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Lesson 1 TIP   More Big Answers

Ask students to find out how their family and friends

Lesson Objectives would answer the Big Question and bring their answers to
Introduce the Big Question for the unit. the next lesson.
Activate knowledge and preview lessons from the unit.
Review language from previous units. 4 Answer the Big Poll.
Present and practise the pronunciation of sounds /i:/
and /ɪ/.
Students’ own answers
Language 5 Watch the Big Question video again. r
Review: Present simple (We) Complete the activities.
• Play the video for students to watch and complete the
Warm up activities in their Activity Books.
Play Activity! from the Games Bank on page XXX.
Activity Book   page 6
Class Book   pages 8–9 1 REMEMBER THE VIDEO r Read and tick f or
1 Look and answer. cross g.
• Use the Big Picture to lead into the Big Question video. ANSWERS
Ask students to look at the Big Picture and tell you their 1 We go to a karate class. ✗
thoughts and ideas about what they see. Prompt them 2 We have classes on Fridays. ✗
by asking questions, e.g. Where do you think these young 3 We practise every day. ✓
people are? What are they doing? Why? What kind of music 4 We wear blue caps. ✗
do you think they’re playing? What kind of dancing is this? 5 We sing together. ✗
Encourage students to use their imagination, e.g. How do 6 We win prizes. ✓
they know each other?
2 Look at the sentences in activity 1 with a cross ✗.
Write correct sentences.
1 What’s fun about music?
2 Mia, Ania, Mason, Ben and Theo ANSWERS
3 People dancing, people playing music, three girls 1 We don’t go to a karate class. We go to a street dance class.
singing, instructions for how to make something, three 2 We don’t have classes on Fridays. We have classes on
people in carnival costume Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
4 We don’t wear blue caps. We wear yellow caps.
2 Which things do you see in the Big Question 5 We don’t sing together. We dance together.
video? Watch then answer. r
3 Listen and read. Then listen and repeat.  e 1•08
Video transcript • Play the recording for students to listen and read. Then
See page XX. listen and repeat.
4 Write the words with coloured letters in the
children dancing, Mia dancing, a teacher, yellow caps
table. Then read aloud.
3 What are your answers to the Big Question? ANSWERS
8 /i:/ He, street, week, We
• Ask students to remember Mia’s answer to the Big /ɪ/ dancing, in, gym, wins, different, practise, with, him
Question. Then ask them to tell you their own ideas for
answers. Allow students to answer in their own language
if necessary, repeating their answer back in English.
• Write students’ answers on the poster with a water-
soluble pen, or invite students to write their own answers.
Remember – there are no wrong answers!
Suggested answers: Singing to music is fun. You can listen
to music when you’re doing different things. You can listen
to music in different places. Music is different in different
countries. Music can make us happy! etc.

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Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Vocabulary and song Grammar
Lesson Objectives Lesson Objectives
Present and practise musical instruments vocabulary. Present and practise Wh- questions with does.
Review grammar from previous units. Develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Develop critical-thinking and communication skills. Develop communication skills.

Language Language
New: Musical instruments vocabulary: guitar, drums, New: What does he / she play? When does he / she practise?
keyboard, recorder, cymbals, violin, trumpet, cello, flute, Where does he / she perform?
saxophone Review: Present simple 3rd person singular affirmative
Review: Do you play (the guitar)? Yes, I do. / ​No, I don’t. sentences

Warm up Warm up
Play Activity! from the Games Bank on page XXX. Review the musical instruments vocabulary from the previous
lesson. Play the Unit 1 Lesson 2 flashcards game on the iPack
Class Book   page 10  or play Vocab activity! from the Games Bank on page 000.

