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Pramod_Written assignment 2

by Pramod Pokharel

Submission date: 14-Oct-2019 10:46PM (UTC+1100)

Submission ID: 1192481319
File name: 151157_Pramod_Pokharel_Pramod_Written_assignment_2__HLTH103__1584548_1292760339.pdf
Word count: 1965
Character count: 11297
APA 6th is always left indented now in its work format- not Justified. It took me a while to get used to it however you

Good points

Good points

Good Information

New Paragraph

Good points
Just be aware Pramod you can be writing with overly large Paragraphs - this can happen when we are on a thinking/typing

Very Good.

HRDQ Citation
Good points Needed



Good Information

8. Use of
8. Use of

Handy - Hyperlinks
Pramod_Written assignment 2 (HLTH103).pdf

9 %


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Submitted to The College of Animal Welfare
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Submitted to University of Newcastle
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Pramod_Written assignment 2 (HLTH103).pdf



Hi Pramod

Thank you for your submission.

I have assigned my blue tile comments to your written

work and linked them to the marking rubric and left the
bulk of my written comments to here, I can see you
have put real effort into your paper, there are some
small grammatical and punctuation issues with regards
to your standard of academic writing, which with
practice and proof reading if you choose to seek
assistance with this will fix it please see my comments
in your work.

Your in-text citations are very good and reference list is

very detailed. I have left a blue tile on your reference
list if you click on that it has some good hyperlinks in it
for you to copy and paste .

Overall you have provided a detailed reflection on

personal communication style with very good analysis
that is linked to excellent examples. Well done, you
have used appropriate literature for your in-text
citations where required and your marks are very well

Good luck in your other subjects for this trimester.

Kind regards

Meredith Kellahan.




Text Comment. APA 6th is always left indented now in its work format- not Justified. It took me
a while to get used to it however you do.
QM ✔ | Rudiments

Good point/comment

QM Good points | Rudiments

You have some strong points here.

QM Good points | Rudiments

You have some strong points here.

QM ✔ | Rudiments

Good point/comment


QM Good Information | Rudiments


QM New Paragraph | Writing

Start a new paragraph

QM Good points | Mitigation

You have some strong points here.

Text Comment. Just be aware Pramod you can be writing with overly large Paragraphs - this
can happen when we are on a thinking/typing run.

Text Comment. Very Good.


QM Good | Awareness

- this is a good point.

QM Citation Needed
Citations have several important purposes: one of them being to uphold intellectual honesty (or
avoiding plagiarism), another to attribute prior or unoriginal work and ideas to the correct sources, to
allow the reader to determine independently whether the referenced material supports the author's
argument in the claimed way, and to help the reader gauge the strength and validity of the material
the author has used. APA ORG:

Text Comment. HRDQ

QM Good points | Mitigation

You have some strong points here.

QM Good | Mitigation

- this is a good point.

QM Good | Mitigation

- this is a good point.

QM Good Information | Awareness



QM Insightful | Awareness

Shows insight here

QM 8. Use of Brackets | Writing

Please see pages 87 - 96 APA Publication Manual for use of Brackets -

QM 8. Use of Brackets | Writing

Please see pages 87 - 96 APA Publication Manual for use of Brackets -

QM ✔ | Awareness

Good point/comment

QM | Mitigation

Great information


QM ✔ | Awareness

Good point/comment
QM Excellent͸ | Awareness

Great points here


QM Handy - Hyperlinks
Purdue - Owl

Academic Skills - UNE

Assignment Types - UNE

UNE -Formatting Essay Fact Sheet

UNE - In-Text Ref APA Fact Sheet

RUBRIC: HLTH103 ASS 2 T2 2018 88.75 / 100

RUDIMENTS (25%) 95 / 100

Reflection (analysis) on the rudiments (qualities) of your own communication style • Strengths (Q 1 & 2) •
Limitations, ‘trouble spots’ , challenges (Q 4 & 8) • Interaction with other styles of communication (Q 6 & 7)

HD Comprehensive reflection on the rudiments of personal communication style with critical

(100) analysis that is very well linked to examples

HD Comprehensive reflection on the rudiments of personal communication style with critical

(95) analysis that is very well linked to examples

HD Comprehensive reflection on the rudiments of personal communication style with critical

(85) analysis that is very well linked to examples

D Detailed reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with good analysis that
(80) is well linked to examples

D Detailed reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with good analysis that
(75) is well linked to examples

