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Influence of Al Interlayer Thickness on

Laser Welding of Mg/Steel
The impact of different Al interlayer thicknesses on interfacial reactions
and mechanical properties during laser welding of Mg to steel was investigated


to steel was proven to be difficult by

ABSTRACT conventional fusion welding tech-
niques due to a huge difference in
The bonding of immiscible system Mg/steel was facilitated by adding an Al interlayer us­
their melting points and Mg-Fe immis-
ing laser welding. The influence of the added interlayer thickness on the microstructure and
mechanical properties of the dissimilar joints were investigated. The Al interlayer was dis­ cibility characteristics. The melting
solved into the Mg fusion zone and mutual diffusion with steel, causing metallurgical bond­ point of steel (1450ºC) is higher than
ing of Mg and steel at the interface. Fe­Al reaction layers with different thicknesses were the boiling point of magnesium
produced along the fusion zone­steel interface. Two different reaction layers divided by the (1091ºC), which could cause cata-
thickness of the reaction layer (2 m) were thereafter identified by TEM analysis. The phas­ strophic vaporization of the molten
es formed adjacent to the steel substrate were Fe(Al) solid solution and Al8(Mn, Fe)5 phase magnesium if they melt simultaneous-
on the Fe(Al) surface, while the Al6Fe phase formed when the reaction layer was more than ly. In addition, the maximum solid sol-
2 m. Three different fracture modes were distinguished from all the joints, which was ubility of Fe in Mg is only 0.00041
closely associated with the interfacial reaction. Insufficient atomic diffusion caused interfa­ at-%. Their immiscibility and low solid
cial failure. Fracture occurred in the fusion zone when the thickness of the Al interlayer was
solubility suggests they do not react
0.2–0.5 mm. The maximum value of the tensile­shear fracture load reached 133 N/mm,
which represented 40.3% joint efficiency with respect to the steel base metal. However, the with each other or mix in the liquid
excessive interfacial reaction resulted in cracking at the interface and a greater amount of state at ambient pressure. Thus, met-
brittle Mg­Al compounds, giving rise to decreased mechanical properties. allurgical bonding between these two
materials would only be possible if an-
other intermediate element that can
KEYWORDS interact with or possess substantial
solid solubility with both of them can
• Laser Welding • Dissimilar Metals • Magnesium Alloy • Microstructure
be added during the welding process.
• Mechanical Properties
The feasibility of joining Mg to
steel using various processes, such as
Introduction which has drawn considerable attention friction stir welding (FSW) (Refs. 3–8),
in the past few years (Ref. 2). Currently, resistance spot welding (RSW) (Refs.
Vehicle design and fabrication has steel sheets remain the most commonly 9, 10), diffusion bonding (DB) (Refs.
been increasingly innovated by automo- used material in the automotive indus- 11–13), cold metal transfer (CMT)
tive manufacturers and their suppliers try. They are considered the most cost- welding (Ref. 14), hybrid laser-arc
in the effort to maximize fuel efficiency effective material for vehicle applica- welding (Refs. 15–20), and laser weld-
to meet the new, more stringent fuel tions. Therefore, the fabrication of hy- ing-brazing or brazing (Refs. 21–27)
and emission standards, while main- brid lightweight structural components have previously been investigated.
taining critical safety requirements (Ref. of magnesium alloys and steel, becomes The FSW process has been reported
1). To realize this goal, automakers are a feasible method to further lower the to successfully realize the bonding of
working to develop new lightweight ma- vehicle weight. Reliable joining of Mg to Mg and steel by accelerating the diffu-
terials and integrate them into vehicle steel would facilitate the increased use sion of Al atoms from the Mg base
designs. Magnesium alloys have been of magnesium alloys and expand the metal to steel with the combined ef-
considered as promising materials for scope of their application in the auto- fect of external force and strong stir-
automotive applications due to their motive industry. ring. The Fe-Al phase formed, acting
low density and high specific strength, Direct joining of magnesium alloys as the transitional compound to bond

C. W. TAN ([email protected]), B. CHEN, X. G. SONG ([email protected]), L. ZHOU, and S. H. MENG are with the Shandong Provin­
cial Key Laboratory of Special Welding Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai, China. TAN, L. Q. LI, and J. C. FENG are
with the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.


