Weaving Technician

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Weaving Technician



(Duration: Two Years)




Weaving Technician

(Engineering Trade)

(Revised in 2018)

Version: 1.1



Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091
Weaving Technician

The DGT sincerely acknowledges contributions of the Industries, State Directorates,

Trade Experts, Domain Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum.
Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

List of Member participated for finalizing the curriculum of Weaving Technician

S No. Name of the member Organisation Position in SMC

Mentor Councils
1 Mr. S. Venkatesh, Head HR & Raymond Member
2 Mr. Sanjeev Mohanty Bennetton India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon Member
Managing Director
3 Mr. Animesh Saxena Udyog Vihar Industries Association, Member
B-40, Phase 5, Udyog Vihar
4 Dr.Darlie Koshy IAM & ATDC Chairman
Director General and CEO Apparel Export Promotion Council

5 Mr. Arindam Das National Institute of Fashion Member

Technology, New Delhi

6 Dr. Kushal Sen D/o Textile Technology Member

Professor IIT Delhi
7 Mr. Bhatacharya. G Institute for Textile Technology, Member
HOD Textiles Department CHOUDWAR

8 Ms. Poonam Thakur NIIFT, Mohali Member

Professor & Academic Head
9 Mr. L.N. Meena, Lecturer Arya Bhatt Polytechnic, Delhi Member

10 Mr. Prabhas Kashyap , General Gokaldas Export Ltd., Bangalore Member

Manager- Planning &
Production Co-ordination
11 Bishwanath Ganguly Madura Fashion & Retail, Aditya Member
Birla Centre for Retail Excellence
(A B C R E)
Weaving Technician

12 K.N. Chatterjee, HOD Fashion THE TECHNOLOGICAL INST. OF Member

and Apparel Engineering TEXTILE & SCIENCES, Bhiwani,
Haryana, INDIA-127021.
13 Tapas Kumar Adhikari, Sr. Reliance Industries Ltd. Member
14 Vikas Verma, Asst. Vice Welspun India Ltd. Member
15 Navjot Walia, Vice President Maral Overseas Ltd., Noida Member
16 Rajeev Mehani, Vice President Vardhaman Textiles Member
17 Mr.R.P. Dhingra, Director (P) DGE&T Mentor
Core Group
18 Shri LK Mukherjee, Deputy CSTARI, Kolkata Co-ordinator
Director Member
19 Mr. Subhankar Bhowmik, DPA NIMI, Chennai NIMI
Gr. B Representative
20 Dr. G Thilagavathi, HOD Dept. of Textile Technology, PSG Team leader
College of Technology, Coimbatore
21 Mr. K Chandrasekaran, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore -4
22 Dr. R Ramachandran, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
23 Dr. R Murugan, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
24 Dr. M Senthilkumar, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
25 Dr. S Periasamy, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
26 Dr. S Viju, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
27 Dr. J C Sakthivel, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
Weaving Technician

28 Mr. S Kumaravel, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member

Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
29 Dr. T Karthik, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
30 Ms. K J Vishnu Vardhini, Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Faculty Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
31 Mr. G Maheswaran, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
32 Mr. N Muthukumar, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
33 Dr. H Ram Mohan, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
34 Mr. S Sivabalan, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
35 Dr. T Senthilram, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
36 Mr. E Perumalsamy, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
37 Mr. A Sivaramakrishnan, Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Faculty Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
38 Mr. K S Gunasekaran, Faculty Faculty, Dept. of Textile Member
Technology, PSG College of
Technology, Coimbatore
39 Dr. M Parthiban, Faculty Dept. of Textile Technology, PSG Member
College of Technology, Coimbatore
40 Dr. P Ganesan, Faculty Dept. of Textile Technology, PSG Member
College of Technology, Coimbatore
Weaving Technician

S No. Topics Page No.

1. Course Information 1
2. Training System 2-5
3. Job Role 6-7
4. General Information 8-9
5. NSQF Level Compliance 10
6. Learning Outcome 11-12
7. Learning Outcome with Assessment Criteria 13-22
8. Trade Syllabus 23-37
9. Syllabus - Core Skill
9.1 Core Skill – Workshop Calculation Science & 38-43
Engineering Drawing
9.2 Core Skill – Employability Skill 44-47
10. Annexure I
List of Trade Tools & Equipment 48-50
List of Tools & Equipment for Employability Skill 51
11. Annexure II - Format for Internal Assessment 552
Weaving Technician

During the two-year duration of Weaving Technician trade, a candidate is trained on

Professional Skill, Professional Knowledge, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Calculation &
Science and Employability Skill. In addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to undertake project
work and extracurricular activities to build up confidence. The broad components covered under
Professional Skill subject are as below:

FIRST YEAR: In this year the candidates will acquire the skill on identifying various types of hand
tools, observed the safety precautions during filing, marking, punching and drilling practices.
They will also aware of various types’ gauges, types of lathes and its functions. Turning tool
grinding, tool setting and job setting, facing and chamfering, plain turning etc. They will also
developed skill on various types of welding and welding process. He will apply range of skill to
execute different carpentry work. They will also identify different electrical and electronic
measuring instruments and test electrical assembly. Trainees will Identify types of operation,
test different textile machineries used in textile industries with the raw materials, They are able
to Perform various Weaving preparatory processes using Important machine settings,
adjustments; material flow, Calculating Production, Efficiency, important parameters of various
machines and their Maintenance.Trainees will able to Identify different types of Sizing
machines, their parts, functions and their maintenance schedule & apply sizing ingredients,
formulation of recipe for cotton yarn, Determine Sizing Cost and check Production and Efficiency
of sizing machine.

SECOND YEAR – During this year trainees will Identify types of reed & heald wire and their use,
Prepare Point Paper for basic and modified weave types with design, draft & peg plan, Check
Quality parameters of defective yarn samples, End break study in looms. They will also identify
various weaving loom, their classification and Perform primary, secondary & auxiliary motion of
loom using weaving machines. Trainees will able to Calculate loom constant, Production and
efficiency Timing Diagram, Fabric quality parameters. They can Identify & check the functions of
dobby and execute the operation of Jacquard loom. Trainees will analyze and operate drop box
loom. They will able to identify different path and functions, types of Projectile loom, Rapier
loom, Air-jet loom and operate the same. Trainees will also identify & apply QA system in textile

Weaving Technician


The Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship offers a range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of Labour market. The vocational training programmes are running under aegis of
National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and
Apprenticeship Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes under NCVT for
propagating vocational training.

The Weaving Technician trade under CTS is one of the popular newly designed courses
delivered nationwide through a network of ITIs. The course is of two years duration. It mainly
consists of Domain area and Core area. The Domain area (Trade Theory & Practical) imparts
professional skills and knowledge, while Core area (Workshop Calculation Science, Engineering
Drawing and Employability Skills) impart requisite core skill, knowledge and life skills. After
passing out the training program, the trainee is awarded National Trade Certificate (NTC) by
NCVT which is recognized worldwide.

Trainee broadly needs to demonstrate that they are able to:

 Read & interpret technical parameters/documentation, plan and organize work

processes, identify necessary materials and tools;
 Perform tasks with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations
and environmental protection stipulations;
 Apply professional knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing the job,
and repair & maintenance work.
 Check the job with circuit diagrams/components as per drawing for functioning,
diagnose and rectify faults in the components/module.
 Document the technical parameters in tabulation sheet related to the task undertaken.


 Can take admission in the diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral
 Can join Apprenticeship programs in different types of industries leading to a National
Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
 Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming an instructor
in ITIs.
Weaving Technician


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two-years: -

Notional Training
S No. Course Element
1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 2266
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 528
3 Workshop Calculation & Science 176
4 Engineering Drawing 264
5 Employability Skills 110
6 Library & Extracurricular Activities 176
7 Project Work 320
8 Revision & Examination 320
Total 4160


The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of the
course and at the end of the training program as notified by the Government of India (GoI) from
time to time. The employability skills will be tested in the first year itself.

a) The Internal Assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative Assessment
Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The training
institute has to maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment guideline. The
marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure – II).

b) The final assessment will be in the form of summative assessment method. The All India
Trade Test for awarding NTC will be conducted by NCVT as per the guideline of Government of
India. The pattern and marking structure is being notified by Govt. of India from time to time.
The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers for
final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the individual
trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical


For the purposes of determining the overall result, weightage of 100% is applied for six
months and one year duration courses and 50% weightage is applied to each examination for
two years courses. The minimum pass percent for Practical is 60% & minimum pass percent for
Theory subjects is 33%.
Weaving Technician


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial

barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per procedure,
behavioral attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity
towards OSHE and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

 Job carried out in labs/workshop

 Record book/ daily diary
 Answer sheet of assessment
 Viva-voce
 Progress chart
 Attendance and punctuality
 Assignment
 Project work

Evidences of internal assessments are to be preserved until forthcoming examination

for audit and verification by examining body. The following marking pattern to be adopted
while assessing:

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60%-75% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate  Demonstration of good skill in the use of
should produce work which demonstrates hand tools, machine tools and workshop
attainment of an acceptable standard of equipment.
craftsmanship with occasional guidance, and  60-70% accuracy achieved while
due regard for safety procedures and undertaking different work with those
practices demanded by the component/job.
 A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
 Occasional support in completing the

(b) Weightage in the range of 75%-90% to be allotted during assessment

For this grade, a candidate should produce  Good skill levels in the use of hand tools,
work which demonstrates attainment of a machine tools and workshop equipment.
reasonable standard of craftsmanship, with  70-80% accuracy achieved while
little guidance, and regard for safety undertaking different work with those

Weaving Technician

procedures and practices demanded by the component/job.

