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Huzaifa Rashid NUST201434772BPNEC40214F

Raza Mehdi NUST201433625BPNEC40214F

M. Mahmood Mansoor NUST201432426BPNEC40214F

Syed Mohammed Umer NUST201434433BPNEC40214F

Project Supervisor:
Sir Zia Uddin Siddiqui

Department of Engineering Sciences

Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC)
National University of Science & Technology
Karachi, Pakistan



Submitted By:

Huzaifa Rashid NUST201434772BPNEC40214F

M. Mahmood Mansoor NUST201432426BPNEC40214F
Raza Mehdi NUST201433625BPNEC40214F
Syed Mohammed Umer NUST201434433BPNEC40214F

Has been accepted towards the requirements for undergraduate degree


UG-ME-2018 Program

Ziauddin Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
Pakistan Navy Engineering College
National University of Sciences and Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan

This is to certify that the final year project report entitled "Retrofitting of hybrid drivetrain
on CD-70" submitted by:
Huzaifa Rashid NUST201434772BPNEC40214F
M. Mahmood Mansoor NUST201432426BPNEC40214F
Raza Mehdi NUST201433625BPNEC40214F
Syed Mohammed Umer NUST201434433BPNEC40214F
has been found satisfactory as per the HEC requirements. The originality report generated by
the Turnitin Software is attached with the certificate.

Project Supervisor:___________________

Ziauddin Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
Pakistan Navy Engineering College
National University of Sciences and Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. viii
CHAPTER:1 ........................................................................................................................................ 1
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1: Problem Statement ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2: Aim of the Project ................................................................................................................... 1
1.3: Introduction to Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) ........................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
PROPOSED DESIGN ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1: General Drivetrain Layout ....................................................................................................... 4
2.2: Motor Selection ...................................................................................................................... 4 Conventional Motor ...................................................................................................... 5 Hub Motor .................................................................................................................... 6
2.3: Battery Selection .................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1: Battery Types ................................................................................................................... 8
2.4: Modifications to Rear Wheel Braking System ............................................................................ 11
CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................................... 12
MOTOR ANALYSIS & CALCULATIONS................................................................................................ 12
3.1: Motor Calculations: .......................................................................................................... 12
........................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.2: Motor Coupling: ............................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 4................................................................................................................................... 17
BATTERY ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 17
4.1: Calculating Required Battery Capacity (Battery Sizing)...................................................... 17
4.2: Battery Charging: ............................................................................................................. 17

4.4: Cost of Charging Batteries ................................................................................................ 18
4.5: Battery Safety .................................................................................................................. 18
CHAPTER 5................................................................................................................................... 20
ELECTRICAL SYSYEM DETAILS ........................................................................................................... 20
5.1: Schematics and Layout: .................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 23
MANUFACTURING ........................................................................................................................... 23
6.1: Manufacturing Plan: ............................................................................................................. 23
6.2: Fabrication: ...................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1: Buying a Motorcycle:...................................................................................................... 24
6.2.2: Modification to Swing Arm: ............................................................................................ 24
6.2.3: Machining the Drive Adapters: ....................................................................................... 25
6.2.4: Bolting FDA on Motor Side Plate: ................................................................................... 26
6.2.5: Bolting MDA to Sprocket: ............................................................................................... 26
6.2.6: Converting Rear Drum to Disc Brake System:.................................................................. 26
6.2.7: Refitting the Modified Drivetrain:................................................................................... 27
6.2.8: Preparing Battery Modules: ........................................................................................... 28
6.2.9: Making Steel Boxes for Batteries: ................................................................................... 29
6.2.10: Mounting Motor Controller: ......................................................................................... 30
6.2.11: RTD Switch and BHM: ................................................................................................... 30
6.2.12: Electronic and Mechanical Throttle: ............................................................................. 30
6.2.13: Wiring: ......................................................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 7................................................................................................................................... 32
FIANL CAD MODEL ........................................................................................................................... 32
7.1: Assembly.......................................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER 8................................................................................................................................... 33
TESTING .......................................................................................................................................... 33
8.1: Key Factors ...................................................................................................................... 33
8.2: Tests ................................................................................................................................ 33
8.2.2: Electric Top Speed and Acceleration: .............................................................................. 33
8.2.3 Electric Performance When Loaded With 2 and 3 Passengers: ......................................... 33
8.2.4 Battery and Motor Safety Against Water Ingress: ............................................................ 34
8.2.5 Battery Temperature:...................................................................................................... 34
CHAPTER 9................................................................................................................................... 35
DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................. 35
9.1: How to Drive: ................................................................................................................... 35

EV Mode: ................................................................................................................................. 35
Petrol Mode: ........................................................................................................................... 35
Power Mode: ........................................................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER 10................................................................................................................................. 36
IMPORANT POINS TO KNOW ........................................................................................................... 36
10.1: Care, Safety and Maintenance of HEM: ........................................................................ 36
CHAPTER 11................................................................................................................................. 37
FINANCIAL RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 37
11.1: Pay Back Period Calculations: ....................................................................................... 37
COST ............................................................................................................................................... 38
FUTURE PROSPECTS ........................................................................................................................ 39
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................ 40