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Fig. 1 — Schematic of laser welding and the testing specimen:
A — Laser welding process of Mg to steel; B — tensile­shear test

Mg and steel. The results achieved us- Laser welding

ing RSW showed low interplanar mis- (brazing), as an alter-
matching of Fe2Al5/Fe (0%) and native advanced
Fe2Al5/Mg (4.8%) heterophase inter- welding technique, D
faces, indicating the Fe-Al phase could has received consid-
act as an interlayer between Mg and erable attention
Fe. due to its potential
However, without external force, for flexible joining
utilizing various interlayers has been of dissimilar met-
the main way to solve the metallurgi- als. Liu et al. (Refs.
cal bonding problems of Mg/steel. The 15–17, 20) used hy-
benefits of using different interlayers brid laser-arc weld-
and elements, such as Cu, Ni, Sn, Zn, ing to bond Mg and Fig. 2 — Weld appearances of Mg/steel joints produced with dif­
and Al-12Si, have been explored. steel with Cu, Ni, ferent thicknesses of Al interlayers: A — 0.1 mm; B — 0.3 mm;
Elthalabawy and Khan (Refs. 11, 12) and Sn interlayers, C — 0.5 mm; and D — 0.7 mm.
tried to join Mg to steel using diffu- respectively. These
sion bonding (transient liquid bond- thin interlayers joint could be achieved with the pres-
ing), in which the Cu and Ni interlay- were placed in between upper Mg and ence of Zn coating on the steel surface
ers were used. Solid-state diffusion, lower steel sheets. Typically, laser with using laser conduction welding.
eutectic formation, and the formation low power penetrated from the Mg To minimize the vaporization of
of ternary intermetallic compounds sheet and the interlayer into the lower Mg sheet and improve welding flexibil-
were observed at the interface. The in- steel sheet. These added interlayers ity, laser brazing with a preset Mg-
terfacial reaction was intense in the were heated and melted to react with based filler was employed. Various in-
liquid state, inducing the excessive for- Mg and steel, resulting in the forma- terlayers, including Al-12Si (Ref. 24),
mation of brittle and thick layers, tion of a transitional layer in the fu- Ni (Ref. 26), and Sn (Ref. 27), were
which was detrimental to the joint sion zone and solid solution close to used. When using an Al-12Si coating,
strength. the steel side. The tensile-shear formation of -Fe(Al,Si)3 was observed
Cao et al. (Ref. 14) investigated the strength was improved because the along the fusion zone-steel interface.
feasibility of CMT welding of Mg to bonding status was changed from me- In the case of the Ni interlayer, forma-
galvanized mild steel. The Zn coating chanical bonding to semimetallurgical tion of Fe(Ni) solid solution on the
was found to promote the wetting of bonding. A severe evaporation of the steel surface was found to be the key
the AZ61 filler metal on the steel sur- upper Mg base metal occurred during for metallurgical bonding of Mg/steel
face. A sound CMT welded Mg/coated the process, which limited the applica- immiscible systems. The joint strength
steel joint was obtained with the joint tion of this welding technique. was reported to be higher than that
strength comparable to a Mg-Mg fu- In addition, Wahba and Katayama welded with Al coated steel. After-
sion joint. (Ref. 21) also reported the desirable ward, they selected another viable in-


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Fig. 3 — Cross sections of Mg/steel joints produced with different thicknesses of Al interlayers: A — 0.1 mm; B — 0.2 mm; C — 0.3 mm;
D — 0.4 mm; E — 0.5 mm; and F — 0.7 mm.

