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Heirlooms of Eberron

his document contains 50 magical items for Phiarlan's Organ Grinder
your campaign in the steampunk setting of Wondrous item, uncommon
Eberron. The first group of items is based on
the Dragonmarked Houses of Eberron. The When played, this street organ plays a lovely tune. It also
second group is a collection of inventions that records all conversations, even whispered ones, that occur
blur the lines of magic and technology. Last within a 60 foot radius as long as the organ as direct line of
are three item complete sets, based on long- sight to the participants of the conversation. The
dead legendary figures. conversations can be played back within a tenday by turning
the organ's crank backwards. The organ magically separates
each conversation from any crowd or background noise. The
The Dragonmarked Houses organ can hold up to 10 minutes of recordings and the
Eberron is ruled by the Dragonmarked Houses. The families recordings are lost if the organ is played again.
play a ruthless political game as they vie for riches and power.
Each one has their own particular set of skills. These skills Medanian Cupbearer
are reflected in the items below. Wondrous item, common
Vadalis Saddle A pouch of 5 tiny capsules. When a capsule is dropped into a
Wondrous item, uncommon liquid it reveals the presence of any poison by causing the
liquid to fizz and bubble.
When riding an animal wearing this saddle you gain
advantage on animal handling checks and on saving throws Ghallanda's Minibar
to remain mounted when your mount is moved against your Wondrous item, uncommon
will. Additionally, you use 5 feet less of your movement speed Popular amongst the Eberronian nobility for its novelty, this 6
when mounting or dismounting. foot tall, 3 foot wide, and 3 foot deep cabinet acts as a
Cannith Mending Bracelet magical bartender. Simply speak the name of the drink you
Wondrous item, uncommon want, insert the proper coinage in the slot, and the minibar
whirrs, clicks, clacks, hisses, and produces your drink for
This bracelet allows the wearer to cast the mending cantrip you. The minibar must be refilled with ingredients depending
once per day. on the number of customers, with a heavily-frequented
minibar requiring ingredients costing 10 gold every tenday.
Tharashkian Transponder
Wondrous item, uncommon Rainstick of Lyrandar
Wondrous item, uncommon
Once per day you can speak the name or specific description
of a single object into this polished granite orb. You then set Once per day, when this long wooden tube is activated by
the orb on a flat surface (such as the ground). If the object or turning it over, it causes one of the following effects over the
an object meeting the description is within 30 feet and on the next 10 minutes. The effect lasts for 1 hour.
same plane of existence, the orb will slowly roll in the 1. If the weather is sunny, it becomes overcast.
direction of the object. If multiple objects meet the criteria, 2. If the weather is overcast, it begins to rain gently.
the transponder rolls toward the nearest one. This effect is 3. If it is raining, it begins to thunderstorm.
considered divination magic for the purposes of spells that
block divination. Kundarak's Coinpurse
Wondrous item, common
Scribe of Sivis
Wondrous item, common This coinpurse looks like a small pouch but actually links to
two separate pocket dimensions, both of which are the size of
Anything written with this quill is only visible to the person the coinpurse. The first dimension is accessible by anyone
holding the quill. and is indistinguishable from the inside of a normal
coinpurse. However, the second dimension is accessible only
Orien's Envelope to the owner. The owner chooses which dimension to access
Wondrous item, common when they reach into the coinpurse. Items in the second
Once activated, this envelope flies toward the person it is dimension do not affect the coinpurse's weight. A dispel
addressed to. Envelopes vary by speed, with most envelopes magic cast on the coinpurse spills the contents of both
travelling about 100 miles per day and the rarest (and most dimensions out.
expensive) travelling 500 miles per day. While traveling, the
envelope flies well above the treetops, attempts to avoid
interception and threats, has a fly speed of 60, an AC of 25,
and 10 HP.
Jorasco's Balm See Bee
Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, uncommon
This tin container with the House Jorasco Dragonmark on it This tiny mechanical bee is linked to a set of goggles. When
has enough balm for 5 applications. When applied during a you put on the goggles you see as if through the bee's eyes
short rest, each application acts as an extra hit die for the and can telepathically control its movements. The bee is
user. unable to go further than 30 feet from you and perception
rolls made through the bee have a modifier of +4. The bee
Deneith's Sentinelscope has an AC of 13 and 5 HP.
