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The Hückel method: Applications to

allyl, butadiene and cyclobutadiene

Albeiro Restrepo

Grupo de Quı́mica–Fı́sica Teórica θ–φ τ

Instituto de Quı́mica
Universidad de Antioquia

May 31, 2013

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 1 / 50

1 Theoretical background
Molecular Hamiltonian
Variational theorem
Linear combination of atomic orbitals
Secular determinant
2 Hückel method
Basis set
Overlap integrals
Energy integrals
The working secular determinant
The working secular determinant
3 Specific cases
Allyl system
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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

We derived in class the molecular Hamiltonian under the Born–Oppenheimer

approximation (BOA).

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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

We derived in class the molecular Hamiltonian under the Born–Oppenheimer

approximation (BOA). It comprises the kinetic energy of the electrons (Te ),
the potential energy for the interactions between electrons (Vee ), and the
potential energy for the interactions between nuclei and electrons (VeN ):

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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

We derived in class the molecular Hamiltonian under the Born–Oppenheimer

approximation (BOA). It comprises the kinetic energy of the electrons (Te ),
the potential energy for the interactions between electrons (Vee ), and the
potential energy for the interactions between nuclei and electrons (VeN ):

H = Te + Vee + VNN

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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

We derived in class the molecular Hamiltonian under the Born–Oppenheimer

approximation (BOA). It comprises the kinetic energy of the electrons (Te ),
the potential energy for the interactions between electrons (Vee ), and the
potential energy for the interactions between nuclei and electrons (VeN ):

H = Te + Vee + VNN

n n n n N
1 X 2 XX 1 X X ZA
H=− ∇i + −
2 rij riA
i=1 i=1 j>i i=1 A=1

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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

Schrödinger’s equation with this Hamiltonian

H |Ψi = E |Ψi

is a second order differential equation in partial derivatives with non–separable


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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

Schrödinger’s equation with this Hamiltonian

H |Ψi = E |Ψi

is a second order differential equation in partial derivatives with non–separable

variables. This sort of equations have no known analytical solutions.

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Theoretical background Molecular Hamiltonian

Molecular Hamiltonian

Schrödinger’s equation with this Hamiltonian

H |Ψi = E |Ψi

is a second order differential equation in partial derivatives with non–separable

variables. This sort of equations have no known analytical solutions. The
offending terms are the inverse distances:
1 1
(xi − xj )2 + (yi − yj )2 + (zi − zj )2

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Theoretical background Variational theorem

Variational theorem

No analytical solutions? No problem!

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Theoretical background Variational theorem

Variational theorem

No analytical solutions? No problem! we invent them.

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Theoretical background Variational theorem

Variational theorem

No analytical solutions? No problem! we invent them.

The variational theorem (we derived it in class) tells us that for whatever
solution we come up with, the energy associated will be larger than the
ground state energy

Et ≥ ε0

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Theoretical background Variational theorem

Variational theorem

No analytical solutions? No problem! we invent them.

The variational theorem (we derived it in class) tells us that for whatever
solution we come up with, the energy associated will be larger than the
ground state energy

Et ≥ ε0

This provides us with a recipe to obtain the best possible solution among a
family of trial functions:

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Theoretical background Variational theorem

Variational theorem

No analytical solutions? No problem! we invent them.

The variational theorem (we derived it in class) tells us that for whatever
solution we come up with, the energy associated will be larger than the
ground state energy

Et ≥ ε0

This provides us with a recipe to obtain the best possible solution among a
family of trial functions: Write down trial functions with parameters ci , and
then minimize the energy with respect to those parameters:

= 0, ∀i

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Theoretical background LCAO

Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)

For the molecular case, construct molecular orbitals |ψµ i from linear com-
binations of atomic orbitals |φi i 1

Please notice that as mentioned in class, molecular orbitals are one-particle
functions while the molecular wavefunction is a many–particle wavefunction!
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Theoretical background LCAO

Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)

For the molecular case, construct molecular orbitals |ψµ i from linear com-
binations of atomic orbitals |φi i 1
|ψµ i = cµi |φi i

Please notice that as mentioned in class, molecular orbitals are one-particle
functions while the molecular wavefunction is a many–particle wavefunction!
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Theoretical background LCAO

Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)

For the molecular case, construct molecular orbitals |ψµ i from linear com-
binations of atomic orbitals |φi i 1
|ψµ i = cµi |φi i

If there are n basis functions (AOs), then there are a total of n2 expansion
coefficients, n for each molecular orbital.