terlayer, Sn, following a review of bina-

ry and ternary phase diagrams. The re- Table 1 — STEM­EDS Results of Points Indicated in Fig. 7 (at­%)
sults suggested that all tensile-shear
specimens fractured in the steel base Positions Mg Al Mn Fe
metal. The fracture load far exceeded
P1 95.8 3.8 0.4 —
that achieved with the former two P2 52.6 27.1 13.0 7.3
kinds of interlayers. The Sn coating P3 — 5.5 — 94.5
was reported to promote wetting be-
tween the molten filler metal and steel
sheet, creating an oxide-free steel sur- favorable for the mechanical properties 0.035S-0.035P). The sheets were cut
face for metallurgical bonding. Forma- after the aforementioned studies. into rectangular strips 30 mm wide
tion of the Fe(Al) solid solution and In the present work, the Al interlay- and 100 mm long. The size of the Al
Al8(Mn, Fe)5 on the Fe(Al) surface, er was employed as the transitional in- interlayer used in the present work
with their low interplanar mismatch, terlayer, which was expected to induce was 3 mm wide and 100 mm long, so
was mainly responsible for high joint the Fe-Al reaction after melting and the Al interlayer could totally melt and
strength. produce the Fe-Al phase to realize react with the Mg or steel sheets. Be-
Therefore, selection of an appropri- metallurgical bonding of Mg/steel. fore welding, the surfaces of the Mg al-
ate intermediate alloying element for The aim of this study was to investi- loy and steel sheets were cleaned with
joining Mg to steel was vital for enhanc- gate the influence of different Al inter- abrasive paper to remove surface ox-
ing good wetting-spreading ability and layer thicknesses on interfacial reac- ides, and then cleaned in acetone and
interfacial bonding between the fusion tions and mechanical properties dur- other contaminants from the surfaces.
zone and steel without producing too ing laser welding of Mg to steel. The A fiber laser system with a maxi-
thick brittle reaction layers. In our pre- microstructure characteristics were mum power of 10 kW (IPG YLR-
vious studies, the influence of different observed and identified. The mechani- 10000) and a KUKA six-axis robot
coating surfaces (Refs. 28, 29) and alloy- cal properties were evaluated. Finally, were used in this study. The laser
ing elements from filler metal and steel the bonding mechanism was expected beam had a wavelength of 1070 nm
(Refs. 30–32) have been investigated. to be elucidated. and beam parameter product of 7.2
The important finding was that the Al mm mrad. It was transmitted by a
element, as a key element diffusing 200-μm core-diameter fiber and fo-
from the filler metal into the interface, Experimental Procedures cused by a 200-mm lens to obtain a
was accelerated and induced by the spot size of 0.2 mm.
chemical potential, resulting in metal- Selected as the base metals were Figure 1 shows the schematic of
lurgical bonding of the Mg/steel inter- 1.5-mm-thick AZ31B Mg alloy (Mg- laser welding. The experiments were
face. The Fe-Al phase formed at the 3Al-1Zn-0.2Mn, wt%) and 1-mm-thick carried out in a lap joint configuration
Mg/steel interface was expected to be Q235 mild steel (0.17C-0.7Mn-0.35Si- with the Mg sheet clamped on the


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Fig. 4 — Microstructure morphologies of interfacial reaction layers with different thicknesses of Al interlayers: A — 0.1 mm; B — 0.3 mm;
C — 0.5 mm; and D — 0.7 mm.