1 Which instruments do you know? 8 KEY COMPETENCES   Digital competence

ANSWERS When you have played an iPack game with the students
Students’ own answers once, you can ask individual students to take your role as
teacher to lead the same game on subsequent occasions
2 Listen, point and repeat.  e 1•09 Compare your in order to help them develop confident use of digital
list with Ania’s. technology.
Students’ own answers Class Book   page 11 
3 Listen and say the instrument.  e 1•10 1 Listen, read and look at the picture.  e 1•13
ANSWERS How are Ania and her sister different?
1  flute  ​2  guitar  ​3  violin  ​4  cymbals  ​5  drums  ​ ANSWER
6  saxophone  ​7  cello  ​8  recorder  ​9  keyboard  ​ Ania plays the violin and her sister plays the trumpet.
10  trumpet Ania practises every day and her sister practises on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
4 Listen and sing.  e 1•11
Ania performs at school and her sister performs at concerts.
• Play the song for students to listen and sing.
TIP   Mixed Ability Teaching 
5 Ask and answer. 9  e 1•12
• Support lower level students by displaying the
• Put students in pairs to practise the dialogue. grammar table via the iPack on the Class Book on
screen and highlighting or pointing out the questions
Activity Book   page 7  and answers as they are spoken in the recording. Use
the grammar table and the chat box dialogue for extra
1 Write the instruments. 8 visual support in the second part of the activity, too.
ANSWERS • Stretch higher level students by asking them to do the
Wind instruments: flute, recorder, saxophone second part of Activity 2 independently in pairs (while
String instruments: guitar, violin, cello you work with other students), then by asking them to
Percussion instruments: drums, cymbals ask and answer personalized questions about somebody
they know, or hone their creative skills by asking and
2 Follow and write.
answering questions about an imaginary person.
1 Auntie Sally plays the recorder. 2 Listen and follow.  e 1•14 Ask and answer about
2 Dad plays the guitar.
Ania’s sister.
3 Grandma plays the flute.
4 Uncle Frank plays the saxophone. Audio transcript
5 Betty and Hetty play the keyboard. A What does he play?
6 Pat and Matt play the cymbals. B He plays the violin.
A When does she practise?
B She practises every day.
A Where does he perform?
B He performs at school.

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3 Look, listen and read.  e 1•15 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your
• Play the recording for students to listen and read. partner’s girl in activity 1.
• Students work in pairs to exchange information about the
4 Play the game. 9 girl they drew in activity 1.
• Ask students to look at the pictures. Then in pairs or small
groups, students ask and answer to play the game. Grammar Reference Activity Book   page 128 
Activity Book   page 8  Circle the correct words.
1 Look at the grammar table on Class Book
1  do, play   ​2  does, practises   ​3   do, perform   ​
page 11 and choose.
4  do, play   5  does, performs   6  do, play
a We use does in the questions.
Lesson 4
2 Listen and tick ✓.  e 1•16
Vocabulary and story
Audio transcript
Interviewer  What instrument do you play, Peter?
Lesson Objectives
Peter  I play the keyboard. Present and practise types of music vocabulary.
Interviewer  Wow! That’s clever! When do you practise? Develop listening, speaking and reading skills.
Peter  On Saturdays. Develop critical-thinking skills.
Interviewer  Do you perform in concerts?
Peter  Yes, I do. Language
Interviewer  Where do you perform? New: Types of music: pop, folk, classical, hip hop, rock,
Peter  At school. reggae
Interviewer  What about you, Iris? What instrument do you play?
Iris  I play the trumpet.
Interviewer  The trumpet! That’s cool! When do you practise? Warm up  e 1•11
Iris  Erm … on Tuesdays. Play the song from Lesson 2 again either on the Class CD or
Interviewer  Do you perform, too? the iPack, encouraging students to join in. If you like, choose
Iris  Yes, I do. a song activity from the Games Bank on page 000.
Interviewer  Where do you perform?
Iris  Well, I play at carnivals. Class Book   pages 12–13 
ANSWERS 1 What kinds of music do you know? 8
Peter: 1b, 2b, 3a
Iris: 4b, 5a, 6a ANSWERS
Students’ own answers
3 Look and write questions about Peter. Match.
2 Listen, point and repeat.  e 1•17
1 What does he play? c The keyboard. Audio transcript
2 When does he practise? a On Saturdays and Sundays. 1  pop  ​2  folk  ​3  classical  ​4  hip hop   ​5  rock  ​6  reggae
3 Where does he perform? c At school concerts.
3 Listen and say the music.  e 1•18
4 Read the answers about Iris. Write the questions.
Audio transcript
ANSWERS Six short excerpts of different types of music
1 Where does she perform?
2 When does she practise? ANSWERS
3 What does she play? 1  Classical music  ​2  Rock music  ​3  Pop music  ​
4  Reggae music  ​5  Folk music  ​6  Hip hop music
Extra Grammar Practice Activity Book   page 16  4 BEFORE YOU READ This story is about a
1 Draw a girl who plays an instrument. Write her trumptar drumbal. Can you guess what a trumptar
name. drumbal is?
• Tell students that the story is about something called
a trumptar drumbal. Write the word on the board.
Students’ own answers
Encourage students to guess what a trumptar drumbal is,
2 Complete the questions. Then write answers for and agree or disagree with each other’s ideas.
the girl in activity 1.
1  does  ​2  When  ​3  perform
Students’ own answers

