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BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (B.Ed.) - Two Year Programme
w.e.f.- 2015-16(as revised on 07-11-2015)



Paper Objectives

To enable the pupil teacher to -

• understand the process and purpose of Education .

• analyze the process and purpose of Education.
• critically evaluate the philosophical context of Education.
• construct the knowledge in real life situations and act upon it.
• reflect upon different philosophical Schools of Thought.
• understand the vision of Indian thinkers on practical aspects of Philosophy.
• follow the ways of nurturing values and inculcating human duties.

Unit I Nature of Education

• Meaning, Nature and scope of education.

• Liberal and utilitarian education.

• Aims of education

• Individual and Social aims of education.

Unit II Philosophy and Education

• Meaning , Nature and Scope of Philosophy and its relationship with Education .

• Indian philosophical thoughts and their contributions to educational practices –

• Vedant Darshan and education.

• Jainism and Education.

• Buddhism and Education.

• Islam and Education

1|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

Unit III Major philosophical schools: Salient features and impact on education.

• Idealism

• Realism

• Naturalism.

• Pragmatism

• Humanism

Unit IV Indian thinkers and their contributions to Education.

• Philosophical and Educational thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Shri

Aurbindo Ghosh, Mahatma Gandhi ,Rabindra Nath Tagore , J. Krishnamurti

Unit V Western educational thinkers and their contribution in the development of


• Philosophical and Educational thoughts of Plato , Rousseau , Pestalozzi ,

Frobel , John Dewey

Practicum/ Internal assessment

• A study of one philosopher with a view to study his/her contributions to present

educational practices. 5 Marks

• Power point presentation of one topic in the class. 5 Marks

• Survey of any one Eminent Educational Institute and

Submission of detailed report 5 Marks


• A. S. Thakur and Abhinav Thakur : Teacher in Emerging Indian

Society – Agarwal Publication Agra

• Brubacker J.S. ,Modern Philosophies of Education, New Delhi,

Surjeet Publication

• Harry Schofield, Philosophy of Education An Introduction, New

York, Rutledge Library editions.

• N.R. Swaroop Saxena and Shikha Chaturvedi , “Teacher in Emerging

Indian Society” R.lal Book Depot Meerut,.

2|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

• Raman Bihari Lal and Shrimati SunitaPalodh “ Educational Thought
and Practice ,” R.lal Book Depot,Meerut

• Ram Shakal Pandey and Rana Balwant: Teacher in Developing Indian

Society; “Sri Vinod Pustak Mandir Agra.

• S.M. Yunus Khan and Dr. Karan Singh; “Teacher in Emerging Indian
Society.-Govind Prakashan, Lakhimpur Kheri

• J.S.Ross, Ground work of Educational theory


Paper Objectives

To enable the pupil teacher to -

• Understand Contemporary Indian society and education

• Diversity , Inequality and marginalization in society and the implications for education

• Policy frameworks for public education in India.

• The importance and role of education in the progress of Indian society.

• study education in a sociological perspective. The process of social change and the
socialization to promote the development of a sense of commitment to teaching
profession and social welfare.

• Think his/her role in the creation of a new social order in the country and learn about
various social welfare opportunities in which they can participate helpfully.

• Know the means and measures towards the promotion of national integration and
protection of human rights.

Unit I

• Sociological basis of education: The new social order, emerging trends in Indian society,
concept of social diversity in terms of religion, culture, languages, castes, tribes, religions

3|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

• Establishing unity in diversity for peaceful and collective living. Secularism and
education, education as a tool of economic development, Education & Social and cultural

Unit II

• Knowledge about the Indian constitution: Preamble, fundamental rights and duties of
citizens and directive principles of the state policies, articles related to education.

• Constitutional values related to aims of education in the context of constitutional promise

of freedom, justice, equality and fraternity.

• Education and Democracy.

Unit III

• Equality of educational opportunities in terms of gender, caste, tribes, disabled and


• Issues and concepts relating to inequality, discrimination and marginalization that stands
in the way of Universalization of education.

• Means and measures taken for eradication of illiteracy: Distance Education, Continuing
Education, Education for socially, culturally and economically deprived, Population
Education, Women Empowerment through education, concept of inclusive education.

Unit IV

• National and Emotional integration – Role of Educational Institutions and teacher in

achieving them.

• International understanding and globalization.

• Role of teacher in linking school with society.

Unit V

• Right to Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Role of teachers in context to

universal and inclusive education.

• Policy frame work for public education in India – the implementation of policies and
actual shaping of school education in contemporary India.

• New welfare programmes: National Literacy Mission (NLM), Mid-Day Meal scheme
(MDM), Common School System, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya ( KGBV), Ashram
Paddhati School

4|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Assignment on extension work in a community 5 Marks

 Related to- literacy , Health and Hygiene

 Population Education and Environmental Awareness.

• Power point presentation of one topic in the class. 5 Marks

• One project on any one New Welfare programme 5 Marks


• A.S. Thakur :Teacher in Emerging Indian society ,Agarwal Publication Agra

• Batra, P.(2005) Voice and Agency of teachers : Missing link in national curriculum frame
work 2005. Economic and Political weekly, 4347-4356

• Castells , M.(2011) The rise of network society : The information age : Economy ,
Society and culture (Vol. I,II,III) John Wiley & sons.

• Haseen Taj : Current Challenges in Education ,Neel Kamal Publication PVT.LTD.

• Ghosh, S.C. (2007) History of education in India , Rawat publications .

• Govt. of India (2009) The right of Children to free and compulsory education act 2009

• Nambissan , G.B.(2009) Exclusion and discrimination in school experiences of Dalit

children , Indian institute of Dalit Studies and UNICEF.

• Pathak A. (2013 ) social implication of schooling ; knowledge, Pedagogy and

consciousness. Aakar books

• SheelaMangala : Teacher Education Trends And Strategies., Radha Publication New


• UNESCO (2009) Policy guidelines on inclusion in education.

• रामशकल पाडे य , डा. ममता चतुवदी : उदीयमान भारतीय समाज म िशक, अमवाल
पिलकेशन आग रा -2

• रामशकल पाडे य : उदीयमान भारतीय समाज म िशक , अमवाल पिलकेशन आग रा


5|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

Paper Objectives

To enable Pupil teachers to

• Acquire knowledge and understanding of stages of human development and their

developmental tasks

• Understanding the process of children learning in the context of various theories of


• Understanding intelligence, motivation, adjustment and various types of exceptional


• Develop skills for effective teaching learning process and use of psychological test.

Unit I: Educational Psychology and Development of Learner.

• Meaning, nature, scope, methods and functions of educational psychology.

• Human development as a resultant of interaction between individual potential and

external environment.

• Role of heredity and environment on socialization process.

• Characteristics and problems of adolescent with their needs and aspirations.

Concept of child centered and progressive education with relevant ideas of Piaget,
Kohlberg, Erikson and Vygotsky.

Unit II: Learning and Motivation.

• Meaning and Nature of learning, laws of learning, factors for facilitating learning
and teaching.

• Learning theories – Pavlov, Skinner, Piaget and Rogers. Cognitive based learning

• Concept and kinds and theories of transfer of learning.

• Nature of motivation, types, theories and techniques for enhancing motivation.