 A good level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
 Little support in completing the

(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the candidate,  High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
with minimal or no support in organization machine tools and workshop equipment.
and execution and with due regard for safety  Above 80% accuracy achieved while
procedures and practices, has produced work undertaking different work with those
which demonstrates attainment of a high demanded by the component/job.
standard of craftsmanship.  A high level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
 Minimal or no support in completing the

Weaving Technician

Brief description of job roles:

Weaving Master; organizes, controls and supervises weaving of clothes, calendaring and
process preparatory to weaving such as winding, warping, sizing, etc. Instructs Jobbers for
proper winding, warping and sizing of yarn. Ensures that required degree of temperature and
humidity in various weaving sections is maintained. Visits sections periodically and supervises
work of men in charge. Ensures that quality of cloth produced conforms to prescribed standard
and suggests alterations and improvements wherever necessary. Gets machines repaired or
replaced as necessary for restoration of work. Maintains quality and quantity of production and
keeps machines, looms and equipment in good working order. Controls staff and maintains
discipline. May introduce new methods and devices to improve quality of cloth. May conduct
research for better methods of production.

Weaver, Handloom; weaves cloth from yarn on handloom. Mounts warp beam on loom. Sets
healed frame in position. Draws ends of warp yarn from beam through comb and fastens them
together to cloth winding roll. Places full bobbins of weft yarn in shuttle. Operates loom by
pressing and relieving two foot levers alternately to raise and lower heald, simultaneously
pulling string with jerk with one hand so as to throw shuttle across warp yarn from side to side
and by moving comb forward and backward with other hand to properly fill weft yarn. Draws
broken ends of yarn through healed and comb and knots them. Replaces empty bobbins in
shuttles. Removes cloth from roll when required length has been woven. May size and dye
yarn, wind yarn on bobbins or beam and draw ends of yarn from warp beam through healds
preparatory to weaving.

Weaver Power Loom; operates and tends power loom to weave cloth, checks that shuttles are
in position and supplied with full weft bobbins, no wrap yarn is broken and that set-up is ready.
Starts loom. Watches looms under his charge for defects in weaving. Locates broken ends of
warp yarn, ties short length of yarn to broken end from warp beam, draws end through drop
wire and reeds using reed hook, ties it to other end with a weaver's knot, and starts loom again.
Cuts and pulls out filling of weft yarn up to point of defect, adjusts and starts loom. Replaces
empty bobbin in shuttles. Cuts cloth when cloth roll becomes full.

Card Cutter; Punch Operator (Textile) operates card cutting machine for punching holes in card
used for controlling pattern of cloth woven on jacquard or dobby looms. Studies designs.
Spreads graph paper on table and prepares draft and plan for design, indicating places where
warp is to be raised over weft. Fixes graph paper containing design on machine board. Inserts
plan card into cutting machine equipped with key-board. Depresses key with fingers to punch
holes into card as per diagram for controlling pattern on cloth woven. Presses lever by leg to
push punched card into inner portion of machine making room for punching unpunched
Weaving Technician

portion. Numbers punched cards serially and inserts them in pegs in stand for subsequent
lacing. Fixes and adjusts heald and card chain on jacquard machine. May prepare design for
lattice pegging. May do lacing of cards by hand or machine to make complete design. May do
lattice pegging. May fix up heald and lattice on dobby loom.

Reference NCO-2015:

(i) 2141.1500 – Weaving Master

(ii) 7318.5800 – Weaver, Handloom
(iii) 7318.5500 – Weaver Power Loom
(iv) 8152.0400 – Card Cutter

Weaving Technician

Name of the Trade Weaving Technician

NCO - 2015 2141.1500, 7318.5800, 7318.5500, 8152.0400

NSQF Level Level-5
Duration of Craftsmen
2 Years
Passed 10th class examination Science and mathematics or its
Entry Qualification
Unit Strength (No. Of
Space Norms 525 Sq. m
Power Norms 9.4 KW
Instructors Qualification for:
1. Weaving Technician Degree in Textile Technology from recognized university/ college with
Trade one year post qualification experience in relevant field.
Diploma in Textile Technology from recognized board of education/
Institute with two years post qualification experience in the relevant
NTC/ NAC passed in the trade with 3 years post qualification
experience in the relevant field.

Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in relevant trade under NCVT.

Out of two Instructors required for the unit of 2 (1+1), one must have
Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC qualifications.
2. Workshop Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
Calculation & Science OR
Diploma in Engineering with two-year experience.
Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD &A course under NCVT.
3. Engineering Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
Drawing OR
Diploma in Engineering with two-year experience.
NTC/ NAC in the Draughtsman (Mechanical/ Civil) with three-year
Essential Qualification:
Weaving Technician

Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD & A course under NCVT.

4. Employability Skill MBA OR BBA with two-year experience OR Graduate in Sociology/

Social Welfare/ Economics with two-year experience OR Graduate/
Diploma with two-year experience and trained in Employability Skills
from DGT institutes.
Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic Computer
at 12th/ Diploma level and above.
Existing Social Studies Instructors duly trained in Employability Skills
from DGT institutes

List of Tools and

As per Annexure – I
Distribution of training on hourly basis: (Indicative only)

Total Hours Trade Trade Workshop Engg. Employability
/Week Practical Theory Cal. &Sc. Drawing Skills

40 Hours 25 Hours 6 Hours 2 Hours 3 Hours 2 Hours 2 Hours

Weaving Technician

NSQF level for Weaving Technician trade under CTS: Level 5

As per notification issued by Govt. of India dated- 27.12.2013 on National Skill

Qualification Framework total 10 (Ten) Levels are defined.

Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes
that a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.

Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five

domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are:

a. Process
b. Professional Knowledge
c. Professional Skill
d. Core Skill
e. Responsibility

The broad Learning outcome of Weaving Technician trade under CTS mostly matches
with the Level descriptor at Level- 5.

The NSQF level-5 descriptor is given below:

Level Process Required Professional Skill Core Skill Responsibility
Level 5 Job that requires Knowledge A range of Desired Responsibility
well developed of facts, cognitive and mathematical for own work
skill, with clear principles, practical skills skill, and
choice of processes and required to understanding of learning and
procedures in general accomplish tasks social, political some
familiar context. concepts, in a and solve and some skill of responsibility
field of work problem by collecting and for other’s work
or study selecting and organizing and learning.
applying basic information,
methods, tools, communication.
materials and

Weaving Technician

Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will
be carried out as per the assessment criteria.


1. Apply safe working practices.

2. Comply with environment regulation and housekeeping.
3. Interpret & use company and technical communication
4. Demonstrate basic mathematical concept and principles to perform practical
5. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study including simple machine.
6. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work.
7. Understand and apply the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare
legislation in day-to-day work to improve productivity & quality.
8. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day-to-day
work by optimally using available resources.
9. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day-
to-day work for personal & societal growth.
10. Utilize basic computer applications and internet to take benefit of IT developments in
the industry.



11. Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of
basic fitting operations and Check for dimensional accuracy. [Basic fitting operations –
marking, Hack-sawing, punching, Chiselling, Filing, Drilling, Grinding and job setting]
12. Plan and organize the work to make job on facing, chamfering, plain Turing, taper
turning and simple thread.
13. Plan and identify different types of skill related to sheet metal work and on various
types of welding practices like square butt joint, single V butt joint, arc welding and gas
14. Apply a range of skill to execute different carpentry work.
15. Plan, identify and test on electrical /electronic measuring instruments
16. Identify types of operation, test different textile machineries used in industries with the
raw materials.

Weaving Technician

17. Perform various Weaving preparatory processes using Important machine settings,
adjustments; material flow, Calculating Production, Efficiency, important parameters of
various machines and their Maintenance.
18. Identify different types of Sizing machines, their parts, functions and their maintenance
19. Identify & apply sizing ingredients, formulation of recipe for cotton yarn, Determine
Sizing Cost and check Production and Efficiency of sizing machine.

20. Identify types of reed & heald wire and their use.
21. Prepare Point Paper for basic and modified weave types with design, draft & peg plan.
22. Check Quality parameters of defective yarn samples, End break study in looms.
23. Identify various weaving loom, their classification and Perform primary, secondary &
auxiliary motion of loom using weaving machines.
24. Calculate loom constant, Production and efficiency Timing Diagram, Fabric quality
25. Identify, check the functions of dobby.
26. Identify, execute the operation of Jacquard loom.
27. Analyze and operate drop box loom.
28. Identify different path and functions, types of Projectile loom and operate the same.
29. Identify different path and functions, types of Rapier loom and operate the same.
30. Identify different path and functions, types of Air-jet loom and operate the same.
31. Identify & apply QA system in textile industry.

Weaving Technician



1. Apply safe working 1.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve a safe working
practices environment in line with occupational health and safety
regulations and requirements and according to site policy.
1.2 Recognize and report all unsafe situations according to site
1.3 Identify and take necessary precautions on fire and safety
hazards and report according to site policy and procedures.
1.4 Identify, handle and store / dispose off dangerous goods and
substances according to site policy and procedures following
safety regulations and requirements.
1.5 Identify and observe site policies and procedures in regard to
illness or accident.
1.6 Identify safety alarms accurately.
1.7 Report supervisor/ Competent of authority in the event of
accident or sickness of any staff and record accident details
correctly according to site accident/injury procedures.
1.8 Identify and observe site evacuation procedures according to
site policy.
1.9 Identify Personal Productive Equipment (PPE) and use the
same as per related working environment.
1.10 Identify basic first aid and use them under different
1.11 Identify different fire extinguisher and use the same as per

2. Comply environment 2.1 Identify environmental pollution & contribute to the avoidance
regulation and of instances of environmental pollution.
housekeeping 2.2 Deploy environmental protection legislation & regulations
2.3 Take opportunities to use energy and materials in an
environmentally friendly manner.
2.4 Avoid waste and dispose waste as per procedure
2.5 Recognize different components of 5S and apply the same in
the working environment.

3. Interpret & use 3.1 Obtain sources of information and recognize information.
company and technical 3.2 Use and draw up technical drawings and documents.
communication 3.3 Use documents and technical regulations and occupationally
related provisions.
Weaving Technician

3.4 Conduct appropriate and target oriented discussions with

higher authority and within the team.
3.5 Present facts and circumstances, possible solutions &use
English special terminology.
3.6 Resolve disputes within the team.
3.7 Conduct written communication.