Please notice that as mentioned in class, molecular orbitals are one-particle
functions while the molecular wavefunction is a many–particle wavefunction!
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Theoretical background LCAO

Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO)

For the molecular case, construct molecular orbitals |ψµ i from linear com-
binations of atomic orbitals |φi i 1
|ψµ i = cµi |φi i

If there are n basis functions (AOs), then there are a total of n2 expansion
coefficients, n for each molecular orbital. I will now drop the µ subscript
with the understanding that for each molecular orbital, there will be a cor-
responding linear combination:
|ψi = ci |φi i

Please notice that as mentioned in class, molecular orbitals are one-particle
functions while the molecular wavefunction is a many–particle wavefunction!
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Theoretical background LCAO


In class, we found out that for each molecular orbital, minimizing the energy
with respect to ck , the expansion coefficients, leads to a series of n linear
homogeneous equations with constant coefficients:

c1 (H11 − ES11 ) + c2 (H12 − ES12 ) + · · · + cn (H1n − ES1n ) = 0

c1 (H21 − ES21 ) + c2 (H22 − ES22 ) + · · · + cn (H2n − ES2n ) = 0
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
c1 (Hn1 − ESn1 ) + c2 (Hn2 − ESn2 ) + · · · + cn (Hnn − ESnn ) = 0

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Theoretical background LCAO


In class, we found out that for each molecular orbital, minimizing the energy
with respect to ck , the expansion coefficients, leads to a series of n linear
homogeneous equations with constant coefficients:

c1 (H11 − ES11 ) + c2 (H12 − ES12 ) + · · · + cn (H1n − ES1n ) = 0

c1 (H21 − ES21 ) + c2 (H22 − ES22 ) + · · · + cn (H2n − ES2n ) = 0
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
c1 (Hn1 − ESn1 ) + c2 (Hn2 − ESn2 ) + · · · + cn (Hnn − ESnn ) = 0

Which can be compactly written as

ci (Hki − ESki ) = 0, ∀k

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Theoretical background Secular determinant

Secular determinant

Our goal is to find the set of expansion coefficients {ci }, that minimize the
energies of the molecular orbitals.

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Theoretical background Secular determinant

Secular determinant

Our goal is to find the set of expansion coefficients {ci }, that minimize the
energies of the molecular orbitals. As discussed in class, there are non–
trivial solutions for a system of homogeneous linear equations when the
determinant of the coefficients vanishes:

H11 − ES11 H12 − ES12 · · · H1n − ES1n

H21 − ES21 H22 − ES22 · · · H2n − ES2n
= 0

.. .. .. ..

. . . .

Hn1 − ESn1 Hn2 − ESn2 · · · Hnn − ESnn

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Theoretical background Secular determinant

Secular determinant

Our goal is to find the set of expansion coefficients {ci }, that minimize the
energies of the molecular orbitals. As discussed in class, there are non–
trivial solutions for a system of homogeneous linear equations when the
determinant of the coefficients vanishes:

H11 − ES11 H12 − ES12 · · · H1n − ES1n

H21 − ES21 H22 − ES22 · · · H2n − ES2n
= 0

.. .. .. ..

. . . .

Hn1 − ESn1 Hn2 − ESn2 · · · Hnn − ESnn

Hij = hφi |H| φj i Sij = hφi |φj i

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Theoretical background Secular determinant

Secular determinant

Our goal is to find the set of expansion coefficients {ci }, that minimize the
energies of the molecular orbitals. As discussed in class, there are non–
trivial solutions for a system of homogeneous linear equations when the
determinant of the coefficients vanishes:

H11 − ES11 H12 − ES12 · · · H1n − ES1n

H21 − ES21 H22 − ES22 · · · H2n − ES2n
= 0

.. .. .. ..

. . . .

Hn1 − ESn1 Hn2 − ESn2 · · · Hnn − ESnn

Hij = hφi |H| φj i Sij = hφi |φj i

Since H and S are Hermitean, this determinant has n real roots, corre-
sponding to the energies of the n molecular orbitals.