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TIP   In activity 4, students will be developing the critical- Lesson 5
thinking subskills of analyzing and arguing. Don’t tell them
if their ideas are correct or not at this point. Tell them to
listen and read the story first and check their ideas. This will Lesson Objectives
give them a purpose – and therefore increased motivation
Present and practise adverbs of frequency.
– for reading and listening to the story the first time.
Practise types of music vocabulary.
Develop speaking, reading and writing skills.
5 Listen, read and check your ideas.  e 1•19
ANSWER Language
The trumptar drumbal in the story is a musical instrument. New: always, often, sometimes, never
TIP   Ask students if a trumptar drumbal is a real Review: Present simple 1st and 3rd person singular
instrument or not and establish that it is an imaginary
instrument. Write the word on the board and ask them Warm up
if they can work out why it’s called a trumptar drumbal. Review the types of music vocabulary from the previous
If necessary, give them a clue that the name is made lesson. Play the Unit 1 Lesson 4 flashcards game on the iPack
from four real instruments. Encourage them to say which or play Vocab activity! from the Games Bank on page 000.
instruments they are (trumpet, guitar, drum, cymbals).
Class Book   page 14 
6 AFTER YOU READ Watch the story video. r
Complete the activities. 1 REMEMBER THE STORY Read. Who’s speaking?
KEY COMPETENCES   Learn to learn Lily: 3, 4
Before students watch the story video, tell them to watch Mason: 1, 2
and listen carefully because they will be asked some more
detailed questions afterwards. You can also ask them to 2 Look at the sentences from the story. Where do
decide which is their favourite part of the story while they sometimes and often go in the key?
are watching. This will give them a purpose for watching ANSWERS
and also help them with the follow-up activity 3 in the ✓✓ often
Activity Book. ✓ sometimes

3 Listen and follow.  e 1•20 Make true sentences

Activity Book   page 9  about you. 8
1 REMEMBER THE STORY Look, circle and write. Audio transcript
Tick ✓ the words in the story. A I always play rock music.
ANSWERS B I sometimes listen to pop music.
1  reggae  ​2  pop ✓  ​3  classical  ​4  rock ✓  ​5  hip hop  ​ A I never dance to classical music.
6  folk B He often plays pop music.
A He never listens to hip hop music.
2 Write the answers. B She sometimes dances to rock music.
1 Rock and pop Students’ own answers
2 No, they haven’t.
3 Trick TIP   Mixed Ability Teaching
4 Trumpet, guitar, cymbals, guitar • Support lower level students by playing Repeat if it’s
5 Two true! Say a sentence using the components of the
6 Tickets for the concert grammar table and encourage students to repeat the
sentence if it’s true for them also, or stay quiet if it isn’t
3 What’s your favourite part of the story ? true for them. If they choose to stay quiet, they should
Tell your partner. 9 put their fingers on their lips so you can see they are
ANSWERS making a choice and not just remaining passive. In this
Students’ own answers way students need to understand the meaning of the
sentence, and they have more supported practice of
saying sentences following your model.
• Stretch higher level students by playing the same game
described above but asking higher level students to
take on your role and be the teacher.