4. Demonstrate basic 4.1 Solve different problems like phase angle, etc. with the help of
mathematical concept a calculator.
and principles to 4.2 Demonstrate conversion of Fraction to Decimal and vice versa.
perform practical
4.3 Explain BCD code, conversion from decimal to binary and vice-
versa, all other conversions.

5. Understand and explain 5.1 Explain concept of basic science related to the field such as
basic science in the field Material science, Mass, weight, density, speed, velocity, heat &
of study including temperature, force, motion, pressure, heat treatment, centre
simple machine. of gravity, friction.
5.2 Explain levers and its types.
5.3 Explain relationship between Efficiency, velocity ratio and
Mechanical Advantage.
5.4 Prepare list of appropriate materials by interpreting detail
drawings and determine quantities of such materials.
5.5 Solve simple problems on lifting tackles like crane-Solution of
problems with the aid of vectors.

6. Read and apply 6.1 Read & interpret the information on drawings and apply in
engineering drawing for executing practical work.
different application in 6.2 Read & analyse the specification to ascertain the material
the field of work. requirement, tools and assembly/maintenance parameters.
6.3 Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key information
and make own calculations to fill in missing
dimension/parameters to carry out the work.

7. Understand and apply 7.1 Explain the concept of productivity and quality tools and apply
the concept in during execution of job.
productivity, quality 7.2 Explain basic concept of labour welfare legislation, adhere to
tools, and labour responsibilities and remain sensitive towards such laws.
welfare legislation in
day to day work to
7.3 Knows benefits guaranteed under various acts.
improve productivity &

Weaving Technician

8. Explain energy 8.1 Explain the concept of energy conservation, global warming,
conservation, global pollution and utilize the available resources optimally & remain
warming and pollution sensitive to avoid environment pollution.
and contribute in day to
day work by optimally
8.2 Dispose waste following standard procedure.
using available

9. Explain personnel 9.1 Explain personnel finance and entrepreneurship.

finance, 9.2 Explain role of various schemes and institutes for self-
entrepreneurship and employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/
manage/organize non-financing support agencies to familiarize with the policies/
related task in day to programmes, procedure & the available scheme.
day work for personal & 9.3 Prepare Project report to become an entrepreneur for
societal growth. submission to financial institutions.

10. Utilize basic computer 10.1 Explain the basic hardware of personal computer.
applications and 10.2 Use common application software viz., word, excel, power
internet to take benefit point etc., in day to day work.
of IT developments in 10.3 Awareness about useful internet websites, search relevant
the industry. information pertaining to the assigned tasks.

Weaving Technician


Learning outcome Assessment criteria
11. Plan and organize the 11.1 Observe the safety precautions during filing, marking and
work to make job as punching, internal fitting and drilling practice.
per specification 11.2 Identify the type of hand tools, care and maintenance during
applying different various practices.
types of basic fitting 11.3 Identify the cutting and measuring tools used for filing,
operations and Check marking and punching practice.
for dimensional 11.4 Identify the types and specifications of drills, cutting angles,
tap drills and dies used for internal fitting and drilling.
accuracy. [Basic fitting
11.5 Identify the geometrical construction of various types of
operations – marking,
grinding machine.
11.6 Identify the various types of gauges, uses, care and
punching, Chiselling, maintenance.
Filing, Drilling, Grinding 11.7 Identify the types of lathes , parts and its functions of lathe
and job setting]. machinery.
11.8 Identify the specification and different accessories of lathe

12. Plan and organize the 12.1 Select the different types of operations performed in lathe.
work to make job on 12.2 Identify the cutting tool materials, types and selection of
facing, chamfering, cutting angles.
plain Turing, taper 12.3 Select the uses and applications of various types of cutting
turning and simple
12.4 Identify the different types of threads and its application for
thread. tapping and dyeing process.

13. Plan and identify 13.1 Identify the various types of hand tools, marking and cutting
different types of skill tools used for sheet metal work.
related to sheet metal 13.2 Identify soft and hard soldering operations used in sheet
metal joint.
work and on various
13.3 Identify the types of sheets used for folding, notching, wiring
types of welding
and hemming operations.
practices like square 13.4 Identify the allowances and uses of sheets for folding,
butt joint, single V butt notching, wiring and hemming operations.
joint, arc welding and 13.5 Identify the tools, equipments and types of welding joints.
gas welding. 13.6 Identify the various types of welding practices, electrodes
and current selection for the welding process.
13.7 Observe the specifications and safety precautions during
welding practice.
13.8 Observe the type of gases, pressure and nozzle selection

Weaving Technician

used in gas welding.

13.9 Perform the edge preparation for arc and gas welding

14. Apply a range of skill to 14.1 Identify the hand and measuring tools, work holding devices
execute different used in carpentry.
carpentry work. 14.2 Identify the types of clamps, sizes and its uses in carpentry.
14.3 Identify the plan and setting parameters for sharpening.
14.4 Identify the different types of saws, setting parameters and
its uses in carpentry.
14.5 Familiar on specifications and uses of wood working
14.6 Identify adhesive types and identify its uses in carpentry.

15. Plan, identify and test 15.1 Select the different electrical measuring instrument.
on electrical 15.2 Identify the instruments used for testing.
/electronic measuring 15.3 Identify the fundamental terms of work power, energy, units,
instruments. voltage, current resistance, and colour codes.
15.4 Identify the types of cables, standard wire gauge, ohm’s law
and Kirchoffs law.
15.5 Identify the concepts of series and parallel connection.
15.6 Identify the properties of conductor, semi-conductor and
15.7 Identify the primary and secondary cells, common electrical
accessories and their specification.
15.8 Demonstrate the functioning of domestic appliances.
15.9 Measure and record the data by using the testing instrument
like ammeter, voltmeter and multimeter of AC and DC.

16. Identify types of 16.1 Know the process sequence of yarn manufacture and
operation, test intermediate products
different textile 16.2 Know the importance of textile industry and its contribution
to Indian economy
machineries used in
16.3 Classify textile fibres based on origin
industries with the raw
16.4 Identify textile fibres with respect to test
materials. 16.5 Determine the yarn properties – count, twist, CSP, strength
and unevenness, CV%

17. Perform various 17.1 Know the objectives of winding, warping process and pirn
Weaving preparatory winding process.
processes using 17.2 Differentiate packages from various operations LIKE direct /
indirect warping and beam / sectional warping
Important machine
17.3 Classify pirns with respect to loom / shuttle types

Weaving Technician

settings, adjustments; 17.4 Determine warp beam & pirn parameters

material flow, 17.5 Draw the gearing diagram of various machines and
Calculating Production, determine their production data.
Efficiency, important 17.6 Draw the gearing diagram of winding machine and
determine production data.
parameters of various
17.7 Determine wound package parameters – length, weight,
machines and their diameter, etc.
Maintenance. 17.8 Learn the types of knot and splices
17.9 Understand the features of modern automatic winders.
17.10 Know the wound package faults, causes and remedial
17.11 Establish accurate settings on winding machine based on
yarn count and norms.
17.12 Learn the types of creel and stop motions.
17.13 Understand the features of modern warpers.
17.14 Know the warp beam faults, causes and remedial measures.
17.15 Know the unique processes related to sectional warping –
leasing, pattern formation, section parameters
determination, number of sections, etc.
17.16 Establish accurate settings on warping machine based on
yarn count and norms.
17.17 Learn the types of tensioners and stop motions.
17.18 Know the features of modern pirn winders.
17.19 Know the pirn package faults, causes, remedial
17.20 Measures and pirn stripping process.
17.21 Know the pirn traverse, builder mechanism.
17.22 Establish accurate settings on pirn winder based on yarn
count and norms.

18. Identify different types 18.1 Know the objectives of sizing process
of Sizing machines, 18.2 Classify sizing machines with respect to drying arrangement.
their parts, functions 18.3 Draw the material passage diagram of sizing machine.
and their maintenance 18.4 Learn the types of creel arrangement, size box, drying
systems and yarn splitting.
18.5 Know the features of modern sizing machines.
18.6 Know the Speed regulation process – PIV and Variator.
18.7 Establish the settings on sizing machine based on yarn count
and norms.
18.8 Know various controls – temperature, level, moisture and
18.9 Know the marking and length measuring process and
operation of safety valves.

19. Identify & apply sizing 19.1 Determine sizing machine parameters –
Weaving Technician

ingredients, 19.2 Size concentration, Add-on and Percentage.

formulation of recipe 19.3 Know the cost of sizing
for cotton yarn, 19.4 Learn the various size ingredients and recipe formulation for
Determine Sizing Cost various yarn types.
19.5 Know the size mixing and cooking process.
and check Production
19.6 Know the single end sizing
and Efficiency of sizing
19.7 Know the sized beam defects, causes, remedial measures.
machine. 19.8 Determine the production and efficiency of sizing machine.

20. Identify types of reed & 20.1 Know the types of reed and heald wire.
heald wire and their 20.2 Determine reed count and heald count in various methods.
use. 20.3 Calculate dent spacing of reed
20.4 Know the types of drawing-in and tyeing machines
20.5 Know the drawing-in ,pinning and denting procedure for
various weave pattern
20.6 Know the beam gaiting sequence of various weave types on
the loom

21. Prepare Point Paper for 21.1 Know the draw the weave representation in point paper.
basic and modified 21.2 Know the preparation of design, draft and peg plan in point
weave types with paper for fundamental weave patterns – Plain, twill, satin,
design, draft & peg
21.3 Know the preparation of design, draft and peg plan in point
paper for modified weave patterns – Rib weaves, twill
derivatives, crepe, honey comb, huck-a-back, Bedford cord,
mock leno, etc.

22. Check Quality 22.1 Know the yarn quality requirements of both warp and weft
parameters of for shuttle and shuttleless looms.
defective yarn samples, 22.2 Know the various yarn defects and remedial measures.
End break study in 22.3 Carry out end breakage study in looms.

