OPCR of SP Secretariat For 2nd Sem 2019

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SPMS Form 1


I, DANNY A. FUNELAS, of the SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF MASBATE commits to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in
accordance with the indicated measures for the period January to June 2019 (1st Semester).

Secretary to the Sanggunian

Date: _____________________________________

Approved By:

City Vice Mayor

Date: _____________________________________

Success Indicator (Targets + Division/ Individual Accountable
MFO/PAP Allotted Budget Actual Accomplishments
Measures) Q1 E2 T3 A4

I. Secretariat Services
1. Attendance to Legislative Activities a.100% of attendance sheet of Regular a.100% or (23) attendance sheet 5 5
and Special Sessions, Administrative of Regular and Special Sessions,
Case hearing, Public or Committee Administrative Case hearing,
Hearing prepared within 1 day/s before Public or Committee Hearing
the scheduled session/hearing. prepared within 1 day/s before the
scheduled session/hearing.
2. Minutes and Transcriptions a.100% of draft minutes of Regular and b.100% or (23) Minutes of 5 5
Special Sessions, Administrative Case Regular and Special Sessions,
hearing, Public or Committee Hearing Administrative Case hearing,
transcribed, encoded and printed within Public or Committee Hearing
3 days after the scheduled session. Badet/Momay/Karen edited and printed with no revision
within 1 days upon receipt of the

b.100% of Minutes of Regular and b.100% or (23) Minutes of 5 5

Special Sessions, Administrative Case Regular and Special Sessions,
hearing, Public or Committee Hearing Administrative Case hearing,
edited and printed with no revision within Public or Committee Hearing
3 days upon receipt of the draft. Momay edited and printed with no revision
within 1 days upon receipt of the

c. 100% of draft Journal of Regular, c. 100% or draft Journal of (16) 5 5

Adjourned and Special Sessions Regular, (6) Adjourned and (1)
transcribed encoded, and printed within Special Sessions transcribed
3 days after the scheduled session. Karen encoded, and printed within 1
day/s after the scheduled session.

d. 100% of Journal of Regular and d. 100% or draft Journal of (16) 5 5

Special Sessions edited and printed with Regular, (6) Adjourned and (1)
no revision within 3 days upon receipt of Special Sessions transcribed
the draft. encoded, and printed within 1
day/s after the scheduled session.

3. Legislative Measures Preparation a. 100% of Adopted resolutions encoded a. 100% or (97) Adopted 5 5
and printed within 1 day/s after adoption resolutions encoded and printed
by the Sanggunian. within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian.

b. 100% of enacted ordinances/ b. 100% or (8) enacted 5 5

Appropriation Ordinances encoded, and ordinances/ Appropriation
printed within 1 day/s after adoption by Ordinances encoded, and printed
the Sanggunian. Ruth within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian.
c. 100% of Adopted resolutions edited 100% or (95) Adopted resolutions 5 5
and printed with no revision within 3 edited and printed with no revision
days after adoption by the Sanggunian. within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian.

d. 100% of enacted ordinances/ 100% or (8) of enacted 5 5

Appropriation Ordinances edited and ordinances/ Appropriation
printed with no revision within 3 days Ordinances edited and printed
after adoption by the Sanggunian. Tam with no revision within 1 day/s
after adoption by the Sanggunian.

e.100% of draft Ordinance prepared, 100% or 13 of draft Ordinance 5 5

and printed within I day after committee
meeting/hearing and/or upon request prepared, and printed within 1
and facilitated signing of the hour after committee
Tam & Momay
authors/sponsors. meeting/hearing and/or upon
request and facilitated signing
of the authors/sponsors.
f.100% of draft Resolutions prepared, 100% or 95 of draft 5 5
and printed within I day after committee
meeting/hearing and/or upon request Resolutions prepared, and
and facilitated signing of the printed within 1 hour after
Tam & Momay committee meeting/hearing
and/or upon request and
facilitated signing of the

g. 100% of draft Order of Business of g. 100% or (23) draft Order of 4 4

Sessions prepared, and printed at 4:00 Business of Sessions prepared,
pm every Friday. Ruth and printed at 4:00 pm every

h. 100% of draft Order of Business 100% or (23) draft Order of 4 4

edited, and printed with no revision at Business and printed with no
4:30 pm every Friday. Tam revision before 12nn every Friday.

i. 100% of Committee Reports prepared, i. 100% or (19) Committee 5 5

and printed with no revision within 3 Reports prepared, and printed with
day/s after committee meeting/hearing. Tam & Momay no revision within 3 day/s after
committee meeting/hearing.
j. 100% of Administrative Case Decision j. 100% or (2) Administrative Case 5 5
prepared and printed with no revision Decision prepared and printed
within 3 days after the scheduled final with no revision within 3 days after
hearing. Momay the scheduled final hearing.

k.100% of explanatory notes of k.100% or 1 explanatory notes of 5 5

ordinances prepared through research ordinances prepared through
within 3 days upon receipt. Momay research within 1 days upon

l. 100% of administrative complaint l. 100% or 2 administrative 5 5

evaluated before forwarding to SP complaint evaluated before
Secretary for appropriate action within 1 forwarding to SP Secretary for
day/s upon receipt. Momay appropriate action within 30
minutes upon receipt.

4. Evaluation & Review a. 100% of IPCR reviewed and signed a. 100% or (12) IPCR reviewed 3 3
within 5 working days after end of each and signed within 5 working days
semester. Sir Dan before the end of each semester.

b. 100% of Adopted Resolutions b. 100% or (97) Adopted 5 5

reviewed and signed, with no error resolutions reviewed and signed,
within 30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt.

c. 100% of Enacted Ordinances c. 100% or (8) Enacted 5 5

reviewed and signed, with no error Ordinances reviewed and signed,
within 30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan
with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt.

d. 100% of Committee referrals d. 100% or (26) Committee 5 5

reviewed and signed, with no error referrals reviewed and signed,
within 30 minutes upon receipt. with no error within 5 minutes
Sir Dan
upon receipt.
e. 100% of invitation and information e. 100% or (16) invitation and 5 5
letters of the Sanggunian reviewed and information letters of the
signed, with no error within 30 minutes Sanggunian reviewed and signed,
upon receipt. Sir Dan with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt.

f. 100% of Minutes of Session, b.100% or (23) Minutes of 5 5

Committee/Public Hearing and Session, Committee/Public
administrative case hearing reviewed Hearing and administrative case
and signed, with no error within 30 Sir Dan hearing reviewed and signed, with
minutes upon receipt. no error within 5 minutes upon

g. 100% of Journal of Proceedings of c. 100% or 23 Journal of 5 5

Sessions reviewed and signed, with no Proceedings of Sessions reviewed
error within 30 minutes upon receipt. and signed, with no error within 5
Sir Dan
minutes upon receipt.

h. 100% of Subpoenas for h. 100% or 2 Subpoenas for 5 5

Administrative Cases reviewed and Administrative Cases reviewed
signed, with no error within 30 minutes Sir Dan
and signed, with no error within 5
upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

i. 100% of Certificate of Accreditation i. 100% or 0 Certificate of 5 5

reviewed and forwarded to the Vice Accreditation reviewed and
Mayor within 30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan forwarded to the Vice Mayor within
5 minutes upon receipt.

j. 100% of Project proposals reviewed j. 100% or 6 Project proposals 5 5

and signed with no error within 30 reviewed and signed with no error
minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan within 5 minutes upon receipt.

k. 100% of Travel orders reviewed and a. 100% or (31) Travel orders 5 5

signed with no error within 30 minutes reviewed and signed with no error
upon receipt. Sir Dan within 5 minutes upon receipt.
l. 100% of Reimbursements and a. 100% or (54) Reimbursements 5 5
Liquidations of travel and other and Liquidations of travel and
legislative activities reviewed and signed other legislative activities reviewed
with no error within 30 minutes upon and signed with no error within 5
receipt. Sir Dan minutes upon receipt.

m. 100% of Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (70) Vouchers for Cash 5 5

advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals
reviewed and signed with no error within reviewed and signed with no error
30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan within 5 minutes upon receipt.

n. 100% of DTR/SALN/PDS/IPCR n. 1100% or (72)DTR, (12) SALN 5 5

reviewed and signed with no error within (12) PDS, (12) IPCR reviewed and
30 minutes upon receipt. signed with no error within 5
Sir Dan minutes upon receipt.

o. 100% of SP Office, Session Hall, o. 100% of SP Office, Session 5 5

surroundings, CR & kitchen, and sound Hall, surroundings, CR & kitchen,
system cleaned and maintained; & and sound system cleaned and
session hall arranged for committee maintained; & session hall
hearings reviewed and signed arranged for committee hearings
corresponding logbook with no error Sir Dan reviewed and signed
within 30 minutes upon receipt. corresponding logbook with no
error within 5 minutes upon

5. Sealing, Posting and Transmittal a. 100% of Adopted Resolutions a. 100% or (95) Adopted 5 5
(Messengerial)of Legislative Measures transmitted to the concern Resolutions transmitted to the
individual/office for appropriate action concern individual/office for
and/or information within 30 minutes appropriate action and/or
upon receipt of the signed adopted Tinay information within 30 minutes
resolutions. upon receipt of the signed adopted
b. 100% of Enacted Ordinances b. 100% or (8) Enacted 5 5
transmitted to the Office of the Mayor for Ordinances transmitted to the
approval within 30 minutes upon receipt Office of the Mayor for approval
of the signed enacted ordinances. Tinay within 30 minutes upon receipt of
the signed enacted ordinances.

c. 100% of Approved Ordinances by the c. 100% or (8) Approved 5 5

City Mayor transmitted to SP Secretary Ordinances by the City Mayor
for review and/or appropriate action by transmitted to SP Secretary for
the Sanggunian within 30 minutes upon review and/or appropriate action
receipt of the approved ordinances. Lanie by the Sanggunian within 30
minutes upon receipt of the
approved ordinances.

d. 100% of Administrative Case d. 100% or (2) of Administrative 5 5

Decisions transmitted to the parties Case Decisions transmitted to the
involved within 30 minutes upon receipt parties involved within 30 minutes
of the decision. Marlyn upon receipt of the decision.

e. 100% of approved ordinances posted 100% or (8) approved ordinances 5 5

or published as per mandate of RA 7160 posted or published as per
within 2 days upon receipt of the duly mandate of RA 7160 within 4
approved ordinances. Sir Dan hours upon receipt of the duly
approved ordinances.

b. 100% of transmittal letter of every b. 100% or (32) transmittal letter of 5 5

reviewed Barangay Ordinances and/or every reviewed Barangay
Resolutions prepared and printed with Ordinances and/or Resolutions
no error within 3 hours after the prepared and printed with no error
scheduled session. Marlyn within 3 hours after the scheduled

g. 100% of referral letters sent to the a. 100% or (26) committee referral 5 5

identified committee/s within 30 minutes letters prepared and printed with
after conduct of regular sessions. Marlyn
no error within 1 hour/s after the
scheduled session.
h. 100% of outgoing communication h. 100% or (111) outgoing 5 5
sent to concerned individual or offices communication sent to concerned
within 30 minutes upon receipt of duly individual or offices within 30
signed correspondence. Marlyn minutes upon receipt of duly
signed correspondence.