steel sheet. The laser beam was irradi- interface between the fusion zone and (STEM) mode. A Vickers hardness
ated on the surface of the AZ31B Mg steel were observed using scanning measurement was performed across
alloy vertically. Argon shielding gas electron microscopy (SEM) in back- the fusion zone-steel interface and fu-
was provided at a flow rate of 20 L/ scattered electron (BSE) mode. sion zone adjacent to the interface, re-
min to prevent oxidation. The laser A transmission electron microscopy spectively. A test load of 0.1 Kgf and a
beam was defocused to irradiate a (TEM) foil of the bonded region was dwell time of 10 s were utilized. The
large area. The process parameters em- prepared using the focused ion beam tensile-shear tests were performed at
ployed in the study were as follows: (FIB) technique. The preparation for room temperature using an Instron
laser power 800 W, welding speed 0.3 the FIB-TEM specimen was made us- 5569 at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/
m/min, and defocused distance +20 ing an in-situ lift out method. The min.
mm. TEM with a Tecnai-G2 F30 operating Shims were clamped to each end of
After laser welding, typical cross at a nominal voltage of 300 kV was the specimens to ensure shear loads in
sections of the welded specimens were used to characterize the microstruc- the lap joint while minimizing bending
cut and mounted in epoxy resin. Stan- ture in detail. or torque of the specimens. Joint
dard grinding and polishing prepara- Phase identification was investigat- strength was calculated via the tensile
tion procedures were then utilized. ed by selected-area electron diffraction testing of at least three specimens, and
The appearances and cross sections (SAED) combined with energy-disper- the average was reported with the stan-
were observed using an optical micro- sive spectroscopy (EDS) in scanning dard deviation provided via error bars.
scope (OM). The reaction layer at the transmission electron microscopy


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surface. Good wetting-spreading abili-

A ty of Al on the steel surface led to
more flowability, as demonstrated in
Fig. 3E and F.

Microstructural Analysis
Figure 4 shows microstructure mor-
phologies along the fusion zone-steel
interface with different thicknesses of
the Al interlayer. Formation of the in-
terfacial reaction layer was observed
from all the joints, confirming metal-
B lurgical bonding of the immiscible Mg
and Fe was realized by adding the Al
In addition, the thickness of the Fe-
Al reaction layer formed at the inter-
face was found to increase with the in-
creasing Al interlayer. When the thick-
ness of the Al interlayer was 0.1 mm,
no obvious reaction layer was noticed,
even at higher magnification as shown
in Fig. 4A, suggesting most of the Al
interlayer melted and was mixed with
the molten Mg fusion zone immedi-
C ately near the interface. The reaction
layer was evidently observed when in-
creasing the thickness of the Al inter-
layer to 0.3 mm. These reaction prod-
ucts exhibited nonuniform and faceted
morphology. With a further increase
of the Al interlayer to 0.7 mm, the re-
action layer grew dramatically, reach-
ing its thickness of more than 10 m.
The crack was evidently observed at
a higher magnification indicated in the
inset of Fig. 4D, which deteriorated
Fig. 5 — EDS line scan results of Mg, Al, Fe, and Mn across the fusion zone­steel interface joint strength. The results were in ac-
at different thicknesses of the Al interlayer: A — 0.1 mm; B — 0.2 mm; and C — 0.3 mm. cordance with the previous report that
cracking may easily occur if the thick-
Results and Discussion From the cross-sectional views ness of the Fe-Al intermetallic layers
shown in Fig. 3, the Al foil was not ob- exceeded 10 m, which was detrimen-
served as a separate layer along the in- tal to mechanical properties (Ref. 33).
Joint Appearances terface after the process, indicating it EDS line scanning analyses were
entirely melted and was dissolved into performed to obtain concentration
Figure 2 shows the joint appearances the Mg liquid adjacent to the interface. profiles of the main alloying elements
with different Al interlayer thicknesses. The opening was observed at the edge across the interface between the Mg
No spatter or obvious defect was evi- of the fusion zone close to the steel in- fusion zone and steel. Figure 5 shows
denced in the figure because of suitable terface due to the bad wetting-spread- the corresponding line scan results.
heat input employed in the present ing ability of Mg and steel. The open- The Mg element decreased gradually
work. However, a nonuniform and ing defect was improved with the addi- from the fusion zone to the steel side,
rough surface was first observed when tion of Al foil. With an increasing while the Fe content was varied in an
the interlayer was thin, as shown in Fig. thickness of the interlayer, the joint opposite way. Note that an apparent
2A and 2B. It was mainly attributed to width became larger due to good wet- Al concentration peaked at the inter-
the instability of the Mg molten pool at ting of Al and steel. It was believed face in all joints, indicating an occur-
the action of laser energy. With the in- that the affinity of Al and Fe was much rence of atomic diffusion or dissolu-
crease of Al thickness, the joint surface stronger than that of Mg and Fe. Thus, tion of the Al element, which there-
was improved, obtaining a smooth and the thin Al liquid adhering to the steel after induced interfacial reaction. Ad-
uniform appearance indicated in Fig. 2C interface reduced the difficulty of the ditionally, the diffusion distance be-
and 2D. Mg molten pool spreading on the steel came longer with the increasing Al


