m Report proble:nt@
resistor Is 10 vo.lts, the resistance of it1 Is with q u ~~>n
S<ond your r<:f&-ero:e(j
65% 'i}
11=-~ - 1<;1 '•
W..- !·"- . ~
ij ·--·:-- ~
~ e!ISJ\F'i'tot·tll:l ~ -~~~·
~ , :. .,-; j ~tt -j
1 [,__-:. ,_ ~
@ :!Oohms
ti "'- !';! "
Q 2 ohm~ ~ =--=~~ ,
0 16ohms

CJ ~ f! lag this quest ion 0~ Store this qu;;stion

Subsectlon: 6 @

t l. A resl!itorwlth colour code veUow, orange .an,d silver Is Report problem ~

.c onnected to a 1ZII DC power source. ihe current In, the drcult "''lth que'..ioo
Is s-end ..,.,ur r;,ferellte'i}
' ...,_ .... ~
.~""-7;~~~~---- -.t:>!>o ~

23• .t. l'e915torwftft c:olot.~r code yell;Qow, orange and sliver Is R~port problem.~
connected to a i.i:V DC power soul'ce. The ~urrent In the drcult with ·qu~c.n
Is SO!!hd your ref.,.,;,;.~"Q
® 0.003 A
e 2!h\ 1
. .....;;_.-·-· p
ll.fltt' d .
~ ~

0 !J.028 A
: E.f!.Sll, ~.ft-l)fj - .• . ·,
- -- ~
0 ~ r la;g this quesuan
.'; "'~"'- f,

~. store this qt.resclon ;!!l ~ ·-
... ~ ,.
'.: =~ -. r,· ,
Subsectldn: 6. 0 £; - - --

24. A resl!itlve load Is co.n nected to an electrical supply. When an R"'p~rt probl~rn~
additional resistive load Is connected In parallel the effect will With ·qUetit<fi
be to Increase the ~tid yaur ~"r""'e~e~
0 current fr~m the supply
11 .,........ w f
@ ~'leral! load reslstanc~
Q supply I:MF
H·---~?··~ ~
>·i EASO\ P.lrt·~U -
~~ -.r,.- , I'
; ~' .. '~ !
0~ Flag this question 0~ Store this question i .....d _~ ~
i.=- -·,.J,. ' ·· ~u
Subsectlrm: 6@ L --=..-=- -

25. What Is the voltage at A? Reporr proalem.A

with quetion •
~nd your' r~fer"E!:nte·'i
u~ fo; .
1: w.....-..·.,, ~
. ·~~·~ · · ~
EA-Si\~rl:·<l r:i
!_ .,_._

----r -!
- '\.. -
i L.Ll _ f
f ~~ ~
~1 =---~- ;,

0 2V

0~ Flag this q uestion Q@ Store this qu:eotlon

Subsectla<n: 6 @

26.• the diagram shows a 200V long shunt ;enemmr. What Is the Report problenia..
vottage across the series reslsto.r With CjU,;;tit<n""
s-end your refe;rer.te~
!.l -
~·i .,......., .~
ii . . . .._ ..- - -· "" ilir
~ E.l.i..:S1\ F'i'l~·tll".i ,- )r-~
si ,:•;~l ~ ~~
:: l-s c; '''t"J-~
!j =- - .. f.._ ,
;: --
~ 6V
0 30V

Q'il f'lag this qu<:Stlon QQ Store this que:stlor~

Subse-ctl>ll'n: jj, @

27. A potentiometer hall whiCh of the following features1 Report pii'iblem.

0 l"re:se.t valuesc With qU~tii:<ll ~
e 3 termJn;jJS send your r.;,rereoce~
0 Wire wourld

0 ~ f'lag question 0 ~ Store t his q•Jestlon
i! ·-~;·· ~ ·~
~i EOSA F71f1:·~ 1'J =-
28. The reading a.n the ammeter In the drcul.t shown Is R-:port pro bien>@
Ylith Q~~im

rl-'~ V. .:J
S'.'!rid your ~fe;ro,F>Ce!@

t.· .
n-- -U"~d. §.,;~ ;'j

~~ ·--':'"-- p
1: EASII. Palt·~~ ~ •-'!'

~ -&--~
if t;:·~~ ~-
r, ::\·.

rl=- ~::1--.r fl
0 l2A '" - - -- r
~ fiA

Q0 Flag this q uestion 0~ St ore this questlort

Subsedl~,n: 6 "

1.9 . The Sth ccoloured band on a S.bartd resistor represents the R<!pcrt problem@
with qui:Sli t>n
8 tol\erance
S'.'!rid yaur referellte@
Q multipli er 64%~
Q reJiabiiJty O'.r tempBrature coeffid\ent ~· l ~ §;fi' .. -:
1 w..-_.·.~ ~
1 ...,..,,~ ~
i: _j 0 Flag thls q uest ion 00 Store t his quatlofl; : e/t.SI\.F'iYJ't·(ilj "'; illlla
)~i !-.-,:~, II~ =-~
Subsect!O>.n: 7b ~ : I
~ S ·OCJ,__, :--
~ =-:_ __ !if,_ ;
30. A 20 'Cell tlatt~ with o,Oi ohms per cell, and twl:f leads totalling Report prilblem6'J.
another O.i ohms, are con.nected Into a circuit. The battery with qu~J ;,;.;; '¥
dell~orers SA. What Is the total voltage lo!is? send your reretehte~
~ LSV 69%0
0 {LSV ~! ~ w~~

0 LOV ~-1 ·~~-:~~ (

~ fJJ.St\_P.ut·fJ IJ ~ _;~ ..
~ ~·:::~l 1 ~t
Q Qi Flag this q uestion Q ~ Store this question ii ~---- ~

i !;; "!
Subsectlao,n: 6 0
~ =...._-: __~-- J

31. A drcuU: has a current flow of t>A. If the voltage Is tte-hl'ed, the Repcrr proble m~
new current will be With QU~D.11
~ru::t yaur referenceO
Q 6A . 77%(1)
~ 1M
Q 2A
t] <- ifi/ 1
ii ,.,.:;-:;::._ ~
~! 6-Q.S.l\ P.'frt ·fllj ''T:
0 Qi f'lag tills q u<=stlan =-@ Stor.? this qtJ:estlon ~;
..... -.1
l! : ....~~~
_ ,_,_
li b ~ ·( f'
.; ~ ~__, ~
Subsectl>O>.n: 6 @
~="'"-=~~ ~
3:l. What happens to the reslstanc:~ ·Of a copper conductor when the Report probleM@
temperature increases? v.•ith quetit<n ·
S'.'!M )"<lur ~f...-ehteO
10 It ln.creasces
0 It rematns the sa~
f. ~ §.,;~;~ '
0 !t decreases t1
~~ .1
~i EI>SI\ I'llri·~r, c. .,_,' !
Cl Q Flag this q u;;:;tJr..n @ Store this questio r~ .•
f: ,~--;~
J ~-::· .
;~l 1.:r ' ~ ~
Subsectll:fn: .7 b 0 l• ..:•.;J
~ =-:__:::~

33. The current flowing thr·ough a Clr.c:ult ·can be l.nueased to f.! mr Report proble m ~
i:lmes Its original value by .,lith tjll..,.1.\on

S'.'!nd )i<lUr refer;;r.:e Q
doubling ttl€ app;lled voltage and halving the reststance
t.alvlng the applied voJtage and halving the resl~tan.ce
. - .- . 1ir Hi
0 doubling ttl€ resistance and dmiblfng the applied voltage "·'!"'.•··~·
,,ti ~,1,
""~·-- ~
1..•lG ~ ~"'
34.• Two reslst~ fl1 and R2 are connected In pal'a1lel. The total Rep~rt probl~m~
drcult r esistance 111 given by With ·gu6"" t<ll
S<!nd your refioter>::~~
0 {IU + R2) I (Rl • P.2)
iS %~
@ (R.i :.:· R:i) / {P.l + R:i)
~1 r..-.- W r
Q (IU :>: R:i)f (R2 • Rl)
· ~-~~~
i! EnS;t.~rt·•lO ~
~· of-.··
0 ~ F'lag this qutstion 0 ~ Store u,ls q(t!?Stlcll't -~ ~·;~\ ~ ;__-.':-~
l ~u -. ~
S u bsection: 7b ~ ... ~ ~ ...-:) '
:1 = -:__,!::!!_ .~
35. 11 a resistor Is too small ·Or misshapen .t o fit the colour code R<oport p ro bl em~

bands, how else Is It's value Indicat-ed? Vli fh t:llJ·

~nd yaur r~fer~n.t~{j
,0 Lette;r cod.e
Bl "Aiji
0 DO<ts
11·- · O.,lf
Q Numbe<r code !'! "-.· ~ · '-" 1
l ·--~ ·;-- f
~ EASA Fo1lt·Q(i ;~ 'r #

0 ~ Fla9 thl s question Q ~ Sto r e this qu.estlon


r.--~~ ~~t ..
I ~~·''"0.- ~'
S u bsectl.c:f'n : 7b ~ ii; =-' flt~' h

36. A 2iW t>C gen erato-r's earth connection car.rles 80 a m ps a nd has R"pcrt ptoblent
0.5 ohms :resistance. How mueh power does lt d:lsslpate2 withqu~t<ti~
S.:ri d your refl!rente .~
0 40W
0 160\'1
:~ ~ ~
0 3 .2KW ~ .
~- ..:~.. .
:~ o w"''-
. ~ h
; Efl.SA Fout~ G -
0 ~ Flag this qutstion '"""" @ Stare this question ~ .:·;~:
i k;_j ~· ~
S ubsectl(lln: 6 ~ ___"'""'___
...~; =~
"'" "

37. With the p lcikotf sys tem shown, movement of ·t he wiper P w ill
produce what OIU'tputl

+ ~1 ~


0 VarJable amp llt ude, oo nstant polarity

0 Constant am pLitude, constant p ol'arJty
Q Va rlabte amplitude, v ariab le polarity

0 ~ Flag this q utstion ·~ 'ii) Store this question

S u bseci'I:C.n: 6 @

38. For the d:lagra m Shown find the voltage at point B R<oport pro bl em, ~
with ·q U ~ D:l\

s:.:na 'f<llir r"f...,ente~

68 %~
~~ ~

..~~ ...
.,. .,......_.
,.; ............ l .

j EAS.O. Pu"-66

~;: J-. I·
0 26V
. 1_,;,_,,_ , .

(3 lOV ~~: '-" "·i/y ~;

- --- -
0 711

C1~ I' lag tllJs q uest ian Q @ Sto r e this q•.restlorl

~ S u bsectlocn : 6 01
39. A pa.r.aiJel d.-cult with any number of :2. terminal connections R;,poft: probl~ rn
with qu~'tit>n ~
@ the lndlvfdual vo!tag•e drops l's ·eq;ual to the emf
&,r1d yaur refeter.::~~
0 has the san'le current throughout 6$%'i
0 the resistance l !> depecndent on curr,.nt · 1 --- f#l it

0 ~ f' lag th is question Cj starE: this qu;=.stlon

r: ...1:---
: ~~·1..

'·' w~.l'>ut..S6 ~ ,...,_


!i M ~;::-. ·
:; 1_£:_1
Subseclil~n: 6 @ !; __..'()- -· ~

...t_ =-~ ..IY.. ,.y

40. A short drcult between tbe .supply arw:l earth. R.;,port pitiblem ~
Q does not matter f.f the drcult uses the aircraft: earth as a return
&,nd your r«fe:rehCeO
E'5- could be ~·ery dangero•us aS' the current drawn wlll b e v·ery high . a£1%.
Q js: not dangerous as the rurrent drawn ~~Ill be lo"'1
. ...
_, :'

~; ~6 ~ . ~~-

0@ Flag this qustion Q ~ Store this qustlon :1

l' "'T"" K• • •
Subsecti:O'n: 6 @
~1. .-
~!t~t h~:.
- -·· !
~ .-..: ~ ;;
) =-- _..!..._)
~--- -··-·

4·1.. An EMf'of 12. volts i3ppolled to a circuit causes a current ot SOilmA Report: prubl:m·o
.,,jtJ; ·qU~Ql\
to tJ,o-w~ The drcult resistance Is
&,lid y'<'lur r.;,r..,..., ~.,o
~ 2oo1ohm!>
Q t.ohms:
u~ ~~
Q 24m-ohms; ~ •.U·~~-·~·. ~

Q(j f'la g question og $.tore t his q•Je;tlon I~

~ EJ!S.t\F)I.rt·OG Ut
----~ [,
i t"'
r f_f ~ --~ 1
! .... ~ .
Sub.sectl:O.:n: 6 i i1 =-:..=~- '

4:2. What Is the voltage across a 11< ohm resistor If 1mA Is pass-ed R;,port problem~
thrO'Ugh It? Yl itli qu~'ti t>.fl ·
5-ehd your t'efE:tence:-~
0 lmV .. 79%~
~ lV .,:.; .,.......
~~ ,..~~~

1 EJUI\ F'i'fJt·~Jj ~
0~ f'lag thls q uestion 0~ Store this qucestlon : - e.- h
: .... =, ~l .:.
i. :....;_j
_.:..\: ~~ ~
Subsectl.o-n: fi, @
il =- .::!!?~ ~
43. A S kl~hm resistor ha!l a tolerance -of + or ·S•'Ic. The ac:c:epotab.te R-!<port pitiblern
range or resiStance Is With que!:'tiM'i
&,nd your r«fe:rehCe~
0 4750- 50(JQ o.hms
. 87°,'(,~
Q 5000 - 52.50 ohms
@ 4750- 5250 ohms
Ell.Sil.Fort·OG -
Ll g Flag this question .~ .~ Store t his questlofl ..a:&-~~1 ~
F :. ol ~
Sub!lectlon: 1b ~ ii S 'CJ....-.... f'
ij = -:.-.:-..@_ ~

44. What Is the volt9o1Je at point A In the drcult shown, and Is It Report: proble m~
positive or negative w'lth respect to point li'? with que,;:tion
&,nd yaur ref...-ehCeo(j

~ 3~··- ~ ·~
~· .
f' EJl.SAI'llrt·•l G · tl
t1 ,..- --_••• h
If:i .....d
!! ".'J . ' !<
j! =-:....:~- ~
' - - - - - l ~--- ----~~------ --

44. What Is the voltage at point A In the drcult s hown, and Is It Report problem •
posltl11e or Degatl~o~-e. wlth respect tG point 82 't1ith ·qut!Stion ~
S<!hd ya ur ref,.rerv.:e;O

ij :;;~··· ~ -~
J' E!!JHI, F;,r,:·QG t
:4 ----~~ ~
t:··J "' '<J
-- :t
L-------1 ~--- ____1!':_____ ___ _
•< =~
__..:::::=.::::.: :; .. w"

~ 3 .4 volts:, A is pos:ttfve with respect: m El

0 L9 v olts:, A is: n egatiVE w.ith resp&t to B
() 4_6 volts, A Is: !'::<s:l tlve 1'•ltti respect ro B

Q(ia! Flag tills q uestion Q'f) Store this qu~clofl

Su bsectiGi.n: 6 Q

4S. It th.eo temper.ature of a p.ure. metal: Is reduced to absolute zero, Report problem
Its resistance will be with que:1.1:Jon 'i)
s.;nd your t~eferer.::e'i)
0 l nflnlty
~ practically zer-o
Q unaffected

L) ~ i'lag this quest ion Q ~ Stare t his qL!eStlan.

Subsl!dlon: 1b ~

46.• A .dreult using USV with an overall 1'£.!ilstance of S.S ohms uses Report p ro ble l'l>~
how much curren.t? ~1 ith qut!Stion
S<!hd yaur refo:rer.::;,'f)
~ 2lamps
0 6 amps ;. ' ~

0 59amps
S! r- ~ ~
!{ ._...!~~ !:
;; EJ\SJI.F;.rHO ~ •
Q~ Flag quBStion ~ $tor:e th is question ,, .--..-, 1. , .. , ~
Subsertl~n: 6 @ . .-.: ",.__ .
<=-- ""----
,_,,.. ~
; _,.. _

4?. The ·curr-en.t In the drcult shown Is Report problem c.

With f!Ueiiii>i'l y
S<!nd ya ur refo:t.:I'\Ce~
c r~ ·(~ 71%~
l1o kotrr• I - (:JOl~J · •j ..--- ~ ;
~i l ... :f·~- - ~
Q S A. r~ El!.SJ\F'i1rt ·(l!A -

Q 0 _2A

...:: •
! ----
, ~,
€9 5mA i ~~-~:

0~ f'la g ttli~- question

~ =---~- '
'iJ Sto re this qu:estwn
Subsection: 6 Q

48.• The unknown current in the network below Is

Repctt probl em~
with qu..stion
S<!nd '/'IIUr refe;rer.::,-,'i)
'""-.,.. _
.? lll'l . M%'i)
~!iA '! - -
t; Y<rio' d .
w;i ....
~ ~ .....·-·~~ H
'1i EASA F'oJi:·qG ~ ,'i r ·,.
0 47A ;,:
~ .-:
- . .- 1
- "-'-
~ .... ·

~ 3A LLL~~
0 22A
"=~ ----
:j ~-;~" fi
. ,_

49.• The resistance of Insulators: and s:emloonductors decr.eas:es wl:th R<:port proble m~
YJitli ·g u ~on ·
Increase In tempegoature and they are said to have
s.:na yaur r~f&-ence~
0 po s i !Jl ~e temperature c<Deffident
73% ~
(8} neg:athte temperature ·o:H:ffldent
1] -" - foil ;~
0 very llttle resistance cnang<! i:
!~Abo',.. ~.
~~ Er~sA. ~ rt - ~ iJ -
Q ~ f"lag this quest:mn Q ~ Store t his q•.P-:Stlon. ~ 1".---~
-'' _. -,~~~.
..~ ~
!!11 ..._U ~
~ ~ *:'\
subsection: 1b @ •.:~' =~ ..c, ~

50. When antlmony Is added to a · sJllcon semloondu.ctor Report problem'i)i

l!1ith que;.1.i..n
® electrlc:al resistance Is redoced ~nd your reference~
0 electrlc:al resl stance lis Increased 65% ~
0 the electrkal resl stance r·emalns same !
i r - - ' - f./ ·;
~p ~.... , -

0 ~ F'lag thJs quest ion QQ Sto r-e t his que5tlon ~ (&>o~; ..

- ·. - -·
·, OO.i\ Pll r;-<JG -
' ;-;-a.;,1 }
subsootlon: 1b @ ~- ~
t~ =..,.. s;7~ h

51. In a cl!r(:ult containing three resistors of equal connJeCted Report probl ~ m'i)i
In series and one 0>1 the resistors: short cl:rcults, the effect Is for w 1th quo;:bM · ·
the curre,nt Jn the other two resJStO'rs tO' Send yaur r<!fer eliCe'f;t
0 remain the .same
-6' Increase l1 ....- w;1
Q decrease '~j. ...:':'::::.::...
• . II IT
: EJ).SJ\ F.1rt. -·Qij - ,,
• p ··r:-
0 0g
' .-...,. . ·'· '
r!''- ' f" ~:
~ !"lag this question
u:~ ~PI
Stare this qu;:;stion
;;:;. ~ r::J... ~
~= -:___!!t,_ )
Subsectl(}n: 6 @

52. A voltmeter Is ·connected R<:po.rt proble m~

w ith questio.n
( ) ln series
S.nd your reference,"'
0 ln series or para!Jel 76%0
~ ln parallel ,,
;,; r-:-;- "W ~

i~ · ~ ~':~~-· t
1,.,...,..1~ !"lag this question 0 fi' Slone t his que-stion i 00~ f.. rt-•JG ~~ ..,;,.•
Subsectl\oin: 6 ~
i" '"'!
_ :: I
~ ~~--~J
· ,:!~)

! i!(. !<.;- :.~

~ =-:...:""'~ ~
53.• IfS!!I"ll'lce No. 1 Is: Isolated from the supply busbar shown there Repctt problem ·
wJH be y,•ith questitrn W
Send '((IUr r<!fereliCe'l}
Suf?pl'f' oosoot 79% 0

Seti.k i'l!$
lj - ·

i! L_: ' ~~ ~
w ~l
~~ ;-.~-~~:.!_.. ij
i, E/J$~\ ~ !t-~f.i :.. -: r-1!-
~ .•:~~!1

~ "'.J

~ oo..H
- ~- -- 'i' 'v '
0 a decrease. l n supply V<Ditage
'"t . \) ~ ,..1

0 an tncre.ase tn supply voltage

~ a decrease In total Cilrrent consum ption

0~ F'la9 thls question 0 ~ Stor-e t his qu;;stlon

Subsectle<n: 6 iii

54. What Is ll'i!ipresented bv this dia.granl? Repott problem

with ques'. ico:n ~
Send your r<!feren::e.' i.

S0% '1)
}1 .--~ ~i
iJ ~~~~- ~
54. What !s :represented bv this -dlaqram? R~port problent atr;
With qt:leslii:<;\ ¥

S..nd y'·:lUr r,;feren<:e~

! --=-~~.~ ~~
tr-JW\1\}'v'J ···-·:-- p
Efi.!iA P.l/t·~IJ :. -:r~'
~·;,, ~~·t
() Thermistor . l ': ·J - ~
; ""' ';;} f'
0 'R heostat Si = -:.__"l"-

~ ·Potentiometer

Cl(!) Flag que;;r;an . ii) Store this quEStion

Subsecl!l~n: 7b @

SS. In the circuit shown the 24 volt battery has an Internal R.:port: problem'i)
r~lstance o11 &hm and the ammeter Indicates a current of 12. with quesliM ·
amperes. The value of the load resistance Is S.Onc your r~f,
6.S %ii)
I OIV'!I. ' ""'~ w
~-.1 ;~.=~:!_ h
.! E.n:h\ Pil~·Q(i :.. l

t:2 ;8,----~
,. ,,- ••
i &.;.j _ _ ~
·' :!! ';;} I,
'<' = -- -"--
'" )

6 ohms
1 ohm

0 'iif Flag this q u£Suon 'iif Sta re this qu;;stfarl

Subsedlo-n: 6 @

56.• The 5th ·Coloured hand ·On a 4- band resistor represents the Report problem~
® rellabiiJty Qff temperature coeftktent
with que1.tiD11 ·
S..hd your referer.~eQ
0 tol£<rance
0 multfpiFer Hi .f
.,....~ ;
,_&.o......;•.,-- I
0 ~ Flag this q uestion 0~ Stare this qu:-.stian EAJ;J\ f':>Jt·•l G -

j, ' "
Subse.<:tlon: 1b @

57. 11 a series dradt c~nS!sts of three resistors and a battery, wh k:h problem •
oftl\e following statements Is true, the With que:siiM ~
Q p ower dissipated In each resfstor ts· the same S.Ond your r,;feren<:e~
® current through each resistor Is the ·sa.n;~e
Q voltage dro p across each resistor I<> the same

CJ 0 Flag t i11s q uestion Q0 Store this questlo;~

Subse.<:tlo:n: 6. 0

58. ·rwo reSistors are oo-nne.c ted In series .and have an e .m.1. of V Report problem.A
vDits aei'O-s.s them. If the voltages acmu the resistances are Vi YJitli ·qu~M y
and V.2 then by Kirchhoff's !.aw S.Ond y.;ur re ferent~<~
Q Vl = il:?. + V 90%Q
BJ V =Vl + V2 n..- w
0 \/2 = '.11 +v
!: Y.-;.'•:1..
! .....~ . :-~
; E.flSO\f':>Jt-(jfj
-:: :,.. .•
; ~""'! ~:~ '
CJO F'lag this qu~tlon 0@ Steon: t.hls q<restion ~ p :."·t ~ .

Q,•kc~l'- 1,....... ~:,_ 0 · =-
" fi' f.
So ~~ ~
S9. Wire wound re5Jstors provld;: R<>port proble l!l\~
with qu~c.n
@ a hlgllpower rating
S..nd your refeter.~e'i
0 a hlgll f"eslstance ~tlng 65%~
0 constant resistance

(J ~ F'l ag this q ueo;tton ~ Store this qu;,stion

ll~~-·~ ~
I' EAMPor;-Ofj, ~. • .
f' . "
tl tl:J
'' ''
•: .-..-.1
Subsection: 1b @
.. ·-··
:: l
~ ~-· ~
~ =-:...~_ ,

60. Which of the. following has a positive temperature coeffldent? Report problem •
@· Copper S<!nd your r,;f..-.,n!e~
0 Carbon 7o%'i)
0 Sllk.on i-- ~ ·,
,.. tt,..,...,, .. h
0 ~ Flag tiils q ueotlan 0 ~ Store this question EJ.i.5~ F:nt·fJij .. ,. _ ~
.•-:---;;1 ~ ~t ~
0 _, :..~ ~ ~
Subsection: ?b
~ =~ __ ~ Lf

61. lf a paralle\ clrcult •COnsists of three resilsto-rs .ancf a battery, fkport probt .. m·o
which of .t he foll'owlng statements Is true, the Ylith ·qut<!.' iitll\
S2nd yaur refi!rei'ICeO
~ voltage drop· across each resistor ls the same
0 c.u rrent thmugh each resistor Is the same
0 power dlsslpaterlln earn reslstor ts the same
rl ~-:.;.~ ~
; Eruill. Folt·QG -
(J~ flag this q uestion Q@ Stare this QIJ'!?:Stion ;. ..i:.. , ".or•
'1 -~ '
! f.'"::_" ,, ~
; ---~- ]
Subsectl'o n: 6 @ ~l oo::u~ ~-.~11 h

62. What Is the Pb o1 a drcult which has a 40 rnA current and a '!1. Report prcbteMO
kilohm resistance? With ·qUr.!.t iDil
S..nd your fef.,.etY.:e'i
Q 4V
0 400 v
(_) 40V ~~~· · ' ·

0 ~ Flag this q u.;,stlan 00 Store this question

Subsection: 6 '-'

63'. c:ar"hon. has a Report prcbl~m. • ·

Q tern,perature coefflclent .crf zero
With i!!Ut>!.'tiiX!I ~
S<!nd y.our r.;,fer~I'ICeO
0 neg.a tlve temperature cO<£<fflclent
® poslt/11e temperature coefficle,r,t ~ -ti

Q~ F'lag thJs q u.;,stian 0 ~ Store this qusstlon

Subsection: ?b il

64. A i.OV battery supplies a load of :to ohms for 1 minute. fkport probtem
What Is the work done? Yilth ·\jU<:!iti O.."'' 0
0 jjt),) S..nd y.aur t'<!feren!eO
Q9 jj(){)j 65%~
! 'l ~ ~ ·
0 10,)
al '"..::;::=... ,
fo E.<<Sil. Fo!l-ijG • ¥_.
0~ F'lag this q u<3tion 00 Stare this q'.t!?:Stlcm ,j ,;;-..;,, ~ : ~· '
!: I - ~ I
l~ -"'~ ~-
ii ~ <:!' i
Sub.sectlon: 6 @
'' =~
i1 ---...- - ~. 1.
liS. 11 two res.lstors of Sand 10 ohm respectively .a re «~nnected In Report probte t:n
series and the current In the 5 ohm resistor IslA. what ls thee with qu~Dil _ 0
6-S . 11 two resl!ilors of 5 and 10 ohm r'espectlvely a~ conn.e ct:ed In R.;,pc tt problern{ j
series and the eurrent In the S ohm resistor Is l.A. what ls the Ylitli<n
current In the 10 ohm resistor? send vaur r.;,feren: eQ
. i1 % ~
() 1/3 amp
Q lt cannot be found wlthout k nowl:ng· the applied voltage
8) lamp

1~1 ~ i"la.g th is qu~tlon 0@ Stare this qlfi?s tia n.

Subsedl~n: 6 @

66. What l!i the volta:;e droppe"d across reslst&r ' A'? Report: problemA
witli ·quetiCll..,
send your refot,;r.:;,~
,,i! r-- . . r-'
!1 "-"'·~· 1
~j o.M ~ o- ~
(; EJ!li!,_P.r.:-QQ ~- '¥ '·
r28~ ~ ,:a.;Jt ~ ;.~' 1
n ·~ : •·• ~- :,"
::i ~ "'=J .
~j = -:.__,!!!_ ~
~ 20V
Q 2V

(] ~ Flag this qu~tiDn C•Q Store this qu·!?Stlon

Subsectl~n: 6 @

67. Which Is not therm·a lly operated?· Report ~robl~ m .

@ A llmitlng resistor witliql:losiii>il~
send your ref;,rer.: ;,"'
0 A current llmlter S1l%Q
0 Afuse H.--- .;.; ·,
! .....~ . , ,1

0 '~,) Flag this question Q lj Stare t ·hls qL'Stlon. j ·-·--·~ b

"Z EJ't5.i\ Pt't r;·4l0 -
j j;'..;i, ~
Sub.seetl~n: 6 @ :
• ~ j
·'- ~- ';'

~=--=-=·~~~ ~
6S.• 20 amperes flow for 20 :seconds. How many· coulombs have Report prcbi,;m •
flowed.? witli que1:ii>:ii{ j
send your r.;,feren: e ~
0 1 iS%~
Qi} 400
1141' ~
0 20

Q @ F'lag this qu.;;stlon Q @Store this Qt!eS tl on

Sub!iectl.o n: 6 @

69.. This Is a .symbol for Report problem.

~lith q u ~i oo
r------voo- 1 S..nd :f<iLir ;o.;r;,r.e n: e~

~~ ~
61% 0
~~ ---· w ,~
~·: •...- d.
' "" . ... ---· - J ~ •.··-~·-.-.
~! E.t,!iP.Pmt·tJij !1 ,
Q a variable dJfferential resistor ,,
; .-._,, u '!':·
'I :·,,,
( ) a 'Jisua:l display rectltier ~t i ~~, ·l -... ~ ~
fj) a voltage dependant lf'-'oslstoc •!
ll =~
.._. ~
.,.w ~

\' - ----
0 ~ Flag qu~tion Q ~ Store this question
Subsectlon: 7b ~
"~~- !a""~,~~'<tl'!R~~s·;~t>·

70. Thl!> Is a diagram at a Rl.!port prt!blem

't lith qUeostil>l> 0

S..nd 'foUr ref~\!!ht~o

~ ,~,~~ ·'
!i ,_.- . ....,
.1 > . .

E.>15.~ Po!HQ ;(

.· .

F. ,:----~ ~' ;_,_:~· ~
!] 1
.. : .A ~ ft
0 liarlable Vol tag"' source ¥: ~!';! c
Q Varl able Current sO'un:e ~ =~::-: _ ...,. _~
GJ Variable Res,Jstor

(j 0 f"lag this question r j~· O:•t are t his ·ques tlc.n

subsectl.c.:n: ?b ~

1·1. A ·galvanometer measures R~pctt probh•m o

~lith queostil:ill
-@ .m illiamps
~lid your reft:rehte:'i
Q mHIIIvolts 6:3% (j
Q megohms li .......,.- f.<>! ;;
I~ ~-~·.,. }
;, ·~-·-
· ~
0 ~ Flag this qu;:stian Q 'i) Store this qu:s tion ~ EJ!Sl\ F.rt-•l ~ I, f.,l'.
i '- ' .r - ....."'
}, : ~ , ,
Subsectlc.n: 6 lila 11 ~_j ~· ~
t! -- ~ ·r
i': =~ - ...r;t ~
f·;. ........-- ----- ri

12. ln a series clrcutt with. 3 res!lstors, the current Is Report problem ~

w ith qu.,;;ticQ\
(1 even In all l S<:Mdy·aur l'efeteoc;,~
0 lower than tru: small£st 12%(j
Q tru: total of an 3 using a.hms la~f to tl:nd the current ~i ~ W' ~\
·.: ...~·.,. 1
0 'it f'lag this q ue.;;t:ion o e ·store t his qu<?Stloa 1: EJU,
·~-·.-.·-· It
, F\lrt.·.)lj 1 ·:r
: ----
j , .!l
,. ~:··
.......... ,:,
Subsectloo:n: 6 @ li ,1. : ·! ~ !!
iJ s~ ~
~ =----~- :1

13. The unknown .r esistance R In the Whea.t stDne bridge shown Is Rl.!fici't problerrt •
.,.,ith qut:!l'..iM 0
S..nd your rerereoceO
. 76% ~
!l =- .~ ;i
ij: ·-=~.Pmt·\itl
-~. . ~
EllS~\ - -·
! ~:~~~ ~ -~;f~
4 ohms li ~---·
!;; ;o;;J "~
li = - ·• ·W 'I
16 ohms >:___=...::..r
l ohm

'~' 0 Flag this qu.eslion DO sto re this qu;;stlon

subsectl~n: 7b @

14.• A dreult consists of 3 ohm, 5 ohm and 12 !l'hm resistors In Report .pro
. blemG!ti
!>erles. The CUI'flent flowing In the S ohm. resistor Is 10 i!!imips. 'tlith tjiJ~Cit\ 1111'
What Is the applied voltage? ~nd y-aur r'eferehee:~
Q HiV 72% 0
e 200 v !: ~
tj .-...~. l.
0 lOOV
~ ;~:·~~-;lG ~ .~
J~ ----~ ~ . ._1 ..
0@ Flag th:ls question 0 Q Store this questloa l"x·~, ~.. illl
!·!!•! ~ ~ r-;) -!
subsectl.~>n: 6 @ .,ll =~- -:"IF
--- '
15. In the c:ir.cultshow:n what Is the voltage at polnt .A with respect Report ptt>bl~nt~
to point ll? with quet tm· .
S..nd your l'eferenc•@
1S. In the circuit shown what is the voltage at point A with respect R.;,pcrt prcblem.Q
to point ll? Willi ·qU<:!.'tit>.ii
S.:,nd )'·oUr ,;rerel'>:r:~
64.% •~
"! ~ ~
~ ~··'.. -
~i ····-~- ~·
li E!l.$)\F\!r;·~C, •

f: t •;) ~
tl .: ~ - ~
~~ ~~ I
•i =+< •v f.
- ---
..........__.__~ ~- -- ----~~-------'

Q +3i7volts
Q +0.7vol:ts
e +l.<lvolts

Q(i» Flag this q ue ;;tlon Q(i» Sta re tt .ls questlun

Subsection: 6 ~

76. Whlc:h type. of cable Is used where reslstaii'\Ce to aircraft fluid Is: R~port ~robl ~m(ili
•with quiS'tiM
S.:,tid your reftot;,~~t;,~
~ J:fglas
0 Unlflre ~ ·f,
0 Pren

0~ f'lag thls q uest ion Q~ Store this qu~tlon

Subsecl!l~n: 6

77. ln a series resiStive clf'Clllt R.;,pcm

p rob l~ m •
Wi lli qu<:!.'tit<fi ~
~ the total voltage Is equal' to the sum of the lw.llvldua l voltages
S..nd your r~ferei'lte~
0 theo t otal voltage equals the difference between tne lrv.llvtdu;al a3%ii)
v oltages
i] ~ ,., ~
0 the total voltage l:s the .same as the highest Jndlv!
s~j · ~~_:_.·· ~
1 EA!S•\Fllo'H~ • ."i-:"..
0 ~ Flag this q ue;;tlon Q0 Stare this qL'Btlan. ": ~...,, ~ ;..i •
1 :__: ,_,
Subsection: 6 0 ,, !< ><::1 f.'
~ =-:..~- ;i

18.• It voltage Is J.OOV, reS:Istan.e e Is 25 ohms, what Is the current? R"port probl ~m~
l'Jith ·qLJt::nHm
0 0.4 ampi! res S..nd y<JLir referehC;,O
13 4 amperes
0 2SOO amperes ;~ ......-- ~ t{
fi .,,.... ~ :J. . -
0 ~ Flag this q ue;;tton ..--.. 0 St ore this que st ion ;~
EA!Sil. F\!r;·GG ~ • ¥'-
;; .t :.. -;;t ~ \..t ,
I ~ ~- (
Subsectl!:>n: 6 @ ! --~- .......-
~! =~ __
.!:.!!_ .!1f'

79. ln the followl:ng olrcutt, the Input at :P is 4 amp.s ~md at Q IsS R.;,porl: prilbloi: M
amps. What is the volta<;e across tbe 6 ohm r eslstor ? w ith question (iii
S<:hd your reftot;,r•!e@
P --~. 7.5%~

! .:;,~ jt 6Woll i

0 6\/
~ .54V

0~ Flag this q us.stion Q@ Ston~ this quEStion

'- S·ubsectl<l'n: 6
80. If the resistance ·of an electrkal c lrc:ult Is Increased RepOrt pri:lbl ~ lll. @
with qu..stio.n
idJ thl! m rrentwlll decreaSi! S'end your refere r.:eQ
0 thl! vcdtage will Increas-e 7 5 %~
0 thl! current will l'norease ~ ·,

0 Q) ria'!) thJs question ' Q) Store this q u:~tto rl

Subsectl~n: 6 ~

81. A -cu~T>ent of 5A .f lows for 2 rnlJ:.utes. H ow manv coulombs p.assed R,;pott pro bh! M
a point in the cil:r~uit? with -que1..."ttt<:1(()
seM y.:.ur referenc e ~
0 100
fl) 600
0 2.5
~ ~ --:-,W.1?.;J ~
j ·~- ·-. Ill
~i E/i.S•\ ~rt-or.o !1 ·:r,"
(J ~ Flag this q ue;tton n 'i) Store this ql!i?.stian i;
'1 LiJ ~---"
~ .. _
h :.J,
~~ ~.__, 1
Subsectl~n: 6 i l'l = ...._ _·~- ~

82. ReslstMs required tD carry a compar atively high current and Report,
'tlith qu;;,;.ti bJ'I•
dissipate high power are usuallv of
S-!rtd you r refttt~nc eO
~ Wlre wound ceramic t)•pe
0 Carbon compou nd type
0 Wl:re wound metal type - 1 ~~.,. ~ 1
H ·~--~ -.--·
:,~ Eft.!'-" ~r.:-tlo -
r .or,.
0@ I"!a'!) thls q uestion 0 ~ Stan< this qu:;stiorl i:
f. £~-,
~ rt
~ :..._•_' '
t ~;~--- ~
! ,.. ~ .,
Subsection: ?b ~
t =~-=~-- ~

83.. A conductor wlth a pos~tlve Q (chal"lfe) o14C. has 1 2.56 x 1G 1.8 R.;,pott probleM
w ith que:l;libJ'I @
electl'ons added to lt. lt will have a Q "'
S-en d your rt! fererK:e'i}
0 2 6 1 %~
.. ! ~
0 (; : : k..-'ot. · ~
..; r-..,.•,,u....._
~ EJ"~.t\ (..;,rt·~G
OQJ Flag thJs q uestion Q Q) this question -,~
, ...~t
l . - ,, "
1 -'"-'C-..r_...,.r~

Subsecti~m: 6 @ ! S "J :;
~ =~ - " '~- ~

84.• The a~!htantage o,f carbon reslstoi"S is Report pri:lble m~

Yl itli ·q uB'titm
@ chl!ap
send !f<)Ur r<: FiOl'e hC e ~
0 low l:nductance
0 rugg>€d ;~ ~ ~ ~.~

Q Q) !'lag this qu5Uon 0 ~ Store this qu'eStloo

:!!1 ,..... _.~d.
~ .,..-
!1 EP..SJ\Pl>Jt~O • Q
~ ~·;;I ~~
Subsection: 7b ~ !: f r. ~ ~-·I
~ ~J J

'-i =~ - • rio' ~
io; --- - -

85. The temperatur e of 11 p u re metal can greatly affect the Report iJroblem~
resistance co1 lt. What temperature scale Is used? 't1ith qui!Sti M
@ Centl grnd\e S<ortd your refer;; nc ~~
0 'Fahrenheit
Q Ab.s.D1ute
) Jot_~- - ~-
§<iJ f.
1i ............- -.- ~

0@ Flag thls q uestlon 0 ~ Store this quEStion r;io EllM

I'll,·•JQ }•
}1 ,. .. , ~', ;

: ---- · ._ .f.
Subsectl(ll\: 7b @ 1 .... "" :-.
:: =~ - . fll t·
., - - - - ;J

86. A thyristor. R.;,port probleM

L ,..-, Wi th (!Ue$ti t<ti@ .
~ ""'" ,. " ·.e~ e - uifl!!&'f?¥f ~ _ ,.,._,., .. __ .. .. , ..... . 7",.,1M't1r'11.,....,..,.- '"'"-· ~ ~---- - -~-~ ---- -- --·

86. A thyristor Report pmblem ~

q ue".Jo:t>
@ If energized a-n , will switch on a clmul.t
5knd your r,;,fe:-erv.:e ~
0 If energized a-n, w!JI sWitch off a drcult 65% 0 .
0 has a posttll.'e· temp erarure coeffldent 'j .,-..- ;<.i.' ~
1.: """'..' d
,,,;_,~_ fi1
0 ~ Flag this question ~ Store this qu5tlon ~·~
EJl.S-1-\ F;ut·tll:; -; . .
-co~l I>, 'f",c,
;·j i.......-~ ..} . _.
Sub.secliMI: 7b Q i ~~ ~
t; S l"l u
iE =~- - ·"
-'"- ;1

87. A IOS:!!i ·Of electrical Insulation results in R-eport pmblernt'it

with queo;;iic:n ·
Q an a:pen circuit In the suppl1y
S-end yaur ref,..enc ~~
® a .short circuit between the supply and earth 79% Q
0 an a-pen circuit between the supply .and earth ;: ~ ~ ~J
>< 'I
~ ._.,.~-;~ fi
0 ~ Flag this qu£.Sblon 0 Q Store this qu:estloo J.l EJI!i;l.fart·OO ~ ~;~
~~. ~~ · ~ .-•-1 ~- ;....,;__\,
Subsection: 6 @ ! - ~ ·t ~- ~
~l =- !'.~. fl
L ~ --- ,<