Unit III: Teaching Learning Process

• Role of teacher in teaching-learning process as a transmitter of knowledge,

facilitator, Guide, co-learner in different psychological perspective of learning.

• Nature and characteristics of instincts – Cognitive, Affective and Conative aspect

of learning.

6|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

• Nature of Teaching

• Learning Difficulties in Classroom Practices.

Unit IV: Intelligence

• Nature, characteristics and development of Intelligence.

• Types of intelligence – Emotional and Multidimensional.

• Theories of intelligence – Two factor, multifactor theories and SI model.

Unit V: Personality

• Meaning, nature, types and development of personality.

• Trait theories of personality and factors effecting personality.

• Characteristics of well adjusted person and methods of adjustment.

• Mental conflict and methods of resolving the conflict.

Unit VI: Exceptional children

• Concept and types of exceptional children and characteristics of each type

including with children with learning disabilities.

• Dimensions of difference in psychological attributes – cognitive abilities, interest,

aptitude and creativity.

• Learner centered techniques of teaching exceptional children.

• Inclusive Education: Concept


• Administration and Interpretation of two psychological tests. 10 (5+5) Marks

• Power point presentation of one topic in the class 5 Marks


• Dececco, J.P.: The Psychology of Learning and Instruction Prentice Hall of India, Pvt.
Ltd. New Dehli. 1977

7|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

• Gage, N.L. & D.C. Berliner Educational Psychology McNally College Publishing Co.,

• Gronlund, N.E. Educational Measurement & Evaluation Prentice Hall, INC, N.J.

• Lefrancois, G.R. Psychological and Human Learning Kangors Report. Book/Cole

Publishing Co. Monterey, California

• Lortan, J.W. & B.L. Walley Introduction to Early Childhood Education D.Van Nor
stand Co. New York

• Lovel, K. An Introduction to Human Development Scott, Foresman And Co.


• Morse, W.C. & G.M. Wingo Psychological & Teaching (3rd ed.) P.B. Tarporewal Sons
& Co. Pvt. Ltd. Bombay

• Mortuza, V.R. Appling Norm- And Criterion Referenced Measurement in Educatio,

Allyn And Bacon, Inc, London

• Oven, Steven et. Al. Educational Psychology: An Introduction. Little, Brown & Co.

• Pandey, B.B. & Singh, Rajesh Mapan, Mulyankan Avam Prarambhic Sankhyaki,

• Patel, R.N. Educational Psychology Himalayan Publishing House Mumbai

• Thorndike, R.L. & E.P. Hagan Measurement And Evaluation In Psychology. And
Education, (III ed) Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi

• Yelon, Stephen, L. Etal A Teachers World- Psychological In the Classroom

McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd, Tokyo

Curriculum & Pedagogic Studies


Paper Objectives-

To enable the pupil teacher to

• Develop a broad understanding of the principles and procedures used in Biological

Science education.

8|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

• Developing their skills necessary for preparing Biological Science education in modern

• To construct different plans according to need.

• To devise the instructional Design of biological science properly.

• Appraise the biological paradigm in understanding of the subject.

• Use different methods to teach different concepts.


• Nature of modern science, impact of science on society, globalization and science,

Justification of including science as a school subject, socio cultural perspectives of
biological science , worlds eminent scientists and their path tracking discoveries.

• Pedagogy of Biological Science – Integration of knowledge about the learner, The

subject discipline, social context of learning, and researches related to different aspects of

• Different branches of biological science , relation with other subjects ,

• Constructivism in teaching Biological Science, Vygotskiyan Perspective.


• Taxonomy and approaches of educational objectives in biological science.

• Objectives in biological science- Blooms Taxonomy and revised Blooms taxonomy.

• Process and product outcomes.

• Concept of entering and terminal behavior.


• Unit plan, year plan and lesson plan

• Ability to convert an unit plan into lesson plan

• Use of teaching-learning material (Audio-Visual aids)

• Improvised apparatus: significance and preparation

• Use of LCD projector and power point presentation

9|B . Ed.- Tw o Yea rs P rog ram me Co u rse ,C. S.J. M.U. ,k an pu r

• Use of Bruner’s models as concept attainment and advance organizer models in Teaching
of Biological science.

• Planning and Implementation of strategies in Teaching concept – Evaluation Approach


• Inductive-Deductive approach

• Edger Dale’s con of experiences.

• Major models & methods for Science Instruction- formal &non-formal and co-curricular
approaches Lecture cum demonstration, Heuristic, Discussion, Project, Problem Solving,
laboratory and Experimental method.

• Innovative Teaching practices in Biological science.


• Principles and approaches for curriculum development, curricular framing according to

local needs.

• Text Books, Science journals, handbooks, other resource materials for Teaching
Biological science.

• Organization of Biology laboratory.


• Measurement and Evaluation- Importance and purpose.

• Types of evaluation

• Achievement Test construction, administration and scoring.

• Characteristics of a good test

• Measuring specific behavioral outcomes- Cognitive, Affective and psychomotor


• Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching.


• Professional development programmes for a bioscience teacher- Participation in seminar,

conferences, online sharing membership of professional organizations, Collaboration of
school with colleges, universities and other institutions,

10 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Any one from the following 5 Marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus /

Low Cost Material aid / Working Model



• Government of India New Delhi National Policy on Education -1986,Modified in 1992

• NCERT New Delhi

• Improved science teaching in school

• Guideline and syllabi for secondary stage (IX-X) -1988


• ूो. जे. के. सूद ,िव&ानिशण (21 वींशतादीकेिलए) : िवनोदपुःतकमि+दरआग रा -2

• डा. एस. के . मं
गल , ौीमतीशुॅामंग ल: जैिवकिव&ानिशण
ग हाउसमेरठ 250001 , लॉयलबुकिडपोमेरठ

• शौले+िभूषण , जीविव&ानिशण: अमवालपिलकेशन

• Shrivastava, H. S. &J.P. Shourie : Instructional Objectives of school subjects NCERT

New Delhi-1989.

• Bhatiya K. &Bhatiya B.D.: The principles and method of teaching,Doaba House,

1680 NaiSarak, Delhi-6

• Sharma K. D. and Singh T.P., New Course: Science and Technology (text book for
class VII and VIII), New Delhi, Arya Book Depot, 2003.

• Tony L.Matt c, Bernie k. and Judith T.(2010): teaching science safe publication India
Pvt. Ltd.


Paper Objectives

11 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
To enable the Pupil teacher to
• Develop broad understanding of principles and knowledge used in physical science
• Develop their essential skills for practicing physical science education.
• Know various approaches and methods of teaching physical science.
• Prepare lesson planning of physical science properly.
• Manage instructional activity in such a way that the vast majority of the learner attain
most of the objectives.
Unit-I Structure and Nature of Science

• Structure of science: Facts ,Concepts , Hypothesis , Theory , Law.

• Nature of science: Basic principles
• Correlation of science with other subjects
• Relationship between science technology and Society.