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thus form after solidification. Their

A B morphology was varied with the par-
ticipation of different quantities of Al
The precipitation of scattered Mg-
Al intermetallic compounds (Mg17Al12
phase) was noticed in Fig. 6A when the
thickness of the Al interlayer was 0.1
mm. These dispersed particles played
an important role in the improvement
of mechanical properties by dispersion
strengthening (Ref. 34). Similar phe-
nomenon and effects were reported
with the formation of finer and denser
C D Al-Cu particles when FSW Al to Cu
(Ref. 35). With the increase of Al inter-
layer, the quantity of precipitated Mg-
Al reaction products increased. When
the thickness of the Al interlayer ex-
ceeded 0.5 mm, network structure
formed at the fusion zone, which
made the weld brittle and deteriorated
the mechanical properties of the joint.

Phase Identification

Fig. 6 — Effect of Al interlayer with different thicknesses on the microstructure in the Transmission electron microscopy
fusion side near the interface of Mg/steel: A — 0.1 mm; B — 0.3 mm; C — 0.5 mm; and analysis was performed to further
D — 0.7 mm. identify the composition and structure
of the reaction layers formed between
A B the fusion zone and steel.
Figure 7 shows a typical bright field
TEM image of the fusion zone-steel in-
terface when the thickness of the reac-
tion layer was not more than 2 m. A
TEM foil was prepared at the interface,
as shown in Fig. 7A. A noncontinuous,
ultra-thin reaction layer was found to
exist between the Mg fusion zone and
steel substrate indicated in Fig. 7B. The
elemental composition at different posi-
tions indicated in Fig. 7B are listed in
Table 1 based on STEM-EDS results.
Location P2 contained 13.0 at-%
Mn, which was much higher than the
Fig. 7 — Overview of TEM images and base metals. Location P3 contained
STEM­EDS analysis result: A — TEM spec­
C 5.5 at-% Al and 94.5 at-% Fe. As
imen; B — TEM image of the reaction shown in Fig. 7C, a relatively long dif-
layer with its thickness of less than 2 m; fusion distance (a depth of about 550
and C — STEM­EDS line scan result. nm) of Al element into the steel side
was observed from the STEM-EDS line
thickness, which caused formation of scan result. Meanwhile, the Mn ele-
more Fe-Al reaction layers. ment was enriched at the interface
Figure 6 shows the microstructure close to the Mg fusion zone side. Con-
variation adjacent to the fusion zone- sequently, the Al-Mn phase and Fe-Al
steel interface with the different thick- reaction layer was expected to form at
nesses of the Al interlayer. The Al in- the interface.
terlayer was heated and melted by pool close to the interface. Mutual dif- Figure 8 shows a TEM micrograph
laser irradiation during the process. fusion of Mg-Al atoms then took place with SAED patterns corresponding to
Part of the molten Al interlayer was in a fast rate due to their liquid state. Fig. 7. The ultra-thin reaction prod-
dissolved into the upper Mg molten Mg-Al intermetallic compounds would ucts consisted of two different phases,


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sponding to the observation of SEM

A B morphology in Figs. 4 and 6.