HEM: Hybrid Electric Motorcycle

MDA: Male Drive Adapter
FDA: Female Drive Adapter
DC: Direct Current
AC: Alternating Current
EV: Electric Vehicle
FR-4: Fire Resistant-grade 4
kWh: Kilowatt-hour
RPM: Revolution per Minutes
ICE: Internal Combustion Engine
BLDC: Brushless Direct Current
Ah: Ampere hour
RTD: Ready to Drive
Li-ion: Lithium ion
HP: Horsepower
DoD: Depth of Discharge
kWh: Kilowatt-hour
IP: Ingress Protection
Ah: Ampere hour
Li-ion: Lithium ion
C-Rate: Charge/Discharge Rate
HP: Horsepower
SLA-AGM: Sealed Lead Acid-Augmented Gel Matrix
USNTSB: United States Transportation Safety Board


Table 6.1: Cost Comparison and Payback Time ................................................................................ 17

Table A: Cost Breakdown of Kit ........................................................................................................ 17


Figure 1: PAMA stastics for bikes produced and sold ............................................................ 2

Figure 2: A typical PHEV schematic ..................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Hub DC motor ....................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4: Conventional DC motor ......................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Li-ion/Lipo battery ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 6: NiMH battery ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7: SLA-AGM battery ............................................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Rear wheel disc brake system exploded view ....................................................... 12
Figure 9: Typical HP/Torque vs RPM curves for motor and engines (Trknik Uviversity,
2011) .................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10: Hub motor kit ..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Cad model showing the coupling details ............................................................. 16
Figure 12: Yellow area denotes li-ion batteries buried inside the chassis. Blue are the cooling
fans ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 13: Thumb throttle to control motor speed ................................................................ 20
Figure 14: Switch to change battery mode placed on speedometer ....................................... 21
Figure 15: Wiring diagram for electrical system .................................................................. 21
Figure 16: Wiring configuration during discharging mode (Green highlight shows the current
flow during discharging) ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 17: Wiring configuration during charging mode (Green highlight shows the part of the
circuit being used during charging. Bold lines show charging current flow .......................... 22
Figure 18: Used motorcycle bought for a cheap price .......................................................... 24
Figure 19: Clockwise from above: Modification to the swing arm to accommodate motor
shaft and chain tensioner ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 20: Original MDA (right) vs machined MDA (left) .................................................. 25
Figure 21: Rubber dampers on FDA and MDA with sprocket bolted to it ............................ 26
Figure 22: Brake disc on rear wheel .................................................................................... 27
Figure 23: MDA and FDA mated. Sprocket is driven by the engine. Motor drives the wheel
directly ................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 24: The three battery modules .................................................................................. 29
Figure 25: RTD switches which power the controller and connect batteries in series ........... 30
Figure 26: Assembly showing all components of Hyrbike .................................................. 32
Figure 27: Rear wheel motor engine coupling ..................................................................... 32


1.1: Problem Statement

With the advent of 21st century and rise in oil prices, engineers have concerned themselves with
making transportation as cheap as possible. This lead to the development of vehicles using
power sources other than conventional engines.
The ultimate goal of the researchers is to develop vehicles that will fully use electric power
source, but there is limitation to the range offered by such vehicles. To counter the range
problems of such vehicles, hybrid vehicles are being developed which offer compromise
between the range of conventional vehicles and fuel cost savings of electric vehicles.
A hybrid motorcycle is a relatively new concept, but the heavy reliance of motorcycles in
Pakistan, demands a cost saving solution, which can be provided by incorporating hybrid
drivetrain in the motorcycle

1.2: Aim of the Project

Hybrike is a Hybrid Electric Drivetrain Package designed to retrofit on a CD-70 motorcycle to

convert its mechanical drivetrain to Plug in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). The concept of the
project is to achieve this conversion with minimum possible alteration to the OEM components
of the motorcycle, its chassis and introduction of minimum custom manufactured parts. This is
being done to keep the cost low and ensure that the Hybrike will be easy to commercialize later,
if desired..
Motorcycles are the most convenient means of transport to move around in cities Pakistan. As
quoted by Pakistan Automotive Association (PAMA), almost 1.4 million bikes were sold in
2016-17 The usual use of motorcycle involves travelling to office and returning home, which
roughly is a 45-60 km trip.
A well-maintained CD-70 motorcycle consumes about 1.25 liters petrol to cover such distances.
Considering the cost of petrol being Rs.85 per liter, the petrol engine gives approximately
Rs. 2.2/km. The incorporation of Hybrike’s hybrid drivetrain brings down this cost to Rs.
0.4/km. It is expected that Hybrike will recover its cost of installation within 2 years due to
savings in both running and maintenance costs.