Unit-IIA ims and Objectives of TeachingPhysicalScience

• Aims and objectives of teaching physical science at secondary level.
• Blooms taxonomy and revised blooms taxonomy of educational objectives.
• Writing instructional objectives.
Unit-III InstructionalApproaches
• Models of teaching: Scientific Inquiry, concept attainment and Cognitive growth .
• Approaches in science teaching- inductive-deductive constructivist.
• Method of science teaching-Lecture cum demonstration method , Project method
,Heuristic method, Laboratory method.
• Innovative instructional method : Tutorial, Seminar, Brain Storming ,Micro – Teaching,
Programmed teaching , Team Teaching.
• Practical applications of computers for a science teacher .
Unit-IVP lanning of Instruction
• Unit planning
• Lesion planning: basic elements, characteristics & significance
• Teaching learning materials and improvised apparatus importance and construction.
• Evaluation: types of tests (Oral, Written and Practical),Construction of items ,Qualities of
a good test , Blue print, construction and administration of achievement of test.
• Diagnostic testing and remedial teaching
• Action research

Unit –V ScienceC urriculum and Resources of Learning

• Definition of curriculum and principles of organization .

• Organization of Science Laboratory.

12 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Curriculum frameworks and PolicyDocuments (NCF,2005;IEC,1964;NEP,1986):
Implications for science curriculum and instruction.
• Appraisal of the existing school science curriculum.
• Curriculum accessories and support materials – Journals hand books, Student work book
, Display slides , Laboratory materials , Audio –Video support material .
Unit- VI
• oC-curricular Activities:Science club , Science exhibition ,Science fair,Excursions and
Science library.
• Science laboratories :Setting and Importance
• Text book of science : Criteria for evaluation .
• Quality of a good science teacher
Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus /Low Cost Material aid

/ Working Model


• Sood , J.K.(2003), vigyanshikshan (for the 21st century ) agra : vinodpustakmandir

• National policy of education (1986) new delhi : MHRD
• Mohan radha (2010). Innovative science teaching prentice hall of india new delhi
• Tony L.,Mattc,Bernie k . and Judith T.(2010) teaching science safe publication India
Pvt Ltd.


Paper Objectives -

To enable pupil-teachers to

• Understand the nature, characteristics and development of Mathematics.

• Understand the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics.

• Improve their competencies in teaching of mathematics.

• Explain approaches and methods of Mathematics teaching.

• Develop and use of various teaching aids.

13 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Understand the basic principles of Curriculum Organization.

• Understand the application of appropriate evaluation techniques in mathematics.

UNIT – I Nature Of Mathematics

• Mathematics: Meaning concepts, characteristics, scope, History of Mathematics with

special emphasis on teaching of mathematics. Concept formation with special
reference to Piaget.
• Contribution of Indian (Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya I & II, Leelavati, Ramanujan and
Harish Chandra) and Foreigner Mathematician (Euclid, Pythagoras and Rene
• Nature of Mathematics-Pure and applied Mathematics, role of Induction &
Deduction, intuition and logic in Mathematical thinking, language of Mathematics

• Correlation of Maths with other school subject.

• Relation and difference between mathematics and scientific knowledge , Values of
teaching mathematics.

UNIT – II Aims And Objectives of Mathematics teaching

• Aims & objectives of teaching Mathematics at secondary level.

• Need for establishing general objectives, objectives in terms of instruction and
• Writing specific objectives and teaching points of various content area of
• Bloom's taxonomy & revised blooms taxonomy. Herbaert & Evaluation approach,
NCERT approach
UNIT- III Psychology of learning mathematics:

• Teaching of mathematical concepts and its principles, comparing and contrasting by

giving comparing and contrasting by giving counter examples.
• Recreational aspect of mathematics- Mathematical Games, Puzzles, Riddles, Magic
Squares, and Word search
• Encouraging learners for probing queries, appreciating dialogue among peer group,
promoting students confidence (carrying out some examples from Mathematical
Content areas).
• Maths Club, Maths Laboratory, Text book, in mathematics.
• Qualities of good mathematics teacher, short cut mutinied in Vedic mathematics.

UNIT – IV Approaches and strategies

14 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Approaches of teaching mathematics – Inductive, Deductive, Analytical Synthetic,
Heuristic, Project, Laboratory, Problem Solving, Strategies and Tactics for
developing mathematical aptitude in students.
• Innovative approaches – Team Teaching, Micro Teaching supervised CAI,
programmed Instruction.

• Techniques of teaching mathematics- Oral work, Written work, Homework,

Questioning, Drill work, Assignment, Cooperative Learning, Brainstorming, Concept
Mapping .

UNIT – V Curriculum Development in Mathematics

• Curriculum – Meaning, Objectives, Principles its Types
• Organizing it both logically and psychologically according to age group of children
curricular choices at different stages of school mathematics.
• Pedagogical analysis of various topics in Math’s i.e. Arithmetic, Algebra Geometry etc.
curriculum frame work according policy (National Curriculum Frame work 2005, IEC
1964, NPE 1986).
• Evaluation of Mathematics curriculum at different stages,
• Defects of existing mathematics curriculum.

UNIT – VI Planning , Assessment and Evaluation

• Meaning and Importance of lesson plan
• Performa of lesson plan (Herbart , Bloom ,RCEM and NCERT approaches)and its
rationale for unit plan and year plan.
• Developing low cost improvised teaching aids relevant to local ethos.
• Evaluation process of obtaining feedback and evaluation in Mathematics its importance.

• Assignments, Achievement tests in terms of psychomotor, cognitive and affective

behavioral developments.

• Construction of achievement test, diagnostic test , speed and power test.

Practicum/ Internal assessment -

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus /

Low Cost Material aid / Working Model

15 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Aggarwal, J.C.(2001). Principles, Methods and Techniques of teaching. New Delhi:
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

• Arora, S.K.(2000). How to Teach Mathematics. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

• Bishop, G.D.(1965). Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School. London: Collins


• Bhasin, Sonia (2005). Teaching of Mathematics- A practical Approach. Mumbai

:Himalaya Publishing House

• Butler H. Charles and Wren F. Lynwood. (1996). the Teaching of Secondary

Mathematics. New York: The Maple Press Company

• Dececco, J.P. and Crawford, W. (1977). The psychology of learning and Instruction. New
Delhi: Prentice Mall of India Pvt. Ltd.

• Jain, S.L. GanitShikshan. Jaipur : Rajasthan Granth Academy, 1973

• Kapur, J.N. (2002). Suggested experiments in school mathematics. New Delhi: Arya
Book Depot.

• Kulshreshtha, A.K. (2008). Teaching of Mathematics Meerut: R. Lall Books Depot.

• Mangal, S.K. (1981). A Text Book on Teaching of Mathematics. Ludhiana: Prakash

Brothers Educational Publishers.

• NCERT, A Text Book of content-cum-methodology of teaching Mathematics, New Delhi


• Shah, G.B. (1964) New Dimensions in Teaching Mathematics. Baroda : Faculty of

Education and Psychology,

• Sharma, N.R. Ganit Shikshan, Kyun aur Kaise. Agra : Ratan Prakashan Mandir

• Siddhu, K.S. The Teaching of Mathematics. New Delhi : Sterling Publication, 1982


Paper Objectives

To enable the pupil teacher to :

• Appreciate the importance of integrating the knowledge through multidisciplinary


16 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Develop the keen insight of using different strategies, methods and skills for transfer of
• Develop the competence of instructional planning.
• Develop the skill of using teaching-learning resources and creating instructional material
• Develop the competence of evaluating and assessing the learning of students
• Bloom into a confident teacher having authority on subject-matter and its transaction.