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4 What do you always, often, sometimes and never Lesson 6
do on Saturdays? 9
• Encourage students to work in pairs using the model Cross-curricular
dialogue for support.
Lesson Objectives
Learn about another area of the curriculum in English.
Activity Book   page 10 
Present and practise topic-related CLIL vocabulary.
1 Listen and circle True or False.  e 1•21 Develop reading skills.
Develop creative skills.
Audio transcript
Lily  What’s your favourite kind of music, Mason?
Mason  Rock! I love rock music! I always listen to it when I’m at
home. You like rock too, don’t you, Lily? New: courgette, clarinet, pepper, knife, rice
Lily  Yeah, I often listen to rock. But my favourite music is pop Review: It’s made from …, pumpkin, musical instruments
Mason  I’ve got some pop CDs, so I sometimes listen to pop Warm up
music. I sometimes listen to hip hop, too. Review the musical instruments vocabulary by playing Vocab
Lily  What about classical music? Do you listen to that? activity! from the Games Bank on page 000 or the vocabulary
Mason  No, I never listen to classical music. Do you? practice game on the iPack.
Lily  Yes, I sometimes listen to classical music. My mum plays
classical music in the car.
Class Book   page 15 
1  False  ​2  True  ​3  False  ​4  False  ​5  True 1 Look at the pictures of the musical instruments.
2 Order the words to make sentences.
ANSWERS Vegetables: a courgette, a pumpkin, a carrot and a pepper
1 I sometimes listen to folk music.
2 I never dance to classical music. CULTURE NOTE   Did you know?
3 I often play the saxophone. Making instruments out of vegetables might seem
4 I always sing at music festivals. like a funny idea, but there are actually orchestras
with musicians who only play vegetable instruments.
KEY COMPETENCES   Learn to learn The Vegetable Orchestra founded in 1988 and based in
Point out to students that word order differs in different Vienna plays concerts all over the world. You might like to
languages and it’s important to remember the pattern show the children their website, where you can listen to
required to use new language accurately. Look again some of their music.
at the grammar table in the Class Book, if necessary, to
highlight where in the sentence students should use an KEY COMPETENCES   Cultural awareness and expression
adverb of frequency.
Making things is a great way for students to express their
ideas. It stimulates their imagination and sense of creativity.
3 Complete with always, often, sometimes or never. Ask students which vegetables from their country might
ANSWERS be suitable for making music.
Students’ own answers
2 Look at the pictures 1–6. Find the correct
Extra Grammar Practice Activity Book   page 16  instruction (a–f) for each picture (1–6).
1 Complete the table with ticks ✓and crosses ✗ ANSWERS
for you. 1  d  ​2  c  ​3  f  ​4  b  ​5  e  ​6  a

ANSWERS 3 What other instruments can you make with

Students’ own answers vegetables? How? 8
2 Use your table to write sentences about you. TIP   It doesn’t really matter how fantastical students’
ANSWERS ideas for making instruments are. Encourage them to use
Students’ own answers their creativity and as many words in English as they can
when describing their instruments. If you like, extend the
Grammar Reference Activity Book   page 128  task to include fruit. Lots of ideas for fruit and vegetable
instruments can be found on the internet, including
Add the adverbs of frequency. trumpets made from a courgette and a pepper, panpipes
made from lots of carrots or asparagus stalks, and flutes
made out of apples or broccoli!
1  always  ​2  sometimes  ​3  often  ​4  never  ​5  always  ​
6  often

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Activity Book   page 11  KEY COMPETENCES   Cultural awareness

1 Complete the labels. Explain to students that the child posting in this unit isn’t
one of the Big Questions main characters, but a child from
ANSWERS the wider international community. Ask students if they
1  shaker  ​2  trumpet  ​3  flute  ​4  guitar  ​5  recorder  ​ know where this child is from. Explain that Theo is British
6  drum and lives in England, but that his family are originally from
the Caribbean.
2 How do you make a watermelon drum? Number
the pictures in order. 8
2 Ask a question about the carnival. 8
Students’ own answers • To help students think of possible questions, you can
give them a few ideas to get them started, e.g. Where is
3 Listen and check.  e 1•22 the carnival? When is the carnival? etc. Write these and the
students’ own questions on the board.
Audio transcript
• After students have listened and read the text, refer back
1 You need a knife. Use the knife to cut off the top of the
to their questions and encourage them to tell you which
watermelon. Remember! Ask an adult to help you.
ones the leaflet answered. Tick the questions that were
2 Now you need a spoon. Empty the watermelon with the
answered by the text.
spoon. You can eat the watermelon!
3 Turn the watermelon over. Hit the drum with your hands. 3 Read and listen.  e 1•23 Does the leaflet answer
4 You can make a water drum, too. Put some water into a your question?
big bowl.
5 Put the watermelon drum into the bowl. Now you need ANSWERS
the carrots. Hit the drum, with the carrots. Students’ own answers