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems
Linear or cyclic

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems
Linear or cyclic

Successful applications

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems
Linear or cyclic

Successful applications
Color theory

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems
Linear or cyclic

Successful applications
Color theory

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems
Linear or cyclic

Successful applications
Color theory
Conducting polymers

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Hückel method Generalities

Hückel method generalities

In its original version, the method was developed to treat

Conjugated hydrocarbons (alternating double/single bonds)
Planar systems
Linear or cyclic

Successful applications
Color theory
Conducting polymers

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Hückel method Basis set

Hückel method: basis set

A crucial step when applying the variational method to any problem, is to
devise a basis set that spans the vector space (the solution space) of the

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Hückel method Basis set

Hückel method: basis set

A crucial step when applying the variational method to any problem, is to
devise a basis set that spans the vector space (the solution space) of the

Since the method treats conjugated hydrocarbons, an appropriate choice is

a set of pz orbitals located on each carbon atom.

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Hückel method Basis set

Hückel method: basis set

A crucial step when applying the variational method to any problem, is to
devise a basis set that spans the vector space (the solution space) of the

Since the method treats conjugated hydrocarbons, an appropriate choice is

a set of pz orbitals located on each carbon atom. An even more convenient
choice, is a set of pz orbitals from the methyl radical, in which the carbon
atom has the proper geometry and hybridization:

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Hückel method Basis set

Hückel method: basis set

The chosen basis set consists in a set of pz orbitals

{|ψ2pz i } ≡ {|φi i }
each carbon atom, has one such orbital, containing one electron

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Hückel method Basis set

Hückel method: basis set

The chosen basis set consists in a set of pz orbitals

{|ψ2pz i } ≡ {|φi i }
each carbon atom, has one such orbital, containing one electron

Bonus alert: The energy of this orbital is experimentally accessible: Koop-

manns’ theorem says that it is the negative of the ionization energy of the
methyl radical

hψ2pz |H| ψ2pz i = ε2pz = hφi |H| φi i = Hii = εi = −Ip (CH3 ·)

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Hückel method Overlap integrals

Hückel method: overlap integrals

The secular determinant contains the elements of the overlap matrix

Sij = hφi |φj i

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Hückel method Overlap integrals

Hückel method: overlap integrals

The secular determinant contains the elements of the overlap matrix

Sij = hφi |φj i

Hückel method neglects overlap for orbitals that do not belong to the same
carbon atom:

1 if |φi i , |φj i ∈ same atom
Sij =
0 otherwise

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Hückel method Overlap integrals

Hückel method: overlap integrals

The secular determinant contains the elements of the overlap matrix

Sij = hφi |φj i

Hückel method neglects overlap for orbitals that do not belong to the same
carbon atom:

1 if |φi i , |φj i ∈ same atom
Sij =
0 otherwise

Notice that this is a severe simplification since orbital overlap is crucial for

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

We already stated that the Hii terms are known, let’s call them α:

hψ2pz |H| ψ2pz i = ε2pz = hφi |H| φi i = Hii = εi = −Ip (CH3 ·) = α

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

We already stated that the Hii terms are known, let’s call them α:

hψ2pz |H| ψ2pz i = ε2pz = hφi |H| φi i = Hii = εi = −Ip (CH3 ·) = α

The energy associated with the interaction between electrons in orbitals i

and j in adjacent carbon atoms is given by Hij , the resonant integral:

Hij = hφi |H| φj i = β

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

We already stated that the Hii terms are known, let’s call them α:

hψ2pz |H| ψ2pz i = ε2pz = hφi |H| φi i = Hii = εi = −Ip (CH3 ·) = α

The energy associated with the interaction between electrons in orbitals i

and j in adjacent carbon atoms is given by Hij , the resonant integral:

Hij = hφi |H| φj i = β

What does this interaction energy represent?

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

Consider two approaching pz orbitals, eventually leading to the formation

of a π bond

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

Consider two approaching pz orbitals, eventually leading to the formation
of a π bond


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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

Now consider the energy of two parallel interacting pz orbitals, and the
energy of two perpendicular non interacting pz orbitals (if the orbitals are
perpendicular Hij vanishes)

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

Now consider the energy of two parallel interacting pz orbitals, and the
energy of two perpendicular non interacting pz orbitals (if the orbitals are
perpendicular Hij vanishes)

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

Now consider the energy of two parallel interacting pz orbitals, and the
energy of two perpendicular non interacting pz orbitals (if the orbitals are
perpendicular Hij vanishes)