Unit I- Social Science As An Integrating Area of Study: Context and Concerns

• Rationale of including certain Subjects under Social Science

• Difference between Social Science and Natural Science
• Uniqueness and Interdependence of Disciplines under Social Science
• Objectives of teaching Social Science
Unit II - Instructional Strategies---Methods and Models

• Methods : Lecture, Project, Socialized Recitation, Source, Supervised Study

• Models: Different Types, Socialized Interaction Model ----Group Investigation, Social
Inquiry, Jurisprudential Inquiry and Laboratory Method Models

Unit III - Lesson Planning

• Lesson Planning- Herbartian, Evaluation, NCERT and RCEM Approaches

• Unit Plan
• Year Plan
Unit IV- Teaching-Learning Resources and Aids in Social Science

• Resources : Primary and Secondary, Library, Natural flora and fauna, People, Institutions
• Aids: Atlas, Maps, Globe, Charts, Models, Graphs, Visuals and Audio-Visual
• OHP, LCD, Visualizer, Interactive Boards,Multi-Media and Internet
Unit V - Assessment and Evaluation

• Purpose, Types, Characteristics, Techniques and Tools of Evaluation, Diagnostic

Evaluation , Remedial Teaching, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
• Testing Cognition and Testing Performance, Open Book Tests: Strengths and Limitation

Unit VI – Social Science Text Books and Question Papers

• Critical Analysis of a Social Science Textbook with reference to Syllabus and perspective
of Student
• Critical Analysis of any Social Science Question Paper with reference to testing subject
specific understanding and skill

17 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
Unit VII – Teaching-Learning of Geography and Economics

• Knowledge of Key Concepts of Geography and Economics subjects at secondary school

• Skill development of using Globe ,Atlas, Reference books and Text books, drawing
Maps, analyzing data from Field Visits, News, Documents, Journals and Magazines
• Interlinking the subject knowledge in such a way that pupil teachers use it in handling the
social issues in a sensible and responsible manner
Unit VIII – Teaching-Learning of History and Civics

• Knowledge of Key Concepts of History and Civics subjects at secondary school level
• Skill development of analyzing Primary and Secondary Data of historical importance
critically , developing oral and written expression and using Timeline in class teaching
of History
• Using Social Inquiry Approach and Observation Method for collecting field research data
on Local Government Bodies and political institutions and interpreting the data for
understanding political and civic processes
Practicum/Internal Assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus / Low Cost Material aid / Working Model


• Bossing,N.L.(1952): Teaching in secondary schools, New Delhi, Amrind Pub.

• Brown ,J.W. , lewic, R.B. and Harceroad F.F. (1977); A V Instruction technology, Media
and methods(5th edition) McGraw hill book company.

• Dale , E.(1969): Audio-Visual Methods in teaching, New York, Holt, Rinehart and

• G. S. Verma : Samajik Vigyan Shikshan , Meerut, Loyal Book Depot

• Gurusharan Das Tyagi : Samajik Adhyayan ka Shikshan, Agra, Agrawal Publications

• J.C. Agarwal (2006) Teaching of social studies ( 4th edition), Noida, Vikas Publication


18 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
fgUnh f”k{k.k fof/k
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 Hkk’kk lajpuk esa fgUnh Hkk’kk rRoksa dk le>kuk

 Jo.k] Hkk’k.k] okpu ,oa ys[ku lEcU/kh Hkk’kk;h dkS”kyksa dks le>kuk

 fgUnh Hkk’kk dh izd`fr] fo”ks’krk;sa vkSj mlds iz;ksx dks le>kuk

 fgUnh Hkk’kk vkSj mlls lEcfU/kr {ks=ksa esa n{krk gkfly djkuk

 fgUnh Hkk’kk ds lQy f”k{k.k ds fofHkUu vk;keksa ls ifjfpr djkuk

 fgUnh Hkk’kk ds lQy f”k{k.k ds fy, lgk;d midj.kksa ls ifjfpr djkuk

 fgUnh Hkk’kk f”k{k.k esa ewY;kadu dk egRo] ew

ewY;kadu dh lafLFkfr;ksa ,oa fo/kkvksa
ls ifjfpr djkuk

 fgUnh Hkk’kk f”k{k.k ds lkekU; fl)kUr] fof/k;kWa] izfof/k;kWa] lw= ,oa f”k{k.k
;qfDr;kWa ls ifjfpr djkuk
bdkbZ& izFke
fgUnh Hkk"kk dk mn~Hko] fodkl ,oa izd`fr&fgUnh&/ofu foKku&fgUnh “kCn foKku&fgUnh okD;
bdkbZ& f}rh;
fgUnh Hkk"kk dk egRo ,oa mldk izkFkfed] mPp izkFkfed] ek/;fed ,oa mPp ek/;fed Lrj ds
ikB~;dze esa LFkku
ikB~;dze& vFkZ ,oa egRo] ikB~;dze fuekZ.k ds fl)kUr ,oa izfdz;k] fofHkUu Lrjksa ij fgUnh ds
orZeku ikB~;dze dh lekykspuk ,oa lq/kkj ds fy, lq>ko
fgUnh f”k{k.k ds mn~ns”;
bdkbZ& r`rh;
fgUnh esa d{kk&f”k{k.k ds lkekU; fl++)kUr ,oa lw=
fgUnh f”k{k.k dh fof/k;kWa] izfof/k;kWa ,oa f”k{k.k ;qfDr;kWa
fgUnh x| f”k{k.k] i| f”k{k.k] ukVd f”k{k.k] dgkuh f”k{k.k ds mn~ns”; ,oa mudh fof/k;kWa

19 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
fgUnh O;kdj.k f”k{k.k ds mn~ns”; ,oa mudh fof/k;kWa
lkSUn;Z lkfgR; dk fodkl&jl] vyadkj] ,oa NUn f”k{k.k ds mn~ns”; ,oa mudh fof/k;kWa
bdkbZ& prqFkZ
fgUnh eas Jo.k dkS”ky] iBu dkS”ky
fgUnh esa ys[ku¼orZuh½ dkS”ky] Hkk"k.k ¼mPpkj.k½dkS”ky
fgUnh dk vU; fo"k;ksa ls lg&lEcU/k
JO;&n`”; midj.k vkSj mudk fgUnh f”k{k.k esa mi;ksx
bdkbZ& iape
fgUnh ikB~;iqLrd& ikB~
ikB~;iqLrd dk vFkZ ,oa egRo] ,d vONh ikB~;iqLrd ds y{k.k] fgUnh
fgUnh dh
orZeku ikB~;iqLrdksa dk lekykspukRed ewY;kadu ,oa lq/kkj gsrq lq>ko
gUnh f”k{kd& fgUnh f”k{kd dk egRo] ,d fgUnh f”k{kd ds izeq[k xq.k
fgUnh esa ewY;kadu& fofHkUu izdkj ds ijh{k.k¼vkRefu"B ijh{k.k ,oa oLrqfu"B ijh{k.k½] mudk
fuekZ.k ,oa iz”kklu
fgUnh esa ikB~;lgxkeh fdz;k;sa
bdkbZ& ‘k’Be~
lw{e f”k{k.k&
fgUnh esa ikB fu;kstu
nRr dk;Z& ¼fuEu esa ls dksbZ एक ½

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus /

Low Cost Material aid / Working Model

• Remedial work in speech training-Practice in effective speech, oral skills, speech

recoding practice and improvement.

