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A Study on Key Factors Affecting the Degree of Job Satisfaction of Food and Beverage
in Selected Hotels in General Santos City

A Research Paper presented to

the Senior High School Department of
Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro Dadiangas


Grade 12-Tour Guiding A

Anna Michelle A. Magbanua

Shaina D. Aniscal
Rodeelyn E. Dee
Alvin Acuemo
Alizavier Amil

The Problem and It’s Setting


Tourism involves the short term movement of people to destinations outside the
places where they normally live and work. It also involves the activities of people,
referred to as tourists or visitors, during their visit to these destinations and the facilities
and services patronized during their stay. (Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, 2019)

As the global tourism landscape continues to change, so does the hospitality

industry. The rising number of middle-class travellers, business travellers and travelling
families has led to a boom in the number of economy hotels, also known as select
service hotels. (Juillet, 2015)

Despite the pressing, controversial issues hounding the sector, local travel and
tourism remained a bright spot for the Philippine economy and the real estate industry.
In 2017, the travel and tourism sector contributed a total of P3.35 trillion to the
Philippine economy, accounting for about 21 percent of the country’s gross domestic
product (GDP), according to the latest report from the World Travel and Tourism
Council (WTTC). (Remo, 2018)
Food and Beverage Servers are customers service professionals that work for
restaurants, cocktail bars and other establishment. In addition to serving food and
drinks, Food and Beverage Servers perform task. Such as setting up tables, removing
used dishes and preparing sample dishes. They serve as the main point of contact for
customers. They also responsible for maintaining high quality of food and service, food
costing, managing restaurants, bars, hotels etc. In order to ensure satisfactory service
for all patrons, a food and beverage server performs many different tasks. We analyzed
job listings for Food and Beverage Servers in order to identify these core duties and
The following are the responsibilities and duties of Food and Beverage Server:

1.) Provide Customer Service 2.) Take orders 3.) Serve food and beverage
4.) Clean and prepare tables 5.) Process payments

Employee Job satisfaction refers to the contentment of the employees with their
work. It means fulfillment of their desires and needs at work. Some factors that in-build
job satisfaction among employees are compensation, workload, perceptions of
management, flexibility, teamwork, resources, etc. Employee job satisfaction is also
used to describe the employees’ happiness, contented, fulfilling their desires and needs
at work. Hotels that provide higher salaries, strong reputation, and benefit-in-kind can
easily retain their employees because the employees become satisfied with their job.
Job satisfaction among the employees arises among one who enjoys the position and
feel rewarded for the successful efforts. Job satisfaction is a factor that motivates
employees, helps in employee goal achievement, and boosts employee morale in the
workplace. An average employee would like to stay in the organization if the employee
is satisfied with the workplace environment. Moreover, the longer an employee works
for a company, the more valuable they are becoming, especially in the service industry.
There should be a friendly atmosphere with a positive image. The employees should be
duly recognized for their performance. (Kiruthiga and Magesh, 2018)

In General Santos City, it is important to have a good human power connection

to every employee that works in every industry, most especially to people who were
employed to the Housekeeping Department of every Hotels. Those housekeeping
personnel played a vital role in this study because they will be the one who will
contribute on the result among the identification of the factors that might affect their job
satisfaction along their work.

Hence, this study aims to determine the key factor affecting the degree of job
satisfaction of housekeeping personnel in Selected Hotels in General Santos City.
Statement of the Problem

This study endeavored to determine the key factors affecting the degree of job
satisfaction of Housekeeping Personnel in Selected Hotels in General Santos City.

Specifically, it sought to find the answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of Housekeeping Personnel in terms of:

1.1. Age
1.3.Numbers of years in service
1.4. Educational Attainment
1.5. Qualifications
2. What is the level of job satisfaction of HR department personnel in terms of
2.1 Compensation and Benefits
2.2. Working Conditions
2.3. Career Opportunities
2.4. Organizational Culture and Climate
3. What implication can be drawn from the study to the selected hotel in General Santos City ?
Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the factors affecting the degree of job satisfaction of Food
and Beverage Service in selected hotels of General Santos City. The researchers, will
identify the factors that greatly affect the job satisfaction of Food and Beverage Service
on their job.

Significance of the Study

This study which focused on key factors affecting the degree of job satisfaction of
Food and Beverage Service in selected Hotels in General Santos City was found to be
significant to the following.

To Hotel Management

It is one way of knowing the job satisfaction of their Food and Beverage Service
they would identify the different problems that needs a prior attention especially to the
equipments to be used

To the Future Researcher

This study will help and benefit the future researchers through a comparative
study so that they can take a look of some literature review of the study. This study can
also be their basis in understanding same way studies.