E = Eπ E = 2α

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

2β = Eπ − 2α =⇒ Eπ = 2α + 2β

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

2β = Eπ − 2α =⇒ Eπ = 2α + 2β

In this treatment, both α and β are negative

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

2β = Eπ − 2α =⇒ Eπ = 2α + 2β

In this treatment, both α and β are negative

Hückel’s model neglects interaction between electrons not belonging to

neighboring atoms, thus, in this model, energy integrals are set to

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

2β = Eπ − 2α =⇒ Eπ = 2α + 2β

In this treatment, both α and β are negative

Hückel’s model neglects interaction between electrons not belonging to

neighboring atoms, thus, in this model, energy integrals are set to

 α if |φi i , |φj i ∈ same atom
Hij =

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

2β = Eπ − 2α =⇒ Eπ = 2α + 2β

In this treatment, both α and β are negative

Hückel’s model neglects interaction between electrons not belonging to

neighboring atoms, thus, in this model, energy integrals are set to

 α if |φi i , |φj i ∈ same atom
Hij = β if |φi i , |φj i ∈ neighbor atoms

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Hückel method Energy integrals

Hückel method: energy integrals

The difference in energy between these two systems is the interaction energy.
Let’s call this interaction energy 2β (as you see, β can also be experimentally

2β = Eπ − 2α =⇒ Eπ = 2α + 2β

In this treatment, both α and β are negative

Hückel’s model neglects interaction between electrons not belonging to

neighboring atoms, thus, in this model, energy integrals are set to

 α if |φi i , |φj i ∈ same atom
Hij = β if |φi i , |φj i ∈ neighbor atoms
0 otherwise

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Let’s analyze the effect of Hückel’s approximations in the secular determi-

nant for linear conjugated hydrocarbons

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Let’s analyze the effect of Hückel’s approximations in the secular determi-

nant for linear conjugated hydrocarbons

H11 − ES11 H12 − ES12 · · · H1n − ES1n

H21 − ES21 H22 − ES22 · · · H2n − ES2n

.. .. .. ..

. . . .

Hn1 − ESn1 Hn2 − ESn2 · · · Hnn − ESnn

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Let’s analyze the effect of Hückel’s approximations in the secular determi-

nant for linear conjugated hydrocarbons

H11 − ES11 H12 − ES12 · · · H1n − ES1n

H21 − ES21 H22 − ES22 · · · H2n − ES2n

.. .. .. ..

. . . .

Hn1 − ESn1 Hn2 − ESn2 · · · Hnn − ESnn

First, eliminate all vanishing overlap elements and set Sii = 1:

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Let’s analyze the effect of Hückel’s approximations in the secular determi-

nant for linear conjugated hydrocarbons

H11 − ES11 H12 − ES12 · · · H1n − ES1n

H21 − ES21 H22 − ES22 · · · H2n − ES2n

.. .. .. ..

. . . .

Hn1 − ESn1 Hn2 − ESn2 · · · Hnn − ESnn

First, eliminate all vanishing overlap elements and set Sii = 1:

H11 − E H12 H13 · · · H1n

H 22 −E H23 · · · H2n
.. .. .. .. ..

. . . . .

Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 · · · Hnn − E

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Now, set Hii = α:

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Now, set Hii = α:

α−E H12 H13 · · · H1n−1 H1n

α−E H23 · · · H2n−1 H2n

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 · · · Hnn−1 α − E

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Now, set Hii = α:

α−E H12 H13 · · · H1n−1 H1n

α−E H23 · · · H2n−1 H2n

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 · · · Hnn−1 α − E

Next, set Hij = β for neighboring atoms:

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Now, set Hii = α:

α−E H12 H13 · · · H1n−1 H1n

α−E H23 · · · H2n−1 H2n

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 · · · Hnn−1 α − E

Next, set Hij = β for neighboring atoms:

α−E β H13 · · · H1n−1 H1n

α − E β · · · H2n−1 H2n

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

Hn1 Hn2 Hn3 · · · β α−E

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Finally, set the remaining Hij = 0:

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Finally, set the remaining Hij = 0:

α−E β 0 ··· 0 0

α−E β ··· 0 0

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

0 0 0 ··· β α − E

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Hückel method The working secular determinant

Hückel method: working secular determinant

Finally, set the remaining Hij = 0:

α−E β 0 ··· 0 0

α−E β ··· 0 0

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

0 0 0 ··· β α − E

As stated earlier, the energies for the molecular orbitals are the roots of the
secular determinant obtained by solving

α−E β 0 ··· 0 0

β α − E β ··· 0 0
= 0

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . . . .

0 0 0 ··· β α − E

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The allyl system can be considered as existing in cationic (2 π electrons),
neutral (3 π electrons) and anionic (4 π electrons) forms

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The allyl system can be considered as existing in cationic (2 π electrons),
neutral (3 π electrons) and anionic (4 π electrons) forms

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 22 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0

α−E β = 0
0 β α−E

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 22 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0

α−E β = 0
0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β β β
(α − E ) − β +0 = 0
β α−E 0 α−E

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 22 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0

α−E β = 0
0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β β β
(α − E ) − β +0 = 0
β α−E 0 α−E

(α − E ) (α − E )2 − β 2 − β [β(α − E )] = 0

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0

α−E β = 0
0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β β β
(α − E ) − β +0 = 0
β α−E 0 α−E

(α − E ) (α − E )2 − β 2 − β [β(α − E )] = 0

(α − E )3 − 2β 2 (α − E )

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0

α−E β = 0
0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β β β
(α − E ) − β +0 = 0
β α−E 0 α−E

(α − E ) (α − E )2 − β 2 − β [β(α − E )] = 0

(α − E )3 − 2β 2 (α − E ) = (α − E ) (α − E )2 − 2β 2 = 0

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The roots are now easily obtained from

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 23 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The roots are now easily obtained from

(α − E ) = 0, (α − E )2 − 2β 2 = 0

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The roots are now easily obtained from

(α − E ) = 0, (α − E )2 − 2β 2 = 0


α = E,

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 23 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The roots are now easily obtained from

(α − E ) = 0, (α − E )2 − 2β 2 = 0


α = E, (α − E )2 = 2β 2 =⇒ α − E = ± 2β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The roots are now easily obtained from

(α − E ) = 0, (α − E )2 − 2β 2 = 0


√ √
α = E, (α − E )2 = 2β 2 =⇒ α − E = ± 2β =⇒ E = α ± 2β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

The roots are now easily obtained from

(α − E ) = 0, (α − E )2 − 2β 2 = 0


√ √
α = E, (α − E )2 = 2β 2 =⇒ α − E = ± 2β =⇒ E = α ± 2β

Recall that both α, β < 0, therefore, sorting the energies in increasing order,
we have
√ √
E1 = α + 2β, E2 = α, E3 = α − 2β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: correlation diagram

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: correlation diagram

2p z 2p z

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: correlation diagram

2p z

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.41β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: correlation diagram

2p z |ψ2 > , ε 2 = α

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.41β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: correlation diagram

|ψ3 > , ε3 = α − 1.41β

2p z |ψ2 > , ε 2 = α

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.41β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl cation system (2π electrons): correlation diagram

|ψ3 > , ε3 = α − 1.41β

2p z |ψ2 > , ε 2 = α

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.41β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl radical system (3π electrons): correlation


|ψ3 > , ε3 = α − 1.41β

2p z |ψ2 > , ε 2 = α

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.41β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl anion system (4π electrons): correlation diagram

|ψ3 > , ε3 = α − 1.41β

2p z |ψ2 > , ε 2 = α

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.41β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

How much energy is gained by delocalizing the electrons?

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 31 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

How much energy is gained by delocalizing the electrons?

Ed = EHuckel − Elocalized π system

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β)

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α;

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α}

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α} = 0.82β

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α} = 0.82β

Allyl anion

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α} = 0.82β

Allyl anion, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

two electrons in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α;

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α} = 0.82β

Allyl anion, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

two electrons in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and two electrons in a 2pz orbital:

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α} = 0.82β

Allyl anion, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

two electrons in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and two electrons in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + 2α − {2(α + β) + 2α}

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 32 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

Allyl cation, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β;
localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond:

Ed = 2(α + 1.41β) − 2(α + β) = 0.82β

Allyl radical, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

one electron in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and one electron in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + α − {2(α + β) + α} = 0.82β

Allyl anion, delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.41β and

two electrons in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α; localized system: 2 electrons in a π bond
and two electrons in a 2pz orbital:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + 2α − {2(α + β) + 2α} = 0.82β

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy!

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy! Where did we go wrong?

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy! Where did we go wrong?

1 Besides all the approximations before and during Hückel’s method,

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy! Where did we go wrong?

1 Besides all the approximations before and during Hückel’s method,

2 We did not consider orbital relaxation after electrons are added

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy! Where did we go wrong?

1 Besides all the approximations before and during Hückel’s method,

2 We did not consider orbital relaxation after electrons are added
3 We did not consider geometry relaxation after electrons are added

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy! Where did we go wrong?

1 Besides all the approximations before and during Hückel’s method,

2 We did not consider orbital relaxation after electrons are added
3 We did not consider geometry relaxation after electrons are added

When we know the limitations of our models, we are better equipped to

understand inconsistent results.

