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Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Title: Georgia Habitats

Subject/Course: Science
Topic: Georgia Habitats
Grade: 3
Time Frame: 4 weeks

Stage 2: Evidence of Desired Results

Performance Tasks:
Performance Task Assessment #1
Students will use peer pairs and the use of classroom laptops to research the six different
habitats in Georgia. They will classify the plants and animals and their characteristics
into the appropriate habitats using a graphic organizer. *Students will complete this
assessment with teacher guidance to assist with accommodating disabilities. [Facet 1, Facet 2,
Facet 3]

Performance Task Assessment #2

Students will study/investigate the habitat of the school playground. The students will be
placed in groups of three and collect items they find in small, plastic, zip lock bags.
Items can include things such as plants, small insects, and evidence of pollution to the
habitat. Students will be provided data collection worksheets to record observations.
Groups will classify and display collected data on a display board. Students will discuss
and compare and contrast their findings with the other groups identifying needs of the
habitat and ways to improve the habitat. As a class, students will create a Power Point
presentation concluding their findings. *Students will complete this assessment with teacher
guidance to assist with accommodating disabilities. [Facet 1, Facet 2, Facet 3, Facet 4, Facet 6]

Other Evidence (tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations):

**Copies of worksheets to be used are located in the last section of this document.
Quiz: Students will complete an “Animal Habitats Drawing” worksheet placing the animals in the
appropriate habitats. [Facet 3]
Prompt: Students will be guided through an “Interpret Your Results” session to describe the findings
on the school playground and compare and contrast observations with other groups. They will be
required to record their thoughts in their science journal. [Facet 4 and Facet 5]
Students will be asked to list some of the necessary needs of plants and animals in order to survive in
each of the six habitats identified. [Facet 6]
Work Sample: Graphic Organizer, PowerPoint presentation, display board of data collections
Observations: Data Collection Sheet – students will record data collections and observations they see
on the school playground. They will use these collections and observations to develop ideas for
needs and improvements to the school playground habitat.
The teacher will also observe group participation for both performance task assessments.
Student Self Assessment and Reflection:
Students will complete self-check rubrics for Performance Task Assessment #1: Self Assessment of
Peer Research Activity and Performance Task Assessment #2: Self Assessment of Playground
Habitat Data Collections.
Students will also record and reflect on the “Interpret Your Results” session in their science journals.
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Performance Task Assessment #1

Students will use peer pairs and the use of classroom laptops to research the six different
habitats in Georgia. They will classify the plants and animals and their characteristics
into the appropriate habitats using a graphic organizer. *Students will complete this
assessment with teacher guidance to assist with accommodating disabilities. [Facet 1, Facet 2,
Facet 3]

Goal: Identify the six different habitats in Georgia, their characteristics, and list the plants and animals
that are found in each habitat.

Role: Student investigator

Audience: California tourists visiting a local museum

Situation: You are an investigator on a mission to identify the six habitats found in Georgia. You are
presenting the information to a group of tourists from California during their visit to a local museum.
The tourists are from the city and want to learn more about the different habitats found in Georgia.

Product, Performance, and Purpose: Use the internet to research and identify the six habitats,
characteristics of each habitat, and plants and animals that live in each habitat. You will use the
graphic organizer provided to organize the data you collect. You and your partner will orally present
your findings to the group of tourists. You will display your graphic organizer during your presentation.

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your data collections will be evaluated using a peer evaluation
and a rubric completed by your teacher.
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Self Assessment of Peer Research Activity

Name ______________________________ Partner’s Name ______________________________

DATE ______________________________

Place a check mark in the yes or no column based on you and your partner’s completion of the
We collected information about
habitats using sources from the
The information we collected related to
our topic of habitats, their
Content characteristics, and plants and animals
that live in the habitats.
The information we collected will be
useful and informative when presenting
to the tourists.
We feel we are knowledgeable about
Georgia habitats.
We accurately organized the
information we collected in the graphic
organizer provided.
We stayed on topic when gathering
Organization Our data is neatly organized on the
graphic organizer and correctly
Our graphic organizer has a title that
describes the data we collected.
The information in the graphic
Visual Aids organizer is legible for our audience.
and The graphic organizer is neat and
Technology The information within the graphic
Use organizer is free from spelling or
grammar errors.
We spoke using a tone that kept our
audience interested in hearing our
Delivery information.
We made eye contact with the
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

We paced our presentation so the

audience could clearly hear and
understand the information we were
We used the internet to collect our
Resources We documented the use of other
materials we may have used during
data collection.