23. Identify various 23.1 Know the principles of fabric formation.

weaving loom, their 23.2 Classify looms based on level of operation /technology.
classification and 23.3 Distinguish merits/demerits of auto and non-auto looms.
Perform primary, 23.4 Know the salient features of shuttleless looms.
23.5 Know the principles of shedding, picking and beat-up
secondary & auxiliary
motion of loom using
23.6 Trace the material passage through loom and identify
weaving machines. various parts.
23.7 Draw the gearing diagram of drive and determine speed of
Weaving Technician

loom shafts – crank, bottom and tappet shafts.

23.8 Establish settings related to tappet shedding – shed depth;
change tappets according to weave patterns.
23.9 Establish settings of picking – timing /force adjustment.
23.10 Establish settings of beat-up – sley eccentricity setting.
23.11 Know the difference between positive and negative shedding
23.12 Know the difference between over and under picking.
23.13 Know the principle of negative and positive let-off
23.14 Know the mechanism of adjusting the settings
23.15 know to control the warp tension
23.16 Know to adjust the parts for changing the settings
23.17 Know the settings of backrest, stop motions, feelers, pirn
23.18 Know the mechanism of shuttle protection – fast reed and
loose reed
23.19 Know the mechanism and settings of pirn changing

24. Calculate loom 24.1 Draw the loom timing diagram of various looms.
constant, Production 24.2 Calculate loom constant
and efficiency Timing 24.3 Determine the production rate of looms and its efficiency.
Diagram, Fabric quality 24.4 Know the various fabric quality parameters – EPI, PPI, GSM,

25. Identify, check the 25.1 Know the principles of dobby, its types and classification.
functions of dobby. 25.2 Trace the material passage through dobby loom and identify
various parts.
25.3 Know the dobby pegging sequence according to weave plan.
25.4 Carry out the mounting of wooden lattice with pegs
depending on dobby type – LH or RH.
25.5 Know the technique of pick finding.
25.6 Awareness to electronic dobby and cross border dobby.
25.7 Know the working of paper dobby.
25.8 Carry out maintenance and lubrication in dobby looms.

26. Identify, execute the 26.1 Know the principles of jacquard, its types and classification.
operation of Jacquard 26.2 Trace the material passage through jacquard loom and
loom. identify various parts.
26.3 Preparation of the point paper depending on weave design.
26.4 Carry out card punching according to point paper design
26.5 Load the laced cards on the jacquard depending on single /
double cylinder jacquard.
Weaving Technician

26.6 Know the process of casting out in jacquard.

26.7 Connection of harness to hook and lingoes.
26.8 Awareness to electronic and fine pitch jacquards.
26.9 Carry out maintenance and lubrication in jacquard looms.
26.10 Establish settings on picking force, shuttle box, alignment,
reed alignment, race board alignment.

27. Analyze and operate 27.1 Know the objectives of drop box, its types and classification –
drop box loom. 1x2, 1x4, 4x4 types.
27.2 Identify various parts in a drop box loom.
27.3 Know then procedure to draw weft patterns for the given
27.4 Arrange the shuttles in drop box according to color order in
the weft pattern.
27.5 Carry out lattice pegging according to color and lift
27.6 Know the safety and card saving devices in drop box loom.
27.7 Carry out maintenance and lubrication in drop box looms.
27.8 Know the change in loom settings of various motions to carry
out blends/synthetic weaving.
27.9 Know the defects, its causes and remedial measures
common to blends/synthetic fabric weaving.

28. Identify different path 28.1 Know the principle of operation of projectile looms.
and functions, types of 28.2 Identify the parts and functions of projectile looms.
Projectile loom and 28.3 Know the settings of torsion bar picking mechanism and the
operate the same. weft insertion cycle.
28.4 Know the settings of cam arrangement, shed geometry, weft
accumulator, stop motion, take-up, let-off, sley drive.
28.5 Modify / alter data in the control panel according to weave
style and other electronic features.
28.6 Carry out maintenance and lubrication in projectile looms.

29. Identify different path 29.1 Know the principle of operation of rapier looms.
and functions, types of 29.2 Identify the parts and functions of rapier looms.
Rapier loom and 29.3 Know the settings of picking system and weft insertion cycle
operate the same. in rapier loom – time of entry, exit, meeting of rapiers at
centre, etc.
29.4 Know the settings of cam arrangement, shed geometry, weft
accumulator, stop motion, take-up, let-off, sley drive,
selvedge motion.
29.5 Modify / alter data in the control panel according to weave
style and other electronic features.
29.6 Carry out maintenance and lubrication in rapier looms.
Weaving Technician

30. Identify different path 30.1 Know the principle of operation of air-jet looms.
and functions, types of 30.2 Identify the parts and functions of air-jet looms.
Air-jet loom and 30.3 Know the settings of picking system and weft insertion cycle
operate the same. in air-jet loom
30.4 Know the air quality and its requirement for picking
30.5 Know the operation of air compressor and drier.
30.6 Know the timings / settings of main, sub-nozzles, profiled
reed, stretch nozzles.
30.7 Know the settings of cam arrangement, shed geometry, weft
accumulator, stop motion, take-up, let-off, sley drive, and
selvedge motion.
30.8 Modify / alter data in the control panel according to weave
style and other electronic features.
30.9 Carry out maintenance and lubrication in airjet looms.

31. Identify & apply QA 31.1 Know the concepts of quality and quality assurance.
system in textile 31.2 Know the ISO 9000 quality system and its importance.
industry. 31.3 Know other systems of QA – ISO 14000, SA 8000, OHSAS
31.4 Know the fabric quality parameters and testing methods.

Weaving Technician



Professional Skills
Week Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
1-8 Plan and organize the 1. Observe the safety Trade instruction-safety-types of
work to make job as precautions during filing, safety workshop safety- Hand
per specification marking and punching, Tools safety-personal safety. Hand
applying different types internal fitting and drilling tools-Types of hand tools- Types
of basic fitting practice. (15 hrs) of tools used, Vices-specification-
operations and Check 2. Identify the type of hand uses, care and maintenance.
for dimensional tools, care and maintenance Accident-Prevention-machine
accuracy. [Basic fitting during various practices. (10 men- Industry - Marking tools-
operations – marking, hrs) calipers- Dividers-Surface plates-
Hack-sawing, punching, 3. Identify the cutting and Angle plates-Scribers-punches-
Chiselling, Filing, measuring tools used for Surface gauges- Types-Uses, Care
Drilling, Grinding and filing, marking and punching & maintenance.
job setting] practice. (15 hrs) Cutting tools-Files-Chisels-
4. Identify the types and Hacksaw blades-Scrapper- Various
specifications of drills, cutting cutting angles and their uses-care
angles, tap drills and dies used & maintenance. specification of
for internal fitting and drilling. steels flats & strips-specification
(15 hrs) steel flats & strips-specification of
5. Identify the geometrical steel angles - Specification of steel
construction of various types sections.
of grinding machine. (20 hrs) Measuring tools-Precision and
6. Identify the various types of non-precision- steel rule calipers-
gauges, uses, care and Vernier caliper-micrometer-
maintenance. (15 hrs) Vernier Height gauge-depth gauge
7. Identify the types of lathes , types-uses and Specification-
parts and its functions of lathe calibration and setting as per
machinery. (20 hrs) standard.
8. Identify the specification and Measurement of angles-Vernier
different accessories of lathe Bevel protractor- Graduation on
machinery. (10 hrs) universal Bevel protractor-

Weaving Technician

9. Filing to size and chipping. (10 Reading of universal Bevel

hrs) Protractor.
10. Marking and Punching, Hack Drilling machine types-Drill chuck-
sawing. (10 hrs) specification Drill types – reamer
11. Checking of different surfaces types-various cutting angles-tapes
Open fitting of sized metals. and dies-types - uses-tap drills and
(10 hrs) dies calculation.
12. Scrapping to rough and size. Grinding m/c practice types
(10 hrs) method of drill bit and chisel
13. Internal Fitting. Drilling & grinding.
Fitting. (10 hrs) Gauges- types- Uses- care &
14. Grinding practice. (20 hrs) Maintenance - tolerance-limits -
15. Snap gauge filing. (10 hrs) fits-definitions & applications.
9-12 Plan and organize the 16. Turning Tool grinding tool Lathe-types-construction-parts -
work to make job on setting & job setting. (10 hrs) functions- specification. Lathe
facing, chamfering, 17. Facing and chamfering, plain accessories.
plain Turing, taper turning. (15 hrs) Different types of operations
turning and simple 18. Different types of shoulder performed in lathe.
thread. and small radius turning. (10 Cutting tools materials-types
hrs) selection-various cutting angles-
19. Taper turning and simple uses and applications.
thread forming. (15 hrs) Types of threads-application
20. Select the different types of tapping and dyeing process
operations performed in metrics and inch threads.
lathe. (15 hrs) Different process of taper Turning
21. Identify the cutting tool & calculation.
materials, types and selection
of cutting angles. (15 hrs)
22. Select the uses and
applications of various types
of cutting angles. (15 hrs)
23. Identify the different types of
threads and its application for
tapping and dyeing process.
(05 hrs)
13-14 Plan and identify 24. Identify the various types of Welding types-Arc Welding- Gas
different types of skill hand tools, marking and Welding- Welding tools and
related to sheet metal cutting tools used for sheet equipments Types of welding
work and on various metal work. (05 hrs) joints-Electrode and current
Weaving Technician

types of welding 25. Identify soft and hard selection- Specifications and
practices like square soldering operations used in safety precautions
butt joint, single V butt sheet metal joint. (05 hrs) Types of gases used in gas welding
joint, arc welding and 26. Identify the types of sheets oxy acetylene flame setting Gas
gas welding. used for folding, notching, pressure and nozzle selection.
wiring and hemming Edge preparation for Arc & Gas
operations. (05 hrs) Welding process.
27. Identify the allowances and
uses of sheets for folding,
notching, wiring and hemming
operations. (05 hrs)
28. Identify the tools, equipments
and types of welding joints.
(05 hrs)
29. Identify the various types of
welding practices, electrodes
and current selection for the
welding process. (10 hrs)
30. Observe the specifications
and safety precautions during
welding practice. (05 hrs)
31. Observe the type of gases,
pressure and nozzle selection
used in gas welding. (05 hrs)
32. Perform the edge preparation
for arc and gas welding
process. (05 hrs)
15-16 Apply a range of skill to 33. Identify the hand and Carpentry hand tools- Measuring
execute different measuring tools, work holding tools-Work holding devices- Bench
carpentry work. devices used in carpentry. (05 vice. Work Bench - Clamps types-
hrs) sizes - uses- safety methods saws-
34. Identify the types of clamps, Plan types- setting Sharpening-
sizes and its uses in carpentry. Uses etc.
(05 hrs) Different types of saws-Saw
35. Identify the plan and setting setting-Types of joints-
parameters for sharpening. Application –wood working
(10 hrs) machine- specification and their
36. Identify the different types of uses. Adhesives type and uses.
saws, setting parameters and
Weaving Technician

its uses in carpentry. (07 hrs)