6. Receiving, Calendaring, a. 100% of incoming a. 100% or (74) incoming 5 5

Dissemination, and uploading for the communications/legislative measures communications/legislative
e-session recorded and forwarded to SP Secretary
measures recorded and forwarded
within 30 minutes upon receipt. to SP Secretary within 30 minutes
upon receipt.

b. 100% of incoming b. 100% or (74) incoming 5 5

communications/legislative measures communications/legislative
forwarded to concerned individual for measures forwarded to concerned
scanning and calendaring within 30 Sir Dan individual for scanning and
minutes upon receipt. calendaring within 5 minutes upon

c. 100% of Administrative Case c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case 5 5

Complaint recorded and forwarded Complaint recorded and forwarded
concerned individual for evaluation concerned individual for evaluation
within 30 minutes upon receipt. Lanie within 5 minutes upon receipt.

d. 100% of original hard copy of d. 100% or (23) original hard copy 5 5

Sessions’ Order of Business and its of Sessions’ Order of Business
attachments transmitted to the SP and its attachments transmitted to
Secretary, Chair of Committee on Rules the SP Secretary, Chair of
and the Presiding Officer for siognature Committee on Rules and the
at 11:30am every Monday each week. Ruth/Tamen Presiding Officer for siognature at
11:30am every Monday each

e. 100% of original hard copy of e. 100% or (23) original hard copy 5 5

Sessions’ Order of Business and its of Sessions’ Agenda and its
attachments uploaded in the e- attachments uploaded in the e-
legislative tracking system portal of the legislative tracking system portal
Sanggunian for the "paperless session" of the Sanggunian for the
at 3:30pm upon receipt of the duly Ruth "paperless session" at 3:30pm
signed copies. upon receipt of the duly signed
f. 100% of outgoing communications f. 100% or (111) outgoing 5 5
recorded within 30 minutes upon receipt. communications recorded within
Lanie 30 minutes upon receipt.

II. Communication Management Services

1. Memoranda, Calls, Notices and a. 100% of Notice of Committee/ Public a. 100% or (16) Notice of 5 5
Invitation Letters Preparation Meeting or hearing, Special Sessions, Committee/ Public Meeting or
invitation to appear before the hearing, Special Sessions,
committee prepared and printed, with no invitation to appear before the
error; and facilitated signing by the committee prepared and printed,
Committee Chairperson and with no error; and facilitated
disseminated within 48 hours before the Lanie signing by the Committee
scheduled date. Chairperson and disseminated
within 96 hours before the
scheduled date.

b. 100% of Subpoenas for b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for 5 5

Administrative Cases prepared within 48 Administrative Cases prepared
hours before the scheduled date. Momay within 96 hours before the
scheduled date.

c. 100% of Office Order and Memoranda c. 100% or 0 Office Order and 5 5

prepared and printed, with no error Memoranda prepared and printed,
within 3 working days before the with no error within 5 working days
happening of the matter/s involved. Sir Dan before the happening of the
matter/s involved.

d. 100% of Notice of posting of d. 100% or (50) Notice of posting 5 5

approved Ordinances prepared and of approved Ordinances prepared
printed, with no error within 1 day/s after and printed, with no error within 1
the same is published/posted. Lanie day/s after the same is

e. 100% Invitation and information e. 100% or (21) Invitation and 5 5

letters of the Sanggunian prepared and information letters of the
printed with no error within 30 minutes Sanggunian prepared and printed
upon receipt. with no error within 30 minutes
upon receipt.
f. 100% of Draft of outgoing h. 100% or (111) oDraft of 5 5
communication/letter-reply to other outgoing communication/letter-
communications received by the reply to other communications
Sanggunian that needs legislative action received by the Sanggunian that
prepared and printed within 30 minutes Momay/Tamen needs legislative action prepared
upon receipt. and printed within 5 minutes upon

g. 100% of phone calls directed to the g. 100% or (92) phone calls 5 5

concerned employee within 50 seconds directed to the concerned
upon receipt. Tinay employee within 50 seconds upon

2. Referrals, Project Proposals, a. 100% of committee referral letters a. 100% or (26) committee referral 5 5
Transmittals, Endorsements, Certificate prepared and printed with no error within letters prepared and printed with
of Accreditation and Attendance 3 hours after the scheduled session. Karen no error within 1 hour/s after the
Sheets Preparation. scheduled session.

b. 100% of transmittal letter of every b. 100% or (32) transmittal letter of 5 5

reviewed Barangay Ordinances and/or every reviewed Barangay
Resolutions prepared and printed with Ordinances and/or Resolutions
no error within 3 hours after the Lanie prepared and printed with no error
scheduled session. within 3 hours after the scheduled

c. 100% Draft Notice of Call for 100% (0) Draft Notice of Call for 5 5
Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos, NGOs Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos,
and other Organizations for Sanggunian
Panlungsod Accreditation NGOs and other Organizations for
Tam Sanggunian Panlungsod

d. 100% of Certificate of Accreditation 100% or (0) Certificate of 5 5

prepared and printed within 3 days after Accreditation prepared and
the passage of a favorable resolution
printed within 1 day/s after the
adopted by the Sanggunian. Tam
passage of a favorable resolution
adopted by the Sanggunian.
e. 100% of Project proposals prepared j. 100% or 6 Project proposals 5 5
and printed within 7 days before the prepared and printed within 14
happening of the project/event. days before the happening of the

3. Releasing of Legislative Documents b. 100% of transmittal letter of every b. 100% or (32) transmittal letter of 5 5
reviewed Barangay Ordinances and/or every reviewed Barangay
Resolutions prepared and printed with Ordinances and/or Resolutions
no error within 3 hours after the Lanie prepared and printed with no error
scheduled session. within 3 hours after the scheduled

b.100% of Certificats of Accreditation 100% or (0) Certificates of 5 5

released to requesting party within 1 Accreditation released to
hour upon request. Tam
requesting party within 15 minutes
upon request.
III. Records Management Services

1. Scanning-electronic copy for a. 100% of Incoming/Outgoing f. 100% or (185) 5 5

Legislative Tracking System Portal Communications, Resolutions, Incoming/Outgoing
Ordinances, Minutes, Journal of Communications,(95) Resolutions,
Proceedings and other legislative (8) Ordinances,(21) Minutes, (16)
documents scanned and uploaded to Journal of Proceedings and other
the Legislative Tracking System portal legislative documents scanned
with no error within 1 day upon receipt. and uploaded to the Legislative
John Garry Tracking System portal with no
error within 1 hour upon receipt.

b. 100% of Order of Business and its a. 100% or (23) Order of Business 5 5

attachments uploaded to the and its attachments uploaded to
Legislative Tracking System portal with the Legislative Tracking System
no error every Friday within 1 hour upon John Garry portal with no error every Friday
receipt. within 1 hour upon receipt.

IV. General Administrative Support

Services (GASS)
1. Travel orders a. 100% of Travel orders prepared and a. 100% or (31) Travel orders 5 5
printed with no error within 10 days prepared and printed with no error
before the scheduled travel; and within 4 days before the scheduled
transmitted to concerned travel; and transmitted to
individual/office for appropriate action concerned individual/office for
within 7 days before the scheduled of appropriate action within 3 days
travel. before the scheduled of travel.

2. Reimbursements and Liquidations a. 100% of Reimbursements and a. 100% or (54) Reimbursements 5 5

Liquidations of travel and other and Liquidations of travel and
legislative activities prepared and other legislative activities prepared
printed with no error within 5 days upon and printed with no error within 2
return to official station; and submitted to days upon return to official station;
concerned individual/office for and submitted to concerned
appropriate action within 3 days upon Mercy individual/office for appropriate
return to official station. action within 1 day/s upon return
to official station.

3. Vouchers for Cash advances of a. 100% of Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (70) Vouchers for Cash 3 3
travel/activity and Payment of Project advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals
Proposals prepared and printed with no error within prepared and printed with no error
10 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled
travel/activity/release; and transmitted to travel/activity/release; and
concerned individual/office for transmitted to concerned
appropriate action within 7 days before Mercy individual/office for appropriate
the scheduled travel/activity/release. action within 3 days before the
scheduled travel/activity/release.

4.Payrolls/DTR/SALN/PDS a. 100% of DTR prepared and printed . a. 100% or (72) DTR prepared 5 5
with no error within 5 days before the and printed with no error within 5
10th of the month; and submitted to HR days before the 10th of the month;
every 10th of the month. All & Lanie and submitted to HR every 10th of
the month.
b. 100% of SALN/PDS prepared and b. 100% or (22) SALN/PDS 3 3
printed with no error within 5 days prepared and printed with no error
before the 15th of March; and submitted within 5 days before the 15th of
to HR every 15th of March. March; and submitted to HR every
All & Lanie
15th of March.

5. Purchase Requests a. 100% of Purchase requests prepared, a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests 5 5

signed and forwarded to VM within 30 prepared, signed and forwarded to
minutes upon request. Sir Dan VM within 5 minutes upon request.

6. Office Memorandum Order a. 100% of memorandum order a. 100% or 0 memorandum order 5 5

Preparations prepared and printed with no revision prepared and printed with no
within 30 minutes upon receipt of the revision within 5 minutes upon
instruction/order of the Vice Mayor. Sir Dan receipt of the instruction/order of
the Vice Mayor.

7. IPCR Preparation c. 100% of IPCR prepared and printed c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and 5 5
with no error within 10 days after end of printed with no error within 5 days
semester; and edited and submitted to after end of semester; and edited
concerned office within 7 days after the All & Momay and submitted to concerned office
end of semester. within 7days after the end of

8. OPCR Preparation a. 100% of OPCR prepared and printed a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared 5 5
with no revision within 10 working days and printed with no revision within
after end of each semester; and 5 working days after end of each
submitted to concerned office within 7 semester; and submitted to
days after the end of semester. Sir Dan concerned office within 5 days
after the end of semester.

V. Security Services
1. Provision of Security to Officials, a. 100% of clients entertained and a. 100% of clients entertained and 3 3
offices and Facilities of Sangguniang signed in the visitor’s logbook of the signed in the visitor’s logbook of
Panlungsod. SP’s Office upon entry. Daday the SP’s Office upon entry.

