Maxs Life Walkthrough 0.4.1

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Max’s Life by Kuggazer

Version 0.4.1


1) Do not use cheat to increase Love and Corruption, you will lose some event if you do that.
2) You don’t need to much both of them so play regularly.
3) If you want can use cheat for money.
4) I recommend to play each character one by one not all together.
5) Your room PC, check characters status, Hourly to advance time, Dev Patreon page
6) Sometime you will found the same character in different room during the same period of time, that’s normal,
just think one period is made by 6 hours.
7) With the version 0.4 our beloved developer Kuggazer add a cheat for money on our PC.
8) Bathzone Shower time Character
Sun. Day Mom
Fri. Day Laura
Sat. Evening Rita

Toilet time is: all days Morning Laura but Saturday

all days Day Mom but Saturday
all days Evening Rita

1 Prologue, mom give you 10$, go market, buy milk.

Day 1 morning breakfast with mom +1 love

Day help mom with dishes +1 love

Evening visit mom her room (time don’t flow) +1 corruption

Evening help Laura homework +1 love

Night sleep.

Day 2 morning breakfast with mom (she ask about your jon) +1 love

Day help mom with dishes +1 love

Evening visit mom her room (time don’t flow) +1 corruption

Evening help Laura homework +1 love

Night sleep.

Day 3 morning breakfast with mom

Day try help mom (she invite you to her room)

Evening mom room, she ask for a massage +1 love

Night sleep.

Day 4 morning mom come your room ask you to go neighbor at evening to repair tv

Morning go meet Mei (Massage&SPA) location

Morning breakfast with mom (no more point)

Day Talk to mom (to pass time)

Evening Meet Susan (house next to yours) you will need a new card to repair TV +1 love

Night back home to sleep

Day 5 morning breakfast with mom, she found a work for you to Dominique.

Day Go work to Dominique, get 40$

Evening Help Laura with homeworks +1 love

Night sleep

From now on we have all the information that mom can give us, I will focus character by character until each end.

First of all we need money so one time a day we go work to Dominique to get money. Go work. You will need total
about 650 – 700$.

We can mix Dominique and Susan walkthrough because we need work for money to spend for Susan and gain exp
from Dominique at the same time.

1 - Susan / Dominique

Morning Go work for Dominique +1 Love

Evening Go market buy electronic card (70$), go to Susan, repair tv, she invite you to do jogging +1 corruption

In the morning with her. +1 love

Next day morning go Susan home, upstairs her room get +1 corruption

Do jogging with her but you fall down, need go gym to train.

Leave her and go to gym.

Meet Tina at gym, pay 50$, train endurance.

Now for 3 days go work at morning and to Gym at day time.

Your score situation must be: Mom, 5 L 2 C; Laura, 3 L; Susan, 2 L 2 C; Dominique 3 L 1 C.

Morning, go to Susan +1 corruption

Day to Dominique work. +1 corruption

Continue going to Dominique until you see 2 options “Touch Boobs” and “Leave”

Continue going to Susan until you see 3 options

Your score with them must be: Susan: 5 L 6C; Dominique: 3 L 6 C.

Go to 2-Mei

2 - Mei
To learn massage now you will need some money so, or you use cheat in your pc or continue go to work for money.

Morning, go for massage need 40$. Unlucky is her father that do massage, look at the oil contenitor, is the same that
that Sexy shop sell. Go Sexy Shop, buy Lotion Bottle 30$. You have to find a way to take off Mei father.

Go your home in the garden (inside house), look on the left for red pepper plant, take it. Go kitchen when mom is
there, ask for mixer. Mixer is broken need to buy a new one at the market 100$. Buy mixer, go kitchen in the evening
and mix the pepper.

Next morning go for massage 40$. Exchange the bottle and Mei’s father is out. Mei will do a massage to you.

Do this other 2 times (days), Mei will give you HandJob. +1 corruption
Next day go to Mei, you have 3 options “HandJob”, “Massage” or “Leave”. Choose what you want.

Finish Mei so far. Score 1 corruption.

Go to 3 – Mom.

3 - Mom
Mom stat should be 5 Love and 2 Corruptions. The sequence from now on will be: Morning Breakfast, day talk to her,
evening her room doing massage, night sleep. Afther 3 – 4 days Max will lift a little bit to much mom towel and see her
pussy, mom became angry and scold him, Max go to his room. Mom go there for make peace and found him
masturbating thinking on her. This happen exactly at 8 Love and 3 corruption. Continue until you have 3 options: Body
massage, Boobs massage, Leave.

Your mom score must be now: 8 L, 5 C.

Suspend for now. Go to 4 - Laura.

Join mom for breakfast at morning.

Sneak up to her at day

Go to her room at evening.

Continue doing this until you get corruption points.

When you got score 8 L 16 C you can start sleep with her at night.

Continue until you can raise the score.