37. Familiar on specifications and
uses of wood working
machine. (03 hrs)
38. Identify adhesive types and its
uses in carpentry. (10 hrs)
39. Simple mortise and Ten on
joints practice. (10 hrs)
17-22 Plan, identify and test 40. Identify the fundamental Atom & Atomic structure
on electrical /electronic terms of work power, energy, electrons- Fundamental terms,
measuring instruments units, voltage, current work, power, energy units
resistance, and colour codes. voltage- current, resistance colour
(15 hrs) codes. Types of cables-standard
41. Identify the types of cables, wire Gauge-Ohm's law- Kirchoff s
standard wire gauge, ohm’s law.
law and Kirchoffs law. (15 hrs) Series and parallel connection-
42. Select the different electrical Simple problems properties of
measuring instrument. (15 conductor, semi conductor and
hrs) insulator. Primary and secondary
43. Soldering practice-Series- cells common electrical
Parallel connection accessories and their
Measurement of electrical specification. Demonstration and
energy- Multi-meter. (10 hrs) description of domestic
44. Identify the properties of appliances.
conductor, semi-conductor Magnetism and Electro
and insulator. (15 hrs) magnetism-simple-Motors
45. Identify the primary and Generators - Principles and rules
secondary cells, common applied.
electrical accessories and Explanation of electrical
their specification. (15 hrs) measuring instruments -
46. Demonstration & practice on Ammeter-Voltmeter- Wattmeter-
fixing common electrical Energy meter.
accessories. (05 hrs) Electronic Activities-Passive
47. Identify the instruments used components- Resistors-
for testing. (05 hrs) Capacitors-inductors-coils- Simple
48. Testing of domestic rectifiers, power supply, amplifier-
appliances-Building layout logic gates-Principle of operations
assemble of small electrical
circuits. (05 hrs)
Weaving Technician

49. Constructional of calling bell

(Electromagnet) Testing. (05
50. Rewinding of electromagnet
identification of DC generator.
(05 hrs)
51. Use of Ohmmeter and
merger. (05 hrs)
52. Demonstration and Reading
of Electrical Measuring
Instruments. (05 hrs)
53. Testing of active & passive
component with suitable
meters like Ammeter,
Voltmeter & Multimeter. (10
54. Testing of DC & AC Assembly
and testing of simple
electronic circuits (power
supply) Testing of amplifier.
(10 hrs)
55. Measure and record the data
by using the testing
instrument like ammeter,
voltmeter and multimeter of
AC and DC. (10 hrs)
23-24 Project work / Industrial visit(optional) Project brief should be given beforehand during Industry
visit and project work related to the trade, involving Industrial Engg. Work like Time study, work
study, motion study, method study, etc.

25-26 Revision
27 Identify types of 56. Identify various Textile Orientation to Textile Sector:
operation, test Machines. (10 hrs) Overview of Textile Industry-
different textile 57. Industrial Visit to spinning, History, Scope & Future
machineries used in Weaving and Chemical Prospects, Strengths & Weakness
industries with the raw Processing Units. (15 hrs) of the industry
28 -do- 58. Collect various fibres samples. Orientation to Fibres: Definition
(05 hrs) of Textile Fibre. Classification of
Weaving Technician

59. Identify collected fibres fibres with respect to Origin -

samples using various natural, synthetic (man-made)
methods of identification. (20 and Regenerated types.
29 -do- 60. Collect various Samples of Orientation to yarn
intermediate products in manufacture: Intermediate
spinning. (12 hrs) Products in Spinning Process:
61. Collect various yarn samples: Bale, Lap, Silver, Comber Lap,
Cotton Yarn, Blended Yarns, Roving, Ring frame Cone / Spool
Filament Yarns, Synthetic etc., Rotor yarn (open-end), air-
Yarns, etc. (13 hrs) jet spinning yarn, etc.

30 -do- 62. Determine Yarn Properties: Technical Data and terms in yarn
Count, Strength, unevenness trade: Count, twist, Strength CSP,
%, twist etc. (25 hrs) unevenness CV etc.

31-32 Perform various 63. Identify various Weaving Weaving Preparatory: Process
Weaving preparatory Preparatory Machines. (10 Flow from yarn to fabric for
processes using hrs) cotton, blended synthetic yarns,
Important machine 64. Industrial visit to see warp types and sizes of yarn
settings, adjustments; winding, Warping, Sizing &
material flow, Beaming, Gaiting & Pirn
Calculating Production, Winding Machine. (20 hrs)
Efficiency, important 65. Calculate different important
parameters of various parameter of preparatory
machines and their machines. packages – Warp
Maintenance. Winding, Warping, Sizing &
Beaming, Gaiting and Pirn
Winding, etc. (20 hrs)
33-35 -do- 66. Gearing arrangement, Warp Winding: Objects of Warp
Passage of yarn, Winding & Winding, Types & functions,
wind, wind per double Drive system, different types of
traverse setting length & drums, different types of
diameter setting. (30 hrs) packages (Cone/spool/cheese)
67. Setting of tensioner, Slub Tensioning arrangement, Stop
catcher, lubrication, Motion, Length & Diameter
maintenance schedules, & adjustment motion, winding
calculation of different package build up, tensioner , slub
important parameter of catcher, Yarn Clearers, Types,

Weaving Technician

winding machine along with Mechanical and Electronic

production & efficiency clearers, etc. Different types of
calculation. (35 hrs) knots.
68. Calculate different important
Brief study of package faults,
parameters of various
causes and remedies. Study of
winding machines. (10 hrs)
Modern fully automatic winding
36-39 -do- 69. Gearing arrangement, Warping: Objects of Warping,
passage of yarn, over head Parts and functions, Creeling
blower, types of creel, stop system, Drive system, brake disc,
motion function, tension bar pressure gauge, blower, tension
arrangement, types of drive, rod, rack and pinion, creel
direct and indirect – direction shifting mechanism , stop
control valve, pneumatic and motion, clutch assembly,
hydraulic. (35 hrs) Difference between direct and
70. Identify and operate brake sectional warping, beaming
and length measuring mechanism, maintenance
methods (speed control schedule, machine related
method, doffing system, technical data. Salient features of
maintenance schedules etc.). Modern Warping Machine.
(30 hrs) Concept of Computerized
71. Calculate different important Sectional Warping.
parameter of warping
machines and related
calculation along with
Production Calculation. (30
40-42 -do- 72. Gearing arrangement, Pirn Winding: Objects of Weft
passage of yarn, Winding and winding, Parts and functions,
binding coil setting, Chase types of prin winding machines,
length setting, RPM and MPM bunch winding and changing
changing on the machine, mechanism, importance of stop
setting of reserve bunch, motion, length measuring
lubrication, maintenance motion, maintenance schedule,
schedules. (50 hrs) pirn types, pirn build up,
73. Calculation of different automatic pirn Feeders, tension
important parameter of pirn, controls pirn winding drives,
setting of the length and avoiding of slough-off, setting of

Weaving Technician

diameter of Pirn winding the length reserve bunch, pirn

machine along with the stripping, spindles, traverse
calculation of production. (25 mechanism, machine related
hrs) technical data, etc.
43-47 Identify different types 74. Control valves (Direction Sizing and Beaming machine:
of Sizing machines, control valves and gate Objects of Sizing, Parts and
their parts, functions valves) servicing – hydraulic functions – types of machines,
and their maintenance and pneumatic cylinder types of speed regulator. PIV,
schedule. arrangement servicing – PIV, regulator and variator. Pressure
regulator and variator gauges, safety valves, pneumatic;
servicing, lubrication and and hydraulic loading devices,
maintenance schedule. (90 creel changing mechanism,
hrs) function of steam trap and rotary
75. Calculate different parameter joint, direction control valves and
related with production and gate valves, hydraulic and
others, Creel marking length, pneumatic cylinders, types of
length measurement system bearing used, lubrication
etc., Friction drive method, types of reduction gear
arrangement, sizing roller and boxes and angular gear boxes,
beam roller surface speed, machine related technical details.
etc. (35 hrs)
48 Identify & apply sizing 76. Determination of Sizing Cost, Sizing Ingredients, Formulation of
ingredients, Percentage of application, size recipe for cotton yarn and its
formulation of recipe factors affecting production blends. Size Mixing and Cooking
for cotton yarn, and efficiency of the said etc. Single end sizing. Beam
Determine Sizing Cost Machines. (25 hrs) defects, causes and remedies.
and check Production
and Efficiency of sizing

49-50 Project work/ Industrial Visit (Optional)

51 Revision
52 Examination

Weaving Technician

Note: -

1. Instructor may design their own projects and also inputs from local industry may be
taken for designing such new projects.
2. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must involve
some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the power of
synergy/ collaboration, work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4 trainees). The
group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and Application of
Learning. They need to submit a Project report after completion.
3. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required then he
may plan accordingly in appropriate time during the execution of normal trade practical.