Figure 1: PAMA stastics for bikes produced and sold

The most important consideration in designing hybrid drivetrain is the all-electric range and all
electric top speed. These two factors are decided based on the statics discussed above. Side by
side the combustion engine will always be present whenever needed, hence alleviating the range

1.3: Introduction to Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles also known as PHEVs consist of internal combustion engine,
a electric motor and a large rechargeable battery pack. Unlike conventional hybrids, PHEVS can
be connected and recharged from an outlet, allowing them to travel long distances using only
electricity. When the battery is emptied, the conventional engine turns on and the vehicle
operates like a conventional non-plug-in hybrid.

As a PHEV can be powered from the electrical socket and electricity is often a cleaner source of
energy than gasoline or plug-in diesel hybrids, they don’t contribute to environmental pollution.
They get benefits in terms of fuel efficiency thanks to the electric motor and the battery. Since
they use less fuel and engine running is minimized a PHEV can save thousands of rupees

Figure 2: A typical PHEV schematic

A PHEV is different from a conventional hybrid in a way that conventional hybrids derive all
their power from internal combustion engine and can't be recharged by plugging in. This is why
all conventional hybrids are not categorized as electric vehicles (EVs)



2.1: General Drivetrain Layout

The engine and motor both will power the rear wheel. The coupling will be accomplished by
installing an adapter on the motor and connecting it to the stock sprocket.
Some minor modifications will be done to the rear wheel brakes to convert them to disc brakes.
Rear axle cut outs will be extended mudguard will be modified to enable easy installation and
removal of rear wheel.
The bike can be driven on either electric, petrol or combined power as the driver wishes.

2.2: Motor Selection

In Hybrike, motor has two functions: Propel the motorcycle when power demand is low and
generate power when load torque demand is low. Motor selection is done in two steps: selecting
motor type and sizing the required motor. Almost all electrical drivetrains of today use Brushless
DC (BLDC) or AC Induction motors.

2.2.1: Brushless DC Motors (BLDC)

BLDC motors are the most commonly used motors in electrical drivetrains of today. The rotor is
composed of series of rare earth magnets while stator is a set of windings (usually 3 pole).
Magnetic field enters the stator core and interacts with currents flowing within the windings to
produce a torque interaction between the rotor and stator.

This motor has following advantages:
 Cheaper than AC induction motors
 Does not require complex controllers
 Run cooler than AC motors

Some demerits include:

 Heavy weight rotors
 Magnetic field from permeant magnets is not controllable

BLDC motors used in automotive drivetrains are further classified in two types based upon their
 Conventional motor
 Hub motor Conventional Motor

The conventional motor is the BLDC motor which we all are familiar with. The motor is
cylindrical in construction and has an output shaft protruding out of it. A sprocket is attached to
this shaft with a chain that runs to another sprocket (attached to wheel), hence providing the
This kind of motor has following advantages:
 Flexibility in selection of FDR
 Easier to repair if burnt or damaged
 Relatively cheap
Some downsides of this motor are:
 Requires additional components, most of which are moving parts and add rotating mass
 Usually not waterproof
 Bulky, not a neat design

5 Hub Motor

Hub motors is the upcoming technology in electrical vehicles. The concept is that hub the hub of
the wheel is essentially a motor. The stator part acts as the wheel axle while the rotor is attached
to tire or rim which rotates and delivers power to the wheels directly.
This type of motor has several advantages:
 Usually IP-65 safety rating
 Low profile and lightweight
 Powers the wheels directly
 No additional parts required

Some downsides of this motor are:

 Relatively a bit expensive
 Somewhat difficult to repair if damaged
 Offers a slight drag when non-powered



WEIGHT: 5 4 4 3 4 20 100
Hub MTR 5 3 4 2 3 17 85
Con MTR 2 4 3 3 2 14 70
Table 2.1: Weighted Rate Matrix for deciding between Hub and Conventional Motor

According to above calculated results, Hub Motor was chosen.

Figure 3: Hub DC motor

Figure 4: Conventional DC motor

2.3: Battery Selection

The amount of battery capacity required by Hybrike depends upon several factors. Some of the
most significant are: Anticipated Range, Motor Max Current, Battery Chemistry, Depth of
Discharge and Charge Cycles. Each of these are defied briefly.

Anticipated Range:
The all-electric range in kilometers that is being expected from HEM. This is the biggest factor
to be considered in sizing the required battery bank.
Motor Max Current:

It is defined as the maximum current the motor draws at full load. Of course, this is limited by
the motor controller which cuts off the supply to motor above a predefined current value to
prevent overheating.
Battery Chemistry:
The type of battery being used also has a significant effect while the designing the size of the
battery bank. Each chemistry has its own limits of charging current, depth of discharge, self-
discharge, C rating etc.
Depth of Discharge:
It is given as a percentage and defined as how deeply can a battery be safely discharged without
causing irreversible damage to the cells. Depth of Discharge directly affects Charge Cycles.
Charge Cycles:
It is directly related to battery lifetime and depth of discharge. It is defined as the number of
times the battery can be charged and discharged before its capacity drops to 80%.