ANSWERS 4 AFTER YOU READ Complete the activities.

a  4  ​b  1  ​c  5  ​d  3  ​e  2 • Students complete the activities in the Activity Book.
TIP   Curriculum link BIG VALUES!   Focus students on the Big Values! feature.
If students are learning music in their own language at Then ask them why they think we should take part in
school, encourage them to tell their music teacher what different festivals in their community. Conduct a classroom
the names of instruments are in English. You can also discussion and encourage them to think about the
suggest that they take their watermelon drum or pepper importance of being part of a community, learning about the
shaker to their music class. significance and sometimes history of our annual festivals, as
well as learning about and respecting the culture of others.
4 Make a watermelon drum or pepper shaker. q Encourage students to tell you about the local festivals they
often go to, and also whether they have ever been to a
• Encourage students to be creative, but to be very careful
festival which belongs to a culture other than their own.
when cutting.

Lesson 7 Activity Book   page 12 

Literacy: a leaflet 1 Read the leaflet on Class Book page 16 again.
Which information can you find? Tick ✓.
Lesson Objectives • Activity 1 doubles up as both a gist task for reading the
Develop literacy skills and familiarize students with a text in the Class Book and also as a means of highlighting
variety of different text types. the key features of the text type in this unit.
Raise awareness of culture in other countries. • Explain to students that the things they ticked in this
Raise awareness of social and civic values. activity are typical of the kinds of information you would
expect to find in a leaflet for a carnival, whereas the other
Language things aren’t.
Review: Present simple 3rd person singular and plural,
TIP   Literacy
food vocabulary
To further familiarize students with this text type, you can
Warm up ask students to bring to school brochures in English about
interesting places they or family members might have
Play Activity! from the Games Bank on page 000.
visited on their holidays to look at and discuss in class.
Class Book   page 16 
1 BEFORE YOU READ Look at photos on the 1 The name of the carnival. ✓
leaflet. What can you do at the carnival? 2 The date and time of the carnival. ✓
3 An introduction to the carnival. ✓
4 An introduction about the carnival. ✓
You can listen to music / ​people playing drums.
5 A photo of a steel drum. ✓
You can dress up / ​see colourful costumes.

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2 Match. Girl  Saturday?
Theo  Yes. And the other thing that’s good is the food.
Caribbean food is VERY good!
1  c  ​2  d  ​3  e  ​4  b  ​5  f  ​6  a
Girl  What do you eat?
3 Look at the pictures and write the days. Theo  Oh … barbecue chicken.
Girl  Chicken?
Theo  Yeah – and lots of fruit. Watermelon is my favourite.
1  Sunday  ​2  Saturday  ​3  Monday
Theo prefers Saturday at Notting Hill Carnival.
Lesson 8
2 Listen again.  e 1•24  Which things does Theo do?
Lesson Objectives 2 He dances to music.
Practise listening for gist and for specific information. 4 He eats chicken.
Provide opportunities to compare another culture with 5 He eats watermelon.
the students’ own culture, and for personalization. 3 Which music events or festivals are in your
Develop reading, writing and creative skills. country? 8
• Before students begin this activity, you might like to get
Language them started by giving them some ideas of your own.
Review: Present simple 3rd person singular and plural, You could show students some photographs or leaflets or
food vocabulary website images of a music event or festival you have been
to in their country. It doesn’t matter if the music event or
Warm up festival is a very small one. It could be something local or
Check how much students can remember about the text in organized by the school.
the previous lesson by asking the following questions. If you
4 Complete the activities.
like, make this into a team game or quiz.
• Children complete the activities on Activity Book pages 13.
1 Where is Theo from? (England, but his family is originally
from the Caribbean)
Activity Book   page 13 
2 What kind of text type does he show us? (A leaflet)
3 What is the leaflet about? (Notting Hill Carnival) 1 Complete part 1 of the table about Notting Hill
4 What kind of carnival is it? (Caribbean) Carnival.
5 How many days is the carnival for? (3 days) ANSWERS
6 What activities can you do there? (e.g. listen to music, Name of festival: Notting Hill Carnival
dance, dress up in costumes, eat traditional Caribbean food) Kind of festival: Caribbean carnival
Date or month: 29th to 31st August
Class Book   page 15  Place: London, England
Music: steel band
1 Listen to Theo.  e 1•24 Answer. Things you can do: dance, listen to music, wear costumes

Audio transcript 2 Choose a music festival from your country.