Weaving Technician



Professional Skills
Week Reference Learning Professional Knowledge
(Trade Practical)
No. Outcome (Trade Theory)
With Indicative Hours
53 Identify types of 77. Observation of Reed/Dents, Expression of Reed/Heald
reed & heald wire Dent spacing. (10 hrs) Count: Methods, different
and their use. 78. Dents/inch calculation and popular reed count System, Irish
expressing reed count. (15 systems – Stockport, Bradford,
hrs) Porter, different types of Heald
and heald count
54-56 -do- 79. Formation of Knots – Loom Gaiting: Drawing-in &
Manually and Using Knotters, Tying-in. Types of pinning
Gaiting through drop wires, machines – manual, automatic
sealed wires reed dents, etc. and universal. Tying-in
(75 hrs) machines. Gaiting Sequence for
different weave patterns –
plain, twill, satin, sateen etc.
47-59 Prepare Point Paper 80. Point Paper representation for Designing of Basic Weaves:
for basic and basic weaves patterns, Plain, Derivatives of Plain
modified weave including drawing, denting, Weaves – Regular and irregular
types with design, peg plan, etc. (325 hrs) warp rib, weft rib and matt
draft & peg plan. weaves. Twill weave, derivative
of twills,
Pointed/zigzag/Herringbo ne
/Broken twill, etc.
60-61 -do- 81. Point Paper representation for Designing of Modified Weaves:
modified weave patterns. (50 Satin/Sateen, Crepe, Honey
hrs) Comb, Huck-a-back, Mock-leno
weave, Bedford Cord weave.
62 Check Quality 82. Collection of defective Yarn Quality Requirements:
parameters of package sample, End breakage Yarn defects and remedies, Yarn
defective yarn study on looms producing Quality requirements for shuttle
samples, End break fabrics with varying; yarn looms.
study in looms. quality and Different fabric
quality. (25 hrs)
63-65 Identify various 83. Familiarization to Weaving Fabric Formation: Principle,

Weaving Technician

weaving loom, their machines, Industrial Visit to classification of looms –

classification and Handloom, Non automatic Handloom, Non- automatic and
Perform primary, and automatic power loom, automatic power loom,
secondary & Shuttleless looms etc. (75 hrs) Shuttleless looms: Advantages
auxiliary motion of of automatic shuttle and
loom using weaving shuttleless loom- Salient
machines. features of automatic shuttle
and shuttleless
66-69 -do- 84. Primary and secondary Plain Loom: Objectives, Parts
motions timing with reference and functions, Passage of
to slay position – setting of Material through Power loom,
picks per inch – setting of gearing diagram, tappet
proper shedding – changing of changing and fitting mechanism,
tappets for shedding – weft changing mechanism,
operating the loom – shuttle picking mechanism, beat
lubrication – attending warp up mechanism, take up
and weft break. Picking force mechanism, let off mechanism,
and timing setting and stop motions, weft feeler
turning. (40 hrs) mechanism, Warp Protecting
85. Oscillating and vibrating back mechanism, methods of drive,
rest – anti clock motion – weft power transmission system
feeler mechanism (mechanical elements, reversing motion,
& electrical) – weft fork brake, starting handle, types of
mechanism – shuttle shuttle, maintenance schedule,
protector – shuttle eye, machine related technical data.
thread cutter – temple cutter
– trigger mechanism – bobbin
protector. (40 hrs)
86. Calculation of loom constant,
production efficiency, etc. (20
70 Calculate loom 87. Study and analyze timing Loom Timing diagram
constant, diagram of various types
Production and looms and its effect on fabric
efficiency Timing quality, productivity and
Diagram, Fabric efficiency, etc. (25 hrs)
quality parameters.
71 -do- 88. Trace Driving diagram for Loom drive: Crank shaft, bottom
various looms and calculation shaft and auxiliary shaft and
Weaving Technician

of loom speed, adjustment of Driving Diagram. Fabric defect,

picking force, eccentricity of Causes and remedies.
loom, etc. (25 hrs)
72 Identify, check the 89. Knife setting- selector pirn Dobby: Objectives, Parts and
functions of dobby. setting –return spring boxes – functions, Purpose and
shed setting, Lubrication, Principle, Card Cylinder, Single
schedule etc. (15 hrs) and double lift dobbies, paper
90. Different calculation, i.e. and wooden lattice dobbies,
production, efficiencies, etc. pick finding with dobbies, return
(10 hrs) spring box. Types of dobby pick
finding devices for dobby, paper
pattern, greasing and oiling,
maintenance schedule, settings,
etc. Brief study of Electronic
dobby and cross border dobby.
73-74 Identify, execute the 91. Card punching – Synchronizing Jacquard: Functions – types of
operation of with loom-lift. (10 hrs) jacquards – card punching –
Jacquard loom. 92. Setting of jacquard-cam single and double lift type
throws setting-harness setting jacquards for power looms-
and trying lubrication. (15 hrs) simple wooden peg type-drives-
93. Pirn alignment and firmness in types of lingoes- Synchronizing
shuttle – picking force and with loom- return spring type-
timing-shuttle checking in harness comber board-drafts-
shuttle box-belt fork setting- principle parts of the jacquard
loom brake function-warp machine-sizes and figuring
protector motion function- capacities of jacquard-types of
anti crack motion-reed sheds-lift and cylinder, types-
alignment and firmness -loom casting out process-greasing
parts lubrication- shuttle box, and oiling-maintenance
swell setting-picker centering- schedule-Brief study of cross
reed alignment and angle-race border jacquard - Introduction
board alignment- warp to electronic Jacquards.
protection motion- slay check
and repair etc. (25 hrs)
75-76 Project work/ Industrial Visit (Optional)
77-78 Revision
79-82 Analyze and operate 94. Picking timing of drop box Drop Box Loom: Objectives,
drop box loom. looms – slay dwell of box Parts and functions, types of

Weaving Technician

loom – box alignment with drop box motion – common

race board – synchronizing of uses of Eccle’s and cam type
drop box with crank shaft of drop box loom – single, double
the loom – card punching for and triple box lift, dobby
drop box control – controlled drop box – card
lubrication, etc. (100 hrs) punching for drop box loom –
weft patterning – greasing and
oiling – maintenance schedule,
etc. Brief Study of Pick-at-will
motion. Terry motion. Synthetic
Weaving: General loom
requirement for synthetic and
blended yarn weaving. Common
fabric defects, causes and
83-88 Identify different 95. Torsion rod setting. (10 hrs) Projectile Loom: Introduction –
path and functions, 96. Guide tooth setting. (15 hrs) main features-advantages-basic
types of Projectile 97. Receiving unit and brake drive-clutch brake- weft
loom and operate setting. (15 hrs) transfer (picking mechanism) –
the same. 98. Projectile conveyor setting. projectile picking, beat- up
(15 hrs) mechanism - shedding types-
99. Assembly of picking and assembly of picking and arrival
arrival side units. (15 hrs) side units- emery roller-cleaning
100. Deciding no. of projectiles as schedule and maintenance
per cloth width. (15 hrs) schedule- essential setting, etc.
101. Assembly of cams for
different weaves. (15 hrs)
102. Warp and weft stop motion
settings. (10 hrs)
103. Mechanical and electronic let-
off assembly and setting-
differential gear box
assembling. (15 hrs)
104. Setting of picks/inch - emery
roll covering- essential
settings. (10 hrs)
105. Warp and weft breaks-
lubrication. (10 hrs)
106. Adjustment of shed
Weaving Technician

geometry. (05 hrs)

89-93 Identify different 107. Settings of rapier as per Rapier Loom: Introduction –
path and functions, nominal width. (20 hrs) main features – advantages –
types of Rapier loom 108. Change of throw-deciding method of weft insertion- types
and operate the rapier loom speed-shed of weft stop- remedy for each
same. height alignment-rapier weft type of weft stop – weft feeder
transfer setting. (20 hrs) introduction- rapier head-drive-
109. Periodic check of rapier classification of rapier weaving
guides and resetting- machines- working principle of
picks/inch setting. (25 hrs) rapier-Working of Electronic take
110. Warp tension setting. (10 hrs) up and let off motions -
111. Slay drive checking- maintenance schedule - essential
lubrication. (25 hrs) settings.
112. Machine setting avoiding
warp and weft defects. (25
94-99 Identify different 113. Air insertion settings. (10 hrs) Air-jet Loom: Introduction –
path and functions, 114. Solenoid valve setting- main features-advantages –
types of Air-jet loom deciding no. of nozzles weft insertion cycle with profile
and operate the required-settings through speed – Loom timing - drives-
same. microprocessor. (30 hrs) clutch-brake-weft transfer-
115. Measuring air consumption. deciding no. of nozzles
(25 hrs) required- technique of
116. Changing of speeds, shedding. measuring air consumption-
(25 hrs) picking mechanism-method of
117. Change of weaves. (25 hrs) air- jet control- maintenance
118. Setting picks/ inch lubrication. schedule- essential settings.
(25 hrs) Brief Study of Water jet loom –
119. Attending weft breaks. (10 its salient features and weft
hrs) insertion technique.
Multi Phase Weaving:
Classification – circular machine
– weaving principle – Sulzer
M8300 loom – Principle – Shed
formation and Weft insertion.
Terry Weaving: Classic terry
and Fashion terry – Loom
requirements for weaving terry
fabrics. Passage of material
Weaving Technician

through a modern terry

weaving machine.
Brief study of Denim Weaving.
100 Identify & apply QA 120. Familiarization to QA Quality Assurance: Concepts of
system in textile Systems: Visit to Companies, quality, Control and Assurance.
industry. which have ISO 9000 Introduction to ISO 9001-2000,
certification. Concept of ISO 14001-2004 & SA 8000
fabric quality. (25 hrs) systems, OHSAS-18001-1999.
Testing of fabric Quality.
101-102 Project Work/Industrial Visit (optional)
103 Revision
104 Examination

Note: -

1. Instructor may design their own projects and also inputs from local industry may be
taken for designing such new projects.
2. The project should broadly cover maximum skills in the particular trade and must involve
some problem solving skill. Emphasis should be on Teamwork: Knowing the power of
synergy/ collaboration, work to be assigned in a group (Group of at least 4 trainees). The
group should demonstrate Planning, Execution, Contribution and Application of
Learning. They need to submit a Project report after completion.
3. If the instructor feels that for execution of specific project more time is required then he
may plan accordingly in appropriate time during the execution of normal trade practical.