To The Guest

This information in this study will help the guest to be more comfortable to order in
the Restaurant Department. They can also get enough information on how the FB’s
measure implied to the particular hotel.
To the Tour Guiding Students

This study would be beneficial to them, because through this study they will have
knowledge and background about the experiences encountered by the Food and
Beverage Service. They will be having a choice if they would still pursue their tracks in
the future.
Definition of Terms

In the entirety of this paper, some technical terms are used and for the purpose
of clarification and understanding. The researchers have defined the following terms

Hotels- refer to locale where the researchers conducted their study.

Housekeeping- refers to the job that every housekeeping personnel performs

Food and Beverage Service- are customer Servive professional that work for

Serve Food and Beverages- It refers for bringing orders from the kitchen to customer

Job Satisfaction- refers to the contentment of the employees with their work, which
means fulfillment of their desires and needs at work.

Factors- this are the independent variable that controls the degree of job satisfaction of
Food and Beverage Service which is the dependent variable of the study.

Review of Related Literature and Conceptual Framework

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which an employee feels self-

motivated, content & satisfied with his/her job. Job satisfaction happens when an

employee feels he or she is having job stability, career growth and a comfortable work

life balance. This implies that the employee is having satisfaction at job as the work

meets the expectations of the individual. (MBASkool, 2008)

A satisfied employee is always important for an organization as he/she aims to

deliver the best of their capability. Every employee wants a strong career growth

and work life balance at workplace. If an employee feels happy with their company &

work, they look to give back to the company with all their efforts. Job satisfaction is

related to the psychology of an employee. A happy & content employee at a job is

always motivated to contribute more. On the other hand, a dissatisfied employee is

lethargic, makes mistakes & becomes a burden to the company. (MBASkool, 2008)

Compensation and Benefits

Nowadays, compensation and benefits are one of the fastest changing fields in

Human Resources, as many company are continue to investigate various ways of

rewarding employees for increase their job satisfaction and their performance. Here,

compensation refers to all forms of financial return and tangible services and benefits

employees receive as part of an employment relationship, which includes topics in

regard to wages or salary programs; for example, salary ranges for job descriptions,
merit based programs, bonus based programs, commission based programs, long term

or short terms incentives programs, and etc. Besides, employee’s benefit includes the

allowances, income protection, life insurances, life balance, vacation, and etc. Benefits

are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the employee in return for

their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their job. (Essays UK, 2018).

Besides, in the economic downturn, based wages is become very important

sources to employees for living. Therefore, if the employers give higher salary to their

staff, this will be motivates them to perform well and they will more satisfy with their job.

By doing so, the employees will know that the company is appreciate their contribution

and their efforts are noted by management. (Essays UK, 2018)

Working Conditions

Work environment characteristics perceived favorable were significantly

correlated with higher levels of front-line employee work engagement perceptions. The

more likely work environment characteristics are perceived favorably by front-line

employees of both limited- and full-service hotels, the higher the perceived level of front-

line employee work engagement in the workplace portrayed by increased employee

vigor, dedication, and absorption while at work. (Thompson, 2016)

Front-line employee work engagement increases when work environment is

perceived favorably. As a result, front-line employees work engagement, characterized

by vigor, dedication, and absorption, is enhanced. For service sectors, such as the

hospitality industry, employee work engagement is even more important given the

engagement-profit linkage and front-line employee contribution in shaping customer

quality and service perceptions. As more light is shed on the linkage between employee

work engagement and an organization’s bottom line as a result of the direct impact

frontline employees contribute to customer perceptions, understanding workforce

engagement can benefit hospitality industry leaders in forging positive work

environments to enhance the service delivery by front-line employees. (Thompson,


Career Opportunities

There are numerous employment opportunities in the hospitality industry, ranging

from jobs in luxury hotels to small establishments to clubs, pubs, restaurants, cafes and

everything in between. Employment opportunities come up frequently in this industry

and many establishments are regularly on the lookout for qualified and trained staff.

(Studymix, 2018)

The hotel industry is a crucial part of the hospitality industry with a huge growth

potential in the near future.The demand for hotel management professionals is already

huge and is expected to grow more with the increasing number of hotels being set up in

India and all over the world. Apart from its glamour, a career in hotel management has

become lucrative and exciting, attracting more and more students to opt for it.