88. I1 2 ca<u lomh-s 11owe'!l thr ough a cil'rcul.t In 2 seconds, the circuit Ropcrt probleM
.. ·. CJI
.. ,
wou ld have with qu;,stit.n Y
S-er1d your rHetef'lt e ~
't) 1 amp ~ 70%\i)
0 <\amps
~ ,.-.r- ~ P.
0 2 volts PO :,.: lt..• lil'•~
'i (....,..,; ,;:"'-:-- ~

~~~ Ell5/\FM ·UG ~ ,Jr.·

0 ti Flag this qua;;t1an ~ Store this question ~~
i! ~~-
~ ---~
....... . -! 1~1 .."10-._t-J
; L;_J ~.• Ir
Subsectl<:~n: 6 @
89. If the current through a resistor Is 170 mA, which statem2'nt Is R.;,pcrt pmbl ernt~

.t rue? W ilh (l U ~i cm
S-end y.our r,;,ff!tetv.:e ~
Q The chan]e tr.msferrced Is l ndependent of time
62 %~
c0 The char9e transt.errced tn 4 0 .s&oo ds Is 5.8: coulom bs
"; ~ ~ ~
0 5 m lllilcoulo mbs p.i!6ses i.n 34 seronds
~~ ;~.::.;:~ ~
I:,, EASJ\ Fnrt·~IJ -
U ~ f lag this q u£.Stion Q Q Sto re this. qLt=:stloo i;:8~ ,;,
~ b- :: .•1 _, ~
Subsection: 6 @
~ ~"':.~?:-:.3
!lO.• If a compo.n.e nt Is required to have a negatlve temperature Report p m bl~ m~
coeffldent value, It Is likely to be made Df \'li th qu;,stion ·
'@ ~:arban S-end yaur nc~'1»
0 Cf.lpper
~i ~ w~
~ ,_::~··
r~~ .
aluminiu m
~ E..O.SP. FI'.Ht·tJij J:r·..,.
0 'it Flag this q uestion 0 0 Store this qu~;;stlon ~
- --- ;1
~ .. ' ~
f • •J
~ , ...
:~ ~i;._A~ ,_,. l J
Subsectlon:7b @ ('.1
~ •:";)IY_ ,'jP·
I; =-.:__

91. In a d r·cult containing three resistors of equal conn.e.cted R.ep~rt probl:mw
In parallel, one res.lstor g;treS open drcult. The current In the W1Ui .que 'tu:41 "
other two resilstors will S-end yaur refetef'lte.i )l
Q Increase SO %~
Q decrease li - ffi! ~i
e remal.n the same
'i ·.- - ·-;
. ~
~~ E.l15.i, Pi"I~:(Hl ~ hJi.~

li ---~---;-~ ~ :~_tt .•
I IQ flag th!s question [) 'i) Store this q;.~=_st:lo o ·l ~r ::: •I _ fj
!;ill .. ~

Subsection: 6 a e-=---~?.'=.J
di'J • "):A')J k.:~~H-.a.PV h::a.e- l:Pt.-•.c....."::~.J ~ . el,c+:uwr.a. nl· ' .n.'kw.- W:k.AK- Repo rt phlbl ~m...,.
9.2. A. 24V b attery has an l:n ternal re:Sfstance of 1 ohm. When R~~otl' problem~

ronneeted to a load, 1 2 amps tlows~ the value of the load Is With qUesllt•J\
5-.;n d your referer.:e~
® lohm
0 li. ohms w,c
0 i/2 o hm
l ..... .... . t ._ r1
E.Ml\ I'!I~·~ G • If
Cl'iJ F'la9 this question Q~ Stora this qu.s:;;tlo!li ,:--~;,! 1~t'~. ·'
i : .. , _ f~

"' Kl ]
Stibsectl;o<n: 6 ~
-.:J ;;;:n......_: •q·~- ~

93. If tha voltage across a resistor Is doubled Report ptoblern.,...

¥.•itliqu~:ticm •
® the current Is dO'!Jbl.e d S<!nd o;our referehee~
Q the current: Is halved ' 79%'iit
Q the reslst<Jnce Js halved
.!-:=;~., ~ ~
Q'it Flag this q uestion Q~ 5tore this quts tlon t,~ EASJ\ Fnrt·t:lr;
- &.
:i :.t
J· d • ..
i; , , •.~ - :;.:
Subsectl:o<n: 6, @ i L :>: '' -~ ~
~! =~_:.!:!!_
'" ""
) p

94.• This Is a diagram l)f a Ft.eport: probl~ rn

'l'lith que:;;1icm ~
lOR S'.!lid your refere~e~
----F;,:Mg 8.:li%~
/ ~1 ~.w.,, W ~~
0 logarithmic Differential Resistor
~ ; OM~ ·-
~j f.!..~!i!\F;m·4G .... .
6) Llght Dependant Reslst:llr li ~--~, ~ ~­
Q Laser [)lode P:ectlffer "} ..~..J ~. ~
1 ~ -:"J .•
ti =~ -~ 5
(]'iit !"lag this q uestion Oiit Stme this questiofl
Subsection: 1b 0
95.• Copper Is an lnt'erior conductor to aluminium when -~:om paring Fkport. probl~m~
with question ·
0 laad for ll}ad
S;,M ycur r;,r...-o:f\1:10~
® weight for weight
0 CSA with C:SA

Q~ flag this question Q~ Store this qo.r,;st!o!l

Subsection: 1b ~

96. Three branches In a drc.ult have t:ur rents er~tering of3A, 4A. Mid Rep~rt probl:'"'.o
SA. A fourt!h b'ranch has 10 A leaving. A .f ifth branch m'U!St have v11th t'juestio.n

Q 22A leavfng S<;nd yau~ referent;;~

Q 2Aente ri!Ji9 i'n%'iit

•!'rl !
@ 21\lea..,lng
~ ~. . ~..~·'- . c
>tf EA5J\F'avt4JG. :. •
0 ~ f'lag thls q uestion ~ Stort! this q•.rsstlon .: --.-, h .or,·,
(1 ~·:·' , _ ~ !,.";.
... ~ -~
Subsecti.O<n: 6 ~
hi =~
it' - --- .
-:•f)t ,

97. Four accumulators each 2.2 Vdlts, 40 AH, are CO'nnected In R«pott probl,;rn~
series. 'The total w'J11 bl! with q ~ e1Ait<n
Q 2.2 Volts, 40 AH S..nd your refer;,t~te~

-e S.8 Volts, 40 AH
!l ....... ~ ~
0 4.4 Volts, 80 AH
q ....:;:__ h
-~EJ"t:h\ F';,Jt ·(l lj :.• A.
CJ~ Flag this q u€S'Uon Q~ Stare this qus tion ; -• - It """'
J: _···~...:s.··,rv'-- - '

Subsectlo<n: 6. @.
~j =~-- "l•_ R
Sub.sectlon: .7 b @

9tt Three branches In a dn:ult have cur rents e ntering o13A. 4A and R<!pcrt problem~
SA. A fourth branch has 10 A leaving. A fifth brandt must have w ith ·quos1!ic.:n
S<!nd y.:.ur rl!!ferent ~ Q
0 22A ieavlng
0 2A entering
~ ~ ~
0 2Aieavln9 .. ~
j ; ...- ...-
lf,'... ~ ;"

~~ EIJ!;J.\ F'art·\i/J :; ·:r-_"'
0~ Flag this question Q ii) St ore this qtJestlan. ~1 j;'-;) ~ ;.:"'
j :. :. , _ ~

S u bsectl,on: 6 i ~~ !:. "'· I!

~ :;u~--~- ,

97. Fou r accumulator·s. each l .:l Volts, .40 AN, are ce-nnected ln. R<!port proble:m ~
' ·q u ~:t on
serle.s. o he tCJotal w'JU b-e
S<!nd .,..aur referenc e ~
Q 2. 2 Volts, 40 Al-l
@ 8.8 Volts, 40 AH
!.,....... w ·~,
0 4 .4 Volts, 80 AH : 11.~ - ., . ~

i ~....- ·-. - ff
j EP,Sil, l'o\t·OO ; A
0 ~ F'la·g quest ion , 'i) Stc,re tn ls qu-5tlon j ;;&;;1 ~ ~
il ~ _£ ' ....,., l
~i ~ "' .
Subsectl:O.n: 6 ~ -1 -~ - r¥ f·
i.' ~ - - - - ;

98. What Is a potential divider? R<!pcrt ~ro bl em~

w ith que;;tio.n
0 capadtors ln parallel
Sen d your referente:.@
0 Two resistors ln pa.ralle! M%~
@ Two resist ors In series
- ~~· ~ ·.l
,_.: ...... 1
1 (...... . .:"". . . . . . ~
0 ~ Flag question Q Q Store this quo tlcon : ~.!\ Fi'l ft -4;1j_ ~ -:r;~-~
f. -~., ~: .... ,
~ i" ::''l f! X;-
Su hsectl:C.n: 6 @ .!;l - !i "'J_ _.. ~
~ =--- "'~- ~
99. Since electrki!!l taken from a bus-bar are U. parallel, R<!pcrt prcble tn~

Isolating .some of the .services would w ith ·que 'tion

S<!nd y-our rl!!fetenteQ
Q Increas-e the current consum ption from the b us-bar
i9 %~
Q not affect the current con:surn ptlon, It w ould redu ce the voll:cge
s1r.-"- w ~t
® reduce the current consum ption fm rn the bus-bar ~-~ u.. ..-.~"~
:J ····-~·:-- r)
U ~ flag this qu;;stion ,..-.. ~ Sto re t his quo tian
EAS.A Fnrt!·<iCi
'3 t -~ ~
~ ·>,..*
~- ~ ~-~

Subsectl,on: 6 Q. i ~.:<;! "

;.< =~ ~
" - ----

J.OO. ·On a .seven segment display sbGwlng the figu r e thr eel which Report p ro bl e m ~
.seg;n:U !ir\ts a !'e Ut? w ith ·qudo'tion
®-- A, s, ·t, D, G S<!nd .,..aur refe:renceo(/'1
() A1 1'1, t, E1 F
:~ ?fil r'
Q A, 5, C,G
~ .~~~::,... h
[.(l_s a_p,r.;-t)lj ~ ¥':..
0~ Flag quesuon 0 ~ Store this ques tiC!t; ~·~~ ~:._. ,.
l ____! .( ..__.. ~

S u hsectl:C.n : 6 ~ ..... ~ -:"

=-:..=~- ~
Ct.t~rl.: r~)
B'l1)' the TTS-Study Not es fo.r Mo dule 3 ill hard oopy - d\;fivemd to your holn>fl, <m ywhei ;,, World•1.ids.

Click imag.;, bE. low to go to :Soaks. hoi> (opens in ne w windo\v).

-~ j

.M .~ dl1 19 3
L flt<D'I<al FOrul.rtitfltl!> !.!
-~~~-- .....=-""fh'-"~'"'"""'~'-C._,~"""""'--'"~-.,.,.__,.__.,..,. _ _ •~·~~\<,

How many questions? :•

1. In a Wh:eat!itone b.rldge at balance the gahtan.o<me,ter reads %ero Report problem@'
with qur<Sticn
Order ~loouilesc ~
0 volts
send your rererehCe~
0 ohms i'C%~
Tutmial Sr;rppO'rt :·
~ amps {1 ..--- ~~
Study N.ates :·
11 •••,:';;7"' ~
0~ Flaq this q uestion 0 ~ $t on;, this questlon 11 E.I).5J\ Fillt·~l:i · ~ .:.,;
~ .:--~1 ~ ~~-~~
:' .\n.•11 subsection: ?a @ l:'-i
I : _J
~ - ~·~~:t
!!. ~

t! =-:.--~- ~
t-lembers Home >
2. Silicon, at low temper.arure Is Report problem¥)
r-1)' Personal ;. with quei'. ioo · .·
0 a conductor S<!nd your referei'>Ce~
0 a seml-cond:uctor 57%([1
My Contro.l Panel
6{ an i.rrsulator ~i ,_- ~~

Take a Test ; .•.=..::::..... ~~

0 'iii f'lag t i:lls question Q O Store t his qmostlon
l . .,
.. ~ E.fJ.SJ.l.F'int·t.;G
. I

" ....-·-1
~! , ,e - ~.t
Vlew. Test Results subsection: 7a @ 1 L :: ' ~-- ~
,; -~ ~ .,
Tutorial SuppO<rt
~ =--:--~U

Study Natesc '' 3. In a shadied pole motor, th.e copper ring on th.e split po.le Is t~ Report problem..:":~.
with qur<!."tion ¥
~ both start and determln.e the motor dlrectlcm ~r;d your rere:rer-,:e@
Q determine w motor direction anl•y 65%~
( ) start the mater only -~; ......,.,- :«' )
.~ .,; ;_. ltJ
O'ii! Flag this que;;tion 0 0 Sture this qu;ostlc.n
E...l"l.r'-!1, ~ lt~l) l}

£ ..";")
~ : :· >

Subsectl.o n: 18 1) i: -=c:..;_ .........,.

t! I)); "'J .~
~! = -:..=.!!l:.. )

4. tn a .2 pha:se lndootll:fft moto-r the cl:ffttrol winding Is ted with Rep~tt probl~m@

0 omstant phase AC. supply

wrth qu-•o·n
your ,;,.,.~nteii}
0 DCsupply
W variable p;hase AC su pply r.--
·i ...:;;:~·- · . ~

0 (I Flag tills question 0 O Store this qu:estlon ~ EI!S.1\ Fi'fft·(if;i -,.

' ....;!1 ~
Subsection: 18 @ . U...J ~I~
! '\; -";J J
~ =-:..=~,_ ,

5. A .47 Kl1ohm resistor with a 1QOJG tolerance has ltha following Report problem.@ ·
t:illour oode:: w1lth qur:1ii.1cm
S<!nd yaur referent"~
() lt£d, Orange, 'l"ello-w, SJ!v>E!r
0 0Tange, \ll;olet, Red, GaJd
~.l ~ ~
cfj) YeUow, Vf:olet, ·Orange,. Sllve.r "iJ ·--~-:::~ tl
~ En.S1\ ~-Jt-OFj ~ ¥,":
(J Q !"lag qu~tlorr LJ ~ Sture tr•ls qtt;;stlc.n tl -..1 ~ : ·~t.·
Jl.~. .... '·-~'_I1.1 "--
., " r.J -
Subsection: 1a 0 :J o;:;;~--!~_ ~~
it__, ___ ,_,_,=.r'

6,. R.eslstor.s are connectedi ln. parallel and tak.e a total -current ~· ~4 R"'fl"tt problemO
milliamps. :U one resistor Is 3 tfmes gr:eater than the other, the With qlliStibi> ·
current through th.e smaller resistor Is S;nd your refeterx:e:@
0 12 mllllamps 5.3%~
(if 18 mllllamps il,.....,..... fl#! "
Q 6 miiltlamps J~l ·~·~:.:...." ~~
E..I\St\ f't'l rt·'lfJ
!!'<! ~
LJ (() l"lag t h.I:s quest ion Q @ 5tor,, this qu.£stlc.r. I'
· t· I
..........: - ·-~ :~
£: ~ ~~ ' 1
i1 =- ...ii... hi
Subsection: ?a @ 'L_.==..==.::....'
~ ..:...~~ - -

1. A resistor has .4 bands on It -coloured blue1 yellow, yello-w1 gold. R...porl:prcbltomG'I.

Its value Is 'o'1ith qUestit>J\ V
S!ond your refetence@
~ 640 kn: 5%
0 €U! mO:=l O% ;: - - #!il f
0 64k£l;i; 5% ~ ,~::~:::... !l
EJ'i.SJ\F7irt·•J(i ... -:r .
~ ~ ... ~ ...
00 f'lag ti:J.Js q uestion Q~ Store this qu;;stlon. ;i
~ ,, ~ ..,-
;~ t:..: . (.._. :1
.Subsection: 7a 0 l

) =-:..=!.!!~ ~
._. -=;J 'I

a. The p.rfndple ·charact·erlstic at a synchrona,us motM Is R.;,port: prcblem'i

with qud :!ii:\1\ ·
0 It m ust have a s~· nc:hro n~ 3 phase s upply to operate S:...nd your r<!ferenco:;i}
~ tt: rotates at a speed that Is syn chmnlsed wlth t:h€ applied de 77%@
current ., ,........
~ It rotates at a speed that Is synchra<n ls~d with t:h€ applied ac J'
! ...,..,.. _.,,

current ij EfJ;;J\F;,rt:·<if.i

0 ~ Flag thls q u£Stlan Q0 Store this qu.e;tlon "' ,,

!..._;_.:! ~~ ~
Subsection: 1 8 v)'
rl' =-- s:;.
- - - ,J·

9. If th-e length of a conductM Is d01.1b.led and Its cross. sectlil-:nal R.;oport problema _

area Is halved, then the reslstanC~: of the conctuctor wJJI w ith ctue;..'!li:<fi •
S:...nd your r<!fen!nc e@
0 Increase by 2: t imes
@ Increase by 4 times
il .--lt,._,_.,,. jlp '•
0 remain unchanged ~!

,-,. ,,,
EA.S!\ F;or~ ·41j ~
0 0 Flag tnls q uestion QQ Store this question ~-
1 ;:: ( ~
"- w;::J- ~
Subsection: 7a @ =-- ----
..!., ,.fl

10.• What Is the ~f the Cillpildtor used In a single phase AC R...port problen~@
motor? w ith qud.'l!ii:<fi.
S:...nd your referer>eo:~
0 Smoothing
0 Changing dlrectlcm of m-otor
1~ llr ·,
~ Provides a high starting torque .: ... .. . 1 J
~j ·-~~~;""'-- ~
: EASI\F'ilrt·'lfi .....
0 :.:
CJQ Flag this q u;;stlon Q :Stare t his question
,. l"___ :·•,
~-1 ... . . . ,. . , . .
Subsection: :1.6 @ l; ="':'___~ ..""-! ~f'
11. A l Megoh m resistor can be written R.;,port problem.""
w ith que!:lioo..,
@ 2MOF
S:...nd yaur refetenc;,~
0 20HI' M%~

0 ~ Flag this q ue;t;on 0 Store t:hls question

.S ubsection: 7a @.

i2. What Is the tolerance of a 3·band resister? R.;o por~ problem •

0 +/-5% w ith .qul!:l.'tioo 0
S:...nd your r.;,fetente·O
0 +/-10%
61% ~
~ +/- 20<o/~
t; ...- ~~
1:~~ ._....~ LJ

0@ I' lag thls q ue;;uon 0 ~ Store this qu:estlon. !1 E.ASA.-Pmt -EO :~ ~

• ~~ t --
j ..J~ IJ J
Subsection: 7a @. ' '- !!-·1 l
;.. ~
.,.,_,. ~
t; - - - ,J

i3. Calculate the speed of a 400 lb:1 4 pole machl:Mo. R...port probl~m-
w;ak '"'-• """""~""'"
PJ?t 1 ~<>'P......._i'r ;...eo.....,.,..·...,. ,-........... t........,.. .... _.............,C"' ......
... e, =- ... • '·- -·- ---.... -- ~'-~h.- •¥•-.. ¥-· ,_,,._, ____ • •• <• ••••-"• 0 OHmO _., , '"" " - · ..

i.l. Calculate the speed o.1 a 400 Hl!1 4 pole macihl:rw!o. R«pcrt probl em~
W1th -q ue,...:~art
c~ SOOOrpm
5.-!nd your r>efetenceiilt
Q 6000 rpm
i$St 12. 000 rpm ff u>l'- - ...
i'i~ ·-·'
........... 1~

(~I 'i f''lag this qu~tlan Q@ St c• re this q•Jsstk•n ~; EASA. ~n:.o£6

i: :-.-"'!
! .'C 1.1
S u bsection: 11'! Iii) .~ ~--.C!-·1 ·- · ~
~ <;; ~:1 .
~ =-- I'll! f.
E--··--= - --

14. t1 a ro.nductor's length Is cloublced Its resistance Report: problem~

'fiJith ·qu~io:n
® dolibfe:s
S<!fld '{<lUr ri<fetence~
0 remains the same 73%~
~ e-:~-~~- ~- ~~

Cl~ Flag this q uBStlon 0@ St ore this question, ·~·; £MJ1,

<-·-·, - ~ ~J"t-(;(1 ~

1 ~
- ---t { t f:...
l! '· ,. t .._._.,
._..~...._ J
Subsection: 7a " ·
~ =---;_=~~ )
iS. Which or these wUl the resistance of a conductor to R~port: problern
decrease? with q u ~ir.n
5.-!nd your ref.,.ence ~
Q De.c reas:e th.e length ·OF th.e cross-sect'4 onal area
Q 1ncrea52 the length or decreas:e th-e cross-sectioMI area
a Decreas.e the length or locrease tne cras:s-sec.tlonal area
~~ ;~~~:.:_
,:;.; ~
~~ EftS ,\ ~rt·<IJj :1 .: ,t'
n ~· Flag this qu~tlon 0 ~ :Store this q•.r-sstlon
i: •'. :a~~
,. ~,~
: ,..\.- ~
. i !:......U ~~!'
i! '(; ~ :.I
Subsectlo.n: 7a @ ~ =~ - l'i>' ,
J(: - - --

16.• What ls the .f ormula for the reslstl!lil\Ge of a conductor? R«pcrt problem
With ~U~titm ~
\3 resistivity x :length dlvld'ed by cro5s•se.ctlona1 area
5.-!nd your nefen;nce~
() length di!VId:ed b•1• cross-s&tlionaJ area 16%~
Q resistivity x area li ,.......... w ·~
~ ._~:;::_ ~
0 ~ Fla9 th:ls question 0~ St ore t his question P, E!l.Si\ F• tt_,G ~ If:'!_
.:...-n ~: ·'·
J_ ;:"~ ~ ~
Subsection: 7a ~
17. The resistance t-o electrical flow l:n a wire d epends >Dn Report: problem (it
with q u ~tm
~ th-e diameter, :l ength, materl at of wire a n d temperature
~nd yaur rererence:0 -
0 tne length and materdat of the wire only 90%(j
0 tne material only • copper or alu minium i!,.,.......- fi' ·~ .

1= 1;@ Flag this qu-sstion ..--- i j s t ore this qt.!>estlon

~~ '·" ':;~ ~~ :Jf!.
U EJJ5A ~r.:·•)fi.
~ ~;:;i 2: .••'
Subsection: ?a ~
!' I
~r -:.-..J ...._.. 'J.
~ 'lli ;Q ·i
~ =~_::.!.!¥_ j

18. In this drCUit, rue Is eq;ual to R~p c tt proble m~

with q u~t>n
5.-!nd your referer.ce~
~> ~
"' l / '""- "'
)../ .,..... 69% Q
!·: .....- ~ -
,..."<:",. .,''·1
........ . / " ...-
,,r~ .,..,_
. .·
~ ~

tl Ef~.1\ ~rf.·~G ~ r,..

r ·" fi ~ ;;;---::~
; ~u - ~
~ I<;J-
2:...:: ;

0 P.2 x R4/lt3 ~ =~--~- ,

0 R3 XR4/ R2
~ 1<:$xR2/M

1$. Xn this drcult, ·Rx Is equal to R~part probi!<M 01.

wi th qu;,stit<t~.,.

Y-fld your refere:nte ·~

~· .

;o., wo:-- h
Ef!5J\ F'olt-<)r, ' . -:r:'!,,
.~--~!i ~ ~-~~ ,
i L;_j ~.. ~ M

., ~ ~~ f'
~ =~--: .,_1>'- :J
Q P.:2 :dt4/ R3
Q 1>.3 :d t4/ Rl
R9 R3xR2/M

(J Q F'lag tilt~. qu£<Stlan 0~ Store this qu:::stlon

Subsection: 7a ~

19. A three-phase ti'I>Q<tor has tl\.a wlndlngs R<:p~rt probl~ rn~

W1th qu;,stio:n
e5- 12<i" apart S.nd y'·!IUr r.;,ferenc~fl
0 lOO~apart 85%'it
0 so• apart ~ ~·J
,... "~d
_,~_ ~

Cl'it Flag tills quEc:>tion C•~ Store this qu:.::stton 1

Subsect!loft: iS @
. "
i"'::·:, ~ ~
~' !. "'l 'I

~ =~--~- '
20.• An AC motor which t"ota.t<l!s at the same- speed as the !>Up:ply R<!port problemo.
frequency Is called w ith qu ~on.,.
S.nd your r.,f;,renc"'~
I8J a synchrono-us motor
0 a universal motor
0 an l.nd'uctlcrn mo-tor

0 fl: Flag q u,e;;tm n 00: Star-e this qL~ttorl

Su bsection: 18 0

21.. fhe reslst~mce of a conductor Is lnver.s.e ly pro:portiO'Nd to Its R~po rt problell't.m.

with que;.ti;,n.,.
0 cros:s 5ectlrmal area and spedtk reslstance
S<!rtd your refetet>te@
e9 cros:s sectlo~l area
0 len.gth and resistivity i! - - - fflfit
ij ....... . :l
(J Q F'lag this q uestion 0~ Store this question
•. t .. ·~~~~~·~·
Ell3.!\ Port-QG
»·I f'.:

,-a--,1 ~ : •' '
~: ~ 4.( ........, ~~
j 1. ,__._
.Subsection: 7.a
~ ... !! ~_
~ _.~-- ~

2.2. In a Wh.e atstone Brldige, the ammeter r eads z~, aNi! the R.;,pctt pro blem (i)
va:rlable resistor Is adjusted to S ohms.• Resistor P has a VBiue of w ith ·qu;,stic:c1
10 ohms an:d Q has a value of 100 ohms. What Is the valu.e ar S.nd l'·!IUr r.;,ferencef#
the unknown resistor? 49%~
eJ 0.5 ohms
-~~ -:&
Hi' ·.~
Q 5 ohm5 --·:-- fl
Q SOo hms EAS.J\ Fnrt·tliJ :.J
- - -· J.f I

(]Q F'lag ttlls quest.ic.n 0~ Store this q•.testlon

Subsection: 7a @

2:3. tr l: re:slstors, one red1 yellow, bl.ack, gold and the other violet, Rf.:port probl eM~
blue, blade, silver were re;pilaced by a single reslsto.r. Ignoring with que1.'1:io:n
tolerance. what would .t he colour coding be?' S..nd y·oUr r.;,ferer.cef#
(6' lii1ack, brown, black 65%(i)
I. \Zf.- Smwn, black, black ; ....-
24. On a ladder ..eslstlve ne~rk w.ith 3 resistors on a eonv-erte!l'1 Report probl~rn~
what Is the multiplication factor? ...lith t)Uditi(>:fl
send yaur refeten::eot;
0 4
~ s t} ~ ~ ·~
0 2
~ ...::~~
._ ~
~ E!>lii\P>rt·•l O !_ i.i.'
0i Flag q uestion 0~ Sto re t h is qu.E>stlan ~
.,•' U ,,J ...-.-:I .. _
~~ : · ~D·
.S ubsection: 7.a @ l =-7_~· 5
25. What Is the combined vatue of resistances o14 ohm and 6 ohm R"po rt pmblern~

conn.e rted In par.aUel? with fJ Uditio.n ·

setld your refeter.cetj
0 24ohm
0 0.2<1 ahm ~- ! ~ iii!~-~
~ 2.4 ohm ~ ~...... : :J
i (...... .... t'~ g
I; Ei\!1\ l'i'I~·QG "t it
Cl~ rla g tt:Js qu££t.ian 0 Q StorB this qttBstlorr )~
rr ·... ' ~
l ~ ...~_'·
:; ~
•! -=--!! ~ ~
.S ubsection: 7a ~ - ~; ~ !')- .,
E~--" 'r- ~

26. A shaded p!l'le motor has sh.a ded poll!:!! to R.;.pcrt probl ~m~
With ·que!i'.:~o:n
0 lncr.,as.e efflden.c)'
send y.:.ur referer.cetj
0 r&luce lnterferen.::e 51l%Q
® create a rotating field lj .,.....-
t: ......,
~ ·, ,
'; ,,...~·-:-- ~
0 ~ !'lag thl$ quest.ion -~- ~-$tore this qu.estlon i EAliiJ.~ Jt-<i lj i
' ,;;~;:,11 ~
Sub.sectl&n: 18 ~ l_ : ' - ~
• . ~ "'!. "
~= -=--.::-:l!<);i- ,

27. It a connection to a 3>-phase :AC motor Is ciJsconnec::ted, the Report proble m~

mo.tor w l:U '<iith ·qll~'!i on
~rHi your. r~r~eoce:!@
0 si:Ow dawn and stop
.(8'1 contlnu£: to run
0 stop
11 .---- ~ ·~
j.: "'- •..;-
••• ~ ""'• ' · L:-
'"! .. i~
; E.l\Sfl.~rt · 1j G ..
u~ F'lag th!s question 00 Store this qtLestk •n ; .:--~,1 ~
1 L. ;: L. ~
~ ;! llio. ":;)
Subsectl&n: 18
•· _'
28. A. resistance =1om -coded Red, Red, YeHI:fW and sliver. The R"pctt probl.:rn
maximum value at resistance Is w ith que!i'J~>n 0
0 363 ldJohms. S..nd vaur refeter.cetj
() 232 kllohms.
j; .-- ~ ,,
t,;~ ..,:.:::-·· ~
242 kilohms
EJlSI\f'11ri: ·~Q c
(] Q F'lag thi;. q u,.Etlan 0 ~ Store this que;;tiDn -a-~,1 ~
t f:_:. ·I ~ fj
.S ubsection: 7a @I :4., =~ !;;ll'><;!ir 1~.

29.• The ..-esistan.ce of a conductor Is proportl~nal to Its RA<pctt ptnblem·m

With ·qllt!:!.'tii:<il ¥
~ length and r£,.lty
S..nd your refetenceti'J
( ) cross s&tlonal aifea and spedtk resi S-tance
Q ;eross s:&tlonal awea
~1 ~ ~ ;{
!: - d '1.

0 ~ Flag t h:ls qu££t-~an Q ~ St ore this qttestl@ !i >M·..,.;~.- . fl

f. EJ;.s.A Fnrt ·t"iiJ ; '¥.~"''
~ .:6-n ~: ·' ,
Subsection: 7a @ ti L : ''·! .,.... ~ "-'-
!i ~~
n =-:..._• ~"- ,

30. tn a:n lnduc:tlon motor, wh at Is the term used to describe the Report problem"'
---L---- ---- - - . . I --.a.------""""-.._
..1 1~ ----- -- L- --~·--- ..a.._ YJ ith f.l i.if&..i~:!i r~n · "
30. ln .an Induction motor, What Is the term used to describe the R"'port problem, ~
dltrerenc:e between the synchronous and rotor speeds? .,.,;th -quo;;rt;on
S.:nd yo;ur i'«f.;r.,oce~
0 The Motor speed a:nd l s. gNen .as a p ercentage -of slip speed
0 The Motor Speed a:nd l s: g:lven as a percentage -of syncohraoou5
-l - - ~ ~,
Qf) The Slip Speed and Is given as a pen:-.entage af syochra:nous speed :{ ·--~-:~::.... ~
J'; EI•.S..I\ P;ui:·lllJ _.

[ ) Q f'lag this question OQ Store this qu.estlor

...l• - ..: -.,,L .. f~-
H =~_ ..:;;,.
i" ___ ,f:
Subsect!Lon: 18 @

31. A 3 phase Induction motor -can be reversed by R<!port proble m. ~

0' ch.ang:lng over any two phases
YJith q ue.!ition
S.:nd your r.;,f.;reoc~~
0 rever!;!%! the rotor connections 79%@
0 l s:olatln.g -one ph.ase ] ~- w ·~

0 'i) Flag thls que;;tlon 0 ~ Store this qu.estlo,

.. .:~~ENS •\ Fnr!··G ~
: -&.!' Yi
i: t~ .. • . ~~
Subsection: 18 ~ ·i '"'""''"""L, ~
~ .:7~=·~~~=~}·
32.. I1 the number o.f poles -o n a stator or an lnductlan mator are Report probl ei"'@
VJllh ljUio!;l.i DJ'I
doubled_, the output .speed of the motM ls
~nd your ref~~nte:~
Q tmchang:ed ~ ..... ~
~ f,
Q3} h alved
!~ ............ •..-
·1 Elll'.ii.F.,ft:·(llj ..
- f
0 ~ Floag t!cls question C•ifl $tc,re this q uestlor~ ; ('".-
.-a.'--!, fj
ii ~~-~ 1
S1.1bsectlon: 18 ill ,.,!
f,! =-:...J'"·"- ~
"- "'\l .

33. In general:, lrw:;reaslng the cross sectio,na1 area a1 an. electrlc:at R.;,pcm problemc.-
cable. 'iliith qu~-ti tm ¥

@ -enaibles It to carty m ore current :Y.!nd :t-::ut refer~ntt: iJi

0 lncreas,es lts reslstan.c.e : .,...........
0 enables It to carty more voltage j'i
ii.. :
0@ Flag this qu2>tian Q@ $tor.~ this question ~j:
Subsection: 7a 0

34.• An A.c~ shunt wound motor oometlmes uses a volts dropping R.!port probl; m~
resistor. The resistor would be >'Jitli qUIOZ"<! im ·
S<:nd yo;ur r.;,f.;rence~
~ In series wl~h the supply
ln series with the field
ln series with the armature •
0~ Flag this que; tion if~ Store qlft2::tloll

Subsection: :18 @.

3.S. The bridge dr-cult shMVn will be bl!!il anced when tl\i!, value of the Report: problem'IJ
unknown resistor R Is w ith ·que ti cn
Sehd your refts>-ert:::t:'i}
/.{;:ft·."' 71%(i)
«_:v '' ~
-<t• ;:>-:;7·; ~ :;~., ~ '~
~\bf·· J El!.SJI P:H!·>)G
~~ ~;;
U , ¥_.
~ ~~ '
e 2ohms ~ h ! ~~ ........ ij
Q l4ohms: t =~:!it_ ~
Q 18ohms

r::J G Flao this ou£-stlon Q Store t t ,ls: a uES tion
36.• Fo.r syAchronous ftHl-tor to run at Uililil RPM on 3~pnase 400Hz Report proble m ~

.-.c. supply, It must have With ·(!Ui!!:ti i>ti •

Send your ~fe-rence-0
Q 3 palrs Gf pot~ per phase
1 palr of poles per phas.~
i palrs. of poles per phase
· . . . . - (""

l.l..flt' .. l.

Cl 0 Flag this questk•n n 0 Store t:hls qtJestlon 1..•·-·-·-

rf. -..-.1
.. »
E!oSA Fnn·M C &
)'Iff\ .... ~-
L;.3 __ ,
~. ~
~~ -

;~ ~: :r;J ' l
Subsection: 18 I@ ~ =~ .!:!!~ ~ __
37. A 10 ohm, 6 ohm and 4 ohm resist« are =nnecteilln parallel. tf Report probl:rn·~
the li ohm resistance Is .short di'CI..ilte.d, thee mtat rii'!SISt.anoe will 'tilth qut5'!<!on
be Send y'<)Ur referencl!'@
0 0.35 Ghms
® 0 Ghms
1[ ....-r Hi ~
~.: ..,_....,., , _ .r

() 14 ohms. ~ '·" '·... ·~

. - - !}

~ 1 Eli$A F-aft·i)lj ~
0 ~ Flag thls question Q ~ Sta r-= this q\re!itlon n r
i~· 't
•.<..- ~ ---.f.,_,_.,. ~

.S ubsection: 7a Q
f, =-_:!!!_,
lS. A simple !basic lnductklon motor has Report problern
W.ith qU ES!ii:<n 0
0 good $tartlr.g to rque, p oor running torque

g poor s.tarting tarqr..~e, poor running torq•ue

poor tarqu,~, good running• torque
~nd your reference@

S] -

a...-·.. ;z.
~ ·It

...,.- ...- ij1

QO Flag this qusstlon 0 ~ Store this que.;tlon ~ EJl.SAFM·M ~
--~ .:--:1~ ~
Subsection: 18 o@ l L '! L _,H
~i s·.;c ~
~ =-:----:~~~:)

39. The total resistance In a drcult Is gr~te.r than the least resistor. Report problem~
Thlsls true fora 'i!'Jith -qu~i ott

0 series and paral lel dmult

S<!hd y'<)Ur refl!'t enceO
® series dlrrult cmly
jj ~
0 pal'i3Uel clrc.ult only
~ ·-~-~~~
l Efi.S.Il.P:::Irt·l)fj
00 Flag this q ue;Uon 0 Store thl:; Q•-"BStlan ~ - ....- !
~:t1 " :j
if ~ -- -
ito: "'J
Subsectlo.n: 7a ~
!! ·-~ - ..r,.- I!;
;:; - .---- J

40. If the frequency drops In the s-upplv to an lnduc.tlon motor Report probleM"
0 the motor will not be effected ln any way With ~lJ ES!i i:•il . ·
S..nd your r<!feer.:eO
0 the motor will speed up
76% "
1{) the motor ma~' cwerheat
jl -· -. 1<1' ·~
' ~~..
00 flag this que;;tion 0 .~ Store t h is qu.;ostlc.n EftlJ\ P.'IJt.·fJ(i ~

Subsi!Ctlon: 18 0 j <:: .·I ~ II
·~ \& -:;:j .l
~ =--=~- ~
41. The difference In :speed between a svncluonous motor's rotor Report problem"
and .stator Is known as Willi qUES!i M · ·
,S sUpspeed S..nd yaur r<!fe:r;,t>ee~
() rotor la-g 83%@

0 phase lag il ,_.._ ~~

i.~ ·-~~~ ij
~ E.O$~~ri-<JG ~ . ....
I__)~ Flag this qusuon n0 Store this qtt'e:Stlon li. .... ..~ J~
i: LLJ ~. II
~ . ~~ ~
Sttbsi!Ctlon: 18 ;;;!~---=...-_
___ _,¥ !>,_ .,;.b

42. Motor slip Is Report problems

42.. Motor slip Is Roport probli: M~
0 a sym ptom Q,f a weak fl'!:ld
'tlith tJ U ~I>il
SC!;n d y<iUr rof..,.et'>:~'ii)
~ the percentage of dlffen:oce ln speeds b-etween the ·s taror and 8.5•AJ~
fi........ t,i? ;!t
0 a .shifting of the MNA of the motor !'
~ ·~~~~~:.::_. c
~ i EJU;~;,rt-<!G :_
(]~Flag thls question 0~ Store this q•.ttstlon ~ .:--;;1 ~
:ol ~- : _·' ~ 2
SUbsection: 18 @ if ~ "::::i i,!
~ =~- " &-)

43. l'he speed ol .~m AC m oto:r can be affected by tbe Report problem
0 fi eld current
with -q u~~tm 'it
S<:nd your r<:ft,n:r.teO
0 armature rurrent 62%'r}
~ patrs of poles
Jioi j
''"'~;:-- h
0 ~ Flag thls quest ion 0 Q Stone t h is qutstlon EfoJ). F?!J1Hl G C

----~.. .......... ~~
Subsection: 18 •
! ... \"Q
-'. =~- ~-:::::::._;.1
..~" fl
44. A centrlfti!j1al speed switch Is used Rep~rt probt ~m'r)

0 to cut out ·the sl;ow start resl stor o n an AC mater

send yaur r<:fi!rer><:eoO
·q u e~;m

@ tG cut out t boe resistor/Inductor drcult on an AC motor

Q to cut out the capadtm clra:rlt on an AC mator
~1 ~-~··l- {~ ~;
•' ·--·~ ~
1·1~ Flag this quesUon 0~ Store t:hls question ;i "
, . EO.SAF?l!l:·Q{.

c,-1 ----d
"' f!-~
Subsectl.o n: 18 ~ ~~ !_ ;: ,J _ .. ~
I' .. '<;! '
ii =~-:~_ ,

4S. A!nt:lrunetervarl:e s R<':pcrt prcblem.CI..

W ith qU~I>il¥
Q current:
~nd yQur r-efer-en.:r::O
0 resistance
® voltage H-·~- fir~·-
: it..•~' ·~

CJ ~ Flag tftls q uestion 0 (i> Store t h is question ~ ~:·~~·QG

J' ----1
r: ,...~ ··, ._... f'
Subsection: 1a 0 ~~
.__ : _
.. Kl
~ =~_:.!.!!_ J
46.• ln a. two· phase Induction molor th.e re are Report prcbl.:mCI.
with gue'titm¥
0 3 poles
S<:nd y<iur r<:fert.r.te~
0 2 poles
fi?) 4 poles :~ ,.."" '•,
( ] ~ Flag this questiOn 0 ~ Store t his question
" Ef\5P. F?llt·~ij ~
• -~-l
< .. ,,,

Subsectl()n: 18 ~ ll
~ ~ "'
!!. !";)
;;.:::;;-:-_ _ l! f»'~_ r
47. Conductance of a drcult Is 2 mill IMhos. What Is Its resistance? R«pctt problem 'r)
-e7 500 Ohms .,.,.itft -qu ~on

SC!;nd )'<JUr refo::rer.::~~

0 5 l!-1;:,gohms
Q 50000hms !
Nl f'
¥ ~ r.--

CJO !"lag thls qustion 0 0 Store this qttestlon

p t,M:~~ t
;;. EMA F?lrt-qo ~ ,
il l.:~-;.l ~ ~~ -.
Subsection: 1a @ il -d ~, ~ ·-
•li. =-_ ~~-
_ __ ,f'

4S. Slip· on a .syn.chron.o us. motor a<n start ls Report probh!!M~

(') "'""'· With I}Ur.s'!ibl\..:.
4:8.• Slip on a synchronous m!l'tor on start Is R.;,potl' prcblem
0 50% S:..nd ·your referent~>~
0 o•,~ 6S%~
® 100"/o. •: ......- ,.,... -~
~-: .,. ... :a. ..
4 ·---·-.- .- t~
0~ Flag this qusnan 0~ Store th is question ; Efi.SJ\P;:rrt-ill'j
~ .:---;~~ ~~
Subsectla<n: 18 ~ ,\
I. ,. 1
~ ......~

~J =- ~~)I t~
~ to - ---

49. An AC mot·or which r otates at the satrne speed llS supply Rt.oport problem ~
frequency Is called ,.,ith ·quet.ioa
S:..nd your referehte~
0 a universal m.ach1ne
t5 a synchronfru~ motor ·: ,.......... w,
~ ·-~~~-~~ ·. ~
an l:ncfuc!lcm mfrtor

,., EASJ\ P,r,·oG -

Q Q Flag tills q u6tlon 0 ~ Store this quatfof\ t'
:·! , : ..~. - ..-
ii u..J.~ ~
Subsection: 18 @
~I .u.--=~-
-· """ ~
, J

SO. In a parallel circuit contillnlng resistors R;,~cr[ procl~m@

with que:tion
0 r .e:slstanc:e Is determined by 'J·a1ue of cum:nt ftow
S:..nd your r.;,fer.,nte~
0 the sum of the voltage drops e.q uals applied 'Voltage 68%~
@ the voltage ~s the same ln all parts of the d:r<:ult jlr--
: Ill~"'""'

0 ~ Flag que;;tlon 0 WStan: t~•ls question

.S ubsection: 1a i

51. The fo:rmula for resiS'tanCJe In series Is Rejltirt pt'tiblem

With qUe:tiM@
f?) P..r = ~!+ li.z + !t3 ·····~ S:..nd )"<JUr rererehcec0
0 1/ lh = l/C R.l X R2 X lt:s .•••. R,.,} 8'9%@
0 RT = lt1. lt R;a x R::l ••••. R,. ~-: ~ f.r,)

0~ Flag this que;;tlon Q ~ Store this question

~; ·-~~ n
I" EA,S)\ F'zl f't-(j lj -

.Subsection: 7a @

52:. Whlc:h of tbe following appllcatlons would require. a Report problem

'continuously rated' motor? ~iith tjb~ic'<tl ~
S<!nd :raur referenee~
~ F'uel' pump motor
0 Cargo door actuator
.1 .......... ~ ·.
0 Flap drive attuaror
.li •.~:~~- ., _. !~
·'! EASt\ ~ri:·•)Q !_
Q@ Flag thls question 0~ Store this qu6tlon ;I .•- ......~ 'f\'
: ,...... ,-! 1 -
l -"- -- ~
Subsection: 18 i ~j =~__
' !'!. ~_ .
.!!!_ ;

53. When resistors are In parallel the toti!l!t current Is equal to R;,port probleMa..
'$ the sum of the currents with que:tion •
S!!nd your r.;,fet.,hte~
0 the r&l~ocaf of aU the curJ"ents
0 the current: throug.h ooe resistor

0~ 0~ Store t his question

~ ~~· · · w ~
F'lag this q uestion ~-~ EAZ<\ F'i'frt·tlll ~ ':.f.
~ J:..~. , ~ ;.•.~
.Sub~ctlon: 7a 0 ~= l : ll t
~ --;,:--~ ~ __,

~ = -:...::'!.!!'_~

.. 54. A 6·pole motot' Is runnl'ng at a freque·n cy of 300Hz:. What Is Its

R:~~~t ~.~~.":~ ...
54. A 6-pole moto~ is runnfn; at a frequency ot 300Hz:. What Is its R.,;pcrt pro blem a.
RPM? wi th que:;:tii>:J\•
S:.nd yaur r.;,ferenc e ~
'@ 6000
0 .:3000
'! ~ f,r "'
0 12:000
~1 ·~~::;~ r
f!\ FiliHW :,
0 ~ Flag this q uestion """" ~ Stare this q>.testioll :: - a.
.t•:••' ~ '~.•
li: t,_;_j
l r:
Subsection: 18 @ ·'"i =-- -:"---...r
..~, ~ , II

55.• Dlseonneetlng on.e of t h e phases from a 3 · phas e nwtor will Report probleli'l•a:t.
.,.;ith q u o;;'ilt<fl w
.c ause the motM to
S..hd your refere~~,.~
0 sto~
:R;; run at: the same ~eedi
0 run at 2/l speed il ~~..~ ~
l_: .. H
; £."'!i •\F1t l't·•JG ....
0~ ~lag this q uestion Q ~ Stor e this question. f

S u bseetlon: 18 @

56. The phases ln s upply to a 2 phase motor a re electrically R<:pcrt prc blem 'i)
\'lith lj lJ(tlitil>il
'@ 9 0 degrees apart from each ot i">er ~n d your r~rer-er1c e~
Q i$0 d~reesc apart from e ach other 7S%(il
Q 12:0 degrees apart from e ac:-11 other !1 --~· ~!
i ....::~·· . fr
(](it Flag this q uestiOn QQ Store t his quest ion ~~ Ell$~ F\1 ~ -~~ !J'
;i - ..J<!
, ,
Su bsectlon:t8 0 j I ::. ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ""l '
~ =-:.._!.!!J
57. I1 the resistance of :a resistor whkh Is In series Wlth two o-ther R«pc ~t pro blem
resistors ls doubted wiUi quo;;ti t<n 'I)
S..nd your r.e ferei'>Ce:~
0 th€o current In that resis-tance ls doub1ed
0 ti">e current In that resist ance Is ha1.,ed ·~ ~ t:\F ;
QS> the v olt s drop across that reststor Increases
~~ · ~!:;:!- k
; EA.!hl F'ilrt·t'il".i -: ,
(J~ F'lag this q uesti on Q ~ Stare this qt.!'Btlcm. '1 j:...,,, ~'
.f " ~ '
~ -.,1

.S ubsection: ? a @
. ~ '";)
;:i =- - .,.!1" rj

58:.• A .4 1 kitoh m resistor has the following CO'Jo;ur code:

0 !ted, Orange, VeJicw
@ Ve!Jow, Vi.olet1 ·Oran ge.
Q Orange, Vl:o let, ~ed

0 (il Flag this q uestion (it stare this qi.tBtlon

.S ubsection: 1a @

59. Potentiometers a r e used as a R<!pcrt prcb lei'II;CJio. .

0 va riable VC}ftage .SQiurce w ith q u o;;1i001 •
S..nd your r~ ferei'>C e ~
0 variable cu rrent source
(Jif varl ab1e reslstor
i1 ~ ~
·~ .,.....,J. .. , ~
··~,~·..:-- h
~ Flag this q uestion .~ Store qu.;;stlon Efi.S.•\F';·nt ·i'J G .... •
- 'io.-
,f, , ~'
h .T•
.; ..... - ~
Subsectlo.n: 1a @ il ~- = ' ~ f
:d !-! ~_ ~
~; =~ __!_!!_ '
60. The primary purpose of a resistor Is to Report prtibl ~ m ~
L ,,..--.., with que1Aie<.tt
60. The primary purpose of a r~slstor Is t o Report probl~n\~
..,,itt; ·q u ~ oo ·
() produw heat
~n a yaur l'<!feeoc ,.~
Q Incr-ease current 90. %~
.i3} limit current
0 Q @. Store this question ~
~ Flap ttlls q uf". £tian

Subsection: 7a @ .! ~
. ·-.~
"'ot K;,
j .'It-"-
~-- .... ~ '
~ =---:-.,.,~_ ~

61.. Three resistors each colour ended White, Or ange,. Red, Sllver1 R~port problem
1'1itli qu~;tiM ~
aN! connected ln parallel. Th.e t~tal resistance ·Of tbi!
combination is S.~nd y<iUr ref!Ol'e~= ;,~
0 9 ,3001}
;~ ~ ~:
0 27.!l till ,..
6 l ,ioon ;·~ ;;·~rt-~fj ~ :r ~
1 ;;~~, ~ \.: '
0 ~ Flag tills q uesUan ~ St ore this que st ion
f I ': ~- ~
... <;J c
.S ubsection: 7a 0 si =-:-:!!!_ ~

1>2. The unit fa<r reslstlv!ty is the Report problem

() ohmsjm-eter
witli quetiCl! ~
S<:na your r.ef,;reoce~
Q .ohmsj!>quare m ete r 72%~
f;J o hm_meter
'1 ~
0 ~ Flag ttlls q u<?Sti an Q ~ Store tt .ls qtl6tlon l} ;~~·PorHQ
fi ~~. l
Subsection: 7a ~ ~} .: ·, ~
;: !!. .,.J 'I

~ =-:__~~-=)

63. ln .a &asl c: lm!:uct~n motM the Report problem,~

"'lltli ·qU~ t<fi
Q runn'l ng torque· Is po::>r,, but starting torque !s .good
S<:rid your refet er.=;,@
Q the m otor runs at synchrooous speed almost Imm-ediately 76%~
(J. startln<,;~ torque ls p.::.or, but : run ntng torqtre ls g oo<l ~~ ~ ~~
,_ ,..; ,~ »
(]~ Flag this q ue;;twn 0 ~ :5tare t his ques t ion ~ ~'\ Port·QG ~
j i:..;,l ~
Subsectlo:n: 18 ~: ; '-. : ' - ~
J ~ :-=J :j
~; =~--~·- J

64. The controlling phase on a two phase motor Is of a Report proble M~

0 fl xed amplitude witli qtJeti<>n

~n d your ref;,rr: oc e~
® vaFlable am:plttOOe
0 dkect current
jj <- ~ ·
:~ W..•fol' •''
, ..

• ••·.w•~ ~
0 (i) Flag ti:tls q uestlon 'i,J Store t his qu:e;tion W 1\P.m·<l lj :..

,,f, • I

Subse;ctlon: i8 0 i !.-L! ~ f
~ ~~ :'1
~ =~--~- ~

65. Impurity IK!~'ed to silicon wlll make It R.,;pctl probl~tna.

0 stay ·f:h.e sa.rne Witt; qUe:!.'t iMI .

S<:nd your r«f~reoc"~
6 a ronduttor
68% .(1)
0 an ln!>Uiator
r] ~:~ ·~
0~ Flag tnls q uestion 0 ~ Sta re t his question ii EllS>\ Pot<:-GO ~
~ ~..;,1 J
Subsection: 7a 0
. "'"'.
· ·:::. ·l
~,..J~ f
~·, =~- --- ...~

~ 66. 11 two reslstou of ;3;1{ and 6R are connected in parallel, their R.-ep ~;t probi ~""'G
66. If two resistors of :S.It and 6R are ceonnected In parallel, their Report prnblem
total ri:SJstance Is: 'l'lltli que'tioo " '
s-end y'<IJJr reft!rence'i)
8) .LR. 76% ~
Q 4.5R
0 9R ~j ~~- .,. ~ ~
;; ·-·-. h
I! EASAAJrt·(i(i -
(]~ Flag this q uestion Q ~ !>tore this. question ~ ~·-;,, ~
i ~ H
ti ~;-;a.......... 1
Subsection: 1a 01 ~t::-~-- f ..- ~ ..
67. The lfil\gtik of a cCable of' resistance 4 ohms Is t o be W" fipilaced wlth Report probi~ M ~

a different one. W'l\l.c lt e..f the foUowlng would give an Identical ..litli i:jUI!Stif>Jl
resistance? s-end your reft!r.; lit ~~
0 One of halt the length and a quarter of the diameter- SB%~
@ One af double the diameter arv.l 4· tlmes. the len.g th
Q One of d!ouble the l.ength and. h alf the thkkness
0 ~ F'lag ttlls q uestion 0 ~ Store t:his q•.restlon ~
; .. <;J I(
?l =~_:· fji'~ )
.S ubsection: 1a i) "'' -- - --
68.• The unit of oppos:ltlon to currel'lt flow Is the Report prnblem
Witli ·qUe1:iD::I ~
s-end )"<<Ur referenc~"'
'(\> Ql·,m
&6% ~
0 Hertz
!! ~Lb.t.'•2.f¥ ~
0~ Flag this que;;tion Q ~ Store this. q•.restion
•;i ..
~~ ·~-
.. :1~

Subsection: 7a @
~ EASA F7.Ht-(j lj

•t1 .
, :. I

r~ .•
• :r:~

1 ~ ~-" .
l =~ -: ..,,.. 11

69. "to change tbe c!lrect:lon of a )...phase l.n-ductlon motor you would Rt!port probleM" '
~iltli qu,;;:ti oo · ·
0 remove o;r;e of the lnput conne.ctl.ons
s.ehd your reft!relit~~
1i{) swap two of the stator connections
8'2% ~
0 swap ait af· the Input connections
~ ...--- ~I
;$ ~---,':~~ ~
Cl~ f' lag this q ue;;t,on C•'i» Store this Ql!E!Stlmt q EASA ~r.;.,)tj
l '
' _ca.""l 'I
:Subsection: 18 @ if 1:""::' '4_ ij
a! ..,. ~ :-
,, =~
tj -I'IJf'
-- - ·";J

70. lf two phases of 3-phase motor are cross conMctedr What will Repo rt prilbi"MO
happen? witli qui!Stii>l\ ·,
s-end your reft!renc~O
0 Same speed, rotate In same dlr&tian
0 1-ialf speed, rotate In .O<ppGslte d trection
!! ,..,.... f<ol ~i
:@ Same speed, rotate In opposite dlrectlfrn f; w,.w. ~ -
"i ·-- ·~ ~
1 E,i"IS.i\F:,R·~G ~ A,_
O'it' Flag tnls q uest.ion Q O Store this question ;':. - ... . 11 ~
j f.;.''l J .
;l - ... ~~ ~
Subsection: iil @
:1 =~-=~- !l

71. The speed of .a single phase lnduetlon m(}tor Is dcependant ·on Report piilbl,;m.
0 th-e strengbh of the armature current witliqueitiooO
S<!nd y<Jur reftor<!nc~~
-@ th-e number O·f pairs of poles
Q th-e s .t rength at the fjeldl
~~ ·--~-:':~ fi
0 ~ l'iag this q uestion Q~ Store this,ion }! E/l.Sil. Fnrt·~ij ~
!i ~e. 1 h
Subsection: 18 @ li
oi =~
_ ,'<';!
.. rf'
~ ::· ·,
• ·f>" ' i
~ ~

12.. Small resistors•.t oo small or mis-shapen f'o rthe a:ppUcatfon of Report probl,;,r.n @
colour ar~ marked Instead us:lnc witli qu..stion _
12. Small resistors too small or mls-sh.apen for the I!!P'Plkatlon of R~pcri: prcblern~
with qui!:Sliitm ·
rolour are marked Instead usl:~·
S":.ehd your refert:!ttte'l)
() a dot code
a lett:P_r code
an abbreviated ;resistance vallll€: ..
~i ~
~ (~~~~~:!-..
~ ~H
i· ~ EAS.I\ P.,~·'l(i ~ -:r _
Cl ~· i'lag thJs q U2.5tian Q ~ $.tore this qu6tlon !3 -.~, lj; ,.. t ..a
i1 ~
,•·r:·', ;;
~ .........,., rp

Subsection: 7a 0 ~J ~~-~~)7- 5
1..:i.• >he printed code of 4,7 megohm Is Report probl ~rn'i)
'"'th ·quetiM ·
0 H<ti' 9.!iid y.;u; r.;,feeoce~
Q 47M 8:3%~
0' 4P.i7 i:j =- ~~
!: "'"'~ · ~ -·
F ~~- ·-- ~
0 ~ Flag th!~. q uest.ian 0 0 Store this qu-estion :~ E'<5~ ,llllilla
.-J\ f:n rt.(j(i
,] .:a.;,r ~~
Subsection: 7a 0 !.! t"'"U ~, ~
~1 :S >;J -
~ =- • ti' ,,
IL_,_=:-- -

74.• A three phase lnductlon motor obtains Its magnetic fltold b·y a Report problem
~lith qui!:SliiOJ\ ~
® thr ee phase :suppl~·· to the stator
9.!hd :f'iUt' r'!:feten.:"Q
Q capadtor In .s.ertes. with one '->f th<e windings 59%0
Q rotatjng OC electromagnet
t~ -- ,~ ~
i-.: " ·""''• ).. -
~ .~.... ·~- ~
0 \i Flag this q u€St lon 0 'iJ St are this question f. 'l
E.t'l..:SA P.,ft:-13~
' ; ;l
!..!, _,
f ...,
,;a. ..~ :
Subsootl.~: 18 @ '-~
' • I ...__. ''r "<-
~; =~
!!!, "J
.. , ~.
~- - ---
15. ln a :3 phase mo-tor, l:f 1 phase Is lost, the mota<r P.epctt problem'l)
w ith qui!:Sliit>Jt
Q nms at 1 third speed 9.!fld your r~feterv.::d~
() :runs at 2 tillrds speed
@ remains at the same 51peed ~ ·f)
..._ ._, 1

ClQ Flag this q uestion .- , ~· St ore this qustlon

F'i'f~·ill:i ~

-~- . :.;-
~ ,,,
Subsootlon: 18 0 j : .·1 ~ ~

~~.:="~~~~ ~
76.• Five different value resistors all ha·v~;; the same vo.ltage dropped R"port pii'iblem ,
across them. How .211re the res15tors conni,!!Ctedr? with que'i.1M (i}
0 In Series 9.!1id your rer..,.erv.::e(i}
'8 In l'arallel
.-~ ~ ·,1
0 !n Serles(Paralle'l
li ,•..:::;:~:;,.,.
rj Erl.S~\_F;ut·tllj ; ,'!r,.,.
0 ~ f lag this q ui!Stlon Q 'i) Stare bhls qu-estion ~ j;..•\ ~-41,
:.~ ~ . ::''·' ~· ~
Subsection: 1a ~ l;
<: =~ 11'·1 ( fl
!'!": ~

17. The slip speed of an Induction motor Is Report probhom~

Iiiith f:ilJ(!;.t i f>JI
(JI :stator speed - rotor- speed
s:end )l'iur r"'f""'"~"~'-~~
0 statr.l!' speed + rotor speed
0 stator- s;peecf I ro-tor speed
~~ r-- (#1 >h
i1tl ..._:~:~::......
l~l ~ Flag this q u-estion r1~ s t ore this qu>=stlon •
fi EA.SJ!, ~f<-o) ij
j<:r·i ~--;,1 ~
Subsectlon: 18 ~ •
.; - ~ - ~
; ,;: . t - ~

ti =-:--=ft:~ ,
1$. Total resistance In a parallel ri!slstor circuit,. o1 R1 and IU Is R-.,port problem@·
L C\ llbT- liD> ... liD' with qui!:Sliitm _
7:8. Total :reslstance In a parallel reS>!stor cil.r cult, of 'I'll and R2 Is Report ptiiblemQ
With qUe!:".:io:ft
~ l/RT = 1/Rl + 1/J:I::Z S<!nd '{aur t«fer~lite~
Q 'RT = 1/ Rl +- l {R.2 69 %~
0 l/RT = (11..1. X R2 ) I (;?.1 + P;2)

Q:@ Flag this question ·,~Sto r e this qu>e-; tlon

Sub~ctlon: 7a @

7 9. An 8 k:Jl resistor has a tolera;noe band ot silver. The acceptable Report ptcblem.,at.
range of the reslst:or Is 'ti lth q U~Ofi ¥
S<!nd )!'<!Lir referehl:e~
~ noo - saoo n 75%~
0 1000 ~ s:zoo n
f1 t-- ~
0 76tlo • s.;oo n ~ U.-loo'•l.
.:·j .:--..,~.~~

;_i EAS:il. Fint·tJlj -;"¥.•
0 ~ f'lag th is question 0 ~ Stare t'hl:; qr.t=-stlon i .:-:-,, ~ ~'.r
!f [..: " - · ~
Subsection: ?a 0 ~ - ... ~-~ f!
,, ~. ~--=~-::.

80. l1 a number af resistors are c-onnected in parallel, the total R«~ ott ptcb!;;;n
resistance Is \'lith qu~;,n ~
~nd your refeence:-"JJ
Q greater than the lowest
® smaUBr than the lm"teSt
!i .,···~ Oil ~J
0 the same as the l f.
r:J.j ''~.-~·-
~ · . u
ti EJU;J\ F'11 ft·QG I ,'If•
0 'if Flag this question 0 'if St ore t h is q!.tsstlon ~
L : ''1
~ . ·'
1t ""-
.Sub~ction: 7a @
ti !;: i'J~ j
t;;:;;-=---~- ~

1'!1.. An A:C motor that rotl!lit<5 at the same speed as the suppily Report proble m~
frequency Is With qUe!:".iiiti ¥'
S<!nd '{our referelite~
0 an Induction mo-tor
® a .sy:nc!hronous: m otor
11 ~
- - ~ ~'I
0 a sq;uf;rrel cage m otor ,.
r~ ._.::-;::_ ~
0 Q rlag this question Q Q Store this q~.r£Stion ~
•' .- ..-,,
~~ EM 1\ Pilrt·tlrJ

~· .. f ·!
I; -==-.J 1-\
S! e ~~ J
Subsect1.a n: 11'! i) ~ =-
- .. l)i'' ~

82:. The resistance of a Is Rep?rt prubl ;'m· ~

0 the same as Its ronductance >-nth JiUetnm
S<!hd y.aur rerere F>C,;~
Q Independent of the mater'Jal type
® the reciprocal o"f It> conductance
\; ...-.loW,. .,., ~- ~_
'· u
Q Q Flag t'11s qu;;,stton Q Q St ore this qLre.stlon ~ ~:;:~rt-M ~ ,~.
Subsection: 7a ~
~ ~-,S.-,j ~.
tt .,.. : '"
- ·' '
.'' ~. I
- .,_w
.,il =------
83. Shaded poles 11\ an. altematlng curl'el'\t mo-tM are lntend.e d to R;oport problem
With Cj U ~D1l 0
0 reduce eddy curr ent [asses
S...nd '{aur refetehl:eO
0 facilitate starting
63% ~
Q prevent o>•erShaotlng
t' -
o;~ ·,,
lot...J!o'•'' ' -
li ...._ ,.; .~,..;... li
(]@ F'lag C)~ Store qtt-:?Stlon • !l
ttus question
• 81$~ ~rt-~G 1.1
... , 1
Subsection: 18 @ ~·~··., - ~
!'l1-r "'--=--
..::! =-:,._!_!_
;,. -.;· ""'} , ·~

1'!4. In a S)II!Ch ronous motor, when the motor is runnJng the slip Is
R"!.~~ ~-~~;.~o
84. In a syndhmnous motor, when the nwtM Is running the slip Is R;,port: proclern(jJ
"lithqu ~tm
0 5% Y-nd your r~f..ri!flteO
Q 100"M
.@ 0%
00 Flag this q ue;tion 0~ StarE this question

Subsectlorr: 18 ~

85. A three phase A.C motor Is running at speed on canstant load. :lf R.;opcrt probh;m(jJ
one phase g.o-es open clreu!t, the motor will run at with ·que!.1lt<n
S.:nd your r-.:r..rence~
() ~ speed
g) same :speed
j~ """ ~
0 ~ speed
li! ·~~!::~~ ~
EJUi,l\ Pi·u~ · tl iJ -
Cl ~ f lag t'lls q uesllon Q ~ Store this q•.t€Stloi'l' _,, .-... h
ii t-''1,
l A.~,»::]~~ l
Subsect'l~n: 18 Q - ..-I!'- ,.~
l =""'"---

86.• A 300 ohm resistor would have a colour code ~ R~port probl~rn(jJ
'tilth qu~o:n ·
Q orange, brown, black
S<:hd '{<lLir rerer;,flt,;,~
~ orange, black brown 74%(iJ
Q orange, oran9e, brcwm

0 ~ Flag tnls qu;;stlon 0 ~ Store this question

.Subsection: 7a @

87. RM!stanc:e Is measured ustnrf what unit of temperature? Repo.rt problem(jJ

with queo.'tit>rt
Q Fahrenheit S..;,nd y<iur r.e~~
0 .1\Jbs.t~lute 76%~
@ Centigrade ~; ~ ~ ~.~
t! w..-·., 1
0 ~ F'lag this questiOn 0 ~ StCire ttlis questlof'l
!l ~~...-·-.-·-· li
~ ~;II·% h ,Jt,-
~1 f, r -! ) • ...

.Subsection: 7a @ ii ' :;: _--..

c-:..-,.,. _. ~~

88. The ·eliec.trO'n flow through a conductor wlll be decreased the Report pi'tibl~ m
most If' the cross .sectional' area with .:jl:le;;"tio:~~ ~
S.:nd your r<:ferente~
Q and the le!19th are both decreased
0 and the len9th are both Increased
S is: decreased and the len.gth Is .ln.::reas.ed """ ~
0~ f'lag thls qu€5t lon Q~ Store this q!lestlon

Subsection: 7a Q

89.• lf .a conductor Is Ul c:m lon!J. wil't h a csa of .aMf a reslstlvlty R~port proble1!1l~
o( S, Its reslsta:nc:e Is ~1ithqu~oo

Q S ohms S.:nd l")ur r~feorenc;,~

0 SOC ohms
1- w~
(8i. SO ohms 1 u.-· ~ l. J
···- ·-~ 1.1
t EA.s11. Pnrt-•JCi ~

0 ~ Flag this q uewon Q ~ tr•ls question. -~! r::-~·' f:

: I F
' ; --· J ..... :>::} •
.Subsection: 7a @
t =-_.":!:ft_ ~
90. Six resistors each of 6 ohms would be Report problern(jJ
~ ...
with oue:stie:..n
90. Six reslsmrs each of 6 e<hlri!S would be R.;,port prcblem,m.
With ·qtii!Stitm y
@ 1 ohm ln paral lel
S2nd your reference"
Q 1:6 ohms In parallel . iS%~
() 1 a:t,m l:n serles

Cia r lag this que;;nan 0 ;@ Store this question

Subsection: 7a 0

91.. As temp.eratW"e l:ncreases, th-a resistance ·o1 semlcom:h:ietors Report: prcblem ~

0 mrnalns the sam.e
'tilth qLJB!hm
S.;,nd '(<ilit r.;,f!Oteoc.:,O
0 Increases 70%~
i{) decreases }l ~ ,s.; ';,<
~· ........~~"""'~,........
.). ' 1
(J ~ f lag thls qu~tlon Q ~ Store this q1.tss:lon ~ e.a.s.p, ~ rt-ll iJ ...
ii :a:"'-~ r~
·~ ~. '~if ~
Subsection: 1a 0 .::!
~ ---~ ~
~~ ')

iJ =~--~- '

9:2. When light hlt!i a photodlode, Its resistance Report problem

With quBt.i c•n 0
0 Increases
s:!!lld your r.;,ft!terv.:eO
stays the same
decreases .t•, _ . . """ ,._,·,

Q ~ Flag thls q uestion 0 '()' Stare this quEStion

~ ·~~~ K
~ EA5.l1. ~ft-l)(l_ "";. -~.~

~ f~-;,., ~i..t: '

Subsection: 7a @ if ,..._d ~ ~
~: ...- ~ .
~:.-:-_::--:.. . .-J

93. An Inductance/ resistance motOl' ls R.;,port prcblem~

withqu ~ tm
0 restricted 1D low toads only
S.;,nd yout l'i!f!Otentr.O
Q better than a capadtan.ce mma.r S9%~
~ less effldent than a capacitance mot.o r ; ~~ ~;I
~ W;a.'<t.d· j
ii ·--~~ tJ.I
0 ~· Flag thls question 0 ~ Store this que>tlor~ ~• EAS,\ J"tut ~6
-~ ~:r) ~
Subsectlon: 18 G -; - 11'-cl.~, ~

H :
.; =-':--:~::::)
<;; <.;J '(

94. A two-phase motor has R<oport: preble ~'~> ~

0 four p!}les at ~0 degrees
With ·qUestion ·
send your reft!t.:FY-"0
tvjo poles at 100 degrees
three pairs oJ p!l'l es at 120 degrees ., ._
, . . ,. fill'·~~

f . ..,...,,.,_ i-

Qa Flag th is qu~tlon 0 Q Store this q1.tSStlon EAStS. ~n-e~ ;~ .At_

" ,1:1' ,JI ~w ·
Subsectlon: 18 0 ~~ l-_.!!:_.1 _ , ~
~~ -: 1'""-.l ":"
l -:-.::;._-:: i<JJI-_ ~
95. An AC Induction motor Gln nevoe r orun .at synehironous speed Report problei'I>O
bec.ause ·;o~ith qu~c·n

() th-ey .are moch heavi er than motors and could r;ever &!t1d your reference~
be a.cceleratEd up to synchronous speed S7%ii)
0 the: b01ck El-1f' would be SG great that they would S:IO'VI the motor I- -i' ~.~ . l- ~ '~
down ~.2. . ._... ,......._
. qII
Q there woul<d be no emf loouced ln the bars and hence n!l' cu1rrent
,:; E.AS(:I, PH r.:~6 .A;

and no magnet:k field ~ ,:---;.1 ~

!·' '--2~1 li
~l !-===..,: - · ~

0 0 Flag this qu.e;;t1on 00 Store this Ql1£<5tlc.n. ~- ~"~.:~~ ~

Sub.sectlon: 18 @
95. An AC lnduc:tlon motor can n.e ver run at syncbronous speed Report probleM~
beCE!IUSe 'tlith -que:stio.n
S<ohd your ref;,ren.: eO
Q they are mu;ch he.avler than synchmn.ous motors a,nd could never
be accelerated up to synchronous speed
Q the back EJi.H' would b.e sc; great that they would S'IO'N the mot.w f """""" ~ ·h·
i' ._...,, !
down -~ ._••::......... h
; E.tr5~. Puti!..66
~ there would be· no emf lndul:ed l n the bars and heno:>e na o:~rrent
.... ,,., i
and na magneti:C field
i ·-~-'1 ~ . • ~
! '"\ "\:::: il

Ct ~ Flag this q u5tion 0 ~ Store this qu;estlon. J_= -: .. --~~

Subsect:lo-n: 18 @

96.• In a ~eslstor colour·oode, what reslstanoe. vahili!o Is indicated by Rf.!pcr't probleM(j

Brown, iliaci<, Orange? With qlJ(!;;'!iM
S<ohd your ref;,r!!n.:i:~
0 100,000 Ohms
c: l ,O iio ohms i'
fl .,....,.. ~ ~
®· 10,000 Ohms
i •. --!~'d-. !l
}i E11.5AI'l!lt·l)~ ·•
0 Q f"lag this q uestion 0 'r) Store t1"1IS qu:sstfi;.n 1€~1 I~~--;.'
__ ! ,f
_f~ .......... :J
Subsection: ?a @
e=-:_=fiE~ ~
91. ln a two ph21se moto-r, the reference ph21se ls fed with R'-'pott problem ~
w ith ·CJUe'tioo w
0 variable amplitude AC supply
S<ond your t"-'fen:hl:e~
0 bC:supply Si~AJO
® fl)(ed amplltud>e AC suppty i1 - ,:;; ~
f: M.,~' d/ :J
f, ·.~-·-
. -· . ~
Q {I Flag th:ls question Q~ Sto re this qu'E:Stlc,n i1 EI1~J'i, P~n~ ·~Q j.
~ ,.~~~ ~
Subsection: 18 @ li . ~ . . ~ - ~
!r ~-- ~~ ~
~ - -~- ,J

!iS. When flve 1000· ohm r>es:l's.t.ors arl! connected In parallel their Report problem~
tot211r.esl:stan.ce 1, with ques"JiDA
S-end your r~r~enceO
0 i()QO ohms

200 ohms
~~ ~ f>fil ·,t
5000 ohms !i "-"""'' •:!.. . ...
'i ·~-·~
· - I,
CJ~ f'lag this q u5tion Q ~ Store this question . .----,.
• Eft.S.I\ P.u{A(jl'j

li 1 u __ ~

Subsection: 7a @ ~i ~: <;J J
':j ;;:<.......
\:..__--=:::=:- r

99. A .eapacltor J:n a slnfJ]'e phase motor Is to Report problem.~

~lith [flJ(!;;'!i(>J'I
0 pr>event sparking at the swltdh
S<ond your ref;,r!!r..:e{l
® prm·lde a phase shift:
() pro..,! de .smoothing }1 ~ .r'--.:1~

0~ fla.g this q uestion Q ~ Stare t his qu<£<!:tion.

·-.~~-~~- :,... r~~
!.; ..:--il li
Sub!,iect:lO'll: 18 i i"i ~-:'_ ·~ ~.. ~
li • <J ~·
~ =--:..=~~ ~

100 . .A capacitor In a single phase AC mo-to.r !s to- Repc~t problem,.,.

with .que'tibi'f w
() pre~ent spikes
S.::nd your refen:nte~
0 block DC:
6? provld~ a phase shift:

Of~ Flag th.1s question (J ~ $tore trils questlc'n w~~-· ~ ~

fj Efi.SJ\ Fi'lrt·(llj :_

~ .~·;1t ~
L Subsect:lon: 18 6 Jt =.. ·~~ ~
~.....,..,....., .. ~"'=

How man~r questi-ons?

.1. A .ca.padtor l:n serJ-es and an Inductor ln parallel to a load makes R.,pcrt problem~
Order Moouiles > a with qwe"t1oo · ·
send yaur refiS'eiY-e~
13} t,f:gh pass tllter
Tub:Htal SuppGrt :· 0 band pass filter
~j ..-- .... ~
0 low pass tllter Jj l#m!li. d . .i'

Study Notes :·
0 ~ fla g tnls quewon 0~ Store t r,ls qustic,n ~ ~ :;. ·:·~rt··i~ ~ •·.
- ...-.1
.. . ••
:'11 embon .\fl'3 !'
'··· ; ·I
"--"-~ ]
Subsectl&:n: 16 @ ~ ~~ ·~
fl =~- -~- )
Memb.ers Home

2. FDr ho.w many hours will a 1.40AH !battery deliver i5A? Report problem
M·r l>erwnaj Details 0 1i.2S hQurs
\!lith qiJ~():fi Q
send your refet<oiY-er@
@ 9.33 hours 86%~
1-ty tontrol Panet :•
0 !~U.S hours .....; ~
~ •M!:~~-~- - ~
Take a Test
CJ"' f'la g t.';Js q uestion · ~ Sto re t his q<.rESt lon li EO\SI\ f'<'lm·QQ 2
\ f~~ ~ ..
v tew Test !tesutts ~
:Subsecrtl~:n: 5 ; ~!"~
!Iii O(,"J........... ~ r
?I =~ -:io tif b
Turorfal 5uppacrt :• ""----="=.)

Study Nates > 3. The etertrolyte In a battery would rise if the battery w.a.s Report pttiblemii
(J remalnlllig at constant voltage
with que-'.it<rt
~rid !(·3!.ir ,..,ferehte~
e charging 00%0
0 discharging }j .,.......... 1-' ~
!i2· ....:.-::::.... llf!
QQ Flag thls q u£:St lan Q "'·St oril t his qLLestlon •

; E.Il.s.J\f'<'lrt. ·~U
- ...-
. -
•i .... "' }
Subse.<:tl.~:>n: 5 @ ~ p , ·i - ~
t! !: "q_ lf
:~ =~ •t•. '1
"-----== -"'
4.. Tw·o 1.2V 40 amp. hour batteries .c.onn.e c:ted f:n ;para1.1el \VU1 Report problem'!)
prodtl!Ce with que>.ioo
send yaur r.. rerer.:e~
0 241/SOah
0 141/40 ah
@ 12VSOah
w=~~--·w ·~ e
~, Er•$ 1\ l'llrt.··l (i ;
(J~ Flag this q uestion 0~ Stare this qu.estlon. f,
,- r
,.. ••1
- .
Jj ~-. ! ! __.It
~;i ~
:Sub!iectl~:n: S 0 'i ""J
~1 =~.:---=~- !!

5. A 241140AH battery discharges at 21'1DmA. How l'Dng: wlll lt last? Rep.o rt pttiblemg
with gue"li;m
'@ 100 hours
~r1d your refeter..::e'@
0 •HMJ hours S1%~
0 300 hours
~i ~.~-~ ~ ~
Cl9 Flag this q uestion [j ~ Store this quest iufl j · ·"~·-
• .· · ~
~-~ Ei!5.l\ p;,.~·(IG. tr &'ll:.··
~ -...- ~ •1w .
Subsectl~n: S @ i ~: ·' ,
.. "Q- ~

6. The Internal resl!itance at a !battery off load campared to on load Report pttiblemii
Is Yiith que"tioo
0 lnm:ased send 'f·oUr ,..,fere;v.,e~

0 decreased SS%0'
g thesame t1 ~
-~ ~~1
}~ (Ok~::;:!-. i.
:~ Eft.S.1\ Fmt·<ilj ~ ••
0 '!) Flag this question Q~ Store t his€S tlon i~
- c;-·.
~· ,~!
l 't '
,Tt ,.

Subsectl&n: 50 ij.='~:~~~
.,- W- k~:~~.• J..c it-:'k.a. .;u"n•AYIWI=a."t':.a. tP~."f'.c..,."':.J .-d.ctr":an~~A. nl :a. r .a,.l::~on.,.k.a. ...,.AJI')- Rr.!pcrt:problem..,.
7. What Is the appr~xlmate resistance of a Lectanche cell? Roep~tt probl~nl· ~
With ·tjU~D11
0 20 ohms • 3>0 ohms
:Y.!nd y\O!Jr refeenc,;@
0 6 a-:hms - i.O ohms 83%~
§f;; (L02 .:thms - 4 O:hms
;l ~--:7'·· w J
0 ~ Flag t ';1s q uestion 0 ~ Store this q>.l£!5tlon

Subsl!di;D'll: 5 ~ l r
~O.S.A ~-Jt·tlG ~ 1r~·
~ -;:

al =-:..:~'"
L ___ ~
•1 _ , !1

a. Sand st~p filter R<opcrt prcblell\Q
with qUd.".io.n
Q pass a]l frequencies In that band
send your referen.:·e iJ
3 · attenuates frequenCies Jn a .s pedfled narrow band SO%~
() stops frequende5 ln a narrow band ~ ,__ ~ ;!

('"'IQ F'lag this q ue;;tlon c~ ~ StNe this q1.1estlon

~1 (~~~~,·~
. ~-
IIi .,.,, ~
;-; ~ ·~ ...
Subsection: 16 0 H ' ::._t
ti ~~---- ':'

~~==-="(,?~ ~
9. In a mercury .cell the steel casing ls R-eport problemeiro.·
"lith qu~1:i i>li•
() the negatl'l!'! term1nal :Y.!nd yaur r<:ference(j
0 neLth<>r · n•A.~
g the posltl•1e terminal j .,..._ 'i<i' ~
t.! ~~--'' :1
>i ... ,~·- f;
0~ F'lag th:1s question 0~ St~:~re this qu..e:sd on • EJl-5,\ j:;,rt·OO ~~ -~
.:--;r ~ ~~:!
Subset:lilfrn.: S 0 . i_ :
~ :;::;,~- ~;::"'
~ ---
~ -~ ~

10.• Which of the. following Is most likely to ·cause therm;~o\ runaway Report proble:m~
In a battery? "Pilth qu..stit:m
~hd y\OUr ref,;,ro:;nc"@
Q A high lnt€Inal reSJstan.ce condJtion
0 E:.::cesslv<!> curren.t draw from the battery i~ -
-.~ ~ 1r
e Hhgh current charging at the. batter(/' tfr more than 1.00 percent of
Its .capaCity
~: ll,.,_.ttl,
;~ f,O<.'Ov.--t't"~
?·j EJ•.SfJ.~ rt·M :J •....·

0~ filag thlo. qu estion Clij Store this ;:westlon. ..a:I!jJ; tiJ '' r:
. . - ......... .

Subseclil>O<n.: 5 ~· P! =--=~·- 1
11. The capacity o1 a battery Is measured In R-eport problem~ . ·
w ith q u~1:ii>li •
Q cubic oontlmetres
s.;na your refl!rer>ceO
Q volts.
® ampere-:haurs
!1 ...-- ~ ·~

0~ f'lag t hls q uestion 0 ~ Stc•re this q•J,e;;tlom.

}:?~ E!J.S~\Fil!'(·t)f.i
·--=:··. ~~ & ·
"'i'~ ·"- •-.~~• r;
Subsectl:o<n.: 5 @. i i, : L.~

i ! =-_ _!:!f,_j..!!: <;} ;!

12:. l"w~ 2. volt 10AH cells are connected In series, the output Report problern~
voiltage and the capadty would be "'''th qu..stion ·
~hd your referer.:~~
Q 2 volt, 20 AH
0 4 valt20 Ali
il ,.._ ~ 'i '
0 4 voltlOAH ),;
~ •.~·..... ·.- -"•'·
1 EAS.t\ Folf.:·J)IJ ~ .
. .

Q (j Flag this qu~tlon · ~ Store this qu:estlon ~ f ..

-;',1 ~·W""
il .;J_j _ ~
Sub.sedlfrn: 5 @
~J =~~=~·~ 5
13:. When load resistance Is eaual to the Internal resistance of the R<opott problooma
f~";~~.~ .. ~~-·--·----~-~-"--·--

13. When load reslstanot! Is equal to the Internal resistance o1 the. Rep~ft p!'Dbl;mQ
Iiiith qu~oJ\
S.~nd your refeter.:e~
resoroance occurs
maxlrnum power lso dievei:Oped ~ ........ 1'0( ·~ .
th£: d rctJitwiU overt.o ad and trlp theca 2"!
~ ....:.. .~ »
"-•""'•1 -

0 ~ !"lag this question C•Q Store this que;;tlon

~ E_IU
.!'.i\ F\"Jrt·'J O. ~
L::'·\,_, ~* ...._~..
~ ...-:r't•.
@ ~1 ~"'l ~
Subsect!Oin: S
cl =-:.._"~~::.)

14. A {:Bip.acftor in serl;es and Inductor In parl!lltlel make what kind of Repatt pmbiem'i)
With qUB".lOOI ·
S..nd y.:.ur r<ofetence~
0 lmv pass . 74%'i)
E3 Hf>gh pass ~ r-- w~
0 Sand: pass ~.~
I;~ E···-~·:--
L'-- 'd

Jt'!d\F'i'l rt-<IIJ ~-
U 'i) Flag thi s q u.e:stion CJ 'i) Store this qr.tE:Stion • .f--.-.!
'\ H
! b.U ~.. 1
Subsection: 16 0 ii
~ =-
:S "J
__ :!:!!'_ , !I

1!>.• The terminal voltage o.f a battery Is Report pmblertt.'i)

¥lith .que'li M
( ) the same as the total celt :Et-11" S..nd yaur ref;,.·er.:e;(/)
® always t-ess than the total ceU EMF' 62~.. ~
0 always greater than the tot3l cell EMI" I! .....- ...., ;
r t0 0
fj .•..::____
7~ ~
, ~

r lil9 tnls quf!cstJc.n ii) 5tor., t:hls qu.estlcm E."!\o1,P,J';•t)6 ,

Subsection: 5 0 ~!
' l~ ~·'4
.__:: _ __.. a
., "" A .
~1 ="":..~!!!- 9
16. Conventional current flow Inside a battery Is from R<oport pttibl~nt~
\i1ith qu~i on ·
.[} anode to cathode
9.!nd your refeter.:eW
Q cathode to anode
0 either anode to cathode 0'1" cati:J,::>d.e to anode, defl'E'ndlng on the t:--
·-....· .,.. ..., 1ft
. . .<::$ ' •

actl••e elements ~:
\! '"""':"-' ij
CJ ~ i"lag th.1s questJon 0 ii)..5tore t!hls qt.J.'£5tlon
·" ....
EAS.I\ Pi'I~·(J(i
~: ..

~~ =--="~0
.. . ~ '' I'"-'-
~~ ~
Subsection: S 0 .. YQ ·~

17. What etfect does hydrogen have In a battery cell? R.;,part pmblema
® Polartzatlon
withqu ~ t<n

S..M y.:.ur r<ofetence~


0 1-lothlng
Q St!lphatlan tl ~ ,..,;5 .
H l'~~.,._ J.
0 ~ !"lag question 0 ii).Store this q!J.e ;;tlon .i ···-- ·,.· -
r} Efi.J.j\ Fnrt·OO ~
;1 ~..~;1 ~
Subsectlo<n: 5 0 i'j &..~ -~ ~
t~ .,.~ s_:tt~. B
1S. A battery's Internal resistl!llnce Is detennlned by Report probierr' 'i)
¥iitli flUd-1\Dtl
{OCV"' Open Circuit Voft:age1 CCV "' CI:Osed OJ;rc:ult Voltage) send yaur r~f~~ntt!:~
·@ OCV-CCV 79%0
~] ~ f#' ~
J:i ,._:'7_::_ ~
~j E.O~~!t-olQ
. ~ . !!
1 ,T'-:
v .:; t.*'.;l ~ :~· :
0 OCV + CCV j L~ 1 ~,~

~! ="":..~~- ~
0 ~ f'lag this q uestJc.n Q 'i) 5tnre this qu.estlnn
19. An ammeter f:n a ballery char ging system Is for the p. urp~e of Report probl~ffl~
Indicating the witht.JU~cn
send vaur referer.:e:@
0> rate at cum:nt u2:d to charge the batte ry .. 80%{{}
0 total arnperes used In the .aeropla ne
il! - "";1
0 amperage avallab le. for u:s:e w.~· . J .
''~"··~- ~
i! EJ15o' j,~·9G • 't~~
Cl ~ f'lag this quest ion Qifl St ore this questlc•n t'!~,1 I"'-·--!
:: I
~ ~ ~
~"-~ '
.. )
Subsectllm: S ~ ~ =~~~ )
20. A ba~ry rat·e.<l at 40 Ah will s u pply 200 mA fol' R~po rt problem~
with quetit•n ·
() 5 twurs
5-end your r'<':ferenceO
0 20hours
e 200 t\curs ~~
hi ~
?~ ....~::~::.::_. ~
(.J (i) F'lag this question 0 Store this q!J.6tiorill '! Elt!h\ P,rt·4JI'j -~ Qa
i ---:-:~ ~ ~­
Subsectla<n: S 0 n
i! ~"=-''•
----;-<;)- I!:1
~ = ·-- --
~- . . -..
r• . rf1

21. The PD at the termlna!s of an open drcult battery w'Jth a small Report problem (i)
Internal l"eslstance w.JII be .,.,,ith queJ;'iiM
5-elid y<!Ut refetehC!!'~
® t he same as the :EMF
0 more than the t:Mi' ~! ~
0 les:s than the EMF : U.-)o' d . 1
! ·--·-.
- -
' £l..SI\1'7lf'!·~ G
0~ Fla.g this question Q~ Sture this qu~stlon " - - f .'!"·
'" ... .,,,1 - - •. '

I ;:: 1
- ~-· :;
...; ~

Subsectl.a<n: S @
~l =-:...~~~-J

22. If U; 2·-vo-it cells are connected together In parallel to form a Report problem@
battery, the battery lioltagiO will be ~l ith qUe;;tiOn '
5-er!d you~ referer.:e:@
() 24volts
)(} 2 Vo:}lts
H~ l¥J !a
0 12volts ,j .~:.-::.:...
ii EJ15Aj,IH U
Cl ~ Flag thJs q uesuon Q~ Sto re this q'l!:!itlon ,, ;;a.-, ~

Subsectl:n n: 5 0 ~! i ::~ ~~· ~.

~, =~.;_-~- ~

23.. To genera te electr icity w'Jth a tuel .cet:l\r you need a ea<Mt:an.t R"'pott problem
supply of With qUe!i'JM~
5-end !(oUr r<:fereliCeO
0 Kerosene II< Heat
.0 Oxygen & Hydrogen
0 Nitrogen & Sunlfght 1~ "" ~
ll ·~:~:.:.... ~
~1£t..s:_":."r'< ·9U p,''r:\:;"
00 Flag ttols q uestion Q"j)'s:tore this questlo:-~ ., ~ ,,1 • ;,::. .
~ ~ -1
Su bsectl,o<n: S @ 1> ~ w::J
~; =..,_ -~- .
24. The voltage of a .secondary cell Is Report problo;rn~
with qol!:rtiM
determined by the activE materlats on the pl at«S
S.:hd your ref!S'"nc~@
0 determined by the mrmbe:r of plates
0 determined by the area of the plates

U0 F'lag this quf!Stion @ Store this question

Sub.!li!!Ct!C'll: s@

')_o;;_ A nrlm;orv ""II Repctt probierttr..
25. A primary cell R"'pcrt problem~
't1ith q u ~o.n
0 can be recharged
S..!id your r"'feter¥-ei'
0 can be recharged but ooly a few times. 85<;'o~
@ can not be rechar g;ed ~1 ~

Q 'f) f'lag this q u€Stion Q ~ Sta re this qt.r:stlan

i1~ E/l.SA · · h~ ~ :r'··
Subsectl~n: S @ !1~ t.~l
. !. ,( _ __ ~ ·~ · ~
~'~ Ilk ~ •)!

i1f =~- --;.!:!!'

_ ~

25. What Is the ampere-hour r ati ng of a storage battery that Is R'.!p~ rr ~ ro bl ~m~
W ith ·q tJ ;,st;cO'I
desi gned to deliver .45 a mperes for 2 .5 hours?
S..nd your r'.!fere r.:e .~
tE;> 11:2.5 .amp.E<re-hour 8.3%~
0 90 .0 a m pere-bour-
0 45.0· am pere-hour

0~ ~lag thls q uestion Q~ Store this question

S u bsectl,o;n: S ~

27. A band Pass filter Report probl et>•~

w ith q U ~M
0 a ttem.ab>..s signa ls a bove a c>ertaln freque ncy S..nd !(·oUr rofetet¥-e~
.€) stops t hose freq uencl!€5 frUtslde of a destgnated n arrO'I't band 68%~
0 stops those. frequencies wlt hiln a ~r~ arrow band ~

. ,..,.,.... -
,.......... ,............ a
0 ~ r lag this q ueiitlan Q ~ Store this q•.rest!ont EASI\
- ..-
F\>Jt·~G ry
k .r .•,
"' ,,;t ~~ ~~ ·'I
S u bsection: 1 6. ~ ..ii ~ ~· ~ ~ "';) I
li = - ·• ·t»' ,,

28.• When light e:nergl ses a component, What Is tbe. component:? Report problem

0 Llght emitting dl:Ode

1'1ith qu.o;;1:lo.n 'i
Y-nd yaut" rer~~ nt~~
121 Photod.lode !'W~~
0 Laser diode

0 'f) I' lag this question Q Q' .Stare this qu5tlan

Subsectl~n: S @

29. 11 a battery has got low resistance, then the R'-'pcrt pto blem.t':'i'
with que;;ti;:..n Y
0 no loa d vo ltage wmbe the same as an load 'laltage
S..nd your refi!re rv.: e ~
® no l·oa d! volta ge wilt be greater than em la-.a d vo!tag·e
SS %~
0 on load! voltage w'JIE b e g,reater t han oo lo-ad vo!tag·e
~] 3~· ·· ... ~
0 Q F"lag this qu~Uon ~ Store this question. ~ EJl~.l\ ~ft-{JQ ~· :{!!
·} [,~~~ n: _ t-~
S u bsecti on : S @
.:·~ ~.
"' 'q_
ti = "":.__!,!!'_ ~

30. Twoo similar Uv batteries coon.nected In parallel will produce Report probl em~
.,.;ith q u ~oo ·
0 24.1/ e . m.f. with twice the. capacity of each b attery your rofetel'>te~
s 12V e. m.t. w'l th twk.e the capacity of each battery
. . 82%~
0 24v e,m ..f, with the same capacity as each battery
I!:i.,.....-- ~~~. .
~~~-~ .l.