VI. Janitorial Services

1. Janitorial/Utility a. 100% of SP Office cleaned and a. 100% or (125) SP Office 3 3
maintained daily. Daday cleaned and maintained daily.
1. Janitorial/Utility

b. 100% of Session Hall cleaned and b. 100% or (125) Session Hall 3 3

maintained daily. Daday cleaned and maintained daily.

c. 100% of SP Surroundings and c. 100% or (125) SP Surroundings 3 3

premises, including CR's and Kitchen and premises, including CR's and
cleaned and maintained daily. Daday Kitchen cleaned and maintained

d. 100% of Session hall equipments and g. 100% or ( 125) Session hall 3 3

sound system cleaned and maintained equipments and sound system
daily. John Garry cleaned and maintained daily.

e. 100% of Session Hall arranged for a.100% or Session Hall 5 5

committee meetings and hearings within
2 hour/s before conduct of the hearing. arranged for committee
John Garry meetings and hearings within
30 minute/s before conduct of
the committee.

Average Rating Total Overall Rating 4.7 4.7

Final Average Rating 4.7 4.7

Adjectival Rating 4.7 4.7

Assessed by: Final Rating By: Date


Legend 1 - Quantity 2 - Efficiency 3 - Timeliness 4 - Average

Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes: (to be accomplished by the OFFICE
immediate superior) PERFORMANCE

Submitted by: Assessed and Reviewed by:

This is to certify the veracity of the information provided herein as the actual commitments and I certify that I have
accomplishments of the office I represent. discussed my assesment Date
of the performance of the
office through its head
and this is deemed as
RUBY personal
Secretary to the Sanggunian performance.
City Vice Mayor


Validated by: Attested by:



Performance Management HRMO

ollowing targets in

SPMS Form 1


I, DANNY A. FUNELAS, of the SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD OF MASBATE commits to deliver and agree to be rated on the attainme


City Mayor

Success Indicator (Targets + Division/ Individual Accountable

MFO/PAP Allotted Budget
Measures) JULY

I. Secretariat Services
1. Attendance to Legislative Activities a.100% of attendance sheet of Regular a.100% or (5) attendance sheet of
and Special Sessions, Administrative Regular and Special Sessions,
Case hearing, Public or Committee Administrative Case hearing,
Hearing prepared within 1 day/s before Public or Committee Hearing
the scheduled session/hearing. prepared within 1 day/s before the
scheduled session/hearing.
2. Minutes and Transcriptions a.100% of draft minutes of Regular and b.100% or (5) Minutes of Regular
Special Sessions, Administrative Case and Special Sessions,
hearing, Public or Committee Hearing Administrative Case hearing,
transcribed, encoded and printed within Public or Committee Hearing
3 days after the scheduled session. Badet/Momay/Karen edited and printed with no revision
within 1 days upon receipt of the

b.100% of Minutes of Regular and b.100% or (5) Minutes of Regular

Special Sessions, Administrative Case and Special Sessions,
hearing, Public or Committee Hearing Administrative Case hearing,
edited and printed with no revision within Public or Committee Hearing
3 days upon receipt of the draft. Momay edited and printed with no revision
within 1 days upon receipt of the

c. 100% of draft Journal of Regular, c. 100% or draft Journal of (3)

Adjourned and Special Sessions Regular, (2) Adjourned and (0)
transcribed encoded, and printed within Special Sessions transcribed
3 days after the scheduled session. Karen encoded, and printed within 1
day/s after the scheduled session.

d. 100% of Journal of Regular and d. 100% or draft Journal of (3)

Special Sessions edited and printed with Regular, (2) Adjourned and (0)
no revision within 3 days upon receipt of Special Sessions transcribed
the draft. encoded, and printed within 1
day/s after the scheduled session.

3. Legislative Measures Preparation a. 100% of Adopted resolutions encoded a. 100% or (18) Adopted
and printed within 1 day/s after adoption resolutions encoded and printed
by the Sanggunian. within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian.

b. 100% of enacted ordinances/ b. 100% or (2) enacted

Appropriation Ordinances encoded, and ordinances/ Appropriation
printed within 1 day/s after adoption by Ordinances encoded, and printed
the Sanggunian. Ruth within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian.
c. 100% of Adopted resolutions edited 100% or (18) Adopted resolutions
and printed with no revision within 3 edited and printed with no revision
days after adoption by the Sanggunian. within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian.

d. 100% of enacted ordinances/ 100% or (2) of enacted

Appropriation Ordinances edited and ordinances/ Appropriation
printed with no revision within 3 days Ordinances edited and printed
after adoption by the Sanggunian. Tam with no revision within 1 day/s
after adoption by the Sanggunian.

e.100% of draft Ordinance prepared, 100% or 6 of draft Ordinance

and printed within I day after committee
meeting/hearing and/or upon request prepared, and printed within 1
and facilitated signing of the hour after committee
Tam & Momay
authors/sponsors. meeting/hearing and/or upon
request and facilitated signing
of the authors/sponsors.
f.100% of draft Resolutions prepared, 100% or 18 of draft
and printed within I day after committee
meeting/hearing and/or upon request Resolutions prepared, and
and facilitated signing of the printed within 1 hour after
Tam & Momay committee meeting/hearing
and/or upon request and
facilitated signing of the

g. 100% of draft Order of Business of g. 100% or (5) draft Order of

Sessions prepared, and printed at 4:00 Business of Sessions prepared,
pm every Friday. Ruth and printed at 4:00 pm every

h. 100% of draft Order of Business 100% or (5) draft Order of

edited, and printed with no revision at Business and printed with no
4:30 pm every Friday. Tam revision before 12nn every Friday.

i. 100% of Committee Reports prepared, i. 100% or (6) of Committee

and printed with no revision within 3 Reports prepared, and printed with
day/s after committee meeting/hearing. Tam & Momay no revision within 3 day/s after
committee meeting/hearing.
j. 100% of Administrative Case Decision j. 100% or (0)Administrative Case
prepared and printed with no revision Decision prepared and printed
within 3 days after the scheduled final with no revision within 3 days after
hearing. Momay the scheduled final hearing.

k.100% of explanatory notes of k.100% or 4 explanatory notes of

ordinances prepared through research ordinances prepared through
within 3 days upon receipt. Momay research within 1 days upon

l. 100% of administrative complaint l. 100% or 0 administrative

evaluated before forwarding to SP complaint evaluated before
Secretary for appropriate action within 1 forwarding to SP Secretary for
day/s upon receipt. Momay appropriate action within 30
minutes upon receipt.

4. Evaluation & Review a. 100% of IPCR reviewed and signed a. 100% or (0) IPCR reviewed and
within 5 working days after end of each signed within 5 working days
semester. Sir Dan before the end of each semester.

b. 100% of Adopted Resolutions b. 100% or (18) Adopted

reviewed and signed, with no error resolutions reviewed and signed,
within 30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt.

c. 100% of Enacted Ordinances c. 100% or (2) Enacted

reviewed and signed, with no error Ordinances reviewed and signed,
within 30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan
with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt.

d. 100% of Committee referrals d. 100% or (12) Committee

reviewed and signed, with no error referrals reviewed and signed,
within 30 minutes upon receipt. with no error within 5 minutes
Sir Dan
upon receipt.
e. 100% of invitation and information e. 100% or (6 ) invitation and
letters of the Sanggunian reviewed and information letters of the
signed, with no error within 30 minutes Sanggunian reviewed and signed,
upon receipt. Sir Dan with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt.

f. 100% of Minutes of Session, b.100% or (5) Minutes of Session,

Committee/Public Hearing and Committee/Public Hearing and
administrative case hearing reviewed administrative case hearing
and signed, with no error within 30 Sir Dan reviewed and signed, with no error
minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.

g. 100% of Journal of Proceedings of g. 100% or (5) Journal of

Sessions reviewed and signed, with no Proceedings of Sessions reviewed
error within 30 minutes upon receipt. and signed, with no error within 5
Sir Dan
minutes upon receipt.

h. 100% of Subpoenas for h. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for

Administrative Cases reviewed and Administrative Cases reviewed
signed, with no error within 30 minutes Sir Dan
and signed, with no error within 5
upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

i. 100% of Certificate of Accreditation i. 100% or 0 Certificate of

reviewed and forwarded to the Vice Accreditation reviewed and
Mayor within 30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan forwarded to the Vice Mayor within
5 minutes upon receipt.

j. 100% of Project proposals reviewed j. 100% or 0 Project proposals

and signed with no error within 30 reviewed and signed with no error
minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan within 5 minutes upon receipt.

k. 100% of Travel orders reviewed and a. 100% or (1) Travel orders

signed with no error within 30 minutes reviewed and signed with no error
upon receipt. Sir Dan within 5 minutes upon receipt.
l. 100% of Reimbursements and a. 100% or (0) Reimbursements
Liquidations of travel and other and Liquidations of travel and
legislative activities reviewed and signed other legislative activities reviewed
with no error within 30 minutes upon and signed with no error within 5
receipt. Sir Dan minutes upon receipt.

m. 100% of Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (1) Vouchers for Cash

advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals
reviewed and signed with no error within reviewed and signed with no error
30 minutes upon receipt. Sir Dan within 5 minutes upon receipt.

n. 100% of DTR/SALN/PDS/IPCR n. 100% or (12)DTR, (0) SALN (0)

reviewed and signed with no error within PDS, (0) IPCR reviewed and
30 minutes upon receipt. signed with no error within 5
Sir Dan minutes upon receipt.

o. 100% of SP Office, Session Hall, o. 100% of SP Office, Session

surroundings, CR & kitchen, and sound Hall, surroundings, CR & kitchen,
system cleaned and maintained; & and sound system cleaned and
session hall arranged for committee maintained; & session hall
hearings reviewed and signed arranged for committee hearings
corresponding logbook with no error Sir Dan reviewed and signed
within 30 minutes upon receipt. corresponding logbook with no
error within 5 minutes upon

5. Sealing, Posting and Transmittal a. 100% of Adopted Resolutions a. 100% or (18) Adopted
(Messengerial)of Legislative Measures transmitted to the concern Resolutions transmitted to the
individual/office for appropriate action concern individual/office for
and/or information within 30 minutes appropriate action and/or
upon receipt of the signed adopted Tinay information within 30 minutes
resolutions. upon receipt of the signed adopted
b. 100% of Enacted Ordinances b. 100% or (2) Enacted
transmitted to the Office of the Mayor for Ordinances transmitted to the
approval within 30 minutes upon receipt Office of the Mayor for approval
of the signed enacted ordinances. Tinay within 30 minutes upon receipt of
the signed enacted ordinances.

c. 100% of Approved Ordinances by the c. 100% or (2) Approved

City Mayor transmitted to SP Secretary Ordinances by the City Mayor
for review and/or appropriate action by transmitted to SP Secretary for
the Sanggunian within 30 minutes upon review and/or appropriate action
receipt of the approved ordinances. Lanie by the Sanggunian within 30
minutes upon receipt of the
approved ordinances.

d. 100% of Administrative Case d. 100% or (0) Administrative

Decisions transmitted to the parties Case Decisions transmitted to the
involved within 30 minutes upon receipt parties involved within 30 minutes
of the decision. Marlyn upon receipt of the decision.

e. 100% of approved ordinances posted 100% or (2) approved ordinances

or published as per mandate of RA 7160 posted or published as per
within 2 days upon receipt of the duly mandate of RA 7160 within 4
approved ordinances. Sir Dan hours upon receipt of the duly
approved ordinances.

b. 100% of transmittal letter of every b. 100% or (3) transmittal letter of

reviewed Barangay Ordinances and/or every reviewed Barangay
Resolutions prepared and printed with Ordinances and/or Resolutions
no error within 3 hours after the prepared and printed with no error
scheduled session. Marlyn within 3 hours after the scheduled

g. 100% of referral letters sent to the a. 100% or (12) committee referral

identified committee/s within 30 minutes letters prepared and printed with
after conduct of regular sessions. Marlyn
no error within 1 hour/s after the
scheduled session.
h. 100% of outgoing communication h. 100% or (23) outgoing
sent to concerned individual or offices communication sent to concerned
within 30 minutes upon receipt of duly individual or offices within 30
signed correspondence. Marlyn minutes upon receipt of duly
signed correspondence.