Mechanical Properties

Figure 11 shows Vickers hardness

distribution profiles across the inter-
face and near the fusion zone.
C The hardness distribution across
the fusion zone/steel interface with
the Al thickness of 0.2 mm was meas-
ured, and the result is shown in Fig.
11A. The average hardness of the fu-
sion zone and steel substrate was ap-
proximately 100 and 209 HV, respec-
D tively. Note that an abrupt change in
the hardness value at the interface was
noticed, which was higher than the fu-
sion zone and neighboring steel sub-
strate, reaching the maximum value of
587 HV. The distinct rise in the hard-
ness at the interface was closely asso-
ciated with the presence of interfacial
Fig. 8 — TEM bright field image and SAED patterns corresponding to Fig. 7: A — TEM mi­ reaction products corresponding to
crograph; B–D — SAED patterns of interfacial phases. the observation in Fig. 4.
Figure 11B presents the hardness
as shown in Fig. 8A. ings of the two phases and a0 is the in- distribution profile at the fusion zone
The phases close to the steel sub- teratomic or interplanar spacing of the near the interface. The hardness of the
strate were found to be continuous steel substrate. The a0 was 0.287 nm. AZ31 Mg alloy base metal was about
and uniform followed by noncontinu- The misfit was 4.2%; it reduced to 60 HV when without Al foil. The thick-
ous phases toward the fusion zone. 0.5% with the distance from the steel er the added Al interlayer, the higher
The nonuniform phases close to the interface of 2000 nm after calculation. the hardness close to the fusion zone.
fusion zone were identified as Al8Mn5, The results corresponded to the long It was evident that the hardness in-
while some Fe element was also de- diffusion of Al into the steel substrate creased toward the interface due to
tected. Therefore, the Al8(Mn,Fe)5 in- obtained in Fig. 7C. the precipitation of more Mg-Al
termetallic compound was exactly in- Figure 9 shows TEM images taken compounds.
dexed, in which some Mn atoms were at the fusion zone-steel interface when Figure 12 shows the tensile-shear
replaced by Fe atoms because the the thickness of reaction products was fracture load of the laser welded mag-
atomic radius of Mn (0.112 nm) and more than 2 m. The reaction layer nesium-steel joints and the thickness
Fe (0.124 nm) were close (Ref. 27). was clearly evidenced at the interface. of the reaction layer with the variation
The phase adjacent- to the steel sub- The relatively thick Al interlayer melt- of thicknesses of the Al interlayer and
strate was indexed by TEM and identi- ed, providing more Al atoms at the in- the fracture load with a function of
fied as Fe(Al) solid solution with a terface, making the atomic number of thickness of reaction layer. The joint
body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal Al dominate in the whole Fe-Al sys- strength was given here as fracture
structure, respectively. The SAED was tem. As a result, it was possible that load because it had both tensile and
taken along the [111] zone axis of the the Al-rich Al-Fe intermetallic com- shear stresses during tests. Three dif-
phase. These findings were consistent pound formed, rather than solid ferent fracture modes were distin-
with the observation of the interfacial solution. guished in the present work. The frac-
reaction layer when laser brazing Mg High magnification of the TEM im- ture behavior depended upon the in-
to Sn coated steel sheet (Ref. 27). age at the interface indicated the reac- terfacial bonding force and brittleness
To prove the degree of solid solu- tion layer was distinctly different from of the fusion zone. The fracture load
tion Al in Fe, the interatomic misfit the fusion zone and steel as shown in of the joint produced with an Al thick-
and interplanar mismatch between Fig. 10B. Combined with the EDS and ness of no more than 0.1 mm was
two phases can be calculated by SAED calibration results, the Al6Fe quite low, resulting in interfacial fail-
phase with orthorhombic structure was ure. The interfacial bonding was weak
a  a0 identified. The metastable state Al6Fe due to insufficient atomic diffusion or
=  100% was precipitated at the temperature of interfacial reaction.
a0 about 820ºC under the condition of the Fracture occurred at the faying
rapid thermal cycle. In addition, the surface of the Mg and steel sheets.
where |a – a0| is the difference be- Mg17Al12 intermetallic compounds also With increasing thickness of the Al
tween interatomic or interplanar spac- existed adjacent to the interface, corre- interlayer (0.2–0.5 mm), the thick-