0~ Flag thJ,; q uest.ian Q ~ Store this question J ;.;·~,·~G hA .

F -...- v~
lj )~ : ''', f• .
Su bsectl.l:Yn: S Q ' . ~,r,
; ~ ";:;) ~
~j = -:___.!!!'- ~

31. The materJ:<Jis.ln the plates oof a NI•Cad battery are Report problem(it
YJ i~ h nl.,,..'(..,; r.,n
31. the mater'lals In thi! plates of a NI·Cad battery ari! Report !Jh:iblemii)
With que'tiM
0 lead peroxide on the posltl\•e plates:, cadmium on the negative
Send your refert:hCe~
. 74"1il~
® nickel on the. pcs:ltiv« plates:, cadmium on the. negative. plates:
0 nkkel on the negative plates:, cadmium o<n the po-stlve plates ~~~ -W.-'«~' •~ ~ ~-
;; ,~.... ~ - -.·· ~
tl e.o·c;,\f'i'lrt·~o c A
Qg Flag this q uestion Q@ Store t his ques r.lan ~ ,~:--:JI ~ W"
r~L~r : :~:h
: ·l ~ f
Subsoctl.a<n: S ~ - _ _.:,__ ilf.

3.2. Band pass fllrnr In a drcult R<!port probl~m 0

YJith ·qUB'UD!I
® only .allow!> a narrow band of fr«guency to pass S<;nd vaur refetent~'ii
0 al!ows kequeooes below a cut-off frequency to pass ' 79%@
() allow.s treq,ueoo«S abo•l!;! a cut ..;off freq'*'ncy ro pass lj ~ ~ ;~
!: ~- -~ :-
!i ·-.,-·-.- ~
0@ Flag this q uestion -~ Q Stor·~ t!hls qu.estlon !,1 Eft.SAFnrti·<iJ:i -
~ ~..- 1 ~
Subsection: 11i ~ ~ £ :.·~, !,!
-~ .o.:~~" J
=--- -:.-=::...r'
fi~:- rv P.'

33. The method of ascertaining the voltage o.f a standard atrcratt Report probleM\@
leadi-l!liCLd battery Is by checking With qUe'tiM
send your ref;,reoc~O
0 the voltage on .o<pen drcult
-:ry the voltage off lo<<Y.l l~ ~ i.i! '~
0 the voltage wlth rated load switched ON! ;; ~'*' · ~- l

,. ~·:. :~~·=Q ~ ..· ·

0 Q Flag this que;;tton QQ Stare th is qustlon •
: ~p £ .."•.eJ lf-
..., ~
...b.J ~ ~
__ ,
Subsection: S @ tl =~ ,IIJJI f1
1¢ - --- "

34. The c:apadty of an eloctrk cell ls Report ph:iblem.,..··

With que'tiM . .
@ the quantity· of celectrklty it can s upply from new to the end of Its S<:r1d your refen:!hte~
useful voltage on lioad
0totally Independent ofthe current belng drawn from the battery
0 the quantity of electricity It oean s upply from n.ew until the cell
VDitage reach«S zero

0 Q Flag this q uestion Q ~· $tore this que:stlon

SubsectiC<:n: S @

35. When a supply Is connected to a load, the terminal voltage ls Report ph:ibleh\(1
with qui!Ol:l.i D!I ·
0 equal to the e.m.f. pl:us the internal resistance voltage dmp
S<:hd your refetei'IC~~
0 equal to the e.m ,f,
f:5 equal to the e.m.f, mfmJS the lntemal reS'ls:tance •1oitag>e drop
0~ f'lag L'l!s q uestion 0~ St ore t his question

SubsectiC<n: S @

36. Internal re.sista.:nce [ a battay due to hydrogen 0'11 R.;,pcrt problem~
the YJith ·que'tiM . ·

0 Plates S<:nd l'·:lUr refetehCeO

Q Anod€
t; -
-~· - ~ ~ '
0 Catfl.ode
,,bri y,n,•..;~.
,_..,,:" ....... .t
Ef'!iAF';'Jrt·tlO -
Cl ~ Flag this q uestion ·Q Store t:hls question ~;
... . ~

Sub.sectl.o.:n: S ~ Ji•) ).":: . ·' ~

'0 :;}
.. It~
~ =-:..=~- ~
L :1,~ Tn .A. t'~mnr.nuniP~ wh~r1li lv v.nlt·;uul! mAA.qu.rM7 R<!port probleMa. .J
37. ln .a the;rmoc:ouple,. where Is voltage measured? R-eport proble M~

0 At the hot junction

'<lith ·q tJ,;,;:tjt>n
S..:rid yo ur r"f~e~~;,~
0 At both Junctions 7 1 %~
~ At the cold junctio n l{r""- ~ ~
~~ .~:.~··~. . ~
OQ F'lag this que.;tlon [ ) Q Stare this qu5 tlafl ~~ EAJ;J\ 1'3"·% •

' ~ --.r -! , ~• ~···

Sub.sec:tl:<Hl: S 0 1. • ::.. -Q ·- ~ .
~ =-:..~·r.r_ ~

38. A b.;md stop filter R.opcrt p ro bl em~

With qUd'!itm
Q attenuates frequencies either sl'de of a narrow range
ser:d you~ reference~
e'J stops a na.r row range of frequencies S7%~
Q stops freq!les. el ther stde a€ a narrow r<mg.l'< !1 ,_....- ,.. ~l(
~.~ _::-:-~·- · ~ . f
0~ f'lag this q uestion OQ store this questloi:l ~i EftSJ\ Fi :ut·(l lj 'J
·:t f-, -.-r-tl !I_
Subsection: 16 @ j L : ·1 - R
! ~ "'J i
' =-- -"I~
-~ -- ,;f,

39.• Two batt,;:ries 1211 and 40 Ah each, are In .series. What Is thee R.;,pcrt probl ~rn~

totail cap.adty? Yiith qu.W.iOfi

S..:!id yo ur rer,;,.-ente~
0 i2VSOAh
0 24VS0Ah , _ (.il '

,0 2AV40 All li '•

f. ·-~~ ~
i! Efo..S II,Pll ri·~G ~ •.
Cl'lil' Flag this q uestion ,_,~ S t o re t his question "' -a.- ,
tij' r
-J· · .'
~.i_ .r ',f
tl -- ~--·~
Sub.sectlon: 5 @ "'
~ = -:.__!!!_
!!~ !If

40. A drcult wl:th go.od selectivity will have Repo rt problern>r..

:eJ a narrow bandwldth
with que:s"!ioo v
send you~ referer.~e~
Q a low l/C ratio 70%~
0 a lalfge baoo~>~•ldth H-~ .., ·.~

(J Q ~lag this q ue.;tlon 0 Q Stare this questiafl

.,.~- ·"
~ ~............-.
EJll;i\ I'!Ut ·~ G -
?1 - ---.
~ .. ,~ · h."'
Sub.sectll:>:n: 16 ~ li•;
~1 =--=~·~
.....W~~ ~
;,' •

41. Fnrmatkm of white crystals of potassium car bonate on. a R.oport ptobl ~rn~
property .servlt:ed NJCd battery Indicates With ~Uie!-'1l M
S..:nd your t'•Hen!nt~~
~ ov er charged
0 full c:iharged
i1,-.- ~~
Q uooer charged
;~ .......':~::._ ~

0 ~ Flag this q ue.;tion ~· sto re this qusclon

l;, -·-
'l EI.... ,,;,,HO.. A
~·~ ··
~· ~
Subsec:tl,on: S ~
~=~f{;~ ~
41. In ete.c troly.t es, the char·ge carriers .are R.opcrt probl em~

Q protons
\>,iith ·quf::!itiM
y<lur r.,f;,r.::nce~
§;g kms
Q atoms:

. ; ·-~~-:;:.:._ ~
~ "'
CJ 'it !'lag this que:stJon 0 ~ Store t his qu-estion 4,"': EI•.S O.F7l rt·llCi_ ..!
~ -. -j p
Su bsection: 5 0 l l"y•, E
r ~ ~-~ ~
i' =- ..:.!:!!'_ ~

43. A 24·volt S,QUrCe Is required tD furnish .4a watts to a parallel Rep crt probl eM~ ·
-·--·-1'"" --·--1,_.,1,- - ---11---- -.II. --··- ·-·-···- ._ .. ._L_,._ 1- .. L-
-.I. • ._ ___ ...,Ji H; r'!ii J ~i r..n.
43.• A 24·vott s>o<urc:e Is required to furnish 48 watts to a parallel R"'-port probl em~
circuit conslstf:n!J fYf tour resistors of equal value. What Is the With ·q Ue1i!ioti
S:.:hd '(<!Li r r«fiore iite@
voltage ·drop each reslst:or!'
J.3i 24 volts
rSP' ;
0 :3 YUits
0 12volts

0 Q! Flag this q uestmn QQ Store this qu;;stlon

Subsectln.:n: 5 a
44. Mercury cells are covered wlt:h a metal cov·e r R,;porEproble M~
w ith guio$ii t•i!
Q as a n eg·a tlve termtna~
S:.:rid your refetehteO
0 as a protective .:over 7S%il)
J8) as a p os'lti•;e terrnlnal ~ -~

0 ~ Flag this q uestion 00 Store this question

Subsectlo;n: 5 ~

45.• tn a L.eclanche cell the plates .a re made of R«port proble m.~

'i'iith que-JM
() nickel and cadml:um
S:.:fld '(<JUt r«fioteiitio@
Q merrnry and l ithi um 1£",'00
@ zinc and carbon l\1 ,...- w ·· .
!.~ ~.:~. ~
~ ....
&t ..
CJ ~ F'lag thJ= questi on 00 Store this q•.re st lon fl E.O.s.tJ,f'aiHO ~ ;~(-':.
·; .-;--'J ~ .,.1'
Subsectlio<n: 5 @ .l
I >:_·~ - ~
"- ~ •.1
~ =~--~- ~

4<6. There are I:I'Wl'r e lll!!1J<rtlve than positive plates In a lead add Report problem
battery because With qllio$ii0!1 '1J
S.!!nd your r"feti!fi.:eO
0 It reduces the lntemal reslstance ofthe cetl
0 It ls necessary' for chemical action to take place :. . .
I:!......- ~~;

® the p osltl•,·e t)lates are prone to warping [f the chemk at actlon ls

~ .:. . :::7~ l:
taking place only 0'11 one sl de n El't.S.(I,P.,r;.~o
;, ~~- ,
CJ~ Flag thl s quest ion ·~· jj Store this qiJ>es::iarr. •.fj, t~ ' 1
-..=:.! u
., ... <;)- :~
!l =~ - .. r.:: fi
Subsectlio<n: 5 0 lli - - -- ..;

47. A high pass fUter eon:Silst5 o;f a Report problem~

0 an tnductor In s.e rfes and a capacitor In parall.e l
'i'Jith quo;;-tiO!I
S:.:lid '(<IUr ri<fiot;, r.:oo~
0 capad tar ln .ser1;es and l.nductor In p arall•el
( ) capad tar In s:f<Ii'es an d lnductor In serleos
t~ ~~,.,_ ~ ·~
;:-. -.:-·;,.- !..
U ii Flag this que;;tlan Q@ Stat"£' this ia111 ~--~ EASA. P-utt.JSb ~
•• .~ 1,\
H .,t. 1,!1 ~
Subsectlon: 1 6 0 i1 i - .2...'1 _ __ ~
rbt1' =~-_ "')'
_,_' _
;)_ )-~

48. A 20 -c ell battery with each ~:ell having an Internal resistance act Report problem
0.1 ohms l's: chal'ged with 2 leads having a total resistance of 0.1 with ~u~ ""
ohms. The battery Is chaJ'9',e d with a CUI' rent at S amps. What Is S..nd your refeteht eO
.t he lost voltage In ttw!o cll:af"ii:lng circuit? •· 13%~

0 {U)OS volts: "! ~ tfr ;.

IS iO. 5 va<lts
~~ -~~
W<a.loo<..l.. •
Q o.Svotts };
11 EA5A """'"'"
, -"'j f"· •T j·,
~ }, " __Ill ~ \._:;
!I -!<-'! ~ , f;
0~ Fla-g q uestion O'iJ t.hls qu>estlon t! =i
C: IC\l
~ =-:-__.!l!!,_ ~

Subsecti:O.n: 5 0

~............ ~- "'~'·"""-"' _ ., .,

4,9 . 'Thermal runa,w ay ,causes R>!!part problern,m.

with gU!OStiont:w'
0 na gassin g, b-ut bollln9 ot electrol·1>te and melttng of plates and
S..M your refete nte ~
0 vlatent gassing, onl'!l'
tl ~ ~ )
l2f vlat ent gassing, boHing of ,e,lectrol)>te and of plates and :-; "'~ ~ ;-· ....
·.~' ~;;·F.,rt·~lj ~~ e·.
:·~ .:·~ ~ ' ' J-t'
0:0 Flag this question ~ $tore this quce stlon i ~;~ - ~
' '" l':J '

SubsectiM: 5 ~
ti =~,;_:.!.\?" )
50. A high pass fHt:er will Repctt ptoblem
with qu~oo~
~ allow frequen cles above a certain v,alu e to pass
~nd your refe:r-e:nte ~
0 allow freq ut.rocles below a certain 'Jal:ue t o, pass 82%~
0 allow frequencies wlthln a rang'e to pass

LJ ~ Flag th.Js question ,~ $tore this que;;tlol:k

Su bsection: :16 0

SL Whi()h Is: a high-pass: filter? Report problem'i:J

with que'tioo
() n type wlth series C and L
St!nd 9'0Ur' refe:teil-te:'i}
0 L type with series L arnl shunt C 69%0
® L type wlth series C and shunt L t1 ~ ~-

0 ~ rlag tills qU£-<Stian ~· Store this ques:lon

H·-·~";~ ~
!~ EllS!\ P,~·~fj
r, "~~;;, 'I
SubsectiO-n: 16 @ ~1 !- t ·I ~ f
fi !!!: <;!
:< =~
-•li• " ;,

5,2:. A high pass fJJter has Report probl;, m~

\!'l ith qu!OStiM, ,
0 htgh tmpeda oce to both high and t;ew frequency
S..nd your refe>rer.:;,'i,
~ hlgh Impedance to law frequenc1•,, low tmpedaoce to htgh
frequency ~..
,; ,.....,- W 'f!
0 high Impedance to hlcgh frequency,, loYr Impedance to law iJ 11.~·-~-
i' .. ......~.-.· !j
~~ E.i\Si\' F-:ut·•lO 1
C] ~ Flag this questiDn [ ) "l Stare trois qu;;c:; tlo r~ ~i ~~ ~
lf .. Z t ~, ~
~ ~~ 'I

Subsectl,o n: 16 Q f, =-:..-~- j

53. tt a nlcad batte,ry Is not to be u sed l:mmed1ately It sh,o-uld be Ft.,;pcrt: problem

stored '1.'/ ith ·tji.J ~D:fi 0
Send ~ur refe:retl>:::eO.
0 dry
0 fully c!harged
f! <"r ~ ·fj1
€,1 fuUy dissipated s! lt.~l>l' •"·

"'~ Eil'il\
'"""'...-- if
Poo:·UG •
0 :0 Flag L."ils q uestion [J~ Store this qu:estlon ;,:
-~~- ·
.J 1 -! i

~i '<~ " - ~
Subsectto-n: S @ ~; """'" :r
~ =~-=~-- ~
:!14. 'the el:ectrolyte b:1 a nlicad battery Is: Report problem

0 cad'mf:um hydroxide with qu~;,nO

~nd your r~ferente:O
0 nkkel h·rdroxlde
Q- potasslu;m hydroxide

0 :0 Flag th ls question 0 ~ $tore this que;;tlon

Subsectl~n: S @

L 55. I1 the temperature of a lead~acld battery lincreases,lts Internal R«port problema

SS. l1 the temperature ·Of ill lead--add battery lllaeases, lts Internal Report problern
With i!!Ue'tii>..'i
resistance will
£<:nd y·:>ur r«reretx~~
0 l ncreaSJe ancl lts tenn'Jna! voltagi!! on-I:Oad wilt de.cre.ase
m decrease and lts termtnal \o\DLtage on-load wiJI decrease f; <-
,s,;t ';t .
0 i ncrcease and its tem11na,J voltage on4!lad wilt l ocreaSJe t!
EI•SJ\ P.~:rt-1j iJ -
i~l 0 Flag this q u£St·wn n ~ Store this QIJBStlon ,, f."'';,' ~
Subseetle-n: S @
.,tf k ~_'L- ~., .. ~

~~ =--=~- ~

56. What part of ill nlckeli-cadmlu m cell helps to prevent thermal ~port proble m~
runaway? wi th question

0 The pas:ltl>•e pl ate

£<:nd y>:~ur reftorer.c .. O
0 The neg;atl\le plate.
H~ ~ ;.
~ The separator ~·!
H ··~"•·~--"
w.....-.,_ J
~-] EAS.l\ ~rt·l)() :r A:r:.
0 ~ Flag this qu£Stlrm 00 5tori3 this qu::stion i .;J;--~,., ~ ~tl
} !.. :: . ·( __,. ~
Subsectl'tm: 5 Q ;J~--:~~j
5?. 'fhe ban let Cell electrodes are RepcrE problem@
with que.'tit•n
® copper- an.d zlnc
£<:nd your refeer.: e ~
0 zl)nc and m ar;ganese dlo:~J dec e-t%@
Q carbcm and zinc
iii• .,....- ~ ~

~: ""-.(~.~ ~

U Q Flag this q uestion 0~ Store this qll'eStlon

!1,. ; EJi.5J\
-- ~:.~. ,, •
t: - I<· • ·
"1 .£. --;-p J~: !
Subsectl:On: 5 ~ ;! --~
~ · •{ ........., :p~
·' ~ !'(!"
i<J ,f'
;!! - ---

SS. What Is the Internal resistance of a battery? R.;port problem c.r.