20 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
vuqeksfnr iqLrdsa

1- fgUnh f”k{k.k
f”k{k.k jke “kdy ik.Ms;] fouksn iqLrd eafnj] vkxjk

2- fgUnh f”k{k.k f”k[kk prqosZnh] vkj0 yky cqd fMiks] esjB

3- fgUnh f”k{k.k ch0 ,y0 “kekZ] vkj0 yky cqd fMiks] esjB

4- fgUnh f”k{k.k fxjh”k ipkSjh] lhek “kekZ] vkj0 yky cqd fMiks] esjB

5- fgUnh f”k{k.k jeu fcgkjh yky] jLrksxh ifCyds”ku] esjB

6- fgUnh Hkk’kk f”k{k.k HkkbZ ;ksxsUnz thr] fouksn iqLrd eafnj vkxjk

7- Hkk’kk dk f”k{k.k&fof/k;ka vkSj ikB y{eh ukjk;.k “kekZ] fouksn iqLrd eafnj vkxjk

8- fgUnh f”k{k.k mek eaxy] vk;Z cqd fMiks] ubZ fnYyh

9- fgUnh f”k{k.k ladYiuk vkSj iz;ksx ghjk yky cNkfV;k] fdrkc izdk”ku] nfj;k xat] ubZ fnYyh


Paper Objectives

To enable to student-teacher understand about

• The nature, characteristics and the use of English language.

• The required skilled and their interlinks for mastering a language.

• The various approaches for planning for successful language teaching.

• Approaches for teaching different aspects of language.

• Aids and other similar available material that could be used for teaching language.

• The techniques of obtaining feedback for self-evaluation and evaluation of student’s

success in learning and using the language.

• The study of semantic aspect, the phonetic aspect, the graphic aspect and the phonetic –
graphic aspect.

• A sound knowledge of teaching technology of the language.

UNIT- I General consideration

• Role of English in Present day India

21 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Position of English in the School Curriculum
• Objectives of Teaching English as a second Language ,
• General and specific objectives of Teaching English In Schools
• Principles of Language Learning And Teaching
• Methods of teaching English—Translation Method, Direct Method,
Bilingual Method , Structural Method
UNIT II Teaching Element of English Language
• Teaching English pronounciation
 The phonetic structure of English language
 Stress And Intonation
 English sound stress and intonation
• Teaching English structures
 The synthetic structure of English language
 Selection and gradation of structure
 Presentation and practice of structures
• Teaching English vocabulary
 Morphological structures of English language
 Function and content of words
 Presentation and practice of new words

UNIT III Development of language skills

• Importance of listening skill
 Aspect of listening
 Teacher skill required for developing listening skill – description , narration ,
explanation , recitation , singing , and dramatization .
• Development of speaking skill
 Importance of speaking the skills – Aspect of speaking
 Teaching skills required for developing speaking skill, organizing a discussion of
conversation asking question, asking probing questions and diagnosing speech
• Development of reading skill

22 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
 importance of reading skill
 teaching mechanics of reading
 teaching reading for comprehension
 teaching of poetry and Prose
 Characteristics of a good English textbook
 Teaching skills required for developing reading skill selecting and presenting reading
materials, preparing reading materials asking questions , diagnosing reading
difficulties , organizing practice sessions and organizing reading games
• Development of writing skill
 importance of writing skill
 teaching mechanics of writing skill
 Teaching of Composition and Grammar
 Teachingskills required for developing writing skill , giving dictation , creating
situation for creative writing and correcting written exercises.
 Aims and objectives of teaching spelling – methods of teaching spelling

• Instructional aid for teaching English – Importance of audio visual aids in

 use of various audio – visual aids in English classroom

UNIT V Evaluation of language skill
• Synchronizing testing tool with the objectives of teaching English
• Construction of test items for evaluating students acquisition of listening, speaking
reading , and writing skill English
UNIT VI The Teacher of English
• The qualities of English Teacher
• Play – way in teaching English
• Games – organization song poems chief advertizes
• Lesson planning
• Remedial English
Practicum/ Internal assessment

23 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus /

 Low Cost Material aid / Working Model /teaching AV aids

• Remedial work in speech training-Practice in effective speech, oral skills, speech

recoding practice and improvement.


 Bhandari and other : Teaching of English – Longmans

 Brence: The Teaching of English Abroad , Part I , II ,III
 Frisby : Teaching English – Longmans
 Gokak : English in India
 Gurrey , P. Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Longmons
 Menon , T.K.N. and Patel , M. S. - the Teaching of English as a Foreign
Language Acharya Book Depot Baroda
 O’conner ,J.D: Better English -- Pronunciation
 Thomson and Wyatt : The Teaching of English in India


Paper Objectives

The pupil teachers will be able-

• To enable the teacher trainees to acquire knowledge of mother tongue and to familiarize
with the appropriate terminology.
• To help teacher trainees acquire a working knowledge of grammatical system in Urdu.
• To develop the teacher trainees the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a
particular purpose with a particular audience in mind.
• To evaluate various compositions.
• To acquire knowledge of teaching and principles of translation.
• To observe and demonstrate the teaching skills.
• To develop writing habit and skill to explain various methods of writing and to expose
their difference.

24 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• To develop awareness of formation of good sentences.
• To make teacher aware with the method of teaching language differently.


• Language and Society :

Urdu Language & its development

• Language in School :

Mother tongue and school language, medium of understanding (child's own language),
importance of Urdu language in curriculum, construction of knowledge and language, a
critical view : difference between Urdu language as a school subject and language as a
medium of instruction and communication, multilingual classrooms, multicultural
awareness and Urdu language.

• Constitutional Provisions and policies of Language Education :

Position of language in India, Article 343-351, 350A, Kothari Commission (1964-66),

NPE 1986, POA 1992, NCF 2005.


• Role of Urdu Language in India

• Pre and Post Partition :
• Different forms of Urdu
• Urdu as language of knowledge
• Urdu as a first ,second and third language
• Urdu at international level
• Challenges of teaching and learning Urdu

• Different approaches/theories of language learning and teaching

Philosophical, social and psychological basis and approaches of language acquisition and
language learning.
Whole language approach
Constructive approach
Multilingual approach
• Methods of Language Teaching :

• Grammar cum translation method

• Direct method

25 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Natural method
• Communicative approach
• Teaching Aids

• Aspects of Linguistic behaviour :

Pronunciation - linguistic diversity, impact on Urdu speech and writing

Speech and writing

• Linguistic system :

The organisation of sounds, the structure of sentences, concept of grammar, nature and
structure of meaning, basic concept of phonology, morphology and semantics, discourse.


• Grammar in context, vocabulary in context

• . Acquisition of language skills

Listening and speaking, reading and writing

Listening and speaking : Tasks, materials and resources for developing listening and
speaking skills.

Story telling, dialogues, situational conversations, role plays, simulations, speech, games
and contexts, language, laboratories, pictures and multimedia resources.

Reading : Sub skills of reading, importance of understanding the development of reading

skills, reading aloud and silent reading skills; reading extensive and intensive reading,
study skills, using dictionary and encyclopedia.

