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Configuring PowerExchange Processes to

Receive pwxcmd Commands

© 2009 Informatica
This article describes how to configure a PowerExchange Condense, PowerExchange Listener, or PowerExchange Logger
for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process to receive pwxcmd commands.

Supported Versions
¨ PowerExchange 9.0

Table of Contents
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction to the pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuring PowerExchange Processes to Receive pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Example 1: Configuring a PowerExchange Listener to Receive pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Example 2: Configuring a PowerExchange Condense Process to Receive pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Example 3: Configuring a PowerExchange Logger Process to Receive pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Reference Information for pwxcmd Command Configuration Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CMDNODE Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CONDENSENAME Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
LISTENER Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
SECURITY Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
SVCNODE Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Issuing pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Command Syntax for pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Running pwxcmd Commands from the Command Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Scripting pwxcmd Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

You can configure a PowerExchange Condense, PowerExchange Listener, or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows process to receive pwxcmd commands. The configuration tasks that you must complete depend on the
PowerExchange process that is the target of the pwxcmd commands.

This article provides a brief description of the pwxcmd program, an overview of configuration tasks, examples that
demonstrate how to configure each type of PowerExchange process to receive pwxcmd commands, and information about
issuing pwxcmd commands.

For more information about pwxcmd commands, see the PowerExchange Command Reference. For more information about
configuration and security for pwxcmd commands, see the PowerExchange Reference Manual. For more information about
PowerExchange processes, see the CDC guide for the operating system.

Introduction to the pwxcmd Commands
Use the pwxcmd program to send commands to a PowerExchange process. You can issue pwxcmd commands on a Linux,
UNIX, or Windows system from a command line, script, or batch job to any of the following processes and systems:

¨ PowerExchange Listener on any system

¨ PowerExchange Condense on an i5/OS or z/OS system

¨ PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows on a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system

With pwxcmd, you can issue the same commands that you can issue from the command line against these PowerExchange

Before issuing pwxcmd commands, configure PowerExchange processes to receive pwxcmd commands. The configuration
tasks that you must complete depend on which PowerExchange process is the target of pwxcmd commands.

When you issue pwxcmd commands, each pwxcmd command must include the user-defined service name for the
PowerExchange process that is the target of the command. In addition, if you enable security, you must specify a user ID
and a password or encrypted password when you issue a pwxcmd command. For more information, see “Command Syntax
for pwxcmd Commands” on page 14.

The output from pwxcmd commands appears on the command line or in a file to which you pipe the output on the Linux,
UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue the commands. For more information, see “Issuing pwxcmd Commands”
on page 14.

Note: You cannot start a PowerExchange Listener, PowerExchange Condense, or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX,
and Windows process with the pwxcmd program.

Configuring PowerExchange Processes to Receive pwxcmd

To send pwxcmd commands to a PowerExchange process, configure the PowerExchange process to receive pwxcmd
commands. Also, on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue pwxcmd commands, configure a connection
to the PowerExchange process.

To configure a PowerExchange process to receive pwxcmd commands, complete the following configuration tasks:

¨ On the system where the PowerExchange process runs:

1. Configure the PowerExchange process to receive pwxcmd commands.

To configure a PowerExchange Listener process to receive pwxcmd commands, configure a LISTENER
statement and an SVCNODE statement.
To configure a PowerExchange Condense or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process,
configure a CONDENSENAME statement and an SVCNODE statement.
See the descriptions of the CONDENSENAME, LISTENER, and SVCNODE statements in the following table.
2. Optionally, configure security for pwxcmd commands. You can configure PowerExchange to verify that the user
has authorization to access PowerExchange or issue the command.
To configure security, define a SECURITY statement in the DBMOVER configuration file and complete other
configuration tasks.
For more information about pwxcmd command security, see the PowerExchange Reference Manual.
3. Start the PowerExchange processes to which you want to send pwxcmd commands.
¨ On the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue pwxcmd commands: Configure connections to
the PowerExchange processes to which you want to send pwxcmd commands.
See the description of the CMDNODE statement in the following table.