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Fig. 9 — Diffraction patterns of the Fe­Al phase at different locations of 0, 100, and 2000 nm with the point indicated in Fig. 8.

A B Figure 13 presents the fracture sur-

face morphologies of joints welded at
different thicknesses of the Al inter-
layer. For the joint with interfacial fail-
ure mode, some residual Mg fusion
zone was attached to the steel sub-
strate, as shown in Fig. 13A. Higher
magnification indicated the fracture
surface was characterized by the tear-
ing ridge — Fig. 13B.
When the joint fractured at the Mg
fusion zone, the fracture surface exhib-
ited dimples together with some cleav-
age-like flat facets demonstrated in Fig.
13D, which was similar to the observa-
Fig. 10 — TEM bright field image and SAED tion of Mg-Mg fusion welding (Ref. 36).
C patterns obtained when the thickness of the The flat surface suggested brittleness of
reaction layer was more than 2 m: A–B — the Mg-Al intermetallic compounds in
TEM micrograph; C — SAED patterns of the the fusion zone. It was believed that the
interfacial phases indicated in B. more brittle the microstructure, the
flatter the fracture surface. With the in-
sile testing with the maximum load- creasing thickness of the reaction layer,
carrying capacity of the weaker base the fracture was found to occur along
sheet section. The calculated joint effi- the interface between the reaction layer
ciency was reported in a previous and steel substrate due to the presence
study (Ref. 30). In this case, the frac- of cracks formed in between them after
ture location was at the Mg fusion the process.
zone, indicating the Mg/steel interface Smooth fracture surface without
was not the weak point. adequate plastic deformation was ob-
Compared to high interfacial bond- served on the steel side, as shown in
ing, the brittle precipitated Mg-Al in- Fig. 13E. Cracking was noticed at the
termetallic compounds made the crack higher magnification arrowed in the
ness of the reaction layer formed at tend to initiate and propagate at the inset of Fig. 13E. Remnants of the fu-
the interface was 2.3–5.7 m. The fusion zone. The fracture load de- sion zone adhering to the fracture sur-
fracture load was enhanced to maxi- creased sharply with further increasing face shown in Fig. 13F were found to
mum value of 133 N/mm, which rep- the thickness of the Al interlayer. The be more brittle compared to the result
resented 40.3% joint efficiency with crack formed in between the interface in Fig. 13D.
respect to the mild steel base metal, of the Fe-Al reaction layer and steel
as shown in Fig. 11B. substrate, which became the weakest Bonding Mechanism
Joint efficiency was calculated by part of the joint despite the presence
comparing the maximum load of the of brittle Mg-Al compounds in the fu- Based on the analyses above, the
joint when fractured in lap shear ten- sion zone close to the interface. bonding mechanism of Mg to steel


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A B metric composition of Al6Fe, which

was precipitated when the tempera-
ture decreased to 820ºC. Some of the
Fe atoms were replaced by a small
amount of Mn atoms diffusing from
the steel. After that, the eutectic struc-
ture was produced in the molten pool,
which was much denser than that
formed with the thin Al interlayer.