Writing : Stages of writing; process of writing, formal and informal writing. Such as
poetry, short story, letter, diary, notices, articles, reports, dialogue, speech,
advertisement, etc; Reference skills; stud skills; higher order skills.

UNIT VI Lesson Planning and Evaluation

• Lesson planning in Urdu teaching.

• Types of lesson planning.

• Lesson plan of Prose, Poetry, Drama, Grammar, Translation, Composition, Rapid


26 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Micro teaching plans-its nature, needs objectives, merit and demerits.

• Forms of Lesson

• Synchronizing testing tool with the objectives of teaching Urdu

• Construction of test items for evaluating students acquisition of listening, speaking
reading , and writing skill Urdu

Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

• Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Assignment and Presentation with power point

• Remedial work in speech training-Practice in effective speech, oral skills, speech

recoding practice and improvement.


• Teaching of Urdu Saleem Farani

• Method of Teaching Urdu Fakhrul Hasan

• How to teach Urdu? Moulvi Salim


• How to write Urdu? Rasheed Hasan Khan

• Poetry and Teaching of Poetry Akhtar


• Teaching of Language Moulvi Abdul



Paper Objectives

27 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• To understand the different roles of language.

• To understand the role and importance of Sanskrit.

• To understand Sanskrit teaching at different levels.

• To understand about the methods of teaching Sanskrit.

• To develop required skills and their interlinks for mastering a


• To understand and prepare various kinds of lesson plans.

• To appreciate the use of audio-visual aids and ICT.

• The techniques of obtaining feedback for self evaluation and evolution of students
success in learning and using for language.

UNIT-I Role of Sanskrit language

• Introduction of Sanskrit language.

• The nature of Sanskrit and its Phonology, Morphology and Syntax.

• The importance of Sanskrit in Indian Society and its place in the curriculum- Primary,
Junior High school and secondary education levels.

• Charactristics of Sanskrit language.

UNIT-II Importance of Sanskrit language

• Sanskrit language and literature.

• Importance of teaching Sanskrit in India.

• Co-relation of Sanskrit with other school subjects.

• Curriculum of Sanskrit.

UNIT-III Aims and objectives of Sanskrit language teaching

• Aims of teaching Sanskrit.

• Aims of teaching Sanskrit at different levels.

• Meaning of teaching objectives.

• Difference between teaching Aims and teaching objectives.

• General Principles and maximum of class teaching in Sanskrit.

28 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
UNIT-IV Language teaching

• Methods of teaching Sanskrit

The Pathsala methods, The Text book method, The Direct method, Explanation
method, The Electic method, true conversational method, Herbertian method,
Language laboratory method, Transtation method.

• Aims and method of teaching-Prose, Poetry, Grammar, Composition and translation.

• Teaching techniques in Sanskrit.

UNIT-V Language teaching Skills

• The nature of language skills and their interrelationship means of developing language
control-oral work and speech Training and writing, memorization skills in Sanskrit.

• Task skills- A story telling, dialogues, situational Conversations, role plays picturs.

• Micro teaching skills-Introduction, Questioning and black-board writing.

• Co-Curricular Activities in Sanskrit.


Teaching of different forms of Sanskrit literature

• Objectives and methods of teaching different froms of Lesson-Prose,Poetry,


UNIT-VII Importance of Lesson Plan

• Lesson planning in Sanskrit teaching.

• Types of lesson planning.

• Lesson plan of Prose, Poetry, Drama, Grammar, Translation, Composition,

Rapid Reading.

• Micro teaching plans-its nature, needs objectives, merit and demerits.

• Forms of Lesson

• Different approaches a Lesson plan

UNIT-VIII Development and Analysis of syllabus and textual materials

• A comparative analysis of various aims of teaching Sanskrit.

29 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Text book-Criteria of a good text book-A Critical Suggestion for improvement.

• A Critical Appraisal of Sanskrit syllabus for different stages.

UNIT-IX Teaching learning Materials and Aids

• Innovations in teaching of Sanskrit.

• Audio-visual aids and their importance in the teaching of Sanskrit – related co-
curricular activates.

• Scope of experiment studies in the teaching of Sanskrit.

• Principles and practice in preparation of instructional materials for pupil with team
teaching, programmed teaching, computer assisted, teaching, micro teaching, skills

UNIT –X Assessment & Evaluation its Role and Importance

• Evaluation in Sanskrit-New type test and other devices

• Diagnostic evaluation and remedial teaching in Sanskrit.

• Evolution of integrated lesson plan of teaching skills.

• Measurement- meaning , types and levels , functions.

• Techniques and tools of evolution.

Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus / Low Cost Material aid / Working Model
• Remedial work in speech training-Practice in effective speech, oral skills, speech
recoding practice and improvement.


• Apte, D.G. and Dongre, P.k- Teaching of Sanskrit in secondary school, Acharya book

• Bokil,V.P.andPorasnik, N.k-A new Approach to Sanskrit, LokaSangaha, Poona.

30 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Chaturvedi,R.s- Sanskrit ShikshanPadhati.

• Govt.of India-Methodology of teaching and training in Higher Education,Delhi,2000

• Mishra, Prabhakar - Sanskrit Shikshanvidhi.

• Pandey Ram Sakal - Sanskrit Shikshanvidhi, VinodPustakMandir Agra.

• Safaya, Raghunath - Sanskrit Shikshanvidhi, PanjabKitabGhar Jalandhar.

• Sharma, Anita – Sanskrit ShikshanAnushandhanPrakashan, Kanpur.

• Singh,Karan – Teaching of Sanskrit, GovindPrakashan, Lakhinpurkhiri.


Course Objectives:-

To enable the student teacher to-

• Get acquainted with importance of art and its place in curriculum.

• To understand the concept of representing models and imagination.

• To get acquainted of methods of teaching of Fine Arts

• To correlate of fine Arts with other school subject.

• To get acquainted with practical skill in fine arts.

Course Content-

• The Nature and scope of Arts.

• Importance of Arts and its place in the curriculum of Primary, Junior High school and
Secondary Education level.

• Aims of teaching Arts.

• Curriculum course of study in Arts: Levels critical appraisal of the existing syllabus in art
suggestion for improvement.

• (a) Methods of teaching Arts. (b) Free Expression, Representation, Designing and clay
modeling at various stage. (c) representing model and imagination .(d) Lesson Planning

• Correlation of Arts with other school subjects.

• Audio –Visual aids and their use in teaching of Arts.

31 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Text –books , criteria of good text book in Arts , A critical appraisal of present text –
books in Art suggestion for Improvement .

• Art Room, its need , equipment and decoration .

• Different type of tests , their construction and administration testing practical skill in

Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus / Low Cost Material aid / Working Model


Course Objectives

To enable the pupil teacher to:-

1. Appreciate the need for learning Home Science either as separate disciplines or as any
integrated discipline.

2. Dev elop knowledge about the basic principles governing the construction of Home

3. Develop the class-room skills needed for teaching of Home Science either as a separate
or as an integrated discipline using modern methodology .

4. Acquire the complete plan for instruction.

5. Develop the ability to organise co-curricular activities and community resources for
promoting Home Science learning .

6. Acquire the ability to develop instructional support materials.

Unit I-

1. Concept and meaning of Home Science .

2. Aims of Home Science .

3. Place o fHome Science in school curriculum.

32 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
4. Curriculum : courses of study in Home Science .