The following table summarizes the configuration statements and where to define them:

Statement Configuration File Description Reference

On the system where the PowerExchange process runs:

CONDENSENAME For a PowerExchange Condense Defines a name for the CDC guide for the
process: command-handling service for a operating system
CAPTPARM configuration file or PowerExchange Condense or
member PowerExchange Logger for Linux,
UNIX, and Windows process that
For a PowerExchange Logger for is the target of pwxcmd commands
Linux, UNIX, and Windows process:
pwxccl.cfg file

LISTENER DBMOVER configuration file Defines the TCP/IP port on which PowerExchange
a named PowerExchange Listener Reference Manual
listens for work requests.

SECURITY DBMOVER configuration file Controls whether PowerExchange

performs user authentication and
controls access to resources and

SVCNODE DBMOVER configuration file Specifies the TCP/IP port on

which a command-handling
service for a PowerExchange
process listens for pwxcmd

On the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue pwxcmd commands:

CMDNODE dbmover.cfg file Specifies connection information PowerExchange

for a PowerExchange process that Reference Manual
is the target of pwxcmd

Example 1: Configuring a PowerExchange Listener to Receive pwxcmd

This example configures a PowerExchange Listener to receive pwxcmd commands.

You issue pwxcmd commands from a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system that is remote from the system on which the
PowerExchange Listener runs.

You must include pwxcmd command configuration statements in the DBMOVER configuration files on both systems.

To configure a PowerExchange Listener to receive pwxcmd commands:

1. In the DBMOVER configuration file on the system where the PowerExchange Listener runs, include an SVCNODE
statement. The SVCNODE statement specifies the port on which the command-handling service for the
PowerExchange Listener listens for pwxcmd commands. For example:

In the SVCNODE statement:
¨ The first parameter value, node1, is the service name, which matches the node name in the LISTENER
¨ The second parameter value, 6001, is the TCP/IP port number on which the service listens for pwxcmd
commands. The port number must match the port number in the corresponding CMDNODE statement. The
CMDNODE statement is in the DBMOVER configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from
which you issue pwxcmd commands.
2. In the dbmover.cfg configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue pwxcmd
commands, include a CMDNODE statement. The CMDNODE statement defines connection information for a
PowerExchange Listener to which you want to send pwxcmd commands. For example:
In the CMDNODE statement:
¨ The first parameter value, listnode, is a service name. This service name can be any name you want. Specify
this service name when you issue pwxcmd commands to the PowerExchange Listener.
¨ The second parameter value, LISTENER, is the service type for a PowerExchange Listener.

¨ The third parameter value, remote_host, is the host name of the PowerExchange Listener that you want to
¨ The fourth parameter value, 6001, is the TCP/IP port number. This port number must match the port number in
the corresponding SVCNODE statement in the DBMOVER configuration file on the system where the
PowerExchange Listener runs.
3. In the pwxcmd command that you send to the PowerExchange Listener, specify the -service option as follows:
pwxcmd listtask -service listnode
The service name in the pwxcmd command must match the service name in the corresponding CMDNODE
statement. The CMDNODE statement is in the dbmover.cfg configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows
system from which you issue pwxcmd commands.

Example 2: Configuring a PowerExchange Condense Process to Receive

pwxcmd Commands
This example configures a PowerExchange Condense process to receive pwxcmd commands.

You issue pwxcmd commands from a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system that is remote from the system on which the
PowerExchange Condense process runs.

You must include pwxcmd command configuration statements in the DBMOVER configuration files on both systems.

Additionally, include a CONDENSENAME statement in the CAPTPARM configuration file or member on the i5/OS or z/OS
system where the PowerExchange Condense process runs. The CONDENSENAME statement defines a service name for
the PowerExchange Condense process.