Fig. 11 — Hardness distribution profile: A — Across the interface of Mg/steel; B — near the 1) With the addition of the Al inter-
interface with the different thicknesses of the Al interlayer. layer, successful joining of Mg to steel
was realized by laser welding. A visually
acceptable and uniform joint was
A B achieved with the assistance of a good
affinity of Al and steel. The best joint
quality was obtained using the following
process parameters: 800-W laser power,
0.3-m/min welding speed, +20-mm de-
focused distance, and 0.3-mm-thickness
of Al interlayer.
2) Al interlayer was dissolved into
the Mg fusion zone and mutual diffu-
sion with steel, causing metallurgical
bonding of Mg and steel at the inter-
face, and more precipitation of the Mg-
Fig. 12 — Tensile­shear fracture load of the laser welded magnesium­steel joints: A — Al compounds. A reaction layer formed
Fracture load and thickness of the reaction layer with the variation of thicknesses of the Al along the interface of the fusion zone-
interlayer; B — fracture load with a function of the thickness of the reaction layer. steel joint. The thickness increased with
an increasing thickness of the Al inter-
with the addition of the Al interlayer face was saturated inducing crystalliza- layer. Cracking was observed between
was elucidated. tion of Fe(Al) when the Al interlayer the reaction products and steel sub-
Figure 14 shows the schematic dia- was very thin, as indicated in Fig. 14C. A strate when the thickness was larger
gram of the joining mechanism. First, thin layer of Fe(Al) formed first from than 10 m. Precipitation of the Mg-Al
melting of the Mg sheet and Al inter- the liquid by solid-state diffusion of Al intermetallic compounds was noticed at
layer occurred simultaneously when atoms in the liquid filler metal into the the fusion zone close to the interface.
suffering the laser beam irradiation, as steel. Upon further cooling, some Mn The quantity of the compounds in-
shown in Fig. 14B. The liquid Mg atoms diffusing from the steel substrate creased with the increase of the Al inter-
atoms and Al atoms dissolved into were then bonded with Al atoms, giving layer. The excessive precipitation caused
each other. At the same time, some Al rise to the Al8Mn5 phase under the tem- the brittleness of the fusion zone and
atoms close to the liquid/solid inter- perature of 680ºC (Ref. 37). decreased the fracture load.
face diffused into the steel surface. The phase nucleated and grew on 3) Two different reaction layers were
Because of the laser irradiation, the the first precipitated Fe(Al) surface, as identified by TEM analysis. When the
atoms in the steel adjacent to the in- shown in Fig. 14D. Part of the Mn thickness of the reaction layer was less
terface were also activated at a high atoms were replaced by the Fe atoms than 2 m, the phases close to the steel
temperature and slightly dissolved due to their similar atomic radius and substrate were the Fe(Al) solid solution
into the liquid. The diffusion distance metallurgical characteristics. When and Al8(Mn, Fe)5 phase on the Fe(Al)
was relatively short due to fast ther- the temperature decreased to 650ºC or surface, while the Al6Fe phase formed
mal cycle during laser welding. As a re- below, -Mg first precipitated from when the reaction layer was more than
sult, different percents of the main al- the remaining liquid. 2 m.
loying elements Mg, Al, and steel were Finally, a eutectic reaction occurred 4) Three different fracture modes
mixed from fusion zone to the in the liquid, producing a eutectic were distinguished from all the joints
liquid/solid interface. The different structure ( – Mg + Mg17Al12). In the produced with different thicknesses of
precipitation modes were distin- case of the thick Al interlayer, more Al the Al interlayers, which was closely as-
guished with the variation of thethick- atoms segregated at the front of liq- sociated with the interfacial reaction.
ness of the Al interlayer. uid/solid interface. Therefore, differ- Insufficient atomic diffusion caused in-
Upon cooling, as the temperature de- ent Fe-Al phases formed depending on terfacial failure with the fracture at the
creased to about 1000ºC, the solid solu- the ratio of Al and Fe atoms. The con- faying surface of the Mg and steel sheet.
bility of Al in Fe at the solid/liquid inter- tent of Al and Fe reached the stoichio- The suitable interfacial reaction oc-


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