C Sound reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with some analysis and
(70) examples

C Sound reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with some analysis and
(65) examples

P Basic reflection on rudiments of personal communication style which is purely descriptive

(60) with little or no analysis

P Basic reflection on rudiments of personal communication style which is purely descriptive

(55) with little or no analysis

P Basic reflection on rudiments of personal communication style which is purely descriptive

(50) with little or no analysis

N Inadequate reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with main points

(45) missed or not discussed

N Inadequate reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with main points

(40) missed or not discussed

N Inadequate reflection on rudiments of personal communication style with main points

(30) missed or not discussed

MITIGATION (25%) 95 / 100

Reflection (analysis) of how you can mitigate any negative aspects of your communication style • Develop new
strengths (Q 3) • Improve and control ‘trouble spots’ (Q 5) • Overcome challenges (Q 9)

HD Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style development (improvement)

(100) needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are very well linked
to relevant substantiating literature

HD Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style development (improvement)

(95) needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are very well linked
to relevant substantiating literature

HD Comprehensive reflection on personal communication style development (improvement)

(85) needs including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are very well linked
to relevant substantiating literature

D Detailed reflection on personal communication style development (improvement) needs

(80) including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are well linked to relevant
substantiating literature

D Detailed reflection on personal communication style development (improvement) needs

(75) including examples from practice (or personal experience) that are well linked to relevant
substantiating literature

C Sound reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs with some

(70) analysis and substantiation from practice examples (or personal experience) and/or the

C Sound reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs with some

(65) analysis and substantiation from practice examples (or personal experience) and/or the

P Basic reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs which is

(60) purely descriptive with little or no analysis

P Basic reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs which is

(55) purely descriptive with little or no analysis

P Basic reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs which is

(50) purely descriptive with little or no analysis

N Inadequate reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs with

(45) main points missed, not discussed or wrongly identified

N Inadequate reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs with

(40) main points missed, not discussed or wrongly identified

N Inadequate reflection on communication style development (improvement) needs with

(30) main points missed, not discussed or wrongly identified

AWARENESS (25%) 95 / 100

Reflection (analysis) of why awareness of one’s communication style is vitally important when working in health
care (Q 10)

HD Comprehensive reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare

(100) settings with critical analysis that is very well linked to practice examples and
substantiating literature
HD Comprehensive reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare
(95) settings with critical analysis that is very well linked to practice examples and
substantiating literature

HD Comprehensive reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare

(85) settings with critical analysis that is very well linked to practice examples and
substantiating literature

D Detailed reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare settings

(80) with good analysis including practice examples with links to substantiating literature

D Detailed reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare settings

(75) with good analysis including practice examples with links to substantiating literature

C Sound reflection on the importance of one’s communication in style healthcare settings

(70) with some analysis and substantiation from practice examples and/or literature

C Sound reflection on the importance of one’s communication in style healthcare settings

(65) with some analysis and substantiation from practice examples and/or literature

P Basic reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare settings


P Basic reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare settings


P Basic reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare settings


N Inadequate reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare

(45) settings

N Inadequate reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare

(40) settings

N Inadequate reflection on the importance of one’s communication style in healthcare

(30) settings

WRITING (25%) 70 / 100

Standard of academic writing and referencing Note: remember that written communication is also a very
important aspect of communication in health

HD Extremely well written and comprehensively and accurately referenced; very good
(100) introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure

HD Extremely well written and comprehensively and accurately referenced; very good
(95) introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure

HD Extremely well written and comprehensively and accurately referenced; very good
(85) introduction, conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure

D Very well written and strongly referenced, few or no referencing errors; good introduction,
conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure

D Very well written and strongly referenced, few or no referencing errors; good introduction,
(75) conclusion, sentence and paragraph structure

C Well written and well supported with references, some referencing errors or gaps; sound
(70) essay structure

C Well written and well supported with references, some referencing errors or gaps; sound
(65) essay structure

P Soundly written with basic referencing and or a number of referencing errors or gaps;
(60) adequate essay structure

P Soundly written with basic referencing and or a number of referencing errors or gaps;
(55) adequate essay structure

P Soundly written with basic referencing and or a number of referencing errors or gaps;
(50) adequate essay structure

N Poorly written with many grammatical errors, no or inadequate referencing; poor structure

N Poorly written with many grammatical errors, no or inadequate referencing; poor structure

N Poorly written with many grammatical errors, no or inadequate referencing; poor structure

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