'>'iith qur.stiM •
0 The resistance measured YJhen the battery Is half charged
£<:nd y<~u r rereretx,;~
0 The resistance meilsured aoeross the t'lm termtnats 63%Q
€9 The resistance pr€:Sent tnslde the battery Whlle connected to a ~ .,.....- ~ ~
laad 11 .
~~~· :r.. J
~ ·~- .,--- ~
~; El1
.SA P;u~·'Jij :-- .¥,1
CJ 0 F'lag th!s q uestion OW Store this qL>£s tlon t:i'
..- ---,
,; }.!"••
, ' . l··
~j L r _·• ~-
Snbseetle-n: 5 fi "' !!!. ~ J.l
~; =---~~ ~

59. When the l:wlttery Is connected to the alr~raft, which tennf:nal Report probl,;rn
should vou connect first? >'i itli qllf<S'!!itiil Q
Send yaur r~f!S'~oce:~
~ Posltlve
0 Neg;atlve
0 Any
!r;;::.: ~ .
L l~ f'lag thls q u'-"St:iOn 0 ~ Store this q!l.::Stic•a l'
•· ,,1 •.
'} 1_;:_-~,__ f!
! .............) ..1
Subsoctl,cm: 5 V)
~ =--=ll (i/~ ~

60. Whkh ot the t'o llowlng Is. recharg;eable? R«p~rt probi:rno@

~ Sec.o.nda,r y c>ell With que..outm · ·

£<:nd your refeef'ICI! ~
0 Tertia ry
Q Primal)' cell jj ~-~ ~ ~

0 Q Flag this question 0~ Store this ql£~tlon

I~ . -~~:!-
~~ E.MJJ\F;,rt-(llj
li .
t! -~- 1 I~
~, ,;, ·' J
·t . ~
Subsoctl'rtn: S@ !!j! t._ .;:
~. ~ :o=:J._...... .t.
~ =-~ __!!£_ ,
Iii. In a simple vcltak cell the collectl,o;n o.f Ions on the cathod>e R"'pci"t probleM<@ ·
L ts:liii;AIQ ~1 ith ·quf<S'!!it<fi
6L In a simple vo.lta1c cell th.e collect[.r>l\ of Ions on the catbOO!!c R.;,pott ptoblem(/)
causes Yiith que-tiM
S..rid y·:.Ur c;:feren:e:fil!
0 s tllpha:tion

i.,.; R

(j 'it !"lag this q u£:stion n 'i) Store t his q;.t~tiC!n

Sub.sectl~n: S 0'

62:. 11 th.-e lnsul:al:lol\ resistance Df a lei!-djadd batt-ery Is down, it R<!port problemQ

Indicates ?1ith que;:ticn ·
S..rid yaur reftorer.:·eO

() l nterce.IJ fA:akage
case leakage.
leaka;~e between positive and negative termtnats
;; .---
l! .,..,.,.,_
;;,;; ·.J
ij ,_.._,. ,~--:- ~
f; E!l!iAP,r.·qG
0 '~). Flag t:hls q uestion Q (ii» St ore bhl~ qu::st iDI1 ~1 i¥:~1 1~;w
:Subsectlem: S @
~~ ~
.,. s~
•• =~ ,,./if N

63. The etectrn'Jyte 1£-Vet a-1 a nl•cad battery R<opott problem~

0 falls durlng charge

with quetitm
&.nd your r;,fe:en:eil'
C!:J falls d:urlng discharge. 79%(/)
Q rises durlng dl;;oharge fl ....,....
w ·~
fjtj ;-~~::!'..-
' ..
0~ Flag this q ue5tlon [ ~ ~St o rE t question i.= Efi.S~\f(IJt ·tliJ 1 -:,.-.
t~ j~--~, ~ ~~r~
I ~
SubsectJ;a-n: S @ l ·" -...
., I -
·'<J~ p
~ =-__.!.!{'- :s

64. A filter w!'tb a Somali bal\dwldth has R.;.pctt problem(/)

\Oiith ·qu;;;;tio:n
0 aQofzem
~rld your rere.renc~~
0 a law value of Q
65 a hl,gh value of Q
' j.,..,..
,_,::.~·· .
.... ~


n~ f'lag this q uest ion 0~ 5torc t'hls q•.rest /01')

:Subsection: 16 @ I!1>:·
E.l'i~A Pnrt·tlO {
. I.:--;.l
- 1
~ -~":!

i! =---·~- ~
. !!.3


GS. Two iOV, 20· Ah batt-eries are mnf'lect:ed In parallel and R<!pcrt problem(/)
conn-ected across a iii ohm lol!-d. How long oould they supply l'lith tjiJetiOJI
normal wrrent before the voltage lbe.g 'Jns to de.c ay? ~nd ydur refer-er.ce:~·

0 20 hours &ll%~
S H~
. -· ~ f~
40haurs ~ il...•?a'•l. -

() 4 hours I; '~·""·-.·-
· · ~
E!l!iA p,~.qo '

0~ Flag t his question Q~ Store this q ueotlon

~: w:

tt,A ·· ""~ ~' ~ v

:Subsection: S @ ~ =-::.._" ~ )

66. This Is a diagram ·Of a R.;,pcrt problem ,a.

"iith qU~Ji:<tl y
S..iid y.our c;:feten:eO
... . ootpyt . 6S%(/)
!]-·' • l. 1!' ~
,; ···-·t'- H

=I: ~
E..fl.Si1, Pmt·1~0

i.l k ~ ·1 ~. ~

0 band pass filter 1'i ~~ :;;
t =-.:.__!!.!_ ;
((81 low pass fllter
0 h l,gh pass filter-

67. A nl·c:ad battery fl:MJnd to. be below norma:t capacity should Report problemr.'fi.

With qUE!.1Jit>.'i V
0 be remO'ved and used for graurr;d use only
S..nd y.;ur
0 be re-dharged with a freshening ctJ.arge 76%~
c) hav-e Jts electrotyte adjusted!
ll ~~-· ~['
(] Q Fla9 th is question 0 ~ Store this q•1=stiol'!i :l EA.SA PoiHrU ;t A
: -r- o· ~
~:~ ~~·~~ t'
Subsectlfrn: S 0 -~ ......._.. !
i " "<;) ;
) =--~:"'~~'. ~

68. A. battery rated at 20 AH at the iO hour rate will pmvlde Report problemQ
0 2.0 amps for 1 hour
'tilth ·guf!;lti on vaur refErer>eeO
6 2 amps for 10 hours 7.5%@
0 10 amps for 2 hours u.,.,...... ~~:

LJ ~ Fla9 this quBSUon 0 ~ 5tore this qr1est1on

i~ ~.~~ .
lo WA Po ft ·4G
(; - ...-1 ~

SubsectliO'n: S i).
~ to.·•, ~
69. What of a battery Is covered In hydrogen dur'J;ng Report probleM~
polarization? with quf!;ltio,n .
~t1d vour refe:ttH"it~O
Q Anode . il%~
113 Cathode ~i .-- ~ ";
Q &nth tne anode and the cathode ¥1 ""~· """ J~
. ···~·t<-
! E.4!h\ ~Jt ·(J(i ."i :¥.".;
CJ Q' Flag this question O Qr Store this qu:-!!Stlon F. ~;1
, --;-... h~· ·
1 >oM-~
:' - I ·~
Subse<:tliO'n: S ~ ;.,;, s~ i.l
~ =-.;.._'.!!!_ ;;

7'0. When c:hedd'ng the SG of the electrolyte tn a lea-d add battery, Report problem.G>.
ym.tshould With qUE!.1:iM V

6 cneck all cells because they may be different

S:.nd your referehCeO
() check cmly the no. l c.e:ll because It Is the master cell
0 j! ~..--- ~ ··
check any cell because they wll.l aU be the :same ;·: ·~~:· · .· ~
Cl ~ fla9 this: questwn nQ store this qu!5tioll ,,i:~
E!JSA P.,rt·tJI)

.. -~
~' ~~.
~ ;._~.:

~ r:::c c_ ~
Subsection: 5 ~
71.. What Is driven from the po:slttve plate fn a nl·cad cell during R<!port probl~m ~
discharge? With qUe£1JiW1

~ Oxygen y<rur refEref\CeO
0 Nkke!
0 CadmJum
il .~:t·• ~ ~
! W A l'liiH~ ~ A
0 ~ f'la9 this q uestion g Store this qu:E:Otlor; i'..;'il ~ . ..,
L.,:t·._· ·~ ~
Subsectl.o-n: S ~
r!i =-:._jE!~ J
72. Capacitor In series and an inductor In parallel to the load Report probl~m@

Q allows frequen.ctes below a certain value to pass Wfth CJUesbt>n · ·

s..nd your refeter.c~O
-& cuts-off nr attenuates frequencies below a certain value
52% if}
0 wJIJ allow a nar;aw barnl of freq,uendes w pass .! ..........
. : ')

(] 0 Flag tills question OQ Store this qtt!?Stlon -~:. :~·p,~.qQ

' .
- ,, i'
1., • .
,.:;.: h._;_j

Subsection: 16 ~ ~ j

~ ou.---=~~
li """"

73. A series LC titter ~ sis~ known as

R':~~~ ~-~~~;.~@
?'.l. A series l.C filter Is a lso known as Reporl p ro bl i!!m~
with quE!itlim
Q a reje ctor drcutt
Scend '(·our rH.:renceO
® a n accepror clrrult ' 70%~
0 a band swp d rcult .:;v ;,

0 "i) Flag thls 0 'i). Store t his qu-e:stion

Subsect!loa: 1 6 0

74. 'to Improve the life ot a dry cellltwo.uld be. manufa<:tu red wltb R.:port prooh: m
~lith ·qur:st'ion 0
~ m ore zi nc
S.nd yaur ref.:rer.:;,.O
0 a pure carb o-n posltivo: rod 76%0
0 m or e etectrofl yte p aste !i - i<l f!
I' "~>'·• l
I I ~ Flag thJs que;;t4on Cui Store this qu-e:stlon
Wi\ 1"11 ~-<l G -
:! -.. '
~ .. r o! .... '"_,_
h: .
:Sub.sectl&:n: S ~ i
_d _~ l{
...-~ ~

15 . i he a l:r11ratt battery c harger normally charges .a batrery with R.,;port pro bl,; rn~
v1ith q uE!iti ~n
~ eith er a c>Onstan t cur rent, or a co-nst ant ~·oltage
send your r.,;fo:renc eO
0 a co-nstant valtag:e 64%~
0 a mr.s.tant current ~: ~ w·
fj .....=.-;:.:_ ~
0 (I) Flag this q u£St;on 0 (I) StorE this qu3tlurl Flll(~fj ~··.·
,.:. "'-...-d
.:' EJ15•\ ;;
·· ~

Subsectl~n: S @ : : .( ,__, 1
11 _~ ~;;... fl
~ -· - - - - r-

1:&.• ln cold weather, to p revent the eilectrotyte fre.e zlng, a battery Report pro blema.
must bee kept \',;ith tj u e"..ii:\1\ ¥
S.nd 'f')U r ref.:renceO
J8) ftJI]y charg ed
Q fu!Jy dllscharged i< ~- w ·.,
11 ,_:-:;~ ~
() does not matte r
t-j Eli.SAPi'Jri;·tjO ~
1~1 ~ i'lag this question ·-· 'i} Stare t his: questi ot'\ '1: f ~"J ~--· ~~
~ I •

Subseclifon: S ~ ;:;!
~l =~
... -.::~
- .. ril ,
jiC - ---

1?. When the temperature. of the electrolyte In a battery lncreas.e s, Repo rt problem
theSG With qUe;;'tiC>:I\ 0
s.~n d your refe~nte:O
() goes up
&s %0
0 r em ains the same
N,-~ w;,.
~ goes do-VM ! "-•"-' · ~ -

j ·- - ·.- -· ~
j Wi\ FllrH G 1A
II ~ Flag thls qu-e:stion ~ Store t his quctJc;n ~ a:•;;.j ~W ·
i !.,.: ~~ ~
Su bsectl:OCn: S 0 ! 'li "'J :"i
~ =-:..=-~- ,

78. 'Two 12V, 40Ah cells In series gives R,;port problerno

Q 12V 40Ah w ith queo.t it\il ·
Scend your r.,;fer encroO
£3 2~V 40A:h
88% 0
Q 2 <!V S0Ah ~ ·
. . .,

00 Flag this q ue;;t'ion 0 ~ St ore t his qustlon

Subsec~l,ocn: 5 0

7 9 .• A battery rated at 10Ah at the 1 hour rate takes 48. mlnutes to Report: pro bleM
tfl!lir.h:Ara:A. ut:k ~ nft a ,.~n:a~itv M~- thA .r.A:r.RL-l tv i~~g Y'Ji th ·q ll~ticm. ~ ...
- ,t

19. A. battery rated at 10Ah at the 1 hour rate takes 48 mlnliltes to R<!port prnblemo
dlsch.a rge when ern a capacity test, the .c.apad.t y Is With qll~<>tl
!k;nd your r~fet;;r.: eO
0 90'%
(3 SO%
~ ...--- ~ f(
0 •'in%
~ .-~ ~':~::_
. . i1·
;I " I
~: E.itS.~ P~H~·(!fj_ ~-
0 ~ Flag thJ s que,;;ti an Q ~ Store this qu-e;tlon ~·
.- i--,1
Subsec~l.:tn: 5 ~ ~~ - =~·~~ ~
.; =~
;:;; - --- .
~' W ~

80. A zlnc•mrbon battery llfe depends upo;n R;epctt problem ij

0 the purit>,• at the carbon rod
w ith que 'ticm
Y-nd y.our r~ferenceij

:::«) the amoont of tine 73%~

Q the amo.unt .of the el:ectro!'(te paste ·~
y~~ "~

0 ~ Flag thJs q uestion 0 ~ Store this qustlon

Subsectl:o;n: S i :
. -a:.~
, __ ::, ·! _
:t ·:..$.
.. ......

~ =-:..:~- h
81. When charging current Is applied to a nkkel•cadmlu•m battery,
the .::fills emlt gas· only
'J8) towaird the end of the chargtng cycle
0 when the electmlyt.e. level Is L-!JW
0 If the cells are defectl•le

0 ~ Flag question QO Store this qo.t.estlan

Subsectl~n: S @

8.2:. tn a simple voltalc cell, polarization reduces output VC'Itage R-eport problem(!)~
because of the ~1 ith question
s.~r1d your refet-e r'~te O
08} bui ld up of hydrogen on the. cathode
i6% ~
0 bwlld up of h)•drogen on the anode 'i.,....... ~ ·f, '.
Q transfer of matetial between the anode and the cathode !.,
ii ~. . -~~::.... '
~. .. 1\
f.j EM.-i\.,-Po~·~O H\.~·
(J ~ Flag th:ls quest.lan 0!@ Store this que; tlon •-
~. ~ ,~
J ..
II ""':: .1.._...,. 1~
Sl:lbsectl&n: S 0 ;i ~ Kl.
~ = -:.._!.!?:::)

83'. An aircraft battery ·On ·c:harge from the alroraftgenerato-rs R«pott problem ·
causes 't'lith -q u~.itltm iii)
Y-nd y.our referenc e ~
@ battery voltage ro increase to noml:nal voltage and the. cha,rg.e
current decreases '7S%~
0 Internal ralstance of the battery to decrease. ln sympathy with the
decreasing charg:lng current
() battery voltage ro decrease to zero until It is fully cha;rg.ed

0 ~ Hag q u:E:5bion 0@ Store this. question

Subsectlio'n: S ~

84. What Is the voltE¥g-e. oHuUy charged 24 voo:t, 12-cell lead add R«pcrt probiern ~
battery? wlthq~ ~"n

@ 26AV Y-na vour ref,.rel'>t"'~

0 2f:N ,,
0 14.5\/
J.j ~

~ ...... ~::~
._ !1
>-· .. !}
;! EI!.S~~r.:-•lO A
CJ ~ f'lag this q u;;:;tJon CHiill! Store this ql.!!;cstlon j1 ~·-, f, ~..
;1 ·- ~ , ( :-,
~ ""'--::-! ~· ~
Subsectl~n: S @ tt
~ ~. • f
=..,.,- - --
• IY 1'1
«l ~
~~ -=a--
•t ~~~'
- - - - ,;.
S u bsectl.o-:n: 5 0
84.• What ls the voltag;e of fully eharged 24 volt,- l:Z•eell lead add Report prc bl ~m- ~
With QU51.\I>tl .
S..:na yaur r«feent"~
0 26,<!V
0 2 '/N :] .......- w ·~
() 14.6V ! "'·• '-'•l. .,
; r.-·.-..1 •~
.- ~
f:Ji:SAPmt·l)lj !J
0" Flag this q ue;;tion g 5t!ln: this qll'!?.Stlall ,:a.-;-,1 ~

Subsectl~n: 5 0 :
~ - ~""" ~ .~;;
! =-:__=~- '
85 . An accumulation ·Of hydrogen on the plates of a ba.t tery Is lcnGwn R<oport probl eM~
as Iiiith que5tion
~hd your r-efer:er..::l!:~
Q hydration
8 1 %~
'® polar1zation
li ....---- w ••
0 lonlzati;on r: "'-""·~
;; '~-~·~·-·-· "'
rj w~~~-QQ ', A
0" Flag this qu5t ion OQ Store bhls qu;;,stlon ~ •· ~,,1 2W""
i! :...w _ ~
SUbsectlon: 5 @ i! ~ r::l l
t ;:;;--- -~~ l

86.• ln a voltaic cell! what Is the htilkl.'-up on the cathode called? R.;,pcm p ro bl em~
with qu;,;;-ticm
0 Sulphat lon
9-ond yaur r.;fetente'ijl
0 Hyd:ratiO'n 18 %~
~ :Pola rization ~ ~·
.•.:-:::!-. ~
Q'iji Flag thls q u5t lan C !'ijl Store t'hls que;;tlon EJl£1\1'\> lt·Gij ~ -~-

Su bsectl.o r.: 5 @
t:·-J . 1 :~·t '
j !!.~-·,.
1"~. ;::;;-- .. , ~ tt
87. On open. clroutt the t ermmal voltage of a cell is 1 .511. Wh en R"'pcrt prcblemf11.
mnnected a.cross a 1 00ohms res'IStM the voltagA!. dro.pp.ed to 1V. ~1 itli '¥
T he lnternalreststal'life of the cel1 1s S..:nd yaur refecre oceo@
200 oh ms
100 ohms
'; ,.--...---
,. ,6fl:. %ii
.. 'f

~ So o hms.
;{ .. . ::~ f
: EP.S.A ~rt·il(\ M

~-:~ ,: ..,<, ~"

QQ f'lag this question Q~ Store this question !!
'' I ~
..,_,_~ -- "]
;~ ~ '"':] j!
tf =-.:.__~- ;1
SUbsectl.on.: 5 @

(Mark Test )

Buy fue TTS, Study Notes fO£ Mad ule 3 in h3rd oopy- d!:liv.cfed to your h.orne, -anywhere , Wor1dwids.

Click imags below lo go to !l:aoks hop (opens ia new window).

~ lJ
!'il (ld~Jijj 3
EASA Pa.rt~66
How many questf>ons?
1. In .a purely capacitive clreult,. R~port prnble m~
Order l'lodu:les: ;. with ~ U f$tir>n
() true power Is produced 5-!md y,::1ur rete:rer.:e.' i)
(!! negative power equals: the pos:ltive power an d negative power ts $7%Q
Tutorial Su;ppcrrt ~ ·· pmduced
ii ~
0 negative power equals: the pos:tth1e power
i1 .~~·' · r
i'r ta

Stud~( N.a tes " j~ E.I\5.\'P\'I~·fll:l ;r

C'J ~ Flag tnls qu;;st10n 'if S:tor·e this quBStlon
:'\1 em ben .\Ha
r~ ~.·=--:-~;
: , r~
~~ ~....-:J- ..1
~~ =--=~- b
Subsec:tlon: 14

r•1embers: !tome '

2. lf current la-gs voltage by 90°, the clrcult Is R.;part pro bl!!m
r·1~· Personai O<etafls: > with queso.:iem ~
() resistive
Y.!nd yaur rerereoce~
~ Inductive 73%~
t-ty Contro.l !>anel ~·
···----·· - -·-·--...··---··--
0 cap.aditi've ~; ~
fl u_._.., .
w 'r,t
Take a i es:t
Q~ Flag t h:is q uestion Q ~ store this question --·-·--
j Ef<fi;\ u
P.rH G :1

Vlew Test Results:

' f'·:;•
.: __ ,, ,(
Subsect1on: 14 @
,;: ~ ~ ol'

!l.. =-- --.. ,~ f,

- --..?
iutorul 5uppcrrt

Study Notes: ~ 3. Two lnd:LICI:o:rs ·of 18 mH and 7 mH al"e .connected l:n seri es such R~port prcbl~h'i~
.t hat their total Inductance Is 35 mH. The mutual lnd.uctance .,II th ·QUi!S'.!II>ll
therefore Is Y.!hd your ref.:.r.:nt i!~
~ 5 m.H
0 25mH
0 lO.rnH

Q(il Flag this qu.,;t!an Q 'IJ Stare t:hls questloo

Subsectl<m: 1.1 @

4,. In a pa~rall~l resonant drcult, where R.C,l are In pamllet with R~part probl;;rn~

each other, what Is the resistance of the .circuit? with que:!.1:it<t!.,

~nd your rere:rence~
e§ The same as R
0 Zero w~
Q lnfln:lt:e
.- - -- i
...~ E.G.St\ ~ft-(j lj ~
() ~ Flag this qu;;stion 0 Q Stare this qu.e:stlan • - a.-:!
sL .. ' .es

Subsec:t!O'n: 14 0

5. What Is the :relationship. between the vultage and the current ln Report prcbl i.!h'i~
a n A.<: drcult containing reslstanee and Inductance? ,.,lth q~ ~on
Y.!hd your ref.:.renti!~
CJ• Current leads vchltag.e b)' up to 90~
SS %~
~ Current lags voltag'2 by up to 90" i1 ~ ~ ;~
0 c urrent lags Yaltag·e by 90" .: ll.(ll !ao" •~·

Q ~ F'lag this qu;;stlon ' ~ Store this question

Subsection: 14 liJ

6. In an A.C £ira.~ It, \V'hat happens If fregue<ncy Is reduced? Repott prnblemc...

With ~ i;J(:!;ti on ¥
Q Capacltl'le elements may ibe damaged
sen d your referer.:e~
Q tnd!Ktlve elements may b.e damaged
Q There wmbe oo effect
n--- ~ ~
~J ·~~~ R
CJ ~ l'lag tills question QQ Stare t h is question .I~ E11.Z1\ p,r;.alj ~ iiA
f. -..- , 1' ~
~; ~' .. r ~ ~
Subsection: 14 liJ : ~~ ~
! .. -=o " 't
r:· -- - - ---..11"- ~
"1. ln a se.rles :LCR circui t at resonance, R "' 100 ohms, :Land-care Report: ptoblern.c.
el!dl 1 0 ohms. The total l.mpedance Is witliiJUioY.iiM•
Send your N!feet\Ce~
® 100 ohms
0 SOohm s: 1 ~~
· ~
0 ; \
:zero o,h ms
i ...~!:;:::_.. tl
~ S.O..S.i\F'i'lft: ·(ll) . • ..
0 Q !"lag this qu£SUon 0 ~ Store this q1.restlon :l ~
, ,
h- ...,
l ...,_LJ _ ~

~~ =--=·~- h
Subsection: 14 @

8.. An Increase In which of the followin-g factors wiJl: caus.e an Report problem~
Increase In the Inductive reactance of a dr{:uit? witli ·qul!1.1 itm
send Y')Ur re.r,...ence~
Q Resistance and capadtive reactance
® Inductance and freque;ncy
;......-- w 'v.
0 Resistance and 'JCJ!tag.e
,,~ ~{J$~

·- ~I~J.
U.<rio' •l.

()~ Flag this question Q ~ Store t his qu:ostlon ".:

- -.-•,t hJ.
I~ !·j+ : .~~ . . . . .~ p
~ ~~ 1
Subsection: 14 ' {! =~--~0

g, In ttllll drc.Ult R.eport problem

'o'litli tj lJd'tit d\ ~
Send your reference~
ii ,........_ ~.
~i '-"~~~~··~ ~
l EM;\ 1':11>-j)O l ,1ft
! .- -.-,1 II •.,< '
i ~~ ... · -!' 1 :-, ""'"'-

r... ~tJ~ :1
i =-:...:"]"~5

0 current =- va'ltage
Q current lags voltage
~ curre nt leads vo ltage

0 ~ Flag this q uestion @ Store this question

Subsection: 1 4 ~

10. 'fhe Inductance In a oot t wi!J d'e.uease R.;,pcr!' prtlblern ·

w itli que1.-titm ~
0- If the length of the coil Is lne!"eased wtth the same number of turns
Send your N!feret\Ce .~
0 when the per meablllty
69 %@
0 If the turns are smaller leading to a reduced ffiux density
tl ........... "*' ~
0~ F'lag this ques~ian 0 ~ Sto re this qua;tlon tl ·~.~~
d EA.SJ\ F;,~ ·lj(i
~ ·.!f-:..

l; -· - ~:. '
Su bsection: 1i @ j •"':.' ' , H,._
s~ ~~~ ~·
~! =~__!£_ ~

1L In a series r~.nant cllCldrcult Report proble m~

0 Z Is :maximum
>'lith ·qu estion
Send Y')Ur re.r,...enc~~
0 1: decreases with an Increase In frequency
-g t he suppl:y voltag·e ls dropped across the resistance jl -
- ~· ""I
i'1 U.oo-loo' d , •

(] Q I" lag th is q uE5llon 0 ~ Store this q1J.e stlan ·~ ~:~;· ~ ~-ij~ ~ A

Subsect!O'.n: 14 @
'l~ t . :·.......... ,.W"c
- .__,
1 Yt

Ji ~ ICJ ~.
;< =~-~- !!

12:. Three lnduc.t.ors 10 mH, S mH and 20· mli Bll'fl oot\1\E!cted In R;,pcrt problem.
parallel. What Is the total Inductance? witliqul!$\.i on~
Q 35'mH Send your refen! nc~~
":1'~0-i.. Gl!
12. Three lnduct:ors 1() mit, S mH and 20 mti al'e connected In Report proolem •
parallel. What Is the total lnductancec~ with qut:$ti t<n ~
Q .3SmH
9.ond your referel'>!i<Qi
7.3 % ~
® 2.8fimH
~-- f;l f
Q Without knowing: the C-oupling: factor the rota I lnductance cannot ~: lot•,ll•'•'· ..
be round fi ·~"· ·~.~·~· H
!; EII.S~FM·% ~ ,Jt'-
i: ;-a- J- . : ) ,6,

0 'i) Flag this qu;;stion 'i stare this que;;tlan ~~

1~:: ' }o,,
- ll~ lrt_\,o.
:; ~~ ~
=-: ;;:;;._,.., · ~ ~ .n
Subsectl~m: 11@ i,:___=.::===-_yl

13. 11 the curr·ent reacihe-s a maximum through an Inductor of 2A In R-!:port problem·~

15 second~, what Is the current .after $ semnds? 'tlith qu ~an
9.ond your referer>! i>~
0 lA
61 % @
Q 0"63A
~ .....--- ~ ~·
&• L2fiA
!~ ~-~~~ h
l i EMl\.Pa iT.·!JG •
'i) Flag this qu;;stion ~ St ore this qu;:;stion ~ ;;a.-., h
iif : ·~: ._",1
~ ~ ·-· •p
Subsect!Oft: 1i @
~~-:.=~- ~
14. In e:n AC Cit cilrcult R<ojlort prcol"m~
with qu ~ o.n

80 cu rrent leoads voltage b~· less than 90 ·d1'!9rees

cu rrent leoads voltage by 90 deg:rees
voltaga lead's current by 90 dag:rees
9.ond your r'-'fer.,neeQ

QQ Flag this q uestion OQ Stare t ,hls qu;:ostlao

Subsectlon: :14 @

15. An AC Inductive clreult has an Inductance of 10 mH and a Report problem

frequency l:nput of 1000Hz. The -op:p.ostlil~n to eurrent flow Is With qU1!1.1it<ti ~
approl(lmately S..nd Y<!Ur' reference'i)
~ 63ohms: 62%@
H ~- .,; ;;
0 63,000 Ghms ~.; w...,.,.:a. J
0 6:3>0 ohms !J ~~·~-;;G ~ ,
t' --.-, ~ ~: .·.
0@ Flag this qustlon Q Q Store this question "" ~'" ~. ~
;• LLJ
: ... "J ,.

Subsectlon: 11 @
;=-:..-.: •@
16. In a power circuit the, of .an inductor Is to R<:port proble m ~
0 lncreas;e !nductano:
9.ond your ref;,rene;,~
qu ~ t>.n

@ d;ompen power surges

0 c.o ntm( current flaw

Qg Flag th is question Q S tore this question

Subsectl.C>ft: 1i @

17. Wattless current In an AC circuit Is caused by

0 the drc:ult operating at the resonant frequency
0 th;e drooft beilng at unl.ty povter factor
(8'; a pl'\ase difference betwe-en the vG1tage and rurre:nt

OQ Flag this q uesu on Q (iJ Store this question

Subsection: 14 ~

L 18. An al:rcraft g>enerator Is connected to a pure reslsitlve load, R-!:port prcbh: ma

18.• .An al:rcraft g'e nerator l!i eoni'W!cted to a pure resistive loa<!!, Report problem ~
with ·QUe't1on
0 voltage leads cur:re,nt
$et'Jd yaur ref~renc~o
@ current and ·yoltage wll:l be l n phase 71%~
c~ current la9S. voltage ll .,...,..... ~ -"
~1 ~-·:;:~ (
Cl {i) F'lag tills quest.lon ·~ 0 Ston= th is qu:'2stion !.1 E/!.Sl\P,rt•l) fj -;: ....
~ .~ -;,, ~ W""
Subsection: 14 @ li ~- >- • ~, I!1
ii ~ '<"J
r:i.: ="'"'- - -
.,.~ t
- ,.;

19. A second Inductor of equal slz.e Is placed across a purely Report: problem "
lnduct.lve !~ad. 'T he voltage across the load wlll 'tliih ·qU~f>Jl
S';,nd yaur r"fer;;l'>:e'O
0 halve
Q:9 stay the same ¥. ~
-~ w ;;k
0 double ••
fi t ..... -:~=:....
... ~
I! Eft$1\ •~rn·lJ (i ''~
Q Flag th:Js quest ion i 0 Store th is qu,eestlon f:':I ~«-:;;
l .: .,

Subsection: 14 @
!l =~=~.,_ ~
20. In a capadtlve clrcult1 If the frequency Is ln.creased Report problema.
0 reactance remains, the same
with -que1itat •
S<!nd !f·:!Ur re(et eiY.:e{i)
Q Impedance l ncreaS"..s Sii%~
® the oe.urrent ln!J"eases !1 .,.,....... Ni ·,1
J: ! ~..-~, :z. J
lj ,..,~ ·:---- ~
0 0 Flag this question 00 Store t his question i.; EllSAF'ilrt·iliJ
i; _._..,,
... . .
. .
i! ~'i .. P{_I

Subsection: 14 lf ~.J ~ ~
~ =~
;.:_·- ·-= =---:.::..F
s;r, »
2i.• The amo-unt of magnetic fl:ux per unl't cross sectional area Is Rep~rt probl:rn(t.
known as the wotli qur.!;tn>n
~tid yaur r'ef~t~nte: Q}
:8) flux density associated with a magnetic field, measured In tes las
79% ~
0 reluctance of a magnet to the internal n1ag.netlc flux .. measured In
mhos i! ..--- ~ ~r
_! y~,d - -

Q magneto motlv.;; force required to produce a given flu x density

fi. EltS/1.
~ .
·F7trt·OO ~· _-•:
., I

':; ;:_---;~1
._ .. _•. .
0 Q f"lag tl\'ls questJon Q0 Stare this questloo .•,. 1- :.
~-- -
!_ ~ 1"1 .
~l =~ -:.Hv .fl
Subsect!lon: 1i iJ ~ - --- J

22. In a :Series lC drc:ult If the value o·f th;;; capacitance lslnc:reased Report Jlr'Cblentc.'l.
then the pawer factor will be Wi tliqU!O!ititll\ . .

0 equal to i S<!nd 'f·:!Ur referehCeO

. 61%Q
0 greater than 1
G less than l
:lI,i, ~:"·'• *' :f ·~
EASA P.\n~.i>56 :" . .
0 ~ Flag t.' \ls qu;;stlon Oiiil .Sto re this q~tlon }f.. ~ ~ ~·
l , I f'
~ · -----~·-· ~
Subsect!lon: 14 ~ ~ "f.l':l ~~
~., =-:_._,!!!._ ;.1

2:3. In an AC d rcult, apparent ;pawer Is cakulaterl by Report probh!:m(j

0 Vx~
S<!nd you r referer.:eO
@ V::d
0 \(2 X R n~ ftf# f~
., ·~)>···
~: (~--·-- ~
Ll ~ l"la9 this qursUon 0 ~ Store t hl;. qlJ'. e:stloa fl,; 815~ P:_r;.qG ~• ..·
.iJ,"',;t :J W
Subsect!lon: 14 ~ t1 '~ U - ~

24. What Is the mutuallndJJ.ctance If two coils of 10mH and SOOmN
R"P~~ ~·:r:~~~.n:o
24. What Is the mutual' lndu.ctanoe If two coils of 10mH and SOOmH R.;,pcrt problem ...,.
hav-e 90% of the 11ux transfeJTed f.rom one to the other? With Qi:JBti tffi W
S-end V<iUt referert:;,{l
0 45'9mH .. SS%~
~ 6lmH
!l ,..,..._ . 1r' ~
·t; .~:::."'::'' .· ~
, EI!.MF'il!HU ~ ;i' .
00 Flag this q uestion cjw$tore t his question ..
ti ~· .~
- ....""""'!
-' ;,_::_
ti .. : 1( ~ ~
h ' -: .0

Subsectlon: 11 @ i.! ~ <:J "

...t.i. -=z~- ---
ll fit" ,

25. Power factor relates to R.;,port ph:iblern>m

w ithqu~tm 9
c~ KW and ~~VAA
~net your reference~
Q ho~~powe.r and Watts 81%~
g, true. power and apparent p.w1·e.r
'·~ ~.;.~.~ 9 ~
i .~,.,.·:-- f!
0 ~ Flag this q uestiOn Q~ $tore t his question

' EA5A 1'\:!rt·~G '". ,,

Subsection: 14. ~
~ : ·l
~ :':,',
!S ~...,..-; I

=~ .==:.:::...r
·~ fj

26. The formula for Impedance In a serk!s CJr.cult Is the root of ~pert problern
'tlith ·qU ~Ofi
@ P..:i ·(XL- Xt) 2 soena v<~ur refe,rer>ce,~
0 ~2 +(XC· XL~ ' 6S%~
0 P..2
+ (XL•XL}2 lj ,......,-
t:: 11-'?' -'·
~ ~
• 1
~ ·.~·""·~
.- !
0 ~ Flag th:is q uestion Q~ Store t his question a;f, E!>J;i\ ""."'·•lo ;, ..·
!' ... ::-....
- a.-1 f.
J 8 "'
Subsection: 14 @ 11,;;;:! L,;_;l ~· ~
iOi :<"J ' II

I~ --
•! -------
- .,_fK '·-

2?. I1 a capacitor 1pF and an. Inductor i.OmH are conn-acted In R'-'port probl~ rno
parallel what ls thelr approxJmate resonant fl'£-quenc{? With qu~i t>11

-0 1.6kHz
S..r.d your referettt,;,fl

Q 62Hz ,,
;q ~ ~

0 ~.2r•1Hz l'·
!ir! ~"-~~
. L
n ~

~ EllSJ.\ Fl'lrt·<lr:i --;' • . ·.·

00 Flag thls q u.:.;;tlon Q Q St ore this question i;
o'-&-- 1
j, .~
l1· '

'~i !t :. -·f ' ~

"- FJ~ _.
Subsectl®: 14 Ql ... =-- ----
..,;( ,..

28. The power factor ·D.f a circuit containing an Imbalance o.f Report ph:iblem
Inductive and capadtlve reactance Is with ctUi!!itioo ~
~rid your ~ferehte~
::e:,1less than unity
0 unity ;~ ~ f;V 't .
0 greater than unlty ...: ll~d ~
lil·i EJ>.lill.
...... ~
,. . p , or,•
OW Flag th1s q ueslion 0 0 St ore t his qu:es t lon ~ ,:&-;{\ 'til, ~ .!

•t VrL.. ~
Subsectl.o n: 14 @
29. 'T he Inductance of a coli Is directly proportliool\Bl to the ~pert proble m~

0 mean length ·Of thee magnetic path 't'1lth

soend yaur ref,;,ret~t;,~
qu~Ofi ·

0 current nowJng In the roll

G- square of the number of turns ~-; ~ :w! 'r•
..o1 r.t....}!l"d. ~
~ •.&..~.~ j1
l._j 0 Flag th is quest ion 0~ Store t his Qtx25 t ion
j' Eru;JII'\:!~·•lO ~ - .·.
~l ..:~;;, ~ W"
Subsectl.O'n : 1i ~ F j,__ ~ .. ·I .._~H

fl =--=f~F~ ~
30. The fa<!lowlna voltaaes were riluerved on an LCR elrcult. R<:port probleM G .
30.• The frulowl:ng voltages were o:bserved on an LCR d r cuft. R<Opott probli!o rn~
Vt"'16V, VL"" 11iV and VR ""6.3 Volts. The volta.;:es suggest the 't1lth que1<tioo ·
suppl.y f,req;u em:y Is S..nd yaur refetel'll:e.Q
QP at resonance ;; """"""" Hi -~
() above resonance ?-:; lt....=.. l. J
0 bei'Ow reson ance
f: · ~-~;.-
· ·- · ~
11 8llii1_,.,._,JQ ~.a
~ ~~-;,. ~ W"
Q ~ Pia-;;; this que;uon 0 ~ $tore this qu: ;;tlon i .: ·l= · ~

" - -:---
..r;t l
~ ~ ~ •!
:"! =~
Subse.rtlor.: 14 @

31. An Inductor Is said t:o be satu rated wh en Repctt prcblernQ'

with que1<tiM
0 the current throug.h It Is z:ero s..nd vour referel'li: ~ O
@ it wJII n o l!onger accept llnes of flux 00 %~
0 ti\.e cUJTent Is at a m aximum li ~
- . ~>
J ~-1:11'·~ ~ A
· ~-~·- i<
(~I ~ Fla-g this que;tion 0 Q Store this qustlon
~ EIJ:;J\ ;,.,!f..qQ '-! .If..·
t1 ,:·~1 ~ ~t\
Subse.rtlor.: 11 ~ i1 I. :: 1 ~ fl
~ =-:. _~_!_!F_
"J ,"

32. The muwal Inductance of an lndu.c tive cl:rcult, ll'ilhere tntal R.epa tt pttiblem(()
Inductance Is 35 pti, L1 Is 9 pH1 Ll: Is 10 :~.aH, Is w ith que.'!:ioo
Send y.:~ur r.;,ferehteO
0 :32 jJH . !:4%~
~ S ~J-i

Q ~ Flag this question .--. Q Store this qu,;stlo r~

Subsection: 11 0

33.• The Inductance ·of a coli can :be Increased by using R<Opcrt prcblem o
Ylith que1<tiM ·
~ a hl9h p ermeability core ~iid your r~f~tent e: Q
0 wlre havlng a t'O'I't resiStan ce 71 %~
() a low num ber of turns
~ ~~;., ~ ~
Cl ~ Flag this question 'i) Store this question ·~ Eft.S~ Fa~·,iiJ ~
., ~t;;; ~ '-
~ ·,
Subsection: 11 @ f
! '
.........,_,_, ~- ~

'1 . ~ -~ ·~
t> = -:_-::!!.{_ ,

34. What d'!H!!s the follilwlng drcult represent? Report pttibl,;rn

wi th que1<tit<fi 'fl
sefid vour refB ehte ~
ln~~ut S:S% ~

0 !!--::.,.
~i._ .,__ ~ij
-...........\_. (fi'

+ ! E!lEAFM·QG -
- ...-. .
' \ , ~1
..0 Olfferentlator 1. :: •! II
j ~ :~
0 Low pass. filter

Q Integrat or

0~ f'lag this question Q(() St ore this ql!'estlc.rl

Subsection: 14 @

3S. Consider a series dn:UI't with a re:s'lst&:r, an Inductor and a Repctt prc blem
capac:itM .at resonance. l'hls ctrcuit Is often known as With qlle1<tiM~
() a Voltage Magn ltk:ation Clrwlt S..nd your refB ehteO
S an Acceptor Clrcult
0 a P:ej ector Circuit
If:?-~·· ~ -~
fj em;~ For.:-<lQ -,
L Q ~ l'la9 thls q uestion C•'II Store this q•.re;tlon ~
~~ .....'~:.
~ ~, ...~ ~
~ ....._
How ma n~·· ques tl.o ns ~ >
i . Cobalt h e~<s a permeability Report p ro bl em~
Orde:r Nodt.!les ,. Wi th ·ql:l<<n
~ greater t han unity
s.ena your r;,ferenc e~
0 same .as un It(
Tut artal Suppart I·
0 l ess than unJty j ~~. ~ ~-

Study Nates ;. 00 Flag this quest.ion 00 5tore this qu-estion

rl ·-,~:!- E
; E.O.S I\ F'zrrt-436 - ...
' .:--~<! ~~ .~·
I•~ '! _ t .....,..... JIJ
:'lloo:nb•tr> .\rm Sub.sootlor.: 1 0b @
l =~ ~;T
l'~- - ,J
.. f
Members Home >

2. T D prevent self d:emagnetizat1Dn1 keepers are placed at the end R,;p~ rt probl ~m~
My P-ersonal Details > of the magnet, made af "'"th ·q u ~ <m
Soend your refer.:nc~'IJ
® :saft lron
79 %0
1-ty Control Panel 0 an Insulator ·; ~ ~ -r,
0 hard lron
'; .,.,.IJI{. J.
r,L-,...; ~-
. -· - ~
Tal: e a ·r est :·
., EMA """''JO ~ A
O'it Flag this question Q ~ Store this qu.e;tlon
Vrew 1'est R.esutts •1ii~ t-:
- ---;1!~ ~ ~-
~ --·
"' -:;) .,
SUbsectlor.: 10b @ ~ =-.:.-:=! !L ~
TutO'rial Suppo•r t

Study Nates > 3. tf an electromagnet's core of soft Iron has a Lmm a:tr gap cut Report problem c.
Into It, the with que;;.1'ioil •
Soend your refere r'lte~
g magnetic f lux wlll decro;oase
66 %~
0 m agneto-motl\•·e torce wllllncrease
,,;-~ ,s.~ ';
0 m agn etic f.lux wlll. Increase j..
~j · ~-·,~·
Ill..-«. ~


~ ~ E.I\Z".!\ Pilr.i·fJI'j;
0 ~ Flag thls question Q ~ Store this question f ,,:-
~ l
:f; ~ _, 1
Sub.sectlor.~: 1 Gb @ ~
;<; =- I' ll" J
~ "J l•

""' - -- -

4~ Vlbratl:O.r.1 tn a magnet causes R..;pctt pro bl "m~

() fl ux to stay t he same
Soend your r~ference~
&' fl ux to decreas e
i S%""
Q f lux t o i.ncrease
~l eo-- w ·~
\: .. ....-~ . 1 ~
J, ..................-....... ~
[ )Q f'lag q uest oon ~ ·t;;tor•= this qu.estlon v EASI\ Po!HG :_ A
'~ j;",, ~ \iiW
Sub.sootlor.1: 1 0b ~ { l : _·f _ _,
~l =- '!!:;'I~
- ,..

S. Permeability or a m at erial cean be found by Report problr;;m'IJ

111ith que -t'ion ·
0 Strength I tl ux density
t<~ ag:ne tlc i'teld
-g. flux densl:t}' / 1'-1ag1netlc I"Jetd 5trength
Soend your r"ferenc eo'IJ
SS %~
Q Magnetic l'leld Strength x fl ux dens ity

C] ~ f lag this q ue;;tiCJn ~ Sta re t h is question iJj ;::. : ~

-! i ..
Sub.sectlon: iOb f -·- -

6. Which of t M. following Is absolute permeabJIIty? Report probl,;m c...

with que;;.t it<n Y
0 llr
Soend your refere nc e .~ ·
0 llo i3%~
Q lJ

(J~ Flag this q u6tion Q @Stare this. question

Subsection: 1 0b @

7. 1'he pro.perty of a materJal able to concentrate magnetk flux Is R«port problema.
with queticm •
0 dlarna~rnetism ~rid your r~fe:re:nc~~
® permeability 83%~
0 I nductance fi e--=- ~~
t! "'.....: .. ,. 1
!; ·~-·-- »
0 ~ l'la.g this qu~tion ~ Sture this que:stlon

Stib.sectlfon: 10b Q
t' .. ,,1 J;.:
}' -·-
EftA~\ ~ r'l·llr:i

: L :::s !~~·.,_.
.. 11
- :.,..
~ J
~ =-__!S?_ ~

tl~ The .symbol for flux density Is R"'port problem~

.,lith ·qU ~OJI
0 (Jlo
S:.nd y<~ur r;,rerence'l,)i
~ a 79% 0
0 H lj - -· - w '1,
0 ~ f'lar;~ this que;;tlon ~ Sto re t his qu-e;;t]on
I'' •~ •c ...
Subsection: 10b @ ilrl '· :::-..; 'J' ~-''t
;;;:z;-.... ¥-fp/ fl

!1. A mater'lal elC!posed to heat will R.;pcrt pro blem

Q0> be harder to magnetise=

w ith qu~on~
S:.hd yaur refotenc;,@
0 be easle;r to magnetise
Q ha~e no effect on mag~tlsm Ji ~
- w,
~ st.:-· · ~

(J ~ F'lag qu:stion C l'iJ Store tr,fs ques tion ~i ~ . . . . . _.- · 9..!

,. -:r. ~
1; WA P\'I rt·qG
;; -~-, ~: :"
Subsection: 10b @
·l ;"'::.''., i{ "-~

~l =~~~J
10. Copper Is a R<!p<m problern
w ith queti<m ~
0 dlarnagnetlc materia'J
S:.nd your r-:r.,-erv.:e~
0 ferromagnetic materia!
0 paramagm;tlc materlals ~ -...
: ----
!1' ''"~»--~-~
0 ~ Flar;~ this qu,;stlon Q ~ Store this que:st!on ~~ Ei~J\ P.,rt·~Ci ~.. >f-
•;.. ,,
- . -,
i<: •. '
Subsectlion: 10b @ :j
' ~ {,
- - """"""

-! .. ~ f'
~ =--=~-
11. The term used to denote the strength of a magnetic fleld Is R"'port probi;' "" ~
with · qu~ ~m ·
® flux density
S:.!id 'f:lUf r.;,f..r o;l'l(:;,o
0 retentllllty
0 hysteresis

Q ~ Flag this q uestion @ Stare this qu~tia n.

Suhsectlion: fOb ~

12. Storage of magnets should be Report probl~m

with qu~t>n 0
0 In a no'n ma~;Jnetlc box
S:.nd your reference'~¥
® In w ith keeper plates
0 In palrs end to o:nd
'!-- .. ]
J! .,.,....
f.; ,.... _ .•- -
0 ~ I' lag this qu€:stlon l:j ~ store this qu~tlan !; WJ\ I'O~·~G ;, ~-
j;ip.t , -.&.-
, .~, r- :.:
SUbsection: 10b @ " L.: u·! _ . ~
~i -.. ~ ·~
•' ~·
~-! -~--~
-- - ~ .. h
. i

"::..-..-- -····

13. Permanent magnets hav.e

R.;,~~~t ~.~~.~Q
13. Permanent magnets have Report proble m~
l'lith ·que:!!t1Dn
0 high reluctance, high coercl\•e force
S.:nd y<lUr ref,.,.ehCe~
0 high retuctance, low coercive force S2% ~
(2f l ow reluctance, high c:oercl\'e force !l - - ~~
~; lf~' d, ...

0"' Flag th.Js questtan .-.. @ Store this qu-estion 'i ·--~·.-
A EA.S.I\F7JI't ~ ij
r --.-,
' i ~:o.··,

Subsertloa: 10b @ i ~ ~,~
•i =~ - ..
L _ : -- - - -
1. ~
14. The MMF ·eft a coli fed w ltb .2 .amps ana having 1 0 turns Is Report problent{j
111ith qu~ol'l · ·
0 5 amp.e re turns S<'hd yaur refeter.:e@
&; 20 ampere t urns 82%~
0 ~0 ampert:s I tum

(]@ Flag this q u-e;;tJOn ~ :Store this qu;;..stlon

Su'bsectiM~: i Ob .,

tS. The hysteres;Js l:o op· tor a magnetic material Is on a g rap.h with R<oport pro blem
with qu~ol'i~
0 flux denslt'( against magnetlstng force
sen d ·your rer...-.. rY.:e·~
0 total flu:< against flux density 71%~
0 c.u rrent against fJux. density
":-'41'·'~ ~
0@ F'lag this qustmn Q~ Store this qut:stlon H
Ji :'•.
SLibsertlon: t OIJ. Q

15.• When ma,.;netl:lll l:\'lf a piece o1 material, magneti c!\'g>1h :will R"'port problem O
rilse .,.,;m ·que.;;ts.:m·
~n d ycur ref,>ce"'
linear! ~· with mag netic fi>rc:e
linear!~· wlth coercive furce ,, __ 42%~

~ non•lfnearly wJth magnetk force ~ ........ ~

i: ...........~--- !1 t1

f; '~'
~; ;a:~,,i
Er.Sil.Fi:uHG i
0@ Flag tills q ue>t!Dn 0 ~ Stare this qL.~tion :·· '
,, a.J ..~ ~
S Ubsection: 10b 0 l! !!: -;;1 f
-:__-~- ,
17. Cables Me shielded to prevent 'i.f' magnetic: interference In wlres R~port probleM>~
wlth 'the following material 'with ~ u~i t>:il

.® Copper braiding
S.:hd your refeterY.:e'i)

0 Ferrom agnetlic. material


! ~;~ ~
Ct Dtamagnetlc m aterial ft

0@ !"lag thls q uestion 0 @Store this q'lsstton 1E.l!.:iJU:'r-:·QG ~ ;~-,

i; ~-=-"' , J~ '<:-
_. .._._._

Subsertlon: 10b ~ :l _ _,_ ~=t f,

f·f - - --- r

18. 11 c<:~-balt has a permeability c.f 4800 it Is .a Report problem

with que:~.titm ~
( ) paramagnetic
S.:nd your refererY.:e@
Q dlamag.netlc:
~ fermmagnetlc

Cl'i) Flag tills quest ion 0@ Store this qm~st.on

su'bsertlon: 1Gb· ij

19. Spontaneous magnetism Is as.soclated wlth R.,;port p rob l em. ~

~ 0 paramaQnetlc materJals 't1ithqU ~1>11

.n.. .
19.• Spontaneous magnetism Is as.soclated w'lth Report probh!rn;A
w ith que,;;tic.n..,.
§ paramagnetic materials
send '{<lur referehC~ ~
0 dlamnagn etlc materials 82 %~
0 ferro-magn etic m ati'.Jials: w 'r:

(J ~ Flag this qu'=Itk •n Q@ Store this qusticm

Su&sec::tlon: 10b li.

:10. Flux d~nsl:ty wlll R..,porr proble M>~

w ith que,;;titm ·
Q l ncn;ase linearly wlth coerel~a farce
send your refet.:hee~
:QI Increase l inearly wit h magnetic flux ii %~
Q decre.a sa linearly with magnetl:c tl:u:w: fi ,.,..,.-- >if '
ij ,...;'::~::-.... ~
0 i' Flag L"tis q uest ion (] (I Stor-e this question d
.- .. - ;!
:, • . · .
I) "· f.-
f~ ,., ,). - .
Subsectl.on : 1 0b @ il
l L !w ~
!!, KJ ' ·'
~)_ =-:."_!Q'~ .tl
_ _ _____=.._r

21. ihrou.g:h which material will magnetic lines of force pass thee Report problem ~
m.o st readily? Witt'1 ,q u~"tion
S..nd y.:.ur r>efetenc e ~
® tron
0 !.I", .,....-- ~
0 Aluminium :-:
....,..,....... ~
~ EA.SJ\Fnlt·~ G - .·~~
Cl~ f' lag L' q uestion
-~ ~ Store this qtr=:Stlon . .-'-...-, __
r:.:u _l-i ···''
~~ ~

Su&sect{o-,n: fOb @ ·' :S r-::t.. f'

~~ =-:._-~-)

22. Magnetic f!u:x saturation takes p laee when. Report problem~

'tlith qUIO..
Q the mag.netlc fi eld drops ro zam send :fOUr t«fiOro!hti!i '
0 thee magnetic field starts. to reduca with lncreasffl magnetlslng Si%(j)
~ ......- ..... ."'
~ thee'is:ed madlum will accept no further ltnes ·of flux
f; ......:.~:::.... ~~
'i . . ~
~.! E{i,S{I. P,ft· J) ij I- ~
0~ Flag thls q uBStiOn 0 ~ Store this quEStion. !;
t· .. . ,,
- ...- t
- " '"
~~ : ._\ ..
i~: l .!. ·C......., ~
Subsection: 10b 0 ~~ ... ~ f
~i =-:..:::.!.\!_ ~

23. A. ma.g:netlc co-re iOcm In length Is uniformly wound w ith 2000 RepctE p ro ble m~
turns of wire. When a current o.f 0·. 25 amps Is passed thro-ugh w ith qu;,;;;t;;m ·
the coli t he m:agn.e tislng force is S.~ntl your refeti!~Y- e @
0 80000 Atjm 71 %~

0 6000Atjm
j;,.......... ~;\

@ 5000Atjrn f1 (...~~~~ - &

t; e.n:;_,, ~~-(j(i ~
f; - -.- ; ~
r 10 Flag questl on n ~ Store this q!!BStlon. !1
ii -' "' ;_ 1-! 1_
!,_ 1

~J ~~ . :1
Subsect~on: 10b ~ iJ =--=-=~~

24.• Jl s oft Iron .Is used ln an ELECTRO ma-gnet because Report problem
0 It has lOW perrne-abl!l!:y and 1-ti~H coerclvlty w ith que,;;tion 0
send :fOUr reF&en.: ~ ~
0 It has HlGH perm-eability and HlGH co erdvlty 66%'1)
Q;1 it has HIGH permeability .and LOW coerclvlty
f; .....-- ..... ~
CJ ~ rlag m ls qu.;;stion 041J Stnre this question. '"
·~-~~ H
~., !:

Suhsectlo.n: 10b @

Efl.!;A F'i'Jrt·ll ~
11- ....- ~
t:"~· ' ~
fi --=--i - · ~
~· ~·
~~=- ~ ~ ~
~ '""'- ,.

~J =-:-=~
J:l;o;.;-:,.., ;-t .-. ~hi ..:."'" -·
25. What Is the effect oflnsertl:ng an Iron core Into a current R.;,port problem,;,.
carrying roll? Witli quB'!iM ¥
S<!nd your r.:feter.te(l}
0 fhe core tends to m0ove from a stronger to a weaker part of the
fhe flux den:slty of the arlglnal magrn:tk ti>eld remains constant
fhe flux density of the Ooriglnal magnetf>c field proou>ced by the colt tl ~~· ·· ~ ~
Is Increased

•.. •
""-*- -
- _.
.... . _

1=1(/i» Flag thls qu;st1on 0~ Store this qoostlon ~ E r.o .

" fi'- ,.~
<:~ =-- ---
Subse.ctlo:n: :tCb it
26. A paramagne-tic material has a relative. permeability or R<:pcrl: problcm(j
with qu~..ion ·
(/.!) greater than unity
S-ehd your ref~S'ente:~
0 zero 61%0
0 les:s than unity ;-~ ~ , .= ·,
,.... r
~1 ·-!~~ k
C'J ~ Flag thJs qu5tlon r '~· Store this {jl.!!e5tlon M~'>!;"' P.rt··l~ ~ If'.
~ ,.:*';,1 ~ ;.t :
Subse.ctl:oa: i.Cb i '.'l
I ~ ,o .._....... J~
!'iO -:'J l>

~ =--=~- )

27. The ab<lilty of a clrcu'lt to produce a magnetic flux under the. R•pofi problem@
W-ith qUe!."ti t~n
Influence of a MMF
S..nd your refetei'!Ce~
Q permanence
.... .
0 'i f'lag this q uestlon Q ~ Store this ::I'Jestlon
subsection: 10b 0

28• .A magnetic core 20 em in length Is uniformly wound wlth 4000 R<!port problema.,
turr.s of wl're. When a current of 0.5 amps Is passed throug:h the with quB'!i<>n•
coil the magDetJSii"'!J fcree w l:ll be S<!nd y·our r.:fetei'>Ce~
0 100 At/m 5:2%0
E!\ ioOM At/m ~ .,_..-
t: ........... ":t
J >
Q •iOO At/m
t ~5>\ P.rt.-.o &~
•; --··~ --

~ c,.:•-;,1 ~
[ ]@ F'lag question Q(j Stare t his qu;,stlon 1?:! K. U
~ ~"" 1

Subsection: i.Ob @
~ ;:;.-:_~~- fl

29. 11 a bar magnet is cut in halt R.;,port problem@

'tlitli qur=.t i M
0 one bar and one non-magnet :ls: formed
S.nd your refeter.ce:~
0 twa bar magnets are formed
,, 90%~
0 the magru;t Is des:tro'r'ed li .e-w-

i~ (~~~~~= ·~ . ~
1=1~ Flag tt.1s q uestion 0~ S"tore this question ~j Ei1.5>\F'ol!·~G ~ A
~ .;:"';;' J .w-"
Subsection: 10b 0 i ~~ ~
j E ~ if
"' =~ " l!i'
i;l__~~-- ..
. ..::..r"
~ 'I

30. Permeability is th-e R"'pcrt problem~

D.!} abU!ty ·Of the material to be magnetised Witli (jU""-titm
S<!nd y·aUr r.:fereoce~
0 resistance of a m.a terlal to the flow of magnetk ftlu:.: through It
0 the ability of a material to retain the magnetism p.ermanently ; ~- ,<,;l~j
~·~ ,. .~::-::.:.... !
00 Flag t h.l;;. q uest ion 0~ Store this q•.r~stlon ~··• EJ!J;J\
. .P.ut·tl!J. ~
~ - 4'-l ~
' -~ H :J:
subsection: 10b 0 l u~ ~~ ~
iii =~ ..:- " '"·- ,.,If

~~ .A.•lcd 1.L1d+-k .::s, n .-:s,,..,.AUll h,<lo' ~~ ~cart crobl~ntAi'IL
31. A material wlth a n.a rrow hy.!lt~esls )o,o,p Report problemQ
with •qu ~.,.; '
~ wlll have low retentivity S<!nd your ref;,rer.::e.' i)
0 \Vill have hfgh re.t entMty 69%~
0 can not be. magnetised ~ ,__ ~ !1
1-1~ flag th is question n Q store t his qu""'tian
~ o:~=~- ·~:
~ f.I\SI\ 1'\'or>·•JG -
. ~
,, .-~;;, ~ . t'''
., r~ i? "<
Suhsect.ton: 10b
i!it.:"~~-~~~ ~
.:.. ......_ ~

32:. A hysteresis loop with a narrow band Indicat-es R;,pctt probleC~t~

with queo:."titm
® low retentl~·lty Send your r.eret~I'K:e"
0 hlgh retentllllt~· . 68%0
0 Inability to magnet:iise g.,.-

'W ~I
::~ ; ...:;~--~. . ~

0~ ~lag tills qu£St1Dn O WStore this que;tlon fA~: F>or:·~fj ~ A
* •(
Suhsectlo1:1: 1Gb @ - ~s ~':'"' ~
J. =~
·-· _ _ ;______r
__.. l.._ fj

33. An ex:ampl.e trl a paramagnetic mati!l'lal Is R"'pcrt problem~

with -queo:.1Sim
0 sl.lver
S<!lid '{<lUr i'"'fer.;,nc~~
0 9lass 52%0
G!} lron !i.,.-..,- ~ ~
~ ,_.:~"' . h
(] ~ Flag this qu-=stlon Q ~ Sto re this qu:£Stion. ~ El•lil\ F'mt·~(o - ·¥'·
;, r1: .• t .
a.- .
Subsection: 1llb ~
~; .;_~ ~-~ si
~ =~..::~- ;J
"' '" SI

34. 'to create a magnetlslng force of 4000 Atfm In a 2Scm long coli Report problem~
Ylithqu ~M
of'l:OOO turns would require a current of
S<!nd your refe.'er.:e~
e§ 0.5 amps
0 100 amps
ji ~
- -· ~ f'
Q 16!1 am;ps
lni ·-::~··' . ~
EASi\ ~rt 43G l
0 ~- Flag thls qu£Stlan Q ~ Store this q•J-€Stlon ~ ~'JI
,: I, ~ ,(
·r --=---· - " -!'r;.
Subsection: 1Gb @ till =~ "' <;)
-; ..,.. ;
~ ---- .
3S. A non-magnetic: metal R"'port problem
with que~:ticx!l iii
0 has retentl•,•lty
S<!nd your r>.:ferer.::e.~
~ has no permeability
0 Is a poor conductor tj .,.-- '}.,J- 'E
jl ..,..,.,.•,, J
0~ Flag thls question Q ~ Store this qu:e;;tlon !i•·'
F.,rt·~U ~~ ,~~~
l ~ , ..
Sub.sectlon: 10b Q n ~~:.···, -=-· ~ . .
!; s~ -~
~ =---~- ~;

36.• Permanent magnets should be stored using Report proble m~

0 antl-statk bags
?lith eyu~on
S<!nd your reference~

Insulating· materfal such as poly.styrene
soft lmn keepers il ~
- !!r' ~
~ »._ ,_,_ ·- 1
0 ~ Flag tills q uestion ~ Stare this question
""'MO;_"': _..
ij •
ti Eiol\1'\'orHG V or-
f; j;~'JI } \_~1 •
subsection: fob ~ f~- J. ~ ·I I•
~I -=;--~~ =!
l~ ~~__ ~ :!!t-
37. A mater'Jal \VIth a very high relatlvoB permeability Is a Report probl"'m~
~ ~
'<t~ith cue:stit•n
Subsectll:lt'l: :i.Ob @ !!
ii ~ ~ .
t =-:..~- ;

Report. proble m~
37. A material w ith a very high rl!ilative permeability Is a
WiUi qU ~t\1\
0 param.<19netlc S'i.!nd your f..:f;;r;; r.c;,.~
@ fermm agnettc 00% ~
0 diamagnetic l.......... f,J ~,
:i .~::~~··~ . h
0 ~ Flag this q u-estion Q ~ St ore this que;tlon v. EI'-S..:.'.,_".::"·QO ~ .:r'"-;
1 ~. ...~, ·: ~t
Sub,sectl~n~: 10b Q ;~ ~ ~~
~ =-:. ___!!t_ ;J-f
.... <;)

R.,port probl~ m ~
38. The point o1 roerclviry oc-rur s when the
with qudtit<n
0 magnetlzlnq force applied causes the material to become Y-nd yaut reft!'reoce~
mag:r.etk afl)' saturated . :57%((,}
0 magnettlzlng forc:e reaches .a p.eak positive or n egative value. ... ;,
0 magnetic flu:< Is zero e~··en though a m agnetlzlng farce Is be:lng

0 'it Flag tnls q u.:st.ian -~ @ 5.tore this qu-estion '"'~ ~··:·~

'1• ~·-~
.. :<;!
=~ =~ -'rr-1
>'_ ~
\ t.,___ _ __:,.
Subsectlo,n : 10b

Rl.!pott probl em~

39. Magnetic: f! ux
,.;;U; ·que •.Jo:ri
0 Is. more concentrated at the centre· o.f bar magnet: ~rid y.:Jur refereoce:(l
0 occupies the .sp.ace aro-und the ma.g net with equal· flux density . 67 %~
6} exist l.n all sp ace arour:v.l th e m."'!jn.e t i ~

·.{ ·~~~ ~
00 Flag thls q ue:stJon (j Store this qu:estlon ~ EfJ.SA,Pa~·t'SG ~·. Jt
l ~..~1 ) ··''
Subsection.: 10b ~ f L -::''·1 _ ~ ...-

40. The area within the hysteresiS' loop -of a magnetic circuit R<!pcrt problem ((,}
wiUi qudtio:n
y<~ur r.,r;;r"nc"'~
0 the amo-unt ·of energy requlred to magnetically saturate a material
62 % ~
ln a g iven direction
1~·~ ~ ;I
Q how good the matenlal is Ylhen used as a magnet :t.:: v...~.,. -
@ how m uch energy Is used' for one cydle ot magnetlsatlon for a !' .......-.-.. ~
~ EAS.o\ l'll.<t·•lO •
given material l:1 ~-..-,,.\ ..~
i ~ ~ .~
O WF'lag q uestiOn 0~ Store t his questloll ••
fi =~ -
... <;)
.. ...- t,
~; - --=:..::...;
Sub.sectlon: 1Gb @


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Qi' ~

EASA Part-66


1-:iow many quest!;O n S ~ >
1. The SE!(:Ondary winding of a transformer has an lmpedan~;e a.f lll Report probl~ m@
-q u ~"b OJ\ ·
Order Moduilesc > ohms and 1500 tums. For the primary winding to have an With -.
Impedance rtf 1 kilohm, ho\v many tur-ns must it have? Send your r~fe-r-e nt e ~
Q is.<J,OOO
'i uta rtal Suppart ;-
ilt .,..-
~ w.,.;r.:. ,
f-' ·~-~
Study Nates > 13} 1s_,ooo li ·~,~·~
. - ·. v.
f; EAS •\1'111H~ ~
f. - ..- j ~
0 0 Q' Store t his. qi.!$tlon ij ~· '' •
.\hmbon .\na ~ i"la·g this quest,lon i!
,;_ LL~f!
5:<::1 ]
~ =-:-__·~- ~
S u bsertlo:n: 15 ~
r~em:b ersc Home

~- The line voll81Je In a Wye wound transformer Is Report probli!!rrt'IJ

~1y Pe f51l na! D-etails ;. 'tlith que;;.-tic.n
QQ root :3 x ph.=se volta ge send your refe,;nc~i)
( ) root :3 / p i'.ase vo ltage il%f/
My Control Panel :•
0 the same as p hase valtage
ia'ke a Test lj :;~;·· fr ~
I I ~ Flag this question n " :Store this q•J>es:ioll J; EASA F'or<·~G - • ...
~ ~;;• ~
tr ··· ~"' ·" I ~ :1w
Vtew Test Resurts
Sub.sectkm: 1 5 0 ' ·


·~ .
iutartal Suppart E-=--:::~~~

Study Nates 3.. A ~ urren-t transformer, when disconnected from a elreult must R"pctt pro bl:'mfl
be W1Ui CjUB'IJM · ·
9-nd your ~feteoc e QJ
0 lett o pen d:rcult
® soort d rculted
0 havt: a reslsror conn ected across the tantinals f] ...~7"' ~ ~
i E.iJSJ\~"ilrt·<llj ~
0 ~ Flag this que:;Uon 0 @::;tore this que:stiao t'";:;l ~
-~ I f!
Subsection: 1 5 ~ ! ~ ;<:;!- ~
~ =---'~" '

4.. The disadvantage of using-. an auto• i:ransformer Instead o.1 a Report proble m~
c.onventi:O.nal transformer ls that with -que>.lo:n
S~tlcl 'y\:lUt tef&.:.nce'i)
® t here. Is a !!Ianger of th e suppl~· voltage being passed -dtre.ctly ro
83 %~
the !oal!l In t he event of a failure
~ ..,...... w ;{
Q becaus e they obe'( Kirchoff's laws the a.utput current can be
dramatlcalfy locreas.ed l :; '·_'"-·-
u...n.' • l.
. ~.

0 t hey are ltghter and t:as.lly· manufactured ~ E.OS. P.l'll rt·M ~. e

., ...,. ,,{' .-~1·
tl -ff. . •
•' ,. !, ,I !l
~:i ~ '\..-"':1
0 ~ !"lag this queEJtion 0. Store t his qu;:,st!on il S 1':1 fi
~=~.:_- ~~7-.J I
Su bsectl.o:n: 1 5 Q
5. The power•h.a ndlln.g c.apacity ~f a transformer Is depe;ndent R<!pctt proclern
upon Its ability to w itli qu ~ o:n
~ dissi pate he,a t
send y<ilJt refeenc;o\J
Q accept heat
li .--- ~ ~l ..
0 raise or d ecrease va!tage ~ - w...}lll:·~. "
l! '"''" '::"'-'
n EA,S , """'·Qo ~
- ....
CJ ~ Flag this qu>esuon 0 ~ Store qu5tlon "i
t'.-a...-r ~l
-- ~ I _
2 .<

Subsert!Gn: 15 ~l
~=-:.:~~~ ,
6~ An autotranstt}rmer'~ windings ara R" pott probl em~
@ con ne<:ted Witli qui<!-1iio:n
S<oi'ld your re feri!! FK: e ~
Q wlred tn parallel
0 o n separat e formers
) ~.r..~~t *' ~
CJ ~ Flag this qu"""tion 0 ~ Store this qu2llt1Dn
i!i'il EfJ.S1'
' ""'w';"'- fl
-~ rt ·tl G
;:I , -;--:-} ~
Sub~ectlo:n: 15 @ .i 1--~~~--- ~
~ =--.:~_ ,
7. A transformer with a 5~1 ratlo bas a 24Voutput. What Is the R"pott prt>blem t:ll.
Input? WitliqUi5"tii>.lt . .
your rererehteO
0 12{1 v oc S-efid
Q9 12{1 VAt
0 4_3VAC

CJ~ Flag this que::t.ion ' Q $,t ore this;;r.lon

Subsectl~n: 15 \l

S~ On a Oesynn, power 'Is cacnaected to Report ptobi em~

0 lndl:eator o.nty
With qtJe".iM
Si!nd y.;,ur t~efetet>eeO
0 Ttansmltter and l nd.lcatar ' 67%(/l
f!j iransmlttP-:r only !i - -· ~ ·1, '
r: U..:..' d , )

(''"'] ~' Flag thl;: quf'...stian Q Q $tore this que ;;tli:m ··· ·-·-
- H
EliSA ~rt-13lj
~- E ~
.:"';-)1 ~ .~
Subsection: 15 G' ' }_. t '' ~~ ~~
J~=~~~- 3
9. Which of .t 'he, following would be US!!d to cakulate l!ranstormer R<:port p to bie m~
turt"<S ratl~? 'flitli ·QiJr5'!iD:t\
Send your ref~..ente:~
Q pr'Jmary turns :.: s&f.fnda:r;· torns
® :secondar!( turns j primary turns ,, . . #<I •
Q prlmary turns j secan.dary turns ;~ ~~--~ ' 1
!~ ("·----·~--- ~
~ E.i'lJ;j1,P;'Irf:4)1j i
0 ~ Flag q ue;;tton 0 Q Store this -qr.t>:stlc.n. f -~'11 ~
fl ~::''! ~
Subsectlion: 15 @'
iO. A ;il:•phase star-delta wound transf:Grmer gives R.eport proble m~
wiUi -que::!.'tiD'n ;
0 na phase shltt
Sl.!nd your r;,fe;rence~
() 90• phase shift
® 30• pihase s'hltt ii ~ ~ ·,
i.! "-....~~~ J
00 Flag this q uestion o• lj •••'-<' ( -
-; E.l1.5l\F'il!1l·tl lj
Store this qu;:stlon

Subsection: 15 'ii
1'' - ---,,, lj"
:! ~~-~~~t

~ =-_:hif_ j

11. If som-e of the primary windings of' a transformer short out R.-port phlbi~m G'Io
"'i itliqli~M¥'
® the secondar!( -o utput ''O'Itage will rise
Sl.!lid y-o ur t~efetet>eeO
0 the secondar!( output lfdltage will fal:l
0 there \'I'Jif be oo effect an the output yo-Jtage
~l -
- -- f<i' ~
11-1-~.:J. J
0~ Flag th.i~- q u £Stlan 0~ Store t:hls qu:e ;;tlon
.....-.... ~.-:-.
I' E,O!jj),f'o<t·~O ~

~~ .-----.1 fj
Subsectlon: 15 Q
,.~} ~ '"'--ll-
..,_ ll.
,_. Cl ~ ~

={ =--:~- ~

12:. A transrcrmer has 50.0· turns on the prlmaJJ"y and 100 tums: on. R"port phlbie m~
the secondary. When connected to a 100 V supply, the output Is ,.iith qui5"tiM
181 201/ Sl.!hd '('iUr ri!f,..o:;Fot;o.( il
0 251/
0 soov rl ~--·· · ·~·
!-i (.... ~...; .:-.....;.......ffil !
1: . . 't~
~ Eft$_t'1, F'<'l.r.:·t"JG.
0 ~ Flag th:is q uB.Stion 0 ~ Store this que:; tk<i'l! {i ;:~;1J _
1,_ _ _ !

S u bsection: 15 @ Ei =- -· ..~w :t1

t:!- - -- _r.

13.• How many turns does thl!' secondary w:lndlng ~1 a 2:1 stepAup
Rep~~t ~":~~;'~~
13.• How ma1ny turns does tha s>eeo.ndary wlndln.g o.f a 2::1 step-up R«pcit problo:m~
transfbnner hav.e? ¥1ith quetion
~M your refereht.o~
0 Less than prtmary
0 Less turns but w1th thilck;:r wlre
~) More than prlmarr ~ :;, __ 1
E/J..S!\ Ftut·i)lj ~
L l~ Flag qu<:.-st lon OiiJ Stnre t his qLt;.;stloii ii
. - • :11
f' . . ' ~ H
ll;;} '·.-=--.:! ~ It
Subsectio-n: 15 0. '" ~ :-;
~.; =-:...:::!:!L ~

14. A transformer consumes power, the second<~rywl:ndln;g having Rl..port problem

100 reslsta~:KJe, o,f 1G kW. lfthe transformer ratio Is 1:5, ~lil:hqiJ~I)j)Q
what Is .t he current drawn In the primary.? :>end )'<lUi' referer.::~~
2 amps
;~ ~
;~ l ....


' ...

0 20amps EJ!.l.i\PoYrt·(jlj I<

...:1{ 2
0 (/'J Flag th is q u;;:;tion 0 ~ Store this q;.xestlon. i_ : t.~f

~ w;~_:;:i'_ ~I
Subsection: 15 0 "-------=·---·-··

1S. What would you use for the core In a .generator current R«pcrt probll!m'l)
with .qu~i t\l\
~tid )'<lUi' referet~t,;{j

A1r core
Steel Core ~~ r:-- f.(iJ :1
0 Lamlnat£!d cme
~~ ..:::;~ P.
~ f:.l"l.S$\P:m·liij ...
CJ ~ Flag this q u·:stieon 0 Q Store this qu-estion fl ,-;-•;-)1 ~
,,! ·~ ':. 1
i' ~ --- :.~
Subsection: 15 0. .[
f' =~
S I'"J
1'-iil t
,._ . - ---
1.6. What voltage can the neutral lln.e carry In a star tran.sformer?. Report problem!@
'i lil:h qUet'iD1!
0 Comblned llne voltages
:>end your referer.:~~
0 Phase voltage 67%:@
@ Zero voltage tl ~ ~ - .
~! 114-.r.:•:J,. ~
U0 f'lag t hls qu-e;;tion 0~ Store this qu:estlon
fi ''"''"-.-·~·
~~i Ell$i'(F'<"I~·Qr;
!:: . '-'e.- ~·
~· l,. ,.~1 ~\
..,I . _r.'__: >I .........,. II:!'
Subsection: 15 @
ti~ =~ ~_..!fr_ ><.:) ,"'
i7. Eddy currents In a transfb.rmer can be reduced by R.,;pcrt problem~

Q using a S:ing:le soll>d piece of metal

W il:hqu~t<n
