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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals


CHE 203
Final Exam
Term 071

Instructor : Dr. MUATAZ ALI ATIEH

Date : 22 January 2008
Duration : 3 hours
Location : 4-105

Name of student: ID#:

Section: 2

Section Maximum Marks Marks Obtain

Q-1 25
Q-2 25
Q-3 25
Q-4 25
Q1 [25 marks]
Superheated steam at 40 bar absolute and 500 oC flows at a rate of 250
kg/min to an adiabatic turbine, where it expands to 5 bar. The turbine
develops 1500 kW. From the turbine the steam flows to a heater, where it
is reheated isobraically to its initial temperature. Neglect Kinetics energy

(a) Write an energy balance on the turbine and use it to determine the
outlets stream temperature.
(b) Write an energy balance on the heater and use it to determine the
required input (kW) to the steam.
(c) Verify that an overall energy balance on the two-unit process is
(d) Suppose the turbine inlet and outlet pipes both have diameter of
0.5 meter. Show that it is reasonable to neglect the change in
kinetics energy for this unit.
Q2 [25 marks]

A mixture that contains 46 wt% acetone (CH 3COCH3), 27% acetic acid
(CH3COOH), and 27% acetic anhydride [(CH 3CO)2O] is distilled at P = 1
atm. The feed enters the distillation column at T = 348 K at a rate of
5,000 kg/h. The distillate (overhead product) is essentially pure acetone,
and the bottoms product contains 1% of the acetone in the feed.
The vapor effluent from the top of the column enters a condenser at 329
K and emerges as a liquid at 303 K. Half of the condensate is withdrawn
as the overhead product, and the remainder is refluxed back to the
column. The liquid leaving the bottom of the column goes into a steam-
heated reboiler, in which it is partially vaporized. The vapor leaving the
reboiler is returned to the column at a temperature of 398 K, and the
residual liquid, also at 398 K, constitutes the bottoms product.

(a) Calculate the molar flow rates and compositions of the product
(b) Calculate the condenser cooling requirement Q(kJ/h).
(c) Use an overall energy balance to determine the reboiler heating
requirement Qr(kJ/h).
(d) If the reboiler heat is provided by the condensation of saturated steam
at 10 bar gauge, at what rate must steam be fed?

5000 kg/h
Q3 [25 marks]

In the production of many microelectronic devices, continuous chemical

vapor deposition (CVD) processes are used to deposit thin and
exceptionally uniform silicon dioxide films on silicon wafers. One CVD
process involves the reaction between silane and oxygen at a very low

SiH4(g) + 02(g) Si02(s) + 2 H2(g)

The feed gas, which contains oxygen and silane in a ratio 8.00 mol
02/mol SiH4, enters the reactor at 298 K and 3.00 torr absolute. The
reaction products emerge at 1375 K and 3.00 torr absolute. Essentially
all of the silane in the feed is consumed.

(a) Taking a basis of 1 m3 of feed gas, calculate the moles of each

component of the feed and product mixtures and the extent of reaction,

(b) Calculate the standard heat of the silane oxidation reaction (kJ/mol).
Then, taking the feed and product species at 298 K (25°C) as references,
prepare an inlet—outlet enthalpy table and calculate and fill in the
component amounts (mol) and specific enthalpies (kJlmol). (See Example

(Hfo)siH4(g) = —61.9 kJ/mol, (Hfo)sio2(S) = —851 kJ/mol

(Cp)siH4(g)[kJ/(mol K)] = 0.01118 + 12.2 X 10-5 T — 5.548 x 10-8T2 + 6.84

X 10-12T3

(CP)so2(S)[kJ/(mol K)] = 0.04548 + 3.646 X 10-5T — 1.009 x 103/T2

The temperatures in the formulas for Cp, are in kelvin.

(c) Calculate the heat (kJ) that must be transferred to or from the reactor
(state which it is). Then determine the required heat transfer rate (kW)
required for a reactor feed of 27.5 m3/h.
Q4 [25 Marks]

(a) Nitrogen gas tank contains nitrogen gas at high purity ( 99 %). The
specific volume of the gas in the tank is 0.01 m 3/kg at a
temperature 175K. Determined the pressure of nitrogen in a tank
be using the ideal gas, Compressibility Chart, van der Waals, and
Pittezer corolation equations. The error involved in each case is to
be determined.
(b) Carbon dioxide initially at 50 kPa, 600 K undergoes a process in a
closed system until its pressure and temperature is 2 MPa and
1000 K, respectively. Assuming ideal gas behavior, find the
entropy change of the carbon dioxide by assuming constant
specific heats.

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