Wondrous item, uncommon
Buffer Overload
This gyroscope can be magically paired to any handheld Wondrous item, uncommon
trinket (such as a coin, brooch, or stone). When the trinket is
activated, the gyroscope begins to spin as long as both are on This strange green rod can be attached to any weapon or
the same plane of existence. Additionally, the owner of the ammunition as a free action. Once per day the rod can be
gyroscope knows the general location of the trinket. The activated. On the next successful hit against a construct, the
trinket is often given to someone with instructions to activate construct must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a
it if they are ever in danger. failure they forget their programming and become stunned as
they reboot. The construct can attempt the saving throw
again on the end of each of its subsequent turns, ending the
Heirlooms of Eberron effect on a success.
Eberronian inventors blur the line between technology and
magic. Many times these inventions are co-opted by the spies, Alchemist's Appraisal Amulet
criminals, and law enforcers in the great political games of Wondrous item, common
This amulet is a transparent gem carved into a lens and set
Lightning Rod Cane within a blackened steel frame. When any small gemstone is
Wondrous item, uncommon viewed through the lens the viewer is able to discern the
purity of the gem. Additionally, if the gem has magical
When you are struck by lightning damage while possessing properties, the viewer knows the school of magic of those
this cane you take half of the lightning damage dealt and the properties.
cane absorbs the other half. The cane can store up to 50
points of lightning damage in this way. The instant the cane Mechanical Servant
has absorbed 50 or more lightning damage, roll a d6 and Wondrous item, rare
refer to the following table:
This mechanical servant can perform basic duties for its
Roll Effect owner. Using a series of small levers and gears, the owner
1 A will-o'-wisp (MM page 301) appears within 5 feet can program the servant to perform tasks, with simple tasks
next to the cane. It is hostile to all creatures. (such as "move this pile of wood") taking only a few minutes
2 The cane casts the spell thunderwave (DC 14).
to program while more complex tasks (such as "clean up my
bedchambers") requiring up to an entire day to program.
3 The cane casts the spell lightning bolt (DC 14) in a Characters with higher Intelligence scores may be able to
random direction (roll a d8). program the servant quicker. When the servant is inactive it
4 Your weapon crackles with electricity. For the next automatically folds into a sphere or box with a width of 3 feet.
minute, all of your attacks are made as if you had cast The servant can be programmed to defend its owner, in
booming blade. which case it takes on the stats of a Duodrone on page 225 of
5 A cage of electricity surrounds you. For the next the Monster Manual, except it does not have the
minute, any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet Disintegration ability, does not speak Modron, and does not
of you or hits you with a melee attack takes 1d12 have truesight. It takes two days of programming to program
lightning damage. the servant in this way.
6 You are filled with electric energy as the cane casts
the spell haste on you. Fender's Fiddle
Wondrous item, common
Sneakthief's Amulet When you play a melody on this fiddle, its complex gears and
Wondrous item, uncommon machinery allow you to automatically play the melody back in
The wearer of this amulet can cast the disguise self spell a loop.
once per day. However, they can only disguise themselves as a Stovepipe Hat
person that they have interacted with for at least one minute Wondrous item, common
in the last tenday.
A tall black hat that, when activated, turns into a hot
stovepipe. Commonly set on the ground and used to cook
food or boil water.
Barnum's Monocle Sharnian Blunderbuss
Wondrous item, uncommon Weapon (ranged), rare
A set of monocles on levers, with each one magically Once per day you can fire the blunderbuss, forcing every
swinging down in front of the wearer's eye to help magnify creature in a 30 foot cone in front of you to make a DC 15
whatever they are looking at. Grants advantage on Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 4d8 piercing
Perception checks on things less than a foot away from the damage and half as much on a success. Additionally, you
wearer once per day. must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw as you try to
control the weapon's incredible recoil. On a failure you are
Airship Captain's Monocle knocked back 5 feet and become prone. If you are a small
Wondrous item, uncommon creature you have disadvantage on this saving throw and are
knocked back 15 feet on a failure.
A monocle that magically extends like a telescope, giving you
advantage on perception rolls for distances between 500 feet Drogue Cloak
and 1 mile once per day. Wondrous item, uncommon
Helical Cane Once per day, when you are falling, you can use your reaction
Weapon (short sword), common to activate the cloak, slowing your fall as if you were under
the effect of the spell feather fall. Additionally, if you are
This helix-shaped cane is adorned with skulls and several unable to activate the cloak because you are unconscious, the
gears and seems harmless. However, when the hidden button cloak activates automatically.
is pressed, the cane magically transforms into a short sword.