~nd your r,efen!llte.
Q uslng a spedalnon metall:lc matert•aJ
® lam:lnatiD<r!S ,;,;; ~
~·~ ]
I;_)~ Flag thls question 00 Store this qu~tlo ii ···--'-:'- - f!
Eft.Sf\~rt -<l f:i ...

..:~;11 ~
Subsection: 15 0 !--. ~ -~~ ~ ~
~l =~ !!<:tl'. fl

18.• Flux losses In a transformer can be prevented by Rep~it problem~

( ) laminating the core wtth ·que'tit<n •
~nd your referet~t~>{j
Q thie use of p.r tmary shielding
§ wloolng the pri.r:nar1 an top of the s-econdary <; ......- %1 '!1 .
~i ........ 1
1·1 0 F'lag th ls queslian 0 ~ Store this question
~:i .....~ '::"---:' ~
!': EASt\ Faft·I)IJ. 1
;: -a.-, },
Subsection: 15 0 H i" . _·• j ~
!' = ··-·- , rl
~ ~ <;J.. c
'·; =~
.. rv j
- ---
L 19. The dot notation on transformer symbols Is used to R~p?~ probl~m@
;;.;__ ____--:c-

19. The dot i!'iotatlon on transformer symbols. Is .used to R<!port proble m~

'r.'Jith qu~'ti c..n Y
.:6 Indicate· the phase relatlcmst,lp of the wlndlngs
Send your r«F;.rer.: ~ (j
0 indicate the dlrec:tlan In whkh the windings are wound 6i% @
0 show w.hether the transformer ;Is a step u:p ·or·step down i: .-. ·-
~ k'""'·~ - J
,, . ·;
~ '"'-.,.....- ~
0~ !"'ag this q u.estlon U O Store this qu2stlon ~~ EJU;.I\ FM·~fj ~
"' -o..-.
Suhsectlon: 15 \1. n
1'1 ~· ,1,i
·c. !" ~ ~
~ ~~-=~~::. ~
2.0. A transformer has an input o1 400V and a ratio of 2.:-:i . .1f the Report proble m· ~.
W.itli qUd.<ti i>J\ liP
transformer Is d.e ltEI/ star wound, whEit will the IJne v61tage
output: be? S.Oiid your refere oc i: ~
. 65% @
0 1l5V !' ..
@ 34!.5V !>l r.- w ~
0 200V =-l ·~~~ ~
.f E.l1.S;\ Fin~ -(lf.i ~
i .:~:JI ~
(] ~ f lag tftis que;;u on Q e St ore t :i"il5 qU'e:Stion ~!
; ~
.. ~---_., . .
ii =- -~(il tj
" - - - - ,>.
Subsection: 15 j

2.1. A trEinsformer has 2001iV1 500 tur ns on the p:dmary and 50 t ·u ms R<!pott problem ~

on. the secondary. What \voul.d' be the line voltage if the with que1!ibtl ·
transformer were t).elta/S:tar connected? Send '(<iur ref;.rer.:"'O
0 4SOV
ii ~ fijf, ..~
J$.0 346V ~! llttoo"""•'- 1
Q 200V
il ,..;~·- . --. l-1
~·! 8151'1, f'i'lrl:·'iQ )
~ ·:-~«--.\ .~
0 ~ Flag this question Q Q Store bhls qu:estion ;l tf'::: ''"·I 1!J
!'; -=;:<;!- i
: •!7_t,·
Subsection: 15 ~ !&'~·-······-·-·····-··-

22. Why dioes the .secondary windings of a transrormer need to be Report probl~m ~
short clrculte.dl' with questioo
S.Ond ·y~our refefeoce~
~ Otherwise tt,e wf:ndlngs overheat . S1%~
Q Otherwise there would be high rurrent ft£>W In the primary fl .- ~ ~ .
0 OtheNIIse b1gh voltage passes after diS<:onnectlng ·-~
•C.·-·-- .
11-fl' d
EI•.SI\ Fl!IH ~ )
Ll 0 Flag th1s question 00 Stare this qu €!Sticm ii .-:--:-~ ~
il r ·~ "'---· 1r
~! -i/: ~ ~
Suhsectlon: 15 'i 1 =--=~- ;

23. A near p-erfect 4:1 step up trans:tor~ h as It's primary Report problem
cnnnerted to 120VAC. if the secondary ls connected to al>oad w ith qui!o!i!.i on~
wlth 1600 ohms reslstanee, what Is the current In ·t he p!l'J:mary? Send '(<iur r«fi:<'eht ~ ~
0 lamp 63%ijl
·· ~·-·
~! - ~ ;.
~ 1.2 amps f.,: ~•W• ~ ~
. , .._ ·--··~~ lj~
0 0.3 amps
• EJU;Af'11 1t ·~fj I
,;j ,f;..'Ji ~
(] ~ Flag thls qusb1on 0 @Store this qu:estlOfl f·f[ 'l _: " ·......,.,..

Suhsectl.o-n: 15 @
~ =~-~~ .~~

24.• How many Ollmb!natlons are there f or 30-phase transformers1 Report proble m~

Q Ntne with · qu~5tioo

~tid your r.ere:ret"Jte-0-
~ Four . 7.3%~
0 Two
!l ~~-· ~ ~
0~ Flag mls qusuc.n Q ~ S.t ore t1hls ques:l or. ~ EJ\Si\ P..rt-~0 ~
: .:--;-,1 ~
Subsection: 15 @ l .•. : ·' ~- ~
~ =-
:S <:J JI
l>f>' t
-------------------- 1. Increasing the spe-e.d of aft aircraft generator results In an R<:port probleM~
with question · .
Orde:r ~1oouiles. ';c
S:;,nd your referer.:e.Q
() fleld Circuit res.l stance di&rease
iutGrial Su,ppo:rt ~ ~ tleld Circuit res1stance tncrease
!j -- 1oo7;,
Q armature d:rcutt resistance lncrea5e
ti ,..,...~
:S..: it.•lW' •'- ...
Study Notes >
~ 81511. F<!r. ·fjQ ' ~ ...--:~
0 ~ Fla9 thls question (] ~ Store this question rs1~' L.:
.-r,; ~:J ~~-
·~ ,~
' -·:.:
) ]L•mbt.!n .\n· ~
,~ __
~ ~

Subsection: 12!@ fl_::~ __::&J

r·lemt•ers. Home
2. Electric are often dassitled accordlng: to the method of Report probi,;,m.G'.I.
t•ly Pers-ona! b> ~· connecting the f ield coils: and armature • .tkc:ratt eng;!:- starter with qu~"tioot ""'.
motors: are generally o# which. type? S<!nd :f·OUr r<:ferer.:e~
My Control !>anel Q Shunt (par<illel}
tl ~ ~; .
0 Compound J! lhr!oo~d
.;&-.. ,,...~-- a~
Take a Test 0 Sertes
~ Ef•Si\ F7.1rt~ lj -..::
f' -&--. ~ £.
!: If, .~ - ·~-
Vtew Test Results 0 ~ I' lag this que>tJOn QQ Stare this qlV-Stlc.r\ j L ~ ~-1 ~

·rutorial SuppO'rt Subsectlo:n: 12 \t ~ =~:;f~-. f:

Study NGtes 3.. R.e ac'tlve spaTkl:ng ls reduced by Report problem@
'tlith qutoSticu•
~ lnterpol'es
send :vour· r~re.reoce:O
0 aul:i llary wJndlngs &5%@
0 compensating wltndl ngs
~1 ~.,.• (.1 1 .
0:@ Flag th ls qu<?:Stlon QQ Store trils q>.tf:':>tlon
; ·'""'"'·- .. .
~ 1:.1\S.I\ Ptlr.:·4'l l1
; - a:·

Subsection: 12 Q
·1 ~:?, ~~~-
! ----;;-'<;!~ :~
i_=~-:, ril~ 1
4~ An electric nmtM IJ!led tn ra!!Sio and lower a landing gear would Report problem
most likely be With CjU~i'itm ~
~rid y.:Jur ~rerence:~
0 shunt ""'ound split field mator
® se~rle:s wound s~llt fi eld mGtor .;.~ ~ ·!{
Q a shunt fi'f,ld series wou nd motor i! ..~:d
~ OM·-·::"'- f
0 ~ Flag this qu;;stion 0 ~ Store this qu-estion
Efl.SA F~m. ·tlti
- ..-
• -;: ·( ....,..... ]

Subsoo!lnn: 12. '
5. In a cumulative f:ompound wound generato<r Rep crt problem a;.
;,1itli -gu~a .:m ¥
Q the series arw:l shunt fields oppose each Gther
Send raur ref,..enc;,@
( ) the voltage faH:s suddienly witt. an Increase In l oad
!S.1 the series and sihunt l'l'elds assist each other
fl .-- f<il. ~
f: ..........,_ -
Cl~ Flag quEStion 0 iii) Store this qu-::5tion ,.fj, e.o:,p,P."-~P »
~ t ;.-9
·~ .•- ......,!. ~ -
~ ~~~•f r~
Subsection: 12 !@ ai ~~ -- ~
::• ti 1"'J •x

~~ =~=~~ ~
6. A starter gerw!l'ator has a Report probleM~

0 t.l9h resls.taoce series ,fJeld and a lm't re;lstance strunt tleld With
Ser•d your refeter.:!'l}
qiJ~"ti M

®• low resilstaoce series field and a l'llgh re;lstance shunt field

0 lmu reslstaoce serJes fleld and a i:m 't resistance shunt fleJd
1! ..-- '"? 1
(]:@ Flag th is q uestl<'n Q .(i» Store this -qui?Etlc.n
~i ·-~~~~~~ -
::'! Elt.!'.l\ F't'lr.<·')G ~ f ·«

Subsection: 12 " r~ .:--~1

I : I

~ :==~:~~J
7. A DC shum motor 1:11!1:5 2il volts applied. The current teili:en tram Rep~rt problem ~
•h.a. sfii'Mts.•n•A· n.f ") ~,_t: fiAchrtg,.<""'..a. loa • ::~owu\. "\'"k.a. IR.~,.u...~.c;· h: W1th QU~.:am

'1. ;. DC shunt mD<t~r h as 28 volts applied. The cur!"en.t taken from R<opott pro biehl~
.t he a-rmature of 2 obms reslstatl(le Is 1 amp.• 'the Back· ·EMf Is '1'1ith quest;cm
S<:nd \"iUr referer.:~;@
(X} 26V . 76%'i
0 27 V ~ ........ ~ ·~
0 30V j'!
0 'i Flag ti1:ls que;;tlon 0 ~ Stona this quEStion : ·-· i.
i1 . .:
~ -~.,;'
·f ~
"'r ~-..


Subsection: 12 'l "-'

~~ =-:..=.!!!~)
~ j";] 'I

8. lf the speed of a coli In a mi!fin.!!tlc field ls d:!rubled and the field Report problentQ\
strength Is doubled the output will w ith qu81l<'" ·
S<:nd your referenc e;@
@ quoorupl~
0 halve
~ ~
'l'J »............ ~,
~ .....
( ) S!:a't' the same
~ ··~--·~~ H
1 EJl!iJ' P.:t~ ·(! fj i~ /r~ ·
0 Q Flag thl s questi on .---..0 Store this qu:estlon
- ---l
~'- '.f
'\. . .. . · ' '
~~.....!! ._.....
Subsoot'l~n: 1 2 @ iJ S "'t
'';;i =~--- - - '"l' , '

9. The fl ux density o.f a magnetic field ls 1.51". Th.e length ~1 the R.,;port problem.;@
c.ondu.c tor l:n the field l:s 2 m and the current flowing through the w ith ·que.;•.ioo
conductor l's 5 am ps. The force on the conduttor Is sena Y<JUr refl!te rlt~~

Q 0 .6 Newtons 77%0
@ l :S Newtll ns ,......,... ~ "
1 ....:~~ ~
0 3.75 fl!ewrons ~ E.i'J.SA~rt-lllJ ~
'1 ~~ ~ ::·-
Q(iit Flag thls question 00 Store this qu;:stion i '- ~ -'' ll
~l =~ ~~. ~
IL__:::::::::::-. ::J'
Su bsection: 12 0
10. Increasing the voltage applied t o the armatur e of a nc·motor R.,;port problemA
causes the rotati:o<nal speed to w ith quest;;m •
S<!nd your r<:ferenceO
0 stav the sarnt.
74% ({#
0 decrease I'
ti s:r--. ~
. ,
@ lncreasoe ;t : lll.-.14o!~~ ~
lj ........- ·. · ~

0 'It f'lag th:ls questlon 00 Store this qtrestlon rri~ E•>);J\I''il!HO

LL! ~,~
h. t"-
. •

Subsoot'lon: 12 @ ~ =--
!!:iiJ ~
- - ·- ,J

11. The windings l!fmbedded In the p ole faces of a DC g.e nerator a re Report pro blem.({#
0 commutatlng oo.ils ~lid
~i ith
your rer.,-e t~t~:O

Q lntt.rpoles. 66%Q
~ com pensatlnq wtndl:ngs n-- AJ ; ~ . ~
..-. .. ~~
;ir: .,..,~·-····
0 ~· Flag this questrian 0 Q Store this que;;tlon ~ EA5~~~-M Po£ ~}
j: ~ ~d J P'"t:::}-
Subsoot'lon: 1 2 @ ;l '.:r ' ~~ ~
i'"'·i =-:.._
!5 •'<;1.
W~ "rr

1.2. What Is a method used fo:r restoring generator fleld residual R.epott problern'i
magnetism? 71ith ·qu!Z'tion
0 Rese.a t the send your re fer,; r.~"''i'J

0 ;E nergize th e .armature
76 %@
~ ........,..
13 Fla~h the ftfilds ~! ~~.~·-~
:;..? i
;j ·-"'·.~
· · !
li EJ\l;!l.l'i"t·Qfj -. ··.~...
DO Flag thi s question 00 St ore this que;;tluf1> ii .---~1 ~ ~ -'\,;
i' ~.,.·• , ~ -~"'­
ai~ -=-- ~ :1
Subsect~n: 12 ~ .. =~- -.. ~ -:<J"
!¥. t,

~-= --- ~

.. ...... ...... _ - · · - - - - _ __.. ___ .... __ .... ..__ .~~._ ...... _ _ ....., _ _ - ·- · · - -- - :1111 ..__ - - ·- - -l--...;1; -- ~ ---- D ..:.n...,l-f'tt. ...,., j;; IM;::,:, _

13. On a linear actuator, the field ·C:lllftff c.111l wlll be energized when Report p ro bl ~rn~
'l'Ji th ·qU~i D'tt
0 the actuator Is not nmn lng
send your refe;rer.:;,'fl
~ the actuator l s running ?0 %'!'1
0 onliy .as. the a ct uato r commen.c.e s movement
~~j ~-. b.t· ~-
..~~ ·~
' ~ ~H
I I tit Flag t his que;;ti on 0 ~ St o re this. qufo:S tlon ·j.; Eru
.Si\ I'>I ~·~U _, •
·' j;• - .,
~~ ~. "'";t
Subsecti.O'n: 12 ~ i~
r ...
~-- ]
;! ~ ";;;) • ji,

~ =-:...=~- '
14. 11 a heavy mec:hankat IO'ad Is removed from. a series motor R<op~ rt p ro bi :M ~
® the sproed wtll Increase an d the arma ture current:wiU decrease
With fj UioSl:!DJ'>
S>.!nd your refen : rtt e' f
0 the sproed will lncrease an d .th e armature current:wl[( Increase 60%~
0 the speed wUI decrease .an.d the armature current wJII decrease ti -· - <:oo1~i

0 tit Plag thls quEStion WStore this q<.tfo:S t lon.

ilv. ..::~t· .
EMJ\ ~rt·~ lj
j m a;'
~~i ,:•;-,r ~ r-1..-~.j
S'Ubsectlon: 12 ~ n L :. ·• ~ ~
~;<. =~ !i,•"h
!'J' ~
tc - - -- -

15 .• No EMF Is Induced In the Jo.oop o,f a 9 enerator when Report p to bl ~m-(r)

W1th q u ~1J o:n
~ It Is. mo~·Ln g p.arallel ro t:he fl eld
>;;,nd your r«f...-ertt~>(r)
Q t he fi eld Is at a mtnlmum 6:8%~
0 It Is mo~·l!ng at rlght an gtes to the fi eld
!1 .-- ~~

0 @Store this qu:e:stion ·~; .•..:-:=... ij

Q W Flag question J. EJ>Si\
-· - l
~rtHl(o ;1. • '
·~ -.
' .... ._••,
S u b.sectio.n: 12 0 i! L..;...L~ ~

~i =~-=~-J
16. The output fr om a g;enerator ·to a commutator Is Report proble m~
wl th ·qu ~o.,,
0 pu:lsed OC
~rt d vaur referenc!!il}
® AC .. 61%~
0 tJ C

L lW!'lag rH~ Store t'hl:; qu=:tlon

j,J -:;;7"' ~ ~
th '1 s qu12;;tl on '; EASAF,m·O!i ~~ .lr ·
: . --...;, ft ~ -.:.1 1'
1 ~ . ·•· ii""'
Subsection : 12 i .J
i ~ ·~ ~
..a :-:.;J ')
~I =~
«; - -

17. tn a !DC motor the pole pairs are Report p to bl em~

0 .can nerted ro th e llrusih gear wi th q u ~..i o.n ·.

>;;,nd y.,ur t'<;ferertt;,,( r)
(!5 embedd€0 within the field colls
0 part of th.e arm ature t•
f-j ~ f.r' ~
: ...~·'· 1
00 Pla9 this q uEStion 0 ~ St ore t his qu-estion i ···-·- .· ij
li~ Eft.S. ,\~r.:-ti.r:t !t .
.-..- 1
.... ,.,
,_: · i_~ f!
I) • -
Su bsection: 1 2 @
!i oo ><;i 1
ll =..,..... -.• fif ~
;.: - -- -
iS.• The etertro.magnetk brake colt In an actuator wo.u ld he Report problem.
energised 'fiitliqU~i>il~
@ s:ena )i<lUr refere F>C I!~
onfy when the .actuator Is ru nning
0 al! the time In f11'9 ht
·1 ~ ~~
0 only at the.l nstant of starting an.d stopp ing i; , ....~ .. ,. •

~ ~:~:~;;;;:ij ~ . .
Q 'f1 i'lag th is que stion Q ~ Store thl,;; q•.r£:Stlon ,,
:!..; ~
.- ao-·
. ~J
~ t !f
- t "":::::::-'

I}, : L~.~
S u bsectJI.o:n: 12 ~ i!
E'i =~~:1< (Ji'~
...- ":! II

19. Shunt t>C motors are used In app1lcatfons requl rlng R"port pro blemQ
n .."'.... l .... ... ...=~ ........ ,........ '"""'" ..........-. .. +l'.. ......... ........... ............. .,.:, ........ -.. h .... '"""' --·'"-... ...
Wi th qu f5'li NI

19. Shunt OC motors are used in appilleatlons reoqulrlng Repctt problem~

¥J ith -qu~AJ O:rt· •
0 ·t he 1oad to b e constantly connected to the motor Send y-our r.;,fenonce ~
0 hl1jh starting torque 69% ~
®· ccnstant speed ~ ~

0 'I) I' lag this qu,;srton Q ~· Store this que;tion

Subsection: 12 iJ

20.• Sack""EMF Is the greatest: when a motor Is R;opcrt problem~

0 under heavy load Send your refe,r~nte.Q
@ at r.r,peratfng•:speell .ss•,{, (ili
( ) Just starti'ng to rotate
f1,_,. w '"'
!·~ ·.~.!~'d. . ~
0 ~ flag this qu,:stlon ,__,(()'Stare this qttesclon ~i Efi.S(I. F?nt·l) /'j :J .
,:ti ,..,
.•-....,,,e- , r;1.-·
- .
Subsectlon: 12@ ; L_L:J 1$
~ ]
v=-_ _;!f!_ ~.;

21. 11 a motor Is spint\f:ng at 50 cycles per :second, how lon.g as 1 R"port

ptoblem ~

cyde of the mrtp.ut?

Sehd your r'-'fet.,nceO
0 0.8:3 serond:S
'3> 0_02 serondis fl .,......._ ,.. i
Q So seconds l!
..~ ...~.•..
r~.. ·if''
.~ ·~
• Ell5;\ F'ltr.:·q G
0 'I) Flag this que;;tlon Q ~ Store this que;;t loll! : ~;~-;;.. ~ \._tt··f
f 1--t 1_ ~
Subsection: 12 @ ~~ -~ S;;& f

22. When a conductor cai'I'Ying a curren.t and placed In a magnetic: R.,;pott probleM~
t!eld It experlanc!!l!l With qUI!£'St~n y
Send y·oUr r'-'fetenceO ,
@ an eJectromag;netlc forc·e
0 an e;] ectrostatk force
jl,.,...,- ~ ~
Q a magnetic force
ii ii.~~:!-.. p
I~ EI1..SJ\Pil!'~·tliJ ~ -~
C] 'I) Flag this que;blon 0@ Store this question ~~ -,e.:-
-/·· ~' li.l'i,.

Subsectl.o n: 12 @
,:i' -~ -:s"<J
~- ~
~-=--=-=--·" '~:..r
23. What ls the prtru:lpal adv.antag;e oJ the serles•wound DC motor? Report problemO
wil:h ·qu ~oo
0 Suitable for ronstants:peed use
Serid your refe,r.,r.:eii
® l'Hgh starting torque
0 low starting torque E......-.-·.1. w 'l\\
~~ 11• J
i ·-·~ ·::--: ~
Q@ flag this q ue>tlon 'i) Store this qtlleStloo
nf1_ EPSA P19rt·•JO ...,
l' e·.,.a. ·,-
,j";..;~, J ~ -~~
Sub!iectlon: 12 t l!l ' ~
~ .:.- .~~ :.~
.j ~
~ !e. ~ ·i
~= -:__!:![_ ~

24. Copper losses In a DC motor are caused by R-.,pctt ptoblem

with que,.'1!i>Jl @
~ hfgh resistance fi€iid windif1195
Send your r"ret.,r.:,;@
0 a hlgn mag.netlc retuctance l'n the circuit
0 c.a pper bearings ; ; .,.-- fi? 'ff
!j Ill,•;.<·~ ~ .l
0 'fit' Flag que;;tlon 0 {':i ·~-·-
ii · . h

'i)' Store this qt.!'estlor~ il
Eil5>\FM ·q G ; I ,_...,
.. . --.-. ~ n ~ -0
·: j, , ... W.=...
Subsection: 12 ~ :1 !, · =~-~ ~~ -
E-::-- "~
~ 15. ln a l>C motor the Interpol~ are. part of the R.,;pctt problema
2.5. In a ·bC motor the lnterpoles are part of the R.;,pott problem
with qu~c:m~
0 stator assembly ~nd yaur rerer~nc!:~
0 •otor assembly 43%~
@ field h
t~ ~ ,

C l(i r la.g thls q uestion 0 ~ Store this qu:e>tlon

~ ·~~~·~. . f
; EJ"t.Z_&\~ rt·(l lj - ~

Subsi!!Ctlo·n: 12 @ i1~ I_.~·:;::·~~~·( fl~~.

ii ~~-... ~
~ w.~-=~- ~

26.• Which of ·t he following Is not one of the purp.oses of lnterpoles In R<!pcrt proble m ~

a generatori ..,ith ·que:!itiOJI .

S..tid yaur r.;,r.;renceii}
Q Sl.edli'C.e. arolng at the brushes:
® Redoc.e field strength
0 Qy,e,rcome armature re.a ctd on
jl -:-__ ,, w ·~
,j •.w~•;:-- h
!l E.O.S>\ 1'\llt-.J G cI
(J ~ !'lag this q u5tJon Q Q Store this q~H::;tian ~~ t:'·;~ .. ~~ ··~
,;! -~ l

Subsectlo:n: 12 @.
iii =~--~.~'"
1!-l~_ '

27. In .a DC .generawr, the eft.e.ct:. ot· armature react'4on may be Report problem~
!'educed by mwlng· th,e brush ·gear ~1ith quio'l;l.<c.n
~nd your refe:ren.::~~
.® In the. direction of arma1llre rotatf{ln towards the t-i~fA
0 from t·111U\ to GNA
i! ,........ ol,ol ~
0 agalnst. the direction of armature rotation towards: the. HNA J1
~i ·~,..~

·. - -· k

; EJ\5), ~rt-•la ~ e i!.

0 (i f'la.g thls que:;tion 0 ~ Store this qu:e;;tlon ,{ ~~;:;· 2't:-
l! Lu _.~
Subsectl{)R: 12 0 c!
c.i =~ - ,.fl ~
.... .
i: - -----

28. !he shun.t wound generator IS normally start:ed Report problem •

with qu~011 ~
t® offload
S.~nd your r~r~r~ht:e~
0 t ithe. on load or off foad io•,;,~
0 on load
:1 ~ ~~

0 ~ Flag this question Q (i Store this que>tlon


Subsectlon: 12 @

29.• To reverse the direction of a series motn.r R"pcrt probl~m~

...lith quesl.i OJI
0 th-e dl>ectfon o.f the. current throogh the fle.ld is re~•erS>:d
send \l' rer.;rence~
0 th-e dloe.ct/,on O·f the current: through the tle.ld and the armature. Es
(3 a se<:o.nd series .field Is fi tted
.... ;
(J(i Flag th is question Q ii) $tor-e U1ls que>tlon ~ ~;.~n.r

Subsi!!Ctlon: 12 'l

30. The shunt field of a compound wound starter motor Report prcbll!: m ~
0 provides: the high t,orque r equired at slow spe.ed
send your refer~nceo~
qu~'ti c.n

0 limits t'he starting tarque of the motor

Q9 limits the off load speed
!1 ......,.- ~ ·t.
!' ....
.~ ~.~-
,.,llo' ·~·

0~ f" lag this qu~tJDn n ~ 5tC!FE tt ,ls que>tlc.n i1 ~ ;..,rt4llj, \

i1 .:"'~ ~
Subsectlon: 12 ~ H :...u _. ~
... 9
... -;:) •;o

,, - ----
~! =-- ,~

31. One pu:rpose of the eommutator Is t·o Repctt problemA

With QUe$!li:<l\ W'
31.. One pu:rpose of the erunmuta'lM Is t-o Report proble m ~
With que:!I'J M
Q SIIJI.t!ih the d~rect:l on o.f current: ftow every two cycles
S.:nd yaur r;,feef>te~
(~ swltdh the dtracblon of the rurrent tlow eve()' half cyde 79%~
Q switch the dl:ractlon of a:ment ffow ever'j cycle
*"' ~
): ~-

~~ ....:-:-~::_ F
Q'i) Flag thls q ue.;;Uon 0 ~ Sto re this qu:stion ' EJlJ;~ Por<·~fj - t
1 .:~~· ~. ·-;:..
Subsection: 12 @ j !~ ~ '! ~ ~
=i s~
!, _~ -.. P
~ -· --- - - ;J

32. What d-~:vke ls used: to auwert alte,rnatlnog current, which has Report proble m'. ~
been l:nduced I!'\to the loops or the re)tatlng armature of' a OC " 'ith 'ijlJ~on
generator Into direct current as it leaves: the g.enerator1 Send y<lUr refl!rent~~
Q Arectlfler
l--- ,.., ~
0 An Inverter
n.. .:~;::... n ¥"
Q5,1 A axnmutator
! EMil\ Port·G~ ~
i ~- ..~, ~; . -
0 ~ Flag lhls q u.e.stlan 00 Store this qu.e:>tlon ,[ , __L .! ._ ~

Subsection: 12 @ ~-! ~---:~- 5

33. How can the direction ot ro'latlo.n of a DC electric motor be Report proble m ~
with ·gu ~oo
S.:nd yaur refeef>te~
Q lnterch.ang•e the wires \o{hkh connect the mllb:K" to the external
power sourc€
Q rotate the posltfo,•e brush one commutator segment
G!J: revl'!rse the el&trk af' c.cmnect!ons to either the field cw armature
!-] ~:·· ~ 9r

i e.o.sJ\ ~~·t'Jij ~I
•• - ..- !I - .::1
i1 ~ .~1 1~=
;1 •c ~ ( _ , ~
0 ~ f'lag this q u;;stlon 0 @Store this qt.t£Stlor~ n=-- ~:.t~ H
i-:"" - - --

Subsection: 12 @.

34. Which generato-r.s are usually used on aircraft? Report proble m ~

with ·qut:!rtion
® Shunt S<:nd y<lUr ref~e~=e'il
Q Compound ss•.;<,~
0 Serfe> ] .,...,..- ~ ~
! W.-tlo"d . J
~-; (_....j ;~
· ~
· - 11
I I 0 !"fag tnls qu~tJon n (it S~ore this qu:stlan L·
; EASA Pmt.·M
" i{
'-i , - . - ;.J ~- ,-;
Subsection: 12 ~ :
I ·'·I
~-·-· ']
" -

tl =-:...:Th~ ~
35. tn a shunt \V<ruMI d:lr·ect current motor the torque Is R<;pctt problehi'i)i
with gueo.tion
Q lndependent of load
~nd your refe:renc eQ
Q lnversely proportlona1 to the rurrent ln the .armature 6B%'i)i
'9 proportional to the ·CtJrrent ln the armature ;.,;; .f.t

( ....~-:~:'·~ . ~
0~ Flag this question g Stare this q ~.teotlu n EI!.!'J\FI'Irt·4liJ. ~" l\
Subsection: 12 ~ ; ' : ·I l
---;:--'<:1~ ~
;J ;.:;;.....'_

36.• The minimum brush length In a motor o,r generator Is measur·ed Report problem. a,
on With ·qUe!.tit<fl 1ll'
S.:nd your ref.s-eoce~
0 the snorter slide
® the longest s ide
() the average of the longer arv.l S:horrer sldes !:..--
l Ef>S~ ~";>iHC. - i! .,-'!!- '
C! Q Flag th!s qu~tlon Q ~ St are this qu"'"tlon . .:--;~ ~ ~ :_::r·
i '. l:. ' - ~
Subsection: 12 f :_i
,, ""- ~fit
-· '*
~: =~--"' .:::...r
_,,.....,..,..._..,., ,.

3?. Decreasing the f i eld curl'en!: l:n a shunt motor will R"'~ort problem~
Willi q U;,stib.l\ •
Q9. !ncr-eas-e sp-eed and f.ncn:ase torque S..nd y.;,ur N:feretK:eij
Q Increase sp-eed an d d>&rease tocque 4il ~Al ~
0 decrease speed and locreasE rorq:ue ti ~ ~~~
-, "'~-_·~
i ! ,_,_, - ·. G
0 ~ Flag tilJs quBStiOn 0 ~ Store this q•l!!iitl ol:l j E.'!;;J\F'o!HG ji ~¢-
: -e.- 1 2 r~
Subsectlon: :12 01 ~· .. ' ' 1-
'i .. II
: 'C "l. .
<; _~ -:.. tt r1
~ - - - - - ,>

SS. If romp.ou!'ld DC generators are o-poerated In parnlle1 th.e v must Report proble m.~
Willi ·qll"'-'tio.n ·
0 all use the same ·11oltagE
S.hd y'<lur referer>ee~
0 all rotatE at the same speed 67%~
1(9 have an equalising or load st.arln.g loop 1$". ~

~ e--
. .
~ i!

i1 ··~:-::::.::.... ~J
CJ~· Flag this quesUon 0 ~ Store tills qtJ~tl@
. ..

,,, ;t.-..-1
-,;•. Y. ~-
~ r
- '
subsectlon: 12 01 t~ .hLJ ~ ~
il :.:n ,,
~ =~.:..._.·~.:-.J

39. An Indication of good commuta.t lon .on a :DC machln.e 1NOUid be Report proble m ~
?Iilli qiJd:ti D.ll ·
0 silent ·Op.eratlo:n ·Of tt.e machine S..nd your ref,.eht~~
~ Jlttf.e or no sparld':ng at the commutator 79%0
Q htgh armatu re cul'!'·e nts t~ ~ ~ ~~
~ . ~ot:··· · .. ~ - J
•.; •.-- ~
. -· !~
C'J~ Plag thJs question Q~iJ :Ston; this qL~tic•n ~ EJ(l;f\'F:.rt-~~ ~ f ...~
~ ,...;1.1 :r ~..~
Sub:sectlon: 12 • n
~- ~
'- '=.. ;}. -
,,, _, ·.•t>'
~;;::;;;--:.__.!._!,_ ;:

40. What p.oilarlty do lnteorpoles take In a OC generator? Report prcbl~ma.

Willi i;lieitibil ...
0 the same as th-e next maf.n pol.e behind In the direction of rotation
~nd your refett!nc~(i)
tS} the same as the :ne.o:t maln pole ahead In the dlrecti(m of rotat!;en 70%~
0 either, pro,•tdl'ng they lay on M.N.A.
!L~~:,.,, ~ ~
0 ~ Flag this quBStlon Q ~ Store this; tlon ~ ~ Ei•5J\ F'i'l rt·1lf.i ·;
f _.,_..
I< •'C
f1 •" =-'.f
sub:sectlon: 12 Q 1 ·~ ·~ ·~~ t
j r ·::

~ =--=~- .~
41. The method most often used In ovf!NlOmi!'ng. the effect ol R.epott ptobl~ m ~
armature reaction Is thmugh. the use .of 't1illi 'l!iUI51:1D.ll •
S.hd y'<)Uf r«f.oreht,;~
Q drum-wound armatures In combination wlth a negatl'iely
connect.&! sert~ fi~ld 00%~
Q shaded ~ :;:.. r.~ ·~
(~ lnterpoh:s
>,i El•!i,Jl. ~ ft-~ij y_
li' - } ~ .,.,
;; ,;t. --~1 J -~..,
0 ~ Flag thls q ue.sUon Q ~ Store tills q1J·estlon ~~
) -· (
~ ;.,-., '1
~l i,; f.J •
......- j
't< =·-- ---
Subsedlon: 12 @

4.2. Armature reactlan has the effect o1 Report prtiblemm,

Willi qud:tioo 111!:
0 reducing the output by locreaslng Internal rEsistance
S..nd your N:feretK:e,O
0 reducing the output by dlspladlng the geom ebrkalneutral axis:
~ re;duclr;g ·the output by dlstortlr;g the magnEtic flef;d t;. ~
,, ·-~··
. : ·~-~·:--....... r,
0~ i'la9 !:hi!;. q us tlon 0 0 $tore this q1.1est1on >j E.•.sA.F.,uo He~iii
I:·; ,j;•1
. .. ';', I'",...~
Su bsect!lo-n: 12 @ ; ~·-· :~
~~ - . . . ~~1~ g
t=--= =· - ,1

~ 43.• A 200 volt li.'W:}tor Is taking iO, amperes armature current, tl\e Report prcblemg
43. A 200. vol.t motor Is i!:aklng 10· amperes armature c:ur-rent, the Repctt: ~toblem&.~;
armatur~ reslst:an~ Is O.i ohm. The B:adt..£M:F' under these
Witl'i ·qU~.i tmy

conditions wlll k ~lid your r>efetence~

0 201 v~lts
tj .-- ""' 1 .
S 199 v~lts
s~ ·~~_::-_ n
0 i volt tl EJJ.SA ~!t-~C• !... .._....
il.- ~..- ..- _,t.
~ h · l.l
ii r =:-
Cl ~ Flag thJs q uestion .-.., ~ Store this quetton
f! \'- ~"' ~--- ~
Subsection: 12 €) tl =--:~- ~

44. 1'he ~urrent tlDwlng In the armature of .a OC motor Is equal to R.,;pott: ptoblem
~ { a pplied v otts - g>E<nerated volts} 1 armature resistance .
witl'i ques'tion
~n d your r;,fereiiteO
0 {applied volts- generated \IOclts} :x armature resistance 72%~
0 app11ed volts + generated volts 1 armatur e resistance ~

U~ Flag tillS qu£>tion 0~ $ton; this qu;:;;tlon

S u bsection: 12 @

4S.• ln a t>C motor, the .stator's mi!l!Qnetl'c .f ield, due to armatur·e R<!pcrt pit!blemc.r.
witl'i quB'litm""
reac:tlon, moves
~lid vaur r>eference4i)
Q In the· same dl rect!on of rotation of 1:1¥.! armature ' 7 1°/ll@
@ I n the oppcslte d.lrec.~Jo n of rotatio-n of the armatu re ~! !W .
0 Into at:lg:n ment with the GN.A t1 ~-l.d. ~
lj ·~-~·::-..:..... ~
!j Efi.SJ\ P'i1rt·OG § t --~~
00 Flag q uestwn OtiJ Stare this question j ~·;~ ~ r;;,p
f I r . •I .~
; ---:-~ ........
Subsection: 12 V) •i<; =-- --.,.r
t ~

4.6 . Reversing tfl.e supply to. a perman1mt magn.e t field motor causes R"port ptoble.m'l,)
ltto 'i'1itl'i queost>o.n ·
~nd your refet<:iiti:~
Q continue to rotate Ln the same direction
® revers e Its dJrectian of rotation
0 stop rotatin g tl ~-,-~ ~ ~~
'j ·~-·..- 11
; EASJ' P.,rt·¥3G ~ 11 ,c .:'
OW Flag this q u£Stion 0~ St ore t his qu.::stloa ; - ..- ~ ·~ 1
~li ~ .. ·<!! :'" ~ ~-
t! - · ~ L- ~

~r=~=~- '
S u bsection: 1 2 @

4.7 . 1'he type of moto1' used l:n a linear actuator Is R.,;pctt ptoblem
w itl'i ques'tion (j
® series
~nd your f;, fer;;FY.:~ ·~
Q campound
0 paratlel (shunt wound)
U~ Flag this q uestio n ~ store this question

Subsectl~: 1 2 @

48.• A .c:ompound"'\vound gene:r.ator has Report: j:!robl~m

0 only .a series fiel d w hv.!lln g

w itl'i 1,1uesi>.m ~
~nd your r>efetenc,;,~
0 only a sh unt fi;eld wl ndlr;g
~ both a serles and a st.unt fiEld wJncllr;g
~--'-~~l. ;
........... ::"'........... ~
0 0 F'lag tnls quest ion Q (i) 5.tore this qu.e:stlon £li.S.Jl. P1\rt·IJG
i l • ll:
,. •
~r- ~:-
Subsection: 12 0 j ~ ........... ~
.; ~R . .
~ =---~- J

49. A ,shunt wound .gei'Mm!tor is cxmt:rolled by a variable resistance Report prcblemQ

In l!litl'i tjUOi!.' tit>!l
~ ... " . .... .. . . .. ...., _ .. 01. -'
49.• A shunt Wo<\lnd ·geM;E!ratM Is. con.trolle<l by a variable res:istwn.ce R.;,port problem({)
.,,,itli que"tioo
S..nd yoUr r.;,ferenceO
@ series with the field
' 57%~
Q parat:lel wlth the field
~~ ~ ~;3
() serle:s with the arrmature ~1 .,."""" :J
~·~ ....,~~·:v- p
,...; EfJ.Sil.F7rrl:·~G ~ • .
r ,0 !'lag question CH~ Star<: t his q'.!"s tlc,n t'!'! -~-..-, t_! -r • . ·.
i~ i : ·! ~ 11
Subsectlon: 12. i ,.
'-' =~ ~...w r
... -:;:!

"' --- -,.,.

50. Compensation w'J'IM!Ing~s are fitted to a generator In Report problemiiJ
'f'litli-tj Udltion
Q series with the fl.eld wlndln,gs.
S..rid your r;,f;orenc;,O
() paraLlel wlth armature windin gs SS%@
G9 ser ies with armature wlnd.lngs f! ........- i;! '.J

L l0 ·Flag this q uest ion .~ Q St ore t his ql.t2Ztion ..~

~·..,.· ~~

Ell$!\ F,JI-\]Q ',

i: "
~ .:--~· ~- t_...
Subsection: 12. 0 ir
L : _r- ~
S :<;i l.
~ =-:.....:!E'_

51. A DC motor Is driven by R"'p c rt ph5blem@

'f'litli CjUditi ~i! '
Q nc: S..nd vour rHerenceo ~
Q AC 71%(/)
0 pu:ls.ed DC
~1 .,.....-- ~~
00 St ore this qu·estlon
~-i ·~::::~~:!_ »
0 ~ Flag this question l EJJ_5j.\P,~·~ I'J }
' -a.- ; I,
~~ ~.... I'-! -
Subsectlon: 12. 0 ~ -- ~ ~~ ~ ~
•' ~ I<J f
~ ""'-- -~- J

52. The rotating pwrt of a motor{generatO'r Is called Report ph:lblerr•cr.

'l'iitli que"tioo v
0 commutator
S..!id y>:lur '"f;,renc"O
@ armature

8$% ilJ
r~~:.: ~-

Cl 'ii~! Flag thh:. quest.lon 0 ~ Store t his q•.res:iorl

' "'-~-,l' ~•~ ..m.or~.:..::
Subsectlon: 1 2. ~ ' &_:: •J ~-· ~

~t =--=~- ~
53. The series wound generator's terminal voltage will, li'ilhen below Report problem c.
saturation '.;Jiti'l -Qi.J81.1D:rt.
s~;;d your refe"t:n.:e:i)
® lncr.easce wl~h an lncrease In load
() decrease with an lncre,ase· J:n food ~1 ~ ~;~[ .
0 decrease with a d.e crease In rotatl,ona! ·speed
C1 .:~~~~-~ . !l
ti Ell$>\ Pl!rt-~Q : r .. -
0@ Flag t hJs question O Q Store t his qu~ tlo11 ~ j'"-JI ~ t f::
~ ~~ ~
Subsectlon: 12 ~ :-! ~~
~; =-:_ _•W __]J' ,1

54. lnterpole windings fitted .to OC S!!rlces wound generatou are R"'pcrt problem~
witli que;..'!JM
f!) I n series with the armature
S..nd vaur r.;,f,.,-ence~
0 In with the n:el d . 00% (/)
0 I n parall-el with the armature
!) ~ w·
f.: . )i'lt':'•JI~
~ .......... ;:---
0 0 Flag L+tls q u€5tian 0 0 $ to n;, t h is questlor1 ~· E.itSI\ F'i:.'l!'t·(!lj --;· .. .a,
.."', f.-.,.-.
,<J i?:lr.~=r
~'J ..
Subsection: 12. 0 ji b_:. '-~-· ~
t ;::;;_.- ---
s~~ ~

55. the only practl.c al method o1 maintaining a constant VO'Itage Report prtibli!: ril~
L nlttnut: fr11m irlln .E\Il.t'~Pilft er.p.n,pr~t'nr IJftid;,pr v~rvlnn ,f !nnrlitlnntU nf with qae".li><'l
SS. The only practl.c al method of maintaining a constant vo-ltage R<!port problem~
output from an .aJ,rcratt g;en.e rator under varying conditions of With ·gUetiM
Solid your r;,.f.;renceo~
speed and lo-ad Is to vary the
e strength of the. fi-eld 7d%~

0 number IJ.f cor:Kiuctrrrs In the armattJre ""' ~

0 sp.eed at ·whkh the armature rotates -. -
. _! EA.S.Il. F7ut·t) I'J
f:..l: B ,
ti ,.:a-;,1 ~ r '!'
0 ~ rlaog this q uestion 0 (j St ore this question iJ • = .·' ~~ ~
~.; ~~ 'I
i =~ ~< W t,
Subsectlo.n: 12 (ijl ~- - ---
56.• l{eactlve s:parld:n;· In a DC g'erterator can be reduced by R<'<por~ problem'i)
With ·i:J U""''tii>J\
Q using lnte.rpo,1es. with a polarity the same as the last maln pole In
S<!nd your
the direction ~Jf mtat!on
~ using lnterpo!les: wlth a po·larlty the s.ame as the next maf:n pole ln
the dlrectton o-f rotation )! - -~
Q ·l~ ;-!:~--'~ . f
Increasing the brush to commutator c.o ntact pressure
;; EJ15~":rHO
!. .., .. ,, J e ...
0~ Fla-g this q uestion 0~ Store this qu.estloll 111 i, : ' ·., ~ ~ -.
; <;" lf::.J .;.

SubsectiN~: 12 @
~1 =~_:::
;.,.'-'- - - -
57. The I'Ota.1!tcrnal s;peed of a DC motor Is proportlona:t to R.;,pott probhom..,.
with qu~'!icm ..,.
0 both f1eld strength and .armature current S<!rrd your 1\efe.t:r.te~
0 tle!d strength Oinly 40%4)
® armature rurrent onl~·
, ·'.~

···~·:-- ~
0 ~ Flag thls q uf!:St ion '~· ~ St o re this q•lestlon EA.5!\ P.1 ~ ·4 o ~r

~--~<!, ~ !.:.;.=..
Subsection: 12 @ ~ ~ fi

~t=~-=~- 1
58. G.e nerato.:r brus.h es are normally mad>e or Ro!!p~rt probl~nl 0
.,,th ·quet•cc'i
() steel
Solid your !lefeence~
~~ carbOin
Q b rass
""' ~
0 ~ F'lag this q u=:tJon .-..0 Store this qu. ~stiOn EASAP.lrt:· illj :_:
.i>- ,i'
xJ<· c• '-=--·
Subsection: 12 @ !....L! ~~ li!
.. ~-""! :!
,, =~ f,
"----==.-=::::..r ""
59. How many brushes are IJ:Se'd In an ii pole wave wound machine R.;,port problell'liO

® 2
With queti<m
S<!hd yaut rere;r;;r.:e~
0 8 78%~
0 6 ;!.' 'p
1.1....•· ·~· -

(J@ !'lag this quest ion ., ~ St ore thl,; ques tion ~;·~~·1)0 n
Subsection: 12 ~
· ; f:~ I
~ =-_.:£!~ s
60. A small air gap between magnetic ~1es res:u l.ts R.;,pctt probler;; ~
with qui!:!:tit•n
Q In a strongeT field than .a targe atr gap, fctr the same magne:tlslng
S<!rrd your reference~
0 In a wea ker fteld than .a larg-e air gap, fo<r the s.ame magnettslng Sl%~
force. !1.,....,... ~«>' ~
@ ~J ·-.::~~:!.._ 1
In the same flel.d as a larg-e air gap, for the same mag11etislng
.; •
e.r-.:i~\ F'i'!Jt·(I Ci
ti ••
!:: -..-~ h :'1.: ·,
il ~· ~· ~. .. .
0 ~ ~lag this question 0 ~ Stare t:hls question i',! =-=-.! ~f
!! ¥.J .
~ =~ _•t• ,
Subsectlon: 12 @
61. ln abC motor, the rotation of the MNA R~p ott pro bl ~m. ~
with qu;,;-tiM
0 Is. sllghtly less s.:peed t han the rotation ·of the armature
s.;nd your reference@
0 Is. the same as: the rotation of the .armature 6.5%~
~· Is: opposite to the rotation .of the arma.tu~
- ~
M.~• •~,_
w ~

o• Flag thts q uestion 0• Store t his ·qu:st lc•n

' 1 ·--·-
1 f~-;!,
EM;~\~Jt ·tlO ~
Subsection: 12 'iJ f _: ~~ ~
~ "" "":"!
:oi =~ ~ ..(... ff

G:t. Due to .armature reactlill'n In a DC motor R.,;poi't probl ~m~

,.;ith q ue1.;'ti tc~
Q the magnetic flux Js restored b'r' moving the ~1NA towards the GNA.
s.;nd y.:.ur 1"-'ference~
0 the leadlrv,;~ pO<le tlps are magnetically weaken.ed S3%Q
~ the trall.lng p~Je tips .;1;re m ag;netlcally weakened >•
:~ r--. w ~

0~ F'lag thJ:. q uesti on 0~ Store this quest ion

.,.. . . .
ElJ.Sf\ Pi':ut·ll(i -
r I

' ,;;"';,1 ~ ' '!

r. 1.__• ~
Subsection: 12 0

63-. 'to what depth is the mica lnsulatlon between the ·Commutator Report probl;,m@
~lith ·q ll(ol,' titm
bars: ot' a 1>C ·generator ur:~der·cut?
~nd y.aur refer~nc~O
® :E:q:ua t t o the wldth of the mlca
0 One half the wldth of the mka
~j ~ :~ f
Q Eq:uat to t'l'ilce the wldth frf the mica :: W.,• !io'• J,. ¥

'i'~ E..iUiJ\Ft'lrt·(i(i.
·--.. ·~ . -· . R
O• f"la g thl~; q uesti on 0 0 Sto re this que.stlon Itft
,._-..r-<! :
h ~ I
~ ·~-

Subsectil~m: 12 0
~ -~~

'··" =~-----
~ ~..- .
. ,. ;
G4. lf the OD.rr·ed suppl'f' were connected t·o a DC shunt motor which Report problem~
had Its residual magru!,tll>m it would with ques".ii?.r\ ·
s.;nd your r.;,r...-enceO
0 run ln the re,. erse dlrt.ctla,r;
@ run n ormal:ly
0 faiL to run

(I ~ f'lag th is question ~ Store this qus tion

Subsection: 12 0

liS.• Fite.actlve s,parlcl'~ maybe mrercome by Report prcbl~til

@ the tlmi! mnstant of the armature by locreas,ing Its

s.;nd y<Jur r.,;fe;.;,nc;o~
0 lnaf!aslng the time constant of the armature by l.ncrt.asln.g Its.
~~ ~ ~ ·p
resistance 1-
0 lncreaslng the t lr:ne constant oc the armature by d:e.creaslng Its ,....~.,.-11.-&o.' •l.
' ~ EI..Sfl. P;nt·GO ~
~ r{

~--r. ' - · 1\
0. !'lag qu~tion 0@ $tc. re t:hls ,.)
"" ~ :-'
~{ =~-~~- '
Subsection: 12 @

66. The voltage outp>ut o,f a generator Is controlled by R~pc i't problem~

0 varyl~ the ·current of the output w ith qu;,;ti t·n

s.;nd your refer;,Ftte~
e varyJrv,;~ the -current of the .fJel:d
0 varylng the resistance of the output ...l i .,......-. '
(,;> f
f~ t-!~:.!.... k
O'lit !"lag thls question Q~ Sto re u ·,ls qu-=stlon fl ~~

Subsection: 12 Q
EI\SI\ j,,;.qG
,.,.- ---,,,
~ :: .l ~ f ,
~ . ·~ ~

~~ ~ ""'='- :"<
~ ~-!!!- ~

67. lf th.e load current Is Increased on .a .shunt \Vound bC generato-r, Report problem a
67. lf the load <:Ul'l"e.nt Is lnueased on a .shunt wound DC genera.ta<r, Ro!p~rt probl~rn O
that has a JO<W re.slstan~e armature,. the terminal vo-l't age will Wltli ·Q IJ ~..nm
S!!nd your ref,.,.ence~
@ fait
Q lise
Q rem ain ·ronstant ~.n·.:a.. ,., l
j EI<S•\ P,Jt.(;G $
CJ@ Flag this q u::stlc•n 0 ~ Stare thl:: qlF...stion .! j;~:., ~!
'j ~·-· ~
Subsection: 12. Iii .:i s~ ;;
=~ 1'1~ ' '·

liS. In a wave WO<und gen-erator with 4 poles,. whai:woul'l:f be the R.;pcrt: p ri'l bl em~
minimum n umber of bru.she.s? w itli tj LJ IO!iti<>n
send your ref~etl>::: e: ~
® 2
11 %~
0 4
fi <"='"' ~~
0 8
~ ·-~ -~-~
:l AEM~\ F~r\·qQ •
00 Flag thts qu~t:lon 0~ Storr. this que;;tlo£'1 "1 ~."
-.-, f.,.....
- .·
' -· "5::· ''·-
~ -:
Subsecti>On: 12 fit ·i =~- • f>t ~
i.: ----

1].9 . To increase t he voltage output of a generator v·ou ·Ci!l'.l:l R.,;port: probleM.,..

wi tli que.'litm.,.
® l ncrJ:<ase speed
S!!nd your refen:!hCe ~
0 de cre<~Se speed . 76%(1>
0 It Js not Spi<!:d d€peru:i ant !'! - - ..... ..
~ w~.~ ~
0 ~ !'lag thls q uestion Q~ Store this qu::stlon 1' .Eli,
····- · -~
~ il
-- I •fl
~ .:~;~, ~ ~ ~~.-~
Subsection: 12 fit i t...L.:l _ p
~ =~-=~~ !
70. The back"'EMf' In a OC motor Is R<!port probl ;m~
0 equal to th€ app lied EMF
't'.rlth -q u ~'t1 t:o.n ·
S!!rld !f~u r ref,.,.e nc ~ ~
@ l ess than the appilled EM.F
0 greater than the appll:ed EMF .. 6 1%~
:SF ~~

0 ~ Flag qu.esttan Q@ Store t his qu-es tion r=~~ ~

Subsectio-n: 12 @
~ E!l.S~ F\lr<~r, ~ I~~

"' ~ I
r.''., ~
li ~ .._,!....;
1 ~ ...;-~ f

~ =~-=~- ~

71. To cakulate generator output ya<u tw!ed to know the Report problem
Jf5) a rmature sp.eed and tl·eld stren gth
Witli q u8tio.1'1 ·
Send your ref<1er.: e ~
0 armature speed an d n umber at paralle:l ca.:nduc.tors
81 %~
0 armature speed a:nd n umber of s-e r·les. conductors ~ ,....... ..... ~J
h ~.......... ~.
li ......... ~;-

0 ~ f'la g this q uestion 0 ~ Store this quE>Etlon ·,c; EJ\:;.i\f'3rHG. !.1 •

n~ ----,~ .
~$ f • -~-
Subsectitl'n: 12 ·!
-"--" - ·
,_ ~
~ =-:..=~- tl
72.. "t'he bac:J<..:,E&(F Induced In the armature of a OC mo.tor is R.,;pott pro blem ,
0 con stant lrresp-ectlYe a-fmato.r spe€<1
w itli
your ref~<rehCe ,'it)
0 l nver.sel·r p ropO<rtlana1 to mo-tor speed
. 69%~
S· proportional to mo-tor speed t; e-- ~ ~
1 M..<rio'•'- ~
0~ Fla9 this q ue.;tian Q~ Ston:; this qu:e;;tlon
lj ·~·~ ·~.- p
Jj E,l\,5.\\ F';'! Jt· ~ (i ·.
f - I
Sub.secti.o n: 1 2 ~ li>i ~ ~ ~"; ···~
~ o.:n-- ~;t~ K
"' - -- - ;1

7.3. The current drawn from the supply by .a shunt DC ml)tor will R<!pcrt p robl ern.~
>.ilt< J;. nl .o ~;......,
13. The c:ui'J'ent drawn from the by a shun.t DC ft'l;(}tor will R<!pcrt phlblr!m(j
" 'ith que.'tiM
~ be at maxlmum wh.en the motmr l:s stationary; and decrease with
S<!nd y.;,ur r«fereh<:e(i
lncreasing speed
65% ~
0 remain ronstantfur all speeds
0 be at minimum when th.e ma.tor Is statl'onary; and decrease with !] =--- "" ~
i i ....:::;:.!..... f,

l ncreas!lng speed
8 1.5J\P.:nt.·<!I'J ::
-..--.1 I{
Cl. Flag this question 0~ Store this qu.estlon . f_.... ::: " ! 1

Subsection: :12 ~ ~~~~~~~

74. The power o.utput ot' aD<: ger~erator fs 1Jll'Vemed prlmarlly by R.;,pait phlblemii)
w ith .que.'tio.."t
0 Its method of t;onstructl'on
S<!nd Y":JUr rererehCe ~
0 Its .speed of rotation 65 •A,.~
~ Its abllltlJ• to dfss1pate heat
i·~ ~~~~ w ~ .
0~ Flag this question @ Store this quest1w1 E!•.S.I\ F'iH'Ii·Qtj ~ -,_.a..,;;
\.. ,.;,
r, r~ -':'::;,;,:.:..

l •'- ;:.. ~~ ~

Subsectl,on: :12 \l
E~ - •-rii~ ~

15. The t:ui'J'en.t consumed by a DC starter motor wiU R<!pott problemo

'r1ith 'i:jUI!o:>'tl<>tl
@ decrease as the engine s,peed lncre2sP..s S...nd your referen.:~ ~
0 Increase as the; englne speed locreases 75%ii}
0 remain relati•Jely rons.tant over the starting spe£od rang>e ;: ..,.......
~ 11

.u·~~ ~
1=19 Flag this qu~t1on 0 ~· Store this q•J6tlon

EllSA F'>!i'.·O~ rf
1. : · tf
Subsectl.o n: 12 @. ~ --..._.

'16. In a shunt motor, It yOtJ reverse both fl:e ld ~urrent and! the R~p o rt probf;,mii)
armature current,. the m.t:ttor will With qui5tio.n
S<!rid your r.;,fer ehCe'i
0 stop
69% ' i
0 cnang;e dlrectlon
1! =----- ..,
~ cantlnue to. run In th.e :same dlrecti on r: w;on! . ~, H
~ ~:~·~·;,.t.·4 fj f t~~.,
fj~ L~-;::.'..-.;1·! ~ ~~ t"'-:i•
( J 'iJ f'lag thls question Q@ Sto rt? this f.II.Ies t·l oo
.;; Iii: :cJ -~
Subsection: 12 @ !i =-:..:'- r.-,_ '

'11. As load on a series g.e nerato:r Is Increased, the output voltsge R<!pctt prnblenta
Q remains coll6tant w ith .que.1 JM
S<!rld T"Ur r«fereh<eii)
@ Increases
Q decreases ~~ ,......_ 1<01 ~
ii ~ ..!.'.;z.. . ]

0 ~ Flag t his quesUon 0~ Store this q•J,estlon

tl ,...,~.,.- k
~ E!l5AP>n·GQ •

'i ~--;,; ~
Subsect1on: 12 ~ ! . : ·! ~·-·'

18. The wlndln1JS embedded In the pole faces o.f a ·generator ara R<!pott probl~ m~

Q commutat1n9. rolls ~i ith qute:tion

S...rtd l"'Llr rf!feren.: ~ Q

(31 compen sating coils

Q l nterpat;es
~~ ~ 'f.~
>i • "~·. , . J
C'J 0 Flag th is q uest i.:.n 0 Q Store qu""'tlc.n ~ ·-'-·::-.. :. . . ~
fi• Elt5!\
""."··)~ K~ ••
i: .!.•\: ,;,l·I _ J
Subsectlo.:n: 12 ~ "·I
:J- ~
:- ~ ';";J
~l =-:..:!.!r_ .~

19. The adVantage of salient poles In a DC generator Is they Report problemii)

'- ..
't'Jith .cu~tio.n
79. The ad\fantage of salient poles In a DC generator is they Report ptoblem
0 reduce the wear -of the brushes.
w illi q ue'!lM ~
£end y·>Lir ;,;,..,..,h<:e~
0 lncr.eas:e the len.gth of the alr 9 ap,en the poles and the io"!.~
rotating armature
r: ~ !..- ~
Q) lncre as.e,s the effldency afthe g.e nerator
:i ;..=.;:!.. . . ~
: EP.S.A F'nrt-tllj :..~,
Cl ~ !"lag this que;;tw n $tor<: this q ustlo~
Qg i; '~~ ~
! bLJ .... -IJ........., ~
Subsection: 12. 0 ·l =- - l't»' f

SO. The shunt w o<und generator ls oe>:ntrolled by a vari able Report prob l ~ m ~

reslstanc:e In wi th quetlt<n
£end your referer>-~e~
() :serle:s with t'h e armature
~ s erte:s w ith the field
0 parallel with the fle td

0 ~ Flag this question ~ Store this questio r~

subsection: 12. '

81. ln .a ;DC shunt mo:tor, It the fleld resistance is Increased what Report pro bl em~
happens t o the !bac.'lt EMF? Willi ~U i5"'~ t>.ll
~nd your r~ fe:rr!r.t e il
@ decreases
0 Jncrease,s 11 .......... ,., 'f
0 remains. the same ~-:
i .~...· -
i EA!li\ ~rt·~ij ~• _,.,.
Cl ~ Flag thls: q u:;;t.lon Q~ Ston~ tnls que;;tlon . ---- ~ ·= , , -!1
_;_.j _~ ~

Subsection: 12 , . ~ ~ "'0 i.
~-==--- - II'- I!''_- I

8.2. What is the main disadvantage of a starter generatar? R.,;port ptcblerr.<'IW

'>'iilli qUI!:!i'..ii>:li .
0 WUI not supply o utp ut at la•11 rpm
£end y.our tli<fi!teoce~
@ Can only ibe used on pls.ton engl nes
Q Heav.ler than like for llke 1~ 1..- ;1

0 ~ Flag thl>- q uestion ~ Store this qu-estion

~:~ · ~.!;.::!...
·:j f.Mi\P.,rt·M ~ . _,.
'-: - ---. h 1~-.
: "' ,, :t '""='""'
Subsection: 1 2 @
~ L:;...:J _ h1
~~ =-- l'JI"_ ;;
~ 'OJ r
83. Armature reactla.n Is R" port probl em~
'i'iith ·tjll eo!.' l\0!\
@'o'e sparkin g
£end your refi!t'-'r>-:e~
0 due to dJrty or worn commutator
Q t h-e H MF oppo:sln.g rotatlan

U ~ Flag this q u-estion ~ Store this questlofl

Subsectlon: 12. 0

84. The lnstanta n.eous value of the EMF Induced I n a ro-ta.t lng wl re Report ptoblern'i)
loo.p Is w illiqu ~M
send your refl!tenceli)
69 Indirectly p roportional to th-e :sine o-f the a ngle between too loop
and th-e field
0 dk ecrliy p ropo;rtlonal to th-e slne of the angl e betweeifl the loop and 11•;: --~.,~ ~ ~~
i1 ;.s~·~..·~G ~ e·
t h-e field - _-

0 directLy ,p ro paJ.tlor~al to th-e ·cos ine a( the an gle between the loop
and th-e fi eld 1
jC i''- ---
- '~
h - - __,
! """w ~l,
' <0 <;) ,.
0 ~ fla g this q ue;;uon 0 ~ Store. t:r,Js qustfon ~ =--:._=~- )
subsection: 12. @
s.s . A .series motor ·dra·ws a high c:tlirrent on .start, a:nd then the Report' problem
c:urr.ent r.ed.uces. Thl!i Is due to with qui:$1ii>J\ ~
S'.!rid )lOur reference~
0 the r-=sls;tance of !he ·flal.d and the armatu,re In serle!>
0 th!! ra,slstance of th£, field and armature In p.ara:llei
fl ..-- .. ~
{8> th!! back EMf' ,l ..........- ~,. -
'j ·-·- ·-~·- b
~ EAS;\ ~ rt·<i Ci ·-_ .
0 'i) !"lag this qus~ton ~ 5tore this qu~tl o o "': f-, · -d 1 ItJ •l!r
D L ';_:! ....~ ~
Subsi!Ctlon: 12 i ~ S"'J ·r
~ =~--~- )

86.• fie .starting curre<nt ot·a Sll!;l"les-wound OC mot&r1 In passing Report problem (&)
thr&ugh bo-th the fle:ld and armature windings produces a with qW !:$1i ~>.'t
~nd '{<luf refe:.-<: llte~
@ htgh sta·rtlng' torque
0 low· sta:rtlng: torque ~-~ ~ W i':'
C) s~d slightly• higher when unloaded i; ....... .. :l
~ .....
--..- .- ~
E,lo.SP, F'ol!l·O~ c . ..-"'.
(l @ f'lag tn ls question 0 @ Store t hl,; qu=stlon f': - &." P. ~ -
- ~ ,.e~ .Jr~-··
l ! ;, . I ~

Subsi!Ctl.o:n: 12 ·' i ,:•i =·-~.,;--'

..r,.. ~
~' - - - - ,.1

87. lf the supply to a OC shunt motor was reversed Report problem <".l.
with questii>J\ •
Q It w.ould rotate In me opposlte dlrectiaon S'.!htl your refo.teneeO
~ It w.ould rotate In t:h€ same d lr&tlon S3%~
0 lt w.ould faU ro run J r--=- ~r,i ..F
:z ~~__...,~ J
rj ·--~ It
0~ !"lag this qustlon O 'iJ Store this qu,;stlon i: Efi.SJ\ ~ rt·<IG -
,; -..- hlf
1 ~"- '"·( ;"~
Subsection: 12 @ 1
~I(; ~
-~ ';'

,_._ - ----.
>: =~ ... f,.. ;

8S. ln a shunt wound direct current m.o tor w' a constant ·voltag;e Report problem
field s;uppily, the torque developed. by the m.o tor Is with qui:$1i;,n ~
® dlr.:ctly p roportlrmal to armature curre<nt
S'.!rid your refererlCe'i)
0 l nversel~r propartlon.a1 t·o the armawre cttrrent ~ -
0 Jndependent oJ load

0 @r lag this que;;tlon 0 ij 5tore bhfs q tJ.£StiOfl

Subsect!lon: i2 0

89. fie main athtantage of a starter~gen.erator over conventkmal Reptiit pi'tiblt:iii

uniltsls: w ith (!) quf!!i!SC<t~
S'.!lid Y<JUr r'efer,;,r.~~~
~) for the same pawer ootput th!!r~ Is a weight re.d'uctlo-n and the
dthre rs constantly engaged 65%~
._"! ~

lj .,..._ W 1
0 It can prodoc~ a greater JlO'"'er output
0 for the same pmver o-utput too~ ls a weight re.ductlo-n and the ; .•..:-:::.::... h
) Efl.SA Pout-~0 !. •
starter d rive remains en.gaged
.,'l ....----
-,,, h ·~
(Jg F'lag this question 'i) Stare tr•ls qu;;stlon r
-~ LLj
~ o:;]~~f
~ =~--~- ;J
Subsect!lon: 12 @

90. A .shunt OC motor would be used In applJcatJonSo requirlr.g R~porl:. pr<lblet:n~

0 the rload to b e constantly cannetted to- the rnoto.r 1-lith CjUI:$1iM

~nd your r"fer;;r.:"~
0 a hbgh start1ng rorq;ue
Q a mnstants,peed :t • . .
~ ~ ~ f(

'iJ ,..: -:; :.::... ~

0~ Flag this q u£Stlon Q 'iJ Sta re this qu=stlon ] E.riS.i\ F'i'l rt·IJ(i ~
d1 , : ..;;) ~
Subsection: 12 @ >: •.:: ·! ~II
ii .. <:) J
~~ : •f;t_~
~ !i i. On a mmbln.e d OC starter - a;enerator system R.;opott probleiiia
9 1.. (),n a comblned DC starter ~ generator system Pvepctt problem • ·
with qui!S".it<tl @
~ the voltage lf"E!9.UI.a tor Is connKted to 1tl.e shunt ff-e:l d after th.e start
Send your rerererv.: e ~
cycle Is completed

0 the serl.e s coll ls a.pen d :rrult d uring the englne start sequence
~~ ~~,~~ ~ ~
0 the voltage r egulator contro-ls the start sequen.ce cturl119 e119lne
~; ...,...._;...... ~

\j 8'5>\ Po<'i~6 ~ t
.t:--~.1 ".-:,;-'
0 ~ f"lag thls q u$tian 0 ~ Store this qu.estlor~
"-. '""J
·! ~-· ~
cl =~ - ,.,, ,
Subsection: 12 @ ~--= -- -

92. The diagram shaws a 200 V long shunt generator. What Is the R.;,pctt proble m~
with que;.'tioo
voltage dropped across the series resistor?'
S..ntl your 1\i!fetet\C e ~
~·:. ..~~
. ~ . ·~
~ EI•S~:rlHlrJ ~ .-.!f;~..
fE r; '-' , .! J ~:.

~i '1!
:: =~
!:D ~, ~
~ '"]
,.,. ~
-~ ----

0 0.2V
@ 0.1211
0 /200 \J
~ CJ O Flag this q uest ion OQ St ore t h is qu~tlon
Sub.sect1on: 12 g
93. Armature torque Is proportional to R.;,pc tt problem·.mr. .•
with que;.t l tm•
@ both f1e1d stren!)th and .armature current
Soend your 1\i!fer., r.c: e ~
0 flef:d strength a.nly
Q armature rurrent only

0@ riag this q uest ion 0 ~ $tore t his question

Subsection: 12 g

94. A DC generatO'r arma-ture has 6 poles and Is lap wmmd. The Report pr'oble m~
number of brushes r e;q:LIIr ·ed a :r e >'litli qui!S".!ioo
S..nd your rereret\C"~
0 3
s t•,-:,~
0 2
® 5
EftS A~ rt.-t"i lJ
0 ~ Flag this q uestion Q @Store t his qu~tlon ;; ~.., ~
'i t ::: ·! ':"~ ~
SubsectlO'n: 12 ~ ~
...~ ~;t,.
- -

95. A .compound wound starter g.'M\-erator would primarily h ave R-c:port problem~
With Cji:lr.!oti M
0 :shunt characterlstlcs. fa.r starting
S!:nd your ref!S'ei"'C;;~
0 series dharacter'Jstlcs when gene rating
74% ·~
@ series characterls.tlcs ror startlng ,,
~; ~

0@ Flag this qu~;;t;on 0@ Sture t his qu~tlan .~ ·~' ..:~

~~ •
•i EI\5J\ l'll/t·QQ i
~ ;;--;;· ~
Subsection: 12 0 li ~ ~ ~
!: ... "" t
f] =-:..=~- f

96. An el~etrk moto-r produces a force ot S N at a dls.t anee of O.:Zm R: pctt problem •
,...,ft'\ •h.a. ,,..AJII..,...,..a. A~ ~•l.nft ~.t 1'>'\;t-:a...A.a :s.t· :a. cn.a..a.rC ,.., ._,nn viith qUe!.'tiM ~
96. An electric: motor produces a ,f ore.: of 5 N at a distance of 0.2m Report problem(j
from the -centre of rotation and ro.t ates at a speed of :tOil w ith q u e:!i'.ioil
revs/s~. The motors output is ~nd y.:Jur ~rerence~

0 100 hor:sepo~~er
il ,--.-.- ~ li
1~ 62'8.4 watts
1] ....':'. _;__ ~
() 3.i4.2 watts
~~ EftS I\ F~:ut·~f.i J.
.-;-a.;jl ~
CJ~ Flag q uestion 00 Store thl5 question :
I Lu _ ~.
(i: r;J .,1.
:i =~ - ;.1)1 p,
Subsertlon: 12 0 "·- - =
91. t1 a generator speed Is halved and the tleld strength ls d'OUbled,. Repo rt proble M~
the vo-l tage output wlll be with q u~'ti t•t> ·
S<.nd your refer.:r.:;,~
Q halved
~ un.chang.ed l; - ..,,1
() doubl:ed 1 llt...'-' d .. . 1
,i · ~,--·.:-- r
j; ~~~~~ rt-GG h~ - .
0 ~ I'lag thls question C•~· Store t:hls q uestion lf'l .• , . ~, - 1' ~~
~ I : ·l _f
iJ i ... ~ '
Subsection: 12 il=- - .. ,•. ti-

98. Some el:ectrlc: motO<rs have two sets of fleld winding wound In Report problem.(j
opposite directions .so that the w ith ·q u~'tit<i>
send y.:.ur referer.:eii}
@ motor can be: operated In either dl:rectfun
0 spoee:d ofthe motor can be mcore dosely ·controtled l-~ ~ ?or
() power o-utput of the motor can be mare .Closely control led
~ ·-!::';:!... »
; EJ').S~ FO'I(t·(Jij 0•.;-
0~ Flag this quBStlon Q~ Store this ql.!:estlon. ri· ":11 - ...
ti '--- :_ _·! ......... ~;
Subsertl.o n: 12 ~ ;: ~ '<:! ii
?! =-:...-~- '

99.• A high sur-g.e of' current Is r-equ!:red when a DC e1ed:rlc n:w:.tor- Is Report probho m~
first .started. As the Spi:ed of the motor lnere.a se ,.,jth ·tjU~Dli

S~lid your [email protected]!:@

0 the app.lled emf i ncreases propcrtlo-roaUy
8 the: c.o-unter emt b'ulkls up and opposes the applfed emf, thus
reducing the current tlow. through the armatur e:
Q the: c.otmter emf d;ecreases pmp ortf;o nally

0 Q F'lag this question Q ~ Store this q uestion

Subsect!lon: 12 f#
100. Wnlil:h of the foUowlng Is true? Report proble m~
With CJUO!.'tit<ti
0 tJC pc~ver can be. used to drive an AC series. motor eJtl dently
S..nd y\:lur re ff!:ehte~
~ AC power can be used to drive an AC m;otar
0 An AC mo-tor cannot be driven b)' DC power f.'
·-~:":'::.:.::.... ~
Q(i) Flag this question OQ Stor~ this q u:estlon j EAS~ Pnrt-~G ~

SubsectTon: 12 @ 1 cu_,
~ .a":"';il ~

!l =-:...:!ti_5

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;;;:;-"'""-'~Qih.!l9 3 ~~' '· ~
;; i n-~ai~tolJ II
!! . . . .. u
_: EA.SA Pa.r t-66 .
1.. ~J
__, - ft. '
= ~-
J.. A 200 volt motor ls taking '10· amperes armature .::ul"l'enft t~ R"'port proble m~
Order Modules :· armature reslstanee Is 0.1 ohm. The Back·'EMI' under these with ·qu!O!;"!it<l\
conditions wi:U be setid yaur r.:: ~@
Tutorial Support }

:Stud!y Nates >

·1108 1 volt
.201 volts
199 \'alts
~1 ~
l1 ·~-~~
. ..
r-1 ~t
"""' p[
·~ l!ft.S~F71 "·M f: t.
i . ..... ~ . , . .-}. ...--
)l eo1bcn \ u·• Cl• Flag th is que::tian Cc ~ Store this qu-e:stlon '
~:....,.!,....:! .~ ~
... l"J ;-'
! =~_:!fr'_ ~
Subsection: 12 ~
t·1em:bers. Home

2.. 1'he rotatl.onal. speed of a tx':: motOf" Is pr oportional to R.;,port problem

M·r· Personaj [}etaiJs > w itli que'tioo •
® armature current only
send y'·:JUr t'>eferer.::e~
My Control Panel :· 0 f leld strength only . 40%~
Q !loth fleld strength and armatun2 current ' ii;l '•
J! ~oN~d, ~
Take a Test ~ ., ··~·-- ~
0 {('~ I' lag this q uestion 0 Q StorE this qctestlon jj Er~PorHij ~
Vtew Test ResuLts
'J -·-·
i .., ,,el
[~ _ !{
r,.. t:..:...,-
~- .
Sub.sectlon: 12 @

Tutorial support ~ ;l_=:~~~j

:Study Nates ) 3. A shunt motor R<:port proble m~
0 gives constant torque wlth variations ln speed
witli ·que1;tioo
send yaur rere.rer.::e@
(81 Is; amstant sp.e2d 69%.@
Q has hl;gh starting tarq:ue }' f#i ..:
j~ ~~ -~- ~ -}
•·; ·-·~·:.--- !.
n{i Flag thls question 0{('1 Stare this qu.e stlan. :l 1!ft,S;1,F71rHQ iJ _~~.-
!; ...-·-d f, h: J
subsection: 12 i !
i I !
~~~, . ~
I ~