To configure a PowerExchange Condense process to receive pwxcmd commands:

1. In the CAPTPARM configuration file or member on the i5/OS or z/OS system where the PowerExchange
Condense process runs, include a CONDENSENAME statement. The CONDENSENAME statement defines a
service name for the PowerExchange Condense process that receives pwxcmd commands. For example:
2. In the DBMOVER configuration file on the system where the PowerExchange Condense process runs, include an
SVCNODE statement. The SVCNODE statement specifies a TCP/IP port on which the command-handling service
for the PowerExchange Condense process listens for pwxcmd commands. For example:

In the SVCNODE statement:
¨ The first parameter value, COND_NODE, is the service name. This service name must match the service name
in the corresponding CONDENSENAME statement. The CONDENSENAME statement is in the CAPTPARM
configuration file or member on the system where the PowerExchange Condense process runs.
¨ The second parameter value, 6003, is the TCP/IP port number on which the service listens for pwxcmd
commands. This port number must match the port number in the corresponding CMDNODE statement. The
CMDNODE statement is in the DBMOVER configuration file on the system from which you issue pwxcmd
3. In the dbmover.cfg configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue pwxcmd
commands, include a CMDNODE statement. The CMDNODE statement specifies connection information for a
PowerExchange Condense process to which you want to send pwxcmd commands. For example:
In the CMDNODE statement:
¨ The first parameter value, cndnode, is a service name. This service name can be any name you want. Specify
this service name when you issue pwxcmd commands to the PowerExchange Condense process.
¨ The second parameter value, CONDENSE, is the service type for a PowerExchange Condense process.

¨ The third parameter value, remote_host, is the name of the host where the PowerExchange Condense process
¨ The fourth parameter value, 6003, is the TCP/IP port number. This port number must match the port number in
the corresponding SVCNODE statement. The SVCNODE statement is in the DBMOVER configuration file on
the system where the PowerExchange Condense process runs.
4. In the pwxcmd command that you send to the PowerExchange Condense process, specify the -service option as
pwxcmd condense -service cndnode
The service name in the pwxcmd command matches the service name in the corresponding CMDNODE
statement. The CMDNODE statement is in the dbmover.cfg configuration file on the system from which you issue
pwxcmd commands.

Example 3: Configuring a PowerExchange Logger Process to Receive pwxcmd

This example configures a PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process to receive pwxcmd commands.

You issue pwxcmd commands from a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system that is remote from the system where the
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process runs.

You must include pwxcmd command configuration statements in the DBMOVER configuration files on both systems.

Additionally, you must include a CONDENSENAME statement in the pwxccl.cfg configuration file on the system where the
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process runs. The CONDENSENAME statement defines a service
name for the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process.

To configure a PowerExchange Logger process to receive pwxcmd commands:

1. In the pwxccl.cfg configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system where the PowerExchange Logger for
Linux, UNIX, and Windows process runs, include a CONDENSENAME statement. The CONDENSENAME
statement defines a service name for the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process that
receives pwxcmd commands. For example:
2. In the DBMOVER configuration file on the system where the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows process runs, include an SVCNODE statement. The SVCNODE statement specifies a TCP/IP port on