2.3.1: Battery Types

Currently the three most commonly used chemistries being used in automotive industry are:
 Lithium Ion/Lithium Polymer (lipo/li-ion)
 Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)
 Sealed Lead Acid (SLA)
Here each of these is discussed briefly: Lithium Ion/Lithium Polymer (li-ion/lipo)

Anode is Metal oxide active material (Vulcan, Graphite) while cathode is Lithium Transition
Metal Oxide. They work on the principle of intercalation and de-intercalation of lithium ions
from a positive electrode material and a negative electrode material, with the liquid electrolyte
providing a conductive medium.
 These batteries have the best energy density (Wh/Kg)
 Their DoD is highest among all types
 They have highest charging and discharging C ratings among all types
 Temperature sensitive
 Expensive

Figure 5: Li-ion/Lipo battery Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)

These are considered forerunners to lipos. Anode of a NiMH cell is an intermetallic compound
e.g. lanthanum, cerium and cathode is Ni(OH)

Figure 6: NiMH battery

 Fairly lower energy density than lipos
 Quite high C rating of discharge
 Do not need as much complex charging/discharging circuits as lipos


 Not significantly cheaper than lipos
 Although a bit less than lipos, they still have safety concerns
 Suffer from memory effect Sealed Lead Acid Battery (SLA-AGM)

These are the oldest type of batteries in the world. Anode is lead cathode is lead oxide with
sulfuric acid as electrolyte.

Figure 7: SLA-AGM battery

 Most rugged batteries; can handle abuses very well
 Most safe to use
 Most cheap among all
 Does not any special chargers. Although it is recommended to use SLA battery chargers,
they can be charged via DC bench power supply too.
 Worst energy density among all
 Bulky and heavy
 Suffer from Peukert’s Law

WEIGHT 5 5 4 4 18 100
SLA 5 2 3 2 12 63
LiPO 3 5 3 4 15 83
NiMH 2 3 2 3 10 55
Table 2.2: Weighted Rate Matrix for deciding between the three battery chemistries

The system is 48V 24Ah powered by 2.6Ah li-ion cells. It is composed of 3 modules each of
18V 24Ah

2.4: Modifications to Rear Wheel Braking System

Stock braking system of CD-70 motorcycle is based on drum brakes on both rear and front
wheels. The inside of the hub acts as a drum, rotating around a panel which houses two
expandable brake shoes. As the driver pull on the lever, the shoes expand and contact the hub,
producing friction and slowing the down the motorcycle.
As this motor will take the place of front hub; the braking system will be compromised. To solve
this critical problem the rear wheel’s braking system needs some modifications. The hub motor
comes equipped with a steel plate that acts as a disc for disc brake. A suitable caliper, sourced
from local market (CG-125 Deluxe comes with factory fitted disc brake system) will be installed
on the rear swing arm. It will be connected to the stock rear brake lever of the bike
In this way the braking system will change from drum brakes to disc brakes. In terms of
performance disc brakes are superior to drum brakes because:
 Their brake shoe life is longer than drum brake shoes
 As they are open, they run much cooler and dissipate heat better than drum brakes
 Their serviceability is easier than drum brakes

Figure 8: Rear wheel disc brake system exploded view



3.1: Motor Calculations:

Motor calculation are done to determine the RPM and Torque of the motor required. These two
factors combined, give the Power the of the motor
With respect to engines, motors behave quite different in their RPM vs Torque graphs. Due to
their low RPMs motors have lower HPs than engines. Comparing motors and engines based on
HP is therefore a wrong approach. A motor, due to its low RPM, may have HP too low as
compared to engine, but due to its much higher and instant torque on zero RPM and high
efficiency, motors are generally far superior to engines in performance. Additionally, the electric
motors can be made to produce almost double their rated power (for short period of time). All
this makes the comparison even more complex.

Figure 9: Typical HP/Torque vs RPM curves for motor and engines (Trknik Uviversity, 2011)

To correctly approximate the required motor following formulas are used to calculate power
being delivered by the powerplant to keep the motorcycle moving on a flat road at 60 km/h:

𝑉 1
𝑃𝑚 = (𝑀𝑔𝑓𝑟 + 2 𝜌𝑎 𝐶𝑑 𝐴𝑓 𝑉 2 ) (Asaei, 2010) (1)

Considering the HEM is cruising at 60 km/h on flat road on all electric mode, the required power
of the motor will be calculated as:
P: Power of motor fr: Rolling Resistance Coefficient = 0.02[3]
V: Speed of vehicle = 60 km/h = 17m/s 𝜌𝑎 : Density of air = 1.19 kg/m3
𝜼m: Efficiency of motor = 0.8[1] Cd: Coefficient of drag = 0.5[4]
M: Mass of vehicle with rider= 180 kg [2] Af: Frontal Area = 0.3[5]
g; Gravitational Acceleration = 10m/s2

Solving the equation gives us the value of ~900W.