!=-:...:!!r_ ,
4~ The lnstantaMous value of the EMF Induced In a rotating w i re R«pcrt: proble m~
loop Ls W itlitjLr ~!>il
send '{our ref6r'er.cel@
~/ dlrectfy proportlonal to the cosine of the angle between the 'loop
and the field 6.!'1%~
il ~ ~ ;~
0 Indirectly proportional to the sine O<f the ang:le be·t ween the loo:p ~ k.•lloo:. :~,. )
and the flel:d '--·-. ~-, .
!Ji1~- E,IU;.i\F'Iri'<·OG
0 directly propO<rtlonal to the stne O<fthe ang:le between the loop and .-a.-1 ~ ''
the fleld
liH "' ·~
I_ :···! ~ ~
- .·

(J~ F'lag this question 0 ~ Store this question

'~ =~
. ... ,,
!"i"l_ "

Subsection: 12 @

S. One advantage of a DC motor over an AC moto.r Is Rl.!pcti: probhon>

Q less voltage Is required tn OC than AC '<litli~lJ~(>il~
send yaur refe.r,;r.: ;,~
0 the dlrectlo:n O<.f rotation of the rotoc ca;n be chang'2d
@ the DC motO<r will us.e less c'IJrrent }; r - - -
(]Q Flag th!s question O 'il Store this question

Subsection: 12 0

6.. ln a :DC motor, the stator's milfP\etl<: tield, due to armature R.;,port probl,;rn.c.._
reaction, moves Witli ·~Ue'1:itc"\ 'V
() Jnto alignment with the CNA send .vour r.;,fem:nce'il
Q5l In the. oppo.slte dlrect~on of rotatla;n of the annature.
- ~ ~ ~
0 In the. same dl.rectlon of rotation .of the armature
·i ·~~~~ b
j) l!ft.M Forl~ij ~ · ~
CJ {('~ Flag t quest.ian 0 ~· Store this qu.estlon j·
_: ....••'!- -j '"--
- ... ' 'l' -

11 u .
Subsection: 12 i •. f'
~ .:J

"<! =~- -·~·
- -- ,
7. Whlt:h of ,t he following Is not one of the purpo-ses of Inter poles tn Report problem~

a generator? v1ith qu~tl!l ,

send your refi!Tenc~(i)
i3);ce 1\'E:Id strength
0 Overccfn€ armature reaction -4 ~ f¥ 'y
0 Redoce arcing at the brushes t!
~ ~--~·t"~
&hrlll;• l. ,j
fi EI.SoU'"rt·>lO ~ ~
0 ~ t"'ag tfl !s q u'e$tl on 0 0 Store this gu:=.stlan •. .-:-...-'1
1:1 ,.... ,. ••,
}: ,...- ·-~
-, ""'"'
; ~'-" ~-' ~
Subsootlon: 12 0 1 !ii "'J
~ =~.:....:::!!!_ )

ii. A series motor draws a high rul!'rent on start, and th.en the R~poft problem~
w ith q u ~ l>:il
mrrent reduces. This Is due to
~nd your refe!I'~oc~(ill
~ the back EM:F
Q the resistance of the field and armature In parallel
~i r--- ~H
0 the resistance of the field and the armature ln serl es
r .-. !=- H
,.~ E.l13.1\ P.,r,;.qfj ~ r· ••
0 0 Fla'g this que;;tion 0~ Stnnz this qaestlaa ~ :.:e-~1\ ~ •i,;;,.
jj I, : -l ~ h

Subsootlon: 12 @ 1: !!. te:J ~

~ =--:._" ~=.)

9. A high surge of current Is requfrerl when a 0<: electric: mil<tor Is R'.!port pn:iblem6'1J.
tlr'!lt started. As the speed O'f the mo,t:nr lnCRa~ with qu;,;i'. Jtm""
s.!nd your tefen::nc:e~
Q the applied emf Increases pmportlcmau~,. 77%~
QS the coonter err1f builds up and the applt'ed emf; thus
redudn.g the cur;p_;nt !'taw through the armature ~:~ ~..- -~ .~ 1ii <1
0 the c,o onter emf d'&reases pra,portfonaJI~'
~ ,.,.;. .,._, u
il ffl5~:::'-qr, ~ ! ~"
i' ... .~ J ,_"-~~-'
LJO flag th is q uestion 0 0 St ore this q~tla a ~! 1-: ·! ~

Sub,sectlan: 12@ ~J~--···---~

=--=-=:::: fl
10. Aircraft g•enerat:nrs are cooled by R"fiorl probl~m.
with quo:;.'tii:m
Q olf coaling radl arors aroutld the main body send your r"rer;;nc:e,fi
Q9 ramatr . 81%~
0 fuel cooing radlarors fl-- ·
00 f'lag this questi on Q~' store this que:;tlon
~ -i; ·~=~··. ~
EASJ\ F't'j_rt·<IIA ; ~.._
~ . - ...--! 11 :, ... t -;
: ! '· " ~ ;'U-
i! •'- ~~,·~~ ~;t,
Subsootlon: 12 @

~ =---=~-~~

il. Back.-'EMF Ls the greatest when a motor is Report problem~ .· .·

w ith qtiiol:'tii:<tl ""
0 j'ust starting to rotate
Send Y·:Jlir refetetY.e'i},
0 under heavy load
® at a;peratfng spe.ed ;q -
.~ ~ ;i
: ".r.:.~ -~- ..
~j -:•~;~ ;~~ }1
Q~ f' lag thJE, q uest.ion Cc@Store this qu.estloG ~ E/l!i.A FiJrt:OO ; ! ff'~
~ ,:..-.1 ~ --:-=
Subsootlon: 12 @ 11 f. : ':! _,~ -
•' :5: "'1.. {
i;j = --:__¥c0

12. the minimum brush length In a mo-tor or generator ls measured R<!poft probhom(i)
on, '<lithtjll~titl

@ the l ongest side s.!hd '('iUr r;,f~r"ht~"

0 the average of the kmger and sharte.r Sides
,, ........ ~ J
0 the shorter side •1 'J
~ .,~ ·~ ·.- · .. »
ti EPlif\_Pllc':·•i~ ~ C
00 f'lag this q uestion 0 9 Store this qu;'$tlon ~ ..-;·:1~ ~ ! ·~
'il Q.J _, ~
Subsootlon: 12 @ - ..<;)fj{ ' .
:ii,,, =~ "'
i• ~ -~ -

i:i. lf a mot:nr Is splntrling at 50 cycles per second, how lon,g Is 1

R,;p~~t ~,~~!~.il_l-
13. lf a motor Is splnntng at SO cydes per second, how l.on9 Is 1 R"'po!'l: problemQ
cycle oct the output? w ith quesll<>it
S.n d y.our ref..,-e r>t"~
Q 50seconds: 79 %~
~ 0.•02 seronds
~ ,_;- w ·,,
0 0.•83 seronds i!
~--' d.
....--.·- h

0" Flag this que;tlon U Stare this; qL'Ie!:t lc•n

~~ ...
,! _I_ "- · •I
E.O.SA P3!'t·il1J
., .•- -~ ~ : ·'· (
, ,e

~i . ~ ~~ ~
Subsectkrn : 12

14. Compeni!R!·tlng winding$ on a ;I>C generatocr corre~:t Report prtlblema.

\ili th q UioS!.i Dil ...
@ varlatlons between the t·1NA and GNA
s.~nd your refe:reoce:O
0 varlatlons ln temperature of the fi.r.ld w indin-g 74 %~
0 varlatlon.s tn temperature -of the a~ture •u lndlngs - ·.
~~, ,..... ~ I!J
. .--- fit H

.: W.~ · '-

0 Q Flag this question Q St thl; : q ll'e;tlco r~ ! ~.1\ l'<'iG ·tlG -;

~ ~--~1 ~
Subsection: 12 fi. .,1_i~! ----
L !. •I
... ~
-- U:J
ll =~
~-=--- -
- .. r,r l l!

15. The windings embedded In the pole faces o,f a DC generatocr a r e R"'pcrt prnbh<m . •
w ith qu~tit\'1\ ~
® campensatln-gwlndlngs
S.nd yaur r<:fererv.:eO
0 interpotes: 66·~~
Q cammutatln.g rolls ~.] .......,.. ~ ;,
fl ..... . . ~ ~
!-1 1111r.-:.. l~ tj
0 ti Flag this quf:.Stlon 0 Wof. Store this q•.restk·~ fi.; EAS...r-.
...~s .~
K. ~
.i). ,J, 1
ij ' """"'
Sub.sectlocn: 12 6 ~
---:;--,.;- · 1

~l =•ft ...,, ,
ilL.. ~ ---

16. The windings embedded In the pale faces ocf a gtmerator are R<:port proble m~
.,,ith ·quioS!.ion
(81 c.o mpen satln-g coils S.M y.our ref..,-efl<! e(J
0 commutatlng rolls 6:3%~
0 Jnterpates:
Crti r lag thts g uestl on Q ~ Store this questiofl
SubsectiMI: 12 0

17. 'the diagram shaws a 200 V long .s hun.t generator. What Is the R<:pctt prtlblem"
voltage dropped aercss th.e series resistor? w ith questiton
S.<:nd vaur refeti!!ht~"
62 %~
~.i'!' -
. ·-" ·,
.-.r ]
~ ._~~g~, - H
i; EAS ~. Pm;.f6 ~ i;l
11 ..,..,., k'. ' .-.
t. til .
_ Q_:J ._,, ~
~ ·~

I h=·~-:~~ ~
(2f 0. 12V
0 100 V
0 0.2V

0 WI Flag this q uestion -~ Q :5-tc,re tl"lls qui?.Stlun

Subsection: 12 ~

18. On a co.mblned DC starter - g>enerator system R.eport problem c._

with question ¥
L Q the series coil' Is O'pen <ITctJ lt dlJlrl ng. the'Jne start sequen C€;
·--- -- ~
18.• on a cnmblned DC starter • g;enerator system Report problem.@
'f'Jith -q u~'titm
0 the series colt Is D<pen drciJLt du rtng the engine start s»_!jueno:
Send your r«f!!!tehCe~
® the voltage r egulat•x Is ronnected to the shunt ·fi.eld after the start 61%~
cyclo: Is completed
!i .,........ ,... ~
0 the valtago: reg:ulator c'Ontmls the start se.queoco: during engi ne
~1 ·~·-~~-~ ~
:j E!l.Si\ Poot-~0 ?~ ""
~ ;;..-;1 ~ ~- ~;-·
Cl'iil Flag th is quesblan 0 (iil Store thl:; qu:-estlon [i LLL. ~
~~ ~1.. ,f
Subsection: 12 @

19. In the s.hunt generaM:r the field 15 supplied &y Report problem.~
with que:;Aion
@ the armature
S'.!hd y<~u r refero!hC~~
0 thelaad 65%0
0 a se:parate supply n.~ !~ ~
11 ~~.oo_;.· .:t. -

( J ~ Flag this question ~ Store this qL><e5tion !1 ·--:-~:---:- . ~

1: El•.s~ot··•~
... ·~'
~ I • --..,
SubsectiO'ft: 12 ~ J ) -~ 1__ ~
--- ~
tc: =-:_:t.w _fl

. , ,_ ___=-.;
20. The shunt field of a compound wound starter mnto:r Repoft pro bi en>~
With Cj U;,:'ti t>:n
® limits the ott load speed S'.!nd your reft!1er>:~@·
0 provides the high torque. :re.q,~l:red at slow spe'fod 49 %~
0 limits the startfng torque of the motor ~
~t,,.JI!I'· ~-
,., ',;
I]~ Flag tttls q uestion Q~ Store this question
~ (~-~~~~ a

•; El!li~Pli!': -~ G -
;;:--;;! ~
Sub:se.<:tlon: 12 0 )
I ~ l
- .-
c:. r:J
;t =~ -;-.,IY
"'-· _:=:_:::.:=::.::~

21.. Shu nt DC motors are used In appll~tlons requiring R"'pcrt prcblerna.,

w ith -quei.'tit.:.i:W
0 high startlng t orque
Sen d yout r.=ferenct:l(l
® cf.lnstant speed
0 the load to b e constantly cO<nnerted to the- motor
~] ~~-- ·· §.,~ ~
CJ~ Flag thls q uestion 0~ Store this q•.r~th:m
'i '"""':"- f{
'l EJ>J>:_"."';~·~fj i ~-~
~ i.~ .. r ·! ~t~
Su bsection: 1 2 0 ; ·-- ~~ ~
Pi =~
5 r-;1 l '
1'-1)1, ~
- --- .
21. Reactive s;parlcl'rlfll'n a DC g•enerator can be reduced by R!.!port probl~ n>'{)
with qu~titm
0 Incr-eas ing the brush to commutator ccmtact pr-essure
S.:hd 'j<IUf refe~ne,;,@
~ using lnterpO<Ies with a poilarlty the same as the next mal:n pole In
71% ~
the dlrectl'or, Gf rotation
0 using lnterpoJes wlth a polarity the same as the last maln pote In ~ ~;., w ~
the dlrectl~n o-f rotati-on
~~ EASA P;nt:·1tr; ~
Q ~ Flag q uesbon 0@ Stare this q•JC-=st la!'l ~:r !,__~~;.•
• .t
. U'
:: iO: r.:J- ~
:J ~..... -- ~w P
Subsectlo-n: 12 ~ i; - - - - ,J

23. How a;r.e DC: generators ~atl!d? Report problem Q

.® Amperes .at rated YGltage '>'l ith q u ~1:i tm ·

0 Watts at rat~ voltage

Sen d y·:lur r"'ferehCeQ
69 %~
() Impedance at rated Y0<1tage
!1..--- f<? ~
~- ~... -~-:;-~ f
I I ~ F'lag tnls question 0 ~ Store this qu·estlon ~ : E/l.!ifJ. F3rt·1)0 \
~ f.-~·~
~ I
~~ ;..~--w
Subse.<:tl:a-n: 12 @ a'j! ~- ~ .. ;,
:~ ~ ::;] ~
~1 ="":..-~~ ,

L 24. What d:evice ls used to eo:nvert altematlng•curmnt, which has R"p~ it probl:'m@'
24.• What d-evke fs used to COii\Vert altematl:~ c u rrent, which has R«pcrt J!lrt!blem~
been fnduced Into the loops of the l:'Dtatlng armature or a DC wltli ·quetitm
generator Into direct current as It leaves the g:e nerator? 5-end vaur refeter>teO
' 69 %Q
® A commutator
Q An ln Yerter f1-...:~· ·· •sr ~
() A rectl:fler \] El•!iA Fort·M ~ If":.
Ji -~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~
0@ l'la.g this q uBStion 0 ~ Store t his tlon ~} LLJ ~. ~
~! ~~ :-~
f; =---'~~ ~
subsection: 12 ~

2S. l1 the tletd stl:' of a generator is doubled, and the speed Is Ropctt problem..,.
doubled, the output EMF will witli que'1itm•
~n tJ yaur fef~-eoce:i)
0 doUble
® quadruple
tj ......- ;<;.~ '~
Q stay the sam e i: .u.....r.~ -~ ...
!i ·-·.-- ~
n. EJi.S•'.""."..," 2.· •li"'!""_;;, _~~._· _
(]'I) Flag thls q ue;;Uan OQ :>tore this qu;est lon 1'• _.._,.._ I

~ tl:j _~ ~ ' ~f-

Subsection: 12 _, .!rij: l = ---._ ~__ :0:0 f'
.. j i'-:_ I

2.6.• 1'he type at motor used r:n a linear actuatar Is R<op~rt prt!bl~mo
w1tli q u ~.. cm
~ serie-s
send v.;,ur referer>teO
Q paraUel (shunt wouMI) ' 69% ~
0 compou nd

l_ iij Fla9 this q uest ion 0!@ Store t his qu,estlor.

Subsectl.o n: 12 Q

27. One pu~ pDSe of the commutator Is tD Report prt!blemO

w itli qu~i t>n
~ switch the dke-ctlon Cif the current flow every half cyde
5-end your refe:reoc~ o
0 switch the dlrect:lon of mrrent ftow evert tvro cycles
79 %~
Q :SYJ!tch the !:llrect:lon of ·mr:rent !t01'1 eYery cyde ii .,......_ if<! '~
~ ,~;::~'·• .· ij
U '1jll Flag this que;;tion 0 ~ Sto re this quest iafl ~ m:;,, F\lrt:·o~ , ..,.
~";';I 2;-kf>
Subsectl.o n: 12 0 l;
L i: ·~~~ i4
~ Kl :j
~ w.-:.~~; ~:::__H

28.• Some e!l:e ctrl.c motors have two sets of field winding wound In Repctt problem'!)
opposite directions so that the witli que"tii:\1'1
0 speed of the motor can be more closely n:mtroUed
5-end your refer,i'lteO
0 power a utput of the mQtor ca:n be more dosely contro-lled
~-; ~- ~\
® motor can be o;perated In either dtre,ctlon
!·l ~--=~~ ~
~ E!I..ZJ\ P.lrtHl lj f I ~
Cl @' f'la g t lols question 0 il·.Store bhls qu:estloro ~c-;.,1
' b:;_j ___1 •;;"'_, ~

Subsectl.o n: 12 ' ,; . ~--~ tj

~~ = -:__!i,..._ ,.1

2.9.• Whkh ot the tollowfng Is true.? R<opcrt prt!blern

witli quet>oo. 0
0 OC power ca:n be u~ oo drive a:n AC series motor e.tfldently
Send y.;,ur reretente.( l
Q9 AC power can be used to drive an AC motQT
0 An AC mQtor canoot be driven by OC power
fl.....- '~ r~
I...J Q Flag tlols q u2Stian Q ~ Stor e this quBStion
;; . . !~::..... »
~ ~O!ii\ FoJ\·Q~ ~
l1tl· -..- ~
~.. ,,el -
Subsectl(m: i2 @ lf _-;: ~- ~
~! s; ~ ;
(} =~.:....:~_ ,

30• .Armature reactio.n Is Ro;,pott ptcblem..,..
with que13M..,.
0 reactl•1e s;parklng
~nd your ref.,.ence@
Q9 the Mr.,F O'pposlr.g mtatlon . 66%~
() du<! to d.lrt)• c.r worn commutator ~ .~ -· I '

~~ ~~~-~ ~ ~
0 ~ Flag t.l:ils quest ion 0 Q St ore t rds qi.J'eiitlon ·~···-·~-:n ~
f;~-~ EAS~ Fn_Jt· 'l -~ HI r "':
i] ~f..~'l J r ,.~..'-
Su bsection: 12 0 ~
tt -·~ .~,_, ~ .t
oi =~ - ..\.»' )
~- - .

31. As load o-n a series generator Is Increased, the output voltage Rl.!port probl.,n> ~
0 rerrtalns: constaint
>'lith qut'5tit>A :..
~tid yaur refo!o"enc~(i) .
Q decreases 52~'11{1
QSI l ncreasci!:S ,, ,...,.. ~~
fi ri- " ..... , .... ...

.rj ............ t'~ H

1._ ) ~ Flag tnls quesuan 0 ~ St ar•= brds question 'i EJI.Sil, Fi1 rt:·M :-;
i ,:--;)! ~ ~- r _ ~· ~
Subsection: 1 2 0 ~ -.;] · :(

~ =-_:!!!_ '

32. Reversing th;a supply to a perman.e nt magnet field motor causes R;;,port proble l't\~
ltto With qUe!:t1t.Th
~hd yaur refo!o".,n.::~(i)
0 stop rotating
@ reverse Its dJrectloo of rotation ,., .,.,....._ (ti ~ .
0 co:mtlnue ta rotate· Gn the same dlrectlcm ~ ....-.~ ' 1
· -.. ~
!i ·--·-
~. EJ'l5•\;,. .. :~fj \ •.,....
0 ~ Flag thls question 00. Sto re this qu.e stion t:
j;--~,1 ~ ~··~. ~-
.~.. ~ ,, ... ~
i! fii0 1't\l~ - fl
R:=::~-_-;:·~¥_ ~
Subsection: 12@

33.• Starter motors are usuallv R;;,port problema.

w ith que1lt<n •
0 shunt wound
S:~nd vaur ~fe:rente~
0 compound wound . 7i'%~
® ser:le:s wou nd
,] ~.~·w..-~ .;z. ~ "'1
0~ Fla.g t.'J;is q uestion 00. S to re t h is qu:e stion
,, ,..
... ;
,-·~- ~
'· I!
t',ti., E!\lit\'HJij
.... ·~
H . '!! "', ,
Subsecti;M~: 12 0 ,, ~-~
H •· u 'Q-_, ]1,.~ ~

li"--=-- "":I!!J
--- :O. f

34. :tn a wave wound generator with 4 poles, whatwO'Uid be the Rl.!pcrt problem ~
minimu m numb.e r of brush.e s? with q u ~t>A ·
~na yaur reference.( i)
0 4
@ 2 q...-...- w ·~
0 s ~; ........ J
~ ~-- ·-.-: r
C) (i;t Flag this question ~ E."M. "". rHQ ~ -..
u~ W"
~ Store tttls qu-::stlon li
~- ",
li.. ~--~-- ----. J
~~ ·~
Subsection: 12 @ :il}
t• = -:-..:.!!!_ '
35. In a shunt wound direct current motor with a constant voltage Report proble m{~
tleld S'Uppily, the torque .developed by th.e m.o tor Is with que!:tioil
~;;d your ref.,.er.c~ (i)
® dl:r ectty proportional to .armature curmnt
() lnv.ersel·r proportional to the armattJre cunrent
0 Independent af l oad .....,.,.,_

Q ~ I" lag th1:;. quest ion

~;·~~· Q Q ~ fr:·
Q~ Store this q~.restkm .l ,..:ll ~ ~~: ~
i- :: ! t
Subsection: 12 ~
36.• An ef-ectrlc mo-tor p r oduces a forc-e of 5 N at a distance of 0. 2m Report ptcbl~ m~
IFAwt. ·t-h..a; ......a. ......... .a. ~.ll ~·bloft l:l.:l"t.rl PAi':a.t-A.a alv !:a Oft:AC..t ftl' ~ :fin Wi th QUI5titm ....
36. An ele.c trlc mo-t« produces .a force of S N at a distance of 0.2m R-,pott proble m~
from the -c:eatre ocf romtlon and rotates at .a speed of' 1:00 with qul::l.1itm
revg/sec. The mo-tors output Is s:.;hd your r<of!ol'!!or.~ ;,~
61% ~
® 62SA watt~
~ ,........ ,., f
0 100 horsepower :,: w..-·.,, J

0 watts ; -. .
•j · ~;v•- h
i E.:I'\Z.+,F'i'frn·Q(i -...
f~ .:.._~., ~
Qg Flag this quEStion Q ~ Store t his qu~tior~ ii
I .. ::
!,. <;)
·1 _ 1

Subsectl.o n: 12 '
t1 =-=--- ~~~ h
37. Generator brushes are normally made of R;op~rt probl~m~
Yllth q~e:!l'.. t:<fi
Q brass
S-end )I<ILir reforenceO
® carbon 87%~
Q steel 11 ~ w

