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Corporation Law

Marc II Marketing, Inc. vs. Alfredo M. Joson

[GR No. 171993, December 12, 2011]

FACTS: Respondent Alfredo Joson was the General Manager, incorporator, director and
stockholder of Marc II Marketing (Petitioner Corporation). Before Petitioner Corporation was
officially incorporated, respondent has already been engaged by petitioner Lucila Joson, in her
capacity as President of Marc Marketing Inc., to work as the General Manager of Petitioner
Corporation through a management contract.

However, Petitioner Corporation decided to stop and cease its operation wherein
respondent's services were then terminated. Feeling aggrieved, respondent filed a Complaint
for Reinstatement and Money Claim against petitioners before the Labor Arbiter which ruled
in favor of respondent. The National Labor and Relations Commission (NLRC) reversed said
decision. The Court of Appeals (CA) however, upheld the ruling of the Labor Arbiter. Hence,
this petition.

ISSUE: Whether or not the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over the controversy at bar

RULING: Yes. While Article 217(a) 229 of the Labor Code, as amended, provides that it is the
Labor Arbiter who has the original and exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving termination
or dismissal of workers when the person dismissed or terminated is a corporate officer, the
case automatically falls within the province of the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The dismissal of
a corporate officer is always regarded as a corporate act and/or an intra-corporate

In conformity with Section 25 of the Corporation Code, whoever are the corporate officers
enumerated in the by-laws are the exclusive officers of the corporation and the Board has no
power to create other officers without amending first the corporate by-laws. However, the
Board may create appointive positions other than the positions of the corporate officers, but
the persons occupying such positions are not considered as corporate officers within the
meaning of Section 25 of the Corporation Code and are not empowered to exercise the
functions of the corporate officers, except those functions lawfully delegated to them. Their
functioning and duties are to be determined by the Board of Directors/Trustees.

In the case at bar, the respondent was not a corporate officer of Petitioner Corporation
because his position as General Manager was not specifically mentioned in the roster of
corporate officers in its corporate by-laws. Thus respondent, can only be regarded as its
employee or subordinate official. Accordingly, respondent's dismissal as Petitioner
Corporation’s General Manager did not amount to an intra-corporate controversy. Jurisdiction
therefore properly belongs with the Labor Arbiter and not with the RTC.

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