which the command-handling service for the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process
listens for pwxcmd commands. For example:
In the SVCNODE statement:
¨ The first parameter value, COND_NODE, is the service name. This service name must match the service name
in the corresponding CONDENSENAME statement. The CONDENSENAME statement is in the pwxccl.cfg
configuration file on the system where the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process runs.
¨ The second parameter value, 6003, is the TCP/IP port number on which the service listens for pwxcmd
commands. This port number must match the port number in the corresponding CMDNODE statement. The
CMDNODE statement is in the DBMOVER configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from
which you issue pwxcmd commands.
3. In the dbmover.cfg configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue pwxcmd
commands, include a CMDNODE statement. The CMDNODE statement specifies connection information for a
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process to which you want to send pwxcmd commands.
For example:
In the CMDNODE statement:
¨ The first parameter value, cndnode, is a service name. This service name can be any name you want. Specify
this service name when you issue pwxcmd commands to the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows process.
¨ The second parameter value, CONDENSE, is the service type for a PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX,
and Windows process.
¨ The third parameter value, remote_host, is the name of the host where the PowerExchange Logger for Linux,
UNIX, and Windows process runs.
¨ The fourth parameter value, 6003, is the TCP/IP port number. This port number must match the port number in
the corresponding SVCNODE statement. The SVCNODE statement is in the DBMOVER configuration file on
the system where the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process runs.
4. In the pwxcmd command that you send to the PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process,
specify the -service option as follows:
pwxcmd condense -service cndnode
The service name on the pwxcmd command must match the service name in the corresponding CMDNODE
statement. The CMDNODE statement is in the DBMOVER configuration file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows
system from which you issue pwxcmd commands.

Reference Information for pwxcmd Command Configuration

Use the following information to define configuration statements to configure PowerExchange processes to receive pwxcmd
commands. For information about where to include these statements, see “Configuring PowerExchange Processes to
Receive pwxcmd Commands” on page 3.

CMDNODE Statement
The CMDNODE statement specifies connection information for a PowerExchange process that is the target of pwxcmd

Include the CMDNODE statement in the dbmover.cfg file on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue
pwxcmd commands.

Operating Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Required: No
Default Value: None



Enter the following positional parameters:


Required. User-defined name of the command-handling service for the PowerExchange process to which you want
to send pwxcmd commands.

Use this service name when issuing pwxcmd commands to this PowerExchange process.


Required. PowerExchange service type.

Enter one of the following options:

¨ LISTENER. PowerExchange Listener.

¨ CONDENSE. PowerExchange Condense or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


Required. Host name or IP address of the machine where the PowerExchange process to which you want to send
commands runs.


Required. Port number on which the command-handling service for the PowerExchange process listens for
pwxcmd commands.

This port number must match the port number in the corresponding SVCNODE statement.

The CONDENSENAME statement specifies a name for the command-handling service for a PowerExchange Condense or
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process that is the target of pwxcmd commands. Include a
CONDENSENAME statement in the CAPTPARM configuration file or member.

Operating All
statements: SECURITY, and
SVCNODE in the
DBMOVER configuration

Required: Yes, for a
Condense or
PowerExchange Logger
for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows process that is
the target of pwxcmd
Default Value: None



Enter the following parameter:


Required. A service name for a PowerExchange Condense or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows process that is the target of pwxcmd commands. This service name must match the service name that
you specify in the associated SVCNODE statement in the DBMOVER configuration file.

The SVCNODE statement specifies the TCP/IP port on which this service listens for pwxcmd commands.

Maximum length is 64 characters.

No default.

LISTENER Statement
The LISTENER statement defines the TCP/IP port on which a named PowerExchange Listener listens for work requests.

Optionally, you can specify SSL authentication and additional parameters that control TCP/IP buffer sizes and wait times.

Operating All
Related NETPORT for netport jobs
Statemen SSL for SSL authentication
Required: No
Default (node1,TCPIP, 2480, 65536,
Values: 65536, 4096, 8192, none,
none, none)



Enter the following positional parameters:


Required. Node name of the TCP/IP port on which the PowerExchange Listener listens.

Use this node name to select a LISTENER statement when you start the PowerExchange Listener, as follows:

¨ On Linux, UNIX, and Windows, specify the listener node name on the dtllst command.

¨ On i5/OS, specify the listener node name in the PARM option of the SBMJOB or STRREXPRC commands.
¨ On z/OS, specify the listener node name in the PARM field of the EXEC card in the JCL.

Default is node1.


Required. Communications protocol. TCPIP is the only valid option.


Required. TCP/IP port used to listen for work requests.

Valid values are from 1 through 65535.

Default is 2480.


