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Name: ____________
Decode these sensations
Date: ____________ by using the subtle system
Raise your Kundalini and
give yourself a bandhan. Check off which chakras,
areas, and channels that
Sit comfortably with your are indicated on your left
palms upward toward Shri and right hands.
Mataji’s photograph.
Balance and/or give
See if you begin to feel vibrations to these chakras,
tingling, coolness, heat, areas, and channels
heaviness, lightness, through some of the
pleasant or painful suggested treatments
sensations, or a wind within below.
or around your fingers and
hands. Then check the vibrations
on your hands again.
It is also helpful to check Record your signal
for cool or hot vibrations sensations on the ‘After’
above your head with your pair of hands below.
hands as well.
Note the changes in your
Record and mark these vibrations, and emotional,
signal sensations on the mental, and spiritual state.
‘Before’ pair of hands


Left Right Left Right

Description: Description:

Chakra Hand Chakra Hand Chakra Hand Chakra Hand

□ Sahasrara O LeftSO Right □ Void (Area) O LeftSO Right □ Sahasrara O LeftSO Right □ Void (Area) O Left.O Right
□ Agnya O LeftSO Right □ Nabhi O LeftSO Right □ Agnya O LeftSO Right □ Nabhi O Left.O Right
□ Vishuddhi O LeftSO Right □ Swadisthan O LeftSO Right □ Vishuddhi O LeftSO Right □ Swadisthan O Left.O Right
□ Anahata O LeftSO Right □ Mooladhara O LeftSO Right □ Anahata O LeftSO Right □ Mooladhara O Left.O Right

Some Suggested Treatments

Balancing Vibrations Giving Vibrations Other
Channels With Bandhan Chakras & Channels □ Foot Soaking (O Warm O NormalS O Cold)
□ Left □ Left □ Bandhans for Chakras □ Candle Treatment (Left Channel)
□ Right □ Right □ Affirmations O with hand □ Ice Pack (Right Channel – Liver)
(Hand Position) □ Center (Both) □ Mantras O with hand □ Work Shop

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