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The visual design of a product can be evaluated by means of

Eye tracking+

navigation allows the user to access the main sections of the product.

Global +

The discipline involved in creating a structured experience for the user is know as

INteraction design +

navigation allows the users to access items that they don’t need on a regular basis.

coutersy +

navigation is embedded in the content itself.

contextual +

To determine the requirements, we put our personas into short stories called

Scearios +

The visualization of the finished product is called

Desing composite +
A good design should be functional just as much as aesthetic.


In which architectural approach, the nodes are organized in two or more dimensions

Seq Matrix +

plane defines what the business and the users want to get out of the product

surface +

gives an insight how effectively the user experience is meeting strategic goals.

Success metrics +

User segments can be created based on

All ?

The experience users have with your product or service comes through

All ?

aid a business grow and attain its objectives.

Business goals +

The document created for 'listing product objectives' and 'user needs' is called

Strategy DOc +
In which architectural approach the nodes are organized in a linear flow pattern

Seq +

is getting your users to test what you have produced.

user testing ?

In which architectural approach the nodes don't follow any consistent pattern

Organic +

help us to analyze the precise steps that user performs to complete a task.

task analysis

Which one of the following techniques helps us in understanding user needs

All ?

plane blends content, functionality and aesthetics to produce a design that pleases senses of the user.

Surface +

is a method used to understand how users categorize information.

Card sorting + 20/25

makes sure that a button has an appealing shape and texture.


The most productive source of requirements are

Owners ?

navigation lets the user access relevant contents of the product.


The skeleton plane consists of


The concept of __________ is not just visual but a set of conceptual

associations or emotional reactions.


To understand the user needs, we divide entire users into small groups of
people with shared needs called

User segments

The usage of proper ________ is essential to communicate a brand identity.

Style guide?

What makes sure that the aesthetic and functional aspects of the button work
in the context of the rest of the product?

User exp desing

he field involved with the organization, grouping, ordering, and presentation of

content is known as

Inform design

deals with collecting the user data needed to develop the knowledge about
User research

Which one of the following factors we need to consider to define a product



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