Optional. Size, in bytes, of the data portion of the TCP/IP send buffer.

Valid values are from 1024 through 1048576.

Default is 65536.


Optional. Size, in bytes, of the data portion of the TCP/IP receive buffer.

Valid values are from 1024 through 1048576.

Default is 65536.


Optional. Maximum size, in bytes, of the block of data that PowerExchange sends to TCP/IP at one time. If the
data exceeds this size, PowerExchange splits data into multiple blocks until all of the data is sent.

Tip: Specify a value that is less than or equal to the TCP/IP send buffer size.

Valid values are from 512 through 1048576.

Default is 4096.


Optional. Maximum size, in bytes, of the block of data that PowerExchange processes from TCP/IP in one
operation. If the data exceeds this size, PowerExchange splits data into multiple blocks until all of the data is

Tip: Specify a value that is greater than or equal to the TCP/IP receive buffer size.

Valid values are from 512 through 1048576.

Default is 8192.


Optional. Number of seconds that PowerExchange uses as the receive timeout value when a long wait is required.
PowerExchange uses this value for this request only.

Valid values are from 1 through 14400.


Optional. IP address that PowerExchange uses on the bind operation for the socket.

If you do not specify an IP address, PowerExchange uses INADDR_ANY on the bind operation, which causes TCP/
IP to bind to all network interfaces on the host. Use this parameter if you have multiple network interfaces and
want to restrict the port on which the PowerExchange Listener listens to a specific interface.


Optional. PowerExchange uses SSL authentication.

Usage Notes:

You can specify up to 10 LISTENER statements in a DBMOVER member.

For netport jobs on z/OS, specify a LISTENER statement with a unique port and then NETPORT statement that references
that port.

SECURITY Statement
The SECURITY statement controls whether PowerExchange performs user authentication and controls access to resources
and commands.

Operating All
Statements: MVSDB2AF
Required: No
Default Values: (0,N)



Enter the following positional parameters:


Required. Controls the type and scope of the user authentication that PowerExchange performs.

On i5/OS and z/OS, this parameter controls the use of operating system user authentication, resource access, and
access to pwxcmd and PowerExchange Listener LISTTASK and STOPTASK commands.

On Linux, UNIX, and Windows, this parameter controls the use of operating system user authentication and
access to pwxcmd and PowerExchange Listener LISTTASK and STOPTASK commands.

Enter one of the following options:

PowerExchange does not require users to specify a valid operating system user ID and password.

On i5/OS and z/OS, all resource access uses the user ID of the PowerExchange Listener or PowerExchange
Condense job.

On Linux, UNIX, and Windows:

¨ All resource access, excluding RDBMS resources, uses the user ID of the PowerExchange Listener or
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
¨ RDBMS security controls RDBMS access.

If a PowerExchange process is the target of a pwxcmd command, users must specify a valid operating system
user ID and password on the pwxcmd command.

On i5/OS and z/OS:

¨ PowerExchange requires users to specify a valid operating system user ID and password.

¨ All resource access uses the user ID of the PowerExchange Listener or PowerExchange Condense job.

On Linux, UNIX, and Windows:

¨ All resource access, excluding RDBMS resources, uses the user ID of the PowerExchange Listener or the
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
¨ RDBMS security controls RDBMS access.

¨ On Windows, if this parameter is set to 1 and the second parameter in the SECURITY statement is set to
Y, PowerExchange uses the TASKCNTRL parameter in USER statements in the sign-on file to control
access to PowerExchange Listener LISTTASK and STOPTASK commands issued through the
PowerExchange Navigator.