Girl  So, Theo, do you often go to Notting Hill Carnival? Complete part 2 of the table.
Theo  Yes, I go every year with my family. • Help students identify a music festival in their country and
Girl  Do you go for the three days? tell them to complete part 2 of the table about their festival.
Theo  We sometimes go for the three days, yes! I love it!
Girl  Why do you like it so much? 3 Use your notes to write about your festival.
Theo  I like the steel drum music. • Tell students to complete the sentences using the notes
Girl  Do you play the steel drums? they made about their music festival in activity 2.
Theo  No, I don’t! I just … I listen to the music.
Girl  Yeah … the music is great for dancing. TIP   Students’ leaflets could be used to make a display in
Theo  And I dance. the classroom or the reception area of the school. If there
Girl  Do you like dancing? is an upcoming music event or festival in your local area
Theo  Yeah! or at your school, you could ask them to make leaflets
Girl  Do you wear a costume? for this and put them to good use, distributing them in
Theo  No! No, I don’t. My sister wears a costume. But I wear the school or a public place, e.g. a local library or tourist
my normal clothes. information centre.
Girl  Does your sister wear her costume on Children’s Day?
Theo  Yes, that’s on the Sunday.
Girl  Is that your favourite day?
Theo  Hmm … all the days are good, but I like the music and
the steel band competitions, so I think my favourite day is

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Lesson 9 Lesson 10
Writing The Big Question Review
Lesson Objectives Lesson Objectives
Develop writing skills. Review and practise all vocabulary and grammar from
Practise a specific writing subskill: commas in lists. the unit.
Develop creative skills and collaboration. Answer the Big Question.
Do self-evaluation of progress.
Review: musical instruments and types of music Language
vocabulary, Wh- questions with does, adverbs of Review: musical instruments and types of music
frequency: always, often, sometimes, never vocabulary, Wh- questions with does, adverbs of
frequency: always, often, sometimes, never
Warm up
Re-play the grammar games from Lesson 3 and Lesson 5 on Warm up
the iPack. Play the Jumbled words review game on the iPack.

Activity Book   pages 14–15  Class Book   page 17 

1 Read and listen to Tess’s post.  e 1•25 Tick ✓ her 1 Watch and answer the questions on the review
answer to the Big Question. video. r
Having a favourite band is fun. Video transcript
See page XX.
2 Write the answers.
ANSWERS See Video transcript.
1 Tess’s favourite band is the Blue Bananas.
2 Her favourite band member is Grace Blue. 2 Look back at the unit and say the missing words.
3 They play the bass guitar, violin, cello, keyboard, piano Then compare your answers on the Big Question
and drums. poster.
4 They perform at concerts and at the Purple Pop Festival. • Tell students to look back at Unit 1 and find the missing
5 She listens to it on her phone, her CD player and her key word in each of the answers to the Big Question.
tablet (and her computer). • Encourage students to compare the answers with their
3 Read The Big Write tip. Find and circle the own answers on the Big Question poster. Ask individuals
to tick answers on the poster which are the same or very
commas in lists in Tess’s post.
similar to a posting child’s answer. Ask them to say which
ANSWERS ideas were different.
the violin, the cello, the keyboard and the piano
my phone, my CD player and my tablet
Dancing, instrument, listen, make, carnivals, band
4 Plan and write a post about your favourite band.
3 Ask and answer. 9
• Ask students to look at the speech bubble examples
ANSWERS in activity 3. Encourage a child to ask you which your
Students’ own answers favourite answer is and reply to model the task. Then
KEY COMPETENCES   Learn to learn
organize students into pairs to do the activity.
A sense of audience increases students’ motivation to write.
• Ask students to tell you about their own or their partner’s
favourite answers to the Big Question. Ask them for their
You can choose to extend the writing activity in this lesson
to a Community Task, bringing all students’ pieces of writing reasons for their choice. Encourage them to tell you any
together to create a class project for a wider audience. new answers they have for the Big Question.
In higher level classes, you could ask students to treat their 4 Complete the self-evaluation activities.
writing in activity 4 as a draft and ask them to think of ways
to improve or edit it before writing their final article for
• Students complete the self-evaluation activities in the
the music magazine. You might like to incorporate some Activity Book.
sensitive peer correction, asking students to work in groups
and make suggestions for how each other’s writing could
be improved.
You could also further extend the Community Task by
asking students to create a quiz based on their magazine
for readers to complete, or asking readers to vote for their
favourite article in the magazine.

