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Midterm Examination Questions for SS119: Trends and Issues in Social Studies

Topics: Graft and Corruption; Impeachment

1. What is known to be a form of political corruption in which a politician uses his/her power
or authority in an unscrupulous way for personal gain?
A. Graft C. Bribery
B. Corruption D. Extortion

2. What is considered to be a broad set of abuses based on dishonesty or unethical conduct

of a person in authority?
A. Graft C. Bribery
B. Corruption D. Extortion

3. Which of the following statements about graft and corruption is FALSE?

A. Corruption covers an entire host of abuses, of which graft is one.
B. Graft and corruption are charges that are typically levelled at highly-placed
government officials, who are able to use public funds to improve their own fortunes.
C. When an official uses the access, influence, knowledge or power that comes
with an elevated position and engage in graft, they protect public trust and may
be charged with a crime.
D. There are no common forms of corruption and it varies from place to place.

4. Carina is a wealthy patron in Barangay Taft and is a good friend to Tomas who’s the
chairman of the said barangay. In order to slide through legal requirements in opening a
business branch, Carina sent Tomas and his family cases of different wines. What form
of corruption took place?
A. Nepotism C. Fraud
B. Cronyism D. Bribery

5. The following statements are TRUE for Patronage, EXCEPT:

A. In some countries, patronage does not exist at all in the system.
B. Patronage is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an
organization or individual bestows to another.
C. Patronage is the use of state resources to reward individuals for their electoral
D. In some countries, patronage systems are legal.

6. Macchiato, a local entertainer and sex guru, has been assigned a high position
government job with a high salary grade. She has been given the job regardless of her
lack in qualifications because she is a well-known staunch supporter of the person who
gave her the job. If this is considered corruption, what kind would it be?
A. Extortion C. Bribery
B. Cronyism D. Embezzlement
7. The following are highly probable causes of corruption EXCEPT:
A. Personal greed that leads to an unfettered desire for money or power, with no regard
whatsoever to moral boundaries.
B. Decline of personal ethical sensitivity, either due to lack of education or negative
learning experiences, developed by downplaying perverse conduct in the past.
C. A sense of service when working in public or private institutions.
D. Low awareness or lack of courage to denounce corrupt behavior and situations
conducive to corruption.
For questions 8 and 9, carefully read the narrative in order to answer each item correctly.
Warrod is a fresh graduate from a well-known university based in Manila. His performance as a
student is considered satisfactory based on his grades, final average, and extra-curricular
activities but since he wants to land a high position job on entry level, he intends to find ways to
modify his transcripts and qualifications to boost his employability quality. Warrod thought that
manipulating his personal data to acquire a good job would be overshadowed by the prestige of
the university he graduated from.
8. If Warrod would push through with his decision to alter his bachelor’s degree background,
what type of corruption would he be committing?
A. Political Corruption C. Systematic Corruption
B. Grand Corruption D. Petty Corruption

9. Is Warrod’s intent justified?

A. No. It is unethical and unjust to get hired by an employer with fake qualifications
because you deny the employer’s right to hire better employees.
B. Yes. He just wants a good paying job. No one would be aggravated.
C. No. Regardless of the fact that he is trying to look for a job, it would be unfair for others
who would also be looking for a job.
D. Yes. His methods may be questionable but his intentions are good because he just
wants to have a job with a high salary.

10. In what way would the existence of graft and corruption in a bureaucracy be beneficial?
A. Corruption provides supplement mechanism for investment purposes.
B. Corruption may serve as an indicator of a dysfunctional system that needs to
be changed.
C. Corruption may benefit the depressed sector of society in the form of gainful
employment as in nepotism.
D. Corruption money could be another form of inducement for able persons to enter
government services.
11. According to Justice George Malcolm in Cornejo v. Gabriel in 1920, what should be the
main concern of a government official pursuant to the provisions of the constitution and
of other laws?
A. How he rules his people C. His held trust from the people
B. His held office D. How he runs the government

12. What are the two Articles from the 1987 Philippine Constitution that solidifies the
accountability and transparency of public officials to the Filipino People?
A. Article I: National Territory and Article III: Bill of Rights
B. Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies and Article IV: Citizenship
C. Article IV: Citizenship and Article V: Suffrage
D. Article II: Declaration of Principles and State Policies and Article XI:
Accountability of Public Officers

13. If a government official, after ascending to office, would somehow be corrupted or become
incompetent, what would be a speedy and immediate remedy that is necessary?
A. Impeachment C. Suspension
B. Expulsion D. Imprisonment

14. Since the Philippine Constitution is adopted from the American version, Benjamin
Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the United States, has influence on the political
thought of Filipinos in punishing corrupt government officials. According to him,
impeachment was for the benefit of the executive because the alternative to impeachment
on the obnoxious chief magistrate was recourse to assassination. What is the main
reason behind this?
A. The Americans believed that assassination was too morbid, underhanded, and brutal
for a democratic society.
B. The Americans believed that punishments involving the possible forfeiture of
life, liberty, or property were best left to the determination of courts of law.
C. The Americans believed that government officials removed from office should be held
accountable right after the removal.
D. The Americans believed that all perspectives on the incompetence of a government
leader should be taken into account.

15. The following statements are TRUE about Impeachment EXCEPT:

A. It is a constitutional process of removing public servants from office as an assurance
against abusive officials in the country.
B. It serves as protection for the state and not to accomplish criminal punishment.
C. It is the determination of criminal guilt or innocence as in a criminal case.
D. The object of impeachment is solely to determine whether or not the official is still
worthy of the trust conferred upon him/her.
16. Which of the following government officials of the Philippine Government CANNOT be
removed from office through impeachment?
A. President C. Members of the Supreme Court
B. Vice President D. Senators

17. Which branch of the Philippine Government mainly has the legal mandate to initiate,
process, and hold an impeachment trial?
A. The Legislative Body C. The Executive Body
B. The Judicial Body D. The Constitutional Commissions

18. Who presides the impeachment trial of the President of the Philippines?
A. The Senate President C. The Speaker of the House
B. The Chief Justice D. The Chairman of the Commission on Elections

19. Why was former President Erap Estrada’s impeachment not considered a formal and
legal one?
A. He was ousted because the votes did not reach the required count.
B. He was ousted by the Filipino people’s movement against his plunder and
C. He was ousted because he resigned from office moments before the final decision
was made.
D. He was ousted because the Justices of the Supreme Court were unanimous in voting
him out of office.

20. Why is the impeachment trial considered a political process, not a criminal one?
A. The goal of the impeachment process is to remove an incompetent government
official, not arrest him/her.
B. The impeachment trial is not a criminal trial.
C. The impeachment trial compels those who hold it to vote in accordance
with the people’s will.
D. The impeachment trial requires those who hold it to vote based on conscience
and legal knowledge.

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