5. Knowledge of the subject matter content up to high school .

Unit II-

1. main objectives of prepairing curriculum of Home Science.

2. Aims of teaching Home Science at secondary level students.

3. A critical appraisals of the existing syllabus in Home Science, suggestion for

improvement .

4. Correlation of Home Science with other school subject.

5. Teaching techniques of Home Science .


1. General principles and method of teaching -

Main methods of teaching Home Science : Discussion , Laboratory , Demonstration
,Field – Trip, Project , ProblemsSolving, Group Work and Assignment .

2. Concept of micro teaching ,How a teacher can develop micro-teaching skills .

3. Experimental subjects teaching of Home Science .

4. Budgeting .

5. Planning for home – management.

UnitIV –

1. Audio – Visual aids and their use in teaching Home Science.

2. Accessory articles teaching in Home Science .

3. Food ,Nutrition &Health, Malnutrition .

4. Principles of Physical&MentalHealth.

5. Lesson planning in teaching Home Science.

UnitV –

1. TextBook: Criteria of a good text book in Home Science , Criticalapprasial of the present
text book in Home Science , Suggestion for improvement .

2. Home Science – room , its need , organization and equipment .

3. Qualities of a good home-science teacher .

33 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
4. Home Science teacher as extension workor.


1. Need of Home Science teaching for boys also .

2. Home science teaching in context of family & group.

3. Evaluation in teaching Home Science , Meaning , Aims and Procedure.

Different type of tests –Essay type , Short –Answer type and Objective type,Their
constrution and administration ,Testing practical work in Home Science .

4. preparation of achivment test.n

Practise Teaching will be organized for pupil teacher ,Supervisor should be subject – teacher.

Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus / Low Cost Material aid / Working Model


• S.R.andeyP.–ideal homes for india

• Kumari .R.R -New home for new india

• retniW divaD –craft -Modern home

• Grelham – (vol I)The complete home book

publishing house

• Grelham – (vol II)The complete home book

publishing house

• -(III&,II ,part I)The science of the home

Robinson Oxford

• Summer&Most –House hold management

34 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• -The teaching of domestic science

• Science for teaching of house science

Deolkar Durga -subject in school

• Fundamentals of teachingHome Science–

Uma Joshi ,Anupama Shah ,Arvinda Chandra

Course Objectives :-

To enable the student teacher to-

• Know the importance of music.

• Get acquainted with curriculum with different stages.

• Teach general principles of raga.

• Get acquainted with practical skill.

• Use audio-video aids in music.


• Meaning, Nature and scope of music

• The need for teaching the subjects under music (vocal, instrumental, dance etc) in school.
• Different forms of music- Indian (Hindustani & Karnataka) and Western.


•The importance of music and its place in the curriculum of Primary, Junior High School
and Secondary Education levels.
• Correlation of music with other school subjects.

• Aims of teaching music.

• Principles of designing music curriculum- Classical, Light, Film and Folk Music.
• Song for school children.

• Instructional strategies and methods.

• Strategies for teaching music in terms of specific methods like lecture, lecture cum
discussion, demonstration, practice, heuristic, dramatization, project, workshop, seminar

35 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r

•Objectives of teaching music- specifications to clarify planning viz- Unit & lesson plans.
•Micro teaching lesson plans for developing the skills in teaching.
•General principles of teaching Rags, Tals, Melodic grace devices Tune and Rhythm

•Audio Visual Aids and their use in teaching music.

•Text Books- Criteria of a good text book in music, a critical appraisal of the present text
books in music, suggestions for improvement.

•Music Room- Its equipment and organization.

•Different types of tests, their construction and administration. Test in practical skill in

• Knowledge of subject matter concept upto High School.

Functional Knowledge

• Demonstration- Participation and performance in any one (Vocal, Instrumental or

• Repair and taking care of minor problems in musical instruments.
• Identifying and recognising different music forms and performance of artists (Vocal,
Musical Instrumental, Dance form with the help of slides and audio visual aids).
Practicum/ Internal assessment

• Microteaching 10 Marks

Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus / Low Cost Material aid / Working Model


Paper Objectives

• Appreciate the importance of integrating the knowledge through multidisciplinary

• Develop the keen insight of using different strategies, methods and skills for transfer of
36 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Develop the competence of instructional planning.
• Develop the skill of using teaching-learning resources and creating instructional material

• Nature and scope of commerce.

• Importance of commerce and its place in the curriculum.

• Aims of teaching commerce.


• Curriculum: Course of study in commerce, a critical appraisal of the existing syllabus: in

course, suggestions for improvement.

• (a) Methods of teaching commerce, (b) exploitation of local resources in the teaching of
commerce visit of officers and factories, (c) Lesson planning.


• Correlation of commerce with other school subjects.

• Audio-visual Aids and their use in teaching of commerce.


• Text books, criteria of good text books in commerce, critical appraisal of the present text
books in commerce, suggestions for improvement.

• Commerce room: Its need organization and equipment.


• Different type of test (Essay type, short answer type and objective) their construction and

• Knowledge of the subject matter content up to high school.


• Microteaching 10 Marks

37 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
Anyone from the following 5 marks

• Construction, Administration and Evaluation of an Unit Test

• Preparation of One Improvised apparatus / Low Cost Material aid / Working Model


Paper Objectives

To enable the student teacher to-

• Communicate Correctly and confidently.

• Develop language proficiency.

• Develop skill of presentation techniques.

• Visit and learn to use language laboratory.


• Spoken English/ Phonology- Speech mechanism and the organs of Speech,

consonant, vowels, Diphthongs, phoneme, stress, Intonation, Understanding
phonetic symbols.


• Importance of language skills- How to develop Proficiency in Speaking & writing-

the Listening ability- the reading ability.

• Interdependence of the four language skills.


• Constituents of the Technical communication, word formation, Prefix & Suffix;

Synonyms and Antonyms; Homophones; One word substitution, Paragraph

• Techniques and Methods – Inductive, Deductive, Spatial, Linear, Chronological



• Forms of Technical communication different type of letters, Job applications&

Resumes, Reports: Types, significances, structure, style & Writing of Reports.


38 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Presentation Techniques, Meaning, Importance and use of presentation. Tips for
good oral delivery, Debates, elocution, speeches, group discussion, non-verbal
communication techniques, audio visual Presentation, Power point presentation,
Art of delivery.

• Visit of Language Laboratory, Importance & Meaning of Language laboratory.

Practicum /Activities

• Small group communication activities

• Spoken English activities.

• Remedial work in speech training-Practice in effective speech, oral skills, speech

recoding practice and improvement.


• Boveethill & E. Schatzman : Business communication Today- Pearson

Education (Singapore) 2003.

• Menon, T.K.N. and Patel , M. S. - The Teaching of English as a Foreign

Language- Acharya Book Depot Barod
• Gurrey, P, Teaching English as a Foreign Longmons.
• O’conner,J.D: Better English - Pronunciation
• Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication-Principles and
Practices- Oxford University Press 2007, New Delhi.
• Barun K. Mitra, Effective Technical Communication- Oxford University Press
2006, New Delhi.
• Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Falteley: Basic Business Communication- Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2002.