On 900W motor, the acceleration time for the HEM on all electric mode from 0km/h to 60km/,
considering base speed of 15 km/h, is calculated from the following equation: (2)
𝛿𝑀 2 1
𝑃𝑚 = (𝑉𝑓2 + 𝑉𝑏2 ) + 𝑀𝑔𝑓𝑟 𝑉𝑓 + 𝜌𝑎 𝐶𝑑 𝐴𝑓 𝑉 3 (Asaei, 2010) (2)
2𝜂𝑡 3 5

𝜹: Mass Factor = 1[6]

Vf: Final Velocity = 17m/s

1 5 Same as above
2 6
Honda Shop Manual 1976
3 conversion-and-management

Vb: Base Velocity: 4m/s

Putting the motor power as 1350W (short acceleration burst the power of motor can be increased
by a factor of 1.5) the time comes out to be ~35 seconds.
This acceleration time is unacceptable, so 1.5 kw motor was tested on this equation and time
came out to be about 18 seconds.
It is important to note here that this acceleration time is for all electric mode with no assistance
from engine
Based on these calculations, 1500W motor is sourced which has following characteristics:
 Power: 1500W
 Voltage: 48VDC
 Max Voltage: 55V
 Cut off Voltage: 41V

Figure 10: Hub motor kit

The motor comes as a complete kit that includes:

 1 x 1500kW hub motor
 1 x controller
 Throttle system
 LCD display
 Brake Disk and Brake Lever

3.2: Motor Coupling:

The motor will be coupled to rear wheel via an adapter to the stock sprocket. 4x tabs of
aluminum will be bolted to left end plate of the motor. An adapter will be bolted to these tabs
on one side, having the stock female cushion assembly of the motorcycle on the other end.
This non-bolted end will snug fit in the male cushion assembly which will be bolted to the
stock sprocket.
This type of coupling ensures that both motor and engine can run independently without
harming one another.

Figure 11: Cad model showing the coupling details

3.3: Motor Safety:

The hub motor is safety rated at IP-65 means it can handle the normal rain and water splashes
easily. Additionally, gaskets will be added between the seams to make it even safer. The
whole motor is enclosed and sealed in casing with insulated wires so there is no risk of
electrocution. Secondly maximum system voltage is 48VDC which does not qualify to high
(dangerous) voltage 7




4.1: Calculating Required Battery Capacity (Battery Sizing)

The HEM is designed to have an all-electric range of about 70km. using the equation (1) on
page 8, we calculated that the power required to cruise at 60km/h in electric mode is about
900W. For 48V system, the current draw at 900W would be:
𝐼= = 𝟏𝟖. 𝟕𝟓𝑨
If cruising at 60km/h on electric mode, then HEM will have to travel for 1.16 (consider 1.2)
hours to cover 70kms. The required battery pack should provide 18.75A for 1.2 hours.
= ~𝟏𝟔𝑨𝒉
Keeping in mind the DoD of 70% for lithium-ion batteries,
16(0.7) = 11.2
16 − 11.2 = 4.8
16 + 4.8 = 𝟐𝟏 𝑨𝒉
Keeping in mind the non-ideal conditions the battery capacity is designed at 24 Ah.
The total battery bank is divided into three modules so they can be fit in the frame easily.
Each module is of configuration 10P5S (10 parallel, 5 series), The li-ion cells being used are
of 2.6Ah capacity. Each module is of 18V 24Ah.

4.2: Battery Charging:

The batteries can be charged at any 220V AC socket, only using a li-ion battery charger.
While discharging the modules will be connected in series to make up the required 48V
system voltage. While charging the modules will be switched back to parallel connections to
keep charging voltage low and maintain balanced state of charge among all the three
Time required to charge the batteries can be determined by dividing the capacity of battery by
its max allowable charging current. For the li-ion battery the max allowable charging current
is 1C, the lower the safer. The battery selected for HEM is 24 Ah so max charging current to
each battery should not exceed:
24 × 1 = 𝟐𝟒𝑨

For three modules in parallel, the charger will have to be of 30A to provide 10A (0.41C
charge rate) to each battery which is way less than 24A hence ensuring long battery life.
Consider the charger efficiency of 80% the time for charging is:
24 24
+ ( × 0.2) = ~𝟑 𝒉𝒓𝒔
10 10
Onboard battery charging is will not be much efficient in HEM because:
 CD-70’s factory fitted charging system produces an output of 2A max. This is too low
to charge the electric motor batteries.
 BLDC motor does produce 3 phase AC when being rotated under external force but as
the field strength is constant, low current value is obtained.
Nevertheless, the system will be incorporated in the HEM if good results are obtained.