Attacks made with this item are not magical. Spring Shield
Shield, uncommon
Corset of Protection
Wondrous item, uncommon Once per day, this fingerless glove with a complicated
mechanism on the back of the hand can be activated as a
This corset provides superb coverage and protection, reaction to an attack that you can see (and before you know
granting the wearer +1 to AC. In addition, at will, you can whether or not the attack succeeds). The mechanism
speak the corset's command word, creating the illusion of a suddenly springs open, creating a shield and giving the
much more stylish and ravishing corset. wearer +5 to AC against the triggering attack. The shield then
collapses back into its mechanism. The Spring Shield cannot
Technomancer's Vambrace be used while wielding another shield.
Wondrous item, rare
When activated as a bonus action by pressing the ruby on the Zipline Dagger
side, this metallic bracer whirrs up and begins to spin around Weapon (dagger), uncommon
your wrist and hand, supercharging your next single-target, A dagger with a strange flywheel mechanism in the pommel.
non-area-effect spell. This spell automatically hits and does Once per day you can speak the dagger's command word.
one additional damage die. The bracer has one charge Then, when the dagger is successfully thrown as an attack
maximum and is recharged by expending a spell slot above (range 20/60), a rope magically attaches from the flywheel to
second level into the bracer as an action (this charge does not the thrower's belt. The dagger then reels the thrower in (the
expire). In addition, when the bracer is used, roll a d10 and dagger magically stays attached to the target).
refer to the following table:
Roll Effect Scryroscope
Wondrous item, uncommon
1 The bracer burns out and must be repaired by a
proficient technician, costing 50 gold, before it can A strange, gyroscope-like device with concentric spinning
be used again. wheels commonly found in the meeting rooms of the
2 The bracer heats up from the arcane energy, dealing Dragonmarked Houses to alert them to magical spying.
1d6 fire damage to the wearer per spell level of the Whenever a divination effect is present within 30 feet,
spell used. including the presence of the invisible sensor described in
3 The bracer overcharges the spell, creating a second the spell scrying, the Scryroscope begins to spin. The
casting of the spell that hits a random creature within Scryroscope does not reveal the nature, target, nor direction
the spell's range for half the normal damage. of the scrying magic.
4+ No effect
Bag of Cogs 3. The stud transforms into a net large enough to entangle
Wondrous item, uncommon any medium sized creature. The target must make a DC
14 Dexterity saving throw or be considered restrained. On
A leather bag with metal hinged closures. It appears empty, any subsequent turns the target can use an actual to make
but reaching inside reveals the presence of a small complex an Escape check (Acrobatics or Athletics, target's choice)
gear. You can use an action to throw the gear up to 20 feet. with a DC of 14.
When it lands, roll a d6 and refer to the accompanying table. The belt has three charges. It can be recharged by
The creatures spawned are friendly to you and your purchasing the complex mechanical parts needed for the
companions and act on your turn. You can use a bonus action ammunition from a capable artisan (usually a tinkerer), with
to give them general orders. In the absence of orders the each charge costing 10 gold.
creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature. The
creature disappears after one hour. The bag holds one gear Truthteller's Perjury
and can be recharged by putting in 25 gold total of iron, steel, Wondrous item, rare
and copper into the bag and waiting one day.
Roll Spawned Creatures When wearing this ring you are unable to speak a lie as if
under the effect of the zone of truth spell. However, once per
1 3x Duodrone (MM pg 225) day the ring can be activated, disabling this effect and
2 2x Bronze Scout (Mordenkainen's pg 125) allowing you to replace a single Deception check with a 20,
3 Pentadrone (MM pg 226)
after which you are again under the effect.
4 Iron Cobra (Mordenkainen's pg 125) Cog Gogs
5 Stone Defender (Mordenkainen's pg 126) Wondrous item, uncommon
6 Pentadrone (MM pg 226). In addition, roll again, When wearing these goggles adorned with gears and cogs,
ignoring this result if repeated. you have darkvision out to 30 feet.