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system delocalization energy

This result is obviously not right: the three systems cannot have the same
delocalization energy! Where did we go wrong?

1 Besides all the approximations before and during Hückel’s method,

2 We did not consider orbital relaxation after electrons are added
3 We did not consider geometry relaxation after electrons are added

When we know the limitations of our models, we are better equipped to

understand inconsistent results.

How do the molecular orbitals look like?

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 33 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

In order to find the molecular orbitals we use the system of equations ob-
tained earlier after minimization of the energy with respect to the expansion

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 34 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

In order to find the molecular orbitals we use the system of equations ob-
tained earlier after minimization of the energy with respect to the expansion
ci (Hki − ESki ) = 0, ∀k

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 34 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

In order to find the molecular orbitals we use the system of equations ob-
tained earlier after minimization of the energy with respect to the expansion
ci (Hki − ESki ) = 0, ∀k

c1 (α − E ) + c2 β + c3 × 0 =0

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 34 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

In order to find the molecular orbitals we use the system of equations ob-
tained earlier after minimization of the energy with respect to the expansion
ci (Hki − ESki ) = 0, ∀k

c1 (α − E ) + c2 β + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 (α − E ) + c3 β =0

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 34 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

In order to find the molecular orbitals we use the system of equations ob-
tained earlier after minimization of the energy with respect to the expansion
ci (Hki − ESki ) = 0, ∀k

c1 (α − E ) + c2 β + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 (α − E ) + c3 β =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + c3 (α − E ) = 0

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 34 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

In order to find the molecular orbitals we use the system of equations ob-
tained earlier after minimization of the energy with respect to the expansion
ci (Hki − ESki ) = 0, ∀k

c1 (α − E ) + c2 β + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 (α − E ) + c3 β =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + c3 (α − E ) = 0

Let’s set the equations for the coefficients associated with E1 = α + 2β,
the lowest energy π MO

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

c1 α − α + 2β + c2 β + c3 × 0 =0

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

c1 α − α + 2β +  c2 β √  + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 α − α + 2β + c3 β =0

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

c1 α − α + 2β +  c2 β √  + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 α − α + 2β +  c3 β √  =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + c3 α − α + 2β =0

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 35 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

c1 α − α + 2β +  c2 β √  + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 α − α + 2β +  c3 β √  =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + c3 α − α + 2β =0

−c1 2β + c2√β + c3 × 0 = 0
c1 β + −c2 2β + c3√
β =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + −c3 2β = 0

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 35 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

c1 α − α + 2β +  c2 β √  + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 α − α + 2β +  c3 β √  =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + c3 α − α + 2β =0

−c1 2β + c2√β + c3 × 0 = 0
c1 β + −c2 2β + c3√
β =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + −c3 2β = 0
The solutions are then

c1 , c2 = 2c1 , c3 = c1

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Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

c1 α − α + 2β +  c2 β √  + c3 × 0 =0
c1 β + c2 α − α + 2β +  c3 β √  =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + c3 α − α + 2β =0

−c1 2β + c2√β + c3 × 0 = 0
c1 β + −c2 2β + c3√
β =0
c1 × 0 + c2 β + −c3 2β = 0
The solutions are then

c1 , c2 = 2c1 , c3 = c1

To obtain the exact values for the coefficients, let’s use the normalization
Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 35 / 50
Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

ci2 = 1

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 36 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

X √
ci2 = 1 =⇒ c12 + ( 2c1 )2 + c12 = 1

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 36 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

X √ 1
ci2 = 1 =⇒ c12 + ( 2c1 )2 + c12 = 1 =⇒ c1 =

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 36 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

X √ 1
ci2 = 1 =⇒ c12 + ( 2c1 )2 + c12 = 1 =⇒ c1 =

Therefore, the lowest π MO for the allyl system is found to be

1 2 1 √
|ψ1 i = |ψ2pz (1)i + |ψ2pz (2)i + |ψ2pz (3)i , E1 = α + 2β
2 2 2

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 36 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

X √ 1
ci2 = 1 =⇒ c12 + ( 2c1 )2 + c12 = 1 =⇒ c1 =

Therefore, the lowest π MO for the allyl system is found to be

1 2 1 √
|ψ1 i = |ψ2pz (1)i + |ψ2pz (2)i + |ψ2pz (3)i , E1 = α + 2β
2 2 2

The other two π MOs are obtained in the same way

√ √
2 2
|ψ2 i = |ψ2pz (1)i + 0 |ψ2pz (2)i − |ψ2pz (3)i , E2 = α
2 2

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 36 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system