Paper Objectives
The pupil teacher will be able to
• understand the concept of holistic health, its various dimensions and determinants and
the importance of sports and yoga for development of holistic health;
• Develop positive attitude towards health as individual and be collectively responsible to
achieve it;

39 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Equip them to know their health status, identify health problems and be informed for
taking remedial measures;
• Make them aware about rules of safety in hazardous situation (illness, accident and
injury) and equip them with first aid measures about common sickness and injuries;
• Encourage them to learn and to form right habits about exercise, games and sports, sleep,
rest and relaxation;
• Sensitize, motivate and help them to acquire the skills for physical fitness, learn correct
postural habits and activities for its development;
• Create interest for the practice of yogasanas and meditations through which they learn the
skills/art of self-control, concentration, peace
• Meaning and definition of Physical Education, its aim and objective and misconception
about physical Education. Need, importance and scope of Physical Education in the
Modern Society and its relationship with General Education.


• Growth and Development, Differences between growth and development, Factors
affecting growth and development. Age and Sex differences in relation to Physical
activities and Sports.
• Physical education & sports as a need of the society. Physical activities and Sports as a
men’s cultural heritage


• Concept of health, importance, dimensions and determinants of health; Health needs of
children and adolescents, including differently-abled children
• Understanding of the body system–skeleton, muscular, respiratory, circulatory and
digestive in relation to health fitness, bones, muscles and joints, their functions,
• Effect of exercises on – circulatory, respiratory and muscular system

• Balance diet, its elements and sources, factors affecting Balance diet, Importance
ofBalance diet.
• Practices related to food hygiene, malnutrition, including obesity, food and waterborne
and deficiency diseases and prevention
• Dangers of the use of alcohol, nicotine, narcotics and drugs

40 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• The meaning and definition of Yoga, scope of yoga, aims and objectives of yoga.
• Misconception about yoga, schools of yoga.
• Therapeutic Values of Yoga, Yoga and mental health.
• Concept & Kinds of Yogic Practices: Asana, Pranayama, Kriya, Bandha, Mudra, Dhyana.
• Asana: Definition, Scope and Laminations of Asanas- Classification of Asanas-
Meditative Asanas- RelaxativeAsanas- Cultural Asanas – Step by Step Performance of
Asanas – Safety Measure and Precautions while performing Asanas.
• Pranayama – Meaning – different Phases in Pranayama Practices: Puraka (Inhalation),
Kumbhaka (Retention) and Rechaka (Exhalation)
• Basics of track and field (Proficiency, Track events, Rules & regulations)) Gymnastics;
• Select any two games, one from each group of the following two groups
 Group A
o Basketball, Cricket, Football, Handball, Hockey, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho Volleyball
 Group B
o Badminton, Gymnastics, Judo, Lawn Tennis, Swimming, Table Tennis Wrestling
• Learning and performing of basic yogic activities
• Bucher, C.A., and Wuest, D.A., Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science,
and Sport(15th Edition), Tata McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2010
• Gautam G.P. and Uppal A.K.,Physical Education and Health, Friends Publications,
New Delhi, 2000
• Kamlesh M.L.,Understanding Physical Education and Sports, Friends Publication,
Delhi, 2005
• Singh Ajmer et. al., Essentials of Physical Education,Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,
• ikdZ] ds-] lkeqnkf;dLokLF; foKku ¼ifjpkfjdkvksa ds fy,½] cukjlhnklHkuksr] tcyiqj] 2009.
• vxzoky] ih-
lh-]VsDlVCkqdvkWQdE;wfuVhgsYFk] ç[kjcqDl] Xokfy;j] 2013.
• Gupta M.C, and Mahajan B.K.,Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine (4th Ed.),
Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 2013


41 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
Paper Objectives :

• The student teachers will be able to acquire knowledge of computer, understand the
basics of computer.

• Understand the concept, need and impotence 0f ICT.

• Acquire the skills of operating a computer in teaching learning activities.

• Understand feature of MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel.

• Acquire skills in accessing World Wide Web. And internet.


• ICT meaning, importance and tools of ICT.

• Relevance of ICT in education [Radio, Television, Computer].

• Use of Audiovisual Media and Computers.

• Role of ICT in Construction of Knowledge.


• Computer- Definition, Main Units.

• Characteristics, Classification of Computer.

• Computer Hardware-input-output devices.

• Functional knowledge of operating computer.


• Memory of computer: Primary and secondary.

• Introduction to operating Systems. (Windows)

• Feature of Windows,

• Utility of Windows.


• Introduction to application software.

• Word Processing, use of Power Point, Access, Excel.

42 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Computer as a learning tool - Browsing of Internet. Survey of Educational
sites, Downloading relevant material,

• Data Base management, Virus management.


• Use of technology in classroom ,

• Concept of technology in education, components- Hardware and Software ,

Difference between software and Hardware and its use in formal and non formal

• Hardware Technology Important Accessories and their Application – Radio , T.V.

, O.H.P. ,L.C.D. , Projector , CCTV Use of Strategies like teleconferencing ,
Programmed instruction ,CAI ,CAL .


• Create learning materials for multimedia presentation for class.

• Prepare slide show for class room use.

• Plan and execute project (using computer)

• Create a digital Unit Plan [Teachers multimedia Presentation in her selected pedagogy


• Dr. Goyal V.P. Internet Zane Mangaldeep Publication Jaipur

• Dr. J.S. Walia. Educational Technology Paul Publications Jalandhar, Punjab
• Dr. Nag Pal, D.P. Computer Course. Wheeler Publishers, 2000. Pvt. Ltd.

• Dr. V.K. Rao. Handbook of High-Tech Teaching and Learning.

• Kokila, S. Thangasamy. Instructional Technology and curriculum” Neel Kamal

Publications – New Delhi.

43 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Kumar, Gaurav. (2014). ICT, Skill Development. Patiala: 21st century publication.

• Kumar, Khusvinder& Kumar Sunil. (2004). Computer Education. GBD Publications.

• Rajaraman, V. (2004). Fundamental of Computers. New Delhi Prentice Hall of India

• Sharma Lalit. (2006). Computer Education- FirojpurCantt. Wintech Publications.

• Singh, Tarsem. (2009). Basic Computer Education. Ludhiana- Tandon Brothers.

• Singh, Tarsem. (2009). ICT. Skill Development. Ludhiana: Tandon Brothers.

• Sinha, P. K. (1992). Computer Fundamentals. New Delhi BPB Publication.

44 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r
• Activities of School- Teaching and Non-Teaching (eg. Librarian, time keeper, etc)
• Various Functions of teacher in the school
• Various Functions of Principal (Administrator) in the school.
• Bio-geo-socio-cultural Analysis of the school.
• Submission of a comprehensive report of the observation by the observer to the
concerned subject teacher.
(b) Internship and practice of teaching (1 month)
• Attendance of Student (Maintaining Register)
• Leave Application
• Preparation of different Notices
• Duty register
• Preparation of Teachers’ Diary - Syllabus Division
• One criticism Plan Teaching in each teaching subject.

IX C- A Comprehensive Viva Voce will be conducted which will be evaluated by an external

examiner from outside university (appointed by the university). The Viva Voce will be based on
theory & practicum. The Head of the concerned institution will coordinate the conduct of Viva
Voce examination.

45 | B . E d . - T w o Y e a r s P r o g r a m m e C o u r s e , C . S . J . M . U . , k a n p u r

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