I....J ~ !"lag tnis quesuon 0 il) Sto re this q1Jestlon

Subgectlon: 12 0

38. What Is the main disadv-antage of a starter generator? R"pott prilbJ;,Il\@

'tlith ·qu.,;;ti t>rt
6;0 WUI not :suppfy output at lo~1 rpm
S-end your ref!ol'!!ot>t~>O
0 Heavl er than like fu:r Like iS%@
Q Can only lbe I.!Sed on p(lston eng'lnes <10-' f
~ ,M.:;~::::.... ~
0 ~ F'lag this que;;tion -~- (i) Stare this qlt!:.Stlon ·~ EIISJ\ P.,rt·OU ~~ ;~
' -~- l) .
i ~ . _ , ~1 -, ;.:;;;;;;...
:SubllectlO'n: 12 @ :: ~- ~
~~~~:;:l_ 5
39. One pull'pose ocf a g:rowler test Is to determll'ne the pregenc:e o.f : Report probl em~
with qu~t<fi
Q a broken fleld lead
Send your referenceO
@ a snorted armature
Q an out-a-.f -rotmd commutator ,,; ~- .w '•
r: ~.-~ . ,_
OQ Flag this question C tO Sto re this qlWStlon t' ·M-·,.,-
i~ ~,SJ\
~ ,:~""
~: ,:•;.e J ., __.I. I

Subsection: 12 @ i ~r : '' ~· h
! ·,. ~ ~
:! =- - .. \"' ft
11.:__=:-. =..::...t'

40.• The rotating pi!ll"t >Of a mot·or{generater:r Is caUed ReiJctt iJrobl:'m·~

Q c.a mmutator
wlth ·q~~M
your reference~
0 yoke
Q armature fj ,......... ~ .E
·! .,_..., d . 1
0 ~ f'lag this question 0 ti ·-- --·- - ~
'i). St<m= bhls question. t] EP!i" Fart·iJG ~. ..,....,
{i .:~;.. f, 11!
SubgectJon: 12 @ f~ l .. . '
- . '(;) ' >!-

~ =-:..:~- !l

41. The shun.t wound generator ls controlled by 1!1 variable Report probh!!ll\~
reslstanUJ In Ylith qu.,;;tio.ll ·
@ series with the f\'eld s:.;nd yaur rer,.r;,r.: ;,~
0 paral.lel with the flel:d
t.; ~ ~ ;~ .
0 :series with the a~~mature ~ "'..,..· . ~ l
ii "-""'·.-
.· i
fj,.. EM;o\ ~rt·~U V,,Clf"'<
UQ f'lag this q uestion 00 Store this quoestlon
ti -~ ,
~ . ... ~., ~ p ..... ~

?:f _ ....£~~ i
Subsection: 12
~1 =-=--~- fJ

4.2. In a :DC motor the lnterpoles are part or the Report problemc:ili
42:. tn a ,f>C motor the lnterpoles are part of the R-eport probl~rn~
Wtth que"bl)fi
@ field
S.M yaur refei!!hteQ
0 stator assembly 43%i(JI
0 rotor assem'bl~'
:~: ~ W ;.•

~j W.•'.to•:t • j
I} .~,~·,.- ~
0 ~ !"lag this quewon 0~ Store this qu-5tlon ~ ~ E.(i~J\F'i'lrt·t'll:i - • . ·. ·
!~ ,,
l: . -~-J~... I; · _."" '0

,, I _r_ ·I "
SubsectiO':n: 12 0 t:
~~ 1
~ :c:J_. ·~
;j =~--~- ,

43,. lf oe>mpoun.d DC g,e neratO'rs ap.erated In parnlll!il th,e y mll!lt Report prcblem~
with ,queg.;;m
0 all mtatB at the same speed
S..:nd '(<lUr r.efe.,hte~
0 all use the same voltage 67%~
@ have an equalising or load sharing IMp
~ -:..... ,; -~ '

ri ·~-·~·-.
~"'. .. .. ' ki ~
[J 0 Flag thls qu!:Stion 0~ Store this q•.testlon r:r: Eil5il """'"" (. ; •...!i·'i
i~ ,._- c.-.,:,el
, r~, ••"e:.!""'
Subsection: 12 ') ~f L .. r ~t ~ ~
~ =-- '"'~
- . -·-=--"

44. • li pole•wound generator has Report prcblem~

¥1ith ,q u ~on ,, ·
@ 2 brushes S<;rid your refeer>:~O
0 6 brushes: 63%~
0 3 b'nlshes: r......-
I! w.-.JW•• ~.
~ .... ~~~
.- H
I I 0 Flag thls quesbion 0~ StonE< t his qr.restlon I\ OOAI'll!i:·4G " •. . ·.
!<! ~- [, . ,

Subsection: 12 " i'~.J ~~ ·'1

~__j -·
~ a::;J

<1 =~ "';l' {y'

I; - --- -
9 .,

45. The fJ:ux: density O<f a m!!ognetlc field Is 1.5T. The length of the Report problem~
cnndurtor In the flelrl!s 2 m arwf the current fl~wlng thmugh, tlu: With CjU<Stii>.ll '
condurtor Is 5 amps. The force on the ,~onductor Is Send your referehte~
e5J lS Nentons
Q 3.75 N'e~'ltons
0 0 .6 Newtons

( ] ~ Flag this qutoStk •n L) ~ Store this qi.J~£o:stlon

S~;~bsertlon: 12 @

46. • series wound DC motor, the field has Report prcblo;,m~

~ few turns of thkk \~~Ire

'l'iith que;;;tio:n ·
S<;nd lf:llif fefiOt'.!httO~
0 many tu;ms ofthln wi re
0 few turns of thin wlre
~ ~-
1~.1 ~ Flag thls quastion 00 Store this qo.t;:stlor~
Subsection: 12 ¥.\),

4,? . On starting,, a s-eries DC MotM will Initially use a high amount D'f Report problem~
runen.t ~use with que:s'liion
S.,;nd your refeeoc~Q
0 the armature and field arE c-onnected tn sl:rles
0 ofthe back-EMF
@ absence of back-EMF 11 &-- ~~
4~ .... !7""_- ~
~-~ 8iS.I\P;ut.· ~O -~ 8.
0 Q"fla g this qu~tic,n 00 Store t:hls question, ~ j-;-•~1 ~ ~"
li ~ :: '' -~ ~
Subsection: 12 0 ~ . S <J f-,
~ =~--~- ;J

48.• The brushes fitted to a DC motor/g£neraml" should have

'- R~~~:t ~.~~=.~~
4:8. The brushes fitted to a DC motor/generator should! have R«pcft prcbli: i!l'l.~
with qut:<tiD.n
0 htgh coeffl.d ent of frlctlon and lmv contact res.lstance
S<!rod your refer;;hte~
® low coeft!ldent of frlctlon and low contact resls.tance 64%~
0 low· caeffl'dent of friction and high contact resilstance

0 ~ Flag thls question 0 '1) St c,re t his ql!est ion

Subsect:lon: 12 @

49. ln a t>C geneeator, the etfe.ct. or·armature reactlnn may be Ri!part problem,
re.duoed by moving the brush gear with que1it<t> ~
Send your "'-'fe:tehCeO
Q9> In the direction of ann;ature rotation towards the t~NA 59%~
0 fro-m MN!A to GNA ~: ~ ft,i
( ) agai-nst the dlr&.tl~:~n cf armature rotatlcm tmv.a rds the MNA '1 lt~d.. ~
f; ....-.,. .- ~
1 E/I.S.I\Fii rt·(;(t ~
Cl {iit Fla·g thls qu-estion (il St are this qlEStla n ; ,t;'"'~,, ~ ·~-
j L..;.J ~ ~
Subsect:lon: 12 0 ~ =- ~;:~ f,
<L_ __

50. How do you reduce rlpple on the output of a OC generator? Ri!pcot pl'llble;n~
'rlith -que!itlo.-.,
0 Increase the :Sjpeed of the armature .and add more turns
S<!nd y<~ur refer"'F>C "'~
0 becreas.e the speed ot the armature and add more 5er1es w!ndlngs 65%~
® Increase the commutator segments and co-nnect each to a ~: ~ ";
separate par.a1h:l wlndlng
~.~ .:~ -:.:.~ p
li EASA l'li"·GO. ~ C~
0 ~ Flag thls q u-est ion ·- Q $tore this question i~ j;--;~1 .. ~ ~

Subsect'lo-n: :12 ~
!....U ~
~~ . .
~l =~ • r>'_ ~
~? - -

51. Armature reaction has the effect. of R.;,port probleM~

0 reducl~ the output by lncrea~lng lnterna~ resistance
with que!itlo.n
S..nd your r~fl!:rerK:e~
() reducl119 the -output by dlspladlng the geometrkal neutral a>ds
og} reducl119 the -o utput by dlstortl119 the magnetic field ;e-r-r- kJ ·._,
~ .....~~~-:!- c
0~ Flag thJs q ue;tion 0~ Store t r•i,; qttestlc,o l EAM P.r:-00 '· C
·; ~,..,,1 ~ r ;,r..
Subsect:lo:n: 12 @ li &_.;:.
S :<J
' ~ ''l
J =--~~- ;;

52. Armature reactlan In a tx::: generator causes Report pi't!bl~ fli·~

0 liiNA. to mo-v e In the oppos;ite dlrectlon of rotation
With qUe!!. iM
s..M your refe,rei'IC~o
~ MNA. to move In the dtrectfon of mtatlon
0 GNA to move ln the dlrectlon of rotation
tl ~
........ wi•)
CJ fil Flag thls quesn an 0 Q Store t his qr.restlon

Subsect:lon: i2 Q.

53. In a t>C shunt wound generator1 the termlnat voltag>a wJJl be Ri!poot probl: m ~
@ at a ma>:l!num with zero load ~1Ith ·queo.t i o:n
S..nd your ref;;r,;I'IC;,(il

0 lm:reas.e:s directly p'Foportlonat to the load

Q zero when there Is oo load ;; ~ w ~~

Ll~ Flag this q u;;stlon o g Stare t his QIJ£Stlan !~

.. ..~~·7·~· . I~{
'j ~-;_1 ~
Subsect:lon: 12 0 ; !-LJ _. ~
,..: 00:.. ~ t

;1 =-:._=!!!~ ~
54. Whh::h type or magnets are used In practl.c al DC g.' lfleramrs? R<'<port prcbl~m~
L. ,-....
With 0Ut5'ti to.n -'
., '!'Ct:T'"8••±,.. ..... ""*+l"T•p ......... 'TtrM'h ......... •tn·-..,..._.-... ._..,..........,. .._.. :,;,~~- .,., ~-"":- "'; .-· _M:-~·· -·- - ·· ·~·--
- --== -"
S4. Which typa of magnets are used In practleal DC q.enerarors? R.epctt prcbi;,M'ii)
with qui!Stio.n
0 Either perm.anent magnets or electt:l'magnets
Send your ""'""'"nee~
0 Permanent magnets
.. 65°/u'ii)
@ Electromagnets ~i r - - - §¥ ~j

0 g !"Jag this qu~tion 0 ~ Store this · q tt~:stian

i ·-~~~:!_.
~ E.ft:;J\ F?l.rh ll:l
i:' --.-, I~
!i ~,.,,-~ f. ~!dlon: 12 0 '.''
~j ..__... ... 1 ~ :1
,; S:"J . L'
"'<i =~- ---
1'- l¥. '

55. What Is a d used for restoring generator field residual Report pn:ibh;m'ii) with ·quetioo
~nd y.nur refts"ehCe:O
0 Reseat the brushes
0 Energ•lze the armature > •

® l~ ~.....~.,. .
~~ '"- ·-
. H~ ~...
Flash the fi'e1ds
· •
EAS•\ l'>lt·•lG
0 ~ Flag this que;;tmn 0 ~ Sture this qlP->tlc.n ~ ;;:--;.!1 1· '::!
<l L ~ . lc_ ~
Subsectio:n: 12 ~ l! S: -::1 f
S6. A DC motor Is driven by R<!p~rt pn:ibl~m~
With tjll !5t~ O;tl .
~ bC S..tid yaur refeten.:eo'ili
0 pulsed DC 71%'ii)
0 AC
~ .-- . ~ ~
~~ ,_,:-~ ~
Ll 'il Flag que;;tlon n ~)' store this;;tlan i,1 EO!iJ'I, ~t:4l(i !
~ i;'"';i•. ~
Subsection: 12 ~ It
•· !i -t.. __ , I -~~
,L_ :J~
J ~ r:;l 'l

~ =-=-=~- '
S7. A shunt OC moto:r would be used In applkatlons requiring R'-'pctt prcblem·Ci.
With qUI!S'litm..,
® a ronstant speed
Send your r'.eference'ii)
0 the 'load tt> be constantly 'cn nected tt> the motor 74%'ii)
0 a hl>gh startlng tt>rque
t) ...~~~' · ·~ IIIT
0 g Flag t+,is q uestion 0 ~ Store tJ·,Is QU>e!itlan N
;1 E.iJ.5J\Filrt ·tl'l -
'"C:~ f-e.-~
ot H I
Subsl!dlon: 12 0 i1 b.u _ ~
~ =~
s~ ~
!!!!_ ;J

SS.• Ooub·l lng the speed of romtlon and halving the field stren9th o-f Report pn:ibl~n··~
a D.C generator will Y.'lth -quM•~.:m:n .
Sehd y<~Lir refi!Tenc~~
0 lncreasoe output ••cltag.>e by a factor of four
0 decrease autput voltage by a factor af four
~~ e---- ~~A
~ have no effect on outp·ut voltage r: "·"'""''•:l. j
(J ~ Flag this q uestk •n · 0 Q Store this qlJ'~tion. 1 .;;'..;:;! ~
~ &: ~ ~.M ~
Subsection: 12 .@ ; s~ f'
l'::::;..-..rr- l
59. A ,shunt \IMH.Jnd generato-r Is controlled by a variable reslst~mee Report ptcblem~
In 'l'lith ·qu=1o.rt . ·.
S..nd your refet;;n.:;;~
0 paraDe! wtth the flel<l
~ series with the neld
0 series with the armature,
~ ,........
~~ lol..•!lo"•~
""" ;.1
0 ~ Flag th:ls q ue;;uan 0 ~ Stor e t his qu.· 85tlua
~.; :::·~~·o G ~· A
~ ;";"~;}, ~w•
.t ~- ! I h'
tl ~._J-- ~
~=-=-~- ,
Subsl!diO<n: 12

;.A """-----~---- ·-I_- h. ...... _ _ .._ _ _ - - - - -----....1 L... c..._.,.,~+ .-. ...... HI•m- .
~ -:J<oo.Wfta.._..._,""'-4 __..._.,,....,u-_.__ ___.~--~~--"'""--•,..a:..-..- ·- •-,.,,.,"""'""'"""

60. Copper l.o sses In a bC motor are caused by R<!pcrl prt>clein

w ith queo!>ilQ
0 capper bearings Sf!nd your reference~
0 a hl;gh mag.netlc retuctance ln the circuit iS%~
€) high res1s.taoce field WJndlngs.
0 'I) Flag this question · ··. 'iJ this qu=:stic•n ~ WJ\P.'Jrt-(IG ~ 1t

~: ........
- ---, ~ J ..~~
h !;;;;;.F
Subsect!O'n: 12 f i~ ~~ ·
;) !'!. Kl •
:t =- .. ,.... f
;.; - --- !l

6.1. lf th,e speed o1 a coli In a magnetlc field Is· d:O'Ubled and the fleld Repctt pttiblem
strength Is doubled the ·Output will w ith qu~t.;,
9-!nd your reference'i)
0 halve
0 stay the same
i er--
6 qu~rupJe
i:l ;-=:.!.... r
fj E!>.SJ\ FnJt"lfj " t'"·
0 ~ Flag this question ~ Stare this q tt~tlo n. ~ rl~·;~~
;~ ~
~-L~'· ~
li•· II
~ ..._.. 1
SubseetlO'n: 12 @ f;
~ =-
~ ";;)
__ "
!;!!_ '
6.2. The output a generator to a commut:atO'r Is R~port prt>bl~h'' 'i)
with queo!.'lil>il ·
@ AC
5>et\d \'(iUr refi!iren.:eG
0 tJC 61%0
Q pulsed OC
lj :.;~~·· ~~ ~
CJ (lit Flag this question Q @ store this question. J E.O.SJ\P;ut·l)lj ~- .. :f-:·
~ ..- ... I ~. • '
:rl ~ ~ .. rf "l. ...
Subsecti-Dn: 12 @ r :...U._,
l ..... ~

~~ = -:._'J!!(_ ~

63.. The dia-gram shOW'S a current Cllll'l'\fl:n>; conductor In a magnetic Repcrt prt>blein'i)
tletd. Th,e conductM will move w ith qu~t·.ll ·
9-!M your reference~
- sl 0:!, ~
r•-- -

0 :sideways ~~ '"!~=-. ~
! ~..,~rt·ljll :: ~·
0 upwards ~
- ...
~· ,,
• ~.:

~ downwards. i Ld ~ h
'! lC' :'Q ~

LJ 'iil !"lag this q ue;tlion 0 'it Sto re this qtP-.stlan

t:::-:._:-fllli'_ ;,
Subsection: 12 @.

64.• Armature torque Is proportional to R~pcrt prcbieffi,6'!.

with questit>tl •
0 armature runrent only
Send your r<oftOt;; nc;,~
0 field .strength cl'l11y
@ both field strength and armature oorre'nt ~~ ~ H' 'rfl
... ,.

(J Q I'lag this q ue;;tion i1 ·~~~--~.. ~

·~· Q Sta re t'hls question t, ~.!\ PM·•lQ ~. Jf;
~ - -. I 2 · •'
Subsection: 12 Q "l; . . t"!........... I!:.~
.i !!:. Kl f'
~l =-
;..: fl f>_ ,
- --
6S. When a CO'nductor ·Ca"'VIng a current and placed l.n a magnetic Report pttible rn~
flel:d It ex:J:)ede~nCes' With ql:i<:S'tit<l'l

Q an e:Jec:tros.tatk force S>.!nd your rl!ference.'i}

Q a magnetic force ~l ~ ~ ~
@ an e1ectromag.netlc force !

0~ Flag q uesuan Q~ Store this qu-est ion

Subsecti.O'n: 12 ~
6!6. The strength of the EMF generated by a PC generator Is given Report probl~m ~

the formula with q u ~D!I

S..nd y.:.ur r.;,f..rence~ .
E:<EMr S3%(i}
8 "" flux dcenslty .j - - ;IV' ~
I "' l.ength. of t:onductors In th,e armature
V "" vclc dty of condud:ors
fl ii>~-~::;::._ ~
j E!l.5J\FinH;lJ ~ 'Tc"
& 1: = B:>:txv i .:·;~l ,l ~t-~~
Q E = (Bxi)/V i L :. ~ - ~
~ E = (1::-.-'V)/B ' =~~-s:1!'<;!- (i<- 'I
l:i~t::..___ ::::....r
OW Flag this q uestion 0~ Start. this qt.t.e;;tlon

Subsection: :1.2 (j

6.7 . An lndkatlon of good ~om mutation on a :DC machine would be Report problem'i)
wi th que'.>on
•'!$) little .c.r no sparking at t h e commutator ~ntl your r.efererx:~ ~
0 htgh armatuJre currents 79%~
0 silent aperatkm ·Of the machine ~~ ~
;.; ~..-\-~
~ ~k
ll ·~,~·-
· . .. ~
0 {f Flag this q uBStion Q~ St ore u·,ls q~.t.sstlon ri u<S,, P.,,.~~ :. ~ ...
~ ,;:-Jt;jl ~ ,.t_:'
Subsertlon: 12 0 ~ : '.::. ·( ~ ~
ii ~ OCJ ' j

~~ =-__!!?_ ~

fl~td curr-ent to a shunt wound oc motM Is dec::reased

68. l1 th,e Report problem@
when operating at a constant load, the motor speed will 'I'Jith ·que'JD!I
~iid y,::Jur rer~enc~~
Q nat change
QS} Incre ase fl.,....... iVi! ·,1
() re<Cluc-e I! U~' d, w

f! ·--~- ij
~ Eft.SA F;:ut·ili'J ;-- ~ ~- . ,
(J ~ Flag this question 0 (i) Store this q..mstlon ~ ,.:a.;;l ~ ~
·l L :.-4 .~
Subsection: 12 @ ~
ij =-~_...1>'_ ~
l!.r.;:- ~

69. To what depth Is the mica f:nsulatlon between the commutator Report problem~

bar-s of a :oc geaerator undercut~ with qu""1.1on ·

send your ref~l!h-!~~
Q One half the width of the mlca
0 '! :qual to t111'lce the .oHhe mica
!:--.- ~ .H
~j '·"·~!!... d
Eq:ua t to the wi!dth of the mka
R; r:-"-"JI,F':ilt·Gjj ~ - a ···
t; ~= , .. >C'!!· i
QQ Flag th1s quBStlon Cc ~ St ore this qtt=st lon li .:---;1~ ~ t.. ~""
Subsection: 12 (j
li·i ~~. ~~ ·:<;j_-- ~~
;= -:.....:! !!'_ ;,

70. 'to increase t!be volta.qe output of a generator you can Report p ro blem ~
w ith qu""'tion ·.
Q ft Is n.a t speed d:epe!lidan.t S,nd your refen:nc e'iJ
0 decrease speerl 76% ~
0 lncr;,as;e speed
~l - 1«1 ~.;
~: "-•)o'•~

'i~ ~.'z}~';!rt·~~- J~ •.-,=.:-

•; •~-w~ H
0 ~ Flag this quBStlan ~ St or e this qm;stiOI:I
~,.! -:....... l\ ii !! ""';
Subsection: 12 Q
•' _<;I f
~· =---~- ;A

71. In a •DC shunt motor, if the field reslstanc:~ Is Increased what Ref]ort probl:' rn~
happens to the back EMF? With ·qUe't'lt>J\

Q5- decreases send your refer~hCt'~

0 remains the same 54%~
0 Increases ~ ~--~d. """ ~'J
rJ ·-~·. . ·~-- . ~
~J EPSA F'm1i·tlf.l ~ t .,-~
0 ~ F'lag this qu;,stlon ,_, ~ Store this q;Jestlon. t:
- ....-~~
,..-,; :
(I '
.1' =--·
:-. '< ·i

1-i LU __, li
l• ... - J 1
Subsection: 12 0 Ei -· - · - ;;_r.t. ~~
~·-~~. --~ =."""-~ •. ::r. ....... - --~····~---- ·- ., . ... ....... .,........... ~.-...... . ,,... • _ _ ........ - -- - - - ...... ~ ... . .
~h <:;;:"l -- ~~-

1.2. In a shunt·wound f1Merator R'-'p~tl probl:'m~

With qu.,.'ti ~n
() none of the armature current flows throug'h the field
£ehd your tt!fet-ente(j
~ same ·af t'11e armature current flows through the fle,1d 68%~
0 all of the armature current tlo·ws through the flelid ; ~
'""' f
Q '@ Flag this questl on 0 'i $tone th is qu;:stlon
i .."'o:~·· . r
Sub.sectl:o n: 12. @
. ..-
.- • - ..
r' ·,.,. . ~ f
~~ ~

·~- "'l
I, · "~~


~. &:d-- ~~ttl k

R«p~tt prabl~m
:13.• ln a shunt motor, It yon reverse bo:th f d:eld ,current and the
Willi ~ue".. l>:i\
armature current, the motor will
0 stop
Send )"·:lUr 1"-'feter>te'i
Q change dtrectlon
;·l ~ ~ ~.
® cantl.nue toc run In the .s ame dlrectJon J-~
w,-~,.~ .
!l ep,:;~'::"·o~ hte ,
0 ~ !"lag this quation Q ~ Store this qustlofl :,~ .ft =d { r~::..:

Subsection: 12 @
1 L -s~~.. ~
tl"":"" - •0
74. A DC' generatl:fr armature has 6 poles and Is lap Wll'UI\d. The Report problern
number of brushes reqUired are 'flith queosti<>l\ 0
Send your r«feter>:~'lli
0 2
~ ii
0 3 ~ ~-~-~=i/;f ~
- ·-- · - H
~(J_sp.P:,ft•l)lj_ ~ .. ..
(J g Flag t."!ls question O 'i Stone u·.ls questio!l i f•: ) ~ ~·
f! ~--L1 ~.. ~
Subsection: 12 @ !; £ «;). r
it=-:-:......:.!i!_ J
1$. Electric motors are often classified: according to the method of Repott problem~
connecting the fll;;ld coils and armature. Aif.cratt enql~ starter with qu eosti r<n ·
morors are generally of which type? S:er1d your t.efetr!r.te~
QO Serfes: 65%0
Q CompDund
fl .,...- ~· ~
::~ w..-:.1 1
Q Shunt (para11e:l} ~ · - - · - ·· If
~i EM.1\ ~rt· ~ hj
f! ....-..-
t! ~, , i
- t •<.~-
rl ~· f"lag this quation Cl ~ Store t:hls qu:€Stlao 11 U.J .
~ ;.:;;;~ ~~ }.
Subsectl.o n: 12 @ it---··-·= =-_;;;

76. To Increase the speed of a. shunt motor a. r~lsta nce Is placed R<oporl: problertt~
With qll eostilion ·
0 In series with the armature
~lid your rer~~n.:::e:Q
® In series wl~h the flf<ld
0 ln paralf.el with t he fl eld w 'i,<
0 ~ Flag this qufriitlon i)i Stare this qttestlot\

Subsection: 12 @

1'1. If th;e mrrect s:u~ply we* connected to .a :DC shunt motor which Report prablernc... •
had lost Its residual ma.gnedsm It would 'flith Que;.ti;,m •

<» run normaU1• Send yaur ref,.,.enee'i

Q fall to ruo 67%0
t~ ~ ~ ~f·
0 run l:n the re'lers.e dlrectlr.m }.~ M.-':• 1 }

!i ·~·~·-
. -· · ij
0 iJ EIL~~·<IG J:i ! l:.,.
~ Flag t hl;. question Ct'i Store this qo.restlon R ~· ... ~ :r ' ·-·""'
if ;- =-··' ~ li
Subsectlon: 12 II) l !.. iq . it
;J· =-:...-~0

18. The back-.£Mr In a DC motor Is R«pott prabl"rno

·"'· witli queostion
18. the barck-£MF In a OC motor Is R;,pcrt p robl e i>'i ~
'jiJjih tj U ~I>!I
0 equal to thl! app lied EMF S!oh d your r<ofiot;,tY-;, ~
® less than t b!: appl ied !':!-11' 67 %~
Q greater than tb!: appll€d E:MF i ,............ f.i<il ~

(J @ Hag this qu;;stlon n Q Stare ·;~ ~~!~ ~

this questlall ~ EASA~It·Qfj f t i!!.
1 j;"&',.l _,. 1::.;;:.:--
Subsection: 12 i t h~---1 ..__..
ii ~ "<;] •
:; =-_2.~ !:;

19. If thi! load current Is Increased on a shunt OC generato<r1 pm blem •

R~ po rt

that ha.s .a Iow resistance armatur ~ tbe terminal voltage will wiih 'i) qu~b.'>
S<:nd your r~fe:rt! r>t e ~
0 rem ain ·oonstant
0 rl:se.
!...- (w' ~
® fall
!i ·~:.~~ F
~~ eft.ZI\ F\'lrt ·(lfj "'
0 tilt rla g thls q uestion Q ~ St ore t'hls lon
; ~··!.·~,
~ -~, h
i -- - :.~
S u bsectiOn: 12 @
~t =----~-
"' ... "0

SO. A split .f ield serle!i motor Is used when Rep ~rt probl ~ m ~
Wlih que "l> C<J\
() l arge currents a:re requi red throu-gh the fi eld ·wlndfng
S!olid your ref,;reht~<Q
® It I!> required to h.aiJe a bJ-dlr&tlonal motor 66%~
0 It Is. n ecessary to nave a re cfuced tO<rque O<:n start up .so only half ~-~ -·- ~ ..:
t he fl eld wln dtng Is connected : ~~- .., }

1~ ~~·~r;-~G ~
(J ~ Flag th is q ue ;tion Ci~ 5tor.: question ~ - -.
j t"-:.''L ..
Sub.sectlo:n: 12 ~ ~~ ~ "::
~ ="';'___ ~

81. the only practical method ot maintaining a constant ·voltage R!.>port pro blem
output tram an atrcraft g>ena-ator u rw:ter varying l:ondltlon!l of With qu- i<>n 0
speed am load Is to vary the ~n d your r.ef~e n::~"'
0 speed at whk h t he armature rotates
.; r.-- w
® stren gth of the. magne:tk ft>eld:
~~ ·~~~ ~
0 number of co nduct:o:rs In the arma ~ure
:} EAS I\ F':'lrt·•lli t m'!!st
!j ,L&.: i ~ r =·•
(] ~ I' lag this question 0 'iJ Store this question l; C;_;! _ , ~
ll .. '<:l f'
Sub.!lectlon: 1 2 @
il =-:...: .!.!!_ ;J
Sl.. l1 the brake con on an actuator motor goes ·ope!'l circuit, the Report probl~ mQ ·
actuator will witli q u ~l>ft ·
S!olid yaur rer,;rehtto~
0 run slower
® stop
!- - w
0 over-:tlde Its mechanical stops
' ....:::::.::._ ~
' .
l~ EAS~ Folt·Gr. r i,.. .__ __ _ *
0@ Flag this q ue; t Jon Q St are t his qll'£'.st lan ·; _._ e. .
i.,.' .r'-l:,. -
i! .... .... _~l ..,.,._..
Su bsectla,n: 12 ~ i "" "" :-
:J =--~"::.0

83.• An electric mota,r U!IM to ra ise and lower a landing gear would R~port probl em@
m.o st llkety be With q LJditiOJ\ •
~ series wound split fi eld motor S..hd your ref;,tt:o tY- ~ ~
0 a sh unt ft.,;ld seri es wound motor
0 shunt ·"-'OUnd split fi eld mo-tor
~-·--·~~·· w ;~
t= F"ll~·l){i
0 ~ !"lag thls quest ion C• ~ Store this quostlon :
- -.-,
t::'~...~~· ~
S u b.sectlo:n: 1 2. @
ii =~
i• -
.. -::)
- .. .-,. l'i
- - ;;

L 84. l'f a oener.a tor soark!i. a oos.slble r eason Is R~ p o r~ pmblem.a

84. l1 :a generator .sparks, a possible reason Is R.epor't pr'llblem@
~1ith qul!!>'ti on
0 magnetic flu>: defl&ting the ,EMF
s.!nd yaur r"f~Yentto~
1)8} the brush sprln>;:l£ are loose 82~1>~
() the brushes have been placed around the rm>grvetlc coli 1.1 .--- .... ~

Q ~ Flag th is q utstlon 0 ~ Store this qus::lon

~ ,~~.'"'-
l#.... llro' .. l .

~ E!>.S>\F;,rt·M ; ~.,-'!' '"


ji ~---.
f ~· ' 1
l; •.; '-"
1"i. -
Subsection: 1:2 @ :ti --=-- -.....-.:• ~
i! _$ -.;]. •j!

u =-:..-~- ~

as. Prol~ed reactiv-e sparking; In a DC generatnr could damage the Report'
with qu!!!>tlt•J! ~
0 armature
s.!i'ld your refe:,;r.cto~
0 pote pl&es 6S%~
® c,o mmutator fl .,_._ ~;
fl .~::-"'~ '' h
(J ~ Flag thls q uestion
' (iJ Store this question •. w.·,,;,.,r.;,qo :. · ~
~ ..
~~- - ..
J r b:::t
Subsection: 1:2 ~ ~- ::5·~~ ~
~ =-=---~- ~

86,. A DC machine has Internal resiste.nce due to Report probleH>""'

~i ith i:jti!O!ititm•
0 armature wlooln gs ,and brushes
s.!nd yaur r«f,;tence~
0 armature wloolngs, brushes and co,mmuta-t or Inertia 71%~
~ armature wloolngs,, brushes ,and brushes to ro.mmutator contact ~ .-..- ~ ;.
Q(it f'lag this quest ion 0~ Store this qu:"'stlon
f . ~'~'·"
;j ··~,~.,.-
~ Eft.!iJ\ Fi1rt fllj 'Jr-1!..

: .-~-j ~ :,.\•
SubsectiMI: 12 0 J L,'-: ' -~"·t ..._.. ~ \i_~.-
i. "" I<J J
~ =-:..-::~,J

87. A .sti!rl:,er generator has a Report j:lr'llblent~

IIIith qll!!!>tl t<n
f!Y low resl staoce serJes field and a high. resistance shunt fle!ld
~nd yaur refer~oceQ
0 high res1s.tarw:e ser1e!> field and a low resistance sh-unt fleild
0 low resls,tan.ce series fi eld and ,a tmv resistance shunt fiel d
,;' ..-- ;lii ••
' . ~
~- .. . . ~~~,~ ~: k
CJ ~ Plag this question 0(1J Sto re this qJ.J\estion ;i Efl!i.A Ptut·GQ ~- a: ::
ti ~---,, 2f ~
G ~\ I ! ' ·., i-f
Subsectl,o n: 12 i; --- -· :J,
~~ =--;_~~-- '
88. A wire, Is rotated through a magnetic !lei d. To, g'lve DC It must be R-eport problema.
mnne«ed to With qU!O!itit:\l\"111'
S'l.!nd your rereer.t;; ~
Q an tnverter
@ a m m mutator 4•• ., ~

0 siJp rings 'i.: ---!4-...._.,. ~ ~r

1,j ·-,~·-. ...
i! Wo\F;,~ 4G -- ~.,.
Qtj J'lag th is qu~st ian QQ Stor~ this question J:: -...-
... :-..J - ;,_t ~. •{,

~- ~
Subsecti'On: 12 ~ U
~ =-:.__ • fil_ ~
~ '<:} l

89. The method mOfl often used In overcO'ml l:\1; the eHert o1 Report Jlro bl ~hl (it,)
armature reaction Is thrnugh the use ,of ~.•ltli QUd'llM

0 lnterpoles s.!tld yaur N<ference~

0 drum-wouoo armatures ln combination wJth- a negatl vely
coonected seri.-!<5 field l~ ~Wt.'•~ _, .
0 sl:\ade.d poles
~5~- ..Fnrt-t)r. tl - a;;;
- . !l ~ 1!'-
... :-.. ' ., f • ---
Q@ Fla-g this qu5t ion Q ~ Stor;, t his que;;t lon ,b;_j - =
1 -- ~~ ·~~, ~
>i =~ "~'>' h
S1:1bsectlon: 12 ~ i;___.==-..==.:...t

90. Increasing the speed of a:n aircraft generator results In an Repctt problem~

automatic w ith -qu~k~.n

S:...nd l'"Ur r«ferehCe~
0 armature drcult resistance lrw:rease ss '>J;,~
@ field d rcui t reslsotance [ru:rease i1 .,..,..._ ~ -,
Q field c:lrcult r esistance decrease
~i ....!~~-~. - ~-
1 f.IU.J\ P.1rt ·~ (i - t
0~ Flag this questic•n Q@ St ore this q u~:;o a ~-~ ~:.~~.ti ~ ~ I' ... -

1;,\ __u _ ~
S <::L ,·
Subsect!ion: 12 ~ •:Iii =----•t• ,

!I 1. Increasing the voltage applied to the armatur e of a t>C momr Repatt ph:ible m~
wi th q u ~001
causes the rotational speed to
S:...tld your r~ference~
0 lncr.ease
0 decreas.: ;~ ~ w;
0 stay the same jj U;..llo' o1

!·; ·--~·-
~ •

-~ E."-SI\F7\rt· M -¥,. ..,_
(J~ f'la g th is que stion QQ Store t h is qctestlon •J - ..-~ h ~ ... I I
1:1 "" . t ! ·{ ".l- '
h ~ .>: '' ~-· ~
Subsection: 12 ~ ~ ~ o;;! fj
.,i:r__=""':..- __ J

!1:2. Comp!!ns:atlon w'JMJ:ngs are fitted to a generator In Report problem~

;tJith -qu~on
Q series with the l'ield wJndings:
S!nd your reft!:teD:~'i}
0 series with armature wJnd:lngs; ~S%.
0 paral:lel with arm ature wloolngs ~i .-- §;> ~r,

(j ~ f lag tills q ue sblon r )Q Store t h is questiC!Il

~j ~~?::·1 - ~
t~ Efl3~-:fl·QQ ~ f i! . ,;!
i1 ~.... ;l -- ' ~
Subsection: 12 ~ i; '*' - ., _ ~
j; "' o;;! :-!
t=~_;~~. rr_ ,

93;. Armature reaction in a bC generator can be eliminated by Repott pi1:iblem~

w ith qu~c<il ·
® f lttlf'l'g compensati:ng wJndJngs S:...nd your r«ferehCe~
0 the combined use of moving the brushes In the oppo!>lte dlrectiQ;n
67% ~
of rotatlt:m aoo fitting compensatlng. windings
}! ~ w it
0 moving the !brushes In the oppooslte direction ·Of rotatloo
!j (M;:~:'''' ij
~ E/i.5}\F'ilrt·~IJ ·:
Cj ~ Flag this question Q Q' Store this question ~ ·~"-;.• ~
f J . : ·1 _ , ~
Subsection: 12 ~ "'~ =-- S-KI-- ·!'(;(

!14. In a cumulative ·c ompound wound ·generator, the Report prnblerr,~ ·

'l1ith que1iloo
0 voltage falls sudd-enly with load
S<;tid y\lUr refer~nce~
® series and s.'hunt field:s as;sJSt each other
0 series and s.'hunt tr.eld:S oppose athe<r j - -· .., .
ll (i).Flag this q ue;t ion Cl ~:Sto re this q>J.-£S tioa r:~~.'~ .. .!.-;~ r
.- , ~;~
,, .
Subsectlon: i2 ~

!IS. On a linear actuator, the field cutoff coli wlll be energized wh.e n Report problem ~
With qut5tiD1!
0 onty as th.e actuator cammerw:es movement
~rid your refe:ren.: e: ~
.@ th-e actuator Is; runni ng
(.) the actuator Is not running
;; ~ ~ ~;
~:~ M.'!",_,. ,, J
1::) ~ F'lag que stion ., ··~·-·~- If
·~·@ Sto re t his ques tion ti Eii3J\ P.rt-GG ' A
Iii ~~;_. ~w
Subsecti'llft: 12 @' H! :- ~ ~ ~
t~ ~ ~. :~
fi'::.~ __.,r•_ ~
96. How many brushes .are used In an 8 pole wave wound machine
Re~~~t ~.~~:.~~ ..
96. How many brushes .Bife used ln an S pole wave wound machine R"'pcrt problem.Q
with .que'iiro
0 6 S.nd your r.<feret>te~
(~ 2 78%~
0 g ·~ ~ P¥! '
ii -~.!.'::~ ~~
0 'It I" lag tnls @ St or P- t:hls qu.estlon M EfiS~~rt4J(o ~- . . .. '
iE - ....,! r. ~
Subsl'!ctilon: 12 @
'! l.. -:.''1 ~
i - ·- :~

!; =~ ----~
-! ..1.. '~~

91'. The current consumed by a OC starter motor will R-eport pre

_·· blem.GJ.
With qUe'iiC>J\y
® decrease as the engine s:peed i ncr-easP_:s
S.nd yaur referet¥.:~~
( ) l ncr-eas.e as. the engine speed locrease:s 75%~
() remain relati•;ety ror.s.tant over the Starting spe&.l range :.i ~ , ~~

CJ ~ Flag t his que;tlon n li Store this qtt"'-Stlan Jf .~::~~ft·l)lj

·· ~
EM1.A 11!-j~: Jl.:.,.~ '
Ia ..-..., f[ . . ....
:1 ~ ... · t ~ ~;.~~-
Subsection: 12 @ i ~ -~ ~
,. ~ ""
'* =~ ,l'ft"
1: - ---

98. What po.larlty do int-erpoles -.take In a :IX: m£rtor? R,;,part problem

with que'iitm ~
@ The sarrli! as the nex.t matn po'le behtnd tn the dlrec.tlon of rot:atlon S.nd '(aur referei'!Ce~
Q Etther, pmvlded they lay an thee MNA SS%0
0 Th-e sarrli! as; the next main pole ahead I n the direction of rotati'Oll u.,.....- ~~
"itJ .~::::::... [i
0 ~ Flag this q u-est ion 0 ~ Store this qu·;;:stlon .. if
; Eii-:SJ\ Pm~ ~ '1 --;. I
!§ -&.- ~ - •

Subsection: 12 0 (j f'.;.''ll _ ~ 1 ~""r

.-d !! :'q_ Lii
~ =~--'~- ~

99. The .shunt \V>D<und genEi!'ator Is nntmally started Report proble m, ~

with -qu~•.; ,..
® offload
~fli:1 ycut rer~ehCI!~
( ) Etther on load or off load
Q on toadi
l] .-- ~ 1
~l ...~·· P.
0 Iii Flag tl:ll s q uestion Q Q Store bhls qu:estlo1'11 ~ EA.!S~\ F;ut-i1U ; , -~
~~ .:--:-jl ~ "'~-"'
Subsection: 12 @ it l ':. '' ~.. ~
~11 =~- s;;,
- --

100. The serJ:es wound generato<.r's terminal voltage will~ w.hen Report problem,Q
beil>o-w saturat~n w~illi ·qui!:Sti t.i~

S.nd yaur r"feret~t~Q

f(j lncreas·-e wJtih an I ncrease In load
0 decrease with a decrease In rotational speed
·!oo~ 't(

; ; ,..,.....
0 decrease with an tncre,as.e In toad
r~ .~.:.~·· ~~
fl·' WAP.>rt·qG
_.,._ [)-l ~,...
(] ~ Flag th.-ls questlion 0~ Store this qu;;:stian ~1 _, ,tf ~-~.:
1 ~._! .r ~
f ~---~... ]
~ ~
Subsection: 12 0 i! =~.;..:::!!!_ j
... •3

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~ 1
EASA Part-66
---=- lj
36. Mutual Inductanc-e Is mused by the R<!poi't problemQI
'l'lith t(llestiD:tl '
0 materi als In ca<res of Lndoctors In da;e pro:o:lmlty and havlng: the
same permeabiJity
~hd your refer~r;ee:"'
® change In flux of one WI! llnklng the turns a<f a second coli
0 same o arreo t ctowl119 th rollugh both calls when con nect£>d In serl'E:S [l:.;:-·· ~1
ti ~A;,~·OQ ~
0"" Flag thls q uestion 0~ $ton;, this question ~
:·.,·• - ~

Su bsection: 11 @ .. :!:.. ~ '\

......·.=- ......=_r

37. A draJit has a resistance o:t SO ohms and an, Inductance. of 0.2 R,;porr problem~

Henry. lf lt Is conn.ected to a 200 volt SO H:z the w ith questi001 •

~nd vaur ~ferel'lte (iil
reactance will be
Q !Ll84 ohms ~:<
· . .

~ 52.EM ohms
t~ ~
!: "'..,.., , ~
*"' ~
0 31.42 ohrns
j •w~• ;--
• EA.5l, F';'tlt·ilf.i -.
-• -

(J ~ F'lag th:ls qu;:;;tion Q ~ Stilre t his qu;;stlon I;
,. ' ... 1' !·11
===- ~ ~

Subsection: 14 @
!1 =:..~- 5

38. When swltchl'ng <1ft the supply, th,e back EMF In, a collatp!ilng11eld R..eporl:: pro bie n>~
In an lndu,c to,r v1ith question
S.tid your referehte""
() Is: equal til forward E:MF
~ can be multlp.le tlmes bl gg:er than forward E'1F
r; - ~ ·f
0 ne\'er exceed's fanvard Et;if' f~ .,_..,...,. . j
~ ·";-·:-- [
0"" Flag thls question 0~ $t om t his question ~ ~.:._~~·QQ ff :1'·"
•1 ,. :,~i. . ~ , ..
~<;]- ~
iiil =-
Su bsectl(lf'o: :11 - !of; ~
;; - --- ,.

39. A parallel cii"CU!t at resonance has R«port probi""'O

0 zero lmpedaoce
with que1itm
yow· rHeteflte~
0 minimum lmpedam:e
. ~ l% ~
€) maxlmum Impeda nce f1 ~ ~ ;
,i ,_::;;··· . ~
00 Flag this question 00 Store t h is ques t ion I] Ef·~~ ~~·qfj il A
f, ...•,,1 J ~·
Subsection: 14 q) if ' =- .·( ~ ~
~It?' =-- ~~;
- --
f! t

4 (l. The current In a capacltl,v e reactance R..epctt problem.~

0 ls In p hase wtth the volta-ge
;.;itt; ,qu.o;."!i;,n·:
S..hd y<JUf r;,F,;,te ht~:O
0 lags .the ~'l'l4t3g;e by n/'2 ~adlans
Q9 leads the \•o:ttage by 90 degree:; ~; ~ w ~

: V.wlo.; ,.l. }

~ ~
0~ St~Jre t'hls quf!S tlon

( ]@ Flag this que,stion li EI~P.Pf.\Jt·llO :J! ~-

!; .8:" ;ii ~~
Subsection: 14 0 !') '·. :: I
j ~
~~<r-~ ~
~j =~-::~- ~

41. Two lnd:U<ltlv.e -c.olls are pJ:a.c ed In dose pro.x lmity wlth each other Report proble m~
at 90 degrees. The number of tlux linkages Is with
!Y.!M your refeteflt~o
0 maxtmum pa.slti'.re
0 m axlmum negatl Ye
P. ,........ w ~'J
,,I , ,
• •:

CJ~ Flag thls quest ion QO St ore t:hls question. • - c.-
_f, r -!1
~·T ·,
- l.c..t
,,, IC ~ I ~

f ~ ~ :1
Su bsection: U @
~ ~~:~~ ~
42. These voltages were meaSJIJI'ed on a seri es lCil clrcult:
Re~~~ ~~~!!'.n:~
4ol:. These voll:lillges were measured on a lCA. ctrcult: Report probl em~
~lith tjU!'!$tiDil
Yc""i6V, V L"'i6V, VR""6.3:V S..nd your 1'-.!ferer.te.~
The voll:lillges suggest that the su~ply frequency Is l;.~·- ~I
Q a bov.e the resonant "frequency !"~ w..-·-~, J
ii ''"'~'r---
Q9 at the resonant freque ocy ~: Efll.i\ Fi'H~·(ilj

0 below the rescmantfrequency

~~i ----1
... .~
~~ f
0~ !'lag thls: q uestion Q 'IJ ·S tore this que;;tlon ~} =---- ~;:~
il. - --

Subsect!lon: i4 @

43:. ln the clr·cult .shown, what happens to the tOI:lilll drcult R<!pctt proble m~
Impedance lf L is tripled? With QUi::!.1 ibfi.
S..nd yaur r.;,rerer.te'IJ

~1 ~~~.,. w ~
~NYYYYn- ',j ·--~·::-- ~'
j EJ'-SA Flli'I·Q ~ M•'•
l :! I

~ /'

1 ~~~~ ~
ti = - ·1~ f.
e§ Increa~s
0 P.emalns th-e same

0 ~ Flag this q uestion .-., @ Stare this ql.l'Stlon

Subsection: 14 ~

R«p~ rt probl~ m.
44.• '1 llo!l:t Is pro-duced when a current of 1 Amp per second is varied
In a<:oll' ~J i th ·f4 tl e:!r'b 00
S..nd your reff<rer.t"O
This Is a definition. ot i1%'1J
~ 1 Henry ·~; ......- ~ '~
t<·--·- ·
0 1 Coulomb per second
.. "·- '•l.
Q 1 Ampere per metre EP&, ~rt·t)G ~ )r-
f1 ~-- ! f, •• •
If ~ ~·(· - -
0~ Flag tills q uestion Q'IJ Sto re this quesclo!l ~~
"' =--- -•--W" ;J.t
Subsection: 11 Q
45. Four 10 mH Inductors are In series. The total Inductance Is R.;,pcrt p n:; bl ~m~
~ Ut'!$tibfi.
S..nd y-:uJI' r.;,rere hCe~
Q :B ml:t
0 40 H
~·~ ~ ~~
1i .•.:::;:.:... h
0" rlag this q uestion Ci~ store this qusst1on J EA.SAF'int·~IJ ... lll;r.
': ~-;,1 ~ ~J
Subsection: 1.1 @ j L.:LJ ~ fl
~ ;;::;;;--~-
!!, '<;! r.f

46.• In a parallel R, L, C el.r.cuit, the value o1 the capaclt&r Is Report probl e rn,~
quadru;plled, then. the v.a lue of the Impedance would w ith ·que 1loo
S<!tid your refereh!;,~
~ ;educe
0 rernaln the .same
() l ncre as.ed
,ljt 0

(J ~ Plag this q uestion '1J Stur:e this qu sstlon

Subsection: 14 @

47. 11 the frequency to a capadtor Increases, the current through lt R<oport pl'oblem.'IJ
Q ls. zera >'lith (! lJ8 1:iDil
S<!nd your refer;,r.t;;~
1.. Q decreases
47. :tf the trequency to a <:apadtor increi!ISe:s, the CUtrent through. it lli!pcrt pi1lblemL;o
with - g u ~.)OO\ •
® lszero send 'f<lUr referei'IC!oQ
Q decreases 33%(#
0 Increases - -·
r< ~ ~ .
CJ 'i) F'lag thl:. qu~tltm 0~ St ore this qu:~tlon ~ :~:?~:~"~
:• .. ,, ~~·.' •
- c.""'l ...
1 ! -, .I ~
Subsectl.o n: 14 @ ~ ~ ~.....
! ~ ~- I

~ ="'::- -"'"- '

48. The lmpedatl.(le of a series '!.Uni!d circuit at resonance Is Report probl!!m~
'!'li th ·qu ~i on
0 zero ~nd y.uur tefeen.: e: ~
~ minimum 49%@
Q =rrta:·!in'!l 'i ~ ~ ~ '·
~ J
!.1 '·"::~~ ~
f~l ~ Flag th1s qu""Uon CJ 0 Stor e this qtrestion. : EAS!\' F(!~·i)lj ~ iiA '
-\ ..:--~,1 ~ .w-"'
Subsection: 14 @ N
~! '~ ~
.. "' .
~] = -:_:!.!!:_ )

4.9 . The Inductor In a clrruft Is. used .to· R,;,port p ro ble m~

With q u ~M .
0 smnatt. valtag;e
Send your r~ft::rerK: e "'
0 smoatt. pawer 00%~
9• smoott. ·CUrrent ;:: . ~ tW (.~

l'·'! .... ~·~···· '1

.,....,... ll
0 ~ Plag this que;tlon 0 ~ Store t his qu>?Stion ?~
i' -~ 1
EA5.i\ i:;,rt·llG
fi ~'!:'~. J
Subsection: 1~ 0 i! ~U ~~ ~
ii .. )';! f'
~ =-_:!E_ ;J

50.• ln the wn , Impedance wlU b.e Report prnblem¥)

w ith que:t1M
S-end your ~fi!:re i'IC eO
. ( Jl i' :tf'/lr·
....-J';'('"'... -,_ -1
I I --
.. .•
L __ __r------
·- .Jlh,. --·
XJ. ... ;Jn R= 40: i; ~
~ -· f<i' '~ .
i: Uo-~1 ..

0 7 ohms .l ~~;~rH6 ~ A
® ~ ~·:11 ;·~
Q 9 ohms } L -:. '-~-- ~
-'! " ";;) ·t
~ ~-_:.:!:!!_ ~
0 ~ Flag this quest1on 0 ~ Stote t his qu:>?Stlon

Subsectio-n: 14 0
5L When a d r eult a series Inductance and cap:adtanee Is at R.;,part problent<Q)
resonant Jrequenc:y with q u ~ o.n
S-end your refer~r..:e:'i)
0 tfl.e cu rrent In t he d rcult decreases
0 the i mpedance .cf the d rcult l.s sudh that the vol.tage teads the
.!l ' ,...,.,-
{; ·~.
current by exactly 9['J degrees
~ the Impedance of the clrcutt ls such that the voltage Is In phase
\VJth the [)!Jrren t ~. ~~i:::. ~
,, ·! >-,
t{ , , '"'
r, .
•.. '
., ---....... :!~
0 ~ Flag this qu~r.lan 0~ Store this qm:; tlon \i
f! =:~ ··.,t~: ~
il'; ~ i}

ii - ---
Su bsectio-n: 1 4 @

52. Three Inductors nf 10 mH, 0.01 H and 1000 mH a r e conM!cted In Report problem . •
series. The tcrtal vatue of Inductance is apjliro.x lmately .,.;ith qUe;.' !iM ~

Q 21 .1-JH sena your ~rerei'>Ce'1>

0 2i m H 76 %~
~{ ~ ~ ~J
fB, LOlH
l: . . .~~:!...
~ EJ"a4A f:n rt-illJ J ,1
0 Q Flag this q u;;stlon 0 \i S.tore this q<.!eStlon il!" ..-.~,
.. r..f - ·' '~
,,J "--'-
tf U--1 .-...
L Subsertlo:n: 11 @ ~ =- ~~( fl ...
53. A seriescl~cult:contalnlng a reslsitor, capacitor and Inductor Re~ o tt probl~m .
where r~s!H:~ant trequency Is me.t, what will the lmped:ance of with ~ue5lit>r> 0
the drc:ult be.1 Send your refet~ntl!!~

18) Resistance across the resistor S.S%0

}; ~ ~ ;~~
0 Zero tj .........
'"·· ·~·. . ;~
. ·. .
0 Maximum '! .
~ EAE~:~It-iJU f A .

~ ~~ '~; ~ ~~
1·10 F'lag this qu~Uan r~ g :Store this qu:es:lon {',1- - -·' ~· ~
~~ '
subsecijlon: 14 0 ~L=-:...:•0

54. An Inductor of resistance S k!l and lnd:uctance. lm!H Is ·Connected Rr.<port probl r!!m~
to a DC drc.ult. The time constant is ~1ith qul5t1oo
S«nd y'<ill r ref&ehC>'~
e&; 400 ns
0 40ms: ii .,......... ;>.;i 'Jt
0 lOseconds.
1 ....:::~ G
0 ~ Flag this questiC•n QQ Store t h is qu:estion ' EAS.II.~rt-tjij
. :...__1 !.!!p.
.. .
_.. .
_;; '1" .. '~ -
ti ~ -- 'i
Subsecijla-n: 11 0 ~! ~ "". :;
~ =~.:.._ ..!::~)

55. Colis In AC drcul:ts are mainly Report: probl~ m

'fl). Inductive
v1ith quesiitot~ i'
S-~nd vour refeter.:~ (j;
0 Inductive .and capacitiv e In equal amounts .. 79%0
0 cap,adtho.: !j ,.,._ ~ p
~ (~!i~··'·. .· Th
CJ ~ flag this quewon n ~ Store tr,Js question ~ EI!~AP:Irt·•lU ~
1<; ~~-~ ~
Subsection: 14 Q 't ~.,.''·!
• -

i=~~=~~ l
56.• An Induced .current l:n a roll R"fitirt pmblema
With qliesiiM¥
~ the EJ1F producing :It
s~n d your referern:~iii)
C) does not affect the er~F' producing It
() aids the EMf' produd ng It
r~ ~~
f~ . ~-;:!- ij
0 ~ !'lag thl:. qus;;ti on Q ~ Store t his•n
t:~ eA.SA--.Pi1rt:+ll:i
- ; ·.:r~
II : ..J ,
!i ~·:.·~ - "-
Su bsecijlo.n: i.1 @ ~ =-- ~ ~
Ill'S I"J f'
:: =~- -"--
;;':,. '"· tJifi

51. SA Is mea:sured with. an ammete;r on a 2.00 \lAC· suppty with R«port probl~ m~
power factor -o1 0 . 5. What Is the true, power? ¥11th <JUe$\ie;n ·
S«tid \"<iUf ref,..,f\C,O
Q 2 kW
:8) 500 w 76%0
0 !j - -· ~ ·11
l kW t-.: -· .:~, 1
i·: ··- ·-· - ~
~ ~j~ Part-O
lj ~
(J ~ !"lag this q uestlon Q~ St ore t t .!s qL'£Stlon ~ .:--~ ~
~ )!._ :. L. ~
Subse.ctle.n: 14 0 l ~~ .
,: = "':.___!:!!_ )

58. A pure capacj[ter, indudnr and resistor are connected In series Report problem.
and the voltage drop.s acros!l e~h ar.e 10V and the tO'lal current with q u~'!:ic:>.n
flowing In the drc.ult Is 1A. How much true power l:s the drcult S«hd your ref&enc eO
eonSJwnlng.? . 66%.
:e lOW
Al ~..W.•1 ~~~
Q .30W i l~;... ~~ I
0 .3WA ' EAE. ~P:IIH U ~ A
n) ,•-·~tr.--1·'..
:1~ .......... :1~
1=1 ~ I' lag this q uestion 00 Store tr.Js q•Jestion. ~i -~_ ~;1j"
~: -- _.:.___Jlh.-'
Subse.ctl~n: 14 ~
....,..w ................... ~~· - ..

59. In AC drallts the expresskl'n 'apparent power' Is assodated with Report problem
Yiitl:i ·qui!1itioo 0
Q • th-e resistive romponents of the drcuit 9-nd y'·:lUt t'i!ferehte ~
® both reactive and. resistive components <>f th.e d rcult 6.3%~
0 the. reactl~e compoDnent:s ·Of the c4rcllllt ;-: ~ §V '•
r. "'"""' . ~
0 ~ i'lag thls question Q ~ Star.: this qu,estlon 1i •.~...·.-.- ~
;; E/15J\ Filrt -<iiJ ~ ''Jr-.., .
f ;j;'~;~ :i~l··
Subsection: 14. , : !: L :. t ........... ]~
~ ;;:H-.- ~:fw K

60. ln an Inductive resistive drcult;, :t amp flows fl'om a s-upply of R-eport proble m ~

100V dissipating SO Watts o.f power. ift.e. phase angle ls ...litJ:iQU ~ D:tl
~l"ld your ref!S'et¥.:~!@
0 45'"
0 90°
)J .,...,_. i!~ ~
® 60" ~~ l#......,.l.

h ........ ·~-- n

<i EP£>1.1';,-'·~~ • · -
0 ~ ----~ }~ -w:.l!

00 Flag this question 0 Store this qu-estion
ti · ~'~:, 1
11 L..C..~ -· ~
l; !£ :<;!_ II
Subsection: 14 @
•: =~-
i; ..w '
- --

witti qu~t·n 0
61. A simple drcult with a c:api!!Citn<r in parallel and a resistor In
series is
send your r-~fett!r.~e-ii
@ an l:ntagratlir clrrult . 49%~
0 a high pass filter
11 =-- ~ ~!
0 a dlfferentlator circuit ,i ~·
f.! ~...... ......- - ·-·' !
J,j f'\l~,~u
Ell.!;''-~1 ~A
00 Flag thls que-stion 0 ·sta r~ this question i1 '$ ~..
~j IL..... - ........,., f{
" '-'',, j
~. .. ~
Subsect~on: 14 @ ~=-:.._:ti' ll'_ ~

6.2. True power In an AC drcuit Is R-eport problemA.

" 'ittiqui!1itioo
Q apparent power - pmver factor 9-nd )"·oUt t'i!fetehte@
® apparent power x p.."ll'ter factor &0%~
(J apparent pov.•er. +- p.o>ver factor ~:~ ~ tW ~?
I: u~.,. ~
f; ,.,_ ,__ ['
0~ f'iag thi~. quesuc.n Q ~ Star~ this qlfestlon ~~ Ei\!i1\ F.rt·~G }
··: , -,..-,,
.~ :J~
Subsection: 14 @ ~
j ... !. ~t

63. The time C!mStant In an lndiuclilve dn:ult Is the time required for Rf!poi't problem....,.
the current to rech wittiqu~ o:n •
9-nd yaur refeter>:;,~
~ 6:>.2•,t. of maximum value
0 63.7% of maximum value·
r~ ,s,; ·~
Q 70.7% of maxlmum value fl u.- :..o l . }
$( ·-·~ ·-·-
;., .. . . ~~I ~
iJ E.o.'ii\ F'arHO ~ • . ,
0 0 flag this question 00 $tore this qu;;stloa 1.t :f*';,. ~ . "
ll ~::: I ~
Subsection: 11 @
IJ=~~;f j
lii4. ln di"Clllts containing large lnductanoe such. as relays, a R.;,pott problem(j
capacitor is often placed In parai!Jel In order to witti que.'tirm·
~ suppn:ss the !>parking S'.ehd your rHeehte~
0 tune the dircult tn the res:onant frequenot
[! e-r- HI· ~,
0 Improve the speed of response of the d'evlce !:l 1"-.~:.1
q .;....._1_._
~ E.ri3A~'i'lrt·~G
CJ~ Flag t i'Yls quest ion Q (,i), :>tor~ this question t:·'. r'.a,-r-,.,lI ..~
M ~
~- J
Subsection: 14 @: s ~ L~
c<=-"' " '"· 11
6S. When a sT:nusoldal wave Is applied across an l.nd:uctor and the R-eport problefi\
fHiiOIIP:P.\l!V !J\f;: bt~'.1'AA~tl_ thA vnil-t~·n~ ~RUI~ th~ lndurl'nr wJJt witti ques-tion 0
65. When a s'lnu:soldal wave Is applied across an Inductor and the R-eport probl~ rn~
frequency Is !'~!~creased, .t he voltage acro!is the Inductor wln 'tilth ·gUe'!itc"'
S..nd your refererx:e(if
0 decrease.
® lncr.eas..e
j; ..-- w;l
Q remain the same
~ ~~:.~~ h
~ ErtSA ~rt·i3U ~
0 (if Flag this qu~tion ·~ Store this. qu;ostia n ~ -~J p
_l ~
l, :
i~ ;.:· ·! .......... ~
0 r! ~~ r
Subsecth::m: 14 <! ="':.__*~- f,

6.{;. I·f th.£; rate of obange of current l:s halved, mutuallndoctane;;; wl11 R;,port proble""'O
With tj U.;;;iiM
~ stay the. same
s.end your ref~eht~ O
0 lmtv e S2% ~
0 douNe
~ ~~··· ~ ·~
"'~~ em;,-a.-,
, Pli~·•J o ~.A
. ·. · .
0 ~ !"lag this q uestion 0~ t~tD r.€ t his qttestfcu1i
' ...
,). J
Subsection: 11 'ill i ,' :r._ ;! ~ ~
.~ ~. -::J 'l

~ =--:-:•'""- l

1r1. i;:u:rrent In an Inductive drcult will Report probl em~

With qUe-!.1 itm .
Q be at unlty
S..nd yaur r.efetenteO

e5} lag voltage. 75% j
0 lead voltage. ~ ~ w
}j lo!....t.! w:l

_{ ._,:. ,~ t~
0 ~ F'lag thl!;. q uestion 0 ~ Str•re this qusstk •r;
1,:;. EAS>\ 11\•ot·'-6
~ ~· ~·
f. IJ,. ,, '"> 'j~
Sub.sectl;em: 14 & H ~._..,_ , ~
~f .... ;r;:J ·~
\= -: __~<IJI:=J
'-··--- - -·

6$. When mor-e thi!lll two lnduotors of different lndurtanc:1'! a:re Report proble m~
CJOnnect:ed In pe;rallet In a drcul'!;. the total Inductance I:s with ·que'!ion
S..hd '(<luf ref.oret>teO
0 equal to the. sum oHh.e. ind:IYidua1 ln dwctance
0 .equal to the. Inductance of the h rated Inductor
® less than th.e Inductance ofth.e h:wtest rated Inductor

(]0 !"lag this question 0 ~ $.t ure t his qU'EStian

Subsection: 1i 0

6.9 . ln an Inductive drcuit Report problem (.)

Iiiith ~J U .;;;ii on .
{() voltage. leads current
s~nd yaw· referenee -
Q voltage. equals. current:
0 voltage. lags ct.mrent
il::~ - ~ ~~
lit.all·a l ~
0 ~ I' lag q ue st ion 0 ~ St ore this qu,estlon J~ ---·-. - · ~­..-
~~ EA.S~ Purl466

~t; l_.
~ 2o:...t
Subsection: 14 @ f: - ---·:J
:,~ ~~ i}
:; =·: __-!Jt'"' ,

70. A sine wave Is app.lled to a cap.I!K:itM. When fre.q uency at th.e Report problem.
v-oltage Is .flecr1'!a:sed, volta,ge auo:ss the capacitor w ith .quf!1.~.:ioo
0 decreases S..nd yaur I"JetenteO
' 45% ~
0 :remains. constant
!1 --- ~~ .
@ Increas-es I) ....;:-::.:.. 1
~ EI\5>\ Po•ut·M ~
U O Flag this quesUon 00 Store this qu:es ~ion. ,;
I; ,a.:"'
- ·. --! ~- W"
•; ~ ""-.. ~
Subsecti.O ll: 14 ~
~:---=i!~. H·
L 11.. The true power developed In this dra.~ i.t l:s Report probh: rn ~
71. 'the true power developed In this clrcul.t Is Report problem.Q
'1'1itli ·q u01t.Jo:n
l.av S..rid your r.;,ferencr!O
I i SG%@
. ~-.! ~ ·~
L~ :.,'<A•v\..
: - - - - - 1 . r ! ·,• ··.• 'j j" .I

ll ·= ~n XL = 4!l
Q 5oW
~ l2W
() 20W

0~ F'lag this q uestion U ~ Stc•YB t his que:stlc.n

Subsection: 14 @

7'1.. In this drro!t, tha applied voltage Is R..:pott problem

witliqu;;;:t;o:;; @
Send your r..:fertm: e:~
li .,.......... 911 .
J! "~·~-'~ j
'l ·~~ ·:-- ~
J; E.M1\ Fi'! ft·(l!j •
• -a.~ I
,, ~ .~
~ !OCJ .
=~--~- )

Q V = I XL
{2f V = l Xt:
0 V = 1/R

Cl~ Flag this question Q ~ Store this q•le:stlon

Subsectl~n: 14 0
73. lf In an electrical circuit there is a difference between the Report problo:m
mpadtl.v e reactarK:e and the lndud:lve Raetiln~e.r what wocutd Witli CjUd.1lt<ili >@
the power fa<:to-r of the drrolt be? S..hd your refetenceo~
m More than unity
~ ~-
0 un'lty
0 Less than unity

(J qjll !"lag this question Q ~ Store this q~.t£Stlon

St~bsection: 14 i
74. A.simple dlfferentl.a tor drcuit mrtput Is proportional to Report probleil\
Q fating of the. oea~ltor
VJith ·q LJ ~'ti o.a
yaur ref;or,;nc;,.' i)
0 :rate at change. of Input ·CUrrent
S1 % ~
~· :rate. of change of Input voltage i; e-r- 1« .~
:~ I
;l ~....:~~ 1:
00 i"lag this q u€Stlon 0 Store this ques::ion

- -,..
~ EA.SAf.., rt·OC!

!"':~·~ ~
Subsection: 14 @ il
e-:..:~f . ._,
~~~:.- ~";)

15. 'Two- parallel l:nductor rolls are In very dose proximity; l:f one o1 R.;,pcrt proble m ~
the coils Is rotated 90 degrees slowJy away fr6m the oth.e r the witli qu01t.iM
mutual lnductan.c e S..rtd your refeter.e eo~
0 re:malns the same 78%~
0 lncr.eas-es . . ...,. ~
e decreases
.....~ ·:-- 11
Eft.SJ\ P, rt ·G(i -~ 't'-~
~, '~
I): . '
.. .
(J~ Flag th:ls qu€5l~on Q~ Store this q!.testlon i .._;_j ~ f
;:! S O!!'"J_ .~"
A-.'-·- ·--1-- - ... a ~ = -:.._.!!!'_ h

76.• In a serie-s tun-ed circuit at resonance, the drcult will be R"pcrt prcbletn ,m.
wi th ·fiUe:S."tiD.n •
Q Inductive
9.!nd your r~fet~nte· O.·
() capadtlve 64%'1}
.@ resistive

0~ F'lag this question 0 'i StDre th is qu:estlcJG

Subsectlo:n: 14 @

'17. Rotating: con 8 through, 90• will ~port probl em~

¥i ith que!ltioo
~n d your i"-'fetence.~

__ ~-~--,
__. ,
,.J• ~
c-::;.; .-~ !
s 1.----
t..,__ p. __ ,...
-·.,. t~
EASi\ r.ur+:..SQ
,. ....,!
~ ~ofw
f-i \...;.:::.
• .•
!1 ). "-' --· ~
0 Increase the EMF ln duc-ed Into A ~.:::_: ~~~J
@ decrease the EMF Induced Into B
() Increase the E~1f tmfuced Into fi

Qg Flag tills qu.;;;;;t}o~i [ j Q Store this quas tiof'l

Subsecti~n: 11 0
18.• The cii"CUit shown Is at resonance.• If'the value of the Inductance R<!pcrt probl~ l'il· ~
Is trebled1 the lmped:a nce wm with que!ititm ·
S<ond V<'Uf r«f;;,r,;nt~~

~1 ~~··~ fli ~t

~·· l" }L +c
·.- '-·-
. ~
EP.S!\P,·rt·fiG ....,
t. ! . •
~ !- t~
~~ ~
t,f =~f£' 1
Q stay the same
0 trebl'e
6S{ reduce by o:ne-thl:rd

0 '1). F'lag thls q uestion QQ Store this question

Subsection: 14 @,

1'9. It the energy stored tn the m.a gn.e tlc fleld of a 16H Inductor Is: 32: Report problem<::>,
loules, the current In the Inductor will be with que!ltioo; •
~nd your i"-'fetenc e~
0 1.410\A
a 2A.
l) e---
6i5% ~
~ ·~
0 0 .511 ' : ~-=~'- ..
ii ·-·~·,..- ~
~.!, ~· A
Cl Q i'lag this question 0 Q Stare this qo.J\estian :.: Ef>Si\ F\11'i·OO
t•-;~~ ~ :~
f _;:: '·~~ ~
Subsecti.o n: 11 'I e
~ =~
,..-~ -
-:iny_ ft
~ - - -::::.::..:r

80. The time constant e;t an Inductor Is R<!pcrt probl ~m~

0 t 2/R with ·que!ltitm· ·
S:..lid Y<'Ur ref;;rehti< ~
0 U< 7:3%0
~l :;;~ ~

Q'il F'lag thls quest.lan Q ~ Stare t'hls questlo;~

I-i) EftS~,-;*~,1
~ W-"
, -. . . .

Subsection: U @ p ~t --· t!
l!._ 1 -

~ :.--=.~ ~~ k
8 l. An aircraft gze nerator Is oonne.c ted to a pure capacitive load, Report prcbl~ mc.
WiUi qUB'.iit.ft ·Y
J8 cu rrent will lead vn1tage
Send your r"fer~t>C e ~
0 cu rrent w 111 l.a,g ~'&ltag e
0 voltage \VII! l ead current [!_....
f w..,.....,,.,.
""' :.
j .~,~·-
• .· · ~
0 ~ !"lag this quest·lon QQ Sto re this question ; e.('.S-t\F11rt·~(i H ;· ·
,,' :• t'""';.,._.,,., f'~
, ..,
Subsect['On: 14 @ ! . ~~ ·~- 2

<i =~ l'fii'. tj
~ - --- r=

8.2. An Inductor has i,OOO tums of wire and a ~:ross sectional ar.ea of P..epott probl em~
WiUi qUe.stitm•
0.001m 2 • 1f the core has a permeability of 0.000,001 and the
Send I"'JUr refete t>t l!.~
coli Is D.1m. What Is the value of the Inductor?
0 lOOmH
~ ........ ~~
.@ lOmH
·~· ·.~ :;:_.. ~
Q lOtimlcroii Eft.S.A P3:rt~ l3

I I ~ Flag th is questi on 0 ii) Stare this question

Subsection: U iii)'

83. In a vector diagram showing the magnitude and direction o1 the P..eport problemA
Inductance, eapacltanc£- and resistance In an AC circuit 'l'iith qu ~on.,.
Send y'<lllr refererv.:eoO
Cf It I!> Impossible t& s hew ••atues of this kloo using vecrors
0 the Inductive and cap acitance rea.ctano:£< wolrld be addlt1,.e wtth
the resistan ce subtra.alv.e
,......- ,...i3~il.