Around 20 corruption points you will get a “Special Breakfast”

Now it’s time to visit her in Bathroom at day time.

Continue doing this until your score is 25 corruption.

Go to 7 - Aunt


Sunday morning go find mom on shower, enter +1 corruption

Next Sunday do the same get 27 total corruption point.

Go to her room Evening time, see her with a new seetrought lingerie +1 corruption

Final Mom score: 8 L 28 C.

Go to sleep.

Go to 9 Final

4 - Laura
Day time, Living room, meet Laura and watch tv together until you get 5 total Love point.

Suspend for now. Go to 5 - Rita.

Enter her room, apologize, invite to dinner out. +1 love

Bring her back home. +1 corruption

Day her room, fix for evening.

Go out for dinner. +1 corruption

Continue +1 corruption

Rita score: 6 L 3 C

You can sleep with her at night in her room. +1 corruption

Continue sleep with her until you get corruption points.

When you no more get corruption point go to her at day time, she will ask you to learn how to kiss +1 corruption

Continue until you get corruption point. When no more sleep with her 1 night, pinch her nipple.

Next day go to her at day time start to touch her +1 corruption

Continue, if some day she’s not in her room, try the next day.

You must see her whatching TV, stay, get more corruption points.

Stop when you no more get corruption points.

Score with her must be: 6 L 15 C.

You can now enter bathroom with her but she ask you to go out.

Go to 3 – Mom *


Morning go to Laura room use DVD player under TV.

Day go to her room, watch TV +1 corruption

Morning time, go find her in bathroom +1 corruption

Continue until she masturbate.

Final score: 6 L 19 C.

Go to 8 Alisia.

5 - Rita
Go out home at night to find a dog. It’s random so maybe you have to try some times.

If you cannot find it try speak Laura/Rita some times in Living room and retry exit at night.

When you found it, take it home with you, put it in the garden. Next morning Rita will scream scared, enter her room
and blackmail her taking away her room key.

Morning go to Rita room speak get +1 love

At evening go Living room, watch tv with her, ask for a beer. Do this 2 days. 3 day ask for a beer but Rita will piss on
beer bottle and give to you. +2 corruption

At evening go her room, check her pc, look for some photo, talk with her. +1 love
Next day go market, buy a camera 100$.

Now at the morning go her room, start photo session. Get +1 corruption each days. After 2 -3 days you will need buy
her a Sexy Nurse Uniform 100$ by Sexy Shop. Give to her. Continue photo session until her give you Hand Job. Next
day you will have 3 options, try them.

Now at the evening, go bathroom, enter, lick her pussy. Her score is now: 2 L 11 C.

Go to 6 – Common

Go to sexy shop buy a sexy cop uniform.

Morning go to Rita each days to continue photo session. Get +1 corruption each days.

Continue until she give you a BJ. Her score must be now: 3 L, 15 corruption.

Go buy Dog costume. Talk to Rita. Wait Saturday.

Morning, do the dog costume photo session.

At night go to sleep with her. +1 corruption

Morning go her room ask for news. Do masturbate photo session.

Next morning go to her room, go buy Massager to sexy shop, return to her, do photo session.

Next morning go to her room, go buy Dildo to sexy shop, return to her, do photo session.

Next morning go to her room, go buy Anal vibe black to sexy shop, return to her, do photo session.

Next morning go to her room, go buy Vibe, return to her, do photo session.

Final Rita score: 3 L 22 C.

Go to Laura *

6 - Common
Next morning go to speak with mom on kitchen. Your aunt and cousin are waiting for you.

During the Aunt introduction Rita ask you to buy a new dress.

Go to 5 – Rita *

7 – Aunt
Go aunt house speak with her. +1 Love

Go to Susan house ask for aunt work.

Back to aunt, speak. +1 love

Monday evening go to Susan house +1 love

Next day go visit aunt at Susan home, buy her a maid uniform on sexy shop 100$.

When you talk to sexy shop girl Max ask her for a porn DVD. This come in handly for Laura path.

Back to aunt, give maid uniform. +1 love

Continue visit aunt at work morning/evening time all days to increase score.
Evening, Susan house, enter bathroom ask Susan porn DVD (Laura path)

Stop when you see the complete dildo scene and no more score point.

You finish with score: 4 L 5 C.

Go to 4 – Laura **

8 – Alisia

Morning go to aunt house find Alisia her room. Look Alisia dance. +1 Love

After 3 dance she ask you to go nudist beach.

Paulina, the water patrol girl, do the erection test to Max, Max fail. +1 corruption

Continue visit Alisia morning time until Max no more get an erection.

Pass test, go to the beach until Alisia give you a Foot Job.

Final Alisia score: 6 L 8 C.

Go to 3 – Mom **

9 - Final

P.S. Please forgive me my bad English. If I miss something fill free to inform me, I will appreciate every help.

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