Trickster's Cane Item Sets
Wondrous item, common
Item sets are groups of magical items owned by long-dead
As an action, the wielder of this sleek black cane adorned legendary heroes. These items long to be reunited, and so
with cogs can cause one of the following effects: possessing multiple pieces grants the wearer additional
1. Harmless magical fireworks shoot out of the cane. boons.
2. The cane is held like a lute and plays music when
"plucked". Verne's Getup
3. The wielder lets go of the cane but it remains upright as if Verne was a famous undersea explorer, known for his
stuck in the ground. A popular move with mysterious expertise in engineering. His style of dress is famous
candy makers. throughout Eberron.
4. The wielder holds both ends of the cane and brings their
hands together, magically collapsing the cane into a cube Verne's Getup
that fits in their palm. They can expand it back to its Items Additional Effect
original form with this same effect. 1 N/A
5. The wielder throws the cane on the ground and it turns
into a harmless snake. The wielder can turn the snake 2 Non-organic, non-hostile constructs view the
back into the cane by picking it up. wearer as a friendly acquaintance unless the
construct has been instructed otherwise (for
Belt of Studs example, it does not allow the wearer to bypass a
construct that has been instructed to guard a
Wondrous item, uncommon treasure).
This black leather belt has several metal studs on it, each 3 The wearer has advantage on Intelligence checks
differently sized and shaped. Once per day as an action you related to technology, machinery, and engineering.
can pull off one of the studs and throw it at a point or target 4 As an action the wearer can cast the command spell
within 30 feet, causing one of the following effects: against any non-organic construct. The DC for the
spell is 15.
1. A large blade begins to spin in the air in a circle with
radius 5 feet centered on a point that you choose. Every 5 As an action the wearer can summon a monodrone
creature in the radius must make a DC 14 Dexterity (MM pg 224) as an allied companion once per day.
The monodrone goes on the wearer's turn and takes
saving throw or take 2d8 slashing damage. The blade basic commands. The monodrone turns to dust
keeps spinning in the area until the start of your next turn, after 1 hour.
after which it turns to dust. If a creature ends its turn in
the area it must succeed on another saving throw or take
another 2d8 slashing damage.
2. The stud creates a loud and blinding flash. Any creature
within 5 feet must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
or be blind and deaf until the start of their next turn.
Verne's Mask Verne's Arm
Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, rare
This mask covers half of your face and contains a special This prosthetic arm (which can be worn over a real arm) is
geared lens that grants you truesight within 20 feet. made of gears, struts, wires, and other bits of machinery.
Once per day you can use the arm to gain advantage on an
Verne's Rucksack ability check related to very accurate hand movements (such
Wondrous item, rare as picking a lock) or having a very strong grip (such as
hanging from a ledge).
This rucksack is made of leather, metal, and complex
machinery. It contains an extradimensional space that can Artemus's Artifacts
hold up to 12 cubic feet or 120 pounds of material. The
rucksack always weighs 5 pounds regardless of its contents. Artemus Goredun was a famous constable in Eberron. He,
Once per day, you and any creatures designated by you along with J.T. North, captured several outlaws and bandits.
within 30 feet can yell out the name of an item in the Their exploits have been turned into popular children's
rucksack. The gears on the rucksack whirr and click. The stories.
rucksack then magically opens and the item shoots vertically Artemus's Artifacts
out of the rucksack with a puff of steam, arching into the
requester's hand with great accuracy. The requester can Items Additional Effect
catch the item as a bonus action. 1 You become proficient in mechanical spider-based
Otherwise, the rucksack follows the same rules as the land vehicles.
Handy Haversack and Bag of Holding for interacting with 2 You gain advantage on History checks related to law
items, destroying the rucksack, turning it inside out, placing it enforcement, security, and criminal law.
within another extradimensional space, and placing live 3 If you are not already proficient in Investigation, you
creatures inside. can add your proficiency bonus when rolling
Investigation checks related to forgeries. In
Verne's Boots addition, you have advantage on those rolls.
Wondrous item, rare 4 Once per tenday you can perform a stakeout. A
Once per day, you can activate these boots as a bonus action. stakeout allows you to get the benefits of a long
rest without sleeping. During a stakeout the only
When activated, small rockets in the heel of the boots propel activity you can undertake is being on watch,
you into the air, giving you a fly speed of 30 until the end of otherwise you do not receive the benefits of the
your next turn. If you end your next turn in the air, the boots long rest.
sputter as they run out of fuel, slowly lowering you to the 5 Once per day you can gain advantage on any roll
ground. related to interrogating a witness or criminal.