Hotel management jobs include multiple skills like food and beverage service,

front office operation,sales and marketing, accounting etc. Many government colleges

and private institutes in India offer certificate, diploma or degree courses in hotel

management.(India Education, 2017)

A cardinal part of hospitality industry, hotel management has wide employment

opportunities. Moreover, with globalization gaining acceptance with more and more

countries, the hotel management industry is truly becoming global. As hotel chain

owners are opening new hotels in various big and small cities, requirement for trained

hotel management professionals is huge. Although considered one of the most

glamorous careers, hotel management requires professionals who can keep their cool

even in the most challenging situations. (Macwan, 2018)

Most of the hotel management institutes offer merit based concessions on fees to

eligible candidates. Similarly, some institutes provide discounts to sponsored

candidates who come for training. Junior Research Fellowship is offered to those

candidates who are willing to explore their career in academics. Students looking for

external funding can apply for low interest rate loan offered by most of the nationalised

banks like Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, PNB, IDBI, etc. Students of all the hotel

management institutes which are affiliated with AICTE are eligible to get a loan of Rs

7.50 lakh for studying in India and Rs 15 lakh to study outside India. The low interest

rate education loan can be repaid in 5-7 years of duration in equal instalments starting

one year after the completion of the course. (Macwan, 2018)

Hotel management like any other sector is subject to the state of national

economy and global economy. When the economy is doing well jobs come a lot in the

sector. Currently there are more than 2.40 million people working in hotel, catering and

allied industry in India and the number is going to increase in next couple of years as

new hotels are coming up in large numbers in urban and semi-urban areas. Trained

hotel management professionals would have privilege over untrained graduates as

hotels are not willing invest in training of recruits rather prefer trained ones. (Macwan,


Organizational Culture and Climate

The organizational structure of a hotel varies depending on its size. A

large hotel with over 500 rooms will have a network of numerous employees serving in

a number of departments while a family run bed and breakfast might employ two or

three people. (Feuilherade, 2010)

The current economic, political and cultural domain and society in general is

subject to major changes, being an extremely competitive environment. Employers,

managers and their teams under the coordination must adapt to these changes and

evolve in order to have competitive advantage. Experts attach great importance to

organizational culture, considering it essential for the success of the organization.

Positive and strong cultures influence the organization members working together to

benefit of the organization. Organizations that succeed in business are strong cultures

that allow them to easily adapt to the external environment and a sustained

improvement in their sphere of activity. Managers have an important role in shaping

corporate culture through their attitude, which may cause adaptability or inadaptability of

the organizational culture to the external environment. (Pantelescu and Maniu, 2015)

At the level of any organization, the climate can be a barrier to organizational

development. It is essential for the organization to align employee goals with

organizational ones. The role of specialized personnel is determined when it comes to

the effective activity of the hotel, and the delivery of services required. Training helps
staffs to develop skills necessary to do their work, especially for the front of the line staff

that comes in direct contact with the customers. Also, the managers have to motivate

the employees helping them deliver quality service. Some of the problems identified by

employees inside the hotel were: lack of training of the hired staff, low investment in

training, the deficiency in the motivation and reward system, overload at work,

infringement procedures and fluctuation of the personnel. The causes that led to these

problems were the inadequate remuneration, lack of trainings, centralized decision-

making and the absence of communication. The solutions generated by the personnel

were: a motivational package that includes higher salaries, professional development

opportunity, more delegation of tasks, additional recruitment in the needing departments

of the hotel and removing excessive bureaucracy. (Pantelescu and Maniu, 2015)
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Trainings and Seminars Food and Beverage Good and Quality

attended Service Performance Service Offered

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Compensations and
Degree of Job
Working Conditions
Satisfaction of Food
Career Opportunities and Beverage
Organizational Culture
and Climate

Reliability and
Leadership of the

Moderating Variable Intervening Variable

This chapter presents the Research Design, Sampling, Participants of the Study,

Locale of the Study, Research Instrument and Data Gathering Procedure that will be

employed by the researchers in working the study. These processes can be figured out

with the Research Design which can be seen on Figure 2. The researcher method

sampling techniques, data gathering procedures and statistical data treatment are also

being elaborated in this chapter.

Research Design

This study is non-experimental type of study and it is conducted to describe the

factors affecting the degree of Job Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Service in

General Santos City. . This study utilized a descriptive survey method of gathering data

because it aims to gather relevant information about students’ decision making

processes. According to Bhat (2018) descriptive research is defined as a research

method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being

studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather

than the “why” of the research subject. This study is undertaken in a non-contrived

setting because the researchers worked on this paper without disturbing normal

activities of the Food and Beverage Service and it didn’t uses any laboratory tools. The

unit of analysis used in treatment of the data is individual, because each individual

personnel who were the respondents of the study were used as the sources of the

gathered information in the study. The extent of researchers interference is minimal

because the researchers administered the questionnaire to the personnel in such a way
that they did not interfered with the normal activities in the industry. The time horizon is

cross-sectional because the data are gathered just once in order to answer the research


Locale of the Study

General Santos City is a highly urbanized city in Socsargen. There are lots of

hotels that was build around the city. Here are some examples, Green Leaf Hotel

located at San Miguel Street near SM General Santos, Sydney Hotel located at

Pendatun Pioneer Avenue, Columbus Hotel located at Champaca Street and many

more hotels.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Food and Beverage Service of selected

hotels in General Santos City they are the one who are in the field of giving services to

clients. This study used the cluster sampling method which is a type of probability

design. In this study, the subjects will be chosen depending on their convenience The

sample size of the study was determined through the use of Sloven’s formula. The total

population of this study is still unknown.