6. Receiving, Calendaring, a. 100% of incoming a. 100% or (19) incoming

Dissemination, and uploading for the communications/legislative measures communications/legislative
e-session recorded and forwarded to SP Secretary
measures recorded and forwarded
within 30 minutes upon receipt. to SP Secretary within 30 minutes
upon receipt.

b. 100% of incoming b. 100% or (19) incoming

communications/legislative measures communications/legislative
forwarded to concerned individual for measures forwarded to concerned
scanning and calendaring within 30 Sir Dan individual for scanning and
minutes upon receipt. calendaring within 5 minutes upon

c. 100% of Administrative Case c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case

Complaint recorded and forwarded Complaint recorded and forwarded
concerned individual for evaluation concerned individual for evaluation
within 30 minutes upon receipt. Lanie within 5 minutes upon receipt.

d. 100% of original hard copy of d. 100% or (5) original hard copy

Sessions’ Order of Business and its of Sessions’ Order of Business
attachments transmitted to the SP and its attachments transmitted to
Secretary, Chair of Committee on Rules the SP Secretary, Chair of
and the Presiding Officer for siognature Committee on Rules and the
at 11:30am every Monday each week. Ruth/Tamen Presiding Officer for siognature at
11:30am every Monday each

e. 100% of original hard copy of e. 100% or (5) original hard copy

Sessions’ Order of Business and its of Sessions’ Agenda and its
attachments uploaded in the e- attachments uploaded in the e-
legislative tracking system portal of the legislative tracking system portal
Sanggunian for the "paperless session" of the Sanggunian for the
at 3:30pm upon receipt of the duly Ruth "paperless session" at 3:30pm
signed copies. upon receipt of the duly signed
f. 100% of outgoing communications f. 100% or (23) outgoing
recorded within 30 minutes upon receipt. communications recorded within
Lanie 30 minutes upon receipt.

II. Communication Management Services

1. Memoranda, Calls, Notices and a. 100% of Notice of Committee/ Public a. 100% or (6 ) Notice of
Invitation Letters Preparation Meeting or hearing, Special Sessions, Committee/ Public Meeting or
invitation to appear before the hearing, Special Sessions,
committee prepared and printed, with no invitation to appear before the
error; and facilitated signing by the committee prepared and printed,
Committee Chairperson and with no error; and facilitated
disseminated within 48 hours before the Lanie signing by the Committee
scheduled date. Chairperson and disseminated
within 96 hours before the
scheduled date.

b. 100% of Subpoenas for b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for

Administrative Cases prepared within 48 Administrative Cases prepared
hours before the scheduled date. Momay within 96 hours before the
scheduled date.

c. 100% of Office Order and Memoranda c. 100% or 0 Office Order and

prepared and printed, with no error Memoranda prepared and printed,
within 3 working days before the with no error within 5 working days
happening of the matter/s involved. Sir Dan before the happening of the
matter/s involved.

d. 100% of Notice of posting of d. 100% or (8) Notice of posting of

approved Ordinances prepared and approved Ordinances prepared
printed, with no error within 1 day/s after and printed, with no error within 1
the same is published/posted. Lanie day/s after the same is

e. 100% Invitation and information e. 100% or (4) Invitation and

letters of the Sanggunian prepared and information letters of the
printed with no error within 30 minutes Sanggunian prepared and printed
upon receipt. with no error within 30 minutes
upon receipt.
f. 100% of Draft of outgoing h. 100% or (23) Draft of outgoing
communication/letter-reply to other communication/letter-reply to other
communications received by the communications received by the
Sanggunian that needs legislative action Sanggunian that needs legislative
prepared and printed within 30 minutes Momay/Tamen action prepared and printed within
upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt.

g. 100% of phone calls directed to the g. 100% or (16) phone calls

concerned employee within 50 seconds directed to the concerned
upon receipt. Tinay employee within 50 seconds upon

2. Referrals, Project Proposals, a. 100% of committee referral letters a. 100% or (12) committee referral
Transmittals, Endorsements, Certificate prepared and printed with no error within letters prepared and printed with
of Accreditation and Attendance 3 hours after the scheduled session. Karen no error within 1 hour/s after the
Sheets Preparation. scheduled session.

b. 100% of transmittal letter of every b. 100% or (3) transmittal letter of

reviewed Barangay Ordinances and/or every reviewed Barangay
Resolutions prepared and printed with Ordinances and/or Resolutions
no error within 3 hours after the Lanie prepared and printed with no error
scheduled session. within 3 hours after the scheduled

c. 100% Draft Notice of Call for 100% or (0) Draft Notice of Call for
Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos, NGOs Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos,
and other Organizations for Sanggunian
Panlungsod Accreditation NGOs and other Organizations for
Tam Sanggunian Panlungsod

d. 100% of Certificate of Accreditation 100% or (0) Certificate of

prepared and printed within 3 days after Accreditation prepared and
the passage of a favorable resolution
printed within 1 day/s after the
adopted by the Sanggunian. Tam
passage of a favorable resolution
adopted by the Sanggunian.
e. 100% of Project proposals prepared j. 100% or 0 Project proposals
and printed within 7 days before the prepared and printed within 14
happening of the project/event. days before the happening of the

3. Releasing of Legislative Documents b. 100% of transmittal letter of every b. 100% or (3) transmittal letter of
reviewed Barangay Ordinances and/or every reviewed Barangay
Resolutions prepared and printed with Ordinances and/or Resolutions
no error within 3 hours after the Lanie prepared and printed with no error
scheduled session. within 3 hours after the scheduled

b.100% of Certificats of Accreditation 100% or (0) Certificates of

released to requesting party within 1 Accreditation released to
hour upon request. Tam
requesting party within 15 minutes
upon request.
III. Records Management Services

1. Scanning-electronic copy for a. 100% of Incoming/Outgoing a. 100% or (42)

Legislative Tracking System Portal Communications, Resolutions, Incoming/Outgoing
Ordinances, Minutes, Journal of Communications,(18) Resolutions,
Proceedings and other legislative (2) Ordinances,(5) Minutes, (3)
documents scanned and uploaded to Journal of Proceedings and other
the Legislative Tracking System portal legislative documents scanned
with no error within 1 day upon receipt. and uploaded to the Legislative
John Garry Tracking System portal with no
error within 1 hour upon receipt.

b. 100% of Order of Business and its a. 100% or (5) Order of Business

attachments uploaded to the and its attachments uploaded to
Legislative Tracking System portal with the Legislative Tracking System
no error every Friday within 1 hour upon John Garry portal with no error every Friday
receipt. within 1 hour upon receipt.

IV. General Administrative Support

Services (GASS)
1. Travel orders a. 100% of Travel orders prepared and a. 100% or (1) Travel orders
printed with no error within 10 days prepared and printed with no error
before the scheduled travel; and within 4 days before the scheduled
transmitted to concerned travel; and transmitted to
individual/office for appropriate action concerned individual/office for
within 7 days before the scheduled of appropriate action within 3 days
travel. before the scheduled of travel.

2. Reimbursements and Liquidations a. 100% of Reimbursements and a. 100% or (0) Reimbursements

Liquidations of travel and other and Liquidations of travel and
legislative activities prepared and other legislative activities prepared
printed with no error within 5 days upon and printed with no error within 2
return to official station; and submitted to days upon return to official station;
concerned individual/office for and submitted to concerned
appropriate action within 3 days upon Mercy individual/office for appropriate
return to official station. action within 1 day/s upon return
to official station.

3. Vouchers for Cash advances of a. 100% of Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (1) Vouchers for Cash
travel/activity and Payment of Project advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals
Proposals prepared and printed with no error within prepared and printed with no error
10 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled
travel/activity/release; and transmitted to travel/activity/release; and
concerned individual/office for transmitted to concerned
appropriate action within 7 days before Mercy individual/office for appropriate
the scheduled travel/activity/release. action within 3 days before the
scheduled travel/activity/release.

4.Payrolls/DTR/SALN/PDS a. 100% of DTR prepared and printed . a. 100% or (12) DTR prepared
with no error within 5 days before the and printed with no error within 5
10th of the month; and submitted to HR days before the 10th of the month;
every 10th of the month. All & Lanie and submitted to HR every 10th of
the month.
b. 100% of SALN/PDS prepared and b. 100% or (0) SALN/PDS
printed with no error within 5 days prepared and printed with no error
before the 15th of March; and submitted within 5 days before the 15th of
to HR every 15th of March. March; and submitted to HR every
All & Lanie
15th of March.

5. Purchase Requests a. 100% of Purchase requests prepared, a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests

signed and forwarded to VM within 30 prepared, signed and forwarded to
minutes upon request. Sir Dan VM within 5 minutes upon request.

6. Office Memorandum Order a. 100% of memorandum order a. 100% or 0 memorandum order

Preparations prepared and printed with no revision prepared and printed with no
within 30 minutes upon receipt of the revision within 5 minutes upon
instruction/order of the Vice Mayor. Sir Dan receipt of the instruction/order of
the Vice Mayor.

7. IPCR Preparation c. 100% of IPCR prepared and printed c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and
with no error within 10 days after end of printed with no error within 5 days
semester; and edited and submitted to after end of semester; and edited
concerned office within 7 days after the All & Momay and submitted to concerned office
end of semester. within 7days after the end of

8. OPCR Preparation a. 100% of OPCR prepared and printed a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared
with no revision within 10 working days and printed with no revision within
after end of each semester; and 5 working days after end of each
submitted to concerned office within 7 semester; and submitted to
days after the end of semester. Sir Dan concerned office within 5 days
after the end of semester.

V. Security Services
1. Provision of Security to Officials, a. 100% of clients entertained and a. 100% of clients entertained and
offices and Facilities of Sangguniang signed in the visitor’s logbook of the signed in the visitor’s logbook of
Panlungsod. SP’s Office upon entry. Daday the SP’s Office upon entry.