X √ 1
ci2 = 1 =⇒ c12 + ( 2c1 )2 + c12 = 1 =⇒ c1 =

Therefore, the lowest π MO for the allyl system is found to be

1 2 1 √
|ψ1 i = |ψ2pz (1)i + |ψ2pz (2)i + |ψ2pz (3)i , E1 = α + 2β
2 2 2

The other two π MOs are obtained in the same way

√ √
2 2
|ψ2 i = |ψ2pz (1)i + 0 |ψ2pz (2)i − |ψ2pz (3)i , E2 = α
2 2

1 2 1 √
|ψ3 i = |ψ2pz (1)i − |ψ2pz (2)i + |ψ2pz (3)i , E3 = α − 2β
2 2 2
Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 36 / 50
Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: molecular orbitals

Orbital shape Energy Occ. Occ. Occ. nodes

cation radical anion

|ψ3 i α− 2β 0 0 0 2

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 37 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: molecular orbitals

Orbital shape Energy Occ. Occ. Occ. nodes

cation radical anion

|ψ3 i α− 2β 0 0 0 2

|ψ2 i α 0 1 2 1

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 37 / 50

Specific cases Allyl system

The Allyl system: molecular orbitals

Orbital shape Energy Occ. Occ. Occ. nodes

cation radical anion

|ψ3 i α− 2β 0 0 0 2

|ψ2 i α 0 1 2 1

|ψ1 i α+ 2β 2 2 2 0

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 37 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

From the point of view of Hückel’s method, the conformation of butadiene
is irrelevant

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 38 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

From the point of view of Hückel’s method, the conformation of butadiene
is irrelevant so, here are the two possible conformations in a localized view

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 38 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

From the point of view of Hückel’s method, the conformation of butadiene
is irrelevant so, here are the two possible conformations in a localized view

And here are the same structures in a delocalized picture

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 38 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 39 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0 0

β α−E β 0
β α−E β
0 0 β α−E

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Specific cases Butadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0 0

β α−E β 0
β α−E β
0 0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β 0 β β 0

(α − E ) β α−E β −β 0 α−E
β = 0

0 β α−E 0 β α−E

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Specific cases Butadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0 0

β α−E β 0
β α−E β
0 0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β 0 β β 0

(α − E ) β α−E β −β 0 α−E
β = 0

0 β α−E 0 β α−E
Keep going, and you eventually reach

(α − E )4 − 3(α − E )2 β 2 + β 4 = 0

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Specific cases Butadiene

Butadiene: correlation diagram

With the obtained energies sorted in increasing order, the correlation dia-
gram looks like this

|ψ > , ε = α − 1.62β
4 4

|ψ > , ε 3 = α − 0.62β

2p z
|ψ > , ε = α + 0.62β
2 2

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 1.62β

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Specific cases Butadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

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Specific cases Butadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.62β and two electrons

in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α + 0.62β

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Specific cases Butadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.62β and two electrons

in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α + 0.62β

localized system: 4 electrons in two π bonds:

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Specific cases Butadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 1.62β and two electrons

in |ψ2 i , ε2 = α + 0.62β

localized system: 4 electrons in two π bonds:

Ed = 2(α + 1.62β) + 2(α + 0.62β) − 4(α + β) = 0.48β

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 41 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

Butadiene molecular orbitals

The molecular orbitals for butadiene are obtained following the same pro-
cedure as for the allyl system:

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Specific cases Butadiene

Butadiene molecular orbitals

The molecular orbitals for butadiene are obtained following the same pro-
cedure as for the allyl system:

|ψ4 i = 0.372 ψ2pz (1)i − 0.602 ψ2pz (2)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (3)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (4)i , E4 = α − 1.62β

|ψ3 i = 0.602 ψ2pz (1)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (2)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (3)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (4)i , E3 = α − 0.62β

|ψ2 i = −0.602 ψ2pz (1)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (2)i + 0.372 ψ2pz (3)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (4)i , E2 = α + 0.62β

|ψ1 i = 0.372 ψ2pz (1)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (2)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (3)i + 0.372 ψ2pz (4)i , E1 = α + 1.62β