Weaving Technician


S No. Workshop Calculation and Science Engineering Drawing

1. Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, MKS/SI Engineering Drawing: Introduction and its
unit, unit of length, Mass and time, importance
Conversion of units
- Relationship to other technical drawing
- Conventions
- Viewing of engineering drawing sheets
- Method of Folding of printed Drawing
Sheet as per BIS SP:46-2003
2. Fractions: Fractions, Decimal fraction, Drawing Instruments: their Standard and uses
L.C.M., H.C.F., Multiplication and Division
of Fractions and Decimals, conversion of - Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter
Fraction to Decimal and vice versa. Simple (Drafting M/c), Set Squares, Protractor,
problems using a scientific calculator. Drawing Instrument Box (Compass,
Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc.),
Pencils of different Grades, Drawing pins
/ Clips.
3. Square Root: Square and Square Root, Lines:
method of finding out square roots,
Simple problem using a calculator. - Definition, types and applications in
Drawing as per BIS SP:46-2003
- Classification of lines (Hidden, centre,
construction, Extension, Dimension,
- Drawing lines of given length (Straight,
- Drawing of parallel lines, perpendicular
- Methods of Division of line segment
4. Ratio & Proportion: Simple calculation on Drawing of Geometrical Figures: Definition,
related problems. nomenclature and practice of

- Angle: Measurement and its types,

method of bisecting.
- Triangle -different types
- Rectangle, Square, Rhombus,
- Circle and its elements.

Weaving Technician

5. Percentage: Introduction, Simple Lettering and Numbering as per BIS SP46-

calculation. Changing percentage to 2003:
decimal and fraction and vice-versa.
- Single Stroke, Double Stroke, inclined,
Upper case and Lower case.
6. Material Science: Properties -Physical & Dimensioning:
Mechanical, Types–Ferrous & Non-
Ferrous, difference between Ferrous and - Definition, types and methods of
Non-Ferrous metals, introduction of Iron, dimensioning (functional, non-
Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel, difference functional and auxiliary)
between Iron and Steel, Alloy steel, - Types of arrowhead
carbon steel, stainless steel, Non-Ferrous - Leader Line with text
metals, Non-Ferrous Alloys.

7. Mass, Weight and Density: Mass, Unit of Freehand drawing of:

Mass, Weight, difference between mass
and weight, Density, unit of density, - Lines, polygons, ellipse, etc.
specific gravity of metals. - Geometrical figures and blocks with
- Transferring measurement from the given
object to the free hand sketches.
8. Speed and Velocity: Rest and motion, Sizes and Layout of Drawing Sheets:
speed, velocity, difference between speed
and velocity, acceleration, retardation, - Basic principle of Sheet Size
equations of motions, simple related - Designation of sizes
problems. - Selection of sizes
- Title Block, its position and content
- Borders and Frames (Orientation marks
and graduations)
- Grid Reference
- Item Reference on Drawing Sheet (Item
9. Work, Power and Energy: Work, unit of Method of presentation of Engineering
work, power, unit of power, Horsepower Drawing:
of engines, mechanical efficiency, energy,
use of energy, potential and kinetic - Pictorial View
energy, examples of potential energy and - Orthogonal View
kinetic energy. - Isometric view

10. Symbolic Representation (as per BIS SP:46-

2003) of:
----- - Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts)
- Bars and profile sections
- Weld, brazed and soldered joints
- Electrical and electronics element

Weaving Technician

- Piping joints and fittings

11. Algebra: Addition, Subtraction, Construction of Scales and diagonal scale
Multiplication, Division, Algebraic formula,
Linear equations (with two variables).
12. Mensuration: Area and perimeter of Practice of Lettering and Title Block
square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle,
circle, semi-circle.

Volume of solids – cube, cuboids, cylinder

and Sphere.

Surface area of solids – cube, cuboids,

cylinder and Sphere.

13. Trigonometry: Trigonometrical ratios, Dimensioning practice:

measurement of angles.
- of dimensioning
Trigonometric tables (unidirectional, aligned, oblique as per
BIS SP:46-2003)
- Symbols preceding the value of the
dimension and dimensional tolerance.
- Text of dimension of repeated features,
equidistance elements, circumferential
14. Heat & Temperature: Heat and Construction of Geometrical Drawing Figures:
temperature, their units, difference
- Different Polygons and their values of
between heat and temperature, boiling
included angles. Inscribed and
point, melting point, scale of temperature, Circumscribed polygons.
relations between different scale of - Conic Sections (Ellipse& Parabola)
temperature, Thermometer, promoter,
transmission of heat, conduction,
convection, radiation.

15. Basic Electricity: Introduction, use of Drawing of Solid figures (Cube, Cuboids, Cone,
electricity, how electricity is produced, Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone and
Types of current_ AC, DC, their Pyramid) with dimensions.
comparison, voltage, resistance, their
units. Conductor, insulator, Types of
connections– series, parallel, electric
power, Horsepower, energy, unit of
electrical energy.

Weaving Technician

16. Levers and Simple Machines: Levers and Free Hand sketch of hand tools and
its types. measuring tools used in the respective trades.

Simple Machines, Effort and Load,

Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio,
Efficiency of machine, Relationship
between Efficiency, velocity ratio and
Mechanical Advantage.

17. _ Projections:

- Concept of axes plane and quadrant

- Orthographic projections
- Method of first angle and third angle
projections (definition and difference)
- Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle
projection as per IS specification
18. _ Drawing of Orthographic projection from
isometric/3D view of blocks

19. _ Orthographic Drawing of simple fastener

(Rivet, Bolts, Nuts & Screw)

20. _ Drawing details of two simple mating blocks

and assembled view.

Weaving Technician

S No. Workshop Calculation and Science Engineering Drawing

1. Motion:- Problems on Laws of motion and Preparation of simple working drawings from
velocity. the sketches.
Freehand sketching of detailed parts &
production of working drawings of the parts.
Free hand sketching of key and screw threads
from sample with dimensions
Free hand sketch of trade related hand tools,
cutting tools, measuring tools.

2. Units of volume. Calculations related to Simple isometric drawing-

volume, unit conversions. Isometric view of simple objects such as
Calculations on relation between volume, cubes, rectangular block, prism, cylinder etc
mass and density. Free hand sketching of simple object with
Use of different types of scales in inches and
3. Definition of specific gravity. Density and Freehand sketching of detailed parts &
relative density. production of working drawings of the parts.
Calculation of density of a body.
4. Heat treatment of steels hardening, Sketching of Bolts and nuts and other screwed
annealing, tempering, normalizing, case members.
hardening, standards and Measurement.
5. Horse Power- Details and assembly of a simple hand vice
Meaning of HP, IHP BHP and applied
6. Simple problems on profit and loss. Simple Limit, Fits and tolerance Dimensioning and
and compound interest. sectional views
7. Form of energy –Description of terms Details and assembly of shaft and pulley
potential & Kinetic, energy, examples Details and assembly of Bush bearing Details
and assembly of simple coupling
Details and assembly of shaft and pulley
8. Indices: Laws of indices related problems. Details and assembly of V- blocks with clamps
Quadratic Equation: Introduction, solution
of simple Quadratic equation and related

9. Power transmission by shaft, belts & Development of surface – cylinder, cone,

pulley. Belt drive—Transmission loss due to prisms and pyramid.
slip, belt length calculation.
10. Friction –definitions, its effect & types. Exercise on blue print reading- 3rd angle
Laws of friction. Advantage and
Weaving Technician

disadvantage of friction. projection

11. Moment and lever –Moments, unit, arm of

couple, Principal of Moment, moment of
couple, lever, tongue. Centre of Gravity.
12. Magnetism: Magnetic material, magnetic
field, flux density, magnetic moment,
m.m.f. Reluctance, permeability,
susceptibility, electromagnet, solenoid and
its practical applications.

Weaving Technician


Duration: 110 Hrs.

Duration : 20 hrs
1. English Literacy
Marks : 09
Pronunciation Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words,
Diction (use of word and speech)

Functional Grammar Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense,


Reading Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and

Writing Construction of simple sentences Writing simple English

Speaking/ Spoken Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates,

English on known people, picture reading, gain confidence through role-
playing and discussions on current happening, job description, asking
about someone's job, habitual actions.
Cardinal (fundamental) numbers, ordinal numbers.
Taking messages, passing on messages and filling in message forms,
Greeting and introductions, office hospitality, Resumes or curriculum
vita essential parts, letters of application reference to previous

Duration : 20 hrs
2. IT Literacy
Marks : 09
Basics of Computer Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and
peripherals, Switching on-Starting and shutting down of the

Computer Operating Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of

System Windows OS, Create, Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use
of External memory like pen drive, CD, DVD etc. Use of Common

Word Processing and Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, Opening and Closing
Worksheet Documents, Use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text,
Formatting the Text, Insertion &Creation of Tables. Printing
document. Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic
commands, creating simple worksheets, understanding sample
worksheets, use of simple formulas and functions, Printing of simple

Weaving Technician

excel sheets.

Computer Networking Basic of Computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of
and Internet Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet,
Concept of Internet (Network of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, WebsSite, Web
page and Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser,
Downloading and Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and
use of email. Social media sites and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in
Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.

Duration : 15 hrs
3. Communication Skills
Marks : 07
Introduction to Communication and its importance
Communication Skills Principles of effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non-verbal, written, email, talking
on phone.
Non-verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-
Body language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.

Listening Skills Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to

effective listening, guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active listening skills.

Motivational Training Characteristics essential to achieving success.