If a PowerExchange process is the target of a pwxcmd command, users must specify a valid operating system
user ID and password on the pwxcmd command. Also, PowerExchange controls access to specific pwxcmd
commands issued to a PowerExchange process, as follows:

¨ On Linux, UNIX, and Windows, AUTHGROUP and USER statements in the sign-on file control access to
pwxcmd commands issued to a PowerExchange Listener or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and
Windows process.
¨ On i5/OS, security objects control access to pwxcmd commands issued to a PowerExchange Listener or
PowerExchange Condense process. Security objects also control access to PowerExchange Listener
LISTTASK and STOPTASK commands issued through the iSeries SNDLSTCMD interface, the
PowerExchange Navigator, or the DTLUTSK utility.
¨ On z/OS, resource profiles control access to pwxcmd commands issued to a PowerExchange Listener or
PowerExchange Condense process. Security profiles also control access to PowerExchange Listener
LISTTASK and STOPTASK commands issued through the PowerExchange Navigator or the DTLUTSK

On i5/OS and z/OS:

¨ PowerExchange requires users to specify a valid operating system user ID and password.

¨ All resource access uses the user ID supplied on the connection.

Note: On z/OS, a connection to DB2 through the Call Attachment Facility (CAF) runs under the user ID of
the PowerExchange Listener regardless of the security settings. DB2 uses the user ID supplied on the
connection only if the connection type is Recoverable Resource Manager Service Attachment Facility

On Linux, UNIX, and Windows:

¨ All resource access, excluding RDBMS resources, uses the user ID of the PowerExchange Listener or
PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
¨ RDBMS security controls RDBMS access.

Default is 0.


Required. Controls the use of PowerExchange selective sign-on to control connections to PowerExchange and, on
Windows, to authorize access to PowerExchange Listener commands issued through the PowerExchange

Enter one of the following options:

PowerExchange does not use selective sign-on.

PowerExchange uses selective sign-on to control connections to PowerExchange.

Also, on Windows, if you set this parameter to Y and the first parameter in the SECURITY statement to 1,
PowerExchange uses the TASKCNTRL parameter in USER statements in the sign-on file to control access to
PowerExchange Listener LISTTASK and STOPTASK commands issued through the PowerExchange

Default is N.

Usage Notes:

When you specify 1 or 2 for the first parameter on z/OS, you must APF-authorize the STEPLIB for the PowerExchange
Listener and netport jobs. Otherwise, PowerExchange cannot perform user authentication or control resource access, and
instead operates as if you specified 0 for this parameter.

When you specify 2 for the first parameter, PowerExchange uses the sign-on file to authorize access to pwxcmd commands
issued to a PowerExchange Listener or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process running on a Linux,
UNIX, or Windows system. The value of the second parameter does not affect this processing. For more information, see

SVCNODE Statement
The SVCNODE statement specifies the TCP/IP port on which a command-handling service for a PowerExchange process
listens for pwxcmd commands.

Operating All
Required: No
Default Value: None



Enter the following positional parameters:


Required. PowerExchange service name, which is one of the following:

¨ For a PowerExchange Condense process, the service name specified in the CONDENSENAME statement in
the CAPTPARM configuration member or file.
¨ For a PowerExchange Listener, the node name specified in the LISTENER statement in the DBMOVER
configuration file. This LISTENER statement configures the PowerExchange Listener to which you want to send
pwxcmd commands.
¨ For a PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows process, the service name specified in the
CONDENSENAME statement in the pwxccl.cfg file.


Required. Unique port number on which the command-handling service for a PowerExchange process listens for
pwxcmd commands.

Issuing pwxcmd Commands

You can issue pwxcmd commands on a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from a command line, script, or batch job to any of
the following PowerExchange processes and systems:

¨ PowerExchange Listener on any system

¨ PowerExchange Condense on an i5/OS or z/OS system

¨ PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows on a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system

For information about the pwxcmd commands that you can issue, including the required and optional parameters for each
command, see the PowerExchange Command Reference.

Command Syntax for pwxcmd Commands

When you enter pwxcmd commands, use a basic syntax.

The syntax for pwxcmd commands is:

pwxcmd command_name {-service|-sv} service_name
[{-user|-uid|-u} user_ID {{-password |-pwd|-p} password} |
{-epassword|-e} encrypted_password}]

Parameters for pwxcmd Commands

Parameters are required and optional for pwxcmd commands.