4.4: Cost of Charging Batteries

The 48V 24Ah battery will consume 1.152 units of electricity to charge fully. Considering the
current KE tariff of Rs.16/kWh and charger efficiency of 80% the cost to fully charge the
battery would be:

1.15 × 16 + ((1.15 × 16)0.2) = ~𝐑𝐬. 𝟐𝟐

This cost will further reduce to Rs. 17 if the user charges battery overnight when tariff is Rs.
12 (off peak)

4.5: Battery Safety

Battery safety is the most paramount in any electronics and especially automotive
application. For safeguard of the rider and the bike, battery safety models of two companies
were studied in depth. i.e. Jolt Tech. and Tesla Motors Inc. Jolta is a setup based in
Rawalpindi, selling electric motorcycles. Tesla is the world’s only and biggest manufacturer
of electric cars which has received USNTSB 5-star rating for making the safest car ever
produced in history.
Tesla uses the same 18650 batteries that are being used in this project so studying their model
was more feasible. Their battery safety model is quite simple, yet very effective. Tesla uses
16-18 modules in their cars, each has 255 cells. Each of the battery cell is connected to the
main bus bar of the module via a thin fuse (appropriately named as Tesla fuse) which does
not allow more than a specified amount of current to pass. In case of an internal short or cell
discharging abnormally high current, the fuse would melt and thus the cell will be
disconnected from the system. Moreover, their modules are liquid cooled sealed in an
aluminum box, lined with FR-4 to alleviate the fire hazard.

The safety model of HEM batteries is quite similar. Modules will be made with a bus bar in
between and cells connected to it via fuse wire of 5 Amps. The modules will then be packed
in an aluminum box lined with FR-4. The box itself will be buried deep in the chassis and
will be temperature controlled via two automatic fans which will keep it within specified
temperature. The motor controller itself ensures that cells do not deliver current above their
safe limit (2C). The main 30A breaker connected in line with controller adds a further layer
of safety to it.



5.1: Schematics and Layout:

The electrical system of the HEM consists of following components:

 1x 48V BLDC Motor
 Motor Controller
 3x 18VDC 24Ah li-ion batteries
 Throttle control for motor
The three battery modules will be buried in the stem of the chassis. Space between stem and
mudguard and stock battery box is quite enough to place all the three modules. As the
batteries are inside the HEM chassis now, there will be no aerodynamics disadvantage.

Figure 12: Yellow area denotes li-ion batteries buried inside the chassis. Blue are the cooling fans

Throttle for the motor will of thumb type (controlled by thumb) and will be installed beside
the engine twist throttle with a common link. This will enable both power sources to be
controlled via a same input method.

Figure 13: Thumb throttle to control motor speed

The switch to change the mode of batteries (i.e. charging/discharging) will be present in the
speedometer casing or can be placed beside the throttle

Figure 14: Switch to change battery mode placed on speedometer

Detailed wiring diagram of electrical system is given as under

Figure 15: Wiring diagram for electrical system

While discharging the switches S1 and S2 will be closed and batteries will be connected in
series to provide the required 48-54V to motor.

Figure 16: Wiring configuration during discharging mode (Green highlight shows the current flow during

While charging the batteries the switches S1 and S2 will be open. Each battery will be
connected in parallel to charger and thus will get 18V at 10A.

Figure 17: Wiring configuration during charging mode (Green highlight shows the part of the circuit being
used during charging. Bold lines show charging current flow



6.1: Manufacturing Plan:

1. A used CD70 motorcycle will be bought.

2. Swing Arm of the motorcycle will be taken out and modified a bit to allow motor
axles to fit in.

3. Stock cushion assembly (male and female drive adapters) will be shaved on in-house
lathe machine to reduce their thickness.

4. FDA will be bolted to the side plate of the motor.

5. MDA will be bolted to the stock sprocket. MDA will mate with FDA

6. Replacing Rear Drum Brakes with Disc Brakes.

7. Refitting the modified drivetrain

8. 150x 18650 li-ion cells will be arranged into three modules in configuration on 5s10p.
They will be joined in-house by an improvised Spot Welding Machine. Each module
will have 50 cells.

9. A steel box lined with heat resistant foam, FR4 sheets and cooling fan will house each
module. Two of the three boxes will be mounted under the seat above the rear wheel.
One will be mounted inside the chassis.

10. Motor controller will sit under the seat, bolted to the chassis.

11. Electric system Ready to Drive (RTD) switch will be placed beside the speedometer
along with three BHMs (one for each module).

12. Electric throttle will on the left hand will mechanical throttle will on the right hand.
Later these can be combined on the right side.

13. Wiring up everything (Motor, controller, throttle, batteries, fans and RTD switch)

6.2: Fabrication:

6.2.1: Buying a Motorcycle:

A used CD70 motorcycle was bought from Sunday market. The motorcycle was in
satisfactory condition. Its engine was okay enough to drive it. Overall mechanical integrity
was acceptable as well.

Figure 18: Used motorcycle bought for a cheap price

6.2.2: Modification to Swing Arm:

The stock swing arm’s axle cutouts were expanded to accommodate motor’s shaft. To attach
the chain tensioners back on the swing arm, a scrap swing arm was sourced from market. Its
chain tensioner mounts were cut and bolted onto original swing arm.