VI. Janitorial Services

1. Janitorial/Utility a. 100% of SP Office cleaned and a. 100% or (21) SP Office cleaned
maintained daily. Daday and maintained daily.
1. Janitorial/Utility

b. 100% of Session Hall cleaned and b. 100% or (21) Session Hall

maintained daily. Daday cleaned and maintained daily.

c. 100% of SP Surroundings and c. 100% or (21) SP Surroundings

premises, including CR's and Kitchen and premises, including CR's and
cleaned and maintained daily. Daday Kitchen cleaned and maintained

d. 100% of Session hall equipments and a. 100% or (21) Session hall

sound system cleaned and maintained equipments and sound system
daily. John Garry cleaned and maintained daily.

e. 100% of Session Hall arranged for a.100% or Session Hall

committee meetings and hearings within
2 hour/s before conduct of the hearing. arranged for committee
John Garry meetings and hearings within
30 minute/s before conduct of
the committee.

Average Rating Total Overall Rating

Final Average Rating
Adjectival Rating

Assessed by: Date


Legend 1 - Quantity 2 - Efficiency 3 - Timeliness 4 - Average

Comments and Recommendations for Development Purposes: (to be accomplished by the
immediate superior) Category

A. Strategic Priorities
B. Core Functions
C. Support Functions
Total Overall Rating
Final Weighted Rating
Adjectival Rating
Submitted by:

This is to certify the veracity of the information provided herein as the actual commitments and
accomplishments of the office I represent.

Secretary to the Sanggunian


Validated by: Attested by:


Performance Management Team

SPMS Form 1


o deliver and agree to be rated on the attainment of the following targets in accordance with the indicated measures for the period July to December 2019 (2nd Semester).

Secretary to the Sanggunian

Date: _____________________________________

5 - Outstanding
4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory City Vice Mayor
2 - Unsatisfactory
Date: _____________________________________

1ST SEMESTER FOR 2018 Rating

Actual Accomplishments

a.100% or (5) attendance sheet of a.100% or (4) attendance sheet of a.100% or (4) attendance sheet of a.100% or (2) attendance sheet of a.100% or (3) attendance sheet of
Regular and Special Sessions, Regular and Special Sessions, Regular and Special Sessions, Regular and Special Sessions, Regular and Special Sessions,
Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing,
Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing
prepared within 1 day/s before the prepared within 1 day/s before the prepared within 1 day/s before the prepared within 1 day/s before the prepared within 1 day/s before the
scheduled session/hearing. scheduled session/hearing. scheduled session/hearing. scheduled session/hearing. scheduled session/hearing.
b.100% or (5) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (4) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (4) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (2) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (3) Minutes of Regular
and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions,
Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing,
Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing
edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision
within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the
draft. draft. draft. draft. draft.

b.100% or (5) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (4) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (4) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (2) Minutes of Regular b.100% or (3) Minutes of Regular
and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions, and Special Sessions,
Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing, Administrative Case hearing,
Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing Public or Committee Hearing
edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision
within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the within 1 days upon receipt of the
draft. draft. draft. draft. draft.

c. 100% or draft Journal of (3) c. 100% or draft Journal of (4) c. 100% or draft Journal of (3) c. 100% or draft Journal of (0) c. 100% or draft Journal of (3)
Regular, (1) Adjourned and (1) Regular, (0) Adjourned and (0) Regular, (1) Adjourned and (0) Regular, (2) Adjourned and (0) Regular, (0) Adjourned and (0)
Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed
encoded, and printed within 1 day/s encoded, and printed within 1 encoded, and printed within 1 encoded, and printed within 1 encoded, and printed within 1
after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session.

d. 100% or draft Journal of (3) d. 100% or draft Journal of (4) d. 100% or draft Journal of (3) d. 100% or draft Journal of (0) d. 100% or draft Journal of (3)
Regular, (1) Adjourned and (1) Regular, (0) Adjourned and (0) Regular, (1) Adjourned and (0) Regular, (2) Adjourned and (0) Regular, (0) Adjourned and (0)
Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed Special Sessions transcribed
encoded, and printed within 1 day/s encoded, and printed within 1 encoded, and printed within 1 encoded, and printed within 1 encoded, and printed within 1
after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session. day/s after the scheduled session.

a. 100% or (22) Adopted a. 100% or (34) Adopted a. 100% or (12) Adopted a. 100% or (0) Adopted resolutions a. 100% or (11) Adopted
resolutions encoded and printed resolutions encoded and printed resolutions encoded and printed encoded and printed within 1 resolutions encoded and printed
within 1 day/s after adoption by the within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by day/s after adoption by the within 1 day/s after adoption by
Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. Sanggunian. the Sanggunian.

b. 100% or (1) enacted ordinances/ b. 100% or (2) enacted b. 100% or (2) enacted b. 100% or (0) enacted b. 100% or (1) enacted
Appropriation Ordinances encoded, ordinances/ Appropriation ordinances/ Appropriation ordinances/ Appropriation ordinances/ Appropriation
and printed within 1 day/s after Ordinances encoded, and printed Ordinances encoded, and printed Ordinances encoded, and printed Ordinances encoded, and printed
adoption by the Sanggunian. within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by
the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian.
100% or (22) Adopted resolutions 100% or (32) Adopted resolutions 100% or (12) Adopted resolutions 100% or (0) Adopted resolutions 100% or (11) Adopted resolutions
edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision edited and printed with no revision
within 1 day/s after adoption by the within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by within 1 day/s after adoption by
Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian. the Sanggunian.

100% or (1) of enacted ordinances/ 100% or (2) of enacted 100% or (2) of enacted 100% or (0) of enacted 100% or (1) of enacted
Appropriation Ordinances edited ordinances/ Appropriation ordinances/ Appropriation ordinances/ Appropriation ordinances/ Appropriation
and printed with no revision within Ordinances edited and printed Ordinances edited and printed Ordinances edited and printed Ordinances edited and printed
1 day/s after adoption by the with no revision within 1 day/s with no revision within 1 day/s with no revision within 1 day/s with no revision within 1 day/s
Sanggunian. after adoption by the Sanggunian. after adoption by the Sanggunian. after adoption by the Sanggunian. after adoption by the Sanggunian.

100% or 2 of draft Ordinance 100% or 2 of draft Ordinance 100% or 2 of draft Ordinance 100% or 0 of draft Ordinance 100% or 2 of draft Ordinance
prepared, and printed within 1 prepared, and printed within 1 prepared, and printed within 1 prepared, and printed within 1 prepared, and printed within 1
hour after committee hour after committee hour after committee hour after committee hour after committee
meeting/hearing and/or upon meeting/hearing and/or upon meeting/hearing and/or upon meeting/hearing and/or upon meeting/hearing and/or upon
request and facilitated signing request and facilitated signing request and facilitated signing request and facilitated signing request and facilitated signing
of the authors/sponsors. of the authors/sponsors. of the authors/sponsors. of the authors/sponsors. of the authors/sponsors.

100% or 22 of draft Resolutions 100% or 32 of draft 100% or 12 of draft 100% or 0 of draft Resolutions 100% or 11 of draft
prepared, and printed within 1 Resolutions prepared, and Resolutions prepared, and prepared, and printed within 1 Resolutions prepared, and
hour after committee printed within 1 hour after printed within 1 hour after hour after committee printed within 1 hour after
meeting/hearing and/or upon committee meeting/hearing committee meeting/hearing meeting/hearing and/or upon committee meeting/hearing
request and facilitated signing and/or upon request and and/or upon request and request and facilitated signing and/or upon request and
of the authors/sponsors. facilitated signing of the facilitated signing of the of the authors/sponsors. facilitated signing of the
authors/sponsors. authors/sponsors. authors/sponsors.

g. 100% or (5) draft Order of g. 100% or (4) draft Order of g. 100% or (4) draft Order of g. 100% or (2) draft Order of g. 100% or (3) draft Order of
Business of Sessions prepared, Business of Sessions prepared, Business of Sessions prepared, Business of Sessions prepared, Business of Sessions prepared,
and printed at 4:00 pm every and printed at 4:00 pm every and printed at 4:00 pm every and printed at 4:00 pm every and printed at 4:00 pm every
Friday. Friday. Friday. Friday. Friday.

100% or (5) draft Order of 100% or (4) draft Order of 100% or (4) draft Order of 100% or (2) draft Order of 100% or (3) draft Order of
Business and printed with no Business and printed with no Business and printed with no Business and printed with no Business and printed with no
revision before 12nn every Friday. revision before 12nn every Friday. revision before 12nn every Friday. revision before 12nn every Friday. revision before 12nn every Friday.

i. 100% or (4) Committee Reports i. 100% or (8) Committee Reports i. 100% or (1) Committee Reports i. 100% or (0)Committee Reports i. 100% or (0)Committee Reports
prepared, and printed with no prepared, and printed with no prepared, and printed with no prepared, and printed with no prepared, and printed with no
revision within 3 day/s after revision within 3 day/s after revision within 3 day/s after revision within 3 day/s after revision within 3 day/s after
committee meeting/hearing. committee meeting/hearing. committee meeting/hearing. committee meeting/hearing. committee meeting/hearing.
j. 100% or (0) Administrative Case j. 100% or (2) Administrative Case j. 100% or (0)Administrative Case j. 100% or (0)Administrative Case j. 100% or (0)Administrative Case
Decision prepared and printed with Decision prepared and printed Decision prepared and printed Decision prepared and printed Decision prepared and printed
no revision within 3 days after the with no revision within 3 days after with no revision within 3 days after with no revision within 3 days after with no revision within 3 days after
scheduled final hearing. the scheduled final hearing. the scheduled final hearing. the scheduled final hearing. the scheduled final hearing.

k.100% or 0 explanatory notes of k.100% or 0 explanatory notes of k.100% or 0 explanatory notes of k.100% or 0 explanatory notes of k.100% or 0 explanatory notes of
ordinances prepared through ordinances prepared through ordinances prepared through ordinances prepared through ordinances prepared through
research within 1 days upon research within 1 days upon research within 1 days upon research within 1 days upon research within 1 days upon
receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt.

l. 100% or 0 administrative l. 100% or 2 administrative l. 100% or 0 administrative l. 100% or 0 administrative l. 100% or 0 administrative
complaint evaluated before complaint evaluated before complaint evaluated before complaint evaluated before complaint evaluated before
forwarding to SP Secretary for forwarding to SP Secretary for forwarding to SP Secretary for forwarding to SP Secretary for forwarding to SP Secretary for
appropriate action within 30 appropriate action within 30 appropriate action within 30 appropriate action within 30 appropriate action within 30
minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

a. 100% or (0) IPCR reviewed and a. 100% or (0) IPCR reviewed and a. 100% or (0) IPCR reviewed and a. 100% or (0) IPCR reviewed and a. 100% or (12) IPCR reviewed
signed within 5 working days signed within 5 working days signed within 5 working days signed within 5 working days and signed within 5 working days
before the end of each semester. before the end of each semester. before the end of each semester. before the end of each semester. before the end of each semester.