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 42 / 50

Specific cases Butadiene

Butadiene molecular orbitals

The molecular orbitals for butadiene are obtained following the same pro-
cedure as for the allyl system:

|ψ4 i = 0.372 ψ2pz (1)i − 0.602 ψ2pz (2)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (3)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (4)i , E4 = α − 1.62β

|ψ3 i = 0.602 ψ2pz (1)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (2)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (3)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (4)i , E3 = α − 0.62β

|ψ2 i = −0.602 ψ2pz (1)i − 0.372 ψ2pz (2)i + 0.372 ψ2pz (3)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (4)i , E2 = α + 0.62β

|ψ1 i = 0.372 ψ2pz (1)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (2)i + 0.602 ψ2pz (3)i + 0.372 ψ2pz (4)i , E1 = α + 1.62β

|ψ1 i has no nodes, |ψ2 i has 1 node, |ψ3 i has 2 nodes, |ψ4 i has 3 nodes

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Specific cases Butadiene

Molecular orbitals for butadiene

|ψ1 i |ψ2 i

|ψ3 i |ψ4 i

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Specific cases Cyclobutadiene


Here are the localized and delocalized pictures

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Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 45 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0 β

β α−E β 0
β α−E β
β 0 β α−E

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 45 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0 β

β α−E β 0
β α−E β
β 0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β 0 β β 0 β α−E β

(α − E ) β α−E β −β 0
α−E β +0−β 0
β α−E = 0

0 β α−E β β α−E β 0 β

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 45 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

The secular equation for the π system takes the form

α−E β 0 β

β α−E β 0
β α−E β
β 0 β α−E

which leads to

α−E β 0 β β 0 β α−E β

(α − E ) β α−E β −β 0
α−E β +0−β 0
β α−E = 0

0 β α−E β β α−E β 0 β

The roots are

E1 = α + 2β, E2 = E3 = α, E4 = α − 2β

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Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

Cyclobutadiene: correlation diagram

With the obtained energies sorted in increasing order, the correlation dia-
gram looks like this

|ψ > , ε = α − 2β
4 4

2p z |ψ 2,3 > , ε 2,3 = α

|ψ 1 > , ε 1 = α + 2β

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 46 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 47 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 2β, one electron in

|ψ2 i , ε2 = α and one electron in |ψ3 i , ε3 = α

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 47 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 2β, one electron in

|ψ2 i , ε2 = α and one electron in |ψ3 i , ε3 = α

localized system: 2 electrons in one π bond and two electrons in pz orbitals:

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 47 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 2β, one electron in

|ψ2 i , ε2 = α and one electron in |ψ3 i , ε3 = α

localized system: 2 electrons in one π bond and two electrons in pz orbitals:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + 2α − {2(α + β) + 2α} = 0

Hückel’s method predicts a triplet ground state with no delocalization

energy for cyclobutadiene!

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 47 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene


Butadiene delocalization energy:

Delocalized system: 2 electrons in |ψ1 i , ε1 = α + 2β, one electron in

|ψ2 i , ε2 = α and one electron in |ψ3 i , ε3 = α

localized system: 2 electrons in one π bond and two electrons in pz orbitals:

Ed = 2(α + 2β) + 2α − {2(α + β) + 2α} = 0

Hückel’s method predicts a triplet ground state with no delocalization

energy for cyclobutadiene! The Jahn–Teller effect (we will study it in the
group theory part of this course) leads to a singlet ground state.

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 47 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

Cyclobutadiene molecular orbitals

The molecular orbitals for cyclobutadiene are obtained following the same
procedure as for the allyl system and for butadiene:

Albeiro Restrepo (UdeA) Hückel method May 31, 2013 48 / 50

Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

Cyclobutadiene molecular orbitals

The molecular orbitals for cyclobutadiene are obtained following the same
procedure as for the allyl system and for butadiene:

|ψ4 i = 0.5 |ψ2pz (1)i − 0.5 |ψ2pz (2)i + 0.5 |ψ2pz (3)i − 0.5 |ψ2pz (4)i , E4 = α − 2β

|ψ3 i = 0.5 |ψ2pz (1)i − 0.5 |ψ2pz (2)i − 0.5 |ψ2pz (3)i + 0.5 |ψ2pz (4)i , E3 = α

|ψ2 i = 0.5 |ψ2pz (1)i + 0.5 |ψ2pz (2)i − 0.5 |ψ2pz (3)i − 0.5 |ψ2pz (4)i , E2 = α

|ψ1 i = 0.5 |ψ2pz (1)i + 0.5 |ψ2pz (2)i + 0.5 |ψ2pz (3)i + 0.5 |ψ2pz (4)i , E1 = α + 2β

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Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

Molecular orbitals for cyclobutadiene

|ψ1 i |ψ4 i

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Specific cases Cyclobutadiene

Thank you

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