Specify the following parameters for pwxcmd commands:


Required. Command that pwxcmd sends to the PowerExchange process running the service specified in the -
service parameter.

{-service|-sv} service_name

Required. Service name for the PowerExchange process that is the target of the command. Specify the service
name value coded in the CMDNODE statement in the DBMOVER configuration file that configures the
PowerExchange process that is the target of the command.

{-user|-uid|-u} user_ID

Optional. Valid operating system user ID on the system that is the target of the command. If the target
PowerExchange process has security enabled, you must specify a valid user ID and a password or encrypted

{-password|-pwd|-p} password

Optional. A clear text password for the user ID that you specified in the -user parameter.

If you specify -user, specify a password or encrypted password with either the -password or -epassword
parameter. If you specify the -password parameter, do not also specify the -epassword parameter.

{-epassword|-e} encrypted_password

Optional. An encrypted password for the user ID that you specified in the -user parameter.

Tip: You can create an encrypted password in the PowerExchange Navigator by selecting
File > Encrypt Password.

If you specify -user, specify a password or encrypted password with either the -password or -epassword
parameter. If you specify the -epassword parameter, do not also specify the -password parameter.


Optional. If required, any valid options for the command specified in command_name.

Running pwxcmd Commands from the Command Line

You can run pwxcmd commands from the command line on a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system.

To run pwxcmd commands from the command line:

1. Include the directory that contains pwxcmd in the PATH environment variable. By default, this directory is the
PowerExchange installation directory.
2. From a command prompt, enter the pwxcmd command with its options and arguments. Use the following syntax:
pwxcmd command_name -service service_name
[-user user_ID {-password password|-epassword encrypted_password}]
Note: The user ID and password or encrypted password options are required only if you enable pwxcmd security.
For example, you might enter the following command on Windows:
C:\Informatica\PowerExchange>pwxcmd listtask -service node1
The output from the pwxcmd command appears on the command line or in a file to which you pipe the output on
the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you issue the command. For example, the output might appear on
the command line on Windows, as follows:
C:\Informatica\PowerExchange>pwxcmd listtask -service node1
PWX-00711 Active tasks:
PWX-00713 0 active tasks

Scripting pwxcmd Commands

You can issue pwxcmd commands from a Linux, UNIX, or Windows system through batch files, scripts, or other programs.

You might issue some pwxcmd commands on a regular basis, such as a pwxcmd close command to stop a PowerExchange
Listener. In this case, you can create a shell script or a batch file to call one or more pwxcmd commands with its options and

The following example Windows batch file, pwxcmd_list.bat, verifies that a PowerExchange Listener is active and then
closes it.
@echo off
REM -- NAME: pwxcmd_list.bat

REM -- DESCRIPTION: Sample pwxcmd script to display any PowerExchange Listener active tasks
pwxcmd listtask -sv TEST
if errorlevel ==32601 goto noconnect
if errorlevel ==0 goto close
pwxcmd close -sv TEST
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto noconnect
if errorlevel ==0 goto end
echo %errorlevel%
echo "Could not connect to pwxcmd command handler."
goto end

Note: This script does not use security for pwxcmd commands.

For this script to work, you must configure a PowerExchange Listener to receive pwxcmd commands. For example, to issue
pwxcmd commands from the same system where the PowerExchange Listener runs, you might configure a PowerExchange
Listener in the dbmover.cfg file, as follows:

Run the script from the command line. For example, on Windows, run the script, as follows:

The output from the pwxcmd commands in the script appears on the command line or in a file to which you pipe the output
on the Linux, UNIX, or Windows system from which you run the script. For example, the output might appear on the
command line on Windows, as follows:
PWX-00711 Active tasks:
PWX-00713 0 active tasks
PWX-00726 Close

Diane Fleming
Principal Technical Writer


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