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Activity Book   page 15  Audio transcript
1 It’s sunny in this picture.
The Big Question Review 2 A man is playing the guitar in this picture.
• Ask students to complete the self-evaluation activities 3 A woman has got some cymbals in this picture.
individually. 4 A man has got a saxophone in this picture.

SELF-EVALUATION   After students have completed ANSWER

the self-evaluation activities in the Activity Book, gauge 1  A  ​2  B  ​3  B  ​4  A
how they rate their work in general during the unit by 2 Read and look at the pictures again. Say true or
asking for a show of hands for Question 1 and counting false.
the responses. You can also ask students to vote for their
favourite lessons so you can find out which lessons are ANSWERS
most and least popular. If you ask students why they 1  True  ​2  False  ​3  True  ​4  True
prefer certain lessons over others, you may be able to
3 Find eight differences in the pictures. Work in
adapt the lessons they find less enjoyable to suit their
preferences or needs more.
pairs. Take turns to say a sentence.
He’s drinking water in Picture A, but he’s drinking juice in
TIP   Classroom feedback tool Picture B.
You might like to set up a system for students to tell you She’s got a rabbit balloon in Picture A, but she’s got a dog
more immediately how they are coping in class activities. balloon in Picture B.
Distribute small green and red pieces of card and explain There’s a baby in Picture A, but there isn’t a baby in Picture B.
that they can hold up a green card at any point to say, He’s playing a drum in Picture A, but he’s eating a
‘I understand, please continue.’ or a red card to say, ‘I need sandwich in Picture B.
help. Please stop.’ You can also choose to pause during an He’s taking a photo in Picture A, but he isn’t taking a photo
activity and ask for a show of cards to gauge how students in Picture B.
are managing. She’s dancing in Picture A, but she’s sitting down in Picture B.
He’s eating an ice cream in Picture A, but he’s eating pizza
Unit 1 Test in Picture B.
The dog is sleeping in Picture A, but it’s running in Picture B.
Students are now ready to do the unit test. See Oxford
Activity Book   page 17 
1 Look at the pictures in activity 2. Number the
Exam Preparation and Practice words.
Cambridge English: Movers ANSWERS
1C at school, 1B at the beach, 1A in the park
Lesson Objectives 1C my friends, 1A my family, 1B my grandparents
Develop language skills and exam techniques to prepare 1B the guitarist, 1C the drummer, 1A the singer
children for the Cambridge English: Movers exam 1A ice cream, 1C popcorn, 1B pizza and sandwich
(Speaking Part 1 and Listening Part 4).
Familiarize students with the style of questions for EXAM TIP   Focus students on the exam tip for this lesson.
this exam. Ask them why they think looking at the pictures first
might help them in a listening exam (or when listening in
Language general). Explain that having an expectation of what we
Review vocabulary: numbers, clothes, instruments, are likely to hear often helps us to understand what we
people and family, places are listening to better.
Review grammar: present continuous, present simple

Warm up
Play Activity! from the Games Bank on page 000.