b. 100% or (22) Adopted b. 100% or (34) Adopted b. 100% or (12) Adopted b. 100% or (0) Adopted resolutions b. 100% or (11) Adopted
resolutions reviewed and signed, resolutions reviewed and signed, resolutions reviewed and signed, reviewed and signed, with no error resolutions reviewed and signed,
with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes within 5 minutes upon receipt. with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt.

c. 100% or (1) Enacted Ordinances c. 100% or (2) Enacted c. 100% or (2) Enacted c. 100% or (0) Enacted c. 100% or (1) Enacted
reviewed and signed, with no error Ordinances reviewed and signed, Ordinances reviewed and signed, Ordinances reviewed and signed, Ordinances reviewed and signed,
within 5 minutes upon receipt. with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes
upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt.

d. 100% or (7) Committee referrals d. 100% or (5) Committee referrals d. 100% or (0) Committee referrals d. 100% or (0) Committee referrals d. 100% or (2) Committee referrals
reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error
within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.
e. 100% or (4) invitation and e. 100% or (3) invitation and e. 100% or (2)invitation and e. 100% or (0) invitation and e. 100% or (1) invitation and
information letters of the information letters of the information letters of the information letters of the information letters of the
Sanggunian reviewed and signed, Sanggunian reviewed and signed, Sanggunian reviewed and signed, Sanggunian reviewed and signed, Sanggunian reviewed and signed,
with no error within 5 minutes upon with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes with no error within 5 minutes
receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt.

b.100% or (5) Minutes of Session, b.100% or (4) Minutes of Session, b.100% or (4) Minutes of Session, b.100% or (2) Minutes of Session, b.100% or (3) Minutes of Session,
Committee/Public Hearing and Committee/Public Hearing and Committee/Public Hearing and Committee/Public Hearing and Committee/Public Hearing and
administrative case hearing administrative case hearing administrative case hearing administrative case hearing administrative case hearing
reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error reviewed and signed, with no error
within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.

g. 100% or 5 Journal of g. 100% or 4 Journal of g. 100% or 4 Journal of c. 100% or 2 Journal of c. 100% or 3 Journal of
Proceedings of Sessions reviewed Proceedings of Sessions reviewed Proceedings of Sessions reviewed Proceedings of Sessions reviewed Proceedings of Sessions reviewed
and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5
minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

h. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for h. 100% or 2 Subpoenas for h. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for h. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for h. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for
Administrative Cases reviewed and Administrative Cases reviewed Administrative Cases reviewed Administrative Cases reviewed Administrative Cases reviewed
signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5 and signed, with no error within 5
minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

i. 100% or 0 Certificate of i. 100% or 0 Certificate of i. 100% or 0 Certificate of i. 100% or 0 Certificate of i. 100% or 0 Certificate of
Accreditation reviewed and Accreditation reviewed and Accreditation reviewed and Accreditation reviewed and Accreditation reviewed and
forwarded to the Vice Mayor within forwarded to the Vice Mayor within forwarded to the Vice Mayor within forwarded to the Vice Mayor within forwarded to the Vice Mayor within
5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt.

j. 100% or 1 Project proposals j. 100% or 3 Project proposals j. 100% o 2 Project proposals j. 100% or 0 Project proposals j. 100% or 0 Project proposals
reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error
within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.

a. 100% or (3) Travel orders a. 100% or (1) Travel orders a. 100% or (1) Travel orders a. 100% or (23) Travel orders a. 100% or (2) Travel orders
reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error
within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.
a. 100% or (5) Reimbursements a. 100% or (8) Reimbursements a. 100% or (5) Reimbursements a. 100% or (25) Reimbursements a. 100% or (11) Reimbursements
and Liquidations of travel and other and Liquidations of travel and and Liquidations of travel and and Liquidations of travel and and Liquidations of travel and
legislative activities reviewed and other legislative activities reviewed other legislative activities reviewed other legislative activities reviewed other legislative activities reviewed
signed with no error within 5 and signed with no error within 5 and signed with no error within 5 and signed with no error within 5 and signed with no error within 5
minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

a. 100% or (17) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (15) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (7) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (22) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (8) Vouchers for Cash
advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals
reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error reviewed and signed with no error
within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.

n. 100% or (12)DTR, (12) SALN n. 100% or (12)DTR, (0) SALN (0) n. 1100% or (12)DTR, (0) SALN n. 100% or (12)DTR, (0) SALN (0) n. 100% or (12)DTR, (0) SALN (0)
(12) PDS, (0) IPCR reviewed and PDS, (0) IPCR reviewed and (0) PDS, (0) IPCR reviewed and PDS, (0) IPCR reviewed and PDS, (12) IPCR reviewed and
signed with no error within 5 signed with no error within 5 signed with no error within 5 signed with no error within 5 signed with no error within 5
minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt. minutes upon receipt.

o. 100% of SP Office, Session Hall, o. 100% of SP Office, Session o. 100% of SP Office, Session o. 100% of SP Office, Session o. 100% of SP Office, Session
surroundings, CR & kitchen, and Hall, surroundings, CR & kitchen, Hall, surroundings, CR & kitchen, Hall, surroundings, CR & kitchen, Hall, surroundings, CR & kitchen,
sound system cleaned and and sound system cleaned and and sound system cleaned and and sound system cleaned and and sound system cleaned and
maintained; & session hall maintained; & session hall maintained; & session hall maintained; & session hall maintained; & session hall
arranged for committee hearings arranged for committee hearings arranged for committee hearings arranged for committee hearings arranged for committee hearings
reviewed and signed reviewed and signed reviewed and signed reviewed and signed reviewed and signed
corresponding logbook with no corresponding logbook with no corresponding logbook with no corresponding logbook with no corresponding logbook with no
error within 5 minutes upon receipt. error within 5 minutes upon error within 5 minutes upon error within 5 minutes upon error within 5 minutes upon
receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt.

a. 100% or (22) Adopted a. 100% or (32) Adopted a. 100% or (12) Adopted a. 100% or (0) Adopted a. 100% or (11) Adopted
Resolutions transmitted to the Resolutions transmitted to the Resolutions transmitted to the Resolutions transmitted to the Resolutions transmitted to the
concern individual/office for concern individual/office for concern individual/office for concern individual/office for concern individual/office for
appropriate action and/or appropriate action and/or appropriate action and/or appropriate action and/or appropriate action and/or
information within 30 minutes upon information within 30 minutes information within 30 minutes information within 30 minutes information within 30 minutes
receipt of the signed adopted upon receipt of the signed adopted upon receipt of the signed adopted upon receipt of the signed adopted upon receipt of the signed adopted
resolutions. resolutions. resolutions. resolutions. resolutions.
b. 100% or (1) Enacted Ordinances b. 100% or (2) Enacted b. 100% or (2) Enacted b. 100% or (0) Enacted b. 100% or (1) Enacted
transmitted to the Office of the Ordinances transmitted to the Ordinances transmitted to the Ordinances transmitted to the Ordinances transmitted to the
Mayor for approval within 30 Office of the Mayor for approval Office of the Mayor for approval Office of the Mayor for approval Office of the Mayor for approval
minutes upon receipt of the signed within 30 minutes upon receipt of within 30 minutes upon receipt of within 30 minutes upon receipt of within 30 minutes upon receipt of
enacted ordinances. the signed enacted ordinances. the signed enacted ordinances. the signed enacted ordinances. the signed enacted ordinances.

c. 100% or (1) Approved c. 100% or (2) Approved c. 100% or (2) Approved c. 100% or (0) Approved c. 100% or (1) Approved
Ordinances by the City Mayor Ordinances by the City Mayor Ordinances by the City Mayor Ordinances by the City Mayor Ordinances by the City Mayor
transmitted to SP Secretary for transmitted to SP Secretary for transmitted to SP Secretary for transmitted to SP Secretary for transmitted to SP Secretary for
review and/or appropriate action by review and/or appropriate action review and/or appropriate action review and/or appropriate action review and/or appropriate action
the Sanggunian within 30 minutes by the Sanggunian within 30 by the Sanggunian within 30 by the Sanggunian within 30 by the Sanggunian within 30
upon receipt of the approved minutes upon receipt of the minutes upon receipt of the minutes upon receipt of the minutes upon receipt of the
ordinances. approved ordinances. approved ordinances. approved ordinances. approved ordinances.

d. 100% or (0) Administrative Case d. 100% or (2) of Administrative d. 100% or (0) Administrative d. 100% or (0) Administrative d. 100% or (0) Administrative
Decisions transmitted to the parties Case Decisions transmitted to the Case Decisions transmitted to the Case Decisions transmitted to the Case Decisions transmitted to the
involved within 30 minutes upon parties involved within 30 minutes parties involved within 30 minutes parties involved within 30 minutes parties involved within 30 minutes
receipt of the decision. upon receipt of the decision. upon receipt of the decision. upon receipt of the decision. upon receipt of the decision.

100% or (1) approved ordinances 100% or (2) approved ordinances 100% or (2) approved ordinances 100% or (0) approved ordinances 100% or (1) approved ordinances
posted or published as per posted or published as per posted or published as per posted or published as per posted or published as per
mandate of RA 7160 within 4 hours mandate of RA 7160 within 4 mandate of RA 7160 within 4 mandate of RA 7160 within 4 mandate of RA 7160 within 4
upon receipt of the duly approved hours upon receipt of the duly hours upon receipt of the duly hours upon receipt of the duly hours upon receipt of the duly
ordinances. approved ordinances. approved ordinances. approved ordinances. approved ordinances.

b. 100% or (5) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (8) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (10) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (4) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (2) transmittal letter of
every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay
Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions
prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error
within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled
session. session. session. session. session.

a. 100% or (7) committee referral a. 100% or (5) committee referral a. 100% or (0) committee referral a. 100% or (0) committee referral a. 100% or (2) committee referral
letters prepared and printed with no letters prepared and printed with letters prepared and printed with letters prepared and printed with letters prepared and printed with
error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the
scheduled session. scheduled session. scheduled session. scheduled session. scheduled session.
h. 100% or (19) outgoing h. 100% or (45) outgoing h. 100% or (9) outgoing h. 100% or (4) outgoing h. 100% or (11) outgoing
communication sent to concerned communication sent to concerned communication sent to concerned communication sent to concerned communication sent to concerned
individual or offices within 30 individual or offices within 30 individual or offices within 30 individual or offices within 30 individual or offices within 30
minutes upon receipt of duly signed minutes upon receipt of duly minutes upon receipt of duly minutes upon receipt of duly minutes upon receipt of duly
correspondence. signed correspondence. signed correspondence. signed correspondence. signed correspondence.

