Marco Material Datasheet Parker S0469 40

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Compound Data Sheet

Parker O-Ring Division United States


DATE: 02/09/83

TITLE: Evaluation of Parker Compound S0469-40 to AMS 3301E

PURPOSE: To determine if S0469-40 meets the requirements.

CONCLUSION: Compound S0469-40 meets the requirements.

Recommended temperature limits: -750F to 4000F

Recommended For
Dry heat
Some petroleum oils
Moderate water resistance
Fire resistant hydraulic fluids (HFD-R and HFD-S)
Ozone, aging, and weather resistance
Low temperature

Not Recommended For

Silicone oils
Auto and aircraft brake fluid

Parker O-Ring Division

2360 Palumbo Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
(859) 269-2351
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Compound Data Sheet

Parker O-Ring Division United States


Report Number: KK2095

AMS 3301 E 2-214 O-Rings
Pass / Fail Limits Results
Basic Physical Properties
Hardness 40 +/- 5 45
Tensile Strength, psi min 500 696
Elongation, % min 250 480
Modulus @ 100%, psi max 200 116
Tear Strength, Die B, ppi min 55 59
Specific Gravity Report 1.13
Dry Heat Resistance, ASTM D573,
24 HRS @ 4370F
Hardness Change, pts -5 to +10 -3
Tensile Change, % max -15 -5.2
Elongation Change, % max -20 -11.9
Bend (Flat) No cracking or checking Pass
Compression Set, ASTM D395 Method B,
22 HRS @ 3470F
% of Original Deflection, max 72 21.2
Fluid Immersion, ASTM D471 ASTM #1 Oil,
70 H @ 3470F
Hardness Change, pts -20 to +5 -6
Tensile Change, % max -60 +13.8
Elongation Change, % max -30 +6.9
Volume Change, % 0 to +20 +5.5
Decomposition None None
Surface Tackiness None None
Low Temp Brittleness D2137, Method A
10 MIN @ -850F Pass Pass

Parker O-Ring Division

2360 Palumbo Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
(859) 269-2351

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