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26/12/2018 Sophian.

org • Meditation on El Elyon
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Meditation on El Elyon

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Meditation on El Elyon
by Light_In_Us Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:16 am

Greetings in Light everyone

Thought I'd share my annoying slip up with you all

While meditating on the emptiness and chanting inwardly El Elyon, I began

to reach a deep state of peace, where I had lost feeling of my body and felt

like I was floating. When separation was eminent I heard a voice scream as

if it were right beside my ear "HELP ME!" so I Jumped up and ran out of my

room to help whom ever yelled (thinking it was one of my room mates) to

discover no one was there. This is a common slip up when separation

from the physical body is getting ready to happen, now knowing this I

was wondering if there were any advice on knowing if these are

"phantom sounds" verses something I SHOULD disturb my meditation for

In Light


Presence of Awareness, Non-Attachment, Non-Aversion

by Tau Malachi Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:05 pm
Salutations in the Light of the Messiah!

There are many curious experiences that may occur as our capacity for meditation develops and
our meditations deepen – visions and voices are common, along with intriguing experiences of
smell, taste and feeling, all depending upon the meditative state that dawns. Essentially, the key
is the cultivation of the presence of awareness, and our ability to abide without attachment or
aversion, neither following after or being moved by what’s arising, nor avoiding it or pushing it

When awareness is present, coupled with non-attachment and non-aversion, usually we can discern
the nature of an experience and will not be distracted or deceived.

In meditations such as you are describing what happens at times is that our awareness diminishes,
and we become lulled into a dreamy sort of state, and grasping or attachment arises to a
pleasurable feeling – this opens the way for a potential distraction or deception, such as what you 1/2
26/12/2018 • Meditation on El Elyon


The resolution of this is twofold, the generation of a greater presence of awareness and non-
attachment to the pleasurable experience.

Also it is an issue of time and experience, for after some experience with distractions and
deceptions of this kind we will naturally learn to recognize them for what they are and be able to
discern between the unreal and the real, or between playful spirits in consciousness and actual
events around us.

If you consider the experience you have recounted you will see what I mean – there is a scream for
help as though right by your ear, and your response is to jump up and go see who needs help; but if
the voice was right by your ear, then the one in need of help would not be elsewhere – only if
awareness were diminished would that be the response, otherwise, one would continue
undistracted in meditation recognizing a play of energy in consciousness, in the mind.

I do not know how long you have been in the practice of meditation, but I can share that early on
we do not advise meditation on Ain or emptiness – it is better to practice other forms of meditation
first, cultivating kavvanah-concentration and devekut-cleaving, and developing experience and
skill in meditation. As Aryeh Kaplan well states in his book, Jewish Meditation, meditation directly
on emptiness can be dangerous and lead to very deceptive experiences, and is best reserved for
very experienced practitioners, and initially only practiced under the supervision of an experienced
spiritual teacher or tzaddik.

Silent Witness and Primordial Meditation at the outset of the path can be fine – witnessing the
mind, or being present in what’s happening, aware of what’s transpiring inwardly and outwardly,
but meditations upon emptiness are different than this.

At the outset I’d be inclined to suggest practices such as the Middle Pillar, Giving and Receiving,
and basic Union with Partzuf – along with a practice of Primordial Meditation, just being present,
aware of what’s happening within your mind and within the environment around you. Then, from
this foundation your continuum of spiritual practice can be developed and evolved, all based upon
the experiences and insights that arise.

In your case, in terms of Primordial Meditation, I’d be incline to suggest the method of resting
mind upon an inspirational object, balancing awareness inwardly and outwardly, with eyes open –
there are some instructions for this on our main website.

Shabbat Shalom!

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