Class Book   page 18 

1 Listen. Choose picture A or B.  e 1•26

60 Teaching Notes

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2 Listen and tick ✓ the box. There is one example. Audio transcript
e 1•27 Narrator 1
Male examiner  Now, let’s talk about music.
Audio transcript Girl  OK. I like music.
Adult  Hello Jim. What are you doing? Male examiner  Mm. So do I. Do you play a musical instrument?
Jim  I’m at a Music Festival. It’s great! Girl  Yes, I do. I play the guitar.
Adult  Oh, that sounds fun. Where is it? Male examiner  I see. And do you like it?
Jim  It’s in the park. It’s called Festival in the Park. Girl  Yes, I love it! My friend plays the guitar, too. We like
Adult  Oh, great. Are you with your mum and dad? playing together.
Jim  No, I’m not. They’re working today. Male examiner  Great. Do you practise a lot?
Adult  Oh, so are you with some friends? Girl  Yes, I do. I practise every day.
Jim  No, I’m not. I’m with Grandma and Grandpa. They really Narrator 2
like music. And Grandma’s a great dancer! Male examiner  And do you have guitar lessons?
Adult  Tell me about the band. Girl  Yes, my guitar teacher is Mrs Ball. She’s very nice. I have
Jim  They’re brilliant. There’s a singer, a guitarist, a drummer lessons on Wednesdays.
and a pianist. Narrator 3
Adult  And who’s your favourite? Girl  Do you play an instrument?
Jim  I like the drummer best. She’s amazing! Male examiner  No, I don’t, but I like singing.
What kind of music do you like?
Adult  What about food? Is there anything nice?
Girl  I like reggae music!
Jim  Yes, there are lots of vans – you can have burgers, pizza,
sandwiches. Narrator 4
Adult  Stop! You’re making me hungry. Male examiner  Do you often listen to music?
Jim  Well, listen to this. I’m eating an ice cream – it’s Girl  Yes, I do. I usually listen to music in my room. And I listen
chocolate, strawberry and vanilla! to music in the car. Do you listen to music?
Adult  Three scoops! That’s amazing! Male examiner  Yes, I listen to music a lot – in the car, at home,
Jim  Oh, I must go. The band is starting. Bye! or on the bus.
ANSWERS Narrator 5
1  a  2  b  3  c  4  a Male examiner  So, have you got an MP3 player?
Girl  Yes, I have. It was a birthday present.

Exam Preparation and Practice Narrator 6

Male examiner  Do you listen to live music, too?
Trinity GESE: Grades 4 and 5 Girl  I’m sorry. Can you repeat the question, please?
Male examiner  Oh, yes, of course. Do you listen to live music?
Lesson Objectives So, music at concerts and festivals?
Develop language skills and exam techniques to prepare Girl  Ah, I see. Yes, I sometimes go to music festivals with my
students for the Trinity GESE exam (Grades 4 and 5). family.
Familiarize children with the style of questions for Male examiner  So, which do you prefer, live music at concerts
this exam. and festivals, or music on your MP3 player?
Girl  Live music! Music festivals are great fun! There are lots of
Language people and you can dance and sing.
Review vocabulary: musical instruments and types ANSWERS
of music 1  D  ​2  B  ​3  F  ​4  E  ​5  A  ​6  C
Review grammar: Questions with do and Wh- questions, 3 Listen and follow the dialogue.  e 1•29
present simple
• Play the recording and tell students to follow the dialogue
in their books. Point out which language students will
Warm up need to use to do the practice activity effectively.
Play Activity! from the Games Bank on page 000.
EXAM TIP   The exam tip for this lesson focuses on a useful
Class Book   page 19  phrase students can use if they don’t understand an examiner
in a speaking exam. You might like to make a poster (or
1 Look at the pictures. What can you see? students to make a poster) with this and other phrases which
are useful for exams (as well as in English lessons!) to display
in the classroom. Refer to it whenever there is an opportunity
Examples: An MP3 player, guitars, a girl and a guitar
in class and encourage students to use the phrases.
teacher, a music festival, a girl playing the guitar, a man
listening to music on a bus, people playing reggae music
4 Practise your own dialogue in pairs. Use the
2 Listen to the examiner and the pupil.  e 1•28 word pool to help you.
Point to the pictures and say the letter (A–F). • Organize students into pairs to do the substitution
dialogue activity.
• Invite pairs of students to act out their dialogues for the class.
Teaching Notes 61

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62 Sample Tests

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Sample Tests 63

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64 Sample Tests

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Sample Tests 65

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66 Sample Tests

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Sample Tests 67

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68 Sample Tests

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Sample Tests 69

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70 Sample Tests

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