Presentations of Graphic Organizers and Data Collections

Group Members __________________________________________________________________

Exceeds Meets Needs Does not

expectations expectations Improvement meet
3 2 1 expectations
All content is All content is Content is mostly Content is not
accurate and accurate. accurate, with related to topic.
Content contains minor
supporting discrepancies.
Data is correctly Data is correctly Data is organized Data is incorrect
organized and organized and in the graphic and/or not
Organization labeled within the labeled within the organizer. Some correctly
graphic graphic information categorized. No
organizer. Data organizer. and/or labels are labels are on the
is on topic, neat, incorrect. organizer.
and legible.
The group The group The group The group did not
Visual Aids utilized internet utilized internet utilized internet use internet
access and access. Data is access. Data is access. Data is
and multiple sources. neat and legible. sloppy, ineligible, ineligible and
Technology Data is neat, and contains contains multiple
legible, and some spelling/grammar
Use contains no spelling/grammar errors.
spelling/grammar errors.
errors. Organizer
Each group Each group Only one group One group
member member member member
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Delivery presented presented presented presented, no

information in a information, information, eye eye contact with
way that maintained eye contact with the audience,
captivated the contact, was audience was group member
audience’s clearly heard and lacking, parts of could not be
attention, understood. the presentation heard or
maintained eye was hard to hear understood.
contact, and and/or
presented understand.
information that
was easily heard
and understood.
Group used Group used Group used Group did not
Resources internet and internet to gather internet to gather use internet to
additional data and data. Sources collect data.
resources for documented were not
data collection. sources. documented.
All sources were
Performance Task Assessment #2
Students will study/investigate the habitat of the school playground. The students will be
placed in groups of three and collect items they find in small, plastic, zip lock bags.
Items can include things such as plants, small insects, and evidence of pollution to the
habitat. Students will be provided data collection worksheets to record observations.
Groups will classify and display collected data on a display board. Students will discuss
and compare and contrast their findings with the other groups identifying needs of the
habitat and ways to improve the habitat. As a class, students will create a Power Point
presentation concluding their findings. *Students will complete this assessment with teacher
guidance to assist with accommodating disabilities. [Facet 1, Facet 2, Facet 3, Facet 4, Facet 6]

Goal: Study/investigate the habitat of the school playground.

Role: You are a life science teacher at the local high school

Audience: School PTA

Situation: The school PTA has asked your group to study/investigate the habitat of the school
playground. They have funds available to improve the playground and its habitat. Your job is to
collect items currently in the habitat such as plants, animals (insects), and other things on the
playground that make up its habitat. The PTA wants you to analyze your data, identify needs of the
playground/habitat, and suggestions for improvement. You will present your findings in a PowerPoint
presentation at the next PTA meeting.

Product, Performance, and Purpose: Your group is to collect items currently in the playground
habitat. You will identify the items, and compare and contrast your findings with the other groups.
You will recognize the needs of the current habitat, including any pollution issues, and ways to
improve it. You will display your data on a display board and present your findings in a PowerPoint at
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

the next PTA meeting. The purpose of this activity is to identify the needs of the playground habitat
and give suggestions for improvement to the school PTA so they can use the available funds in the
most efficient way possible.

Standards and Criteria for Success: the members of the PTA will evaluate Data collections and
presentation using a rubric.
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Self Assessment of Playground Habitat Data Collections

Name______________________________________________ Date_________________________

Group Members___________________________________________________________________

Based on your group work, rate your performance on the assignment with four being the
greatest and one the least.


4 I worked consistently toward group goals; willingly accepted and
fulfilled individual roles within the group.
3 I worked toward group goals without occasional prompting; I
accepted and fulfilled my individual roles within the group.
2 I worked toward the group goals with occasional prompting.
1 I worked toward the group goals only when prompted.
Your rating:

4 I showed sensitivity to the feelings of my group members; I
valued others’ opinions, knowledge, and skills, and encouraged
others during group work.
3 I showed and expressed sensitivity to the feelings of my group
members; I encouraged others during group work.
2 I showed sensitivity to the feelings of others.
1 I needed occasional reminders to be sensitive to the feelings of
Your rating:

4 I consistently and actively contributed my knowledge, opinions,
and skills without having to be prompted or reminded.
3 I contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills without having to
be prompted or reminded.
2 I contributed information to the group with occasional prompting
or reminding from the teacher.
1 I contributed information to the group only when the teacher
reminded or prompted me to do so.
Your rating:
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design


4 I helped the group identify necessary changes and
improvements; I always did the assigned work without having to
be reminded.
3 I willingly participated in changes and improvements to the
group work; I usually did the assigned work and rarely needed a
2 I participated in necessary changes and improvements; I
needed minimal reminders to finish the assigned work.
1 I participated in needed changes and improvements when
prompted by the teacher and/or other group members
encouraged me to do so. I often relied on others to complete
the assignment.
Your rating:

Total point rating ____________

Group Presentation of PowerPoint

Group Members __________________________________________________________________

Exceeds Meets Needs Does not

expectations expectations Improvement meet
3 2 1 expectations
Content was Content was Content was Content was
completely mostly accurate, somewhat inaccurate, the
Content accurate, some information accurate, information was
information was contained errors information incorrect and/or
specific or was contained errors misleading to the
inconsistent and was audience.
Information was Information was Information was Information was
extremely well presented in a somewhat misleading and
Organization organized, thoughtful, organized, difficult to follow,
information organized information did there was not a
flowed from one manner. Most not move smooth flow from
idea to the next, slides smoothly from one slide to the
information was transitioned one slide to the next or one idea
organized in a smoothly. next. to the next.
way that
captured the
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Presentation was Presentation was Presentation was Presentation
Creativity original and interesting and basic; graphics displayed little to
captured the kept the were commonly no creativity, very
audience. audiences used, minimal basic, no
Graphics and attention. Good transitions graphics,
transitions used ideas and between slides. transitions were
enhanced the transitions. not smooth.
Group members Group members Presentation was Presentation was
were engaging made the interesting, at extremely basic,
Presentation and hooked the presentation times could not minimal eye
and audience interesting, used hear the contact and voice
throughout the some visual aids, presenter, eye projection, no use
Delivery entire projected good contact was of visual aids;
presentation, voice volume, minimal, audience did not
presentation was good presentation was stay attentive
colorful, used organization of very basic, no during the
visual aids, eye presentation, eye additional visual presentation.
catching, voices contact aids were used.
projected so the maintained
audience could through majority
hear, eye contact of presentation.
throughout the
Group collected Group collected Group collected Data samples
Data multiple data data samples, minimal data were incorrectly
samples, displayed them samples, data collected, no
Collections displayed them in on display board, was displayed on display board
an interesting made display board was used, no
way, and suggestions for with minimal suggestions for
suggested improvements errors, minimal improvements
multiple ways to suggestions for
improve the improvements
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Other Evidence Documents:

Quiz: Students will complete an “Animal Habitats Drawing” worksheet placing the animals in the
appropriate habitats. [Facet 3]
Animal Habitats Drawing Worksheet:

Prompt: Students will be guided through an “Interpret Your Results” session to describe the findings
on the school playground and compare and contrast observations with other groups. They will be
required to record their thoughts in their science journal. [Facet 4 and Facet 5]
Students will be asked to list some of the necessary needs of plants and animals in order to survive in
each of the six habitats identified. [Facet 6]
Interpret Your Results Guiding Questions:
List three living things you saw during your observation of the playground habitat.
List three non-living things you saw during your observation of the playground habitat.
What kinds of food and water would the living things need to survive in the habitat?
What pollution items did you observe or collect from the playground habitat?
How can the habitat be improved?
What might be some things that need to be added to the habitat?
Make a list of the six habitats identified in Georgia.
List survival needs of plants and animals within each habitat.

Work Sample: Graphic Organizer, PowerPoint presentation, display board of data collections

Graphic Organizer
Name _______________ Date___________







Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Observations: Data Collection Sheet – students will record data collections and observations they see
on the school playground. They will use these collections and observations to develop ideas for
needs and improvements to the school playground habitat.
The teacher will also observe group participation for both performance task assessments.

Playground Habitat Data Collection Sheet

Name __________ Group Members _____________

Plants Animals/Insects Pollution Other

Evidence Observations
Candi Partridge - ITEC 7430

Assignment #3 – Stage 2 of Understanding by Design

Performance Based Assessment Rubric for Performance Tasks

7 - 8 points = A
5 – 6 points = B
3 – 4 points = C
0 – 2 points = F

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