The power of positive attitude.
Self awareness
Importance of commitment
Ethics and values
Ways to motivate oneself
Personal goal setting and employability planning.

Facing Interviews Manners, etiquettes, dress code for an interview

Do's &don'ts for an interview

Behavioral Skills Problem solving

Confidence building

Weaving Technician

Duration : 15 hrs
4. Entrepreneurship Skills
Marks : 06
Concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship - Enterprises: Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship vs. management, Entrepreneurial motivation.
Performance &record, Role &function of entrepreneurs in relation to
the enterprise & relation to the economy, Source of business ideas,
Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of setting up a business.

Project Preparation & Qualities of a good entrepreneur, SWOT and risk analysis. Concept
Marketing Analysis &Application of PLC, Sales &Distribution management. Difference
between small scale &large scale business, Market survey, Method
of marketing, Publicity and advertisement, Marketing mix.
Institution’s Support Preparation of project. Role of various schemes and institutes for
self-employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/
non-financing support agencies to familiarize with the policies /
programmes, procedure & the available scheme.

Investment Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop act,

Procurement Estimation &costing, Investment procedure - Loan procurement -
Banking processes.

Duration : 10 hrs
5. Productivity
Marks : 05
Benefits Personal/ Workman - Incentive, Production linked Bonus,
Improvement in living standard.

Affecting Factors Skills, Working aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation - How it

improves or slows down productivity.

Comparison with Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany,

Developed Countries Japan and Australia) in select industries, e.g. Manufacturing, Steel,
Mining, Construction etc. Living standards of those countries, wages.

Personal Finance Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash
Management handling, Personal risk and insurance.

Duration : 15 hrs
6. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Marks : 06
Safety & Health Introduction to occupational safety and health
Importance of safety and health at workplace.

Occupational Hazards Basic hazards, chemical hazards, vibroacoustic hazards, mechanical

hazards, electrical hazards, thermal hazards. occupational health,
occupational hygiene, occupational diseases/ disorders & its
Weaving Technician


Accident &Safety Basic principles for protective equipment.

Accident prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety

First Aid Care of injured &sick at the workplaces, First-aid &transportation of

sick person.

Basic Provisions Idea of basic provision legislation of India.

Safety, health, welfare under legislative of India.

Ecosystem Introduction to environment. The relationship between society and

environment, ecosystem and factors causing imbalance.

Pollution Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and

hazardous waste.

Energy Conservation Conservation of energy, re-use and recycle.

Global Warming Global warming, climate change and ozone layer depletion.
Ground Water Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and
harvesting of water.

Environment Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in-house

Duration : 05 hrs
7. Labour Welfare Legislation
Marks : 03
Welfare Acts Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act,
Apprenticeship Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment
Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's
Compensation Act.
Duration : 10 hrs
8. Quality Tools
Marks : 05
Quality Consciousness Meaning of quality, Quality characteristic.
Quality Circles Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality
circle, Roles and function of quality circles in organization, Operation
of quality circle. Approaches to starting quality circles, Steps for
continuation quality circles.
Quality Management Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining
System qualities.
House Keeping Purpose of housekeeping, Practice of good housekeeping.
Quality Tools Basic quality tools with a few examples.

Weaving Technician

List of Tools & Equipment

WEAVING TECHNICIAN (For batch of 24 Candidates)

Name of the Tools and

S No. Specification Quantity
A. TRAINEES TOOL KIT (For each additional unit trainees tool kit S. No. 1-25 is required
1. Combination Plier 200 mm insulated *25 Nos.
2. Screw Driver 200 mm *25 Nos.
3. Screw Driver 100 mm *25 Nos.
4. Terminal Screw Driver *25 Nos.
5. Hammer Ball Pein 0.25 kg *25 Nos.
6. Try Square 200 mm *25 Nos.
7. File round (half) 2nd cut 250 mm *25 Nos.
8. File round 150 mm *25 Nos.
9. Plumb Bob 115 gm. *25 Nos.
10. Bar wood Mallet 1 kg (75 mm x 150 mm) *25 Nos.
11. Knife *25 Nos.
12. Wood rasp file 250 mm *25 Nos.
13. Firmer chisel 12 mm *25 Nos.
14. Firmer chisel 6mm *25 Nos.
15. Neon Tester *25 Nos.
16. Tenon saw 250 mm *25 Nos.
17. File flat 2nd cut 25 cm. *25 Nos.
18. File flat Smooth 25 cm. *25 Nos.
19. Steel Rule 300mm to read Metric *25 Nos.
20. Test lamp *25 Nos.
21. Circlip Opener *25 Nos.
22. Continuity Tester *25 Nos.
23. Glouse *25 Nos.
24. Insulating Tape *25 Nos.
25. Electrical Soldering Iron *25 Nos.
B. LIST OF GENERAL SHOP OUTFIT – For 2 (1+1) units no additional items are required
26. Pliers side cutting 200 mm 6 Nos.
27. Pliers flat nose 150 mm 6 Nos.
28. Pliers round nose 6 Nos.
29. Pliers long nose 6 Nos.
30. Screw driver heavy duty 250 mm 5 Nos.

Weaving Technician

31. Screw driver 7 mm x 300 mm square blade 6 Nos.

32. Firmer Chisel 25 mm 6 Nos.
33. Firmer Chisel 10 mm 6 Nos.
34. Marking Gauge 6 Nos.
35. Combination bevel Protractor 2 Nos.
36. Cold Chisel Flat 25 x 200 mm 4 Nos.
37. Cold Chisel flat 18 x 200 mm 4 Nos.
38. Hammer Ball Peen 0.5 kg 5 Nos.
39. Hammer Ball Peen 0.75 kg 5 Nos.
40. Hammer Ball Peen 1 Kg 5 Nos.
41. Hammer Cross Peen 0.5 kg 5 Nos.
42. Wall jumper octagonal 37mmx450mm, 37 mm x 600 mm 2 Nos.
43. Centre punch 100 mm 5 Nos.
44. File Flat 300 mm rough 5 Nos.
45. File Flat 2nd cut 300 mm 5 Nos.
46. File Flat Bastard 250 mm 5 Nos.
47. File flat smooth 250 mm 5 Nos.
48. File half round 2nd cut 300 mm 5 Nos.
49. File triangular 2nd cut 150 mm 4 Nos.
50. Spanner double ended set of 6 5 sets
51. Adjustable Spanner 350 mm 2 sets
52. Foot Print grip 250 mm 2 sets
53. Allen keys Metric & Inches *24 sets
54. Steel rule 300 mm 5 Nos.
55. Steel Measuring Tape 2m 5 Nos.
56. Steel Measuring Tape 20 m 2 Nos.
57. Hacksaw frame Adjustable 200 mm to 300 mm 5 Nos.
58. Spirit level 300 mm 3 Nos.
59. Bench vice 150 mm 3 Nos.
60. Bench vice 100 mm 2 Nos.
61. Pipe Wrench 300 mm *12 Nos.
62. Spanner up to 32 mm *12 Nos.
63. Vernier Caliper 2 Nos.
64. Ring spanner 3 sets
65. Grip Plier 12" 4 Nos.
66. Inner caliper 5 Nos.
67. Outer caliper 5 Nos.
68. Box spanner 4 sets
69. Torque spanner 3 Nos.
70. File Swiss type needle set 5 Nos.
71. Shore hardness tester for 1 No.
72. Needle file 3 sets
Weaving Technician

73. Nylon hammer 5 Nos.

74. Puller 2 arm, 3 arm 3 each
75. Copper tube cutter 3 Nos.
76. Ratchet brace 6 mm capacity 5 Nos.
77. Ratchet bit 4mm and 6 mm 5 Nos.
78. Vernier Caliper 200mm (ordinary) 5 Nos.
79. Snips 5 Nos.
80. Conduit Pipe die set 5 Nos.
81. Warp Winding Machine 1 No.
82. Pirn Winder 1 No.
83. Plain loom with Dobby 1 No.
84. Handloom with jack & loom 1 No.
85. Drum Type/ sectional warping & 1 No.
Beaming machine
86. Handloom with Jacquard 1 No.
87. Chittaranjan Semiautomatic 1 No.
Power Loom
88. Hand Knotter, Splicer etc 1 Each
89. Shuttleless Repair loom 1 No.
90. Work bench 250x120x75 with 4 Nos.
four vices of 12.5 cm
91. Locker with 8 drawers ( standard 2 Nos.
size )
92. Metal Rack 180x150x45cm 2 Nos.
93. Steel almirah / cupboard 1 No.

94. Black board and easel 1 No.

95. Instructor’s Desk or table 1 No.
96. Chair 1 No

Note: -
1. Quantity marked with * has been increased as per the batch size.
2. Internet facility is desired to be provided in the class room.
3. All the tools and equipment are to be procured as per BIS specification.

Weaving Technician


S No. Name of the Equipment Quantity
1. Computer (PC) with latest configurations and Internet connection with *12 nos.
standard operating system and standard word processor and
worksheet software
2. UPS – 500Va *12 nos.
3. Scanner cum Printer 1 no.
4. Computer Tables *12 nos.
5. Computer Chairs *24 nos.
6. LCD Projector 1 no.
7. White Board 1200mm x 900mm 1 no.

Note: Above Tools & Equipments not required, if Computer LAB is available in the institute.

Weaving Technician



Name & Address of the Assessor: Year of Enrollment:

Name & Address of ITI (Govt./Pvt.): Date of Assessment:

Name & Address of the Industry: Assessment location: Industry / ITI

Trade Name: Examination: Duration of the Trade/course:

Learning Outcome:

Maximum Marks (Total 100 Marks) 15 5 10 5 10 10 5 10 15 15

Assessment Marks
Attendance/ Punctuality

Skills to Handle Tools/

Workplace Hygiene &

Instruments/ Devices
Safety Consciousness

Total Internal
Economical use of

Economical use of
Manuals/ Written

Result (Y/N)
Working Strategy
Ability to follow

Application of


S No.

Quality in
Father's/Moth materials

Candidate Name
er’s Name


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