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Name: Adrian Neil R. Ignacio.

Mr. Julius Arojado

Grade and Section: STEM 11- Bohr

Lesson 1: A way to get fit

In this lesson I learned that there are ways on how to achieve

physical fitness. We could achieve these by doing aerobic
exercises(running) and unaerobic exercise(sprinting). I learned the
difference among these two is the time and frequency we do
these exercise. By doing these, we can achieve a physically fit

Lesson 2 : Energy systems

In this topic, I learned that the intensity, frequency, time and type
of your exercise or work affects the energy consumption of your
body. With a higher intensity, longer time, and frequent exercise,
more energy is required. Thus, we should consume more sources
of energy such as food and water. Not doing this may also cause
dehydration or fatigue which i don't want to happen to me and
can be prevented.

Lesson 3: Let's be health aware!

In this lesson I learned that food could be a source of health

problems especially when not controlled right. It could cause
obesety when you practice overeating with bad sleeping habits.
By being health aware, we could make precautionaries to prevent
such health problems. We could control our eating, and manage
our emotional health.
Lesson 4: Eat right for a healthy life.

I learned in this topic that there are ways on how you can
improve your life by the means of managing your food intake. As
eating is part of our daily routine, increases pur energy, and
replenish our strenghts and minds, it is only right to eat the right
foods to sustain these needs. I also learned that there are four
types of eating and i did all of this. Eating for fueling for
performances, as food is a source of energy. Emotional eating, as
me personally i eat a lot more when sad or stressed. Social
eating, to eat with friends, for the sake of being socially active.
And of course, distracted eating, as I usually wath videos while

Lesson 5: Managing stress through physical activities

I learned in this topic that stress could be managed by doing

physical activities. I learned the meaning of stress and its
symptoms such as nervousness, lack of focus, and loss of
appetite. I personally experienced stress and it was not a good
feeling. Though stress is inevitable, it can be managed by
physical activities such as walking, swimming, playing sports, and
playing. Higher release of endorphin also helps us to cope with

Lesson 6: Self-testing activity for a healthy me

This topic gave me insights on the level of my health performance

whether its good or bad. I also learned activities that could be
used to become more healthy. These activities, though small as
they seem, could create a big impact on our health. We also know
our level of health. And by this we can adjust to make it better.
Lesson 7: Fitness goals

In this topic I come to know the meaning of fitness and its goals .
I also learned that there are principles of physical activity which
are overload principle, progression, specificity, reversibility. There
is also a fit principle of physical activity which are frequency,
intIensity, type, time. By having these goals, we have a kind of
guidelines to follow. Having goals helps us not only to be healthy,
but have better lifestyle.

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