The instrument used in this study is a structured questionnaire. The

questionnaire has two parts, the part 1 which is composed of Personnel profile and the

part 2 is composed of checklist that answers the research questions and statement of

the problem. The questionnaire was constructed by the researchers and validated by
the two research teachers of Irineo L. Santiago National High School of Metro


In determining the factors which affects the degree of Job satisfaction of Food

and Beverage Service in selected hotels in General Santos City, the researchers

provided list of factors.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering of data, the researcher will prepare a signed letter with permission to

conduct the study on the locale of the research. The letter was being signed by the

researchers and was be noted by the adviser and was approved by the principal. This

must be done because formalities are required in conducting the study. After the

approval of the principal the researchers prepared letters for the management of the

hotels who will be affected during the conduct of the survey. After gathering all the

respondents, formal survey proper was conducted. They will be given time to answer

the survey questionnaires. Right after answering the questionnaire the researchers

gathered all the answered questionnaires at one time. The researchers will make sure

that all items were answered by the respondents.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers utilized the Frequency Distribution and the Mean as the

statistical treatment to interpret the results of the study. Frequency distribution was used

to determine the responses that will be tabulated to get the common responses of the

subjects. Through getting the mean of the said scores the degree of satisfaction will be

Factors Influencing the Decisions of Grade 10 Junior High School Students in
Selecting their Senior High School Track

Independent Variable Quantitative Study

Compensation and Benefits Non – Experimental Research

Salaries Descriptive Study

and Wages
Respondents of the Study
Health Benefits
Grade 10 Students-
Transportation and Allowances Junior High School

Working Conditions
Location of the Study

Personal Protective
Equipment Selected Hotels in General
Santos City
Work Place

Research Instrumentation
Facilities and Equipment
Career Opportunities Questionnaire

Trainings and Seminars Data Gathering

Opportunities for Promotion
Self- administered
Continuing Professional Questionnaire

Organizational Culture and Climate Statistical

Rules and Procedures

Communication between Superior Frequency

and Subordinate Distribution

Courses in Demand and Income Mean

Dependent Variable

Degree of Job Satisfaction FBS Department

To give a good and quality service to clients and costumers.


Naresh,,(2015)Employee satisfaction in the Food and Beverage Department at 5
star hotels[online available]
DOLE, (2012) Industry Career Guide: Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism [Online Available]
Juillet, A., (2015) Economy hotels: The rising demand, the trends and the challenges
[Online Available]

Naresh, N.P. et al., (2015) Employee Satisfaction in the Housekeeping Department at 5

Star Hotels [Online Available]
Kiruthiga, V. and Magesh, R. ( 2018) Gears of Job Satisfaction among Star Hotel
Employees [Online Available]
Bicera, R.D. and Lamadrid, R.L. (2016) Job Satisfaction in the Structural Steel Detailing
Industry, Philippines [Online Available]
Bahamas Ministry of Tourism (2019) Tourism Today Network [Online Available]

Remo, A.R (2018) Tourism still a bright spot for PH [Online Available]

Essays, UK. (November 2018). Literature Review on Compensation and Benefits.

Retrieved from

MBASkool, 2008 Job Saisfaction

A Survey questionnaire on “The Key Factors Affecting the Level of Job
Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Services in Selected Hotels in General Santos

Part I. Personnel Profile

Please put a cross (x) in the box that correspond to the answer which applies to you.

Name: _________________________________________________(optional)

Age Gender:

24 – 25 years old Male

26 – 30 years old Female

31 – 35 years old Bisexual

35 years old above Transgender


Number of Years in Service: Educational Attainment and Qualification:

1 year and below NCII Passer

1-3 years College Graduate

4-6 years High School Graduate

6 years and above Please Specify:_________

Part II. Questionnaire

A. General Direction: Please read each question carefully and answer honestly. Use
the scale below in answering the questions about the Key Factors Affecting the
degree of Job Satisfaction of Food and Beverage Services in Selected Hotels in
General Santos City.
I. Compensation and Benefits Extremely Satisfied Slightly Not
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
1. Salary and Wages
2. Health Benefits
3. SSS
4. Philhealth
5. Pag-ibig
6. Other Benefits (Health-card,
Transportation Allowance, etc.)
Pls Specify: __________
II. Working Conditions
1. Personal Protective Equipment
2. Work Place (Ventilation, Light and
3. Facilities and Equipment
III. Career Opportunities
1. Training and Seminars
2. Opportunities for Promotion
3. Continuing Professional Development

IV. Organizational Culture and

1. Companies Policies
2. Communication between Superior
and Subordinate
3. Management Style of Superior

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