a. 100% or (11) incoming a. 100% or (13) incoming a. 100% or (12) incoming a. 100% or (10) incoming a. 100% or (9) incoming
communications/legislative communications/legislative communications/legislative communications/legislative communications/legislative
measures recorded and forwarded measures recorded and forwarded measures recorded and forwarded measures recorded and forwarded measures recorded and forwarded
to SP Secretary within 30 minutes to SP Secretary within 30 minutes to SP Secretary within 30 minutes to SP Secretary within 30 minutes to SP Secretary within 30 minutes
upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt.

b. 100% or (11) incoming b. 100% or (13) incoming b. 100% or (12) incoming b. 100% or (10) incoming b. 100% or (9) incoming
communications/legislative communications/legislative communications/legislative communications/legislative communications/legislative
measures forwarded to concerned measures forwarded to concerned measures forwarded to concerned measures forwarded to concerned measures forwarded to concerned
individual for scanning and individual for scanning and individual for scanning and individual for scanning and individual for scanning and
calendaring within 5 minutes upon calendaring within 5 minutes upon calendaring within 5 minutes upon calendaring within 5 minutes upon calendaring within 5 minutes upon
receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt.

c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case c. 100% or (2) Administrative Case
Complaint recorded and forwarded Complaint recorded and forwarded Complaint recorded and forwarded Complaint recorded and forwarded Complaint recorded and forwarded
concerned individual for evaluation concerned individual for evaluation concerned individual for evaluation concerned individual for evaluation concerned individual for evaluation
within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt. within 5 minutes upon receipt.

d. 100% or (5) original hard copy of d. 100% or (4) original hard copy d. 100% or (4) original hard copy d. 100% or (2) original hard copy d. 100% or (3) original hard copy
Sessions’ Order of Business and its of Sessions’ Order of Business of Sessions’ Order of Business of Sessions’ Order of Business of Sessions’ Order of Business
attachments transmitted to the SP and its attachments transmitted to and its attachments transmitted to and its attachments transmitted to and its attachments transmitted to
Secretary, Chair of Committee on the SP Secretary, Chair of the SP Secretary, Chair of the SP Secretary, Chair of the SP Secretary, Chair of
Rules and the Presiding Officer for Committee on Rules and the Committee on Rules and the Committee on Rules and the Committee on Rules and the
siognature at 11:30am every Presiding Officer for siognature at Presiding Officer for siognature at Presiding Officer for siognature at Presiding Officer for siognature at
Monday each week. 11:30am every Monday each 11:30am every Monday each 11:30am every Monday each 11:30am every Monday each
week. week. week. week.

e. 100% or (5) original hard copy of e. 100% or (4) original hard copy e. 100% or (4) original hard copy e. 100% or (2) original hard copy e. 100% or (3) original hard copy
Sessions’ Agenda and its of Sessions’ Agenda and its of Sessions’ Agenda and its of Sessions’ Agenda and its of Sessions’ Agenda and its
attachments uploaded in the e- attachments uploaded in the e- attachments uploaded in the e- attachments uploaded in the e- attachments uploaded in the e-
legislative tracking system portal of legislative tracking system portal legislative tracking system portal legislative tracking system portal legislative tracking system portal
the Sanggunian for the "paperless of the Sanggunian for the of the Sanggunian for the of the Sanggunian for the of the Sanggunian for the
session" at 3:30pm upon receipt of "paperless session" at 3:30pm "paperless session" at 3:30pm "paperless session" at 3:30pm "paperless session" at 3:30pm
the duly signed copies. upon receipt of the duly signed upon receipt of the duly signed upon receipt of the duly signed upon receipt of the duly signed
copies. copies. copies. copies.
f. 100% or (19) outgoing f. 100% or (45) outgoing f. 100% or (9) outgoing f. 100% or (4) outgoing f. 100% or ( 11) of outgoing
communications recorded within 30 communications recorded within communications recorded within communications recorded within communications recorded within
minutes upon receipt. 30 minutes upon receipt. 30 minutes upon receipt. 30 minutes upon receipt. 30 minutes upon receipt.

a. 100% or (4) Notice of a. 100% or (3) Notice of a. 100% or (2) Notice of a. 100% or (0) Notice of a. 100% or (1) Notice of
Committee/ Public Meeting or Committee/ Public Meeting or Committee/ Public Meeting or Committee/ Public Meeting or Committee/ Public Meeting or
hearing, Special Sessions, hearing, Special Sessions, hearing, Special Sessions, hearing, Special Sessions, hearing, Special Sessions,
invitation to appear before the invitation to appear before the invitation to appear before the invitation to appear before the invitation to appear before the
committee prepared and printed, committee prepared and printed, committee prepared and printed, committee prepared and printed, committee prepared and printed,
with no error; and facilitated signing with no error; and facilitated with no error; and facilitated with no error; and facilitated with no error; and facilitated
by the Committee Chairperson and signing by the Committee signing by the Committee signing by the Committee signing by the Committee
disseminated within 96 hours Chairperson and disseminated Chairperson and disseminated Chairperson and disseminated Chairperson and disseminated
before the scheduled date. within 96hours before the within 96 hours before the within 96 hours before the within 96 hours before the
scheduled date. scheduled date. scheduled date. scheduled date.

b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for b. 100% or 0 Subpoenas for
Administrative Cases prepared Administrative Cases prepared Administrative Cases prepared Administrative Cases prepared Administrative Cases prepared
within 96 hours before the within 96 hours before the within 96 hours before the within 96 hours before the within 96 hours before the
scheduled date. scheduled date. scheduled date. scheduled date. scheduled date.

c. 100% or 0 Office Order and c. 100% or 0 Office Order and c. 100% or 0 Office Order and c. 100% or 0 Office Order and c. 100% or 0 Office Order and
Memoranda prepared and printed, Memoranda prepared and printed, Memoranda prepared and printed, Memoranda prepared and printed, Memoranda prepared and printed,
with no error within 5 working days with no error within 5 working days with no error within 5 working days with no error within 5 working days with no error within 5 working days
before the happening of the before the happening of the before the happening of the before the happening of the before the happening of the
matter/s involved. matter/s involved. matter/s involved. matter/s involved. matter/s involved.

d. 100% or (10) Notice of posting of d. 100% or (10) Notice of posting d. 100% or (8) Notice of posting of d. 100% or (8) Notice of posting of d. 100% or (6) Notice of posting of
approved Ordinances prepared of approved Ordinances prepared approved Ordinances prepared approved Ordinances prepared approved Ordinances prepared
and printed, with no error within 1 and printed, with no error within 1 and printed, with no error within 1 and printed, with no error within 1 and printed, with no error within 1
day/s after the same is day/s after the same is day/s after the same is day/s after the same is day/s after the same is
published/posted. published/posted. published/posted. published/posted. published/posted.

e. 100% or (3) Invitation and e. 100% or (2) Invitation and e. 100% or (6) Invitation and e. 100% or (1) Invitation and e. 100% or (5) Invitation and
information letters of the information letters of the information letters of the information letters of the information letters of the
Sanggunian prepared and printed Sanggunian prepared and printed Sanggunian prepared and printed Sanggunian prepared and printed Sanggunian prepared and printed
with no error within 30 minutes with no error within 30 minutes with no error within 30 minutes with no error within 30 minutes with no error within 30 minutes
upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt. upon receipt.
h. 100% or (19) Draft of outgoing h. 100% or (45) Draft of outgoing h. 100% or (9) Draft of outgoing h. 100% or (4) Draft of outgoing h. 100% or (11) Draft of outgoing
communication/letter-reply to other communication/letter-reply to other communication/letter-reply to other communication/letter-reply to other communication/letter-reply to other
communications received by the communications received by the communications received by the communications received by the communications received by the
Sanggunian that needs legislative Sanggunian that needs legislative Sanggunian that needs legislative Sanggunian that needs legislative Sanggunian that needs legislative
action prepared and printed within action prepared and printed within action prepared and printed within action prepared and printed within action prepared and printed within
5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt. 5 minutes upon receipt.

g. 100% or (16) phone calls g. 100% or (16) phone calls g. 100% or (12) phone calls g. 100% or (16) phone calls g. 100% or (16) phone calls
directed to the concerned directed to the concerned directed to the concerned directed to the concerned directed to the concerned
employee within 50 seconds upon employee within 50 seconds upon employee within 50 seconds upon employee within 50 seconds upon employee within 50 seconds upon
receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt. receipt.

a. 100% or (7) committee referral a. 100% or (5) committee referral a. 100% or (0) committee referral a. 100% or (0) committee referral a. 100% or (2) committee referral
letters prepared and printed with no letters prepared and printed with letters prepared and printed with letters prepared and printed with letters prepared and printed with
error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the no error within 1 hour/s after the
scheduled session. scheduled session. scheduled session. scheduled session. scheduled session.

b. 100% or (5) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (8) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (10) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (4) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (2) transmittal letter of
every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay
Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions
prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error
within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled
session. session. session. session. session.

100% or (0) Draft Notice of Call for 100% or (0) Draft Notice of Call for 100% or (0) Draft Notice of Call for 100% or (0) Draft Notice of Call for 100% or (0) Draft Notice of Call for
Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos, Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos, Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos, Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos, Accreditation to all CSOs, Pos,
NGOs and other Organizations for NGOs and other Organizations for NGOs and other Organizations for NGOs and other Organizations for NGOs and other Organizations for
Sanggunian Panlungsod Sanggunian Panlungsod Sanggunian Panlungsod Sanggunian Panlungsod Sanggunian Panlungsod
Accreditation Accreditation Accreditation Accreditation Accreditation

100% or (0) Certificate of 100% or (0) Certificate of 100% or (0) Certificate of 100% or (0) Certificate of 100% or (0) Certificate of
Accreditation prepared and printed Accreditation prepared and Accreditation prepared and Accreditation prepared and Accreditation prepared and
within 1 day/s after the passage of printed within 1 day/s after the printed within 1 day/s after the printed within 1 day/s after the printed within 1 day/s after the
a favorable resolution adopted by passage of a favorable resolution passage of a favorable resolution passage of a favorable resolution passage of a favorable resolution
the Sanggunian. adopted by the Sanggunian. adopted by the Sanggunian. adopted by the Sanggunian. adopted by the Sanggunian.
j. 100% or 1 Project proposals j. 100% or 3 Project proposals j. 100% o 2 Project proposals j. 100% or 0 Project proposals j. 100% or 0 Project proposals
prepared and printed within 14 prepared and printed within 14 prepared and printed within 14 prepared and printed within 14 prepared and printed within 14
days before the happening of the days before the happening of the days before the happening of the days before the happening of the days before the happening of the
project/event. project/event. project/event. project/event. project/event.

b. 100% or (5) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (8) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (10) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (4) transmittal letter of b. 100% or (2) transmittal letter of
every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay every reviewed Barangay
Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions Ordinances and/or Resolutions
prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error
within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled within 3 hours after the scheduled
session. session. session. session. session.