Figure 19: Clockwise from above: Modification to the swing arm to accommodate motor shaft and chain

6.2.3: Machining the Drive Adapters:

Both male and female drive adapters of cushion assembly were shaved on lathe. MDA was
unbolted from sprocket and FDA one was cut out of the stock hub.
Original thickness of MDA: 63 mm
Reduced to: 25 mm
Original thickness of FDA: 137 mm
Reduced to: 42 mm

Figure 20: Original MDA (right) vs machined MDA (left)

6.2.4: Bolting FDA on Motor Side Plate:

FDA was bolted on to the side plate of motor via 4x 8mm bolts with nylock nuts. Rubber
dampers were cut from the unloaded side to compensate for the bolts. The motor had enough
space inside to accommodate the bolt heads.

6.2.5: Bolting MDA to Sprocket:

MDA was bolted onto sprocket via stock 4x 8mm bolts. The sprocket is aligned on its
original position by spacers on both sides of the motor axle which also keep the motor

Figure 21: Rubber dampers on FDA and MDA with sprocket bolted to it

6.2.6: Converting Rear Drum to Disc Brake System:

Hydraulic brake kit came with the motor kit. The caliper was mounted on swing arm and
stock foot pedal was connected to brake lever to actuate it.

Figure 22: Brake disc on rear wheel

6.2.7: Refitting the Modified Drivetrain:

After the wheel is laced around the motor, the swing arm was bolted back into its original
place. The motor axles were slid into their slots. The Tensioner Mounting Plate was bolted
onto swing arm. Chain Tensioners were then placed on the axles with their tails in their slots.
2x 14 mm nuts hold the axles tight against the swing arm with a point extruded washer to
hold the motor firmly in place.
Chain from engine sprocket was wrapped around the rear (motor) sprocket and tightened via
Chain Tensioners.
Both electrical system and mechanical system can power the rear wheel independently now.

Figure 23: MDA and FDA mated. Sprocket is driven by the engine. Motor drives the wheel directly

6.2.8: Preparing Battery Modules:

To prepare li-ion battery modules, spot welding technique (used also by Tesla for assembling
their batteries) was used. Of course, spot welders are expensive, so an improvised Spot
Welding Machine was assembled in-house. It consisted of:
 12V 40Ah lead acid battery
 300A relay
 small 2A switch.
Li-ion cells were first taped in the required arrangement (5s10p). A 4mm wide nickel strip
was used as the connection media. Two 4 AWG wires were connected directly from the lead
acid battery with relay in the positive wire. The wires had copper nails soldered at their ends.
The nails were placed on the nickel strip which was placed over either + or - terminal of the
li-ion cell. A small switch was used to activate the relay which momentarily shorted the lead
battery through copper nails and nickel strip. The strip heated up to very high temperature for
just a second, thus creating a localized weld.

All the three modules are identical, having 50 cells, with 26Ah capacity at 18V nominal

Figure 24: The three battery modules

6.2.9: Making Steel Boxes for Batteries:

Sheets of 2 mm mild steel were cut and gas welded together to form a box. The boxes were
lined inside with heat resistant foam and FR4 sheets. Each container has a fan attached on it
to keep the batteries cool.
Two of the three boxes are mounted on the sides, just under the seat, within the width
envelope of the motorcycle. One is mounted inside the chassis at toolbox area.

6.2.10: Mounting Motor Controller:

The controller in mounted right under the seat. Stock seat had to be raised an inch to make
room. The raised seat height is barely noticeable and poses no safety threat.

6.2.11: RTD Switch and BHM:

The individual 18V battery modules have to be connected in series to make up the required
48V for the system to operate. An RTD switch is placed beside speedometer. It will also act
as safety circuit breaker, limiting the current to 40A (recommended in the motor controller
manual). Turning the switch on arranges the modules in series thus giving out 48V and put
the HEM in electric driving mode. Turning it off arranges them back in parallel (charging
BHM (also called cell checkers) are small devices which display voltage of each individual
column of cells (should vary between 4.2-3V depending upon state of charge). BHM also
raises alarm when any column hits 3V, hence telling the rider that battery is getting low. At
2.7V per cell, the controller automatically switches off the power to motor.

Figure 25: RTD switches which power the controller and connect batteries in series

6.2.12: Electronic and Mechanical Throttle:

Mechanical throttle is already present in the right handlebar, while electronic throttle is
placed on the left handlebar. Later, a thumb throttle can be used and both electronic and
mechanical throttle will be placed on right handlebar.

6.2.13: Wiring:

10AWG wires, heavily insulated, connect the batteries in series through the RTD switch and
take power from batteries to motor. Wiring diagram is explained below.
Throttle plugs directly in the controller. Wiring from controller to motor is also plug and
play. Controller limits the current to 40A max to not to burn the windings of the motor.
Additionally, RTD switch is also a 30A breaker. The system is triple redundant to over-
current. Max system voltage will be 63V when fully charged.
Each cooling fan will take power from its own module. The 18VDC from the module will be
stepped down to 12VDC via LM7812. Each fan only draws 0.4A of current so it can be
safely neglected as any noticeable load on the system.
Headlight, tail light, indicators and horn will be connected from motorcycle’s own lead acid



7.1: Assembly

The final assembly of the HEM is shown and labelled below.