~ ll.<ril~•l. J
® the i nductiv e rBilctance ·woold b e tn opposition to the capacltl,.e
re,a ctance and resiStance at 90 degrees
\1 ~~·Pon·M ~ A

~r =--~- '
~·;.1 ~ W'"
L :r. ·I ~, I
Cl ~ Flag thls question Q ~ $tore this qttestl on $ :<:1 :

Subsection: 14 0
84. A par!!llel circuit at resonance has Its Impedance at a R"port pro bleh>'IJ
Q zem WiUi que.stiD.i>
Send your referenc e~
Q minimum
6.5% ~
@. maximum l!---· - ~~ .
!' .......
I ' '~.
. ~·-· · ' !l
( ] ~ Flag th is question 0 ~· Sta re this qoostion
O:l .. il
..; E.I\ZAF\1~·.,0 - • ..
~ - -.- ,, I< Jt
~ ~'... r ). :"
Subsection: 14 @ I!~ ~ ~
• !
iE =-_ -.,.r.,
1!:1 ~
_ ....._._ ~
' If

85. What Is the current In a series d r cult with a resistance of 8 R"fiott probl em~
ohms:, fnductive reactance of 12 ohms:, capacitive reactance O<f WiUi ·qU;,!.1it<ii y
18 ohms with 20· volts applled across It? Send your r.;_fetence ~
~ 2 amps 63% ~
· ·; ~ ~ ~
0 lamp ! )1..-~.:z.. 1
0 toamps
1 :~~·;.rHG ~ ...,..
a~ F'lag L"tls question 0 ~ Store this questloo rl
,-: -·-•
...11 ~
L.;_:j ~ ij
,; sr'! f-
»i~;_=- 10<fii'
Subsection: 14 0
86. tn the circuit shown, if the trequeru:y Is ln.c reased from zero to R"port proble m~
resonant ·frequency, t he circuit curren.t would Wilh qUr.!.'ti lm
~nd your r~rere:JJC ~ o·
!!.•? . 6{) %~
>!-. ·-· ~ ·~ .
Q decrease u
.; k•'"'!•;l..
·~·~ ·,...,..., nJ
fi§ l ncrea5.e
~~ ~.
0 stay the same " Elt$.1\ P,. rt. ·lJ(;
~ .. ..

a ~ Flag tnls q u;;st lon

r: '
!'.- =·-·· - ~·
'<i l':! '
0~ Sta re this qu'!:Stlcm lii: = -- - -~i
- --1". .'
87. In a!\ AC circuit w phas-e lead CH' tag Report problem~
"'il thqll~t<ll
0 re·al pcwer Is zero
~lid your rere:reoce~
.ra> real pcwer l s equal tct a pparent power 14~-aQ
0 real power Is 9rea.ter than .apparent po-wer !~ ~ ·f',
~ ·-:~..:::.... ~
I...J ({I Fla9 this question 0~ Storr~ this qu:estlon .! EASI\ P..rt-~0 !.
., - ...-, f,
; ~ ,, J
Subsectilocn: 14 0 ! . !. ·I ~ ~
~~ ~~ 'h

<i =~~_.!:!!_ '

88. 'the power factor Is calculated using which angle of the wave? R<lport problem

0 tangent
~1ith t~ue.;;-tiM Q
send your ref,;,teoc~g
0 s fne 81%~
a8J cosine t• .......-
1~ ~t.,
Q Q) Flag tflls q uewon 0 Q) Stare th is QU>Ec5tion
...:--·- ..... , ,
. -· .
E/15.1: F't'!ft. ·<liA
l;j .:...;-.: ~
Subseetlon: 14 0 ! ~·- ! r( ~ ~
1 ~~ ~~
::1. . _-=--- .. w- ;Jh

89. At resonant frequency the phase dlff~ between the vol.t age R.;,pcrt probh<rnij
and currel\t c.t an AC supply feedll\g an Ind uctive and capadtlve with que:~.'tii:<ii
networ'lc:ls send your t'<lf,..t:I'ICe~
. 62%~
@ o d"9rees 1
-. ~ 1r <,;
0 90degrees ;
0 100 d~.:ogrees . . . h
.. ez
1 Eft..S.J\Fiut-iliJ ·
~~ "
-..- r --
P-!1 j .
0 ~ F'lag q uesti on C) ~ St a re t qu estion j L.;_j _ f
r ~ r.:J 's
;: =- ...{.. ~
Subseetlon: 14 " OL...... =---
90. These voltage measuremen.t s were made. on a series l.CR drcult. R".!pcrt probleM~
with q Udll.i t>n
Vc."' 16\11 Vj_"" 16V and Va"' 6.3'1. send your r.,r;;rer.~;,O
The voltages suggest the supply frequency Is H-~- - ~ ~
Q abctve the resonant frequency ~i ,,~::.~:=:_.
~; E.lt5A P>rt·QO ~.
Q bel-ow the resl.l'nantfrequency
Q9 at the resonant frequerK\' ;~ ~::,~ ~
'~ ~ ~
0"' Flag this q ue.;;rJun C1"' Store this questlcm s!
~; =-:...-~- ~
s. ~ r
Subsectl>O'I\: 14 @

91. A low freq,ul!<ncy supply R"'J:icrt problell\6"1.

0 wlll make -th;e drctJit or;>erate faster cr:ue to t ft.e reduced Impedance
With qUe:!.'tiM.
send your r'<lfeei'IC eg
~ may d'amage lndoc.tlve c-omponents
0 wJU have no effect on Inductive c.ampanents: <; ~ ~ ~-
: .l f•' •:t. 1
j '~~·::-- ~
0 g Flag thJs que.;;t ian 0 0 Store this question ; EllS;\ P.>J1:·Gr. - [B
.~ -a.-
.:.I ~' ,;t lf1 iJ
Subse<;tlc.n: 1 4 0 f .--: ·i ~ ~
! !'.. "'l I
.: =~
re ..,,.. ,..'i
- ---

!U• .-, pMa1~el LC dn~ult at resonance has a power factor ot ~port problt!ohl· ~
€:} one ~lith qlld-'lit>n
sene \"<JUf rer;,reoc;,(ili
Q less than one
0 more than one ' lr-- w ~t
1~/ (/it f'la9 this q u.:st.ion 0~ Store this qu""tion
.j .~:~~ 1
1 WI\P.lrt->10 ~
: - a.- I
~ r<.
!,._. : 1.~.
Subsectl.o n: 14 @
! .... ~ ~
il =-_:![!_ ;
-=- ;;

9:1. Why are the Iron cores .of most lnductlon calls la.mlnated? R.,;port probl em,~
With ·q ueo;.'i:io:.~
Q r·a reduce the cnre reluctance s..<nd '(OUr r«f..rom::e:~
Q Tb l.norease the core permeabldlty 84%~
~ T'o reduce the effects of eddy currents

Ota Flag thls q u€5t.lon 0 ~ Store this qu~;::lon

Subsection: 11 0

94. ln .a parallel LCR circuit, If the capacitance Is Increased by 4 Rf.!port pr'tlble nl~
times., what h.a ppens to the Impedance of tlu; c:apadtor? with ·questit.ll ·
s.tnd yaur refe:rl!:nr.::~ O
Q remains the same 6i'%@
G!f decreases by iS% ~ ·,,
6 lncreas«s by 4 times

0 ~ f'lag thls que;;tian 0 ~ Store this qu.e;tlon

Subsection: 14 @

95. When .a clr.cult frequency IS' below the resonant ft"eq:uency, the R.,;port pruble in~

0 capadtive reactance Is eqr~al t•) t!he lnductl,.e!

with !'jlJt0;.1 ii>11
S«"d your ref..retv.:e~
capadt!ve reactance Is less than the lndurtlve re actan.ce
capadt!ve reactance Is greater than the lndocd•1e reactaoce
'i ~ ,.., ~
. .
?~ w..-·· ~ ;
'; ··-·::-- fl
0 ~ f'lag thfs quest ion 0 ~ 5t.c.m qu;;:;;tlan ~~ E/I.S~ Foirt•tjti :;
.; - r ~
i ~, M,, •
Subsection: 14 0 ~~ ~ Po
.! s~ ..
~ =~~-~- ~

96.• An Inductor of 16 mH Is connected In series with an.o ther of tO R.,;port problem@

mH such that their total Inductance 1!51 38 mH. The mutual YJith ·q ueo;.'i:i t<.i ·
Inductance therefo-re Is S..nd your r.;,r..rel'>te:~
0 l2mH
; ........- ~ ;,
Q 26mH 1 U-t-' d . j
~ 6mH ·-·~·~ ~
j; EJl.S!l.Part:·IJU -~

,j ..:--:;1 ~
0 'lit !"lag this que;;tian Q@ StorE this;tlon lj
i ::: ·1 ~-- ~
'lii '";l '

Subsection: 11 @ ~ =--:...:·~~)

97. ln a high Q parallelresDNlnt dr~uit, what happe0!51 to R-.port problem"'

Impedance if capacitan.c:ec Is lncreas.ed by a factor of 41 w ith q u ~1i i>n
S.nd vaur refeteriCeQ
@ It ; educes by 7.5% . 67%(j)
0 It ln.creases by factor o f 4
0 lt rematns the same
.J ~~--· ~ ~
1 Eli.SJ'_ P3~·tlto ~ .. . .,
(]'lit I' lag thls q uestion ~ Store this qu:e;tlon •: -.-.I !,.
: ~\ J .t .j\

Subsectl.o n: 1 4 @ '~ ~_! ~ ~

... ";] .,
~ =~-~- ~


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EASA Part-66
L !.
·- - -·· - - - - - 1. A capacitor rating Is R"'pctt problem ~
·Y~i th ·Q!Je:!!JC\."1
Orl:ler Moduiles > Q the voltage lt will charge ·to
9-tid •(<lUf r"'ft.r;,nt;,@
Q the voltage at wilt rupture at OO%(i)
Tutonal Su ppart i'
® the ma):fmum rontlm.!ous voltage It can take ~ ·,
~_:;:::._ ~
:Study Notes ;. (J~ Flag thls qu~Uon QQ Store this q~.r-estlon ~~5/J. Pa·rt·t)J5 ~ "
- - --- H:I t.--'
:\lcotb• n .\n-:1 Subsectl"O'n: 9 ~

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2 . t1 a capa.c:it&.r of a miiC!'Df:arads and a reslsmr or 1 meogzyhms are Report problem
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Take a Test Q 6.3:< serondis ~~i ,.,;............ ~
; E.J'JJA ~rt·•J IJ l
l ;:a.;;, ~
Vl'e w i est R.esutts ? Q(it Flag this q ue;;tion Q ~ St ore t his q •J.-e:stion '' I ~ I
i' - ·~~-·P<:"'l- 1i:
- ·~
"' ' •
! : =~ .!'W ) .,
Tutorial Support '' :Subsectl&.n: g 0 ""----==

Study Notes 3. The i!ill\&Unt of electricity a eapa.cit&r can IS dlrectly R"'port problemQ
proportl~.nal to the YJith ·t:;fU6"JM
9-nd 'f<iur referent,;;Q
0 plate area and fs oot affected by the distance between the plates
0 distance betwe:m the plates an d fn•,•ers.ely proportfonal to the plate
area l'i - "" ~ '
(}jJ. plate area and ln'{ers-ely prap ortlilna! to the distance between the
~ ,...:-:::.:._.
~ . . ~
plates ~

, .t
p : ·. , ,
- " '·

O'iJ f'lag tnls q u-estion QQ 5tDro. q~tic•l'l ~ ·. -:. '' ~-lr
!l ~ <;] ~
i1 =-:.--~~t
Subsectl~n: 9 ~

4. What Is the total capacltance of a paralleil c J:rcult containing Report problem •

three eapsciltors with capacitance of 0.25mlicrotarad, with qu~1>n (i)
O.Olmk:rofarad, and 0..12mkrotarad,- respectively? 5ehd 'f'lUr r"fereht~~
® 0.4 ~F
il o:-+- ~ ·~·
0 0.04 pi" }~ flo-"'¥··~
0 0.04~i' ..
~r ~ ~~ ·~
i1 .E!UiJ\ Fi'lr.<·(l(l ~
aJ :r·.
~ .1,~;11 ~ : .. ' ..
0 ~· Flag this qu£Stiton ~S tore bhls quESrlon ! C. :: .'t - ~
~~ =-
iL......=:-~ -
!.\;::1.. j
:Subsect!O'.n: 9 i
S. The ene<.rgy storr.d In il charged capadtO'r Is equal to R<!!port problr!mO
Q C:Vjoulies
'l'iith que.-tioo ·
9-l'ld vaur<:eoO
QV jGule.s
a half of the. '{alue of C: mliltlplled by the square of Its YaLtage
i] ~
' 6.3%~
e:o:pressed ln joules j. : "'"~ ·1 1
·-- ··
.. - tl~
r1 EA!!AF'i'lrt·\ii'J .
0@ Flag q uestion Q ~ $taro. t ills qu-EStlc.n •l,' .;f.-·---,;1 ~-

Subsectl~n: 9 @
R.i [ ':. ·' ~-· '
o;;· ·.;~ ~
~~-=':"-·:)•!»'_ ~

6. the .switch on a OC Circuit a .f ullv chBirged capacitor Is R<op~rt probl~ m~

opened. The voltag;e iiCI'O!iS the capacitor With quest•<>n
Q3i remains e.q ual to the o rJgtnal <:har91%Jvaltage su pply send 'f'lUr referet>t~(i)
0 dmps lmmed'lately to zero &2% .
Q starts to fa !.I expDnenti:OII'y to zero r:,__ . ~ ·~
~l ._:::~:.:.... -~·
1: .• _I
f1 E.R.S~.~.~-!S b ;.: -41 ~
0"" Flag this q ue;;tion 0~ 5t oro. this q~.r;:;stlon ·.r'"' ...~.t>~' K····
1' -
! l _.~;_,j ~-· ~
Subsectl:O.n: g 0 il-' =-~ '"- ":\ ~
.l'lJ'. ,.
"'- ...:..:::-_::::::..?
7. A 10JJF(x}, ZOJ.I.F{y} and a 40JJF(:z) ~:apadtor are connect£d In R"'port probl"mO
erl.1!5 across a 70 volt ck: supply. Onee fully c:hartJed, what wm with Qt11<:>•.oioo ·
be the the voltages across each capacitor? ~lid '/·:lUI~ refe:rehte'i)
' 66%~
0 {x) 10\1'., (y) 2rN, and (z) 4VV
0 {x) ?OV, (y) 7rN, and (z) 7'0V
I~ =~ (l,;l;r
1::: w,.-~..3 !
r~ .
r ._....
0 (x) 40V, (y) 2rN., and (2) lOV
, .., ~

EAS~ I"u rt-'. 6

·; i? ~
0 ~ Flag thls qu~tlan 0 ~ Stc•re this qu€5tion i l'-9:-J ·- · f
if "'· "'~ :,
Subsection: !I· @
E =-:- -~~ ~

8. A drrul.t with a capacitor has 6 vol ts applied to lt with a dh.arge R«part problem..,..
of 2400 plco-a~ulombs. What would the charge be If the. applied with que:;.1:itm""
voltage was 1.5 volts 1 S-end your r~reretY-1!"'-'
0 24<00 x 10-12 cool;cmbs
H.-- :iii' ·,,
0 600 x 10-'9 coulombs
i~ (~~~~ - a

(3. 600 x io-ll coulombs ~ E.J\ZJ\ F'i'l r.i ·I]Q ~ ·:r·

f: ~-;~~Jt ~ 1;_t(!,
0~ Fla.g this qu~tlon Q Q Store this question ii ~·~ ~
~1 =--- ~~
- - - .,J·
:Subsectlnn: !I 0
!1. A drrult w!th a capacitor has 6·vol.ts applied and a dh.arge of R<:port problem~
2400 pl=ula<mhs. What would be the charge If 1.2-volts were with quiS'!JI:G\
applied? Y.!nd y.;,ur refe:rehte~
0 600 plcocoulombs
~1 ~ Nt '~
® {L4B n.anocoulombs I: U~d _.

0 24{10 pkocoutombs >i ·----- ~·

. EJ1MP.,i'l~fj I~~ ,,-,.
CJ~ Flag this question QQ this qu£'5tlon
~.f ... :. ~--, .~,
\t .,l, ~

;i ~ tJ-l
"'!.j( ~
Suhsectlon: !I Q
· : -~
~ -- - --':. .
10. The dlela:trfc constant of .a capadtor Is a mei!Surement of R<!port problelll'£:1.
0 the electrical reJl'ulslcm of et'f:c.trO<ns within the dte1ectrk mat~al
with qutelii6!1""
~nd .vour refe:renceO
0 the electrical re5Js:tance of th.e caJ:l'ildtor df.electrlc
@ the £1ectrostatlc: i<nergy srortng cap.a.d1)• of the capacitor dlelecrr'k ;; -
- ~ t!fr ; ...
fi ~·'-'·~- -
~ ·-··-'·.- ·· 1.1
0~ Flag this question Q ii) Store t:his qu>estlon j EM.~ 1'\'i~·qu ~ ~-
.~ ...~~;Jl ~ -~tl . .i

Subsection: g @ )r '·-=-• - -
f.! =o~ ~;1- .l
~---=-::."- =-

11. An electrr>lytlt: t:apadt~r would be used In drcults supplying R<:part problem~

eJ heavy lllg:ht loads
with quiS'!JI:G\· •
Y-nd '(·oUr oere:rehte~
0 heavy loads . 60%~
0 light loads

O'iJ! Flag th:ls question U Q Store this que.stlor;

tj1 ...:.~~ ~
EASJ.\ Fi'Jrt·~ lj :.. .,: ,.lf
'" -..- ,, > • ,•,

Subsectl~n: !I 0 p f~:~~:- ~ --~

;' ;o::;;~ ~-•·(¥
"' ~r
- ---

12. The ·c apacitance ·of a capacitor Is dependant upon R-eport proble m ~

() the charge on It with ·quteliioo
~nd your refe:rencf!:~
@ the t)•pe of materlat separating the Jl'lates
0 the rate at of 0-1rrent l,r, the dlrcu:lt ;; ,....,.-- ... 82%0
~i .....~"'~:!:.- !}
(]'i) Flag t his quest.ion 0~ 5ton= t his qu.estion t! ~(l!\fl. P;,-r;-J)Ij ~ ~~
~ .-:.·-:~1 ~- ~~ -:V
Subsectlon: 9 ~ !-~ ~-.LJ ~~~ It
"l v.; -::;:f .J:
~ =~
k; -
--.,_w fl
- - ,..
~·s!MJ!?Jr1NC770 .,.,., ..,Mt.ia'FJ'fl1Jt."5"!!!ti?l

13. ihe charge on a capacitor ISc e:~~;pressed as R.;,port problel'!>~

with qu~J oo
() th-e ratio Q/V
e th-e product C x V
S<:nd :f<iur r.;,f.otent.oO
Q th-e product Q x V

Q@ Flag th.i s q uestion ......... Q Store this q u~ tlo n

!l,, ~~···.
fJJ.SA F7.rrt·\Jl'J
?.; ~
~ 'r..
I;i· .•-~, -,!,
~ ; ~' '

Subsed!l:ctn: 9 0 } 1·. ~ ~· ,--~ ~

,1 =~-=~- j
14. ln .a CR: circuit with 0<:: applied, the vo-ltage across the resistor R-eport prcbi""'O
after a time equal to ($ X C~ will be With qUI5'6i>:!l
~~nd your ref~er;e~'fJ
() 63'% of the supply·
() 3% of the supp11' Yoltagoe ;; ~ ,f(i! :~l.
& zero ti ~.t....-"' 1
;i ;:..... .:. . ; ..-. ·--
' 1
!j EJ\S.fl. F:.rt·•JO !l
0 ~ Flag thls qu sst ian 0 ~ Store t his question ~ i~-;;1 ~
l ·- - >1._ ~
Subsecti!Din: 9 0 ! "" "~ .
~ =~-=ti!-- ~
15. ihree 12 pF c:a.pacltors are ln. serles. The total capacitance ts R.epolt problem(j
with questit4t .
Q l2JJF Send your rerer-ence'i}
Q 36JJF 76%(1)
I~ 4 j.Jl' fj ~
r: Ill,..... _,. , ,
w1 . ...

0~ Flag que;tlon o• Store l:tiiS qu~tloo

~ ··~~·t'- H
! ~ 81.5~ ~r~·~O ). ;·-T:\
,, Jl ~ 'i I~'· ·'· '
I< ."' -!' t ;; ......:
Subseci:l£l;n: 9 i fl '-'-·~ -· 'i
" £ '1;1
~; ~----~:... ,Jv

16.• If the distance betweron the plates nf a c:apadtnr Is dwbled, the Report problemfllr.
time tailc:en to charge it will With!jU~.i t<rty

0 doU'blie S-end :f<iur '"''"""nc~O

Q stay the same ~-' >

® halve ~ ~__,-.), (i#1 1

,, ·-·~·-- IJ!
~ E!>;.!l F.rt·GQ ~ :./.·
(JQ !"lag this question 0 ~ Sture this ·questlol'l i; ,;;..-'1 r1 ~- ~t~..
1 I - ~'~( il ~...
Subsectlictn: 9 0 _; s.~-~ ~
~ =-=--~·- ~

17. A SO pF ·Carpaeltor Is fed with a cume;nt of 25 mA. How l'oong will It Report problem(j
til lee to charge It to 100V? with qu""''
S<!nd y<iur fHerer.te(l)
0 0.2 .!>&0005
0 I2mlnutes
ii ,..- ~ !i
.@ 1 serond
n (L«~~·_~ fr
·-i .. '. :J
i! EM.t\ P.l!t·~G .• ·:t'.
0 ~ Flag thls question Q ~ Store this que;tlon P. ~-t--., ~ : •' '
n t.>=~~·\ _ ~ . . ~..
i ~ .~ ~ . .
subsecti!Din: 9 ~ =~ w~ "
18. Three c:arpadtors connected In series, each havlng a valiue ot 12 Ro~:poi't problem(j
plc.ofa;rads, calculate the tntal capacitance. with que1Jcm
( ) .36 picofarads S-end your r-;,fen!!nce~
0 12 picofarads
!' ..,....... !W <
@ 4 pkofarads :!:~ -· t~::n~!' l · ·. ~

(JQ Flag th1s q utsti on Oil sto re this qttt:stlon v~

>i ·-·-·:--
EIUSJ\Fi'lrt·<l G
~ -~
~ ~tt, ~'

d 1,_. ':. '"......... ~

Subsectio-n: 9 @ iJ .S !'"::t -
...tii' fj
'•<" =~- --- ,.
19.• One. 1'>\lcetfarad is probt~m
~ r:-,. ~1ith questi<m ....
19. One Pl=farad Is Report problem@
~li th qut!Stion
0 1 x. I .o- 1< farad ~nd your refer=en:e:@
0 1 x 1 0-~ farad 8{)%~
~ 1 x: 10 12 farad ~ -- ~ ;~
~i ~~.::~·1y ... p
I ... I ~ FlaQ thls q uesti on Q~ StunO! this lol'l! t, E.>U;i\ F•u<·OU - I('
J.••j - .t,..-
~" -... '~1
......d _ fi
:(: .../ ....
Subsectlll'n: 9 @ ! !(; ~ ~
r:! =~ --: ...... ~~

20. Three c:spaclto!'S 10 mlc:ro.farads, 1 0. nanafarad's and 10 Re pctt pro bh!ma

mllllfar .ads ara c::onnected In parallet. What Is the total With q u~"liM . .
capacitance? Send your rererentr.@
Q L 00100 l mF
ii ~ w ;:
Q l U mF n ". . ..,. ,. ~
Qf ,, ··~ ·-- h
r O.OlOO Lml" ~! EASA Fnrt-olj - -~
~.; .:~;~ l
Ifj ~t·
" ..I
(Jt) Flag th is qu;:,;;tlon Qt) Star>'! t his qu;;,stlon + I :: i _
·( ~ "-;! ,,
t< =- ...,.. ,,
Subsectl~n: g 0 "'---==-=.r
21. The time =nstant of a capacitor Is th.e time Report problema
with qut!Stitm •
0 to reach maximum current Send your
Q the current t o re.a ch 63,2% of max:! mum 66%~
@ fo r the emf to reach 63.2% of maxlffi/U m ll .......-
;..:,: ......_,.,_
1 ,.,......,. _ _
0 0 Flag q uestion 0 0 Store tr.ts ·question ! E..ti;;,I\P.,rt·~Cl I
a- .a.- , ~
!, .. t. ..
,., • .e ... '\(_._
Su bsectliln: !'I Q ! ;_ ::: .1 ~1;
'~... - ~

t-::~···- ~
22:. One mluo:tarad Is Repctt pro blem
® 1 x t o·<li farads
with qu~tit<fl (t
Send your rerer~nte:~
0 i x. 10-l i farads . 00%@
0 1 x .1 Ol i farads

C,.J ~ i"lag this q uestion 0 ~ Store this. qu€Stlon

Subsi!!Ctlll':n: 9 G

2.3. The voltage rating of a c:a padto<r Is R~port probl ~ma

...mnq u~.m•
0 the mtn vollag,e requi red to charge
Sen d your r~fiOrel">: "'~
® t he rnax voltage that can be. constanb1 ~· app ll:ed
0 the n ormal operating volta9e ~] ~
I I0 f'lag this q ueslion 0 ~ Store this qu-estion
f .li-:.i-..
t ~

Su bsectJ,o•:n: 9 Q

24. lt the dlsmnce between the two p1:a.t es o1 a capadtM Is reduced, Report p ro bl em~
wh at will be the .effect? with ·q u ~on
Sen d your rerereht e:"
Q Capacitance decn~ases
Q Capacitance Is un affected 14%"
j: ~

121 Capa·cltance In creases J! ~ ~.~:. :~. 1
,, ··~-·-· k
•'~ t;.~·,.:;,, ~rt ~(i !! .
0 ~ Fla9 tnls question Q ~· Store bhls qu.estlon != --.- , lj ,or,·,

li~~ i' " ·~

,_;__:l _
- ~t
Su bsectlo<n: 9 0 ~ ~~:!1!_ ~

25. When a capadtor Is chargi!d from a DC sup ply, the voltage/tlnH!o Report pro blem
~ ,..,..,.,.a. lm With QU~t<fl~
~~~··•,.,.,....... ...............................Y"'" """"'W -

lS. When a capacitor Is d!arg>ed from a DC supply, the voltage{tl:m.a R<oport: problel'l!t)
curve Is WifhtjU!Sl.i M
S:..nd your ref"'f;;ne,;'ii)
() expanen.tla:l
0 linear l; - ~· 1i' ••
59 logartt:himlt.
i; ·~·~7''' . h
~~ E.O$f\Ftt~·i3fl ; A£.,
Cl~ Flag thJs q utst lon Q -~ Store t his questioG }:
- 0:."';,
~·$ ·'
'l 'I'IW""
!.,~t ~ ---·~
Subsectlll<.n : 9 0 ~ ~- -· .. 1¥ 'I
... tt'J i


26. A circuit has :1 megohm and 8 mh::ro:l'a rads. What ls the time Report probl~ m@
constant? Wlfh Qi:l""-"ti t<i>
S:..hd y-::.ur referene~ t)
0 1 semnd
0 40seconds.
~~ ~ ~ ~~
~ llsemnds
'~ ...:~::~ ~
f1 E!1.fu\ Fnrt·M ~ -~~
0 t) !'lag q ustion Q ~ Store this quEStion t~ t-•"1 'I : J ,
!1 ,: .::''·! ~~ ij ..~
i ~i ~ 1'-1 '
Sub.sectl&n: 9 it =~
'r_ _ =:::.::::::_--:../
.-w 11

27.• When would you use an electrolytic c::apadtor? R<oport proble m~

wifh ·ques'tii:<!l ·
0 low output rompared ro sl2e required S..:hd y<JUr refe.rer>:~t)
( ) On a b.afaoced d rcult B2~i>~
~ Large output compared to sb:.e· required fl ~ ~ ~~
lit: r:-....,·-
. ·~· · '·
. -.-.. ~
0 fit Flag this quest ion ~. Store t his q 1~tli:m , E.O.:il\ I'll I<·•>~ ~ if'.•
-· 7 f,: .••
0 ~--- · , ~ -h
Subsectl;o;n: 9 if ~ "-'4~ 1

,.'.' =-c. ~ •W)
~ ·~
~ ---

2.8. Genera.Uy, what Is the voltage across a tully d!arg,e d capacitor? Report: problellt@'
qui!:Sti"'" ·
Q · ~~ore than circuit voltage
w ifh
S:..hd your refet;;nee@'
1:2$< Same; as d r.:::u:lt voltage
Q Less than dr.:::ult voltage 1i' ·;!
....~:.;~... J
.~...;·- IJ· ·
Cl0 Flag this question CJO St ore t his questfoflf . !~

. .,
a~· ~rt·<W ~ ;:f: ~
., ~- ~ '
~"' .. ' -! ., '-'-
Subsectl:a.n: 9 @ . ~~ ~
i !!. ~ t*
29. The t-otal capadti!U'ICe ot•the drc:ult shown Is R,;polt problem
with que!IU<mt)
~r'ld ~;our ~f~ence (/1
_.:r·l'- ,r,rr·l·~· !l ,.,........
~ ;!
f ~-d J
n..._.. ,, ···-·- ij
-l-1 r. E{<51\ Fi!rt·~G - ~
& 41.11" ""
I( t ::."•
-.---.,, ,,j -
,. .l. '
IJ: ";l:-M,
Q 36tJF ., . ''<J~-- :1.
~ =-- !l.ll'
;¢; - --_r
lil ~
00 Flag this question 0 0 Store t his q~.teStfon
Subsectl&n: 9 0
30. lt.. capacttor with double the plate·area and halt the dl.e lectf'ic Rr.!pcrt: problem ~
thickness wHI have .,,;fh que!iiicn
S..:nd y<JUr refer!!r>:~~
0 the same capacitance
0 less capacitance
(J :;~., ~ ~
\ .
~· greater capacitance
ti E.I.)£(1,_F1Jr;·t) r). ~ ¥ ,.
0 @. Flag th1s qu.sstton 'i $tore t his: qo.restlon .•~-.,
1:!f: .... }...l ~~•' '
,,~ ·-=-~ ~-~

Subsect~:a.n: g @ ;:.. =..._- ~- ... "\;)

r.-: ti

L - --:::.J'<
o-.-> " .. ., ... , ..... ,.,.~-~--......~-,

31. A power supp!y fllter uses five•conne.c .ted 2200 ~F Report probleil>
capadt&r.s ·eacitl rated at SO V. What single capacitor could be w ith quel!.ic..n 'iJ
used to replace them~ 9.!nd your refetei'ICe~

Q l .WOO pF at 250 V 67%~

() 440 pF at 50V ~i~ ~·- ~' ~ '/ ~ ~

,~. . ·::--- 'i
@ 440 pF at 250 V

0 ~ flag thJs question ,__ ~ Store this q•Y'..stlon

'1 I•',.--..,.. _P-;,~ ~ "·~ ~·¥.···'
;"_ 1\;,t...
i """"~ ~ ~
:=- :S,H~
:i ~ V'
Subsectl;o-n: 9 ;). ~······--==~-

32. What ls nte valtie of a monolithic capacitor with ~W3 on It~ Report proble m~
with ·quel!.icm .
Q lOO()pf y~ur refereoc.oO
.€_9 10., OOOpf 7.5%@
Q lOO ,OOOpf
~~ ~ ~-
~"! 11-"''-'· u
E1 ,_..........t"~ H
0 (ii} F'lag thls q uestion 0 'if Store U·,ls que;;tlon """.q 1pAw.
'' EP.S,>,
~· ''
Subsectl&n: 9 @ f; ·I
'"'""'d _ , l

i! ~ ~. tl
r =-.:...-~- ,

33. What must you do to make a 3 F capaeltor drcult Into .a .l f' Report proble m~
drcult? With qUel!.iM
!>end your refetenceO
0 Put .a 1 F cap:adtar In series
0 Put a 2. F capacitor In parallel
Si9 Put a 6 F capadtor In series ':l ~~~·· w}
~ Ell5.i\ p,~.q~ , ,If'
0 ~· Flag this q uestion Q ~· Store this q~JF-;tloo f -~-.1
1 ~.....~,·,
i, . , .._-t· ,t
·f· "'-'-
!~ ...........,

Subsectl.&n: 9 @
~=~=~ ~l'-j
34.• Two seperate cltcults contain the same valUe capaclt·ors In each, Report probl~ma.'
Cl and C2. They are charged through r sls.tors 1t1 and R2 With qUe:!.' tit<rt.
l'l!spectlvelv where R1 Is equaii to R2. If me voltage used to ~rid your reference~
chargi! the ca~p.adtors Is Vi.., 10011 .and V2"' lOOV, the tlme ro 62%@

charg:'l! 0 will ba
l'lA: .,......,.~~~" d fiil ;!J.
doubl'!! \-i ····~ ·-:-- fl ·¥
0 half
li EI'AAI'>'Jit·M -
.~":11 ~ ~ .~-.
® th!! same { •.. :. .·' ~~
6 =~
C l@ Flag thls question 0 g ·!';tore this qtrESt]on i\l- ==
Subsectl:c<n: 9@

SS. In a capacitor, the dielectric strength Is measured In R-eport problem.a:t.

with ·qu,;;rt;oo•
0 Coulombs p!!r m:<
9.!nd ydUr referenc~~
0 Farads per metl!r
Q9 Vo.lts per metr'e
1]-- - ~~
·~····· ~
(]~ f'lag tills quesuon Q~ Store t!hls qu:f!:;tlo ~ flt;~. ~~A.•-..,
, ........,,u ..,.........-.a
P.,.~.;)G ~

h ~ '~ - ~- '
Subsectl&n: g i ~! k 'o: I ~ ~
l! ~ ~' •f
~ =-_ ...!.!:'1_ ~

36. Dielectric constant of a capacitor Is Report prcblehl~

w ith qu,;ffitm
0 max I .storl!d fn the capatltor
9.!hd your refett!I'ICe~
8 !!le.ctrostatlc stO<rtng cap,a:bUity of the di electric
78 % (ij}
0 max 'J that can be applied to a capacitor
I'·i k...... £.: ;!u1

,~,~ · ~-
Q~ ~lag q uestion 0~ Store th is qc.~.=s tk•fll f! ~-~' ~rn·GG 1.-¥ .
t ~a.-.. ~ .• (·>
!1 ,.... d ..!""'·'-
Subsectloon: g 0 !1 ,__ : •( .._. ~
i~ . !t. fJ ·~
ij =--:.-~J
~~~ ~- ~ ·..a:. 4~- _,_ ·-··-·----.... -..- . . ... . .._. --"-----------------·- -
37. A Ci!!<J:)aCltor Is a t& R«port problem~
'filth ·que:>tion
13 D.C ~nd ~Lir' refe:rer.c~:@
0 A.C
() both ;; ,.......- .,·,67%"'

~i .~.:.~ 1
0 ~ Flag this qu<?Stion ......, ~ Store this qu."-SciOn

S\lb.sectl;con: 9 @
·:~ E..ll.Sii.P.ut·~l3 ~ -:y:.·
.-- '.'.e'
~ .
!:.. ~
~ :'t!-.,·.
·-.. . -. 1

38. The time reqUired to fully charge a 1 p'F capacitor In series with R-eport problem..,.
wi th que:>til>'n.,
a 1·00k ohm resistor I~
send your refeer•:eQ'
0 ioO s
e 500. ms
~ ;~
~' ··~..,'::"_• .•, . ij'I
100 ms

o• Flag ti:tls question Q ~ Store this q•P.O:;tlon --.-.. "i·~- ...;¥"

• E.iUJ\__F-<1~·1)0. r

.. :. ~ ~ ~
,~! ~ ~

S\lbsectlm~: 9 @ .if1 ~~. ~~

i; ;:;;-:__!!!_ ;J

39. 'The current In a DC clrcuit contail.nlng a fully charged c~cltor I~ R.;,part problem.,..
with quE$ti.m.,.
.@ zero send your refen:nce.~
0 maximum 68%~
0 Is: depende.nt upfrn the s'lz:e of the capacitance of the capaclror

0 ~ Flag thls question 0~ Store this q•.re:stlOfl;

~ :::;~~··· ~ ~
; ; Ef~J\ F'il!1·(!f.i 1 ''r/~!_l'
~ ,:·;-~1 ~ ;__~ · ~
Subsecll:o-n: 9 0 ~ ... ~ ." ~
~ . g ~~
~ =":'- -~~ ~

40. 1'he w:nrldng voltage. of' a cap·a cltor in a AC circuit should be Report problem •
with qul5t1o:n"'
0 equal to !:he¥.:st 110Jtage that wll:l be applied to It
s:ena y<iUr r.;,fereflte~
® at least 50% g>reater than the highest voltage that will be app.lled 67%~
to It
~! ~ ~ ~~
0 at l-east 200% gr-eater than the hl<gh-est voltage that wlfl be applled !! lllril' fl1 .]

ll ~:~:·~rt-Gr, ~ - .
0 ~ Flag this question Qg Stare this q•.res tlofl itf, I~--ll
·; :' (
~I~ ­
&i - - ----- ~-
~~·.· =~- ~;;..
--- " f~!!lectl.o-n: 9 0
41. What po3J:nt Is to be noted when c-onnecting an elertr.o-lytlc Report problem~
mpacitil'r? ·•iith qurot•Jtm . ·
S..nd y.:.u r r.;,ferenc"~
0 DI-electric type in%(/)
Area and distance betwe-en plates
~1 ~ f"' K
€) Potarttle:s
~~ ....:~·.,·- a
~ Efl.Sfi.Pi'.Jri:·l)ij :J·
( ) " ' flag this question 0~ Store this fi ~~:il ~
~f ~~,.1,....:! ~, ~
S\lbsedl~n: ~ ,; "~ .,t1
,," =~"--- p.w
- - .;

4.2. In a cil:rcul.t C : .25 microfarads .a rui th.e .r urrent fJ;o.w !s 40 Report problemg
mlcroamps for 4 seronds. What Is the voltage? v1ith quE$tiDi\
@ 6.4V send your reft:ter.:~~
0 3.2V
·~; ~
. - ~ ;!
0 12.av : "-•••t J
>i>; ,-..,....- · ~
. I
IJ ~1\FM·~O :r.''
0 ·' I Flag thls quf:stlan C tQ Stor~ tihls!l ~ jf.~l ~ ~t: •
i! t._ : ·,'( ._., ~
Subsectl;o;n: 9 0 :J! ...-·"" ·~
~ =-:..='.~~,)
43.• Three ca'P<!dtors are connected In series across a 280\1 de R<:pcrl probl~mQ
~~~ ..........w~ .. _..,....._.._,.,. --. ,· -~ _.. - - ~.,. ~ - -· ~· . ··- -- ...

43.. Three cap;adtOf'S are eon~ted In series .across a 280.\1 de Mpott probiem'i)
supply Capadto-r 8 Is twke the val'ue of ca,padtor A and withqu~i>l\

capacito-r ·C. twice that of a. The voltages aeross cap:adtors 11.11 ~nd y.:nir r<:fe:renceO
and Care S7%~
t:.~ 'r-t
et/ l60V, 8DV, «<V respectively
. . . . _,__ u
11.-Wd. J
Q 28DV, 2SOV_, 1:8:0V respectively
j.] ~0.511. f..rt·~O ~
0 40V, SoV.• l60V' respective!}' 1< ~ a.- J ~
t"-··'. ~.
"'-"'--' ·-~·
C:J 'i) l"lag this q u€'stian Q @Store t:hls qtrestlor~ !
r =-:...-~- JJ
~ 01 'f

Sub.secti,Q'J'\: 9 @

44. An electro-lytle capa.elto-r Is used where Report proble m~

w ith -que!.'tioot
Q high frcequen<:y AC Is used
~rid yaur reference.O
0 minimum l osses are essential 73%~
® th-ere l s a'Jze.d Input
r! ·...:7··· ,., ~
CJ ~ Flag th!s question 0 0 Store this question ~ ~.SA~ri:·tlG ~
·: - ..- q
tl ... ••
Subsectio-n: 9 liJI !r u . .,_
f! = - ~~ h
45. Total capacitance of :1 capacitors eBcll i2mF a parallel drcult Mpott problem
~lith qu~tio.n ~

0 6mf ~nd your ref,.er.:eO

Q l2ml" SS"Io~
Q9 .36mF ~! ~ 6r i

0 0 Flag this q u€Stion 0 'i) :S.t are t his qu€Stlon

i~j '''"~~.::-... ~
! EilSJ\ PM~ij ~ : -r
_' ~
'; .-...-., :J ~-•: ~'

Sub:sectl~.n: 9 ~ r....
t: !':''•t
-- -~ :~
-- ~
~l =~
~: - ----
.. [.. ~

4<6.• 'the eMil'9·'1' stored ln. a charged eapa.>Clto-r Is equal to Repore problem~
with gu~o.n ·
0 0/joul:es
~rid your r.;,r,.er.:e'i}
0 QVjooules
® a hal f -of the. vaflue of C: multlplled b y the square ants Voltage ] ~
- ~· i<r '
expresse.d In joules ! ......... ,
~.: ............. ~-

1~1 0 Flag this qu£Stlon 00 Store this qr.r::stlon

v~ ~·_t:·~,
~" P.~··lC.
, ~
1..-!] L'LL~ ~
Sub.sectle.n: 9 f ~1_ =....
-. tc:'l
. .,.,.i'il ,
rr - --- .

4.1'. On a metal film capacitor, the toiterance. Is no more than Mport problemlllr.
0 .2%
With qUe!i'.:ibti'V
~tid your reference~
® 5~-u ~1 -- w ·,~
00 Flag this question 0 ~ store this qu~stlun
E.f1.SJ\ Fint-ijij
~ .- ..-. ¥
Subsectl&n: 9 liJI ii ~,.._ ~ ,t~ c
i! - ~ ~-, ~
~ =~ __• w_ ~

48. An ele.c.tro-lytlc capa-clt01r is used beeaus.e It has a Repott problem@

0 large ph~•slcal size for- a larg;e capacity .,.,ith qu;,;;'!ioo
S.i'id your ref""e~et@'
0 smaH ph)•·slcal size for lmv leakage curore-nt
@ small p hysical size for a large capacity li ~ ff' ·;· '
~~ w..-~·"
1-10 Flag tnfs q uestion 0 'if Storf! this qu-estion ;j ~.... ~... ·~.- hl
~- Ell!lJ\ l'lllt·OG - -If
(-~ - ..- t, . ! ..)

Subsectl.o-n: g @ ~" ~·< ~f-~

; ~ :c;J -f'
~; =-:._ _ " ll'_ ;J

_......._ . o i i L - - ..._ _ __ -----Lo.--- --·- -------~ 1- ---'l-- c..:.... ,.,H;:nmhi..:.Nt-
l'"tt ........-==e-· ........, ... ...,..., .... - ---~~ .. ~ -- .. - - -· - ,.......,....__ _.__ ..... _... •........ ·~~ -~ · - = ~-- ···""'-· -~·--- - - ..·--- - · · ---·-· .. ....... . ......~

4.9 . When two capadt>O-rs Me connected In ser'le!ii. R.eporl: proble m~

0 the charge s.tored on each rs: directly pmportional to lt:5

'tJith ·QU~t>.rt
S.,;nd your r.ef""er.:;,i@
~ the d\arge stored on each J:s the same
0 the charge stored on each ls: l'rwerS€:1'1 proportl.onal tG the voltage
across: It
f~~; ~~··, ~r
EJU;J\f'"~·~G ~ '

Q 'i,l Flag t!1ls que;;tmn Qg'store this' questlorl r:~

,.w. . .~ ::~~
--W .~ ~

!'i. ~ :-~
= -:.__ l'fj'- 1¥

Subsectl'O'.n: !l

SO. A 1JOod ca:padtor win R,;porl: problem'i,l

"''ith que::tion
0 pass direct current
Send your ref"""'~'>~~~
0 block p·ulsatlng bC 61% ~
:S pass the eff&t of alt-E:rnat'lng current
-~i ~ ~ ~
; !#.--"' ~ '- ~

~i ·~""'·-
.- !~
0. Flag this que>tJon ., • Store t his ques tlorl jj EJU;A Polt·OG
kt~ ~-..-,
· "'
,, -· -..,._
Subseet!l~n: g 0 l1 , : o~_. ~
•! ,..•••::J. ·t
fl =-:....:.!.!!'~ '
51. When checkln; a capacitor wlth aft ohmmeter, lfthe read:ll\1i R,;,ptitt problem ···
show-s cha11Jing but the fJnal readlng Is less than nom1:al then with que::titm~
the pO.!i$lble fault Is a Send vour ref""el'll:eO
. 82%~
.@. l eak1ng dle'lectrlc capadtor
0 snort drcutt dJetectrk
0 open drcult dlel&trtc

fl ~ Flag this question I !g Store this qu;;,stion

Suh!ieetf~.n: !l· @

52. When different rated capacitors are c.o nnected In pari!illel In a p,,;,porl: problem ~

drcult,. the total c:apacl'tanee Is with ·q l:lt!Sti D.rt

Send yaur refeter>~e"
® equal to the sum Gf aill: the capadtan.ces
0 less than the capacitance of thoe lwH:st rated capadtor
f1 ,..._.,- f..V ';t,
0 equal to the capad tance of the highes.t rnted capadtor
~~ ·-~-:.:.~,0~- - ~~
~1 EASi4~F'ilrt·•lfJ 1;T:'·
0 ~ Flag thfs q uestion QQ Store this qctE:St lon ,c---,.
r -.. ' -e -
fJ, • · .' '
! ...._..__;! _ ~
Subsl'!Ct!l~.n: !} '-i ~ .. !'J
:-: =~- --·-
r>r · ~
,, __;:_r

S3. A var'lable alr•spaced capacitor c:ons!:sts of two sets or plate' Report problemA
that be n»ved. When the plates a'!'e fully meshed the with que::ticm w
Send yaur refen:~IY-t:~
0 capadtance wJI! be maximum and the working ;•oltage wm be
0 capadtance wl lt be ml nlmum and the working voltage wJJI be Ji,-..--
; .; ltYe' •~
lncreas;M ,, ·~- ·~- K
\8) capad tance wJit be maximum and the working voltage wm be l E!l-51\F;n'I·~Co ; 1(1':
}.-; ----~ h: l,- ~
' If' ' '
i .. ! ·! ~ J.~ \c:
~ \!i::<;i ,,
0 ~ Flag t.l-t!s que>tion 0~ Store this question " ' "-~ 11-lji' ,,
" ~· - --'- '

Subsl'!Ct!l~n: !l '-i
54. Capac:ttan~;e Is measured ln. R<:port pmblem
Q Joules: wi th que1.1irm 0
send your referertte:ilj
@ Farads
Q Ohms

(_] ~ Flag thls question fj St ore this qu;:;;t lon

,....... . .
~ ~'
il E.I\~J\ F'rf~.-4J G : ·¥_-.

~ ,; :..;1, 2~e }
Subsectl~n: !l@ ilr~~ 1L :: •! ~ ~
s ~_ - ~~
~ =---.!!!'., ~
55. A varlable ·c :apacltor cO<Uld be made t·o o<perate over the range R"fiott problem
:lOOp~ to 800pF by varying the
w ith que!i'.Ji>l\ ~
S..nd your r<:ferer'lte'i'
0 dlsl<!nce bet1ve2n bhe plate> from lcm (200pF) to 4·cm (SOOp.F)
0 :E \'i!l:ue a.f the d ielectric from 3 (200pF} to i 2 (800pl"}

:® o• ~late area from 2cm2 (L'OO<pl"} tel Soro 2 (SOGpF} ;] :=;~·· ~ ~
F'o~·~t, iL If'•
Q ~ !"lag this question c~ ~ Store this q!lSStlon .; EA>JI

j , ·~
' J .. _,.t...
... '-....

I ~u ~ "~
"' I'"J
Subsecti.O'n: 9 @ ol =~ - IO(ii
;.: - ---,rg1
56.• Voltage mea.sured betwe-e,n the platl!5 of a capacl.tor will be R«port problem~
.,,ith ·queS!iiD:n ..
S..rid yaur reference:~
~ the same as the applied voltage
0 can be dang.erou$1y hlgher than the applied voltage ;-~ ~- .., >

Q less than the applied voltage !1' • 1 • ~

i1 ·-- -·-.- -
lj Ell.SJ\F'oJHO
~ 'Jrf.
O'i' f'lag this q uf!Stion Q~ Stare this q•.t=stlcm ii ,t:"';;l 2~- '
il !· :: ·!
~ 'S ~--
SubsectiC"n: 9
i! = -:.__..f~.)

R,;~ort pri:lblei!i!.
57. l1 a drctJlt has a resistance of iOk ohms and a .C lilpacitor of i5
mlcro'F, the time taken for the capacitor to be fully charged Is
With quiOS'!.ii>il 'i'
S..nd your refere rr- e~
0· seCGnds S!l%~
0 o.s 5e,C[J005 ~ ...-- ,., ·f,
® It iS seronds ti r.t_.~- . , 1
~_i \~--·-
i El\5.f\ Fort ·4G ·,
0 'i' Flag th:Js q u£Stian 'i' Sto re t h is qu:e;;tlon. ~ ,t:"'; .P ~
,; ' :· , ~ ~
Subsectl.~:n: g 0 !) !< Kl c
~; =-:...-"'0

58. What Is the formula for 'W'Orklng o<Ut the c:apacltaroce of a R«pott ptoblern
With CjUe'tiM ~
capacitor It K "' dlelectrtc c:onstant,. A "' area of the p.lates, d. ""
dlstane:e piB<tes apart? S..rid your r<:ferel'lte'i}
~ c.= KA/d
0 c.= KdlA
0 c.= d{KA

CJ~ Flag q uestmn C• ~ S.tcre this q;.t!?Stlon.

Subsectlo.n: g @

S9. A Cl5ipilcl.tor has Brown, Ilia de Sil\d Orange bands. Its valu.e Is Repcft proble m ~
with qu~1kol . ·
0 10 picofarads
S.,;iid your refererr-;,1i'
-8 10 nanafarads
0 100 plrofarads il e--- 6'r •
[j ...~~:!_ ti
(]~ Flag thJs q uestion Q ~ St are tJ·,Is qu!05tlon ; 1 El\5.1\ F'ort·QG If'
~-: ~ : .. -~}
Subsectio-n: g 'IJ n~i •~ocj - ..-l
':.:"r ~ ,....
~ .~
<l =~ IO f)l ~

ciO. 'The ·discharge {:UI'Ve of a ~apacilto<r Is R.epott problema.,

With <:JU"'-1ii>l1 ~
0 Un.e ar
S..r'ld your r<:feter'lte~
0 togarlthm1c
:0 Exponential
:1 ,-,-.......... w ~-
~ : ~. ~

Q Q !'lag th:ls question Ci ~ Store this question, ···-~·~- i

l;~~ EJU.1\ F'ilrt·Qr:i ~
:j ..-;~;-; ~
Subsectio-n: g @ ~ i_::.: ~~ ~
<!a.t =-- -"'t"
- -- ~

1.. ci1. Three S·mlc:rofarad capach:ors are corme<:t:ed In parallel'. What Is R«po.t probleMa
61. Three S·mlcrofarad capacitors ar e c~n:nerted In parallel. What Is Report proble m~
there totat c.apac:ltanc:e? 1'1ith quo;;.'tit>:n • .
S!!nd y<)Ur reference ~
QO i S microfarad
82% ~
0 5 mlc:rofarrad
i~ ~ w;.
( ) L66 ml(lrofarad § ~ ,_ :~;:~

~~ EftS I\ F7.1_rt-tlfj ~ :r-·..

Oli'J St or e t:hls que;tlcm.

Q ~ Flag this qucestlon t:

..:- ..-:-t"'
... l ,~
·l -•
~ ._, .'
ll IJ..J·~- ~
Subsedl:O.n: 9 ~ ~ =~ ~,ri' t
i!; - - --

62• .;. 20 Picofarad c~cltor with a 1 M~dhm resistO'r takes how R<!port proble m~
w ith q u ~ c;n
long to charge?
S!!hd y<)Ut refe:te nte ~
0 0 .15&000
(3\ iOO mk m s econds l•
~! ~ t..r 'f~
0 2 0 mllllseco nd:S
~ ·-~-~~·~: - ~
; El\5(1.'1'3~-~~ !1 '
(J 0 Flag this que;tlon Ci~ StorB u·.ls qtP-Stlon ·1 ---~~ ff ;~(!
!r ·" ~",, u""'"'
...::O:...! '...;.._, ..........., _, ,
;.:! i. r-;J ;
Subsecti:O.n : 9 (j
~1 =-:._=~- ~

63 . Ac c omblna1:1on of 1 megohm. and 8 mla'Otarad would give a time Roport p ro ble m~

wi th q uio>'tii:<il •
constant of
~nd yo ur r'~fert:!nte: 'i
0 400 ms
i>L %~
() 40 seconds.
J1 ~
. - {of~ ~
tB 8 seronds f; ............ j d _.

11 ··--.. ·;~ · . H
;1 Efl.SJ\ P~u~·GJ:i :.. -~
(JQ flag thls question Q ~ $tore bhls ql.!:e:stlon ~ .-;---~1 ~ ~l ~~
~- l
!!. ~ .
~ ·I

Subsectl;o<n: 9 @
~ =-:._--~~ ~

64. The relative permittivity ~.f a c~cltM ls Report problem 'II

witli ·Q u eti o:.~
() the perml:tt1•1lty of the dlele.ct:rlc
S!!nd y<)Ur re.ferenc"~
Q9 the relatl11e p.errnlittlvl ty at the dleloectrlc In relatlcm to a '/acuum 7.4 %Q
Q t he permittivity of dlelect:rlc In relatlon to dry ailr tl.,...... ~ ·,

0 Q Flag thls que;;Uan Q~ 5.tor.~ t:hls qU>eStlon

~= ·-··· ~
t)!-'0·-•- .-.......
~ ~S.A_f,rt~fJ ,'¥,~

!" -..-. 11 . ,,
' .. -.,;1 . . J ...: '
Subsectlbl\: 9 ~ 4i I ~
:s ,;;-· ,,
~ ;::;;;~ tt-hi ri
"'----==....: .

65. The multiplier ·colour coding on a capacitor Is !In Report: probleMQ

With ljUr.sti DI! ·
~ plcafarad:S
Send your refee nc ~ ~
0 farads
0 microfa rads '1 ; ........- ,H'
~ ~~)!.··~- I;
(J ~· Flag this question n .-Store this q!l>!?.Stlon ;.; •:WO.. . ,.•-.·- · •1
'1 EAM l'llrt·GO ~ A
~ ..,

~-~!! ,_ ~
~ W"'
Subsect!O'n: 9 0 'i [.J_j _
- -•w
--- ·
i -~
~~ -

65. A c~dtor with double t:be are-a and dou ble the dielectric R<:port problem
thickness wiU have With l!j U~i:<il~
'0 the same capad tan ce ~l'ld your r~rere r'tC P! ~
() do u bt;; the capadtance 65% ii
n~ {of ~
0 half th.e G3pacttan ce
£j •••:.-;::.:.. ~
. E.11.SJ\ F7!rt·tl(i •.. -~·
CJ (I} I'lag thils qu<?Etian 0~ Store t:hls q!Joes -~ ,
..... ,.-!
lj- :J-
1 ~ ,(
~ .......,..~

Subsectl&n: 9 @ _, """" "

~ =~-=~- ;1

.- . ... -
67. The time CO'nstan'i: of a CR. d r cult containing a 5 M~,O'hms
,.__ ..
Report probl em,~
W o i tl l-; .nl .o ~~A.-r.
67. The time c:a;nstant of a CR. drcult containing a 5 M eg;nh ms R'-<port problemg
re5lst.or and a 2 pF cepaclt:M Is with qud.tir:m
S:..rid your referer.: ~ ~
QS! 10 second!>
0 l serond
i1 ~ Wf i
0 2_5 5e.CD005 ~ ~~,.-· ~-
. ~. . .·-. . gJ
:i11 f.Jl$11, F11 rli·J)(l
0 (j Flag thls qu6tlan 0 ~ $ton;, this qu~tlon
0! _._...., r:
ti ~ r-!
l' ' ~~ ···I ~
>'- "~
Subsectl.c-:n: 9 @
~ =-:..=~~ j
6:8. 11 ttl~ dlelectd~ thklclni!SS ot a capaCitor is l:ncreaserl, the charg;e Report problema.
time .of the eapacito;r would with qu;;,;.1 i;m •
~nd your reference ~
J8} decrease . 54% ~
0 lncrea!ie
0 remain the same ~~ ~ ~·
EG.S.~F'<'Irt · (j lj

0 'I) Flag tnls q uesti on Q ~ Store t:hls qu:.e;;tlon

Sub.sectlo:n: 9 @

69. When handling a high voltage c:apadt.or In an electrical drcult,. R<!pcrt prcblem
.,.,lth q ~ fo1j'.J oo

be .sure It
Send your r<!fereht"'~
JS$ Is ful1y dtscharged befoue r emo 'ilng lt from the cir cuit
8:8 % .( .)
0 has at least a residual charg>2 befGre removl!l>!llt from the clrmlt
f] ,_.....- :Soil ~
Q has a fuJI charge befor e removl!l>!l It from t he o1rcult i: u..-· ~ 1
! ' ,..,.:~ ·~·-
l Ef•SI\ j,.,Jt-~ij 1 ¥.
0 ~ F'iag th is q u'l:>t lan 0 ~ Store this qul?Stiont -~
-~ ,. ,:
~: ·' '
- 'ot.'-.'

,J~:1- : '' ~~
~' :'".:J
Suhsectl&n: 9 0 :! =~ - . Jji' t!


10. When connecting a c:apadtor Into a circuit, polarity o.f the supplv Report: problem
voltage Is nonnallv Im portant l:n t he case .o f W1ith q uesti t ·.tt 0
S:,nd your r«f;;.tett: eO
)$} .el.ectroiytlc capad rors
82% 0
_.. mica dlelectrl c capacit ors
v. ,_....- H1 ·~
0 paper dlelecr..rtc capacltnrs ; - "-?"f'"· · ~- . /
~'~, •.--.~ ·-
• . if
:f...:.fa' -
0 ~· Flag thl s q u6tl0n 0 ~ store t his qu:::~tlon .
: W .;AFilrt·I) Q -·
--~-: \
~~ · ·,
1--,: ,:
~ "\;'
iJ ~_;.;..;. -- ~
Subsectl~n: g e ;'
~l. =~
:OS. '<;)
• W ~.

R.;port probl~ m
11. A capad'tor ls fullv .charged a .f t:er 25 seconds to a battery v<D<ltage
with qud.titm •
of 20 Volts. The battery Is replaced with a short dr>euit. What
\Vlll bfO the voltage across the c:apa~tor after oD<ne time constant? S:,nd your refetef'lt e'i)
0 o ~uJts 60% 0
~ 7.36 \foCits
Q 12. 64 ,.olts

CJ '~if !"lag this q ufr;;tion .~ g Store this qtt!?Stlon.

Subsectl&n: 9 ~

12:. When capaCitors are j oined in parallel1 the to-tal capacltan.c::e Is Rep~rt prcbl :m~
'tilth ij ll ~1 0.1l
0 de~mfant upon the >•Gl tage appl led Sehd your r-ef~~t.t~ 'i}
~ equa l to the su m ofthe lndi'Jlduail capadtnrs 00 %~
0 l ess than .t he smalt;::st of the lndlvl duai capacitors i] ,........,- HI ',
~ fll; ,nd. <. j
"'t!.· ..........~
.. . ·. u
(]~ Flap this qufrstion Cl ~ Store tr•ls qL>es tlon i}
W .l1. Pt'H~·tlU .;.~ ~
"l ,.
!S-! ~
P-e . ~ ~ ;.,~:_,
Subsectl&:n: 9 '.J ~
i . :: _.,
~ --..... :1
~ .
:1 ,.. oo:J · ~
~ =-:...=.!!!~ ,

73.. If a lm:f' .ca padtM h as a potential dlffererw::e across It o.f SV, Report problem
t.ukm.. );a. l"h.a. .a.n;a...,,...u .r::::tr""'"M, With QUd.titm 0
72. When eap:ad'tors are joined i n parallel, the total capacitance Is Report probl~ m ~
'flith ·qlJestll>ll
0 depend:a nt upcm the vo-ltage applied Send your refe:rer,:;,~
Q9 equal to t:hte sum of th>.< Individual capadtors OO"h(i)
0 less than the smalt€S.t of t:hte Indivi dual capacitors
., ,_.::;::_
~l ...-- ~~
0 ~ Flag this qu5bion Q ~ Store this qo!stlon
Sub.sectl&n: 9 ~
i!i t-··
E.fl:SII. F;, rt·iltl
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73. If a im.F eapadtor 1\i!I:S a potentlat difference across It c.f Sit', Repc tt problt:M~
what Is the enerl'lY stor-e d? with qu~oil
~nd your refer-en:e(j
0. 2SmJ
~ 12.5 m.l )li ~ Nl ~
0 12.5) ~ ,_:;~~··· . h
l'i EMI\1'<1~·~fj li ,If•
Cl~ Flag thls question C i @ Store this question •
~ .a. -~-- '
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Subsecti;O;n: 9 @. ! •• <;) f'

14. Three 12 microfarad ;c:ap:adtars, In paralle.l. The ·overall drcult ~'\.!!pert problem""'
yJjlfi qU1!1.1itm .. .
Se!'!d 1"-'fetei'>Ce~
0 i mlcrofa,rads
' 79%~
@ 36 microfarads
~-i ~ 641 !j
0 4 mkrotarads:
i~ -~~~ p
~ ElJ.SA F,)rt!~lj _.;. :,.."
0~ f lag this qu;;sbion 0 ~ Sto re t his. qtEStion i -·~·;{ ~ ~t:,.J
i !· : ·I ~
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Subsectl.on: 9 @
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75. The comblnatkm of two 0 .02, 500 Vol.t capac:ltors In R<!!pcit fH'oblem
parallet has a capadtance and W<}f'ktr.g voltage rating of WiUi qU~Dtl (i}
Setid your refet.:r.:;,'iiJ
Q 0.001. mfcrofarads, 1000 Volts
::@ 0.04 rnlcrGfarads, 500 Volts
i-:--- ~ rr
Q 0.02 mkrofarads, SOO Volts
~i ;:;::.9~ t
0~ ~lag this question Q@ Store t h is ques tion 'j ~--.~ ~
af :. ;: _(_,~
~l =~ ~~
- --- ,
Subsection: !'I @

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EASA Pa rt-66

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