Verne's Vest Artemus's Notebook
Armor (leather), rare Wondrous item, rare
This leather vest contains several strange metallic rings, This notebook allows you to draw impressively realistic
glass vials, leather loops, etc. Once per day, as a reaction to renderings of any face or object that you have seen since your
being struck with a melee attack that you can see or being last long rest.
grappled, you can activate the vest to perform one of the
following effects: Artemus's Collar
1. A burst of poisonous gas shoots out toward the attacker, Wondrous item, rare
forcing them to make a DC 13 Constitution save or take
2d6 poison damage and be poisoned. The attacker can Once per day, you can perfectly mimic any accent for one
repeat the saving throw at the end of their following turns minute, provided that you can speak the language and have
to end the poison. heard the accent for at least 10 minutes. If you do not speak
2. Several large metallic spikes spring forth from the vest, the language, you instead become able to speak it in a broken
harming any creature who is grappling you. The grappling and halting manner (as if you have just started learning the
creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity save or take 2d6 language) for one minute, again provided that you have heard
piercing damage and be forced to release the grapple. On it for at least 10 minutes.
a successful save they take half as much damage and are
not required to release the grapple. Artemus's Coins
3. The vest's metal rings magically converge on the point of Wondrous item, rare
impact, reducing the physical damage taken from the blow These normal-looking gold coins are linked via scrying
by 1d8+2. magic. When one coin is held to your ear, you hear as if
through the second coin. When holding one coin you can use
your action to magically summon the other back to you,
provided it is still on the same plane of existence.
Artemus's Switchblade Boots Korvo's Cloak
Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, rare
These leather boots contain hidden daggers in the toe. When Once per day, when you activate this black cloth cloak by
activated, the dagger springs out. If you successfully land a throwing it over your body, you magically become visually
kick on a target, the kick deals 1d8+STR or 1d8+DEX indistinguishable from an inanimate object of your choosing
(chosen by you) piercing damage. A kick attack made in this that shares your same size (for example, a human might turn
way has advantage and deals an additional 1d8 piercing into a stack of boxes) for up to one minute. This illusion does
damage if you are grappled. not hold up to physical inspection and ends if you move, take
an action, activate any other magical item, or make a sound.
Artemus's Belt
Wondrous item, rare Korvo's Amulet
Wondrous item, rare
Once per day, when you speak the belt's command word, this
black leather belt magically looses itself and binds the hands You can activate this amulet once per day by speaking the
or feet (your choice) of an unconscious, incapacitated, command word. For the next hour you are immune to the
paralyzed, or otherwise subdued target within 10 feet. The effects of divination magic. In addition, while possessing this
escape DC of the belt is 16. If escaped from, the belt amulet, you have advantage on any saving throws to resist
magically flies back to your waist and re-fastens itself. scrying magic and any checks related to scrying against you
have disadvantage.
Korvo's Curios
Korvo's Ears
Depending on who you ask, this legendary spy is either a Wondrous item, rare
traitor or a hero, if he existed at all. Or she. No one really
knows. Once per day you can activate these earrings shaped like
cogs. For the next 1 minute you are able to hear the words
Korvo's Curios spoken by any creature you are looking at as though you were
Items Additional Effect standing right next to them. To maintain the effect you must
1 N/A keep your gaze upon the creature and have uninterrupted line
of sight (for example, looking at a creature through a mirror
2 You have advantage on Stealth rolls pertaining to
blending into crowds.
or a telescope negates the effect).
3 Once per day you gain advantage on any Deception
roll related to concealing your identity.
4 Once per day you can force one target that has
known you for less than one hour to make a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the target
forgets everything about their interaction with you,
including that they ever met you.
5 You are able to cast the spell misty step once per
day. Doing so does not cost a spell slot nor does it
count toward your limit of prepared spells.

Korvo's Dirk
Weapon (dagger), rare
When you kill an enemy with this dagger, you can use your
reaction to utter the dirk's command word, teleporting you to
an unoccupied space of your choosing within 30 feet.
Korvo's Visage
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Once per day, when you put this metallic mask on, it
magically makes your physical features so unremarkable that
you become impossible to recall in detail. This effect lasts for
one hour. If a person who has seen you while you were under
the effect of Korvo's Visage attempts to remember you or
your face, they are unable to recall anything beyond your
general height and weight (though they can recall anything
you said or did to them). They chalk this up to poor memory,
unaware of any magical influence. While under the effect of
Korvo's Visage your face and physical appearance are
decidedly average and unremarkable.

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