Figure 26: Assembly showing all components of Hyrbike

Figure 27: Rear wheel motor engine coupling



8.1: Key Factors

The key factors to test the HEM against were:

1. All electric range
2. Electric top speed and acceleration
3. Electric performance when loaded with 2 and 3 passengers
4. Battery and motor safety against water ingress
5. Battery Temperature

8.2: Tests

For all the tests the standard conditions were used i.e. one rider and no passenger, unless
stated otherwise

8.2.1: All Electric Range:

The batteries were fully charged and HEM was taken for the range test. Test was concluded
when each cell of the pack reached 3V.
Range was found out to be 67 km.

8.2.2: Electric Top Speed and Acceleration:

HEM accelerated from 0-60 km/h in 13 seconds. Better than its combustion engine
Electric top speed was found out to be 60 km/h

8.2.3 Electric Performance When Loaded With 2 and 3 Passengers:

As expected the performance reduced when loaded with 2/3 passengers.

Acceleration time increased from 13 seconds to 22 seconds
Range decrease from 67 km to 53 km.

8.2.4 Battery and Motor Safety Against Water Ingress:

Battery container and motor were doused with a water hose. The water was not able to
ingress in the motor. Batteries are wrapped in a layer of heat shrink water resistant plastic so
even if water ingresses in the container, it cannot reach the batteries
8.2.5 Battery Temperature:

HEM was parked in sun outside and temperature readings were logged every minute. The
max temperature inside the battery container was found to be 32˚C, well within the safe



9.1: How to Drive:

HEM is designed to be driven in 3 modes:

EV Mode:

Put in the ignition key and switch on to activate the electrical system of the HEM. Pull the
two RTD switches up. Your motor and controller are active now. Twist electric throttle the
throttle and off you go. When switching over to EV from petrol, slow down, bring HEM in
neutral. Push the changeover switch up, twist electric throttle and drive like an EV.

Petrol Mode:

Pull down the battery changeover switch. Motor and controller are off now. Kick start the
engine, put in gear and drive like a normal bike. When switching over to petrol from EV
press the clutch and put it in 3rd/4th gear. At about 20-40 km/h, release the clutch. Drive on

Power Mode:

Put in the ignition key and switch on to activate the electrical system of the HEM. Pull the
battery changeover switch up. Your motor and controller are active now. Kick start the
engine. Put in gear, release clutch and twist the motor throttle as well. Both the electric and
mechanical system are working together to drive HEM



10.1: Care, Safety and Maintenance of HEM:

 All the electrical system is well insulated so there’s no major safety concern. Even
though batteries and motors are sealed from environment, general safety guidelines
still apply though to be watchful of water ingress in the battery area, especially when
getting the HEM washed.

 All electrical wirings and connections are secured and routed inside through the
monocoque chassis to keep them safe from rider and environment.

 No preventive maintenance is required for the whole electrical system. Unlike

mechanical system there are no fluids/filters involved that need replacement at regular

 30A main circuit breaker is placed in line with the controller. It will trip in case the
motor draws current above its limit, saving the windings and controller from burning

 Batteries are charged via programmable li-ion balance charger which will ensure that
batteries remain balanced and do not get overcharged. It is highly recommended to
use only chargers that are equipped with battery balance function.

 The rear mudguard is modified to make it a two-piece part. This will allow easy
removal and installation of the rear wheel, which is currently somewhat cumbersome

 As the engine running is reduced significantly, engine oil change, filter replacement
and tappet adjustment intervals will be much longer than normal.



11.1: Pay Back Period Calculations:

With the above proposed scheme, the fuel economy of the motorcycle will be drastically
improved. Referring to the table below:
Considering charging cost of Rs. 22, Rs. 1.7/km [1] when running on petrol and Rs. 0.4/km [2]
when running on electric mode, a simulated scenario shows the following results:

Table 11.1: Cost savings as compared to typical CD-70 (Table in landscape mode provided in the end as A-1)

Due to in house battery back production, the required battery size can be modified according
to each person’s budget and needed range.
From the table above, it is clear that a typical person who drives about 60 km everyday will
need the 40, 000 PKR kit and will repay the cost of conversion in under 1.5 years.


Estimated cost of the project is as follows:


1 Motor Kit (1500W 48v) 14,000
2 Batteries (150x 2.6Ah) * 20,000*
3 Mechanical Fittings 1000
5 Wiring 500
6 Battery Charger 5000
TOTAL 40, 500**
Table A: Projected cost of conversion to HEM

* Variable according to need. Max is 20, 000 PKR

**Cost is subjected to market rates and fluctuation


The project still has room for a lot of improvement mainly in the area of wiring and battery
switching system. Nevertheless, the project has qualified to the final round of FICS
competition being held in the mid of May 2018. Moreover, Tides Engineering Pvt. Ltd. has
contacted us with regards to commercializing our services and product.
The time between AB presentation and open house will be utilized to aesthetically upgrade
the project to be displayed for potential investors at the event.
The team will work at the areas of improvement after finals and hope to commercialize the
product within a year.




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