100% or (0) Certificates of 100% or (0) Certificates of 100% or (0) Certificates of 100% or (0) Certificates of 100% or (0) Certificates of
Accreditation released to Accreditation released to Accreditation released to Accreditation released to Accreditation released to
requesting party within 15 minutes requesting party within 15 minutes requesting party within 15 minutes requesting party within 15 minutes requesting party within 15 minutes
upon request. upon request. upon request. upon request. upon request.

b. 100% or (30) Incoming/Outgoing c. 100% or (58) d. 100% or (21) e. 100% or (14) e. 100% or (20)
Communications,(22) Resolutions, Incoming/Outgoing Incoming/Outgoing Incoming/Outgoing Incoming/Outgoing
(1) Ordinances,(5) Minutes, (3) Communications,(32) Resolutions, Communications,(12) Resolutions, Communications,(0) Resolutions, Communications,(11) Resolutions,
Journal of Proceedings and other (2) Ordinances,(4) Minutes, (4) (2) Ordinances,(3) Minutes, (3) (0) Ordinances,(1) Minutes, (0) (1) Ordinances,(3) Minutes, (3)
legislative documents scanned and Journal of Proceedings and other Journal of Proceedings and other Journal of Proceedings and other Journal of Proceedings and other
uploaded to the Legislative legislative documents scanned legislative documents scanned legislative documents scanned legislative documents scanned
Tracking System portal with no and uploaded to the Legislative and uploaded to the Legislative and uploaded to the Legislative and uploaded to the Legislative
error within 1 hour upon receipt. Tracking System portal with no Tracking System portal with no Tracking System portal with no Tracking System portal with no
error within 1 hour upon receipt. error within 1 hour upon receipt. error within 1 hour upon receipt. error within 1 hour upon receipt.

a. 100% or (5) Order of Business a. 100% or (4) Order of Business a. 100% or (4) Order of Business a. 100% or (2) Order of Business a. 100% or (3) Order of Business
and its attachments uploaded to and its attachments uploaded to and its attachments uploaded to and its attachments uploaded to and its attachments uploaded to
the Legislative Tracking System the Legislative Tracking System the Legislative Tracking System the Legislative Tracking System the Legislative Tracking System
portal with no error every Friday portal with no error every Friday portal with no error every Friday portal with no error every Friday portal with no error every Friday
within 1 hour upon receipt. within 1 hour upon receipt. within 1 hour upon receipt. within 1 hour upon receipt. within 1 hour upon receipt.
a. 100% or (3) Travel orders a. 100% or (1) Travel orders a. 100% or (1) Travel orders a. 100% or (23) Travel orders a. 100% or (2) Travel orders
prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error
within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled
travel; and transmitted to travel; and transmitted to travel; and transmitted to travel; and transmitted to travel; and transmitted to
concerned individual/office for concerned individual/office for concerned individual/office for concerned individual/office for concerned individual/office for
appropriate action within 3 days appropriate action within 3 days appropriate action within 3 days appropriate action within 3 days appropriate action within 3 days
before the scheduled of travel. before the scheduled of travel. before the scheduled of travel. before the scheduled of travel. before the scheduled of travel.

a. 100% or (5) Reimbursements a. 100% or (8) Reimbursements a. 100% or (5) Reimbursements a. 100% or (25) Reimbursements a. 100% or (11) Reimbursements
and Liquidations of travel and other and Liquidations of travel and and Liquidations of travel and and Liquidations of travel and and Liquidations of travel and
legislative activities prepared and other legislative activities prepared other legislative activities prepared other legislative activities prepared other legislative activities prepared
printed with no error within 2 days and printed with no error within 2 and printed with no error within 2 and printed with no error within 2 and printed with no error within 2
upon return to official station; and days upon return to official station; days upon return to official station; days upon return to official station; days upon return to official station;
submitted to concerned and submitted to concerned and submitted to concerned and submitted to concerned and submitted to concerned
individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate
action within 1 day/s upon return action within 1 day/s upon return action within 1 day/s upon return action within 1 day/s upon return action within 1 day/s upon return
to official station. to official station. to official station. to official station. to official station.

a. 100% or (17) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (15) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (7) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (22) Vouchers for Cash a. 100% or (8) Vouchers for Cash
advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals advances and Project proposals
prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error
within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled within 4 days before the scheduled
travel/activity/release; and travel/activity/release; and travel/activity/release; and travel/activity/release; and travel/activity/release; and
transmitted to concerned transmitted to concerned transmitted to concerned transmitted to concerned transmitted to concerned
individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate individual/office for appropriate
action within 3 days before the action within 3 days before the action within 3 days before the action within 3 days before the action within 3 days before the
scheduled travel/activity/release. scheduled travel/activity/release. scheduled travel/activity/release. scheduled travel/activity/release. scheduled travel/activity/release.

a. 100% or (12) DTR prepared and a. 100% or (12) DTR prepared a. 100% or (12) DTR prepared a. 100% or (12) DTR prepared a. 100% or (12) DTR prepared
printed with no error within 5 days and printed with no error within 5 and printed with no error within 5 and printed with no error within 5 and printed with no error within 5
before the 10th of the month; and days before the 10th of the month; days before the 10th of the month; days before the 10th of the month; days before the 10th of the month;
submitted to HR every 10th of the and submitted to HR every 10th of and submitted to HR every 10th of and submitted to HR every 10th of and submitted to HR every 10th of
month. the month. the month. the month. the month.
b. 100% or (0) SALN/PDS b. 100% or (22) SALN/PDS b. 100% or (0) SALN/PDS b. 100% or (0) SALN/PDS b. 100% or (0) SALN/PDS
prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error prepared and printed with no error
within 5 days before the 15th of within 5 days before the 15th of within 5 days before the 15th of within 5 days before the 15th of within 5 days before the 15th of
March; and submitted to HR every March; and submitted to HR every March; and submitted to HR every March; and submitted to HR every March; and submitted to HR every
15th of March. 15th of March. 15th of March. 15th of March. 15th of March.

a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests a. 100% or 0 Purchase requests
prepared, signed and forwarded to prepared, signed and forwarded to prepared, signed and forwarded to prepared, signed and forwarded to prepared, signed and forwarded to
VM within 5 minutes upon request. VM within 5 minutes upon request. VM within 5 minutes upon request. VM within 5 minutes upon request. VM within 5 minutes upon request.

a. 100% or 0 memorandum order a. 100% or 0 memorandum order a. 100% or 0 memorandum order a. 100% or 0 memorandum order a. 100% or 0 memorandum order
prepared and printed with no prepared and printed with no prepared and printed with no prepared and printed with no prepared and printed with no
revision within 5 minutes upon revision within 5 minutes upon revision within 5 minutes upon revision within 5 minutes upon revision within 5 minutes upon
receipt of the instruction/order of receipt of the instruction/order of receipt of the instruction/order of receipt of the instruction/order of receipt of the instruction/order of
the Vice Mayor. the Vice Mayor. the Vice Mayor. the Vice Mayor. the Vice Mayor.

c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and c. 100% or 0 IPCR prepared and
printed with no error within 5 days printed with no error within 5 days printed with no error within 5 days printed with no error within 5 days printed with no error within 5 days
after end of semester; and edited after end of semester; and edited after end of semester; and edited after end of semester; and edited after end of semester; and edited
and submitted to concerned office and submitted to concerned office and submitted to concerned office and submitted to concerned office and submitted to concerned office
within 7days after the end of within 7days after the end of within 7days after the end of within 7days after the end of within 7days after the end of
semester. semester. semester. semester. semester.

a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared and a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared a. 100% or (0) OPCR prepared
printed with no revision within 5 and printed with no revision within and printed with no revision within and printed with no revision within and printed with no revision within
working days after end of each 5 working days after end of each 5 working days after end of each 5 working days after end of each 5 working days after end of each
semester; and submitted to semester; and submitted to semester; and submitted to semester; and submitted to semester; and submitted to
concerned office within 5 days after concerned office within 5 days concerned office within 5 days concerned office within 5 days concerned office within 5 days
the end of semester. after the end of semester. after the end of semester. after the end of semester. after the end of semester.

a. 100% of clients entertained and a. 100% of clients entertained and a. 100% of clients entertained and a. 100% of clients entertained and a. 100% of clients entertained and
signed in the visitor’s logbook of signed in the visitor’s logbook of signed in the visitor’s logbook of signed in the visitor’s logbook of signed in the visitor’s logbook of
the SP’s Office upon entry. the SP’s Office upon entry. the SP’s Office upon entry. the SP’s Office upon entry. the SP’s Office upon entry.

a. 100% or (20) SP Office cleaned a. 100% or (21) SP Office cleaned a. 100% or (21) SP Office cleaned a. 100% or (22) SP Office cleaned a. 100% or (19) SP Office cleaned
and maintained daily. and maintained daily. and maintained daily. and maintained daily. and maintained daily.
b. 100% or (20) Session Hall b. 100% or (21) Session Hall b. 100% or (21) Session Hall b. 100% or (22) Session Hall b. 100% or (19) Session Hall
cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily.

c. 100% or (20) SP Surroundings c. 100% or (21) SP Surroundings c. 100% or (21) SP Surroundings c. 100% or (22) SP Surroundings c. 100% or (19) SP Surroundings
and premises, including CR's and and premises, including CR's and and premises, including CR's and and premises, including CR's and and premises, including CR's and
Kitchen cleaned and maintained Kitchen cleaned and maintained Kitchen cleaned and maintained Kitchen cleaned and maintained Kitchen cleaned and maintained
daily. daily. daily. daily. daily.

b. 100% or (20) Session hall c. 100% or (21) Session hall d. 100% or (21) Session hall e. 100% or (22) Session hall f. 100% or (19) Session hall
equipments and sound system equipments and sound system equipments and sound system equipments and sound system equipments and sound system
cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily. cleaned and maintained daily.

a.100% or Session Hall a.100% or Session Hall a.100% or Session Hall a.100% or Session Hall a.100% or Session Hall
arranged for committee arranged for committee arranged for committee arranged for committee arranged for committee
meetings and hearings within meetings and hearings within meetings and hearings within meetings and hearings within meetings and hearings within
30 minute/s before conduct of 30 minute/s before conduct of 30 minute/s before conduct of 30 minute/s before conduct of 30 minute/s before conduct of
the committee. the committee. the committee. the committee. the committee.

Final Rating By:

Category Weight (%) Rating 5 - Outstanding
Average Weighted 4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
iorities 2 - Unsatisfactory
ons 1- Poor
d Rating
Assessed and Reviewed by:

I certify that I have discussed my assesment of the performance of the office through its head and this is deemed as his/her personal performance.

City Vice Mayor

5 - Outstanding
Final Rating: 4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Unsatisfactory
Numerical = 1- Poor
Adjectival =



to the Sanggunian


y Vice Mayor



E2 T3 A4
5 4 3 2 1
5 - Outstanding
4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Unsatisfactory
1- Poor
5 - Outstanding
4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Unsatisfactory
1- Poor

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